@@ -488,18 +488,46 @@ var FCKDomTools =
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && attributes[i].nodeName == 'class' )
+ if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- // IE has a strange bug. If calling removeAttribute('className'),
- // the attributes collection will still contain the "class"
- // attribute, which will be marked as "specified", even if the
- // outerHTML of the element is not displaying the class attribute.
- // Note : I was not able to reproduce it outside the editor,
- // but I've faced it while working on the TC of #1391.
- if ( element.className.length > 0 )
- return true ;
+ var attributeNodeName = attributes[i].nodeName ;
+ if ( attributeNodeName.StartsWith( '_fck' ) )
+ {
+ /**
+ * There are places in the FCKeditor code where HTML element objects
+ * get values stored as properties (e.g. _fckxhtmljob). In Internet
+ * Explorer, these are interpreted as attempts to set attributes on
+ * the element.
+ *
+ * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533026(VS.85).aspx#Accessing_Element_Pr
+ *
+ * Counting these as HTML attributes cripples
+ * FCK.Style.RemoveFromRange() once FCK.GetData() has been called.
+ *
+ * The above conditional prevents these internal properties being
+ * counted as attributes.
+ *
+ * refs #2156 and #2834
+ */
+ continue ;
+ }
+ if ( attributeNodeName == 'class' )
+ {
+ // IE has a strange bug. If calling removeAttribute('className'),
+ // the attributes collection will still contain the "class"
+ // attribute, which will be marked as "specified", even if the
+ // outerHTML of the element is not displaying the class attribute.
+ // Note : I was not able to reproduce it outside the editor,
+ // but I've faced it while working on the TC of #1391.
+ if ( element.className.length > 0 )
+ return true ;
+ continue ;
+ }
- else if ( attributes[i].specified )
+ if ( attributes[i].specified )
return true ;