@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Migration {
* Temporary handler for SQL result
- public $odbrows = null;
+ public $odbrows = null;
* Temporary holder for the list of users, courses and sessions and their
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ class Migration {
'boost_sessions' => false,
'sessions' => array(),
+ public $web_service_connection_info = array();
* The constructor assigns all database connection details to the migration
* object
@@ -73,10 +76,10 @@ class Migration {
* @param string The original database's name
* @return boolean False on error. Void on success.
- public function __construct($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $boost=false) {
+ public function __construct($dbhost = null, $dbport = null, $dbuser = null, $dbpass = null, $dbname = null, $boost = false) {
if (empty($dbhost) || empty($dbport) || empty($dbuser) || empty($dbpass) || empty($dbname)) {
$this->errors_stack[] = 'All origin database params must be given. Received ' . print_r(func_get_args(), 1);
- return false;
+ //return false;
//$this->odbtype = $dbtype;
$this->odbhost = $dbhost;
@@ -84,6 +87,7 @@ class Migration {
$this->odbuser = $dbuser;
$this->odbpass = $dbpass;
$this->odbname = $dbname;
// Set the boost level if set in config.php
if (!empty($boost) && is_array($boost)) {
foreach ($boost as $item => $val) {
@@ -100,6 +104,10 @@ class Migration {
public function connect() {
//extend in child class
+ public function set_web_service_connection_info($matches) {
+ $this->web_service_connection_info = $matches['web_service_calls'];
+ }
* The migrate method launches the migration process based on an array of
@@ -165,6 +173,7 @@ class Migration {
* Call the SOAP web service as detailed in the parameters
* @param array Settings for the WS call
@@ -172,7 +181,9 @@ class Migration {
* @param array Variables to be passed as params to the function
* @return array Results as returned by the SOAP call
- static function soap_call($web_service_params, $function_name, $params = array()) {
+ function soap_call($function_name, $params = array()) {
+ $web_service_params = $this->web_service_connection_info;
// Create the client instance
$url = $web_service_params['url'];
try {
@@ -213,7 +224,7 @@ class Migration {
* @param bool Whether to truncate the transaction table before the test or not
* @return void
- function test_transactions($web_service_params, $truncate = false) {
+ function test_transactions($truncate = false) {
//Just for tests
@@ -648,29 +659,31 @@ class Migration {
* @param int An optional transaction ID to start from. If none provided, fetches the latest transaction available and add + 1
* @return The operation results
- function search_transactions($web_service_params, $t_id = null) {
- error_log('search_transactions');
+ function search_transactions($t_id = null) {
+ error_log('search_transactions');
//Testing transactions
+ $web_service_params = $this->web_service_connection_info;
- /*$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'usuarioDetalles', array('uididpersona' => 'D236776B-D7A5-47FF-8328-55EBE9A59015'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'programaDetalles', array('uididprograma' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'cursoDetalles', array('uididcurso' => 'E2334974-9D55-4BB4-8B57-FCEFBE2510DC'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'faseDetalles', array('uididfase' => 'EBF63F1C-FBD7-46A5-B039-80B5AF064929'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'frecuenciaDetalles', array('uididfrecuencia' => '0091CD3B-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'intensidadDetalles', array('uididintensidad' => '0091CD3C-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'mesesDetalles', array('uididfase' => 'EBF63F1C-FBD7-46A5-B039-80B5AF064929'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'sedeDetalles', array('uididsede' => '7379A7D3-6DC5-42CA-9ED4-97367519F1D9'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'horarioDetalles', array('uididhorario' => 'E395895A-B480-456F-87F2-36B3A1EBB81C'));
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'transacciones', array('ultimo' => 354911, 'cantidad' => 2));
+ /*$result = $this->soap_call('usuarioDetalles', array('uididpersona' => 'D236776B-D7A5-47FF-8328-55EBE9A59015'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('programaDetalles', array('uididprograma' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('cursoDetalles', array('uididcurso' => 'E2334974-9D55-4BB4-8B57-FCEFBE2510DC'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('faseDetalles', array('uididfase' => 'EBF63F1C-FBD7-46A5-B039-80B5AF064929'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('frecuenciaDetalles', array('uididfrecuencia' => '0091CD3B-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('intensidadDetalles', array('uididintensidad' => '0091CD3C-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('mesesDetalles', array('uididfase' => 'EBF63F1C-FBD7-46A5-B039-80B5AF064929'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('sedeDetalles', array('uididsede' => '7379A7D3-6DC5-42CA-9ED4-97367519F1D9'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('horarioDetalles', array('uididhorario' => 'E395895A-B480-456F-87F2-36B3A1EBB81C'));
+ $result = $this->soap_call('transacciones', array('ultimo' => 354911, 'cantidad' => 2));
$branches = self::get_branches();
foreach ($branches as $branch) {
error_log('Treating transactions for branch '.$branch['branch_id']);
$last = self::get_latest_transaction_by_branch($branch['branch_id']);
- $result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'transacciones', array('ultimo' => $last, 'cantidad' => 1));
+ $result = self::soap_call('transacciones', array('ultimo' => $last, 'cantidad' => 1));
//Calling a process to save transactions
- MigrationCustom::process_transactions($web_service_params, array('ultimo' => $last, 'cantidad' => 1));
+ MigrationCustom::process_transactions(array('ultimo' => $last, 'cantidad' => 1));
@@ -680,9 +693,7 @@ class Migration {
* @param int Optional limit of transactions to execute
* @return void
- function load_transactions($matches) {
- $actions = $matches['actions'];
+ function load_transactions() {
//Getting transactions of the migration_transaction table
$branches = self::get_branches();
@@ -728,22 +739,8 @@ class Migration {
- //Loading function. The action is now numeric, so we call a transaction_1() function, for example
- $function_to_call = "transaction_" . $transaction['action'];
- if (method_exists('MigrationCustom', $function_to_call)) {
- error_log("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------");
- error_log("\nCalling function MigrationCustom::$function_to_call");
- $result = MigrationCustom::$function_to_call($transaction, $matches['web_service_calls']);
- error_log('Reponse: '.$result['message']);
- self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction['id'] , 'status_id' => $result['status_id']));
- } else {
- // method does not exist
- error_log("Function does $function_to_call not exists");
- //Failed
- self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction['id'] , 'status_id' => MigrationCustom::TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED));
- }
+ self::execute_transaction($transaction_info);
} else {
error_log('No transactions to load');
@@ -761,6 +758,91 @@ class Migration {
+ function execute_transaction($transaction_info) {
+ //Loading function. The action is now numeric, so we call a transaction_1() function, for example
+ $function_to_call = "transaction_" . $transaction_info['action'];
+ if (method_exists('MigrationCustom', $function_to_call)) {
+ error_log("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ error_log("\nCalling function MigrationCustom::$function_to_call");
+ $result = MigrationCustom::$function_to_call($transaction_info, $this->web_service_connection_info);
+ error_log('Reponse: '.$result['message']);
+ if (!empty($transaction_info['id'])) {
+ self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'status_id' => $result['status_id']));
+ }
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ // method does not exist
+ $error_message = "Function does $function_to_call not exists";
+ error_log($error_message);
+ //Failed
+ if (!empty($transaction_info['id'])) {
+ self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'status_id' => MigrationCustom::TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED));
+ }
+ return array('message' => $error_message);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param int Transaction id of the third party
+ *
+ */
+ function load_transaction_by_third_party_id($transaction_external_id) {
+ $result = self::soap_call('transacciones', array('ultimo' => $transaction_external_id, 'cantidad' => 2));
+ if ($result && isset($result[0])) {
+ //Getting 1 transaction
+ $result = $result[0];
+ //Hacking webservice
+ $transaction_external_id++;
+ if ($result['idt'] == $transaction_external_id) {
+ $message = Display::return_message('Transaction id found in third party', 'success');
+ //Adding third party transaction to Chamilo not sure about this
+ $chamilo_transaction_id = MigrationCustom::process_transaction($result);
+ $chamilo_transaction_id = null;
+ if ($chamilo_transaction_id) {
+ $message .= "<br /> Transaction added to Chamilo with Id #$chamilo_transaction_id <br />";
+ $transaction_chamilo_info = self::get_transaction_by_params(array('Where' => array('id = ?' => $chamilo_transaction_id), 'first'));
+ if (isset($transaction_chamilo_info) && isset($transaction_chamilo_info[$chamilo_transaction_id])) {
+ $transaction_chamilo_info = $transaction_chamilo_info[$chamilo_transaction_id];
+ } else {
+ $transaction_chamilo_info = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $message .= Display::return_message("Transaction NOT added to Chamilo executing transaction on the fly", 'info');
+ $transaction_chamilo_info = MigrationCustom::process_transaction($result, false);
+ }
+ if (!empty($transaction_chamilo_info)) {
+ $transaction_result = $this->execute_transaction($transaction_chamilo_info);
+ if ($transaction_result) {
+ $message .= "<h4>Transaction result:</h4>";
+ $message .= $transaction_result['message'];
+ $message .= "<br />";
+ } else {
+ $message .= Display::return_message("Transaction failed", 'error');
+ }
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'message' => $message,
+ 'raw_reponse' => "<h4>Chamilo info:</h4><pre>".print_r($transaction_chamilo_info, true)."</pre>
+ <h4>Webservice reponse:</h4><pre>".print_r($result, true)."</pre>",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'message' => Display::return_message("Transaction NOT found in third party", 'warning'),
+ //'raw_reponse' => print_r($result, true)
+ );
+ }
* Prepares the relationship between two fields (one from the original database and on from the destination/local database)
* @param array List of fields that must be matched ('fields_match' => array(0=>array('orig'=>'...','dest'=>'...',...)))