+CREATE PROCEDURE drop_index(in t_name varchar(128), in i_name varchar(128) ) BEGIN IF ( (SELECT count(*) AS index_exists FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = DATABASE( ) AND table_name = t_name AND index_name = i_name ) > 0) THEN SET @s = CONCAT('DROP INDEX ' , i_name , ' ON ' , t_name ); PREPARE stmt FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; END IF; END;
CREATE TABLE course_request (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, code varchar(40) NOT NULL, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', directory varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, db_name varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, course_language varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, title varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, description text, category_code varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, tutor_name varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, visual_code varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, request_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', objetives text, target_audience text, status int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', info int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', exemplary_content int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY code (code));