@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ * Create course sessions procedure. It creates sessions for courses that haven't it yet.
+ * If today is greater than OFFSET, it will create them also for the next month.
+ * @package chamilo.cron
+ * @author Imanol Losada <imanol.losada@beeznest.com>
+ */
+ * Initialization
+ */
+if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
+ exit; //do not run from browser
+require_once __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.inc.php";
+// First day of the current month to create sessions and add courses for the next month (e.g. "07")
+define("OFFSET", "15");
+function getMonthFirstAndLastDates($initialDate = null) {
+ $startDate = $initialDate ? $initialDate : date("Y-m-01");
+ $nextMonthStartDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($startDate." + 1 month"));
+ $endDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($nextMonthStartDate." - 1 minute"));
+ return array('startDate' => $startDate, 'endDate' => $endDate);
+function createCourseSessions($courses, $administratorId, $startDate, $endDate) {
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $courses ?
+ "Creating sessions and adding courses for the period between ".$startDate." and ".$endDate :
+ "Every course is already in session for the period between ".$startDate." and ".$endDate;
+ echo "\n=====================================================================================\n\n";
+ // Loop through courses creating one session per each and adding them
+ foreach ($courses as $course) {
+ $sessionName = $course['title']." (".date("M Y", strtotime($startDate)).")";
+ $sessionId = SessionManager::create_session(
+ $sessionName,
+ $startDate,
+ $endDate,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ $administratorId,
+ 0,
+ );
+ SessionManager::add_courses_to_session($sessionId, array($course['code']));
+ echo "Session '".$sessionName."' created.\nCourse '".$course['title']."' added.\n\n";
+ }
+// Starts the script
+// Get first active administrator
+$administrators = array_reverse(UserManager::get_all_administrators());
+$lastingAdministrators = count($administrators);
+while (!$administrators[$lastingAdministrators - 1]['active'] && $lastingAdministrators > 0) {
+ $lastingAdministrators--;
+if (!$lastingAdministrators) {
+ echo "There are no active administrators. Process halted.\n";
+ exit;
+$administratorId = intval($administrators[$lastingAdministrators - 1]['user_id']);
+// Creates course sessions for the current month
+$dates = getMonthFirstAndLastDates();
+// Get courses that don't have any session
+$courses = CourseManager::getCoursesWithoutSession();
+createCourseSessions($courses, $administratorId, $dates['startDate'], $dates['endDate']);
+// Creates course sessions for the following month
+if (date("Y-m-d") >= date("Y-m-".OFFSET)) {
+ $dates = getMonthFirstAndLastDates(date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-01")." + 1 month")));
+ // Get courses that don't have any session the next month
+ $courses = CourseManager::getCoursesWithoutSession($dates['startDate'], $dates['endDate']);
+ createCourseSessions($courses, $administratorId, $dates['startDate'], $dates['endDate']);