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[svn r18669] DLTT import

Carlos Vargas 16 years ago

+ 6 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 <?php /*
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. 
-$AdminBy  = "prova";
+$AdminBy  = "Administrator";
+$AdministrationTools  = "Administracija";
+$State  = "Status sistema";
+$Statistiques  = "Statistika";
+$VisioHostLocal = "Videokonferencijski poslužitelj";
+$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Ukoliko je protokol videokonferencije web baziran ( u ve&#263;ini slu&#269;ajeva neta&#269;no)";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -926,4 +926,5 @@ $UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "The users have been
 $TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "The following courses already use this code";
 $UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
 $UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been unsubscribed from the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
+$FilterUsers = "Filter users";

+ 4 - 4

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $Year = "Year";
 $Hour = "Hour";
 $Minutes = "Minutes";
 $Detail = "Detail";
-$EditSuccess = "The agenda item has been edited";
+$EditSuccess = "Agenda item has been modified";
 $AddSuccess = "Agenda item added";
 $AgendaDeleteSuccess = "The agenda item has been deleted";
 $NoAgendaItems = "There are no Agenda Items";
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ $langNewToOld = "new to old";
 $langNow = "now";
 $langAddEvent = "Add an event";
 $langDetail = "detail";
-$MonthView = "Month view";
-$WeekView = "Week view";
-$DayView = "Day view";
+$MonthView = "Monthly";
+$WeekView = "Weekly";
+$DayView = "Daily";
 $AddPersonalItem = "Add personal item";
 $Week = "Week";
 $Date = "Date";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -166,4 +166,7 @@ $UserImportFileMessage = "If in the XML/CVS file the usernames are missing, the
 $UserAlreadyRegisteredByOtherCreator = "User already register by other coach. ";
 $NewUserInTheCourse = "New user in the course";
 $MessageNewUserInTheCourse = "This is a message to make know than there is a new user in the course";
+$EditNormalProfile = "Edit normal profile";
+$EditExtendProfile = "Edit extend profile";
+$EditInformation = "Edit information";

+ 19 - 0

@@ -30,4 +30,23 @@ $langUnregister = "Wyrejestruj";
 $langAddAUser = "Dodaj u&#380;ytkowników";
 $UsersUnsubscribed = "Wybrany u&#380;ytkownik zosta&#322; wypisany z kursu";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Student jest zapisany na kurs przez sesje. Nie mo&#380;na edytowa&#263; tych informacji.";
+$PersonalData = "Profil";
+$Contacts = "Znajomi";
+$AttachContactsToGroup = "Przypisz kontakt do grupy";
+$ContactsList = "Lista znajomych";
+$SelectOneContact = "Wybierz kontakt";
+$SelectOneGroup = "Wybierz grup&#281;";
+$AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Dodawanie kontaktów zako&#324;czone powodzeniem";
+$InvitationDenied = "Zaproszenie odrzucone";
+$AddedContactToList = "Dodano kontakt do listy";
+$YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup = "Brak kontaktów w tej grupie";
+$SelectTheCheckbox = "Zaznacz odpowiednie pole";
+$YouDontHaveInvites = "Aktualnie nie masz &#380;adnych zaprosze&#324;";
+$InvitationSentBy = "Zaproszenie wys&#322;ane przez";
+$DateSend = "Data wys&#322;ania";
+$SocialParent = "Moi rodzice";
+$SocialFriend = "Moi znajomi";
+$SocialGoodFriend = "Moi przyjaciele";
+$SocialEnemy = "Moi wrogowie";
+$BackToOutbox = "Powrót do wys&#322;anych";

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
 <?php /*
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. 
+$Camera = "Kamera";
+$Microphone = "Mikrofon";
 $Progress = "Post&#281;p";
+$Play = "Odtwórz";
+$Stop = "Zatrzymaj";
+$Record = "Nagraj";
+$NoFileAvailable = "Plik niedost&#281;pny";
+$UsersNow = "U&#380;ytkownicy on-line:";
 $Italic = "Kursywa";
 $Bold = "Pogrubiony";
 $Trainer = "Prowadz&#261;cy";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -923,4 +923,6 @@ $FieldFilterSetOn = "Puede utilizar este campo como filtro ";
 $FieldFilterSetOff = "Filtro deshabilitado";
 $buttonAddUserField = "Añadir campo de usuario";
 $UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "Los usuarios han sido registrados a los siguientes cursos porque varios cursos comparten el mismo código visual";
+$TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "Los siguientes cursos ya utilizan este código";
+$FilterUsers = "Filtro de usuarios";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -166,4 +166,7 @@ $UserImportFileMessage = "Si en el archivo XML/CVS los nombres de usuarios (user
 $UserAlreadyRegisteredByOtherCreator = "El usuario ya ha sido registrado por otro coach ";
 $NewUserInTheCourse = "Nuevo Usuario registrado en el curso";
 $MessageNewUserInTheCourse = "Este es un mensaje para informarle que se ha suscrito un nuevo usuario en el curso";
+$EditNormalProfile = "Edición de perfil normal";
+$EditExtendProfile = "Ampliar edición de perfil";
+$EditInformation = "Editar información";