Forráskód Böngészése

[svn r16093] Search feature (still not totally complete)

Yannick Warnier 16 éve

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+include 'xapian/XapianIndexer.class.php';
+ * Class wrapper
+ */
+class DokeosIndexer extends XapianIndexer {

+ 39 - 0

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+ * Script defining generic functions against a search engine api. Just only if one day the search engine changes
+ * @package:
+ */
+require 'xapian/XapianQuery.php';
+ * Wrapper for queries
+ * 
+ * @param   string    $query_string   The search string
+ * @param   int       $offset         Offset to the first item to retrieve. Optional
+ * @param   int       lenght          Number of items to retrieve. Optional
+ * @return  array
+ */
+function dokeos_query_query($query_string, $offset=0, $length=10) {
+    return xapian_query($query_string, NULL, $offset, $length);
+ * Wrapper for getting tags
+ * 
+ * @param   int   $count  Number of terms to retrieve. Optional.
+ * @return  array
+ */
+function dokeos_query_get_tags($count=100) {
+    return xapian_get_all_terms($count);
+ * Wrapper for getting specific document tags
+ * 
+ * @param   mixed   Document entry, with apropiate class
+ * @return  array
+ */
+function dokeos_query_tags_for_doc($doc) {
+    return xapian_get_doc_terms($doc);

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+abstract class _IndexableChunk
+    /* int */
+    protected $id;
+    /* boolean  */
+    public $parent;
+    /* int  */
+    public $parentId;
+    /* struct (array)
+     * {
+     *     string title; <- nombre de archivo/elemento
+     *     string content; <- texto a indexar
+     *     string ids;  <- los flags a guardar "cidReq:lp_id:path"
+     * }
+     */
+    public $data; 
+    /**
+     * array(
+     *   name => string
+     *   flag => char
+     * )
+     */
+    public $terms;
+	/**
+	 * Add a value to the indexed item
+	 * @param	string	Key
+	 * @param	string	Value
+	 * @return  void
+	 */
+    function addValue($key, $value) {
+        $this->data[$key] = $value;
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Add a term (like xapian definition)
+     * @param string Term 
+     * @param string Flag (one character)
+     */
+    function addTerm($term, $flag) {
+      if (strlen($flag) == 1) {
+        $this->terms[] = array('name' => $term, 'flag' => $flag);
+      }
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Get the ID from an indexed item. In case data are in an array, get the second item of the 'ids' element of the array
+	 * @return integer	ID
+	 */
+    function getId() {
+        $id = -1;
+        if (is_array($this->data)) {
+            $ids = explode(':', $this->data['ids']);
+            /* we need at least course_id and document_id, else it's broken */
+            if (count($ids)) {
+              $id = $ids[1];
+            }
+        }
+        return $id;
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Sets the parent of the current indexed item
+	 * @param	mixed	A parent object
+	 * @return void
+	 */
+    function setParent($parent) {
+        if (is_a($parent, 'IndexableChunk')) {
+            $this->parentId = $parent->getId();
+            $this->parent = False;
+        } else {
+            $this->parentId = -1;
+            $this->parent = True;
+        }
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Class constructor. Just generates an empty 'data' array attribute
+	 */
+    function __construct() {
+        $this->data = array();
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Class desctructor. Unsets attributes.
+	 */
+    function __destruct() {
+        unset($this->data);
+        unset($this->terms);
+        unset($this->parent);
+    }
+ * Extension of the _IndexableChunk class to make IndexableChunk extensible.
+ */
+class IndexableChunk extends _IndexableChunk 

+ 112 - 0

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+ * Add some required CSS and JS to html's head.
+ * 
+ * Note that $htmlHeadXtra should be passed by reference and not value,
+ * otherwise this function will have no effect and your form will be broken.
+ *
+ * @param   array $htmlHeadXtra     A reference to the doc $htmlHeadXtra
+ */
+function search_widget_prepare(&$htmlHeadXtra) {
+    $htmlHeadXtra[] = '
+    <style type="text/css">
+    .tags {
+        display: block;
+        margin-top: 20px;
+        width: 70%;
+    }
+    .tag {
+        float: left;
+        display: block;
+        padding: 5px;
+        padding-right: 4px;
+        padding-left: 4px;
+        margin: 3px;
+        border: 1px solid #ddd;
+    }
+    .tag:hover {
+        background: #ddd;
+        cursor: pointer;
+    }
+    .lighttagcolor {
+        background: #ddd;
+    }
+    .lighttagcolor:hover {
+        background: #fff;
+    }
+    </style>';
+    $htmlHeadXtra[] = '
+    <script src="'.api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
+    $htmlHeadXtra[] = "
+    <script type=\"text/javascript\">
+    $(document).ready(function() {
+        $('#dokeos_search').submit(function (e) {
+            var tags = String();
+            $('.lighttagcolor').each(function (b, a) {
+                tags = tags.concat(',');
+            }); 
+            $('#tag_holder').val(tags);
+            return true;
+        });
+    });
+    </script>";
+ * Show the search widget
+ * 
+ * The form will post to lp_controller.php by default, you can pass a value to
+ * $action to use a custom action.
+ * IMPORTANT: you have to call search_widget_prepare() before calling this
+ * function or otherwise the form will not behave correctly.
+ * 
+ * @param   string $action     Just in case your action is not
+ * lp_controller.php
+ */
+function search_widget_show($action="lp_controller.php") {
+    require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'/search/DokeosQuery.php';
+    $dktags = dokeos_query_get_tags();
+    $post_tags = array();
+    if (isset($_REQUEST['tags'])) {
+        $filter = TRUE;
+        $post_tags = explode(',', $_REQUEST['tags']);
+    }
+<form id="dokeos_search" action="<?php echo $action ?>"
+    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search"/>
+    <input type="text" name="query" size="40" />
+    <input type="submit" id="submit" value="<?php echo get_lang("Search") ?>" />
+    <br/>
+    <h2><?php echo get_lang("Tags") ?></h2>
+    <input type="hidden" name="tags" id="tag_holder" />
+    <div class="tags">
+        <?php
+        foreach ($dktags as $tag)
+        {
+            $tag = trim($tag['name'], 'T ');
+            $color = "";
+            if ($filter) {
+                if (array_search($tag, $post_tags) !== FALSE)
+                    $color = "lighttagcolor";
+            }
+            ?>
+            <span class="tag <?php echo $color?>" id="<?php echo $tag ?>">
+                <?php echo $tag ?></span>
+            <script type="text/javascript">
+                $('#<?php echo $tag ?>').click(function waaa (e) {
+                    $('#<?php echo $tag ?>').toggleClass('lighttagcolor');
+                });
+            </script>
+            <?php
+        }
+        ?>
+    </div>
+<br style="clear: both;"/>

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+ * This file is included by the other xapian files, it only describes some
+ * constants and 'config'.
+ */

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+require 'xapian.php';
+ * Abstract helper class
+ */
+abstract class XapianIndexer {
+    /* XapianWritableDatabase */
+    protected $db;
+    protected $parents;
+    /* IndexableChunk[] */
+    protected $chunks; 
+    /* XapianTermGenerator */
+    public $indexer; 
+    /* XapianStem */
+    public $stemmer; 
+	/**
+	 * Generates a list of languages Xapian manages
+	 * 
+	 * This method enables the definition of more matches between
+	 * Dokeos languages and Xapian languages (through hardcoding)
+	 * @return	array	Array of languages codes -> Xapian languages
+	 */
+    public final function xapian_languages() {
+      /* */
+      return array(
+        'none' => 'none', //don't stem terms
+        'da' => 'danish',
+        'nl' => 'dutch',
+        /* Martin Porter's 2002 revision of his stemmer */
+        'en' => 'english',
+        /* Lovin's stemmer */
+        'lovins' => 'english_lovins',
+        /* Porter's stemmer as described in his 1980 paper */
+        'porter' => 'english_porter',
+        'fi' => 'finnish',
+        'fr' => 'french',
+        'de' => 'german',
+        'it' => 'italian',
+        'no' => 'norwegian',
+        'pt' => 'portuguese',
+        'ru' => 'russian',
+        'es' => 'spanish',
+        'sv' => 'swedish',
+      );
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Connect to the database, and create it if it doesn't exist
+	 */
+    function connectDb($path=NULL, $dbMode=NULL, $lang='english') {
+        if ($dbMode == NULL) 
+            $dbMode = Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN;
+        if ($path == NULL)
+            $path = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'searchdb/';
+        try {
+          $this->db = new XapianWritableDatabase($path, $dbMode);
+          $this->indexer = new XapianTermGenerator();
+          if (!in_array($lang, $this->xapian_languages())) {
+            $lang = 'english';
+          }
+          $this->stemmer = new XapianStem($lang);
+          $this->indexer->set_stemmer($this->stemmer);
+          return $this->db;
+        }
+        catch (Exception $e) {
+          Display::display_error_message($e->getMessage());
+          return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Simple getter for the db attribute
+     * @return	object	The db attribute
+     */
+    function getDb() {
+        return $this->db;
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Add this chunk to the chunk array attribute
+	 * @param	string	Chunk of text
+	 * @return  void
+	 */
+    function addChunk($chunk) {
+        /*
+        if ($chunk->parent) {
+            $this->parents[] = $chunk;
+        } else {
+            $this->chunks[] = $chunk;
+        }
+        */
+        $this->chunks[] = $chunk;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Actually index the current data
+     * 
+     * @return integer	New Xapian document ID or NULL upon failure 
+     */
+    function index() {
+      try {
+        foreach ($this->chunks as $chunk) {
+            $doc = new XapianDocument();
+            $this->indexer->set_document($doc);
+            foreach ($chunk->terms as $term) {
+                /* FIXME: think of getting weight */
+                $doc->add_term($term['flag'] . $term['name'], 1);
+            }
+            /* free-form ignoring ids, indexes title and content */
+            foreach ($chunk->data as $key => $value) {
+                if ($key != 'ids')
+                    $this->indexer->index_text($value, 1);
+            }
+            /* Hard-coded approach */
+            /*
+            if (array_key_exists ('title', $chunk->data))
+                $this->indexer->index_text($chunk->data['title'], 1);
+            */
+            $doc->set_data($chunk->data['ids'], 1);
+            $id = $chunk->getId();
+            if ($id < 0)
+              return NULL;
+            $did = $this->db->replace_document($id, $doc);
+            //write to disk
+            $this->db->flush();
+            return $did;
+        }
+      }
+      catch (Exception $e) {
+        Display::display_error_message($e->getMessage());
+        exit(1);
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get a specific document from xapian db
+     *
+     * @param   int     did     Xapian::docid
+     * @return  XapianDocument
+     */
+    function get_document($did) {
+      if ($path == NULL) {
+        $this->connectDb();
+      }
+      return $this->db->get_document($did);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replace all terms of a document in xapian db
+     *
+     * @param   int     did     Xapian::docid
+     * @param   array   terms   New terms of the document
+     */
+    function update_terms($did, $terms, $prefix='T') {
+      $doc = $this->get_document($did);
+      $doc->clear_terms();
+      foreach ($terms as $term) {
+        //add directly
+        $doc->add_term($prefix.$term, 1);
+      }
+      $this->db->replace_document($did, $doc);
+      $this->db->flush();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove a document from xapian db
+     *
+     * @param int   did     Xapian::docid
+     */
+    function remove_document($did) {
+      if ($path == NULL) {
+        $this->connectDb();
+      }
+      $this->db->delete_document($did);
+      $this->db->flush();
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Class contructor
+	 */
+    function __construct() {
+        $this->db = NULL;
+        $this->stemmer = NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Class destructor
+     */
+    function __destruct() {
+        unset($this->db);
+        unset($this->stemmer);
+    }

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+require_once 'xapian.php';
+define('XAPIAN_DB', api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'searchdb/');
+ * Queries the database.  
+ * The xapian_query function queries the database using both a query string
+ * and application-defined terms. Based on drupal-xapian
+ * 
+ * @param   string          $query_string   The search string. This string will
+ *                                          be parsed and stemmed automatically.
+ * @param   XapianDatabase  $db             Xapian database to connect
+ * @param   int             $start          An integer defining the first 
+ *                                          document to return
+ * @param   int             $length         The number of results to return.
+ * @param   array           $extra          An array containing arrays of 
+ *                                          extra terms to search for.
+ * @param   int             $count_type     Number of items to retrieve
+ * @return  array                           An array of nids corresponding to the results.
+ */
+function xapian_query($query_string, $db = NULL, $start = 0, $length = 10, 
+  $extra = array(), $count_type = 0) {
+    try {
+        if (!is_object($db)) {
+            $db = new XapianDatabase(XAPIAN_DB);
+        }
+        $enquire = new XapianEnquire($db);
+        $query_parser = new XapianQueryParser();
+        $stemmer = new XapianStem("english");
+        $query_parser->set_stemmer($stemmer);
+        $query_parser->set_database($db);
+        $query_parser->set_stemming_strategy(XapianQueryParser::STEM_SOME);
+        $query_parser->add_boolean_prefix('filetype', 'F');
+        $query_parser->add_boolean_prefix('tag', 'T');
+        $query_parser->add_boolean_prefix('courseid', 'C');
+        $query = $query_parser->parse_query($query_string);
+        // Build subqueries from $extra array.
+        foreach ($extra as $subq) {
+          if (!empty($subq)) {
+            /* TODO: review if we want to use this constructor
+             * deprecated in C:
+             * maybe use: Query (Query::op op_, const Query &left, const Query &right) ?
+             */
+            $subquery = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_OR, $subq);
+            $query = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_AND, array($subquery, $query));
+          }
+        }
+        $enquire->set_query($query);
+        $matches = $enquire->get_mset((int)$start, (int)$length);
+        $results = array();
+        $i = $matches->begin();
+        $count = 0;
+        while (!$i->equals($matches->end())) {
+          $count++;
+          $document = $i->get_document();
+          if (is_object($document)) {
+            $results[$count]->ids = ($document->get_data());
+            $results[$count]->score = ($i->get_percent());
+            $results[$count]->terms = xapian_get_doc_terms($document);
+          }
+          $i->next();
+        }
+        switch ($count_type) {
+          case 1: // Lower bound
+            $count = $matches->get_matches_lower_bound();
+            break;
+          case 2: // Upper bound
+            $count = $matches->get_matches_upper_bound();
+            break;
+          case 0: // Best estimate
+          default:
+            $count = $matches->get_matches_estimated();
+            break;
+        }
+        return array($count, $results);
+    }
+    catch (Exception $e) {
+      Display::display_error_message('xapian error message: '. $e->getMessage());
+        return NULL;
+    }
+ * Retrieve a list db terms
+ * 
+ * @param   int             $count  Number of terms to retrieve
+ * @param   char            $prefix The prefix of the term to retrieve
+ * @param   XapianDatabase  $db     Xapian database to connect
+ * @return  array
+ */
+function xapian_get_all_terms($count=0, $prefix='T', $db=NULL) {
+  try {
+    if (!is_object($db)) {
+        $db = new XapianDatabase(XAPIAN_DB);
+    }
+    if (!empty($prefix)) {
+      $termi= $db->allterms_begin($prefix);
+    }
+    else {
+      $termi= $db->allterms_begin();
+    }
+    $terms = array();
+    $i = 0;
+    for ( ; !$termi->equals($db->allterms_end()) && (++$i<=$count || $count==0) ; $termi->next() ) {
+      $terms[] = array(
+        'frequency' => $termi->get_termfreq(),
+        'name' => $termi->get_term(),
+      );
+    }
+    return $terms;
+  }
+  catch (Exception $e) {
+    Display::display_error_message('xapian error message: '. $e->getMessage());
+    return NULL;
+  }
+ * Retrieve all terms of a document
+ * 
+ * @param   XapianDocument  document searched
+ * @return  array
+ */
+function xapian_get_doc_terms($doc=NULL, $prefix='T') {
+  try {
+    if (!is_a($doc, 'XapianDocument')) {
+      return;
+    }
+    //TODO: make the filter by prefix on xapian if possible
+    //ojwb marvil07: use Document::termlist_begin() and then skip_to(prefix) on the TermIterator
+    //ojwb you'll need to check the end condition by hand though
+    $terms = array();
+    for ($termi=$doc->termlist_begin() ; !$termi->equals($doc->termlist_end()); $termi->next() ) {
+      $term = array(
+        'frequency' => $termi->get_termfreq(),
+        'name' => $termi->get_term(),
+      );
+      if ($term['name'][0] === $prefix) {
+        $terms[] = $term;
+      }
+    }
+    return $terms;
+  }
+  catch (Exception $e) {
+    Display::display_error_message('xapian error message: '. $e->getMessage());
+    return NULL;
+  }

+ 16 - 0

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+ * This file includes lp_list_search to avoid duplication of code, it
+ * bootstraps dokeos api enough to make lp_list_search work.
+ */
+include_once ('../main/inc/');
+include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'course.lib.php');
+include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'');
+include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'system_announcements.lib.php');
+include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php');
+include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'usermanager.lib.php');
+api_block_anonymous_users(); // only users who are logged in can proceed
+require '../main/newscorm/lp_list_search.php';

+ 2 - 0

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+This directory is a placeholder for the search plugin, which allows the 
+indexation of Dokeos contents through the use of the Xapian search engine.