@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $langNoDescription = "No description";
$langOfficialCode = "Code";
$langOfficialCode = "Code";
$FirstName = "First name";
$FirstName = "First name";
$LastName = "Last name";
$LastName = "Last name";
-$Status = "Profile";
+$Status = "Status";
$langEmail = "E-mail";
$langEmail = "E-mail";
$SlideshowConversion = "Slideshow conversion";
$SlideshowConversion = "Slideshow conversion";
$UploadFile = "File upload";
$UploadFile = "File upload";
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ $ReadTermsAndConditions = "Read the Terms and Conditions";
$IAcceptTermsAndConditions = "I have read and I accept the Terms and Conditions";
$IAcceptTermsAndConditions = "I have read and I accept the Terms and Conditions";
$YouHaveToAcceptTermsAndConditions = "You have to accept our Terms and Conditions to proceed.";
$YouHaveToAcceptTermsAndConditions = "You have to accept our Terms and Conditions to proceed.";
$BrowserDontSupportsSVG = "Your browser does not support SVG files. To use the drawing tool you must have an advanced browser like: Firefox or Chrome";
$BrowserDontSupportsSVG = "Your browser does not support SVG files. To use the drawing tool you must have an advanced browser like: Firefox or Chrome";
-$FillWithExemplaryContent = "Fill with exemplary content";
+$FillWithExemplaryContent = "Fill with demo content";
$ToolVideoconference = "Videoconference";
$ToolVideoconference = "Videoconference";
$SelectSVGEditImage = "Select a picture";
$SelectSVGEditImage = "Select a picture";
$OnlyAccessFromYourGroup = "Only accessible from your group";
$OnlyAccessFromYourGroup = "Only accessible from your group";
@@ -984,4 +984,15 @@ $ExamNotAvailableAtThisTime = "Exam not available at this time";
$LoginOrEmailAddress = "Username or e-mail address";
$LoginOrEmailAddress = "Username or e-mail address";
$Activate = "Activate";
$Activate = "Activate";
$Deactivate = "Deactivate";
$Deactivate = "Deactivate";
+$Profile = "Profile";
+$CreatedAt = "Created at";
+$UpdatedAt = "Updated at";
+$CreatedOn = "Created on";
+$UpdatedOn = "Updated on";
+$Paint = "Paint";
+$MyResults = "My results";
+$LearningPaths = "Learning paths";
+$AllLearningPaths = "All learning paths";
+$ByCourse = "By course";
+$MyQCM = "My MCQ";