@@ -1,208 +1,197 @@
- /**
- * delete selected files
- * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
- * @link www.phpletter.com
- * @since 22/April/2007
- *
- * Modify for Chamilo
- * @author Juan Carlos Ra�a
- * @since 19/March/2009
+ * delete selected files
+ * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
+ * @link www.phpletter.com
+ * @since 22/April/2007
+ *
+ * Modify for Chamilo
+ * @author Juan Carlos Ra�a
+ * @since 19/March/2009
+ */
+require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."inc".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config.php";
+$error = "";
+ $error = SYS_DISABLED;
+} elseif (!empty($_GET['delete'])) { //delete the selected file from context menu
+ if (!file_exists($_GET['delete'])) {
+ } elseif (!isUnderRoot($_GET['delete'])) {
+ } else {
+ include_once CLASS_FILE;
+ $file = new file();
+ if (is_dir($_GET['delete'])
+ && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_DIR_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
+ && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_DIR_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
+ ) {
+ /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
+ if (!empty($_course['path'])) {
+ //find path
+ $mainPath = '../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/'; //get Chamilo
+ $fullPath = $_GET['delete']; //get Ajaxfilemanager
+ $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1, -1);
+ //find base_work_dir
+ $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document"; //get Chamilo
+ $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); //get Chamilo
+ $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
+ //delete directory
- */
- require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "inc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php");
- $error = "";
- {
- $error = SYS_DISABLED;
- }
- elseif(!empty($_GET['delete']))
- {//delete the selected file from context menu
- if(!file_exists($_GET['delete']))
- {
- }
- elseif(!isUnderRoot($_GET['delete']))
- {
- }else
- {
- include_once(CLASS_FILE);
- $file = new file();
- if(is_dir($_GET['delete'])
- && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_DIR_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
- && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_DIR_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete'])))
- {
- /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
- if(!empty($_course['path']))
- {
- //find path
- $mainPath='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/';//get Chamilo
- $fullPath = $_GET['delete']; //get Ajaxfilemanager
- $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath)-strlen($fullPath)-1,-1);
- //find base_work_dir
- $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document";//get Chamilo
- $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);//get Chamilo
- $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
- //delete directory
+ //check protect directories
+ if ($chamiloPath != '/audio' && $chamiloPath != '/flash' && $chamiloPath != '/images' && $chamiloPath != '/shared_folder' && $chamiloPath != '/video') {
+ if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly(
+ $_course,
+ api_get_user_id(),
+ $chamiloPath
+ )
+ ) {
+ $error = get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
+ } else {
+ $deleted = DocumentManager::delete_document(
+ $_course,
+ $chamiloPath,
+ $base_work_dir
+ ); //deleted by Chamilo
+ //$file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['delete'])));//deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = get_lang('ProtectFolder'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['delete']))); //deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ //////end bridge to Chamilo
+ $file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['delete'])));
+ } elseif (is_file($_GET['delete'])
+ && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_FILE_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
+ && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_FILE_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
+ ) {
+ /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
+ if (!empty($_course['path'])) {
+ //find path
+ $mainPath = '../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/'; //get Chamilo
+ $fullPath = $_GET['delete']; //get Ajaxfilemanager
+ $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1);
+ //find base_work_dir
+ $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document"; //get Chamilo
+ $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); //get Chamilo
+ $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
+ //delete file
- //check protect directories
- if ($chamiloPath!='/audio' && $chamiloPath!='/flash' && $chamiloPath!='/images' && $chamiloPath!='/shared_folder' && $chamiloPath!='/video')
- {
- if(! $is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course,api_get_user_id(),$chamiloPath))
- {
- $error=get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
- }
- else
- {
- $deleted= DocumentManager::delete_document($_course,$chamiloPath,$base_work_dir); //deleted by Chamilo
- //$file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['delete'])));//deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $error=get_lang('ProtectFolder'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['delete'])));//deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- //////end bridge to Chamilo
- $file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['delete'])));
- }elseif(is_file($_GET['delete'])
- && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_FILE_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
- && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_FILE_PATTERN, getBaseName($_GET['delete']))
- )
- {
- /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
- if(!empty($_course['path']))
- {
- //find path
- $mainPath='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/';//get Chamilo
- $fullPath = $_GET['delete']; //get Ajaxfilemanager
- $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath)-strlen($fullPath)-1);
- //find base_work_dir
- $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document";//get Chamilo
- $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);//get Chamilo
- $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
- //delete file
+ if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly(
+ $_course,
+ api_get_user_id(),
+ $chamiloPath
+ )
+ ) {
+ $error = get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
+ } else {
- if(! $is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course,api_get_user_id(),$chamiloPath))
- {
- $error=get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
- }
- else
- {
+ $deleted = DocumentManager::delete_document(
+ $_course,
+ $chamiloPath,
+ $base_work_dir
+ ); //deleted by Chamilo
+ //$file->delete(($_GET['delete'])); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- $deleted= DocumentManager::delete_document($_course,$chamiloPath,$base_work_dir); //deleted by Chamilo
- //$file->delete(($_GET['delete'])); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file->delete(($_GET['delete'])); //deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ //////end bridge to Chamilo
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ if (!isset($_POST['selectedDoc']) || !is_array($_POST['selectedDoc']) || sizeof($_POST['selectedDoc']) < 1) {
+ } else {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $file->delete(($_GET['delete']));//deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- //////end bridge to Chamilo
- }
- }
- }else
- {
- if(!isset($_POST['selectedDoc']) || !is_array($_POST['selectedDoc']) || sizeof($_POST['selectedDoc']) < 1)
- {
- }
- else
- {
+ include_once CLASS_FILE;
+ $file = new file();
- include_once(CLASS_FILE);
- $file = new file();
- foreach($_POST['selectedDoc'] as $doc)
- {
- if(file_exists($doc) && isUnderRoot($doc))
- {
- if(is_dir($doc)
- && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_DIR_PATTERN, $doc)
- && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_DIR_PATTERN, $doc))
- {
- /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
- if(!empty($_course['path']))
- {
- //find path
- $mainPath='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/';//get Chamilo
- $fullPath = $doc; //get Ajaxfilemanager
- $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath)-strlen($fullPath)-1,-1);
- //find base_work_dir
- $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document";//get Chamilo
- $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);//get Chamilo
- $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
- //delete directory
+ foreach ($_POST['selectedDoc'] as $doc) {
+ if (file_exists($doc) && isUnderRoot($doc)) {
+ if (is_dir($doc)
+ && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_DIR_PATTERN, $doc)
+ && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_DIR_PATTERN, $doc)
+ ) {
+ /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
+ if (!empty($_course['path'])) {
+ //find path
+ $mainPath = '../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/'; //get Chamilo
+ $fullPath = $doc; //get Ajaxfilemanager
+ $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1, -1);
+ //find base_work_dir
+ $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document"; //get Chamilo
+ $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); //get Chamilo
+ $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
+ //delete directory
- //check protect directories
- if ($chamiloPath!='/audio' && $chamiloPath!='/flash' && $chamiloPath!='/images' && $chamiloPath!='/shared_folder' && $chamiloPath!='/video')
- {
- if(! $is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course,api_get_user_id(),$chamiloPath))
- {
- $error=get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
- }
- else
- {
- $deleted= DocumentManager::delete_document($_course,$chamiloPath,$base_work_dir); //deleted by Chamilo
- //$file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($doc))); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $error=get_lang('ProtectFolder'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($doc)));//deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- //////end bridge to Chamilo
- }elseif(is_file($doc)
- && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_FILE_PATTERN, $doc)
- && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_FILE_PATTERN, $doc)
- )
- {
- /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
- if(!empty($_course['path']))
- {
- //find path
- $mainPath='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/';//get Chamilo
- $fullPath = $doc; //get Ajaxfilemanager
- $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath)-strlen($fullPath)-1);
- //find base_work_dir
- $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document";//get Chamilo
- $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);//get Chamilo
- $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
- //delete file
+ //check protect directories
+ if ($chamiloPath != '/audio' && $chamiloPath != '/flash' && $chamiloPath != '/images' && $chamiloPath != '/shared_folder' && $chamiloPath != '/video') {
+ if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly(
+ $_course,
+ api_get_user_id(),
+ $chamiloPath
+ )
+ ) {
+ $error = get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
+ } else {
+ $deleted = DocumentManager::delete_document(
+ $_course,
+ $chamiloPath,
+ $base_work_dir
+ ); //deleted by Chamilo
+ //$file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($doc))); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = get_lang('ProtectFolder'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file->delete(addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($doc))); //deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ //////end bridge to Chamilo
+ } elseif (is_file($doc)
+ && isValidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_INC_FILE_PATTERN, $doc)
+ && !isInvalidPattern(CONFIG_SYS_EXC_FILE_PATTERN, $doc)
+ ) {
+ /////////////bridge to Chamilo by Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
+ if (!empty($_course['path'])) {
+ //find path
+ $mainPath = '../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/'; //get Chamilo
+ $fullPath = $doc; //get Ajaxfilemanager
+ $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1);
+ //find base_work_dir
+ $course_dir = $_course['path']."/document"; //get Chamilo
+ $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); //get Chamilo
+ $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path.$course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document
+ //delete file
- if(! $is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course,api_get_user_id(),$chamiloPath))
- {
- $error=get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
- }
- else
- {
+ if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly(
+ $_course,
+ api_get_user_id(),
+ $chamiloPath
+ )
+ ) {
+ $error = get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager
+ } else {
- $deleted= DocumentManager::delete_document($_course,$chamiloPath,$base_work_dir); //deleted by Chamilo
- //$file->delete($doc); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ $deleted = DocumentManager::delete_document(
+ $_course,
+ $chamiloPath,
+ $base_work_dir
+ ); //deleted by Chamilo
+ //$file->delete($doc); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $file->delete($doc); //deleted by ajaxfilemanager
- }
- //////end bridge to Chamilo
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file->delete($doc); //deleted by ajaxfilemanager
+ }
+ //////end bridge to Chamilo
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- echo "{error:'" . $error . "'}";
+echo "{error:'".$error."'}";