Browse Source

[svn r21295] Minor - base for add_course simple-testing

Ricardo Rodriguez 15 years ago
1 changed files with 138 additions and 2 deletions
  1. 138 2

+ 138 - 2

@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ class TestAddCourse extends UnitTestCase {
         $this->UnitTestCase('Courses creation tests');
-	function testRegisterCourseValue() {
-		//($courseSysCode, $courseScreenCode, $courseRepository, $courseDbName, 
+    function testRegisterCourse() {
+        //($courseSysCode, $courseScreenCode, $courseRepository, $courseDbName, 
 		//$titular, $category, $title, $course_language, $uidCreator, $expiration_date = "", $teachers=array())
 	    $course = array(
 		    'courseSysCode'=> 'COD12', 
@@ -26,5 +26,141 @@ class TestAddCourse extends UnitTestCase {
+	 	$this->assertTrue($res);
+	}
+    function TestCreateCourse(){
+		//$wanted_code, $title, $tutor_name, $category_code, 
+		//$course_language, $course_admin_id, $db_prefix, 
+		//$firstExpirationDelay
+		$course_datos = array(
+				'wanted_code'=> 'COD12',
+				'title'=>'metodologia de calculo diferencial',
+				'tutor_name'=>'R. J. Wolfagan',
+				'category_code'=>'2121',
+				'course_language'=>'english',
+				'course_admin_id'=>'1211',
+				'db_prefix'=>'22',
+				'firstExpirationDelay'=>'112'
+				);
+		//$keys = define_course_keys($wanted_code, "", $db_prefix);
+		$res = create_course($course_datos['wanted_code'], $course_datos['title'],
+							 $course_datos['tutor_name'], $course_datos['category_code'],
+							 $course_datos['course_language'],$course_datos['course_admin_id'],
+							 $course_datos['db_prefix'], $course_datos['firstExpirationDelay']);
+		$this->assertPattern('/\d/', $res);
+		$this->assertTrue($res);
+    }
+    function TestGenerateCourseCode(){
+    	global $charset;
+    	$course_title = 'matemáticas';
+    	$res = generate_course_code($course_title);
+    	$this->assertTrue($res);
+    	//$this->assertNotA($res);
+	}
+	function TestDefineCourseKeys(){
+		//$wantedCode, $prefix4all = "", $prefix4baseName = "", 
+		//$prefix4path = "", $addUniquePrefix = false, $useCodeInDepedentKeys = true
+		global $prefixAntiNumber, $_configuration;
+		$wantedCode = generate_course_code($wantedCode);
+		$res = define_course_keys(generate_course_code($wantedCode), null, null, null,null, null);
+		$this->assertTrue($res);
+		//$this->assert
+	}
+	function TestPrepareCourseRepository(){
+		$courseRepository = '';
+		$courseId = '';
+		$res = prepare_course_repository($courseRepository, $courseId);
+		$this->assertFalse($res);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Function not implemented with test, because the functionality 
+	 * is very complex.
+	 */
+	/*
+	function TestUpdateDbCourse(){
+		$courseDbName = 'curso';
+		$res = update_Db_course($courseDbName);
+		$this->assertPattern('/\d/',$res);
+	}
+	*/
+	function TestBrowseFolders(){
+		$path='';
+		$files ='';
+		$media='';
+		$res = browse_folders($path, $files, $media);
+		$this->assertFalse($res);
+	}
+	function TestSortPictures(){
+		$files ='';
+		$type='';
+		$res = sort_pictures($files, $type);
+		$this->assertFalse($res);
+	}
+	function TestFillCourseRepository(){
+		$courseRepository = '';
+		$res = fill_course_repository($courseRepository);
+		$this->assertTrue($res);
+	}
+	function TestLang2db(){
+		$string = '';
+		$res = lang2db($string);
+		$this->assertFalse($res);
+	}
+	function TestFillDbCourse(){
+		global $_configuration, $clarolineRepositoryWeb, $_user;
+		$courseDbName = $_configuration['table_prefix'].$courseDbName.$_configuration['db_glue'];
+		$courseRepository = '';
+		$language = 'english';
+		$default_document_array ='';
+		$res = fill_Db_course($courseDbName, $courseRepository, $language,$default_document_array);
+		$this->assertFalse($res);
+	}
+	function TestString2Binary(){
+		$variable = true;
+		$variable2 = false;
+		$res = string2binary($variable);
+		$res1=string2binary($variable2);
+		$this->assertTrue($res);
+		$this->assertFalse($res1);
+	}
+	function TestCheckArchive(){
+		$pathToArchive ='';
+		$res = checkArchive($pathToArchive);
+		$this->assertTrue($res);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Fatal Error at the call to undefined function printVar() Line 2404 in the 
+	 * 
+	 */
+	 /*
+	function TestReadPropertiesInArchive(){
+		$archive='';
+	 	printVar(dirname($archive), "Zip : ");
+		//readPropertiesInArchive($archive, $isCompressed = TRUE);
+		ob_start();
+		$res = ob_get_contents();
+		ob_end_clean();
+		$this->assertFalse($res);
+	*/