@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ echo Display::toolbarAction('toolbar-worklist', [$actionsLeft]);
$plagiarismListJqgridColumn = [];
$plagiarismListJqgridLine = [];
-if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_compilatio_tool')) {
- require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'/plagiarism/compilatio/config.php';
+$allowAntiPlagiarism = api_get_configuration_value('allow_compilatio_tool');
+if ($allowAntiPlagiarism) {
$plagiarismListJqgridColumn = ['Compilatio'];
$plagiarismListJqgridLine = [
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_compilatio_tool')) {
if (!empty($my_folder_data['title'])) {
echo Display::page_subheader($my_folder_data['title']);
@@ -393,6 +393,10 @@ $deleteUrl = $workUrl.'&a=delete_student_work';
$showUrl = $workUrl.'&a=show_student_work';
$hideUrl = $workUrl.'&a=hide_student_work';
+if ($allowAntiPlagiarism) {
+ $extra_params['gridComplete'] = 'compilatioInit()';
$(function() {
@@ -456,82 +460,72 @@ $(function() {
echo $documentsAddedInWork;
$tableWork = Display::grid_html('results');
echo workGetExtraFieldData($workId);
echo Display::panel($tableWork);
-echo '<div class="list-work-results">';
-echo '<div class="panel panel-default">';
-echo '<div class="panel-body">';
-echo '<table style="display:none; width:100%" class="files data_table">
+if ($allowAntiPlagiarism) {
+ echo '<div id="compilation-results"></div>';
+ echo '<div class="list-work-results">';
+ $table = '<table style="display:none; width:100%" class="files data_table">
-echo '</div></div></div>';
+ Display::panel($table);
+ echo '</div>';
-if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_compilatio_tool')) {
- $workTable = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ $workTable = Database:: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
$courseId = $courseInfo['real_id'];
- $form_action['analyseCompilatio'] = [
- 'label' => get_lang('compilatioStartAnalysis'),
- 'data-action' => get_lang('compilatioStartAnalysis'),
+ $formAction['analyseCompilatio'] = [
+ 'label' => get_lang('CompilatioStartAnalysis'),
+ 'data-action' => get_lang('CompilatioStartAnalysis'),
'onClick' => "onclick='getMultiCompilatio()'",
- $html = '<form id ="mes_actions" class="form-search" method="post" name="form_actions">';
+ $html = '<form class="form-search" method="post" name="form_actions">';
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="action">';
$html .= '<table style="width:100%;">';
$html .= '<tr>';
$html .= '<td>';
- if (count($form_action) > 0) {
- $html .= '<div class="btn-toolbar">';
- $html .= '<div class="btn-group">';
- $html .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="?'
- . '&'
- . "gbox_results"
- . '&'
- . 'selectall=1" onclick="javascript: setCheckbox(true, \''
- . "gbox_results". '\'); return false;">'
- . get_lang('SelectAll')
- . '</a>';
- $html .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="?'
- . '" onclick="javascript: setCheckbox(false, \''
- . "gbox_results"
- . '\'); return false;">'
- . get_lang('UnSelectAll')
- . '</a> ';
- $html .= '</div>';
- $html .= '<div class="btn-group">
- <button class="btn btn-default" onclick="javascript:return false;">'
- . get_lang('Actions')
- . '</button>'
- . '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">'
- . '<span class="caret"></span>'
- . '</button>';
- $html .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">';
-// foreach ($form_action as $action => & $label) {
-// $html .= '<li><a data-action ="' . $action . '" href="#" onclick="javascript:action_click(this, \'' . "gbox_results" . '\');">' . $label . '</a></li>';
-// }
- /*fin original*/
- foreach ($form_action as $action ) {
- $html .= '<li>
- <a data-action ="'.$action['data-action'].'" href="#" '.$action['onClick'].'>'
- .$action['label'].'</a>
- </li>';
- }
- $html .= '</ul>';
- $html .= '</div>';//btn-group
- $html .= '</div>'; //toolbar
- $html .= '</td></tr></table></form>';
+ $html .= '<div class="btn-toolbar">';
+ $html .= '<div class="btn-group">';
+ $html .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="?'
+ .'&'."gbox_results".'&'.'selectall=1" onclick="javascript: setCheckbox(true, \''
+ ."gbox_results".'\'); return false;">'
+ .get_lang('SelectAll')
+ .'</a>';
+ $html .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="?'
+ .'" onclick="javascript: setCheckbox(false, \''
+ ."gbox_results"
+ .'\'); return false;">'
+ .get_lang('UnSelectAll')
+ .'</a> ';
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ $html .= '<div class="btn-group">
+ <button class="btn btn-default" onclick="javascript:return false;">'
+ .get_lang('Actions')
+ .'</button>'
+ .'<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">'
+ .'<span class="caret"></span>'
+ .'</button>';
+ $html .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">';
+ foreach ($formAction as $action) {
+ $html .= '<li>
+ <a data-action ="'.$action['data-action'].'" href="#" '.$action['onClick'].'>'
+ .$action['label'].'</a>
+ </li>';
+ $html .= '</ul>';
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ $html .= '</td></tr></table></form>';
echo $html;
$compTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_PLAGIARISM);
$listCompilatioDocId = [];
$compilatioQuery = "SELECT * FROM $compTable WHERE c_id= $courseId";
$compilatioResult = Database::query($compilatioQuery);
@@ -546,199 +540,198 @@ if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_compilatio_tool')) {
$javascriptWorkId .= $data['id'].'a';
- Lets display the javascript AJAX tools for refreshing datas that needed to be refreshed
- Only document with state ANALYSE_IN_QUEUE or ANALYSE_PROCESSING need to ask server
- for a new state
- Hubert Borderiou - Grenoble Universites - avril 2013
- var xhrObject; // the htmlhttprequest object
- var analyseComplete = "ANALYSE_COMPLETE";
- var analyseProcessing = "ANALYSE_PROCESSING";
- var analyseInQueue = "ANALYSE_IN_QUEUE";
- var refreshDelaisAfter = 30000;
- var allWorkId = "<?php echo $javascriptWorkId?>";
- var workFolderId = "<?php echo $workId; ?>";
- var compilationWebUrl = "<?php echo api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'plagiarism/compilatio/' ?>";
- var divExisteTimer = null;
- var msgWaitJS = '<?php echo Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('PleaseWaitThisCouldTakeAWhile')); ?>';
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- var referent = document.getElementById('toolbar-worklist');
- var Analyse = '<?php echo get_lang('compilatioAnalyse'); ?>';
- var compiReport = '<?php echo get_lang('compilatioSeeReport'); ?>';
- var compiNonToAnalyse = '<?php echo Display::display_error_message(get_lang('compilatioNonToAnalyse')); ?>';
- var clickTrigger = false;
- function compilatioInit() {
- if (isWorkFolder()) {
- searchAdvancement();
- setInterval("searchAdvancement()", refreshDelaisAfter);
- if(!clickTrigger) {
- clickTrigger = true;
- $('.getSingleCompilatio').on('click', function () {
- var parts = $(this).parent().attr('id').split('id_avancement');
- getSingleCompilatio(parts[1]);
- });
+ ?>
+ <!--
+ Lets display the javascript AJAX tools for refreshing datas that needed to be refreshed
+ Only document with state ANALYSE_IN_QUEUE or ANALYSE_PROCESSING need to ask server
+ for a new state
+ Hubert Borderiou - Grenoble Universites - avril 2013
+ -->
+ <script>
+ var xhrObject; // the htmlhttprequest object
+ var analyseComplete = "ANALYSE_COMPLETE";
+ var analyseProcessing = "ANALYSE_PROCESSING";
+ var analyseInQueue = "ANALYSE_IN_QUEUE";
+ var refreshDelaisAfter = 30000;
+ var allWorkId = "<?php echo $javascriptWorkId ?>";
+ var workFolderId = "<?php echo $workId; ?>";
+ var compilationWebUrl = "<?php echo api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'plagiarism/compilatio/' ?>";
+ var divExisteTimer = null;
+ var msgWaitJS = '<?php echo Display::return_message(get_lang('PleaseWaitThisCouldTakeAWhile')); ?>';
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ var referent = document.getElementById('compilation-results');
+ var Analyse = '<?php echo get_lang('compilatioAnalyse'); ?>';
+ var compiReport = '<?php echo get_lang('compilatioSeeReport'); ?>';
+ var compiNonToAnalyse = '<?php echo Display::return_message(get_lang('compilatioNonToAnalyse'), 'error'); ?>';
+ var clickTrigger = false;
+ function compilatioInit() {
+ if (isWorkFolder()) {
+ searchAdvancement();
+ setInterval("searchAdvancement()", refreshDelaisAfter);
+ if (!clickTrigger) {
+ clickTrigger = true;
+ $('.getSingleCompilatio').on('click', function () {
+ var parts = $(this).parent().attr('id').split('id_avancement');
+ getSingleCompilatio(parts[1]);
+ });
+ }
- }
- // true if we are in a work folder
- function isWorkFolder() {
- var res = false;
- if (workFolderId.match(/[0-9]+/)) {
- res = true;
- }
- return res;
- }
- // check all compilatio docs
- function checkAllCompilatio(action) {
- $("input").each(function() {
- if ($(this).attr("id")) {
- objId = $(this).attr("id");
- listObjId = objId.match(/jqg_results_(\d+)/)
- if (listObjId.length > 1) {
- $(this).prop('checked', action);
- }
+ // true if we are in a work folder
+ function isWorkFolder() {
+ var res = false;
+ if (workFolderId.match(/[0-9]+/)) {
+ res = true;
- });
- }
- function getSingleCompilatio(itemId) {
- if (div.id == "status_message") {
- referent.removeChild(div);
+ return res;
- div.id = "status_message";
- div.className = 'row';
- div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + msgWaitJS + '</div>';
- referent.appendChild(div);
- $.ajax({
- url: compilationWebUrl + "upload.php?doc="+itemId,
- type: "get",
- dataType: "html",
- success: function(message) {
- allWorkId += itemId+"a";
- compilatioInit();
- if (message.trim() != ""){
- div.id = "status_message";
- div.className = 'row';
- div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>'+message+'</div>';
- referent.appendChild(div);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function getMultiCompilatio() {
- if (div.id == "status_message") {
- referent.removeChild(div);
- }
- div.id = "status_message";
- div.className = 'row';
- div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + msgWaitJS + '</div>';
- referent.appendChild(div);
- multi_compilatio = "";
- $("input:checked").each(function() {
- if ($(this).attr("id")) {
- objId = $(this).attr("id");
- listObjId = objId.match(/jqg_results_(\d+)/)
- if(listObjId){
- objClick = document.getElementById('id_avancement'+listObjId[1]);
- if (objClick){
- objLink = objClick.getElementsByTagName('a');
- if (objLink){
- stringLink = [].map.call( objLink, function(node){
- return node.textContent || node.innerText || "";
- }).join("");
- if(stringLink.trim() == Analyse.trim()){
- if (listObjId && listObjId.length > 1) {
- multi_compilatio += listObjId[1]+"a";
- }
- }
- }
+ // check all compilatio docs
+ function checkAllCompilatio(action) {
+ $("input").each(function () {
+ if ($(this).attr("id")) {
+ objId = $(this).attr("id");
+ listObjId = objId.match(/jqg_results_(\d+)/)
+ if (listObjId.length > 1) {
+ $(this).prop('checked', action);
- }
- });
- if ($("#verif")) {
- $("#verif").append(multi_compilatio);
+ });
- // run compilatio
- if (multi_compilatio != "") {
+ function getSingleCompilatio(itemId) {
+ if (div.id == "status_message") {
+ referent.removeChild(div);
+ }
+ div.id = "status_message";
+ div.className = 'row';
+ div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + msgWaitJS + '</div>';
+ referent.appendChild(div);
- url: compilationWebUrl + "upload.php",
- data: { doc: multi_compilatio, type: "multi"}, // on envoie $_GET['id_region'] *// idz
- success: function(message) { // idz
- allWorkId = multi_compilatio;//idz
+ url: compilationWebUrl + "upload.php?<?php echo api_get_cidreq(); ?>&doc=" + itemId,
+ type: "get",
+ dataType: "html",
+ success: function (message) {
+ console.log(message);
+ allWorkId += itemId + "a";
- if (message.trim() != ""){
+ if (message.trim() != "") {
div.id = "status_message";
div.className = 'row';
- div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>'+message+'</div>';
+ div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + message + '</div>';
- } else {
- //multi_compilatio is empty
+ }
+ function getMultiCompilatio() {
+ if (div.id == "status_message") {
+ referent.removeChild(div);
+ }
div.id = "status_message";
div.className = 'row';
- div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + compiNonToAnalyse + '</div>';
+ div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + msgWaitJS + '</div>';
- }
- }
+ multi_compilatio = "";
+ $("input:checked").each(function () {
+ if ($(this).attr("id")) {
+ objId = $(this).attr("id");
+ listObjId = objId.match(/jqg_results_(\d+)/)
+ if (listObjId) {
+ objClick = document.getElementById('id_avancement' + listObjId[1]);
+ if (objClick) {
+ objLink = objClick.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ if (objLink) {
+ stringLink = [].map.call(objLink, function (node) {
+ return node.textContent || node.innerText || "";
+ }).join("");
+ if (stringLink.trim() == Analyse.trim()) {
+ if (listObjId && listObjId.length > 1) {
+ multi_compilatio += listObjId[1] + "a";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
- function searchAdvancement(workId) {
- $.ajax({
- url: compilationWebUrl + "compilatio_ajax.php?workid=" + allWorkId,
- type: "get",
- dataType: "html",
- error: function(){
- showData("<?php echo get_lang('compilatioComunicationAjaxImpossible');?>");
- },
- success: function( strData ){
- showData( strData );
+ if ($("#verif")) {
+ $("#verif").append(multi_compilatio);
- });
- }
- function deleteIdListeRefresh(id) {
- var regexp = eval("/"+id+":/");
- allWorkId = allWorkId.replace(regexp, "");
- }
+ // run compilatio
+ if (multi_compilatio != "") {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: compilationWebUrl + "upload.php?<?php echo api_get_cidreq(); ?>",
+ data: {doc: multi_compilatio, type: "multi"}, // on envoie $_GET['id_region'] *// idz
+ success: function (message) { // idz
+ allWorkId = multi_compilatio;//idz
+ compilatioInit();
+ if (message.trim() != "") {
+ div.id = "status_message";
+ div.className = 'row';
+ div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + message + '</div>';
+ referent.appendChild(div);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ // multi_compilatio is empty
+ div.id = "status_message";
+ div.className = 'row';
+ div.innerHTML = '<div class="col-md-6"> <br>' + compiNonToAnalyse + '</div>';
+ referent.appendChild(div);
+ }
+ }
- function showData(res) {
- var listRes = new Array();
- // for debugging
- $("#verif").html("");
- // parse the answer string
- listRes = res.split("|");
- for (var i=0; i < listRes.length; i=i+3) {
- if (listRes[i] != "") {
- var workId = listRes[i];
- if (i < listRes.length) {
- var HTMLcode = listRes[i+1];
+ function searchAdvancement(workId) {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: compilationWebUrl + "compilatio_ajax.php?<?php echo api_get_cidreq(); ?>&workid=" + allWorkId,
+ type: "get",
+ dataType: "html",
+ error: function () {
+ showData("<?php echo get_lang('CompilatioComunicationAjaxImpossible');?>");
+ },
+ success: function (strData) {
+ showData(strData);
- if (i < listRes.length + 1) {
- var idStatus = listRes[i+2];
- if (idStatus != analyseInQueue && idStatus != analyseProcessing) {
- deleteIdListeRefresh(workId);
+ });
+ }
+ function deleteIdListeRefresh(id) {
+ var regexp = eval("/" + id + ":/");
+ allWorkId = allWorkId.replace(regexp, "");
+ }
+ function showData(res) {
+ var listRes = new Array();
+ $("#verif").html("");
+ // parse the answer string
+ listRes = res.split("|");
+ for (var i = 0; i < listRes.length; i = i + 3) {
+ if (listRes[i] != "") {
+ var workId = listRes[i];
+ if (i < listRes.length) {
+ var HTMLcode = listRes[i + 1];
+ }
+ if (i < listRes.length + 1) {
+ var idStatus = listRes[i + 2];
+ if (idStatus != analyseInQueue && idStatus != analyseProcessing) {
+ deleteIdListeRefresh(workId);
+ }
+ $("#verif").append(workId + ":" + idStatus + "<br/>");
- $("#verif").append(workId+":"+idStatus+"<br/>");
+ $("#" + "id_avancement" + workId).html(HTMLcode);
- $("#"+"id_avancement"+workId).html(HTMLcode);
- }
+ </script>
+ <?php