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Cleaning code, chamilo code style changes, \"all agenda\" feature work with courses and sessions, only admins and rrhh users can see this page see CT#986

Julio Montoya пре 15 година
2 измењених фајлова са 229 додато и 252 уклоњено
  1. 204 251
  2. 25 1

+ 204 - 251

@@ -1,65 +1,14 @@
-<?php //$Id: myallagendas.php 21102 2009-05-30 14:58:16Z iflorespaz $
-	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos SPRL
-	Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
-	For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
-	The full license can be read in "license.txt".
-	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-	See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-	Contact: Dokeos, rue du Corbeau, 108, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium, info@dokeos.com
-	@author: Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University
-	@author: Toon Van Hoecke <toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be>, Ghent University
-	@author: Eric Remy (initial version)
-	@version: 2.2 alpha
-	@description: 	this file generates a general agenda of all items of the
-					courses the user is registered for
-	version info:
-	-------------
-	-> version 2.3 : Yannick Warnier, yannick.warnier@dokeos.com 2008
-	Added repeated events
-	-> version 2.2 : Patrick Cool, patrick.cool@ugent.be, november 2004
-	Personal Agenda added. The user can add personal agenda items. The items
-	are stored in a dokeos_user database because it is not course or platform
-	based. A personal agenda view was also added. This lists all the personal
-	agenda items of that user.
-	-> version 2.1 : Patrick Cool, patrick.cool@ugent.be, , oktober 2004
-	This is the version that works with the Group based Agenda tool.
-	-> version 2.0 (alpha): Patrick Cool, patrick.cool@ugent.be, , oktober 2004
-	The 2.0 version introduces besides the month view also a week- and day view.
-	In the 2.5 (final) version it will be possible for the student to add his/her
-	own agenda items. The platform administrator can however decide if the students
-	are allowed to do this or not.
-	The alpha version only contains the three views. The personal agenda feature is
-	not yet completely finished. There are however already some parts of the code
-	for adding a personal agenda item present.
-	this code was not released in an official dokeos but was only used in the offical
-	server of the Ghent University where it underwent serious testing
-	-> version 1.5: Toon Van Hoecke, toon.vanhoecke@ugent.be, december 2003
-	-> version 1.0: Eric Remy, eremy@rmwc.edu, 6 Oct 2003
-	The tool was initially called master-calendar as it collects all the calendar
-	items of all the courses one is subscribed to. It was very soon integrated in
-	Dokeos as this was a really basic and very usefull tool.
-/* ==============================================================================
-				  			HEADER
-============================================================================== */
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ * 
+ * Get the all events by session/course
+ * @author Julio Montoya cleaning code, chamilo code style changes, all agenda feature work with courses and sessions, only admins and rrhh users can see this page 
+ * 
+ *  
+ * @author Carlos Brolo First code submittion  
+ */
 // name of the language file that needs to be included
 $language_file = 'agenda';
@@ -68,13 +17,25 @@ $cidReset = true;
 // setting the global file that gets the general configuration, the databases, the languages, ...
 require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
 $this_section = SECTION_MYAGENDA;
 require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'sessionmanager.lib.php';
 require_once 'agenda.inc.php';
 require_once 'myagenda.inc.php';
 // setting the name of the tool
 $nameTools = get_lang('MyAgenda');
+$is_platform_admin = api_is_platform_admin();
+$is_drh = api_is_drh();
+if (!($is_platform_admin || $is_drh)) {
+	api_not_allowed();
 // if we come from inside a course and click on the 'My Agenda' link we show a link back to the course
 // in the breadcrumbs
 //remove this if cause it was showing in agenda general
@@ -87,12 +48,12 @@ if (!empty ($course_path)) {
 	$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).urlencode($course_path).'/index.php', 'name' => Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode']));
 // this loads the javascript that is needed for the date popup selection
-$htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script src=\"tbl_change.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>";
+//$htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script src=\"tbl_change.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>";
 // showing the header
-function display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames=array(), $monthName, $gradoo2)
+function display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames=array(), $monthName, $gradoo2) {
 	global $DaysShort,$course_path;
 	//Handle leap year
@@ -145,113 +106,99 @@ function display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames=ar
 	echo "</table>\n";
-function get_allagendaitems($grado, $month, $year)
-	global $_user;
-	global $_configuration;
+function get_agenda_items_by_course_list($course_list, $month, $year, $session_id = 0) {	
 	global $setting_agenda_link;
-	$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password');
-	if (!$link) {
-		    die('Error al conectar: ' . mysql_error());
-	}
-	$sql  = 'SELECT name FROM chamilo_main.class WHERE name = "'.$grado.'" ORDER BY name ASC';
-	$result = mysql_query($sql);
-	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
-	{	
-		$class_name = $row['name'];
+	//echo $sql  = 'SELECT name FROM chamilo_main.class WHERE name = "'.$grado.'" ORDER BY name ASC';
+	//$result = Database::query($sql);
+	//while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
+	$agendaitems = array ();	
+	$course_name_list = array();
+	foreach ($course_list as $course) {
+		$db_name		= $course['db_name'];
+		$code			= $course['code'];
+		$title			= $course['title'];
+		$course_name_list[] = $title;		
+		//$sql2  = 'SELECT code, db_name, title FROM chamilo_main.course WHERE category_code = "'.$course_name.'" ';
+//		$courses_dbs = Database::query($sql2);		
+		$items = array ();
+		// $courses_dbs = array();
+		// get agenda-items for every course
+		//while($row2 = Database::fetch_array($courses_dbs, 'ASSOC')) {
+		//$db_name 	= $row2['db_name'];
+		//$code 		= $row2['code'];
+		//$title 		= $row2['title'];
+		//echo "<center><h2>".$db_name."</h2></center>";		
-		echo "<center><h2>".$class_name."</h2></center>";		
-		$sql2  = 'SELECT code, db_name, title FROM chamilo_main.course WHERE category_code = "'.$class_name.'" ';
-		$courses_dbs = mysql_query($sql2);
-	$items = array ();
-	// $courses_dbs = array();
-	// get agenda-items for every course
-	while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($courses_dbs, MYSQL_ASSOC))
-	{
-		$db_name = $row2['db_name'];
-		$code = $row2['code'];
-		$title = $row2['title'];
-		//echo "<center><h2>".$db_name."</h2></center>";
-		//echo "<center><h2>".$code."aa</h2></center>";
 		//databases of the courses
-		$TABLEAGENDA = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $db_name);
+		$TABLEAGENDA 		= Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $db_name);
 		$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY, $db_name);
 		//$group_memberships = GroupManager :: get_group_ids($array_course_info["db"], $_user['user_id']);
 		// if the user is administrator of that course we show all the agenda items
+		$session_condition = '';
+		if ($session_id != 0) {
+			$session_id = intval($session_id);
+			$session_condition = "AND session_id = $session_id"; 
+		}
-			$sqlquery = "SELECT
-										DISTINCT agenda.*, item_property.*
-										FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
-											 ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
-										WHERE agenda.id = item_property.ref
-										AND MONTH(agenda.start_date)='".$month."'
-										AND YEAR(agenda.start_date)='".$year."'
-										AND item_property.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
-										AND item_property.visibility='1'
-										GROUP BY agenda.id
-										ORDER BY start_date ";
+		$sqlquery = "SELECT	DISTINCT agenda.*, item_property.*
+						FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
+							 ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
+						WHERE agenda.id = item_property.ref
+						AND MONTH(agenda.start_date)='".$month."'
+						AND YEAR(agenda.start_date)='".$year."'
+						AND item_property.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
+						AND item_property.visibility='1' $session_condition
+						GROUP BY agenda.id
+						ORDER BY start_date ";		
 		$result = Database::query($sqlquery, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-		while ($item = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
-			$agendaday = date("j",strtotime($item['start_date']));
+		while ($item = Database::fetch_array($result,'ASSOC')) {
+			//var_dump($item);
+			//taking the day
+			$agendaday = date("j",strtotime($item['start_date']));				
-			$time= date("H:i",strtotime($item['start_date']));
+			//taking the time
+			$time = date("H:i",strtotime($item['start_date']));
+			//var_dump($time );
 			$end_time= date("H:i",strtotime($item['end_date']));
 			$URL = api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."main/calendar/allagendas.php?cidReq=".urlencode($code)."&amp;sort=asc&amp;view=list&amp;day=$agendaday&amp;month=$month&amp;year=$year#$agendaday"; // RH  //Patrick Cool: to highlight the relevant agenda item
+			//var_dump($URL);
 			if ($setting_agenda_link == 'coursecode') {
 				$agenda_link = api_substr($title, 0, 14);
-			}
-			else {
+			} else {
 				$agenda_link = Display::return_icon('course_home.gif');
 			if(!isset($items[$agendaday][$item['start_date']])) {
 				$items[$agendaday][$item['start_date']] = '';
 			$items[$agendaday][$item['start_date']] .= "".get_lang('StartTimeWindow')."&nbsp;<i>".$time."</i>"."&nbsp;-&nbsp;".get_lang("EndTimeWindow")."&nbsp;<i>".$end_time."</i>&nbsp;";
 			$items[$agendaday][$item['start_date']] .= '<br />'."<b><a href=\"$URL\" title=\"".Security::remove_XSS($title)."\">".$agenda_link."</a> </b> ".Security::remove_XSS($item['title'])."<br /> ";
 			$items[$agendaday][$item['start_date']] .= '<br/>';
-	}
-	}
-	// sorting by hour for every day
-	$agendaitems = array ();
-	while (list ($agendaday, $tmpitems) = each($items)) {
-		if(!isset($agendaitems[$agendaday])) {
-			$agendaitems[$agendaday] = '';
-		}
-		sort($tmpitems);
-		while (list ($key, $val) = each($tmpitems)) {
-			$agendaitems[$agendaday] .= $val;
+		if (is_array($items) && count($items) > 0) {
+			while (list ($agendaday, $tmpitems) = each($items)) {
+				if(!isset($agendaitems[$agendaday])) {
+					$agendaitems[$agendaday] = '';
+				}
+				sort($tmpitems);
+				while (list ($key, $val) = each($tmpitems)) {
+					$agendaitems[$agendaday] .= $val;
+				}
+			}
-	//print_r($agendaitems);
+	echo "<h1>Courses:</h1> <h3>".implode(', ',$course_name_list)."</h3>";
 	return $agendaitems;
-/* ==============================================================================
-============================================================================== */
-// setting the database variables
-$TABLECOURS = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
-$TABLECOURSUSER = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER);
-$TABLEAGENDA = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA);
-$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
-$tbl_personal_agenda = Database :: get_user_personal_table(TABLE_PERSONAL_AGENDA);
 // the variables for the days and the months
 // Defining the shorts for the days
@@ -261,7 +208,7 @@ $DaysLong = api_get_week_days_long();
 // Defining the months of the year to allow translation of the months
 $MonthsLong = api_get_months_long();
 			1. The default values
 			2. storing it in the session
@@ -270,14 +217,10 @@ $MonthsLong = api_get_months_long();
 				3.b Week view
 				3.c day view
 				3.d personal view (only the personal agenda items)
-			4. add personal agenda
-			5. edit personal agenda
-			6. delete personal agenda
-  ============================================================================== */
 // 1. The default values. if there is no session yet, we have by default the month view
-if (empty($_SESSION['view']))
-	$_SESSION['view'] = "month";
+if (empty($_SESSION['view'])) {
+	$_SESSION['view'] = 'month';
 // 2. Storing it in the session. If we change the view by clicking on the links left, we change the session
 if (!empty($_GET['view'])) {
@@ -285,10 +228,8 @@ if (!empty($_GET['view'])) {
 // 3. The views: (month, week, day, personal)
-if ($_SESSION['view'])
-	switch ($_SESSION['view'])
-	{
+if ($_SESSION['view']) {
+	switch ($_SESSION['view'])	{
 		// 3.a Month view
 		case "month" :
 			$process = "month_view";
@@ -307,38 +248,50 @@ if ($_SESSION['view'])
-// 4. add personal agenda
-if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "add_personal_agenda_item" and !$_POST['Submit'])
-	$process = "add_personal_agenda_item";
-if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "add_personal_agenda_item" and $_POST['Submit'])
-	$process = "store_personal_agenda_item";
-// 5. edit personal agenda
-if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit_personal_agenda_item" and !$_POST['Submit'])
-	$process = "edit_personal_agenda_item";
-if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit_personal_agenda_item" and $_POST['Submit'])
-	$process = "store_personal_agenda_item";
-// 6. delete personal agenda
-if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "delete" AND $_GET['id'])
-	$process = "delete_personal_agenda_item";
+$my_course_id  = intval($_GET['course']);
+$my_session_id = intval($_GET['session']);
+$my_course_list = array();
+if(!empty($my_session_id)) {
+	$_SESSION['my_course_list'] = array();	
+	$my_course_list = array();
+} else {
+	///echo 'here';
+	$my_course_list = $_SESSION['my_course_list'];
+	//var_dump($_SESSION['my_course_list'], $my_course_list);
+	if (count($my_course_list) > 0) {
+		$my_course_list_keys = array_keys($my_course_list);
+		//var_dump($my_course_list, $my_course_list_keys);
+		if (!in_array($my_course_id, $my_course_list_keys)) {	
+			$course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($my_course_id);
+			$_SESSION['my_course_list'][$my_course_id] = $course_info;	
+			$my_course_list = $_SESSION['my_course_list'];
+			//echo $my_course_id.'added ';
+		}
+		if (isset($_GET['delete_course_option'])) {
+			$course_id_to_delete = intval($_GET['delete_course_option']);	
+			unset($_SESSION['my_course_list'][$course_id_to_delete]);	
+			$my_course_list = $_SESSION['my_course_list'];
+		}
+		//clean the array
+		$my_course_list = array_filter($my_course_list);
+	}
-/* ==============================================================================
-  						OUTPUT
-============================================================================== */
-if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
+/* 	OUTPUT	*/
+if (isset ($_user['user_id'])) {
 	// getting all the courses that this user is subscribed to
 	$courses_dbs = get_all_courses_of_user();
-	if (!is_array($courses_dbs)) // this is for the special case if the user has no courses (otherwise you get an error)
-	{
+	if (!is_array($courses_dbs)) {
+		// this is for the special case if the user has no courses (otherwise you get an error)
 		$courses_dbs = array ();
 	// setting and/or getting the year, month, day, week
@@ -365,62 +318,88 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
 	// The name of the current Month
 	$monthName = $MonthsLong[$month -1];
-	// Starting the output
+	if (api_is_platform_admin()) {
+		$courses  = array();
+		$sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_list();		
+	} elseif(api_is_drh()) {
+		$courses  = CourseManager::get_courses_followed_by_drh(api_get_user_id());
+		$sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_followed_by_drh(api_get_user_id());
+	}
-	echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
-	echo "<tr>";
+	echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
+	echo '<tr>';
 	// output: the small calendar item on the left and the view / add links
-	echo "<td width=\"220\" valign=\"top\">";
-		echo '<br />';
-		echo '<br />';
-		echo '<h1>Seleccione un grado</h1>';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=1">I SNIPE</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=2">II SNIPE</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=3">III SNIPE</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=4">IV SNIPE</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=5">V SNIPE</a><br />';
-		echo '<br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=6">II PAI</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=I">III PAI</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=II">IV PAI</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=III">V PAI</a><br />';
+	echo '<td width="220" valign="top">';
 		echo '<br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=IV">I BI</a><br />';
-		echo '<a href="?gradoo=V">II BI</a><br />';
-	echo "</td>";
-	$gradoo = $_GET['gradoo'];
+		if (count($courses) > 0) {
+			echo '<h1>'.get_lang('SelectACourse').'</h1>';
+			foreach ($courses as $row_course) {	
+				$course_code = $row_course['id'];
+				$title = $row_course['title'];
+				$my_course_list_keys = array_keys($my_course_list);
+				if (!in_array($course_code, $my_course_list_keys)) {
+					echo '<a href="allagendas.php?course='.$course_code.'">'.$title.'</a><br />';
+				} else {
+					echo ''.$title.' <a href="allagendas.php?delete_course_option='.$course_code.'">Delete</a><br />';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (count($sessions) > 0) {
+			echo '<h1>'.get_lang('SelectASession').'</h1>';
+			foreach ($sessions as $session) {			
+				$id = $session['id'];
+				$name = $session['name'];
+				echo '<a href="allagendas.php?session='.$id.'">'.$name.'</a><br />'; 
+			}
+		}
+	echo '</td>';
 	// the divider
 	// OlivierB : the image has a white background, which causes trouble if the portal has another background color. Image should be transparent. ----> echo "<td width=\"20\" background=\"../img/verticalruler.gif\">&nbsp;</td>";
 	echo "<td width=\"20\">&nbsp;</td>";
 	// the main area: day, week, month view
-	echo "<td valign=\"top\">";
-	switch ($process)
-	{
+	echo '<td valign="top">';
+	//@todo hardcoding option
+	$process = 'month_view';
+	switch ($process) {
 		case "month_view" :
-			$grado1 = $gradoo."A";
-			$grado2 = $gradoo."B";
-			$grado3 = $gradoo."C";
-			$agendaitems = get_allagendaitems($grado1, $month, $year);
-			$agendaitems = get_global_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
-			display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, array(), $monthName, $gradoo);
+			$session_id = 0;
+			//By courses
+			if (is_array($my_course_list) && count($my_course_list) > 0) {
+				$course_list = $my_course_list;				
+			} else {
+				//session
+				$course_list = SessionManager::get_course_list_by_session_id($my_session_id);
+				$session_id = $my_session_id;				
+				echo '<h1>'.$sessions[$session_id]['name'].'</h1>';					
+			}
+			if (is_array($course_list) && count($course_list) > 0) {
+				$agendaitems = get_agenda_items_by_course_list($course_list, $month, $year, $session_id);
+				//$agendaitems = get_global_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
+				display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, array(), $monthName, $gradoo);
+			} else {
+				Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('PleaseSelectACourseOrASessionInTheLeftColumn'));
+			}
-			$agendaitems = get_allagendaitems($grado2, $month, $year);
+/*			$agendaitems = get_allagendaitems($grado2, $month, $year);
 			$agendaitems = get_global_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
 			display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, array(), $monthName, $gradoo);
 			$agendaitems = get_allagendaitems($grado3, $month, $year);
 			$agendaitems = get_global_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
-			display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, array(), $monthName, $gradoo);
+			display_mymonthcalendar_2($agendaitems, $month, $year, array(), $monthName, $gradoo);			
+			/*
 		case "week_view" :
 			$agendaitems = get_week_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year, $week);
 			$agendaitems = get_global_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "week_view");
@@ -441,33 +420,7 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
 		case "personal_view" :
-			break;
-		case "add_personal_agenda_item" :
-			show_new_personal_item_form();
-			break;
-		case "store_personal_agenda_item" :
-			store_personal_item($_POST['frm_day'], $_POST['frm_month'], $_POST['frm_year'], $_POST['frm_hour'], $_POST['frm_minute'], $_POST['frm_title'], $_POST['frm_content'], (int)$_GET['id']);
-			if ($_GET['id'])
-			{
-				echo '<br />';
-				Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang("PeronalAgendaItemEdited"));
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				echo '<br />';
-				Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang("PeronalAgendaItemAdded"));
-			}
-			show_personal_agenda();
-			break;
-		case "edit_personal_agenda_item" :
-			show_new_personal_item_form((int)$_GET['id']);
-			break;
-		case "delete_personal_agenda_item" :
-			delete_personal_agenda((int)$_GET['id']);
-			echo '<br />';
-			Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang('PeronalAgendaItemDeleted'));
-			show_personal_agenda();
-			break;
+			break;*/
 echo "</td></tr></table>";

+ 25 - 1

@@ -1060,5 +1060,29 @@ class SessionManager {
 		return $assigned_sessions_to_hrm;
+	/**
+	 * Gets the list of courses by session
+	 * @param int session id
+	 * @return array list of courses  
+	 */
+	public static function get_course_list_by_session_id ($session_id) {
+		$tbl_course				= Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
+		$tbl_session_rel_course	= Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
+		// select the courses
+		$sql = "SELECT id, code, title,visual_code, nbr_users, db_name
+				FROM $tbl_course,$tbl_session_rel_course
+				WHERE course_code = code
+				AND	id_session='$session_id'
+				ORDER BY title";
+		$result 	= Database::query($sql);
+		$num_rows 	= Database::num_rows($result);
+		$courses = array();
+		if ($num_rows > 0) {
+			while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result,'ASSOC'))	{
+				$courses[$row['id']] = $row;
+			}
+		}
+		return $courses;
+	}