@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ if (isset($cidReset) && $cidReset) { // course session data refresh requested or
if ($cidReq) {
$course_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
$course_cat_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY);
- $sql = "SELECT course.*, course_category.code faCode, course_category.name faName
+ $sql = "SELECT course.*, course_category.code faCode, course_category.name faName
FROM $course_table
LEFT JOIN $course_cat_table
ON course.category_code = course_category.code
@@ -775,29 +775,34 @@ if (isset($cidReset) && $cidReset) { // course session data refresh requested or
if (Database::num_rows($result)>0) {
$cData = Database::fetch_array($result);
- $_cid = $cData['code' ];
+ //@TODO real_cid should be cid, for working with numeric course id
+ $_real_cid = $cData['id'];
+ $_cid = $cData['code'];
$_course = array();
- $_course['id' ] = $cData['code' ]; //auto-assigned integer
- $_course['name' ] = $cData['title' ];
- $_course['official_code'] = $cData['visual_code' ]; // use in echo
- $_course['sysCode' ] = $cData['code' ]; // use as key in db
- $_course['path' ] = $cData['directory' ]; // use as key in path
- $_course['dbName' ] = $cData['db_name' ]; // use as key in db list
- $_course['dbNameGlu' ] = $_configuration['table_prefix'] . $cData['db_name'] . $_configuration['db_glue']; // use in all queries
- $_course['titular' ] = $cData['tutor_name' ];
- $_course['language' ] = $cData['course_language' ];
- $_course['extLink' ]['url' ] = $cData['department_url' ];
- $_course['extLink' ]['name'] = $cData['department_name'];
- $_course['categoryCode'] = $cData['faCode' ];
- $_course['categoryName'] = $cData['faName' ];
- $_course['visibility' ] = $cData['visibility'];
- $_course['subscribe_allowed'] = $cData['subscribe'];
- $_course['unubscribe_allowed'] = $cData['unsubscribe'];
+ $_course['real_id'] = $cData['id'];
+ $_course['id'] = $cData['code']; //auto-assigned integer
+ $_course['name'] = $cData['title'];
+ $_course['official_code'] = $cData['visual_code']; // use in echo
+ $_course['sysCode'] = $cData['code']; // use as key in db
+ $_course['path'] = $cData['directory']; // use as key in path
+ $_course['dbName'] = $cData['db_name']; // use as key in db list
+ $_course['dbNameGlu'] = $_configuration['table_prefix'] . $cData['db_name'] . $_configuration['db_glue']; // use in all queries
+ $_course['titular'] = $cData['tutor_name'];
+ $_course['language'] = $cData['course_language'];
+ $_course['extLink']['url' ] = $cData['department_url'];
+ $_course['extLink']['name'] = $cData['department_name'];
+ $_course['categoryCode'] = $cData['faCode'];
+ $_course['categoryName'] = $cData['faName'];
+ $_course['visibility'] = $cData['visibility'];
+ $_course['subscribe_allowed'] = $cData['subscribe'];
+ $_course['unubscribe_allowed'] = $cData['unsubscribe'];
+ //@TODO real_cid should be cid, for working with numeric course id
+ api_session_register('_real_cid');
if ($_configuration['tracking_enabled'] && !isset($_SESSION['login_as'])) {
//We add a new record in the course tracking table
$course_tracking_table = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_COURSE_ACCESS);
@@ -832,6 +837,7 @@ if (isset($cidReset) && $cidReset) { // course session data refresh requested or
} else {
+ api_session_unregister('_real_cid');
} else { // continue with the previous values