@@ -325,18 +325,18 @@ $DeleteUsersNotInList = "Unsubscribe students which are not in the imported list
$IfSessionExistsUpdate = "If a session exists, update it";
$IfSessionExistsUpdate = "If a session exists, update it";
$CreatedByXYOnZ = "Create by <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> on %s";
$CreatedByXYOnZ = "Create by <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> on %s";
$LoginWithExternalAccount = "Login without an institutional account";
$LoginWithExternalAccount = "Login without an institutional account";
-$ImportAikenQuizExplanationExample = "This is the text for question 1
-A. Answer 1
-B. Answer 2
-C. Answer 3
-This is the text for question 2
-A. Answer 1
-B. Answer 2
-C. Answer 3
-D. Answer 4
+$ImportAikenQuizExplanationExample = "This is the text for question 1
+A. Answer 1
+B. Answer 2
+C. Answer 3
+This is the text for question 2
+A. Answer 1
+B. Answer 2
+C. Answer 3
+D. Answer 4
ANSWER_EXPLANATION: this is an optional feedback comment that will appear next to the correct answer.";
ANSWER_EXPLANATION: this is an optional feedback comment that will appear next to the correct answer.";
$ImportAikenQuizExplanation = "The Aiken format comes in a simple text (.txt) file, with several question blocks, each separated by a blank line. The first line is the question, the answer lines are prefixed by a letter and a dot, and the correct answer comes next with the ANSWER: prefix. See example below.";
$ImportAikenQuizExplanation = "The Aiken format comes in a simple text (.txt) file, with several question blocks, each separated by a blank line. The first line is the question, the answer lines are prefixed by a letter and a dot, and the correct answer comes next with the ANSWER: prefix. See example below.";
$ExerciseAikenErrorNoAnswerOptionGiven = "The imported file has at least one question without any answer (or the answers do not include the required prefix letter). Please make sure each question has at least one answer and that it is prefixed by a letter and a dot or a parenthesis, like this: A. answer one";
$ExerciseAikenErrorNoAnswerOptionGiven = "The imported file has at least one question without any answer (or the answers do not include the required prefix letter). Please make sure each question has at least one answer and that it is prefixed by a letter and a dot or a parenthesis, like this: A. answer one";
@@ -425,18 +425,18 @@ $VersionUpToDate = "Your version is up-to-date";
$LatestVersionIs = "The latest version is";
$LatestVersionIs = "The latest version is";
$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
$Hotpotatoes = "Hotpotatoes";
$Hotpotatoes = "Hotpotatoes";
-$ZeroMeansNoQuestionWillBeSelectedMinusOneMeansThatAllQuestionsWillBeSelected = "-1 = All questions will be selected.
+$ZeroMeansNoQuestionWillBeSelectedMinusOneMeansThatAllQuestionsWillBeSelected = "-1 = All questions will be selected.
0 = No questions will be selected.";
0 = No questions will be selected.";
-$EmailNotificationTemplateDescription = "You can customize the email sent to users when they finished the exercise. You can use tags like these:
-1. {{ student.username }}
-2. {{ student.firstname }}
-3. {{ student.lastname }}
-4. {{ student.official_code }}
-5. {{ exercise.title }}
-6. {{ exercise.start_time }}
-7. {{ exercise.end_time }}
-8. {{ course.title }}
+$EmailNotificationTemplateDescription = "You can customize the email sent to users when they finished the exercise. You can use tags like these:
+1. {{ student.username }}
+2. {{ student.firstname }}
+3. {{ student.lastname }}
+4. {{ student.official_code }}
+5. {{ exercise.title }}
+6. {{ exercise.start_time }}
+7. {{ exercise.end_time }}
+8. {{ course.title }}
9. {{ course.code }}";
9. {{ course.code }}";
$EmailNotificationTemplate = "E-mail notification template";
$EmailNotificationTemplate = "E-mail notification template";
$ExerciseEndButtonDisconnect = "Logout";
$ExerciseEndButtonDisconnect = "Logout";
@@ -844,10 +844,10 @@ $AllowVisitors = "Allow visitors";
$EnableIframeInclusionComment = "Allowing arbitrary iframes in the HTML Editor will enhance the edition capabilities of the users, but it can represent a security risk. Please make sure you can rely on your users (i.e. you know who they are) before enabling this feature.";
$EnableIframeInclusionComment = "Allowing arbitrary iframes in the HTML Editor will enhance the edition capabilities of the users, but it can represent a security risk. Please make sure you can rely on your users (i.e. you know who they are) before enabling this feature.";
$AddedToLPCannotBeAccessed = "This exercise has been included in a learning path, so it cannot be accessed by students directly from here. If you want to put the same exercise available through the exercises tool, please make a copy of the current exercise using the copy icon.";
$AddedToLPCannotBeAccessed = "This exercise has been included in a learning path, so it cannot be accessed by students directly from here. If you want to put the same exercise available through the exercises tool, please make a copy of the current exercise using the copy icon.";
$EnableIframeInclusionTitle = "Allow iframes in HTML Editor";
$EnableIframeInclusionTitle = "Allow iframes in HTML Editor";
-$MailTemplateRegistrationMessage = "Dear ((firstname)) ((lastname)),\n\nYou are registered on
-((sitename)) with the following settings:\n\nUsername :
-((username))\nPass : ((password))\n\nThe address of ((sitename)) is :
-((url))\n\nIn case of trouble, contact us.\n\nYours sincerely
+$MailTemplateRegistrationMessage = "Dear ((firstname)) ((lastname)),\n\nYou are registered on
+((sitename)) with the following settings:\n\nUsername :
+((username))\nPass : ((password))\n\nThe address of ((sitename)) is :
+((url))\n\nIn case of trouble, contact us.\n\nYours sincerely
\n((admin_name)) ((admin_surname)).";
\n((admin_name)) ((admin_surname)).";
$Explanation = "Once you click on \"Create a course\", a course is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as teacher provides you with editing privileges for this course.";
$Explanation = "Once you click on \"Create a course\", a course is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as teacher provides you with editing privileges for this course.";
$CodeTaken = "This course code is already in use.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.";
$CodeTaken = "This course code is already in use.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.";
@@ -2640,16 +2640,16 @@ $NoPosts = "No posts";
$WithoutAchievedSkills = "Without achieved skills";
$WithoutAchievedSkills = "Without achieved skills";
$TypeMessage = "Please type your message!";
$TypeMessage = "Please type your message!";
$ConfirmReset = "Do you really want to delete all messages?";
$ConfirmReset = "Do you really want to delete all messages?";
-$MailCronCourseExpirationReminderBody = "Dear %s,
-It has come to our attention that you have not completed the course %s although its expiration date had been set on %s, remaining %s days to finish it.
-We remind you that you have only the possibility to follow this course once a year, that is why we invite you insistently to complete your course on time.
-You can return to the course connecting to the platform through this address: %s
-Best Regards,
+$MailCronCourseExpirationReminderBody = "Dear %s,
+It has come to our attention that you have not completed the course %s although its expiration date had been set on %s, remaining %s days to finish it.
+We remind you that you have only the possibility to follow this course once a year, that is why we invite you insistently to complete your course on time.
+You can return to the course connecting to the platform through this address: %s
+Best Regards,
%s Team";
%s Team";
$MailCronCourseExpirationReminderSubject = "Urgent: %s course expiration reminder";
$MailCronCourseExpirationReminderSubject = "Urgent: %s course expiration reminder";
$ExerciseAndLearningPath = "Exercise and learning path";
$ExerciseAndLearningPath = "Exercise and learning path";
@@ -5777,8 +5777,8 @@ $CheckThatYouHaveEnoughQuestionsInYourCategories = "Make sure you have enough qu
$PortalCoursesLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has a courses limit, which has now been reached. To increase the number of courses allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
$PortalCoursesLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has a courses limit, which has now been reached. To increase the number of courses allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
$PortalTeachersLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has a teachers limit, which has now been reached. To increase the number of teachers allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
$PortalTeachersLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has a teachers limit, which has now been reached. To increase the number of teachers allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
$PortalUsersLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has a users limit, which has now been reached. To increase the number of users allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
$PortalUsersLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has a users limit, which has now been reached. To increase the number of users allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
-$GenerateSurveyAccessLinkExplanation = "By copying the link below and pasting it in an e-mail or on a website, you will allow any anonymous person to enter and answer this survey.
-You can test this feature by clicking the link above and answering the survey.
+$GenerateSurveyAccessLinkExplanation = "By copying the link below and pasting it in an e-mail or on a website, you will allow any anonymous person to enter and answer this survey.
+You can test this feature by clicking the link above and answering the survey.
This is particularly useful if you want to allow anyone on a forum to answer you survey and you don't know their e-mail addresses.";
This is particularly useful if you want to allow anyone on a forum to answer you survey and you don't know their e-mail addresses.";
$LinkOpenSelf = "Open self";
$LinkOpenSelf = "Open self";
$LinkOpenBlank = "Open blank";
$LinkOpenBlank = "Open blank";
@@ -5831,8 +5831,8 @@ $Item = "Item";
$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configure Dashboard Plugin";
$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configure Dashboard Plugin";
$EditBlocks = "Edit blocks";
$EditBlocks = "Edit blocks";
$Never = "Never";
$Never = "Never";
-$YourAccountIsActiveYouCanLoginAndCheckYourCourses = "Dear user,
+$YourAccountIsActiveYouCanLoginAndCheckYourCourses = "Dear user,
Your account has now been activated on the platform. Please login and enjoy your courses.";
Your account has now been activated on the platform. Please login and enjoy your courses.";
$SessionFields = "Session fields";
$SessionFields = "Session fields";
$CopyLabelSuffix = "Copy";
$CopyLabelSuffix = "Copy";
@@ -5894,7 +5894,7 @@ $CourseSettingsRegisterDirectLink = "If your course is public or open, you can u
$DirectLink = "Direct link";
$DirectLink = "Direct link";
$here = "here";
$here = "here";
$GoAheadAndBrowseOurCourseCatalogXOnceRegisteredYouWillSeeTheCourseHereX = "<p>Go ahead and browse our course catalog %s to register to any course you like. Once registered, you will see the course appear right %s, instead of this message.</p>";
$GoAheadAndBrowseOurCourseCatalogXOnceRegisteredYouWillSeeTheCourseHereX = "<p>Go ahead and browse our course catalog %s to register to any course you like. Once registered, you will see the course appear right %s, instead of this message.</p>";
-$HelloXAsYouCanSeeYourCourseListIsEmpty = "<p>Hello <strong>%s</strong> and welcome,</p>
+$HelloXAsYouCanSeeYourCourseListIsEmpty = "<p>Hello <strong>%s</strong> and welcome,</p>
<p>As you can see, your courses list is still empty. That's because you are not registered to any course yet! </p>";
<p>As you can see, your courses list is still empty. That's because you are not registered to any course yet! </p>";
$UnsubscribeUsersAlreadyAddedInCourse = "Unsubscribe users already added";
$UnsubscribeUsersAlreadyAddedInCourse = "Unsubscribe users already added";
$ImportUsers = "Import users";
$ImportUsers = "Import users";
@@ -6156,7 +6156,7 @@ $AverageScore = "Average score";
$LastConnexionDate = "Last connexion date";
$LastConnexionDate = "Last connexion date";
$ToolVideoconference = "Videoconference";
$ToolVideoconference = "Videoconference";
$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "BigBlueButton videoconference tool";
$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "BigBlueButton videoconference tool";
-$BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton videoconference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. Learners will not be able to launch a conference, only join one. If you don't have a BigBlueButton server, please <a href=\"http://bigbluebutton.org/\" target=\"_blank\">set one up</a> or ask the <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/en/providers\" target=\"_blank\">Chamilo official providers</a> for a quote.
+$BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton videoconference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. Learners will not be able to launch a conference, only join one. If you don't have a BigBlueButton server, please <a href=\"http://bigbluebutton.org/\" target=\"_blank\">set one up</a> or ask the <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/en/providers\" target=\"_blank\">Chamilo official providers</a> for a quote.
BigBlueButton is a free (as in freedom *and* beer), but its installation requires a set of technical skills that might not be immediately available to all. You can install it on your own or seek professional help to assist you or do it for you. This help, however, will generate a certain cost. In the pure logic of the free software, we offer you the tools to make your work easier and recommend professionals (the Chamilo Official Providers) that will be able to help you if this were too difficult.";
BigBlueButton is a free (as in freedom *and* beer), but its installation requires a set of technical skills that might not be immediately available to all. You can install it on your own or seek professional help to assist you or do it for you. This help, however, will generate a certain cost. In the pure logic of the free software, we offer you the tools to make your work easier and recommend professionals (the Chamilo Official Providers) that will be able to help you if this were too difficult.";
$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "BigBlueButton server host";
$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "BigBlueButton server host";
$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "This is the name of the server where your BigBlueButton server is running. Might be <i>localhost</i>, an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. my.video.com).";
$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "This is the name of the server where your BigBlueButton server is running. Might be <i>localhost</i>, an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. my.video.com).";
@@ -6167,14 +6167,14 @@ $OnlyAccessFromYourGroup = "Only accessible from your group";
$CreateAssignmentPage = "This will create a special wiki page in which the teacher can describe the task and which will be automatically linked to the wiki pages where learners perform the task. Both the teacher's and the learners' pages are created automatically. In these tasks, learners can only edit and view theirs pages, but this can be changed easily if you need to.";
$CreateAssignmentPage = "This will create a special wiki page in which the teacher can describe the task and which will be automatically linked to the wiki pages where learners perform the task. Both the teacher's and the learners' pages are created automatically. In these tasks, learners can only edit and view theirs pages, but this can be changed easily if you need to.";
$UserFolders = "Folders of users";
$UserFolders = "Folders of users";
$UserFolder = "User folder";
$UserFolder = "User folder";
-$HelpUsersFolder = "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY:\nThe users folder contains a folder for each user who has accessed it through the documents tool, or when any file has been sent in the course through the online editor. If neither circumstances has occurred, then no user folder will have been created. In the case of groups, files that are sent through the editor will be added in the folder of each group, which is only accessible by students from this group.
-<br /><br />
-The users folder and each of the included folders will be hidden by default in for all students, but each student can see the contents of his/her directory through the online editor. However, if a student knows the address of a file or folder of another student, he may be able to access it.
-<br /><br />
-If the folder of a student is visible, other students can see what it contains. In this case, the student that owns the folder can also (from the documents tool and only in his/her folder): create and edit web documents, convert a document into a template for personal use, create and edit drawings in SVG and PNG formats, record audio files in WAV format, make audio files in MP3 from a text, make snapshops from a webcam, send documents, create folders, move folders and files, delete folders and files, and download backup of his/her folder.
-<br /><br />
-Moreover, the documents tool is synchronized with the file manager of the online editor, so changes in the documents triggered in any one of these will affect both.
-<br /><br />
+$HelpUsersFolder = "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY:\nThe users folder contains a folder for each user who has accessed it through the documents tool, or when any file has been sent in the course through the online editor. If neither circumstances has occurred, then no user folder will have been created. In the case of groups, files that are sent through the editor will be added in the folder of each group, which is only accessible by students from this group.
+<br /><br />
+The users folder and each of the included folders will be hidden by default in for all students, but each student can see the contents of his/her directory through the online editor. However, if a student knows the address of a file or folder of another student, he may be able to access it.
+<br /><br />
+If the folder of a student is visible, other students can see what it contains. In this case, the student that owns the folder can also (from the documents tool and only in his/her folder): create and edit web documents, convert a document into a template for personal use, create and edit drawings in SVG and PNG formats, record audio files in WAV format, make audio files in MP3 from a text, make snapshops from a webcam, send documents, create folders, move folders and files, delete folders and files, and download backup of his/her folder.
+<br /><br />
+Moreover, the documents tool is synchronized with the file manager of the online editor, so changes in the documents triggered in any one of these will affect both.
+<br /><br />
As such, the user folder is not only a place to deposit files, it becomes a complete manager of the documents students use during the course. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not he is the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available to him/her for use in other courses.";
As such, the user folder is not only a place to deposit files, it becomes a complete manager of the documents students use during the course. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not he is the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available to him/her for use in other courses.";
$HelpFolderChat = "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY:\nThis folder contains all sessions that have been opened in the chat. Although the chat sessions can often be trivial, others can be really interesting and worthy of being incorporated as an additional work document. To do this without changing the visibility of this folder, make the file visible and link it from where you deem appropriate. It is not recommended to make this folder visible to all.";
$HelpFolderChat = "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY:\nThis folder contains all sessions that have been opened in the chat. Although the chat sessions can often be trivial, others can be really interesting and worthy of being incorporated as an additional work document. To do this without changing the visibility of this folder, make the file visible and link it from where you deem appropriate. It is not recommended to make this folder visible to all.";
$HelpFolderCertificates = "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY:\nThis folder contains the various certificates templates that have been created for the rating tool. It is not recommended to make this folder visible to all.";
$HelpFolderCertificates = "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY:\nThis folder contains the various certificates templates that have been created for the rating tool. It is not recommended to make this folder visible to all.";
@@ -6223,8 +6223,8 @@ $Pediaphon = "Use Pediaphon audio services";
$HelpPediaphon = "Supports text with several thousands characters, in various types of male and female voices (depending on the language). Audio files will be generated and automatically saved to the Chamilo directory in which you are.";
$HelpPediaphon = "Supports text with several thousands characters, in various types of male and female voices (depending on the language). Audio files will be generated and automatically saved to the Chamilo directory in which you are.";
$FirstSelectALanguage = "Please select a language";
$FirstSelectALanguage = "Please select a language";
$MoveUserStats = "Move users results from/to a session";
$MoveUserStats = "Move users results from/to a session";
-$CompareUserResultsBetweenCoursesAndCoursesInASession = "This advanced tool allows you to manually improve the tracking of users results when moving from courses methodology to sessions methodology. In most cases, you won't need to use it.<br />
-On this screen, you can compare results of users between the context of a standalone course, and the context of the same course inside a session.<br />
+$CompareUserResultsBetweenCoursesAndCoursesInASession = "This advanced tool allows you to manually improve the tracking of users results when moving from courses methodology to sessions methodology. In most cases, you won't need to use it.<br />
+On this screen, you can compare results of users between the context of a standalone course, and the context of the same course inside a session.<br />
Once you are sure about what to do, you can choose to move the tracking data of the students (exercises results and learning paths tracking) from a course to a session.";
Once you are sure about what to do, you can choose to move the tracking data of the students (exercises results and learning paths tracking) from a course to a session.";
$PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle = "Enable watermark in PDF export";
$PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle = "Enable watermark in PDF export";
$PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment = "By enabling this option, you can upload an image or a text that will be automatically added as watermark to all PDF exports of documents on the system.";
$PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment = "By enabling this option, you can upload an image or a text that will be automatically added as watermark to all PDF exports of documents on the system.";
@@ -6656,7 +6656,7 @@ $DisableEndDate = "Disable end date";
$ForumCategories = "Forum Categories";
$ForumCategories = "Forum Categories";
$Copy = "Copy";
$Copy = "Copy";
$ArchiveDirCleanup = "Cleanup of cache and temporary files";
$ArchiveDirCleanup = "Cleanup of cache and temporary files";
-$ArchiveDirCleanupDescr = "Chamilo keeps a copy of most of the temporary files it generates (for backups, exports, copies, etc) into its app/cache/ directory. After a while, this can add up to a very large amount of disk space being used for nothing. Click the button below to clean your archive directory up. This operation should be automated by a cron process, but if this is not possible, you can come to this page regularly to remove all temporary files from the directory.
+$ArchiveDirCleanupDescr = "Chamilo keeps a copy of most of the temporary files it generates (for backups, exports, copies, etc) into its app/cache/ directory. After a while, this can add up to a very large amount of disk space being used for nothing. Click the button below to clean your archive directory up. This operation should be automated by a cron process, but if this is not possible, you can come to this page regularly to remove all temporary files from the directory.
This feature also cleans up the theme cache files.";
This feature also cleans up the theme cache files.";
$ArchiveDirCleanupProceedButton = "Proceed with cleanup";
$ArchiveDirCleanupProceedButton = "Proceed with cleanup";
$ArchiveDirCleanupSucceeded = "The app/cache/ directory cleanup has been executed successfully.";
$ArchiveDirCleanupSucceeded = "The app/cache/ directory cleanup has been executed successfully.";
@@ -7005,45 +7005,45 @@ $ResourceLockedByGradebook = "This option is not available because this activity
$GradebookLockedAlert = "This assessment has been locked. You cannot unlock it. If you really need to unlock it, please contact the platform administrator, explaining the reason why you would need to do that (it might otherwise be considered as fraud attempt).";
$GradebookLockedAlert = "This assessment has been locked. You cannot unlock it. If you really need to unlock it, please contact the platform administrator, explaining the reason why you would need to do that (it might otherwise be considered as fraud attempt).";
$GradebookEnableLockingTitle = "Enable locking of assessments by teachers";
$GradebookEnableLockingTitle = "Enable locking of assessments by teachers";
$GradebookEnableLockingComment = "Once enabled, this option will enable locking of any assessment by the teachers of the corresponding course. This, in turn, will prevent any modification of results by the teacher inside the resources used in the assessment: exams, learning paths, tasks, etc. The only role authorized to unlock a locked assessment is the administrator. The teacher will be informed of this possibility. The locking and unlocking of gradebooks will be registered in the system's report of important activities";
$GradebookEnableLockingComment = "Once enabled, this option will enable locking of any assessment by the teachers of the corresponding course. This, in turn, will prevent any modification of results by the teacher inside the resources used in the assessment: exams, learning paths, tasks, etc. The only role authorized to unlock a locked assessment is the administrator. The teacher will be informed of this possibility. The locking and unlocking of gradebooks will be registered in the system's report of important activities";
-$LdapDescriptionComment = " <div class=\"alert alert-info\">
- <ul>
- <li>LDAP authentication : <br>
- See I. below to configure LDAP <br>
- See II. below to activate LDAP authentication
- </li>
- <li>Update user attributes, with LDAP data, after CAS authentication(see <a href=\"settings.php?category=CAS\">CAS configuration </a>) : <br>
- See I. below to configure LDAP <br>
- CAS manage user authentication, LDAP activation isn't required.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <h4>I. LDAP configuration</h4>
- <h5>Edit file app/config/auth.conf.php </h5>
- <p>-> Edit values of array <code>\$extldap_config</code></p>
- <ul>
- <li>base domain string (ex : 'base_dn' => 'DC=cblue,DC=be')</li>
- <li>admin distinguished name (ex : 'admin_dn' =>'CN=admin,dc=cblue,dc=be')</li>
- <li>admin password (ex : 'admin_password' => '123456') </li>
- <li>ldap host (ex : 'host' => array('', '', ''))</li>
- <li>filter (ex : 'filter' => '') </li>
- <li>port (ex : 'port' => 389) </li>
- <li>protocol version (2 or 3) (ex : 'protocol_version' => 3)</li>
- <li>user_search (ex : 'user_search' => 'sAMAccountName=%username%') </li>
- <li>encoding (ex : 'encoding' => 'UTF-8')</li>
- <li>update_userinfo (ex : 'update_userinfo' => true) </li>
- </ul>
- <p>-> To update correspondences between user and LDAP attributes, edit array <code>\$extldap_user_correspondance</code></p>
- <p>Array values are <chamilo_field> => >ldap_field></p><p>
- </p>
- <h4>II. Activate LDAP authentication </h4>
- <h5>Edit file app/config/configuration.php </h5>
- <p>-> Uncomment lines:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- \$extAuthSource[\"extldap\"][\"login\"] = \$_configuration['root_sys'].\"main/auth/external_login/login.ldap.php\";</li>
- <li>\$extAuthSource[\"extldap\"][\"newUser\"] = \$_configuration['root_sys'].\"main/auth/external_login/newUser.ldap.php\";</li>
- </ul>
- <p>N.B.: LDAP users use same fields than platform users to login. <br>
+$LdapDescriptionComment = " <div class=\"alert alert-info\">
+ <ul>
+ <li>LDAP authentication : <br>
+ See I. below to configure LDAP <br>
+ See II. below to activate LDAP authentication
+ </li>
+ <li>Update user attributes, with LDAP data, after CAS authentication(see <a href=\"settings.php?category=CAS\">CAS configuration </a>) : <br>
+ See I. below to configure LDAP <br>
+ CAS manage user authentication, LDAP activation isn't required.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <h4>I. LDAP configuration</h4>
+ <h5>Edit file app/config/auth.conf.php </h5>
+ <p>-> Edit values of array <code>\$extldap_config</code></p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>base domain string (ex : 'base_dn' => 'DC=cblue,DC=be')</li>
+ <li>admin distinguished name (ex : 'admin_dn' =>'CN=admin,dc=cblue,dc=be')</li>
+ <li>admin password (ex : 'admin_password' => '123456') </li>
+ <li>ldap host (ex : 'host' => array('', '', ''))</li>
+ <li>filter (ex : 'filter' => '') </li>
+ <li>port (ex : 'port' => 389) </li>
+ <li>protocol version (2 or 3) (ex : 'protocol_version' => 3)</li>
+ <li>user_search (ex : 'user_search' => 'sAMAccountName=%username%') </li>
+ <li>encoding (ex : 'encoding' => 'UTF-8')</li>
+ <li>update_userinfo (ex : 'update_userinfo' => true) </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>-> To update correspondences between user and LDAP attributes, edit array <code>\$extldap_user_correspondance</code></p>
+ <p>Array values are <chamilo_field> => >ldap_field></p><p>
+ </p>
+ <h4>II. Activate LDAP authentication </h4>
+ <h5>Edit file app/config/configuration.php </h5>
+ <p>-> Uncomment lines:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ \$extAuthSource[\"extldap\"][\"login\"] = \$_configuration['root_sys'].\"main/auth/external_login/login.ldap.php\";</li>
+ <li>\$extAuthSource[\"extldap\"][\"newUser\"] = \$_configuration['root_sys'].\"main/auth/external_login/newUser.ldap.php\";</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>N.B.: LDAP users use same fields than platform users to login. <br>
N.B.: LDAP activation adds a menu External authentication [LDAP] in \"add or modify\" user pages.</p>";
N.B.: LDAP activation adds a menu External authentication [LDAP] in \"add or modify\" user pages.</p>";
$ShibbolethMainActivateTitle = "<h3>Shibboleth authentication</h3>";
$ShibbolethMainActivateTitle = "<h3>Shibboleth authentication</h3>";
$ShibbolethMainActivateComment = "<p>First of all, you have to configure Shibboleth for your web server.</p>To configure it for Chamilo<h5>edit file main/auth/shibboleth/config/aai.class.php</h5><p>Modify object $result values with the name of your Shibboleth attributes</p><ul><li>$result->unique_id = 'mail';</li><li>$result->firstname = 'cn';</li><li>$result->lastname = 'uid';</li><li>$result->email = 'mail';</li><li>$result->language = '-';</li><li>$result->gender = '-';</li><li>$result->address = '-';</li><li>$result->staff_category = '-';</li><li>$result->home_organization_type = '-'; </li><li>$result->home_organization = '-';</li><li>$result->affiliation = '-';</li><li>$result->persistent_id = '-';</li><li>...</li></ul><br/>Go to <a href='settings.php?category=Shibboleth'>Plugin</a> to add a configurable 'Shibboleth Login' button for your Chamilo campus.";
$ShibbolethMainActivateComment = "<p>First of all, you have to configure Shibboleth for your web server.</p>To configure it for Chamilo<h5>edit file main/auth/shibboleth/config/aai.class.php</h5><p>Modify object $result values with the name of your Shibboleth attributes</p><ul><li>$result->unique_id = 'mail';</li><li>$result->firstname = 'cn';</li><li>$result->lastname = 'uid';</li><li>$result->email = 'mail';</li><li>$result->language = '-';</li><li>$result->gender = '-';</li><li>$result->address = '-';</li><li>$result->staff_category = '-';</li><li>$result->home_organization_type = '-'; </li><li>$result->home_organization = '-';</li><li>$result->affiliation = '-';</li><li>$result->persistent_id = '-';</li><li>...</li></ul><br/>Go to <a href='settings.php?category=Shibboleth'>Plugin</a> to add a configurable 'Shibboleth Login' button for your Chamilo campus.";
@@ -7474,7 +7474,7 @@ $AreYouSureToSubscribe = "Are you sure to subscribe?";
$CheckYourEmailAndFollowInstructions = "Check your e-mail and follow the instructions.";
$CheckYourEmailAndFollowInstructions = "Check your e-mail and follow the instructions.";
$LinkExpired = "Link expired, please try again.";
$LinkExpired = "Link expired, please try again.";
$ResetPasswordInstructions = "Instructions for the password change procedure";
$ResetPasswordInstructions = "Instructions for the password change procedure";
-$ResetPasswordCommentWithUrl = "You are receiving this message because you (or someone pretending to be you) have requested a new password to be generated for you.<br/>
+$ResetPasswordCommentWithUrl = "You are receiving this message because you (or someone pretending to be you) have requested a new password to be generated for you.<br/>
To set a the new password you need to activate it. To do this, please click this link:<br/>%s<br/>If you did not request this procedure, then please ignore this message. If you keep receiving it, please contact the portal administrator.";
To set a the new password you need to activate it. To do this, please click this link:<br/>%s<br/>If you did not request this procedure, then please ignore this message. If you keep receiving it, please contact the portal administrator.";
$CronRemindCourseExpirationActivateTitle = "Remind Course Expiration cron";
$CronRemindCourseExpirationActivateTitle = "Remind Course Expiration cron";
$CronRemindCourseExpirationActivateComment = "Enable the Remind Course Expiration cron";
$CronRemindCourseExpirationActivateComment = "Enable the Remind Course Expiration cron";
@@ -7483,8 +7483,8 @@ $CronRemindCourseExpirationFrequencyComment = "Number of days before the expirat
$CronCourseFinishedActivateText = "Course Finished cron";
$CronCourseFinishedActivateText = "Course Finished cron";
$CronCourseFinishedActivateComment = "Activate the Course Finished cron";
$CronCourseFinishedActivateComment = "Activate the Course Finished cron";
$MailCronCourseFinishedSubject = "End of course %s";
$MailCronCourseFinishedSubject = "End of course %s";
-$MailCronCourseFinishedBody = "Dear %s,<br/>Thank you for your participation to course %s. We hope you've acquired new relevant knowledge and enjoyed the course.<br/>
-You can check your performance in the course through the My Progress section.<br/>Best regards,<br/>
+$MailCronCourseFinishedBody = "Dear %s,<br/>Thank you for your participation to course %s. We hope you've acquired new relevant knowledge and enjoyed the course.<br/>
+You can check your performance in the course through the My Progress section.<br/>Best regards,<br/>
%s Team";
%s Team";
$GenerateDefaultContent = "Generate default content";
$GenerateDefaultContent = "Generate default content";
$ThanksForYourSubscription = "Thanks for your subscription";
$ThanksForYourSubscription = "Thanks for your subscription";
@@ -7856,7 +7856,7 @@ $EditCourseCategoryToURL = "Edit course categories for one URL";
$VisibleToSelf = "Visible to self";
$VisibleToSelf = "Visible to self";
$VisibleToOthers = "Visible to others";
$VisibleToOthers = "Visible to others";
$UpgradeVersion = "Upgrade Chamilo LMS version";
$UpgradeVersion = "Upgrade Chamilo LMS version";
-$CRSTablesIntro = "The install script has detected tables left over from previous versions that could cause problems during the upgrade process.
+$CRSTablesIntro = "The install script has detected tables left over from previous versions that could cause problems during the upgrade process.
Please click on the button below to delete them. We heavily recommend you do a full backup of them before confirming this last install step.";
Please click on the button below to delete them. We heavily recommend you do a full backup of them before confirming this last install step.";
$Removing = "Removing";
$Removing = "Removing";
$CheckForCRSTables = "Check for tables from previous versions";
$CheckForCRSTables = "Check for tables from previous versions";
@@ -7867,7 +7867,7 @@ $TooManyRepetitions = "Too many repetitions";
$YourPasswordContainsSequences = "Your password contains sequences";
$YourPasswordContainsSequences = "Your password contains sequences";
$PasswordVeryWeak = "Very weak";
$PasswordVeryWeak = "Very weak";
$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBoss = "You have been assigned the learner %s";
$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBoss = "You have been assigned the learner %s";
-$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBossWithUrlX = "You have been assigned as tutor for the learner %s.<br/>
+$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBossWithUrlX = "You have been assigned as tutor for the learner %s.<br/>
You can access his profile here: %s";
You can access his profile here: %s";
$ShortName = "Short name";
$ShortName = "Short name";
$Portal = "Portal";
$Portal = "Portal";
@@ -7937,8 +7937,8 @@ $InstallMultiURLDetectedNotMainURL = "You are currently using the multi-URL feat
$OnlyXQuestionsPickedRandomly = "Only %s questions will be picked randomly following the quiz configuration.";
$OnlyXQuestionsPickedRandomly = "Only %s questions will be picked randomly following the quiz configuration.";
$AllowDownloadDocumentsByApiKeyTitle = "Allow download course documents by API Key";
$AllowDownloadDocumentsByApiKeyTitle = "Allow download course documents by API Key";
$AllowDownloadDocumentsByApiKeyComment = "Download documents verifying the REST API key for a user";
$AllowDownloadDocumentsByApiKeyComment = "Download documents verifying the REST API key for a user";
-$UploadCorrectionsExplanationWithDownloadLinkX = "First you have to download the corrections <a href='%s'> here </a>.
-After that you have to unzip that file and edit the files as you wanted without changing the file names.
+$UploadCorrectionsExplanationWithDownloadLinkX = "First you have to download the corrections <a href='%s'> here </a>.
+After that you have to unzip that file and edit the files as you wanted without changing the file names.
Then create a zip file with those modified files and upload it in this form.";
Then create a zip file with those modified files and upload it in this form.";
$PostsPendingModeration = "Posts pending moderation";
$PostsPendingModeration = "Posts pending moderation";
$OnlyUsersFromCourseSession = "Only users from one course in a session";
$OnlyUsersFromCourseSession = "Only users from one course in a session";
@@ -8005,12 +8005,12 @@ $SpecificDate = "Specific dispatch date";
$BaseDate = "Dispatch based on the session's start/end dates";
$BaseDate = "Dispatch based on the session's start/end dates";
$AfterOrBefore = "After or before";
$AfterOrBefore = "After or before";
$Before = "Before";
$Before = "Before";
-$ScheduleAnnouncementDescription = "This form allows scheduling announcements to be sent automatically to the students who are taking a course in a session.
-There are two types of announcements that can be sent:
-Specific date: In this case a specific day is selected to make the announcement.
+$ScheduleAnnouncementDescription = "This form allows scheduling announcements to be sent automatically to the students who are taking a course in a session.
+There are two types of announcements that can be sent:
+Specific date: In this case a specific day is selected to make the announcement.
Based on the start / end date of the session: in this case the number of days to pass before sending the announcement must be indicated. And those days can be associated to before or after the start / end date. For example: 3 days after the start date.";
Based on the start / end date of the session: in this case the number of days to pass before sending the announcement must be indicated. And those days can be associated to before or after the start / end date. For example: 3 days after the start date.";
$MandatorySurveyNoAnswered = "A mandatory survey is waiting your answer. To enter the course, you must first complete the survey.";
$MandatorySurveyNoAnswered = "A mandatory survey is waiting your answer. To enter the course, you must first complete the survey.";
$ShowPreviousButton = "Show previous button";
$ShowPreviousButton = "Show previous button";
@@ -8031,18 +8031,18 @@ $AddHrmToUser = "Add Human Resources Manager to user";
$HrmAssignedUsersCourseList = "Human Resources Manager assigned users course list";
$HrmAssignedUsersCourseList = "Human Resources Manager assigned users course list";
$GoToSurvey = "Go to Survey";
$GoToSurvey = "Go to Survey";
$NotificationCertificateSubject = "Certificate notification";
$NotificationCertificateSubject = "Certificate notification";
-$NotificationCertificateTemplate = "((user_first_name)),
-Congratulations on the completion of ((course_title)). Your final grade received for this class is ((score)). Please allow a few days for it to reflect in their system. We look forward to seeing you in future classes. If we can assist you further in any way, please feel free to contact us.
-((author_first_name)), ((author_last_name))
+$NotificationCertificateTemplate = "((user_first_name)),
+Congratulations on the completion of ((course_title)). Your final grade received for this class is ((score)). Please allow a few days for it to reflect in their system. We look forward to seeing you in future classes. If we can assist you further in any way, please feel free to contact us.
+((author_first_name)), ((author_last_name))
$SendCertificateNotifications = "Send certificate notification to all users";
$SendCertificateNotifications = "Send certificate notification to all users";
$MailSubjectForwardShort = "Fwd";
$MailSubjectForwardShort = "Fwd";
$ForwardedMessage = "Forwarded message";
$ForwardedMessage = "Forwarded message";
$ForwardMessage = "Forward message";
$ForwardMessage = "Forward message";
-$MyCoursePageCategoryIntroduction = "You will find below the list of course categories.
+$MyCoursePageCategoryIntroduction = "You will find below the list of course categories.
Click on one of them to see the list of courses it has.";
Click on one of them to see the list of courses it has.";
$FeatureDisabledByAdministrator = "Feature disabled by administrator";
$FeatureDisabledByAdministrator = "Feature disabled by administrator";
$SubscribeUsersToLpCategory = "Subscribe users to category";
$SubscribeUsersToLpCategory = "Subscribe users to category";
@@ -8147,10 +8147,10 @@ $RedirectToTheDocumentList = "Redirect to the document list";
$TheExerciseAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToTheExerciseList = "The exercises auto-launch feature configuration is enabled. Learners will be automatically redirected to exercise list.";
$TheExerciseAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToTheExerciseList = "The exercises auto-launch feature configuration is enabled. Learners will be automatically redirected to exercise list.";
$PostedExpirationDate = "Posted deadline for sending the work (Visible to the learner)";
$PostedExpirationDate = "Posted deadline for sending the work (Visible to the learner)";
$BossAlertMsgSentToUserXTitle = "Follow up message about student %s";
$BossAlertMsgSentToUserXTitle = "Follow up message about student %s";
-$BossAlertUserXSentMessageToUserYWithLinkZ = "Hi,<br/><br/>
-User %s sent a follow up message about student %s.<br/><br/>
+$BossAlertUserXSentMessageToUserYWithLinkZ = "Hi,<br/><br/>
+User %s sent a follow up message about student %s.<br/><br/>
The message can be seen here %s";
The message can be seen here %s";
$include_services = "Include services";
$include_services = "Include services";
$culqi_enable = "Enable culqi";
$culqi_enable = "Enable culqi";
@@ -8182,8 +8182,8 @@ $PersonalDataLimitationTitle = "Personal data limitation";
$PersonalDataDeletionTitle = "Personal data deletion";
$PersonalDataDeletionTitle = "Personal data deletion";
$PersonalDataDestructionTitle = "Personal data destruction";
$PersonalDataDestructionTitle = "Personal data destruction";
$PersonalDataProfilingTitle = "Personal data profiling";
$PersonalDataProfilingTitle = "Personal data profiling";
-$PersonalDataIntroductionText = "We respect your privacy!
-This page unites all aspects of the personal data we might be keeping on you, how we treat it, what you have authorized us to do with it and who we are, in an effort to comply with most data privacy laws available.
+$PersonalDataIntroductionText = "We respect your privacy!
+This page unites all aspects of the personal data we might be keeping on you, how we treat it, what you have authorized us to do with it and who we are, in an effort to comply with most data privacy laws available.
Please read this information carefully and, if you have any question, check the contact details below to ask us for more details.";
Please read this information carefully and, if you have any question, check the contact details below to ask us for more details.";
$YourDegreeOfCertainty = "Your degree of certainty";
$YourDegreeOfCertainty = "Your degree of certainty";
$DegreeOfCertaintyThatMyAnswerIsCorrect = "Degree of certainty that my answer will be considered correct";
$DegreeOfCertaintyThatMyAnswerIsCorrect = "Degree of certainty that my answer will be considered correct";
@@ -8194,11 +8194,11 @@ $ResultAccomplishedTest = "Results for the accomplished test";
$YourResultsByDiscipline = "Your results by discipline";
$YourResultsByDiscipline = "Your results by discipline";
$ForComparisonYourLastResultToThisTest = "In comparison, your latest results for this test";
$ForComparisonYourLastResultToThisTest = "In comparison, your latest results for this test";
$YourOverallResultForTheTest = "Your overall results for the test";
$YourOverallResultForTheTest = "Your overall results for the test";
-$QuestionDegreeCertaintyHTMLMail = "You will find your results for test %s below.<br />
-To see the details of these results:
-<br /><br />
-1. Connect to the platform (login/password): <a href='%s'>To the platform</a>.
-<br /><br />
+$QuestionDegreeCertaintyHTMLMail = "You will find your results for test %s below.<br />
+To see the details of these results:
+<br /><br />
+1. Connect to the platform (login/password): <a href='%s'>To the platform</a>.
+<br /><br />
2. Click this link: <a href='%s'>See detailed results</a>.";
2. Click this link: <a href='%s'>See detailed results</a>.";
$DegreeOfCertaintyVerySure = "Very sure";
$DegreeOfCertaintyVerySure = "Very sure";
$DegreeOfCertaintyVerySureDescription = "Your answer was correct and you were 80% sure about it. Congratulations!";
$DegreeOfCertaintyVerySureDescription = "Your answer was correct and you were 80% sure about it. Congratulations!";
@@ -8260,8 +8260,8 @@ $SubSkill = "Sub-skill";
$AddMultipleUsersToCalendar = "Add multiple users to calendar";
$AddMultipleUsersToCalendar = "Add multiple users to calendar";
$UpdateCalendar = "Update calendar";
$UpdateCalendar = "Update calendar";
$ControlPoint = "Control point";
$ControlPoint = "Control point";
-$MessageQuestionCertainty = "Please follow the instructions below to check your results for test %s.<br /><br />
-1. Connect to the platform (username/password) at: %s<br />
+$MessageQuestionCertainty = "Please follow the instructions below to check your results for test %s.<br /><br />
+1. Connect to the platform (username/password) at: %s<br />
2. Click the following link: %s<br />";
2. Click the following link: %s<br />";
$SessionMinDuration = "Session min duration";
$SessionMinDuration = "Session min duration";
$CanNotTranslate = "Could not translate";
$CanNotTranslate = "Could not translate";
@@ -8313,11 +8313,12 @@ $ProgressObtainedFromLPProgressAndTestsAverage = "Note: This progress is obtaine
$CreateNewSurveyDoodle = "Create a new Doodle type survey";
$CreateNewSurveyDoodle = "Create a new Doodle type survey";
$RemoveMultiplicateQuestions = "Remove multiplicated questions";
$RemoveMultiplicateQuestions = "Remove multiplicated questions";
$MultiplicateQuestions = "Multiplicate questions";
$MultiplicateQuestions = "Multiplicate questions";
-$QuestionTags = "You can use the tags {{class_name}} and {{student_full_name}} in the question to be able to multiplicate questions.
-On the survey's list page in the action field you have a button to multiplicate question that will look for the {{class_name}} tag and duplicate the question for all the class subscribed to the course and rename it with the name of the class.
-It will also add a page ending to make a new page for each class.
+$QuestionTags = "You can use the tags {{class_name}} and {{student_full_name}} in the question to be able to multiplicate questions.
+On the survey's list page in the action field you have a button to multiplicate question that will look for the {{class_name}} tag and duplicate the question for all the class subscribed to the course and rename it with the name of the class.
+It will also add a page ending to make a new page for each class.
Then it will look for the {{student_full_name}} tag and duplicate the question for all the student in the class (for each class) and rename it with the student's full name.";
Then it will look for the {{student_full_name}} tag and duplicate the question for all the student in the class (for each class) and rename it with the student's full name.";
$CreateMeeting = "Create meeting poll";
$CreateMeeting = "Create meeting poll";
$QuestionForNextClass = "Question for next class";
$QuestionForNextClass = "Question for next class";
$NewExerciseAttemptDisabled = "The portal do not allowed to start new test for the moment, please come back later.";
$NewExerciseAttemptDisabled = "The portal do not allowed to start new test for the moment, please come back later.";
+$PersonalDataOfficer = "Personal data officer";