@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ $server = new soap_server();
$server->configureWSDL('WSRegistration', 'urn:WSRegistration');
$server->configureWSDL('WSRegistration', 'urn:WSRegistration');
-/* Register DokeosWSCreateUser function */
+/* Register DokeosWSCreateUsers function */
// Register the data structures used by the service
// Register the data structures used by the service
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:extras[]')),'tn
- 'userParams',
+ 'usersParams',
@@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ $server->wsdl->addComplexType(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:userParams[]')),'tns:userParams'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:usersParams[]')),'tns:usersParams'
- 'createUser',
+ 'createUsers',
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $server->wsdl->addComplexType(
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
@@ -101,29 +101,29 @@ array(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_createUser[]')),'tns:result_createUser'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_createUsers[]')),'tns:result_createUsers'
// Register the method to expose
// Register the method to expose
-$server->register('DokeosWSCreateUser', // method name
- array('createUser' => 'tns:createUser'), // input parameters
- array('return' => 'tns:results_createUser'), // output parameters
+$server->register('DokeosWSCreateUsers', // method name
+ array('createUsers' => 'tns:createUsers'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'tns:results_createUsers'), // output parameters
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
- 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSCreateUser', // soapaction
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSCreateUsers', // soapaction
'rpc', // style
'rpc', // style
'encoded', // use
'encoded', // use
'This service adds a user' // documentation
'This service adds a user' // documentation
-// Define the method DokeosWSCreateUser
-function DokeosWSCreateUser($params) {
+// Define the method DokeosWSCreateUsers
+function DokeosWSCreateUsers($params) {
global $_user, $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
global $_user, $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
@@ -289,14 +289,14 @@ function DokeosWSCreateUser($params) {
-/* Register DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted function */
+/* Register DokeosWSCreateUsersPasswordCrypted function */
// Register the data structures used by the service
// Register the data structures used by the service
//prepare input params
//prepare input params
// Input params for editing users
// Input params for editing users
- 'createUserPassEncryptParams',
+ 'createUsersPassEncryptParams',
@@ -320,32 +320,32 @@ $server->wsdl->addComplexType(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:createUserPassEncryptParams[]')),'tns:createUserPassEncryptParams'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:createUsersPassEncryptParams[]')),'tns:createUsersPassEncryptParams'
// Register the data structures used by the service
// Register the data structures used by the service
- 'createUserPasswordCrypted',
+ 'createUsersPasswordCrypted',
- 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:createUserPassEncryptParamsList'),
+ 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:createUsersPassEncryptParamsList'),
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
@@ -357,28 +357,28 @@ array(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_createUserPassEncrypt[]')),'tns:result_createUserPassEncrypt'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_createUsersPassEncrypt[]')),'tns:result_createUsersPassEncrypt'
// Register the method to expose
// Register the method to expose
-$server->register('DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted', // method name
- array('createUserPasswordCrypted' => 'tns:createUserPasswordCrypted'), // input parameters
- array('return' => 'tns:results_createUserPassEncrypt'), // output parameters
+$server->register('DokeosWSCreateUsersPasswordCrypted', // method name
+ array('createUsersPasswordCrypted' => 'tns:createUsersPasswordCrypted'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'tns:results_createUsersPassEncrypt'), // output parameters
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
- 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted', // soapaction
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSCreateUsersPasswordCrypted', // soapaction
'rpc', // style
'rpc', // style
'encoded', // use
'encoded', // use
- 'This service adds a user to dokeos' // documentation
+ 'This service adds users to dokeos' // documentation
-// Define the method DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted
-function DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted($params) {
+// Define the method DokeosWSCreateUsersPasswordCrypted
+function DokeosWSCreateUsersPasswordCrypted($params) {
global $_user, $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
global $_user, $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
@@ -576,10 +576,225 @@ function DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted($params) {
-/* Register DokeosWSEditUser function */
+/* Register DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted function */
+// Register the data structures used by the service
+//prepare input params
+// Input params for editing users
+ 'createUserPasswordCrypted',
+ 'complexType',
+ 'struct',
+ 'all',
+ '',
+ array(
+ 'firstname' => array('name' => 'firstname', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'lastname' => array('name' => 'lastname', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'status' => array('name' => 'status', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'email' => array('name' => 'email', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'loginname' => array('name' => 'loginname', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'password' => array('name' => 'password', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'encrypt_method' => array('name' => 'encrypt_method', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'language' => array('name' => 'language', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'phone' => array('name' => 'phone', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'expiration_date' => array('name' => 'expiration_date', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'original_user_id_name' => array('name' => 'original_user_id_name', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'original_user_id_value' => array('name' => 'original_user_id_value', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'extra' => array('name' => 'extra', 'type' => 'tns:extrasList'),
+ 'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
+ )
+// Register the method to expose
+$server->register('DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted', // method name
+ array('createUserPasswordCrypted' => 'tns:createUserPasswordCrypted'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'xsd:string'), // output parameters
+ 'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted', // soapaction
+ 'rpc', // style
+ 'encoded', // use
+ 'This service adds users to dokeos' // documentation
+// Define the method DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted
+function DokeosWSCreateUserPasswordCrypted($params) {
+ global $_user, $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
+ $secret_key = $params['secret_key'];
+ $security_key = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$_configuration['security_key'];
+ if (!api_is_valid_secret_key($secret_key,$security_key)) {
+ return -1; //secret key is incorrect
+ }
+ // database table definition
+ $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
+ $t_uf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD);
+ $t_ufv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD_VALUES);
+ //$users_params = $params['users'];
+ $results = array();
+ $orig_user_id_value = array();
+ $password = $params['password'];
+ $encrypt_method = $params['encrypt_method'];
+ $firstName = $params['firstname']; $lastName = $params['lastname'];
+ $status = $params['status']; $email = $params['email'];
+ $loginName = $params['loginname'];
+ $official_code = '';$language='';$phone = '';$picture_uri = '';$auth_source = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE;
+ $expiration_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $active = 1; $hr_dept_id=0; $extra=null;
+ $original_user_id_name= $params['original_user_id_name'];
+ $original_user_id_value = $params['original_user_id_value'];
+ $orig_user_id_value[] = $params['original_user_id_value'];
+ $extra_list = $params['extra'];
+ $salt = '';
+ if ($userPasswordCrypted === $encrypt_method ) {
+ if ($encrypt_method == 'md5' && !preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/',$password)) {
+ $msg = "Encryption $encrypt_method is invalid";
+ return $msg;
+ } else if ($encrypt_method == 'sha1' && !preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}$/',$password)) {
+ $msg = "Encryption $encrypt_method is invalid";
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $msg = "This encryption $encrypt_method is not configured into dokeos ";
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ if (!empty($params['language'])) { $language=$params['language'];}
+ if (!empty($params['phone'])) { $phone = $params['phone'];}
+ if (!empty($params['expiration_date'])) { $expiration_date = $params['expiration_date'];}
+ // check if exits x_user_id into user_field_values table
+ $sql = "SELECT field_value,user_id FROM $t_uf uf,$t_ufv ufv WHERE ufv.field_id=uf.id AND field_variable='$original_user_id_name' AND field_value='$original_user_id_value'";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $row = Database::fetch_row($res);
+ $count_row = Database::num_rows($res);
+ if ($count_row > 0) {
+ // check if user is not active
+ $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $table_user WHERE user_id ='".$row[1]."' AND active= '0'";
+ $resu = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $r_check_user = Database::fetch_row($resu);
+ $count_check_user = Database::num_rows($resu);
+ if ($count_check_user > 0) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table_user SET
+ lastname='".Database::escape_string($lastName)."',
+ firstname='".Database::escape_string($firstName)."',
+ username='".Database::escape_string($loginName)."',";
+ if(!is_null($auth_source))
+ {
+ $sql .= " auth_source='".Database::escape_string($auth_source)."',";
+ }
+ $sql .= "
+ password='".Database::escape_string($password)."',
+ email='".Database::escape_string($email)."',
+ status='".Database::escape_string($status)."',
+ official_code='".Database::escape_string($official_code)."',
+ phone='".Database::escape_string($phone)."',
+ expiration_date='".Database::escape_string($expiration_date)."',
+ active='1',
+ hr_dept_id=".intval($hr_dept_id);
+ $sql .= " WHERE user_id='".$r_check_user[0]."'";
+ api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ if (is_array($extra_list) && count($extra_list) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extra_list as $extra) {
+ $extra_field_name = $extra['field_name'];
+ $extra_field_value = $extra['field_value'];
+ // save the external system's id into user_field_value table'
+ $res = UserManager::update_extra_field_value($r_check_user[0],$extra_field_name,$extra_field_value);
+ }
+ }
+ return $r_check_user[0];
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // default language
+ if (empty($language)) {
+ $language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage');
+ }
+ if (!empty($_user['user_id'])) {
+ $creator_id = $_user['user_id'];
+ } else {
+ $creator_id = '';
+ }
+ // First check wether the login already exists
+ if (! UserManager::is_username_available($loginName)) {
+ if(api_set_failure('login-pass already taken')) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_user
+ SET lastname = '".Database::escape_string(trim($lastName))."',
+ firstname = '".Database::escape_string(trim($firstName))."',
+ username = '".Database::escape_string(trim($loginName))."',
+ status = '".Database::escape_string($status)."',
+ password = '".Database::escape_string($password)."',
+ email = '".Database::escape_string($email)."',
+ official_code = '".Database::escape_string($official_code)."',
+ picture_uri = '".Database::escape_string($picture_uri)."',
+ creator_id = '".Database::escape_string($creator_id)."',
+ auth_source = '".Database::escape_string($auth_source)."',
+ phone = '".Database::escape_string($phone)."',
+ language = '".Database::escape_string($language)."',
+ registration_date = now(),
+ expiration_date = '".Database::escape_string($expiration_date)."',
+ hr_dept_id = '".Database::escape_string($hr_dept_id)."',
+ active = '".Database::escape_string($active)."'";
+ $result = api_sql_query($sql);
+ if ($result) {
+ //echo "id returned";
+ $return=Database::get_last_insert_id();
+ require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'urlmanager.lib.php');
+ if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']==true) {
+ if (api_get_current_access_url_id()!=-1)
+ UrlManager::add_user_to_url($return, api_get_current_access_url_id());
+ else
+ UrlManager::add_user_to_url($return, 1);
+ } else {
+ //we are adding by default the access_url_user table with access_url_id = 1
+ UrlManager::add_user_to_url($return, 1);
+ }
+ // save new fieldlabel into user_field table
+ $field_id = UserManager::create_extra_field($original_user_id_name,1,$original_user_id_name,'');
+ // save the remote system's id into user_field_value table'
+ $res = UserManager::update_extra_field_value($return,$original_user_id_name,$original_user_id_value);
+ if (is_array($extra_list) && count($extra_list) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extra_list as $extra) {
+ $extra_field_name = $extra['field_name'];
+ $extra_field_value = $extra['field_value'];
+ // save new fieldlabel into user_field table
+ $field_id = UserManager::create_extra_field($extra_field_name,1,$extra_field_name,'');
+ // save the external system's id into user_field_value table'
+ $res = UserManager::update_extra_field_value($return,$extra_field_name,$extra_field_value);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return $return;
+/* Register DokeosWSEditUsers function */
// Register the data structures used by the service
// Register the data structures used by the service
- 'editUserParams',
+ 'editUsersParams',
@@ -600,30 +815,30 @@ $server->wsdl->addComplexType(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:editUserParams[]')),'tns:editUserParams'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:editUsersParams[]')),'tns:editUsersParams'
- 'editUser',
+ 'editUsers',
- 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:editUserParamsList'),
+ 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:editUsersParamsList'),
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
@@ -635,28 +850,28 @@ array(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_editUser[]')),'tns:result_editUser'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_editUsers[]')),'tns:result_editUsers'
// Register the method to expose
// Register the method to expose
-$server->register('DokeosWSEditUser', // method name
- array('editUser' => 'tns:editUser'), // input parameters
- array('return' => 'tns:results_editUser'), // output parameters
+$server->register('DokeosWSEditUsers', // method name
+ array('editUsers' => 'tns:editUsers'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'tns:results_editUsers'), // output parameters
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
- 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSEditUser', // soapaction
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSEditUsers', // soapaction
'rpc', // style
'rpc', // style
'encoded', // use
'encoded', // use
'This service edits a user from wiener' // documentation
'This service edits a user from wiener' // documentation
-// Define the method DokeosWSEditUser
-function DokeosWSEditUser($params)
+// Define the method DokeosWSEditUsers
+function DokeosWSEditUsers($params)
global $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
global $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration;
@@ -776,10 +991,10 @@ function DokeosWSEditUser($params)
-/* Register DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted function */
+/* Register DokeosWSEditUsersPasswordCrypted function */
// Register the data structures used by the service
// Register the data structures used by the service
- 'editUserPasswordCryptedParams',
+ 'editUsersPasswordCryptedParams',
@@ -801,30 +1016,30 @@ $server->wsdl->addComplexType(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:editUserPasswordCryptedParams[]')),'tns:editUserPasswordCryptedParams'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:editUsersPasswordCryptedParams[]')),'tns:editUsersPasswordCryptedParams'
- 'editUserPasswordCrypted',
+ 'editUsersPasswordCrypted',
- 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:editUserPasswordCryptedParamsList'),
+ 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:editUsersPasswordCryptedParamsList'),
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
@@ -836,28 +1051,28 @@ array(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_editUserPasswordCrypted[]')),'tns:result_editUserPasswordCrypted'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_editUsersPasswordCrypted[]')),'tns:result_editUsersPasswordCrypted'
// Register the method to expose
// Register the method to expose
-$server->register('DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted', // method name
- array('editUserPasswordCrypted' => 'tns:editUserPasswordCrypted'), // input parameters
- array('return' => 'tns:results_editUserPasswordCrypted'), // output parameters
+$server->register('DokeosWSEditUsersPasswordCrypted', // method name
+ array('editUsersPasswordCrypted' => 'tns:editUsersPasswordCrypted'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'tns:results_editUsersPasswordCrypted'), // output parameters
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
- 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted', // soapaction
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSEditUsersPasswordCrypted', // soapaction
'rpc', // style
'rpc', // style
'encoded', // use
'encoded', // use
'This service edits a user' // documentation
'This service edits a user' // documentation
-// Define the method DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted
-function DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted($params)
+// Define the method DokeosWSEditUsersPasswordCrypted
+function DokeosWSEditUsersPasswordCrypted($params)
global $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration,$userPasswordCrypted;
global $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration,$userPasswordCrypted;
@@ -1003,9 +1218,171 @@ function DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted($params)
-/* Register DokeosWSDeleteUser function */
+/* Register DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted function */
+// Register the data structures used by the service
+ 'editUserPasswordCrypted',
+ 'complexType',
+ 'struct',
+ 'all',
+ '',
+ array(
+ 'original_user_id_value' => array('name' => 'original_user_id_value', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'original_user_id_name' => array('name' => 'original_user_id_name', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'firstname' => array('name' => 'firstname', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'lastname' => array('name' => 'lastname', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'username' => array('name' => 'username', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'password' => array('name' => 'password', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'encrypt_method' => array('name' => 'encrypt_method', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'email' => array('name' => 'email', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'status' => array('name' => 'status', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'phone' => array('name' => 'phone', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'expiration_date' => array('name' => 'expiration_date', 'type' => 'xsd:string'),
+ 'extra' => array('name' => 'extra', 'type' => 'tns:extrasList'),
+ 'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
+ )
+// Register the method to expose
+$server->register('DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted', // method name
+ array('editUserPasswordCrypted' => 'tns:editUserPasswordCrypted'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'xsd:string'), // output parameters
+ 'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted', // soapaction
+ 'rpc', // style
+ 'encoded', // use
+ 'This service edits a user' // documentation
+// Define the method DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted
+function DokeosWSEditUserPasswordCrypted($params)
+ global $userPasswordCrypted,$_configuration,$userPasswordCrypted;
+ $secret_key = $params['secret_key'];
+ $security_key = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$_configuration['security_key'];
+ if (!api_is_valid_secret_key($secret_key,$security_key)) {
+ return -1; //secret key is incorrect
+ }
+ // get user id from id of remote system
+ $table_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
+ $t_uf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD);
+ $t_ufv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD_VALUES);
+ $original_user_id_value = $params['original_user_id_value'];
+ $original_user_id_name = $params['original_user_id_name'];
+ $firstname = $params['firstname'];
+ $lastname = $params['lastname'];
+ $username = $params['username'];
+ $password = null; $auth_source = null;
+ $email = $params['email']; $status = $params['status'];
+ $official_code = ''; $phone = $params['phone'];
+ $picture_uri = ''; $expiration_date = $params['expiration_date']; $active = 1;
+ $creator_id= null; $hr_dept_id=0; $extra=null;
+ $extra_list = $params['extra'];
+ if (!empty($params['password']) && !empty($params['encrypt_method'])) {
+ $password = $params['password'];
+ $encrypt_method = $params['encrypt_method'];
+ if ($userPasswordCrypted === $encrypt_method ) {
+ if ($encrypt_method == 'md5' && !preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/',$password)) {
+ $msg = "Encryption $encrypt_method is invalid";
+ return $msg;
+ } else if ($encrypt_method == 'sha1' && !preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}$/',$password)) {
+ $msg = "Encryption $encrypt_method is invalid";
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $msg = "This encryption $encrypt_method is not configured into dokeos ";
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ } else if(!empty($params['password']) && empty($params['encrypt_method'])){
+ $msg = "If password is not empty the encrypt_method param is required ";
+ return $msg;
+ } else if(empty($params['password']) && !empty($params['encrypt_method'])){
+ $msg = "If encrypt_method is not empty the password param is required ";
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $t_uf uf,$t_ufv ufv WHERE ufv.field_id=uf.id AND field_variable='$original_user_id_name' AND field_value='$original_user_id_value'";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $row = Database::fetch_row($res);
+ $user_id = $row[0];
+ if (empty($user_id)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $table_user WHERE user_id ='$user_id' AND active= '0'";
+ $resu = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $r_check_user = Database::fetch_row($resu);
+ if (!empty($r_check_user[0])) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // check if username already exits
+ $sql = "SELECT username FROM $table_user WHERE username ='$username' AND user_id <> '$user_id'";
+ $res_un = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $r_username = Database::fetch_row($res_un);
+ if (!empty($r_username[0])) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table_user SET
+ lastname='".Database::escape_string($lastname)."',
+ firstname='".Database::escape_string($firstname)."',
+ username='".Database::escape_string($username)."',";
+ if(!is_null($password))
+ {
+ $sql .= " password='".Database::escape_string($password)."',";
+ }
+ if(!is_null($auth_source))
+ {
+ $sql .= " auth_source='".Database::escape_string($auth_source)."',";
+ }
+ $sql .= "
+ email='".Database::escape_string($email)."',
+ status='".Database::escape_string($status)."',
+ official_code='".Database::escape_string($official_code)."',
+ phone='".Database::escape_string($phone)."',
+ picture_uri='".Database::escape_string($picture_uri)."',
+ expiration_date='".Database::escape_string($expiration_date)."',
+ active='".Database::escape_string($active)."',
+ hr_dept_id=".intval($hr_dept_id);
+ if(!is_null($creator_id))
+ {
+ $sql .= ", creator_id='".Database::escape_string($creator_id)."'";
+ }
+ $sql .= " WHERE user_id='$user_id'";
+ $return = @api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ if (is_array($extra_list) && count($extra_list) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extra_list as $extra) {
+ $extra_field_name = $extra['field_name'];
+ $extra_field_value = $extra['field_value'];
+ // save the external system's id into user_field_value table'
+ $res = UserManager::update_extra_field_value($user_id,$extra_field_name,$extra_field_value);
+ }
+ }
+ return $return;
+/* Register DokeosWSDeleteUsers function */
- 'deleteUserParam',
+ 'deleteUsersParam',
@@ -1017,31 +1394,31 @@ $server->wsdl->addComplexType(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:deleteUserParam[]')),'tns:deleteUserParam'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:deleteUsersParam[]')),'tns:deleteUsersParam'
// Register the data structures used by the service
// Register the data structures used by the service
- 'deleteUser',
+ 'deleteUsers',
- 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:deleteUserParamList'),
+ 'users' => array('name' => 'users', 'type' => 'tns:deleteUsersParamList'),
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string')
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
// Prepare output params, in this case will return an array
@@ -1053,27 +1430,27 @@ array(
-array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_deleteUser[]')),'tns:result_deleteUser'
+array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:result_deleteUsers[]')),'tns:result_deleteUsers'
-$server->register('DokeosWSDeleteUser', // method name
- array('deleteUser'=>'tns:deleteUser'), // input parameters
- array('return' => 'tns:results_deleteUser'),// output parameters
+$server->register('DokeosWSDeleteUsers', // method name
+ array('deleteUsers'=>'tns:deleteUsers'), // input parameters
+ array('return' => 'tns:results_deleteUsers'),// output parameters
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
'urn:WSRegistration', // namespace
- 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSDeleteUser', // soapaction
+ 'urn:WSRegistration#DokeosWSDeleteUsers', // soapaction
'rpc', // style
'rpc', // style
'encoded', // use
'encoded', // use
'This service deletes a user ' // documentation
'This service deletes a user ' // documentation
-// Define the method DokeosWSDeleteUser
-function DokeosWSDeleteUser($params)
+// Define the method DokeosWSDeleteUsers
+function DokeosWSDeleteUsers($params)
global $_configuration;
global $_configuration;