@@ -532,7 +532,6 @@ if (!empty($exercise_list)) {
$locked = $exercise_obj->is_gradebook_locked;
- //echo '<div id="tabs-'.$i.'">';
// Validation when belongs to a session
$session_img = api_get_session_image($row['session_id'], $_user['status']);
@@ -725,40 +724,8 @@ if (!empty($exercise_list)) {
- // Number of questions
- /*
- $random_label = null;
- if ($row['random'] > 0 || $row['random'] == -1) {
- // if random == -1 means use random questions with all questions
- $random_number_of_question = $row['random'];
- if ($random_number_of_question == -1) {
- $random_number_of_question = $rowi;
- }
- if ($row['random_by_category'] > 0) {
- $nbQuestionsTotal = $exercise_obj->getNumberQuestionExerciseCategory();
- //$real_question_count = count($exercise_obj->selectQuestionList());
- $warning = null;
- if ($nbQuestionsTotal != $real_question_count) {
- $warning = Display::return_icon('warning.png', get_lang('CheckThatYouHaveEnoughQuestionsInYourCategories'));
- }
- $number_of_questions = $nbQuestionsTotal." ".$warning;
- } else {
- $random_label = ' ('.get_lang('Random').') ';
- $number_of_questions = $random_number_of_question.' '.$random_label;
- //Bug if we set a random value bigger than the real number of questions
- if ($random_number_of_question > $rowi) {
- $number_of_questions = $rowi.' '.$random_label;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $number_of_questions = $rowi;
- }*/
$number_of_questions = $exercise_obj->getQuestionCount();
if ($row['random'] > 0 && $row['random'] != -1) {
$number_of_questions = $number_of_questions.' ('.$row['random'].' '.get_lang('Random').') ';