@@ -8107,4 +8107,5 @@ $MessageTracking = "Message tracking";
$MessagesExchangeBetweenXAndY = "Messages exchange between %s and %s";
$MessagesExchangeBetweenXAndY = "Messages exchange between %s and %s";
$YouWillReceivedASecondEmail = "You will receive another email with your password";
$YouWillReceivedASecondEmail = "You will receive another email with your password";
$YouReceivedAnEmailWithTheUsername = "You must have received another email with your username.";
$YouReceivedAnEmailWithTheUsername = "You must have received another email with your username.";
+$TheScormPackageWillBeUpdatedYouMustUploadTheFileWithTheSameName = "You must upload a zip file with the same name as the original SCORM file.";