@@ -428,11 +428,11 @@ function createEventExercise($exo_id)
* @param float Score achieved
* @param string Answer given
* @param integer Question ID
- * @param integer Exercise ID
+ * @param integer Exercise attempt ID a.k.a exe_id (from track_e_exercise)
* @param integer Position
- * @param integer Exercise attempt ID (from track_e_exercise)
+ * @param integer Exercise ID
* @param string Filename (for audio answers - using nanogong)
- * @param integer ID of the user who's going to get this score. Default value of null means "get from context".
+ * @param integer User ID The user who's going to get this score. Default value of null means "get from context".
* @param integer Course ID (from the "id" column of course table). Default value of null means "get from context".
* @param integer Session ID (from the session table). Default value of null means "get from context".
* @param integer Learnpath ID (from c_lp table). Default value of null means "get from context".