@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-// Vars
-var _wrs_currentPath = window.location.toString().substr(0, window.location.toString().lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
-var _wrs_isNewElement = true;
-var _wrs_temporalImage;
- * Cross-browser addEventListener/attachEvent function.
- * @param object element Element target
- * @param event event Event
- * @param function func Function to run
- */
-function wrs_addEvent(element, event, func) {
- if (element.addEventListener) {
- element.addEventListener(event, func, false);
- }
- else if (element.attachEvent) {
- element.attachEvent('on' + event, func);
- }
- * Adds iframe events.
- * @param object iframe Target
- * @param function doubleClickHandler Function to run when user double clicks the iframe
- * @param function mousedownHandler Function to run when user mousedowns the iframe
- * @param function mouseupHandler Function to run when user mouseups the iframe
- */
-function wrs_addIframeEvents(iframe, doubleClickHandler, mousedownHandler, mouseupHandler) {
- if (doubleClickHandler) {
- wrs_addEvent(iframe.contentWindow.document, 'dblclick', function (event) {
- var realEvent = (event) ? event : window.event;
- var element = realEvent.srcElement ? realEvent.srcElement : realEvent.target;
- doubleClickHandler(iframe, element, realEvent);
- });
- }
- if (mousedownHandler) {
- wrs_addEvent(iframe.contentWindow.document, 'mousedown', function (event) {
- var realEvent = (event) ? event : window.event;
- var element = realEvent.srcElement ? realEvent.srcElement : realEvent.target;
- mousedownHandler(iframe, element, realEvent);
- });
- }
- if (mouseupHandler) {
- wrs_addEvent(iframe.contentWindow.document, 'mouseup', function (event) {
- var realEvent = (event) ? event : window.event;
- var element = realEvent.srcElement ? realEvent.srcElement : realEvent.target;
- mouseupHandler(iframe, element, realEvent);
- });
- }
- * Adds textarea events.
- * @param object textarea Target
- * @param function clickHandler Function to run when user clicks the textarea.
- */
-function wrs_addTextareaEvents(textarea, clickHandler) {
- if (clickHandler) {
- wrs_addEvent(textarea, 'click', function (event) {
- var realEvent = (event) ? event : window.event;
- clickHandler(textarea, realEvent);
- });
- }
- * Converts applet code to img object.
- * @param object creator Object with "createElement" method
- * @param string appletCode Applet code
- * @param string image Base 64 image stream
- * @param int imageWidth Image width
- * @param int imageHeight Image height
- * @return object
- */
-function wrs_appletCodeToImgObject(creator, appletCode, image, imageWidth, imageHeight) {
- var imageSrc = wrs_createImageCASSrc(image);
- var imgObject = creator.createElement('img');
- imgObject.title = 'Double click to edit';
- imgObject.src = imageSrc;
- imgObject.align = 'middle';
- imgObject.width = imageWidth;
- imgObject.height = imageHeight;
- imgObject.setAttribute(_wrs_conf_CASMathmlAttribute, wrs_mathmlEncode(appletCode));
- imgObject.className = 'Wiriscas';
- return imgObject;
- * Checks if an element contains a class.
- * @param object element
- * @param string className
- * @return bool
- */
-function wrs_containsClass(element, className) {
- var currentClasses = element.className.split(' ');
- for (var i = currentClasses.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (currentClasses[i] == className) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- * Cross-browser solution for creating new elements.
- *
- * It fixes some browser bugs.
- *
- * @param string elementName The tag name of the wished element.
- * @param object attributes An object where each key is a wished attribute name and each value is its value.
- * @param object creator Optional param. If supplied, this function will use the "createElement" method from this param. Else, "document" will be used.
- * @return object The DOM element with the specified attributes assignated.
- */
-function wrs_createElement(elementName, attributes, creator) {
- if (attributes === undefined) {
- attributes = {};
- }
- if (creator === undefined) {
- creator = document;
- }
- var element;
- /*
- * Internet Explorer fix:
- * If you create a new object dynamically, you can't set a non-standard attribute.
- * For example, you can't set the "src" attribute on an "applet" object.
- * Other browsers will throw an exception and will run the standard code.
- */
- try {
- var html = '<' + elementName + ' ';
- for (var attributeName in attributes) {
- html += attributeName + '="' + wrs_htmlentities(attributes[attributeName]) + '" ';
- }
- html += '>';
- element = creator.createElement(html);
- }
- catch (e) {
- element = creator.createElement(elementName);
- for (var attributeName in attributes) {
- element.setAttribute(attributeName, attributes[attributeName]);
- }
- }
- return element;
- * Cross-browser httpRequest creation.
- * @return object
- */
-function wrs_createHttpRequest() {
- if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
- return new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- try {
- return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
- }
- catch (e) {
- try {
- return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
- }
- catch (oc) {
- }
- }
- return false;
- * Gets CAS image src with AJAX.
- * @param string image Base 64 image stream
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_createImageCASSrc(image, appletCode) {
- var httpRequest = wrs_createHttpRequest();
- if (httpRequest) {
- var data = 'image=' + wrs_urlencode(image);
- if (appletCode) {
- data += '&mml=' + wrs_urlencode(appletCode);
- }
- if (_wrs_conf_createcasimagePath.substr(0, 1) == '/' || _wrs_conf_createcasimagePath.substr(0, 7) == 'http://' || _wrs_conf_createimagePath.substr(0, 8) == 'https://') {
- httpRequest.open('POST', _wrs_conf_createcasimagePath, false);
- }
- else {
- httpRequest.open('POST', _wrs_currentPath + _wrs_conf_createcasimagePath, false);
- }
- httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
- httpRequest.send(data);
- return httpRequest.responseText;
- }
- alert('Your browser is not compatible with AJAX technology. Please, use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.');
- return '';
- * Gets formula image src with AJAX.
- * @param mathml Mathml code
- * @param wirisProperties
- * @return string Image src
- */
-function wrs_createImageSrc(mathml, wirisProperties) {
- var httpRequest = wrs_createHttpRequest();
- if (httpRequest) {
- var data = (wirisProperties) ? wirisProperties : {};
- data['mml'] = mathml;
- if (window._wrs_conf_useDigestInsteadOfMathml && _wrs_conf_useDigestInsteadOfMathml) {
- data['returnDigest'] = 'true';
- }
- if (_wrs_conf_createimagePath.substr(0, 1) == '/' || _wrs_conf_createimagePath.substr(0, 7) == 'http://' || _wrs_conf_createimagePath.substr(0, 8) == 'https://') {
- httpRequest.open('POST', _wrs_conf_createimagePath, false);
- }
- else {
- httpRequest.open('POST', _wrs_currentPath + _wrs_conf_createimagePath, false);
- }
- httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
- httpRequest.send(wrs_httpBuildQuery(data));
- return httpRequest.responseText;
- }
- alert('Your browser is not compatible with AJAX technology. Please, use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.');
- return '';
- * Creates new object using its html code.
- * @param string objectCode
- * @return object
- */
-function wrs_createObject(objectCode, creator) {
- if (creator === undefined) {
- creator = document;
- }
- // Internet Explorer can't include "param" tag when is setting an innerHTML property.
- objectCode = objectCode.split('<applet ').join('<span wirisObject="WirisApplet" ').split('<APPLET ').join('<span wirisObject="WirisApplet" '); // It is a 'span' because 'span' objects can contain 'br' nodes.
- objectCode = objectCode.split('</applet>').join('</span>').split('</APPLET>').join('</span>');
- objectCode = objectCode.split('<param ').join('<br wirisObject="WirisParam" ').split('<PARAM ').join('<br wirisObject="WirisParam" '); // It is a 'br' because 'br' can't contain nodes.
- objectCode = objectCode.split('</param>').join('</br>').split('</PARAM>').join('</br>');
- var container = wrs_createElement('div', {}, creator);
- container.innerHTML = objectCode;
- function recursiveParamsFix(object) {
- if (object.getAttribute && object.getAttribute('wirisObject') == 'WirisParam') {
- var attributesParsed = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < object.attributes.length; ++i) {
- if (object.attributes[i].nodeValue !== null) {
- attributesParsed[object.attributes[i].nodeName] = object.attributes[i].nodeValue;
- }
- }
- var param = wrs_createElement('param', attributesParsed, creator);
- // IE fix
- if (param.NAME) {
- param.name = param.NAME;
- param.value = param.VALUE;
- }
- param.removeAttribute('wirisObject');
- object.parentNode.replaceChild(param, object);
- }
- else if (object.getAttribute && object.getAttribute('wirisObject') == 'WirisApplet') {
- var attributesParsed = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < object.attributes.length; ++i) {
- if (object.attributes[i].nodeValue !== null) {
- attributesParsed[object.attributes[i].nodeName] = object.attributes[i].nodeValue;
- }
- }
- var applet = wrs_createElement('applet', attributesParsed, creator);
- applet.removeAttribute('wirisObject');
- for (var i = 0; i < object.childNodes.length; ++i) {
- recursiveParamsFix(object.childNodes[i]);
- if (object.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'param') {
- applet.appendChild(object.childNodes[i]);
- --i; // When we insert the object child into the applet, object loses one child.
- }
- }
- object.parentNode.replaceChild(applet, object);
- }
- else {
- for (var i = 0; i < object.childNodes.length; ++i) {
- recursiveParamsFix(object.childNodes[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- recursiveParamsFix(container);
- return container.firstChild;
- * Converts an object to its HTML code.
- * @param object object
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_createObjectCode(object, creator) {
- if (creator === undefined) {
- creator = document;
- }
- var parent = object.parentNode;
- var newParent = wrs_createElement(parent.tagName, {}, creator);
- parent.replaceChild(newParent, object);
- newParent.appendChild(object);
- var toReturn = newParent.innerHTML;
- parent.replaceChild(object, newParent);
- return toReturn;
- * Parses end HTML code, converts CAS images to CAS applets.
- * @param string code
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_endParse(code) {
- var containerCode = '<div>' + code + '</div>';
- var container = wrs_createObject(containerCode);
- var imgList = container.getElementsByTagName('img');
- for (var i = 0; i < imgList.length; ++i) {
- if (imgList[i].className == 'Wiriscas') {
- var appletCode = imgList[i].getAttribute(_wrs_conf_CASMathmlAttribute);
- appletCode = wrs_mathmlDecode(appletCode);
- var appletObject = wrs_createObject(appletCode);
- appletObject.setAttribute('src', imgList[i].src);
- imgList[i].parentNode.replaceChild(appletObject, imgList[i]);
- --i; // One image has been deleted.
- }
- }
- return container.innerHTML;
- * Gets the formula mathml or CAS appletCode using its image hash code.
- * @param string variableName Variable to send on POST query to the server.
- * @param string imageHashCode
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_getCode(variableName, imageHashCode) {
- var data = wrs_urlencode(variableName) + '=' + imageHashCode;
- var httpRequest = wrs_createHttpRequest();
- if (httpRequest) {
- if (_wrs_conf_getmathmlPath.substr(0, 1) == '/' || _wrs_conf_getmathmlPath.substr(0, 7) == 'http://' || _wrs_conf_getmathmlPath.substr(0, 8) == 'https://') {
- httpRequest.open('POST', _wrs_conf_getmathmlPath, false);
- }
- else {
- httpRequest.open('POST', _wrs_currentPath + _wrs_conf_getmathmlPath, false);
- }
- httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
- httpRequest.send(data);
- return httpRequest.responseText;
- }
- alert('Your browser is not compatible with AJAX technology. Please, use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.');
- return '';
- * Parses a text and replaces all HTML special characters by their entities.
- * @param string input
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_htmlentities(input) {
- var container = document.createElement('span');
- var text = document.createTextNode(input);
- container.appendChild(text);
- return container.innerHTML.split('"').join('"');
- * Converts a hash to a HTTP query.
- * @param hash properties
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_httpBuildQuery(properties) {
- var result = '';
- for (i in properties) {
- if (properties[i] != null) {
- result += wrs_urlencode(i) + '=' + wrs_urlencode(properties[i]) + '&';
- }
- }
- return result;
- * Parses initial HTML code, converts CAS applets to CAS images.
- * @param string code
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_initParse(code) {
- var containerCode = '<div>' + code + '</div>';
- var container = wrs_createObject(containerCode);
- var appletList = container.getElementsByTagName('applet');
- for (var i = 0; i < appletList.length; ++i) {
- if (appletList[i].className == 'Wiriscas' || appletList[i].getAttribute('class') == 'Wiriscas') { // Internet Explorer can't read className correctly
- var imgObject = wrs_createElement('img');
- imgObject.title = 'Double click to edit';
- imgObject.src = appletList[i].getAttribute('src');
- imgObject.align = 'middle';
- var appletCode = wrs_createObjectCode(appletList[i]);
- imgObject.setAttribute(_wrs_conf_CASMathmlAttribute, wrs_mathmlEncode(appletCode));
- imgObject.className = 'Wiriscas';
- appletList[i].parentNode.replaceChild(imgObject, appletList[i]);
- --i; // we have deleted one sleeped applet
- }
- }
- return container.innerHTML;
- * WIRIS special encoding.
- * We use these entities because IE doesn't support html entities on its attributes sometimes. Yes, sometimes.
- * @param string input
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_mathmlDecode(input) {
- input = input.split('«').join('<'); // \xAB by \x3C
- input = input.split('»').join('>'); // \xBB by \x3E
- input = input.split('¨').join('"'); // \xA8 by \x22
- input = input.split('§').join('&'); // \xA7 by \x26
- input = input.split('`').join("'"); // \xB4 by \x27
- // We are replacing $ by & for retrocompatibility. Now, the standard is replace § by &
- input = input.split('$').join('&');
- return input;
- * WIRIS special encoding.
- * We use these entities because IE doesn't support html entities on its attributes sometimes. Yes, sometimes.
- * @param string input
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_mathmlEncode(input) {
- input = input.split('<').join('«'); // \x3C by \xAB
- input = input.split('>').join('»'); // \x3E by \xBB
- input = input.split('"').join('¨'); // \x22 by \xA8
- input = input.split('&').join('§'); // \x26 by \xA7
- input = input.split("'").join('`'); // \x27 by \xB4
- return input;
- * Converts special symbols (> 128) to entities.
- * @param string mathml
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_mathmlEntities(mathml) {
- var toReturn = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < mathml.length; ++i) {
- //parsing > 128 characters
- if (mathml.charCodeAt(i) > 128) {
- toReturn += '&#' + mathml.charCodeAt(i) + ';';
- }
- else {
- toReturn += mathml.charAt(i);
- }
- }
- return toReturn;
- * Converts mathml to img object.
- * @param object creator Object with "createElement" method
- * @param string mathml Mathml code
- * @return object
- */
-function wrs_mathmlToImgObject(creator, mathml, wirisProperties) {
- var imgObject = creator.createElement('img');
- imgObject.title = 'Double click to edit';
- imgObject.align = 'middle';
- imgObject.className = 'Wirisformula';
- var result = wrs_createImageSrc(mathml, wirisProperties);
- if (window._wrs_conf_useDigestInsteadOfMathml && _wrs_conf_useDigestInsteadOfMathml) {
- var parts = result.split(':', 2);
- imgObject.setAttribute(_wrs_conf_imageMathmlAttribute, parts[0]);
- imgObject.src = parts[1];
- }
- else {
- imgObject.setAttribute(_wrs_conf_imageMathmlAttribute, wrs_mathmlEncode(mathml));
- imgObject.src = result;
- }
- return imgObject;
- * Cross-browser removeEventListener/detachEvent function.
- * @param object element Element target
- * @param event event Event
- * @param function func Function to run
- */
-function wrs_removeEvent(element, event, func) {
- if (element.removeEventListener) {
- element.removeEventListener(event, func, false);
- }
- else if (element.detachEvent) {
- element.detachEvent('on' + event, func);
- }
- * Inserts or modifies CAS on an iframe.
- * @param object iframe Target
- * @param string appletCode Applet code
- * @param string image Base 64 image stream
- * @param int imageWidth Image width
- * @param int imageHeight Image height
- */
-function wrs_updateCAS(iframe, appletCode, image, imageWidth, imageHeight) {
- try {
- if (iframe && appletCode) {
- iframe.contentWindow.focus();
- var imgObject = wrs_appletCodeToImgObject(iframe.contentWindow.document, appletCode, image, imageWidth, imageHeight);
- if (_wrs_isNewElement) {
- if (document.selection) {
- var range = iframe.contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand('insertimage', false, imgObject.src);
- if (range.parentElement) {
- var temporalImg = range.parentElement();
- temporalImg.parentNode.insertBefore(imgObject, temporalImg);
- temporalImg.parentNode.removeChild(temporalImg);
- }
- }
- else {
- var sel = iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
- try {
- var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- catch (e) {
- var range = iframe.contentWindow.document.createRange();
- }
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- range.deleteContents();
- var node = range.startContainer;
- var pos = range.startOffset;
- if (node.nodeType == 3) {
- node = node.splitText(pos);
- node.parentNode.insertBefore(imgObject, node);
- }
- else if (node.nodeType == 1) {
- node.insertBefore(imgObject, node.childNodes[pos]);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- _wrs_temporalImage.parentNode.insertBefore(imgObject, _wrs_temporalImage);
- _wrs_temporalImage.parentNode.removeChild(_wrs_temporalImage);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- * Inserts or modifies formulas on an iframe.
- * @param object iframe Target
- * @param string mathml Mathml code
- */
-function wrs_updateFormula(iframe, mathml, wirisProperties) {
- try {
- if (iframe && mathml) {
- iframe.contentWindow.focus();
- var imgObject = wrs_mathmlToImgObject(iframe.contentWindow.document, mathml, wirisProperties);
- if (_wrs_isNewElement) {
- if (document.selection) {
- var range = iframe.contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand('insertimage', false, imgObject.src);
- if (range.parentElement) {
- var temporalImg = range.parentElement();
- temporalImg.parentNode.insertBefore(imgObject, temporalImg);
- temporalImg.parentNode.removeChild(temporalImg);
- }
- }
- else {
- var selection = iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
- try {
- var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
- }
- catch (e) {
- var range = iframe.contentWindow.document.createRange();
- }
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- range.deleteContents();
- var node = range.startContainer;
- var pos = range.startOffset;
- if (node.nodeType == 3) {
- node = node.splitText(pos);
- node.parentNode.insertBefore(imgObject, node);
- }
- else if (node.nodeType == 1) {
- node.insertBefore(imgObject, node.childNodes[pos]);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- _wrs_temporalImage.parentNode.insertBefore(imgObject, _wrs_temporalImage);
- _wrs_temporalImage.parentNode.removeChild(_wrs_temporalImage);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- * Inserts or modifies formulas or CAS on a textarea.
- * @param object textarea Target
- * @param string text Text to add in the textarea. For example, if you want to add the link to the image, you can call this function as wrs_updateTextarea(textarea, wrs_createImageSrc(mathml));
- */
-function wrs_updateTextarea(textarea, text) {
- if (textarea && text) {
- textarea.focus();
- if (textarea.selectionStart != null) {
- textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart) + text + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd, textarea.value.length);
- }
- else {
- var selection = document.selection.createRange();
- selection.text = text;
- }
- }
- * URL encode function
- * @param string clearString Input
- * @return string
- */
-function wrs_urlencode(clearString) {
- var output = '';
- var x = 0;
- clearString = clearString.toString();
- var regex = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/;
- var clearString_length = ((typeof clearString.length) == 'function') ? clearString.length() : clearString.length;
- while (x < clearString_length) {
- var match = regex.exec(clearString.substr(x));
- if (match != null && match.length > 1 && match[1] != '') {
- output += match[1];
- x += match[1].length;
- }
- else {
- var charCode = clearString.charCodeAt(x);
- var hexVal = charCode.toString(16);
- output += '%' + ( hexVal.length < 2 ? '0' : '' ) + hexVal.toUpperCase();
- ++x;
- }
- }
- return output;