@@ -16,54 +16,114 @@ $interbreadcrumb[] = ['url' => '../index.php', 'name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin
$report = isset($_REQUEST['report']) ? $_REQUEST['report'] : '';
$sessionDuration = isset($_GET['session_duration']) ? (int) $_GET['session_duration'] : '';
-if ($report == 'recentlogins') {
+if (
+ in_array(
+ $report,
+ ['recentlogins', 'tools', 'courses', 'coursebylanguage', 'users']
+ )
+ ) {
$htmlHeadXtra[] = api_get_js('chartjs/Chart.min.js');
- $htmlHeadXtra[] = '
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: "'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?a=recent_logins&session_duration='.$sessionDuration.'",
- type: "POST",
- success: function(data) {
- Chart.defaults.global.responsive = true;
- var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
- var myLoginChart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: "line",
- data: data
- });
- }
- });
- });
- </script>';
-if ($report == 'tools') {
- $htmlHeadXtra[] = api_get_js('chartjs/Chart.min.js');
- $htmlHeadXtra[] = '
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $.ajax({
- url: "'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?a=tools_usage",
- type: "POST",
- success: function(data) {
- Chart.defaults.global.responsive = true;
- var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
- var myLoginChart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: "pie",
- data: data,
- options: {
- legend: {
- position: "left"
- },
- title: {
- text: "'.get_lang('PlatformToolAccess').'",
- display: true
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- });
- </script>';
+ // Prepare variables for the JS charts
+ $url = $reportName = $reportType = $reportOptions = '';
+ switch ($report) {
+ case 'recentlogins':
+ $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?a=recent_logins&session_duration='.$sessionDuration;
+ $reportName = '';
+ $reportType = 'line';
+ $reportOptions = '';
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate($url, $reportType, $reportOptions);
+ break;
+ case 'tools':
+ $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?a=tools_usage';
+ $reportName = 'PlatformToolAccess';
+ $reportType = 'pie';
+ $reportOptions = '
+ legend: {
+ position: "left"
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "'.get_lang($reportName).'",
+ display: true
+ },
+ cutoutPercentage: 25
+ ';
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate($url, $reportType, $reportOptions);
+ break;
+ case 'courses':
+ $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?a=courses';
+ $reportName = 'CountCours';
+ $reportType = 'pie';
+ $reportOptions = '
+ legend: {
+ position: "left"
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "'.get_lang($reportName).'",
+ display: true
+ },
+ cutoutPercentage: 25
+ ';
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate($url, $reportType, $reportOptions);
+ break;
+ case 'coursebylanguage':
+ $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?a=courses_by_language';
+ $reportName = 'CountCourseByLanguage';
+ $reportType = 'pie';
+ $reportOptions = '
+ legend: {
+ position: "left"
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "'.get_lang($reportName).'",
+ display: true
+ },
+ cutoutPercentage: 25
+ ';
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate($url, $reportType, $reportOptions);
+ break;
+ case 'users':
+ $invisible = isset($_GET['count_invisible_courses']) ? intval($_GET['count_invisible_courses']) : null;
+ $urlBase = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/ajax/statistics.ajax.php?';
+ $url1 = $urlBase.'a=users&count_invisible='.$invisible;
+ $url2 = $urlBase.'a=users_teachers&count_invisible='.$invisible;
+ $url3 = $urlBase.'a=users_students&count_invisible='.$invisible;
+ $reportName1 = get_lang('NumberOfUsers');
+ $reportName2 = get_lang('Teachers');
+ $reportName3 = get_lang('Students');
+ $reportType = 'pie';
+ $reportOptions = '
+ legend: {
+ position: "left"
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "%s",
+ display: true
+ },
+ cutoutPercentage: 25
+ ';
+ $reportOptions1 = sprintf($reportOptions, $reportName1);
+ $reportOptions2 = sprintf($reportOptions, $reportName2);
+ $reportOptions3 = sprintf($reportOptions, $reportName3);
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate(
+ $url1,
+ $reportType,
+ $reportOptions1,
+ 'canvas1'
+ );
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate(
+ $url2,
+ $reportType,
+ $reportOptions2,
+ 'canvas2'
+ );
+ $htmlHeadXtra[] = Statistics::getJSChartTemplate(
+ $url3,
+ $reportType,
+ $reportOptions3,
+ 'canvas3'
+ );
+ break;
+ }
if ($report == 'user_session') {
@@ -223,6 +283,7 @@ switch ($report) {
case 'courses':
+ echo '<canvas class="col-md-12" id="canvas" height="300px" style="margin-bottom: 20px"></canvas>';
// total amount of courses
foreach ($course_categories as $code => $name) {
$courses[$name] = Statistics::countCourses($code);
@@ -235,12 +296,19 @@ switch ($report) {
case 'coursebylanguage':
- Statistics::printCourseByLanguageStats();
+ echo '<canvas class="col-md-12" id="canvas" height="300px" style="margin-bottom: 20px"></canvas>';
+ $result = Statistics::printCourseByLanguageStats();
+ Statistics::printStats(get_lang('CountCourseByLanguage'), $result, true);
case 'courselastvisit':
case 'users':
+ echo '<div class="row">';
+ echo '<div class="col-md-4"><canvas id="canvas1" style="margin-bottom: 20px"></canvas></div>';
+ echo '<div class="col-md-4"><canvas id="canvas2" style="margin-bottom: 20px"></canvas></div>';
+ echo '<div class="col-md-4"><canvas id="canvas3" style="margin-bottom: 20px"></canvas></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
// total amount of users
$teachers = $students = [];
$countInvisible = isset($_GET['count_invisible_courses']) ? intval($_GET['count_invisible_courses']) : null;