@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* extend this class and define a type in LinkFactory.
* Use the methods in LinkFactory to create link objects.
* @author Bert Steppé
+ * @author Julio Montoya <gugli100@gmail.com> security improvements
* @package chamilo.gradebook
abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
@@ -114,19 +115,19 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
$sql='SELECT id,type,ref_id,user_id,course_code,category_id,date,weight,visible FROM '.$tbl_grade_links;
$paramcount = 0;
if (isset ($id)) {
- $sql.= ' WHERE id = '.$id;
+ $sql.= ' WHERE id = '.Database::escape_string($id);
$paramcount ++;
if (isset ($type)) {
if ($paramcount != 0) $sql .= ' AND';
else $sql .= ' WHERE';
- $sql .= ' type = '.$type;
+ $sql .= ' type = '.Database::escape_string($type);
$paramcount ++;
if (isset ($ref_id)) {
if ($paramcount != 0) $sql .= ' AND';
else $sql .= ' WHERE';
- $sql .= ' ref_id = '.$ref_id;
+ $sql .= ' ref_id = '.intval($ref_id);
$paramcount ++;
if (isset ($user_id)) {
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
}else {
$sql .= ' WHERE';
- $sql .= ' user_id = '.$user_id;
+ $sql .= ' user_id = '.intval($user_id);
$paramcount ++;
if (isset ($course_code)) {
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
} else {
$sql .= ' WHERE';
- $sql .= " course_code = '".$course_code."'";
+ $sql .= " course_code = '".Database::escape_string($course_code)."'";
$paramcount ++;
if (isset ($category_id)) {
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
}else {
$sql .= ' WHERE';
- $sql .= ' category_id = '.$category_id;
+ $sql .= ' category_id = '.intval($category_id);
$paramcount ++;
if (isset ($visible)) {
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
} else {
$sql .= ' WHERE';
- $sql .= ' visible = '.$visible;
+ $sql .= ' visible = '.intval($visible);
$paramcount ++;
@@ -201,25 +202,25 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
if (isset($this->type) && isset($this->ref_id) && isset($this->user_id) && isset($this->course_code) && isset($this->category) && isset($this->weight) && isset($this->visible)) {
$tbl_grade_links = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK);
- $sql_testing="select count(*) from ".$tbl_grade_links." where ref_id=".$this->get_ref_id()." AND category_id = ".$this->category." AND type = ".$this->type." ;";
+ $sql_testing="SELECT count(*) FROM ".$tbl_grade_links." WHERE ref_id=".intval($this->get_ref_id())." AND category_id = ".intval($this->category)." AND type = ".intval($this->type)." ;";
if ($row_testing[0]==0) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$tbl_grade_links.' (type,ref_id,user_id,course_code,category_id,weight,visible';
if (isset($this->link_date)) { $sql .= ',date';}
- $sql .= ') VALUES ('
- .$this->get_type()
- .','.$this->get_ref_id()
- .','.$this->get_user_id()
- .",'".$this->get_course_code()."'"
- .','.$this->get_category_id()
- .','.$this->get_weight()
- .','.$this->is_visible();
+ $sql .= ') VALUES ('
+ .intval($this->get_type())
+ .','.intval($this->get_ref_id())
+ .','.intval($this->get_user_id())
+ .",'".Database::escape_string($this->get_course_code())."'"
+ .','.intval($this->get_category_id())
+ .','.intval($this->get_weight())
+ .','.intval($this->is_visible());
if (isset($this->link_date)) {$sql .= ','.'"'.$date_current=strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())).'"';}
- $sql .= ")";
- Database::query($sql);
- $this->set_id(Database::insert_id());
+ $sql .= ")";
+ Database::query($sql);
+ $this->set_id(Database::insert_id());
} else {
die('Error in AbstractLink add: required field empty');
@@ -234,20 +235,20 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
$tbl_grade_links = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK);
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$tbl_grade_links
- .' SET type = '.$this->get_type()
- .', ref_id = '.$this->get_ref_id()
- .', user_id = '.$this->get_user_id()
- .", course_code = '".$this->get_course_code()."'"
- .', category_id = '.$this->get_category_id();
+ .' SET type = '.intval($this->get_type())
+ .', ref_id = '.intval($this->get_ref_id())
+ .', user_id = '.intval($this->get_user_id())
+ .", course_code = '".Database::escape_string($this->get_course_code())."'"
+ .', category_id = '.intval($this->get_category_id());
//.', date = ';
/*if (isset($this->link_date)) {
$sql .= $this->get_date();
} else {
$sql .= 'null';
- $sql .= ', weight = '.$this->get_weight()
- .', visible = '.$this->is_visible()
- .' WHERE id = '.$this->id;
+ $sql .= ', weight = '.intval($this->get_weight())
+ .', visible = '.intval($this->is_visible())
+ .' WHERE id = '.intval($this->id);
@@ -267,7 +268,8 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
- $sql="INSERT INTO ".$tbl_grade_linkeval_log."(id_linkeval_log,name,description,date_log,weight,visible,type,user_id_log)VALUES('".Database::escape_string($arreval['id'])."','".Database::escape_string($name_log)."','".Database::escape_string($description_log)."','".Database::escape_string($current_date_server)."','".Database::escape_string($arreval['weight'])."','".Database::escape_string($arreval['visible'])."','Link',".api_get_user_id().")";
+ $sql="INSERT INTO ".$tbl_grade_linkeval_log."(id_linkeval_log,name,description,date_log,weight,visible,type,user_id_log)
+ VALUES('".Database::escape_string($arreval['id'])."','".Database::escape_string($name_log)."','".Database::escape_string($description_log)."','".Database::escape_string($current_date_server)."','".Database::escape_string($arreval['weight'])."','".Database::escape_string($arreval['visible'])."','Link',".api_get_user_id().")";
@@ -275,11 +277,9 @@ abstract class AbstractLink implements GradebookItem
* Delete this link from the database
public function delete() {
$tbl_grade_links = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK);
- $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$tbl_grade_links.' WHERE id = '.$this->id;
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$tbl_grade_links.' WHERE id = '.intval($this->id);