@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ class Blog
$course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
if (is_numeric($blog_id)) {
- // init
$tbl_blogs = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS);
$sql = "SELECT blog_name
@@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ class Blog
$result = Database::query($sql);
$blog = Database::fetch_array($result);
return stripslashes($blog['blog_name']);
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ class Blog
* Creates a new blog in the given course
* @author Toon Keppens
- * @param Integer $course_id Id
- * @param String $title
+ * @param int $course_id Id
+ * @param string $title
* @param Text $description
public static function create_blog($title, $subtitle)
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ class Blog
$tbl_blogs = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS);
$tbl_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST);
$tbl_blogs_posts = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_POSTS);
- $tbl_blogs_tasks = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_TASKS);
//verified if exist blog
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM '.$tbl_blogs.'
@@ -186,9 +185,9 @@ class Blog
* Update title and subtitle of a blog in the given course
* @author Toon Keppens
- * @param Integer $course_id Id
- * @param String $title
- * @param Text $description
+ * @param int $course_id Id
+ * @param string $title
+ * @param string $description
public static function edit_blog($blog_id, $title, $subtitle)
@@ -238,7 +237,6 @@ class Blog
$tbl_blogs_tasks = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_TASKS);
$tbl_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST);
$tbl_blogs_rating = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_RATING);
- $tbl_blogs_attachment = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_ATTACHMENT);
$course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
$blog_id = intval($blog_id);
@@ -545,7 +543,6 @@ class Blog
public static function create_task($blog_id, $title, $description, $articleDelete, $articleEdit, $commentsDelete, $color)
- // Init
$tbl_blogs_tasks = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_TASKS);
$tbl_tasks_permissions = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_TASKS_PERMISSIONS);
@@ -1395,11 +1392,11 @@ class Blog
echo '<span class="blogpost_title">' . get_lang('TaskList') . '</span><br />';
echo "<table class=\"data_table\">";
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$color2\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">",
- "<th width='240'><b>",get_lang('Title'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th><b>",get_lang('Description'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th><b>",get_lang('Color'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th width='50'><b>",get_lang('Modify'),"</b></th>\n",
- "</tr>\n";
+ "<th width='240'><b>",get_lang('Title'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th><b>",get_lang('Description'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th><b>",get_lang('Color'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th width='50'><b>",get_lang('Modify'),"</b></th>",
+ "</tr>";
$sql = " SELECT
@@ -1415,29 +1412,29 @@ class Blog
ORDER BY system_task, title";
$result = Database::query($sql);
- while($task = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
+ while ($task = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
$css_class = (($counter % 2) == 0) ? "row_odd" : "row_even";
- $delete_icon = ($task['system_task'] == '1') ? "delete_na.gif" : "delete.gif";
+ $delete_icon = ($task['system_task'] == '1') ? "delete_na.png" : "delete.png";
$delete_title = ($task['system_task'] == '1') ? get_lang('DeleteSystemTask') : get_lang('DeleteTask');
$delete_link = ($task['system_task'] == '1') ? '#' : api_get_self() . '?action=manage_tasks&blog_id=' . $task['blog_id'] . '&do=delete&task_id=' . $task['task_id'];
$delete_confirm = ($task['system_task'] == '1') ? '' : 'onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\''.addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)). '\')) return false;"';
- echo '<tr class="' . $css_class . '" valign="top">',
- '<td width="240">' . Security::remove_XSS($task['title']) . '</td>',
- '<td>' . Security::remove_XSS($task['description']) . '</td>',
- '<td><span style="background-color: #' . $task['color'] . '"> </span></td>',
- '<td width="50">',
- '<a href="' .api_get_self(). '?action=manage_tasks&blog_id=' . $task['blog_id'] . '&do=edit&task_id=' . $task['task_id'] . '">',
- '<img src="../img/edit.gif" border="0" title="' . get_lang('EditTask') . '" />',
- "</a>\n",
- '<a href="' . $delete_link . '"',
- $delete_confirm,
- '><img src="../img/' . $delete_icon . '" border="0" title="' . $delete_title . '" />',
- "</a>\n",
- '</td>',
- '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr class="' . $css_class . '" valign="top">';
+ echo '<td width="240">'.Security::remove_XSS($task['title']).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.Security::remove_XSS($task['description']).'</td>';
+ echo '<td><span style="background-color: #'.$task['color'].'"> </span></td>';
+ echo '<td width="50">';
+ echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?action=manage_tasks&blog_id='.$task['blog_id'].'&do=edit&task_id='.$task['task_id'].'">',
+ echo Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('EditTask'));
+ echo "</a>";
+ echo '<a href="'.$delete_link.'"';
+ echo $delete_confirm;
+ echo '>';
+ echo Display::return_icon($delete_icon, $delete_title);
+ echo "</a>";
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
echo "</table>";
@@ -1461,11 +1458,11 @@ class Blog
echo '<span class="blogpost_title">' . get_lang('AssignedTasks') . '</span><br />';
echo "<table class=\"data_table\">";
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$color2\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">",
- "<th width='240'><b>",get_lang('Member'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th><b>",get_lang('Task'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th><b>",get_lang('Description'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th><b>",get_lang('TargetDate'),"</b></th>\n",
- "<th width='50'><b>",get_lang('Modify'),"</b></th>\n",
+ "<th width='240'><b>",get_lang('Member'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th><b>",get_lang('Task'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th><b>",get_lang('Description'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th><b>",get_lang('TargetDate'),"</b></th>",
+ "<th width='50'><b>",get_lang('Modify'),"</b></th>",
$course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
@@ -1484,28 +1481,32 @@ class Blog
while ($assignment = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
$css_class = (($counter % 2)==0) ? "row_odd" : "row_even";
- $delete_icon = ($assignment['system_task'] == '1') ? "delete_na.gif" : "delete.gif";
+ $delete_icon = ($assignment['system_task'] == '1') ? "delete_na.png" : "delete.png";
$delete_title = ($assignment['system_task'] == '1') ? get_lang('DeleteSystemTask') : get_lang('DeleteTask');
$delete_link = ($assignment['system_task'] == '1') ? '#' : api_get_self() . '?action=manage_tasks&blog_id=' . $assignment['blog_id'] . '&do=delete&task_id=' . $assignment['task_id'];
$delete_confirm = ($assignment['system_task'] == '1') ? '' : 'onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\''.addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)). '\')) return false;"';
$username = api_htmlentities(sprintf(get_lang('LoginX'), $assignment['username']), ENT_QUOTES);
- echo '<tr class="' . $css_class . '" valign="top">',
- '<td width="240">' . Display::tag('span', api_get_person_name($assignment['firstname'], $assignment['lastname']), array('title'=>$username)) . '</td>',
- '<td>'.stripslashes($assignment['title']) . '</td>',
- '<td>'.stripslashes($assignment['description']) . '</td>',
- '<td>' . $assignment['target_date'] . '</td>',
- '<td width="50">',
- '<a href="' .api_get_self(). '?action=manage_tasks&blog_id=' . $assignment['blog_id'] . '&do=edit_assignment&task_id=' . $assignment['task_id'] . '&user_id=' . $assignment['user_id'] . '">',
- '<img src="../img/edit.gif" border="0" title="' . get_lang('EditTask') . '" />',
- "</a>\n",
- '<a href="' .api_get_self(). '?action=manage_tasks&blog_id=' . $assignment['blog_id'] . '&do=delete_assignment&task_id=' . $assignment['task_id'] . '&user_id=' . $assignment['user_id'] . '" ',
- 'onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\''.addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)). '\')) return false;"',
- '<img src="../img/' . $delete_icon . '" border="0" title="' . $delete_title . '" />',
- "</a>\n",
- '</td>',
- '</tr>';
+ echo '<tr class="'.$css_class.'" valign="top">';
+ echo '<td width="240">'.Display::tag(
+ 'span',
+ api_get_person_name($assignment['firstname'], $assignment['lastname']),
+ array('title' => $username)
+ ).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.stripslashes($assignment['title']).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.stripslashes($assignment['description']).'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$assignment['target_date'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td width="50">';
+ echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?action=manage_tasks&blog_id='.$assignment['blog_id'].'&do=edit_assignment&task_id='.$assignment['task_id'].'&user_id='.$assignment['user_id'].'">',
+ echo Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('EditTask'));
+ echo "</a>";
+ echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?action=manage_tasks&blog_id='.$assignment['blog_id'].'&do=delete_assignment&task_id='.$assignment['task_id'].'&user_id='.$assignment['user_id'].'" ';
+ echo 'onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\''.addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)).'\')) return false;"';
+ echo Display::return_icon($delete_icon, $delete_title);
+ echo "</a>";
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
echo "</table>";
@@ -2396,12 +2397,12 @@ class Blog
echo '<table id="smallcalendar" class="table table-responsive">',
- "<tr id=\"title\">\n",
- "<th width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $backwardsURL, "\">«</a></th>\n",
- "<th align=\"center\" width=\"80%\" colspan=\"5\">", $monthName, " ", $year, "</th>\n",
- "<th width=\"10%\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"", $forewardsURL, "\">»</a></th>\n", "</tr>";
+ "<tr id=\"title\">",
+ "<th width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $backwardsURL, "\">«</a></th>",
+ "<th align=\"center\" width=\"80%\" colspan=\"5\">", $monthName, " ", $year, "</th>",
+ "<th width=\"10%\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"", $forewardsURL, "\">»</a></th>", "</tr>";
- echo "<tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr>";
for($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii ++)
echo "<td class=\"weekdays\">", $DaysShort[$ii % 7], "</td>";
@@ -2438,8 +2439,9 @@ class Blog
if (isset($tasks[$curday]) && is_array($tasks[$curday])) {
// Add tasks to calendar
foreach ($tasks[$curday] as $task) {
- echo '<a href="blog.php?action=execute_task&blog_id=' . $task['blog_id'] . '&task_id='.stripslashes($task['task_id']) . '" title="' . $task['title'] . ' : ' . get_lang('InBlog') . ' : ' . $task['blog_name'] . ' - ' . get_lang('ExecuteThisTask') . '">
- <img src="../img/blog_task.gif" alt="Task" title="' . get_lang('ExecuteThisTask') . '" /></a>';
+ echo '<a href="blog.php?action=execute_task&blog_id=' . $task['blog_id'] . '&task_id='.stripslashes($task['task_id']) . '" title="' . $task['title'] . ' : ' . get_lang('InBlog') . ' : ' . $task['blog_name'] . ' - ' . get_lang('ExecuteThisTask') . '">';
+ echo Display::return_icon('blog_task.gif', get_lang('ExecuteThisTask'));
+ echo '</a>';
@@ -2527,7 +2529,6 @@ class Blog
//condition for the session
$session_id = api_get_session_id();
- $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id, false);
$sql = "SELECT blog_name, blog_subtitle, visibility, blog_id, session_id
FROM $tbl_blogs WHERE c_id = $course_id
@@ -2561,27 +2562,22 @@ class Blog
$my_image = '<a href="' .api_get_self(). '?action=edit&blog_id=' . $info_log[3] . '">';
$my_image.= Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('EditBlog'));
- $my_image.= "</a>\n";
+ $my_image.= "</a>";
$my_image.= '<a href="' .api_get_self(). '?action=delete&blog_id=' . $info_log[3] . '" ';
$my_image.= 'onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\''.addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"),ENT_QUOTES,$charset)). '\')) return false;" >';
$my_image.= Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('DeleteBlog'));
- $my_image.= "</a>\n";
+ $my_image.= "</a>";
$my_image.= '<a href="' .api_get_self(). '?action=visibility&blog_id=' . $info_log[3] . '">';
$my_image.= Display::return_icon($visibility_icon . '.gif', get_lang($visibility_info));
- $my_image.= "</a>\n";
+ $my_image.= "</a>";
$list_body_blog = array();
- $parameters='';
- //$parameters=array('action'=>Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']));
$table = new SortableTableFromArrayConfig($list_content_blog, 1,20,'project');
- //$table->set_additional_parameters($parameters);
$table->set_header(0, get_lang('Title'));
$table->set_header(1, get_lang('SubTitle'));
$table->set_header(2, get_lang('Modify'));