Browse Source

Updated some language variables to make them more global-tolerant - refs BT#7149

Yannick Warnier 11 years ago

+ 2 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$DeleteUsersNotInList = "Unsubscribe students which are not in the imported list";
+$IfSessionExistsUpdate = "If a session exists, update it";
 $SearchCourseBySession = "Search course by session";
 $GlobalLinkUseDoubleColumnPrivateToShowPrivately = "Use ::private at the end of the link to show it only to logged-in users";
 $CourseVisibilityHidden = "Hidden - Completely hidden to all users except the administrators";

+ 43 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,49 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$SurveysProgress = "Surveys progress";
+$SurveysLeft = "Incomplete surveys";
+$SurveysDone = "Completed surveys";
+$SurveysTotal = "Total surveys";
+$WikiProgress = "Wiki pages reading progress";
+$WikiUnread = "Wiki pages unread";
+$WikiRead = "Wiki pages read";
+$WikiRevisions = "Wiki pages revisions";
+$WikiTotal = "Total wiki pages";
+$AssignmentsProgress = "Assignments progress";
+$AssignmentsLeft = "Incomplete assignments";
+$AssignmentsDone = "Completed assignments";
+$AssignmentsTotal = "Total assignments";
+$ForumsProgress = "Forums progress";
+$ForumsLeft = "Incomplete forums";
+$ForumsDone = "Completed forums";
+$ForumsTotal = "Total forums";
+$ExercisesProgress = "Exercises progress";
+$ExercisesLeft = "Incomplete exercises";
+$ExercisesDone = "Completed exercises";
+$ExercisesTotal = "Total exercises";
+$CourseDescriptionProgress = "Course descriptions progress";
+$LearnpathsProgress = "Learning paths progress";
+$LearnpathsLeft = "Incomplete learning paths";
+$LearnpathsDone = "Completed learning paths";
+$LearnpathsTotal = "Total learning paths";
+$TimeLoggedIn = "Time connected (hh:mm)";
+$AnswerIndicator = "Answer status";
+$ChooseSurvey = "Please pick a survey";
+$SearchSurvey = "Search surveys";
+$ChooseExercise = "Please pick an exercise";
+$SearchExercise = "Search exercise";
+$ChooseSession = "Please pick a session";
+$SearchSession = "Search sessions";
+$ChooseStudent = "Please pick a student";
+$SearchStudent = "Search users";
+$ChooseCourse = "Please pick a course";
+$SearchCourse = "Search course";
+$DisplaySurveyOverview = "Surveys overview";
+$DisplayProgressOverview = "Participation and reading progress overview";
+$DisplayLpProgressOverview = "Learning paths progress overview";
+$DisplayExerciseProgress = "Detailed exercises progress";
+$DisplayAccessOverview = "Accesses by user overview";
 $AssignSessionsTo = "Assign sessions to";
 $langToolName = "Import Blackboard courses";
 $TrackingDisabled = "Reporting has been disabled by system administrator.";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$AllowMemberLeaveGroup = "Allow members to leave group";
 $CreatedByXYOnZ = "Create by <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> on %s";
 $LoginWithExternalAccount = "Login without an institutional account";
 $NumberOfGroupsToCreate = "Number of groups to create";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$WorkFileNotUploadedDirXDoesNotExist = "Assignment could not be uploaded because folder %s does not exist";
 $FolderDoesntExistsInFileSystem = "Target folder doesn't exist on the server.";
 $HandedOutDate = "Time of reception";
 $HandedOut = "Handed out";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$DeleteUsersNotInList = "Desinscribir los alumnos que no están en una sesión en la lista importada";
+$IfSessionExistsUpdate = "Si la sesión existe, actualizarla con los datos del archivo";
 $SearchCourseBySession = "Buscar curso por sesión";
 $GlobalLinkUseDoubleColumnPrivateToShowPrivately = "Use ::private pegado al fin del enlace si quiere mostrarlo solo a los usuarios identificados";
 $CourseVisibilityHidden = "Invisible - Totalmente invisible para todos los usuarios a parte de los administradores";

+ 43 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,49 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$SurveysProgress = "Progreso de encuestas";
+$SurveysLeft = "Encuestas incompletas";
+$SurveysDone = "Encuestas completadas";
+$SurveysTotal = "Total de encuestas";
+$WikiProgress = "Progreso de lectura de páginas";
+$WikiUnread = "Páginas de wiki no leídas";
+$WikiRead = "Páginas de wiki leídas";
+$WikiRevisions = "Páginas con revisiones";
+$WikiTotal = "Total de páginas de wiki";
+$AssignmentsProgress = "Progreso de tareas";
+$AssignmentsLeft = "Tareas no entregadas";
+$AssignmentsDone = "Tareas entregadas";
+$AssignmentsTotal = "Total de tareas";
+$ForumsProgress = "Progreso de foros";
+$ForumsLeft = "Foros no leídos";
+$ForumsDone = "Foros leídos";
+$ForumsTotal = "Total de foros";
+$ExercisesProgress = "Progreso de ejercicios";
+$ExercisesLeft = "Ejercicios incompletos";
+$ExercisesDone = "Ejercicios completados";
+$ExercisesTotal = "Total de ejercicios";
+$CourseDescriptionProgress = "Progreso de descripción de curso";
+$LearnpathsProgress = "Progreso de lecciones";
+$LearnpathsLeft = "Lecciones incompletas";
+$LearnpathsDone = "Lecciones completadas";
+$LearnpathsTotal = "Lecciones totales";
+$TimeLoggedIn = "Tiempo de permanencia (hh:mm)";
+$AnswerIndicator = "Estado de respuesta";
+$ChooseSurvey = "Elija una encuesta";
+$SearchSurvey = "Buscar encuestas";
+$ChooseExercise = "Elija un ejercicio";
+$SearchExercise = "Buscar ejercicios";
+$ChooseSession = "Elija una sesión";
+$SearchSession = "Buscar sesiones";
+$ChooseStudent = "Elija un estudiante";
+$SearchStudent = "Buscar estudiantes";
+$ChooseCourse = "Elija un curso";
+$SearchCourse = "Buscar curso";
+$DisplaySurveyOverview = "Reporte de encuestas";
+$DisplayProgressOverview = "Reporte de lectura y participación";
+$DisplayLpProgressOverview = "Reporte avance lecciones";
+$DisplayExerciseProgress = "Reporte de progreso en ejercicios";
+$DisplayAccessOverview = "Reporte de accesos por usuario";
 $AssignSessionsTo = "Asignar sesiones a";
 $langToolName = "Importar cursos de Blackboard";
 $TrackingDisabled = "El seguimiento ha sido deshabilitado por el administrador del sistema.";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$AllowMemberLeaveGroup = "Permitir a los miembros de dejar el grupo";
 $CreatedByXYOnZ = "Creado/a por <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> el %s";
+$LoginWithExternalAccount = "Ingresar con una cuenta externa";
 $NumberOfGroupsToCreate = "Cantidad de grupos a crear";
 $CoachesSubscribedAsATeacherInCourseX = "Tutores inscritos como profesores en curso %s";
 $EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions = "Suscribir estudiantes de sesiones existentes";

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@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$WorkFileNotUploadedDirXDoesNotExist = "La tarea no pudo ser enviada porque la carpeta %s no existe";
 $FolderDoesntExistsInFileSystem = "La carpeta destino no existe en el servidor";
 $HandedOutDate = "Fecha de recepción";
 $HandedOut = "Entregado";