@@ -34,14 +34,12 @@ function is_already_installed_system()
return true; // Must be initialized.
- $current_config_file = api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php';
- if (!file_exists($current_config_file) && !file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.yml')) {
- return false; // Configuration file does not exist, install the system.
+ if (empty($_configuration)) {
+ return false;
- require $current_config_file;
$current_version = null;
if (isset($_configuration['dokeos_version'])) {
$current_version = trim($_configuration['dokeos_version']);
@@ -364,19 +362,21 @@ function write_system_config_file($path)
$fp = @ fopen($path, 'w');
if (!$fp) {
- echo '<strong><font color="red">Your script doesn\'t have write access to the config directory</font></strong><br />
- <em>('.str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path)).')</em><br /><br />
- You probably do not have write access on Chamilo root directory,
- i.e. you should <em>CHMOD 777</em> or <em>755</em> or <em>775</em>.<br /><br />
- Your problems can be related on two possible causes:<br />
- <ul>
- <li>Permission problems.<br />Try initially with <em>chmod -R 777</em> and increase restrictions gradually.</li>
- <li>PHP is running in <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php" target="_blank">Safe-Mode</a>. If possible, try to switch it off.</li>
- </ul>
- <a href="http://forum.chamilo.org/" target="_blank">Read about this problem in Support Forum</a><br /><br />
- Please go back to step 5.
- <p><input type="submit" name="step5" value="< Back" /></p>
- </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
+ echo '<strong>
+ <font color="red">Your script doesn\'t have write access to the config directory</font></strong>
+ <br />
+ <em>('.str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path)).')</em><br /><br />
+ You probably do not have write access on Chamilo root directory,
+ i.e. you should <em>CHMOD 777</em> or <em>755</em> or <em>775</em>.<br /><br />
+ Your problems can be related on two possible causes:<br />
+ <ul>
+ <li>Permission problems.<br />Try initially with <em>chmod -R 777</em> and increase restrictions gradually.</li>
+ <li>PHP is running in <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php" target="_blank">Safe-Mode</a>. If possible, try to switch it off.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <a href="http://forum.chamilo.org/" target="_blank">Read about this problem in Support Forum</a><br /><br />
+ Please go back to step 5.
+ <p><input type="submit" name="step5" value="< Back" /></p>
+ </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
@@ -448,154 +448,12 @@ function my_directory_to_array($directory)
function get_config_param($param, $updatePath = '')
- global $configFile, $updateFromConfigFile;
- // Look if we already have the queried parameter.
- if (is_array($configFile) && isset($configFile[$param])) {
- return $configFile[$param];
- }
- if (empty($updatePath) && !empty($_POST['updatePath'])) {
- $updatePath = $_POST['updatePath'];
- }
- if (empty($updatePath)) {
- $updatePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
- }
- $updatePath = api_add_trailing_slash(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($updatePath)));
- $updateFromInstalledVersionFile = '';
- if (empty($updateFromConfigFile)) {
- // If update from previous install was requested,
- // try to recover old config file from dokeos 1.8.x.
- if (file_exists($updatePath.'main/inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
- $updateFromConfigFile = 'main/inc/conf/configuration.php';
- } elseif (file_exists($updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php')) {
- $updateFromConfigFile = 'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php';
- } else {
- // Give up recovering.
- //error_log('Chamilo Notice: Could not find previous config file at '.$updatePath.'main/inc/conf/configuration.php nor at '.$updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php in get_config_param(). Will start new config (in '.__FILE__.', line '.__LINE__.')', 0);
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile) && !is_dir($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile)) {
- // The parameter was not found among the global variables, so look into the old configuration file.
- // Make sure the installedVersion file is read first so it is overwritten
- // by the config file if the config file contains the version (from 1.8.4).
- $config_data_2 = array();
- if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromInstalledVersionFile)) {
- $config_data_2 = file_to_array($updatePath.$updateFromInstalledVersionFile);
- }
- $configFile = array();
- $config_data = file_to_array($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile);
- $config_data = array_merge($config_data, $config_data_2);
- $val = '';
- // Parse the configuration file, statement by statement (line by line, actually).
- foreach ($config_data as $php_statement) {
- if (strpos($php_statement, '=') !== false) {
- // Variable assignment statement have been detected (probably).
- // It is expected to be as follows:
- // $variable = 'some_value'; // A comment that is not mandatory.
+ global $configFile, $updateFromConfigFile, $_configuration;
- // Split the statement into its left and right sides.
- $php_statement = explode('=', $php_statement);
- $variable = trim($php_statement[0]);
- $value = $php_statement[1];
- if (substr($variable, 0, 1) == '$') {
- // We have for sure a php variable assignment detected.
- // On the left side: Retrieve the pure variable's name
- $variable = trim(str_replace('$', '', $variable));
- // On the right side: Remove the comment, if it exists.
- list($value) = explode(' //', $value);
- // Remove extra whitespace, if any. Remove the trailing semicolon (;).
- $value = substr(trim($value), 0, -1);
- // Remove surroundig quotes, restore escaped quotes.
- $value = str_replace('\"', '"', preg_replace('/^"|"$/', '', $value));
- $value = str_replace('\'', '"', preg_replace('/^\'|\'$/', '', $value));
- if (strtolower($value) == 'true') {
- // A boolean true value have been recognized.
- $value = 1;
- } elseif (strtolower($value) == 'false') {
- // A boolean false value have been recognized.
- $value = 0;
- } else {
- // Probably we have a string value, but also we have to check
- // possible string concatenations that may include string values
- // and other configuration variables. I this case we have to
- // get the calculated result of the concatenation.
- $implode_string = ' ';
- if (!strstr($value, '." ".') && strstr($value, '.$')) {
- // Yes, there is concatenation, insert a special separator string.
- $value = str_replace('.$', '." ".$', $value);
- $implode_string = '';
- }
- // Split the concatenated values, if they are more than one.
- $sub_strings = explode('." ".', $value);
- // Seek for variables and retrieve their values.
- foreach ($sub_strings as $key => & $sub_string) {
- if (preg_match('/^\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/', $sub_string)) {
- // A variable has been detected, read it by recursive call.
- $sub_string = get_config_param(str_replace('$', '', $sub_string));
- }
- }
- // Concatenate everything into the final, the calculated string value.
- $value = implode($implode_string, $sub_strings);
- }
- // Cache the result value.
- $configFile[$variable] = $value;
- $a = explode("'", $variable);
- $key_tmp = isset($a[1]) ? $a[1] : null;
- if ($key_tmp == $param) {
- $val = $value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($param == 'dbGlu' && empty($val)) {
- return '`.`';
- }
- //Special treatment for dokeos_version parameter due to Dokeos 1.8.3 have the dokeos_version in the main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php file
- if ($param == 'dokeos_version') {
- //dokeos_version from configuration.php if empty
- $dokeos_version = $val;
- if (empty($dokeos_version)) {
- //checking the dokeos_version value exists in main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php
- if (file_exists($updatePath.'main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php')) {
- $updateFromInstalledVersionFile = $updatePath.'main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php';
- require ($updateFromInstalledVersionFile); //there are only 2 variables here: $stable & $dokeos_version
- $stable = false;
- }
- }
- return $dokeos_version;
+ if (isset($_configuration[$param])) {
+ return $_configuration[$param];
} else {
- if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile)) {
- return $val;
- } else {
- error_log('Config array could not be found in get_config_param()', 0);
- return null;
- }
+ return null;
@@ -732,6 +590,7 @@ function fill_track_countries_table($track_countries_table)
function load_main_database($installation_settings, $db_script = '')
+ $sql_text = null;
if (!empty($db_script)) {
if (file_exists($db_script)) {
$sql_text = file_get_contents($db_script);
@@ -1424,12 +1283,16 @@ function display_requirements(
<td class="requirements-item">chamilo/app/cache</td>
<td class="requirements-value">'.check_writable_root_path('app/cache').'</td>
<td class="requirements-item">chamilo/main/default_course_document/images/</td>
<td class="requirements-value">'.check_writable('default_course_document/images/').'</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="requirements-item">chamilo/courses/</td>
+ <td class="requirements-value">'.check_writable('../courses/').' </td>
+ </tr>
<td class="requirements-item">'.get_lang('CourseTestWasCreated').'</td>
<td class="requirements-value">'.$course_test_was_created.' </td>
@@ -1902,12 +1765,12 @@ function display_database_settings_form(
$dbUsernameForm = $_configuration['db_user'];
$dbPassForm = $_configuration['db_password'];
$dbPrefixForm = $_configuration['db_prefix'];
- $enableTrackingForm = $_configuration['tracking_enabled'];
- $singleDbForm = $_configuration['single_database'];
+ $enableTrackingForm = isset($_configuration['tracking_enabled']) ? $_configuration['tracking_enabled'] : null;
+ $singleDbForm = isset($_configuration['single_database']) ? $_configuration['single_database'] : null;
$dbNameForm = $_configuration['main_database'];
- $dbStatsForm = $_configuration['statistics_database'];
- $dbScormForm = $_configuration['scorm_database'];
- $dbUserForm = $_configuration['user_personal_database'];
+ $dbStatsForm = isset($_configuration['statistics_database']) ? $_configuration['statistics_database'] : null;
+ $dbScormForm = isset($_configuration['scorm_database']) ? $_configuration['scorm_database'] : null;
+ $dbUserForm = isset($_configuration['user_personal_database']) ? $_configuration['user_personal_database'] : null;
$dbScormExists = true;
@@ -2006,7 +1869,7 @@ function display_database_settings_form(
//Only for updates we show this options
if ($installType == INSTALL_TYPE_UPDATE) {
- display_database_parameter(
+ /*display_database_parameter(
@@ -2034,7 +1897,7 @@ function display_database_settings_form(
' ',
'id="optional_param4" '.$style
- );
+ );*/
@@ -2740,3 +2603,19 @@ function drop_course_tables()
+function movingFilesInAppFolder()
+ $sysPath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
+ $moveDirs = array(
+ $sysPath.'searchdb' => api_get_path(SYS_PATH_APP).'data/searchdb/',
+ $sysPath.'home' => api_get_path(SYS_PATH_APP).'data/home/',
+ );
+ foreach ($moveDirs as $from => $to) {
+ if (is_dir($from)) {
+ $copy = "cp -r $from/* $to";
+ system($copy);
+ }
+ }