@@ -2202,6 +2202,21 @@ class learnpath {
if($this->debug>2){error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_type() - Returning '.($res==false?'false':$res),0);}
return $res;
+ /**
+ * Gets the learning path type as static method
+ * @param boolean Return the name? If false, return the ID. Default is false.
+ * @return mixed Type ID or name, depending on the parameter
+ */
+ function get_type_static($lp_id=0)
+ {
+ $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table('lp');
+ $sql = "SELECT lp_type FROM $tbl_lp WHERE id = '".$lp_id."'";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql);
+ if($res===false){ return null;}
+ if(Database::num_rows($res)<=0){return null;}
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
+ return $row['lp_type'];
+ }
* Gets a flat list of item IDs ordered for display (level by level ordered by order_display)