Jelajahi Sumber

Adding missing files from jqgrid lib.

Julio Montoya 10 tahun lalu

+ 129 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * jqGrid Danish Translation
+ * Kaare Rasmussen
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = {
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "View {0} - {1} of {2}",
+	    emptyrecords: "No records to view",
+		loadtext: "Loading...",
+		pgtext : "Page {0} of {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+	    caption: "Søg...",
+	    Find: "Find",
+	    Reset: "Nulstil",
+	    odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:'equal'},{ oper:'ne', text:'not equal'},{ oper:'lt', text:'less'},{ oper:'le', text:'less or equal'},{ oper:'gt', text:'greater'},{ oper:'ge', text:'greater or equal'},{ oper:'bw', text:'begins with'},{ oper:'bn', text:'does not begin with'},{ oper:'in', text:'is in'},{ oper:'ni', text:'is not in'},{ oper:'ew', text:'ends with'},{ oper:'en', text:'does not end with'},{ oper:'cn', text:'contains'},{ oper:'nc', text:'does not contain'},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+	    groupOps: [	{ op: "AND", text: "all" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "any" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+	    addCaption: "Tilføj",
+	    editCaption: "Ret",
+	    bSubmit: "Send",
+	    bCancel: "Annuller",
+		bClose: "Luk",
+		saveData: "Data has been changed! Save changes?",
+		bYes : "Yes",
+		bNo : "No",
+		bExit : "Cancel",
+	    msg: {
+	        required:"Felt er nødvendigt",
+	        number:"Indtast venligst et validt tal",
+	        minValue:"værdi skal være større end eller lig med",
+	        maxValue:"værdi skal være mindre end eller lig med",
+	        email: "er ikke en valid email",
+	        integer: "Indtast venligst et validt heltalt",
+			date: "Indtast venligst en valid datoværdi",
+			url: "is not a valid URL. Prefix required ('http://' or 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " is not defined!",
+			novalue : " return value is required!",
+			customarray : "Custom function should return array!",
+			customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+	    caption: "View Record",
+	    bClose: "Close"
+	},
+	del : {
+	    caption: "Slet",
+	    msg: "Slet valgte række(r)?",
+	    bSubmit: "Slet",
+	    bCancel: "Annuller"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: " ",
+	    edittitle: "Rediger valgte række",
+		addtext:" ",
+	    addtitle: "Tilføj ny række",
+	    deltext: " ",
+	    deltitle: "Slet valgte række",
+	    searchtext: " ",
+	    searchtitle: "Find poster",
+	    refreshtext: "",
+	    refreshtitle: "Indlæs igen",
+	    alertcap: "Advarsel",
+	    alerttext: "Vælg venligst række",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "View selected row"
+	},
+	col : {
+	    caption: "Vis/skjul kolonner",
+	    bSubmit: "Send",
+	    bCancel: "Annuller"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "Fejl",
+		nourl : "Ingel url valgt",
+		norecords: "Ingen poster at behandle",
+	    model : "colNames og colModel har ikke samme længde!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0,00'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0,00'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"Søn", "Man", "Tirs", "Ons", "Tors", "Fre", "Lør",
+				"Søndag", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec",
+				"Januar", "Februar", "Marts", "April", "Maj", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["","","",""],
+			S: function (j) {return '.'},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'd/m/Y',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+	            ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+	            ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+	            ShortDate: "j/n/Y",
+	            LongDate: "l d. F Y",
+	            FullDateTime: "l d F Y G:i:s",
+	            MonthDay: "d. F",
+	            ShortTime: "G:i",
+	            LongTime: "G:i:s",
+	            SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+	            UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+	            YearMonth: "F Y"
+	        },
+	        reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+	    target: '',
+	    checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}
+// DK

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * jqGrid Croatian Translation
+ * Version 1.0.1 (developed for jQuery Grid 4.4)
+ *
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "Pregled {0} - {1} od {2}",
+		emptyrecords: "Nema zapisa",
+		loadtext: "Učitavam...",
+		pgtext : "Stranica {0} od {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "Traži...",
+		Find: "Pretraživanje",
+		Reset: "Poništi",
+		odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"jednak"},{ oper:'ne', text:"nije identičan"},{ oper:'lt', text:"manje"},{ oper:'le', text:"manje ili identično"},{ oper:'gt', text:"veće"},{ oper:'ge', text:"veće ili identično"},{ oper:'bw', text:"počinje sa"},{ oper:'bn', text:"ne počinje sa "},{ oper:'in', text:"je u"},{ oper:'ni', text:"nije u"},{ oper:'ew', text:"završava sa"},{ oper:'en', text:"ne završava sa"},{ oper:'cn', text:"sadrži"},{ oper:'nc', text:"ne sadrži"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "I", text: "sve" },	{ op: "ILI",  text: "bilo koji" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "Dodaj zapis",
+		editCaption: "Promijeni zapis",
+		bSubmit: "Preuzmi",
+		bCancel: "Odustani",
+		bClose: "Zatvri",
+		saveData: "Podaci su promijenjeni! Preuzmi promijene?",
+		bYes : "Da",
+		bNo : "Ne",
+		bExit : "Odustani",
+		msg: {
+			required:"Polje je obavezno",
+			number:"Molim, unesite ispravan broj",
+			minValue:"Vrijednost mora biti veća ili identična ",
+			maxValue:"Vrijednost mora biti manja ili identična",
+			email: "neispravan e-mail",
+			integer: "Molim, unjeti ispravan cijeli broj (integer)",
+			date: "Molim, unjeti ispravan datum ",
+			url: "neispravan URL. Prefiks je obavezan ('http://' or 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " nije definiran!",
+			novalue : " zahtjevan podatak je obavezan!",
+			customarray : "Opcionalna funkcija trebala bi bili polje (array)!",
+			customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "Otvori zapis",
+		bClose: "Zatvori"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "Obriši",
+		msg: "Obriši označen zapis ili više njih?",
+		bSubmit: "Obriši",
+		bCancel: "Odustani"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "Promijeni obilježeni red",
+		addtext: "",
+		addtitle: "Dodaj novi red",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "Obriši obilježeni red",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "Potraži zapise",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "Ponovo preuzmi podatke",
+		alertcap: "Upozorenje",
+		alerttext: "Molim, odaberi red",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "Pregled obilježenog reda"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "Obilježi kolonu",
+		bSubmit: "Uredu",
+		bCancel: "Odustani"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "Greška",
+		nourl : "Nedostaje URL",
+		norecords: "Bez zapisa za obradu",
+		model : "colNames i colModel imaju različitu duljinu!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0,00'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0,00'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Sri", "Čet", "Pet", "Sub",
+				"Nedjelja", "Ponedjeljak", "Utorak", "Srijeda", "Četvrtak", "Petak", "Subota"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Sij", "Velj", "Ožu", "Tra", "Svi", "Lip", "Srp", "Kol", "Ruj", "Lis", "Stu", "Pro",
+				"Siječanj", "Veljača", "Ožujak", "Travanj", "Svibanj", "Lipanj", "Srpanj", "Kolovoz", "Rujan", "Listopad", "Studeni", "Prosinac"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
+			S: function (j) {return ''},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'd.m.Y.',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
+				// and see
+				// and for alternative formats used frequently
+				ISO8601Long: "Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short: "Y-m-d",
+				// short date:
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    m - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				ShortDate: "d.m.Y.",	// in jQuery UI Datepicker: ""
+				// long date:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				LongDate: "l, j. F Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy"
+				// long date with long time:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				//    H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				FullDateTime: "l, j. F Y H:i:s", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+				// month day:
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				MonthDay: "d F", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dd MMMM"
+				// short time (without seconds)
+				//    H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				ShortTime: "H:i", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "HH:mm"
+				// long time (with seconds)
+				//    H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				LongTime: "H:i:s", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "HH:mm:ss"
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				// month with year
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				YearMonth: "F Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM yyyy"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * jqGrid Croatian Translation (charset windows-1250)
+ * Version 1.0.1 (developed for jQuery Grid 4.4)
+ *
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "Pregled {0} - {1} od {2}",
+		emptyrecords: "Nema zapisa",
+		loadtext: "U�itavam...",
+		pgtext : "Stranica {0} od {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "Tra�i...",
+		Find: "Pretra�ivanje",
+		Reset: "Poni�ti",
+		odata : [{ oper:'eq', text:'jednak'}, { oper:'ne', text:'nije identi�an'}, { oper:'lt', text:'manje'}, { oper:'le', text:'manje ili identi�no'},{ oper:'gt', text:'ve�e'},{ oper:'ge', text:'ve�e ili identi�no'}, { oper:'bw', text:'po�inje sa'},{ oper:'bn', text:'ne po�inje sa '},{ oper:'in', text:'je u'},{ oper:'ni', text:'nije u'},{ oper:'ew', text:'zavr�ava sa'},{ oper:'en', text:'ne zavr�ava sa'},{ oper:'cn', text:'sadr�i'},{ oper:'nc', text:'ne sadr�i'},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "I", text: "sve" },	{ op: "ILI",  text: "bilo koji" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "Dodaj zapis",
+		editCaption: "Promijeni zapis",
+		bSubmit: "Preuzmi",
+		bCancel: "Odustani",
+		bClose: "Zatvri",
+		saveData: "Podaci su promijenjeni! Preuzmi promijene?",
+		bYes : "Da",
+		bNo : "Ne",
+		bExit : "Odustani",
+		msg: {
+			required:"Polje je obavezno",
+			number:"Molim, unesite ispravan broj",
+			minValue:"Vrijednost mora biti ve�a ili identi�na ",
+			maxValue:"Vrijednost mora biti manja ili identi�na",
+			email: "neispravan e-mail",
+			integer: "Molim, unjeti ispravan cijeli broj (integer)",
+			date: "Molim, unjeti ispravan datum ",
+			url: "neispravan URL. Prefiks je obavezan ('http://' or 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " nije definiran!",
+			novalue : " zahtjevan podatak je obavezan!",
+			customarray : "Opcionalna funkcija trebala bi bili polje (array)!",
+			customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "Otvori zapis",
+		bClose: "Zatvori"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "Obri�i",
+		msg: "Obri�i ozna�en zapis ili vi�e njih?",
+		bSubmit: "Obri�i",
+		bCancel: "Odustani"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "Promijeni obilje�eni red",
+		addtext: "",
+		addtitle: "Dodaj novi red",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "Obri�i obilje�eni red",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "Potra�i zapise",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "Ponovo preuzmi podatke",
+		alertcap: "Upozorenje",
+		alerttext: "Molim, odaberi red",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "Pregled obilje�enog reda"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "Obilje�i kolonu",
+		bSubmit: "Uredu",
+		bCancel: "Odustani"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "Gre�ka",
+		nourl : "Nedostaje URL",
+		norecords: "Bez zapisa za obradu",
+		model : "colNames i colModel imaju razli�itu duljinu!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0,00'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0,00'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Sri", "�et", "Pet", "Sub",
+				"Nedjelja", "Ponedjeljak", "Utorak", "Srijeda", "�etvrtak", "Petak", "Subota"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Sij", "Velj", "O�u", "Tra", "Svi", "Lip", "Srp", "Kol", "Ruj", "Lis", "Stu", "Pro",
+				"Sije�anj", "Velja�a", "O�ujak", "Travanj", "Svibanj", "Lipanj", "Srpanj", "Kolovoz", "Rujan", "Listopad", "Studeni", "Prosinac"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
+			S: function (j) {return ''},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'd.m.Y.',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
+				// and see
+				// and for alternative formats used frequently
+				ISO8601Long: "Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short: "Y-m-d",
+				// short date:
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    m - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				ShortDate: "d.m.Y.",	// in jQuery UI Datepicker: ""
+				// long date:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				LongDate: "l, j. F Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy"
+				// long date with long time:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				//    H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				FullDateTime: "l, j. F Y H:i:s", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"
+				// month day:
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				MonthDay: "d F", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dd MMMM"
+				// short time (without seconds)
+				//    H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				ShortTime: "H:i", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "HH:mm"
+				// long time (with seconds)
+				//    H - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				LongTime: "H:i:s", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "HH:mm:ss"
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				// month with year
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				YearMonth: "F Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM yyyy"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * jqGrid English Translation
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "Data {0} - {1} dari {2}",
+		emptyrecords: "Tidak ada data",
+		loadtext: "Memuat...",
+		pgtext : "Halaman {0} dari {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "Pencarian",
+		Find: "Cari !",
+		Reset: "Segarkan",
+		odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"sama dengan"},{ oper:'ne', text:"tidak sama dengan"},{ oper:'lt', text:"kurang dari"},{ oper:'le', text:"kurang dari atau sama dengan"},{ oper:'gt', text:"lebih besar"},{ oper:'ge', text:"lebih besar atau sama dengan"},{ oper:'bw', text:"dimulai dengan"},{ oper:'bn', text:"tidak dimulai dengan"},{ oper:'in', text:"di dalam"},{ oper:'ni', text:"tidak di dalam"},{ oper:'ew', text:"diakhiri dengan"},{ oper:'en', text:"tidak diakhiri dengan"},{ oper:'cn', text:"mengandung"},{ oper:'nc', text:"tidak mengandung"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "AND", text: "all" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "any" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "Tambah Data",
+		editCaption: "Sunting Data",
+		bSubmit: "Submit",
+		bCancel: "Tutup",
+		bClose: "Tutup",
+		saveData: "Data telah berubah! Simpan perubahan?",
+		bYes : "Ya",
+		bNo : "Tidak",
+		bExit : "Tutup",
+		msg: {
+			required:"kolom wajib diisi",
+			number:"hanya nomer yang diperbolehkan",
+			minValue:"kolom harus lebih besar dari atau sama dengan",
+			maxValue:"kolom harus lebih kecil atau sama dengan",
+			email: "alamat e-mail tidak valid",
+			integer: "hanya nilai integer yang diperbolehkan",
+			date: "nilai tanggal tidak valid",
+			url: "Bukan URL yang valid. Harap gunakan ('http://' or 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " belum didefinisikan!",
+			novalue : " return value is required!",
+			customarray : "Custom function should return array!",
+			customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "Menampilkan data",
+		bClose: "Tutup"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "Hapus",
+		msg: "Hapus data terpilih?",
+		bSubmit: "Hapus",
+		bCancel: "Batalkan"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "Sunting data terpilih",
+		addtext:"",
+		addtitle: "Tambah baris baru",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "Hapus baris terpilih",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "Temukan data",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "Segarkan Grid",
+		alertcap: "Warning",
+		alerttext: "Harap pilih baris",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "Tampilkan baris terpilih"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "Pilih Kolom",
+		bSubmit: "Ok",
+		bCancel: "Batal"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "Error",
+		nourl : "Tidak ada url yang diset",
+		norecords: "Tidak ada data untuk diproses",
+		model : "Lebar dari colNames <> colModel!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "Rp. ", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"Ming", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab",
+				"Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agu", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des",
+				"Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
+			S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'n/j/Y',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
+				// and see
+				// and for alternative formats used frequently
+				// one can find on many
+				// information about date, time, numbers and currency formats used in different countries
+				// one should just convert the information in PHP format
+				ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+				// short date:
+				//    n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
+				//    j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				// example: 3/1/2012 which means 1 March 2012
+				ShortDate: "n/j/Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "M/d/yyyy"
+				// long date:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				LongDate: "l, F d, Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
+				// long date with long time:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				//    g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				//    A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+				FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
+				// month day:
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				MonthDay: "F d", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM dd"
+				// short time (without seconds)
+				//    g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+				ShortTime: "g:i A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm tt"
+				// long time (with seconds)
+				//    g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				//    A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+				LongTime: "g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm:ss tt"
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				// month with year
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				YearMonth: "F, Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM, yyyy"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * jqGrid English Translation
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "보기 {0} - {1} / {2}",
+		emptyrecords: "표시할 행이 없습니다",
+		loadtext: "조회중...",
+		pgtext : "페이지 {0} / {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "검색...",
+		Find: "찾기",
+		Reset: "초기화",
+		odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"같다"},{ oper:'ne', text:"같지 않다"},{ oper:'lt', text:"작다"},{ oper:'le', text:"작거나 같다"},{ oper:'gt', text:"크다"},{ oper:'ge', text:"크거나 같다"},{ oper:'bw', text:"로 시작한다"},{ oper:'bn', text:"로 시작하지 않는다"},{ oper:'in', text:"내에 있다"},{ oper:'ni', text:"내에 있지 않다"},{ oper:'ew', text:"로 끝난다"},{ oper:'en', text:"로 끝나지 않는다"},{ oper:'cn', text:"내에 존재한다"},{ oper:'nc', text:"내에 존재하지 않는다"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "AND", text: "전부" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "임의" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "행 추가",
+		editCaption: "행 수정",
+		bSubmit: "전송",
+		bCancel: "취소",
+		bClose: "닫기",
+		saveData: "자료가 변경되었습니다! 저장하시겠습니까?",
+		bYes : "예",
+		bNo : "아니오",
+		bExit : "취소",
+		msg: {
+			required:"필수항목입니다",
+			number:"유효한 번호를 입력해 주세요",
+			minValue:"입력값은 크거나 같아야 합니다",
+			maxValue:"입력값은 작거나 같아야 합니다",
+			email: "유효하지 않은 이메일주소입니다",
+			integer: "유효한 숫자를 입력하세요",
+			date: "유효한 날짜를 입력하세요",
+			url: "은 유효하지 않은 URL입니다. 문장앞에 다음단어가 필요합니다('http://' or 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " 은 정의도지 않았습니다!",
+			novalue : " 반환값이 필요합니다!",
+			customarray : "사용자정의 함수는 배열을 반환해야 합니다!",
+			customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "행 조회",
+		bClose: "닫기"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "삭제",
+		msg: "선택된 행을 삭제하시겠습니까?",
+		bSubmit: "삭제",
+		bCancel: "취소"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "선택된 행 편집",
+		addtext:"",
+		addtitle: "행 삽입",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "선택된 행 삭제",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "행 찾기",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "그리드 갱신",
+		alertcap: "경고",
+		alerttext: "행을 선택하세요",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "선택된 행 조회"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "열을 선택하세요",
+		bSubmit: "확인",
+		bCancel: "취소"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "오류",
+		nourl : "설정된 url이 없습니다",
+		norecords: "처리할 행이 없습니다",
+		model : "colNames의 길이가 colModel과 일치하지 않습니다!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: ",", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr", "Fri", "Sat",
+				"일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
+				"1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월", "9월", "10월", "11월", "12월"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
+			S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th'},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'm-d-Y',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+				ShortDate: "Y/j/n",
+				LongDate: "l, F d, Y",
+				FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A",
+				MonthDay: "F d",
+				ShortTime: "g:i A",
+				LongTime: "g:i:s A",
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				YearMonth: "F, Y"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * jqGrid Serbian latin Translation
+ * Bild Studio
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "Pregled {0} - {1} od {2}",
+		emptyrecords: "Ne postoji nijedan zapis",
+		loadtext: "Učitavanje…",
+		pgtext : "Strana {0} od {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "Traženje...",
+		Find: "Traži",
+		Reset: "Resetuj",
+		odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"jednako"},{ oper:'ne', text:"nije jednako"},{ oper:'lt', text:"manje"},{ oper:'le', text:"manje ili jednako"},{ oper:'gt', text:"veće"},{ oper:'ge', text:"veće ili jednako"},{ oper:'bw', text:"počinje sa"},{ oper:'bn', text:"ne počinje sa"},{ oper:'in', text:"je u"},{ oper:'ni', text:"nije u"},{ oper:'ew', text:"završava sa"},{ oper:'en', text:"ne završava sa"},{ oper:'cn', text:"sadrži"},{ oper:'nc', text:"ne sadrži"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "AND", text: "sva" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "bilo koje" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "Dodaj zapis",
+		editCaption: "Izmeni zapis",
+		bSubmit: "Pošalji",
+		bCancel: "Odustani",
+		bClose: "Zatvori",
+		saveData: "Podatak je izmenjen! Sačuvaj izmene?",
+		bYes : "Da",
+		bNo : "Ne",
+		bExit : "Odustani",
+		msg: {
+			required: "Polje je obavezno",
+			number: "Unesite ispravan broj",
+			minValue: "vrednost mora biti veća od ili jednaka sa ",
+			maxValue: "vrednost mora biti manja ili jednaka sa",
+			email: "nije ispravna email adresa, nije valjda da ne umeš ukucati mail!?",
+			integer: "Unesi celobrojnu vrednost ",
+			date: "Unesite ispravan datum",
+			url: "nije ispravan URL. Potreban je prefiks ('http://' or 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " nije definisan!",
+			novalue : " zahtevana je povratna vrednost!",
+			customarray : "Prilagođena funkcija treba da vrati niz!",
+			customfcheck : "Prilagođena funkcija treba da bude prisutana u slučaju prilagođene provere!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "Pogledaj zapis",
+		bClose: "Zatvori"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "Izbrisi",
+		msg: "Izbrisi izabran(e) zapise(e)?",
+		bSubmit: "Izbriši",
+		bCancel: "Odbaci"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "Izmeni izabrani red",
+		addtext:"",
+		addtitle: "Dodaj novi red",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "Izbriši izabran red",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "Nađi zapise",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "Ponovo učitaj podatke",
+		alertcap: "Upozorenje",
+		alerttext: "Izaberite red",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "Pogledaj izabrani red"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "Izaberi kolone",
+		bSubmit: "OK",
+		bCancel: "Odbaci"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "Greška",
+		nourl : "Nije postavljen URL",
+		norecords: "Nema zapisa za obradu",
+		model : "Dužina modela colNames <> colModel!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Sre", "Čet", "Pet", "Sub",
+				"Nedelja", "Ponedeljak", "Utorak", "Srijeda", "Četvrtak", "Petak", "Subota"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Avg", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec",
+				"Januar", "Februar", "Mart", "April", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Avgust", "Septembar", "Oktobar", "Novembar", "Decembar"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
+			S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th'},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'd/m/Y',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+				ShortDate: "n/j/Y",
+				LongDate: "l, F d, Y",
+				FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A",
+				MonthDay: "F d",
+				ShortTime: "g:i A",
+				LongTime: "g:i:s A",
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				YearMonth: "F, Y"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * jqGrid Chinese (Taiwan) Translation for v4.2
+ * linquize
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ * 
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "{0} - {1} 共 {2} 條",
+		emptyrecords: "沒有記錄",
+		loadtext: "載入中...",
+		pgtext : " {0} 共 {1} 頁"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "搜尋...",
+		Find: "搜尋",
+		Reset: "重設",
+		odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"等於 "},{ oper:'ne', text:"不等於 "},{ oper:'lt', text:"小於 "},{ oper:'le', text:"小於等於 "},{ oper:'gt', text:"大於 "},{ oper:'ge', text:"大於等於 "},{ oper:'bw', text:"開始於 "},{ oper:'bn', text:"不開始於 "},{ oper:'in', text:"在其中 "},{ oper:'ni', text:"不在其中 "},{ oper:'ew', text:"結束於 "},{ oper:'en', text:"不結束於 "},{ oper:'cn', text:"包含 "},{ oper:'nc', text:"不包含 "},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "AND", text: "所有" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "任一" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "新增記錄",
+		editCaption: "編輯記錄",
+		bSubmit: "提交",
+		bCancel: "取消",
+		bClose: "關閉",
+		saveData: "資料已改變,是否儲存?",
+		bYes : "是",
+		bNo : "否",
+		bExit : "取消",
+		msg: {
+			required:"此欄必要",
+			number:"請輸入有效的數字",
+			minValue:"值必須大於等於 ",
+			maxValue:"值必須小於等於 ",
+			email: "不是有效的e-mail地址",
+			integer: "請輸入有效整数",
+			date: "請輸入有效時間",
+			url: "網址無效。前綴必須為 ('http://' 或 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " 未定義!",
+			novalue : " 需要傳回值!",
+			customarray : "自訂函數應傳回陣列!",
+			customfcheck : "自訂檢查應有自訂函數!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "查看記錄",
+		bClose: "關閉"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "刪除",
+		msg: "刪除已選記錄?",
+		bSubmit: "刪除",
+		bCancel: "取消"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "編輯已選列",
+		addtext:"",
+		addtitle: "新增列",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "刪除已選列",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "搜尋記錄",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "重新整理表格",
+		alertcap: "警告",
+		alerttext: "請選擇列",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "檢視已選列"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "選擇欄",
+		bSubmit: "確定",
+		bCancel: "取消"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "錯誤",
+		nourl : "未設定URL",
+		norecords: "無需要處理的記錄",
+		model : "colNames 和 colModel 長度不同!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六",
+		         "星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二",
+				"一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["上午","下午","上午","下午"],
+			S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'm-d-Y',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+				ShortDate: "Y/j/n",
+				LongDate: "l, F d, Y",
+				FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A",
+				MonthDay: "F d",
+				ShortTime: "g:i A",
+				LongTime: "g:i:s A",
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				YearMonth: "F, Y"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * jqGrid Vietnamese Translation
+ * Lê Đình Dũng
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	defaults : {
+		recordtext: "View {0} - {1} of {2}",
+		emptyrecords: "Không có dữ liệu",
+		loadtext: "Đang nạp dữ liệu...",
+		pgtext : "Trang {0} trong tổng số {1}"
+	},
+	search : {
+		caption: "Tìm kiếm...",
+		Find: "Tìm",
+		Reset: "Khởi tạo lại",
+		odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:"bằng"},{ oper:'ne', text:"không bằng"},{ oper:'lt', text:"bé hơn"},{ oper:'le', text:"bé hơn hoặc bằng"},{ oper:'gt', text:"lớn hơn"},{ oper:'ge', text:"lớn hơn hoặc bằng"},{ oper:'bw', text:"bắt đầu với"},{ oper:'bn', text:"không bắt đầu với"},{ oper:'in', text:"trong"},{ oper:'ni', text:"không nằm trong"},{ oper:'ew', text:"kết thúc với"},{ oper:'en', text:"không kết thúc với"},{ oper:'cn', text:"chứa"},{ oper:'nc', text:"không chứa"},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+		groupOps: [	{ op: "VÀ", text: "tất cả" },	{ op: "HOẶC",  text: "bất kỳ" }	],
+		operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+		resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+	},
+	edit : {
+		addCaption: "Thêm bản ghi",
+		editCaption: "Sửa bản ghi",
+		bSubmit: "Gửi",
+		bCancel: "Hủy bỏ",
+		bClose: "Đóng",
+		saveData: "Dữ liệu đã thay đổi! Có lưu thay đổi không?",
+		bYes : "Có",
+		bNo : "Không",
+		bExit : "Hủy bỏ",
+		msg: {
+			required:"Trường dữ liệu bắt buộc có",
+			number:"Hãy điền đúng số",
+			minValue:"giá trị phải lớn hơn hoặc bằng với ",
+			maxValue:"giá trị phải bé hơn hoặc bằng",
+			email: "không phải là một email đúng",
+			integer: "Hãy điền đúng số nguyên",
+			date: "Hãy điền đúng ngày tháng",
+			url: "không phải là URL. Khởi đầu bắt buộc là ('http://' hoặc 'https://')",
+			nodefined : " chưa được định nghĩa!",
+			novalue : " giá trị trả về bắt buộc phải có!",
+			customarray : "Hàm nên trả về một mảng!",
+			customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+		}
+	},
+	view : {
+		caption: "Xem bản ghi",
+		bClose: "Đóng"
+	},
+	del : {
+		caption: "Xóa",
+		msg: "Xóa bản ghi đã chọn?",
+		bSubmit: "Xóa",
+		bCancel: "Hủy bỏ"
+	},
+	nav : {
+		edittext: "",
+		edittitle: "Sửa dòng đã chọn",
+		addtext:"",
+		addtitle: "Thêm mới 1 dòng",
+		deltext: "",
+		deltitle: "Xóa dòng đã chọn",
+		searchtext: "",
+		searchtitle: "Tìm bản ghi",
+		refreshtext: "",
+		refreshtitle: "Nạp lại lưới",
+		alertcap: "Cảnh báo",
+		alerttext: "Hãy chọn một dòng",
+		viewtext: "",
+		viewtitle: "Xem dòng đã chọn"
+	},
+	col : {
+		caption: "Chọn cột",
+		bSubmit: "OK",
+		bCancel: "Hủy bỏ"
+	},
+	errors : {
+		errcap : "Lỗi",
+		nourl : "không url được đặt",
+		norecords: "Không có bản ghi để xử lý",
+		model : "Chiều dài của colNames <> colModel!"
+	},
+	formatter : {
+		integer : {thousandsSeparator: ".", defaultValue: '0'},
+		number : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0'},
+		currency : {decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0'},
+		date : {
+			dayNames:   [
+				"CN", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7",
+				"Chủ nhật", "Thứ hai", "Thứ ba", "Thứ tư", "Thứ năm", "Thứ sáu", "Thứ bảy"
+			],
+			monthNames: [
+				"Th1", "Th2", "Th3", "Th4", "Th5", "Th6", "Th7", "Th8", "Th9", "Th10", "Th11", "Th12",
+				"Tháng một", "Tháng hai", "Tháng ba", "Tháng tư", "Tháng năm", "Tháng sáu", "Tháng bảy", "Tháng tám", "Tháng chín", "Tháng mười", "Tháng mười một", "Tháng mười hai"
+			],
+			AmPm : ["sáng","chiều","SÁNG","CHIỀU"],
+			S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';},
+			srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+			newformat: 'n/j/Y',
+			parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+			masks : {
+				// see for PHP format used in jqGrid
+				// and see
+				// and for alternative formats used frequently
+				// one can find on many
+				// information about date, time, numbers and currency formats used in different countries
+				// one should just convert the information in PHP format
+				ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+				ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+				// short date:
+				//    n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
+				//    j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				// example: 3/1/2012 which means 1 March 2012
+				ShortDate: "n/j/Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "M/d/yyyy"
+				// long date:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				LongDate: "l, F d, Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
+				// long date with long time:
+				//    l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				//    g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				//    A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+				FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
+				// month day:
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				//    d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+				MonthDay: "F d", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM dd"
+				// short time (without seconds)
+				//    g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+				ShortTime: "g:i A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm tt"
+				// long time (with seconds)
+				//    g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+				//    i - Minutes with leading zeros
+				//    s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+				//    A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+				LongTime: "g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm:ss tt"
+				SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+				UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+				// month with year
+				//    Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+				//    F - A full textual representation of a month
+				YearMonth: "F, Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM, yyyy"
+			},
+			reformatAfterEdit : false
+		},
+		baseLinkUrl: '',
+		showAction: '',
+		target: '',
+		checkbox : {disabled:true},
+		idName : 'id'
+	}

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Download the jqGrid package from the www.trirand/blog site section downloads.
+Note the new download manager where you can choose which modules you want to
+include in the download.
+In order to use jqGrid 3.5, first a UI theme css file should be loaded.
+Download the desired theme (or build a custom one) from jQueryUI site
+( and point in your link tag in head section the path to the
+theme css
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="path_to_ui_css_file/jquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.css" />
+where the path_to_ui_css_file is a valid path to the ui theme file
+Extract the jqGrid package and copy the ui.jqgrid.css from css directory to
+your webserver directory. It is not necessary that the jqgrid css file is in
+the same directory as those of the jquery ui css.
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="path_to_jqgrid_css_file/ui.jqgrid.css" />
+Starting with this version, jqGrid does not use a loader (which loads the
+needed files one by one), but all the needed code is contained in one file.
+The desired modules can be built using the jqGrid download manager from the
+site pointed above. In order to use this, first a language file should be
+loaded and then the jqgrid file.
+Copy the desired language file from js/i18n directory to your web server
+directory where you store the java script files. Every language file is
+named grid.locale-XX.js, where XX is a two-letter code for the language.
+Copy the jquery.jqGid.min.js file to the same or other valid directory in
+your web server
+Include both the files in script tags in the head section
+<script src="path_to_js_files/grid.locale-en.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<script src="path_to_js_files/jquery.jqGrid.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+For debugging purposes, I have created a grid.loader.js which does the same
+loading of the files as in previous versions. The location of the file is in
+src directory of the package. In order to use this, the variable pathojsfiles
+should be adjusted to point to the appropriate folder - see 3.4.x docs.

File diff ditekan karena terlalu besar
+ 1 - 0

+ 13235 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13235 @@
+// ==ClosureCompiler==
+// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
+ * @license jqGrid  4.6.0 - jQuery Grid
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Tony Tomov,
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 2014-02-20
+ */
+//jsHint options
+/*jshint evil:true, eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
+/*global jQuery */
+(function ($) {
+"use strict";
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+	version : "4.6.0",
+	htmlDecode : function(value){
+		if(value && (value==='&nbsp;' || value==='&#160;' || (value.length===1 && value.charCodeAt(0)===160))) { return "";}
+		return !value ? value : String(value).replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&amp;/g, "&");		
+	},
+	htmlEncode : function (value){
+		return !value ? value : String(value).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/\"/g, "&quot;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
+	},
+	format : function(format){ //jqgformat
+		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
+		if(format==null) { format = ""; }
+		return format.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(m, i){
+			return args[i];
+		});
+	},
+	msie : navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer',
+	msiever : function () {
+		var rv = -1;
+		var ua = navigator.userAgent;
+		var re  = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
+		if (re.exec(ua) != null) {
+			rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
+		}
+		return rv;
+	},
+	getCellIndex : function (cell) {
+		var c = $(cell);
+		if ('tr')) { return -1; }
+		c = (!'td') && !'th') ? c.closest("td,th") : c)[0];
+		if ($.jgrid.msie) { return $.inArray(c, c.parentNode.cells); }
+		return c.cellIndex;
+	},
+	stripHtml : function(v) {
+		v = String(v);
+		var regexp = /<("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/gi;
+		if (v) {
+			v = v.replace(regexp,"");
+			return (v && v !== '&nbsp;' && v !== '&#160;') ? v.replace(/\"/g,"'") : "";
+		} 
+			return v;
+	},
+	stripPref : function (pref, id) {
+		var obj = $.type( pref );
+		if( obj === "string" || obj === "number") {
+			pref =  String(pref);
+			id = pref !== "" ? String(id).replace(String(pref), "") : id;
+		}
+		return id;
+	},
+	parse : function(jsonString) {
+		var js = jsonString;
+		if (js.substr(0,9) === "while(1);") { js = js.substr(9); }
+		if (js.substr(0,2) === "/*") { js = js.substr(2,js.length-4); }
+		if(!js) { js = "{}"; }
+		return ($.jgrid.useJSON===true && typeof JSON === 'object' && typeof JSON.parse === 'function') ?
+			JSON.parse(js) :
+			eval('(' + js + ')');
+	},
+	parseDate : function(format, date, newformat, opts) {
+		var	token = /\\.|[dDjlNSwzWFmMntLoYyaABgGhHisueIOPTZcrU]/g,
+		timezone = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g,
+		timezoneClip = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g,
+		msDateRegExp = new RegExp("^\/Date\\((([-+])?[0-9]+)(([-+])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}))?\\)\/$"),
+		msMatch = ((typeof date === 'string') ? date.match(msDateRegExp): null),
+		pad = function (value, length) {
+			value = String(value);
+			length = parseInt(length,10) || 2;
+			while (value.length < length)  { value = '0' + value; }
+			return value;
+		},
+		ts = {m : 1, d : 1, y : 1970, h : 0, i : 0, s : 0, u:0},
+		timestamp=0, dM, k,hl,
+		h12to24 = function(ampm, h){
+			if (ampm === 0){ if (h === 12) { h = 0;} }
+			else { if (h !== 12) { h += 12; } }
+			return h;
+		};
+		if(opts === undefined) {
+			opts = $;
+		}
+		// old lang files
+		if(opts.parseRe === undefined ) {
+			opts.parseRe = /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/;
+		}
+		if( opts.masks.hasOwnProperty(format) ) { format = opts.masks[format]; }
+		if(date && date != null) {
+			if( !isNaN( date - 0 ) && String(format).toLowerCase() === "u") {
+				//Unix timestamp
+				timestamp = new Date( parseFloat(date)*1000 );
+			} else if(date.constructor === Date) {
+				timestamp = date;
+				// Microsoft date format support
+			} else if( msMatch !== null ) {
+				timestamp = new Date(parseInt(msMatch[1], 10));
+				if (msMatch[3]) {
+					var offset = Number(msMatch[5]) * 60 + Number(msMatch[6]);
+					offset *= ((msMatch[4] === '-') ? 1 : -1);
+					offset -= timestamp.getTimezoneOffset();
+					timestamp.setTime(Number(Number(timestamp) + (offset * 60 * 1000)));
+				}
+			} else {
+				var offset = 0;
+				//Support ISO8601Long that have Z at the end to indicate UTC timezone
+				if(opts.srcformat === 'ISO8601Long' && date.charAt(date.length - 1) === 'Z') {
+					offset -= (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset();
+				}
+				date = String(date).replace(/\T/g,"#").replace(/\t/,"%").split(opts.parseRe);
+				format = format.replace(/\T/g,"#").replace(/\t/,"%").split(opts.parseRe);
+				// parsing for month names
+				for(k=0,hl=format.length;k<hl;k++){
+					if(format[k] === 'M') {
+						dM = $.inArray(date[k],opts.monthNames);
+						if(dM !== -1 && dM < 12){date[k] = dM+1; ts.m = date[k];}
+					}
+					if(format[k] === 'F') {
+						dM = $.inArray(date[k],opts.monthNames,12);
+						if(dM !== -1 && dM > 11){date[k] = dM+1-12; ts.m = date[k];}
+					}
+					if(format[k] === 'a') {
+						dM = $.inArray(date[k],opts.AmPm);
+						if(dM !== -1 && dM < 2 && date[k] === opts.AmPm[dM]){
+							date[k] = dM;
+							ts.h = h12to24(date[k], ts.h);
+						}
+					}
+					if(format[k] === 'A') {
+						dM = $.inArray(date[k],opts.AmPm);
+						if(dM !== -1 && dM > 1 && date[k] === opts.AmPm[dM]){
+							date[k] = dM-2;
+							ts.h = h12to24(date[k], ts.h);
+						}
+					}
+					if (format[k] === 'g') {
+						ts.h = parseInt(date[k], 10);
+					}
+					if(date[k] !== undefined) {
+						ts[format[k].toLowerCase()] = parseInt(date[k],10);
+					}
+				}
+				if(ts.f) {ts.m = ts.f;}
+				if( ts.m === 0 && ts.y === 0 && ts.d === 0) {
+					return "&#160;" ;
+				}
+				ts.m = parseInt(ts.m,10)-1;
+				var ty = ts.y;
+				if (ty >= 70 && ty <= 99) {ts.y = 1900+ts.y;}
+				else if (ty >=0 && ty <=69) {ts.y= 2000+ts.y;}
+				timestamp = new Date(ts.y, ts.m, ts.d, ts.h, ts.i, ts.s, ts.u);
+				//Apply offset to show date as local time.
+				if(offset > 0) {
+					timestamp.setTime(Number(Number(timestamp) + (offset * 60 * 1000)));
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			timestamp = new Date(ts.y, ts.m, ts.d, ts.h, ts.i, ts.s, ts.u);
+		}
+		if( newformat === undefined ) {
+			return timestamp;
+		}
+		if( opts.masks.hasOwnProperty(newformat) )  {
+			newformat = opts.masks[newformat];
+		} else if ( !newformat ) {
+			newformat = 'Y-m-d';
+		}
+		var 
+			G = timestamp.getHours(),
+			i = timestamp.getMinutes(),
+			j = timestamp.getDate(),
+			n = timestamp.getMonth() + 1,
+			o = timestamp.getTimezoneOffset(),
+			s = timestamp.getSeconds(),
+			u = timestamp.getMilliseconds(),
+			w = timestamp.getDay(),
+			Y = timestamp.getFullYear(),
+			N = (w + 6) % 7 + 1,
+			z = (new Date(Y, n - 1, j) - new Date(Y, 0, 1)) / 86400000,
+			flags = {
+				// Day
+				d: pad(j),
+				D: opts.dayNames[w],
+				j: j,
+				l: opts.dayNames[w + 7],
+				N: N,
+				S: opts.S(j),
+				//j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th',
+				w: w,
+				z: z,
+				// Week
+				W: N < 5 ? Math.floor((z + N - 1) / 7) + 1 : Math.floor((z + N - 1) / 7) || ((new Date(Y - 1, 0, 1).getDay() + 6) % 7 < 4 ? 53 : 52),
+				// Month
+				F: opts.monthNames[n - 1 + 12],
+				m: pad(n),
+				M: opts.monthNames[n - 1],
+				n: n,
+				t: '?',
+				// Year
+				L: '?',
+				o: '?',
+				Y: Y,
+				y: String(Y).substring(2),
+				// Time
+				a: G < 12 ? opts.AmPm[0] : opts.AmPm[1],
+				A: G < 12 ? opts.AmPm[2] : opts.AmPm[3],
+				B: '?',
+				g: G % 12 || 12,
+				G: G,
+				h: pad(G % 12 || 12),
+				H: pad(G),
+				i: pad(i),
+				s: pad(s),
+				u: u,
+				// Timezone
+				e: '?',
+				I: '?',
+				O: (o > 0 ? "-" : "+") + pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(o) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(o) % 60, 4),
+				P: '?',
+				T: (String(timestamp).match(timezone) || [""]).pop().replace(timezoneClip, ""),
+				Z: '?',
+				// Full Date/Time
+				c: '?',
+				r: '?',
+				U: Math.floor(timestamp / 1000)
+			};
+		return newformat.replace(token, function ($0) {
+			return flags.hasOwnProperty($0) ? flags[$0] : $0.substring(1);
+		});
+	},
+	jqID : function(sid){
+		return String(sid).replace(/[!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:; <=>?@\[\\\]\^`{|}~]/g,"\\$&");
+	},
+	guid : 1,
+	uidPref: 'jqg',
+	randId : function( prefix )	{
+		return (prefix || $.jgrid.uidPref) + ($.jgrid.guid++);
+	},
+	getAccessor : function(obj, expr) {
+		var ret,p,prm = [], i;
+		if( typeof expr === 'function') { return expr(obj); }
+		ret = obj[expr];
+		if(ret===undefined) {
+			try {
+				if ( typeof expr === 'string' ) {
+					prm = expr.split('.');
+				}
+				i = prm.length;
+				if( i ) {
+					ret = obj;
+					while (ret && i--) {
+						p = prm.shift();
+						ret = ret[p];
+					}
+				}
+			} catch (e) {}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	getXmlData: function (obj, expr, returnObj) {
+		var ret, m = typeof expr === 'string' ? expr.match(/^(.*)\[(\w+)\]$/) : null;
+		if (typeof expr === 'function') { return expr(obj); }
+		if (m && m[2]) {
+			// m[2] is the attribute selector
+			// m[1] is an optional element selector
+			// examples: "[id]", "rows[page]"
+			return m[1] ? $(m[1], obj).attr(m[2]) : $(obj).attr(m[2]);
+		}
+			ret = $(expr, obj);
+			if (returnObj) { return ret; }
+			//$(expr, obj).filter(':last'); // we use ':last' to be more compatible with old version of jqGrid
+			return ret.length > 0 ? $(ret).text() : undefined;
+	},
+	cellWidth : function () {
+		var $testDiv = $("<div class='ui-jqgrid' style='left:10000px'><table class='ui-jqgrid-btable' style='width:5px;'><tr class='jqgrow'><td style='width:5px;display:block;'></td></tr></table></div>"),
+		testCell = $testDiv.appendTo("body")
+			.find("td")
+			.width();
+		$testDiv.remove();
+		return Math.abs(testCell-5) > 0.1;
+	},
+	cell_width : true,
+	ajaxOptions: {},
+	from : function(source){
+		// Original Author Hugo Bonacci
+		// License MIT
+		var QueryObject=function(d,q){
+		if(typeof d==="string"){
+			d=$.data(d);
+		}
+		var self=this,
+		_data=d,
+		_usecase=true,
+		_trim=false,
+		_query=q,
+		_stripNum = /[\$,%]/g,
+		_lastCommand=null,
+		_lastField=null,
+		_orDepth=0,
+		_negate=false,
+		_queuedOperator="",
+		_sorting=[],
+		_useProperties=true;
+		if(typeof d==="object"&&d.push) {
+			if(d.length>0){
+				if(typeof d[0]!=="object"){
+					_useProperties=false;
+				}else{
+					_useProperties=true;
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			throw "data provides is not an array";
+		}
+		this._hasData=function(){
+			return _data===null?false:_data.length===0?false:true;
+		};
+		this._getStr=function(s){
+			var phrase=[];
+			if(_trim){
+				phrase.push("jQuery.trim(");
+			}
+			phrase.push("String("+s+")");
+			if(_trim){
+				phrase.push(")");
+			}
+			if(!_usecase){
+				phrase.push(".toLowerCase()");
+			}
+			return phrase.join("");
+		};
+		this._strComp=function(val){
+			if(typeof val==="string"){
+				return".toString()";
+			}
+			return"";
+		};
+		this._group=function(f,u){
+			return({field:f.toString(),unique:u,items:[]});
+		};
+		this._toStr=function(phrase){
+			if(_trim){
+				phrase=$.trim(phrase);
+			}
+			phrase=phrase.toString().replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"');
+			return _usecase ? phrase : phrase.toLowerCase();
+		};
+		this._funcLoop=function(func){
+			var results=[];
+			$.each(_data,function(i,v){
+				results.push(func(v));
+			});
+			return results;
+		};
+		this._append=function(s){
+			var i;
+			if(_query===null){
+				_query="";
+			} else {
+				_query+=_queuedOperator === "" ? " && " :_queuedOperator;
+			}
+			for (i=0;i<_orDepth;i++){
+				_query+="(";
+			}
+			if(_negate){
+				_query+="!";
+			}
+			_query+="("+s+")";
+			_negate=false;
+			_queuedOperator="";
+			_orDepth=0;
+		};
+		this._setCommand=function(f,c){
+			_lastCommand=f;
+			_lastField=c;
+		};
+		this._resetNegate=function(){
+			_negate=false;
+		};
+		this._repeatCommand=function(f,v){
+			if(_lastCommand===null){
+				return self;
+			}
+			if(f!==null&&v!==null){
+				return _lastCommand(f,v);
+			}
+			if(_lastField===null){
+				return _lastCommand(f);
+			}
+			if(!_useProperties){
+				return _lastCommand(f);
+			}
+			return _lastCommand(_lastField,f);
+		};
+		this._equals=function(a,b){
+			return(self._compare(a,b,1)===0);
+		};
+		this._compare=function(a,b,d){
+			var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+			if( d === undefined) { d = 1; }
+			if(a===undefined) { a = null; }
+			if(b===undefined) { b = null; }
+			if(a===null && b===null){
+				return 0;
+			}
+			if(a===null&&b!==null){
+				return 1;
+			}
+			if(a!==null&&b===null){
+				return -1;
+			}
+			if ( === '[object Date]' && === '[object Date]') {
+				if (a < b) { return -d; }
+				if (a > b) { return d; }
+				return 0;
+			}
+			if(!_usecase && typeof a !== "number" && typeof b !== "number" ) {
+				a=String(a);
+				b=String(b);
+			}
+			if(a<b){return -d;}
+			if(a>b){return d;}
+			return 0;
+		};
+		this._performSort=function(){
+			if(_sorting.length===0){return;}
+			_data=self._doSort(_data,0);
+		};
+		this._doSort=function(d,q){
+			var by=_sorting[q].by,
+			dir=_sorting[q].dir,
+			type = _sorting[q].type,
+			dfmt = _sorting[q].datefmt,
+			sfunc = _sorting[q].sfunc;
+			if(q===_sorting.length-1){
+				return self._getOrder(d, by, dir, type, dfmt, sfunc);
+			}
+			q++;
+			var values=self._getGroup(d,by,dir,type,dfmt), results=[], i, j, sorted;
+			for(i=0;i<values.length;i++){
+				sorted=self._doSort(values[i].items,q);
+				for(j=0;j<sorted.length;j++){
+					results.push(sorted[j]);
+				}
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+		this._getOrder=function(data,by,dir,type, dfmt, sfunc){
+			var sortData=[],_sortData=[], newDir = dir==="a" ? 1 : -1, i,ab,j,
+			findSortKey;
+			if(type === undefined ) { type = "text"; }
+			if (type === 'float' || type=== 'number' || type=== 'currency' || type=== 'numeric') {
+				findSortKey = function($cell) {
+					var key = parseFloat( String($cell).replace(_stripNum, ''));
+					return isNaN(key) ? 0.00 : key;
+				};
+			} else if (type==='int' || type==='integer') {
+				findSortKey = function($cell) {
+					return $cell ? parseFloat(String($cell).replace(_stripNum, '')) : 0;
+				};
+			} else if(type === 'date' || type === 'datetime') {
+				findSortKey = function($cell) {
+					return $.jgrid.parseDate(dfmt,$cell).getTime();
+				};
+			} else if($.isFunction(type)) {
+				findSortKey = type;
+			} else {
+				findSortKey = function($cell) {
+					$cell = $cell ? $.trim(String($cell)) : "";
+					return _usecase ? $cell : $cell.toLowerCase();
+				};
+			}
+			$.each(data,function(i,v){
+				ab = by!=="" ? $.jgrid.getAccessor(v,by) : v;
+				if(ab === undefined) { ab = ""; }
+				ab = findSortKey(ab, v);
+				_sortData.push({ 'vSort': ab,'index':i});
+			});
+			if($.isFunction(sfunc)) {
+				_sortData.sort(function(a,b){
+					a = a.vSort;
+					b = b.vSort;
+					return,a,b,newDir);
+				});
+			} else {
+				_sortData.sort(function(a,b){
+					a = a.vSort;
+					b = b.vSort;
+					return self._compare(a,b,newDir);
+				});
+			}
+			j=0;
+			var nrec= data.length;
+			// overhead, but we do not change the original data.
+			while(j<nrec) {
+				i = _sortData[j].index;
+				sortData.push(data[i]);
+				j++;
+			}
+			return sortData;
+		};
+		this._getGroup=function(data,by,dir,type, dfmt){
+			var results=[],
+			group=null,
+			last=null, val;
+			$.each(self._getOrder(data,by,dir,type, dfmt),function(i,v){
+				val = $.jgrid.getAccessor(v, by);
+				if(val == null) { val = ""; }
+				if(!self._equals(last,val)){
+					last=val;
+					if(group !== null){
+						results.push(group);
+					}
+					group=self._group(by,val);
+				}
+				group.items.push(v);
+			});
+			if(group !== null){
+				results.push(group);
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+		this.ignoreCase=function(){
+			_usecase=false;
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.useCase=function(){
+			_usecase=true;
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.trim=function(){
+			_trim=true;
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.noTrim=function(){
+			_trim=false;
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.execute=function(){
+			var match=_query, results=[];
+			if(match === null){
+				return self;
+			}
+			$.each(_data,function(){
+				if(eval(match)){results.push(this);}
+			});
+			_data=results;
+			return self;
+		};
+			return _data;
+		};
+			self._performSort();
+			if(!self._hasData()){ return[]; }
+			self.execute();
+			if($.isFunction(f)){
+				var results=[];
+				$.each(_data,function(i,v){
+					results.push(f(v));
+				});
+				return results;
+			}
+			return _data;
+		};
+		this.hasMatch=function(){
+			if(!self._hasData()) { return false; }
+			self.execute();
+			return _data.length>0;
+		};
+		this.andNot=function(f,v,x){
+			_negate=!_negate;
+			return self.and(f,v,x);
+		};
+		this.orNot=function(f,v,x){
+			_negate=!_negate;
+			return self.or(f,v,x);
+		};
+		this.not=function(f,v,x){
+			return self.andNot(f,v,x);
+		};
+		this.and=function(f,v,x){
+			_queuedOperator=" && ";
+			if(f===undefined){
+				return self;
+			}
+			return self._repeatCommand(f,v,x);
+		};
+		this.or=function(f,v,x){
+			_queuedOperator=" || ";
+			if(f===undefined) { return self; }
+			return self._repeatCommand(f,v,x);
+		};
+		this.orBegin=function(){
+			_orDepth++;
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.orEnd=function(){
+			if (_query !== null){
+				_query+=")";
+			}
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.isNot=function(f){
+			_negate=!_negate;
+			return;
+		};
+			self._append('this.'+f);
+			self._resetNegate();
+			return self;
+		};
+		this._compareValues=function(func,f,v,how,t){
+			var fld;
+			if(_useProperties){
+				fld='jQuery.jgrid.getAccessor(this,\''+f+'\')';
+			}else{
+				fld='this';
+			}
+			if(v===undefined) { v = null; }
+			//var val=v===null?f:v,
+			var val =v,
+			swst = t.stype === undefined ? "text" : t.stype;
+			if(v !== null) {
+			switch(swst) {
+				case 'int':
+				case 'integer':
+					val = (isNaN(Number(val)) || val==="") ? '0' : val; // To be fixed with more inteligent code
+					fld = 'parseInt('+fld+',10)';
+					val = 'parseInt('+val+',10)';
+					break;
+				case 'float':
+				case 'number':
+				case 'numeric':
+					val = String(val).replace(_stripNum, '');
+					val = (isNaN(Number(val)) || val==="") ? '0' : val; // To be fixed with more inteligent code
+					fld = 'parseFloat('+fld+')';
+					val = 'parseFloat('+val+')';
+					break;
+				case 'date':
+				case 'datetime':
+					val = String($.jgrid.parseDate(t.newfmt || 'Y-m-d',val).getTime());
+					fld = 'jQuery.jgrid.parseDate("'+t.srcfmt+'",'+fld+').getTime()';
+					break;
+				default :
+					fld=self._getStr(fld);
+					val=self._getStr('"'+self._toStr(val)+'"');
+			}
+			}
+			self._append(fld+' '+how+' '+val);
+			self._setCommand(func,f);
+			self._resetNegate();
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.equals=function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.equals,f,v,"==",t);
+		};
+		this.notEquals=function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.equals,f,v,"!==",t);
+		};
+		this.isNull = function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.equals,f,null,"===",t);
+		};
+		this.greater=function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.greater,f,v,">",t);
+		};
+		this.less=function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.less,f,v,"<",t);
+		};
+		this.greaterOrEquals=function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.greaterOrEquals,f,v,">=",t);
+		};
+		this.lessOrEquals=function(f,v,t){
+			return self._compareValues(self.lessOrEquals,f,v,"<=",t);
+		};
+		this.startsWith=function(f,v){
+			var val = (v==null) ? f: v,
+			length=_trim ? $.trim(val.toString()).length : val.toString().length;
+			if(_useProperties){
+				self._append(self._getStr('jQuery.jgrid.getAccessor(this,\''+f+'\')')+'.substr(0,'+length+') == '+self._getStr('"'+self._toStr(v)+'"'));
+			}else{
+				if (v!=null) { length=_trim?$.trim(v.toString()).length:v.toString().length; }
+				self._append(self._getStr('this')+'.substr(0,'+length+') == '+self._getStr('"'+self._toStr(f)+'"'));
+			}
+			self._setCommand(self.startsWith,f);
+			self._resetNegate();
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.endsWith=function(f,v){
+			var val = (v==null) ? f: v,
+			length=_trim ? $.trim(val.toString()).length:val.toString().length;
+			if(_useProperties){
+				self._append(self._getStr('jQuery.jgrid.getAccessor(this,\''+f+'\')')+'.substr('+self._getStr('jQuery.jgrid.getAccessor(this,\''+f+'\')')+'.length-'+length+','+length+') == "'+self._toStr(v)+'"');
+			} else {
+				self._append(self._getStr('this')+'.substr('+self._getStr('this')+'.length-"'+self._toStr(f)+'".length,"'+self._toStr(f)+'".length) == "'+self._toStr(f)+'"');
+			}
+			self._setCommand(self.endsWith,f);self._resetNegate();
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.contains=function(f,v){
+			if(_useProperties){
+				self._append(self._getStr('jQuery.jgrid.getAccessor(this,\''+f+'\')')+'.indexOf("'+self._toStr(v)+'",0) > -1');
+			}else{
+				self._append(self._getStr('this')+'.indexOf("'+self._toStr(f)+'",0) > -1');
+			}
+			self._setCommand(self.contains,f);
+			self._resetNegate();
+			return self;
+		};
+		this.groupBy=function(by,dir,type, datefmt){
+			if(!self._hasData()){
+				return null;
+			}
+			return self._getGroup(_data,by,dir,type, datefmt);
+		};
+		this.orderBy=function(by,dir,stype, dfmt, sfunc){
+			dir = dir == null ? "a" :$.trim(dir.toString().toLowerCase());
+			if(stype == null) { stype = "text"; }
+			if(dfmt == null) { dfmt = "Y-m-d"; }
+			if(sfunc == null) { sfunc = false; }
+			if(dir==="desc"||dir==="descending"){dir="d";}
+			if(dir==="asc"||dir==="ascending"){dir="a";}
+			_sorting.push({by:by,dir:dir,type:stype, datefmt: dfmt, sfunc: sfunc});
+			return self;
+		};
+		return self;
+		};
+	return new QueryObject(source,null);
+	},
+	getMethod: function (name) {
+        return this.getAccessor($.fn.jqGrid, name);
+	},
+	extend : function(methods) {
+		$.extend($.fn.jqGrid,methods);
+		if (!this.no_legacy_api) {
+			$.fn.extend(methods);
+		}
+	}
+$.fn.jqGrid = function( pin ) {
+	if (typeof pin === 'string') {
+		var fn = $.jgrid.getMethod(pin);
+		if (!fn) {
+			throw ("jqGrid - No such method: " + pin);
+		}
+		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
+		return fn.apply(this,args);
+	}
+	return this.each( function() {
+		if(this.grid) {return;}
+		var p = $.extend(true,{
+			url: "",
+			height: 150,
+			page: 1,
+			rowNum: 20,
+			rowTotal : null,
+			records: 0,
+			pager: "",
+			pgbuttons: true,
+			pginput: true,
+			colModel: [],
+			rowList: [],
+			colNames: [],
+			sortorder: "asc",
+			sortname: "",
+			datatype: "xml",
+			mtype: "GET",
+			altRows: false,
+			selarrrow: [],
+			savedRow: [],
+			shrinkToFit: true,
+			xmlReader: {},
+			jsonReader: {},
+			subGrid: false,
+			subGridModel :[],
+			reccount: 0,
+			lastpage: 0,
+			lastsort: 0,
+			selrow: null,
+			beforeSelectRow: null,
+			onSelectRow: null,
+			onSortCol: null,
+			ondblClickRow: null,
+			onRightClickRow: null,
+			onPaging: null,
+			onSelectAll: null,
+			onInitGrid : null,
+			loadComplete: null,
+			gridComplete: null,
+			loadError: null,
+			loadBeforeSend: null,
+			afterInsertRow: null,
+			beforeRequest: null,
+			beforeProcessing : null,
+			onHeaderClick: null,
+			viewrecords: false,
+			loadonce: false,
+			multiselect: false,
+			multikey: false,
+			editurl: null,
+			search: false,
+			caption: "",
+			hidegrid: true,
+			hiddengrid: false,
+			postData: {},
+			userData: {},
+			treeGrid : false,
+			treeGridModel : 'nested',
+			treeReader : {},
+			treeANode : -1,
+			ExpandColumn: null,
+			tree_root_level : 0,
+			prmNames: {page:"page",rows:"rows", sort: "sidx",order: "sord", search:"_search", nd:"nd", id:"id",oper:"oper",editoper:"edit",addoper:"add",deloper:"del", subgridid:"id", npage: null, totalrows:"totalrows"},
+			forceFit : false,
+			gridstate : "visible",
+			cellEdit: false,
+			cellsubmit: "remote",
+			nv:0,
+			loadui: "enable",
+			toolbar: [false,""],
+			scroll: false,
+			multiboxonly : false,
+			deselectAfterSort : true,
+			scrollrows : false,
+			autowidth: false,
+			scrollOffset :18,
+			cellLayout: 5,
+			subGridWidth: 20,
+			multiselectWidth: 20,
+			gridview: false,
+			rownumWidth: 25,
+			rownumbers : false,
+			pagerpos: 'center',
+			recordpos: 'right',
+			footerrow : false,
+			userDataOnFooter : false,
+			hoverrows : true,
+			altclass : 'ui-priority-secondary',
+			viewsortcols : [false,'vertical',true],
+			resizeclass : '',
+			autoencode : false,
+			remapColumns : [],
+			ajaxGridOptions :{},
+			direction : "ltr",
+			toppager: false,
+			headertitles: false,
+			scrollTimeout: 40,
+			data : [],
+			_index : {},
+			grouping : false,
+			groupingView : {groupField:[],groupOrder:[], groupText:[],groupColumnShow:[],groupSummary:[], showSummaryOnHide: false, sortitems:[], sortnames:[], summary:[],summaryval:[], plusicon: 'ui-icon-circlesmall-plus', minusicon: 'ui-icon-circlesmall-minus', displayField: [], groupSummaryPos:[], formatDisplayField : [], _locgr : false},
+			ignoreCase : false,
+			cmTemplate : {},
+			idPrefix : "",
+			multiSort :  false
+		}, $.jgrid.defaults, pin || {});
+		var ts= this, grid={
+			headers:[],
+			cols:[],
+			footers: [],
+			dragStart: function(i,x,y) {
+				var gridLeftPos = $(this.bDiv).offset().left;
+				this.resizing = { idx: i, startX: x.clientX, sOL : x.clientX - gridLeftPos };
+ = "col-resize";
+				this.curGbox = $("#rs_m"+$.jgrid.jqID(,"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+				this.curGbox.css({display:"block",left:x.clientX-gridLeftPos,top:y[1],height:y[2]});
+				$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridResizeStart", [x, i]);
+				if($.isFunction(p.resizeStart)) {,x,i); }
+				document.onselectstart=function(){return false;};
+			},
+			dragMove: function(x) {
+				if(this.resizing) {
+					var diff = x.clientX-this.resizing.startX,
+					h = this.headers[this.resizing.idx],
+					newWidth = p.direction === "ltr" ? h.width + diff : h.width - diff, hn, nWn;
+					if(newWidth > 33) {
+						this.curGbox.css({left:this.resizing.sOL+diff});
+						if(p.forceFit===true ){
+							hn = this.headers[this.resizing.idx+p.nv];
+							nWn = p.direction === "ltr" ? hn.width - diff : hn.width + diff;
+							if(nWn >33) {
+								h.newWidth = newWidth;
+								hn.newWidth = nWn;
+							}
+						} else {
+							this.newWidth = p.direction === "ltr" ? p.tblwidth+diff : p.tblwidth-diff;
+							h.newWidth = newWidth;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			dragEnd: function() {
+ = "default";
+				if(this.resizing) {
+					var idx = this.resizing.idx,
+					nw = this.headers[idx].newWidth || this.headers[idx].width;
+					nw = parseInt(nw,10);
+					this.resizing = false;
+					$("#rs_m"+$.jgrid.jqID("display","none");
+					p.colModel[idx].width = nw;
+					this.headers[idx].width = nw;
+					this.headers[idx] = nw + "px";
+					this.cols[idx].style.width = nw+"px";
+					if(this.footers.length>0) {this.footers[idx].style.width = nw+"px";}
+					if(p.forceFit===true){
+						nw = this.headers[idx+p.nv].newWidth || this.headers[idx+p.nv].width;
+						this.headers[idx+p.nv].width = nw;
+						this.headers[idx+p.nv] = nw + "px";
+						this.cols[idx+p.nv].style.width = nw+"px";
+						if(this.footers.length>0) {this.footers[idx+p.nv].style.width = nw+"px";}
+						p.colModel[idx+p.nv].width = nw;
+					} else {
+						p.tblwidth = this.newWidth || p.tblwidth;
+						$('table:first',this.bDiv).css("width",p.tblwidth+"px");
+						$('table:first',this.hDiv).css("width",p.tblwidth+"px");
+						this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+						if(p.footerrow) {
+							$('table:first',this.sDiv).css("width",p.tblwidth+"px");
+							this.sDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+						}
+					}
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridResizeStop", [nw, idx]);
+					if($.isFunction(p.resizeStop)) {,nw,idx); }
+				}
+				this.curGbox = null;
+				document.onselectstart=function(){return true;};
+			},
+			populateVisible: function() {
+				if (grid.timer) { clearTimeout(grid.timer); }
+				grid.timer = null;
+				var dh = $(grid.bDiv).height();
+				if (!dh) { return; }
+				var table = $("table:first", grid.bDiv);
+				var rows, rh;
+				if(table[0].rows.length) {
+					try {
+						rows = table[0].rows[1];
+						rh = rows ? $(rows).outerHeight() || grid.prevRowHeight : grid.prevRowHeight;
+					} catch (pv) {
+						rh = grid.prevRowHeight;
+					}
+				}
+				if (!rh) { return; }
+				grid.prevRowHeight = rh;
+				var rn = p.rowNum;
+				var scrollTop = grid.scrollTop = grid.bDiv.scrollTop;
+				var ttop = Math.round(table.position().top) - scrollTop;
+				var tbot = ttop + table.height();
+				var div = rh * rn;
+				var page, npage, empty;
+				if ( tbot < dh && ttop <= 0 &&
+					(p.lastpage===undefined||parseInt((tbot + scrollTop + div - 1) / div,10) <= p.lastpage))
+				{
+					npage = parseInt((dh - tbot + div - 1) / div,10);
+					if (tbot >= 0 || npage < 2 || p.scroll === true) {
+						page = Math.round((tbot + scrollTop) / div) + 1;
+						ttop = -1;
+					} else {
+						ttop = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				if (ttop > 0) {
+					page = parseInt(scrollTop / div,10) + 1;
+					npage = parseInt((scrollTop + dh) / div,10) + 2 - page;
+					empty = true;
+				}
+				if (npage) {
+					if (p.lastpage && (page > p.lastpage || p.lastpage===1 || (page === && page===p.lastpage)) ) {
+						return;
+					}
+					if (grid.hDiv.loading) {
+						grid.timer = setTimeout(grid.populateVisible, p.scrollTimeout);
+					} else {
+ = page;
+						if (empty) {
+							grid.selectionPreserver(table[0]);
+[0], false, false);
+						}
+						grid.populate(npage);
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			scrollGrid: function( e ) {
+				if(p.scroll) {
+					var scrollTop = grid.bDiv.scrollTop;
+					if(grid.scrollTop === undefined) { grid.scrollTop = 0; }
+					if (scrollTop !== grid.scrollTop) {
+						grid.scrollTop = scrollTop;
+						if (grid.timer) { clearTimeout(grid.timer); }
+						grid.timer = setTimeout(grid.populateVisible, p.scrollTimeout);
+					}
+				}
+				grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+				if(p.footerrow) {
+					grid.sDiv.scrollLeft = grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+				}
+				if( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); }
+			},
+			selectionPreserver : function(ts) {
+				var p = ts.p,
+				sr = p.selrow, sra = p.selarrrow ? $.makeArray(p.selarrrow) : null,
+				left = ts.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft,
+				restoreSelection = function() {
+					var i;
+					p.selrow = null;
+					p.selarrrow = [];
+					if(p.multiselect && sra && sra.length>0) {
+						for(i=0;i<sra.length;i++){
+							if (sra[i] !== sr) {
+								$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",sra[i],false, null);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (sr) {
+						$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",sr,false,null);
+					}
+					ts.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft = left;
+					$(ts).unbind('.selectionPreserver', restoreSelection);
+				};
+				$(ts).bind('jqGridGridComplete.selectionPreserver', restoreSelection);				
+			}
+		};
+		if(this.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'TABLE') {
+			alert("Element is not a table");
+			return;
+		}
+		if(document.documentMode !== undefined ) { // IE only
+			if(document.documentMode <= 5) {
+				alert("Grid can not be used in this ('quirks') mode!");
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		$(this).empty().attr("tabindex","0");
+		this.p = p ;
+		this.p.useProp = !!$.fn.prop;
+		var i, dir;
+		if(this.p.colNames.length === 0) {
+			for (i=0;i<this.p.colModel.length;i++){
+				this.p.colNames[i] = this.p.colModel[i].label || this.p.colModel[i].name;
+			}
+		}
+		if( this.p.colNames.length !== this.p.colModel.length ) {
+			alert($.jgrid.errors.model);
+			return;
+		}
+		var gv = $("<div class='ui-jqgrid-view'></div>"),
+		isMSIE = $.jgrid.msie;
+		ts.p.direction = $.trim(ts.p.direction.toLowerCase());
+		if($.inArray(ts.p.direction,["ltr","rtl"]) === -1) { ts.p.direction = "ltr"; }
+		dir = ts.p.direction;
+		$(gv).insertBefore(this);
+		$(this).removeClass("scroll").appendTo(gv);
+		var eg = $("<div class='ui-jqgrid ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'></div>");
+		$(eg).attr({"id" : "gbox_","dir":dir}).insertBefore(gv);
+		$(gv).attr("id","gview_";
+		$("<div class='ui-widget-overlay jqgrid-overlay' id='lui_""'></div>").insertBefore(gv);
+		$("<div class='loading ui-state-default ui-state-active' id='load_""'>"+this.p.loadtext+"</div>").insertBefore(gv);
+		$(this).attr({cellspacing:"0",cellpadding:"0",border:"0","role":"grid","aria-multiselectable":!!this.p.multiselect,"aria-labelledby":"gbox_"});
+		var sortkeys = ["shiftKey","altKey","ctrlKey"],
+		intNum = function(val,defval) {
+			val = parseInt(val,10);
+			if (isNaN(val)) { return defval || 0;}
+			return val;
+		},
+		formatCol = function (pos, rowInd, tv, rawObject, rowId, rdata){
+			var cm = ts.p.colModel[pos],
+			ral = cm.align, result="style=\"", clas = cm.classes, nm =, celp, acp=[];
+			if(ral) { result += "text-align:"+ral+";"; }
+			if(cm.hidden===true) { result += "display:none;"; }
+			if(rowInd===0) {
+				result += "width: "+grid.headers[pos].width+"px;";
+			} else if (cm.cellattr && $.isFunction(cm.cellattr))
+			{
+				celp =, rowId, tv, rawObject, cm, rdata);
+				if(celp && typeof celp === "string") {
+					celp = celp.replace(/style/i,'style').replace(/title/i,'title');
+					if(celp.indexOf('title') > -1) { cm.title=false;}
+					if(celp.indexOf('class') > -1) { clas = undefined;}
+					acp = celp.replace('-style','-sti').split(/style/);
+					if(acp.length === 2 ) {
+						acp[1] =  $.trim(acp[1].replace('-sti','-style').replace("=",""));
+						if(acp[1].indexOf("'") === 0 || acp[1].indexOf('"') === 0) {
+							acp[1] = acp[1].substring(1);
+						}
+						result += acp[1].replace(/'/gi,'"');
+					} else {
+						result += "\"";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(!acp.length) { acp[0] = ""; result += "\"";}
+			result += (clas !== undefined ? (" class=\""+clas+"\"") :"") + ((cm.title && tv) ? (" title=\""+$.jgrid.stripHtml(tv)+"\"") :"");
+			result += " aria-describedby=\"""_"+nm+"\"";
+			return result + acp[0];
+		},
+		cellVal =  function (val) {
+			return val == null || val === "" ? "&#160;" : (ts.p.autoencode ? $.jgrid.htmlEncode(val) : String(val));
+		},
+		formatter = function (rowId, cellval , colpos, rwdat, _act){
+			var cm = ts.p.colModel[colpos],v;
+			if(cm.formatter !== undefined) {
+				rowId = String(ts.p.idPrefix) !== "" ? $.jgrid.stripPref(ts.p.idPrefix, rowId) : rowId;
+				var opts= {rowId: rowId, colModel:cm,, pos:colpos };
+				if($.isFunction( cm.formatter ) ) {
+					v =,cellval,opts,rwdat,_act);
+				} else if($.fmatter){
+					v = $,cm.formatter,cellval,opts,rwdat,_act);
+				} else {
+					v = cellVal(cellval);
+				}
+			} else {
+				v = cellVal(cellval);
+			}
+			return v;
+		},
+		addCell = function(rowId,cell,pos,irow, srvr, rdata) {
+			var v,prp;
+			v = formatter(rowId,cell,pos,srvr,'add');
+			prp = formatCol( pos,irow, v, srvr, rowId, rdata);
+			return "<td role=\"gridcell\" "+prp+">"+v+"</td>";
+		},
+		addMulti = function(rowid,pos,irow,checked){
+			var	v = "<input role=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\""+" id=\"jqg_""_"+rowid+"\" class=\"cbox\" name=\"jqg_""_"+rowid+"\"" + (checked ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "")+"/>",
+			prp = formatCol( pos,irow,'',null, rowid, true);
+			return "<td role=\"gridcell\" "+prp+">"+v+"</td>";
+		},
+		addRowNum = function (pos,irow,pG,rN) {
+			var v =  (parseInt(pG,10)-1)*parseInt(rN,10)+1+irow,
+			prp = formatCol( pos,irow,v, null, irow, true);
+			return "<td role=\"gridcell\" class=\"ui-state-default jqgrid-rownum\" "+prp+">"+v+"</td>";
+		},
+		reader = function (datatype) {
+			var field, f=[], j=0, i;
+			for(i =0; i<ts.p.colModel.length; i++){
+				field = ts.p.colModel[i];
+				if ( !== 'cb' && !=='subgrid' && !=='rn') {
+					f[j]= datatype === "local" ?
+ :
+					( (datatype==="xml" || datatype === "xmlstring") ? field.xmlmap || : field.jsonmap || );
+					if(ts.p.keyIndex !== false && field.key===true ) {
+						ts.p.keyName = f[j];
+					}
+					j++;
+				}
+			}
+			return f;
+		},
+		orderedCols = function (offset) {
+			var order = ts.p.remapColumns;
+			if (!order || !order.length) {
+				order = $.map(ts.p.colModel, function(v,i) { return i; });
+			}
+			if (offset) {
+				order = $.map(order, function(v) { return v<offset?null:v-offset; });
+			}
+			return order;
+		},
+		emptyRows = function (scroll, locdata) {
+			var firstrow;
+			if (this.p.deepempty) {
+				$(this.rows).slice(1).remove();
+			} else {
+				firstrow = this.rows.length > 0 ? this.rows[0] : null;
+				$(this.firstChild).empty().append(firstrow);
+			}
+			if (scroll && this.p.scroll) {
+				$(this.grid.bDiv.firstChild).css({height: "auto"});
+				$(this.grid.bDiv.firstChild.firstChild).css({height: 0, display: "none"});
+				if (this.grid.bDiv.scrollTop !== 0) {
+					this.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if(locdata === true && this.p.treeGrid) {
+ = []; this.p._index = {};
+			}
+		},
+		refreshIndex = function() {
+			var datalen =, idname, i, val,
+			ni = ts.p.rownumbers===true ? 1 :0,
+			gi = ts.p.multiselect ===true ? 1 :0,
+			si = ts.p.subGrid===true ? 1 :0;
+			if(ts.p.keyIndex === false || ts.p.loadonce === true) {
+				idname =;
+			} else {
+				idname = ts.p.colModel[ts.p.keyIndex+gi+si+ni].name;
+			}
+			for(i =0;i < datalen; i++) {
+				val = $.jgrid.getAccessor([i],idname);
+				if (val === undefined) { val=String(i+1); }
+				ts.p._index[val] = i;
+			}
+		},
+		constructTr = function(id, hide, altClass, rd, cur, selected) {
+			var tabindex = '-1', restAttr = '', attrName, style = hide ? 'display:none;' : '',
+				classes = 'ui-widget-content jqgrow ui-row-' + ts.p.direction + (altClass ? ' ' + altClass : '') + (selected ? ' ui-state-highlight' : ''),
+				rowAttrObj = $(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridRowAttr", [rd, cur, id]);
+				if( typeof rowAttrObj !== "object" ) {
+					rowAttrObj =   $.isFunction(ts.p.rowattr) ?, rd, cur, id) :{};
+				}
+			if(!$.isEmptyObject( rowAttrObj )) {
+				if (rowAttrObj.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
+					id =;
+					delete;
+				}
+				if (rowAttrObj.hasOwnProperty("tabindex")) {
+					tabindex = rowAttrObj.tabindex;
+					delete rowAttrObj.tabindex;
+				}
+				if (rowAttrObj.hasOwnProperty("style")) {
+					style +=;
+					delete;
+				}
+				if (rowAttrObj.hasOwnProperty("class")) {
+					classes += ' ' + rowAttrObj['class'];
+					delete rowAttrObj['class'];
+				}
+				// dot't allow to change role attribute
+				try { delete rowAttrObj.role; } catch(ra){}
+				for (attrName in rowAttrObj) {
+					if (rowAttrObj.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
+						restAttr += ' ' + attrName + '=' + rowAttrObj[attrName];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return '<tr role="row" id="' + id + '" tabindex="' + tabindex + '" class="' + classes + '"' +
+				(style === '' ? '' : ' style="' + style + '"') + restAttr + '>';
+		},
+		addXmlData = function (xml,t, rcnt, more, adjust) {
+			var startReq = new Date(),
+			locdata = (ts.p.datatype !== "local" && ts.p.loadonce) || ts.p.datatype === "xmlstring",
+			xmlid = "_id_", xmlRd = ts.p.xmlReader,
+			frd = ts.p.datatype === "local" ? "local" : "xml";
+			if(locdata) {
+ = [];
+				ts.p._index = {};
+ = xmlid;
+			}
+			ts.p.reccount = 0;
+			if($.isXMLDoc(xml)) {
+				if(ts.p.treeANode===-1 && !ts.p.scroll) {
+, false, true);
+					rcnt=1;
+				} else { rcnt = rcnt > 1 ? rcnt :1; }
+			} else { return; }
+			var self= $(ts), i,fpos,ir=0,v,gi=ts.p.multiselect===true?1:0,si=0,addSubGridCell,ni=ts.p.rownumbers===true?1:0,idn, getId,f=[],F,rd ={}, xmlr,rid, rowData=[], cn=(ts.p.altRows === true) ? ts.p.altclass:"",cn1;
+			if(ts.p.subGrid===true) {
+				si = 1;
+				addSubGridCell = $.jgrid.getMethod("addSubGridCell");
+			}
+			if(!xmlRd.repeatitems) {f = reader(frd);}
+			if( ts.p.keyIndex===false) {
+				idn = $.isFunction( ) ?, xml) :;
+			} else {
+				idn = ts.p.keyIndex;
+			}
+			if(f.length>0 && !isNaN(idn)) {
+				idn=ts.p.keyName;
+			}
+			if( String(idn).indexOf("[") === -1 ) {
+				if (f.length) {
+					getId = function( trow, k) {return $(idn,trow).text() || k;};
+				} else {
+					getId = function( trow, k) {return $(xmlRd.cell,trow).eq(idn).text() || k;};
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				getId = function( trow, k) {return trow.getAttribute(idn.replace(/[\[\]]/g,"")) || k;};
+			}
+			ts.p.userData = {};
+ = intNum($.jgrid.getXmlData(xml,,;
+			ts.p.lastpage = intNum($.jgrid.getXmlData(xml,, 1);
+			ts.p.records = intNum($.jgrid.getXmlData(xml, xmlRd.records));
+			if($.isFunction(xmlRd.userdata)) {
+				ts.p.userData =, xml) || {};
+			} else {
+				$.jgrid.getXmlData(xml, xmlRd.userdata, true).each(function() {ts.p.userData[this.getAttribute("name")]= $(this).text();});
+			}
+			var gxml = $.jgrid.getXmlData( xml, xmlRd.root, true);
+			gxml = $.jgrid.getXmlData( gxml, xmlRd.row, true);
+			if (!gxml) { gxml = []; }
+			var gl = gxml.length, j=0, grpdata=[], rn = parseInt(ts.p.rowNum,10), br=ts.p.scroll?$.jgrid.randId():1, altr;
+			if (gl > 0 && <= 0) { = 1; }
+			if(gxml && gl){
+			if (adjust) { rn *= adjust+1; }
+			var afterInsRow = $.isFunction(ts.p.afterInsertRow), hiderow=false, groupingPrepare;
+			if(ts.p.grouping)  {
+				hiderow = ts.p.groupingView.groupCollapse === true;
+				groupingPrepare = $.jgrid.getMethod("groupingPrepare");
+			}
+			while (j<gl) {
+				xmlr = gxml[j];
+				rid = getId(xmlr,br+j);
+				rid  = ts.p.idPrefix + rid;
+				altr = rcnt === 0 ? 0 : rcnt+1;
+				cn1 = (altr+j)%2 === 1 ? cn : '';
+				var iStartTrTag = rowData.length;
+				rowData.push("");
+				if( ni ) {
+					rowData.push( addRowNum(0,j,,ts.p.rowNum) );
+				}
+				if( gi ) {
+					rowData.push( addMulti(rid,ni,j, false) );
+				}
+				if( si ) {
+					rowData.push(,gi+ni,j+rcnt) );
+				}
+				if(xmlRd.repeatitems){
+					if (!F) { F=orderedCols(gi+si+ni); }
+					var cells = $.jgrid.getXmlData( xmlr, xmlRd.cell, true);
+					$.each(F, function (k) {
+						var cell = cells[this];
+						if (!cell) { return false; }
+						v = cell.textContent || cell.text;
+						rd[ts.p.colModel[k+gi+si+ni].name] = v;
+						rowData.push( addCell(rid,v,k+gi+si+ni,j+rcnt,xmlr, rd) );
+					});
+				} else {
+					for(i = 0; i < f.length;i++) {
+						v = $.jgrid.getXmlData( xmlr, f[i]);
+						rd[ts.p.colModel[i+gi+si+ni].name] = v;
+						rowData.push( addCell(rid, v, i+gi+si+ni, j+rcnt, xmlr, rd) );
+					}
+				}
+				rowData[iStartTrTag] = constructTr(rid, hiderow, cn1, rd, xmlr, false);
+				rowData.push("</tr>");
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					grpdata.push( rowData );
+					if(!ts.p.groupingView._locgr) {
+, rd, j );
+					}
+					rowData = [];
+				}
+				if(locdata || ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
+					rd[xmlid] = $.jgrid.stripPref(ts.p.idPrefix, rid);
+					ts.p._index[rd[xmlid]] =;
+				}
+				if(ts.p.gridview === false ) {
+					$("tbody:first",t).append(rowData.join(''));
+					self.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterInsertRow", [rid, rd, xmlr]);
+					if(afterInsRow) {,rid,rd,xmlr);}
+					rowData=[];
+				}
+				rd={};
+				ir++;
+				j++;
+				if(ir===rn) {break;}
+			}
+			}
+			if(ts.p.gridview === true) {
+				fpos = ts.p.treeANode > -1 ? ts.p.treeANode: 0;
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					if(!locdata) {
+						self.jqGrid('groupingRender',grpdata,ts.p.colModel.length,, rn);
+					}
+					grpdata = null;
+				} else if(ts.p.treeGrid === true && fpos > 0) {
+					$(ts.rows[fpos]).after(rowData.join(''));
+				} else {
+					$("tbody:first",t).append(rowData.join(''));
+				}
+			}
+			if(ts.p.subGrid === true ) {
+				try {self.jqGrid("addSubGrid",gi+ni);} catch (_){}
+			}
+			ts.p.totaltime = new Date() - startReq;
+			if(ir>0) { if(ts.p.records===0) { ts.p.records=gl;} }
+			rowData =null;
+			if( ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
+				try {self.jqGrid("setTreeNode", fpos+1, ir+fpos+1);} catch (e) {}
+			}
+			if(!ts.p.treeGrid && !ts.p.scroll) {ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;}
+			ts.p.reccount=ir;
+			ts.p.treeANode = -1;
+			if(ts.p.userDataOnFooter) { self.jqGrid("footerData","set",ts.p.userData,true); }
+			if(locdata) {
+				ts.p.records = gl;
+				ts.p.lastpage = Math.ceil(gl/ rn);
+			}
+			if (!more) { ts.updatepager(false,true); }
+			if(locdata) {
+				while (ir<gl) {
+					xmlr = gxml[ir];
+					rid = getId(xmlr,ir+br);
+					rid  = ts.p.idPrefix + rid;
+					if(xmlRd.repeatitems){
+						if (!F) { F=orderedCols(gi+si+ni); }
+						var cells2 = $.jgrid.getXmlData( xmlr, xmlRd.cell, true);
+						$.each(F, function (k) {
+							var cell = cells2[this];
+							if (!cell) { return false; }
+							v = cell.textContent || cell.text;
+							rd[ts.p.colModel[k+gi+si+ni].name] = v;
+						});
+					} else {
+						for(i = 0; i < f.length;i++) {
+							v = $.jgrid.getXmlData( xmlr, f[i]);
+							rd[ts.p.colModel[i+gi+si+ni].name] = v;
+						}
+					}
+					rd[xmlid] = $.jgrid.stripPref(ts.p.idPrefix, rid);
+					if(ts.p.grouping) {
+, rd, ir );
+					}
+					ts.p._index[rd[xmlid]] =;
+					rd = {};
+					ir++;
+				}
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					ts.p.groupingView._locgr = true;
+					self.jqGrid('groupingRender', grpdata, ts.p.colModel.length,, rn);
+					grpdata = null;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		addJSONData = function(data,t, rcnt, more, adjust) {
+			var startReq = new Date();
+			if(data) {
+				if(ts.p.treeANode === -1 && !ts.p.scroll) {
+, false, true);
+					rcnt=1;
+				} else { rcnt = rcnt > 1 ? rcnt :1; }
+			} else { return; }
+			var dReader, locid = "_id_", frd,
+			locdata = (ts.p.datatype !== "local" && ts.p.loadonce) || ts.p.datatype === "jsonstring";
+			if(locdata) { = []; ts.p._index = {}; = locid;}
+			ts.p.reccount = 0;
+			if(ts.p.datatype === "local") {
+				dReader =  ts.p.localReader;
+				frd= 'local';
+			} else {
+				dReader =  ts.p.jsonReader;
+				frd='json';
+			}
+			var self = $(ts), ir=0,v,i,j,f=[],cur,gi=ts.p.multiselect?1:0,si=ts.p.subGrid===true?1:0,addSubGridCell,ni=ts.p.rownumbers===true?1:0,arrayReader=orderedCols(gi+si+ni),objectReader=reader(frd),rowReader,len,drows,idn,rd={}, fpos, idr,rowData=[],cn=(ts.p.altRows === true) ? ts.p.altclass:"",cn1;
+ = intNum($.jgrid.getAccessor(data,,;
+			ts.p.lastpage = intNum($.jgrid.getAccessor(data,, 1);
+			ts.p.records = intNum($.jgrid.getAccessor(data,dReader.records));
+			ts.p.userData = $.jgrid.getAccessor(data,dReader.userdata) || {};
+			if(si) {
+				addSubGridCell = $.jgrid.getMethod("addSubGridCell");
+			}
+			if( ts.p.keyIndex===false ) {
+				idn = $.isFunction( ?, data) :; 
+			} else {
+				idn = ts.p.keyIndex;
+			}
+			if(!dReader.repeatitems) {
+				f = objectReader;
+				if(f.length>0 && !isNaN(idn)) {
+					idn=ts.p.keyName;
+				}
+			}
+			drows = $.jgrid.getAccessor(data,dReader.root);
+			if (drows == null && $.isArray(data)) { drows = data; }
+			if (!drows) { drows = []; }
+			len = drows.length; i=0;
+			if (len > 0 && <= 0) { = 1; }
+			var rn = parseInt(ts.p.rowNum,10),br=ts.p.scroll?$.jgrid.randId():1, altr, selected=false, selr;
+			if (adjust) { rn *= adjust+1; }
+			if(ts.p.datatype === "local" && !ts.p.deselectAfterSort) {
+				selected = true;
+			}
+			var afterInsRow = $.isFunction(ts.p.afterInsertRow), grpdata=[],hiderow=false, groupingPrepare;
+			if(ts.p.grouping)  {
+				hiderow = ts.p.groupingView.groupCollapse === true;
+				groupingPrepare = $.jgrid.getMethod("groupingPrepare");
+			}
+			while (i<len) {
+				cur = drows[i];
+				idr = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,idn);
+				if(idr === undefined) {
+					if (typeof idn === "number" && ts.p.colModel[idn+gi+si+ni] != null) {
+						// reread id by name
+						idr = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,ts.p.colModel[idn+gi+si+ni].name);
+					}
+					if(idr === undefined) {
+						idr = br+i;
+						if(f.length===0){
+							if(dReader.cell){
+								var ccur = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,dReader.cell) || cur;
+								idr = ccur != null && ccur[idn] !== undefined ? ccur[idn] : idr;
+								ccur=null;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				idr  = ts.p.idPrefix + idr;
+				altr = rcnt === 1 ? 0 : rcnt;
+				cn1 = (altr+i)%2 === 1 ? cn : '';
+				if( selected) {
+					if( ts.p.multiselect) {
+						selr = ($.inArray(idr, ts.p.selarrrow) !== -1);
+					} else {
+						selr = (idr === ts.p.selrow);
+					}
+				}
+				var iStartTrTag = rowData.length;
+				rowData.push("");
+				if( ni ) {
+					rowData.push( addRowNum(0,i,,ts.p.rowNum) );
+				}
+				if( gi ){
+					rowData.push( addMulti(idr,ni,i,selr) );
+				}
+				if( si ) {
+					rowData.push(,gi+ni,i+rcnt) );
+				}
+				rowReader=objectReader;
+				if (dReader.repeatitems) {
+					if(dReader.cell) {cur = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,dReader.cell) || cur;}
+					if ($.isArray(cur)) { rowReader=arrayReader; }
+				}
+				for (j=0;j<rowReader.length;j++) {
+					v = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,rowReader[j]);
+					rd[ts.p.colModel[j+gi+si+ni].name] = v;
+					rowData.push( addCell(idr,v,j+gi+si+ni,i+rcnt,cur, rd) );
+				}
+				rowData[iStartTrTag] = constructTr(idr, hiderow, cn1, rd, cur, selr);
+				rowData.push( "</tr>" );
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					grpdata.push( rowData );
+					if(!ts.p.groupingView._locgr) {
+, rd, i);
+					}
+					rowData = [];
+				}
+				if(locdata || ts.p.treeGrid===true) {
+					rd[locid] = $.jgrid.stripPref(ts.p.idPrefix, idr);
+					ts.p._index[rd[locid]] =;
+				}
+				if(ts.p.gridview === false ) {
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(" tbody:first").append(rowData.join(''));
+					self.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterInsertRow", [idr, rd, cur]);
+					if(afterInsRow) {,idr,rd,cur);}
+					rowData=[];//ari=0;
+				}
+				rd={};
+				ir++;
+				i++;
+				if(ir===rn) { break; }
+			}
+			if(ts.p.gridview === true ) {
+				fpos = ts.p.treeANode > -1 ? ts.p.treeANode: 0;
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					if(!locdata) {
+						self.jqGrid('groupingRender', grpdata, ts.p.colModel.length,, rn);
+						grpdata = null;
+					}
+				} else if(ts.p.treeGrid === true && fpos > 0) {
+					$(ts.rows[fpos]).after(rowData.join(''));
+				} else {
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(" tbody:first").append(rowData.join(''));
+				}
+			}
+			if(ts.p.subGrid === true ) {
+				try { self.jqGrid("addSubGrid",gi+ni);} catch (_){}
+			}
+			ts.p.totaltime = new Date() - startReq;
+			if(ir>0) {
+				if(ts.p.records===0) { ts.p.records=len; }
+			}
+			rowData = null;
+			if( ts.p.treeGrid === true) {
+				try {self.jqGrid("setTreeNode", fpos+1, ir+fpos+1);} catch (e) {}
+			}
+			if(!ts.p.treeGrid && !ts.p.scroll) {ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;}
+			ts.p.reccount=ir;
+			ts.p.treeANode = -1;
+			if(ts.p.userDataOnFooter) { self.jqGrid("footerData","set",ts.p.userData,true); }
+			if(locdata) {
+				ts.p.records = len;
+				ts.p.lastpage = Math.ceil(len/ rn);
+			}
+			if (!more) { ts.updatepager(false,true); }
+			if(locdata) {
+				while (ir<len && drows[ir]) {
+					cur = drows[ir];
+					idr = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,idn);
+					if(idr === undefined) {
+						if (typeof idn === "number" && ts.p.colModel[idn+gi+si+ni] != null) {
+							// reread id by name
+							idr = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,ts.p.colModel[idn+gi+si+ni].name);
+						}
+						if(idr === undefined) {
+							idr = br+ir;
+							if(f.length===0){
+								if(dReader.cell){
+									var ccur2 = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,dReader.cell) || cur;
+									idr = ccur2 != null && ccur2[idn] !== undefined ? ccur2[idn] : idr;
+									ccur2=null;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if(cur) {
+						idr  = ts.p.idPrefix + idr;
+						rowReader=objectReader;
+						if (dReader.repeatitems) {
+							if(dReader.cell) {cur = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,dReader.cell) || cur;}
+							if ($.isArray(cur)) { rowReader=arrayReader; }
+						}
+						for (j=0;j<rowReader.length;j++) {
+							rd[ts.p.colModel[j+gi+si+ni].name] = $.jgrid.getAccessor(cur,rowReader[j]);
+						}
+						rd[locid] = $.jgrid.stripPref(ts.p.idPrefix, idr);
+						if(ts.p.grouping) {
+, rd, ir );
+						}
+						ts.p._index[rd[locid]] =;
+						rd = {};
+					}
+					ir++;
+				}
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					ts.p.groupingView._locgr = true;
+					self.jqGrid('groupingRender', grpdata, ts.p.colModel.length,, rn);
+					grpdata = null;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		addLocalData = function() {
+			var st = ts.p.multiSort ? [] : "", sto=[], fndsort=false, cmtypes={}, grtypes=[], grindexes=[], srcformat, sorttype, newformat;
+			if(!$.isArray( {
+				return;
+			}
+			var grpview = ts.p.grouping ? ts.p.groupingView : false, lengrp, gin;
+			$.each(ts.p.colModel,function(){
+				sorttype = this.sorttype || "text";
+				if(sorttype === "date" || sorttype === "datetime") {
+					if(this.formatter && typeof this.formatter === 'string' && this.formatter === 'date') {
+						if(this.formatoptions && this.formatoptions.srcformat) {
+							srcformat = this.formatoptions.srcformat;
+						} else {
+							srcformat = $;
+						}
+						if(this.formatoptions && this.formatoptions.newformat) {
+							newformat = this.formatoptions.newformat;
+						} else {
+							newformat = $;
+						}
+					} else {
+						srcformat = newformat = this.datefmt || "Y-m-d";
+					}
+					cmtypes[] = {"stype": sorttype, "srcfmt": srcformat,"newfmt":newformat, "sfunc": this.sortfunc || null};
+				} else {
+					cmtypes[] = {"stype": sorttype, "srcfmt":'',"newfmt":'', "sfunc": this.sortfunc || null};
+				}
+				if(ts.p.grouping ) {
+					for(gin =0, lengrp = grpview.groupField.length; gin< lengrp; gin++) {
+						if( === grpview.groupField[gin]) {
+							var grindex =;
+							if (this.index) {
+								grindex = this.index;
+							}
+							grtypes[gin] = cmtypes[grindex];
+							grindexes[gin]= grindex;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(ts.p.multiSort) {
+					if(this.lso) {
+						st.push(;
+						var tmplso= this.lso.split("-");
+						sto.push( tmplso[tmplso.length-1] );
+					}
+				} else {
+					if(!fndsort && (this.index === ts.p.sortname || === ts.p.sortname)){
+						st =; // ???
+						fndsort = true;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if(ts.p.treeGrid) {
+				$(ts).jqGrid("SortTree", st, ts.p.sortorder, cmtypes[st].stype || 'text', cmtypes[st].srcfmt || '');
+				return;
+			}
+			var compareFnMap = {
+				'eq':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.equals;},
+				'ne':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.notEquals;},
+				'lt':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.less;},
+				'le':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.lessOrEquals;},
+				'gt':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.greater;},
+				'ge':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.greaterOrEquals;},
+				'cn':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.contains;},
+				'nc':function(queryObj,op) {return op === "OR" ? queryObj.orNot().contains : queryObj.andNot().contains;},
+				'bw':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.startsWith;},
+				'bn':function(queryObj,op) {return op === "OR" ? queryObj.orNot().startsWith : queryObj.andNot().startsWith;},
+				'en':function(queryObj,op) {return op === "OR" ? queryObj.orNot().endsWith : queryObj.andNot().endsWith;},
+				'ew':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.endsWith;},
+				'ni':function(queryObj,op) {return op === "OR" ? queryObj.orNot().equals : queryObj.andNot().equals;},
+				'in':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.equals;},
+				'nu':function(queryObj) {return queryObj.isNull;},
+				'nn':function(queryObj,op) {return op === "OR" ? queryObj.orNot().isNull : queryObj.andNot().isNull;}
+			},
+			query = $.jgrid.from(;
+			if (ts.p.ignoreCase) { query = query.ignoreCase(); }
+			function tojLinq ( group ) {
+				var s = 0, index, gor, ror, opr, rule;
+				if (group.groups != null) {
+					gor = group.groups.length && group.groupOp.toString().toUpperCase() === "OR";
+					if (gor) {
+						query.orBegin();
+					}
+					for (index = 0; index < group.groups.length; index++) {
+						if (s > 0 && gor) {
+							query.or();
+						}
+						try {
+							tojLinq(group.groups[index]);
+						} catch (e) {alert(e);}
+						s++;
+					}
+					if (gor) {
+						query.orEnd();
+					}
+				}
+				if (group.rules != null) {
+					//if(s>0) {
+					//	var result =;
+					//	query = $.jgrid.from( result);
+					//	if (ts.p.ignoreCase) { query = query.ignoreCase(); } 
+					//}
+					try{
+						ror = group.rules.length && group.groupOp.toString().toUpperCase() === "OR";
+						if (ror) {
+							query.orBegin();
+						}
+						for (index = 0; index < group.rules.length; index++) {
+							rule = group.rules[index];
+							opr = group.groupOp.toString().toUpperCase();
+							if (compareFnMap[rule.op] && rule.field ) {
+								if(s > 0 && opr && opr === "OR") {
+									query = query.or();
+								}
+								query = compareFnMap[rule.op](query, opr)(rule.field,, cmtypes[rule.field]);
+							}
+							s++;
+						}
+						if (ror) {
+							query.orEnd();
+						}
+					} catch (g) {alert(g);}
+				}
+			}
+			if ( === true) {
+				var srules = ts.p.postData.filters;
+				if(srules) {
+					if(typeof srules === "string") { srules = $.jgrid.parse(srules);}
+					tojLinq( srules );
+				} else {
+					try {
+						query = compareFnMap[ts.p.postData.searchOper](query)(ts.p.postData.searchField, ts.p.postData.searchString,cmtypes[ts.p.postData.searchField]);
+					} catch (se){}
+				}
+			}
+			if(ts.p.grouping) {
+				for(gin=0; gin<lengrp;gin++) {
+					query.orderBy(grindexes[gin],grpview.groupOrder[gin],grtypes[gin].stype, grtypes[gin].srcfmt);
+				}
+			}
+			if(ts.p.multiSort) {
+				$.each(st,function(i){
+					query.orderBy(this, sto[i], cmtypes[this].stype, cmtypes[this].srcfmt, cmtypes[this].sfunc);
+				});
+			} else {
+				if (st && ts.p.sortorder && fndsort) {
+					if(ts.p.sortorder.toUpperCase() === "DESC") {
+						query.orderBy(ts.p.sortname, "d", cmtypes[st].stype, cmtypes[st].srcfmt, cmtypes[st].sfunc);
+					} else {
+						query.orderBy(ts.p.sortname, "a", cmtypes[st].stype, cmtypes[st].srcfmt, cmtypes[st].sfunc);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			var queryResults =,
+			recordsperpage = parseInt(ts.p.rowNum,10),
+			total = queryResults.length,
+			page = parseInt(,10),
+			totalpages = Math.ceil(total / recordsperpage),
+			retresult = {};
+			if(( || ts.p.resetsearch) && ts.p.grouping && ts.p.groupingView._locgr) {
+				ts.p.groupingView.groups =[];
+				var j, grPrepare = $.jgrid.getMethod("groupingPrepare"), key, udc;
+				if(ts.p.footerrow && ts.p.userDataOnFooter) {
+					for (key in ts.p.userData) {
+						if(ts.p.userData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+							ts.p.userData[key] = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					udc = true;
+				}
+				for(j=0; j<total; j++) {
+					if(udc) {
+						for(key in ts.p.userData){
+							ts.p.userData[key] += parseFloat(queryResults[j][key] || 0);
+						}
+					}
+$(ts),queryResults[j],j, recordsperpage );
+				}
+			}
+			queryResults = queryResults.slice( (page-1)*recordsperpage , page*recordsperpage );
+			query = null;
+			cmtypes = null;
+			retresult[] = totalpages;
+			retresult[] = page;
+			retresult[ts.p.localReader.records] = total;
+			retresult[ts.p.localReader.root] = queryResults;
+			retresult[ts.p.localReader.userdata] = ts.p.userData;
+			queryResults = null;
+			return  retresult;
+		},
+		updatepager = function(rn, dnd) {
+			var cp, last, base, from,to,tot,fmt, pgboxes = "", sppg,
+			tspg = ts.p.pager ? "_"+$.jgrid.jqID(ts.p.pager.substr(1)) : "",
+			tspg_t = ts.p.toppager ? "_"+ts.p.toppager.substr(1) : "";
+			base = parseInt(,10)-1;
+			if(base < 0) { base = 0; }
+			base = base*parseInt(ts.p.rowNum,10);
+			to = base + ts.p.reccount;
+			if (ts.p.scroll) {
+				var rows = $("tbody:first > tr:gt(0)", ts.grid.bDiv);
+				base = to - rows.length;
+				ts.p.reccount = rows.length;
+				var rh = rows.outerHeight() || ts.grid.prevRowHeight;
+				if (rh) {
+					var top = base * rh;
+					var height = parseInt(ts.p.records,10) * rh;
+					$(">div:first",ts.grid.bDiv).css({height : height}).children("div:first").css({height:top,display:top?"":"none"});
+					if (ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop == 0 && > 1) {
+						ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = ts.p.rowNum * ( - 1) * rh;
+					}
+				}
+				ts.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft = ts.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft;
+			}
+			pgboxes = ts.p.pager || "";
+			pgboxes += ts.p.toppager ?  (pgboxes ? "," + ts.p.toppager : ts.p.toppager) : "";
+			if(pgboxes) {
+				fmt = $.jgrid.formatter.integer || {};
+				cp = intNum(;
+				last = intNum(ts.p.lastpage);
+				$(".selbox",pgboxes)[ this.p.useProp ? 'prop' : 'attr' ]("disabled",false);
+				if(ts.p.pginput===true) {
+					$('.ui-pg-input',pgboxes).val(;
+					sppg = ts.p.toppager ? '#sp_1'+tspg+",#sp_1"+tspg_t : '#sp_1'+tspg;
+					$(sppg).html($.fmatter ? $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(ts.p.lastpage,fmt):ts.p.lastpage);
+				}
+				if (ts.p.viewrecords){
+					if(ts.p.reccount === 0) {
+						$(".ui-paging-info",pgboxes).html(ts.p.emptyrecords);
+					} else {
+						from = base+1;
+						tot=ts.p.records;
+						if($.fmatter) {
+							from = $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(from,fmt);
+							to = $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(to,fmt);
+							tot = $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(tot,fmt);
+						}
+						$(".ui-paging-info",pgboxes).html($.jgrid.format(ts.p.recordtext,from,to,tot));
+					}
+				}
+				if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
+					if(cp<=0) {cp = last = 0;}
+					if(cp===1 || cp === 0) {
+						$("#first"+tspg+", #prev"+tspg).addClass('ui-state-disabled').removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+						if(ts.p.toppager) { $("#first_t"+tspg_t+", #prev_t"+tspg_t).addClass('ui-state-disabled').removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
+					} else {
+						$("#first"+tspg+", #prev"+tspg).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+						if(ts.p.toppager) { $("#first_t"+tspg_t+", #prev_t"+tspg_t).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); }
+					}
+					if(cp===last || cp === 0) {
+						$("#next"+tspg+", #last"+tspg).addClass('ui-state-disabled').removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+						if(ts.p.toppager) { $("#next_t"+tspg_t+", #last_t"+tspg_t).addClass('ui-state-disabled').removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
+					} else {
+						$("#next"+tspg+", #last"+tspg).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+						if(ts.p.toppager) { $("#next_t"+tspg_t+", #last_t"+tspg_t).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); }
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(rn===true && ts.p.rownumbers === true) {
+				$(">td.jqgrid-rownum",ts.rows).each(function(i){
+					$(this).html(base+1+i);
+				});
+			}
+			if(dnd && ts.p.jqgdnd) { $(ts).jqGrid('gridDnD','updateDnD');}
+			$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridGridComplete");
+			if($.isFunction(ts.p.gridComplete)) {;}
+			$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");
+		},
+		beginReq = function() {
+			ts.grid.hDiv.loading = true;
+			if(ts.p.hiddengrid) { return;}
+			switch(ts.p.loadui) {
+				case "disable":
+					break;
+				case "enable":
+					$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					break;
+				case "block":
+					$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					break;
+			}
+		},
+		endReq = function() {
+			ts.grid.hDiv.loading = false;
+			switch(ts.p.loadui) {
+				case "disable":
+					break;
+				case "enable":
+					$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					break;
+				case "block":
+					$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					break;
+			}
+		},
+		populate = function (npage) {
+			if(!ts.grid.hDiv.loading) {
+				var pvis = ts.p.scroll && npage === false,
+				prm = {}, dt, dstr, pN=ts.p.prmNames;
+				if( <=0) { = Math.min(1,ts.p.lastpage); }
+				if( !== null) {prm[] =;} if(pN.nd !== null) {prm[pN.nd] = new Date().getTime();}
+				if(pN.rows !== null) {prm[pN.rows]= ts.p.rowNum;} if( !== null) {prm[]=;}
+				if(pN.sort !== null) {prm[pN.sort]= ts.p.sortname;} if(pN.order !== null) {prm[pN.order]= ts.p.sortorder;}
+				if(ts.p.rowTotal !== null && pN.totalrows !== null) { prm[pN.totalrows]= ts.p.rowTotal; }
+				var lcf = $.isFunction(ts.p.loadComplete), lc = lcf ? ts.p.loadComplete : null;
+				var adjust = 0;
+				npage = npage || 1;
+				if (npage > 1) {
+					if(pN.npage !== null) {
+						prm[pN.npage] = npage;
+						adjust = npage - 1;
+						npage = 1;
+					} else {
+						lc = function(req) {
+							ts.grid.hDiv.loading = false;
+							if (lcf) {
+							}
+							populate(npage-1);
+						};
+					}
+				} else if (pN.npage !== null) {
+					delete ts.p.postData[pN.npage];
+				}
+				if(ts.p.grouping) {
+					$(ts).jqGrid('groupingSetup');
+					var grp = ts.p.groupingView, gi, gs="";
+					for(gi=0;gi<grp.groupField.length;gi++) {
+						var index = grp.groupField[gi];
+						$.each(ts.p.colModel, function(cmIndex, cmValue) {
+							if ( === index && cmValue.index){
+								index = cmValue.index;
+							}
+						} );
+						gs += index +" "+grp.groupOrder[gi]+", ";
+					}
+					prm[pN.sort] = gs + prm[pN.sort];
+				}
+				$.extend(ts.p.postData,prm);
+				var rcnt = !ts.p.scroll ? 1 : ts.rows.length-1;
+				var bfr = $(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridBeforeRequest");
+				if (bfr === false || bfr === 'stop') { return; }
+				if ($.isFunction(ts.p.datatype)) {,ts.p.postData,"load_", rcnt, npage, adjust); return;}
+				if ($.isFunction(ts.p.beforeRequest)) {
+					bfr =;
+					if(bfr === undefined) { bfr = true; }
+					if ( bfr === false ) { return; }
+				}
+				dt = ts.p.datatype.toLowerCase();
+				switch(dt)
+				{
+				case "json":
+				case "jsonp":
+				case "xml":
+				case "script":
+					$.ajax($.extend({
+						url:ts.p.url,
+						type:ts.p.mtype,
+						dataType: dt ,
+						data: $.isFunction(ts.p.serializeGridData)?,ts.p.postData) : ts.p.postData,
+						success:function(data,st, xhr) {
+							if ($.isFunction(ts.p.beforeProcessing)) {
+								if (, data, st, xhr) === false) {
+									endReq();
+									return;
+								}
+							}
+							if(dt === "xml") { addXmlData(data,ts.grid.bDiv,rcnt,npage>1,adjust); }
+							else { addJSONData(data,ts.grid.bDiv,rcnt,npage>1,adjust); }
+							$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridLoadComplete", [data]);
+							if(lc) {,data); }
+							$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterLoadComplete", [data]);
+							if (pvis) { ts.grid.populateVisible(); }
+							if( ts.p.loadonce || ts.p.treeGrid) {ts.p.datatype = "local";}
+							data=null;
+							if (npage === 1) { endReq(); }
+						},
+						error:function(xhr,st,err){
+							if($.isFunction(ts.p.loadError)) {,xhr,st,err); }
+							if (npage === 1) { endReq(); }
+							xhr=null;
+						},
+						beforeSend: function(xhr, settings ){
+							var gotoreq = true;
+							if($.isFunction(ts.p.loadBeforeSend)) {
+								gotoreq =,xhr, settings); 
+							}
+							if(gotoreq === undefined) { gotoreq = true; }
+							if(gotoreq === false) {
+								return false;
+							}
+								beginReq();
+							}
+					},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions, ts.p.ajaxGridOptions));
+				break;
+				case "xmlstring":
+					beginReq();
+					dstr = typeof ts.p.datastr !== 'string' ? ts.p.datastr : $.parseXML(ts.p.datastr);
+					addXmlData(dstr,ts.grid.bDiv);
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridLoadComplete", [dstr]);
+					if(lcf) {,dstr);}
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterLoadComplete", [dstr]);
+					ts.p.datatype = "local";
+					ts.p.datastr = null;
+					endReq();
+				break;
+				case "jsonstring":
+					beginReq();
+					if(typeof ts.p.datastr === 'string') { dstr = $.jgrid.parse(ts.p.datastr); }
+					else { dstr = ts.p.datastr; }
+					addJSONData(dstr,ts.grid.bDiv);
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridLoadComplete", [dstr]);
+					if(lcf) {,dstr);}
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterLoadComplete", [dstr]);
+					ts.p.datatype = "local";
+					ts.p.datastr = null;
+					endReq();
+				break;
+				case "local":
+				case "clientside":
+					beginReq();
+					ts.p.datatype = "local";
+					var req = addLocalData();
+					addJSONData(req,ts.grid.bDiv,rcnt,npage>1,adjust);
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridLoadComplete", [req]);
+					if(lc) {,req); }
+					$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterLoadComplete", [req]);
+					if (pvis) { ts.grid.populateVisible(); }
+					endReq();
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		setHeadCheckBox = function ( checked ) {
+			$('#cb_'+$.jgrid.jqID(,ts.grid.hDiv)[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", checked);
+			var fid = ts.p.frozenColumns ?"_frozen" : "";
+			if(fid) {
+				$('#cb_'+$.jgrid.jqID(,ts.grid.fhDiv)[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", checked);
+			}
+		},
+		setPager = function (pgid, tp){
+			// TBD - consider escaping pgid with pgid = $.jgrid.jqID(pgid);
+			var sep = "<td class='ui-pg-button ui-state-disabled' style='width:4px;'><span class='ui-separator'></span></td>",
+			pginp = "",
+			pgl="<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' style='table-layout:auto;' class='ui-pg-table'><tbody><tr>",
+			str="", pgcnt, lft, cent, rgt, twd, tdw, i,
+			clearVals = function(onpaging){
+				var ret;
+				if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onPaging) ) { ret =,onpaging); }
+				if(ret==='stop') {return false;}
+				ts.p.selrow = null;
+				if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[]; setHeadCheckBox( false );}
+				ts.p.savedRow = [];
+				return true;
+			};
+			pgid = pgid.substr(1);
+			tp += "_" + pgid;
+			pgcnt = "pg_"+pgid;
+			lft = pgid+"_left"; cent = pgid+"_center"; rgt = pgid+"_right";
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(pgid) )
+			.append("<div id='"+pgcnt+"' class='ui-pager-control' role='group'><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='ui-pg-table' style='width:100%;table-layout:fixed;height:100%;' role='row'><tbody><tr><td id='"+lft+"' align='left'></td><td id='"+cent+"' align='center' style='white-space:pre;'></td><td id='"+rgt+"' align='right'></td></tr></tbody></table></div>")
+			.attr("dir","ltr"); //explicit setting
+			if(ts.p.rowList.length >0){
+				str = "<td dir='"+dir+"'>";
+				str +="<select class='ui-pg-selbox' role='listbox'>";
+				for(i=0;i<ts.p.rowList.length;i++){
+					str +="<option role=\"option\" value=\""+ts.p.rowList[i]+"\""+((ts.p.rowNum === ts.p.rowList[i])?" selected=\"selected\"":"")+">"+ts.p.rowList[i]+"</option>";
+				}
+				str +="</select></td>";
+			}
+			if(dir==="rtl") { pgl += str; }
+			if(ts.p.pginput===true) { pginp= "<td dir='"+dir+"'>"+$.jgrid.format(ts.p.pgtext || "","<input class='ui-pg-input' type='text' size='2' maxlength='7' value='0' role='textbox'/>","<span id='sp_1_"+$.jgrid.jqID(pgid)+"'></span>")+"</td>";}
+			if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
+				var po=["first"+tp,"prev"+tp, "next"+tp,"last"+tp]; if(dir==="rtl") { po.reverse(); }
+				pgl += "<td id='"+po[0]+"' class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-first'></span></td>";
+				pgl += "<td id='"+po[1]+"' class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-prev'></span></td>";
+				pgl += pginp !== "" ? sep+pginp+sep:"";
+				pgl += "<td id='"+po[2]+"' class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-next'></span></td>";
+				pgl += "<td id='"+po[3]+"' class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-end'></span></td>";
+			} else if (pginp !== "") { pgl += pginp; }
+			if(dir==="ltr") { pgl += str; }
+			pgl += "</tr></tbody></table>";
+			if(ts.p.viewrecords===true) {$("td#"+pgid+"_"+ts.p.recordpos,"#"+pgcnt).append("<div dir='"+dir+"' style='text-align:"+ts.p.recordpos+"' class='ui-paging-info'></div>");}
+			$("td#"+pgid+"_"+ts.p.pagerpos,"#"+pgcnt).append(pgl);
+			tdw = $(".ui-jqgrid").css("font-size") || "11px";
+			$(document.body).append("<div id='testpg' class='ui-jqgrid ui-widget ui-widget-content' style='font-size:"+tdw+";visibility:hidden;' ></div>");
+			twd = $(pgl).clone().appendTo("#testpg").width();
+			$("#testpg").remove();
+			if(twd > 0) {
+				if(pginp !== "") { twd += 50; } //should be param
+				$("td#"+pgid+"_"+ts.p.pagerpos,"#"+pgcnt).width(twd);
+			}
+			ts.p._nvtd = [];
+			ts.p._nvtd[0] = twd ? Math.floor((ts.p.width - twd)/2) : Math.floor(ts.p.width/3);
+			ts.p._nvtd[1] = 0;
+			pgl=null;
+			$('.ui-pg-selbox',"#"+pgcnt).bind('change',function() {
+				if(!clearVals('records')) { return false; }
+ = Math.round(ts.p.rowNum*(;
+				ts.p.rowNum = this.value;
+				if(ts.p.pager) { $('.ui-pg-selbox',ts.p.pager).val(this.value); }
+				if(ts.p.toppager) { $('.ui-pg-selbox',ts.p.toppager).val(this.value); }
+				populate();
+				return false;
+			});
+			if(ts.p.pgbuttons===true) {
+			$(".ui-pg-button","#"+pgcnt).hover(function(){
+				if($(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+				} else {
+					$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');
+				}
+			},function() {
+				if(!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+					$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+ "default";
+				}
+			});
+			$("#first"+$.jgrid.jqID(tp)+", #prev"+$.jgrid.jqID(tp)+", #next"+$.jgrid.jqID(tp)+", #last"+$.jgrid.jqID(tp)).click( function() {
+				if ($(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				var cp = intNum(,1),
+				last = intNum(ts.p.lastpage,1), selclick = false,
+				fp=true, pp=true, np=true,lp=true;
+				if(last ===0 || last===1) {fp=false;pp=false;np=false;lp=false; }
+				else if( last>1 && cp >=1) {
+					if( cp === 1) { fp=false; pp=false; }
+					//else if( cp>1 && cp <last){ }
+					else if( cp===last){ np=false;lp=false; }
+				} else if( last>1 && cp===0 ) { np=false;lp=false; cp=last-1;}
+				if(!clearVals( { return false; }
+				if( === 'first'+tp && fp ) {; selclick=true;}
+				if( === 'prev'+tp && pp) {; selclick=true;}
+				if( === 'next'+tp && np) {; selclick=true;}
+				if( === 'last'+tp && lp) {; selclick=true;}
+				if(selclick) {
+					populate();
+				}
+				return false;
+			});
+			}
+			if(ts.p.pginput===true) {
+			$('input.ui-pg-input',"#"+pgcnt).keypress( function(e) {
+				var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;
+				if(key === 13) {
+					if(!clearVals('user')) { return false; }
+					$(this).val( intNum( $(this).val(), 1));
+ = ($(this).val()>0) ? $(this).val();
+					populate();
+					return false;
+				}
+				return this;
+			});
+			}
+		},
+		multiSort = function(iCol, obj ) {
+			var splas, sort="", cm = ts.p.colModel, fs=false, ls, 
+					selTh = ts.p.frozenColumns ?  obj : ts.grid.headers[iCol].el, so="";
+			$("span.ui-grid-ico-sort",selTh).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+			$(selTh).attr("aria-selected","false");
+			if(cm[iCol].lso) {
+				if(cm[iCol].lso==="asc") {
+					cm[iCol].lso += "-desc";
+					so = "desc";
+				} else if(cm[iCol].lso==="desc") {
+					cm[iCol].lso += "-asc";
+					so = "asc";
+				} else if(cm[iCol].lso==="asc-desc" || cm[iCol].lso==="desc-asc") {
+					cm[iCol].lso="";
+				}
+			} else {
+				cm[iCol].lso = so = cm[iCol].firstsortorder || 'asc';
+			}
+			if( so ) {
+				$("span.s-ico",selTh).show();
+				$("span.ui-icon-"+so,selTh).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				$(selTh).attr("aria-selected","true");
+			} else {
+				if(!ts.p.viewsortcols[0]) {
+					$("span.s-ico",selTh).hide();
+				}
+			}
+			ts.p.sortorder = "";
+			$.each(cm, function(i){
+				if(this.lso) {
+					if(i>0 && fs) {
+						sort += ", ";
+					}
+					splas = this.lso.split("-");
+					sort += cm[i].index || cm[i].name;
+					sort += " "+splas[splas.length-1];
+					fs = true;
+					ts.p.sortorder = splas[splas.length-1];
+				}
+			});
+			ls = sort.lastIndexOf(ts.p.sortorder);
+			sort = sort.substring(0, ls);
+			ts.p.sortname = sort;
+		},
+		sortData = function (index, idxcol,reload,sor, obj){
+			if(!ts.p.colModel[idxcol].sortable) { return; }
+			if(ts.p.savedRow.length > 0) {return;}
+			if(!reload) {
+				if( ts.p.lastsort === idxcol ) {
+					if( ts.p.sortorder === 'asc') {
+						ts.p.sortorder = 'desc';
+					} else if(ts.p.sortorder === 'desc') { ts.p.sortorder = 'asc';}
+				} else { ts.p.sortorder = ts.p.colModel[idxcol].firstsortorder || 'asc'; }
+ = 1;
+			}
+			if(ts.p.multiSort) {
+				multiSort( idxcol, obj);
+			} else {
+				if(sor) {
+					if(ts.p.lastsort === idxcol && ts.p.sortorder === sor && !reload) { return; }
+					ts.p.sortorder = sor;
+				}
+				var previousSelectedTh = ts.grid.headers[ts.p.lastsort].el, newSelectedTh = ts.p.frozenColumns ?  obj : ts.grid.headers[idxcol].el;
+				$("span.ui-grid-ico-sort",previousSelectedTh).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				$(previousSelectedTh).attr("aria-selected","false");
+				if(ts.p.frozenColumns) {
+					ts.grid.fhDiv.find("span.ui-grid-ico-sort").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+					ts.grid.fhDiv.find("th").attr("aria-selected","false");
+				}
+				$("span.ui-icon-"+ts.p.sortorder,newSelectedTh).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				$(newSelectedTh).attr("aria-selected","true");
+				if(!ts.p.viewsortcols[0]) {
+					if(ts.p.lastsort !== idxcol) {
+						if(ts.p.frozenColumns){
+							ts.grid.fhDiv.find("span.s-ico").hide();
+						}
+						$("span.s-ico",previousSelectedTh).hide();
+						$("span.s-ico",newSelectedTh).show();
+					}
+				}
+				index = index.substring(5 + + 1); // bad to be changed!?!
+				ts.p.sortname = ts.p.colModel[idxcol].index || index;
+			}
+			if ($(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridSortCol", [ts.p.sortname, idxcol, ts.p.sortorder]) === 'stop') {
+				ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;
+				return;
+			}
+			if($.isFunction(ts.p.onSortCol)) {if (, ts.p.sortname, idxcol, ts.p.sortorder)==='stop') {ts.p.lastsort = idxcol; return;}}
+			if(ts.p.datatype === "local") {
+				if(ts.p.deselectAfterSort) {$(ts).jqGrid("resetSelection");}
+			} else {
+				ts.p.selrow = null;
+				if(ts.p.multiselect){setHeadCheckBox( false );}
+				ts.p.selarrrow =[];
+				ts.p.savedRow =[];
+			}
+			if(ts.p.scroll) {
+				var sscroll = ts.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+, true, false);
+				ts.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = sscroll;
+			}
+			if(ts.p.subGrid && ts.p.datatype === 'local') {
+				$("td.sgexpanded","#"+$.jgrid.jqID({
+					$(this).trigger("click");
+				});
+			}
+			populate();
+			ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;
+			if(ts.p.sortname !== index && idxcol) {ts.p.lastsort = idxcol;}
+		},
+		setColWidth = function () {
+			var initwidth = 0, brd=$.jgrid.cell_width? 0: intNum(ts.p.cellLayout,0), vc=0, lvc, scw=intNum(ts.p.scrollOffset,0),cw,hs=false,aw,gw=0,cr;
+			$.each(ts.p.colModel, function() {
+				if(this.hidden === undefined) {this.hidden=false;}
+				if(ts.p.grouping && ts.p.autowidth) {
+					var ind = $.inArray(, ts.p.groupingView.groupField);
+					if(ind >= 0 && ts.p.groupingView.groupColumnShow.length > ind) {
+						this.hidden = !ts.p.groupingView.groupColumnShow[ind];
+					}
+				}
+				this.widthOrg = cw = intNum(this.width,0);
+				if(this.hidden===false){
+					initwidth += cw+brd;
+					if(this.fixed) {
+						gw += cw+brd;
+					} else {
+						vc++;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if(isNaN(ts.p.width)) {
+				ts.p.width  = initwidth + ((ts.p.shrinkToFit ===false && !isNaN(ts.p.height)) ? scw : 0);
+			}
+			grid.width = ts.p.width;
+			ts.p.tblwidth = initwidth;
+			if(ts.p.shrinkToFit ===false && ts.p.forceFit === true) {ts.p.forceFit=false;}
+			if(ts.p.shrinkToFit===true && vc > 0) {
+				aw = grid.width-brd*vc-gw;
+				if(!isNaN(ts.p.height)) {
+					aw -= scw;
+					hs = true;
+				}
+				initwidth =0;
+				$.each(ts.p.colModel, function(i) {
+					if(this.hidden === false && !this.fixed){
+						cw = Math.round(aw*this.width/(ts.p.tblwidth-brd*vc-gw));
+						this.width =cw;
+						initwidth += cw;
+						lvc = i;
+					}
+				});
+				cr =0;
+				if (hs) {
+					if(grid.width-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc) !== scw){
+						cr = grid.width-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc)-scw;
+					}
+				} else if(!hs && Math.abs(grid.width-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc)) !== 1) {
+					cr = grid.width-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc);
+				}
+				ts.p.colModel[lvc].width += cr;
+				ts.p.tblwidth = initwidth+cr+brd*vc+gw;
+				if(ts.p.tblwidth > ts.p.width) {
+					ts.p.colModel[lvc].width -= (ts.p.tblwidth - parseInt(ts.p.width,10));
+					ts.p.tblwidth = ts.p.width;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		nextVisible= function(iCol) {
+			var ret = iCol, j=iCol, i;
+			for (i = iCol+1;i<ts.p.colModel.length;i++){
+				if(ts.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true ) {
+					j=i; break;
+				}
+			}
+			return j-ret;
+		},
+		getOffset = function (iCol) {
+			var $th = $(ts.grid.headers[iCol].el), ret = [$th.position().left + $th.outerWidth()];
+			if(ts.p.direction==="rtl") { ret[0] = ts.p.width - ret[0]; }
+			ret[0] -= ts.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+			ret.push($(ts.grid.hDiv).position().top);
+			ret.push($(ts.grid.bDiv).offset().top - $(ts.grid.hDiv).offset().top + $(ts.grid.bDiv).height());
+			return ret;
+		},
+		getColumnHeaderIndex = function (th) {
+			var i, headers = ts.grid.headers, ci = $.jgrid.getCellIndex(th);
+			for (i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
+				if (th === headers[i].el) {
+					ci = i;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return ci;
+		};
+ =;
+		if ($.inArray(ts.p.multikey,sortkeys) === -1 ) {ts.p.multikey = false;}
+		ts.p.keyIndex=false;
+		ts.p.keyName=false;
+		for (i=0; i<ts.p.colModel.length;i++) {
+			ts.p.colModel[i] = $.extend(true, {}, ts.p.cmTemplate, ts.p.colModel[i].template || {}, ts.p.colModel[i]);
+			if (ts.p.keyIndex === false && ts.p.colModel[i].key===true) {
+				ts.p.keyIndex = i;
+			}
+		}
+		ts.p.sortorder = ts.p.sortorder.toLowerCase();
+		$.jgrid.cell_width = $.jgrid.cellWidth();
+		if(ts.p.grouping===true) {
+			ts.p.scroll = false;
+			ts.p.rownumbers = false;
+			//ts.p.subGrid = false; expiremental
+			ts.p.treeGrid = false;
+			ts.p.gridview = true;
+		}
+		if(this.p.treeGrid === true) {
+			try { $(this).jqGrid("setTreeGrid");} catch (_) {}
+			if(ts.p.datatype !== "local") { ts.p.localReader = {id: "_id_"};	}
+		}
+		if(this.p.subGrid) {
+			try { $(ts).jqGrid("setSubGrid");} catch (s){}
+		}
+		if(this.p.multiselect) {
+			this.p.colNames.unshift("<input role='checkbox' id='cb_""' class='cbox' type='checkbox'/>");
+			this.p.colModel.unshift({name:'cb',width:$.jgrid.cell_width ? ts.p.multiselectWidth+ts.p.cellLayout : ts.p.multiselectWidth,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false,align:'center',fixed:true});
+		}
+		if(this.p.rownumbers) {
+			this.p.colNames.unshift("");
+			this.p.colModel.unshift({name:'rn',width:ts.p.rownumWidth,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false,align:'center',fixed:true});
+		}
+		ts.p.xmlReader = $.extend(true,{
+			root: "rows",
+			row: "row",
+			page: "rows>page",
+			total: "rows>total",
+			records : "rows>records",
+			repeatitems: true,
+			cell: "cell",
+			id: "[id]",
+			userdata: "userdata",
+			subgrid: {root:"rows", row: "row", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
+		}, ts.p.xmlReader);
+		ts.p.jsonReader = $.extend(true,{
+			root: "rows",
+			page: "page",
+			total: "total",
+			records: "records",
+			repeatitems: true,
+			cell: "cell",
+			id: "id",
+			userdata: "userdata",
+			subgrid: {root:"rows", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
+		},ts.p.jsonReader);
+		ts.p.localReader = $.extend(true,{
+			root: "rows",
+			page: "page",
+			total: "total",
+			records: "records",
+			repeatitems: false,
+			cell: "cell",
+			id: "id",
+			userdata: "userdata",
+			subgrid: {root:"rows", repeatitems: true, cell:"cell"}
+		},ts.p.localReader);
+		if(ts.p.scroll){
+			ts.p.pgbuttons = false; ts.p.pginput=false; ts.p.rowList=[];
+		}
+		if( { refreshIndex(); }
+		var thead = "<thead><tr class='ui-jqgrid-labels' role='rowheader'>",
+		tdc, idn, w, res, sort,
+		td, ptr, tbody, imgs,iac="",idc="",sortarr=[], sortord=[], sotmp=[];
+		if(ts.p.shrinkToFit===true && ts.p.forceFit===true) {
+			for (i=ts.p.colModel.length-1;i>=0;i--){
+				if(!ts.p.colModel[i].hidden) {
+					ts.p.colModel[i].resizable=false;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(ts.p.viewsortcols[1] === 'horizontal') {iac=" ui-i-asc";idc=" ui-i-desc";}
+		tdc = isMSIE ?  "class='ui-th-div-ie'" :"";
+		imgs = "<span class='s-ico' style='display:none'><span sort='asc' class='ui-grid-ico-sort ui-icon-asc"+iac+" ui-state-disabled ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n ui-sort-"+dir+"'></span>";
+		imgs += "<span sort='desc' class='ui-grid-ico-sort ui-icon-desc"+idc+" ui-state-disabled ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s ui-sort-"+dir+"'></span></span>";
+		if(ts.p.multiSort) {
+			sortarr = ts.p.sortname.split(",");
+			for (i=0; i<sortarr.length; i++) {
+				sotmp = $.trim(sortarr[i]).split(" ");
+				sortarr[i] = $.trim(sotmp[0]);
+				sortord[i] = sotmp[1] ? $.trim(sotmp[1]) : ts.p.sortorder || "asc";
+			}
+		}
+		for(i=0;i<this.p.colNames.length;i++){
+			var tooltip = ts.p.headertitles ? (" title=\""+$.jgrid.stripHtml(ts.p.colNames[i])+"\"") :"";
+			thead += "<th id='""_"+ts.p.colModel[i].name+"' role='columnheader' class='ui-state-default ui-th-column ui-th-"+dir+"'"+ tooltip+">";
+			idn = ts.p.colModel[i].index || ts.p.colModel[i].name;
+			thead += "<div id='jqgh_""_"+ts.p.colModel[i].name+"' "+tdc+">"+ts.p.colNames[i];
+			if(!ts.p.colModel[i].width)  { ts.p.colModel[i].width = 150; }
+			else { ts.p.colModel[i].width = parseInt(ts.p.colModel[i].width,10); }
+			if(typeof ts.p.colModel[i].title !== "boolean") { ts.p.colModel[i].title = true; }
+			ts.p.colModel[i].lso = "";
+			if (idn === ts.p.sortname) {
+				ts.p.lastsort = i;
+			}
+			if(ts.p.multiSort) {
+				sotmp = $.inArray(idn,sortarr);
+				if( sotmp !== -1 ) {
+					ts.p.colModel[i].lso = sortord[sotmp];
+				}
+			}
+			thead += imgs+"</div></th>";
+		}
+		thead += "</tr></thead>";
+		imgs = null;
+		$(this).append(thead);
+		$("thead tr:first th",this).hover(function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');},function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');});
+		if(this.p.multiselect) {
+			var emp=[], chk;
+			$('#cb_'+$.jgrid.jqID(,this).bind('click',function(){
+				ts.p.selarrrow = [];
+				var froz = ts.p.frozenColumns === true ? + "_frozen" : "";
+				if (this.checked) {
+					$(ts.rows).each(function(i) {
+						if (i>0) {
+							if(!$(this).hasClass("ui-subgrid") && !$(this).hasClass("jqgroup") && !$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')){
+								$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID( )[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",true);
+								$(this).addClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","true");  
+								ts.p.selarrrow.push(;
+								ts.p.selrow =;
+								if(froz) {
+									$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(, ts.grid.fbDiv )[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",true);
+									$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, ts.grid.fbDiv).addClass("ui-state-highlight");
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					});
+					chk=true;
+					emp=[];
+				}
+				else {
+					$(ts.rows).each(function(i) {
+						if(i>0) {
+							if(!$(this).hasClass("ui-subgrid") && !$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')){
+								$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID( )[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", false);
+								$(this).removeClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","false");
+								emp.push(;
+								if(froz) {
+									$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(, ts.grid.fbDiv )[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",false);
+									$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, ts.grid.fbDiv).removeClass("ui-state-highlight");
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					});
+					ts.p.selrow = null;
+					chk=false;
+				}
+				$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridSelectAll", [chk ? ts.p.selarrrow : emp, chk]);
+				if($.isFunction(ts.p.onSelectAll)) {, chk ? ts.p.selarrrow : emp,chk);}
+			});
+		}
+		if(ts.p.autowidth===true) {
+			var pw = $(eg).innerWidth();
+			ts.p.width = pw > 0?  pw: 'nw';
+		}
+		setColWidth();
+		$(eg).css("width",grid.width+"px").append("<div class='ui-jqgrid-resize-mark' id='rs_m""'>&#160;</div>");
+		$(gv).css("width",grid.width+"px");
+		thead = $("thead:first",ts).get(0);
+		var	tfoot = "";
+		if(ts.p.footerrow) { tfoot += "<table role='grid' style='width:"+ts.p.tblwidth+"px' class='ui-jqgrid-ftable' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tbody><tr role='row' class='ui-widget-content footrow footrow-"+dir+"'>"; }
+		var thr = $("tr:first",thead),
+		firstr = "<tr class='jqgfirstrow' role='row' style='height:auto'>";
+		ts.p.disableClick=false;
+		$("th",thr).each(function ( j ) {
+			w = ts.p.colModel[j].width;
+			if(ts.p.colModel[j].resizable === undefined) {ts.p.colModel[j].resizable = true;}
+			if(ts.p.colModel[j].resizable){
+				res = document.createElement("span");
+				$(res).html("&#160;").addClass('ui-jqgrid-resize ui-jqgrid-resize-'+dir)
+				.css("cursor","col-resize");
+				$(this).addClass(ts.p.resizeclass);
+			} else {
+				res = "";
+			}
+			$(this).css("width",w+"px").prepend(res);
+			res = null;
+			var hdcol = "";
+			if( ts.p.colModel[j].hidden ) {
+				$(this).css("display","none");
+				hdcol = "display:none;";
+			}
+			firstr += "<td role='gridcell' style='height:0px;width:"+w+"px;"+hdcol+"'></td>";
+			grid.headers[j] = { width: w, el: this };
+			sort = ts.p.colModel[j].sortable;
+			if( typeof sort !== 'boolean') {ts.p.colModel[j].sortable =  true; sort=true;}
+			var nm = ts.p.colModel[j].name;
+			if( !(nm === 'cb' || nm==='subgrid' || nm==='rn') ) {
+				if(ts.p.viewsortcols[2]){
+					$(">div",this).addClass('ui-jqgrid-sortable');
+				}
+			}
+			if(sort) {
+				if(ts.p.multiSort) {
+					if(ts.p.viewsortcols[0]) {
+						$("div span.s-ico",this).show(); 
+						if(ts.p.colModel[j].lso){ 
+							$("div span.ui-icon-"+ts.p.colModel[j].lso,this).removeClass("ui-state-disabled");
+						}
+					} else if( ts.p.colModel[j].lso) {
+						$("div span.s-ico",this).show();
+						$("div span.ui-icon-"+ts.p.colModel[j].lso,this).removeClass("ui-state-disabled");
+					}
+				} else {
+					if(ts.p.viewsortcols[0]) {$("div span.s-ico",this).show(); if(j===ts.p.lastsort){ $("div span.ui-icon-"+ts.p.sortorder,this).removeClass("ui-state-disabled");}}
+					else if( j === ts.p.lastsort) {$("div span.s-ico",this).show();$("div span.ui-icon-"+ts.p.sortorder,this).removeClass("ui-state-disabled");}
+				}
+			}
+			if(ts.p.footerrow) { tfoot += "<td role='gridcell' "+formatCol(j,0,'', null, '', false)+">&#160;</td>"; }
+		}).mousedown(function(e) {
+			if ($("th>span.ui-jqgrid-resize").length !== 1) { return; }
+			var ci = getColumnHeaderIndex(this);
+			if(ts.p.forceFit===true) {ts.p.nv= nextVisible(ci);}
+			grid.dragStart(ci, e, getOffset(ci));
+			return false;
+		}).click(function(e) {
+			if (ts.p.disableClick) {
+				ts.p.disableClick = false;
+				return false;
+			}
+			var s = "th>div.ui-jqgrid-sortable",r,d;
+			if (!ts.p.viewsortcols[2]) { s = "th>div>span>span.ui-grid-ico-sort"; }
+			var t = $(;
+			if (t.length !== 1) { return; }
+			var ci;
+			if(ts.p.frozenColumns) {
+				var tid =  $(this)[0].id.substring( + 1 );
+				$(ts.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+					if ( === tid) {
+						ci = i;return false;
+					}
+				});
+			} else {
+				ci = getColumnHeaderIndex(this);
+			}
+			if (!ts.p.viewsortcols[2]) { r=true;d=t.attr("sort"); }
+			if(ci != null){
+				sortData( $('div',this)[0].id, ci, r, d, this);
+			}
+			return false;
+		});
+		if (ts.p.sortable && $.fn.sortable) {
+			try {
+				$(ts).jqGrid("sortableColumns", thr);
+			} catch (e){}
+		}
+		if(ts.p.footerrow) { tfoot += "</tr></tbody></table>"; }
+		firstr += "</tr>";
+		tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
+		this.appendChild(tbody);
+		$(this).addClass('ui-jqgrid-btable').append(firstr);
+		firstr = null;
+		var hTable = $("<table class='ui-jqgrid-htable' style='width:"+ts.p.tblwidth+"px' role='grid' aria-labelledby='gbox_""' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'></table>").append(thead),
+		hg = (ts.p.caption && ts.p.hiddengrid===true) ? true : false,
+		hb = $("<div class='ui-jqgrid-hbox" + (dir==="rtl" ? "-rtl" : "" )+"'></div>");
+		thead = null;
+		grid.hDiv = document.createElement("div");
+		$(grid.hDiv)
+			.css({ width: grid.width+"px"})
+			.addClass("ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv")
+			.append(hb);
+		$(hb).append(hTable);
+		hTable = null;
+		if(hg) { $(grid.hDiv).hide(); }
+		if(ts.p.pager){
+			// TBD -- escape ts.p.pager here?
+			if(typeof ts.p.pager === "string") {if(ts.p.pager.substr(0,1) !== "#") { ts.p.pager = "#"+ts.p.pager;} }
+			else { ts.p.pager = "#"+ $(ts.p.pager).attr("id");}
+			$(ts.p.pager).css({width: grid.width+"px"}).addClass('ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-pager ui-corner-bottom').appendTo(eg);
+			if(hg) {$(ts.p.pager).hide();}
+			setPager(ts.p.pager,'');
+		}
+		if( ts.p.cellEdit === false && ts.p.hoverrows === true) {
+		$(ts).bind('mouseover',function(e) {
+			ptr = $("tr.jqgrow");
+			if($(ptr).attr("class") !== "ui-subgrid") {
+				$(ptr).addClass("ui-state-hover");
+			}
+		}).bind('mouseout',function(e) {
+			ptr = $("tr.jqgrow");
+			$(ptr).removeClass("ui-state-hover");
+		});
+		}
+		var ri,ci, tdHtml;
+		$(ts).before(grid.hDiv).click(function(e) {
+			td =;
+			ptr = $(td,ts.rows).closest("tr.jqgrow");
+			if($(ptr).length === 0 || ptr[0].className.indexOf( 'ui-state-disabled' ) > -1 || ($(td,ts).closest("table.ui-jqgrid-btable").attr('id') || '').replace("_frozen","") !== ) {
+				return this;
+			}
+			var scb = $(td).hasClass("cbox"),
+			cSel = $(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridBeforeSelectRow", [ptr[0].id, e]);
+			cSel = (cSel === false || cSel === 'stop') ? false : true;
+			if(cSel && $.isFunction(ts.p.beforeSelectRow)) { cSel =,ptr[0].id, e); }
+			if (td.tagName === 'A' || ((td.tagName === 'INPUT' || td.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || td.tagName === 'OPTION' || td.tagName === 'SELECT' ) && !scb) ) { return; }
+			if(cSel === true) {
+				ri = ptr[0].id;
+				ci = $.jgrid.getCellIndex(td);
+				tdHtml = $(td).closest("td,th").html();
+				$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridCellSelect", [ri,ci,tdHtml,e]);
+				if($.isFunction(ts.p.onCellSelect)) {
+				}
+				if(ts.p.cellEdit === true) {
+					if(ts.p.multiselect && scb){
+						$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection", ri ,true,e);
+					} else {
+						ri = ptr[0].rowIndex;
+						try {$(ts).jqGrid("editCell",ri,ci,true);} catch (_) {}
+					}
+				} else if ( !ts.p.multikey ) {
+					if(ts.p.multiselect && ts.p.multiboxonly) {
+						if(scb){$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",ri,true,e);}
+						else {
+							var frz = ts.p.frozenColumns ?"_frozen" : "";
+							$(ts.p.selarrrow).each(function(i,n){
+								var trid = $(ts).jqGrid('getGridRowById',n);
+								$( trid ).removeClass("ui-state-highlight");
+								$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(n))[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", false);
+								if(frz) {
+									$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(n), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(frz)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight");
+									$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(n), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(frz))[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", false);
+								}
+							});
+							ts.p.selarrrow = [];
+							$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",ri,true,e);
+						}
+					} else {
+						$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",ri,true,e);
+					}
+				} else {
+					if(e[ts.p.multikey]) {
+						$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",ri,true,e);
+					} else if(ts.p.multiselect && scb) {
+						scb = $("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+ri).is(":checked");
+						$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+ri)[ts.p.useProp ? 'prop' : 'attr']("checked", scb);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}).bind('reloadGrid', function(e,opts) {
+			if(ts.p.treeGrid ===true) {	ts.p.datatype = ts.p.treedatatype;}
+			if (opts && opts.current) {
+				ts.grid.selectionPreserver(ts);
+			}
+			if(ts.p.datatype==="local"){ $(ts).jqGrid("resetSelection");  if( { refreshIndex();} }
+			else if(!ts.p.treeGrid) {
+				ts.p.selrow=null;
+				if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[];setHeadCheckBox(false);}
+				ts.p.savedRow = [];
+			}
+			if(ts.p.scroll) {, true, false);}
+			if (opts && {
+				var page =;
+				if (page > ts.p.lastpage) { page = ts.p.lastpage; }
+				if (page < 1) { page = 1; }
+ = page;
+				if (ts.grid.prevRowHeight) {
+					ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = (page - 1) * ts.grid.prevRowHeight * ts.p.rowNum;
+				} else {
+					ts.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if (ts.grid.prevRowHeight && ts.p.scroll) {
+				delete ts.p.lastpage;
+				ts.grid.populateVisible();
+			} else {
+				ts.grid.populate();
+			}
+			if(ts.p._inlinenav===true) {$(ts).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');}
+			return false;
+		})
+		.dblclick(function(e) {
+			td =;
+			ptr = $(td,ts.rows).closest("tr.jqgrow");
+			if($(ptr).length === 0 ){return;}
+			ri = ptr[0].rowIndex;
+			ci = $.jgrid.getCellIndex(td);
+			$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridDblClickRow", [$(ptr).attr("id"),ri,ci,e]);
+			if ($.isFunction(ts.p.ondblClickRow)) {,$(ptr).attr("id"),ri,ci, e); }
+		})
+		.bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
+			td =;
+			ptr = $(td,ts.rows).closest("tr.jqgrow");
+			if($(ptr).length === 0 ){return;}
+			if(!ts.p.multiselect) {	$(ts).jqGrid("setSelection",ptr[0].id,true,e);	}
+			ri = ptr[0].rowIndex;
+			ci = $.jgrid.getCellIndex(td);
+			$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridRightClickRow", [$(ptr).attr("id"),ri,ci,e]);
+			if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onRightClickRow)) {,$(ptr).attr("id"),ri,ci, e); }
+		});
+		grid.bDiv = document.createElement("div");
+		if(isMSIE) { if(String(ts.p.height).toLowerCase() === "auto") { ts.p.height = "100%"; } }
+		$(grid.bDiv)
+			.append($('<div style="position:relative;'+(isMSIE && $.jgrid.msiever() < 8 ? "height:0.01%;" : "")+'"></div>').append('<div></div>').append(this))
+			.addClass("ui-jqgrid-bdiv")
+			.css({ height: ts.p.height+(isNaN(ts.p.height)?"":"px"), width: (grid.width)+"px"})
+			.scroll(grid.scrollGrid);
+		$("table:first",grid.bDiv).css({width:ts.p.tblwidth+"px"});
+		if( !$.support.tbody ) { //IE
+			if( $("tbody",this).length === 2 ) { $("tbody:gt(0)",this).remove();}
+		}
+		if(ts.p.multikey){
+			if( $.jgrid.msie) {
+				$(grid.bDiv).bind("selectstart",function(){return false;});
+			} else {
+				$(grid.bDiv).bind("mousedown",function(){return false;});
+			}
+		}
+		if(hg) {$(grid.bDiv).hide();}
+		grid.cDiv = document.createElement("div");
+		var arf = ts.p.hidegrid===true ? $("<a role='link' class='ui-jqgrid-titlebar-close ui-corner-all HeaderButton' />").hover(
+			function(){ arf.addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+			function() {arf.removeClass('ui-state-hover');})
+		.append("<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-n'></span>").css((dir==="rtl"?"left":"right"),"0px") : "";
+		$(grid.cDiv).append(arf).append("<span class='ui-jqgrid-title'>"+ts.p.caption+"</span>")
+		.addClass("ui-jqgrid-titlebar ui-jqgrid-caption"+(dir==="rtl" ? "-rtl" :"" )+" ui-widget-header ui-corner-top ui-helper-clearfix");
+		$(grid.cDiv).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);
+		if( ts.p.toolbar[0] ) {
+			grid.uDiv = document.createElement("div");
+			if(ts.p.toolbar[1] === "top") {$(grid.uDiv).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);}
+			else if (ts.p.toolbar[1]==="bottom" ) {$(grid.uDiv).insertAfter(grid.hDiv);}
+			if(ts.p.toolbar[1]==="both") {
+				grid.ubDiv = document.createElement("div");
+				$(grid.uDiv).addClass("ui-userdata ui-state-default").attr("id","t_";
+				$(grid.ubDiv).addClass("ui-userdata ui-state-default").attr("id","tb_";
+				if(hg)  {$(grid.ubDiv).hide();}
+			} else {
+				$(grid.uDiv).width(grid.width).addClass("ui-userdata ui-state-default").attr("id","t_";
+			}
+			if(hg) {$(grid.uDiv).hide();}
+		}
+		if(ts.p.toppager) {
+			ts.p.toppager = $.jgrid.jqID("_toppager";
+			grid.topDiv = $("<div id='"+ts.p.toppager+"'></div>")[0];
+			ts.p.toppager = "#"+ts.p.toppager;
+			$(grid.topDiv).addClass('ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-toppager').width(grid.width).insertBefore(grid.hDiv);
+			setPager(ts.p.toppager,'_t');
+		}
+		if(ts.p.footerrow) {
+			grid.sDiv = $("<div class='ui-jqgrid-sdiv'></div>")[0];
+			hb = $("<div class='ui-jqgrid-hbox"+(dir==="rtl"?"-rtl":"")+"'></div>");
+			$(grid.sDiv).append(hb).width(grid.width).insertAfter(grid.hDiv);
+			$(hb).append(tfoot);
+			grid.footers = $(".ui-jqgrid-ftable",grid.sDiv)[0].rows[0].cells;
+			if(ts.p.rownumbers) { grid.footers[0].className = 'ui-state-default jqgrid-rownum'; }
+			if(hg) {$(grid.sDiv).hide();}
+		}
+		hb = null;
+		if(ts.p.caption) {
+			var tdt = ts.p.datatype;
+			if(ts.p.hidegrid===true) {
+				$(".ui-jqgrid-titlebar-close",grid.cDiv).click( function(e){
+					var onHdCl = $.isFunction(ts.p.onHeaderClick),
+					elems = ".ui-jqgrid-bdiv, .ui-jqgrid-hdiv, .ui-jqgrid-pager, .ui-jqgrid-sdiv",
+					counter, self = this;
+					if(ts.p.toolbar[0]===true) {
+						if( ts.p.toolbar[1]==='both') {
+							elems += ', #' + $(grid.ubDiv).attr('id');
+						}
+						elems += ', #' + $(grid.uDiv).attr('id');
+					}
+					counter = $(elems,"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+					if(ts.p.gridstate === 'visible') {
+						$(elems,"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID("fast", function() {
+							counter--;
+							if (counter === 0) {
+								$("span",self).removeClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-n").addClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-s");
+								ts.p.gridstate = 'hidden';
+								if($("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID("ui-resizable")) { $(".ui-resizable-handle","#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(; }
+								$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridHeaderClick", [ts.p.gridstate,e]);
+								if(onHdCl) {if(!hg) {,ts.p.gridstate,e);}}
+							}
+						});
+					} else if(ts.p.gridstate === 'hidden'){
+						$(elems,"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID("fast", function() {
+							counter--;
+							if (counter === 0) {
+								$("span",self).removeClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-s").addClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-n");
+								if(hg) {ts.p.datatype = tdt;populate();hg=false;}
+								ts.p.gridstate = 'visible';
+								if($("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID("ui-resizable")) { $(".ui-resizable-handle","#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(; }
+								$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridHeaderClick", [ts.p.gridstate,e]);
+								if(onHdCl) {if(!hg) {,ts.p.gridstate,e);}}
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					return false;
+				});
+				if(hg) {ts.p.datatype="local"; $(".ui-jqgrid-titlebar-close",grid.cDiv).trigger("click");}
+			}
+		} else {$(grid.cDiv).hide();}
+		$(grid.hDiv).after(grid.bDiv)
+		.mousemove(function (e) {
+			if(grid.resizing){grid.dragMove(e);return false;}
+		});
+		$(".ui-jqgrid-labels",grid.hDiv).bind("selectstart", function () { return false; });
+		$(document).bind( "mouseup.jqGrid" +, function () {
+			if(grid.resizing) {	grid.dragEnd(); return false;}
+			return true;
+		});
+		ts.formatCol = formatCol;
+		ts.sortData = sortData;
+		ts.updatepager = updatepager;
+		ts.refreshIndex = refreshIndex;
+		ts.setHeadCheckBox = setHeadCheckBox;
+		ts.constructTr = constructTr;
+		ts.formatter = function ( rowId, cellval , colpos, rwdat, act){return formatter(rowId, cellval , colpos, rwdat, act);};
+		$.extend(grid,{populate : populate, emptyRows: emptyRows, beginReq: beginReq, endReq: endReq});
+		this.grid = grid;
+		ts.addXmlData = function(d) {addXmlData(d,ts.grid.bDiv);};
+		ts.addJSONData = function(d) {addJSONData(d,ts.grid.bDiv);};
+		this.grid.cols = this.rows[0].cells;
+		$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridInitGrid");
+		if ($.isFunction( ts.p.onInitGrid )) {; }
+		populate();ts.p.hiddengrid=false;
+	});
+	getGridParam : function(pName) {
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if (!$t || !$t.grid) {return;}
+		if (!pName) { return $t.p; }
+		return $t.p[pName] !== undefined ? $t.p[pName] : null;
+	},
+	setGridParam : function (newParams){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if (this.grid && typeof newParams === 'object') {$.extend(true,this.p,newParams);}
+		});
+	},
+	getGridRowById: function ( rowid ) {
+		var row;
+		this.each( function(){
+			try {
+				//row = this.rows.namedItem( rowid );
+				var i = this.rows.length;
+				while(i--) {
+					if( rowid.toString() === this.rows[i].id) {
+						row = this.rows[i];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} catch ( e ) {
+				row = $(this.grid.bDiv).find( "#" + $.jgrid.jqID( rowid ));
+			}
+		});
+		return row;
+	},
+	getDataIDs : function () {
+		var ids=[], i=0, len, j=0;
+		this.each(function(){
+			len = this.rows.length;
+			if(len && len>0){
+				while(i<len) {
+					if($(this.rows[i]).hasClass('jqgrow')) {
+						ids[j] = this.rows[i].id;
+						j++;
+					}
+					i++;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return ids;
+	},
+	setSelection : function(selection,onsr, e) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, stat,pt, ner, ia, tpsr, fid;
+			if(selection === undefined) { return; }
+			onsr = onsr === false ? false : true;
+			pt=$($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', selection);
+			if(!pt || !pt.className || pt.className.indexOf( 'ui-state-disabled' ) > -1 ) { return; }
+			function scrGrid(iR){
+				var ch = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].clientHeight,
+				st = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop,
+				rpos = $($t.rows[iR]).position().top,
+				rh = $t.rows[iR].clientHeight;
+				if(rpos+rh >= ch+st) { $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = rpos-(ch+st)+rh+st; }
+				else if(rpos < ch+st) {
+					if(rpos < st) {
+						$($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = rpos;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if($t.p.scrollrows===true) {
+				ner = $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById',selection).rowIndex;
+				if(ner >=0 ){
+					scrGrid(ner);
+				}
+			}
+			if($t.p.frozenColumns === true ) {
+				fid = $"_frozen";
+			}
+			if(!$t.p.multiselect) {	
+				if(pt.className !== "ui-subgrid") {
+					if( $t.p.selrow !== {
+						$( $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', $t.p.selrow) ).removeClass("ui-state-highlight").attr({"aria-selected":"false", "tabindex" : "-1"});
+						$(pt).addClass("ui-state-highlight").attr({"aria-selected":"true", "tabindex" : "0"});//.focus();
+						if(fid) {
+							$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($t.p.selrow), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight");
+							$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(selection), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).addClass("ui-state-highlight");
+						}
+						stat = true;
+					} else {
+						stat = false;
+					}
+					$t.p.selrow =;
+					if( onsr ) { 
+						$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridSelectRow", [, stat, e]);
+						if( $t.p.onSelectRow) { $$t,, stat, e); }
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				//unselect selectall checkbox when deselecting a specific row
+				$t.setHeadCheckBox( false );
+				$t.p.selrow =;
+				ia = $.inArray($t.p.selrow,$t.p.selarrrow);
+				if (  ia === -1 ){
+					if(pt.className !== "ui-subgrid") { $(pt).addClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","true");}
+					stat = true;
+					$t.p.selarrrow.push($t.p.selrow);
+				} else {
+					if(pt.className !== "ui-subgrid") { $(pt).removeClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","false");}
+					stat = false;
+					$t.p.selarrrow.splice(ia,1);
+					tpsr = $t.p.selarrrow[0];
+					$t.p.selrow = (tpsr === undefined) ? null : tpsr;
+				}
+				$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_"+$.jgrid.jqID([$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",stat);
+				if(fid) {
+					if(ia === -1) {
+						$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(selection), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).addClass("ui-state-highlight");
+					} else {
+						$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(selection), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight");
+					}
+					$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_"+$.jgrid.jqID(selection), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid))[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",stat);
+				}
+				if( onsr ) {
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridSelectRow", [, stat, e]);
+					if( $t.p.onSelectRow) { $$t, , stat, e); }
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	resetSelection : function( rowid ){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var t = this, sr, fid;
+			if( t.p.frozenColumns === true ) {
+				fid ="_frozen";
+			}
+			if(rowid !== undefined ) {
+				sr = rowid === t.p.selrow ? t.p.selrow : rowid;
+				$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(" tbody:first tr#"+$.jgrid.jqID(sr)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","false");
+				if (fid) { $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(sr), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight"); }
+				if(t.p.multiselect) {
+					$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(sr), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID([t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",false);
+					if(fid) { $("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(sr), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid))[t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",false); }
+					t.setHeadCheckBox( false);
+				}
+				sr = null;
+			} else if(!t.p.multiselect) {
+				if(t.p.selrow) {
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(" tbody:first tr#"+$.jgrid.jqID(t.p.selrow)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","false");
+					if(fid) { $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(t.p.selrow), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight"); }
+					t.p.selrow = null;
+				}
+			} else {
+				$(t.p.selarrrow).each(function(i,n){
+					$( $(t).jqGrid('getGridRowById',n) ).removeClass("ui-state-highlight").attr("aria-selected","false");
+					$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(n))[t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",false);
+					if(fid) { 
+						$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(n), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid)).removeClass("ui-state-highlight"); 
+						$("#jqg_"+$.jgrid.jqID("_"+$.jgrid.jqID(n), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid))[t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",false);
+					}
+				});
+				t.setHeadCheckBox( false );
+				t.p.selarrrow = [];
+				t.p.selrow = null;
+			}
+			if(t.p.cellEdit === true) {
+				if(parseInt(t.p.iCol,10)>=0  && parseInt(t.p.iRow,10)>=0) {
+					$("td:eq("+t.p.iCol+")",t.rows[t.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight");
+					$(t.rows[t.p.iRow]).removeClass("selected-row ui-state-hover");
+				}
+			}
+			t.p.savedRow = [];
+		});
+	},
+	getRowData : function( rowid ) {
+		var res = {}, resall, getall=false, len, j=0;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this,nm,ind;
+			if(rowid === undefined) {
+				getall = true;
+				resall = [];
+				len = $t.rows.length;
+			} else {
+				ind = $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid);
+				if(!ind) { return res; }
+				len = 2;
+			}
+			while(j<len){
+				if(getall) { ind = $t.rows[j]; }
+				if( $(ind).hasClass('jqgrow') ) {
+					$('td[role="gridcell"]',ind).each( function(i) {
+						nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name;
+						if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && nm !== 'rn') {
+							if($t.p.treeGrid===true && nm === $t.p.ExpandColumn) {
+								res[nm] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode($("span:first",this).html());
+							} else {
+								try {
+									res[nm] = $$t,this,{, colModel:$t.p.colModel[i]},i);
+								} catch (e){
+									res[nm] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode($(this).html());
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					});
+					if(getall) { resall.push(res); res={}; }
+				}
+				j++;
+			}
+		});
+		return resall || res;
+	},
+	delRowData : function(rowid) {
+		var success = false, rowInd, ia;
+		this.each(function() {
+			var $t = this;
+			rowInd = $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid);
+			if(!rowInd) {return false;}
+				$(rowInd).remove();
+				$t.p.records--;
+				$t.p.reccount--;
+				$t.updatepager(true,false);
+				success=true;
+				if($t.p.multiselect) {
+					ia = $.inArray(rowid,$t.p.selarrrow);
+					if(ia !== -1) { $t.p.selarrrow.splice(ia,1);}
+				}
+				if ($t.p.multiselect && $t.p.selarrrow.length > 0) {
+					$t.p.selrow = $t.p.selarrrow[$t.p.selarrrow.length-1];
+				} else {
+					$t.p.selrow = null;
+				}
+			if($t.p.datatype === 'local') {
+				var id = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rowid),
+				pos = $t.p._index[id];
+				if(pos !== undefined) {
+					$,1);
+					$t.refreshIndex();
+				}
+			}
+			if( $t.p.altRows === true && success ) {
+				var cn = $t.p.altclass;
+				$($t.rows).each(function(i){
+					if(i % 2 === 1) { $(this).addClass(cn); }
+					else { $(this).removeClass(cn); }
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		return success;
+	},
+	setRowData : function(rowid, data, cssp) {
+		var nm, success=true, title;
+		this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid) {return false;}
+			var t = this, vl, ind, cp = typeof cssp, lcdata={};
+			ind = $(this).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid);
+			if(!ind) { return false; }
+			if( data ) {
+				try {
+					$(this.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+						nm =;
+						var dval =$.jgrid.getAccessor(data,nm);
+						if( dval !== undefined) {
+							lcdata[nm] = this.formatter && typeof this.formatter === 'string' && this.formatter === 'date' ? $,dval,this) : dval;
+							vl = t.formatter( rowid, dval, i, data, 'edit');
+							title = this.title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {};
+							if(t.p.treeGrid===true && nm === t.p.ExpandColumn) {
+								$("td[role='gridcell']:eq("+i+") > span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
+							} else {
+								$("td[role='gridcell']:eq("+i+")",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
+							}
+						}
+					});
+					if(t.p.datatype === 'local') {
+						var id = $.jgrid.stripPref(t.p.idPrefix, rowid),
+						pos = t.p._index[id], key;
+						if(t.p.treeGrid) {
+							for(key in t.p.treeReader){
+								if(t.p.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+									delete lcdata[t.p.treeReader[key]];
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if(pos !== undefined) {
+[pos] = $.extend(true,[pos], lcdata);
+						}
+						lcdata = null;
+					}
+				} catch (e) {
+					success = false;
+				}
+			}
+			if(success) {
+				if(cp === 'string') {$(ind).addClass(cssp);} else if(cssp !== null && cp === 'object') {$(ind).css(cssp);}
+				$(t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");
+			}
+		});
+		return success;
+	},
+	addRowData : function(rowid,rdata,pos,src) {
+		if(!pos) {pos = "last";}
+		var success = false, nm, row, gi, si, ni,sind, i, v, prp="", aradd, cnm, cn, data, cm, id;
+		if(rdata) {
+			if($.isArray(rdata)) {
+				aradd=true;
+				pos = "last";
+				cnm = rowid;
+			} else {
+				rdata = [rdata];
+				aradd = false;
+			}
+			this.each(function() {
+				var t = this, datalen = rdata.length;
+				ni = t.p.rownumbers===true ? 1 :0;
+				gi = t.p.multiselect ===true ? 1 :0;
+				si = t.p.subGrid===true ? 1 :0;
+				if(!aradd) {
+					if(rowid !== undefined) { rowid = String(rowid);}
+					else {
+						rowid = $.jgrid.randId();
+						if(t.p.keyIndex !== false) {
+							cnm = t.p.colModel[t.p.keyIndex+gi+si+ni].name;
+							if(rdata[0][cnm] !== undefined) { rowid = rdata[0][cnm]; }
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				cn = t.p.altclass;
+				var k = 0, cna ="", lcdata = {},
+				air = $.isFunction(t.p.afterInsertRow) ? true : false;
+				while(k < datalen) {
+					data = rdata[k];
+					row=[];
+					if(aradd) {
+						try {
+							rowid = data[cnm];
+							if(rowid===undefined) {
+								rowid = $.jgrid.randId();
+							}
+						}
+						catch (e) {rowid = $.jgrid.randId();}
+						cna = t.p.altRows === true ?  (t.rows.length-1)%2 === 0 ? cn : "" : "";
+					}
+					id = rowid;
+					rowid  = t.p.idPrefix + rowid;
+					if(ni){
+						prp = t.formatCol(0,1,'',null,rowid, true);
+						row[row.length] = "<td role=\"gridcell\" class=\"ui-state-default jqgrid-rownum\" "+prp+">0</td>";
+					}
+					if(gi) {
+						v = "<input role=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\""+" id=\"jqg_""_"+rowid+"\" class=\"cbox\"/>";
+						prp = t.formatCol(ni,1,'', null, rowid, true);
+						row[row.length] = "<td role=\"gridcell\" "+prp+">"+v+"</td>";
+					}
+					if(si) {
+						row[row.length] = $(t).jqGrid("addSubGridCell",gi+ni,1);
+					}
+					for(i = gi+si+ni; i < t.p.colModel.length;i++){
+						cm = t.p.colModel[i];
+						nm =;
+						lcdata[nm] = data[nm];
+						v = t.formatter( rowid, $.jgrid.getAccessor(data,nm), i, data );
+						prp = t.formatCol(i,1,v, data, rowid, lcdata);
+						row[row.length] = "<td role=\"gridcell\" "+prp+">"+v+"</td>";
+					}
+					row.unshift( t.constructTr(rowid, false, cna, lcdata, data, false ) );
+					row[row.length] = "</tr>";
+					if(t.rows.length === 0){
+						$("table:first",t.grid.bDiv).append(row.join(''));
+					} else {
+						switch (pos) {
+							case 'last':
+								$(t.rows[t.rows.length-1]).after(row.join(''));
+								sind = t.rows.length-1;
+								break;
+							case 'first':
+								$(t.rows[0]).after(row.join(''));
+								sind = 1;
+								break;
+							case 'after':
+								sind = $(t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', src);
+								if (sind) {
+									if($(t.rows[sind.rowIndex+1]).hasClass("ui-subgrid")) { $(t.rows[sind.rowIndex+1]).after(row); }
+									else { $(sind).after(row.join('')); }
+									sind=sind.rowIndex + 1;
+								}	
+								break;
+							case 'before':
+								sind = $(t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', src);
+								if(sind) {
+									$(sind).before(row.join(''));
+									sind=sind.rowIndex - 1;
+								}
+								break;
+						}
+					}
+					if(t.p.subGrid===true) {
+						$(t).jqGrid("addSubGrid",gi+ni, sind);
+					}
+					t.p.records++;
+					t.p.reccount++;
+					$(t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterInsertRow", [rowid,data,data]);
+					if(air) {,rowid,data,data); }
+					k++;
+					if(t.p.datatype === 'local') {
+						lcdata[] = id;
+						t.p._index[id] =;
+						lcdata = {};
+					}
+				}
+				if( t.p.altRows === true && !aradd) {
+					if (pos === "last") {
+						if ((t.rows.length-1)%2 === 1)  {$(t.rows[t.rows.length-1]).addClass(cn);}
+					} else {
+						$(t.rows).each(function(i){
+							if(i % 2 ===1) { $(this).addClass(cn); }
+							else { $(this).removeClass(cn); }
+						});
+					}
+				}
+				t.updatepager(true,true);
+				success = true;
+			});
+		}
+		return success;
+	},
+	footerData : function(action,data, format) {
+		var nm, success=false, res={}, title;
+		function isEmpty(obj) {
+			var i;
+			for(i in obj) {
+				if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { return false; }
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		if(action == undefined) { action = "get"; }
+		if(typeof format !== "boolean") { format  = true; }
+		action = action.toLowerCase();
+		this.each(function(){
+			var t = this, vl;
+			if(!t.grid || !t.p.footerrow) {return false;}
+			if(action === "set") { if(isEmpty(data)) { return false; } }
+			success=true;
+			$(this.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+				nm =;
+				if(action === "set") {
+					if( data[nm] !== undefined) {
+						vl = format ? t.formatter( "", data[nm], i, data, 'edit') : data[nm];
+						title = this.title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {};
+						$("tr.footrow td:eq("+i+")",t.grid.sDiv).html(vl).attr(title);
+						success = true;
+					}
+				} else if(action === "get") {
+					res[nm] = $("tr.footrow td:eq("+i+")",t.grid.sDiv).html();
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		return action === "get" ? res : success;
+	},
+	showHideCol : function(colname,show) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var $t = this, fndh=false, brd=$.jgrid.cell_width ? 0: $t.p.cellLayout, cw;
+			if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
+			if( typeof colname === 'string') {colname=[colname];}
+			show = show !== "none" ? "" : "none";
+			var sw = show === "" ? true :false,
+			gh = $t.p.groupHeader && (typeof $t.p.groupHeader === 'object' || $.isFunction($t.p.groupHeader) );
+			if(gh) { $($t).jqGrid('destroyGroupHeader', false); }
+			$(this.p.colModel).each(function(i) {
+				if ($.inArray(,colname) !== -1 && this.hidden === sw) {
+					if($t.p.frozenColumns === true && this.frozen === true) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					$("tr[role=rowheader]",$t.grid.hDiv).each(function(){
+						$(this.cells[i]).css("display", show);
+					});
+					$($t.rows).each(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass("jqgroup")) {
+							$(this.cells[i]).css("display", show);
+						}
+					});
+					if($t.p.footerrow) { $("tr.footrow td:eq("+i+")", $t.grid.sDiv).css("display", show); }
+					cw =  parseInt(this.width,10);
+					if(show === "none") {
+						$t.p.tblwidth -= cw+brd;
+					} else {
+						$t.p.tblwidth += cw+brd;
+					}
+					this.hidden = !sw;
+					fndh=true;
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridShowHideCol", [sw,,i]);
+				}
+			});
+			if(fndh===true) {
+				if($t.p.shrinkToFit === true && !isNaN($t.p.height)) { $t.p.tblwidth += parseInt($t.p.scrollOffset,10);}
+				$($t).jqGrid("setGridWidth",$t.p.shrinkToFit === true ? $t.p.tblwidth : $t.p.width );
+			}
+			if( gh )  {
+				$($t).jqGrid('setGroupHeaders',$t.p.groupHeader);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	hideCol : function (colname) {
+		return this.each(function(){$(this).jqGrid("showHideCol",colname,"none");});
+	},
+	showCol : function(colname) {
+		return this.each(function(){$(this).jqGrid("showHideCol",colname,"");});
+	},
+	remapColumns : function(permutation, updateCells, keepHeader)
+	{
+		function resortArray(a) {
+			var ac;
+			if (a.length) {
+				ac = $.makeArray(a);
+			} else {
+				ac = $.extend({}, a);
+			}
+			$.each(permutation, function(i) {
+				a[i] = ac[this];
+			});
+		}
+		var ts = this.get(0);
+		function resortRows(parent, clobj) {
+			$(">tr"+(clobj||""), parent).each(function() {
+				var row = this;
+				var elems = $.makeArray(row.cells);
+				$.each(permutation, function() {
+					var e = elems[this];
+					if (e) {
+						row.appendChild(e);
+					}
+				});
+			});
+		}
+		resortArray(ts.p.colModel);
+		resortArray(ts.p.colNames);
+		resortArray(ts.grid.headers);
+		resortRows($("thead:first", ts.grid.hDiv), keepHeader && ":not(.ui-jqgrid-labels)");
+		if (updateCells) {
+			resortRows($("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(" tbody:first"), ".jqgfirstrow, tr.jqgrow, tr.jqfoot");
+		}
+		if (ts.p.footerrow) {
+			resortRows($("tbody:first", ts.grid.sDiv));
+		}
+		if (ts.p.remapColumns) {
+			if (!ts.p.remapColumns.length){
+				ts.p.remapColumns = $.makeArray(permutation);
+			} else {
+				resortArray(ts.p.remapColumns);
+			}
+		}
+		ts.p.lastsort = $.inArray(ts.p.lastsort, permutation);
+		if(ts.p.treeGrid) { ts.p.expColInd = $.inArray(ts.p.expColInd, permutation); }
+		$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridRemapColumns", [permutation, updateCells, keepHeader]);
+	},
+	setGridWidth : function(nwidth, shrink) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if (!this.grid ) {return;}
+			var $t = this, cw,
+			initwidth = 0, brd=$.jgrid.cell_width ? 0: $t.p.cellLayout, lvc, vc=0, hs=false, scw=$t.p.scrollOffset, aw, gw=0, cr;
+			if(typeof shrink !== 'boolean') {
+				shrink=$t.p.shrinkToFit;
+			}
+			if(isNaN(nwidth)) {return;}
+			nwidth = parseInt(nwidth,10); 
+			$t.grid.width = $t.p.width = nwidth;
+			$("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"width",nwidth+"px");
+			$("#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"width",nwidth+"px");
+			$($t.grid.bDiv).css("width",nwidth+"px");
+			$($t.grid.hDiv).css("width",nwidth+"px");
+			if($t.p.pager ) {$($t.p.pager).css("width",nwidth+"px");}
+			if($t.p.toppager ) {$($t.p.toppager).css("width",nwidth+"px");}
+			if($t.p.toolbar[0] === true){
+				$($t.grid.uDiv).css("width",nwidth+"px");
+				if($t.p.toolbar[1]==="both") {$($t.grid.ubDiv).css("width",nwidth+"px");}
+			}
+			if($t.p.footerrow) { $($t.grid.sDiv).css("width",nwidth+"px"); }
+			if(shrink ===false && $t.p.forceFit === true) {$t.p.forceFit=false;}
+			if(shrink===true) {
+				$.each($t.p.colModel, function() {
+					if(this.hidden===false){
+						cw = this.widthOrg;
+						initwidth += cw+brd;
+						if(this.fixed) {
+							gw += cw+brd;
+						} else {
+							vc++;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				if(vc  === 0) { return; }
+				$t.p.tblwidth = initwidth;
+				aw = nwidth-brd*vc-gw;
+				if(!isNaN($t.p.height)) {
+					if($($t.grid.bDiv)[0].clientHeight < $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollHeight || $t.rows.length === 1){
+						hs = true;
+						aw -= scw;
+					}
+				}
+				initwidth =0;
+				var cle = $t.grid.cols.length >0;
+				$.each($t.p.colModel, function(i) {
+					if(this.hidden === false && !this.fixed){
+						cw = this.widthOrg;
+						cw = Math.round(aw*cw/($t.p.tblwidth-brd*vc-gw));
+						if (cw < 0) { return; }
+						this.width =cw;
+						initwidth += cw;
+						$t.grid.headers[i].width=cw;
+						$t.grid.headers[i]"px";
+						if($t.p.footerrow) { $t.grid.footers[i].style.width = cw+"px"; }
+						if(cle) { $t.grid.cols[i].style.width = cw+"px"; }
+						lvc = i;
+					}
+				});
+				if (!lvc) { return; }
+				cr =0;
+				if (hs) {
+					if(nwidth-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc) !== scw){
+						cr = nwidth-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc)-scw;
+					}
+				} else if( Math.abs(nwidth-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc)) !== 1) {
+					cr = nwidth-gw-(initwidth+brd*vc);
+				}
+				$t.p.colModel[lvc].width += cr;
+				$t.p.tblwidth = initwidth+cr+brd*vc+gw;
+				if($t.p.tblwidth > nwidth) {
+					var delta = $t.p.tblwidth - parseInt(nwidth,10);
+					$t.p.tblwidth = nwidth;
+					cw = $t.p.colModel[lvc].width = $t.p.colModel[lvc].width-delta;
+				} else {
+					cw= $t.p.colModel[lvc].width;
+				}
+				$t.grid.headers[lvc].width = cw;
+				$t.grid.headers[lvc]"px";
+				if(cle) { $t.grid.cols[lvc].style.width = cw+"px"; }
+				if($t.p.footerrow) {
+					$t.grid.footers[lvc].style.width = cw+"px";
+				}
+			}
+			if($t.p.tblwidth) {
+				$('table:first',$t.grid.bDiv).css("width",$t.p.tblwidth+"px");
+				$('table:first',$t.grid.hDiv).css("width",$t.p.tblwidth+"px");
+				$t.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = $t.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
+				if($t.p.footerrow) {
+					$('table:first',$t.grid.sDiv).css("width",$t.p.tblwidth+"px");
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	setGridHeight : function (nh) {
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			var bDiv = $($t.grid.bDiv);
+			bDiv.css({height: nh+(isNaN(nh)?"":"px")});
+			if($t.p.frozenColumns === true){
+				//follow the original set height to use 16, better scrollbar width detection
+				$('#'+$.jgrid.jqID($"_frozen").parent().height(bDiv.height() - 16);
+			}
+			$t.p.height = nh;
+			if ($t.p.scroll) { $t.grid.populateVisible(); }
+		});
+	},
+	setCaption : function (newcap){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			this.p.caption=newcap;
+			$("span.ui-jqgrid-title, span.ui-jqgrid-title-rtl",this.grid.cDiv).html(newcap);
+			$(this.grid.cDiv).show();
+		});
+	},
+	setLabel : function(colname, nData, prop, attrp ){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, pos=-1;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			if(colname !== undefined) {
+				$($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+					if ( === colname) {
+						pos = i;return false;
+					}
+				});
+			} else { return; }
+			if(pos>=0) {
+				var thecol = $("tr.ui-jqgrid-labels th:eq("+pos+")",$t.grid.hDiv);
+				if (nData){
+					var ico = $(".s-ico",thecol);
+					$("[id^=jqgh_]",thecol).empty().html(nData).append(ico);
+					$t.p.colNames[pos] = nData;
+				}
+				if (prop) {
+					if(typeof prop === 'string') {$(thecol).addClass(prop);} else {$(thecol).css(prop);}
+				}
+				if(typeof attrp === 'object') {$(thecol).attr(attrp);}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	setCell : function(rowid,colname,nData,cssp,attrp, forceupd) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, pos =-1,v, title;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			if(isNaN(colname)) {
+				$($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+					if ( === colname) {
+						pos = i;return false;
+					}
+				});
+			} else {pos = parseInt(colname,10);}
+			if(pos>=0) {
+				var ind = $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid); 
+				if (ind){
+					var tcell = $("td:eq("+pos+")",ind);
+					if(nData !== "" || forceupd === true) {
+						v = $t.formatter(rowid, nData, pos,ind,'edit');
+						title = $t.p.colModel[pos].title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(v)} : {};
+						if($t.p.treeGrid && $(".tree-wrap",$(tcell)).length>0) {
+							$("span",$(tcell)).html(v).attr(title);
+						} else {
+							$(tcell).html(v).attr(title);
+						}
+						if($t.p.datatype === "local") {
+							var cm = $t.p.colModel[pos], index;
+							nData = cm.formatter && typeof cm.formatter === 'string' && cm.formatter === 'date' ? $$t,nData,cm) : nData;
+							index = $t.p._index[$.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rowid)];
+							if(index !== undefined) {
+								$[index][] = nData;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if(typeof cssp === 'string'){
+						$(tcell).addClass(cssp);
+					} else if(cssp) {
+						$(tcell).css(cssp);
+					}
+					if(typeof attrp === 'object') {$(tcell).attr(attrp);}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	getCell : function(rowid,col) {
+		var ret = false;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t=this, pos=-1;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			if(isNaN(col)) {
+				$($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+					if ( === col) {
+						pos = i;return false;
+					}
+				});
+			} else {pos = parseInt(col,10);}
+			if(pos>=0) {
+				var ind = $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid);
+				if(ind) {
+					try {
+						ret = $$t,$("td:eq("+pos+")",ind),{, colModel:$t.p.colModel[pos]},pos);
+					} catch (e){
+						ret = $.jgrid.htmlDecode($("td:eq("+pos+")",ind).html());
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return ret;
+	},
+	getCol : function (col, obj, mathopr) {
+		var ret = [], val, sum=0, min, max, v;
+		obj = typeof obj !== 'boolean' ? false : obj;
+		if(mathopr === undefined) { mathopr = false; }
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t=this, pos=-1;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			if(isNaN(col)) {
+				$($t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+					if ( === col) {
+						pos = i;return false;
+					}
+				});
+			} else {pos = parseInt(col,10);}
+			if(pos>=0) {
+				var ln = $t.rows.length, i =0, dlen=0;
+				if (ln && ln>0){
+					while(i<ln){
+						if($($t.rows[i]).hasClass('jqgrow')) {
+							try {
+								val = $$t,$($t.rows[i].cells[pos]),{rowId:$t.rows[i].id, colModel:$t.p.colModel[pos]},pos);
+							} catch (e) {
+								val = $.jgrid.htmlDecode($t.rows[i].cells[pos].innerHTML);
+							}
+							if(mathopr) {
+								v = parseFloat(val);
+								if(!isNaN(v)) {
+									sum += v;
+									if (max === undefined) {max = min = v;}
+									min = Math.min(min, v);
+									max = Math.max(max, v);
+									dlen++;
+								}
+							}
+							else if(obj) { ret.push( {id:$t.rows[i].id,value:val} ); }
+							else { ret.push( val ); }
+						}
+						i++;
+					}
+					if(mathopr) {
+						switch(mathopr.toLowerCase()){
+							case 'sum': ret =sum; break;
+							case 'avg': ret = sum/dlen; break;
+							case 'count': ret = (ln-1); break;
+							case 'min': ret = min; break;
+							case 'max': ret = max; break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return ret;
+	},
+	clearGridData : function(clearfooter) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			if(typeof clearfooter !== 'boolean') { clearfooter = false; }
+			if($t.p.deepempty) {$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($" tbody:first tr:gt(0)").remove();}
+			else {
+				var trf = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($" tbody:first tr:first")[0];
+				$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($" tbody:first").empty().append(trf);
+			}
+			if($t.p.footerrow && clearfooter) { $(".ui-jqgrid-ftable td",$t.grid.sDiv).html("&#160;"); }
+			$t.p.selrow = null; $t.p.selarrrow= []; $t.p.savedRow = [];
+			$t.p.records = 0;$;$t.p.lastpage=0;$t.p.reccount=0;
+			$ = []; $t.p._index = {};
+			$t.updatepager(true,false);
+		});
+	},
+	getInd : function(rowid,rc){
+		var ret =false,rw;
+		this.each(function(){
+			rw = $(this).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid);
+			if(rw) {
+				ret = rc===true ? rw: rw.rowIndex;
+			}
+		});
+		return ret;
+	},
+	bindKeys : function( settings ){
+		var o = $.extend({
+			onEnter: null,
+			onSpace: null,
+			onLeftKey: null,
+			onRightKey: null,
+			scrollingRows : true
+		},settings || {});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if( !$('body').is('[role]') ){$('body').attr('role','application');}
+			$t.p.scrollrows = o.scrollingRows;
+			$($t).keydown(function(event){
+				var target = $($t).find('tr[tabindex=0]')[0], id, r, mind,
+				expanded = $t.p.treeReader.expanded_field;
+				//check for arrow keys
+				if(target) {
+					mind = $t.p._index[$.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix,];
+					if(event.keyCode === 37 || event.keyCode === 38 || event.keyCode === 39 || event.keyCode === 40){
+						// up key
+						if(event.keyCode === 38 ){
+							r = target.previousSibling;
+							id = "";
+							if(r) {
+								if($(r).is(":hidden")) {
+									while(r) {
+										r = r.previousSibling;
+										if(!$(r).is(":hidden") && $(r).hasClass('jqgrow')) {id =;break;}
+									}
+								} else {
+									id =;
+								}
+							}
+							$($t).jqGrid('setSelection', id, true, event);
+							event.preventDefault();
+						}
+						//if key is down arrow
+						if(event.keyCode === 40){
+							r = target.nextSibling;
+							id ="";
+							if(r) {
+								if($(r).is(":hidden")) {
+									while(r) {
+										r = r.nextSibling;
+										if(!$(r).is(":hidden") && $(r).hasClass('jqgrow') ) {id =;break;}
+									}
+								} else {
+									id =;
+								}
+							}
+							$($t).jqGrid('setSelection', id, true, event);
+							event.preventDefault();
+						}
+						// left
+						if(event.keyCode === 37 ){
+							if($t.p.treeGrid && $[mind][expanded]) {
+								$(target).find("div.treeclick").trigger('click');
+							}
+							$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridKeyLeft", [$t.p.selrow]);
+							if($.isFunction(o.onLeftKey)) {
+$t, $t.p.selrow);
+							}
+						}
+						// right
+						if(event.keyCode === 39 ){
+							if($t.p.treeGrid && !$[mind][expanded]) {
+								$(target).find("div.treeclick").trigger('click');
+							}
+							$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridKeyRight", [$t.p.selrow]);
+							if($.isFunction(o.onRightKey)) {
+$t, $t.p.selrow);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					//check if enter was pressed on a grid or treegrid node
+					else if( event.keyCode === 13 ){
+						$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridKeyEnter", [$t.p.selrow]);
+						if($.isFunction(o.onEnter)) {
+$t, $t.p.selrow);
+						}
+					} else if(event.keyCode === 32) {
+						$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridKeySpace", [$t.p.selrow]);
+						if($.isFunction(o.onSpace)) {
+$t, $t.p.selrow);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		});
+	},
+	unbindKeys : function(){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			$(this).unbind('keydown');
+		});
+	},
+	getLocalRow : function (rowid) {
+		var ret = false, ind;
+		this.each(function(){
+			if(rowid !== undefined) {
+				ind = this.p._index[$.jgrid.stripPref(this.p.idPrefix, rowid)];
+				if(ind >= 0 ) {
+					ret =[ind];
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return ret;
+	}
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid extension for custom methods
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Wildraid
+ * Oleg Kiriljuk
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+	getColProp : function(colname){
+		var ret ={}, $t = this[0];
+		if ( !$t.grid ) { return false; }
+		var cM = $t.p.colModel, i;
+		for ( i=0;i<cM.length;i++ ) {
+			if ( cM[i].name === colname ) {
+				ret = cM[i];
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	setColProp : function(colname, obj){
+		//do not set width will not work
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if ( this.grid ) {
+				if ( obj ) {
+					var cM = this.p.colModel, i;
+					for ( i=0;i<cM.length;i++ ) {
+						if ( cM[i].name === colname ) {
+							$.extend(true, this.p.colModel[i],obj);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	sortGrid : function(colname,reload, sor){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t=this,idx=-1,i, sobj=false;
+			if ( !$t.grid ) { return;}
+			if ( !colname ) { colname = $t.p.sortname; }
+			for ( i=0;i<$t.p.colModel.length;i++ ) {
+				if ( $t.p.colModel[i].index === colname || $t.p.colModel[i].name === colname ) {
+					idx = i;
+					if($t.p.frozenColumns === true && $t.p.colModel[i].frozen === true) {
+						sobj = $t.grid.fhDiv.find("#" + $ + "_" + colname);
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( idx !== -1 ){
+				var sort = $t.p.colModel[idx].sortable;
+				if(!sobj) {
+					sobj = $t.grid.headers[idx].el;
+				}
+				if ( typeof sort !== 'boolean' ) { sort =  true; }
+				if ( typeof reload !=='boolean' ) { reload = false; }
+				if ( sort ) { $t.sortData("jqgh_"+$"_" + colname, idx, reload, sor, sobj); }
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	clearBeforeUnload : function () {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var grid = this.grid;
+			if ($.isFunction(grid.emptyRows)) {
+, true, true); // this work quick enough and reduce the size of memory leaks if we have someone
+			}
+			$(document).unbind("mouseup.jqGrid" + ); 
+			$(grid.hDiv).unbind("mousemove"); // TODO add namespace
+			$(this).unbind();
+			grid.dragEnd = null;
+			grid.dragMove = null;
+			grid.dragStart = null;
+			grid.emptyRows = null;
+			grid.populate = null;
+			grid.populateVisible = null;
+			grid.scrollGrid = null;
+			grid.selectionPreserver = null;
+			grid.bDiv = null;
+			grid.cDiv = null;
+			grid.hDiv = null;
+			grid.cols = null;
+			var i, l = grid.headers.length;
+			for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+				grid.headers[i].el = null;
+			}
+			this.formatCol = null;
+			this.sortData = null;
+			this.updatepager = null;
+			this.refreshIndex = null;
+			this.setHeadCheckBox = null;
+			this.constructTr = null;
+			this.formatter = null;
+			this.addXmlData = null;
+			this.addJSONData = null;
+			this.grid = null;
+		});
+	},
+	GridDestroy : function () {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if ( this.grid ) { 
+				if ( this.p.pager ) { // if not part of grid
+					$(this.p.pager).remove();
+				}
+				try {
+					$(this).jqGrid('clearBeforeUnload');
+					$("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+				} catch (_) {}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	GridUnload : function(){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if ( !this.grid ) {return;}
+			var defgrid = {id: $(this).attr('id'),cl: $(this).attr('class')};
+			if (this.p.pager) {
+				$(this.p.pager).empty().removeClass("ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-pager ui-corner-bottom");
+			}
+			var newtable = document.createElement('table');
+			$(newtable).attr({});
+			newtable.className =;
+			var gid = $.jgrid.jqID(;
+			$(newtable).removeClass("ui-jqgrid-btable");
+			if( $(this.p.pager).parents("#gbox_"+gid).length === 1 ) {
+				$(newtable).insertBefore("#gbox_"+gid).show();
+				$(this.p.pager).insertBefore("#gbox_"+gid);
+			} else {
+				$(newtable).insertBefore("#gbox_"+gid).show();
+			}
+			$(this).jqGrid('clearBeforeUnload');
+			$("#gbox_"+gid).remove();
+		});
+	},
+	setGridState : function(state) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if ( !this.grid ) {return;}
+			var $t = this;
+			if(state === 'hidden'){
+				$(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv, .ui-jqgrid-hdiv","#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"fast");
+				if($t.p.pager) {$($t.p.pager).slideUp("fast");}
+				if($t.p.toppager) {$($t.p.toppager).slideUp("fast");}
+				if($t.p.toolbar[0]===true) {
+					if( $t.p.toolbar[1] === 'both') {
+						$($t.grid.ubDiv).slideUp("fast");
+					}
+					$($t.grid.uDiv).slideUp("fast");
+				}
+				if($t.p.footerrow) { $(".ui-jqgrid-sdiv","#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"fast"); }
+				$(".ui-jqgrid-titlebar-close span",$t.grid.cDiv).removeClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-n").addClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-s");
+				$t.p.gridstate = 'hidden';
+			} else if(state === 'visible') {
+				$(".ui-jqgrid-hdiv, .ui-jqgrid-bdiv","#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"fast");
+				if($t.p.pager) {$($t.p.pager).slideDown("fast");}
+				if($t.p.toppager) {$($t.p.toppager).slideDown("fast");}
+				if($t.p.toolbar[0]===true) {
+					if( $t.p.toolbar[1] === 'both') {
+						$($t.grid.ubDiv).slideDown("fast");
+					}
+					$($t.grid.uDiv).slideDown("fast");
+				}
+				if($t.p.footerrow) { $(".ui-jqgrid-sdiv","#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($"fast"); }
+				$(".ui-jqgrid-titlebar-close span",$t.grid.cDiv).removeClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-s").addClass("ui-icon-circle-triangle-n");
+				$t.p.gridstate = 'visible';
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	filterToolbar : function(p){
+		p = $.extend({
+			autosearch: true,
+			searchOnEnter : true,
+			beforeSearch: null,
+			afterSearch: null,
+			beforeClear: null,
+			afterClear: null,
+			searchurl : '',
+			stringResult: false,
+			groupOp: 'AND',
+			defaultSearch : "bw",
+			searchOperators : false,
+			resetIcon : "x",
+			operands : { "eq" :"==", "ne":"!","lt":"<","le":"<=","gt":">","ge":">=","bw":"^","bn":"!^","in":"=","ni":"!=","ew":"|","en":"!@","cn":"~","nc":"!~","nu":"#","nn":"!#"}
+		}, $ , p  || {});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(this.ftoolbar) { return; }
+			var triggerToolbar = function() {
+				var sdata={}, j=0, v, nm, sopt={},so;
+				$.each($t.p.colModel,function(){
+					var $elem = $("#gs_"+$.jgrid.jqID(, (this.frozen===true && $t.p.frozenColumns === true) ?  $t.grid.fhDiv : $t.grid.hDiv);
+					nm = this.index ||;
+					if(p.searchOperators ) {
+						so = $elem.parent().prev().children("a").attr("soper") || p.defaultSearch;
+					} else {
+						so  = (this.searchoptions && this.searchoptions.sopt) ? this.searchoptions.sopt[0] : this.stype==='select'?  'eq' : p.defaultSearch;
+					}
+					v = this.stype === "custom" && $.isFunction(this.searchoptions.custom_value) && $elem.length > 0 && $elem[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SPAN" ?
+$t, $elem.children(".customelement:first"), "get") :
+						$elem.val();
+					if(v || so==="nu" || so==="nn") {
+						sdata[nm] = v;
+						sopt[nm] = so;
+						j++;
+					} else {
+						try {
+							delete $t.p.postData[nm];
+						} catch (z) {}
+					}
+				});
+				var sd =  j>0 ? true : false;
+				if(p.stringResult === true || $t.p.datatype === "local") {
+					var ruleGroup = "{\"groupOp\":\"" + p.groupOp + "\",\"rules\":[";
+					var gi=0;
+					$.each(sdata,function(i,n){
+						if (gi > 0) {ruleGroup += ",";}
+						ruleGroup += "{\"field\":\"" + i + "\",";
+						ruleGroup += "\"op\":\"" + sopt[i] + "\",";
+						n+="";
+						ruleGroup += "\"data\":\"" + n.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"') + "\"}";
+						gi++;
+					});
+					ruleGroup += "]}";
+					$.extend($t.p.postData,{filters:ruleGroup});
+					$.each(['searchField', 'searchString', 'searchOper'], function(i, n){
+						if($t.p.postData.hasOwnProperty(n)) { delete $t.p.postData[n];}
+					});
+				} else {
+					$.extend($t.p.postData,sdata);
+				}
+				var saveurl;
+				if($t.p.searchurl) {
+					saveurl = $t.p.url;
+					$($t).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:$t.p.searchurl});
+				}
+				var bsr = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridToolbarBeforeSearch") === 'stop' ? true : false;
+				if(!bsr && $.isFunction(p.beforeSearch)){bsr =$t);}
+				if(!bsr) { $($t).jqGrid("setGridParam",{search:sd}).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]); }
+				if(saveurl) {$($t).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});}
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridToolbarAfterSearch");
+				if($.isFunction(p.afterSearch)){$t);}
+			},
+			clearToolbar = function(trigger){
+				var sdata={}, j=0, nm;
+				trigger = (typeof trigger !== 'boolean') ? true : trigger;
+				$.each($t.p.colModel,function(){
+					var v, $elem = $("#gs_"+$.jgrid.jqID(,(this.frozen===true && $t.p.frozenColumns === true) ?  $t.grid.fhDiv : $t.grid.hDiv);
+					if(this.searchoptions && this.searchoptions.defaultValue !== undefined) { v = this.searchoptions.defaultValue; }
+					nm = this.index ||;
+					switch (this.stype) {
+						case 'select' :
+							$elem.find("option").each(function (i){
+								if(i===0) { this.selected = true; }
+								if ($(this).val() === v) {
+									this.selected = true;
+									return false;
+								}
+							});
+							if ( v !== undefined ) {
+								// post the key and not the text
+								sdata[nm] = v;
+								j++;
+							} else {
+								try {
+									delete $t.p.postData[nm];
+								} catch(e) {}
+							}
+							break;
+						case 'text':
+							$elem.val(v || "");
+							if(v !== undefined) {
+								sdata[nm] = v;
+								j++;
+							} else {
+								try {
+									delete $t.p.postData[nm];
+								} catch (y){}
+							}
+							break;
+						case 'custom':
+							if ($.isFunction(this.searchoptions.custom_value) && $elem.length > 0 && $elem[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SPAN") {
+$t, $elem.children(".customelement:first"), "set", v || "");
+							}
+							break;
+					}
+				});
+				var sd =  j>0 ? true : false;
+				$t.p.resetsearch =  true;
+				if(p.stringResult === true || $t.p.datatype === "local") {
+					var ruleGroup = "{\"groupOp\":\"" + p.groupOp + "\",\"rules\":[";
+					var gi=0;
+					$.each(sdata,function(i,n){
+						if (gi > 0) {ruleGroup += ",";}
+						ruleGroup += "{\"field\":\"" + i + "\",";
+						ruleGroup += "\"op\":\"" + "eq" + "\",";
+						n+="";
+						ruleGroup += "\"data\":\"" + n.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"') + "\"}";
+						gi++;
+					});
+					ruleGroup += "]}";
+					$.extend($t.p.postData,{filters:ruleGroup});
+					$.each(['searchField', 'searchString', 'searchOper'], function(i, n){
+						if($t.p.postData.hasOwnProperty(n)) { delete $t.p.postData[n];}
+					});
+				} else {
+					$.extend($t.p.postData,sdata);
+				}
+				var saveurl;
+				if($t.p.searchurl) {
+					saveurl = $t.p.url;
+					$($t).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:$t.p.searchurl});
+				}
+				var bcv = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear") === 'stop' ? true : false;
+				if(!bcv && $.isFunction(p.beforeClear)){bcv =$t);}
+				if(!bcv) {
+					if(trigger) {
+						$($t).jqGrid("setGridParam",{search:sd}).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+					}
+				}
+				if(saveurl) {$($t).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});}
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridToolbarAfterClear");
+				if($.isFunction(p.afterClear)){p.afterClear();}
+			},
+			toggleToolbar = function(){
+				var trow = $("tr.ui-search-toolbar",$t.grid.hDiv),
+				trow2 = $t.p.frozenColumns === true ?  $("tr.ui-search-toolbar",$t.grid.fhDiv) : false;
+				if(trow.css("display") === 'none') {
+					if(trow2) {
+					}
+				} else { 
+					trow.hide(); 
+					if(trow2) {
+						trow2.hide();
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			buildRuleMenu = function( elem, left, top ){
+				$("#sopt_menu").remove();
+				left=parseInt(left,10);
+				top=parseInt(top,10) + 18;
+				var fs =  $('.ui-jqgrid-view').css('font-size') || '11px';
+				var str = '<ul id="sopt_menu" class="ui-search-menu" role="menu" tabindex="0" style="font-size:'+fs+';left:'+left+'px;top:'+top+'px;">',
+				selected = $(elem).attr("soper"), selclass,
+				aoprs = [], ina;
+				var i=0, nm =$(elem).attr("colname"),len = $t.p.colModel.length;
+				while(i<len) {
+					if($t.p.colModel[i].name === nm) {
+						break;
+					}
+					i++;
+				}
+				var cm = $t.p.colModel[i], options = $.extend({}, cm.searchoptions);
+				if(!options.sopt) {
+					options.sopt = [];
+					options.sopt[0]= cm.stype==='select' ?  'eq' : p.defaultSearch;
+				}
+				$.each(p.odata, function() { aoprs.push(this.oper); });
+				for ( i = 0 ; i < options.sopt.length; i++) {
+					ina = $.inArray(options.sopt[i],aoprs);
+					if(ina !== -1) {
+						selclass = selected === p.odata[ina].oper ? "ui-state-highlight" : "";
+						str += '<li class="ui-menu-item '+selclass+'" role="presentation"><a class="ui-corner-all g-menu-item" tabindex="0" role="menuitem" value="'+p.odata[ina].oper+'" oper="'+p.operands[p.odata[ina].oper]+'"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td width="25px">'+p.operands[p.odata[ina].oper]+'</td><td>'+ p.odata[ina].text+'</td></tr></table></a></li>';
+					}
+				}
+				str += "</ul>";
+				$('body').append(str);
+				$("#sopt_menu").addClass("ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all");
+				$("#sopt_menu > li > a").hover(
+					function(){ $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); },
+					function(){ $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }
+				).click(function( e ){
+					var v = $(this).attr("value"),
+					oper = $(this).attr("oper");
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridToolbarSelectOper", [v, oper, elem]);
+					$("#sopt_menu").hide();
+					$(elem).text(oper).attr("soper",v);
+					if(p.autosearch===true){
+						var inpelm = $(elem).parent().next().children()[0];
+						if( $(inpelm).val() || v==="nu" || v ==="nn") {
+							triggerToolbar();
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			};
+			// create the row
+			var tr = $("<tr class='ui-search-toolbar' role='rowheader'></tr>");
+			var timeoutHnd;
+			$.each($t.p.colModel,function(ci){
+				var cm=this, soptions, surl, self, select = "", sot="=", so, i,
+				th = $("<th role='columnheader' class='ui-state-default ui-th-column ui-th-"+$t.p.direction+"'></th>"),
+				thd = $("<div style='position:relative;height:100%;padding-right:0.3em;padding-left:0.3em;'></div>"),
+				stbl = $("<table class='ui-search-table' cellspacing='0'><tr><td class='ui-search-oper'></td><td class='ui-search-input'></td><td class='ui-search-clear'></td></tr></table>");
+				if(this.hidden===true) { $(th).css("display","none");}
+ = === false ? false : true;
+				if(this.stype === undefined) {this.stype='text';}
+				soptions = $.extend({},this.searchoptions || {});
+				if({
+					if(p.searchOperators) {
+						so  = (soptions.sopt) ? soptions.sopt[0] : cm.stype==='select' ?  'eq' : p.defaultSearch;
+						for(i = 0;i<p.odata.length;i++) {
+							if(p.odata[i].oper === so) {
+								sot = p.operands[so] || "";
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						var st = soptions.searchtitle != null ? soptions.searchtitle : p.operandTitle;
+						select = "<a title='"+st+"' style='padding-right: 0.5em;' soper='"+so+"' class='soptclass' colname='""'>"+sot+"</a>";
+					}
+					$("td:eq(0)",stbl).attr("colindex",ci).append(select);
+					if(soptions.clearSearch === undefined) {
+						soptions.clearSearch = true;
+					}
+					if(soptions.clearSearch) {
+						var csv = p.resetTitle || 'Clear Search Value';
+						$("td:eq(2)",stbl).append("<a title='"+csv+"' style='padding-right: 0.3em;padding-left: 0.3em;' class='clearsearchclass'>"+p.resetIcon+"</a>");
+					} else {
+						$("td:eq(2)", stbl).hide();
+					}
+					switch (this.stype)
+					{
+					case "select":
+						surl = this.surl || soptions.dataUrl;
+						if(surl) {
+							// data returned should have already constructed html select
+							// primitive jQuery load
+							self = thd;
+							$(self).append(stbl);
+							$.ajax($.extend({
+								url: surl,
+								dataType: "html",
+								success: function(res) {
+									if(soptions.buildSelect !== undefined) {
+										var d = soptions.buildSelect(res);
+										if (d) {
+											$("td:eq(1)",stbl).append(d);
+										}
+									} else {
+										$("td:eq(1)",stbl).append(res);
+									}
+									if(soptions.defaultValue !== undefined) { $("select",self).val(soptions.defaultValue); }
+									$("select",self).attr({name:cm.index ||, id: "gs_"});
+									if(soptions.attr) {$("select",self).attr(soptions.attr);}
+									$("select",self).css({width: "100%"});
+									// preserve autoserch
+									$$t, $("select",self)[0], soptions);
+									if(p.autosearch===true){
+										$("select",self).change(function(){
+											triggerToolbar();
+											return false;
+										});
+									}
+									res=null;
+								}
+							}, $.jgrid.ajaxOptions, $t.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {} ));
+						} else {
+							var oSv, sep, delim;
+							if(cm.searchoptions) {
+								oSv = cm.searchoptions.value === undefined ? "" : cm.searchoptions.value;
+								sep = cm.searchoptions.separator === undefined ? ":" : cm.searchoptions.separator;
+								delim = cm.searchoptions.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : cm.searchoptions.delimiter;
+							} else if(cm.editoptions) {
+								oSv = cm.editoptions.value === undefined ? "" : cm.editoptions.value;
+								sep = cm.editoptions.separator === undefined ? ":" : cm.editoptions.separator;
+								delim = cm.editoptions.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : cm.editoptions.delimiter;
+							}
+							if (oSv) {	
+								var elem = document.createElement("select");
+ = "100%";
+								$(elem).attr({name:cm.index ||, id: "gs_"});
+								var sv, ov, key, k;
+								if(typeof oSv === "string") {
+									so = oSv.split(delim);
+									for(k=0; k<so.length;k++){
+										sv = so[k].split(sep);
+										ov = document.createElement("option");
+										ov.value = sv[0]; ov.innerHTML = sv[1];
+										elem.appendChild(ov);
+									}
+								} else if(typeof oSv === "object" ) {
+									for (key in oSv) {
+										if(oSv.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+											ov = document.createElement("option");
+											ov.value = key; ov.innerHTML = oSv[key];
+											elem.appendChild(ov);
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								if(soptions.defaultValue !== undefined) { $(elem).val(soptions.defaultValue); }
+								if(soptions.attr) {$(elem).attr(soptions.attr);}
+								$(thd).append(stbl);
+								$$t, elem , soptions);
+								$("td:eq(1)",stbl).append( elem );
+								if(p.autosearch===true){
+									$(elem).change(function(){
+										triggerToolbar();
+										return false;
+									});
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case "text":
+						var df = soptions.defaultValue !== undefined ? soptions.defaultValue: "";
+						$("td:eq(1)",stbl).append("<input type='text' style='width:100%;padding:0px;' name='"+(cm.index ||"' id='gs_""' value='"+df+"'/>");
+						$(thd).append(stbl);
+						if(soptions.attr) {$("input",thd).attr(soptions.attr);}
+						$$t, $("input",thd)[0], soptions);
+						if(p.autosearch===true){
+							if(p.searchOnEnter) {
+								$("input",thd).keypress(function(e){
+									var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;
+									if(key === 13){
+										triggerToolbar();
+										return false;
+									}
+									return this;
+								});
+							} else {
+								$("input",thd).keydown(function(e){
+									var key = e.which;
+									switch (key) {
+										case 13:
+											return false;
+										case 9 :
+										case 16:
+										case 37:
+										case 38:
+										case 39:
+										case 40:
+										case 27:
+											break;
+										default :
+											if(timeoutHnd) { clearTimeout(timeoutHnd); }
+											timeoutHnd = setTimeout(function(){triggerToolbar();},500);
+									}
+								});
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case "custom":
+						$("td:eq(1)",stbl).append("<span style='width:95%;padding:0px;' name='"+(cm.index ||"' id='gs_""'/>");
+						$(thd).append(stbl);
+						try {
+							if($.isFunction(soptions.custom_element)) {
+								var celm =$t,soptions.defaultValue !== undefined ? soptions.defaultValue: "",soptions);
+								if(celm) {
+									celm = $(celm).addClass("customelement");
+									$(thd).find(">span").append(celm);
+								} else {
+									throw "e2";
+								}
+							} else {
+								throw "e1";
+							}
+						} catch (e) {
+							if (e === "e1") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_element' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+							if (e === "e2") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_element' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+							else { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,typeof e==="string"?e:e.message,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				$(th).append(thd);
+				$(tr).append(th);
+				if(!p.searchOperators) {
+					$("td:eq(0)",stbl).hide();
+				}
+			});
+			$("table thead",$t.grid.hDiv).append(tr);
+			if(p.searchOperators) {
+				$(".soptclass",tr).click(function(e){
+					var offset = $(this).offset(),
+					left = ( offset.left ),
+					top = (;
+					buildRuleMenu(this, left, top );
+					e.stopPropagation();
+				});
+				$("body").on('click', function(e){
+					if( !== "soptclass") {
+						$("#sopt_menu").hide();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			$(".clearsearchclass",tr).click(function(e){
+				var ptr = $(this).parents("tr:first"),
+				coli = parseInt($("td.ui-search-oper", ptr).attr('colindex'),10),
+				sval  = $.extend({},$t.p.colModel[coli].searchoptions || {}),
+				dval = sval.defaultValue ? sval.defaultValue : "";
+				if($t.p.colModel[coli].stype === "select") {
+					if(dval) {
+						$("td.ui-search-input select", ptr).val( dval );
+					} else {
+						$("td.ui-search-input select", ptr)[0].selectedIndex = 0;
+					}
+				} else {
+					$("td.ui-search-input input", ptr).val( dval );
+				}
+				// ToDo custom search type
+				if(p.autosearch===true){
+					triggerToolbar();
+				}
+			});
+			this.ftoolbar = true;
+			this.triggerToolbar = triggerToolbar;
+			this.clearToolbar = clearToolbar;
+			this.toggleToolbar = toggleToolbar;
+		});
+	},
+	destroyFilterToolbar: function () {
+		return this.each(function () {
+			if (!this.ftoolbar) {
+				return;
+			}
+			this.triggerToolbar = null;
+			this.clearToolbar = null;
+			this.toggleToolbar = null;
+			this.ftoolbar = false;
+			$(this.grid.hDiv).find("table thead tr.ui-search-toolbar").remove();
+		});
+	},
+	destroyGroupHeader : function(nullHeader)
+	{
+		if(nullHeader === undefined) {
+			nullHeader = true;
+		}
+		return this.each(function()
+		{
+			var $t = this, $tr, i, l, headers, $th, $resizing, grid = $t.grid,
+			thead = $("table.ui-jqgrid-htable thead", grid.hDiv), cm = $t.p.colModel, hc;
+			if(!grid) { return; }
+			$(this).unbind('.setGroupHeaders');
+			$tr = $("<tr>", {role: "rowheader"}).addClass("ui-jqgrid-labels");
+			headers = grid.headers;
+			for (i = 0, l = headers.length; i < l; i++) {
+				hc = cm[i].hidden ? "none" : "";
+				$th = $(headers[i].el)
+					.width(headers[i].width)
+					.css('display',hc);
+				try {
+					$th.removeAttr("rowSpan");
+				} catch (rs) {
+					//IE 6/7
+					$th.attr("rowSpan",1);
+				}
+				$tr.append($th);
+				$resizing = $th.children("span.ui-jqgrid-resize");
+				if ($resizing.length>0) {// resizable column
+					$resizing[0].style.height = "";
+				}
+				$th.children("div")[0] = "";
+			}
+			$(thead).children('tr.ui-jqgrid-labels').remove();
+			$(thead).prepend($tr);
+			if(nullHeader === true) {
+				$($t).jqGrid('setGridParam',{ 'groupHeader': null});
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	setGroupHeaders : function ( o ) {
+		o = $.extend({
+			useColSpanStyle :  false,
+			groupHeaders: []
+		},o  || {});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			this.p.groupHeader = o;
+			var ts = this,
+			i, cmi, skip = 0, $tr, $colHeader, th, $th, thStyle,
+			iCol,
+			cghi,
+			//startColumnName,
+			numberOfColumns,
+			titleText,
+			cVisibleColumns,
+			colModel = ts.p.colModel,
+			cml = colModel.length,
+			ths = ts.grid.headers,
+			$htable = $("table.ui-jqgrid-htable", ts.grid.hDiv),
+			$trLabels = $htable.children("thead").children("tr.ui-jqgrid-labels:last").addClass("jqg-second-row-header"),
+			$thead = $htable.children("thead"),
+			$theadInTable,
+			$firstHeaderRow = $htable.find(".jqg-first-row-header");
+			if($firstHeaderRow[0] === undefined) {
+				$firstHeaderRow = $('<tr>', {role: "row", "aria-hidden": "true"}).addClass("jqg-first-row-header").css("height", "auto");
+			} else {
+				$firstHeaderRow.empty();
+			}
+			var $firstRow,
+			inColumnHeader = function (text, columnHeaders) {
+				var length = columnHeaders.length, i;
+				for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+					if (columnHeaders[i].startColumnName === text) {
+						return i;
+					}
+				}
+				return -1;
+			};
+			$(ts).prepend($thead);
+			$tr = $('<tr>', {role: "rowheader"}).addClass("ui-jqgrid-labels jqg-third-row-header");
+			for (i = 0; i < cml; i++) {
+				th = ths[i].el;
+				$th = $(th);
+				cmi = colModel[i];
+				// build the next cell for the first header row
+				thStyle = { height: '0px', width: ths[i].width + 'px', display: (cmi.hidden ? 'none' : '')};
+				$("<th>", {role: 'gridcell'}).css(thStyle).addClass("ui-first-th-"+ts.p.direction).appendTo($firstHeaderRow);
+ = ""; // remove unneeded style
+				iCol = inColumnHeader(, o.groupHeaders);
+				if (iCol >= 0) {
+					cghi = o.groupHeaders[iCol];
+					numberOfColumns = cghi.numberOfColumns;
+					titleText = cghi.titleText;
+					// caclulate the number of visible columns from the next numberOfColumns columns
+					for (cVisibleColumns = 0, iCol = 0; iCol < numberOfColumns && (i + iCol < cml); iCol++) {
+						if (!colModel[i + iCol].hidden) {
+							cVisibleColumns++;
+						}
+					}
+					// The next numberOfColumns headers will be moved in the next row
+					// in the current row will be placed the new column header with the titleText.
+					// The text will be over the cVisibleColumns columns
+					$colHeader = $('<th>').attr({role: "columnheader"})
+						.addClass("ui-state-default ui-th-column-header ui-th-"+ts.p.direction)
+						.css({'height':'22px', 'border-top': '0 none'})
+						.html(titleText);
+					if(cVisibleColumns > 0) {
+						$colHeader.attr("colspan", String(cVisibleColumns));
+					}
+					if (ts.p.headertitles) {
+						$colHeader.attr("title", $colHeader.text());
+					}
+					// hide if not a visible cols
+					if( cVisibleColumns === 0) {
+						$colHeader.hide();
+					}
+					$th.before($colHeader); // insert new column header before the current
+					$tr.append(th);         // move the current header in the next row
+					// set the coumter of headers which will be moved in the next row
+					skip = numberOfColumns - 1;
+				} else {
+					if (skip === 0) {
+						if (o.useColSpanStyle) {
+							// expand the header height to two rows
+							$th.attr("rowspan", "2");
+						} else {
+							$('<th>', {role: "columnheader"})
+								.addClass("ui-state-default ui-th-column-header ui-th-"+ts.p.direction)
+								.css({"display": cmi.hidden ? 'none' : '', 'border-top': '0 none'})
+								.insertBefore($th);
+							$tr.append(th);
+						}
+					} else {
+						// move the header to the next row
+						//$th.css({"padding-top": "2px", height: "19px"});
+						$tr.append(th);
+						skip--;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			$theadInTable = $(ts).children("thead");
+			$theadInTable.prepend($firstHeaderRow);
+			$tr.insertAfter($trLabels);
+			$htable.append($theadInTable);
+			if (o.useColSpanStyle) {
+				// Increase the height of resizing span of visible headers
+				$htable.find("span.ui-jqgrid-resize").each(function () {
+					var $parent = $(this).parent();
+					if ($":visible")) {
+ = 'height: ' + $parent.height() + 'px !important; cursor: col-resize;';
+					}
+				});
+				// Set position of the sortable div (the main lable)
+				// with the column header text to the middle of the cell.
+				// One should not do this for hidden headers.
+				$htable.find("div.ui-jqgrid-sortable").each(function () {
+					var $ts = $(this), $parent = $ts.parent();
+					if ($":visible") && $":has(span.ui-jqgrid-resize)")) {
+						$ts.css('top', ($parent.height() - $ts.outerHeight()) / 2 + 'px');
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			$firstRow = $theadInTable.find("tr.jqg-first-row-header");
+			$(ts).bind('jqGridResizeStop.setGroupHeaders', function (e, nw, idx) {
+				$firstRow.find('th').eq(idx).width(nw);
+			});
+		});				
+	},
+	setFrozenColumns : function () {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if ( !this.grid ) {return;}
+			var $t = this, cm = $t.p.colModel,i=0, len = cm.length, maxfrozen = -1, frozen= false;
+			// TODO treeGrid and grouping  Support
+			if($t.p.subGrid === true || $t.p.treeGrid === true || $t.p.cellEdit === true || $t.p.sortable || $t.p.scroll )
+			{
+				return;
+			}
+			if($t.p.rownumbers) { i++; }
+			if($t.p.multiselect) { i++; }
+			// get the max index of frozen col
+			while(i<len)
+			{
+				// from left, no breaking frozen
+				if(cm[i].frozen === true)
+				{
+					frozen = true;
+					maxfrozen = i;
+				} else {
+					break;
+				}
+				i++;
+			}
+			if( maxfrozen>=0 && frozen) {
+				var top = $t.p.caption ? $($t.grid.cDiv).outerHeight() : 0,
+				hth = $(".ui-jqgrid-htable","#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+				//headers
+				if($t.p.toppager) {
+					top = top + $($t.grid.topDiv).outerHeight();
+				}
+				if($t.p.toolbar[0] === true) {
+					if($t.p.toolbar[1] !== "bottom") {
+						top = top + $($t.grid.uDiv).outerHeight();
+					}
+				}
+				$t.grid.fhDiv = $('<div style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:'+top+'px;height:'+hth+'px;" class="frozen-div ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv"></div>');
+				$t.grid.fbDiv = $('<div style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:'+(parseInt(top,10)+parseInt(hth,10) + 1)+'px;overflow-y:hidden" class="frozen-bdiv ui-jqgrid-bdiv"></div>');
+				$("#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($$t.grid.fhDiv);
+				var htbl = $(".ui-jqgrid-htable","#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+				// groupheader support - only if useColSpanstyle is false
+				if($t.p.groupHeader) {
+					$("tr.jqg-first-row-header, tr.jqg-third-row-header", htbl).each(function(){
+						$("th:gt("+maxfrozen+")",this).remove();
+					});
+					var swapfroz = -1, fdel = -1, cs, rs;
+					$("tr.jqg-second-row-header th", htbl).each(function(){
+						cs= parseInt($(this).attr("colspan"),10);
+						rs= parseInt($(this).attr("rowspan"),10);
+						if(rs) {
+							swapfroz++;
+							fdel++;
+						}
+						if(cs) {
+							swapfroz = swapfroz+cs;
+							fdel++;
+						}
+						if(swapfroz === maxfrozen) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					if(swapfroz !== maxfrozen) {
+						fdel = maxfrozen;
+					}
+					$("tr.jqg-second-row-header", htbl).each(function(){
+						$("th:gt("+fdel+")",this).remove();
+					});
+				} else {
+					$("tr",htbl).each(function(){
+						$("th:gt("+maxfrozen+")",this).remove();
+					});
+				}
+				$(htbl).width(1);
+				// resizing stuff
+				$($t.grid.fhDiv).append(htbl)
+				.mousemove(function (e) {
+					if($t.grid.resizing){ $t.grid.dragMove(e);return false; }
+				});
+				$($t).bind('jqGridResizeStop.setFrozenColumns', function (e, w, index) {
+					var rhth = $(".ui-jqgrid-htable",$t.grid.fhDiv);
+					$("th:eq("+index+")",rhth).width( w ); 
+					var btd = $(".ui-jqgrid-btable",$t.grid.fbDiv);
+					$("tr:first td:eq("+index+")",btd).width( w ); 
+				});
+				// sorting stuff
+				$($t).bind('jqGridSortCol.setFrozenColumns', function (e, index, idxcol) {
+					var previousSelectedTh = $("tr.ui-jqgrid-labels:last th:eq("+$t.p.lastsort+")",$t.grid.fhDiv), newSelectedTh = $("tr.ui-jqgrid-labels:last th:eq("+idxcol+")",$t.grid.fhDiv);
+					$("span.ui-grid-ico-sort",previousSelectedTh).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+					$(previousSelectedTh).attr("aria-selected","false");
+					$("span.ui-icon-"+$t.p.sortorder,newSelectedTh).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+					$(newSelectedTh).attr("aria-selected","true");
+					if(!$t.p.viewsortcols[0]) {
+						if($t.p.lastsort !== idxcol) {
+							$("span.s-ico",previousSelectedTh).hide();
+							$("span.s-ico",newSelectedTh).show();
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				// data stuff
+				//TODO support for setRowData
+				$("#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($$t.grid.fbDiv);
+				$($t.grid.bDiv).scroll(function () {
+					$($t.grid.fbDiv).scrollTop($(this).scrollTop());
+				});
+				if($t.p.hoverrows === true) {
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($'mouseover').unbind('mouseout');
+				}
+				$($t).bind('jqGridAfterGridComplete.setFrozenColumns', function () {
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_frozen").remove();
+					$($t.grid.fbDiv).height($($t.grid.bDiv).height()-16);
+					var btbl = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+					$("tr[role=row]",btbl).each(function(){
+						$("td[role=gridcell]:gt("+maxfrozen+")",this).remove();
+					});
+					$(btbl).width(1).attr("id",$"_frozen");
+					$($t.grid.fbDiv).append(btbl);
+					if($t.p.hoverrows === true) {
+						$("tr.jqgrow", btbl).hover(
+							function(){ $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"ui-state-hover"); },
+							function(){ $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"ui-state-hover"); }
+						);
+						$("tr.jqgrow", "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($
+							function(){ $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_frozen").addClass("ui-state-hover");},
+							function(){ $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_frozen").removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }
+						);
+					}
+					btbl=null;
+				});
+				if(!$t.grid.hDiv.loading) {
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");
+				}
+				$t.p.frozenColumns = true;
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	destroyFrozenColumns :  function() {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if ( !this.grid ) {return;}
+			if(this.p.frozenColumns === true) {
+				var $t = this;
+				$($t.grid.fhDiv).remove();
+				$($t.grid.fbDiv).remove();
+				$t.grid.fhDiv = null; $t.grid.fbDiv=null;
+				$(this).unbind('.setFrozenColumns');
+				if($t.p.hoverrows === true) {
+					var ptr;
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($'mouseover',function(e) {
+						ptr = $("tr.jqgrow");
+						if($(ptr).attr("class") !== "ui-subgrid") {
+						$(ptr).addClass("ui-state-hover");
+					}
+					}).bind('mouseout',function(e) {
+						ptr = $("tr.jqgrow");
+						$(ptr).removeClass("ui-state-hover");
+					});
+				}
+				this.p.frozenColumns = false;
+			}
+		});
+	}
+ * jqModal - Minimalist Modaling with jQuery
+ *   (
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007,2008 Brice Burgess <>
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ * 
+ * $Version: 07/06/2008 +r13
+ */
+(function($) {
+var p={
+overlay: 50,
+closeoverlay : true,
+overlayClass: 'jqmOverlay',
+closeClass: 'jqmClose',
+trigger: '.jqModal',
+ajax: F,
+ajaxText: '',
+target: F,
+modal: F,
+toTop: F,
+onShow: F,
+onHide: F,
+onLoad: F
+return this.each(function(){if(this._jqm)return H[this._jqm].c=$.extend({},H[this._jqm].c,o);s++;this._jqm=s;
+$.fn.jqmAddClose=function(e){return hs(this,e,'jqmHide');};
+$.fn.jqmAddTrigger=function(e){return hs(this,e,'jqmShow');};
+$.fn.jqmShow=function(t){return this.each(function(){$,t);});};
+$.fn.jqmHide=function(t){return this.each(function(){$.jqm.close(this._jqm,t)});};
+$.jqm = {
+open:function(s,t){var h=H[s],c=h.c,cc='.'+c.closeClass,z=(parseInt(h.w.css('z-index')));z=(z>0)?z:3000;var o=$('<div></div>').css({height:'100%',width:'100%',position:'fixed',left:0,top:0,'z-index':z-1,opacity:c.overlay/100});if(h.a)return F;h.t=t;h.a=true;h.w.css('z-index',z);
+ if(c.modal) {if(!A[0])setTimeout(function(){L('bind');},1);A.push(s);}
+ else if(c.overlay > 0) {if(c.closeoverlay) h.w.jqmAddClose(o);}
+ else o=F;
+ h.o=(o)?o.addClass(c.overlayClass).prependTo('body'):F;
+ if(c.ajax) {var||h.w,u=c.ajax;r=(typeof r == 'string')?$(r,h.w):$(r);u=(u.substr(0,1) == '@')?$(t).attr(u.substring(1)):u;
+  r.html(c.ajaxText).load(u,function(){if(c.onLoad),h);if(cc)h.w.jqmAddClose($(cc,h.w));e(h);});}
+ else if(cc)h.w.jqmAddClose($(cc,h.w));
+ if(c.toTop&&h.o)h.w.before('<span id="jqmP'+h.w[0]._jqm+'"></span>').insertAfter(h.o);	
+ (c.onShow)?c.onShow(h);e(h);return F;
+close:function(s){var h=H[s];if(!h.a)return F;h.a=F;
+ if(A[0]){A.pop();if(!A[0])L('unbind');}
+ if(h.c.toTop&&h.o)$('#jqmP'+h.w[0]._jqm).after(h.w).remove();
+ if(h.c.onHide)h.c.onHide(h);else{h.w.hide();if(h.o)h.o.remove();} return F;
+var s=0,H=$.jqm.hash,A=[],F=false,
+m=function(e){var h=H[A[A.length-1]],r=(!$('.jqmID'+h.s)[0]);if(r){$('.jqmID'+h.s).each(function(){var $self=$(this),offset=$self.offset();if(<=e.pageY && e.pageY<$self.height() && offset.left<=e.pageX && e.pageX<=offset.left+$self.width()){r=false;return false;}});f(h);}return !r;},
+hs=function(w,t,c){return w.each(function(){var s=this._jqm;$(t).each(function() {
+ if(!this[c]){this[c]=[];$(this).click(function(){for(var i in {jqmShow:1,jqmHide:1})for(var s in this[i])if(H[this[i][s]])H[this[i][s]].w[i](this);return F;});}this[c].push(s);});});};
+ * jqDnR - Minimalistic Drag'n'Resize for jQuery.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Brice Burgess <>,
+ * Licensed under the MIT License:
+ *
+ * 
+ * $Version: 2007.08.19 +r2
+ */
+$.fn.jqDrag=function(h){return i(this,h,'d');};
+$.fn.jqResize=function(h,ar){return i(this,h,'r',ar);};
+	dnr:{},
+	e:0,
+	drag:function(v){
+		if(M.k == 'd'){E.css({left:M.X+v.pageX-M.pX,top:M.Y+v.pageY-M.pY});}
+		else {
+			E.css({width:Math.max(v.pageX-M.pX+M.W,0),height:Math.max(v.pageY-M.pY+M.H,0)});
+			if(M1){E1.css({width:Math.max(v.pageX-M1.pX+M1.W,0),height:Math.max(v.pageY-M1.pY+M1.H,0)});}
+		}
+		return false;
+	},
+	stop:function(){
+		//E.css('opacity',M.o);
+		$(document).unbind('mousemove',J.drag).unbind('mouseup',J.stop);
+	}
+var J=$.jqDnR,M=J.dnr,E=J.e,E1,M1,
+	return e.each(function(){
+		h=(h)?$(h,e):e;
+		h.bind('mousedown',{e:e,k:k},function(v){
+			var,p={};E=d.e;E1 = aR ? $(aR) : false;
+			// attempt utilization of dimensions plugin to fix IE issues
+			if(E.css('position') != 'relative'){try{E.position(p);}catch(e){}}
+			M={
+				X:p.left||f('left')||0,
+				W:f('width')||E[0].scrollWidth||0,
+				H:f('height')||E[0].scrollHeight||0,
+				pX:v.pageX,
+				pY:v.pageY,
+				k:d.k
+				//o:E.css('opacity')
+			};
+			// also resize
+			if(E1 && d.k != 'd'){
+				M1={
+					X:p.left||f1('left')||0,
+					W:E1[0].offsetWidth||f1('width')||0,
+					H:E1[0].offsetHeight||f1('height')||0,
+					pX:v.pageX,
+					pY:v.pageY,
+					k:d.k
+				};
+			} else {M1 = false;}			
+			//E.css({opacity:0.8});
+			if($("input.hasDatepicker",E[0])[0]) {
+			try {$("input.hasDatepicker",E[0]).datepicker('hide');}catch (dpe){}
+			}
+			$(document).mousemove($.jqDnR.drag).mouseup($.jqDnR.stop);
+			return false;
+		});
+	});
+f=function(k){return parseInt(E.css(k),10)||false;},
+f1=function(k){return parseInt(E1.css(k),10)||false;};
+	The below work is licensed under Creative Commons GNU LGPL License.
+	Original work:
+	License:
+	Author:      Stefan Goessner/2006
+	Web: 
+	Modifications made:
+	Version:     0.9-p5
+	Description: Restructured code, JSLint validated (no strict whitespaces),
+	             added handling of empty arrays, empty strings, and int/floats values.
+	Author:      Michael Schøler/2008-01-29
+	Web:
+	Description: json2xml added support to convert functions as CDATA
+	             so it will be easy to write characters that cause some problems when convert
+	Author:      Tony Tomov
+/*global alert */
+var xmlJsonClass = {
+	// Param "xml": Element or document DOM node.
+	// Param "tab": Tab or indent string for pretty output formatting omit or use empty string "" to supress.
+	// Returns:     JSON string
+	xml2json: function(xml, tab) {
+		if (xml.nodeType === 9) {
+			// document node
+			xml = xml.documentElement;
+		}
+		var nws = this.removeWhite(xml);
+		var obj = this.toObj(nws);
+		var json = this.toJson(obj, xml.nodeName, "\t");
+		return "{\n" + tab + (tab ? json.replace(/\t/g, tab) : json.replace(/\t|\n/g, "")) + "\n}";
+	},
+	// Param "o":   JavaScript object
+	// Param "tab": tab or indent string for pretty output formatting omit or use empty string "" to supress.
+	// Returns:     XML string
+	json2xml: function(o, tab) {
+		var toXml = function(v, name, ind) {
+			var xml = "";
+			var i, n;
+			if (v instanceof Array) {
+				if (v.length === 0) {
+					xml += ind + "<"+name+">__EMPTY_ARRAY_</"+name+">\n";
+				}
+				else {
+					for (i = 0, n = v.length; i < n; i += 1) {
+						var sXml = ind + toXml(v[i], name, ind+"\t") + "\n";
+						xml += sXml;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else if (typeof(v) === "object") {
+				var hasChild = false;
+				xml += ind + "<" + name;
+				var m;
+				for (m in v) if (v.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
+					if (m.charAt(0) === "@") {
+						xml += " " + m.substr(1) + "=\"" + v[m].toString() + "\"";
+					}
+					else {
+						hasChild = true;
+					}
+				}
+				xml += hasChild ? ">" : "/>";
+				if (hasChild) {
+					for (m in v) if (v.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
+						if (m === "#text") {
+							xml += v[m];
+						}
+						else if (m === "#cdata") {
+							xml += "<![CDATA[" + v[m] + "]]>";
+						}
+						else if (m.charAt(0) !== "@") {
+							xml += toXml(v[m], m, ind+"\t");
+						}
+					}
+					xml += (xml.charAt(xml.length - 1) === "\n" ? ind : "") + "</" + name + ">";
+				}
+			}
+			else if (typeof(v) === "function") {
+				xml += ind + "<" + name + ">" + "<![CDATA[" + v + "]]>" + "</" + name + ">";
+			}
+			else {
+				if (v === undefined ) { v = ""; }
+				if (v.toString() === "\"\"" || v.toString().length === 0) {
+					xml += ind + "<" + name + ">__EMPTY_STRING_</" + name + ">";
+				} 
+				else {
+					xml += ind + "<" + name + ">" + v.toString() + "</" + name + ">";
+				}
+			}
+			return xml;
+		};
+		var xml = "";
+		var m;
+		for (m in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
+			xml += toXml(o[m], m, "");
+		}
+		return tab ? xml.replace(/\t/g, tab) : xml.replace(/\t|\n/g, "");
+	},
+	// Internal methods
+	toObj: function(xml) {
+		var o = {};
+		var FuncTest = /function/i;
+		if (xml.nodeType === 1) {
+			// element node ..
+			if (xml.attributes.length) {
+				// element with attributes ..
+				var i;
+				for (i = 0; i < xml.attributes.length; i += 1) {
+					o["@" + xml.attributes[i].nodeName] = (xml.attributes[i].nodeValue || "").toString();
+				}
+			}
+			if (xml.firstChild) {
+				// element has child nodes ..
+				var textChild = 0, cdataChild = 0, hasElementChild = false;
+				var n;
+				for (n = xml.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
+					if (n.nodeType === 1) {
+						hasElementChild = true;
+					}
+					else if (n.nodeType === 3 && n.nodeValue.match(/[^ \f\n\r\t\v]/)) {
+						// non-whitespace text
+						textChild += 1;
+					}
+					else if (n.nodeType === 4) {
+						// cdata section node
+						cdataChild += 1;
+					}
+				}
+				if (hasElementChild) {
+					if (textChild < 2 && cdataChild < 2) {
+						// structured element with evtl. a single text or/and cdata node ..
+						this.removeWhite(xml);
+						for (n = xml.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
+							if (n.nodeType === 3) {
+								// text node
+								o["#text"] = this.escape(n.nodeValue);
+							}
+							else if (n.nodeType === 4) {
+								// cdata node
+								if (FuncTest.test(n.nodeValue)) {
+									o[n.nodeName] = [o[n.nodeName], n.nodeValue];
+								} else {
+									o["#cdata"] = this.escape(n.nodeValue);
+								}
+							}
+							else if (o[n.nodeName]) {
+								// multiple occurence of element ..
+								if (o[n.nodeName] instanceof Array) {
+									o[n.nodeName][o[n.nodeName].length] = this.toObj(n);
+								}
+								else {
+									o[n.nodeName] = [o[n.nodeName], this.toObj(n)];
+								}
+							}
+							else {
+								// first occurence of element ..
+								o[n.nodeName] = this.toObj(n);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						// mixed content
+						if (!xml.attributes.length) {
+							o = this.escape(this.innerXml(xml));
+						}
+						else {
+							o["#text"] = this.escape(this.innerXml(xml));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else if (textChild) {
+					// pure text
+					if (!xml.attributes.length) {
+						o = this.escape(this.innerXml(xml));
+						if (o === "__EMPTY_ARRAY_") {
+							o = "[]";
+						} else if (o === "__EMPTY_STRING_") {
+							o = "";
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						o["#text"] = this.escape(this.innerXml(xml));
+					}
+				}
+				else if (cdataChild) {
+					// cdata
+					if (cdataChild > 1) {
+						o = this.escape(this.innerXml(xml));
+					}
+					else {
+						for (n = xml.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
+							if(FuncTest.test(xml.firstChild.nodeValue)) {
+								o = xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
+								break;
+							} else {
+								o["#cdata"] = this.escape(n.nodeValue);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (!xml.attributes.length && !xml.firstChild) {
+				o = null;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (xml.nodeType === 9) {
+			// document.node
+			o = this.toObj(xml.documentElement);
+		}
+		else {
+			alert("unhandled node type: " + xml.nodeType);
+		}
+		return o;
+	},
+	toJson: function(o, name, ind, wellform) {
+		if(wellform === undefined) wellform = true;
+		var json = name ? ("\"" + name + "\"") : "", tab = "\t", newline = "\n";
+		if(!wellform) {
+			tab= ""; newline= "";
+		}
+		if (o === "[]") {
+			json += (name ? ":[]" : "[]");
+		}
+		else if (o instanceof Array) {
+			var n, i, ar=[];
+			for (i = 0, n = o.length; i < n; i += 1) {
+				ar[i] = this.toJson(o[i], "", ind + tab, wellform);
+			}
+			json += (name ? ":[" : "[") + (ar.length > 1 ? (newline + ind + tab + ar.join(","+newline + ind + tab) + newline + ind) : ar.join("")) + "]";
+		}
+		else if (o === null) {
+			json += (name && ":") + "null";
+		}
+		else if (typeof(o) === "object") {
+			var arr = [], m;
+			for (m in o) {
+				if (o.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
+					arr[arr.length] = this.toJson(o[m], m, ind + tab, wellform);
+			}
+		}
+			json += (name ? ":{" : "{") + (arr.length > 1 ? (newline + ind + tab + arr.join(","+newline + ind + tab) + newline + ind) : arr.join("")) + "}";
+		}
+		else if (typeof(o) === "string") {
+			/*
+			var objRegExp  = /(^-?\d+\.?\d*$)/;
+			var FuncTest = /function/i;
+			var os = o.toString();
+			if (objRegExp.test(os) || FuncTest.test(os) || os==="false" || os==="true") {
+				// int or float
+				json += (name && ":")  + "\"" +os + "\"";
+			} 
+			else {
+			*/
+				json += (name && ":") + "\"" + o.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"') + "\"";
+			//}
+			}
+		else {
+			json += (name && ":") +  o.toString();
+		}
+		return json;
+	},
+	innerXml: function(node) {
+		var s = "";
+		if ("innerHTML" in node) {
+			s = node.innerHTML;
+		}
+		else {
+			var asXml = function(n) {
+				var s = "", i;
+				if (n.nodeType === 1) {
+					s += "<" + n.nodeName;
+					for (i = 0; i < n.attributes.length; i += 1) {
+						s += " " + n.attributes[i].nodeName + "=\"" + (n.attributes[i].nodeValue || "").toString() + "\"";
+					}
+					if (n.firstChild) {
+						s += ">";
+						for (var c = n.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
+							s += asXml(c);
+						}
+						s += "</" + n.nodeName + ">";
+					}
+					else {
+						s += "/>";
+					}
+				}
+				else if (n.nodeType === 3) {
+					s += n.nodeValue;
+				}
+				else if (n.nodeType === 4) {
+					s += "<![CDATA[" + n.nodeValue + "]]>";
+				}
+				return s;
+			};
+			for (var c = node.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
+				s += asXml(c);
+			}
+		}
+		return s;
+	},
+	escape: function(txt) {
+		return txt.replace(/[\\]/g, "\\\\").replace(/[\"]/g, '\\"').replace(/[\n]/g, '\\n').replace(/[\r]/g, '\\r');
+	},
+	removeWhite: function(e) {
+		e.normalize();
+		var n;
+		for (n = e.firstChild; n; ) {
+			if (n.nodeType === 3) {
+				// text node
+				if (!n.nodeValue.match(/[^ \f\n\r\t\v]/)) {
+					// pure whitespace text node
+					var nxt = n.nextSibling;
+					e.removeChild(n);
+					n = nxt;
+				}
+				else {
+					n = n.nextSibling;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (n.nodeType === 1) {
+				// element node
+				this.removeWhite(n);
+				n = n.nextSibling;
+			}
+			else {
+				// any other node
+				n = n.nextSibling;
+			}
+		}
+		return e;
+	}
+ * formatter for values but most of the values if for jqGrid
+ * Some of this was inspired and based on how YUI does the table datagrid but in jQuery fashion
+ * we are trying to keep it as light as possible
+ * Joshua Burnett	
+ *
+ *
+ * Changes from Tony Tomov
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ * 
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+(function($) {
+"use strict";	
+	$.fmatter = {};
+	//opts can be id:row id for the row, rowdata:the data for the row, colmodel:the column model for this column
+	//example {id:1234,}
+	$.extend($.fmatter,{
+		isBoolean : function(o) {
+			return typeof o === 'boolean';
+		},
+		isObject : function(o) {
+			return (o && (typeof o === 'object' || $.isFunction(o))) || false;
+		},
+		isString : function(o) {
+			return typeof o === 'string';
+		},
+		isNumber : function(o) {
+			return typeof o === 'number' && isFinite(o);
+		},
+		isValue : function (o) {
+			return (this.isObject(o) || this.isString(o) || this.isNumber(o) || this.isBoolean(o));
+		},
+		isEmpty : function(o) {
+			if(!this.isString(o) && this.isValue(o)) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (!this.isValue(o)){
+				return true;
+			}
+			o = $.trim(o).replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'').replace(/\&#160\;/ig,'');
+			return o==="";	
+		}
+	});
+	$.fn.fmatter = function(formatType, cellval, opts, rwd, act) {
+		// build main options before element iteration
+		var v=cellval;
+		opts = $.extend({}, $.jgrid.formatter, opts);
+		try {
+			v = $.fn.fmatter[formatType].call(this, cellval, opts, rwd, act);
+		} catch(fe){}
+		return v;
+	};
+	$.fmatter.util = {
+		// Taken from YAHOO utils
+		NumberFormat : function(nData,opts) {
+			if(!$.fmatter.isNumber(nData)) {
+				nData *= 1;
+			}
+			if($.fmatter.isNumber(nData)) {
+				var bNegative = (nData < 0);
+				var sOutput = String(nData);
+				var sDecimalSeparator = opts.decimalSeparator || ".";
+				var nDotIndex;
+				if($.fmatter.isNumber(opts.decimalPlaces)) {
+					// Round to the correct decimal place
+					var nDecimalPlaces = opts.decimalPlaces;
+					var nDecimal = Math.pow(10, nDecimalPlaces);
+					sOutput = String(Math.round(nData*nDecimal)/nDecimal);
+					nDotIndex = sOutput.lastIndexOf(".");
+					if(nDecimalPlaces > 0) {
+					// Add the decimal separator
+						if(nDotIndex < 0) {
+							sOutput += sDecimalSeparator;
+							nDotIndex = sOutput.length-1;
+						}
+						// Replace the "."
+						else if(sDecimalSeparator !== "."){
+							sOutput = sOutput.replace(".",sDecimalSeparator);
+						}
+					// Add missing zeros
+						while((sOutput.length - 1 - nDotIndex) < nDecimalPlaces) {
+							sOutput += "0";
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(opts.thousandsSeparator) {
+					var sThousandsSeparator = opts.thousandsSeparator;
+					nDotIndex = sOutput.lastIndexOf(sDecimalSeparator);
+					nDotIndex = (nDotIndex > -1) ? nDotIndex : sOutput.length;
+					var sNewOutput = sOutput.substring(nDotIndex);
+					var nCount = -1, i;
+					for (i=nDotIndex; i>0; i--) {
+						nCount++;
+						if ((nCount%3 === 0) && (i !== nDotIndex) && (!bNegative || (i > 1))) {
+							sNewOutput = sThousandsSeparator + sNewOutput;
+						}
+						sNewOutput = sOutput.charAt(i-1) + sNewOutput;
+					}
+					sOutput = sNewOutput;
+				}
+				// Prepend prefix
+				sOutput = (opts.prefix) ? opts.prefix + sOutput : sOutput;
+				// Append suffix
+				sOutput = (opts.suffix) ? sOutput + opts.suffix : sOutput;
+				return sOutput;
+			}
+			return nData;
+		}
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat = function(cellval, opts) {
+		return ($.fmatter.isValue(cellval) && cellval!=="" ) ?  cellval : opts.defaultValue || "&#160;";
+	};
+	$ = function(cellval, opts) {
+		if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return "<a href=\"mailto:" + cellval + "\">" + cellval + "</a>";
+		}
+		return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts );
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.checkbox =function(cval, opts) {
+		var op = $.extend({},opts.checkbox), ds;
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if(op.disabled===true) {ds = "disabled=\"disabled\"";} else {ds="";}
+		if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cval) || cval === undefined ) {cval = $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cval,op);}
+		cval=String(cval);
+		cval=(cval+"").toLowerCase();
+		var bchk =|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i)<0 ? " checked='checked' " : "";
+		return "<input type=\"checkbox\" " + bchk  + " value=\""+ cval+"\" offval=\"no\" "+ds+ "/>";
+	};
+	$ = function(cellval, opts) {
+		var op = {};
+		var target = "";
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if( {target = 'target=' +;}
+		if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return "<a "+target+" href=\"" + cellval + "\">" + cellval + "</a>";
+		}
+		return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts);
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.showlink = function(cellval, opts) {
+		var op = {baseLinkUrl: opts.baseLinkUrl,showAction:opts.showAction, addParam: opts.addParam || "", target:, idName: opts.idName},
+		target = "", idUrl;
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if( {target = 'target=' +;}
+		idUrl = op.baseLinkUrl+op.showAction + '?'+ op.idName+'='+opts.rowId+op.addParam;
+		if($.fmatter.isString(cellval) || $.fmatter.isNumber(cellval)) {	//add this one even if its blank string
+			return "<a "+target+" href=\"" + idUrl + "\">" + cellval + "</a>";
+		}
+		return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts);
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.integer = function(cellval, opts) {
+		var op = $.extend({},opts.integer);
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return op.defaultValue;
+		}
+		return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.number = function (cellval, opts) {
+		var op = $.extend({},opts.number);
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return op.defaultValue;
+		}
+		return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.currency = function (cellval, opts) {
+		var op = $.extend({},opts.currency);
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return op.defaultValue;
+		}
+		return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);
+	};
+	$ = function (cellval, opts, rwd, act) {
+		var op = $.extend({},;
+		if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if(!op.reformatAfterEdit && act === 'edit'){
+			return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval, opts);
+		}
+		if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return $.jgrid.parseDate(op.srcformat,cellval,op.newformat,op);
+		}
+		return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval, opts);
+	};
+	$ = function (cellval,opts) {
+		// jqGrid specific
+		cellval = String(cellval);
+		var oSelect = false, ret=[], sep, delim;
+		if(opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined){
+			oSelect= opts.colModel.formatoptions.value;
+			sep = opts.colModel.formatoptions.separator === undefined ? ":" : opts.colModel.formatoptions.separator;
+			delim = opts.colModel.formatoptions.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : opts.colModel.formatoptions.delimiter;
+		} else if(opts.colModel.editoptions !== undefined){
+			oSelect= opts.colModel.editoptions.value;
+			sep = opts.colModel.editoptions.separator === undefined ? ":" : opts.colModel.editoptions.separator;
+			delim = opts.colModel.editoptions.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : opts.colModel.editoptions.delimiter;
+		}
+		if (oSelect) {
+			var	msl =  opts.colModel.editoptions.multiple === true ? true : false,
+			scell = [], sv;
+			if(msl) {scell = cellval.split(",");scell = $.map(scell,function(n){return $.trim(n);});}
+			if ($.fmatter.isString(oSelect)) {
+				// mybe here we can use some caching with care ????
+				var so = oSelect.split(delim), j=0, i;
+				for(i=0; i<so.length;i++){
+					sv = so[i].split(sep);
+					if(sv.length > 2 ) {
+						sv[1] = $.map(sv,function(n,i){if(i>0) {return n;}}).join(sep);
+					}
+					if(msl) {
+						if($.inArray(sv[0],scell)>-1) {
+							ret[j] = sv[1];
+							j++;
+						}
+					} else if($.trim(sv[0]) === $.trim(cellval)) {
+						ret[0] = sv[1];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else if($.fmatter.isObject(oSelect)) {
+				// this is quicker
+				if(msl) {
+					ret = $.map(scell, function(n){
+						return oSelect[n];
+					});
+				} else {
+					ret[0] = oSelect[cellval] || "";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		cellval = ret.join(", ");
+		return  cellval === "" ? $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts) : cellval;
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.rowactions = function(act) {
+		var $tr = $(this).closest("tr.jqgrow"),
+			rid = $tr.attr("id"),
+			$id = $(this).closest("table.ui-jqgrid-btable").attr('id').replace(/_frozen([^_]*)$/,'$1'),
+			$grid = $("#"+$id),
+			$t = $grid[0],
+			p = $t.p,
+			cm = p.colModel[$.jgrid.getCellIndex(this)],
+			$actionsDiv = cm.frozen ? $("tr#"+rid+" td:eq("+$.jgrid.getCellIndex(this)+") > div",$grid) :$(this).parent(),
+			op = {
+				extraparam: {}
+			},
+			saverow = function(rowid, res) {
+				if($.isFunction(op.afterSave)) {$t, rowid, res); }
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();
+			},
+			restorerow = function(rowid) {
+				if($.isFunction(op.afterRestore)) {$t, rowid); }
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();
+			};
+		if (cm.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend(op,cm.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if (p.editOptions !== undefined) {
+			op.editOptions = p.editOptions;
+		}
+		if (p.delOptions !== undefined) {
+			op.delOptions = p.delOptions;
+		}
+		if ($tr.hasClass("jqgrid-new-row")){
+			op.extraparam[p.prmNames.oper] = p.prmNames.addoper;
+		}
+		var actop = {
+			keys: op.keys,
+			oneditfunc: op.onEdit,
+			successfunc: op.onSuccess,
+			url: op.url,
+			extraparam: op.extraparam,
+			aftersavefunc: saverow,
+			errorfunc: op.onError,
+			afterrestorefunc: restorerow,
+			restoreAfterError: op.restoreAfterError,
+			mtype: op.mtype
+		};
+		switch(act)
+		{
+			case 'edit':
+				$grid.jqGrid('editRow', rid, actop);
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").hide();
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").show();
+				$grid.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");
+				break;
+			case 'save':
+				if ($grid.jqGrid('saveRow', rid, actop)) {
+					$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();
+					$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();
+					$grid.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'cancel' :
+				$grid.jqGrid('restoreRow', rid, restorerow);
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();
+				$actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();
+				$grid.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");
+				break;
+			case 'del':
+				$grid.jqGrid('delGridRow', rid, op.delOptions);
+				break;
+			case 'formedit':
+				$grid.jqGrid('setSelection', rid);
+				$grid.jqGrid('editGridRow', rid, op.editOptions);
+				break;
+		}
+	};
+	$.fn.fmatter.actions = function(cellval,opts) {
+		var op={keys:false, editbutton:true, delbutton:true, editformbutton: false},
+			rowid=opts.rowId, str="",ocl;
+		if(opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend(op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
+		}
+		if(rowid === undefined || $.fmatter.isEmpty(rowid)) {return "";}
+		if(op.editformbutton){
+			ocl = "id='jEditButton_"+rowid+"','formedit'); onmouseover=jQuery(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); onmouseout=jQuery(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); ";
+			str += "<div title='"+$.jgrid.nav.edittitle+"' style='float:left;cursor:pointer;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit' "+ocl+"><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'></span></div>";
+		} else if(op.editbutton){
+			ocl = "id='jEditButton_"+rowid+"','edit'); onmouseover=jQuery(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); onmouseout=jQuery(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover') ";
+			str += "<div title='"+$.jgrid.nav.edittitle+"' style='float:left;cursor:pointer;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit' "+ocl+"><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'></span></div>";
+		}
+		if(op.delbutton) {
+			ocl = "id='jDeleteButton_"+rowid+"','del'); onmouseover=jQuery(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); onmouseout=jQuery(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); ";
+			str += "<div title='"+$.jgrid.nav.deltitle+"' style='float:left;margin-left:5px;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-del' "+ocl+"><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-trash'></span></div>";
+		}
+		ocl = "id='jSaveButton_"+rowid+"','save'); onmouseover=jQuery(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); onmouseout=jQuery(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); ";
+		str += "<div title='"+$.jgrid.edit.bSubmit+"' style='float:left;display:none' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-save' "+ocl+"><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-disk'></span></div>";
+		ocl = "id='jCancelButton_"+rowid+"','cancel'); onmouseover=jQuery(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); onmouseout=jQuery(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); ";
+		str += "<div title='"+$.jgrid.edit.bCancel+"' style='float:left;display:none;margin-left:5px;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-cancel' "+ocl+"><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-cancel'></span></div>";
+		return "<div style='margin-left:8px;'>" + str + "</div>";
+	};
+	$.unformat = function (cellval,options,pos,cnt) {
+		// specific for jqGrid only
+		var ret, formatType = options.colModel.formatter,
+		op =options.colModel.formatoptions || {}, sep,
+		re = /([\.\*\_\'\(\)\{\}\+\?\\])/g,
+		unformatFunc = options.colModel.unformat||($.fn.fmatter[formatType] && $.fn.fmatter[formatType].unformat);
+		if(unformatFunc !== undefined && $.isFunction(unformatFunc) ) {
+			ret =, $(cellval).text(), options, cellval);
+		} else if(formatType !== undefined && $.fmatter.isString(formatType) ) {
+			var opts = $.jgrid.formatter || {}, stripTag;
+			switch(formatType) {
+				case 'integer' :
+					op = $.extend({},opts.integer,op);
+					sep = op.thousandsSeparator.replace(re,"\\$1");
+					stripTag = new RegExp(sep, "g");
+					ret = $(cellval).text().replace(stripTag,'');
+					break;
+				case 'number' :
+					op = $.extend({},opts.number,op);
+					sep = op.thousandsSeparator.replace(re,"\\$1");
+					stripTag = new RegExp(sep, "g");
+					ret = $(cellval).text().replace(stripTag,"").replace(op.decimalSeparator,'.');
+					break;
+				case 'currency':
+					op = $.extend({},opts.currency,op);
+					sep = op.thousandsSeparator.replace(re,"\\$1");
+					stripTag = new RegExp(sep, "g");
+					ret = $(cellval).text();
+					if (op.prefix && op.prefix.length) {
+						ret = ret.substr(op.prefix.length);
+					}
+					if (op.suffix && op.suffix.length) {
+						ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length - op.suffix.length);
+					}
+					ret = ret.replace(stripTag,'').replace(op.decimalSeparator,'.');
+					break;
+				case 'checkbox':
+					var cbv = (options.colModel.editoptions) ? options.colModel.editoptions.value.split(":") : ["Yes","No"];
+					ret = $('input',cellval).is(":checked") ? cbv[0] : cbv[1];
+					break;
+				case 'select' :
+					ret = $,options,pos,cnt);
+					break;
+				case 'actions':
+					return "";
+				default:
+					ret= $(cellval).text();
+			}
+		}
+		return ret !== undefined ? ret : cnt===true ? $(cellval).text() : $.jgrid.htmlDecode($(cellval).html());
+	};
+	$ = function (cellval,options,pos,cnt) {
+		// Spacial case when we have local data and perform a sort
+		// cnt is set to true only in sortDataArray
+		var ret = [];
+		var cell = $(cellval).text();
+		if(cnt===true) {return cell;}
+		var op = $.extend({}, options.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined ? options.colModel.formatoptions: options.colModel.editoptions),
+		sep = op.separator === undefined ? ":" : op.separator,
+		delim = op.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : op.delimiter;
+		if(op.value){
+			var oSelect = op.value,
+			msl =  op.multiple === true ? true : false,
+			scell = [], sv;
+			if(msl) {scell = cell.split(",");scell = $.map(scell,function(n){return $.trim(n);});}
+			if ($.fmatter.isString(oSelect)) {
+				var so = oSelect.split(delim), j=0, i;
+				for(i=0; i<so.length;i++){
+					sv = so[i].split(sep);
+					if(sv.length > 2 ) {
+						sv[1] = $.map(sv,function(n,i){if(i>0) {return n;}}).join(sep);
+					}					
+					if(msl) {
+						if($.inArray(sv[1],scell)>-1) {
+							ret[j] = sv[0];
+							j++;
+						}
+					} else if($.trim(sv[1]) === $.trim(cell)) {
+						ret[0] = sv[0];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else if($.fmatter.isObject(oSelect) || $.isArray(oSelect) ){
+				if(!msl) {scell[0] =  cell;}
+				ret = $.map(scell, function(n){
+					var rv;
+					$.each(oSelect, function(i,val){
+						if (val === n) {
+							rv = i;
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					if( rv !== undefined ) {return rv;}
+				});
+			}
+			return ret.join(", ");
+		}
+		return cell || "";
+	};
+	$ = function (cellval, opts) {
+		var op = $ || {};
+		if(opts.formatoptions !== undefined) {
+			op = $.extend({},op,opts.formatoptions);
+		}		
+		if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {
+			return $.jgrid.parseDate(op.newformat,cellval,op.srcformat,op);
+		}
+		return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval, opts);
+	};
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid common function
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+// Modal functions
+	showModal : function(h) {
+	},
+	closeModal : function(h) {
+		h.w.hide().attr("aria-hidden","true");
+		if(h.o) {h.o.remove();}
+	},
+	hideModal : function (selector,o) {
+		o = $.extend({jqm : true, gb :''}, o || {});
+		if(o.onClose) {
+			var oncret = && typeof === "string" &&,6) === "#gbox_" ?$("#" +[0], selector) : o.onClose(selector);
+			if (typeof oncret === 'boolean'  && !oncret ) { return; }
+		}
+		if ($.fn.jqm && o.jqm === true) {
+			$(selector).attr("aria-hidden","true").jqmHide();
+		} else {
+			if( !== '') {
+				try {$(".jqgrid-overlay:first",;} catch (e){}
+			}
+			$(selector).hide().attr("aria-hidden","true");
+		}
+	},
+//Helper functions
+	findPos : function(obj) {
+		var curleft = 0, curtop = 0;
+		if (obj.offsetParent) {
+			do {
+				curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
+				curtop += obj.offsetTop;
+			} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
+			//do not change obj == obj.offsetParent
+		}
+		return [curleft,curtop];
+	},
+	createModal : function(aIDs, content, p, insertSelector, posSelector, appendsel, css) {
+		p = $.extend(true, {}, $.jgrid.jqModal || {}, p);
+		var mw  = document.createElement('div'), rtlsup, self = this;
+		css = $.extend({}, css || {});
+		rtlsup = $(p.gbox).attr("dir") === "rtl" ? true : false;
+		mw.className= "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-jqdialog";
+ = aIDs.themodal;
+		var mh = document.createElement('div');
+		mh.className = "ui-jqdialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix";
+ = aIDs.modalhead;
+		$(mh).append("<span class='ui-jqdialog-title'>"+p.caption+"</span>");
+		var ahr= $("<a class='ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all'></a>")
+		.hover(function(){ahr.addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+			function(){ahr.removeClass('ui-state-hover');})
+		.append("<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'></span>");
+		$(mh).append(ahr);
+		if(rtlsup) {
+			mw.dir = "rtl";
+			$(".ui-jqdialog-title",mh).css("float","right");
+			$(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close",mh).css("left",0.3+"em");
+		} else {
+			mw.dir = "ltr";
+			$(".ui-jqdialog-title",mh).css("float","left");
+			$(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close",mh).css("right",0.3+"em");
+		}
+		var mc = document.createElement('div');
+		$(mc).addClass("ui-jqdialog-content ui-widget-content").attr("id",aIDs.modalcontent);
+		$(mc).append(content);
+		mw.appendChild(mc);
+		$(mw).prepend(mh);
+		if(appendsel===true) { $('body').append(mw); } //append as first child in body -for alert dialog
+		else if (typeof appendsel === "string") {
+			$(appendsel).append(mw);
+		} else {$(mw).insertBefore(insertSelector);}
+		$(mw).css(css);
+		if(p.jqModal === undefined) {p.jqModal = true;} // internal use
+		var coord = {};
+		if ( $.fn.jqm && p.jqModal === true) {
+			if(p.left ===0 && && p.overlay) {
+				var pos = [];
+				pos = $.jgrid.findPos(posSelector);
+				p.left = pos[0] + 4;
+ = pos[1] + 4;
+			}
+ ="px";
+			coord.left = p.left;
+		} else if(p.left !==0 ||!==0) {
+			coord.left = p.left;
+ ="px";
+		}
+		$("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close",mh).click(function(){
+			var oncm = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.themodal)).data("onClose") || p.onClose;
+			var gboxclose = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.themodal)).data("gbox") || p.gbox;
+			self.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.themodal),{gb:gboxclose,jqm:p.jqModal,onClose:oncm});
+			return false;
+		});
+		if (p.width === 0 || !p.width) {p.width = 300;}
+		if(p.height === 0 || !p.height) {p.height =200;}
+		if(!p.zIndex) {
+			var parentZ = $(insertSelector).parents("*[role=dialog]").filter(':first').css("z-index");
+			if(parentZ) {
+				p.zIndex = parseInt(parentZ,10)+2;
+			} else {
+				p.zIndex = 950;
+			}
+		}
+		var rtlt = 0;
+		if( rtlsup && coord.left && !appendsel) {
+			rtlt = $(p.gbox).width()- (!isNaN(p.width) ? parseInt(p.width,10) :0) - 8; // to do
+		// just in case
+			coord.left = parseInt(coord.left,10) + parseInt(rtlt,10);
+		}
+		if(coord.left) { coord.left += "px"; }
+		$(mw).css($.extend({
+			width: isNaN(p.width) ? "auto": p.width+"px",
+			height:isNaN(p.height) ? "auto" : p.height + "px",
+			zIndex:p.zIndex,
+			overflow: 'hidden'
+		},coord))
+		.attr({tabIndex: "-1","role":"dialog","aria-labelledby":aIDs.modalhead,"aria-hidden":"true"});
+		if(p.drag === undefined) { p.drag=true;}
+		if(p.resize === undefined) {p.resize=true;}
+		if (p.drag) {
+			$(mh).css('cursor','move');
+			if($.fn.jqDrag) {
+				$(mw).jqDrag(mh);
+			} else {
+				try {
+					$(mw).draggable({handle: $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(});
+				} catch (e) {}
+			}
+		}
+		if(p.resize) {
+			if($.fn.jqResize) {
+				$(mw).append("<div class='jqResize ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-se ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se'></div>");
+				$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.themodal)).jqResize(".jqResize",aIDs.scrollelm ? "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.scrollelm) : false);
+			} else {
+				try {
+					$(mw).resizable({handles: 'se, sw',alsoResize: aIDs.scrollelm ? "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.scrollelm) : false});
+				} catch (r) {}
+			}
+		}
+		if(p.closeOnEscape === true){
+			$(mw).keydown( function( e ) {
+				if( e.which == 27 ) {
+					var cone = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.themodal)).data("onClose") || p.onClose;
+					self.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(aIDs.themodal),{gb:p.gbox,jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: cone});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	viewModal : function (selector,o){
+		o = $.extend({
+			toTop: true,
+			overlay: 10,
+			modal: false,
+			overlayClass : 'ui-widget-overlay',
+			onShow: $.jgrid.showModal,
+			onHide: $.jgrid.closeModal,
+			gbox: '',
+			jqm : true,
+			jqM : true
+		}, o || {});
+		if ($.fn.jqm && o.jqm === true) {
+			if(o.jqM) { $(selector).attr("aria-hidden","false").jqm(o).jqmShow(); }
+			else {$(selector).attr("aria-hidden","false").jqmShow();}
+		} else {
+			if(o.gbox !== '') {
+				$(".jqgrid-overlay:first",o.gbox).show();
+				$(selector).data("gbox",o.gbox);
+			}
+			$(selector).show().attr("aria-hidden","false");
+			try{$(':input:visible',selector)[0].focus();}catch(_){}
+		}
+	},
+	info_dialog : function(caption, content,c_b, modalopt) {
+		var mopt = {
+			width:290,
+			height:'auto',
+			dataheight: 'auto',
+			drag: true,
+			resize: false,
+			left:250,
+			top:170,
+			zIndex : 1000,
+			jqModal : true,
+			modal : false,
+			closeOnEscape : true,
+			align: 'center',
+			buttonalign : 'center',
+			buttons : []
+		// {text:'textbutt', id:"buttid", onClick : function(){...}}
+		// if the id is not provided we set it like info_button_+ the index in the array - i.e info_button_0,info_button_1...
+		};
+		$.extend(true, mopt, $.jgrid.jqModal || {}, {caption:"<b>"+caption+"</b>"}, modalopt || {});
+		var jm = mopt.jqModal, self = this;
+		if($.fn.jqm && !jm) { jm = false; }
+		// in case there is no jqModal
+		var buttstr ="", i;
+		if(mopt.buttons.length > 0) {
+			for(i=0;i<mopt.buttons.length;i++) {
+				if(mopt.buttons[i].id === undefined) { mopt.buttons[i].id = "info_button_"+i; }
+				buttstr += "<a id='"+mopt.buttons[i].id+"' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+mopt.buttons[i].text+"</a>";
+			}
+		}
+		var dh = isNaN(mopt.dataheight) ? mopt.dataheight : mopt.dataheight+"px",
+		cn = "text-align:"+mopt.align+";";
+		var cnt = "<div id='info_id'>";
+		cnt += "<div id='infocnt' style='margin:0px;padding-bottom:1em;width:100%;overflow:auto;position:relative;height:"+dh+";"+cn+"'>"+content+"</div>";
+		cnt += c_b ? "<div class='ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix' style='text-align:"+mopt.buttonalign+";padding-bottom:0.8em;padding-top:0.5em;background-image: none;border-width: 1px 0 0 0;'><a id='closedialog' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+c_b+"</a>"+buttstr+"</div>" :
+			buttstr !== ""  ? "<div class='ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix' style='text-align:"+mopt.buttonalign+";padding-bottom:0.8em;padding-top:0.5em;background-image: none;border-width: 1px 0 0 0;'>"+buttstr+"</div>" : "";
+		cnt += "</div>";
+		try {
+			if($("#info_dialog").attr("aria-hidden") === "false") {
+				$.jgrid.hideModal("#info_dialog",{jqm:jm});
+			}
+			$("#info_dialog").remove();
+		} catch (e){}
+		$.jgrid.createModal({
+			themodal:'info_dialog',
+			modalhead:'info_head',
+			modalcontent:'info_content',
+			scrollelm: 'infocnt'},
+			cnt,
+			mopt,
+			'','',true
+		);
+		// attach onclick after inserting into the dom
+		if(buttstr) {
+			$.each(mopt.buttons,function(i){
+				$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(,"#info_id").bind('click',function(){mopt.buttons[i]$("#info_dialog")); return false;});
+			});
+		}
+		$("#closedialog", "#info_id").click(function(){
+			self.hideModal("#info_dialog",{
+				jqm:jm,
+				onClose: $("#info_dialog").data("onClose") || mopt.onClose,
+				gb: $("#info_dialog").data("gbox") || mopt.gbox
+			});
+			return false;
+		});
+		$(".fm-button","#info_dialog").hover(
+			function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+			function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');}
+		);
+		if($.isFunction(mopt.beforeOpen) ) { mopt.beforeOpen(); }
+		$.jgrid.viewModal("#info_dialog",{
+			onHide: function(h) {
+				h.w.hide().remove();
+				if(h.o) { h.o.remove(); }
+			},
+			modal :mopt.modal,
+			jqm:jm
+		});
+		if($.isFunction(mopt.afterOpen) ) { mopt.afterOpen(); }
+		try{ $("#info_dialog").focus();} catch (m){}
+	},
+	bindEv: function  (el, opt) {
+		var $t = this;
+		if($.isFunction(opt.dataInit)) {
+		}
+		if(opt.dataEvents) {
+			$.each(opt.dataEvents, function() {
+				if ( !== undefined) {
+					$(el).bind(this.type,, this.fn);
+				} else {
+					$(el).bind(this.type, this.fn);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	},
+// Form Functions
+	createEl : function(eltype,options,vl,autowidth, ajaxso) {
+		var elem = "", $t = this;
+		function setAttributes(elm, atr, exl ) {
+			var exclude = ['dataInit','dataEvents','dataUrl', 'buildSelect','sopt', 'searchhidden', 'defaultValue', 'attr', 'custom_element', 'custom_value'];
+			if(exl !== undefined && $.isArray(exl)) {
+				$.merge(exclude, exl);
+			}
+			$.each(atr, function(key, value){
+				if($.inArray(key, exclude) === -1) {
+					$(elm).attr(key,value);
+				}
+			});
+			if(!atr.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
+				$(elm).attr('id', $.jgrid.randId());
+			}
+		}
+		switch (eltype)
+		{
+			case "textarea" :
+				elem = document.createElement("textarea");
+				if(autowidth) {
+					if(!options.cols) { $(elem).css({width:"98%"});}
+				} else if (!options.cols) { options.cols = 20; }
+				if(!options.rows) { options.rows = 2; }
+				if(vl==='&nbsp;' || vl==='&#160;' || (vl.length===1 && vl.charCodeAt(0)===160)) {vl="";}
+				elem.value = vl;
+				setAttributes(elem, options);
+				$(elem).attr({"role":"textbox","multiline":"true"});
+			break;
+			case "checkbox" : //what code for simple checkbox
+				elem = document.createElement("input");
+				elem.type = "checkbox";
+				if( !options.value ) {
+					var vl1 = (vl+"").toLowerCase();
+					if(|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i)<0 && vl1!=="") {
+						elem.checked=true;
+						elem.defaultChecked=true;
+						elem.value = vl;
+					} else {
+						elem.value = "on";
+					}
+					$(elem).attr("offval","off");
+				} else {
+					var cbval = options.value.split(":");
+					if(vl === cbval[0]) {
+						elem.checked=true;
+						elem.defaultChecked=true;
+					}
+					elem.value = cbval[0];
+					$(elem).attr("offval",cbval[1]);
+				}
+				setAttributes(elem, options, ['value']);
+				$(elem).attr("role","checkbox");
+			break;
+			case "select" :
+				elem = document.createElement("select");
+				elem.setAttribute("role","select");
+				var msl, ovm = [];
+				if(options.multiple===true) {
+					msl = true;
+					elem.multiple="multiple";
+					$(elem).attr("aria-multiselectable","true");
+				} else { msl = false; }
+				if(options.dataUrl !== undefined) {
+					var rowid = ? String(, String( - String( - 1) : String(,
+						postData = options.postData || ajaxso.postData;
+					if ($t.p && $t.p.idPrefix) {
+						rowid = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rowid);
+					}
+					$.ajax($.extend({
+						url: $.isFunction(options.dataUrl) ?$t, rowid, vl, String( : options.dataUrl,
+						type : "GET",
+						dataType: "html",
+						data: $.isFunction(postData) ?$t, rowid, vl, String( : postData,
+						context: {elem:elem, options:options, vl:vl},
+						success: function(data){
+							var ovm = [], elem = this.elem, vl = this.vl,
+							options = $.extend({},this.options),
+							msl = options.multiple===true,
+							a = $.isFunction(options.buildSelect) ?$t,data) : data;
+							if(typeof a === 'string') {
+								a = $( $.trim( a ) ).html();
+							}
+							if(a) {
+								$(elem).append(a);
+								setAttributes(elem, options, postData ? ['postData'] : undefined );
+								if(options.size === undefined) { options.size =  msl ? 3 : 1;}
+								if(msl) {
+									ovm = vl.split(",");
+									ovm = $.map(ovm,function(n){return $.trim(n);});
+								} else {
+									ovm[0] = $.trim(vl);
+								}
+								//$(elem).attr(options);
+								setTimeout(function(){
+									$("option",elem).each(function(i){
+										//if(i===0) { this.selected = ""; }
+										// fix IE8/IE7 problem with selecting of the first item on multiple=true
+										if (i === 0 && elem.multiple) { this.selected = false; }
+										$(this).attr("role","option");
+										if($.inArray($.trim($(this).text()),ovm) > -1 || $.inArray($.trim($(this).val()),ovm) > -1 ) {
+											this.selected= "selected";
+										}
+									});
+								},0);
+							}
+						}
+					},ajaxso || {}));
+				} else if(options.value) {
+					var i;
+					if(options.size === undefined) {
+						options.size = msl ? 3 : 1;
+					}
+					if(msl) {
+						ovm = vl.split(",");
+						ovm = $.map(ovm,function(n){return $.trim(n);});
+					}
+					if(typeof options.value === 'function') { options.value = options.value(); }
+					var so,sv, ov, 
+					sep = options.separator === undefined ? ":" : options.separator,
+					delim = options.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : options.delimiter;
+					if(typeof options.value === 'string') {
+						so = options.value.split(delim);
+						for(i=0; i<so.length;i++){
+							sv = so[i].split(sep);
+							if(sv.length > 2 ) {
+								sv[1] = $.map(sv,function(n,ii){if(ii>0) { return n;} }).join(sep);
+							}
+							ov = document.createElement("option");
+							ov.setAttribute("role","option");
+							ov.value = sv[0]; ov.innerHTML = sv[1];
+							elem.appendChild(ov);
+							if (!msl &&  ($.trim(sv[0]) === $.trim(vl) || $.trim(sv[1]) === $.trim(vl))) { ov.selected ="selected"; }
+							if (msl && ($.inArray($.trim(sv[1]), ovm)>-1 || $.inArray($.trim(sv[0]), ovm)>-1)) {ov.selected ="selected";}
+						}
+					} else if (typeof options.value === 'object') {
+						var oSv = options.value, key;
+						for (key in oSv) {
+							if (oSv.hasOwnProperty(key ) ){
+								ov = document.createElement("option");
+								ov.setAttribute("role","option");
+								ov.value = key; ov.innerHTML = oSv[key];
+								elem.appendChild(ov);
+								if (!msl &&  ( $.trim(key) === $.trim(vl) || $.trim(oSv[key]) === $.trim(vl)) ) { ov.selected ="selected"; }
+								if (msl && ($.inArray($.trim(oSv[key]),ovm)>-1 || $.inArray($.trim(key),ovm)>-1)) { ov.selected ="selected"; }
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					setAttributes(elem, options, ['value']);
+				}
+			break;
+			case "text" :
+			case "password" :
+			case "button" :
+				var role;
+				if(eltype==="button") { role = "button"; }
+				else { role = "textbox"; }
+				elem = document.createElement("input");
+				elem.type = eltype;
+				elem.value = vl;
+				setAttributes(elem, options);
+				if(eltype !== "button"){
+					if(autowidth) {
+						if(!options.size) { $(elem).css({width:"98%"}); }
+					} else if (!options.size) { options.size = 20; }
+				}
+				$(elem).attr("role",role);
+			break;
+			case "image" :
+			case "file" :
+				elem = document.createElement("input");
+				elem.type = eltype;
+				setAttributes(elem, options);
+				break;
+			case "custom" :
+				elem = document.createElement("span");
+				try {
+					if($.isFunction(options.custom_element)) {
+						var celm =$t,vl,options);
+						if(celm) {
+							celm = $(celm).addClass("customelement").attr({,});
+							$(elem).empty().append(celm);
+						} else {
+							throw "e2";
+						}
+					} else {
+						throw "e1";
+					}
+				} catch (e) {
+					if (e==="e1") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_element' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined, $.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+					if (e==="e2") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_element' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+					else { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,typeof e==="string"?e:e.message,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+				}
+			break;
+		}
+		return elem;
+	},
+// Date Validation Javascript
+	checkDate : function (format, date) {
+		var daysInFebruary = function(year){
+		// February has 29 days in any year evenly divisible by four,
+		// EXCEPT for centurial years which are not also divisible by 400.
+			return (((year % 4 === 0) && ( year % 100 !== 0 || (year % 400 === 0))) ? 29 : 28 );
+		},
+		tsp = {}, sep;
+		format = format.toLowerCase();
+		//we search for /,-,. for the date separator
+		if(format.indexOf("/") !== -1) {
+			sep = "/";
+		} else if(format.indexOf("-") !== -1) {
+			sep = "-";
+		} else if(format.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
+			sep = ".";
+		} else {
+			sep = "/";
+		}
+		format = format.split(sep);
+		date = date.split(sep);
+		if (date.length !== 3) { return false; }
+		var j=-1,yln, dln=-1, mln=-1, i;
+		for(i=0;i<format.length;i++){
+			var dv =  isNaN(date[i]) ? 0 : parseInt(date[i],10);
+			tsp[format[i]] = dv;
+			yln = format[i];
+			if(yln.indexOf("y") !== -1) { j=i; }
+			if(yln.indexOf("m") !== -1) { mln=i; }
+			if(yln.indexOf("d") !== -1) { dln=i; }
+		}
+		if (format[j] === "y" || format[j] === "yyyy") {
+			yln=4;
+		} else if(format[j] ==="yy"){
+			yln = 2;
+		} else {
+			yln = -1;
+		}
+		var daysInMonth = [0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],
+		strDate;
+		if (j === -1) {
+			return false;
+		}
+			strDate = tsp[format[j]].toString();
+			if(yln === 2 && strDate.length === 1) {yln = 1;}
+			if (strDate.length !== yln || (tsp[format[j]]===0 && date[j]!=="00")){
+				return false;
+			}
+		if(mln === -1) {
+			return false;
+		}
+			strDate = tsp[format[mln]].toString();
+			if (strDate.length<1 || tsp[format[mln]]<1 || tsp[format[mln]]>12){
+				return false;
+			}
+		if(dln === -1) {
+			return false;
+		}
+			strDate = tsp[format[dln]].toString();
+			if (strDate.length<1 || tsp[format[dln]]<1 || tsp[format[dln]]>31 || (tsp[format[mln]]===2 && tsp[format[dln]]>daysInFebruary(tsp[format[j]])) || tsp[format[dln]] > daysInMonth[tsp[format[mln]]]){
+				return false;
+			}
+		return true;
+	},
+	isEmpty : function(val)
+	{
+		if (val.match(/^\s+$/) || val === "")	{
+			return true;
+		}
+			return false;
+	},
+	checkTime : function(time){
+	// checks only hh:ss (and optional am/pm)
+		var re = /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})([apAP][Mm])?$/,regs;
+		if(!$.jgrid.isEmpty(time))
+		{
+			regs = time.match(re);
+			if(regs) {
+				if(regs[3]) {
+					if(regs[1] < 1 || regs[1] > 12) { return false; }
+				} else {
+					if(regs[1] > 23) { return false; }
+				}
+				if(regs[2] > 59) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			} else {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	checkValues : function(val, valref, customobject, nam) {
+		var edtrul,i, nm, dft, len, g = this, cm = g.p.colModel;
+		if(customobject === undefined) {
+			if(typeof valref==='string'){
+				for( i =0, len=cm.length;i<len; i++){
+					if(cm[i].name===valref) {
+						edtrul = cm[i].editrules;
+						valref = i;
+						if(cm[i].formoptions != null) { nm = cm[i].formoptions.label; }
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else if(valref >=0) {
+				edtrul = cm[valref].editrules;
+			}
+		} else {
+			edtrul = customobject;
+			nm = nam===undefined ? "_" : nam;
+		}
+		if(edtrul) {
+			if(!nm) { nm = g.p.colNames != null ? g.p.colNames[valref] : cm[valref].label; }
+			if(edtrul.required === true) {
+				if( $.jgrid.isEmpty(val) )  { return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.required,""]; }
+			}
+			// force required
+			var rqfield = edtrul.required === false ? false : true;
+			if(edtrul.number === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+					if(isNaN(val)) { return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.number,""]; }
+				}
+			}
+			if(edtrul.minValue !== undefined && !isNaN(edtrul.minValue)) {
+				if (parseFloat(val) < parseFloat(edtrul.minValue) ) { return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.minValue+" "+edtrul.minValue,""];}
+			}
+			if(edtrul.maxValue !== undefined && !isNaN(edtrul.maxValue)) {
+				if (parseFloat(val) > parseFloat(edtrul.maxValue) ) { return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.maxValue+" "+edtrul.maxValue,""];}
+			}
+			var filter;
+			if( === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+				// taken from $ Validate plugin
+					filter = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i;
+					if(!filter.test(val)) {return [false,nm+": "+$,""];}
+				}
+			}
+			if(edtrul.integer === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+					if(isNaN(val)) { return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.integer,""]; }
+					if ((val % 1 !== 0) || (val.indexOf('.') !== -1)) { return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.integer,""];}
+				}
+			}
+			if( === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+					if(cm[valref].formatoptions && cm[valref].formatoptions.newformat) {
+						dft = cm[valref].formatoptions.newformat;
+						if( $ ) {
+							dft = $[dft];
+						}
+					} else {
+						dft = cm[valref].datefmt || "Y-m-d";
+					}
+					if(!$.jgrid.checkDate (dft, val)) { return [false,nm+": "+$" - "+dft,""]; }
+				}
+			}
+			if(edtrul.time === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+					if(!$.jgrid.checkTime (val)) { return [false,nm+": "+$" - hh:mm (am/pm)",""]; }
+				}
+			}
+			if(edtrul.url === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+					filter = /^(((https?)|(ftp)):\/\/([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*\/?)/i;
+					if(!filter.test(val)) {return [false,nm+": "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.url,""];}
+				}
+			}
+			if(edtrul.custom === true) {
+				if( !(rqfield === false && $.jgrid.isEmpty(val)) ) {
+					if($.isFunction(edtrul.custom_func)) {
+						var ret =,val,nm,valref);
+						return $.isArray(ret) ? ret : [false,$.jgrid.edit.msg.customarray,""];
+					}
+					return [false,$.jgrid.edit.msg.customfcheck,""];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return [true,"",""];
+	}
+ * jqFilter  jQuery jqGrid filter addon.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, Tony Tomov,
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
+ *
+ *
+ * 
+ * The work is inspired from this Stefan Pirvu
+ *
+ *
+ * The filter uses JSON entities to hold filter rules and groups. Here is an example of a filter:
+{ "groupOp": "AND",
+      "groups" : [ 
+        { "groupOp": "OR",
+            "rules": [
+                { "field": "name", "op": "eq", "data": "England" }, 
+                { "field": "id", "op": "le", "data": "5"}
+             ]
+        } 
+      ],
+      "rules": [
+        { "field": "name", "op": "eq", "data": "Romania" }, 
+        { "field": "id", "op": "le", "data": "1"}
+      ]
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
+/*global jQuery */
+(function ($) {
+"use strict";
+$.fn.jqFilter = function( arg ) {
+	if (typeof arg === 'string') {
+		var fn = $.fn.jqFilter[arg];
+		if (!fn) {
+			throw ("jqFilter - No such method: " + arg);
+		}
+		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
+		return fn.apply(this,args);
+	}
+	var p = $.extend(true,{
+		filter: null,
+		columns: [],
+		onChange : null,
+		afterRedraw : null,
+		checkValues : null,
+		error: false,
+		errmsg : "",
+		errorcheck : true,
+		showQuery : true,
+		sopt : null,
+		ops : [],
+		operands : null,
+		numopts : ['eq','ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'nu', 'nn', 'in', 'ni'],
+		stropts : ['eq', 'ne', 'bw', 'bn', 'ew', 'en', 'cn', 'nc', 'nu', 'nn', 'in', 'ni'],
+		strarr : ['text', 'string', 'blob'],
+		groupOps : [{ op: "AND", text: "AND" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "OR" }],
+		groupButton : true,
+		ruleButtons : true,
+		direction : "ltr"
+	}, $.jgrid.filter, arg || {});
+	return this.each( function() {
+		if (this.filter) {return;}
+		this.p = p;
+		// setup filter in case if they is not defined
+		if (this.p.filter === null || this.p.filter === undefined) {
+			this.p.filter = {
+				groupOp: this.p.groupOps[0].op,
+				rules: [],
+				groups: []
+			};
+		}
+		var i, len = this.p.columns.length, cl,
+		isIE = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera;
+		// translating the options
+		this.p.initFilter = $.extend(true,{},this.p.filter);
+		// set default values for the columns if they are not set
+		if( !len ) {return;}
+		for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
+			cl = this.p.columns[i];
+			if( cl.stype ) {
+				// grid compatibility
+				cl.inputtype = cl.stype;
+			} else if(!cl.inputtype) {
+				cl.inputtype = 'text';
+			}
+			if( cl.sorttype ) {
+				// grid compatibility
+				cl.searchtype = cl.sorttype;
+			} else if (!cl.searchtype) {
+				cl.searchtype = 'string';
+			}
+			if(cl.hidden === undefined) {
+				// jqGrid compatibility
+				cl.hidden = false;
+			}
+			if(!cl.label) {
+				cl.label =;
+			}
+			if(cl.index) {
+ = cl.index;
+			}
+			if(!cl.hasOwnProperty('searchoptions')) {
+				cl.searchoptions = {};
+			}
+			if(!cl.hasOwnProperty('searchrules')) {
+				cl.searchrules = {};
+			}
+		}
+		if(this.p.showQuery) {
+			$(this).append("<table class='queryresult ui-widget ui-widget-content' style='display:block;max-width:440px;border:0px none;' dir='"+this.p.direction+"'><tbody><tr><td class='query'></td></tr></tbody></table>");
+		}
+		var getGrid = function () {
+			return $("#" + $.jgrid.jqID([0] || null;
+		};
+		/*
+		 *Perform checking.
+		 *
+		*/
+		var checkData = function(val, colModelItem) {
+			var ret = [true,""], $t = getGrid();
+			if($.isFunction(colModelItem.searchrules)) {
+				ret =$t, val, colModelItem);
+			} else if($.jgrid && $.jgrid.checkValues) {
+				try {
+					ret = $$t, val, -1, colModelItem.searchrules, colModelItem.label);
+				} catch (e) {}
+			}
+			if(ret && ret.length && ret[0] === false) {
+				p.error = !ret[0];
+				p.errmsg = ret[1];
+			}
+		};
+		/* moving to common
+		randId = function() {
+			return Math.floor(Math.random()*10000).toString();
+		};
+		*/
+		this.onchange = function (  ){
+			// clear any error 
+			this.p.error = false;
+			this.p.errmsg="";
+			return $.isFunction(this.p.onChange) ? this, this.p ) : false;
+		};
+		/*
+		 * Redraw the filter every time when new field is added/deleted
+		 * and field is  changed
+		 */
+		this.reDraw = function() {
+			$("",this).remove();
+			var t = this.createTableForGroup(p.filter, null);
+			$(this).append(t);
+			if($.isFunction(this.p.afterRedraw) ) {
+, this.p);
+			}
+		};
+		/*
+		 * Creates a grouping data for the filter
+		 * @param group - object
+		 * @param parentgroup - object
+		 */
+		this.createTableForGroup = function(group, parentgroup) {
+			var that = this,  i;
+			// this table will hold all the group (tables) and rules (rows)
+			var table = $("<table class='group ui-widget ui-widget-content' style='border:0px none;'><tbody></tbody></table>"),
+			// create error message row
+			align = "left";
+			if(this.p.direction === "rtl") {
+				align = "right";
+				table.attr("dir","rtl");
+			}
+			if(parentgroup === null) {
+				table.append("<tr class='error' style='display:none;'><th colspan='5' class='ui-state-error' align='"+align+"'></th></tr>");
+			}
+			var tr = $("<tr></tr>");
+			table.append(tr);
+			// this header will hold the group operator type and group action buttons for
+			// creating subgroup "+ {}", creating rule "+" or deleting the group "-"
+			var th = $("<th colspan='5' align='"+align+"'></th>");
+			tr.append(th);
+			if(this.p.ruleButtons === true) {
+			// dropdown for: choosing group operator type
+			var groupOpSelect = $("<select class='opsel'></select>");
+			th.append(groupOpSelect);
+			// populate dropdown with all posible group operators: or, and
+			var str= "", selected;
+			for (i = 0; i < p.groupOps.length; i++) {
+				selected =  group.groupOp === that.p.groupOps[i].op ? " selected='selected'" :"";
+				str += "<option value='"+that.p.groupOps[i].op+"'" + selected+">"+that.p.groupOps[i].text+"</option>";
+			}
+			groupOpSelect
+			.append(str)
+			.bind('change',function() {
+				group.groupOp = $(groupOpSelect).val();
+				that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
+			});
+			}
+			// button for adding a new subgroup
+			var inputAddSubgroup ="<span></span>";
+			if(this.p.groupButton) {
+				inputAddSubgroup = $("<input type='button' value='+ {}' title='Add subgroup' class='add-group'/>");
+				inputAddSubgroup.bind('click',function() {
+					if (group.groups === undefined ) {
+						group.groups = [];
+					}
+					group.groups.push({
+						groupOp: p.groupOps[0].op,
+						rules: [],
+						groups: []
+					}); // adding a new group
+					that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw
+					that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
+					return false;
+				});
+			}
+			th.append(inputAddSubgroup);
+			if(this.p.ruleButtons === true) {
+			// button for adding a new rule
+			var inputAddRule = $("<input type='button' value='+' title='Add rule' class='add-rule ui-add'/>"), cm;
+			inputAddRule.bind('click',function() {
+				//if(!group) { group = {};}
+				if (group.rules === undefined) {
+					group.rules = [];
+				}
+				for (i = 0; i < that.p.columns.length; i++) {
+				// but show only serchable and serchhidden = true fields
+					var searchable = (that.p.columns[i].search === undefined) ?  true: that.p.columns[i].search,
+					hidden = (that.p.columns[i].hidden === true),
+					ignoreHiding = (that.p.columns[i].searchoptions.searchhidden === true);
+					if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) {
+						cm = that.p.columns[i];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				var opr;
+				if( cm.searchoptions.sopt ) {opr = cm.searchoptions.sopt;}
+				else if(that.p.sopt) { opr= that.p.sopt; }
+				else if  ( $.inArray(cm.searchtype, that.p.strarr) !== -1 ) {opr = that.p.stropts;}
+				else {opr = that.p.numopts;}
+				group.rules.push({
+					field:,
+					op: opr[0],
+					data: ""
+				}); // adding a new rule
+				that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw
+				// for the moment no change have been made to the rule, so
+				// this will not trigger onchange event
+				return false;
+			});
+			th.append(inputAddRule);
+			}
+			// button for delete the group
+			if (parentgroup !== null) { // ignore the first group
+				var inputDeleteGroup = $("<input type='button' value='-' title='Delete group' class='delete-group'/>");
+				th.append(inputDeleteGroup);
+				inputDeleteGroup.bind('click',function() {
+				// remove group from parent
+					for (i = 0; i < parentgroup.groups.length; i++) {
+						if (parentgroup.groups[i] === group) {
+							parentgroup.groups.splice(i, 1);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw
+					that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
+					return false;
+				});
+			}
+			// append subgroup rows
+			if (group.groups !== undefined) {
+				for (i = 0; i < group.groups.length; i++) {
+					var trHolderForSubgroup = $("<tr></tr>");
+					table.append(trHolderForSubgroup);
+					var tdFirstHolderForSubgroup = $("<td class='first'></td>");
+					trHolderForSubgroup.append(tdFirstHolderForSubgroup);
+					var tdMainHolderForSubgroup = $("<td colspan='4'></td>");
+					tdMainHolderForSubgroup.append(this.createTableForGroup(group.groups[i], group));
+					trHolderForSubgroup.append(tdMainHolderForSubgroup);
+				}
+			}
+			if(group.groupOp === undefined) {
+				group.groupOp = that.p.groupOps[0].op;
+			}
+			// append rules rows
+			if (group.rules !== undefined) {
+				for (i = 0; i < group.rules.length; i++) {
+					table.append(
+                       this.createTableRowForRule(group.rules[i], group)
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			return table;
+		};
+		/*
+		 * Create the rule data for the filter
+		 */
+		this.createTableRowForRule = function(rule, group ) {
+			// save current entity in a variable so that it could
+			// be referenced in anonimous method calls
+			var that=this, $t = getGrid(), tr = $("<tr></tr>"),
+			//document.createElement("tr"),
+			// first column used for padding
+			//tdFirstHolderForRule = document.createElement("td"),
+			i, op, trpar, cm, str="", selected;
+			//tdFirstHolderForRule.setAttribute("class", "first");
+			tr.append("<td class='first'></td>");
+			// create field container
+			var ruleFieldTd = $("<td class='columns'></td>");
+			tr.append(ruleFieldTd);
+			// dropdown for: choosing field
+			var ruleFieldSelect = $("<select></select>"), ina, aoprs = [];
+			ruleFieldTd.append(ruleFieldSelect);
+			ruleFieldSelect.bind('change',function() {
+				rule.field = $(ruleFieldSelect).val();
+				trpar = $(this).parents("tr:first");
+				for (i=0;i<that.p.columns.length;i++) {
+					if(that.p.columns[i].name ===  rule.field) {
+						cm = that.p.columns[i];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(!cm) {return;}
+ = $.jgrid.randId();
+				if(isIE && cm.inputtype === "text") {
+					if(!cm.searchoptions.size) {
+						cm.searchoptions.size = 10;
+					}
+				}
+				var elm = $$t, cm.inputtype,cm.searchoptions, "", true, that.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {}, true);
+				$(elm).addClass("input-elm");
+				//that.createElement(rule, "");
+				if( cm.searchoptions.sopt ) {op = cm.searchoptions.sopt;}
+				else if(that.p.sopt) { op= that.p.sopt; }
+				else if  ($.inArray(cm.searchtype, that.p.strarr) !== -1) {op = that.p.stropts;}
+				else {op = that.p.numopts;}
+				// operators
+				var s ="", so = 0;
+				aoprs = [];
+				$.each(that.p.ops, function() { aoprs.push(this.oper); });
+				for ( i = 0 ; i < op.length; i++) {
+					ina = $.inArray(op[i],aoprs);
+					if(ina !== -1) {
+						if(so===0) {
+							rule.op = that.p.ops[ina].oper;
+						}
+						s += "<option value='"+that.p.ops[ina].oper+"'>"+that.p.ops[ina].text+"</option>";
+						so++;
+					}
+				}
+				$(".selectopts",trpar).empty().append( s );
+				$(".selectopts",trpar)[0].selectedIndex = 0;
+				if( $.jgrid.msie && $.jgrid.msiever() < 9) {
+					var sw = parseInt($("select.selectopts",trpar)[0].offsetWidth, 10) + 1;
+					$(".selectopts",trpar).width( sw );
+					$(".selectopts",trpar).css("width","auto");
+				}
+				// data
+				$(".data",trpar).empty().append( elm );
+				$$t, elm, cm.searchoptions);
+				$(".input-elm",trpar).bind('change',function( e ) {
+					var elem =;
+ = elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SPAN" && cm.searchoptions && $.isFunction(cm.searchoptions.custom_value) ?
+$t, $(elem).children(".customelement:first"), 'get') : elem.value;
+					that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
+				});
+				setTimeout(function(){ //IE, Opera, Chrome
+ = $(elm).val();
+				that.onchange();  // signals that the filter has changed
+				}, 0);
+			});
+			// populate drop down with user provided column definitions
+			var j=0;
+			for (i = 0; i < that.p.columns.length; i++) {
+				// but show only serchable and serchhidden = true fields
+				var searchable = (that.p.columns[i].search === undefined) ? true: that.p.columns[i].search,
+				hidden = (that.p.columns[i].hidden === true),
+				ignoreHiding = (that.p.columns[i].searchoptions.searchhidden === true);
+				if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) {
+					selected = "";
+					if(rule.field === that.p.columns[i].name) {
+						selected = " selected='selected'";
+						j=i;
+					}
+					str += "<option value='"+that.p.columns[i].name+"'" +selected+">"+that.p.columns[i].label+"</option>";
+				}
+			}
+			ruleFieldSelect.append( str );
+			// create operator container
+			var ruleOperatorTd = $("<td class='operators'></td>");
+			tr.append(ruleOperatorTd);
+			cm = p.columns[j];
+			// create it here so it can be referentiated in the onchange event
+			//var RD = that.createElement(rule,;
+ = $.jgrid.randId();
+			if(isIE && cm.inputtype === "text") {
+				if(!cm.searchoptions.size) {
+					cm.searchoptions.size = 10;
+				}
+			}
+			var ruleDataInput = $$t, cm.inputtype,cm.searchoptions,, true, that.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {}, true);
+			if(rule.op === 'nu' || rule.op === 'nn') {
+				$(ruleDataInput).attr('readonly','true');
+				$(ruleDataInput).attr('disabled','true');
+			} //retain the state of disabled text fields in case of null ops
+			// dropdown for: choosing operator
+			var ruleOperatorSelect = $("<select class='selectopts'></select>");
+			ruleOperatorTd.append(ruleOperatorSelect);
+			ruleOperatorSelect.bind('change',function() {
+				rule.op = $(ruleOperatorSelect).val();
+				trpar = $(this).parents("tr:first");
+				var rd = $(".input-elm",trpar)[0];
+				if (rule.op === "nu" || rule.op === "nn") { // disable for operator "is null" and "is not null"
+ = "";
+					if(rd.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'SELECT') rd.value = "";
+					rd.setAttribute("readonly", "true");
+					rd.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+				} else {
+					if(rd.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SELECT') = rd.value;
+					rd.removeAttribute("readonly");
+					rd.removeAttribute("disabled");
+				}
+				that.onchange();  // signals that the filter has changed
+			});
+			// populate drop down with all available operators
+			if( cm.searchoptions.sopt ) {op = cm.searchoptions.sopt;}
+			else if(that.p.sopt) { op= that.p.sopt; }
+			else if  ($.inArray(cm.searchtype, that.p.strarr) !== -1) {op = that.p.stropts;}
+			else {op = that.p.numopts;}
+			str="";
+			$.each(that.p.ops, function() { aoprs.push(this.oper); });
+			for ( i = 0; i < op.length; i++) {
+				ina = $.inArray(op[i],aoprs);
+				if(ina !== -1) {
+					selected = rule.op === that.p.ops[ina].oper ? " selected='selected'" : "";
+					str += "<option value='"+that.p.ops[ina].oper+"'"+selected+">"+that.p.ops[ina].text+"</option>";
+				}
+			}
+			ruleOperatorSelect.append( str );
+			// create data container
+			var ruleDataTd = $("<td class='data'></td>");
+			tr.append(ruleDataTd);
+			// textbox for: data
+			// is created previously
+			//ruleDataInput.setAttribute("type", "text");
+			ruleDataTd.append(ruleDataInput);
+			$$t, ruleDataInput, cm.searchoptions);
+			$(ruleDataInput)
+			.addClass("input-elm")
+			.bind('change', function() {
+ = cm.inputtype === 'custom' ?$t, $(this).children(".customelement:first"),'get') : $(this).val();
+				that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
+			});
+			// create action container
+			var ruleDeleteTd = $("<td></td>");
+			tr.append(ruleDeleteTd);
+			// create button for: delete rule
+			if(this.p.ruleButtons === true) {
+			var ruleDeleteInput = $("<input type='button' value='-' title='Delete rule' class='delete-rule ui-del'/>");
+			ruleDeleteTd.append(ruleDeleteInput);
+			//$(ruleDeleteInput).html("").height(20).width(30).button({icons: {  primary: "ui-icon-minus", text:false}});
+			ruleDeleteInput.bind('click',function() {
+				// remove rule from group
+				for (i = 0; i < group.rules.length; i++) {
+					if (group.rules[i] === rule) {
+						group.rules.splice(i, 1);
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw
+				that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
+				return false;
+			});
+			}
+			return tr;
+		};
+		this.getStringForGroup = function(group) {
+			var s = "(", index;
+			if (group.groups !== undefined) {
+				for (index = 0; index < group.groups.length; index++) {
+					if (s.length > 1) {
+						s += " " + group.groupOp + " ";
+					}
+					try {
+						s += this.getStringForGroup(group.groups[index]);
+					} catch (eg) {alert(eg);}
+				}
+			}
+			if (group.rules !== undefined) {
+				try{
+					for (index = 0; index < group.rules.length; index++) {
+						if (s.length > 1) {
+							s += " " + group.groupOp + " ";
+						}
+						s += this.getStringForRule(group.rules[index]);
+					}
+				} catch (e) {alert(e);}
+			}
+			s += ")";
+			if (s === "()") {
+				return ""; // ignore groups that don't have rules
+			}
+			return s;
+		};
+		this.getStringForRule = function(rule) {
+			var opUF = "",opC="", i, cm, ret, val,
+			numtypes = ['int', 'integer', 'float', 'number', 'currency']; // jqGrid
+			for (i = 0; i < this.p.ops.length; i++) {
+				if (this.p.ops[i].oper === rule.op) {
+					opUF = this.p.operands.hasOwnProperty(rule.op) ? this.p.operands[rule.op] : "";
+					opC = this.p.ops[i].oper;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			for (i=0; i<this.p.columns.length; i++) {
+				if(this.p.columns[i].name === rule.field) {
+					cm = this.p.columns[i];
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (cm == undefined) { return ""; }
+			val =;
+			if(opC === 'bw' || opC === 'bn') { val = val+"%"; }
+			if(opC === 'ew' || opC === 'en') { val = "%"+val; }
+			if(opC === 'cn' || opC === 'nc') { val = "%"+val+"%"; }
+			if(opC === 'in' || opC === 'ni') { val = " ("+val+")"; }
+			if(p.errorcheck) { checkData(, cm); }
+			if($.inArray(cm.searchtype, numtypes) !== -1 || opC === 'nn' || opC === 'nu') { ret = rule.field + " " + opUF + " " + val; }
+			else { ret = rule.field + " " + opUF + " \"" + val + "\""; }
+			return ret;
+		};
+		this.resetFilter = function () {
+			this.p.filter = $.extend(true,{},this.p.initFilter);
+			this.reDraw();
+			this.onchange();
+		};
+		this.hideError = function() {
+			$("th.ui-state-error", this).html("");
+			$("tr.error", this).hide();
+		};
+		this.showError = function() {
+			$("th.ui-state-error", this).html(this.p.errmsg);
+			$("tr.error", this).show();
+		};
+		this.toUserFriendlyString = function() {
+			return this.getStringForGroup(p.filter);
+		};
+		this.toString = function() {
+			// this will obtain a string that can be used to match an item.
+			var that = this;
+			function getStringRule(rule) {
+				if(that.p.errorcheck) {
+					var i, cm;
+					for (i=0; i<that.p.columns.length; i++) {
+						if(that.p.columns[i].name === rule.field) {
+							cm = that.p.columns[i];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if(cm) {checkData(, cm);}
+				}
+				return rule.op + "(item." + rule.field + ",'" + + "')";
+			}
+			function getStringForGroup(group) {
+				var s = "(", index;
+				if (group.groups !== undefined) {
+					for (index = 0; index < group.groups.length; index++) {
+						if (s.length > 1) {
+							if (group.groupOp === "OR") {
+								s += " || ";
+							}
+							else {
+								s += " && ";
+							}
+						}
+						s += getStringForGroup(group.groups[index]);
+					}
+				}
+				if (group.rules !== undefined) {
+					for (index = 0; index < group.rules.length; index++) {
+						if (s.length > 1) {
+							if (group.groupOp === "OR") {
+								s += " || ";
+							}
+							else  {
+								s += " && ";
+							}
+						}
+						s += getStringRule(group.rules[index]);
+					}
+				}
+				s += ")";
+				if (s === "()") {
+					return ""; // ignore groups that don't have rules
+				}
+				return s;
+			}
+			return getStringForGroup(this.p.filter);
+		};
+		// Here we init the filter
+		this.reDraw();
+		if(this.p.showQuery) {
+			this.onchange();
+		}
+		// mark is as created so that it will not be created twice on this element
+		this.filter = true;
+	});
+	/*
+	 * Return SQL like string. Can be used directly
+	 */
+	toSQLString : function()
+	{
+		var s ="";
+		this.each(function(){
+			s = this.toUserFriendlyString();
+		});
+		return s;
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Return filter data as object.
+	 */
+	filterData : function()
+	{
+		var s;
+		this.each(function(){
+			s = this.p.filter;
+		});
+		return s;
+	},
+	getParameter : function (param) {
+		if(param !== undefined) {
+			if (this.p.hasOwnProperty(param) ) {
+				return this.p[param];
+			}
+		}
+		return this.p;
+	},
+	resetFilter: function() {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			this.resetFilter();
+		});
+	},
+	addFilter: function (pfilter) {
+		if (typeof pfilter === "string") {
+			pfilter = $.jgrid.parse( pfilter );
+	}
+		this.each(function(){
+			this.p.filter = pfilter;
+			this.reDraw();
+			this.onchange();
+		});
+	}
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
+/*global xmlJsonClass, jQuery */
+ * jqGrid extension for form editing Grid Data
+ * Tony Tomov
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+var rp_ge = {};
+	searchGrid : function (p) {
+		p = $.extend(true, {
+			recreateFilter: false,
+			drag: true,
+			sField:'searchField',
+			sValue:'searchString',
+			sOper: 'searchOper',
+			sFilter: 'filters',
+			loadDefaults: true, // this options activates loading of default filters from grid's postData for Multipe Search only.
+			beforeShowSearch: null,
+			afterShowSearch : null,
+			onInitializeSearch: null,
+			afterRedraw : null,
+			afterChange: null,
+			closeAfterSearch : false,
+			closeAfterReset: false,
+			closeOnEscape : false,
+			searchOnEnter : false,
+			multipleSearch : false,
+			multipleGroup : false,
+			//cloneSearchRowOnAdd: true,
+			top : 0,
+			left: 0,
+			jqModal : true,
+			modal: false,
+			resize : true,
+			width: 450,
+			height: 'auto',
+			dataheight: 'auto',
+			showQuery: false,
+			errorcheck : true,
+			sopt: null,
+			stringResult: undefined,
+			onClose : null,
+			onSearch : null,
+			onReset : null,
+			toTop : true,
+			overlay : 30,
+			columns : [],
+			tmplNames : null,
+			tmplFilters : null,
+			tmplLabel : ' Template: ',
+			showOnLoad: false,
+			layer: null,
+			operands : { "eq" :"=", "ne":"<>","lt":"<","le":"<=","gt":">","ge":">=","bw":"LIKE","bn":"NOT LIKE","in":"IN","ni":"NOT IN","ew":"LIKE","en":"NOT LIKE","cn":"LIKE","nc":"NOT LIKE","nu":"IS NULL","nn":"ISNOT NULL"}
+		}, $, p || {});
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			var fid = "fbox_"+$,
+			showFrm = true,
+			mustReload = true,
+			IDs = {themodal:'searchmod'+fid,modalhead:'searchhd'+fid,modalcontent:'searchcnt'+fid, scrollelm : fid},
+			defaultFilters  = $t.p.postData[p.sFilter];
+			if(typeof defaultFilters === "string") {
+				defaultFilters = $.jgrid.parse( defaultFilters );
+			}
+			if(p.recreateFilter === true) {
+				$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).remove();
+			}
+			function showFilter(_filter) {
+				showFrm = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterBeforeShow", [_filter]);
+				if(showFrm === undefined) {
+					showFrm = true;
+				}
+				if(showFrm && $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch)) {
+					showFrm =$t,_filter);
+				}
+				if(showFrm) {
+					$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(fid),jqm:p.jqModal, modal:p.modal, overlay: p.overlay, toTop: p.toTop});
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterAfterShow", [_filter]);
+					if($.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch)) {
+$t, _filter);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if ( $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal))[0] !== undefined ) {
+				showFilter($("#fbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(+$;
+			} else {
+				var fil = $("<div><div id='"+fid+"' class='searchFilter' style='overflow:auto'></div></div>").insertBefore("#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,
+				align = "left", butleft =""; 
+				if($t.p.direction === "rtl") {
+					align = "right";
+					butleft = " style='text-align:left'";
+					fil.attr("dir","rtl");
+				}
+				var columns = $.extend([],$t.p.colModel),
+				bS  ="<a id='"+fid+"_search' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all fm-button-icon-right ui-reset'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search'></span>"+p.Find+"</a>",
+				bC  ="<a id='"+fid+"_reset' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all fm-button-icon-left ui-search'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w'></span>"+p.Reset+"</a>",
+				bQ = "", tmpl="", colnm, found = false, bt, cmi=-1;
+				if(p.showQuery) {
+					bQ ="<a id='"+fid+"_query' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all fm-button-icon-left'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-comment'></span>Query</a>";
+				}
+				if(!p.columns.length) {
+					$.each(columns, function(i,n){
+						if(!n.label) {
+							n.label = $t.p.colNames[i];
+						}
+						// find first searchable column and set it if no default filter
+						if(!found) {
+							var searchable = ( === undefined) ?  true: ,
+							hidden = (n.hidden === true),
+							ignoreHiding = (n.searchoptions && n.searchoptions.searchhidden === true);
+							if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) {
+								found = true;
+								colnm = n.index ||;
+								cmi =i;
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					columns = p.columns;
+					cmi = 0;
+					colnm = columns[0].index || columns[0].name;
+				}
+				// old behaviour
+				if( (!defaultFilters && colnm) || p.multipleSearch === false  ) {
+					var cmop = "eq";
+					if(cmi >=0 && columns[cmi].searchoptions && columns[cmi].searchoptions.sopt) {
+						cmop = columns[cmi].searchoptions.sopt[0];
+					} else if(p.sopt && p.sopt.length) {
+						cmop = p.sopt[0];
+					}
+					defaultFilters = {groupOp: "AND", rules: [{field: colnm, op: cmop, data: ""}]};
+				}
+				found = false;
+				if(p.tmplNames && p.tmplNames.length) {
+					found = true;
+					tmpl = p.tmplLabel;
+					tmpl += "<select class='ui-template'>";
+					tmpl += "<option value='default'>Default</option>";
+					$.each(p.tmplNames, function(i,n){
+						tmpl += "<option value='"+i+"'>"+n+"</option>";
+					});
+					tmpl += "</select>";
+				}
+				bt = "<table class='EditTable' style='border:0px none;margin-top:5px' id='"+fid+"_2'><tbody><tr><td colspan='2'><hr class='ui-widget-content' style='margin:1px'/></td></tr><tr><td class='EditButton' style='text-align:"+align+"'>"+bC+tmpl+"</td><td class='EditButton' "+butleft+">"+bQ+bS+"</td></tr></tbody></table>";
+				fid = $.jgrid.jqID( fid);
+				$("#"+fid).jqFilter({
+					columns : columns,
+					filter: p.loadDefaults ? defaultFilters : null,
+					showQuery: p.showQuery,
+					errorcheck : p.errorcheck,
+					sopt: p.sopt,
+					groupButton : p.multipleGroup,
+					ruleButtons : p.multipleSearch,
+					afterRedraw : p.afterRedraw,
+					ops : p.odata,
+					operands : p.operands,
+					ajaxSelectOptions: $t.p.ajaxSelectOptions,
+					groupOps: p.groupOps,
+					onChange : function() {
+						if(this.p.showQuery) {
+							$('.query',this).html(this.toUserFriendlyString());
+						}
+						if ($.isFunction(p.afterChange)) {
+$t, $("#"+fid), p);
+						}
+					},
+					direction : $t.p.direction,
+					id: $
+				});
+				fil.append( bt );
+				if(found && p.tmplFilters && p.tmplFilters.length) {
+					$(".ui-template", fil).bind('change', function(){
+						var curtempl = $(this).val();
+						if(curtempl==="default") {
+							$("#"+fid).jqFilter('addFilter', defaultFilters);
+						} else {
+							$("#"+fid).jqFilter('addFilter', p.tmplFilters[parseInt(curtempl,10)]);
+						}
+						return false;
+					});
+				}
+				if(p.multipleGroup === true) {p.multipleSearch = true;}
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterInitialize", [$("#"+fid)]);
+				if($.isFunction(p.onInitializeSearch) ) {
+$t, $("#"+fid));
+				}
+				p.gbox = "#gbox_"+fid;
+				if (p.layer) {
+					$.jgrid.createModal(IDs ,fil,p,"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,$("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($[0], "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(p.layer), {position: "relative"});
+				} else {
+					$.jgrid.createModal(IDs ,fil,p,"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,$("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($[0]);
+				}
+				if (p.searchOnEnter || p.closeOnEscape) {
+					$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).keydown(function (e) {
+						var $target = $(;
+						if (p.searchOnEnter && e.which === 13 && // 13 === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER
+								!$target.hasClass('add-group') && !$target.hasClass('add-rule') &&
+								!$target.hasClass('delete-group') && !$target.hasClass('delete-rule') &&
+								(!$target.hasClass("fm-button") || !$"[id$=_query]"))) {
+							$("#"+fid+"_search").click();
+							return false;
+						}
+						if (p.closeOnEscape && e.which === 27) { // 27 === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE
+							$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.modalhead)).find(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close").click();
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				if(bQ) {
+					$("#"+fid+"_query").bind('click', function(){
+						$(".queryresult", fil).toggle();
+						return false;
+					});
+				}
+				if (p.stringResult===undefined) {
+					// to provide backward compatibility, inferring stringResult value from multipleSearch
+					p.stringResult = p.multipleSearch;
+				}
+				$("#"+fid+"_search").bind('click', function(){
+					var fl = $("#"+fid), sdata={}, res, filters;
+					fl.find(".input-elm:focus").change();
+					filters = fl.jqFilter('filterData');
+					if(p.errorcheck) {
+						fl[0].hideError();
+						if(!p.showQuery) {fl.jqFilter('toSQLString');}
+						if(fl[0].p.error) {
+							fl[0].showError();
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					if(p.stringResult) {
+						try {
+							// xmlJsonClass or JSON.stringify
+							res = xmlJsonClass.toJson(filters, '', '', false);
+						} catch (e) {
+							try {
+								res = JSON.stringify(filters);
+							} catch (e2) { }
+						}
+						if(typeof res==="string") {
+							sdata[p.sFilter] = res;
+							$.each([p.sField,p.sValue, p.sOper], function() {sdata[this] = "";});
+						}
+					} else {
+						if(p.multipleSearch) {
+							sdata[p.sFilter] = filters;
+							$.each([p.sField,p.sValue, p.sOper], function() {sdata[this] = "";});
+						} else {
+							sdata[p.sField] = filters.rules[0].field;
+							sdata[p.sValue] = filters.rules[0].data;
+							sdata[p.sOper] = filters.rules[0].op;
+							sdata[p.sFilter] = "";
+						}
+					}
+					$ = true;
+					$.extend($t.p.postData,sdata);
+					mustReload = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterSearch");
+					if( mustReload === undefined) {
+						mustReload = true;
+					}
+					if(mustReload && $.isFunction(p.onSearch) ) {
+						mustReload =$t, $t.p.filters);
+					}
+					if (mustReload !== false) {
+						$($t).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+					}
+					if(p.closeAfterSearch) {
+						$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: p.onClose});
+					}
+					return false;
+				});
+				$("#"+fid+"_reset").bind('click', function(){
+					var sdata={},
+					fl = $("#"+fid);
+					$ = false;
+					$t.p.resetsearch =  true;
+					if(p.multipleSearch===false) {
+						sdata[p.sField] = sdata[p.sValue] = sdata[p.sOper] = "";
+					} else {
+						sdata[p.sFilter] = "";
+					}
+					fl[0].resetFilter();
+					if(found) {
+						$(".ui-template", fil).val("default");
+					}
+					$.extend($t.p.postData,sdata);
+					mustReload = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterReset");
+					if(mustReload === undefined) {
+						mustReload = true;
+					}
+					if(mustReload && $.isFunction(p.onReset) ) {
+						mustReload =$t);
+					}
+					if(mustReload !== false) {
+						$($t).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+					}
+					if (p.closeAfterReset) {
+						$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: p.onClose});
+					}
+					return false;
+				});
+				showFilter($("#"+fid));
+				$(".fm-button:not(.ui-state-disabled)",fil).hover(
+					function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+					function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');}
+				);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	editGridRow : function(rowid, p){
+		p = $.extend(true, {
+			top : 0,
+			left: 0,
+			width: 300,
+			datawidth: 'auto',
+			height: 'auto',
+			dataheight: 'auto',
+			modal: false,
+			overlay : 30,
+			drag: true,
+			resize: true,
+			url: null,
+			mtype : "POST",
+			clearAfterAdd :true,
+			closeAfterEdit : false,
+			reloadAfterSubmit : true,
+			onInitializeForm: null,
+			beforeInitData: null,
+			beforeShowForm: null,
+			afterShowForm: null,
+			beforeSubmit: null,
+			afterSubmit: null,
+			onclickSubmit: null,
+			afterComplete: null,
+			onclickPgButtons : null,
+			afterclickPgButtons: null,
+			editData : {},
+			recreateForm : false,
+			jqModal : true,
+			closeOnEscape : false,
+			addedrow : "first",
+			topinfo : '',
+			bottominfo: '',
+			saveicon : [],
+			closeicon : [],
+			savekey: [false,13],
+			navkeys: [false,38,40],
+			checkOnSubmit : false,
+			checkOnUpdate : false,
+			_savedData : {},
+			processing : false,
+			onClose : null,
+			ajaxEditOptions : {},
+			serializeEditData : null,
+			viewPagerButtons : true,
+			overlayClass : 'ui-widget-overlay'
+		}, $.jgrid.edit, p || {});
+		rp_ge[$(this)[0]] = p;
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if (!$t.grid || !rowid) {return;}
+			var gID = $,
+			frmgr = "FrmGrid_"+gID, frmtborg = "TblGrid_"+gID, frmtb = "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(frmtborg), 
+			IDs = {themodal:'editmod'+gID,modalhead:'edithd'+gID,modalcontent:'editcnt'+gID, scrollelm : frmgr},
+			onBeforeShow = $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].beforeShowForm) ? rp_ge[$].beforeShowForm : false,
+			onAfterShow = $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].afterShowForm) ? rp_ge[$].afterShowForm : false,
+			onBeforeInit = $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].beforeInitData) ? rp_ge[$].beforeInitData : false,
+			onInitializeForm = $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].onInitializeForm) ? rp_ge[$].onInitializeForm : false,
+			showFrm = true,
+			maxCols = 1, maxRows=0,	postdata, diff, frmoper;
+			frmgr = $.jgrid.jqID(frmgr);
+			if (rowid === "new") {
+				rowid = "_empty";
+				frmoper = "add";
+				p.caption=rp_ge[$].addCaption;
+			} else {
+				p.caption=rp_ge[$].editCaption;
+				frmoper = "edit";
+			}
+			if(!p.recreateForm) {
+				if( $($t).data("formProp") ) {
+					$.extend(rp_ge[$(this)[0]], $($t).data("formProp"));
+				}
+			}
+			var closeovrl = true;
+			if(p.checkOnUpdate && p.jqModal && !p.modal) {
+				closeovrl = false;
+			}
+			function getFormData(){
+				$(frmtb+" > tbody > tr > td > .FormElement").each(function() {
+					var celm = $(".customelement", this);
+					if (celm.length) {
+						var  elem = celm[0], nm = $(elem).attr('name');
+						$.each($t.p.colModel, function(){
+							if( === nm && this.editoptions && $.isFunction(this.editoptions.custom_value)) {
+								try {
+									postdata[nm] =$t, $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(nm),frmtb),'get');
+									if (postdata[nm] === undefined) {throw "e1";}
+								} catch (e) {
+									if (e==="e1") {$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+									else {$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,e.message,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+								}
+								return true;
+							}
+						});
+					} else {
+					switch ($(this).get(0).type) {
+						case "checkbox":
+							if($(this).is(":checked")) {
+								postdata[]= $(this).val();
+							}else {
+								var ofv = $(this).attr("offval");
+								postdata[]= ofv;
+							}
+						break;
+						case "select-one":
+							postdata[]= $("option:selected",this).val();
+						break;
+						case "select-multiple":
+							postdata[]= $(this).val();
+							if(postdata[]) {postdata[] = postdata[].join(",");}
+							else {postdata[] ="";}
+							var selectedText = [];
+							$("option:selected",this).each(
+								function(i,selected){
+									selectedText[i] = $(selected).text();
+								}
+							);
+						break;
+						case "password":
+						case "text":
+						case "textarea":
+						case "button":
+							postdata[] = $(this).val();
+						break;
+					}
+					if($t.p.autoencode) {postdata[] = $.jgrid.htmlEncode(postdata[]);}
+					}
+				});
+				return true;
+			}
+			function createData(rowid,obj,tb,maxcols){
+				var nm, hc,trdata, cnt=0,tmp, dc,elc, retpos=[], ind=false,
+				tdtmpl = "<td class='CaptionTD'>&#160;</td><td class='DataTD'>&#160;</td>", tmpl="", i; //*2
+				for (i =1; i<=maxcols;i++) {
+					tmpl += tdtmpl;
+				}
+				if(rowid !== '_empty') {
+					ind = $(obj).jqGrid("getInd",rowid);
+				}
+				$(obj.p.colModel).each( function(i) {
+					nm =;
+					// hidden fields are included in the form
+					if(this.editrules && this.editrules.edithidden === true) {
+						hc = false;
+					} else {
+						hc = this.hidden === true ? true : false;
+					}
+					dc = hc ? "style='display:none'" : "";
+					if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && this.editable===true && nm !== 'rn') {
+						if(ind === false) {
+							tmp = "";
+						} else {
+							if(nm === obj.p.ExpandColumn && obj.p.treeGrid === true) {
+								tmp = $("td[role='gridcell']:eq("+i+")",obj.rows[ind]).text();
+							} else {
+								try {
+									tmp =  $, $("td[role='gridcell']:eq("+i+")",obj.rows[ind]),{rowId:rowid, colModel:this},i);
+								} catch (_) {
+									tmp =  (this.edittype && this.edittype === "textarea") ? $("td[role='gridcell']:eq("+i+")",obj.rows[ind]).text() : $("td[role='gridcell']:eq("+i+")",obj.rows[ind]).html();
+								}
+								if(!tmp || tmp === "&nbsp;" || tmp === "&#160;" || (tmp.length===1 && tmp.charCodeAt(0)===160) ) {tmp='';}
+							}
+						}
+						var opt = $.extend({}, this.editoptions || {} ,{id:nm,name:nm}),
+						frmopt = $.extend({}, {elmprefix:'',elmsuffix:'',rowabove:false,rowcontent:''}, this.formoptions || {}),
+						rp = parseInt(frmopt.rowpos,10) || cnt+1,
+						cp = parseInt((parseInt(frmopt.colpos,10) || 1)*2,10);
+						if(rowid === "_empty" && opt.defaultValue ) {
+							tmp = $.isFunction(opt.defaultValue) ?$t) : opt.defaultValue;
+						}
+						if(!this.edittype) {this.edittype = "text";}
+						if($t.p.autoencode) {tmp = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(tmp);}
+						elc = $$t,this.edittype,opt,tmp,false,$.extend({},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions,obj.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {}));
+						//if(tmp === "" && this.edittype == "checkbox") {tmp = $(elc).attr("offval");}
+						//if(tmp === "" && this.edittype == "select") {tmp = $("option:eq(0)",elc).text();}
+						if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {rp_ge[$]._savedData[nm] = tmp;}
+						$(elc).addClass("FormElement");
+						if( $.inArray(this.edittype, ['text','textarea','password','select']) > -1) {
+							$(elc).addClass("ui-widget-content ui-corner-all");
+						}
+						trdata = $(tb).find("tr[rowpos="+rp+"]");
+						if(frmopt.rowabove) {
+							var newdata = $("<tr><td class='contentinfo' colspan='"+(maxcols*2)+"'>"+frmopt.rowcontent+"</td></tr>");
+							$(tb).append(newdata);
+							newdata[0].rp = rp;
+						}
+						if ( trdata.length===0 ) {
+							trdata = $("<tr "+dc+" rowpos='"+rp+"'></tr>").addClass("FormData").attr("id","tr_"+nm);
+							$(trdata).append(tmpl);
+							$(tb).append(trdata);
+							trdata[0].rp = rp;
+						}
+						$("td:eq("+(cp-2)+")",trdata[0]).html(frmopt.label === undefined ? obj.p.colNames[i]: frmopt.label);
+						$("td:eq("+(cp-1)+")",trdata[0]).append(frmopt.elmprefix).append(elc).append(frmopt.elmsuffix);
+						if(this.edittype==='custom' && $.isFunction(opt.custom_value) ) {
+$t, $("#"+nm,"#"+frmgr),'set',tmp);
+						}
+						$$t, elc, opt);
+						retpos[cnt] = i;
+						cnt++;
+					}
+				});
+				if( cnt > 0) {
+					var idrow = $("<tr class='FormData' style='display:none'><td class='CaptionTD'></td><td colspan='"+ (maxcols*2-1)+"' class='DataTD'><input class='FormElement' id='id_g' type='text' name='""_id' value='"+rowid+"'/></td></tr>");
+					idrow[0].rp = cnt+999;
+					$(tb).append(idrow);
+					if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {rp_ge[$]._savedData["_id"] = rowid;}
+				}
+				return retpos;
+			}
+			function fillData(rowid,obj,fmid){
+				var nm,cnt=0,tmp, fld,opt,vl,vlc;
+				if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {rp_ge[$]._savedData = {};rp_ge[$]._savedData["_id"]=rowid;}
+				var cm = obj.p.colModel;
+				if(rowid === '_empty') {
+					$(cm).each(function(){
+						nm =;
+						opt = $.extend({}, this.editoptions || {} );
+						fld = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(nm),"#"+fmid);
+						if(fld && fld.length && fld[0] !== null) {
+							vl = "";
+							if(this.edittype === 'custom' && $.isFunction(opt.custom_value)) {
+$t, $("#"+nm,"#"+fmid),'set',vl);
+							} else if(opt.defaultValue ) {
+								vl = $.isFunction(opt.defaultValue) ?$t) : opt.defaultValue;
+								if(fld[0].type==='checkbox') {
+									vlc = vl.toLowerCase();
+									if(|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i)<0 && vlc!=="") {
+										fld[0].checked = true;
+										fld[0].defaultChecked = true;
+										fld[0].value = vl;
+									} else {
+										fld[0].checked = false;
+										fld[0].defaultChecked = false;
+									}
+								} else {fld.val(vl);}
+							} else {
+								if( fld[0].type==='checkbox' ) {
+									fld[0].checked = false;
+									fld[0].defaultChecked = false;
+									vl = $(fld).attr("offval");
+								} else if (fld[0].type && fld[0].type.substr(0,6)==='select') {
+									fld[0].selectedIndex = 0;
+								} else {
+									fld.val(vl);
+								}
+							}
+							if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit===true || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {rp_ge[$]._savedData[nm] = vl;}
+						}
+					});
+					$("#id_g","#"+fmid).val(rowid);
+					return;
+				}
+				var tre = $(obj).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+				if(!tre) {return;}
+				$('td[role="gridcell"]',tre).each( function(i) {
+					nm = cm[i].name;
+					// hidden fields are included in the form
+					if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && nm !== 'rn' && cm[i].editable===true) {
+						if(nm === obj.p.ExpandColumn && obj.p.treeGrid === true) {
+							tmp = $(this).text();
+						} else {
+							try {
+								tmp =  $, $(this),{rowId:rowid, colModel:cm[i]},i);
+							} catch (_) {
+								tmp = cm[i].edittype==="textarea" ? $(this).text() : $(this).html();
+							}
+						}
+						if($t.p.autoencode) {tmp = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(tmp);}
+						if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit===true || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {rp_ge[$]._savedData[nm] = tmp;}
+						nm = $.jgrid.jqID(nm);
+						switch (cm[i].edittype) {
+							case "password":
+							case "text":
+							case "button" :
+							case "image":
+							case "textarea":
+								if(tmp === "&nbsp;" || tmp === "&#160;" || (tmp.length===1 && tmp.charCodeAt(0)===160) ) {tmp='';}
+								$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid).val(tmp);
+								break;
+							case "select":
+								var opv = tmp.split(",");
+								opv = $.map(opv,function(n){return $.trim(n);});
+								$("#"+nm+" option","#"+fmid).each(function(){
+									if (!cm[i].editoptions.multiple && ($.trim(tmp) === $.trim($(this).text()) || opv[0] === $.trim($(this).text()) || opv[0] === $.trim($(this).val())) ){
+										this.selected= true;
+									} else if (cm[i].editoptions.multiple){
+										if(  $.inArray($.trim($(this).text()), opv ) > -1 || $.inArray($.trim($(this).val()), opv ) > -1  ){
+											this.selected = true;
+										}else{
+											this.selected = false;
+										}
+									} else {
+										this.selected = false;
+									}
+								});
+								break;
+							case "checkbox":
+								tmp = String(tmp);
+								if(cm[i].editoptions && cm[i].editoptions.value) {
+									var cb = cm[i].editoptions.value.split(":");
+									if(cb[0] === tmp) {
+										$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']({"checked":true, "defaultChecked" : true});
+									} else {
+										$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']({"checked":false, "defaultChecked" : false});
+									}
+								} else {
+									tmp = tmp.toLowerCase();
+									if(|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i)<0 && tmp!=="") {
+										$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",true);
+										$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("defaultChecked",true); //ie
+									} else {
+										$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", false);
+										$("#"+nm,"#"+fmid)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("defaultChecked", false); //ie
+									}
+								}
+								break;
+							case 'custom' :
+								try {
+									if(cm[i].editoptions && $.isFunction(cm[i].editoptions.custom_value)) {
+										cm[i]$t, $("#"+nm,"#"+fmid),'set',tmp);
+									} else {throw "e1";}
+								} catch (e) {
+									if (e==="e1") {$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+									else {$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,e.message,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);}
+								}
+								break;
+						}
+						cnt++;
+					}
+				});
+				if(cnt>0) {$("#id_g",frmtb).val(rowid);}
+			}
+			function setNulls() {
+				$.each($t.p.colModel, function(i,n){
+					if(n.editoptions && n.editoptions.NullIfEmpty === true) {
+						if(postdata.hasOwnProperty( && postdata[] === "") {
+							postdata[] = 'null';
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			function postIt() {
+				var copydata, ret=[true,"",""], onCS = {}, opers = $t.p.prmNames, idname, oper, key, selr, i;
+				var retvals = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeCheckValues", [$("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+				if(retvals && typeof retvals === 'object') {postdata = retvals;}
+				if($.isFunction(rp_ge[$].beforeCheckValues)) {
+					retvals = rp_ge[$]$t, postdata,$("#"+frmgr),frmoper);
+					if(retvals && typeof retvals === 'object') {postdata = retvals;}
+				}
+				for( key in postdata ){
+					if(postdata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+						ret = $$t,postdata[key],key);
+						if(ret[0] === false) {break;}
+					}
+				}
+				setNulls();
+				if(ret[0]) {
+					onCS = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickSubmit", [rp_ge[$], postdata, frmoper]);
+					if( onCS === undefined && $.isFunction( rp_ge[$].onclickSubmit)) { 
+						onCS = rp_ge[$]$t, rp_ge[$], postdata, frmoper) || {}; 
+					}
+					ret = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeSubmit", [postdata, $("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+					if(ret === undefined) {
+						ret = [true,"",""];
+					}
+					if( ret[0] && $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].beforeSubmit))  {
+						ret = rp_ge[$]$t,postdata,$("#"+frmgr), frmoper);
+					}
+				}
+				if(ret[0] && !rp_ge[$].processing) {
+					rp_ge[$].processing = true;
+					$("#sData", frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-active');
+					oper = opers.oper;
+					idname =;
+					// we add to pos data array the action - the name is oper
+					postdata[oper] = ($.trim(postdata[$"_id"]) === "_empty") ? opers.addoper : opers.editoper;
+					if(postdata[oper] !== opers.addoper) {
+						postdata[idname] = postdata[$"_id"];
+					} else {
+						// check to see if we have allredy this field in the form and if yes lieve it
+						if( postdata[idname] === undefined ) {postdata[idname] = postdata[$"_id"];}
+					}
+					delete postdata[$"_id"];
+					postdata = $.extend(postdata,rp_ge[$].editData,onCS);
+					if($t.p.treeGrid === true)  {
+						if(postdata[oper] === opers.addoper) {
+						selr = $($t).jqGrid("getGridParam", 'selrow');
+							var tr_par_id = $t.p.treeGridModel === 'adjacency' ? $t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field : 'parent_id';
+							postdata[tr_par_id] = selr;
+						}
+						for(i in $t.p.treeReader){
+							if($t.p.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+								var itm = $t.p.treeReader[i];
+								if(postdata.hasOwnProperty(itm)) {
+									if(postdata[oper] === opers.addoper && i === 'parent_id_field') {continue;}
+									delete postdata[itm];
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					postdata[idname] = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, postdata[idname]);
+					var ajaxOptions = $.extend({
+						url: rp_ge[$].url || $($t).jqGrid('getGridParam','editurl'),
+						type: rp_ge[$].mtype,
+						data: $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].serializeEditData) ? rp_ge[$]$t,postdata) :  postdata,
+						complete:function(data,status){
+							var key;
+							postdata[idname] = $t.p.idPrefix + postdata[idname];
+							if(data.status >= 300 && data.status !== 304) {
+								ret[0] = false;
+								ret[1] = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditErrorTextFormat", [data, frmoper]);
+								if ($.isFunction(rp_ge[$].errorTextFormat)) {
+									ret[1] = rp_ge[$]$t, data, frmoper);
+								} else {
+									ret[1] = status + " Status: '" + data.statusText + "'. Error code: " + data.status;
+								}
+							} else {
+								// data is posted successful
+								// execute aftersubmit with the returned data from server
+								ret = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterSubmit", [data, postdata, frmoper]);
+								if(ret === undefined) {
+									ret = [true,"",""];
+								}
+								if( ret[0] && $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].afterSubmit) ) {
+									ret = rp_ge[$]$t, data,postdata, frmoper);
+								}
+							}
+							if(ret[0] === false) {
+								$("#FormError>td",frmtb).html(ret[1]);
+								$("#FormError",frmtb).show();
+							} else {
+								if($t.p.autoencode) {
+									$.each(postdata,function(n,v){
+										postdata[n] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(v);
+									});
+								}
+								//rp_ge[$].reloadAfterSubmit = rp_ge[$].reloadAfterSubmit && $t.p.datatype != "local";
+								// the action is add
+								if(postdata[oper] === opers.addoper ) {
+									//id processing
+									// user not set the id ret[2]
+									if(!ret[2]) {ret[2] = $.jgrid.randId();}
+									postdata[idname] = ret[2];
+									if(rp_ge[$].reloadAfterSubmit) {
+										$($t).trigger("reloadGrid");
+									} else {
+										if($t.p.treeGrid === true){
+											$($t).jqGrid("addChildNode",ret[2],selr,postdata );
+										} else {
+											$($t).jqGrid("addRowData",ret[2],postdata,p.addedrow);
+										}
+									}
+									if(rp_ge[$].closeAfterAdd) {
+										if($t.p.treeGrid !== true){
+											$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",ret[2]);
+										}
+										$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+									} else if (rp_ge[$].clearAfterAdd) {
+										fillData("_empty",$t,frmgr);
+									}
+								} else {
+									// the action is update
+									if(rp_ge[$].reloadAfterSubmit) {
+										$($t).trigger("reloadGrid");
+										if( !rp_ge[$].closeAfterEdit ) {setTimeout(function(){$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",postdata[idname]);},1000);}
+									} else {
+										if($t.p.treeGrid === true) {
+											$($t).jqGrid("setTreeRow", postdata[idname],postdata);
+										} else {
+											$($t).jqGrid("setRowData", postdata[idname],postdata);
+										}
+									}
+									if(rp_ge[$].closeAfterEdit) {$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});}
+								}
+								if($.isFunction(rp_ge[$].afterComplete)) {
+									copydata = data;
+									setTimeout(function(){
+										$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterComplete", [copydata, postdata, $("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+										rp_ge[$]$t, copydata, postdata, $("#"+frmgr), frmoper);
+										copydata=null;
+									},500);
+								}
+								if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {
+									$("#"+frmgr).data("disabled",false);
+									if(rp_ge[$]._savedData[$"_id"] !== "_empty"){
+										for(key in rp_ge[$]._savedData) {
+											if(rp_ge[$]._savedData.hasOwnProperty(key) && postdata[key]) {
+												rp_ge[$]._savedData[key] = postdata[key];
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							rp_ge[$].processing=false;
+							$("#sData", frmtb+"_2").removeClass('ui-state-active');
+							try{$(':input:visible',"#"+frmgr)[0].focus();} catch (e){}
+						}
+					}, $.jgrid.ajaxOptions, rp_ge[$].ajaxEditOptions );
+					if (!ajaxOptions.url && !rp_ge[$].useDataProxy) {
+						if ($.isFunction($t.p.dataProxy)) {
+							rp_ge[$].useDataProxy = true;
+						} else {
+							ret[0]=false;ret[1] += " "+$.jgrid.errors.nourl;
+						}
+					}
+					if (ret[0]) {
+						if (rp_ge[$].useDataProxy) {
+							var dpret = $$t, ajaxOptions, "set_"+$; 
+							if(dpret === undefined) {
+								dpret = [true, ""];
+							}
+							if(dpret[0] === false ) {
+								ret[0] = false;
+								ret[1] = dpret[1] || "Error deleting the selected row!" ;
+							} else {
+								if( === opers.addoper && rp_ge[$].closeAfterAdd ) {
+									$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+								}
+								if( === opers.editoper && rp_ge[$].closeAfterEdit ) {
+									$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+								}
+							}
+						} else {
+							$.ajax(ajaxOptions); 
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(ret[0] === false) {
+					$("#FormError>td",frmtb).html(ret[1]);
+					$("#FormError",frmtb).show();
+					// return;
+				}
+			}
+			function compareData(nObj, oObj ) {
+				var ret = false,key;
+				for (key in nObj) {
+					if(nObj.hasOwnProperty(key) && nObj[key] != oObj[key]) {
+						ret = true;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				return ret;
+			}
+			function checkUpdates () {
+				var stat = true;
+				$("#FormError",frmtb).hide();
+				if(rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {
+					postdata = {};
+					getFormData();
+					diff = compareData(postdata,rp_ge[$]._savedData);
+					if(diff) {
+						$("#"+frmgr).data("disabled",true);
+						$(".confirm","#"+IDs.themodal).show();
+						stat = false;
+					}
+				}
+				return stat;
+			}
+			function restoreInline()
+			{
+				var i;
+				if (rowid !== "_empty" && $t.p.savedRow !== undefined && $t.p.savedRow.length > 0 && $.isFunction($.fn.jqGrid.restoreRow)) {
+					for (i=0;i<$t.p.savedRow.length;i++) {
+						if ($t.p.savedRow[i].id == rowid) {
+							$($t).jqGrid('restoreRow',rowid);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function updateNav(cr, posarr){
+				var totr = posarr[1].length-1;
+				if (cr===0) {
+					$("#pData",frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else if( posarr[1][cr-1] !== undefined && $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(posarr[1][cr-1])).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+						$("#pData",frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else {
+					$("#pData",frmtb+"_2").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				}
+				if (cr===totr) {
+					$("#nData",frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else if( posarr[1][cr+1] !== undefined && $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(posarr[1][cr+1])).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+					$("#nData",frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else {
+					$("#nData",frmtb+"_2").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				}
+			}
+			function getCurrPos() {
+				var rowsInGrid = $($t).jqGrid("getDataIDs"),
+				selrow = $("#id_g",frmtb).val(),
+				pos = $.inArray(selrow,rowsInGrid);
+				return [pos,rowsInGrid];
+			}
+			var dh = isNaN(rp_ge[$(this)[0]].dataheight) ? rp_ge[$(this)[0]].dataheight : rp_ge[$(this)[0]].dataheight+"px",
+			dw = isNaN(rp_ge[$(this)[0]].datawidth) ? rp_ge[$(this)[0]].datawidth : rp_ge[$(this)[0]].datawidth+"px",
+			frm = $("<form name='FormPost' id='"+frmgr+"' class='FormGrid' onSubmit='return false;' style='width:"+dw+";overflow:auto;position:relative;height:"+dh+";'></form>").data("disabled",false),
+			tbl = $("<table id='"+frmtborg+"' class='EditTable' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tbody></tbody></table>");
+			showFrm = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeInitData", [$("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+			if(showFrm === undefined) {
+				showFrm = true;
+			}
+			if(showFrm && onBeforeInit) {
+				showFrm =$t,$("#"+frmgr),frmoper);
+			}
+			if(showFrm === false) {return;}
+			restoreInline();
+			$($t.p.colModel).each( function() {
+				var fmto = this.formoptions;
+				maxCols = Math.max(maxCols, fmto ? fmto.colpos || 0 : 0 );
+				maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, fmto ? fmto.rowpos || 0 : 0 );
+			});
+			$(frm).append(tbl);
+			var flr = $("<tr id='FormError' style='display:none'><td class='ui-state-error' colspan='"+(maxCols*2)+"'></td></tr>");
+			flr[0].rp = 0;
+			$(tbl).append(flr);
+			//topinfo
+			flr = $("<tr style='display:none' class='tinfo'><td class='topinfo' colspan='"+(maxCols*2)+"'>"+rp_ge[$].topinfo+"</td></tr>");
+			flr[0].rp = 0;
+			$(tbl).append(flr);
+			// set the id.
+			// use carefull only to change here colproperties.
+			// create data
+			var rtlb = $t.p.direction === "rtl" ? true :false,
+			bp = rtlb ? "nData" : "pData",
+			bn = rtlb ? "pData" : "nData";
+			createData(rowid,$t,tbl,maxCols);
+			// buttons at footer
+			var bP = "<a id='"+bp+"' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-left'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-w'></span></a>",
+			bN = "<a id='"+bn+"' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-right'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e'></span></a>",
+			bS  ="<a id='sData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bSubmit+"</a>",
+			bC  ="<a id='cData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bCancel+"</a>";
+			var bt = "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='EditTable' id='"+frmtborg+"_2'><tbody><tr><td colspan='2'><hr class='ui-widget-content' style='margin:1px'/></td></tr><tr id='Act_Buttons'><td class='navButton'>"+(rtlb ? bN+bP : bP+bN)+"</td><td class='EditButton'>"+bS+bC+"</td></tr>";
+			bt += "<tr style='display:none' class='binfo'><td class='bottominfo' colspan='2'>"+rp_ge[$].bottominfo+"</td></tr>";
+			bt += "</tbody></table>";
+			if(maxRows >  0) {
+				var sd=[];
+				$.each($(tbl)[0].rows,function(i,r){
+					sd[i] = r;
+				});
+				sd.sort(function(a,b){
+					if(a.rp > b.rp) {return 1;}
+					if(a.rp < b.rp) {return -1;}
+					return 0;
+				});
+				$.each(sd, function(index, row) {
+					$('tbody',tbl).append(row);
+				});
+			}
+			p.gbox = "#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID);
+			var cle = false;
+			if(p.closeOnEscape===true){
+				p.closeOnEscape = false;
+				cle = true;
+			}
+			var tms = $("<div></div>").append(frm).append(bt);
+			$.jgrid.createModal(IDs,tms, rp_ge[$(this)[0]] ,"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,$("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($[0]);
+			if(rtlb) {
+				$("#pData, #nData",frmtb+"_2").css("float","right");
+				$(".EditButton",frmtb+"_2").css("text-align","left");
+			}
+			if(rp_ge[$].topinfo) {$(".tinfo",frmtb).show();}
+			if(rp_ge[$].bottominfo) {$(".binfo",frmtb+"_2").show();}
+			tms = null;bt=null;
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).keydown( function( e ) {
+				var wkey =;
+				if ($("#"+frmgr).data("disabled")===true ) {return false;}//??
+				if(rp_ge[$].savekey[0] === true && e.which === rp_ge[$].savekey[1]) { // save
+					if(wkey.tagName !== "TEXTAREA") {
+						$("#sData", frmtb+"_2").trigger("click");
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+				if(e.which === 27) {
+					if(!checkUpdates()) {return false;}
+					if(cle)	{$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:p.gbox,jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});}
+					return false;
+				}
+				if(rp_ge[$].navkeys[0]===true) {
+					if($("#id_g",frmtb).val() === "_empty") {return true;}
+					if(e.which === rp_ge[$].navkeys[1]){ //up
+						$("#pData", frmtb+"_2").trigger("click");
+						return false;
+					}
+					if(e.which === rp_ge[$].navkeys[2]){ //down
+						$("#nData", frmtb+"_2").trigger("click");
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if(p.checkOnUpdate) {
+				$("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close span","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).removeClass("jqmClose");
+				$("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).unbind("click")
+				.click(function(){
+					if(!checkUpdates()) {return false;}
+					$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+					return false;
+				});
+			}
+			p.saveicon = $.extend([true,"left","ui-icon-disk"],p.saveicon);
+			p.closeicon = $.extend([true,"left","ui-icon-close"],p.closeicon);
+			// beforeinitdata after creation of the form
+			if(p.saveicon[0]===true) {
+				$("#sData",frmtb+"_2").addClass(p.saveicon[1] === "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+				.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.saveicon[2]+"'></span>");
+			}
+			if(p.closeicon[0]===true) {
+				$("#cData",frmtb+"_2").addClass(p.closeicon[1] === "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+				.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.closeicon[2]+"'></span>");
+			}
+			if(rp_ge[$].checkOnSubmit || rp_ge[$].checkOnUpdate) {
+				bS  ="<a id='sNew' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='z-index:1002'>"+p.bYes+"</a>";
+				bN  ="<a id='nNew' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='z-index:1002'>"+p.bNo+"</a>";
+				bC  ="<a id='cNew' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='z-index:1002'>"+p.bExit+"</a>";
+				var zI = p.zIndex  || 999;zI ++;
+				$("<div class='"+ p.overlayClass+" jqgrid-overlay confirm' style='z-index:"+zI+";display:none;'>&#160;"+"</div><div class='confirm ui-widget-content ui-jqconfirm' style='z-index:"+(zI+1)+"'>"+p.saveData+"<br/><br/>"+bS+bN+bC+"</div>").insertAfter("#"+frmgr);
+				$("#sNew","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).click(function(){
+					postIt();
+					$("#"+frmgr).data("disabled",false);
+					$(".confirm","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).hide();
+					return false;
+				});
+				$("#nNew","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).click(function(){
+					$(".confirm","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).hide();
+					$("#"+frmgr).data("disabled",false);
+					setTimeout(function(){$(":input:visible","#"+frmgr)[0].focus();},0);
+					return false;
+				});
+				$("#cNew","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).click(function(){
+					$(".confirm","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).hide();
+					$("#"+frmgr).data("disabled",false);
+					$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+					return false;
+				});
+			}
+			// here initform - only once
+			$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditInitializeForm", [$("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+			if(onInitializeForm) {$t,$("#"+frmgr), frmoper);}
+			if(rowid==="_empty" || !rp_ge[$].viewPagerButtons) {$("#pData,#nData",frmtb+"_2").hide();} else {$("#pData,#nData",frmtb+"_2").show();}
+			$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeShowForm", [$("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+			if(onBeforeShow) {$t, $("#"+frmgr), frmoper);}
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).data("onClose",rp_ge[$].onClose);
+			$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{
+				gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),
+				jqm:p.jqModal, 
+				overlay: p.overlay,
+				modal:p.modal, 
+				overlayClass: p.overlayClass,
+				onHide :  function(h) {
+					$($t).data("formProp", {
+						top:parseFloat($(h.w).css("top")),
+						left : parseFloat($(h.w).css("left")),
+						width : $(h.w).width(),
+						height : $(h.w).height(),
+						dataheight : $("#"+frmgr).height(),
+						datawidth: $("#"+frmgr).width()
+					});
+					h.w.remove();
+					if(h.o) {h.o.remove();}
+				}
+			});
+			if(!closeovrl) {
+				$("." + $.jgrid.jqID(p.overlayClass)).click(function(){
+					if(!checkUpdates()) {return false;}
+					$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+					return false;
+				});
+			}
+			$(".fm-button","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).hover(
+				function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+				function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');}
+			);
+			$("#sData", frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				postdata = {};
+				$("#FormError",frmtb).hide();
+				// all depend on ret array
+				//ret[0] - succes
+				//ret[1] - msg if not succes
+				//ret[2] - the id  that will be set if reload after submit false
+				getFormData();
+				if(postdata[$"_id"] === "_empty")	{postIt();}
+				else if(p.checkOnSubmit===true ) {
+					diff = compareData(postdata,rp_ge[$]._savedData);
+					if(diff) {
+						$("#"+frmgr).data("disabled",true);
+						$(".confirm","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal)).show();
+					} else {
+						postIt();
+					}
+				} else {
+					postIt();
+				}
+				return false;
+			});
+			$("#cData", frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				if(!checkUpdates()) {return false;}
+				$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal,onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+				return false;
+			});
+			$("#nData", frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				if(!checkUpdates()) {return false;}
+				$("#FormError",frmtb).hide();
+				var npos = getCurrPos();
+				npos[0] = parseInt(npos[0],10);
+				if(npos[0] !== -1 && npos[1][npos[0]+1]) {
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickPgButtons", ['next',$("#"+frmgr),npos[1][npos[0]]]);
+					var nposret;
+					if($.isFunction(p.onclickPgButtons)) {
+						nposret =$t, 'next',$("#"+frmgr),npos[1][npos[0]]);
+						if( nposret !== undefined && nposret === false ) {return false;}
+					}
+					if( $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(npos[1][npos[0]+1])).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {return false;}
+					fillData(npos[1][npos[0]+1],$t,frmgr);
+					$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",npos[1][npos[0]+1]);
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterClickPgButtons", ['next',$("#"+frmgr),npos[1][npos[0]]]);
+					if($.isFunction(p.afterclickPgButtons)) {
+$t, 'next',$("#"+frmgr),npos[1][npos[0]+1]);
+					}
+					updateNav(npos[0]+1,npos);
+				}
+				return false;
+			});
+			$("#pData", frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				if(!checkUpdates()) {return false;}
+				$("#FormError",frmtb).hide();
+				var ppos = getCurrPos();
+				if(ppos[0] !== -1 && ppos[1][ppos[0]-1]) {
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickPgButtons", ['prev',$("#"+frmgr),ppos[1][ppos[0]]]);
+					var pposret;
+					if($.isFunction(p.onclickPgButtons)) {
+						pposret =$t, 'prev',$("#"+frmgr),ppos[1][ppos[0]]);
+						if( pposret !== undefined && pposret === false ) {return false;}
+					}
+					if( $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(ppos[1][ppos[0]-1])).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {return false;}
+					fillData(ppos[1][ppos[0]-1],$t,frmgr);
+					$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",ppos[1][ppos[0]-1]);
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterClickPgButtons", ['prev',$("#"+frmgr),ppos[1][ppos[0]]]);
+					if($.isFunction(p.afterclickPgButtons)) {
+$t, 'prev',$("#"+frmgr),ppos[1][ppos[0]-1]);
+					}
+					updateNav(ppos[0]-1,ppos);
+				}
+				return false;
+			});
+			$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterShowForm", [$("#"+frmgr), frmoper]);
+			if(onAfterShow) {$t, $("#"+frmgr), frmoper); }
+			var posInit =getCurrPos();
+			updateNav(posInit[0],posInit);
+		});
+	},
+	viewGridRow : function(rowid, p){
+		p = $.extend(true, {
+			top : 0,
+			left: 0,
+			width: 0,
+			datawidth: 'auto',
+			height: 'auto',
+			dataheight: 'auto',
+			modal: false,
+			overlay: 30,
+			drag: true,
+			resize: true,
+			jqModal: true,
+			closeOnEscape : false,
+			labelswidth: '30%',
+			closeicon: [],
+			navkeys: [false,38,40],
+			onClose: null,
+			beforeShowForm : null,
+			beforeInitData : null,
+			viewPagerButtons : true,
+			recreateForm : false
+		}, $.jgrid.view, p || {});
+		rp_ge[$(this)[0]] = p;
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if (!$t.grid || !rowid) {return;}
+			var gID = $,
+			frmgr = "ViewGrid_"+$.jgrid.jqID( gID  ), frmtb = "ViewTbl_" + $.jgrid.jqID( gID ),
+			frmgr_id = "ViewGrid_"+gID, frmtb_id = "ViewTbl_"+gID,
+			IDs = {themodal:'viewmod'+gID,modalhead:'viewhd'+gID,modalcontent:'viewcnt'+gID, scrollelm : frmgr},
+			onBeforeInit = $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].beforeInitData) ? rp_ge[$].beforeInitData : false,
+			showFrm = true,
+			maxCols = 1, maxRows=0;
+			if(!p.recreateForm) {
+				if( $($t).data("viewProp") ) {
+					$.extend(rp_ge[$(this)[0]], $($t).data("viewProp"));
+				}
+			}
+			function focusaref(){ //Sfari 3 issues
+				if(rp_ge[$].closeOnEscape===true || rp_ge[$].navkeys[0]===true) {
+					setTimeout(function(){$(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.modalhead)).focus();},0);
+				}
+			}
+			function createData(rowid,obj,tb,maxcols){
+				var nm, hc,trdata, cnt=0,tmp, dc, retpos=[], ind=false, i,
+				tdtmpl = "<td class='CaptionTD form-view-label ui-widget-content' width='"+p.labelswidth+"'>&#160;</td><td class='DataTD form-view-data ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content'>&#160;</td>", tmpl="",
+				tdtmpl2 = "<td class='CaptionTD form-view-label ui-widget-content'>&#160;</td><td class='DataTD form-view-data ui-widget-content'>&#160;</td>",
+				fmtnum = ['integer','number','currency'],max1 =0, max2=0 ,maxw,setme, viewfld;
+				for (i=1;i<=maxcols;i++) {
+					tmpl += i === 1 ? tdtmpl : tdtmpl2;
+				}
+				// find max number align rigth with property formatter
+				$(obj.p.colModel).each( function() {
+					if(this.editrules && this.editrules.edithidden === true) {
+						hc = false;
+					} else {
+						hc = this.hidden === true ? true : false;
+					}
+					if(!hc && this.align==='right') {
+						if(this.formatter && $.inArray(this.formatter,fmtnum) !== -1 ) {
+							max1 = Math.max(max1,parseInt(this.width,10));
+						} else {
+							max2 = Math.max(max2,parseInt(this.width,10));
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				maxw  = max1 !==0 ? max1 : max2 !==0 ? max2 : 0;
+				ind = $(obj).jqGrid("getInd",rowid);
+				$(obj.p.colModel).each( function(i) {
+					nm =;
+					setme = false;
+					// hidden fields are included in the form
+					if(this.editrules && this.editrules.edithidden === true) {
+						hc = false;
+					} else {
+						hc = this.hidden === true ? true : false;
+					}
+					dc = hc ? "style='display:none'" : "";
+					viewfld = (typeof this.viewable !== 'boolean') ? true : this.viewable;
+					if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && nm !== 'rn' && viewfld) {
+						if(ind === false) {
+							tmp = "";
+						} else {
+							if(nm === obj.p.ExpandColumn && obj.p.treeGrid === true) {
+								tmp = $("td:eq("+i+")",obj.rows[ind]).text();
+							} else {
+								tmp = $("td:eq("+i+")",obj.rows[ind]).html();
+							}
+						}
+						setme = this.align === 'right' && maxw !==0 ? true : false;
+						var frmopt = $.extend({},{rowabove:false,rowcontent:''}, this.formoptions || {}),
+						rp = parseInt(frmopt.rowpos,10) || cnt+1,
+						cp = parseInt((parseInt(frmopt.colpos,10) || 1)*2,10);
+						if(frmopt.rowabove) {
+							var newdata = $("<tr><td class='contentinfo' colspan='"+(maxcols*2)+"'>"+frmopt.rowcontent+"</td></tr>");
+							$(tb).append(newdata);
+							newdata[0].rp = rp;
+						}
+						trdata = $(tb).find("tr[rowpos="+rp+"]");
+						if ( trdata.length===0 ) {
+							trdata = $("<tr "+dc+" rowpos='"+rp+"'></tr>").addClass("FormData").attr("id","trv_"+nm);
+							$(trdata).append(tmpl);
+							$(tb).append(trdata);
+							trdata[0].rp = rp;
+						}
+						$("td:eq("+(cp-2)+")",trdata[0]).html('<b>'+ (frmopt.label === undefined ? obj.p.colNames[i]: frmopt.label)+'</b>');
+						$("td:eq("+(cp-1)+")",trdata[0]).append("<span>"+tmp+"</span>").attr("id","v_"+nm);
+						if(setme){
+							$("td:eq("+(cp-1)+") span",trdata[0]).css({'text-align':'right',width:maxw+"px"});
+						}
+						retpos[cnt] = i;
+						cnt++;
+					}
+				});
+				if( cnt > 0) {
+					var idrow = $("<tr class='FormData' style='display:none'><td class='CaptionTD'></td><td colspan='"+ (maxcols*2-1)+"' class='DataTD'><input class='FormElement' id='id_g' type='text' name='id' value='"+rowid+"'/></td></tr>");
+					idrow[0].rp = cnt+99;
+					$(tb).append(idrow);
+				}
+				return retpos;
+			}
+			function fillData(rowid,obj){
+				var nm, hc,cnt=0,tmp,trv;
+				trv = $(obj).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+				if(!trv) {return;}
+				$('td',trv).each( function(i) {
+					nm = obj.p.colModel[i].name;
+					// hidden fields are included in the form
+					if(obj.p.colModel[i].editrules && obj.p.colModel[i].editrules.edithidden === true) {
+						hc = false;
+					} else {
+						hc = obj.p.colModel[i].hidden === true ? true : false;
+					}
+					if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && nm !== 'rn') {
+						if(nm === obj.p.ExpandColumn && obj.p.treeGrid === true) {
+							tmp = $(this).text();
+						} else {
+							tmp = $(this).html();
+						}
+						nm = $.jgrid.jqID("v_"+nm);
+						$("#"+nm+" span","#"+frmtb).html(tmp);
+						if (hc) {$("#"+nm,"#"+frmtb).parents("tr:first").hide();}
+						cnt++;
+					}
+				});
+				if(cnt>0) {$("#id_g","#"+frmtb).val(rowid);}
+			}
+			function updateNav(cr,posarr){
+				var totr = posarr[1].length-1;
+				if (cr===0) {
+					$("#pData","#"+frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else if( posarr[1][cr-1] !== undefined && $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(posarr[1][cr-1])).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+					$("#pData",frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else {
+					$("#pData","#"+frmtb+"_2").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				}
+				if (cr===totr) {
+					$("#nData","#"+frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else if( posarr[1][cr+1] !== undefined && $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(posarr[1][cr+1])).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+					$("#nData",frmtb+"_2").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				} else {
+					$("#nData","#"+frmtb+"_2").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+				}
+			}
+			function getCurrPos() {
+				var rowsInGrid = $($t).jqGrid("getDataIDs"),
+				selrow = $("#id_g","#"+frmtb).val(),
+				pos = $.inArray(selrow,rowsInGrid);
+				return [pos,rowsInGrid];
+			}
+			var dh = isNaN(rp_ge[$(this)[0]].dataheight) ? rp_ge[$(this)[0]].dataheight : rp_ge[$(this)[0]].dataheight+"px",
+			dw = isNaN(rp_ge[$(this)[0]].datawidth) ? rp_ge[$(this)[0]].datawidth : rp_ge[$(this)[0]].datawidth+"px",
+			frm = $("<form name='FormPost' id='"+frmgr_id+"' class='FormGrid' style='width:"+dw+";overflow:auto;position:relative;height:"+dh+";'></form>"),
+			tbl =$("<table id='"+frmtb_id+"' class='EditTable' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' border='0' style='table-layout:fixed'><tbody></tbody></table>");
+			if(onBeforeInit) {
+				showFrm =$t,$("#"+frmgr));
+				if(showFrm === undefined) {
+					showFrm = true;
+				}
+			}
+			if(showFrm === false) {return;}
+			$($t.p.colModel).each( function() {
+				var fmto = this.formoptions;
+				maxCols = Math.max(maxCols, fmto ? fmto.colpos || 0 : 0 );
+				maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, fmto ? fmto.rowpos || 0 : 0 );
+			});
+			// set the id.
+			$(frm).append(tbl);
+			createData(rowid, $t, tbl, maxCols);
+			var rtlb = $t.p.direction === "rtl" ? true :false,
+			bp = rtlb ? "nData" : "pData",
+			bn = rtlb ? "pData" : "nData",
+				// buttons at footer
+			bP = "<a id='"+bp+"' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-left'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-w'></span></a>",
+			bN = "<a id='"+bn+"' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-right'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e'></span></a>",
+			bC  ="<a id='cData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bClose+"</a>";
+			if(maxRows >  0) {
+				var sd=[];
+				$.each($(tbl)[0].rows,function(i,r){
+					sd[i] = r;
+				});
+				sd.sort(function(a,b){
+					if(a.rp > b.rp) {return 1;}
+					if(a.rp < b.rp) {return -1;}
+					return 0;
+				});
+				$.each(sd, function(index, row) {
+					$('tbody',tbl).append(row);
+				});
+			}
+			p.gbox = "#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID);
+			var bt = $("<div></div>").append(frm).append("<table border='0' class='EditTable' id='"+frmtb+"_2'><tbody><tr id='Act_Buttons'><td class='navButton' width='"+p.labelswidth+"'>"+(rtlb ? bN+bP : bP+bN)+"</td><td class='EditButton'>"+bC+"</td></tr></tbody></table>");
+			$.jgrid.createModal(IDs,bt,p,"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,$("#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($[0]);
+			if(rtlb) {
+				$("#pData, #nData","#"+frmtb+"_2").css("float","right");
+				$(".EditButton","#"+frmtb+"_2").css("text-align","left");
+			}
+			if(!p.viewPagerButtons) {$("#pData, #nData","#"+frmtb+"_2").hide();}
+			bt = null;
+			$("#"+IDs.themodal).keydown( function( e ) {
+				if(e.which === 27) {
+					if(rp_ge[$].closeOnEscape) {$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:p.gbox,jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: p.onClose});}
+					return false;
+				}
+				if(p.navkeys[0]===true) {
+					if(e.which === p.navkeys[1]){ //up
+						$("#pData", "#"+frmtb+"_2").trigger("click");
+						return false;
+					}
+					if(e.which === p.navkeys[2]){ //down
+						$("#nData", "#"+frmtb+"_2").trigger("click");
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			p.closeicon = $.extend([true,"left","ui-icon-close"],p.closeicon);
+			if(p.closeicon[0]===true) {
+				$("#cData","#"+frmtb+"_2").addClass(p.closeicon[1] === "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+				.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.closeicon[2]+"'></span>");
+			}
+			if($.isFunction(p.beforeShowForm)) {$t,$("#"+frmgr));}
+			$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{
+				gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),
+				jqm:p.jqModal,
+				overlay: p.overlay, 
+				modal:p.modal,
+				onHide :  function(h) {
+					$($t).data("viewProp", {
+						top:parseFloat($(h.w).css("top")),
+						left : parseFloat($(h.w).css("left")),
+						width : $(h.w).width(),
+						height : $(h.w).height(),
+						dataheight : $("#"+frmgr).height(),
+						datawidth: $("#"+frmgr).width()
+					});
+					h.w.remove();
+					if(h.o) {h.o.remove();}
+				}
+			});
+			$(".fm-button:not(.ui-state-disabled)","#"+frmtb+"_2").hover(
+				function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+				function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');}
+			);
+			focusaref();
+			$("#cData", "#"+frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: p.onClose});
+				return false;
+			});
+			$("#nData", "#"+frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				$("#FormError","#"+frmtb).hide();
+				var npos = getCurrPos();
+				npos[0] = parseInt(npos[0],10);
+				if(npos[0] !== -1 && npos[1][npos[0]+1]) {
+					if($.isFunction(p.onclickPgButtons)) {
+					}
+					fillData(npos[1][npos[0]+1],$t);
+					$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",npos[1][npos[0]+1]);
+					if($.isFunction(p.afterclickPgButtons)) {
+					}
+					updateNav(npos[0]+1,npos);
+				}
+				focusaref();
+				return false;
+			});
+			$("#pData", "#"+frmtb+"_2").click(function(){
+				$("#FormError","#"+frmtb).hide();
+				var ppos = getCurrPos();
+				if(ppos[0] !== -1 && ppos[1][ppos[0]-1]) {
+					if($.isFunction(p.onclickPgButtons)) {
+					}
+					fillData(ppos[1][ppos[0]-1],$t);
+					$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",ppos[1][ppos[0]-1]);
+					if($.isFunction(p.afterclickPgButtons)) {
+					}
+					updateNav(ppos[0]-1,ppos);
+				}
+				focusaref();
+				return false;
+			});
+			var posInit =getCurrPos();
+			updateNav(posInit[0],posInit);
+		});
+	},
+	delGridRow : function(rowids,p) {
+		p = $.extend(true, {
+			top : 0,
+			left: 0,
+			width: 240,
+			height: 'auto',
+			dataheight : 'auto',
+			modal: false,
+			overlay: 30,
+			drag: true,
+			resize: true,
+			url : '',
+			mtype : "POST",
+			reloadAfterSubmit: true,
+			beforeShowForm: null,
+			beforeInitData : null,
+			afterShowForm: null,
+			beforeSubmit: null,
+			onclickSubmit: null,
+			afterSubmit: null,
+			jqModal : true,
+			closeOnEscape : false,
+			delData: {},
+			delicon : [],
+			cancelicon : [],
+			onClose : null,
+			ajaxDelOptions : {},
+			processing : false,
+			serializeDelData : null,
+			useDataProxy : false
+		}, $.jgrid.del, p ||{});
+		rp_ge[$(this)[0]] = p;
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if (!$t.grid ) {return;}
+			if(!rowids) {return;}
+			var onBeforeShow = $.isFunction( rp_ge[$].beforeShowForm  ),
+			onAfterShow = $.isFunction( rp_ge[$].afterShowForm ),
+			onBeforeInit = $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].beforeInitData) ? rp_ge[$].beforeInitData : false,
+			gID = $, onCS = {},
+			showFrm = true,
+			dtbl = "DelTbl_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),postd, idname, opers, oper,
+			dtbl_id = "DelTbl_" + gID,
+			IDs = {themodal:'delmod'+gID,modalhead:'delhd'+gID,modalcontent:'delcnt'+gID, scrollelm: dtbl};
+			if ($.isArray(rowids)) {rowids = rowids.join();}
+			if ( $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal))[0] !== undefined ) {
+				if(onBeforeInit) {
+					showFrm =$t,$("#"+dtbl));
+					if(showFrm === undefined) {
+						showFrm = true;
+					}
+				}
+				if(showFrm === false) {return;}
+				$("#DelData>td","#"+dtbl).text(rowids);
+				$("#DelError","#"+dtbl).hide();
+				if( rp_ge[$].processing === true) {
+					rp_ge[$].processing=false;
+					$("#dData", "#"+dtbl).removeClass('ui-state-active');
+				}
+				if(onBeforeShow) {rp_ge[$]$t,$("#"+dtbl));}
+				$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:rp_ge[$].jqModal,jqM: false, overlay: rp_ge[$].overlay, modal:rp_ge[$].modal});
+				if(onAfterShow) {rp_ge[$]$t,$("#"+dtbl));}
+			} else {
+				var dh = isNaN(rp_ge[$].dataheight) ? rp_ge[$].dataheight : rp_ge[$].dataheight+"px",
+				dw = isNaN(p.datawidth) ? p.datawidth : p.datawidth+"px",
+				tbl = "<div id='"+dtbl_id+"' class='formdata' style='width:"+dw+";overflow:auto;position:relative;height:"+dh+";'>";
+				tbl += "<table class='DelTable'><tbody>";
+				// error data
+				tbl += "<tr id='DelError' style='display:none'><td class='ui-state-error'></td></tr>";
+				tbl += "<tr id='DelData' style='display:none'><td >"+rowids+"</td></tr>";
+				tbl += "<tr><td class=\"delmsg\" style=\"white-space:pre;\">"+rp_ge[$].msg+"</td></tr><tr><td >&#160;</td></tr>";
+				// buttons at footer
+				tbl += "</tbody></table></div>";
+				var bS  = "<a id='dData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bSubmit+"</a>",
+				bC  = "<a id='eData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bCancel+"</a>";
+				tbl += "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='EditTable' id='"+dtbl+"_2'><tbody><tr><td><hr class='ui-widget-content' style='margin:1px'/></td></tr><tr><td class='DelButton EditButton'>"+bS+"&#160;"+bC+"</td></tr></tbody></table>";
+				p.gbox = "#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID);
+				$.jgrid.createModal(IDs,tbl,p,"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,$("#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($[0]);
+				if(onBeforeInit) {
+					showFrm =$t,$("#"+dtbl));
+					if(showFrm === undefined) {
+						showFrm = true;
+					}
+				}
+				if(showFrm === false) {return;}
+				$(".fm-button","#"+dtbl+"_2").hover(
+					function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');},
+					function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');}
+				);
+				p.delicon = $.extend([true,"left","ui-icon-scissors"],rp_ge[$].delicon);
+				p.cancelicon = $.extend([true,"left","ui-icon-cancel"],rp_ge[$].cancelicon);
+				if(p.delicon[0]===true) {
+					$("#dData","#"+dtbl+"_2").addClass(p.delicon[1] === "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+					.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.delicon[2]+"'></span>");
+				}
+				if(p.cancelicon[0]===true) {
+					$("#eData","#"+dtbl+"_2").addClass(p.cancelicon[1] === "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+					.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.cancelicon[2]+"'></span>");
+				}
+				$("#dData","#"+dtbl+"_2").click(function(){
+					var ret=[true,""], pk,
+					postdata = $("#DelData>td","#"+dtbl).text(); //the pair is name=val1,val2,...
+					onCS = {};
+					if( $.isFunction( rp_ge[$].onclickSubmit ) ) {onCS = rp_ge[$]$t,rp_ge[$], postdata) || {};}
+					if( $.isFunction( rp_ge[$].beforeSubmit ) ) {ret = rp_ge[$]$t,postdata);}
+					if(ret[0] && !rp_ge[$].processing) {
+						rp_ge[$].processing = true;
+						opers = $t.p.prmNames;
+						postd = $.extend({},rp_ge[$].delData, onCS);
+						oper = opers.oper;
+						postd[oper] = opers.deloper;
+						idname =;
+						postdata = String(postdata).split(",");
+						if(!postdata.length) { return false; }
+						for(pk in postdata) {
+							if(postdata.hasOwnProperty(pk)) {
+								postdata[pk] = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, postdata[pk]);
+							}
+						}
+						postd[idname] = postdata.join();
+						$(this).addClass('ui-state-active');
+						var ajaxOptions = $.extend({
+							url: rp_ge[$].url || $($t).jqGrid('getGridParam','editurl'),
+							type: rp_ge[$].mtype,
+							data: $.isFunction(rp_ge[$].serializeDelData) ? rp_ge[$]$t,postd) : postd,
+							complete:function(data,status){
+								var i;
+								if(data.status >= 300 && data.status !== 304) {
+									ret[0] = false;
+									if ($.isFunction(rp_ge[$].errorTextFormat)) {
+										ret[1] = rp_ge[$]$t,data);
+									} else {
+										ret[1] = status + " Status: '" + data.statusText + "'. Error code: " + data.status;
+									}
+								} else {
+									// data is posted successful
+									// execute aftersubmit with the returned data from server
+									if( $.isFunction( rp_ge[$].afterSubmit ) ) {
+										ret = rp_ge[$]$t,data,postd);
+									}
+								}
+								if(ret[0] === false) {
+									$("#DelError>td","#"+dtbl).html(ret[1]);
+									$("#DelError","#"+dtbl).show();
+								} else {
+									if(rp_ge[$].reloadAfterSubmit && $t.p.datatype !== "local") {
+										$($t).trigger("reloadGrid");
+									} else {
+										if($t.p.treeGrid===true){
+												try {$($t).jqGrid("delTreeNode",$t.p.idPrefix+postdata[0]);} catch(e){}
+										} else {
+											for(i=0;i<postdata.length;i++) {
+												$($t).jqGrid("delRowData",$t.p.idPrefix+ postdata[i]);
+											}
+										}
+										$t.p.selrow = null;
+										$t.p.selarrrow = [];
+									}
+									if($.isFunction(rp_ge[$].afterComplete)) {
+										setTimeout(function(){rp_ge[$]$t,data,postdata);},500);
+									}
+								}
+								rp_ge[$].processing=false;
+								$("#dData", "#"+dtbl+"_2").removeClass('ui-state-active');
+								if(ret[0]) {$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});}
+							}
+						}, $.jgrid.ajaxOptions, rp_ge[$].ajaxDelOptions);
+						if (!ajaxOptions.url && !rp_ge[$].useDataProxy) {
+							if ($.isFunction($t.p.dataProxy)) {
+								rp_ge[$].useDataProxy = true;
+							} else {
+								ret[0]=false;ret[1] += " "+$.jgrid.errors.nourl;
+							}
+						}
+						if (ret[0]) {
+							if (rp_ge[$].useDataProxy) {
+								var dpret = $$t, ajaxOptions, "del_"+$; 
+								if(dpret === undefined) {
+									dpret = [true, ""];
+								}
+								if(dpret[0] === false ) {
+									ret[0] = false;
+									ret[1] = dpret[1] || "Error deleting the selected row!" ;
+								} else {
+									$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+								}
+							}
+							else {$.ajax(ajaxOptions);}
+						}
+					}
+					if(ret[0] === false) {
+						$("#DelError>td","#"+dtbl).html(ret[1]);
+						$("#DelError","#"+dtbl).show();
+					}
+					return false;
+				});
+				$("#eData", "#"+dtbl+"_2").click(function(){
+					$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gb:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:rp_ge[$].jqModal, onClose: rp_ge[$].onClose});
+					return false;
+				});
+				if(onBeforeShow) {rp_ge[$]$t,$("#"+dtbl));}
+				$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.themodal),{gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID),jqm:rp_ge[$].jqModal, overlay: rp_ge[$].overlay, modal:rp_ge[$].modal});
+				if(onAfterShow) {rp_ge[$]$t,$("#"+dtbl));}
+			}
+			if(rp_ge[$].closeOnEscape===true) {
+				setTimeout(function(){$(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close","#"+$.jgrid.jqID(IDs.modalhead)).focus();},0);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	navGrid : function (elem, o, pEdit,pAdd,pDel,pSearch, pView) {
+		o = $.extend({
+			edit: true,
+			editicon: "ui-icon-pencil",
+			add: true,
+			addicon:"ui-icon-plus",
+			del: true,
+			delicon:"ui-icon-trash",
+			search: true,
+			searchicon:"ui-icon-search",
+			refresh: true,
+			refreshicon:"ui-icon-refresh",
+			refreshstate: 'firstpage',
+			view: false,
+			viewicon : "ui-icon-document",
+			position : "left",
+			closeOnEscape : true,
+			beforeRefresh : null,
+			afterRefresh : null,
+			cloneToTop : false,
+			alertwidth : 200,
+			alertheight : 'auto',
+			alerttop: null,
+			alertleft: null,
+			alertzIndex : null
+		}, $.jgrid.nav, o ||{});
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if(this.nav) {return;}
+			var alertIDs = {themodal: 'alertmod_' +, modalhead: 'alerthd_' +,modalcontent: 'alertcnt_' +},
+			$t = this, twd, tdw;
+			if(!$t.grid || typeof elem !== 'string') {return;}
+			if ($("#"+alertIDs.themodal)[0] === undefined) {
+				if(!o.alerttop && !o.alertleft) {
+					if (window.innerWidth !== undefined) {
+						o.alertleft = window.innerWidth;
+						o.alerttop = window.innerHeight;
+					} else if (document.documentElement !== undefined && document.documentElement.clientWidth !== undefined && document.documentElement.clientWidth !== 0) {
+						o.alertleft = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
+						o.alerttop = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+					} else {
+						o.alertleft=1024;
+						o.alerttop=768;
+					}
+					o.alertleft = o.alertleft/2 - parseInt(o.alertwidth,10)/2;
+					o.alerttop = o.alerttop/2-25;
+				}
+				$.jgrid.createModal(alertIDs,
+					"<div>"+o.alerttext+"</div><span tabindex='0'><span tabindex='-1' id='jqg_alrt'></span></span>",
+					{ 
+						gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,
+						jqModal:true,
+						drag:true,
+						resize:true,
+						caption:o.alertcap,
+						top:o.alerttop,
+						left:o.alertleft,
+						width:o.alertwidth,
+						height: o.alertheight,
+						closeOnEscape:o.closeOnEscape, 
+						zIndex: o.alertzIndex
+					},
+					"#gview_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,
+					$("#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($[0],
+					true
+				);
+			}
+			var clone = 1, i,
+			onHoverIn = function () {
+				if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+					$(this).addClass("ui-state-hover");
+				}
+			},
+			onHoverOut = function () {
+				$(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover");
+			};
+			if(o.cloneToTop && $t.p.toppager) {clone = 2;}
+			for(i = 0; i<clone; i++) {
+				var tbd,
+				navtbl = $("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='ui-pg-table navtable' style='float:left;table-layout:auto;'><tbody><tr></tr></tbody></table>"),
+				sep = "<td class='ui-pg-button ui-state-disabled' style='width:4px;'><span class='ui-separator'></span></td>",
+				pgid, elemids;
+				if(i===0) {
+					pgid = elem;
+					elemids = $;
+					if(pgid === $t.p.toppager) {
+						elemids += "_top";
+						clone = 1;
+					}
+				} else {
+					pgid = $t.p.toppager;
+					elemids = $"_top";
+				}
+				if($t.p.direction === "rtl") {$(navtbl).attr("dir","rtl").css("float","right");}
+				if (o.add) {
+					pAdd = pAdd || {};
+					tbd = $("<td class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'></td>");
+					$(tbd).append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+o.addicon+"'></span>"+o.addtext+"</div>");
+					$("tr",navtbl).append(tbd);
+					$(tbd,navtbl)
+					.attr({"title":o.addtitle || "",id : || "add_"+elemids})
+					.click(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							if ($.isFunction( o.addfunc )) {
+							} else {
+								$($t).jqGrid("editGridRow","new",pAdd);
+							}
+						}
+						return false;
+					}).hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut);
+					tbd = null;
+				}
+				if (o.edit) {
+					tbd = $("<td class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'></td>");
+					pEdit = pEdit || {};
+					$(tbd).append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+o.editicon+"'></span>"+o.edittext+"</div>");
+					$("tr",navtbl).append(tbd);
+					$(tbd,navtbl)
+					.attr({"title":o.edittitle || "",id: || "edit_"+elemids})
+					.click(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							var sr = $t.p.selrow;
+							if (sr) {
+								if($.isFunction( o.editfunc ) ) {
+$t, sr);
+								} else {
+									$($t).jqGrid("editGridRow",sr,pEdit);
+								}
+							} else {
+								$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+alertIDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,jqm:true});
+								$("#jqg_alrt").focus();
+							}
+						}
+						return false;
+					}).hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut);
+					tbd = null;
+				}
+				if (o.view) {
+					tbd = $("<td class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'></td>");
+					pView = pView || {};
+					$(tbd).append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+o.viewicon+"'></span>"+o.viewtext+"</div>");
+					$("tr",navtbl).append(tbd);
+					$(tbd,navtbl)
+					.attr({"title":o.viewtitle || "",id: || "view_"+elemids})
+					.click(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							var sr = $t.p.selrow;
+							if (sr) {
+								if($.isFunction( o.viewfunc ) ) {
+$t, sr);
+								} else {
+									$($t).jqGrid("viewGridRow",sr,pView);
+								}
+							} else {
+								$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+alertIDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,jqm:true});
+								$("#jqg_alrt").focus();
+							}
+						}
+						return false;
+					}).hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut);
+					tbd = null;
+				}
+				if (o.del) {
+					tbd = $("<td class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'></td>");
+					pDel = pDel || {};
+					$(tbd).append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+o.delicon+"'></span>"+o.deltext+"</div>");
+					$("tr",navtbl).append(tbd);
+					$(tbd,navtbl)
+					.attr({"title":o.deltitle || "",id: || "del_"+elemids})
+					.click(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							var dr;
+							if($t.p.multiselect) {
+								dr = $t.p.selarrrow;
+								if(dr.length===0) {dr = null;}
+							} else {
+								dr = $t.p.selrow;
+							}
+							if(dr){
+								if($.isFunction( o.delfunc )){
+$t, dr);
+								}else{
+									$($t).jqGrid("delGridRow",dr,pDel);
+								}
+							} else  {
+								$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+alertIDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID($,jqm:true});$("#jqg_alrt").focus();
+							}
+						}
+						return false;
+					}).hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut);
+					tbd = null;
+				}
+				if(o.add || o.edit || o.del || o.view) {$("tr",navtbl).append(sep);}
+				if ( {
+					tbd = $("<td class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'></td>");
+					pSearch = pSearch || {};
+					$(tbd).append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+o.searchicon+"'></span>"+o.searchtext+"</div>");
+					$("tr",navtbl).append(tbd);
+					$(tbd,navtbl)
+					.attr({"title":o.searchtitle  || "", || "search_"+elemids})
+					.click(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							if($.isFunction( o.searchfunc )) {
+$t, pSearch);
+							} else {
+								$($t).jqGrid("searchGrid",pSearch);
+							}
+						}
+						return false;
+					}).hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut);
+					if (pSearch.showOnLoad && pSearch.showOnLoad === true) {
+						$(tbd,navtbl).click();
+					}
+					tbd = null;
+				}
+				if (o.refresh) {
+					tbd = $("<td class='ui-pg-button ui-corner-all'></td>");
+					$(tbd).append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+o.refreshicon+"'></span>"+o.refreshtext+"</div>");
+					$("tr",navtbl).append(tbd);
+					$(tbd,navtbl)
+					.attr({"title":o.refreshtitle  || "",id: "refresh_"+elemids})
+					.click(function(){
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							if($.isFunction(o.beforeRefresh)) {$t);}
+							$ = false;
+							$t.p.resetsearch =  true;
+							try {
+								var gID = $;
+								$t.p.postData.filters ="";
+								try {
+								$("#fbox_"+$.jgrid.jqID(gID)).jqFilter('resetFilter');
+								} catch(ef) {}
+								if($.isFunction($t.clearToolbar)) {$$t,false);}
+							} catch (e) {}
+							switch (o.refreshstate) {
+								case 'firstpage':
+									$($t).trigger("reloadGrid", [{page:1}]);
+									break;
+								case 'current':
+									$($t).trigger("reloadGrid", [{current:true}]);
+									break;
+							}
+							if($.isFunction(o.afterRefresh)) {$t);}
+						}
+						return false;
+					}).hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut);
+					tbd = null;
+				}
+				tdw = $(".ui-jqgrid").css("font-size") || "11px";
+				$('body').append("<div id='testpg2' class='ui-jqgrid ui-widget ui-widget-content' style='font-size:"+tdw+";visibility:hidden;' ></div>");
+				twd = $(navtbl).clone().appendTo("#testpg2").width();
+				$("#testpg2").remove();
+				$(pgid+"_"+o.position,pgid).append(navtbl);
+				if($t.p._nvtd) {
+					if(twd > $t.p._nvtd[0] ) {
+						$(pgid+"_"+o.position,pgid).width(twd);
+						$t.p._nvtd[0] = twd;
+					}
+					$t.p._nvtd[1] = twd;
+				}
+				tdw =null;twd=null;navtbl =null;
+				this.nav = true;
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	navButtonAdd : function (elem, p) {
+		p = $.extend({
+			caption : "newButton",
+			title: '',
+			buttonicon : 'ui-icon-newwin',
+			onClickButton: null,
+			position : "last",
+			cursor : 'pointer'
+		}, p ||{});
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if( !this.grid)  {return;}
+			if( typeof elem === "string" && elem.indexOf("#") !== 0) {elem = "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(elem);}
+			var findnav = $(".navtable",elem)[0], $t = this;
+			if (findnav) {
+				if( && $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(, findnav)[0] !== undefined )  {return;}
+				var tbd = $("<td></td>");
+				if(p.buttonicon.toString().toUpperCase() === "NONE") {
+                    $(tbd).addClass('ui-pg-button ui-corner-all').append("<div class='ui-pg-div'>"+p.caption+"</div>");
+				} else	{
+					$(tbd).addClass('ui-pg-button ui-corner-all').append("<div class='ui-pg-div'><span class='ui-icon "+p.buttonicon+"'></span>"+p.caption+"</div>");
+				}
+				if( {$(tbd).attr("id",;}
+				if(p.position==='first'){
+					if(findnav.rows[0].cells.length ===0 ) {
+						$("tr",findnav).append(tbd);
+					} else {
+						$("tr td:eq(0)",findnav).before(tbd);
+					}
+				} else {
+					$("tr",findnav).append(tbd);
+				}
+				$(tbd,findnav)
+				.attr("title",p.title  || "")
+				.click(function(e){
+					if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+						if ($.isFunction(p.onClickButton) ) {$t,e);}
+					}
+					return false;
+				})
+				.hover(
+					function () {
+						if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) {
+							$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');
+						}
+					},
+					function () {$(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover");}
+				);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	navSeparatorAdd:function (elem,p) {
+		p = $.extend({
+			sepclass : "ui-separator",
+			sepcontent: '',
+			position : "last"
+		}, p ||{});
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if( !this.grid)  {return;}
+			if( typeof elem === "string" && elem.indexOf("#") !== 0) {elem = "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(elem);}
+			var findnav = $(".navtable",elem)[0];
+			if(findnav) {
+				var sep = "<td class='ui-pg-button ui-state-disabled' style='width:4px;'><span class='"+p.sepclass+"'></span>"+p.sepcontent+"</td>";
+				if (p.position === 'first') {
+					if (findnav.rows[0].cells.length === 0) {
+						$("tr", findnav).append(sep);
+					} else {
+						$("tr td:eq(0)", findnav).before(sep);
+					}
+				} else {
+					$("tr", findnav).append(sep);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	GridToForm : function( rowid, formid ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, i;
+			if (!$t.grid) {return;}
+			var rowdata = $($t).jqGrid("getRowData",rowid);
+			if (rowdata) {
+				for(i in rowdata) {
+					if(rowdata.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+					if ( $("[name="+$.jgrid.jqID(i)+"]",formid).is("input:radio") || $("[name="+$.jgrid.jqID(i)+"]",formid).is("input:checkbox"))  {
+						$("[name="+$.jgrid.jqID(i)+"]",formid).each( function() {
+							if( $(this).val() == rowdata[i] ) {
+								$(this)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked",true);
+							} else {
+								$(this)[$t.p.useProp ? 'prop': 'attr']("checked", false);
+							}
+						});
+					} else {
+					// this is very slow on big table and form.
+						$("[name="+$.jgrid.jqID(i)+"]",formid).val(rowdata[i]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	FormToGrid : function(rowid, formid, mode, position){
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			if(!mode) {mode = 'set';}
+			if(!position) {position = 'first';}
+			var fields = $(formid).serializeArray();
+			var griddata = {};
+			$.each(fields, function(i, field){
+				griddata[] = field.value;
+			});
+			if(mode==='add') {$($t).jqGrid("addRowData",rowid,griddata, position);}
+			else if(mode==='set') {$($t).jqGrid("setRowData",rowid,griddata);}
+		});
+	}
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid extension for manipulating Grid Data
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+$.jgrid.inlineEdit = $.jgrid.inlineEdit || {};
+	editRow : function(rowid,keys,oneditfunc,successfunc, url, extraparam, aftersavefunc,errorfunc, afterrestorefunc) {
+		// Compatible mode old versions
+		var o={}, args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
+		if( $.type(args[0]) === "object" ) {
+			o = args[0];
+		} else {
+			if (keys !== undefined) { o.keys = keys; }
+			if ($.isFunction(oneditfunc)) { o.oneditfunc = oneditfunc; }
+			if ($.isFunction(successfunc)) { o.successfunc = successfunc; }
+			if (url !== undefined) { o.url = url; }
+			if (extraparam !== undefined) { o.extraparam = extraparam; }
+			if ($.isFunction(aftersavefunc)) { o.aftersavefunc = aftersavefunc; }
+			if ($.isFunction(errorfunc)) { o.errorfunc = errorfunc; }
+			if ($.isFunction(afterrestorefunc)) { o.afterrestorefunc = afterrestorefunc; }
+			// last two not as param, but as object (sorry)
+			//if (restoreAfterError !== undefined) { o.restoreAfterError = restoreAfterError; }
+			//if (mtype !== undefined) { o.mtype = mtype || "POST"; }			
+		}
+		o = $.extend(true, {
+			keys : false,
+			oneditfunc: null,
+			successfunc: null,
+			url: null,
+			extraparam: {},
+			aftersavefunc: null,
+			errorfunc: null,
+			afterrestorefunc: null,
+			restoreAfterError: true,
+			mtype: "POST"
+		}, $.jgrid.inlineEdit, o );
+		// End compatible
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, nm, tmp, editable, cnt=0, focus=null, svr={}, ind,cm, bfer;
+			if (!$t.grid ) { return; }
+			ind = $($t).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+			if( ind === false ) {return;}
+			bfer = $.isFunction( o.beforeEditRow ) ?$t,o, rowid) :  undefined;
+			if( bfer === undefined ) {
+				bfer = true;
+			}
+			if(!bfer) { return; }
+			editable = $(ind).attr("editable") || "0";
+			if (editable === "0" && !$(ind).hasClass("not-editable-row")) {
+				cm = $t.p.colModel;
+				$('td[role="gridcell"]',ind).each( function(i) {
+					nm = cm[i].name;
+					var treeg = $t.p.treeGrid===true && nm === $t.p.ExpandColumn;
+					if(treeg) { tmp = $("span:first",this).html();}
+					else {
+						try {
+							tmp = $$t,this,{rowId:rowid, colModel:cm[i]},i);
+						} catch (_) {
+							tmp =  ( cm[i].edittype && cm[i].edittype === 'textarea' ) ? $(this).text() : $(this).html();
+						}
+					}
+					if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && nm !== 'rn') {
+						if($t.p.autoencode) { tmp = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(tmp); }
+						svr[nm]=tmp;
+						if(cm[i].editable===true) {
+							if(focus===null) { focus = i; }
+							if (treeg) { $("span:first",this).html(""); }
+							else { $(this).html(""); }
+							var opt = $.extend({},cm[i].editoptions || {},{id:rowid+"_"+nm,name:nm});
+							if(!cm[i].edittype) { cm[i].edittype = "text"; }
+							if(tmp === "&nbsp;" || tmp === "&#160;" || (tmp.length===1 && tmp.charCodeAt(0)===160) ) {tmp='';}
+							var elc = $$t,cm[i].edittype,opt,tmp,true,$.extend({},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions,$t.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {}));
+							$(elc).addClass("editable");
+							if(treeg) { $("span:first",this).append(elc); }
+							else { $(this).append(elc); }
+							$$t, elc, opt);
+							//Again IE
+							if(cm[i].edittype === "select" && cm[i].editoptions!==undefined && cm[i].editoptions.multiple===true  && cm[i].editoptions.dataUrl===undefined && $.jgrid.msie) {
+								$(elc).width($(elc).width());
+							}
+							cnt++;
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				if(cnt > 0) {
+ = rowid; $t.p.savedRow.push(svr);
+					$(ind).attr("editable","1");
+					setTimeout(function(){$("td:eq("+focus+") input",ind).focus();},0);
+					if(o.keys===true) {
+						$(ind).bind("keydown",function(e) {
+							if (e.keyCode === 27) {
+								$($t).jqGrid("restoreRow",rowid, o.afterrestorefunc);
+								if($t.p._inlinenav) {
+									try {
+										$($t).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');
+									} catch (eer1) {}
+								}
+								return false;
+							}
+							if (e.keyCode === 13) {
+								var ta =;
+								if(ta.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { return true; }
+								if( $($t).jqGrid("saveRow", rowid, o ) ) {
+									if($t.p._inlinenav) {
+										try {
+											$($t).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');
+										} catch (eer2) {}
+									}
+								}
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineEditRow", [rowid, o]);
+					if( $.isFunction(o.oneditfunc)) {$t, rowid); }
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	saveRow : function(rowid, successfunc, url, extraparam, aftersavefunc,errorfunc, afterrestorefunc) {
+		// Compatible mode old versions
+		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), o = {};
+		if( $.type(args[0]) === "object" ) {
+			o = args[0];
+		} else {
+			if ($.isFunction(successfunc)) { o.successfunc = successfunc; }
+			if (url !== undefined) { o.url = url; }
+			if (extraparam !== undefined) { o.extraparam = extraparam; }
+			if ($.isFunction(aftersavefunc)) { o.aftersavefunc = aftersavefunc; }
+			if ($.isFunction(errorfunc)) { o.errorfunc = errorfunc; }
+			if ($.isFunction(afterrestorefunc)) { o.afterrestorefunc = afterrestorefunc; }
+		}
+		o = $.extend(true, {
+			successfunc: null,
+			url: null,
+			extraparam: {},
+			aftersavefunc: null,
+			errorfunc: null,
+			afterrestorefunc: null,
+			restoreAfterError: true,
+			mtype: "POST"
+		}, $.jgrid.inlineEdit, o );
+		// End compatible
+		var success = false;
+		var $t = this[0], nm, tmp={}, tmp2={}, tmp3= {}, editable, fr, cv, ind;
+		if (!$t.grid ) { return success; }
+		ind = $($t).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+		if(ind === false) {return success;}
+		var bfsr = $.isFunction( o.beforeSaveRow ) ?$t,o, rowid) :  undefined;
+		if( bfsr === undefined ) {
+			bfsr = true;
+		}
+		if(!bfsr) { return; }
+		editable = $(ind).attr("editable");
+		o.url = o.url || $t.p.editurl;
+		if (editable==="1") {
+			var cm;
+			$('td[role="gridcell"]',ind).each(function(i) {
+				cm = $t.p.colModel[i];
+				nm =;
+				if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid' && cm.editable===true && nm !== 'rn' && !$(this).hasClass('not-editable-cell')) {
+					switch (cm.edittype) {
+						case "checkbox":
+							var cbv = ["Yes","No"];
+							if(cm.editoptions ) {
+								cbv = cm.editoptions.value.split(":");
+							}
+							tmp[nm]=  $("input",this).is(":checked") ? cbv[0] : cbv[1]; 
+							break;
+						case 'text':
+						case 'password':
+						case 'textarea':
+						case "button" :
+							tmp[nm]=$("input, textarea",this).val();
+							break;
+						case 'select':
+							if(!cm.editoptions.multiple) {
+								tmp[nm] = $("select option:selected",this).val();
+								tmp2[nm] = $("select option:selected", this).text();
+							} else {
+								var sel = $("select",this), selectedText = [];
+								tmp[nm] = $(sel).val();
+								if(tmp[nm]) { tmp[nm]= tmp[nm].join(","); } else { tmp[nm] =""; }
+								$("select option:selected",this).each(
+									function(i,selected){
+										selectedText[i] = $(selected).text();
+									}
+								);
+								tmp2[nm] = selectedText.join(",");
+							}
+							if(cm.formatter && cm.formatter === 'select') { tmp2={}; }
+							break;
+						case 'custom' :
+							try {
+								if(cm.editoptions && $.isFunction(cm.editoptions.custom_value)) {
+									tmp[nm] =$t, $(".customelement",this),'get');
+									if (tmp[nm] === undefined) { throw "e2"; }
+								} else { throw "e1"; }
+							} catch (e) {
+								if (e==="e1") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+								if (e==="e2") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+								else { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,e.message,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+							}
+							break;
+					}
+					cv = $$t,tmp[nm],i);
+					if(cv[0] === false) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					if($t.p.autoencode) { tmp[nm] = $.jgrid.htmlEncode(tmp[nm]); }
+					if(o.url !== 'clientArray' && cm.editoptions && cm.editoptions.NullIfEmpty === true) {
+						if(tmp[nm] === "") {
+							tmp3[nm] = 'null';
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			if (cv[0] === false){
+				try {
+					var tr = $($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', rowid), positions = $.jgrid.findPos(tr);
+					$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,cv[1],$.jgrid.edit.bClose,{left:positions[0],top:positions[1]+$(tr).outerHeight()});
+				} catch (e) {
+					alert(cv[1]);
+				}
+				return success;
+			}
+			var idname, opers = $t.p.prmNames, oldRowId = rowid;
+			if ($t.p.keyIndex === false) {
+				idname =;
+			} else {
+				idname = $t.p.colModel[$t.p.keyIndex +
+					($t.p.rownumbers === true ? 1 : 0) +
+					($t.p.multiselect === true ? 1 : 0) +
+					($t.p.subGrid === true ? 1 : 0)].name;
+			}
+			if(tmp) {
+				tmp[opers.oper] = opers.editoper;
+				if (tmp[idname] === undefined || tmp[idname]==="") {
+					tmp[idname] = rowid;
+				} else if ( !== $t.p.idPrefix + tmp[idname]) {
+					// rename rowid
+					var oldid = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rowid);
+					if ($t.p._index[oldid] !== undefined) {
+						$t.p._index[tmp[idname]] = $t.p._index[oldid];
+						delete $t.p._index[oldid];
+					}
+					rowid = $t.p.idPrefix + tmp[idname];
+					$(ind).attr("id", rowid);
+					if ($t.p.selrow === oldRowId) {
+						$t.p.selrow = rowid;
+					}
+					if ($.isArray($t.p.selarrrow)) {
+						var i = $.inArray(oldRowId, $t.p.selarrrow);
+						if (i>=0) {
+							$t.p.selarrrow[i] = rowid;
+						}
+					}
+					if ($t.p.multiselect) {
+						var newCboxId = "jqg_" + $ + "_" + rowid;
+						$("input.cbox",ind)
+							.attr("id", newCboxId)
+							.attr("name", newCboxId);
+					}
+					// TODO: to test the case of frozen columns
+				}
+				if($t.p.inlineData === undefined) { $t.p.inlineData ={}; }
+				tmp = $.extend({},tmp,$t.p.inlineData,o.extraparam);
+			}
+			if (o.url === 'clientArray') {
+				tmp = $.extend({},tmp, tmp2);
+				if($t.p.autoencode) {
+					$.each(tmp,function(n,v){
+						tmp[n] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(v);
+					});
+				}
+				var k, resp = $($t).jqGrid("setRowData",rowid,tmp);
+				$(ind).attr("editable","0");
+				for(k=0;k<$t.p.savedRow.length;k++) {
+					if( String($t.p.savedRow[k].id) === String(oldRowId)) {fr = k; break;}
+				}
+				if(fr >= 0) { $t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1); }
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineAfterSaveRow", [rowid, resp, tmp, o]);
+				if( $.isFunction(o.aftersavefunc) ) {$t, rowid,resp, o); }
+				success = true;
+				$(ind).removeClass("jqgrid-new-row").unbind("keydown");
+			} else {
+				$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+				tmp3 = $.extend({},tmp,tmp3);
+				tmp3[idname] = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, tmp3[idname]);
+				$.ajax($.extend({
+					url:o.url,
+					data: $.isFunction($t.p.serializeRowData) ? $$t, tmp3) : tmp3,
+					type: o.mtype,
+					async : false, //?!?
+					complete: function(res,stat){
+						$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+						if (stat === "success"){
+							var ret = true, sucret, k;
+							sucret = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineSuccessSaveRow", [res, rowid, o]);
+							if (!$.isArray(sucret)) {sucret = [true, tmp];}
+							if (sucret[0] && $.isFunction(o.successfunc)) {sucret =$t, res);}							
+							if($.isArray(sucret)) {
+								// expect array - status, data, rowid
+								ret = sucret[0];
+								tmp = sucret[1] || tmp;
+							} else {
+								ret = sucret;
+							}
+							if (ret===true) {
+								if($t.p.autoencode) {
+									$.each(tmp,function(n,v){
+										tmp[n] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(v);
+									});
+								}
+								tmp = $.extend({},tmp, tmp2);
+								$($t).jqGrid("setRowData",rowid,tmp);
+								$(ind).attr("editable","0");
+								for(k=0;k<$t.p.savedRow.length;k++) {
+									if( String($t.p.savedRow[k].id) === String(rowid)) {fr = k; break;}
+								}
+								if(fr >= 0) { $t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1); }
+								$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineAfterSaveRow", [rowid, res, tmp, o]);
+								if( $.isFunction(o.aftersavefunc) ) {$t, rowid,res); }
+								success = true;
+								$(ind).removeClass("jqgrid-new-row").unbind("keydown");
+							} else {
+								$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineErrorSaveRow", [rowid, res, stat, null, o]);
+								if($.isFunction(o.errorfunc) ) {
+$t, rowid, res, stat, null);
+								}
+								if(o.restoreAfterError === true) {
+									$($t).jqGrid("restoreRow",rowid, o.afterrestorefunc);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					error:function(res,stat,err){
+						$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+						$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineErrorSaveRow", [rowid, res, stat, err, o]);
+						if($.isFunction(o.errorfunc) ) {
+$t, rowid, res, stat, err);
+						} else {
+							var rT = res.responseText || res.statusText;
+							try {
+								$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,'<div class="ui-state-error">'+ rT +'</div>', $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'});
+							} catch(e) {
+								alert(rT);
+							}
+						}
+						if(o.restoreAfterError === true) {
+							$($t).jqGrid("restoreRow",rowid, o.afterrestorefunc);
+						}
+					}
+				}, $.jgrid.ajaxOptions, $t.p.ajaxRowOptions || {}));
+			}
+		}
+		return success;
+	},
+	restoreRow : function(rowid, afterrestorefunc) {
+		// Compatible mode old versions
+		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), o={};
+		if( $.type(args[0]) === "object" ) {
+			o = args[0];
+		} else {
+			if ($.isFunction(afterrestorefunc)) { o.afterrestorefunc = afterrestorefunc; }
+		}
+		o = $.extend(true, {}, $.jgrid.inlineEdit, o );
+		// End compatible
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t= this, fr=-1, ind, ares={}, k;
+			if (!$t.grid ) { return; }
+			ind = $($t).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+			if(ind === false) {return;}
+			var bfcr = $.isFunction( o.beforeCancelRow ) ?$t, o, sr) :  undefined;
+			if( bfcr === undefined ) {
+				bfcr = true;
+			}
+			if(!bfcr) { return; }
+			for(k=0;k<$t.p.savedRow.length;k++) {
+				if( String($t.p.savedRow[k].id) === String(rowid)) {fr = k; break;}
+			}
+			if(fr >= 0) {
+				if($.isFunction($.fn.datepicker)) {
+					try {
+						$("input.hasDatepicker","#"+$.jgrid.jqID('hide');
+					} catch (e) {}
+				}
+				$.each($t.p.colModel, function(){
+					if(this.editable === true && $t.p.savedRow[fr].hasOwnProperty( {
+						ares[] = $t.p.savedRow[fr][];
+					}
+				});
+				$($t).jqGrid("setRowData",rowid,ares);
+				$(ind).attr("editable","0").unbind("keydown");
+				$t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1);
+				if($("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(rowid), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"jqgrid-new-row")){
+					setTimeout(function(){
+						$($t).jqGrid("delRowData",rowid);
+						$($t).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');
+					},0);
+				}
+			}
+			$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridInlineAfterRestoreRow", [rowid]);
+			if ($.isFunction(o.afterrestorefunc))
+			{
+$t, rowid);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	addRow : function ( p ) {
+		p = $.extend(true, {
+			rowID : null,
+			initdata : {},
+			position :"first",
+			useDefValues : true,
+			useFormatter : false,
+			addRowParams : {extraparam:{}}
+		},p  || {});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if (!this.grid ) { return; }
+			var $t = this;
+			var bfar = $.isFunction( p.beforeAddRow ) ?$t,p.addRowParams) :  undefined;
+			if( bfar === undefined ) {
+				bfar = true;
+			}
+			if(!bfar) { return; }
+			p.rowID = $.isFunction(p.rowID) ?$t, p) : ( (p.rowID != null) ? p.rowID : $.jgrid.randId());
+			if(p.useDefValues === true) {
+				$($t.p.colModel).each(function(){
+					if( this.editoptions && this.editoptions.defaultValue ) {
+						var opt = this.editoptions.defaultValue,
+						tmp = $.isFunction(opt) ?$t) : opt;
+						p.initdata[] = tmp;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			$($t).jqGrid('addRowData', p.rowID, p.initdata, p.position);
+			p.rowID = $t.p.idPrefix + p.rowID;
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(p.rowID), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"jqgrid-new-row");
+			if(p.useFormatter) {
+				$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(p.rowID)+" .ui-inline-edit", "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+			} else {
+				var opers = $t.p.prmNames,
+				oper = opers.oper;
+				p.addRowParams.extraparam[oper] = opers.addoper;
+				$($t).jqGrid('editRow', p.rowID, p.addRowParams);
+				$($t).jqGrid('setSelection', p.rowID);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	inlineNav : function (elem, o) {
+		o = $.extend(true,{
+			edit: true,
+			editicon: "ui-icon-pencil",
+			add: true,
+			addicon:"ui-icon-plus",
+			save: true,
+			saveicon:"ui-icon-disk",
+			cancel: true,
+			cancelicon:"ui-icon-cancel",
+			addParams : {addRowParams: {extraparam: {}}},
+			editParams : {},
+			restoreAfterSelect : true
+		}, $.jgrid.nav, o ||{});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if (!this.grid ) { return; }
+			var $t = this, onSelect, gID = $.jgrid.jqID($;
+			$t.p._inlinenav = true;
+			// detect the formatactions column
+			if(o.addParams.useFormatter === true) {
+				var cm = $t.p.colModel,i;
+				for (i = 0; i<cm.length; i++) {
+					if(cm[i].formatter && cm[i].formatter === "actions" ) {
+						if(cm[i].formatoptions) {
+							var defaults =  {
+								keys:false,
+								onEdit : null,
+								onSuccess: null,
+								afterSave:null,
+								onError: null,
+								afterRestore: null,
+								extraparam: {},
+								url: null
+							},
+							ap = $.extend( defaults, cm[i].formatoptions );
+							o.addParams.addRowParams = {
+								"keys" : ap.keys,
+								"oneditfunc" : ap.onEdit,
+								"successfunc" : ap.onSuccess,
+								"url" : ap.url,
+								"extraparam" : ap.extraparam,
+								"aftersavefunc" : ap.afterSave,
+								"errorfunc": ap.onError,
+								"afterrestorefunc" : ap.afterRestore
+							};
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(o.add) {
+				$($t).jqGrid('navButtonAdd', elem,{
+					caption : o.addtext,
+					title : o.addtitle,
+					buttonicon : o.addicon,
+					id : $"_iladd",
+					onClickButton : function () {
+						$($t).jqGrid('addRow', o.addParams);
+						if(!o.addParams.useFormatter) {
+							$("#"+gID+"_ilsave").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+							$("#"+gID+"_ilcancel").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+							$("#"+gID+"_iladd").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+							$("#"+gID+"_iledit").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if(o.edit) {
+				$($t).jqGrid('navButtonAdd', elem,{
+					caption : o.edittext,
+					title : o.edittitle,
+					buttonicon : o.editicon,
+					id : $"_iledit",
+					onClickButton : function () {
+						var sr = $($t).jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
+						if(sr) {
+							$($t).jqGrid('editRow', sr, o.editParams);
+							$("#"+gID+"_ilsave").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+							$("#"+gID+"_ilcancel").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+							$("#"+gID+"_iladd").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+							$("#"+gID+"_iledit").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+						} else {
+							$.jgrid.viewModal("#alertmod",{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:true});$("#jqg_alrt").focus();							
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if( {
+				$($t).jqGrid('navButtonAdd', elem,{
+					caption : o.savetext || '',
+					title : o.savetitle || 'Save row',
+					buttonicon : o.saveicon,
+					id : $"_ilsave",
+					onClickButton : function () {
+						var sr = $t.p.savedRow[0].id;
+						if(sr) {
+							var opers = $t.p.prmNames,
+							oper = opers.oper, tmpParams = o.editParams;
+							if($("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(sr), "#"+gID ).hasClass("jqgrid-new-row")) {
+								o.addParams.addRowParams.extraparam[oper] = opers.addoper;
+								tmpParams = o.addParams.addRowParams;
+							} else {
+								if(!o.editParams.extraparam) {
+									o.editParams.extraparam = {};
+								}
+								o.editParams.extraparam[oper] = opers.editoper;
+							}
+							if( $($t).jqGrid('saveRow', sr, tmpParams) ) {
+								$($t).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');
+							}
+						} else {
+							$.jgrid.viewModal("#alertmod",{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:true});$("#jqg_alrt").focus();							
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				$("#"+gID+"_ilsave").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+			}
+			if(o.cancel) {
+				$($t).jqGrid('navButtonAdd', elem,{
+					caption : o.canceltext || '',
+					title : o.canceltitle || 'Cancel row editing',
+					buttonicon : o.cancelicon,
+					id : $"_ilcancel",
+					onClickButton : function () {
+						var sr = $t.p.savedRow[0].id, cancelPrm = o.editParams;
+						if(sr) {
+							if($("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(sr), "#"+gID ).hasClass("jqgrid-new-row")) {
+								cancelPrm = o.addParams.addRowParams;
+							}
+							$($t).jqGrid('restoreRow', sr, cancelPrm);
+							$($t).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');
+						} else {
+							$.jgrid.viewModal("#alertmod",{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:true});$("#jqg_alrt").focus();							
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				$("#"+gID+"_ilcancel").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+			}
+			if(o.restoreAfterSelect === true) {
+				if($.isFunction($t.p.beforeSelectRow)) {
+					onSelect = $t.p.beforeSelectRow;
+				} else {
+					onSelect =  false;
+				}
+				$t.p.beforeSelectRow = function(id, stat) {
+					var ret = true;
+					if($t.p.savedRow.length > 0 && $t.p._inlinenav===true && ( id !== $t.p.selrow && $t.p.selrow !==null) ) {
+						if($t.p.selrow === o.addParams.rowID ) {
+							$($t).jqGrid('delRowData', $t.p.selrow);
+						} else {
+							$($t).jqGrid('restoreRow', $t.p.selrow, o.editParams);
+						}
+						$($t).jqGrid('showAddEditButtons');
+					}
+					if(onSelect) {
+						ret =$t, id, stat);
+					}
+					return ret;
+				};
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	showAddEditButtons : function()  {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if (!this.grid ) { return; }
+			var gID = $.jgrid.jqID(;
+			$("#"+gID+"_ilsave").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+			$("#"+gID+"_ilcancel").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
+			$("#"+gID+"_iladd").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+			$("#"+gID+"_iledit").removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
+		});
+	}
+//end inline edit
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid extension for cellediting Grid Data
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ * all events and options here are aded anonynous and not in the base grid
+ * since the array is to big. Here is the order of execution.
+ * From this point we use jQuery isFunction
+ * formatCell
+ * beforeEditCell,
+ * onSelectCell (used only for noneditable cels)
+ * afterEditCell,
+ * beforeSaveCell, (called before validation of values if any)
+ * beforeSubmitCell (if cellsubmit remote (ajax))
+ * afterSubmitCell(if cellsubmit remote (ajax)),
+ * afterSaveCell,
+ * errorCell,
+ * serializeCellData - new
+ * Options
+ * cellsubmit (remote,clientArray) (added in grid options)
+ * cellurl
+ * ajaxCellOptions
+* */
+"use strict";
+	editCell : function (iRow,iCol, ed){
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var $t = this, nm, tmp,cc, cm;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}
+			iCol = parseInt(iCol,10);
+			// select the row that can be used for other methods
+			$t.p.selrow = $t.rows[iRow].id;
+			if (!$t.p.knv) {$($t).jqGrid("GridNav");}
+			// check to see if we have already edited cell
+			if ($t.p.savedRow.length>0) {
+				// prevent second click on that field and enable selects
+				if (ed===true ) {
+					if(iRow == $t.p.iRow && iCol == $t.p.iCol){
+						return;
+					}
+				}
+				// save the cell
+				$($t).jqGrid("saveCell",$t.p.savedRow[0].id,$t.p.savedRow[0].ic);
+			} else {
+				window.setTimeout(function () { $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($t.p.knv)).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();},0);
+			}
+			cm = $t.p.colModel[iCol];
+			nm =;
+			if (nm==='subgrid' || nm==='cb' || nm==='rn') {return;}
+			cc = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]);
+			if (cm.editable===true && ed===true && !cc.hasClass("not-editable-cell")) {
+				if(parseInt($t.p.iCol,10)>=0  && parseInt($t.p.iRow,10)>=0) {
+					$("td:eq("+$t.p.iCol+")",$t.rows[$t.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight");
+					$($t.rows[$t.p.iRow]).removeClass("selected-row ui-state-hover");
+				}
+				$(cc).addClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight");
+				$($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("selected-row ui-state-hover");
+				try {
+					tmp =  $$t,cc,{rowId: $t.rows[iRow].id, colModel:cm},iCol);
+				} catch (_) {
+					tmp = ( cm.edittype && cm.edittype === 'textarea' ) ? $(cc).text() : $(cc).html();
+				}
+				if($t.p.autoencode) { tmp = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(tmp); }
+				if (!cm.edittype) {cm.edittype = "text";}
+				$t.p.savedRow.push({id:iRow,ic:iCol,name:nm,v:tmp});
+				if(tmp === "&nbsp;" || tmp === "&#160;" || (tmp.length===1 && tmp.charCodeAt(0)===160) ) {tmp='';}
+				if($.isFunction($t.p.formatCell)) {
+					var tmp2 = $$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);
+					if(tmp2 !== undefined ) {tmp = tmp2;}
+				}
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridBeforeEditCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, tmp, iRow, iCol]);
+				if ($.isFunction($t.p.beforeEditCell)) {
+					$$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);
+				}
+				var opt = $.extend({}, cm.editoptions || {} ,{id:iRow+"_"+nm,name:nm});
+				var elc = $$t,cm.edittype,opt,tmp,true,$.extend({},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions,$t.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {}));
+				$(cc).html("").append(elc).attr("tabindex","0");
+				$$t, elc, opt);
+				window.setTimeout(function () { $(elc).focus();},0);
+				$("input, select, textarea",cc).bind("keydown",function(e) {
+					if (e.keyCode === 27) {
+						if($("input.hasDatepicker",cc).length >0) {
+							if( $(".ui-datepicker").is(":hidden") )  { $($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol); }
+							else { $("input.hasDatepicker",cc).datepicker('hide'); }
+						} else {
+							$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+						}
+					} //ESC
+					if (e.keyCode === 13) {
+						$($t).jqGrid("saveCell",iRow,iCol);
+						// Prevent default action
+						return false;
+					} //Enter
+					if (e.keyCode === 9)  {
+						if(!$t.grid.hDiv.loading ) {
+							if (e.shiftKey) {$($t).jqGrid("prevCell",iRow,iCol);} //Shift TAb
+							else {$($t).jqGrid("nextCell",iRow,iCol);} //Tab
+						} else {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					e.stopPropagation();
+				});
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterEditCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, tmp, iRow, iCol]);
+				if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterEditCell)) {
+					$$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (parseInt($t.p.iCol,10)>=0  && parseInt($t.p.iRow,10)>=0) {
+					$("td:eq("+$t.p.iCol+")",$t.rows[$t.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight");
+					$($t.rows[$t.p.iRow]).removeClass("selected-row ui-state-hover");
+				}
+				cc.addClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight");
+				$($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("selected-row ui-state-hover");
+				tmp = cc.html().replace(/\&#160\;/ig,'');
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridSelectCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, tmp, iRow, iCol]);
+				if ($.isFunction($t.p.onSelectCell)) {
+					$$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);
+				}
+			}
+			$t.p.iCol = iCol; $t.p.iRow = iRow;
+		});
+	},
+	saveCell : function (iRow, iCol){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t= this, fr;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}
+			if ( $t.p.savedRow.length >= 1) {fr = 0;} else {fr=null;} 
+			if(fr !== null) {
+				var cc = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]),v,v2,
+				cm = $t.p.colModel[iCol], nm =, nmjq = $.jgrid.jqID(nm) ;
+				switch (cm.edittype) {
+					case "select":
+						if(!cm.editoptions.multiple) {
+							v = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nmjq+" option:selected",$t.rows[iRow]).val();
+							v2 = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nmjq+" option:selected",$t.rows[iRow]).text();
+						} else {
+							var sel = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nmjq,$t.rows[iRow]), selectedText = [];
+							v = $(sel).val();
+							if(v) { v.join(",");} else { v=""; }
+							$("option:selected",sel).each(
+								function(i,selected){
+									selectedText[i] = $(selected).text();
+								}
+							);
+							v2 = selectedText.join(",");
+						}
+						if(cm.formatter) { v2 = v; }
+						break;
+					case "checkbox":
+						var cbv  = ["Yes","No"];
+						if(cm.editoptions){
+							cbv = cm.editoptions.value.split(":");
+						}
+						v = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nmjq,$t.rows[iRow]).is(":checked") ? cbv[0] : cbv[1];
+						v2=v;
+						break;
+					case "password":
+					case "text":
+					case "textarea":
+					case "button" :
+						v = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nmjq,$t.rows[iRow]).val();
+						v2=v;
+						break;
+					case 'custom' :
+						try {
+							if(cm.editoptions && $.isFunction(cm.editoptions.custom_value)) {
+								v =$t, $(".customelement",cc),'get');
+								if (v===undefined) { throw "e2";} else { v2=v; }
+							} else { throw "e1"; }
+						} catch (e) {
+							if (e==="e1") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+							if (e==="e2") { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,"function 'custom_value' "+$.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+							else {$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,e.message,$.jgrid.edit.bClose); }
+						}
+						break;
+				}
+				// The common approach is if nothing changed do not do anything
+				if (v2 !== $t.p.savedRow[fr].v){
+					var vvv = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridBeforeSaveCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, v, iRow, iCol]);
+					if (vvv) {v = vvv; v2=vvv;}
+					if ($.isFunction($t.p.beforeSaveCell)) {
+						var vv = $$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);
+						if (vv) {v = vv; v2=vv;}
+					}
+					var cv = $$t,v,iCol);
+					if(cv[0] === true) {
+						var addpost = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridBeforeSubmitCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, v, iRow, iCol]) || {};
+						if ($.isFunction($t.p.beforeSubmitCell)) {
+							addpost = $$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);
+							if (!addpost) {addpost={};}
+						}
+						if( $("input.hasDatepicker",cc).length >0) { $("input.hasDatepicker",cc).datepicker('hide'); }
+						if ($t.p.cellsubmit === 'remote') {
+							if ($t.p.cellurl) {
+								var postdata = {};
+								if($t.p.autoencode) { v = $.jgrid.htmlEncode(v); }
+								postdata[nm] = v;
+								var idname,oper, opers;
+								opers = $t.p.prmNames;
+								idname =;
+								oper = opers.oper;
+								postdata[idname] = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, $t.rows[iRow].id);
+								postdata[oper] = opers.editoper;
+								postdata = $.extend(addpost,postdata);
+								$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+								$t.grid.hDiv.loading = true;
+								$.ajax( $.extend( {
+									url: $t.p.cellurl,
+									data :$.isFunction($t.p.serializeCellData) ? $$t, postdata) : postdata,
+									type: "POST",
+									complete: function (result, stat) {
+										$("#lui_"+$;
+										$t.grid.hDiv.loading = false;
+										if (stat === 'success') {
+											var ret = $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterSubmitCell", [$t, result,, nm, v, iRow, iCol]) || [true, ''];
+											if (ret[0] === true && $.isFunction($t.p.afterSubmitCell)) {
+												ret = $$t, result,,nm,v,iRow,iCol);
+											}
+											if(ret[0] === true){
+												$(cc).empty();
+												$($t).jqGrid("setCell",$t.rows[iRow].id, iCol, v2, false, false, true);
+												$(cc).addClass("dirty-cell");
+												$($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("edited");
+												$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterSaveCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, v, iRow, iCol]);
+												if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterSaveCell)) {
+													$$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);
+												}
+												$t.p.savedRow.splice(0,1);
+											} else {
+												$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,ret[1],$.jgrid.edit.bClose);
+												$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+											}
+										}
+									},
+									error:function(res,stat,err) {
+										$("#lui_"+$.jgrid.jqID($;
+										$t.grid.hDiv.loading = false;
+										$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridErrorCell", [res, stat, err]);
+										if ($.isFunction($t.p.errorCell)) {
+											$$t, res,stat,err);
+											$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+										} else {
+											$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,res.status+" : "+res.statusText+"<br/>"+stat,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);
+											$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+										}
+									}
+								}, $.jgrid.ajaxOptions, $t.p.ajaxCellOptions || {}));
+							} else {
+								try {
+									$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,$.jgrid.errors.nourl,$.jgrid.edit.bClose);
+									$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+								} catch (e) {}
+							}
+						}
+						if ($t.p.cellsubmit === 'clientArray') {
+							$(cc).empty();
+							$($t).jqGrid("setCell",$t.rows[iRow].id,iCol, v2, false, false, true);
+							$(cc).addClass("dirty-cell");
+							$($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("edited");
+							$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterSaveCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, nm, v, iRow, iCol]);
+							if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterSaveCell)) {
+								$$t, $t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);
+							}
+							$t.p.savedRow.splice(0,1);
+						}
+					} else {
+						try {
+							window.setTimeout(function(){$.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,v+" "+cv[1],$.jgrid.edit.bClose);},100);
+							$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+						} catch (e) {}
+					}
+				} else {
+					$($t).jqGrid("restoreCell",iRow,iCol);
+				}
+			}
+			window.setTimeout(function () { $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($t.p.knv)).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();},0);
+		});
+	},
+	restoreCell : function(iRow, iCol) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t= this, fr;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true ) {return;}
+			if ( $t.p.savedRow.length >= 1) {fr = 0;} else {fr=null;}
+			if(fr !== null) {
+				var cc = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]);
+				// datepicker fix
+				if($.isFunction($.fn.datepicker)) {
+					try {
+						$("input.hasDatepicker",cc).datepicker('hide');
+					} catch (e) {}
+				}
+				$(cc).empty().attr("tabindex","-1");
+				$($t).jqGrid("setCell",$t.rows[iRow].id, iCol, $t.p.savedRow[fr].v, false, false, true);
+				$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridAfterRestoreCell", [$t.rows[iRow].id, $t.p.savedRow[fr].v, iRow, iCol]);
+				if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterRestoreCell)) {
+					$$t, $t.rows[iRow].id, $t.p.savedRow[fr].v, iRow, iCol);
+				}				
+				$t.p.savedRow.splice(0,1);
+			}
+			window.setTimeout(function () { $("#"+$t.p.knv).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();},0);
+		});
+	},
+	nextCell : function (iRow,iCol) {
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var $t = this, nCol=false, i;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}
+			// try to find next editable cell
+			for (i=iCol+1; i<$t.p.colModel.length; i++) {
+				if ( $t.p.colModel[i].editable ===true) {
+					nCol = i; break;
+				}
+			}
+			if(nCol !== false) {
+				$($t).jqGrid("editCell",iRow,nCol,true);
+			} else {
+				if ($t.p.savedRow.length >0) {
+					$($t).jqGrid("saveCell",iRow,iCol);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	prevCell : function (iRow,iCol) {
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var $t = this, nCol=false, i;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}
+			// try to find next editable cell
+			for (i=iCol-1; i>=0; i--) {
+				if ( $t.p.colModel[i].editable ===true) {
+					nCol = i; break;
+				}
+			}
+			if(nCol !== false) {
+				$($t).jqGrid("editCell",iRow,nCol,true);
+			} else {
+				if ($t.p.savedRow.length >0) {
+					$($t).jqGrid("saveCell",iRow,iCol);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	GridNav : function() {
+		return this.each(function () {
+			var  $t = this;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true ) {return;}
+			// trick to process keydown on non input elements
+			$t.p.knv = $ + "_kn";
+			var selection = $("<div style='position:fixed;top:0px;width:1px;height:1px;' tabindex='0'><div tabindex='-1' style='width:1px;height:1px;' id='"+$t.p.knv+"'></div></div>"),
+			i, kdir;
+			function scrollGrid(iR, iC, tp){
+				if (tp.substr(0,1)==='v') {
+					var ch = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].clientHeight,
+					st = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop,
+					nROT = $t.rows[iR].offsetTop+$t.rows[iR].clientHeight,
+					pROT = $t.rows[iR].offsetTop;
+					if(tp === 'vd') {
+						if(nROT >= ch) {
+							$($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop + $t.rows[iR].clientHeight;
+						}
+					}
+					if(tp === 'vu'){
+						if (pROT < st ) {
+							$($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop - $t.rows[iR].clientHeight;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(tp==='h') {
+					var cw = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].clientWidth,
+					sl = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft,
+					nCOL = $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].offsetLeft+$t.rows[iR].cells[iC].clientWidth,
+					pCOL = $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].offsetLeft;
+					if(nCOL >= cw+parseInt(sl,10)) {
+						$($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft + $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].clientWidth;
+					} else if (pCOL < sl) {
+						$($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft - $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].clientWidth;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			function findNextVisible(iC,act){
+				var ind, i;
+				if(act === 'lft') {
+					ind = iC+1;
+					for (i=iC;i>=0;i--){
+						if ($t.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true) {
+							ind = i;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(act === 'rgt') {
+					ind = iC-1;
+					for (i=iC; i<$t.p.colModel.length;i++){
+						if ($t.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true) {
+							ind = i;
+							break;
+						}						
+					}
+				}
+				return ind;
+			}
+			$(selection).insertBefore($t.grid.cDiv);
+			$("#"+$t.p.knv)
+			.focus()
+			.keydown(function (e){
+				kdir = e.keyCode;
+				if($t.p.direction === "rtl") {
+					if(kdir===37) { kdir = 39;}
+					else if (kdir===39) { kdir = 37; }
+				}
+				switch (kdir) {
+					case 38:
+						if ($t.p.iRow-1 >0 ) {
+							scrollGrid($t.p.iRow-1,$t.p.iCol,'vu');
+							$($t).jqGrid("editCell",$t.p.iRow-1,$t.p.iCol,false);
+						}
+					break;
+					case 40 :
+						if ($t.p.iRow+1 <=  $t.rows.length-1) {
+							scrollGrid($t.p.iRow+1,$t.p.iCol,'vd');
+							$($t).jqGrid("editCell",$t.p.iRow+1,$t.p.iCol,false);
+						}
+					break;
+					case 37 :
+						if ($t.p.iCol -1 >=  0) {
+							i = findNextVisible($t.p.iCol-1,'lft');
+							scrollGrid($t.p.iRow, i,'h');
+							$($t).jqGrid("editCell",$t.p.iRow, i,false);
+						}
+					break;
+					case 39 :
+						if ($t.p.iCol +1 <=  $t.p.colModel.length-1) {
+							i = findNextVisible($t.p.iCol+1,'rgt');
+							scrollGrid($t.p.iRow,i,'h');
+							$($t).jqGrid("editCell",$t.p.iRow,i,false);
+						}
+					break;
+					case 13:
+						if (parseInt($t.p.iCol,10)>=0 && parseInt($t.p.iRow,10)>=0) {
+							$($t).jqGrid("editCell",$t.p.iRow,$t.p.iCol,true);
+						}
+					break;
+					default :
+						return true;
+				}
+				return false;
+			});
+		});
+	},
+	getChangedCells : function (mthd) {
+		var ret=[];
+		if (!mthd) {mthd='all';}
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t= this,nm;
+			if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true ) {return;}
+			$($t.rows).each(function(j){
+				var res = {};
+				if ($(this).hasClass("edited")) {
+					$('td',this).each( function(i) {
+						nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name;
+						if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid') {
+							if (mthd==='dirty') {
+								if ($(this).hasClass('dirty-cell')) {
+									try {
+										res[nm] = $$t,this,{rowId:$t.rows[j].id, colModel:$t.p.colModel[i]},i);
+									} catch (e){
+										res[nm] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode($(this).html());
+									}
+								}
+							} else {
+								try {
+									res[nm] = $$t,this,{rowId:$t.rows[j].id,colModel:$t.p.colModel[i]},i);
+								} catch (e) {
+									res[nm] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode($(this).html());
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					});
+ =;
+					ret.push(res);
+				}
+			});
+		});
+		return ret;
+	}
+/// end  cell editing
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid extension for SubGrid Data
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+setSubGrid : function () {
+	return this.each(function (){
+		var $t = this, cm, i,
+		suboptions = {
+			plusicon : "ui-icon-plus",
+			minusicon : "ui-icon-minus",
+			openicon: "ui-icon-carat-1-sw",
+			expandOnLoad:  false,
+			delayOnLoad : 50,
+			selectOnExpand : false,
+			selectOnCollapse : false,
+			reloadOnExpand : true
+		};
+		$t.p.subGridOptions = $.extend(suboptions, $t.p.subGridOptions || {});
+		$t.p.colNames.unshift("");
+		$t.p.colModel.unshift({name:'subgrid',width: $.jgrid.cell_width ?  $t.p.subGridWidth+$t.p.cellLayout : $t.p.subGridWidth,sortable: false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,search:false,fixed:true});
+		cm = $t.p.subGridModel;
+		if(cm[0]) {
+			cm[0].align = $.extend([],cm[0].align || []);
+			for(i=0;i<cm[0].name.length;i++) { cm[0].align[i] = cm[0].align[i] || 'left';}
+		}
+	});
+addSubGridCell :function (pos,iRow) {
+	var prp='',ic,sid;
+	this.each(function(){
+		prp = this.formatCol(pos,iRow);
+		sid=;
+		ic = this.p.subGridOptions.plusicon;
+	});
+	return "<td role=\"gridcell\" aria-describedby=\""+sid+"_subgrid\" class=\"ui-sgcollapsed sgcollapsed\" "+prp+"><a style='cursor:pointer;'><span class='ui-icon "+ic+"'></span></a></td>";
+addSubGrid : function( pos, sind ) {
+	return this.each(function(){
+		var ts = this;
+		if (!ts.grid ) { return; }
+		//-------------------------
+		var subGridCell = function(trdiv,cell,pos)
+		{
+			var tddiv = $("<td align='"+ts.p.subGridModel[0].align[pos]+"'></td>").html(cell);
+			$(trdiv).append(tddiv);
+		};
+		var subGridXml = function(sjxml, sbid){
+			var tddiv, i,  sgmap,
+			dummy = $("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tbody></tbody></table>"),
+			trdiv = $("<tr></tr>");
+			for (i = 0; i<ts.p.subGridModel[0].name.length; i++) {
+				tddiv = $("<th class='ui-state-default ui-th-subgrid ui-th-column ui-th-"+ts.p.direction+"'></th>");
+				$(tddiv).html(ts.p.subGridModel[0].name[i]);
+				$(tddiv).width( ts.p.subGridModel[0].width[i]);
+				$(trdiv).append(tddiv);
+			}
+			$(dummy).append(trdiv);
+			if (sjxml){
+				sgmap = ts.p.xmlReader.subgrid;
+				$(sgmap.root+" "+sgmap.row, sjxml).each( function(){
+					trdiv = $("<tr class='ui-widget-content ui-subtblcell'></tr>");
+					if(sgmap.repeatitems === true) {
+						$(sgmap.cell,this).each( function(i) {
+							subGridCell(trdiv, $(this).text() || '&#160;',i);
+						});
+					} else {
+						var f = ts.p.subGridModel[0].mapping || ts.p.subGridModel[0].name;
+						if (f) {
+							for (i=0;i<f.length;i++) {
+								subGridCell(trdiv, $(f[i],this).text() || '&#160;',i);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					$(dummy).append(trdiv);
+				});
+			}
+			var pID = $("table:first",ts.grid.bDiv).attr("id")+"_";
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(pID+sbid)).append(dummy);
+			ts.grid.hDiv.loading = false;
+			$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+			return false;
+		};
+		var subGridJson = function(sjxml, sbid){
+			var tddiv,result,i,cur, sgmap,j,
+			dummy = $("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tbody></tbody></table>"),
+			trdiv = $("<tr></tr>");
+			for (i = 0; i<ts.p.subGridModel[0].name.length; i++) {
+				tddiv = $("<th class='ui-state-default ui-th-subgrid ui-th-column ui-th-"+ts.p.direction+"'></th>");
+				$(tddiv).html(ts.p.subGridModel[0].name[i]);
+				$(tddiv).width( ts.p.subGridModel[0].width[i]);
+				$(trdiv).append(tddiv);
+			}
+			$(dummy).append(trdiv);
+			if (sjxml){
+				sgmap = ts.p.jsonReader.subgrid;
+				result = $.jgrid.getAccessor(sjxml, sgmap.root);
+				if ( result !== undefined ) {
+					for (i=0;i<result.length;i++) {
+						cur = result[i];
+						trdiv = $("<tr class='ui-widget-content ui-subtblcell'></tr>");
+						if(sgmap.repeatitems === true) {
+							if(sgmap.cell) { cur=cur[sgmap.cell]; }
+							for (j=0;j<cur.length;j++) {
+								subGridCell(trdiv, cur[j] || '&#160;',j);
+							}
+						} else {
+							var f = ts.p.subGridModel[0].mapping || ts.p.subGridModel[0].name;
+							if(f.length) {
+								for (j=0;j<f.length;j++) {
+									subGridCell(trdiv, cur[f[j]] || '&#160;',j);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						$(dummy).append(trdiv);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			var pID = $("table:first",ts.grid.bDiv).attr("id")+"_";
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(pID+sbid)).append(dummy);
+			ts.grid.hDiv.loading = false;
+			$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+			return false;
+		};
+		var populatesubgrid = function( rd )
+		{
+			var sid,dp, i, j;
+			sid = $(rd).attr("id");
+			dp = {nd_: (new Date().getTime())};
+			dp[ts.p.prmNames.subgridid]=sid;
+			if(!ts.p.subGridModel[0]) { return false; }
+			if(ts.p.subGridModel[0].params) {
+				for(j=0; j < ts.p.subGridModel[0].params.length; j++) {
+					for(i=0; i<ts.p.colModel.length; i++) {
+						if(ts.p.colModel[i].name === ts.p.subGridModel[0].params[j]) {
+							dp[ts.p.colModel[i].name]= $("td:eq("+i+")",rd).text().replace(/\&#160\;/ig,'');
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(!ts.grid.hDiv.loading) {
+				ts.grid.hDiv.loading = true;
+				$("#load_"+$.jgrid.jqID(;
+				if(!ts.p.subgridtype) { ts.p.subgridtype = ts.p.datatype; }
+				if($.isFunction(ts.p.subgridtype)) {
+, dp);
+				} else {
+					ts.p.subgridtype = ts.p.subgridtype.toLowerCase();
+				}
+				switch(ts.p.subgridtype) {
+					case "xml":
+					case "json":
+					$.ajax($.extend({
+						type:ts.p.mtype,
+						url: ts.p.subGridUrl,
+						dataType:ts.p.subgridtype,
+						data: $.isFunction(ts.p.serializeSubGridData)?, dp) : dp,
+						complete: function(sxml) {
+							if(ts.p.subgridtype === "xml") {
+								subGridXml(sxml.responseXML, sid);
+							} else {
+								subGridJson($.jgrid.parse(sxml.responseText),sid);
+							}
+							sxml=null;
+						}
+					}, $.jgrid.ajaxOptions, ts.p.ajaxSubgridOptions || {}));
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		};
+		var _id, pID,atd, nhc=0, bfsc, r;
+		$.each(ts.p.colModel,function(){
+			if(this.hidden === true || === 'rn' || === 'cb') {
+				nhc++;
+			}
+		});
+		var len = ts.rows.length, i=1;
+		if( sind !== undefined && sind > 0) {
+			i = sind;
+			len = sind+1;
+		}
+		while(i < len) {
+			if($(ts.rows[i]).hasClass('jqgrow')) {
+				$(ts.rows[i].cells[pos]).bind('click', function() {
+					var tr = $(this).parent("tr")[0];
+					r = tr.nextSibling;
+					if($(this).hasClass("sgcollapsed")) {
+						pID =;
+						_id =;
+						if(ts.p.subGridOptions.reloadOnExpand === true || ( ts.p.subGridOptions.reloadOnExpand === false && !$(r).hasClass('ui-subgrid') ) ) {
+							atd = pos >=1 ? "<td colspan='"+pos+"'>&#160;</td>":"";
+							bfsc = $(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridSubGridBeforeExpand", [pID + "_" + _id, _id]);
+							bfsc = (bfsc === false || bfsc === 'stop') ? false : true;
+							if(bfsc && $.isFunction(ts.p.subGridBeforeExpand)) {
+								bfsc =, pID+"_"+_id,_id);
+							}
+							if(bfsc === false) {return false;}
+							$(tr).after( "<tr role='row' class='ui-subgrid'>"+atd+"<td class='ui-widget-content subgrid-cell'><span class='ui-icon "+ts.p.subGridOptions.openicon+"'></span></td><td colspan='"+parseInt(ts.p.colNames.length-1-nhc,10)+"' class='ui-widget-content subgrid-data'><div id="+pID+"_"+_id+" class='tablediv'></div></td></tr>" );
+							$(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridSubGridRowExpanded", [pID + "_" + _id, _id]);
+							if( $.isFunction(ts.p.subGridRowExpanded)) {
+, pID+"_"+ _id,_id);
+							} else {
+								populatesubgrid(tr);
+							}
+						} else {
+							$(r).show();
+						}
+						$(this).html("<a style='cursor:pointer;'><span class='ui-icon "+ts.p.subGridOptions.minusicon+"'></span></a>").removeClass("sgcollapsed").addClass("sgexpanded");
+						if(ts.p.subGridOptions.selectOnExpand) {
+							$(ts).jqGrid('setSelection',_id);
+						}
+					} else if($(this).hasClass("sgexpanded")) {
+						bfsc = $(ts).triggerHandler("jqGridSubGridRowColapsed", [pID + "_" + _id, _id]);
+						bfsc = (bfsc === false || bfsc === 'stop') ? false : true;
+						_id =;
+						if( bfsc &&  $.isFunction(ts.p.subGridRowColapsed)) {
+							bfsc =, pID+"_"+_id,_id );
+						}
+						if(bfsc===false) {return false;}
+						if(ts.p.subGridOptions.reloadOnExpand === true) {
+							$(r).remove(".ui-subgrid");
+						} else if($(r).hasClass('ui-subgrid')) { // incase of dynamic deleting
+							$(r).hide();
+						}
+						$(this).html("<a style='cursor:pointer;'><span class='ui-icon "+ts.p.subGridOptions.plusicon+"'></span></a>").removeClass("sgexpanded").addClass("sgcollapsed");
+						if(ts.p.subGridOptions.selectOnCollapse) {
+							$(ts).jqGrid('setSelection',_id);
+						}
+					}
+					return false;
+				});
+			}
+			i++;
+		}
+		if(ts.p.subGridOptions.expandOnLoad === true) {
+			$(ts.rows).filter('.jqgrow').each(function(index,row){
+				$(row.cells[0]).click();
+			});
+		}
+		ts.subGridXml = function(xml,sid) {subGridXml(xml,sid);};
+		ts.subGridJson = function(json,sid) {subGridJson(json,sid);};
+	});
+expandSubGridRow : function(rowid) {
+	return this.each(function () {
+		var $t = this;
+		if(!$t.grid && !rowid) {return;}
+		if($t.p.subGrid===true) {
+			var rc = $(this).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+			if(rc) {
+				var sgc = $("td.sgcollapsed",rc)[0];
+				if(sgc) {
+					$(sgc).trigger("click");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+collapseSubGridRow : function(rowid) {
+	return this.each(function () {
+		var $t = this;
+		if(!$t.grid && !rowid) {return;}
+		if($t.p.subGrid===true) {
+			var rc = $(this).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+			if(rc) {
+				var sgc = $("td.sgexpanded",rc)[0];
+				if(sgc) {
+					$(sgc).trigger("click");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+toggleSubGridRow : function(rowid) {
+	return this.each(function () {
+		var $t = this;
+		if(!$t.grid && !rowid) {return;}
+		if($t.p.subGrid===true) {
+			var rc = $(this).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
+			if(rc) {
+				var sgc = $("td.sgcollapsed",rc)[0];
+				if(sgc) {
+					$(sgc).trigger("click");
+				} else {
+					sgc = $("td.sgexpanded",rc)[0];
+					if(sgc) {
+						$(sgc).trigger("click");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+ * jqGrid extension - Tree Grid
+ * Tony Tomov
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+(function($) {
+"use strict";
+	setTreeNode : function(i, len){
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if( !$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid ) {return;}
+			var expCol = $t.p.expColInd,
+			expanded = $t.p.treeReader.expanded_field,
+			isLeaf = $t.p.treeReader.leaf_field,
+			level = $t.p.treeReader.level_field,
+			icon = $t.p.treeReader.icon_field,
+			loaded = $t.p.treeReader.loaded,  lft, rgt, curLevel, ident,lftpos, twrap,
+			ldat, lf;
+			while(i<len) {
+				var ind = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, $t.rows[i].id), dind = $t.p._index[ind], expan;
+				ldat = $[dind];
+				//$t.rows[i].level = ldat[level];
+				if($t.p.treeGridModel === 'nested') {
+					if(!ldat[isLeaf]) {
+					lft = parseInt(ldat[$t.p.treeReader.left_field],10);
+					rgt = parseInt(ldat[$t.p.treeReader.right_field],10);
+					// NS Model
+						ldat[isLeaf] = (rgt === lft+1) ? 'true' : 'false';
+						$t.rows[i].cells[$t.p._treeleafpos].innerHTML = ldat[isLeaf];
+					}
+				}
+				//else {
+					//row.parent_id = rd[$t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field];
+				//}
+				curLevel = parseInt(ldat[level],10);
+				if($t.p.tree_root_level === 0) {
+					ident = curLevel+1;
+					lftpos = curLevel;
+				} else {
+					ident = curLevel;
+					lftpos = curLevel -1;
+				}
+				twrap = "<div class='tree-wrap tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction+"' style='width:"+(ident*18)+"px;'>";
+				twrap += "<div style='"+($t.p.direction==="rtl" ? "right:" : "left:")+(lftpos*18)+"px;' class='ui-icon ";
+				if(ldat[loaded] !== undefined) {
+					if(ldat[loaded]==="true" || ldat[loaded]===true) {
+						ldat[loaded] = true;
+					} else {
+						ldat[loaded] = false;
+					}
+				}
+				if(ldat[isLeaf] === "true" || ldat[isLeaf] === true) {
+					twrap += ((ldat[icon] !== undefined && ldat[icon] !== "") ? ldat[icon] : $t.p.treeIcons.leaf)+" tree-leaf treeclick";
+					ldat[isLeaf] = true;
+					lf="leaf";
+				} else {
+					ldat[isLeaf] = false;
+					lf="";
+				}
+				ldat[expanded] = ((ldat[expanded] === "true" || ldat[expanded] === true) ? true : false) && (ldat[loaded] || ldat[loaded] === undefined);
+				if(ldat[expanded] === false) {
+					twrap += ((ldat[isLeaf] === true) ? "'" : $" tree-plus treeclick'");
+				} else {
+					twrap += ((ldat[isLeaf] === true) ? "'" : $t.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus treeclick'");
+				}
+				twrap += "></div></div>";
+				$($t.rows[i].cells[expCol]).wrapInner("<span class='cell-wrapper"+lf+"'></span>").prepend(twrap);
+				if(curLevel !== parseInt($t.p.tree_root_level,10)) {
+					var pn = $($t).jqGrid('getNodeParent',ldat);
+					expan = pn && pn.hasOwnProperty(expanded) ? pn[expanded] : true;
+					if( !expan ){
+						$($t.rows[i]).css("display","none");
+					}
+				}
+				$($t.rows[i].cells[expCol])
+					.find("div.treeclick")
+					.bind("click",function(e){
+						var target = || e.srcElement,
+						ind2 =$.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix,$(target,$t.rows).closest("tr.jqgrow")[0].id),
+						pos = $t.p._index[ind2];
+						if(!$[pos][isLeaf]){
+							if($[pos][expanded]){
+								$($t).jqGrid("collapseRow",$[pos]);
+								$($t).jqGrid("collapseNode",$[pos]);
+							} else {
+								$($t).jqGrid("expandRow",$[pos]);
+								$($t).jqGrid("expandNode",$[pos]);
+							}
+						}
+						return false;
+					});
+				if($t.p.ExpandColClick === true) {
+					$($t.rows[i].cells[expCol])
+						.find("span.cell-wrapper")
+						.css("cursor","pointer")
+						.bind("click",function(e) {
+							var target = || e.srcElement,
+							ind2 =$.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix,$(target,$t.rows).closest("tr.jqgrow")[0].id),
+							pos = $t.p._index[ind2];
+							if(!$[pos][isLeaf]){
+								if($[pos][expanded]){
+									$($t).jqGrid("collapseRow",$[pos]);
+									$($t).jqGrid("collapseNode",$[pos]);
+								} else {
+									$($t).jqGrid("expandRow",$[pos]);
+									$($t).jqGrid("expandNode",$[pos]);
+								}
+							}
+							$($t).jqGrid("setSelection",ind2);
+							return false;
+						});
+				}
+				i++;
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	setTreeGrid : function() {
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var $t = this, i=0, pico, ecol = false, nm, key, tkey, dupcols=[];
+			if(!$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			if(!$t.p.treedatatype ) {$.extend($t.p,{treedatatype: $t.p.datatype});}
+			$t.p.subGrid = false;$t.p.altRows =false;
+			$t.p.pgbuttons = false;$t.p.pginput = false;
+			$t.p.gridview =  true;
+			if($t.p.rowTotal === null ) { $t.p.rowNum = 10000; }
+			$t.p.multiselect = false;$t.p.rowList = [];
+			$t.p.expColInd = 0;
+			pico = 'ui-icon-triangle-1-' + ($t.p.direction==="rtl" ? 'w' : 'e');
+			$t.p.treeIcons = $.extend({plus:pico,minus:'ui-icon-triangle-1-s',leaf:'ui-icon-radio-off'},$t.p.treeIcons || {});
+			if($t.p.treeGridModel === 'nested') {
+				$t.p.treeReader = $.extend({
+					level_field: "level",
+					left_field:"lft",
+					right_field: "rgt",
+					leaf_field: "isLeaf",
+					expanded_field: "expanded",
+					loaded: "loaded",
+					icon_field: "icon"
+				},$t.p.treeReader);
+			} else if($t.p.treeGridModel === 'adjacency') {
+				$t.p.treeReader = $.extend({
+						level_field: "level",
+						parent_id_field: "parent",
+						leaf_field: "isLeaf",
+						expanded_field: "expanded",
+						loaded: "loaded",
+						icon_field: "icon"
+				},$t.p.treeReader );
+			}
+			for ( key in $t.p.colModel){
+				if($t.p.colModel.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+					nm = $t.p.colModel[key].name;
+					if( nm === $t.p.ExpandColumn && !ecol ) {
+						ecol = true;
+						$t.p.expColInd = i;
+					}
+					i++;
+					//
+					for(tkey in $t.p.treeReader) {
+						if($t.p.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(tkey) && $t.p.treeReader[tkey] === nm) {
+							dupcols.push(nm);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			$.each($t.p.treeReader,function(j,n){
+				if(n && $.inArray(n, dupcols) === -1){
+					if(j==='leaf_field') { $t.p._treeleafpos= i; }
+				i++;
+					$t.p.colNames.push(n);
+					$t.p.colModel.push({name:n,width:1,hidden:true,sortable:false,resizable:false,hidedlg:true,editable:true,search:false});
+				}
+			});			
+		});
+	},
+	expandRow: function (record){
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var childern = $($t).jqGrid("getNodeChildren",record),
+			//if ($($t).jqGrid("isVisibleNode",record)) {
+			expanded = $t.p.treeReader.expanded_field;
+			$(childern).each(function(){
+				var id  = $t.p.idPrefix + $.jgrid.getAccessor(this,$;
+				$($($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', id)).css("display","");
+				if(this[expanded]) {
+					$($t).jqGrid("expandRow",this);
+				}
+			});
+			//}
+		});
+	},
+	collapseRow : function (record) {
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var childern = $($t).jqGrid("getNodeChildren",record),
+			expanded = $t.p.treeReader.expanded_field;
+			$(childern).each(function(){
+				var id  = $t.p.idPrefix + $.jgrid.getAccessor(this,$;
+				$($($t).jqGrid('getGridRowById', id)).css("display","none");
+				if(this[expanded]){
+					$($t).jqGrid("collapseRow",this);
+				}
+			});
+		});
+	},
+	// NS ,adjacency models
+	getRootNodes : function() {
+		var result = [];
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			switch ($t.p.treeGridModel) {
+				case 'nested' :
+					var level = $t.p.treeReader.level_field;
+					$(${
+						if(parseInt(this[level],10) === parseInt($t.p.tree_root_level,10)) {
+							result.push(this);
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+				case 'adjacency' :
+					var parent_id = $t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field;
+					$(${
+						if(this[parent_id] === null || String(this[parent_id]).toLowerCase() === "null") {
+							result.push(this);
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		return result;
+	},
+	getNodeDepth : function(rc) {
+		var ret = null;
+		this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var $t = this;
+			switch ($t.p.treeGridModel) {
+				case 'nested' :
+					var level = $t.p.treeReader.level_field;
+					ret = parseInt(rc[level],10) - parseInt($t.p.tree_root_level,10);
+					break;
+				case 'adjacency' :
+					ret = $($t).jqGrid("getNodeAncestors",rc).length;
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		return ret;
+	},
+	getNodeParent : function(rc) {
+		var result = null;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			switch ($t.p.treeGridModel) {
+				case 'nested' :
+					var lftc = $t.p.treeReader.left_field,
+					rgtc = $t.p.treeReader.right_field,
+					levelc = $t.p.treeReader.level_field,
+					lft = parseInt(rc[lftc],10), rgt = parseInt(rc[rgtc],10), level = parseInt(rc[levelc],10);
+					$({
+						if(parseInt(this[levelc],10) === level-1 && parseInt(this[lftc],10) < lft && parseInt(this[rgtc],10) > rgt) {
+							result = this;
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+				case 'adjacency' :
+					var parent_id = $t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field,
+					dtid = $;
+					$({
+						if(this[dtid] === $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rc[parent_id]) ) {
+							result = this;
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		return result;
+	},
+	getNodeChildren : function(rc) {
+		var result = [];
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			switch ($t.p.treeGridModel) {
+				case 'nested' :
+					var lftc = $t.p.treeReader.left_field,
+					rgtc = $t.p.treeReader.right_field,
+					levelc = $t.p.treeReader.level_field,
+					lft = parseInt(rc[lftc],10), rgt = parseInt(rc[rgtc],10), level = parseInt(rc[levelc],10);
+					$({
+						if(parseInt(this[levelc],10) === level+1 && parseInt(this[lftc],10) > lft && parseInt(this[rgtc],10) < rgt) {
+							result.push(this);
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+				case 'adjacency' :
+					var parent_id = $t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field,
+					dtid = $;
+					$({
+						if(this[parent_id] == $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rc[dtid])) {
+							result.push(this);
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		return result;
+	},
+	getFullTreeNode : function(rc) {
+		var result = [];
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, len;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			switch ($t.p.treeGridModel) {
+				case 'nested' :
+					var lftc = $t.p.treeReader.left_field,
+					rgtc = $t.p.treeReader.right_field,
+					levelc = $t.p.treeReader.level_field,
+					lft = parseInt(rc[lftc],10), rgt = parseInt(rc[rgtc],10), level = parseInt(rc[levelc],10);
+					$({
+						if(parseInt(this[levelc],10) >= level && parseInt(this[lftc],10) >= lft && parseInt(this[lftc],10) <= rgt) {
+							result.push(this);
+						}
+					});
+					break;
+				case 'adjacency' :
+					if(rc) {
+					result.push(rc);
+					var parent_id = $t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field,
+					dtid = $;
+					$({
+						len = result.length;
+						for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+							if ($.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, result[i][dtid]) === this[parent_id]) {
+								result.push(this);
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+					});
+					}
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		return result;
+	},	
+	// End NS, adjacency Model
+	getNodeAncestors : function(rc) {
+		var ancestors = [];
+		this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var parent = $(this).jqGrid("getNodeParent",rc);
+			while (parent) {
+				ancestors.push(parent);
+				parent = $(this).jqGrid("getNodeParent",parent);	
+			}
+		});
+		return ancestors;
+	},
+	isVisibleNode : function(rc) {
+		var result = true;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var ancestors = $($t).jqGrid("getNodeAncestors",rc),
+			expanded = $t.p.treeReader.expanded_field;
+			$(ancestors).each(function(){
+				result = result && this[expanded];
+				if(!result) {return false;}
+			});
+		});
+		return result;
+	},
+	isNodeLoaded : function(rc) {
+		var result;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var isLeaf = $t.p.treeReader.leaf_field,
+			loaded = $t.p.treeReader.loaded;
+			if(rc !== undefined ) {
+				if(rc[loaded] !== undefined) {
+					result = rc[loaded];
+				} else if( rc[isLeaf] || $($t).jqGrid("getNodeChildren",rc).length > 0){
+					result = true;
+				} else {
+					result = false;
+				}
+			} else {
+				result = false;
+			}
+		});
+		return result;
+	},
+	expandNode : function(rc) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var expanded = this.p.treeReader.expanded_field,
+			parent = this.p.treeReader.parent_id_field,
+			loaded = this.p.treeReader.loaded,
+			level = this.p.treeReader.level_field,
+			lft = this.p.treeReader.left_field,
+			rgt = this.p.treeReader.right_field;
+			if(!rc[expanded]) {
+				var id = $.jgrid.getAccessor(rc,;
+				var rc1 = $("#" + this.p.idPrefix + $.jgrid.jqID(id),this.grid.bDiv)[0];
+				var position = this.p._index[id];
+				if( $(this).jqGrid("isNodeLoaded",[position]) ) {
+					rc[expanded] = true;
+					$("div.treeclick",rc1).removeClass(" tree-plus").addClass(this.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus");
+				} else if (!this.grid.hDiv.loading) {
+					rc[expanded] = true;
+					$("div.treeclick",rc1).removeClass(" tree-plus").addClass(this.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus");
+					this.p.treeANode = rc1.rowIndex;
+					this.p.datatype = this.p.treedatatype;
+					if(this.p.treeGridModel === 'nested') {
+						$(this).jqGrid("setGridParam",{postData:{nodeid:id,n_left:rc[lft],n_right:rc[rgt],n_level:rc[level]}});
+					} else {
+						$(this).jqGrid("setGridParam",{postData:{nodeid:id,parentid:rc[parent],n_level:rc[level]}} );
+					}
+					$(this).trigger("reloadGrid");
+					rc[loaded] = true;
+					if(this.p.treeGridModel === 'nested') {
+						$(this).jqGrid("setGridParam",{postData:{nodeid:'',n_left:'',n_right:'',n_level:''}});
+					} else {
+						$(this).jqGrid("setGridParam",{postData:{nodeid:'',parentid:'',n_level:''}}); 
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	collapseNode : function(rc) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var expanded = this.p.treeReader.expanded_field;
+			if(rc[expanded]) {
+				rc[expanded] = false;
+				var id = $.jgrid.getAccessor(rc,;
+				var rc1 = $("#" + this.p.idPrefix + $.jgrid.jqID(id),this.grid.bDiv)[0];
+				$("div.treeclick",rc1).removeClass(this.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus").addClass(" tree-plus");
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	SortTree : function( sortname, newDir, st, datefmt) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var i, len,
+			rec, records = [], $t = this, query, roots,
+			rt = $(this).jqGrid("getRootNodes");
+			// Sorting roots
+			query = $.jgrid.from(rt);
+			query.orderBy(sortname,newDir,st, datefmt);
+			roots =;
+			// Sorting children
+			for (i = 0, len = roots.length; i < len; i++) {
+				rec = roots[i];
+				records.push(rec);
+				$(this).jqGrid("collectChildrenSortTree",records, rec, sortname, newDir,st, datefmt);
+			}
+			$.each(records, function(index) {
+				var id  = $.jgrid.getAccessor(this,$;
+				$('#'+$.jgrid.jqID($ ' tbody tr:eq('+index+')').after($('tr#'+$.jgrid.jqID(id),$t.grid.bDiv));
+			});
+			query = null;roots=null;records=null;
+		});
+	},
+	collectChildrenSortTree : function(records, rec, sortname, newDir,st, datefmt) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if(!this.grid || !this.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var i, len,
+			child, ch, query, children;
+			ch = $(this).jqGrid("getNodeChildren",rec);
+			query = $.jgrid.from(ch);
+			query.orderBy(sortname, newDir, st, datefmt);
+			children =;
+			for (i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
+				child = children[i];
+				records.push(child);
+				$(this).jqGrid("collectChildrenSortTree",records, child, sortname, newDir, st, datefmt); 
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	// experimental 
+	setTreeRow : function(rowid, data) {
+		var success=false;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var t = this;
+			if(!t.grid || !t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			success = $(t).jqGrid("setRowData",rowid,data);
+		});
+		return success;
+	},
+	delTreeNode : function (rowid) {
+		return this.each(function () {
+			var $t = this, rid = $, i,
+			left = $t.p.treeReader.left_field,
+			right = $t.p.treeReader.right_field, myright, width, res, key;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$t.p.treeGrid) {return;}
+			var rc = $t.p._index[rowid];
+			if (rc !== undefined) {
+				// nested
+				myright = parseInt($[rc][right],10);
+				width = myright -  parseInt($[rc][left],10) + 1;
+				var dr = $($t).jqGrid("getFullTreeNode",$[rc]);
+				if(dr.length>0){
+					for (i=0;i<dr.length;i++){
+						$($t).jqGrid("delRowData",dr[i][rid]);
+					}
+				}
+				if( $t.p.treeGridModel === "nested") {
+					// ToDo - update grid data
+					res = $.jgrid.from($
+						.greater(left,myright,{stype:'integer'})
+						.select();
+					if(res.length) {
+						for( key in res) {
+							if(res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								res[key][left] = parseInt(res[key][left],10) - width ;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					res = $.jgrid.from($
+						.greater(right,myright,{stype:'integer'})
+						.select();
+					if(res.length) {
+						for( key in res) {
+							if(res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								res[key][right] = parseInt(res[key][right],10) - width ;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	addChildNode : function( nodeid, parentid, data, expandData ) {
+		//return this.each(function(){
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(data) {
+			// we suppose tha the id is autoincremet and
+			var expanded = $t.p.treeReader.expanded_field,
+			isLeaf = $t.p.treeReader.leaf_field,
+			level = $t.p.treeReader.level_field,
+			//icon = $t.p.treeReader.icon_field,
+			parent = $t.p.treeReader.parent_id_field,
+			left = $t.p.treeReader.left_field,
+			right = $t.p.treeReader.right_field,
+			loaded = $t.p.treeReader.loaded,
+			method, parentindex, parentdata, parentlevel, i, len, max=0, rowind = parentid, leaf, maxright;
+			if(expandData===undefined) {expandData = false;}
+			if ( nodeid === undefined || nodeid === null ) {
+				i = $;
+				if(	i>= 0 ) {
+					while(i>=0){max = Math.max(max, parseInt($[i][$],10)); i--;}
+				}
+				nodeid = max+1;
+			}
+			var prow = $($t).jqGrid('getInd', parentid);
+			leaf = false;
+			// if not a parent we assume root
+			if ( parentid === undefined  || parentid === null || parentid==="") {
+				parentid = null;
+				rowind = null;
+				method = 'last';
+				parentlevel = $t.p.tree_root_level;
+				i = $;
+			} else {
+				method = 'after';
+				parentindex = $t.p._index[parentid];
+				parentdata = $[parentindex];
+				parentid = parentdata[$];
+				parentlevel = parseInt(parentdata[level],10)+1;
+				var childs = $($t).jqGrid('getFullTreeNode', parentdata);
+				// if there are child nodes get the last index of it
+				if(childs.length) {
+					i = childs[childs.length-1][$];
+					rowind = i;
+					i = $($t).jqGrid('getInd',rowind)+1;
+				} else {
+					i = $($t).jqGrid('getInd', parentid)+1;
+				}
+				// if the node is leaf
+				if(parentdata[isLeaf]) {
+					leaf = true;
+					parentdata[expanded] = true;
+					//var prow = $($t).jqGrid('getInd', parentid);
+					$($t.rows[prow])
+						.find("span.cell-wrapperleaf").removeClass("cell-wrapperleaf").addClass("cell-wrapper")
+						.end()
+						.find("div.tree-leaf").removeClass($t.p.treeIcons.leaf+" tree-leaf").addClass($t.p.treeIcons.minus+" tree-minus");
+					$[parentindex][isLeaf] = false;
+					parentdata[loaded] = true;
+				}
+			}
+			len = i+1;
+			if( data[expanded]===undefined)  {data[expanded]= false;}
+			if( data[loaded]===undefined )  { data[loaded] = false;}
+			data[level] = parentlevel;
+			if( data[isLeaf]===undefined) {data[isLeaf]= true;}
+			if( $t.p.treeGridModel === "adjacency") {
+				data[parent] = parentid;
+			}
+			if( $t.p.treeGridModel === "nested") {
+				// this method requiere more attention
+				var query, res, key;
+				//maxright = parseInt(maxright,10);
+				// ToDo - update grid data
+				if(parentid !== null) {
+					maxright = parseInt(parentdata[right],10);
+					query = $.jgrid.from($;
+					query = query.greaterOrEquals(right,maxright,{stype:'integer'});
+					res =;
+					if(res.length) {
+						for( key in res) {
+							if(res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								res[key][left] = res[key][left] > maxright ? parseInt(res[key][left],10) +2 : res[key][left];
+								res[key][right] = res[key][right] >= maxright ? parseInt(res[key][right],10) +2 : res[key][right];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					data[left] = maxright;
+					data[right]= maxright+1;
+				} else {
+					maxright = parseInt( $($t).jqGrid('getCol', right, false, 'max'), 10);
+					res = $.jgrid.from($
+						.greater(left,maxright,{stype:'integer'})
+						.select();
+					if(res.length) {
+						for( key in res) {
+							if(res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								res[key][left] = parseInt(res[key][left],10) +2 ;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					res = $.jgrid.from($
+						.greater(right,maxright,{stype:'integer'})
+						.select();
+					if(res.length) {
+						for( key in res) {
+							if(res.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+								res[key][right] = parseInt(res[key][right],10) +2 ;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					data[left] = maxright+1;
+					data[right] = maxright + 2;
+				}
+			}
+			if( parentid === null || $($t).jqGrid("isNodeLoaded",parentdata) || leaf ) {
+					$($t).jqGrid('addRowData', nodeid, data, method, rowind);
+					$($t).jqGrid('setTreeNode', i, len);
+			}
+			if(parentdata && !parentdata[expanded] && expandData) {
+				$($t.rows[prow])
+					.find("div.treeclick")
+					.click();
+			}
+		}
+		//});
+	}
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true */
+/*global jQuery */
+// Grouping module
+"use strict";
+	template : function(format){ //jqgformat
+		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), j, al = args.length;
+		if(format==null) { format = ""; }
+		return format.replace(/\{([\w\-]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?\}/g, function(m,i){
+			if(!isNaN(parseInt(i,10))) {
+				return args[parseInt(i,10)];
+			}
+			for(j=0; j < al;j++) {
+				if($.isArray(args[j])) {
+					var nmarr = args[ j ],
+					k = nmarr.length;
+					while(k--) {
+						if(i===nmarr[k].nm) {
+							return nmarr[k].v;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	groupingSetup : function () {
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var $t = this, i, j, cml, cm = $t.p.colModel, grp = $t.p.groupingView;
+			if(grp !== null && ( (typeof grp === 'object') || $.isFunction(grp) ) ) {
+				if(!grp.groupField.length) {
+					$t.p.grouping = false;
+				} else {
+					if (grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping === undefined) {
+						grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping = [];
+					}
+					grp.lastvalues=[];
+					if(!grp._locgr) {
+						grp.groups =[];
+					}
+					grp.counters =[];
+					for(i=0;i<grp.groupField.length;i++) {
+						if(!grp.groupOrder[i]) {
+							grp.groupOrder[i] = 'asc';
+						}
+						if(!grp.groupText[i]) {
+							grp.groupText[i] = '{0}';
+						}
+						if( typeof grp.groupColumnShow[i] !== 'boolean') {
+							grp.groupColumnShow[i] = true;
+						}
+						if( typeof grp.groupSummary[i] !== 'boolean') {
+							grp.groupSummary[i] = false;
+						}
+						if( !grp.groupSummaryPos[i]) {
+							grp.groupSummaryPos[i] = 'footer';
+						}
+						if(grp.groupColumnShow[i] === true) {
+							grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping[i] = true;
+							$($t).jqGrid('showCol',grp.groupField[i]);
+						} else {
+							grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping[i] = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_"+grp.groupField[i])).is(":visible");
+							$($t).jqGrid('hideCol',grp.groupField[i]);
+						}
+					}
+					grp.summary =[];
+					if(grp.hideFirstGroupCol) {
+						grp.formatDisplayField[0] = function (v) { return v;};
+					}
+					for(j=0, cml = cm.length; j < cml; j++) {
+						if(grp.hideFirstGroupCol) {
+							if(!cm[j].hidden && grp.groupField[0] === cm[j].name) {
+								cm[j].formatter = function(){return '';};
+							}
+						}
+						if(cm[j].summaryType ) {
+							if(cm[j].summaryDivider) {
+								grp.summary.push({nm:cm[j].name,st:cm[j].summaryType, v: '', sd:cm[j].summaryDivider, vd:'', sr: cm[j].summaryRound, srt: cm[j].summaryRoundType || 'round'});
+							} else {
+								grp.summary.push({nm:cm[j].name,st:cm[j].summaryType, v: '', sr: cm[j].summaryRound, srt: cm[j].summaryRoundType || 'round'});
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				$t.p.grouping = false;
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	groupingPrepare : function ( record, irow ) {
+		this.each(function(){
+			var grp = this.p.groupingView, $t= this, i,
+			grlen = grp.groupField.length, 
+			fieldName,
+			v,
+			displayName,
+			displayValue,
+			changed = 0;
+			for(i=0;i<grlen;i++) {
+				fieldName = grp.groupField[i];
+				displayName = grp.displayField[i];
+				v = record[fieldName];
+				displayValue = displayName == null ? null : record[displayName];
+				if( displayValue == null ) {
+					displayValue = v;
+				}
+				if( v !== undefined ) {
+					if(irow === 0 ) {
+						// First record always starts a new group
+						grp.groups.push({idx:i,dataIndex:fieldName,value:v, displayValue: displayValue, startRow: irow, cnt:1, summary : [] } );
+						grp.lastvalues[i] = v;
+						grp.counters[i] = {cnt:1, pos:grp.groups.length-1, summary: $.extend(true,[],grp.summary)};
+						$.each(grp.counters[i].summary,function() {
+							if ($.isFunction( {
+								this.v =$t, this.v, this.nm, record);
+							} else {
+								this.v = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.v, this.nm,,, record);
+								if( === 'avg' && {
+									this.vd = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.vd,,,, record);
+								}
+							}
+						});
+						grp.groups[grp.counters[i].pos].summary = grp.counters[i].summary;
+					} else {
+						if (typeof v !== "object" && ($.isArray(grp.isInTheSameGroup) && $.isFunction(grp.isInTheSameGroup[i]) ? ! grp.isInTheSameGroup[i].call($t, grp.lastvalues[i], v, i, grp): grp.lastvalues[i] !== v)) {
+							// This record is not in same group as previous one
+							grp.groups.push({idx:i,dataIndex:fieldName,value:v, displayValue: displayValue, startRow: irow, cnt:1, summary : [] } );
+							grp.lastvalues[i] = v;
+							changed = 1;
+							grp.counters[i] = {cnt:1, pos:grp.groups.length-1, summary: $.extend(true,[],grp.summary)};
+							$.each(grp.counters[i].summary,function() {
+								if ($.isFunction( {
+									this.v =$t, this.v, this.nm, record);
+								} else {
+									this.v = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.v, this.nm,,, record);
+									if( === 'avg' && {
+										this.vd = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.vd,,,, record);
+									}
+								}
+							});
+							grp.groups[grp.counters[i].pos].summary = grp.counters[i].summary;
+						} else {
+							if (changed === 1) {
+								// This group has changed because an earlier group changed.
+								grp.groups.push({idx:i,dataIndex:fieldName,value:v, displayValue: displayValue, startRow: irow, cnt:1, summary : [] } );
+								grp.lastvalues[i] = v;
+								grp.counters[i] = {cnt:1, pos:grp.groups.length-1, summary: $.extend(true,[],grp.summary)};
+								$.each(grp.counters[i].summary,function() {
+									if ($.isFunction( {
+										this.v =$t, this.v, this.nm, record);
+									} else {
+										this.v = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.v, this.nm,,, record);
+										if( === 'avg' && {
+											this.vd = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.vd,,,, record);
+										}
+									}
+								});
+								grp.groups[grp.counters[i].pos].summary = grp.counters[i].summary;
+							} else {
+								grp.counters[i].cnt += 1;
+								grp.groups[grp.counters[i].pos].cnt = grp.counters[i].cnt;
+								$.each(grp.counters[i].summary,function() {
+									if ($.isFunction( {
+										this.v =$t, this.v, this.nm, record);
+									} else {
+										this.v = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.v, this.nm,,, record);
+										if( === 'avg' && {
+											this.vd = $($t).jqGrid('groupingCalculations.handler',, this.vd,,,, record);
+										}
+									}
+								});
+								grp.groups[grp.counters[i].pos].summary = grp.counters[i].summary;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//gdata.push( rData );
+		});
+		return this;
+	},
+	groupingToggle : function(hid){
+		this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this,
+			grp = $t.p.groupingView,
+			strpos = hid.split('_'),
+			num = parseInt(strpos[strpos.length-2], 10);
+			strpos.splice(strpos.length-2,2);
+			var uid = strpos.join("_"),
+			minus = grp.minusicon,
+			plus = grp.plusicon,
+			tar = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)),
+			r = tar.length ? tar[0].nextSibling : null,
+			tarspan = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)+" span."+"tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction),
+			getGroupingLevelFromClass = function (className) {
+				var nums = $.map(className.split(" "), function (item) {
+					if (item.substring(0, uid.length + 1) === uid + "_") {
+						return parseInt(item.substring(uid.length + 1), 10);
+					}
+				});
+				return nums.length > 0 ? nums[0] : undefined;
+			},
+			itemGroupingLevel,
+			showData,
+			collapsed = false,
+			frz = $t.p.frozenColumns ? $"_frozen" : false,
+			tar2 = frz ? $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID(frz) ) : false,
+			r2 = (tar2 && tar2.length) ? tar2[0].nextSibling : null;
+			if( tarspan.hasClass(minus) ) {
+				if(grp.showSummaryOnHide) {
+					if(r){
+						while(r) {
+							if($(r).hasClass('jqfoot') ) {
+								var lv = parseInt($(r).attr("jqfootlevel"),10);
+								if(  lv <= num) {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							$(r).hide();
+							r = r.nextSibling;
+							if(frz) {
+								$(r2).hide();
+								r2 = r2.nextSibling;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else  {
+					if(r){
+						while(r) {
+							itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
+							if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined && itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
+								break;
+							}
+							$(r).hide();
+							r = r.nextSibling;
+							if(frz) {
+								$(r2).hide();
+								r2 = r2.nextSibling;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				tarspan.removeClass(minus).addClass(plus);
+				collapsed = true;
+			} else {
+				if(r){
+					showData = undefined;
+					while(r) {
+						itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
+						if (showData === undefined) {
+							showData = itemGroupingLevel === undefined; // if the first row after the opening group is data row then show the data rows
+						}
+						if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined) {
+							if (itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
+								break;// next item of the same lever are found
+							}
+							if (itemGroupingLevel === num + 1) {
+								$(r).show().find(">td>span."+"tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction).removeClass(minus).addClass(plus);
+								if(frz) {
+									$(r2).show().find(">td>span."+"tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction).removeClass(minus).addClass(plus);
+								}
+							}
+						} else if (showData) {
+							$(r).show();
+							if(frz) {
+								$(r2).show();
+							}
+						}
+						r = r.nextSibling;
+						if(frz) {
+							r2 = r2.nextSibling;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				tarspan.removeClass(plus).addClass(minus);
+			}
+			$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridGroupingClickGroup", [hid , collapsed]);
+			if( $.isFunction($t.p.onClickGroup)) { $$t, hid , collapsed); }
+		});
+		return false;
+	},
+	groupingRender : function (grdata, colspans, page, rn ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this,
+			grp = $t.p.groupingView,
+			str = "", icon = "", hid, clid, pmrtl = grp.groupCollapse ? grp.plusicon : grp.minusicon, gv, cp=[], len =grp.groupField.length;
+			pmrtl += " tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction; 
+			$.each($t.p.colModel, function (i,n){
+				var ii;
+				for(ii=0;ii<len;ii++) {
+					if(grp.groupField[ii] === ) {
+						cp[ii] = i;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			var toEnd = 0;
+			function findGroupIdx( ind , offset, grp) {
+				var ret = false, i;
+				if(offset===0) {
+					ret = grp[ind];
+				} else {
+					var id = grp[ind].idx;
+					if(id===0) { 
+						ret = grp[ind]; 
+					}  else {
+						for(i=ind;i >= 0; i--) {
+							if(grp[i].idx === id-offset) {
+								ret = grp[i];
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return ret;
+			}
+			function buildSummaryTd(i, ik, grp, foffset) {
+				var fdata = findGroupIdx(i, ik, grp),
+				cm = $t.p.colModel,
+				vv, grlen = fdata.cnt, str="", k;
+				for(k=foffset; k<colspans;k++) {
+					var tmpdata = "<td "+$t.formatCol(k,1,'')+">&#160;</td>",
+					tplfld = "{0}";
+					$.each(fdata.summary,function(){
+						if(this.nm === cm[k].name) {
+							if(cm[k].summaryTpl)  {
+								tplfld = cm[k].summaryTpl;
+							}
+							if(typeof === 'string' && === 'avg') {
+								if( && this.vd) { 
+									this.v = (this.v/this.vd);
+								} else if(this.v && grlen > 0) {
+									this.v = (this.v/grlen);
+								}
+							}
+							try {
+								this.groupCount = fdata.cnt;
+								this.groupIndex = fdata.dataIndex;
+								this.groupValue = fdata.value;
+								vv = $t.formatter('', this.v, k, this);
+							} catch (ef) {
+								vv = this.v;
+							}
+							tmpdata= "<td "+$t.formatCol(k,1,'')+">"+$.jgrid.format(tplfld,vv)+ "</td>";
+							return false;
+						}
+					});
+					str += tmpdata;
+				}
+				return str;
+			}
+			var sumreverse = $.makeArray(grp.groupSummary);
+			sumreverse.reverse();
+			$.each(grp.groups,function(i,n){
+				if(grp._locgr) {
+					if( !(n.startRow +n.cnt > (page-1)*rn && n.startRow < page*rn)) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+				toEnd++;
+				clid = $"ghead_"+n.idx;
+				hid = clid+"_"+i;
+				icon = "<span style='cursor:pointer;' class='ui-icon "+pmrtl+"' onclick=\"jQuery('#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"').jqGrid('groupingToggle','"+hid+"');return false;\"></span>";
+				try {
+					if ($.isArray(grp.formatDisplayField) && $.isFunction(grp.formatDisplayField[n.idx])) {
+						n.displayValue = grp.formatDisplayField[n.idx].call($t, n.displayValue, n.value, $t.p.colModel[cp[n.idx]], n.idx, grp);
+						gv = n.displayValue;
+					} else {
+						gv = $t.formatter(hid, n.displayValue, cp[n.idx], n.value );
+					}
+				} catch (egv) {
+					gv = n.displayValue;
+				}
+				if(grp.groupSummaryPos[n.idx] === 'header')  {
+					str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\"" +(grp.groupCollapse && n.idx>0 ? " style=\"display:none;\" " : " ") + "role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td>";
+					str += buildSummaryTd(i, n.idx-1, grp.groups, 1);
+					str += "</tr>";
+				} else {
+					str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\"" +(grp.groupCollapse && n.idx>0 ? " style=\"display:none;\" " : " ") + "role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
+				}
+				var leaf = len-1 === n.idx; 
+				if( leaf ) {
+					var gg = grp.groups[i+1], kk, ik, offset = 0, sgr = n.startRow,
+					end = gg !== undefined ?  grp.groups[i+1].startRow : grdata.length;
+					if(grp._locgr) {
+						offset = (page-1)*rn;
+						if(offset > n.startRow) {
+							sgr = offset;
+						}
+					}
+					for(kk=sgr;kk<end;kk++) {
+						if(!grdata[kk - offset]) { break; }
+						str += grdata[kk - offset].join('');
+					}
+					if(grp.groupSummaryPos[n.idx] !== 'header') {
+						var jj;
+						if (gg !== undefined) {
+							for (jj = 0; jj < grp.groupField.length; jj++) {
+								if (gg.dataIndex === grp.groupField[jj]) {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							toEnd = grp.groupField.length - jj;
+						}
+						for (ik = 0; ik < toEnd; ik++) {
+							if(!sumreverse[ik]) { continue; }
+							var hhdr = "";
+							if(grp.groupCollapse && !grp.showSummaryOnHide) {
+								hhdr = " style=\"display:none;\"";
+							}
+							str += "<tr"+hhdr+" jqfootlevel=\""+(n.idx-ik)+"\" role=\"row\" class=\"ui-widget-content jqfoot ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+"\">";
+							str += buildSummaryTd(i, ik, grp.groups, 0);
+							str += "</tr>";
+						}
+						toEnd = jj;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($" tbody:first").append(str);
+			// free up memory
+			str = null;
+		});
+	},
+	groupingGroupBy : function (name, options ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(typeof name === "string") {
+				name = [name];
+			}
+			var grp = $t.p.groupingView;
+			$t.p.grouping = true;
+			//Set default, in case visibilityOnNextGrouping is undefined 
+			if (grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping === undefined) {
+				grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping = [];
+			}
+			var i;
+			// show previous hidden groups if they are hidden and weren't removed yet
+			for(i=0;i<grp.groupField.length;i++) {
+				if(!grp.groupColumnShow[i] && grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping[i]) {
+				$($t).jqGrid('showCol',grp.groupField[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			// set visibility status of current group columns on next grouping
+			for(i=0;i<name.length;i++) {
+				grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping[i] = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID($"_"+$.jgrid.jqID(name[i])).is(":visible");
+			}
+			$t.p.groupingView = $.extend($t.p.groupingView, options || {});
+			grp.groupField = name;
+			$($t).trigger("reloadGrid");
+		});
+	},
+	groupingRemove : function (current) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(current === undefined) {
+				current = true;
+			}
+			$t.p.grouping = false;
+			if(current===true) {
+				var grp = $t.p.groupingView, i;
+				// show previous hidden groups if they are hidden and weren't removed yet
+				for(i=0;i<grp.groupField.length;i++) {
+				if (!grp.groupColumnShow[i] && grp.visibiltyOnNextGrouping[i]) {
+						$($t).jqGrid('showCol', grp.groupField);
+					}
+				}
+				$("tr.jqgroup, tr.jqfoot","#"+$.jgrid.jqID($" tbody:first").remove();
+				$("tr.jqgrow:hidden","#"+$.jgrid.jqID($" tbody:first").show();
+			} else {
+				$($t).trigger("reloadGrid");
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	groupingCalculations : {
+		handler: function(fn, v, field, round, roundType, rc) {
+			var funcs = {
+				sum: function() {
+					return parseFloat(v||0) + parseFloat((rc[field]||0));
+				},
+				min: function() {
+					if(v==="") {
+						return parseFloat(rc[field]||0);
+					}
+					return Math.min(parseFloat(v),parseFloat(rc[field]||0));
+				},
+				max: function() {
+					if(v==="") {
+						return parseFloat(rc[field]||0);
+					}
+					return Math.max(parseFloat(v),parseFloat(rc[field]||0));
+				},
+				count: function() {
+					if(v==="") {v=0;}
+					if(rc.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
+						return v+1;
+					}
+					return 0;
+				},
+				avg: function() {
+					// the same as sum, but at end we divide it
+					// so use sum instead of duplicating the code (?)
+					return funcs.sum();
+				}
+			};
+			if(!funcs[fn]) {
+				throw ("jqGrid Grouping No such method: " + fn);
+			}
+			var res = funcs[fn]();
+			if (round != null) {
+				if (roundType === 'fixed') {
+					res = res.toFixed(round);
+				} else {
+					var mul = Math.pow(10, round);
+					res = Math.round(res * mul) / mul;
+				}
+			}
+			return res;
+		}	
+	}
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
+/*global jQuery, xmlJsonClass */
+ * jqGrid extension for constructing Grid Data from external file
+ * Tony Tomov
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+    $.jgrid.extend({
+        jqGridImport : function(o) {
+            o = $.extend({
+                imptype : "xml", // xml, json, xmlstring, jsonstring
+                impstring: "",
+                impurl: "",
+                mtype: "GET",
+                impData : {},
+                xmlGrid :{
+                    config : "roots>grid",
+                    data: "roots>rows"
+                },
+                jsonGrid :{
+                    config : "grid",
+                    data: "data"
+                },
+                ajaxOptions :{}
+            }, o || {});
+            return this.each(function(){
+                var $t = this;
+                var xmlConvert = function (xml,o) {
+                    var cnfg = $(o.xmlGrid.config,xml)[0];
+                    var xmldata = $(,xml)[0], jstr, jstr1, key;
+                    if(xmlJsonClass.xml2json && $.jgrid.parse) {
+                        jstr = xmlJsonClass.xml2json(cnfg," ");
+                        jstr = $.jgrid.parse(jstr);
+                        for(key in jstr) {
+                            if(jstr.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+                                jstr1=jstr[key];
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if(xmldata) {
+                        // save the datatype
+                            var svdatatype = jstr.grid.datatype;
+                            jstr.grid.datatype = 'xmlstring';
+                            jstr.grid.datastr = xml;
+                            $($t).jqGrid( jstr1 ).jqGrid("setGridParam",{datatype:svdatatype});
+                        } else {
+                            $($t).jqGrid( jstr1 );
+                        }
+                        jstr = null;jstr1=null;
+                    } else {
+                        alert("xml2json or parse are not present");
+                    }
+                };
+                var jsonConvert = function (jsonstr,o){
+                    if (jsonstr && typeof jsonstr === 'string') {
+						var _jsonparse = false;
+						if($.jgrid.useJSON) {
+							$.jgrid.useJSON = false;
+							_jsonparse = true;
+						}
+                        var json = $.jgrid.parse(jsonstr);
+						if(_jsonparse) { $.jgrid.useJSON = true; }
+                        var gprm = json[o.jsonGrid.config];
+                        var jdata = json[];
+                        if(jdata) {
+                            var svdatatype = gprm.datatype;
+                            gprm.datatype = 'jsonstring';
+                            gprm.datastr = jdata;
+                            $($t).jqGrid( gprm ).jqGrid("setGridParam",{datatype:svdatatype});
+                        } else {
+                            $($t).jqGrid( gprm );
+                        }
+                    }
+                };
+                switch (o.imptype){
+                    case 'xml':
+                        $.ajax($.extend({
+                            url:o.impurl,
+                            type:o.mtype,
+                            data: o.impData,
+                            dataType:"xml",
+                            complete: function(xml,stat) {
+                                if(stat === 'success') {
+                                    xmlConvert(xml.responseXML,o);
+                                    $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridImportComplete", [xml, o]);
+                                    if($.isFunction(o.importComplete)) {
+                                        o.importComplete(xml);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                xml=null;
+                            }
+                        }, o.ajaxOptions));
+                        break;
+                    case 'xmlstring' :
+                        // we need to make just the conversion and use the same code as xml
+                        if(o.impstring && typeof o.impstring === 'string') {
+                            var xmld = $.parseXML(o.impstring);
+                            if(xmld) {
+                                xmlConvert(xmld,o);
+                                $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridImportComplete", [xmld, o]);
+                                if($.isFunction(o.importComplete)) {
+                                    o.importComplete(xmld);
+                                }
+                                o.impstring = null;
+                            }
+                            xmld = null;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 'json':
+                        $.ajax($.extend({
+                            url:o.impurl,
+                            type:o.mtype,
+                            data: o.impData,
+                            dataType:"json",
+                            complete: function(json) {
+                                try {
+                                    jsonConvert(json.responseText,o );
+                                    $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridImportComplete", [json, o]);
+                                    if($.isFunction(o.importComplete)) {
+                                        o.importComplete(json);
+                                    }
+                                } catch (ee){}
+                                json=null;
+                            }
+                        }, o.ajaxOptions ));
+                        break;
+                    case 'jsonstring' :
+                        if(o.impstring && typeof o.impstring === 'string') {
+                            jsonConvert(o.impstring,o );
+                            $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridImportComplete", [o.impstring, o]);
+                            if($.isFunction(o.importComplete)) {
+                                o.importComplete(o.impstring);
+                            }
+                            o.impstring = null;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        jqGridExport : function(o) {
+            o = $.extend({
+                exptype : "xmlstring",
+                root: "grid",
+                ident: "\t"
+            }, o || {});
+            var ret = null;
+            this.each(function () {
+                if(!this.grid) { return;}
+                var key, gprm = $.extend(true, {},$(this).jqGrid("getGridParam"));
+                // we need to check for:
+                // 1.multiselect, 2.subgrid  3. treegrid and remove the unneded columns from colNames
+                if(gprm.rownumbers) {
+                    gprm.colNames.splice(0,1);
+                    gprm.colModel.splice(0,1);
+                }
+                if(gprm.multiselect) {
+                    gprm.colNames.splice(0,1);
+                    gprm.colModel.splice(0,1);
+                }
+                if(gprm.subGrid) {
+                    gprm.colNames.splice(0,1);
+                    gprm.colModel.splice(0,1);
+                }
+                gprm.knv = null;
+                if(gprm.treeGrid) {
+                    for (key in gprm.treeReader) {
+                        if(gprm.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+                            gprm.colNames.splice(gprm.colNames.length-1);
+                            gprm.colModel.splice(gprm.colModel.length-1);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                switch (o.exptype) {
+                    case 'xmlstring' :
+                        ret = "<"+o.root+">"+xmlJsonClass.json2xml(gprm,o.ident)+"</"+o.root+">";
+                        break;
+                    case 'jsonstring' :
+                        ret = "{"+ xmlJsonClass.toJson(gprm,o.root,o.ident,false)+"}";
+                        if(gprm.postData.filters !== undefined) {
+                            ret=ret.replace(/filters":"/,'filters":');
+                            ret=ret.replace(/}]}"/,'}]}');
+                        }
+                        break;
+                }
+            });
+            return ret;
+        },
+        excelExport : function(o) {
+            o = $.extend({
+                exptype : "remote",
+                url : null,
+                oper: "oper",
+                tag: "excel",
+                exportOptions : {}
+            }, o || {});
+            return this.each(function(){
+                if(!this.grid) { return;}
+                var url;
+                if(o.exptype === "remote") {
+                    var pdata = $.extend({},this.p.postData);
+                    pdata[o.oper] = o.tag;
+                    var params = jQuery.param(pdata);
+                    if(o.url.indexOf("?") !== -1) { url = o.url+"&"+params; }
+                    else { url = o.url+"?"+params; }
+                    window.location = url;
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    });
+/*jshint evil:true, eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid addons using jQuery UI 
+ * Author: Mark Williams
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ * depends on jQuery UI 
+"use strict";
+if ($.jgrid.msie && $.jgrid.msiever()===8) {
+	$.expr[":"].hidden = function(elem) {
+		return elem.offsetWidth === 0 || elem.offsetHeight === 0 ||
+ === "none";
+	};
+// requiere load multiselect before grid
+$.jgrid._multiselect = false;
+if($.ui) {
+	if ($.ui.multiselect ) {
+		if($.ui.multiselect.prototype._setSelected) {
+			var setSelected = $.ui.multiselect.prototype._setSelected;
+			$.ui.multiselect.prototype._setSelected = function(item,selected) {
+				var ret =,item,selected);
+				if (selected && this.selectedList) {
+					var elt = this.element;
+					this.selectedList.find('li').each(function() {
+						if ($(this).data('optionLink')) {
+							$(this).data('optionLink').remove().appendTo(elt);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				return ret;
+			};
+		}
+		if($.ui.multiselect.prototype.destroy) {
+			$.ui.multiselect.prototype.destroy = function() {
+				this.container.remove();
+				if ($.Widget === undefined) {
+					$.widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+				} else {
+					$.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		$.jgrid._multiselect = true;
+	}
+	sortableColumns : function (tblrow)
+	{
+		return this.each(function (){
+			var ts = this, tid= $.jgrid.jqID( );
+			function start() {ts.p.disableClick = true;}
+			var sortable_opts = {
+				"tolerance" : "pointer",
+				"axis" : "x",
+				"scrollSensitivity": "1",
+				"items": '>th:not(:has(#jqgh_'+tid+'_cb'+',#jqgh_'+tid+'_rn'+',#jqgh_'+tid+'_subgrid),:hidden)',
+				"placeholder": {
+					element: function(item) {
+						var el = $(document.createElement(item[0].nodeName))
+						.addClass(item[0].className+" ui-sortable-placeholder ui-state-highlight")
+						.removeClass("ui-sortable-helper")[0];
+						return el;
+					},
+					update: function(self, p) {
+						p.height(self.currentItem.innerHeight() - parseInt(self.currentItem.css('paddingTop')||0, 10) - parseInt(self.currentItem.css('paddingBottom')||0, 10));
+						p.width(self.currentItem.innerWidth() - parseInt(self.currentItem.css('paddingLeft')||0, 10) - parseInt(self.currentItem.css('paddingRight')||0, 10));
+					}
+				},
+				"update": function(event, ui) {
+					var p = $(ui.item).parent(),
+					th = $(">th", p),
+					colModel = ts.p.colModel,
+					cmMap = {}, tid="_";
+					$.each(colModel, function(i) { cmMap[]=i; });
+					var permutation = [];
+					th.each(function() {
+						var id = $(">div", this).get(0).id.replace(/^jqgh_/, "").replace(tid,"");
+							if (cmMap.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+								permutation.push(cmMap[id]);
+							}
+					});
+					$(ts).jqGrid("remapColumns",permutation, true, true);
+					if ($.isFunction(ts.p.sortable.update)) {
+						ts.p.sortable.update(permutation);
+					}
+					setTimeout(function(){ts.p.disableClick=false;}, 50);
+				}
+			};
+			if (ts.p.sortable.options) {
+				$.extend(sortable_opts, ts.p.sortable.options);
+			} else if ($.isFunction(ts.p.sortable)) {
+				ts.p.sortable = { "update" : ts.p.sortable };
+			}
+			if (sortable_opts.start) {
+				var s = sortable_opts.start;
+				sortable_opts.start = function(e,ui) {
+					start();
+				};
+			} else {
+				sortable_opts.start = start;
+			}
+			if (ts.p.sortable.exclude) {
+				sortable_opts.items += ":not("+ts.p.sortable.exclude+")";
+			}
+			tblrow.sortable(sortable_opts).data("sortable").floating = true;
+		});
+	},
+    columnChooser : function(opts) {
+        var self = this;
+		if($("#colchooser_"+$.jgrid.jqID(self[0] ) { return; }
+        var selector = $('<div id="colchooser_'+self[0]'" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div><select multiple="multiple"></select></div></div>');
+        var select = $('select', selector);
+		function insert(perm,i,v) {
+			if(i>=0){
+				var a = perm.slice();
+				var b = a.splice(i,Math.max(perm.length-i,i));
+				if(i>perm.length) { i = perm.length; }
+				a[i] = v;
+				return a.concat(b);
+			}
+		}
+        opts = $.extend({
+            "width" : 420,
+            "height" : 240,
+            "classname" : null,
+            "done" : function(perm) { if (perm) { self.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true); } },
+            /* msel is either the name of a ui widget class that
+               extends a multiselect, or a function that supports
+               creating a multiselect object (with no argument,
+               or when passed an object), and destroying it (when
+               passed the string "destroy"). */
+            "msel" : "multiselect",
+            /* "msel_opts" : {}, */
+            /* dlog is either the name of a ui widget class that 
+               behaves in a dialog-like way, or a function, that
+               supports creating a dialog (when passed dlog_opts)
+               or destroying a dialog (when passed the string
+               "destroy")
+               */
+            "dlog" : "dialog",
+			"dialog_opts" : {
+				"minWidth": 470
+			},
+            /* dlog_opts is either an option object to be passed 
+               to "dlog", or (more likely) a function that creates
+               the options object.
+               The default produces a suitable options object for
+               ui.dialog */
+            "dlog_opts" : function(opts) {
+                var buttons = {};
+                buttons[opts.bSubmit] = function() {
+                    opts.apply_perm();
+                    opts.cleanup(false);
+                };
+                buttons[opts.bCancel] = function() {
+                    opts.cleanup(true);
+                };
+                return $.extend(true, {
+                    "buttons": buttons,
+                    "close": function() {
+                        opts.cleanup(true);
+                    },
+					"modal" : opts.modal || false,
+					"resizable": opts.resizable || true,
+                    "width": opts.width+20
+                }, opts.dialog_opts || {});
+            },
+            /* Function to get the permutation array, and pass it to the
+               "done" function */
+            "apply_perm" : function() {
+                $('option',select).each(function() {
+                    if (this.selected) {
+                        self.jqGrid("showCol", colModel[this.value].name);
+                    } else {
+                        self.jqGrid("hideCol", colModel[this.value].name);
+                    }
+                });
+                var perm = [];
+				//fixedCols.slice(0);
+                $('option:selected',select).each(function() { perm.push(parseInt(this.value,10)); });
+                $.each(perm, function() { delete colMap[colModel[parseInt(this,10)].name]; });
+                $.each(colMap, function() {
+					var ti = parseInt(this,10);
+					perm = insert(perm,ti,ti);
+				});
+                if (opts.done) {
+          , perm);
+                }
+            },
+            /* Function to cleanup the dialog, and select. Also calls the
+               done function with no permutation (to indicate that the
+               columnChooser was aborted */
+            "cleanup" : function(calldone) {
+                call(opts.dlog, selector, 'destroy');
+                call(opts.msel, select, 'destroy');
+                selector.remove();
+                if (calldone && opts.done) {
+          ;
+                }
+            },
+			"msel_opts" : {}
+        }, $.jgrid.col, opts || {});
+		if($.ui) {
+			if ($.ui.multiselect ) {
+				if(opts.msel === "multiselect") {
+					if(!$.jgrid._multiselect) {
+						// should be in language file
+						alert("Multiselect plugin loaded after jqGrid. Please load the plugin before the jqGrid!");
+						return;
+					}
+					opts.msel_opts = $.extend($.ui.multiselect.defaults,opts.msel_opts);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+        if (opts.caption) {
+            selector.attr("title", opts.caption);
+        }
+        if (opts.classname) {
+            selector.addClass(opts.classname);
+            select.addClass(opts.classname);
+        }
+        if (opts.width) {
+            $(">div",selector).css({"width": opts.width,"margin":"0 auto"});
+            select.css("width", opts.width);
+        }
+        if (opts.height) {
+            $(">div",selector).css("height", opts.height);
+            select.css("height", opts.height - 10);
+        }
+        var colModel = self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel");
+        var colNames = self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colNames");
+        var colMap = {}, fixedCols = [];
+        select.empty();
+        $.each(colModel, function(i) {
+            colMap[] = i;
+            if (this.hidedlg) {
+                if (!this.hidden) {
+                    fixedCols.push(i);
+                }
+                return;
+            }
+            select.append("<option value='"+i+"' "+
+                          (this.hidden?"":"selected='selected'")+">"+$.jgrid.stripHtml(colNames[i])+"</option>");
+        });
+        function call(fn, obj) {
+            if (!fn) { return; }
+            if (typeof fn === 'string') {
+                if ($.fn[fn]) {
+                    $.fn[fn].apply(obj, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
+                }
+            } else if ($.isFunction(fn)) {
+                fn.apply(obj, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
+            }
+        }
+        var dopts = $.isFunction(opts.dlog_opts) ?, opts) : opts.dlog_opts;
+        call(opts.dlog, selector, dopts);
+        var mopts = $.isFunction(opts.msel_opts) ?, opts) : opts.msel_opts;
+        call(opts.msel, select, mopts);
+    },
+	sortableRows : function (opts) {
+		// Can accept all sortable options and events
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+			// Currently we disable a treeGrid sortable
+			if($t.p.treeGrid) { return; }
+			if($.fn.sortable) {
+				opts = $.extend({
+					"cursor":"move",
+					"axis" : "y",
+					"items": ".jqgrow"
+					},
+				opts || {});
+				if(opts.start && $.isFunction(opts.start)) {
+					opts._start_ = opts.start;
+					delete opts.start;
+				} else {opts._start_=false;}
+				if(opts.update && $.isFunction(opts.update)) {
+					opts._update_ = opts.update;
+					delete opts.update;
+				} else {opts._update_ = false;}
+				opts.start = function(ev,ui) {
+					$(ui.item).css("border-width","0");
+					$("td",ui.item).each(function(i){
+ = $t.grid.cols[i].style.width;
+					});
+					if($t.p.subGrid) {
+						var subgid = $(ui.item).attr("id");
+						try {
+							$($t).jqGrid('collapseSubGridRow',subgid);
+						} catch (e) {}
+					}
+					if(opts._start_) {
+						opts._start_.apply(this,[ev,ui]);
+					}
+				};
+				opts.update = function (ev,ui) {
+					$(ui.item).css("border-width","");
+					if($t.p.rownumbers === true) {
+						$("td.jqgrid-rownum",$t.rows).each(function( i ){
+							$(this).html( i+1+(parseInt($,10)-1)*parseInt($t.p.rowNum,10) );
+						});
+					}
+					if(opts._update_) {
+						opts._update_.apply(this,[ev,ui]);
+					}
+				};
+				$("tbody:first",$t).sortable(opts);
+				$("tbody:first",$t).disableSelection();
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	gridDnD : function(opts) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+		var $t = this, i, cn;
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		// Currently we disable a treeGrid drag and drop
+		if($t.p.treeGrid) { return; }
+		if(!$.fn.draggable || !$.fn.droppable) { return; }
+		function updateDnD ()
+		{
+			var datadnd = $.data($t,"dnd");
+			$("tr.jqgrow:not(.ui-draggable)",$t).draggable($.isFunction(datadnd.drag) ?$($t),datadnd) : datadnd.drag);
+		}
+		var appender = "<table id='jqgrid_dnd' class='ui-jqgrid-dnd'></table>";
+		if($("#jqgrid_dnd")[0] === undefined) {
+			$('body').append(appender);
+		}
+		if(typeof opts === 'string' && opts === 'updateDnD' && $t.p.jqgdnd===true) {
+			updateDnD();
+			return;
+		}
+		opts = $.extend({
+			"drag" : function (opts) {
+				return $.extend({
+					start : function (ev, ui) {
+						var i, subgid;
+						// if we are in subgrid mode try to collapse the node
+						if($t.p.subGrid) {
+							subgid = $(ui.helper).attr("id");
+							try {
+								$($t).jqGrid('collapseSubGridRow',subgid);
+							} catch (e) {}
+						}
+						// hack
+						// drag and drop does not insert tr in table, when the table has no rows
+						// we try to insert new empty row on the target(s)
+						for (i=0;i<$.data($t,"dnd").connectWith.length;i++){
+							if($($.data($t,"dnd").connectWith[i]).jqGrid('getGridParam','reccount') === 0 ){
+								$($.data($t,"dnd").connectWith[i]).jqGrid('addRowData','jqg_empty_row',{});
+							}
+						}
+						ui.helper.addClass("ui-state-highlight");
+						$("td",ui.helper).each(function(i) {
+ = $t.grid.headers[i].width+"px";
+						});
+						if(opts.onstart && $.isFunction(opts.onstart) ) {$($t),ev,ui); }
+					},
+					stop :function(ev,ui) {
+						var i, ids;
+						if(ui.helper.dropped && !opts.dragcopy) {
+							ids = $(ui.helper).attr("id");
+							if(ids === undefined) { ids = $(this).attr("id"); }
+							$($t).jqGrid('delRowData',ids );
+						}
+						// if we have a empty row inserted from start event try to delete it
+						for (i=0;i<$.data($t,"dnd").connectWith.length;i++){
+							$($.data($t,"dnd").connectWith[i]).jqGrid('delRowData','jqg_empty_row');
+						}
+						if(opts.onstop && $.isFunction(opts.onstop) ) {$($t),ev,ui); }
+					}
+				},opts.drag_opts || {});
+			},
+			"drop" : function (opts) {
+				return $.extend({
+					accept: function(d) {
+						if (!$(d).hasClass('jqgrow')) { return d;}
+						var tid = $(d).closest("table.ui-jqgrid-btable");
+						if(tid.length > 0 && $.data(tid[0],"dnd") !== undefined) {
+							var cn = $.data(tid[0],"dnd").connectWith;
+							return $.inArray('#'+$.jgrid.jqID(,cn) !== -1 ? true : false;
+						}
+						return false;
+					},
+					drop: function(ev, ui) {
+						if (!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('jqgrow')) { return; }
+						var accept = $(ui.draggable).attr("id");
+						var getdata = ui.draggable.parent().parent().jqGrid('getRowData',accept);
+						if(!opts.dropbyname) {
+							var j =0, tmpdata = {}, nm, key;
+							var dropmodel = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID('getGridParam','colModel');
+							try {
+								for (key in getdata) {
+									if (getdata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+									nm = dropmodel[j].name;
+									if( !(nm === 'cb' || nm === 'rn' || nm === 'subgrid' )) {
+										if(getdata.hasOwnProperty(key) && dropmodel[j]) {
+											tmpdata[nm] = getdata[key];
+										}
+									}
+									j++;
+								}
+								}
+								getdata = tmpdata;
+							} catch (e) {}
+						}
+						ui.helper.dropped = true;
+						if(opts.beforedrop && $.isFunction(opts.beforedrop) ) {
+							//parameters to this callback - event, element, data to be inserted, sender, reciever
+							// should return object which will be inserted into the reciever
+							var datatoinsert =,ev,ui,getdata,$('#'+$.jgrid.jqID($,$(this));
+							if (datatoinsert !== undefined && datatoinsert !== null && typeof datatoinsert === "object") { getdata = datatoinsert; }
+						}
+						if(ui.helper.dropped) {
+							var grid;
+							if(opts.autoid) {
+								if($.isFunction(opts.autoid)) {
+									grid =,getdata);
+								} else {
+									grid = Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000);
+									grid = opts.autoidprefix+grid;
+								}
+							}
+							// NULL is interpreted as undefined while null as object
+							$("#"+$.jgrid.jqID('addRowData',grid,getdata,opts.droppos);
+						}
+						if(opts.ondrop && $.isFunction(opts.ondrop) ) {,ev,ui, getdata); }
+					}}, opts.drop_opts || {});
+			},
+			"onstart" : null,
+			"onstop" : null,
+			"beforedrop": null,
+			"ondrop" : null,
+			"drop_opts" : {
+				"activeClass": "ui-state-active",
+				"hoverClass": "ui-state-hover"
+			},
+			"drag_opts" : {
+				"revert": "invalid",
+				"helper": "clone",
+				"cursor": "move",
+				"appendTo" : "#jqgrid_dnd",
+				"zIndex": 5000
+			},
+			"dragcopy": false,
+			"dropbyname" : false,
+			"droppos" : "first",
+			"autoid" : true,
+			"autoidprefix" : "dnd_"
+		}, opts || {});
+		if(!opts.connectWith) { return; }
+		opts.connectWith = opts.connectWith.split(",");
+		opts.connectWith = $.map(opts.connectWith,function(n){return $.trim(n);});
+		$.data($t,"dnd",opts);
+		if($t.p.reccount !== 0 && !$t.p.jqgdnd) {
+			updateDnD();
+		}
+		$t.p.jqgdnd = true;
+		for (i=0;i<opts.connectWith.length;i++){
+			cn =opts.connectWith[i];
+			$(cn).droppable($.isFunction(opts.drop) ?$($t),opts) : opts.drop);
+		}
+		});
+	},
+	gridResize : function(opts) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this, gID = $.jgrid.jqID($;
+			if(!$t.grid || !$.fn.resizable) { return; }
+			opts = $.extend({}, opts || {});
+			if(opts.alsoResize ) {
+				opts._alsoResize_ = opts.alsoResize;
+				delete opts.alsoResize;
+			} else {
+				opts._alsoResize_ = false;
+			}
+			if(opts.stop && $.isFunction(opts.stop)) {
+				opts._stop_ = opts.stop;
+				delete opts.stop;
+			} else {
+				opts._stop_ = false;
+			}
+			opts.stop = function (ev, ui) {
+				$($t).jqGrid('setGridParam',{height:$("#gview_"+gID+" .ui-jqgrid-bdiv").height()});
+				$($t).jqGrid('setGridWidth',ui.size.width,opts.shrinkToFit);
+				if(opts._stop_) {$t,ev,ui); }
+			};
+			if(opts._alsoResize_) {
+				var optstest = "{\'#gview_"+gID+" .ui-jqgrid-bdiv\':true,'" +opts._alsoResize_+"':true}";
+				opts.alsoResize = eval('('+optstest+')'); // the only way that I found to do this
+			} else {
+				opts.alsoResize = $(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv","#gview_"+gID);
+			}
+			delete opts._alsoResize_;
+			$("#gbox_"+gID).resizable(opts);
+		});
+	}
+ Transform a table to a jqGrid.
+ Peter Romianowski <> 
+ If the first column of the table contains checkboxes or
+ radiobuttons then the jqGrid is made selectable.
+// Addition - selector can be a class or id
+function tableToGrid(selector, options) {
+jQuery(selector).each(function() {
+	if(this.grid) {return;} //Adedd from Tony Tomov
+	// This is a small "hack" to make the width of the jqGrid 100%
+	jQuery(this).width("99%");
+	var w = jQuery(this).width();
+	// Text whether we have single or multi select
+	var inputCheckbox = jQuery('tr td:first-child input[type=checkbox]:first', jQuery(this));
+	var inputRadio = jQuery('tr td:first-child input[type=radio]:first', jQuery(this));
+	var selectMultiple = inputCheckbox.length > 0;
+	var selectSingle = !selectMultiple && inputRadio.length > 0;
+	var selectable = selectMultiple || selectSingle;
+	//var inputName = inputCheckbox.attr("name") || inputRadio.attr("name");
+	// Build up the columnModel and the data
+	var colModel = [];
+	var colNames = [];
+	jQuery('th', jQuery(this)).each(function() {
+		if (colModel.length === 0 && selectable) {
+			colModel.push({
+				name: '__selection__',
+				index: '__selection__',
+				width: 0,
+				hidden: true
+			});
+			colNames.push('__selection__');
+		} else {
+			colModel.push({
+				name: jQuery(this).attr("id") || jQuery.trim(jQuery.jgrid.stripHtml(jQuery(this).html())).split(' ').join('_'),
+				index: jQuery(this).attr("id") || jQuery.trim(jQuery.jgrid.stripHtml(jQuery(this).html())).split(' ').join('_'),
+				width: jQuery(this).width() || 150
+			});
+			colNames.push(jQuery(this).html());
+		}
+	});
+	var data = [];
+	var rowIds = [];
+	var rowChecked = [];
+	jQuery('tbody > tr', jQuery(this)).each(function() {
+		var row = {};
+		var rowPos = 0;
+		jQuery('td', jQuery(this)).each(function() {
+			if (rowPos === 0 && selectable) {
+				var input = jQuery('input', jQuery(this));
+				var rowId = input.attr("value");
+				rowIds.push(rowId || data.length);
+				if (":checked")) {
+					rowChecked.push(rowId);
+				}
+				row[colModel[rowPos].name] = input.attr("value");
+			} else {
+				row[colModel[rowPos].name] = jQuery(this).html();
+			}
+			rowPos++;
+		});
+		if(rowPos >0) { data.push(row); }
+	});
+	// Clear the original HTML table
+	jQuery(this).empty();
+	// Mark it as jqGrid
+	jQuery(this).addClass("scroll");
+	jQuery(this).jqGrid(jQuery.extend({
+		datatype: "local",
+		width: w,
+		colNames: colNames,
+		colModel: colModel,
+		multiselect: selectMultiple
+		//inputName: inputName,
+		//inputValueCol: imputName != null ? "__selection__" : null
+	}, options || {}));
+	// Add data
+	var a;
+	for (a = 0; a < data.length; a++) {
+		var id = null;
+		if (rowIds.length > 0) {
+			id = rowIds[a];
+			if (id && id.replace) {
+				// We have to do this since the value of a checkbox
+				// or radio button can be anything 
+				id = encodeURIComponent(id).replace(/[.\-%]/g, "_");
+			}
+		}
+		if (id === null) {
+			id = a + 1;
+		}
+		jQuery(this).jqGrid("addRowData",id, data[a]);
+	}
+	// Set the selection
+	for (a = 0; a < rowChecked.length; a++) {
+		jQuery(this).jqGrid("setSelection",rowChecked[a]);
+	}
+/*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+/*global jQuery */
+ * jqGrid pivot functions
+ * Tony Tomov
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+"use strict";
+// To optimize the search we need custom array filter
+// This code is taken from
+function _pivotfilter (fn, context) {
+	var i,
+		value,
+		result = [],
+		length;
+	if (!this || typeof fn !== 'function' || (fn instanceof RegExp)) {
+		throw new TypeError();
+	}
+	length = this.length;
+	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+		if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+			value = this[i];
+			if (, value, i, this)) {
+				result.push(value);
+				// We need break in order to cancel loop 
+				// in case the row is found
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return result;
+$.assocArraySize = function(obj) {
+    //
+    var size = 0, key;
+    for (key in obj) {
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+        	size++;
+        }
+    }
+    return size;
+	pivotSetup : function( data, options ){
+		// data should come in json format
+		// The function return the new colModel and the transformed data
+		// again with group setup options which then will be passed to the grid
+		var columns =[],
+		pivotrows =[],
+		summaries = [],
+		member=[],
+		groupOptions = {
+			grouping : true,
+			groupingView :  {
+				groupField : [],
+				groupSummary: [],
+				groupSummaryPos:[]
+			}
+		},
+		headers = [],
+		o = $.extend ( {
+			rowTotals : false,
+			rowTotalsText : 'Total',
+			// summary columns
+			colTotals : false,
+			groupSummary : true,
+			groupSummaryPos :  'header',
+			frozenStaticCols : false
+		}, options || {});
+		this.each(function(){
+			var 
+				row,
+				rowindex,
+				i,
+				rowlen = data.length,
+				xlen, ylen, aggrlen,
+				tmp,
+				newObj,
+				r=0;
+			// utility funcs
+			/* 
+			 * Filter the data to a given criteria. Return the firt occurance
+			 */
+			function find(ar, fun, extra) {
+				var res;
+				res =, fun, extra);
+				return res.length > 0 ? res[0] : null;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Check if the grouped row column exist (See find)
+			 * If the row is not find in pivot rows retun null,
+			 * otherviese the column
+			 */
+			function findGroup(item, index) {
+				var j = 0, ret = true, i;
+				for(i in item) {
+					if(item[i] != this[j]) {
+						ret =  false;
+						break;
+					}
+					j++;
+					if(j>=this.length) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(ret) {
+					rowindex =  index;
+				}
+				return ret;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Perform calculations of the pivot values.
+			 */
+			function calculation(oper, v, field, rc)  {
+				var ret;
+				switch (oper) {
+					case  "sum" : 
+						ret = parseFloat(v||0) + parseFloat((rc[field]||0));
+						break;
+					case "count" :
+						if(v==="" || v == null) {
+							v=0;
+						}
+						if(rc.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
+							ret = v+1;
+						} else {
+							ret = 0;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "min" : 
+						if(v==="" || v == null) {
+							ret = parseFloat(rc[field]||0);
+						} else {
+							ret =Math.min(parseFloat(v),parseFloat(rc[field]||0));
+						}
+						break;
+					case "max" : 
+						if(v==="" || v == null) {
+							ret = parseFloat(rc[field]||0);
+						} else {
+							ret = Math.max(parseFloat(v),parseFloat(rc[field]||0));
+						}
+						break;
+				}
+				return ret;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * The function agragates the values of the pivot grid.
+			 * Return the current row with pivot summary values
+			 */
+			function agregateFunc ( row, aggr, value, curr) {
+				// default is sum
+				var arrln = aggr.length, i, label, j, jv;
+				if($.isArray(value)) {
+					jv = value.length;
+				} else {
+					jv = 1;
+				}
+				member = [];
+				member.root = 0;
+				for(j=0;j<jv;j++) {
+					var  tmpmember = [], vl;
+					for(i=0; i < arrln; i++) {
+						if(value == null) {
+							label = $.trim(aggr[i].member)+"_"+aggr[i].aggregator;
+							vl = label;
+						} else {
+							vl = value[j].replace(/\s+/g, '');
+							try {
+								label = (arrln === 1 ? vl : vl+"_"+aggr[i].aggregator+"_"+i);
+							} catch(e) {}
+						}
+						curr[label] =  tmpmember[label] = calculation( aggr[i].aggregator, curr[label], aggr[i].member, row);
+					}
+					member[vl] = tmpmember;
+				}
+				return curr;
+			}
+			// Making the row totals without to add in yDimension
+			if(o.rowTotals && o.yDimension.length > 0) {
+				var dn = o.yDimension[0].dataName;
+				o.yDimension.splice(0,0,{dataName:dn});
+				o.yDimension[0].converter =  function(){ return '_r_Totals'; };
+			}
+			// build initial columns (colModel) from xDimension
+			xlen = $.isArray(o.xDimension) ? o.xDimension.length : 0;
+			ylen = o.yDimension.length;
+			aggrlen  = $.isArray(o.aggregates) ? o.aggregates.length : 0;
+			if(xlen === 0 || aggrlen === 0) {
+				throw("xDimension or aggregates optiona are not set!");
+			}
+			var colc;
+			for(i = 0; i< xlen; i++) {
+				colc = {name:o.xDimension[i].dataName, frozen: o.frozenStaticCols};
+				colc = $.extend(true, colc, o.xDimension[i]);
+				columns.push( colc );
+			}
+			var groupfields = xlen - 1, tree={};
+			//tree = { text: 'root', leaf: false, children: [] };
+			//loop over alll the source data
+			while( r < rowlen ) {
+				row = data[r];
+				var xValue = [];
+				var yValue = []; 
+				tmp = {};
+				i = 0;
+				// build the data from xDimension
+				do {
+					xValue[i]  = $.trim(row[o.xDimension[i].dataName]);
+					tmp[o.xDimension[i].dataName] = xValue[i];
+					i++;
+				} while( i < xlen );
+				var k = 0;
+				rowindex = -1;
+				// check to see if the row is in our new pivotrow set
+				newObj = find(pivotrows, findGroup, xValue);
+				if(!newObj) {
+					// if the row is not in our set
+					k = 0;
+					// if yDimension is set
+					if(ylen>=1) {
+						// build the cols set in yDimension
+						for(k=0;k<ylen;k++) {
+							yValue[k] = $.trim(row[o.yDimension[k].dataName]);
+							// Check to see if we have user defined conditions
+							if(o.yDimension[k].converter && $.isFunction(o.yDimension[k].converter)) {
+								yValue[k] = o.yDimension[k], yValue[k], xValue, yValue);
+							}
+						}
+						// make the colums based on aggregates definition 
+						// and return the members for late calculation
+						tmp = agregateFunc( row, o.aggregates, yValue, tmp );
+					} else  if( ylen === 0 ) {
+						// if not set use direct the aggregates 
+						tmp = agregateFunc( row, o.aggregates, null, tmp );
+					}
+					// add the result in pivot rows
+					pivotrows.push( tmp );
+				} else {
+					// the pivot exists
+					if( rowindex >= 0) {
+						k = 0;
+						// make the recalculations 
+						if(ylen>=1) {
+							for(k=0;k<ylen;k++) {
+								yValue[k] = $.trim(row[o.yDimension[k].dataName]);
+								if(o.yDimension[k].converter && $.isFunction(o.yDimension[k].converter)) {
+									yValue[k] = o.yDimension[k], yValue[k], xValue, yValue);
+								}
+							}
+							newObj = agregateFunc( row, o.aggregates, yValue, newObj );
+						} else  if( ylen === 0 ) {
+							newObj = agregateFunc( row, o.aggregates, null, newObj );
+						}
+						// update the row
+						pivotrows[rowindex] = newObj;
+					}
+				}
+				var kj=0, current = null,existing = null, kk;
+				// Build a JSON tree from the member (see aggregateFunc) 
+				// to make later the columns 
+				// 
+				for (kk in member) {
+					if(kj === 0) {
+						if (!tree.children||tree.children === undefined){
+							tree = { text: kk, level : 0, children: [] };
+						}
+						current = tree.children;
+					} else {
+						existing = null;
+						for (i=0; i < current.length; i++) {
+							if (current[i].text === kk) {
+								//current[i].fields=member[kk];
+								existing = current[i];
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if (existing) {
+							current = existing.children;
+						} else {
+							current.push({ children: [], text: kk, level: kj,  fields: member[kk] });
+							current = current[current.length - 1].children;
+						}
+					}
+					kj++;
+				}
+				r++;
+			}
+			var  lastval=[], initColLen = columns.length, swaplen = initColLen;
+			if(ylen>0) {
+				headers[ylen-1] = {	useColSpanStyle: false,	groupHeaders: []};
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Recursive function which uses the tree to build the 
+			 * columns from the pivot values and set the group Headers
+			 */
+			function list(items) {
+				var l, j, key, k, col;
+				for (key in items) { // iterate
+					if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+					// write amount of spaces according to level
+					// and write name and newline
+						if(typeof items[key] !== "object") {
+							// If not a object build the header of the appropriate level
+							if( key === 'level') {
+								if(lastval[items.level] === undefined) {
+									lastval[items.level] ='';
+									if(items.level>0 && items.text !== '_r_Totals') {
+										headers[items.level-1] = {
+											useColSpanStyle: false,
+											groupHeaders: []
+										};
+									}
+								}
+								if(lastval[items.level] !== items.text && items.children.length && items.text !== '_r_Totals') {
+									if(items.level>0) {
+										headers[items.level-1].groupHeaders.push({
+											titleText: items.text
+										});
+										var collen = headers[items.level-1].groupHeaders.length,
+										colpos = collen === 1 ? swaplen : initColLen+(collen-1)*aggrlen;
+										headers[items.level-1].groupHeaders[collen-1].startColumnName = columns[colpos].name;
+										headers[items.level-1].groupHeaders[collen-1].numberOfColumns = columns.length - colpos;
+										initColLen = columns.length;
+									}
+								}
+								lastval[items.level] = items.text;
+							}
+							// This is in case when the member contain more than one summary item
+							if(items.level === ylen  && key==='level' && ylen >0) {
+								if( aggrlen > 1){
+									var ll=1;
+									for( l in items.fields) {
+										if(ll===1) {
+											headers[ylen-1].groupHeaders.push({startColumnName: l, numberOfColumns: 1, titleText: items.text});
+										}
+										ll++;
+									}
+									headers[ylen-1].groupHeaders[headers[ylen-1].groupHeaders.length-1].numberOfColumns = ll-1;
+								} else {
+									headers.splice(ylen-1,1);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// if object, call recursively
+						if (items[key] != null && typeof items[key] === "object") {
+							list(items[key]);
+						}
+						// Finally build the coulumns
+						if( key === 'level') {
+							if(items.level >0){
+								j=0;
+								for(l in items.fields) {
+									col = {};
+									for(k in o.aggregates[j]) {
+										if(o.aggregates[j].hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+											switch( k ) {
+												case 'member':
+												case 'label':
+												case 'aggregator':
+													break;
+												default:
+													col[k] = o.aggregates[j][k];
+											}
+										}
+									}
+									if(aggrlen>1) {
+ = l;
+										col.label = o.aggregates[j].label || l;
+									} else {
+ = items.text;
+										col.label = items.text==='_r_Totals' ? o.rowTotalsText : items.text;
+									}
+									columns.push (col);
+									j++;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			list(tree, 0);
+			var nm;
+			// loop again trougth the pivot rows in order to build grand total 
+			if(o.colTotals) {
+				var plen = pivotrows.length;
+				while(plen--) {
+					for(i=xlen;i<columns.length;i++) {
+						nm = columns[i].name;
+						if(!summaries[nm]) {
+							summaries[nm] = parseFloat(pivotrows[plen][nm] || 0);
+						} else {
+							summaries[nm] += parseFloat(pivotrows[plen][nm] || 0);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// based on xDimension  levels build grouping 
+			if( groupfields > 0) {
+				for(i=0;i<groupfields;i++) {
+					groupOptions.groupingView.groupField[i] = columns[i].name;
+					groupOptions.groupingView.groupSummary[i] = o.groupSummary;
+					groupOptions.groupingView.groupSummaryPos[i] = o.groupSummaryPos;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// no grouping is needed
+				groupOptions.grouping = false;
+			}
+			groupOptions.sortname = columns[groupfields].name;
+			groupOptions.groupingView.hideFirstGroupCol = true;
+		});
+		// return the final result.
+		return { "colModel" : columns, "rows": pivotrows, "groupOptions" : groupOptions, "groupHeaders" :  headers, summary : summaries };
+	},
+	jqPivot : function( data, pivotOpt, gridOpt, ajaxOpt) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			function pivot( data) {
+				var pivotGrid = jQuery($t).jqGrid('pivotSetup',data, pivotOpt),
+				footerrow = $.assocArraySize(pivotGrid.summary) > 0 ? true : false,
+				query= $.jgrid.from(pivotGrid.rows), i;
+				for(i=0; i< pivotGrid.groupOptions.groupingView.groupField.length; i++) {
+					query.orderBy(pivotGrid.groupOptions.groupingView.groupField[i], "a", 'text', '');
+				}
+				jQuery($t).jqGrid($.extend({
+					datastr: $.extend(,footerrow ? {userdata:pivotGrid.summary} : {}),
+					datatype: "jsonstring",
+					footerrow : footerrow,
+					userDataOnFooter: footerrow,
+					colModel: pivotGrid.colModel,
+					viewrecords: true,
+					sortname: pivotOpt.xDimension[0].dataName // ?????
+				}, gridOpt || {}, pivotGrid.groupOptions));
+				var gHead = pivotGrid.groupHeaders;
+				if(gHead.length) {
+					for( i = 0;i < gHead.length ; i++) {
+						if(gHead[i] && gHead[i].groupHeaders.length) {
+							jQuery($t).jqGrid('setGroupHeaders',gHead[i]);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(pivotOpt.frozenStaticCols) {
+					jQuery($t).jqGrid("setFrozenColumns");
+				}
+			}
+			if(typeof data === "string") {
+				$.ajax($.extend({
+					url : data,
+					dataType: 'json',
+					success : function(response) {
+						pivot($.jgrid.getAccessor(response, ajaxOpt && ajaxOpt.reader ? ajaxOpt.reader: 'rows') );
+					}
+				}, ajaxOpt || {}) );
+			} else {
+				pivot( data );
+			}
+		});
+	}

+ 704 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+ * jqGrid methods without support. Use as you wish
+ * Tony Tomov
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * This list of deprecated methods.
+ * If you instead want to use them, please include this file after the grid main file.
+ * Some methods will be then overwritten.
+ *
+ */
+/*global jQuery, $ */
+// This is the ols search Filter method used in navigator.
+	searchGrid : function (p) {
+		p = $.extend({
+			recreateFilter: false,
+			drag: true,
+			sField:'searchField',
+			sValue:'searchString',
+			sOper: 'searchOper',
+			sFilter: 'filters',
+            loadDefaults: true, // this options activates loading of default filters from grid's postData for Multipe Search only.
+			beforeShowSearch: null,
+			afterShowSearch : null,
+			onInitializeSearch: null,
+			closeAfterSearch : false,
+			closeAfterReset: false,
+			closeOnEscape : false,
+			multipleSearch : false,
+			cloneSearchRowOnAdd: true,
+			// translation
+			// if you want to change or remove the order change it in sopt
+			// ['bw','eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','ew','cn']
+			sopt: null,
+			// Note: stringResult is intentionally declared "undefined by default".
+			//  you are velcome to define stringResult expressly in the options you pass to searchGrid()
+			//  stringResult is a "safeguard" measure to insure we post sensible data when communicated as form-encoded
+			//  see
+			//
+			//  If this value is not expressly defined in the incoming options,
+			// lower in the code we will infer the value based on value of multipleSearch
+			stringResult: undefined,
+			onClose : null,
+			// useDataProxy allows ADD, EDIT and DEL code to bypass calling $.ajax
+			// directly when grid's 'dataProxy' property (grid.p.dataProxy) is a function.
+			// Used for "editGridRow" and "delGridRow" below and automatically flipped to TRUE
+			// when ajax setting's 'url' (grid's 'editurl') property is undefined.
+			// When 'useDataProxy' is true, instead of calling $, o, i) we call
+			//, o, i)
+			//
+			// Behavior is extremely similar to when 'datatype' is a function, but arguments are slightly different.
+			// Normally the following is fed to, b, c):
+			//   a = Pointer to grid's table DOM element, b = grid.p.postdata, c = "load_"+grid's ID
+			// In cases of "edit" and "del" the following is fed:
+			//   a = Pointer to grid's table DOM element (same),
+			//   b = extended Ajax Options including postdata in "data" property. (different object type)
+			//   c = "set_"+grid's ID in case of "edit" and "del_"+grid's ID in case of "del" (same type, different content)
+			// The major difference is that complete ajax options object, with attached "complete" and "error"
+			// callback functions is fed instead of only post data.
+			// This allows you to emulate a $.ajax call (including calling "complete"/"error"),
+			// while retrieving the data locally in the browser.
+			useDataProxy: false,
+			overlay : true
+		}, $, p || {});
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var $t = this;
+			if(!$t.grid) {return;}
+			var fid = "fbox_"+$,
+			showFrm = true;
+            function applyDefaultFilters(gridDOMobj, filterSettings) {
+				/*
+                gridDOMobj = ointer to grid DOM object ( $(#list)[0] )
+                What we need from gridDOMobj:
+                gridDOMobj.SearchFilter is the pointer to the Search box, once it's created.
+                gridDOMobj.p.postData - dictionary of post settings. These can be overriden at grid creation to
+                contain default filter settings. We will parse these and will populate the search with defaults.
+                filterSettings - same settings object you (would) pass to $().jqGrid('searchGrid', filterSettings);
+                */
+                // Pulling default filter settings out of postData property of grid's properties.:
+                var defaultFilters = gridDOMobj.p.postData[filterSettings.sFilter];
+                // example of what we might get: {"groupOp":"and","rules":[{"field":"amount","op":"eq","data":"100"}]}
+				// suppose we have imported this with grid import, the this is a string.
+				if(typeof(defaultFilters) == "string") {
+					defaultFilters = $.jgrid.parse(defaultFilters);
+				}
+                if (defaultFilters) {
+                    if (defaultFilters.groupOp) {
+                        gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.setGroupOp(defaultFilters.groupOp);
+                    }
+                    if (defaultFilters.rules) {
+                        var f, i = 0, li = defaultFilters.rules.length, success = false;
+                        for (; i < li; i++) {
+                            f = defaultFilters.rules[i];
+                            // we are not trying to counter all issues with filter declaration here. Just the basics to avoid lookup exceptions.
+                            if (f.field !== undefined && f.op !== undefined && !== undefined) {
+                                success = gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.setFilter({
+                                    'sfref':gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.$.find(".sf:last"),
+                                    'filter':$.extend({},f)
+                                });
+								if (success) { gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.add(); }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+				}
+            } // end of applyDefaultFilters
+			function hideFilter(selector) {
+				if(p.onClose){
+					var fclm = p.onClose(selector);
+					if(typeof fclm == 'boolean' && !fclm) { return; }
+				}
+				selector.hide();
+				if(p.overlay === true) {
+					$(".jqgrid-overlay:first","#gbox_"+$;
+				}
+			}
+			function showFilter(){
+				var fl = $(".ui-searchFilter").length;
+				if(fl > 1) {
+					var zI = $("#"+fid).css("zIndex");
+					$("#"+fid).css({zIndex:parseInt(zI,10)+fl});
+				}
+				$("#"+fid).show();
+				if(p.overlay === true) {
+					$(".jqgrid-overlay:first","#gbox_"+$;
+				}
+				try{$(':input:visible',"#"+fid)[0].focus();}catch(_){}
+			}
+			function searchFilters(filters) {
+				var hasFilters = (filters !== undefined),
+				grid = $("#"+$,
+				sdata={};
+				if(p.multipleSearch===false) {
+					sdata[p.sField] = filters.rules[0].field;
+					sdata[p.sValue] = filters.rules[0].data;
+					sdata[p.sOper] = filters.rules[0].op;
+					if(sdata.hasOwnProperty(p.sFilter) ) {
+						delete sdata[p.sFilter];
+					}
+				} else {
+					sdata[p.sFilter] = filters;
+					$.each([p.sField, p.sValue, p.sOper], function(i, n){
+						if(sdata.hasOwnProperty(n)) { delete sdata[n];}
+					});
+				}
+				grid[0] = hasFilters;
+				$.extend(grid[0].p.postData,sdata);
+				grid.trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+				if(p.closeAfterSearch) { hideFilter($("#"+fid)); }
+			}
+			function resetFilters(op) {
+				var reload = op && op.hasOwnProperty("reload") ? op.reload : true,
+				grid = $("#"+$,
+				sdata={};
+				grid[0] = false;
+				if(p.multipleSearch===false) {
+					sdata[p.sField] = sdata[p.sValue] = sdata[p.sOper] = "";
+				} else {
+					sdata[p.sFilter] = "";
+				}
+				$.extend(grid[0].p.postData,sdata);
+				if(reload) {
+					grid.trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+				}
+				if(p.closeAfterReset) { hideFilter($("#"+fid)); }
+			}
+			if($.fn.searchFilter) {
+				if(p.recreateFilter===true) {$("#"+fid).remove();}
+				if( $("#"+fid).html() !== null ) {
+					if ( $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch) ) {
+						showFrm = p.beforeShowSearch($("#"+fid));
+						if(typeof(showFrm) == "undefined") {
+							showFrm = true;
+						}
+					}
+					if(showFrm === false) { return; }
+					showFilter();
+					if( $.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch) ) { p.afterShowSearch($("#"+fid)); }
+				} else {
+					var fields = [],
+					colNames = $("#"+$"getGridParam","colNames"),
+					colModel = $("#"+$"getGridParam","colModel"),
+					stempl = ['eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','bn','in','ni','ew','en','cn','nc'],
+					j,pos,k,oprtr=[];
+					if (p.sopt !==null) {
+						k=0;
+						for(j=0;j<p.sopt.length;j++) {
+							if( (pos= $.inArray(p.sopt[j],stempl)) != -1 ){
+								oprtr[k] = {op:p.sopt[j],text: p.odata[pos]};
+								k++;
+							}
+						}
+					} else {
+						for(j=0;j<stempl.length;j++) {
+							oprtr[j] = {op:stempl[j],text: p.odata[j]};
+						}
+					}
+				    $.each(colModel, function(i, v) {
+				        var searchable = (typeof === 'undefined') ?  true: ,
+				        hidden = (v.hidden === true),
+						soptions = $.extend({}, {text: colNames[i], itemval: v.index ||}, this.searchoptions),
+						ignoreHiding = (soptions.searchhidden === true);
+						if(typeof soptions.sopt !== 'undefined') {
+							k=0;
+							soptions.ops =[];
+							if(soptions.sopt.length>0) {
+								for(j=0;j<soptions.sopt.length;j++) {
+									if( (pos= $.inArray(soptions.sopt[j],stempl)) != -1 ){
+										soptions.ops[k] = {op:soptions.sopt[j],text: p.odata[pos]};
+										k++;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if(typeof(this.stype) === 'undefined') { this.stype='text'; }
+						if(this.stype == 'select') {
+							if ( soptions.dataUrl !== undefined) {}
+							else {
+								var eov;
+								if(soptions.value) {
+									eov = soptions.value;
+								} else if(this.editoptions) {
+									eov = this.editoptions.value;
+								}
+								if(eov) {
+									soptions.dataValues =[];
+									if(typeof(eov) === 'string') {
+										var so = eov.split(";"),sv;
+										for(j=0;j<so.length;j++) {
+											sv = so[j].split(":");
+											soptions.dataValues[j] ={value:sv[0],text:sv[1]};
+										}
+									} else if (typeof(eov) === 'object') {
+										j=0;
+										for (var key in eov) {
+											if(eov.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+												soptions.dataValues[j] ={value:key,text:eov[key]};
+												j++;
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+				        if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) {
+							fields.push(soptions);
+						}
+					});
+					if(fields.length>0){
+						$("<div id='"+fid+"' role='dialog' tabindex='-1'></div>").insertBefore("#gview_"+$;
+						// Before we create searchFilter we need to decide if we want to get back a string or a JS object.
+						//  see for background on the issue.
+						// If p.stringResult is defined, it was explisitly passed to us by user. Honor the choice, whatever it is.
+						if (p.stringResult===undefined) {
+							// to provide backward compatibility, inferring stringResult value from multipleSearch
+							p.stringResult = p.multipleSearch;
+						}
+						// we preserve the return value here to retain access to .add() and other good methods of search form.
+						$t.SearchFilter = $("#"+fid).searchFilter(fields, { groupOps: p.groupOps, operators: oprtr, onClose:hideFilter, resetText: p.Reset, searchText: p.Find, windowTitle: p.caption,  rulesText:p.rulesText, matchText:p.matchText, onSearch: searchFilters, onReset: resetFilters,stringResult:p.stringResult, ajaxSelectOptions: $.extend({},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions,$t.p.ajaxSelectOptions ||{}), clone: p.cloneSearchRowOnAdd });
+						$(".ui-widget-overlay","#"+fid).remove();
+						if($t.p.direction=="rtl") { $(".ui-closer","#"+fid).css("float","left"); }
+						if (p.drag===true) {
+							$("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first").css('cursor','move');
+							if(jQuery.fn.jqDrag) {
+								$("#"+fid).jqDrag($("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first"));
+							} else {
+								try {
+									$("#"+fid).draggable({handle: $("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first")});
+								} catch (e) {}
+							}
+						}
+						if(p.multipleSearch === false) {
+							$(".ui-del, .ui-add, .ui-del, .ui-add-last, .matchText, .rulesText", "#"+fid).hide();
+							$("select[name='groupOp']","#"+fid).hide();
+						}
+                        if (p.multipleSearch === true && p.loadDefaults === true) {
+                            applyDefaultFilters($t, p);
+                        }
+						if ( $.isFunction(p.onInitializeSearch) ) { p.onInitializeSearch( $("#"+fid) ); }
+						if ( $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch) ) {
+							showFrm = p.beforeShowSearch($("#"+fid));
+							if(typeof(showFrm) == "undefined") {
+								showFrm = true;
+							}
+						}
+						if(showFrm === false) { return; }
+						showFilter();
+						if( $.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch) ) { p.afterShowSearch($("#"+fid)); }
+						if(p.closeOnEscape===true){
+							$("#"+fid).keydown( function( e ) {
+								if( e.which == 27 ) {
+									hideFilter($("#"+fid));
+								}
+								if (e.which == 13) {
+									$(".ui-search", this).click();
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	// methods taken from grid.custom.
+	updateGridRows : function (data, rowidname, jsonreader) {
+		var nm, success=false, title;
+		this.each(function(){
+			var t = this, vl, ind, srow, sid;
+			if(!t.grid) {return false;}
+			if(!rowidname) { rowidname = "id"; }
+			if( data  && data.length >0 ) {
+				$(data).each(function(j){
+					srow = this;
+					ind = t.rows.namedItem(srow[rowidname]);
+					if(ind) {
+						sid = srow[rowidname];
+						if(jsonreader === true){
+							if(t.p.jsonReader.repeatitems === true) {
+								if(t.p.jsonReader.cell) {srow = srow[t.p.jsonReader.cell];}
+								for (var k=0;k<srow.length;k++) {
+									vl = t.formatter( sid, srow[k], k, srow, 'edit');
+									title = t.p.colModel[k].title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {};
+									if(t.p.treeGrid===true && nm == t.p.ExpandColumn) {
+										$("td:eq("+k+") > span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
+									} else {
+										$("td:eq("+k+")",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
+									}
+								}
+								success = true;
+								return true;
+							}
+						}
+						$(t.p.colModel).each(function(i){
+							nm = jsonreader===true ? this.jsonmap ||;
+							if( srow[nm] !== undefined) {
+								vl = t.formatter( sid, srow[nm], i, srow, 'edit');
+								title = this.title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {};
+								if(t.p.treeGrid===true && nm == t.p.ExpandColumn) {
+									$("td:eq("+i+") > span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
+								} else {
+									$("td:eq("+i+")",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
+								}
+								success = true;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		return success;
+	},
+	// Form search - sorry for this method. Instead use ne jqFilter method.
+	filterGrid : function(gridid,p){
+		p = $.extend({
+			gridModel : false,
+			gridNames : false,
+			gridToolbar : false,
+			filterModel: [], // label/name/stype/defval/surl/sopt
+			formtype : "horizontal", // horizontal/vertical
+			autosearch: true, // if set to false a serch button should be enabled.
+			formclass: "filterform",
+			tableclass: "filtertable",
+			buttonclass: "filterbutton",
+			searchButton: "Search",
+			clearButton: "Clear",
+			enableSearch : false,
+			enableClear: false,
+			beforeSearch: null,
+			afterSearch: null,
+			beforeClear: null,
+			afterClear: null,
+			url : '',
+			marksearched: true
+		},p  || {});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var self = this;
+			this.p = p;
+			if(this.p.filterModel.length === 0 && this.p.gridModel===false) { alert("No filter is set"); return;}
+			if( !gridid) {alert("No target grid is set!"); return;}
+			this.p.gridid = gridid.indexOf("#") != -1 ? gridid : "#"+gridid;
+			var gcolMod = $(this.p.gridid).jqGrid("getGridParam",'colModel');
+			if(gcolMod) {
+				if( this.p.gridModel === true) {
+					var thegrid = $(this.p.gridid)[0];
+					var sh;
+					// we should use the options search, edittype, editoptions
+					// additionally surl and defval can be added in grid colModel
+					$.each(gcolMod, function (i,n) {
+						var tmpFil = [];
+ = === false ? false : true;
+						if(this.editrules && this.editrules.searchhidden === true) {
+							sh = true;
+						} else {
+							if(this.hidden === true ) {
+								sh = false;
+							} else {
+								sh = true;
+							}
+						}
+						if( === true && sh === true) {
+							if(self.p.gridNames===true) {
+								tmpFil.label = thegrid.p.colNames[i];
+							} else {
+								tmpFil.label = '';
+							}
+ =;
+							tmpFil.index = this.index ||;
+							// we support only text and selects, so all other to text
+							tmpFil.stype = this.edittype || 'text';
+							if(tmpFil.stype != 'select' ) {
+								tmpFil.stype = 'text';
+							}
+							tmpFil.defval = this.defval || '';
+							tmpFil.surl = this.surl || '';
+							tmpFil.sopt = this.editoptions || {};
+							tmpFil.width = this.width;
+							self.p.filterModel.push(tmpFil);
+						}
+					});
+				} else {
+					$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n) {
+						for(var j=0;j<gcolMod.length;j++) {
+							if( == gcolMod[j].name) {
+								this.index = gcolMod[j].index ||;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if(!this.index) {
+							this.index =;
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			} else {
+				alert("Could not get grid colModel"); return;
+			}
+			var triggerSearch = function() {
+				var sdata={}, j=0, v;
+				var gr = $(self.p.gridid)[0], nm;
+                gr.p.searchdata = {};
+				if($.isFunction(self.p.beforeSearch)){self.p.beforeSearch();}
+				$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n){
+                    nm = this.index;
+					if(this.stype === 'select') {
+						v = $("select[name="+nm+"]",self).val();
+						if(v) {
+							sdata[nm] = v;
+							if(self.p.marksearched){
+								$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell");
+							}
+							j++;
+						} else {
+							if(self.p.marksearched){
+								$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell");
+							}
+                               try {
+                                   delete gr.p.postData[this.index];
+                               } catch (e) {}
+						}
+					} else {
+						v = $("input[name="+nm+"]",self).val();
+						if(v) {
+							sdata[nm] = v;
+							if(self.p.marksearched){
+								$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell");
+							}
+							j++;
+						} else {
+							if(self.p.marksearched){
+								$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell");
+							}
+								try {
+									delete gr.p.postData[this.index];
+                            } catch(x) {}
+						}
+					}
+				});
+				var sd =  j>0 ? true : false;
+                $.extend(gr.p.postData,sdata);
+				var saveurl;
+				if(self.p.url) {
+					saveurl = $(gr).jqGrid("getGridParam",'url');
+					$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:self.p.url});
+				}
+			    $(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{search:sd}).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+				if(saveurl) {$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});}
+				if($.isFunction(self.p.afterSearch)){self.p.afterSearch();}
+			};
+			var clearSearch = function(){
+				var sdata={}, v, j=0;
+				var gr = $(self.p.gridid)[0], nm;
+				if($.isFunction(self.p.beforeClear)){self.p.beforeClear();}
+				$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n){
+                    nm = this.index;
+					v = (this.defval) ? this.defval : "";
+					if(!this.stype){this.stype='text';}
+					switch (this.stype) {
+						case 'select' :
+							var v1;
+							$("select[name="+nm+"] option",self).each(function (i){
+                                if(i===0) { this.selected = true; }
+								if ($(this).text() == v) {
+									this.selected = true;
+									v1 = $(this).val();
+									return false;
+								}
+							});
+							if(v1) {
+								// post the key and not the text
+								sdata[nm] = v1;
+								if(self.p.marksearched){
+									$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell");
+								}
+								j++;
+							} else {
+								if(self.p.marksearched){
+									$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell");
+								}
+                                try {
+                                    delete gr.p.postData[this.index];
+                                } catch (e) {}
+							}
+							break;
+						case 'text':
+							$("input[name="+nm+"]",self).val(v);
+							if(v) {
+								sdata[nm] = v;
+								if(self.p.marksearched){
+									$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).addClass("dirty-cell");
+								}
+								j++;
+							} else {
+								if(self.p.marksearched){
+									$("#jqgh_",gr.grid.hDiv).removeClass("dirty-cell");
+								}
+                                try {
+                                    delete gr.p.postData[this.index];
+                                } catch (k) {}
+							}
+                            break;
+					}
+				});
+				var sd =  j>0 ? true : false;
+                $.extend(gr.p.postData,sdata);
+				var saveurl;
+				if(self.p.url) {
+					saveurl = $(gr).jqGrid("getGridParam",'url');
+					$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:self.p.url});
+				}
+				$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{search:sd}).trigger("reloadGrid",[{page:1}]);
+				if(saveurl) {$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});}
+				if($.isFunction(self.p.afterClear)){self.p.afterClear();}
+			};
+			var tbl;
+			var formFill = function(){
+				var tr = document.createElement("tr");
+				var tr1, sb, cb,tl,td;
+				if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal'){
+					$(tbl).append(tr);
+				}
+				$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n){
+					tl = document.createElement("td");
+					$(tl).append("<label for='""'>"+this.label+"</label>");
+					td = document.createElement("td");
+					var $t=this;
+					if(!this.stype) { this.stype='text';}
+					switch (this.stype)
+					{
+					case "select":
+						if(this.surl) {
+							// data returned should have already constructed html select
+							$(td).load(this.surl,function(){
+								if($t.defval) { $("select",this).val($t.defval); }
+								$("select",this).attr({name:$t.index || $, id: "sg_"+$});
+								if($t.sopt) { $("select",this).attr($t.sopt); }
+								if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) {
+									$("select",this).width($t.width);
+								}
+								if(self.p.autosearch===true){
+									$("select",this).change(function(e){
+										triggerSearch();
+										return false;
+									});
+								}
+							});
+						} else {
+							// sopt to construct the values
+							if($t.sopt.value) {
+								var oSv = $t.sopt.value;
+								var elem = document.createElement("select");
+								$(elem).attr({name:$t.index || $, id: "sg_"+$}).attr($t.sopt);
+								var so, sv, ov;
+								if(typeof oSv === "string") {
+									so = oSv.split(";");
+									for(var k=0; k<so.length;k++){
+										sv = so[k].split(":");
+										ov = document.createElement("option");
+										ov.value = sv[0]; ov.innerHTML = sv[1];
+										if (sv[1]==$t.defval) { ov.selected ="selected"; }
+										elem.appendChild(ov);
+									}
+								} else if(typeof oSv === "object" ) {
+									for ( var key in oSv) {
+										if(oSv.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+											i++;
+											ov = document.createElement("option");
+											ov.value = key; ov.innerHTML = oSv[key];
+											if (oSv[key]==$t.defval) { ov.selected ="selected"; }
+											elem.appendChild(ov);
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) {
+									$(elem).width($t.width);
+								}
+								$(td).append(elem);
+								if(self.p.autosearch===true){
+									$(elem).change(function(e){
+										triggerSearch();
+										return false;
+									});
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case 'text':
+						var df = this.defval ? this.defval: "";
+						$(td).append("<input type='text' name='"+(this.index ||"' id='sg_""' value='"+df+"'/>");
+						if($t.sopt) { $("input",td).attr($t.sopt); }
+						if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) {
+							if($.browser.msie) {
+								$("input",td).width($t.width-4);
+							} else {
+								$("input",td).width($t.width-2);
+							}
+						}
+						if(self.p.autosearch===true){
+							$("input",td).keypress(function(e){
+								var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
+								if(key == 13){
+									triggerSearch();
+									return false;
+								}
+								return this;
+							});
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+					if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal'){
+						if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && self.p.gridNames===false) {
+							$(tr).append(td);
+						} else {
+							$(tr).append(tl).append(td);
+						}
+						$(tr).append(td);
+					} else {
+						tr1 = document.createElement("tr");
+						$(tr1).append(tl).append(td);
+						$(tbl).append(tr1);
+					}
+				});
+				td = document.createElement("td");
+				if(self.p.enableSearch === true){
+					sb = "<input type='button' id='sButton' class='"+self.p.buttonclass+"' value='"+self.p.searchButton+"'/>";
+					$(td).append(sb);
+					$("input#sButton",td).click(function(){
+						triggerSearch();
+						return false;
+					});
+				}
+				if(self.p.enableClear === true) {
+					cb = "<input type='button' id='cButton' class='"+self.p.buttonclass+"' value='"+self.p.clearButton+"'/>";
+					$(td).append(cb);
+					$("input#cButton",td).click(function(){
+						clearSearch();
+						return false;
+					});
+				}
+				if(self.p.enableClear === true || self.p.enableSearch === true) {
+					if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal') {
+						$(tr).append(td);
+					} else {
+						tr1 = document.createElement("tr");
+						$(tr1).append("<td>&#160;</td>").append(td);
+						$(tbl).append(tr1);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			var frm = $("<form name='SearchForm' style=display:inline;' class='"+this.p.formclass+"'></form>");
+			tbl =$("<table class='"+this.p.tableclass+"' cellspacing='0' cellpading='0' border='0'><tbody></tbody></table>");
+			$(frm).append(tbl);
+			formFill();
+			$(this).append(frm);
+			this.triggerSearch = triggerSearch;
+			this.clearSearch = clearSearch;
+		});
+	}

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * jqGrid extension
+ * Paul Tiseo
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+	getPostData : function(){
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		return $t.p.postData;
+	},
+	setPostData : function( newdata ) {
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		// check if newdata is correct type
+		if ( typeof(newdata) === 'object' ) {
+			$t.p.postData = newdata;
+		}
+		else {
+			alert("Error: cannot add a non-object postData value. postData unchanged.");
+		}
+	},
+	appendPostData : function( newdata ) { 
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		// check if newdata is correct type
+		if ( typeof(newdata) === 'object' ) {
+			$.extend($t.p.postData, newdata);
+		}
+		else {
+			alert("Error: cannot append a non-object postData value. postData unchanged.");
+		}
+	},
+	setPostDataItem : function( key, val ) {
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		$t.p.postData[key] = val;
+	},
+	getPostDataItem : function( key ) {
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		return $t.p.postData[key];
+	},
+	removePostDataItem : function( key ) {
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		delete $t.p.postData[key];
+	},
+	getUserData : function(){
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		return $t.p.userData;
+	},
+	getUserDataItem : function( key ) {
+		var $t = this[0];
+		if(!$t.grid) { return; }
+		return $t.p.userData[key];
+	}

+ 126 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * jqGrid extension for manipulating columns properties
+ * Piotr Roznicki
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+	setColumns : function(p) {
+		p = $.extend({
+			top : 0,
+			left: 0,
+			width: 200,
+			height: 'auto',
+			dataheight: 'auto',
+			modal: false,
+			drag: true,
+			beforeShowForm: null,
+			afterShowForm: null,
+			afterSubmitForm: null,
+			closeOnEscape : true,
+			ShrinkToFit : false,
+			jqModal : false,
+			saveicon: [true,"left","ui-icon-disk"],
+			closeicon: [true,"left","ui-icon-close"],
+			onClose : null,
+			colnameview : true,
+			closeAfterSubmit : true,
+			updateAfterCheck : false,
+			recreateForm : false
+		}, $.jgrid.col, p ||{});
+		return this.each(function(){
+			var $t = this;
+			if (!$t.grid ) { return; }
+			var onBeforeShow = typeof p.beforeShowForm === 'function' ? true: false;
+			var onAfterShow = typeof p.afterShowForm === 'function' ? true: false;
+			var onAfterSubmit = typeof p.afterSubmitForm === 'function' ? true: false;			
+			var gID = $,
+			dtbl = "ColTbl_"+gID,
+			IDs = {themodal:'colmod'+gID,modalhead:'colhd'+gID,modalcontent:'colcnt'+gID, scrollelm: dtbl};
+			if(p.recreateForm===true && $("#"+IDs.themodal).html() != null) {
+				$("#"+IDs.themodal).remove();
+			}
+			if ( $("#"+IDs.themodal).html() != null ) {
+				if(onBeforeShow) { p.beforeShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
+				$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, jqM:false, modal:p.modal});
+				if(onAfterShow) { p.afterShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
+			} else {
+				var dh = isNaN(p.dataheight) ? p.dataheight : p.dataheight+"px";
+				var formdata = "<div id='"+dtbl+"' class='formdata' style='width:100%;overflow:auto;position:relative;height:"+dh+";'>";
+				formdata += "<table class='ColTable' cellspacing='1' cellpading='2' border='0'><tbody>";
+				for(i=0;i<this.p.colNames.length;i++){
+					if(!$t.p.colModel[i].hidedlg) { // added from T. Tomov
+						formdata += "<tr><td style='white-space: pre;'><input type='checkbox' style='margin-right:5px;' id='col_" + this.p.colModel[i].name + "' class='cbox' value='T' " + 
+						((this.p.colModel[i].hidden===false)?"checked":"") + "/>" +  "<label for='col_" + this.p.colModel[i].name + "'>" + this.p.colNames[i] + ((p.colnameview) ? " (" + this.p.colModel[i].name + ")" : "" )+ "</label></td></tr>";
+					}
+				}
+				formdata += "</tbody></table></div>"
+				var bS  = !p.updateAfterCheck ? "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='dData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bSubmit+"</a>" : "",
+				bC  ="<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='eData' class='fm-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all'>"+p.bCancel+"</a>";
+				formdata += "<table border='0' class='EditTable' id='"+dtbl+"_2'><tbody><tr style='display:block;height:3px;'><td></td></tr><tr><td class='DataTD ui-widget-content'></td></tr><tr><td class='ColButton EditButton'>"+bS+"&#160;"+bC+"</td></tr></tbody></table>";
+				p.gbox = "#gbox_"+gID;
+				$.jgrid.createModal(IDs,formdata,p,"#gview_"+$,$("#gview_"+$[0]);
+				if(p.saveicon[0]==true) {
+					$("#dData","#"+dtbl+"_2").addClass(p.saveicon[1] == "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+					.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.saveicon[2]+"'></span>");
+				}
+				if(p.closeicon[0]==true) {
+					$("#eData","#"+dtbl+"_2").addClass(p.closeicon[1] == "right" ? 'fm-button-icon-right' : 'fm-button-icon-left')
+					.append("<span class='ui-icon "+p.closeicon[2]+"'></span>");
+				}
+				if(!p.updateAfterCheck) {
+					$("#dData","#"+dtbl+"_2").click(function(e){
+						for(i=0;i<$t.p.colModel.length;i++){
+							if(!$t.p.colModel[i].hidedlg) { // added from T. Tomov
+								var nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name.replace(/\./g, "\\.");
+								if($("#col_" + nm,"#"+dtbl).attr("checked")) {
+									$($t).jqGrid("showCol",$t.p.colModel[i].name);
+									$("#col_" + nm,"#"+dtbl).attr("defaultChecked",true); // Added from T. Tomov IE BUG
+								} else {
+									$($t).jqGrid("hideCol",$t.p.colModel[i].name);
+									$("#col_" + nm,"#"+dtbl).attr("defaultChecked",""); // Added from T. Tomov IE BUG
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if(p.ShrinkToFit===true) {
+							$($t).jqGrid("setGridWidth",$t.grid.width-0.001,true);
+						}
+						if(p.closeAfterSubmit) $.jgrid.hideModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gb:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: p.onClose});
+						if (onAfterSubmit) { p.afterSubmitForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
+						return false;
+					});
+				} else {
+					$(":input","#"+dtbl).click(function(e){
+						var cn =;
+						if(cn){
+							if(this.checked) {
+								$($t).jqGrid("showCol",cn);
+							} else {
+								$($t).jqGrid("hideCol",cn);
+							}
+							if(p.ShrinkToFit===true) {
+								$($t).jqGrid("setGridWidth",$t.grid.width-0.001,true);
+							}
+						}
+						return this;
+					});
+				}
+				$("#eData", "#"+dtbl+"_2").click(function(e){
+					$.jgrid.hideModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gb:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, onClose: p.onClose});
+					return false;
+				});
+				$("#dData, #eData","#"+dtbl+"_2").hover(
+				   function(){$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');}, 
+				   function(){$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');}
+				);				
+				if(onBeforeShow) { p.beforeShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
+				$.jgrid.viewModal("#"+IDs.themodal,{gbox:"#gbox_"+gID,jqm:p.jqModal, jqM: true, modal:p.modal});
+				if(onAfterShow) { p.afterShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
+			}
+		});
+	}

+ 147 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * ContextMenu - jQuery plugin for right-click context menus
+ *
+ * Author: Chris Domigan
+ * Contributors: Dan G. Switzer, II
+ * Parts of this plugin are inspired by Joern Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Version: r2
+ * Date: 16 July 2007
+ *
+ * For documentation visit
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+ 	var menu, shadow, content, hash, currentTarget;
+  var defaults = {
+    menuStyle: {
+      listStyle: 'none',
+      padding: '1px',
+      margin: '0px',
+      backgroundColor: '#fff',
+      border: '1px solid #999',
+      width: '100px'
+    },
+    itemStyle: {
+      margin: '0px',
+      color: '#000',
+      display: 'block',
+      cursor: 'default',
+      padding: '3px',
+      border: '1px solid #fff',
+      backgroundColor: 'transparent'
+    },
+    itemHoverStyle: {
+      border: '1px solid #0a246a',
+      backgroundColor: '#b6bdd2'
+    },
+    eventPosX: 'pageX',
+    eventPosY: 'pageY',
+    shadow : true,
+    onContextMenu: null,
+    onShowMenu: null
+ 	};
+  $.fn.contextMenu = function(id, options) {
+    if (!menu) {                                      // Create singleton menu
+      menu = $('<div id="jqContextMenu"></div>')
+               .hide()
+               .css({position:'absolute', zIndex:'500'})
+               .appendTo('body')
+               .bind('click', function(e) {
+                 e.stopPropagation();
+               });
+    }
+    if (!shadow) {
+      shadow = $('<div></div>')
+                 .css({backgroundColor:'#000',position:'absolute',opacity:0.2,zIndex:499})
+                 .appendTo('body')
+                 .hide();
+    }
+    hash = hash || [];
+    hash.push({
+      id : id,
+      menuStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.menuStyle, options.menuStyle || {}),
+      itemStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.itemStyle, options.itemStyle || {}),
+      itemHoverStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.itemHoverStyle, options.itemHoverStyle || {}),
+      bindings: options.bindings || {},
+      shadow: options.shadow || options.shadow === false ? options.shadow : defaults.shadow,
+      onContextMenu: options.onContextMenu || defaults.onContextMenu,
+      onShowMenu: options.onShowMenu || defaults.onShowMenu,
+      eventPosX: options.eventPosX || defaults.eventPosX,
+      eventPosY: options.eventPosY || defaults.eventPosY
+    });
+    var index = hash.length - 1;
+    $(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
+      // Check if onContextMenu() defined
+      var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true;
+	  currentTarget =;
+      if (bShowContext) {
+		display(index, this, e );
+		return false;
+	  }
+    });
+    return this;
+  };
+  function display(index, trigger, e ) {
+    var cur = hash[index];
+    content = $('#''ul:first').clone(true);
+    content.css(cur.menuStyle).find('li').css(cur.itemStyle).hover(
+      function() {
+        $(this).css(cur.itemHoverStyle);
+      },
+      function(){
+        $(this).css(cur.itemStyle);
+      }
+    ).find('img').css({verticalAlign:'middle',paddingRight:'2px'});
+    // Send the content to the menu
+    menu.html(content);
+    // if there's an onShowMenu, run it now -- must run after content has been added
+		// if you try to alter the content variable before the menu.html(), IE6 has issues
+		// updating the content
+    if (!!cur.onShowMenu) menu = cur.onShowMenu(e, menu);
+    $.each(cur.bindings, function(id, func) {
+      $('#'+id, menu).bind('click', function() {
+        hide();
+        func(trigger, currentTarget);
+      });
+    });
+    menu.css({'left':e[cur.eventPosX],'top':e[cur.eventPosY]}).show();
+    if (cur.shadow) shadow.css({width:menu.width(),height:menu.height(),left:e.pageX+2,top:e.pageY+2}).show();
+    $(document).one('click', hide);
+  }
+  function hide() {
+    menu.hide();
+    shadow.hide();
+  }
+  // Apply defaults
+  $.contextMenu = {
+    defaults : function(userDefaults) {
+      $.each(userDefaults, function(i, val) {
+        if (typeof val == 'object' && defaults[i]) {
+          $.extend(defaults[i], val);
+        }
+        else defaults[i] = val;
+      });
+    }
+  };
+$(function() {
+  $('div.contextMenu').hide();

+ 716 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+/* Plugin:      searchFilter v1.2.9
+ * Author:      Kasey Speakman (
+ * License:     Dual Licensed, MIT and GPL v2 (
+ *
+ *    jQuery 1.3+           (
+ *    A Themeroller Theme   (
+ *
+ *    You should always implement server-side checking to ensure that
+ *    the query will fail when forged/invalid data is received.
+ *    Clever users can send any value they want through JavaScript and HTTP POST/GET.
+ *
+ *    Simply include the CSS file for your Themeroller theme.
+ *
+ *     This plugin creates a new searchFilter object in the specified container
+ *
+ *     fields:  an array of field objects. each object has the following properties:
+ *              text: a string containing the display name of the field (e.g. "Field 1")
+ *              itemval: a string containing the actual field name (e.g. "field1")
+ *              optional properties:
+ *                  ops: an array of operators in the same format as jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators
+ *                       that is: [ { op: 'gt', text: 'greater than'}, { op:'lt', text: 'less than'}, ... ]
+ *                       if not specified, the passed-in options used, and failting that, jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators will be used
+ *                  *** NOTE ***
+ *                  Specifying a dataUrl or dataValues property means that a <select ...> (drop-down-list) will be generated
+ *                  instead of a text input <input type='text'.../> where the user would normally type in their search data
+ *                  ************
+ *                  dataUrl: a url that will return the html select for this field, this url will only be called once for this field
+ *                  dataValues: the possible values for this field in the form [ { text: 'Data Display Text', value: 'data_actual_value' }, { ... } ]
+ *                  dataInit: a function that you can use to initialize the data field. this function is passed the jQuery-fied data element
+ *                  dataEvents: list of events to apply to the data element. uses $("#id").bind(type, [data], fn) to bind events to data element
+ *              *** JSON of this object could look like this: ***
+ *               var fields = [
+ *                 {
+ *                   text: 'Field Display Name',
+ *                   itemval: 'field_actual_name',
+ *                   // below this are optional values
+ *                   ops: [ // this format is the same as jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators
+ *                     { op: 'gt', text: 'greater than' },
+ *                     { op: 'lt', text: 'less than' }
+ *                   ],
+ *                   dataUrl: 'http://server/path/script.php?propName=propValue', // using this creates a select for the data input instead of an input type='text'
+ *                   dataValues: [ // using this creates a select for the data input instead of an input type='text'
+ *                     { text: 'Data Value Display Name', value: 'data_actual_value' },
+ *                     { ... }
+ *                   ],
+ *                   dataInit: function(jElem) { jElem.datepicker(options); },
+ *                   dataEvents: [ // these are the same options that you pass to $("#id").bind(type, [data], fn)
+ *                     { type: 'click', data: { i: 7 }, fn: function(e) { console.log(; } },
+ *                     { type: 'keypress', fn: function(e) { console.log('keypress'); } }
+ *                   ]
+ *                 },
+ *                 { ... }
+ *               ]
+ *     options: name:value properties containing various creation options
+ *              see jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults for the overridable options
+ *
+ * RETURN TYPE: This plugin returns a SearchFilter object, which has additional SearchFilter methods:
+ *     Methods
+ *         add:    Adds a filter. added to the end of the list unless a jQuery event object or valid row number is passed.
+ *         del:    Removes a filter. removed from the end of the list unless a jQuery event object or valid row number is passed.
+ *         reset:  resets filters back to original state (only one blank filter), and calls onReset
+ *         search: puts the search rules into an object and calls onSearch with it
+ *         close:  calls the onClose event handler
+ *
+ *     HTML
+ *         <head>
+ *             ...
+ *             <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ *             <link href="path/to/themeroller.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+ *             <script src="path/to/jquery.searchFilter.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ *             <link href="path/to/jquery.searchFilter.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+ *             ...
+ *         </head>
+ *         <body>
+ *             ...
+ *             <div id='mySearch'></div>
+ *             ...
+ *         </body>
+ *     JQUERY
+ *         Methods
+ *             initializing: $("#mySearch").searchFilter([{text: "Field 1", value: "field1"},{text: "Field 2", value: "field2"}], {onSearch: myFilterRuleReceiverFn, onReset: myFilterResetFn });
+ *         Manual Methods (there's no need to call these methods unless you are trying to manipulate searchFilter with script)
+ *             add:          $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add();     // appends a blank filter
+ *                           $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add(0);    // copies the first filter as second
+ *             del:          $("#mySearch").searchFilter().del();     // removes the bottom filter
+ *                           $("#mySearch").searchFilter().del(1);    // removes the second filter
+ *             search:       $("#mySearch").searchFilter().search();  // invokes onSearch, passing it a ruleGroup object
+ *             reset:        $("#mySearch").searchFilter().reset();   // resets rules and invokes onReset
+ *             close:        $("#mySearch").searchFilter().close();   // without an onClose handler, equivalent to $("#mySearch").hide();
+ * 
+ * NOTE: You can get the jQuery object back from the SearchFilter object by chaining .$
+ *     Example
+ *         $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add().add().reset().$.hide();
+ *     Verbose Example
+ *         $("#mySearch")      // gets jQuery object for the HTML element with id="mySearch"
+ *             .searchFilter() // gets the SearchFilter object for an existing search filter
+ *             .add()          // adds a new filter to the end of the list
+ *             .add()          // adds another new filter to the end of the list
+ *             .reset()        // resets filters back to original state, triggers onReset
+ *             .$              // returns jQuery object for $("#mySearch")
+ *             .hide();        // equivalent to $("#mySearch").hide();
+ */
+jQuery.fn.searchFilter = function(fields, options) {
+    function SearchFilter(jQ, fields, options) {
+        //---------------------------------------------------------------
+        // PUBLIC VARS
+        //---------------------------------------------------------------
+        this.$ = jQ; // makes the jQuery object available as .$ from the return value
+        //---------------------------------------------------------------
+        //---------------------------------------------------------------
+        this.add = function(i) {
+            if (i == null) jQ.find(".ui-add-last").click();
+            else jQ.find(".sf:eq(" + i + ") .ui-add").click();
+            return this;
+        };
+        this.del = function(i) {
+            if (i == null) jQ.find(".sf:last .ui-del").click();
+            else jQ.find(".sf:eq(" + i + ") .ui-del").click();
+            return this;
+        };
+ = function(e) {
+            jQ.find(".ui-search").click();
+            return this;
+        };
+        this.reset = function(o) {
+            if(o===undefined) o = false;
+            jQ.find(".ui-reset").trigger('click',[o]);
+            return this;
+        };
+        this.close = function() {
+            jQ.find(".ui-closer").click();
+            return this;
+        };
+        //---------------------------------------------------------------
+        // "CONSTRUCTOR" (in air quotes)
+        //---------------------------------------------------------------
+        if (fields != null) { // type coercion matches undefined as well as null
+            //---------------------------------------------------------------
+            // UTILITY FUNCTIONS
+            //---------------------------------------------------------------
+            function hover() {
+                jQuery(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover");
+                return false;
+            }
+            function active(e) {
+                jQuery(this).toggleClass("ui-state-active", (e.type == "mousedown"));
+                return false;
+            }
+            function buildOpt(value, text) {
+                return "<option value='" + value + "'>" + text + "</option>";
+            }
+            function buildSel(className, options, isHidden) {
+                return "<select class='" + className + "'" + (isHidden ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + ">" + options + "</select>";
+            }
+            function initData(selector, fn) {
+                var jElem = jQ.find("tr.sf " + selector);
+                if (jElem[0] != null)
+                    fn(jElem);
+            }
+            function bindDataEvents(selector, events) {
+                var jElem = jQ.find("tr.sf " + selector);
+                if (jElem[0] != null) {
+                    jQuery.each(events, function() {
+                        if ( != null)
+                            jElem.bind(this.type,, this.fn);
+                        else
+                            jElem.bind(this.type, this.fn);
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+            //---------------------------------------------------------------
+            //---------------------------------------------------------------
+            // copies jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.options properties onto an empty object, then options onto that
+            var opts = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults, options);
+            // this is keeps track of the last asynchronous setup
+            var highest_late_setup = -1;
+            //---------------------------------------------------------------
+            //---------------------------------------------------------------
+            // generate the global ops
+            var gOps_html = "";
+            jQuery.each(opts.groupOps, function() { gOps_html += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); });
+            gOps_html = "<select name='groupOp'>" + gOps_html + "</select>";
+            /* original content - doesn't minify very well
+            jQ
+            .html("") // clear any old content
+            .addClass("ui-searchFilter") // add classes
+            .append( // add content
+            "\
+            <div class='ui-widget-overlay' style='z-index: -1'>&nbsp;</div>\
+            <table class='ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'>\
+            <thead>\
+            <tr>\
+            <td colspan='5' class='ui-widget-header ui-corner-all' style='line-height: 18px;'>\
+            <div class='ui-closer ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix' style='float: right;'>\
+            <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span>\
+            </div>\
+            " + opts.windowTitle + "\
+            </td>\
+            </tr>\
+            </thead>\
+            <tbody>\
+            <tr class='sf'>\
+            <td class='fields'></td>\
+            <td class='ops'></td>\
+            <td class='data'></td>\
+            <td><div class='ui-del ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minus'></span></div></td>\
+            <td><div class='ui-add ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus'></span></div></td>\
+            </tr>\
+            <tr>\
+            <td colspan='5' class='divider'><div>&nbsp;</div></td>\
+            </tr>\
+            </tbody>\
+            <tfoot>\
+            <tr>\
+            <td colspan='3'>\
+            <span class='ui-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: left;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.resetText + "</span></span>\
+            <span class='ui-search ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.searchText + "</span></span>\
+            <span class='matchText'>" + opts.matchText + "</span> \
+            " + gOps_html + " \
+            <span class='rulesText'>" + opts.rulesText + "</span>\
+            </td>\
+            <td>&nbsp;</td>\
+            <td><div class='ui-add-last ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span></div></td>\
+            </tr>\
+            </tfoot>\
+            </table>\
+            ");
+            /* end hard-to-minify code */
+            /* begin easier to minify code */
+            jQ.html("").addClass("ui-searchFilter").append("<div class='ui-widget-overlay' style='z-index: -1'>&#160;</div><table class='ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'><thead><tr><td colspan='5' class='ui-widget-header ui-corner-all' style='line-height: 18px;'><div class='ui-closer ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix' style='float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span></div>" + opts.windowTitle + "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class='sf'><td class='fields'></td><td class='ops'></td><td class='data'></td><td><div class='ui-del ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minus'></span></div></td><td><div class='ui-add ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus'></span></div></td></tr><tr><td colspan='5' class='divider'><hr class='ui-widget-content' style='margin:1px'/></td></tr></tbody><tfoot><tr><td colspan='3'><span class='ui-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: left;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.resetText + "</span></span><span class='ui-search ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.searchText + "</span></span><span class='matchText'>" + opts.matchText + "</span> " + gOps_html + " <span class='rulesText'>" + opts.rulesText + "</span></td><td>&#160;</td><td><div class='ui-add-last ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span></div></td></tr></tfoot></table>");
+            /* end easier-to-minify code */
+            var jRow = jQ.find("tr.sf");
+            var jFields = jRow.find("td.fields");
+            var jOps = jRow.find("td.ops");
+            var jData = jRow.find("");
+            // generate the defaults
+            var default_ops_html = "";
+            jQuery.each(opts.operators, function() { default_ops_html += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); });
+            default_ops_html = buildSel("default", default_ops_html, true);
+            jOps.append(default_ops_html);
+            var default_data_html = "<input type='text' class='default' style='display:none;' />";
+            jData.append(default_data_html);
+            // generate the field list as a string
+            var fields_html = "";
+            var has_custom_ops = false;
+            var has_custom_data = false;
+            jQuery.each(fields, function(i) {
+                var field_num = i;
+                fields_html += buildOpt(this.itemval, this.text);
+                // add custom ops if they exist
+                if (this.ops != null) {
+                    has_custom_ops = true;
+                    var custom_ops = "";
+                    jQuery.each(this.ops, function() { custom_ops += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); });
+                    custom_ops = buildSel("field" + field_num, custom_ops, true);
+                    jOps.append(custom_ops);
+                }
+                // add custom data if it is given
+                if (this.dataUrl != null) {
+                    if (i > highest_late_setup) highest_late_setup = i;
+                    has_custom_data = true;
+                    var dEvents = this.dataEvents;
+                    var iEvent = this.dataInit;
+                    var bs = this.buildSelect;
+                    jQuery.ajax(jQuery.extend({
+                        url : this.dataUrl,
+                        complete: function(data) {
+                            var $d;
+                            if(bs != null) $d =jQuery("<div />").append(bs(data));
+                            else $d = jQuery("<div />").append(data.responseText);
+                            $d.find("select").addClass("field" + field_num).hide();
+                            jData.append($d.html());
+                            if (iEvent) initData(".field" + i, iEvent);
+                            if (dEvents) bindDataEvents(".field" + i, dEvents);
+                            if (i == highest_late_setup) { // change should get called no more than twice when this searchFilter is constructed
+                                jQ.find("tr.sf td.fields select[name='field']").change();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },opts.ajaxSelectOptions));
+                } else if (this.dataValues != null) {
+                    has_custom_data = true;
+                    var custom_data = "";
+                    jQuery.each(this.dataValues, function() { custom_data += buildOpt(this.value, this.text); });
+                    custom_data = buildSel("field" + field_num, custom_data, true);
+                    jData.append(custom_data);
+                } else if (this.dataEvents != null || this.dataInit != null) {
+                    has_custom_data = true;
+                    var custom_data = "<input type='text' class='field" + field_num + "' />";
+                    jData.append(custom_data);
+                }
+                // attach events to data if they exist
+                if (this.dataInit != null && i != highest_late_setup)
+                    initData(".field" + i, this.dataInit);
+                if (this.dataEvents != null && i != highest_late_setup)
+                    bindDataEvents(".field" + i, this.dataEvents);
+            });
+            fields_html = "<select name='field'>" + fields_html + "</select>";
+            jFields.append(fields_html);
+            // setup the field select with an on-change event if there are custom ops or data
+            var jFSelect = jFields.find("select[name='field']");
+            if (has_custom_ops) jFSelect.change(function(e) {
+                var index =;
+                var td = jQuery("tr.sf").find("td.ops");
+                td.find("select").removeAttr("name").hide(); // disown and hide all elements
+                var jElem = td.find(".field" + index);
+                if (jElem[0] == null) jElem = td.find(".default"); // if there's not an element for that field, use the default one
+                jElem.attr("name", "op").show();
+                return false;
+            });
+            else jOps.find(".default").attr("name", "op").show();
+            if (has_custom_data) jFSelect.change(function(e) {
+                var index =;
+                var td = jQuery("tr.sf").find("");
+                td.find("select,input").removeClass("vdata").hide(); // disown and hide all elements
+                var jElem = td.find(".field" + index);
+                if (jElem[0] == null) jElem = td.find(".default"); // if there's not an element for that field, use the default one
+      "vdata");
+                return false;
+            });
+            else jData.find(".default").show().addClass("vdata");
+            // go ahead and call the change event and setup the ops and data values
+            if (has_custom_ops || has_custom_data) jFSelect.change();
+            // bind events
+            jQ.find(".ui-state-default").hover(hover, hover).mousedown(active).mouseup(active); // add hover/active effects to all buttons
+            jQ.find(".ui-closer").click(function(e) {
+                opts.onClose(jQuery(jQ.selector));
+                return false;
+            });
+            jQ.find(".ui-del").click(function(e) {
+                var row = jQuery(".sf");
+                if (row.siblings(".sf").length > 0) { // doesn't remove if there's only one filter left
+                    if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined)
+                        row.find(".hasDatepicker").datepicker("destroy"); // clean up datepicker's $.data mess
+                    row.remove(); // also unbinds
+                } else { // resets the filter if it's the last one
+                    row.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
+                    row.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
+                    row.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values
+                    row.find(".data select").each(function() { this.selectedIndex = 0; }); // select first option on all selects
+                    row.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); // trigger any change events
+                }
+                return false;
+            });
+            jQ.find(".ui-add").click(function(e) {
+                var row = jQuery(".sf");
+                var newRow = row.clone(true).insertAfter(row);
+                newRow.find(".ui-state-default").removeClass("ui-state-hover ui-state-active");
+                if (opts.clone) {
+                    newRow.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex;
+                    var stupid_browser = (newRow.find("select[name='op']")[0] == null); // true for IE6
+                    if (!stupid_browser)
+                        newRow.find("select[name='op']").focus()[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex;
+                    var jElem = newRow.find("select.vdata");
+                    if (jElem[0] != null) // select doesn't copy it's selected index when cloned
+                        jElem[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select.vdata")[0].selectedIndex;
+                } else {
+                    newRow.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values
+                    newRow.find("select[name='field']").focus();
+                }
+                if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) { // using $.data to associate data with document elements is Not Good
+                    row.find(".hasDatepicker").each(function() {
+                        var settings =, "datepicker").settings;
+                        newRow.find("#" +"id").removeClass("hasDatepicker").datepicker(settings);
+                    });
+                }
+                newRow.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();} );
+                return false;
+            });
+            jQ.find(".ui-search").click(function(e) {
+                var ui = jQuery(jQ.selector); // pointer to search box wrapper element
+                var ruleGroup;
+                var group_op = ui.find("select[name='groupOp'] :selected").val(); // puls "AND" or "OR"
+                if (!opts.stringResult) {
+                    ruleGroup = {
+                        groupOp: group_op,
+                        rules: []
+                    };
+                } else {
+                    ruleGroup = "{\"groupOp\":\"" + group_op + "\",\"rules\":[";
+                }
+                ui.find(".sf").each(function(i) {
+                    var tField = jQuery(this).find("select[name='field'] :selected").val();
+                    var tOp = jQuery(this).find("select[name='op'] :selected").val();
+                    var tData = jQuery(this).find("input.vdata,select.vdata :selected").val();
+                    tData += "";
+                    if (!opts.stringResult) {
+                        ruleGroup.rules.push({
+                            field: tField,
+                            op: tOp,
+                            data: tData
+                        });
+                    } else {
+						tData = tData.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"');
+                        if (i > 0) ruleGroup += ",";
+                        ruleGroup += "{\"field\":\"" + tField + "\",";
+                        ruleGroup += "\"op\":\"" + tOp + "\",";
+                        ruleGroup += "\"data\":\"" + tData + "\"}";
+                    }
+                });
+                if (opts.stringResult) ruleGroup += "]}";
+                opts.onSearch(ruleGroup);
+                return false;
+            });
+            jQ.find(".ui-reset").click(function(e,op) {
+                var ui = jQuery(jQ.selector);
+                ui.find(".ui-del").click(); // removes all filters, resets the last one
+                ui.find("select[name='groupOp']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; // changes the op back to the default one
+                opts.onReset(op);
+                return false;
+            });
+            jQ.find(".ui-add-last").click(function() {
+                var row = jQuery(jQ.selector + " .sf:last");
+                var newRow = row.clone(true).insertAfter(row);
+                newRow.find(".ui-state-default").removeClass("ui-state-hover ui-state-active");
+                newRow.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values
+                newRow.find("select[name='field']").focus();
+                if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) { // using $.data to associate data with document elements is Not Good
+                    row.find(".hasDatepicker").each(function() {
+                        var settings =, "datepicker").settings;
+                        newRow.find("#" +"id").removeClass("hasDatepicker").datepicker(settings);
+                    });
+                }
+                newRow.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();});
+                return false;
+            });
+            this.setGroupOp = function(setting) {
+                /* a "setter" for groupping argument.
+                 *  ("AND" or "OR")
+                 *
+                 * Inputs:
+                 *  setting - a string
+                 *
+                 * Returns:
+                 *  Does not return anything. May add success / failure reporting in future versions.
+                 *
+                 *  author: Daniel Dotsenko (
+                 */
+                selDOMobj = jQ.find("select[name='groupOp']")[0];
+                var indexmap = {}, l = selDOMobj.options.length, i;
+                for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
+                    indexmap[selDOMobj.options[i].value] = i;
+                }
+                selDOMobj.selectedIndex = indexmap[setting];
+                jQuery(selDOMobj).change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();});
+            };
+            this.setFilter = function(settings) {
+                /* a "setter" for an arbitrary SearchFilter's filter line.
+                 * designed to abstract the DOM manipulations required to infer
+                 * a particular filter is a fit to the search box.
+                 *
+                 * Inputs:
+                 *  settings - an "object" (dictionary)
+                 *   index (optional*) (to be implemented in the future) : signed integer index (from top to bottom per DOM) of the filter line to fill.
+                 *           Negative integers (rooted in -1 and lower) denote position of the line from the bottom.
+                 *   sfref (optional*) : DOM object referencing individual '.sf' (normally a TR element) to be populated. (optional)
+                 *   filter (mandatory) : object (dictionary) of form {'field':'field_value','op':'op_value','data':'data value'}
+                 *
+                 * * It is mandatory to have either index or sfref defined.
+                 *
+                 * Returns:
+                 *  Does not return anything. May add success / failure reporting in future versions.
+                 *
+                 *  author: Daniel Dotsenko (
+                 */
+                var o = settings['sfref'], filter = settings['filter'];
+                // setting up valueindexmap that we will need to manipulate SELECT elements.
+                var fields = [], i, j , l, lj, li,
+                    valueindexmap = {};
+                    // example of valueindexmap:
+                    // {'field1':{'index':0,'ops':{'eq':0,'ne':1}},'fieldX':{'index':1,'ops':{'eq':0,'ne':1},'data':{'true':0,'false':1}}},
+                    // if data is undefined it's a INPUT field. If defined, it's SELECT
+                selDOMobj = o.find("select[name='field']")[0];
+                for (i=0, l=selDOMobj.options.length; i<l; i++) {
+                    valueindexmap[selDOMobj.options[i].value] = {'index':i,'ops':{}};
+                    fields.push(selDOMobj.options[i].value);
+                }
+                for (i=0, li=fields.length; i < li; i++) {
+                    selDOMobj = o.find(".ops > select[class='field"+i+"']")[0];
+                    if (selDOMobj) {
+                        for (j=0, lj=selDOMobj.options.length; j<lj; j++) {
+                            valueindexmap[fields[i]]['ops'][selDOMobj.options[j].value] = j;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    selDOMobj = o.find(".data > select[class='field"+i+"']")[0];
+                    if (selDOMobj) {
+                        valueindexmap[fields[i]]['data'] = {}; // this setting is the flag that 'data' is contained in a SELECT
+                        for (j=0, lj=selDOMobj.options.length; j<lj; j++) {
+                            valueindexmap[fields[i]]['data'][selDOMobj.options[j].value] = j;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } // done populating valueindexmap
+                // preparsing the index values for SELECT elements.
+                var fieldvalue, fieldindex, opindex, datavalue, dataindex;
+                fieldvalue = filter['field'];
+				if (valueindexmap[fieldvalue]) {
+					fieldindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['index'];
+				}
+                if (fieldindex != null) {
+                    opindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['ops'][filter['op']];
+                    if(opindex === undefined) {
+                        for(i=0,li=options.operators.length; i<li;i++) {
+                            if(options.operators[i].op == filter.op ){
+                                opindex = i;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    datavalue = filter['data'];
+                    if (valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['data'] == null) {
+                        dataindex = -1; // 'data' is not SELECT, Making the var 'defined'
+                    } else {
+                        dataindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['data'][datavalue]; // 'undefined' may come from here.
+                    }
+                }
+                // only if values for 'field' and 'op' and 'data' are 'found' in mapping...
+                if (fieldindex != null && opindex != null && dataindex != null) {
+                    o.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = fieldindex;
+                    o.find("select[name='field']").change();
+                    o.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex = opindex;
+                    o.find("input.vdata").val(datavalue); // if jquery does not find any INPUT, it does not set any. This means we deal with SELECT
+                    o = o.find("select.vdata")[0];
+                    if (o) {
+                        o.selectedIndex = dataindex;
+                    }
+					return true
+                } else {
+					return false
+				}
+            }; // end of this.setFilter fn
+        } // end of if fields != null
+    }
+    return new SearchFilter(this, fields, options);
+jQuery.fn.searchFilter.version = '1.2.9';
+/* This property contains the default options */
+jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults = {
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        boolean 
+     * DESCRIPTION: clone a row if it is added from an existing row
+     *              when false, any new added rows will be blank.
+     */
+    clone: true,
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        boolean 
+     * DESCRIPTION: current version of datepicker uses a data store,
+     *              which is incompatible with $().clone(true)
+     */
+    datepickerFix: true,
+    /*
+     * FUNCTION
+     * DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks Reset
+     * INPUT TYPE:  JS object if stringResult is false, otherwise is JSON string
+     */
+    onReset: function(data) { alert("Reset Clicked. Data Returned: " + data) },
+    /*
+     * FUNCTION
+     * DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks Search
+     * INPUT TYPE:  JS object if stringResult is false, otherwise is JSON string
+     */
+    onSearch: function(data) { alert("Search Clicked. Data Returned: " + data) },
+    /*
+     * FUNCTION
+     * DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks the Closer icon
+     *              or the close() function is called
+     *              if left null, it simply does a .hide() on the searchFilter
+     * INPUT TYPE:  a jQuery object for the searchFilter
+     */
+    onClose: function(jElem) { jElem.hide(); },
+    /* 
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        array of objects, each object has the properties op and text 
+     * DESCRIPTION: the selectable operators that are applied between rules
+     *              e.g. for {op:"AND", text:"all"}
+     *                  the search filter box will say: match all rules
+     *                  the server should interpret this as putting the AND op between each rule:
+     *                      rule1 AND rule2 AND rule3
+     *              text will be the option text, and op will be the option value
+     */
+    groupOps: [
+        { op: "AND", text: "all" },
+        { op: "OR",  text: "any" }
+    ],
+    /* 
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        array of objects, each object has the properties op and text 
+     * DESCRIPTION: the operators that will appear as drop-down options
+     *              text will be the option text, and op will be the option value
+     */
+    operators: [
+        { op: "eq", text: "is equal to" },
+        { op: "ne", text: "is not equal to" },
+        { op: "lt", text: "is less than" },
+        { op: "le", text: "is less or equal to" },
+        { op: "gt", text: "is greater than" },
+        { op: "ge", text: "is greater or equal to" },
+        { op: "in", text: "is in" },
+        { op: "ni", text: "is not in" },
+        { op: "bw", text: "begins with" },
+        { op: "bn", text: "does not begin with" },
+        { op: "ew", text: "ends with" },
+        { op: "en", text: "does not end with" },
+        { op: "cn", text: "contains" },
+        { op: "nc", text: "does not contain" }
+    ],
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        string
+     * DESCRIPTION: part of the phrase: _match_ ANY/ALL rules
+     */
+    matchText: "match",
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        string
+     * DESCRIPTION: part of the phrase: match ANY/ALL _rules_
+     */
+    rulesText: "rules",
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        string
+     * DESCRIPTION: the text that will be displayed in the reset button
+     */
+    resetText: "Reset",
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        string
+     * DESCRIPTION: the text that will be displayed in the search button
+     */
+    searchText: "Search",
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        boolean
+     * DESCRIPTION: a flag that, when set, will make the onSearch and onReset return strings instead of objects
+     */
+    stringResult: true,    
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        string
+     * DESCRIPTION: the title of the searchFilter window
+     */
+    windowTitle: "Search Rules",
+    /*
+     * PROPERTY
+     * TYPE:        object
+     * DESCRIPTION: options to extend the ajax request
+     */
+    ajaxSelectOptions : {}
+}; /* end of searchFilter */

+ 383 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ * TableDnD plug-in for JQuery, allows you to drag and drop table rows
+ * You can set up various options to control how the system will work
+ * Copyright (c) Denis Howlett <>
+ * Licensed like jQuery, see
+ *
+ * Configuration options:
+ * 
+ * onDragStyle
+ *     This is the style that is assigned to the row during drag. There are limitations to the styles that can be
+ *     associated with a row (such as you can't assign a border--well you can, but it won't be
+ *     displayed). (So instead consider using onDragClass.) The CSS style to apply is specified as
+ *     a map (as used in the jQuery css(...) function).
+ * onDropStyle
+ *     This is the style that is assigned to the row when it is dropped. As for onDragStyle, there are limitations
+ *     to what you can do. Also this replaces the original style, so again consider using onDragClass which
+ *     is simply added and then removed on drop.
+ * onDragClass
+ *     This class is added for the duration of the drag and then removed when the row is dropped. It is more
+ *     flexible than using onDragStyle since it can be inherited by the row cells and other content. The default
+ *     is class is tDnD_whileDrag. So to use the default, simply customise this CSS class in your
+ *     stylesheet.
+ * onDrop
+ *     Pass a function that will be called when the row is dropped. The function takes 2 parameters: the table
+ *     and the row that was dropped. You can work out the new order of the rows by using
+ *     table.rows.
+ * onDragStart
+ *     Pass a function that will be called when the user starts dragging. The function takes 2 parameters: the
+ *     table and the row which the user has started to drag.
+ * onAllowDrop
+ *     Pass a function that will be called as a row is over another row. If the function returns true, allow 
+ *     dropping on that row, otherwise not. The function takes 2 parameters: the dragged row and the row under
+ *     the cursor. It returns a boolean: true allows the drop, false doesn't allow it.
+ * scrollAmount
+ *     This is the number of pixels to scroll if the user moves the mouse cursor to the top or bottom of the
+ *     window. The page should automatically scroll up or down as appropriate (tested in IE6, IE7, Safari, FF2,
+ *     FF3 beta
+ * dragHandle
+ *     This is the name of a class that you assign to one or more cells in each row that is draggable. If you
+ *     specify this class, then you are responsible for setting cursor: move in the CSS and only these cells
+ *     will have the drag behaviour. If you do not specify a dragHandle, then you get the old behaviour where
+ *     the whole row is draggable.
+ * 
+ * Other ways to control behaviour:
+ *
+ * Add class="nodrop" to any rows for which you don't want to allow dropping, and class="nodrag" to any rows
+ * that you don't want to be draggable.
+ *
+ * Inside the onDrop method you can also call $.tableDnD.serialize() this returns a string of the form
+ * <tableID>[]=<rowID1>&<tableID>[]=<rowID2> so that you can send this back to the server. The table must have
+ * an ID as must all the rows.
+ *
+ * Other methods:
+ *
+ * $("...").tableDnDUpdate() 
+ * Will update all the matching tables, that is it will reapply the mousedown method to the rows (or handle cells).
+ * This is useful if you have updated the table rows using Ajax and you want to make the table draggable again.
+ * The table maintains the original configuration (so you don't have to specify it again).
+ *
+ * $("...").tableDnDSerialize()
+ * Will serialize and return the serialized string as above, but for each of the matching tables--so it can be
+ * called from anywhere and isn't dependent on the currentTable being set up correctly before calling
+ *
+ * Known problems:
+ * - Auto-scoll has some problems with IE7  (it scrolls even when it shouldn't), work-around: set scrollAmount to 0
+ * 
+ * Version 0.2: 2008-02-20 First public version
+ * Version 0.3: 2008-02-07 Added onDragStart option
+ *                         Made the scroll amount configurable (default is 5 as before)
+ * Version 0.4: 2008-03-15 Changed the noDrag/noDrop attributes to nodrag/nodrop classes
+ *                         Added onAllowDrop to control dropping
+ *                         Fixed a bug which meant that you couldn't set the scroll amount in both directions
+ *                         Added serialize method
+ * Version 0.5: 2008-05-16 Changed so that if you specify a dragHandle class it doesn't make the whole row
+ *                         draggable
+ *                         Improved the serialize method to use a default (and settable) regular expression.
+ *                         Added tableDnDupate() and tableDnDSerialize() to be called when you are outside the table
+ */
+jQuery.tableDnD = {
+    /** Keep hold of the current table being dragged */
+    currentTable : null,
+    /** Keep hold of the current drag object if any */
+    dragObject: null,
+    /** The current mouse offset */
+    mouseOffset: null,
+    /** Remember the old value of Y so that we don't do too much processing */
+    oldY: 0,
+    /** Actually build the structure */
+    build: function(options) {
+        // Set up the defaults if any
+        this.each(function() {
+            // This is bound to each matching table, set up the defaults and override with user options
+            this.tableDnDConfig = jQuery.extend({
+                onDragStyle: null,
+                onDropStyle: null,
+				// Add in the default class for whileDragging
+				onDragClass: "tDnD_whileDrag",
+                onDrop: null,
+                onDragStart: null,
+                scrollAmount: 5,
+				serializeRegexp: /[^\-]*$/, // The regular expression to use to trim row IDs
+				serializeParamName: null, // If you want to specify another parameter name instead of the table ID
+                dragHandle: null // If you give the name of a class here, then only Cells with this class will be draggable
+            }, options || {});
+            // Now make the rows draggable
+            jQuery.tableDnD.makeDraggable(this);
+        });
+        // Now we need to capture the mouse up and mouse move event
+        // We can use bind so that we don't interfere with other event handlers
+        jQuery(document)
+            .bind('mousemove', jQuery.tableDnD.mousemove)
+            .bind('mouseup', jQuery.tableDnD.mouseup);
+        // Don't break the chain
+        return this;
+    },
+    /** This function makes all the rows on the table draggable apart from those marked as "NoDrag" */
+    makeDraggable: function(table) {
+        var config = table.tableDnDConfig;
+		if (table.tableDnDConfig.dragHandle) {
+			// We only need to add the event to the specified cells
+			var cells = jQuery("td."+table.tableDnDConfig.dragHandle, table);
+			cells.each(function() {
+				// The cell is bound to "this"
+                jQuery(this).mousedown(function(ev) {
+                    jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = this.parentNode;
+                    jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = table;
+                    jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset = jQuery.tableDnD.getMouseOffset(this, ev);
+                    if (config.onDragStart) {
+                        // Call the onDrop method if there is one
+                        config.onDragStart(table, this);
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                });
+			})
+		} else {
+			// For backwards compatibility, we add the event to the whole row
+	        var rows = jQuery("tr", table); // get all the rows as a wrapped set
+	        rows.each(function() {
+				// Iterate through each row, the row is bound to "this"
+				var row = jQuery(this);
+				if (! row.hasClass("nodrag")) {
+	                row.mousedown(function(ev) {
+	                    if ( == "TD") {
+	                        jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = this;
+	                        jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = table;
+	                        jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset = jQuery.tableDnD.getMouseOffset(this, ev);
+	                        if (config.onDragStart) {
+	                            // Call the onDrop method if there is one
+	                            config.onDragStart(table, this);
+	                        }
+	                        return false;
+	                    }
+	                }).css("cursor", "move"); // Store the tableDnD object
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	updateTables: function() {
+		this.each(function() {
+			// this is now bound to each matching table
+			if (this.tableDnDConfig) {
+				jQuery.tableDnD.makeDraggable(this);
+			}
+		})
+	},
+    /** Get the mouse coordinates from the event (allowing for browser differences) */
+    mouseCoords: function(ev){
+        if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY){
+            return {x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY};
+        }
+        return {
+            x:ev.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft,
+            y:ev.clientY + document.body.scrollTop  - document.body.clientTop
+        };
+    },
+    /** Given a target element and a mouse event, get the mouse offset from that element.
+        To do this we need the element's position and the mouse position */
+    getMouseOffset: function(target, ev) {
+        ev = ev || window.event;
+        var docPos    = this.getPosition(target);
+        var mousePos  = this.mouseCoords(ev);
+        return {x:mousePos.x - docPos.x, y:mousePos.y - docPos.y};
+    },
+    /** Get the position of an element by going up the DOM tree and adding up all the offsets */
+    getPosition: function(e){
+        var left = 0;
+        var top  = 0;
+        /** Safari fix -- thanks to Luis Chato for this! */
+        if (e.offsetHeight == 0) {
+            /** Safari 2 doesn't correctly grab the offsetTop of a table row
+            this is detailed here:
+            the solution is likewise noted there, grab the offset of a table cell in the row - the firstChild.
+            note that firefox will return a text node as a first child, so designing a more thorough
+            solution may need to take that into account, for now this seems to work in firefox, safari, ie */
+            e = e.firstChild; // a table cell
+        }
+		if (e && e.offsetParent) {
+        	while (e.offsetParent){
+            	left += e.offsetLeft;
+            	top  += e.offsetTop;
+            	e     = e.offsetParent;
+        	}
+        	left += e.offsetLeft;
+        	top  += e.offsetTop;
+        }
+        return {x:left, y:top};
+    },
+    mousemove: function(ev) {
+        if (jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var dragObj = jQuery(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject);
+        var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig;
+        var mousePos = jQuery.tableDnD.mouseCoords(ev);
+        var y = mousePos.y - jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset.y;
+        //auto scroll the window
+	    var yOffset = window.pageYOffset;
+	 	if (document.all) {
+	        // Windows version
+	        //yOffset=document.body.scrollTop;
+	        if (typeof document.compatMode != 'undefined' &&
+	             document.compatMode != 'BackCompat') {
+	           yOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+	        }
+	        else if (typeof document.body != 'undefined') {
+	           yOffset=document.body.scrollTop;
+	        }
+	    }
+		if (mousePos.y-yOffset < config.scrollAmount) {
+	    	window.scrollBy(0, -config.scrollAmount);
+	    } else {
+            var windowHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight
+                    : document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight;
+            if (windowHeight-(mousePos.y-yOffset) < config.scrollAmount) {
+                window.scrollBy(0, config.scrollAmount);
+            }
+        }
+        if (y != jQuery.tableDnD.oldY) {
+            // work out if we're going up or down...
+            var movingDown = y > jQuery.tableDnD.oldY;
+            // update the old value
+            jQuery.tableDnD.oldY = y;
+            // update the style to show we're dragging
+			if (config.onDragClass) {
+				dragObj.addClass(config.onDragClass);
+			} else {
+	            dragObj.css(config.onDragStyle);
+			}
+            // If we're over a row then move the dragged row to there so that the user sees the
+            // effect dynamically
+            var currentRow = jQuery.tableDnD.findDropTargetRow(dragObj, y);
+            if (currentRow) {
+                // TODO worry about what happens when there are multiple TBODIES
+                if (movingDown && jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject != currentRow) {
+                    jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject, currentRow.nextSibling);
+                } else if (! movingDown && jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject != currentRow) {
+                    jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject, currentRow);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    },
+    /** We're only worried about the y position really, because we can only move rows up and down */
+    findDropTargetRow: function(draggedRow, y) {
+        var rows = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.rows;
+        for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
+            var row = rows[i];
+            var rowY    = this.getPosition(row).y;
+            var rowHeight = parseInt(row.offsetHeight)/2;
+            if (row.offsetHeight == 0) {
+                rowY = this.getPosition(row.firstChild).y;
+                rowHeight = parseInt(row.firstChild.offsetHeight)/2;
+            }
+            // Because we always have to insert before, we need to offset the height a bit
+            if ((y > rowY - rowHeight) && (y < (rowY + rowHeight))) {
+                // that's the row we're over
+				// If it's the same as the current row, ignore it
+				if (row == draggedRow) {return null;}
+                var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig;
+                if (config.onAllowDrop) {
+                    if (config.onAllowDrop(draggedRow, row)) {
+                        return row;
+                    } else {
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                } else {
+					// If a row has nodrop class, then don't allow dropping (inspired by John Tarr and Famic)
+                    var nodrop = jQuery(row).hasClass("nodrop");
+                    if (! nodrop) {
+                        return row;
+                    } else {
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                }
+                return row;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    },
+    mouseup: function(e) {
+        if (jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable && jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject) {
+            var droppedRow = jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject;
+            var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig;
+            // If we have a dragObject, then we need to release it,
+            // The row will already have been moved to the right place so we just reset stuff
+			if (config.onDragClass) {
+	            jQuery(droppedRow).removeClass(config.onDragClass);
+			} else {
+	            jQuery(droppedRow).css(config.onDropStyle);
+			}
+            jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject   = null;
+            if (config.onDrop) {
+                // Call the onDrop method if there is one
+                config.onDrop(jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable, droppedRow);
+            }
+            jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = null; // let go of the table too
+        }
+    },
+    serialize: function() {
+        if (jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable) {
+            return jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTable(jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable);
+        } else {
+            return "Error: No Table id set, you need to set an id on your table and every row";
+        }
+    },
+	serializeTable: function(table) {
+        var result = "";
+        var tableId =;
+        var rows = table.rows;
+        for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
+            if (result.length > 0) result += "&";
+            var rowId = rows[i].id;
+            if (rowId && rowId && table.tableDnDConfig && table.tableDnDConfig.serializeRegexp) {
+                rowId = rowId.match(table.tableDnDConfig.serializeRegexp)[0];
+            }
+            result += tableId + '[]=' + rowId;
+        }
+        return result;
+	},
+	serializeTables: function() {
+        var result = "";
+        this.each(function() {
+			// this is now bound to each matching table
+			result += jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTable(this);
+		});
+        return result;
+    }
+	{
+		tableDnD :,
+		tableDnDUpdate : jQuery.tableDnD.updateTables,
+		tableDnDSerialize: jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTables
+	}

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.ui-searchFilter { display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 770; overflow: visible;}
+.ui-searchFilter table {position:relative; margin:0em; width:auto}
+.ui-searchFilter table td {margin: 0em; padding: 1px;}
+.ui-searchFilter table td input, .ui-searchFilter table td select {margin: 0.1em;}
+.ui-searchFilter .ui-state-default { cursor: pointer; }
+.ui-searchFilter .divider hr {margin: 1px; }

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* Multiselect
+.ui-multiselect { border: solid 1px; font-size: 0.8em; }
+.ui-multiselect ul { -moz-user-select: none; }
+.ui-multiselect li { margin: 0; padding: 0; cursor: default; line-height: 20px; height: 20px; font-size: 11px; list-style: none; }
+.ui-multiselect li a { color: #999; text-decoration: none; padding: 0; display: block; float: left; cursor: pointer;}
+.ui-multiselect li.ui-draggable-dragging { padding-left: 10px; }
+.ui-multiselect div.selected { position: relative; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; float:left; }
+.ui-multiselect ul.selected { position: relative; padding: 0; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; background: #fff; margin: 0; list-style: none; border: 0; position: relative; width: 100%; }
+.ui-multiselect ul.selected li { }
+.ui-multiselect div.available { position: relative; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; float:left; border-left: 1px solid; }
+.ui-multiselect ul.available { position: relative; padding: 0; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; background: #fff; margin: 0; list-style: none; border: 0; width: 100%; }
+.ui-multiselect ul.available li { padding-left: 10px; }
+.ui-multiselect .ui-state-default { border: none; margin-bottom: 1px; position: relative; padding-left: 20px;}
+.ui-multiselect .ui-state-hover { border: none; }
+.ui-multiselect .ui-widget-header {border: none; font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 1px;}
+.ui-multiselect .add-all { float: right; padding: 7px;}
+.ui-multiselect .remove-all { float: right; padding: 7px;}
+.ui-multiselect .search { float: left; padding: 4px;}
+.ui-multiselect .count { float: left; padding: 7px;}
+.ui-multiselect li span.ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s { position: absolute; left: 2px; }
+.ui-multiselect li a.action { position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 2px; }
+.ui-multiselect { height: 14px; padding: 1px; opacity: 0.5; margin: 4px; width: 100px; }

+ 314 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ * jQuery UI Multiselect
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *  Michael Aufreiter (
+ *  Yanick Rochon (yanick.rochon[at]gmail[dot]com)
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ * 
+ *
+ *
+ * 
+ * Depends:
+ *	ui.core.js
+ *	ui.sortable.js
+ *
+ * Optional:
+ * localization (
+ * scrollTo (
+ * 
+ * Todo:
+ *  Make batch actions faster
+ *  Implement dynamic insertion through remote calls
+ */
+(function($) {
+$.widget("ui.multiselect", {
+	_init: function() {
+		this.element.hide();
+ = this.element.attr("id");
+		this.container = $('<div class="ui-multiselect ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget"></div>').insertAfter(this.element);
+		this.count = 0; // number of currently selected options
+		this.selectedContainer = $('<div class="selected"></div>').appendTo(this.container);
+		this.availableContainer = $('<div class="available"></div>').appendTo(this.container);
+		this.selectedActions = $('<div class="actions ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix"><span class="count">0 '+$.ui.multiselect.locale.itemsCount+'</span><a href="#" class="remove-all">'+$.ui.multiselect.locale.removeAll+'</a></div>').appendTo(this.selectedContainer);
+		this.availableActions = $('<div class="actions ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix"><input type="text" class="search empty ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"/><a href="#" class="add-all">'+$.ui.multiselect.locale.addAll+'</a></div>').appendTo(this.availableContainer);
+		this.selectedList = $('<ul class="selected connected-list"><li class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></li></ul>').bind('selectstart', function(){return false;}).appendTo(this.selectedContainer);
+		this.availableList = $('<ul class="available connected-list"><li class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></li></ul>').bind('selectstart', function(){return false;}).appendTo(this.availableContainer);
+		var that = this;
+		// set dimensions
+		this.container.width(this.element.width()+1);
+		this.selectedContainer.width(Math.floor(this.element.width()*this.options.dividerLocation));
+		this.availableContainer.width(Math.floor(this.element.width()*(1-this.options.dividerLocation)));
+		// fix list height to match <option> depending on their individual header's heights
+		this.selectedList.height(Math.max(this.element.height()-this.selectedActions.height(),1));
+		this.availableList.height(Math.max(this.element.height()-this.availableActions.height(),1));
+		if ( !this.options.animated ) {
+ = 'show';
+			this.options.hide = 'hide';
+		}
+		// init lists
+		this._populateLists(this.element.find('option'));
+		// make selection sortable
+		if (this.options.sortable) {
+			$("ul.selected").sortable({
+				placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',
+				axis: 'y',
+				update: function(event, ui) {
+					// apply the new sort order to the original selectbox
+					that.selectedList.find('li').each(function() {
+						if ($(this).data('optionLink'))
+							$(this).data('optionLink').remove().appendTo(that.element);
+					});
+				},
+				receive: function(event, ui) {
+'optionLink').attr('selected', true);
+					// increment count
+					that.count += 1;
+					that._updateCount();
+					// workaround, because there's no way to reference 
+					// the new element, see
+					that.selectedList.children('.ui-draggable').each(function() {
+						$(this).removeClass('ui-draggable');
+						$(this).data('optionLink','optionLink'));
+						$(this).data('idx','idx'));
+						that._applyItemState($(this), true);
+					});
+					// workaround according to
+					setTimeout(function() { ui.item.remove(); }, 1);
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		// set up livesearch
+		if (this.options.searchable) {
+			this._registerSearchEvents(this.availableContainer.find(''));
+		} else {
+			$('.search').hide();
+		}
+		// batch actions
+		$(".remove-all").click(function() {
+			that._populateLists(that.element.find('option').removeAttr('selected'));
+			return false;
+		});
+		$(".add-all").click(function() {
+			that._populateLists(that.element.find('option').attr('selected', 'selected'));
+			return false;
+		});
+	},
+	destroy: function() {
+		this.container.remove();
+		$.widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+	},
+	_populateLists: function(options) {
+		this.selectedList.children('.ui-element').remove();
+		this.availableList.children('.ui-element').remove();
+		this.count = 0;
+		var that = this;
+		var items = $( {
+	      var item = that._getOptionNode(this).appendTo(this.selected ? that.selectedList : that.availableList).show();
+			if (this.selected) that.count += 1;
+			that._applyItemState(item, this.selected);
+'idx', i);
+			return item[0];
+    }));
+		// update count
+		this._updateCount();
+  },
+	_updateCount: function() {
+		this.selectedContainer.find('span.count').text(this.count+" "+$.ui.multiselect.locale.itemsCount);
+	},
+	_getOptionNode: function(option) {
+		option = $(option);
+		var node = $('<li class="ui-state-default ui-element" title="'+option.text()+'"><span class="ui-icon"/>'+option.text()+'<a href="#" class="action"><span class="ui-corner-all ui-icon"/></a></li>').hide();
+'optionLink', option);
+		return node;
+	},
+	// clones an item with associated data
+	// didn't find a smarter away around this
+	_cloneWithData: function(clonee) {
+		var clone = clonee.clone();
+		return clone;
+	},
+	_setSelected: function(item, selected) {
+'optionLink').attr('selected', selected);
+		if (selected) {
+			var selectedItem = this._cloneWithData(item);
+			item[this.options.hide](this.options.animated, function() { $(this).remove(); });
+			selectedItem.appendTo(this.selectedList).hide()[](this.options.animated);
+			this._applyItemState(selectedItem, true);
+			return selectedItem;
+		} else {
+			// look for successor based on initial option index
+			var items = this.availableList.find('li'), comparator = this.options.nodeComparator;
+			var succ = null, i ='idx'), direction = comparator(item, $(items[i]));
+			// TODO: test needed for dynamic list populating
+			if ( direction ) {
+				while (i>=0 && i<items.length) {
+					direction > 0 ? i++ : i--;
+					if ( direction != comparator(item, $(items[i])) ) {
+						// going up, go back one item down, otherwise leave as is
+						succ = items[direction > 0 ? i : i+1];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				succ = items[i];
+			}
+			var availableItem = this._cloneWithData(item);
+			succ ? availableItem.insertBefore($(succ)) : availableItem.appendTo(this.availableList);
+			item[this.options.hide](this.options.animated, function() { $(this).remove(); });
+			availableItem.hide()[](this.options.animated);
+			this._applyItemState(availableItem, false);
+			return availableItem;
+		}
+	},
+	_applyItemState: function(item, selected) {
+		if (selected) {
+			if (this.options.sortable)
+				item.children('span').addClass('ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s').removeClass('ui-helper-hidden').addClass('ui-icon');
+			else
+				item.children('span').removeClass('ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s').addClass('ui-helper-hidden').removeClass('ui-icon');
+			item.find('a.action span').addClass('ui-icon-minus').removeClass('ui-icon-plus');
+			this._registerRemoveEvents(item.find('a.action'));
+		} else {
+			item.children('span').removeClass('ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s').addClass('ui-helper-hidden').removeClass('ui-icon');
+			item.find('a.action span').addClass('ui-icon-plus').removeClass('ui-icon-minus');
+			this._registerAddEvents(item.find('a.action'));
+		}
+		this._registerHoverEvents(item);
+	},
+	// taken from John Resig's liveUpdate script
+	_filter: function(list) {
+		var input = $(this);
+		var rows = list.children('li'),
+			cache ={
+				return $(this).text().toLowerCase();
+			});
+		var term = $.trim(input.val().toLowerCase()), scores = [];
+		if (!term) {
+		} else {
+			rows.hide();
+			cache.each(function(i) {
+				if (this.indexOf(term)>-1) { scores.push(i); }
+			});
+			$.each(scores, function() {
+				$(rows[this]).show();
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	_registerHoverEvents: function(elements) {
+		elements.removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+		elements.mouseover(function() {
+			$(this).addClass('ui-state-hover');
+		});
+		elements.mouseout(function() {
+			$(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+		});
+	},
+	_registerAddEvents: function(elements) {
+		var that = this;
+ {
+			var item = that._setSelected($(this).parent(), true);
+			that.count += 1;
+			that._updateCount();
+			return false;
+		})
+		// make draggable
+		.each(function() {
+			$(this).parent().draggable({
+	      connectToSortable: 'ul.selected',
+				helper: function() {
+					var selectedItem = that._cloneWithData($(this)).width($(this).width() - 50);
+					selectedItem.width($(this).width());
+					return selectedItem;
+				},
+				appendTo: '.ui-multiselect',
+				containment: '.ui-multiselect',
+				revert: 'invalid'
+	    });
+		});
+	},
+	_registerRemoveEvents: function(elements) {
+		var that = this;
+ {
+			that._setSelected($(this).parent(), false);
+			that.count -= 1;
+			that._updateCount();
+			return false;
+		});
+ 	},
+	_registerSearchEvents: function(input) {
+		var that = this;
+		input.focus(function() {
+			$(this).addClass('ui-state-active');
+		})
+		.blur(function() {
+			$(this).removeClass('ui-state-active');
+		})
+		.keypress(function(e) {
+			if (e.keyCode == 13)
+				return false;
+		})
+		.keyup(function() {
+			that._filter.apply(this, [that.availableList]);
+		});
+	}
+$.extend($.ui.multiselect, {
+	defaults: {
+		sortable: true,
+		searchable: true,
+		animated: 'fast',
+		show: 'slideDown',
+		hide: 'slideUp',
+		dividerLocation: 0.6,
+		nodeComparator: function(node1,node2) {
+			var text1 = node1.text(),
+			    text2 = node2.text();
+			return text1 == text2 ? 0 : (text1 < text2 ? -1 : 1);
+		}
+	},
+	locale: {
+		addAll:'Add all',
+		removeAll:'Remove all',
+		itemsCount:'items selected'
+	}

Beberapa file tidak ditampilkan karena terlalu banyak file yang berubah dalam diff ini