@@ -592,6 +592,8 @@ There are too much translators to list them all. Please check http://translate.c
<li>Erik Das (FKS), for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li>Erik Das (FKS), for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li>Marc De Caluwé, for patches to</li>
<li>Marc De Caluwé, for patches to</li>
<li>Alberto Montes, Contidos Dixitais, for CSS "sport_red" in 1.9</li>
<li>Alberto Montes, Contidos Dixitais, for CSS "sport_red" in 1.9</li>
+ <li>Bart Mollet, Hogeschool Gent, for patches in 1.6 & 1.8</li>
+ <li>Kristof Van Steenkiste & Sebastien Jacobs (initial Reservation plugin, 2007)</li>
<li>All the supporting parents, partners, children, friends, colleagues and sometimes students, of the very special geeks that we are, for their continous support and inspiration</li>
<li>All the supporting parents, partners, children, friends, colleagues and sometimes students, of the very special geeks that we are, for their continous support and inspiration</li>
@@ -626,6 +628,7 @@ These institutions and companies have either contributed to the Chamilo project
<li>Table of contents<br />
<li>Table of contents<br />
now removed, replaced by learning path<br />
now removed, replaced by learning path<br />
+ <li>Facultad de Matematicas, UADY (México) (original asynchronous Message plugin, was later dumped)</li>
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