@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ $langOneResp = "One of the trainingdministrators";
$langTaken = "is already in use. Choose another one.";
$langUserNo = "The login you chose";
$langFilled = "You have left some fields empty.";
-$langInC = "in this training";
+$langInC = "in this course";
$langRole = "Description";
$UserPicture = "Picture";
$langProfileReg = "Your new profile has been saved";
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ $langYourReg = "Your registration on";
$langUserFree = "This login is already taken. Use your browser's back button and choose another.";
$langEmptyFields = "You left some fields empty. Use your browser's back button and try again.";
$langPassTwice = "You typed two different passwords. Use your browser's back button and try again.";
-$langRegAdmin = "Create training";
-$langRegStudent = "Follow training";
+$langRegAdmin = "Teacher (creates courses)";
+$langRegStudent = "Student (follows courses)";
$langConfirmation = "Confirm password";
$langPass = "Pass";
$langSurname = "Last name";
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ $RequestSentToPlatformAdmin = "Chamilo can't handle the request automatically fo
$langphone = "Phone";
$Unreg = "Unregister";
$MyProgress = "Progress";
-$ProgressIntroduction = "Start with selecting a training session below.<br />You can then see your progress for every training you are subscribed to.";
+$ProgressIntroduction = "Start with selecting a session below.<br />You can then see your progress for every course you are subscribed to.";
$Select = "Select";
$NeverExpires = "Never expires";
$On = "On";
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ $ManageUser = "Manage user";
$SubscribeUserToCourseAsTeacher = "Enroll teachers";
$SendMessage = "Send message";
$PasswordEncryptedForSecurity = "Your password is encrypted for security reasons. Thus, after pressing the link an e-mail will be sent to you again with your password.";
-$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training";
+$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
$SystemUnableToSendEmailContact = "This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact";
$OpenIDCouldNotBeFoundPleaseRegister = "This OpenID could not be found in our database. Please register for a new account. If you have already an account with us, please edit your profile inside your account to add this OpenID";
$UsernameMaxXCharacters = "The login needs to be maximum %s characters long";
$PictureUploaded = "Your picture has been uploaded";
$ProductionUploaded = "Your production file has been uploaded";
$FolderUpdated = "Folder updated";
-$UsersRegistered = "These users have been registered into the training";
+$UsersRegistered = "These users have been registered to the course";
$UserAlreadyRegisterByOtherCreator = "User already register by other coach.";
$UserCreatedPlatform = "User created in portal";
$UserInSession = "User added into the session";