Browse Source

Updating english variables.

Julio Montoya 11 years ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ $SearchASession = "Find a training session";
 $ActiveSession = "Session session";
 $AddUrl = "Add Url";
 $ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Show session coach";
-$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the training list";
+$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the courses list";
 $ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Extend rights for coach";
 $ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Activate this option will give the coach the same permissions as the trainer on authoring tools";
 $ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Activate this option will allow the coachs to create and edit surveys";
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ $HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Do not display my portal in the list
 $EnableVersionCheck = "Enable version check";
 $AllowMessageToolTitle = "Internal messaging tool";
 $AllowReservationTitle = "Booking";
-$AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your training (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.";
+$AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your courses (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.";
 $ConfigureResourceType = "Configure";
 $ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configure multiple access URL";
 $URLAdded = "The URL has been added";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
 $langSelectOptionForBackup = "Please select a backup-option";
 $langLetMeSelectItems = "Let me select learning objects";
-$langCreateFullBackup = "Create a complete backup of this training";
+$langCreateFullBackup = "Create a complete backup of this course";
 $langCreateBackup = "Create a backup";
 $langBackupCreated = "The backup has been created. The download of this file will start in a few moments. If your download does not start, click the following link";
 $langSelectBackupFile = "Select a backup file";
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $langCopyFinished = "Copying is finished";
 $langFullRecycle = "Delete everything";
 $langRecycleCourse = "Empty this course";
 $langRecycleFinished = "Recycle is finished";
-$langRecycleWarning = "Warning: using this tool, you will delete learning objects in your training. There is no UNDO possible. We advise you to create a <a href=\"create_backup.php\">backup</a> before.";
+$langRecycleWarning = "Warning: using this tool, you will delete learning objects in your course. There is no UNDO possible. We advise you to create a <a href=\"create_backup.php\">backup</a> before.";
 $langSameFilename = "What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?";
 $langSameFilenameSkip = "Skip same file name";
 $langSameFilenameRename = "Rename file (eg file.pdf becomes file_1.pdf)";

+ 1 - 2

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ $Unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe";
 $lang_back_to_my_home_page = "Back to my home page";
 $lang_back_to_my_personnal_course_list = "Back to my courses list";
 $langTitular = "Leader";
-$langBackToListOfThisUser = "Back to training list";
 $langAdministrationTools = "Administration Tools";
 $lang_back_to_parent_category = "Back to parent category";
 $lang_back_to_course_selection = "Back to course selection";
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ $langAdminThisUser = "Back to user";
 $langManage = "Manage Portal";
 $langEnrollToCourseSuccessful = "You have been registered to the course";
 $langSubCat = "sub-categories";
-$langUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "Unsubscribing is not allowed for this training.";
+$langUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "Unsubscribing from this course is not allowed.";
 $langCourseAdminUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "You are a trainer in this course";
 $CourseManagement = "Courses catalog";
 $SortMyCourses = "Sort courses";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $langMinimum = "minimum";
 $langMaximum = "maximum";
 $langRestoreACourse = "Restore a course";
 $langBackup = "Backup";
-$langCopy = "Copy training content";
+$langCopy = "Copy course content";
 $langRecycle = "Recycle training";
 $AnnouncementExampleTitle = "This is an announcement example";
 $Wikipedia = "Free online encyclopedia";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ $langDownloadFile = "Upload file";
 $langNameDir = "Name of the new folder";
 $langSize = "Size";
 $langRename = "Rename";
-$langCopy = "Copy training content";
+$langCopy = "Copy course content";
 $langTo = "to";
 $langNoSpace = "The upload has failed. Either you have exceeded your maximum quota, or there is not enough disk space.";
 $langDownloadEnd = "The upload is finished";
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ $TemplateTitleLeftRightListDescription = "Left & right list with an instructor";
 $TemplateTitleDesc = "Description";
 $TemplateTitleDescDescription = "Describe a resource";
 $TemplateTitleObjectives = "Course objectives";
-$TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription = "Describe the objectives of the training";
+$TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription = "Describe the objectives of the course";
 $TemplateTitleCycle = "Cycle chart";
 $TemplateTitleCycleDescription = "2 list with cycle arrows";
 $TemplateTitleLearnerWonder = "Learner wonder";

+ 6 - 6

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ $langOneResp = "One of the trainingdministrators";
 $langTaken = "is already in use. Choose another one.";
 $langUserNo = "The login you chose";
 $langFilled = "You have left some fields empty.";
-$langInC = "in this training";
+$langInC = "in this course";
 $langRole = "Description";
 $UserPicture = "Picture";
 $langProfileReg = "Your new profile has been saved";
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ $langYourReg = "Your registration on";
 $langUserFree = "This login is already taken. Use your browser's back button and choose another.";
 $langEmptyFields = "You left some fields empty. Use your browser's back button and try again.";
 $langPassTwice = "You typed two different passwords. Use your browser's back button and try again.";
-$langRegAdmin = "Create training";
-$langRegStudent = "Follow training";
+$langRegAdmin = "Teacher (creates courses)";
+$langRegStudent = "Student (follows courses)";
 $langConfirmation = "Confirm password";
 $langPass = "Pass";
 $langSurname = "Last name";
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ $RequestSentToPlatformAdmin = "Chamilo can't handle the request automatically fo
 $langphone = "Phone";
 $Unreg = "Unregister";
 $MyProgress = "Progress";
-$ProgressIntroduction = "Start with selecting a training session below.<br />You can then see your progress for every training you are subscribed to.";
+$ProgressIntroduction = "Start with selecting a session below.<br />You can then see your progress for every course you are subscribed to.";
 $Select = "Select";
 $NeverExpires = "Never expires";
 $On = "On";
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ $ManageUser = "Manage user";
 $SubscribeUserToCourseAsTeacher = "Enroll teachers";
 $SendMessage = "Send message";
 $PasswordEncryptedForSecurity = "Your password is encrypted for security reasons. Thus, after pressing the link an e-mail will be sent to you again with your password.";
-$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training";
+$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
 $SystemUnableToSendEmailContact = "This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact";
 $OpenIDCouldNotBeFoundPleaseRegister = "This OpenID could not be found in our database. Please register for a new account. If you have already an account with us, please edit your profile inside your account to add this OpenID";
 $UsernameMaxXCharacters = "The login needs to be maximum %s characters long";
 $PictureUploaded = "Your picture has been uploaded";
 $ProductionUploaded = "Your production file has been uploaded";
 $FolderUpdated = "Folder updated";
-$UsersRegistered = "These users have been registered into the training";
+$UsersRegistered = "These users have been registered to the course";
 $UserAlreadyRegisterByOtherCreator = "User already register by other coach.";
 $UserCreatedPlatform = "User created in portal";
 $UserInSession = "User added into the session";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $langElRen = "Element renamed";
 $langDirMv = "Element moved";
 $langComMod = "Comment modified";
 $langRename = "Rename";
-$langCopy = "Copy training content";
+$langCopy = "Copy course content";
 $langNameDir = "Name of the new folder";
 $langDownloadFile = "Upload file";
 $langRoot = "root";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$RemoveOldRelationships = "Remove previous relationships";
+$ImportSessionDrhList = "Import list of HR directors into sessions";
+$FollowedStudents = "Followed students";
+$FollowedTeachers = "Followed teachers";
 $AllowOnlyFiles = "Allow only files";
 $AllowOnlyText = "Allow only text";
 $AllowFileOrText = "Allow files or online text";
@@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ $UserIsNotATeacher = "User is not a teacher";
 $ThisItemIsInvisibleForStudentsButYouHaveAccessAsTeacher = "This item is invisible for learner but you have access as teacher.";
 $DeleteAllAttendances = "Delete all created attendances";
 $Unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe";
+$SendToAllUsers = "Send to all users";
 $SelectACategory = "Select a category";
 $AdvancedEdit = "Advanced edit";
 $SearchXapianModuleNotInstalled = "The Xapian search module is not installed";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $langAllAdmin = "has from now on <b>all</b> rights on this page";
 $langModRole = "Change role of";
 $langRole = "Description";
 $langIsNow = "is from now on";
-$langInC = "in this training";
+$langInC = "in this course";
 $langFilled = "You have left some fields empty.";
 $langUserNo = "The login you chose";
 $langTaken = "is already in use. Choose another one.";
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ $langUnreg = "Unsubscribe";
 $langGroupUserManagement = "Groups management";
 $langUnregister = "Unregister";
 $langAddAUser = "Add a user";
-$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training";
+$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "This learner is subscribed in this training through a training session. You cannot edit his information";
 $NoDataAvailable = "No data available";
 $AddToFriends = "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?";