@@ -1035,29 +1035,34 @@ function display_user_overview_export_options() {
if ($_GET['export'] == 'options') {
// get all the defined extra fields
$extrafields = UserManager::get_extra_fields(0, 50, 5, 'ASC', false);
// creating the form with all the defined extra fields
$form = new FormValidator('exportextrafields', 'post', api_get_self()."?view=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['view']).'&display='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['display']).'&export='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['export']));
- foreach ($extrafields as $key => $extra) {
- $form->addElement('checkbox', 'extra_export_field'.$extra[0], '', $extra[3]);
- }
- $form->addElement('style_submit_button','submit', get_lang('Ok'),'class="save"' );
- // setting the default values for the form that contains all the extra fields
- if (is_array($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'])) {
- foreach ($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'] as $key => $value) {
- $defaults['extra_export_field'.$value] = 1;
+ if (is_array($extrafields) && count($extrafields) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extrafields as $key => $extra) {
+ $form->addElement('checkbox', 'extra_export_field'.$extra[0], '', $extra[3]);
+ $form->addElement('style_submit_button','submit', get_lang('Ok'),'class="save"' );
+ // setting the default values for the form that contains all the extra fields
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'])) {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'] as $key => $value) {
+ $defaults['extra_export_field'.$value] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $form->setDefaults($defaults);
+ } else {
+ $form->addElement('html', Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('ThereAreNotExtrafieldsAvailable')));
- $form->setDefaults($defaults);
if ($form->validate()) {
// exporting the form values
$values = $form->exportValues();
// re-initialising the session that contains the additional fields that need to be exported
$_SESSION['additional_export_fields'] = array();
// adding the fields that are checked to the session
$message = '';
foreach ($values as $field_ids => $value) {
@@ -1065,14 +1070,14 @@ function display_user_overview_export_options() {
$_SESSION['additional_export_fields'][] = str_replace('extra_export_field', '', $field_ids);
// adding the fields that will be also exported to a message string
if (is_array($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'] as $key => $extra_field_export) {
$message .= '<li>'.$extrafields[$extra_field_export][3].'</li>';
// Displaying a feedback message
if (!empty($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'])) {
Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('FollowingFieldsWillAlsoBeExported').': <br /><ul>'.$message.'</ul>', false);
@@ -1082,7 +1087,8 @@ function display_user_overview_export_options() {
$message = '';
} else {
- }
+ }
} else {
if (!empty($_SESSION['additional_export_fields'])) {
// get all the defined extra fields