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Feature #2479 delete ancient files

Juan Carlos Raña 14 years ago

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-Plugin for inserting HTML: a single preconfigured snippet; a choice from multiple preconfigured snippets; or manually entered HTML
-Move the folder 'insertHtml' into your plugins directory ('editor/plugins/') and add+configure the plugin in your fckconfig.js file by using the example below:
-FCKConfig.Plugins.Add('insertHtml', 'en,nl');
-	// --- config settings for the insertHtml plugin ---
-	// enter a single snippet (HMTL string) or multiple snippets to choose form (object of description string and HTML string pairs)
-	// or leave empty if you want to show a dialog for the user to enter HTML manually (and not show any default HTML in the dialog textarea)
-	FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets = {
-		'ArtGallery': '<embed width="475" height="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" src="FlashGallery/Art/ArtFlashGallery.swf" mediaType="flashGallery" bgcolor="#ffffff" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="XMLFile=userfiles/image/ArtGallery/gallery.xml"></embed>',
-		'PhotoFlowGallery' : '<embed width="700" height="300" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" src="FlashGallery/PhotoFlow/PhotoFlowGallery.swf" mediaType="flashGallery" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="XMLFile=userfiles/image/PhotoFlowGallery/gallery.xml"></embed>',
-		'StackPhotoGallery' : '<embed width="600" height="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" src="FlashGallery/StackPhoto/StackPhotoGallery.swf" mediaType="flashGallery" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="XMLFile=userfiles/image/StackPhotoGallery/gallery.xml"></embed>',
-		'ZenGallery' : '<embed width="550" height="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" src="FlashGallery/Zen/ZenGallery.swf" mediaType="flashGallery" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="XMLFile=userfiles/image/ZenGallery/gallery.xml"></embed>'
-	};
-	// show a dialog for the user to enter HTML manually or to choose between snippets
-	// (if no snippets specified the dialog will show anyhow)
-	FCKConfig.insertHtml_showDialog = true;
-	// specify a custom tooltip if you want this to appear when hovering the plugin's toolbar button (e.g. a description of the element being inserted)
-	// (if no custom tooltip is set 'Insert HTML' will appear, and if available, translated into your language)
-	FCKConfig.insertHtml_buttonTooltip = '';
-	// show a textarea in the dialog? (the (first) HTML set with FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets will be shown in the textarea by default)
-	// (if no snippets specified the textarea will show anyhow)
-	FCKConfig.insertHtml_showTextarea = false;
-	// the size of the textarea in the dialog, in px
-	FCKConfig.insertHtml_textareaWidth = 300;
-	FCKConfig.insertHtml_textareaHeight = 70;

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- * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
- *
- * 
- * File Name: fckplugin.js
- * 	Plugin to add some HTML, a single snippet; a choice from multiple snippets; or manually entered HTML
- * 
- * File Authors:
- * 		Paul Moers (
- */
-	// insertHtmlObject constructor
-	var insertHtmlToolbarCommand = function()
-	{
-	}
-	// register the command
-	FCKCommands.RegisterCommand('insertHtml', new insertHtmlToolbarCommand());
-	// create the toolbar  button
-	var insertHtmlButton = new FCKToolbarButton('insertHtml', FCKConfig.insertHtml_buttonTooltip || FCKLang.inserHTML_buttonTooltip);
-	insertHtmlButton.IconPath = FCKPlugins.Items['insertHtml'].Path + 'images/toolbarIcon_default.gif'; // or pick any other in folder 'images'
-	FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem('insertHtml', insertHtmlButton);
-	// manage the plugins' button behavior
-	insertHtmlToolbarCommand.prototype.GetState = function()
-	{
-	}
-	// insertHtml's button click function
-	insertHtmlToolbarCommand.prototype.Execute = function()
-	{
-		if (FCKConfig.insertHtml_showDialog || !FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets || (FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets && !FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets.length))
-		{
-			var dialog = new FCKDialogCommand('insertHtml', FCKLang.insertHtml_dialogTitle, FCKPlugins.Items['insertHtml'].Path + 'insertHtml.html', 200, 100);
-			dialog.Execute();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			FCK.InsertHtml(FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippet);
-			FCK.EditorWindow.parent.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep();
-		}
-	}



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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-<html xmlns="">
-	<title>insertHtml</title>
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-	<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
-	<script src="insertHtml.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-	<script src="../../dialog/common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-	<style>
-		#snippets
-		{
-			width: 200px;
-			margin-right: 10px;
-		}
-		#insertHtmlHelp,
-		{
-			margin-right: 0px; /* no extra right margin needed in IE */
-		}
-		.snippet
-		{
-			background: white;
-			padding: 3px 5px;
-			margin: 3px 0px;
-			border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
-		}
-		.snippet.PopupSelectionBox
-		{
-		}
-		#insertHtmlHelp
-		{
-			margin: 0px 15px 6px 0px;
-			display: block;
-		}
-		#insertHtmlHelp,
-		{
-			margin-right: 5px; /* no extra right margin needed in IE */
-		}
-		#insertHtmlTextArea
-		{
-			overflow: auto;
-			margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
-		}
-		#insertHtmlTextArea,
-		{
-			margin-right: 0px; /* no extra right margin needed in IE */
-		}
-	</style>
-<body style="padding-bottom: 0px;">
-	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-		<tr>
-			<td>
-				<span fcklang="inserHtml_help" id="insertHtmlHelp">
-					Enter any HTML below and click 'ok' to insert it at the location of the cursor in the editor.
-				</span>
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-		<tr>
-			<td id="content">
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-	</table>

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-	var dialog = window.parent;
-	var editorWindow = dialog.InnerDialogLoaded();
-	var editorInstance = editorWindow.FCK;
-	var FCKConfig = editorWindow.FCKConfig;
-	var FCKTools = editorWindow.FCKTools;
-	var FCKBrowserInfo = editorWindow.FCKBrowserInfo;
-	// onload
-	window.onload = function()
-	{
-		var description, snippet;
-		// show snippets to choose from
-		if (typeof(FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets) == 'object')
-		{
-			var snippetsDiv, snippetDiv, numberOfSnippets = 0;
-			snippetsDiv = document.createElement('div');
- = 'snippets';
-			for (description in FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets)
-			{
-				snippetDiv = document.createElement('div');
-				snippetDiv.innerHTML = description;
-				snippetDiv.className = 'snippet';
-				snippetDiv.snippet = FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets[description];
-				snippetDiv.onmouseover = function(){this.className += ' PopupSelectionBox'};
-				snippetDiv.onmouseout = function(){this.className = this.className.replace(/\s?PopupSelectionBox\s?/, '')};
-				if (FCKConfig.insertHtml_showTextarea)
-				{
-					snippetDiv.onclick = function(){
-						document.getElementById('insertHtmlTextArea').value = this.snippet;
-					};
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					snippetDiv.onclick = function(){
-						editorInstance.InsertHtml(this.snippet);
-						editorWindow.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep();
-						dialog.CloseDialog();
-					};
-				}
-				snippetsDiv.appendChild(snippetDiv);
-				numberOfSnippets++;
-			}
-			document.getElementById('content').appendChild(snippetsDiv);
-			// load dialog 
-		}
-		// show textarea
-		if (FCKConfig.insertHtml_showTextarea || !FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets || !numberOfSnippets)
-		{
-			insertHtmlTextArea = document.createElement('textarea');
- = 'insertHtmlTextArea';
-			document.getElementById('content').appendChild(insertHtmlTextArea);
-			// set the size of the textarea
- = (FCKConfig.insertHtml_textareaWidth || 300) + 'px';
- = (FCKConfig.insertHtml_textareaHeight || 100) + 'px';
-			// load default content
-			if (typeof(FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets) == 'object')
-			{
-				for (description in FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets)
-				{
-					snippet = FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets[description];
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				snippet = FCKConfig.insertHtml_snippets;
-			}
-			insertHtmlTextArea.value = snippet;
-		}
-		// resize around snippets and/or textarea
-		// for IE this must be done before translating the dialog or the dialog will be to wide; also IE needs an approximate resize before autofitting or the dialog width will be to large
-		if (FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE) dialog.Sizer.ResizeDialog(parseInt(FCKConfig.insertHtml_textareaWidth || 300), parseInt(FCKConfig.insertHtml_textareaHeight || 100) + 130);
-		dialog.SetAutoSize(true);
-		// recenter dialog
-		setTimeout(function(){ // after a dummy delay, needed for webkit
-			var topWindowSize = FCKTools.GetViewPaneSize(;
- = Math.round((topWindowSize.Width - dialog.frameElement.offsetWidth) / 2) + 'px';
- = Math.round((topWindowSize.Height - dialog.frameElement.offsetHeight) / 2).toString() + 'px';;
-		}, 0);
-		// translate the dialog box texts
-		editorWindow.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document);
-		// activate the "OK" button
-		dialog.SetOkButton(true);
-	}
-	// dialog's 'ok' button function to insert the Html
-	function Ok()
-	{
-		if (insertHtmlTextArea.value)
-		{
-			editorInstance.InsertHtml(insertHtmlTextArea.value);
-			editorWindow.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep();
-			return true; // makes the dialog to close
-		}
-	}

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-	FCKLang.inserHTML_buttonTooltip					= 'Insert HTML';
-	FCKLang.insertHtml_dialogTitle						= 'Insert HTML';
-	FCKLang.inserHtml_help								= 'Enter any HTML below and click \'ok\' to insert it at the location of the cursor in the editor.';

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-	FCKLang.inserHTML_buttonTooltip					= 'HTML invoegen';
-	FCKLang.insertHtml_dialogTitle						= 'HTML invoegen';
-	FCKLang.inserHtml_help								= 'Geef HTML code in en klik op \'ok\' om de code in te voegen op de locatie van de cursor in de editor.';