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New changelog update (hopefully final for 1.9.4)

Yannick Warnier 12 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 108 lisäystä ja 9 poistoa
  1. 108 9

+ 108 - 9

@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
 <p>This is our technical changelog, aimed at providing you a list of the new features, small changes and bug fixes as well as the security issues, style changes and known issues that remain present. This changelog is provided version by version, latest versions first and helps you locate when a specific feature has been made available in Chamilo. If you would like a shorter list of features or a list of overall features, please check our website: <a href=""></a></p>
-<p><i>Note: most #wxyz references are issue numbers you can find in <a href="" target="_blank">our public bug tracking system</a></i></p>
+<p><i>Note: most #wxyz references are issue numbers you can find in <a href="" target="_blank">our public bug tracking system</a>. Some references marked BT#xyz are developments made externally for BeezNest customers and integrated into Chamilo. The details of these tasks cannot be seen for confidentiality reasons, but the code change is public and can be reviewed by anyone.</i></p>
-<h1>Chamilo 1.9.4 - Canta, 28th of December, 2012</h1>
+<h1>Chamilo 1.9.4 - Puebla, 18th of January, 2013</h1>
 <h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
 <p>Chamilo 1.9.4 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.2.</p>
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   <li>Documents: Show course documents volume proper to a session (#4483)</li>
   <li>Skills: skills tree need a return link (#4492)</li>
   <li>Classes: Enable class users import (#4518)</li>
-  <li>Assignments: tool work: add zip and download feature (#4616)</li>
+  <li>Assignments: tool work: add zip and download feature from inside an assignment folder (#4616)</li>
   <li>Feature #5283: Add a icon to see in page whoisonline.php if user is admin, teacher or student
   <li>Classes: Add a searchbox and a way to display more than 20 items in classe table (#5381)</li>
   <li>Learning paths: Enable LP result in exercice report (#5469)</li>
@@ -72,6 +72,17 @@
   <li>Translation: Add support for Tagalog native language and main translation (#5854)</li>
   <li>Admin: Add stylesheet download button (#5862)</li>
   <li>Internal/Development: Measure most frequent language terms (#4804)</li>
+  <li>Survey: Survey invitations are now sent through the Chamilo messaging feature as well</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: Adding a preview when checking the LP items in the reporting tab (BT#4961)</li>
+  <li>Thematic advance: Allowing multiple creation of course progress not restricted to 6 types (BT#4878)</li>
+  <li>Plugins: Added security to Single Sign On mechanism - Limit IPs (BT#5137)</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: Implements a Scorm constraint: If SCO_MasteryScore does not evaluate to a number, passed/failed status won't be set at all (BT#5153)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Added "Media" type questions, including notion of parent questions and special ordering of random questions with media parent (BT#5714)</li>
+  <li>Admin: Added extra fields for courses and sessions (facilitates synchronization through webservices with additional info) (BT#4882)</li>
+  <li>Link: Added url type selector (#5794)</li>
+  <li>Users: Added the possibility for teachers to add students to their course through users classes (#5514)</li>
+  <li>Attendances: Added 3 attendance states and updated style to improve visualization (BT#5419)</li>
+  <li>Admin: Added CSS download button in stylesheets settings page (BT#5862)</li>
@@ -87,7 +98,44 @@
   <li>Assignments: Hide "Contains a file" text in assignments submit paper form (#5781)</li>
   <li>Exercises: description flashes when opening new question (#5831)</li>
   <li>Exercises: Finish test button should be orange (#5832)</li>
+  <li>Adding new date format only day name: monday, sunday, etc (BT#4939)</li>
+  <li>Gradebook: Adding new tag ((date_certificate_no_time)) for certificates also adding a new time format (BT#5032)</li>
+  <li>Themes: improved responsive design</li>
+  <li>Themes: Mobile: Remove logo in 480px and 320px views<li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Improved code documentation substantially (many commits)</li>
+  <li>Themes: Login box appears left now, to allow it to appear on top in mobile view</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Replaced many & by &amp; for better HTML5 compatibility</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Progressive replacement of course_code by course_id in tables</li>
+  <li>Themes: CSS: update first #main_content to #top_main_content to avoid DOM errors (there were two #main_content ids)</li>
+  <li>Global: Removing unwanted tags when exporting to CSV (BT#5082)</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Removing files already added in controller.php + removing style.margin fix</li>
+  <li>SEO: Moved H1 to H2 for hottest courses block - Although you can have more than on h1 per page, this block is really not a main block</li>
+  <li>Admin: Improving  query in session_list.php  adding indexes in the session_fields and session_field_option (BT#4878)</li>
+  <li>Gradebook: Disabling creation of an evaluation when creating a gradebook (BT#4878)</li>
+  <li>Global: Removed X-UA-Compatible meta tag to avoid IE9 warnings</li>
+  <li>Learning path: Added a configuration setting $_configuration['hide_teacher_icons_lp'] to show icons as before the ergonomy changes (#5593)</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Removed call of $oLP object by reference to avoid PHP 5.4 warning (BT#5198)</li>
+  <li>Global: Changed position of the notification counter to make it more visible</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed questions alignment in IE8</li>
+  <li>Global: Updated position of the ribbon to floats (#5771)</li>
+  <li>Courses: Disable options for students with assistant status in course (#5802)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Added the possibility to force the edition of a question if it has been used in a learning path (#5288)</li>
+  <li>Install: Added autofocus buttons to allow for next-next-next-next procedure</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Added data filler for exercises: one exercise with 5000 questions</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Added option to access exercise settings directly if more than 50 questions</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Updating, composer, autoload, using a controller way to call funcion only for index.php and userportal.php</li>
+  <li>Global: If sender is not available, use no-reply e-mail when sending e-mail (#5738/BT#5316)</li>
+  <li>Global: Boosted query for user's sessions list (BT#4890)</li>
+  <li>Global: Show latest sessions first (by date) (BT#4890)</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Changed timeline tool to use demo controller (using doctrine2) (#4570)</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Moved Twig settings to</li>
+  <li>Global: Improved performance of index.php and user_portal.php</li>
+  <li>Admin: Added language file inclusion to AJAX for courses to show the label of the course icon in users admin list</li>
+  <li>Admin: Hidden link to system_management and fixed issues with security token in the following screens (#5504/#5693)</li>
+  <li>Plugins: Updates in BigBlueButton plugin to manage recordings better, and removing "join conference" button when there is no current conference (#5802/BT#5272)</li>
+  <li>Plugins: Videoconference: Block students from closing if conference status says "FAILED" (#5802)</li>
+  <li>Attendances: The creation of an attendance sheet now creates a first attendance date (BT#5622)</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Creating main tables with UTF8 adding "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci" (#5678)</li>
@@ -137,7 +185,7 @@
   <li>Agenda: Event created by a group user should be visible to all group users (#5533)</li>
   <li>Users: Course assistant does not have access to course (#5542)</li>
   <li>Documents: Group folders were visible to all (#5551)</li>
-  <li>Documents: Invisible folders appear in the location bar (#5555)</li>
+  <li>Documents: Invisible folders appear in the location bar + fixed bug creating folders (#5555)</li>
   <li>Social: Error when changing profile with e-mail not required (#5556)</li>
   <li>Admin: Cannot change stylesheets (#5564)</li>
   <li>Exercises: Fill in the blanks questions with dash (-) in the answer doesn't work (#5569)</li>
@@ -181,20 +229,64 @@
   <li>Links: c_id field missing in query (#5768)</li>
   <li>Assignments: Zip file of Assignements may contains files with the same name (#5770)</li>
   <li>Exercises: Display of 'congratulations' message badly located - overwrites the score (#5771)</li>
-  <li>Survey: When publishing a Survey, we always have to fill MailSubject and MailBody fields (#5772)</li>
+  <li>Survey: When publishing a Survey, we always have to fill MailSubject and MailBody fields - not necessary anymore (#5772)</li>
   <li>Global: Error when modifying global group option "A user can be member of maximum X groups" (#5776)</li>
   <li>Group: Cannot delete all group with menu in (#5777)</li>
-  <li>Exercises: Error if you use an image from another course in a test (#5780)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Error switching courses if you use an image from another course in a test (#5780)</li>
   <li>Assignments: The deleted assignments are counted in the total number of documents (#5783)</li>
   <li>Plugins: Teachers permissions in videoconference (#5802)</li>
   <li>Plugins: Rooms not managed correctly in videoconference plugin (#5803)</li>
-  <li>Learning paths: Impossible to add prerequisites in chamilo-1.9.4-nightly-2012-12-06 (#5816)</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: Impossible to add prerequisites in chamilo-1.9.4-nightly-2012-12-06 - Fixed link to prerequisites (#5816)</li>
   <li>Exercises: Fatal error in Question_pool page (#5817)</li>
   <li>Survey: surveys not tracking (#5836)</li>
   <li>Learning paths: Error with SCORM path with search engine enabled - ChamiloIndexer class (#5839)</li>
   <li>Admin: User expiry date not working (#5846)</li>
   <li>Global: No css at profile page (#5858)</li>
   <li>Global: Chamilo 1.9.4 RC 1 - Posible bug en red social (#5861)</li>
+  <li>Admin: Validating setting allow_user_course_subscription_by_course_admin (BT#5020)</li>
+  <li>Gradebook: Adding setting for gradebook score results page (now it works as intended) (BT#4895)</li>
+  <li>Reporting: Fixed reporting tab issue for teachers (BT#5035)</li>
+  <li>Thematic advance: Fixed course progress date</li>
+  <li>Admin: Fixed stylesheets uploa (BT#5043)</li>
+  <li>Documents: Fixed bug exporting images in PDF (BT#5058)</li>
+  <li>Exercises:Fixing hotpotatoe bug when viewing the exercise list as an student</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: Fixes bug in a query when getting the status, this causes that the progress is stuck in 0% (BT#5069)</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: learning_path folder in the document course belongs to any session</li>
+  <li>Admin: Fixing bug when uploading users in a class via CSV now we don't delete the original users</li>
+  <li>Documents: Fixes bug "Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'"</li>
+  <li>Social:Fixing image block when social net is off </li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fix bug of wrong exercise title in mail when teacher validate an attempt</li>
+  <li>Admin: Adding user number in list (BT#4927)</li>
+  <li>Gradebook: Fixing gradebook creation when creating courses during migration (BT#4878)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: "only one question in exercise bug" fixed. When question_order is 1,1,1,1 instead of 1,2,3,4 (BT#5140)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixing bug when saving exercises, apache error "Request-URI Too Large" (BT#5151)</li>
+  <li>Documents: Fixes swf upload problem in chamilo 1.8.x. When uploading a file with the character "-" the filename was changed from "-" to "_" in the DB for no reason. This fix resolves the problem only for *.swf files (BT#5144)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixing hotspot order on history.back (BT#5728)</li>
+  <li>Plugins: Fixed "page after login" feature when logging into the system via LDAP $logging_in = true (BT#5154)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Removed tricky message appearing briefly when getting to the questions list ("Are you sure you want to delete?")</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed XLS import (BT#5328)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed missing deletion of questions categories on course deletion (CourseRecycler class) (BT#5328)</li>
+  <li>Documents: Fixed filenames when exporting to zip (#5770)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed bug by which quiz questions were mixed after copy from one course to another (BT#5328)</li>
+  <li>Assignments: Fixed issue when downloading text assignments as zip (#5805)</li>
+  <li>Course copy: Fixed missing text_when_finished and pass_percentage quiz fields in course copy (#5744)</li>
+  <li>Global: Fixed and optimized sessions visibility algorithm (BT#4890)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed issue mixing matching answers in exercises copy (BT#5418)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed copy of hotspot questions</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed bug when hiding an exercise</li>
+  <li>Calendar: Fixes to calendar iCal export</li>
+  <li>Global: Fixed extra field filter on sessions (BT#5540)</li>
+  <li>Survey: Fixed bug when sending a survey invitation (BT#5559)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed exam URL sent to the user (#5814)</li>
+  <li>Exercises: Fixed bug using time limit (#5814)</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: Fixed non-display of text when quiz finished in LP (#4227)</li>
+  <li>Admin: Fixed sessions pagination bug (BT#5476)</li>
+  <li>Admin: Fixed issues of pagination when searching in "important activities" report (#3987)</li>
+  <li>FCKEditor: Fixed preg_match() call parameters</li>
+  <li>Documents: Fix for FLV files import (#5343)</li>
+  <li>Survey: Fixed survey questions count (#5567)</li>
+  <li>Learning paths: Fixed LP JS error with Hotpotatos +fixed empty iframe + fixed wrong HTML attribute (#3343)</li>
+  <li>Security: Fixed issue with check_abs_path() function under Windows whereby the path was not similar for uppercases reasons (#5670)</li>
 <h3>Third-Party Libraries additions/updates</h3>
@@ -204,6 +296,11 @@
   <li>Documents: Yoxview library was removed see #3307</li>
+<h3>Stylesheets and theming</h3>
+  <li>Added session-box-text and session-item elements to improve styling</li>
+  <li>Modified   #main_content to #top_main_content to avoid double #main_content id on the same page</li>
@@ -228,7 +325,6 @@
   <li>Documents: The images and audio integrated apps now check available space left on disk before saving (#5346)</li>
   <li>Sessions: Added an "official" start and end date to the sessions</li>
   <li>Forum: Forum categories, fora and forum threads (but not forum posts to avoid inconsistencies in users property) can now be copied from one course to another (#5462)</li>
-  <li>Users: Added the possibility for teachers to add students to their course through users classes (#5514)</li>
@@ -257,6 +353,9 @@
   <li>Users: Added the registration date in the users lists tables (#5473)</li>
   <li>Course copy: Improved error message on missing file (#5515)</li>
   <li>Exercises: Added grey icon for audio questions when exercise is bloqued (#5516)</li>
+  <li>Admin: New global corporate report for learning paths and certificates (BT#5476)</li>
+  <li>Global: Improved support for WCAG AAA (BT#5479)</li>
+  <li>Internal/Development: Added video format converter script (hopefully useful in the future for HTML5 video format)</li>