@@ -382,9 +382,135 @@ function api_detect_language(&$string, $encoding = null) {
- * Date and time formats
+ * Date and time conversions and formats
+ * Returns an alphabetized list of timezones in an associative array that can be used to populate a select
+ *
+ * @return array List of timezone identifiers
+ *
+ * @author Guillaume Viguier <guillaume.viguier@beeznest.com>
+ */
+function api_get_timezones() {
+ $timezone_identifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
+ sort($timezone_identifiers);
+ $out = array();
+ foreach($timezone_identifiers as $tz) {
+ $out[$tz] = $tz;
+ }
+ $null_option = array("" => "");
+ $result = array_merge($null_option, $out);
+ return $result;
+ * Returns the timezone to be converted to/from, based on user or admin preferences
+ *
+ * @return string The timezone chosen
+ */
+function _api_get_timezone() {
+ global $_user;
+ // First, get the default timezone of the server
+ $to_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
+ // Second, see if a timezone has been chosen for the platform
+ $timezone_value = api_get_setting('timezone_value', 'timezones');
+ if ($timezone_value != null) {
+ $to_timezone = $timezone_value;
+ }
+ // If allowed by the administrator
+ $use_users_timezone = api_get_setting('use_users_timezone', 'timezones');
+ if ($use_users_timezone == 'true') {
+ // Get the timezone based on user preference, if it exists
+ require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'usermanager.lib.php';
+ $timezone_user = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field($_user['user_id'],'timezone');
+ if ($timezone_user['timezone'] != null) {
+ $to_timezone = $timezone_user['timezone'];
+ }
+ }
+ return $to_timezone;
+ * Returns the given date as a DATETIME in UTC timezone. This function should be used before entering any date in the DB.
+ *
+ * @param mixed The date to be converted (can be a string supported by date() or a timestamp)
+ * @return string The DATETIME in UTC to be inserted in the DB, or null if the format of the argument is not supported
+ *
+ * @author Guillaume Viguier <guillaume.viguier@beeznest.com>
+ */
+function api_get_utc_datetime($time = null) {
+ $from_timezone = _api_get_timezone();
+ $to_timezone = 'UTC';
+ if (is_null($time)) {
+ return gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ }
+ // If time is a timestamp, return directly in utc
+ if (is_int($time)) {
+ return gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);
+ }
+ try {
+ $date = new DateTime($time, new DateTimezone($from_timezone));
+ $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($to_timezone));
+ return $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ * Returns a DATETIME string converted to the right timezone
+ * @param mixed The time to be converted
+ * @param string The timezone to be converted to. If null, the timezone will be determined based on user preference, or timezone chosen by the admin for the platform.
+ * @param string The timezone to be converted from. If null, UTC will be assumed.
+ * @return string The converted time formatted as Y-m-d H:i:s
+ *
+ * @author Guillaume Viguier <guillaume.viguier@beeznest.com>
+ */
+function api_get_local_time($time = null, $to_timezone=null, $from_timezone=null) {
+ // Determining the timezone to be converted from
+ if (is_null($from_timezone)) {
+ $from_timezone = 'UTC';
+ }
+ // Determining the timezone to be converted to
+ if (is_null($to_timezone)) {
+ $to_timezone = _api_get_timezone();
+ }
+ // If time is a timestamp, convert it to a string
+ if (is_null($time)) {
+ $from_timezone = 'UTC';
+ $time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ }
+ if (is_int($time)) {
+ $from_timezone = 'UTC';
+ $time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
+ }
+ try {
+ $date = new DateTime($time, new DateTimezone($from_timezone));
+ $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($to_timezone));
+ return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ * Converts a string into a timestamp safely (handling timezones), using strtotime
+ *
+ * @param string String to be converted
+ * @param string Timezone (if null, the timezone will be determined based on user preference, or timezone chosen by the admin for the platform)
+ * @return int Timestamp
+ *
+ * @author Guillaume Viguier <guillaume.viguier@beeznest.com>
+ */
+function api_strtotime($time, $timezone = null) {
+ $system_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
+ date_default_timezone_set($timezone);
+ $timestamp = strtotime($time);
+ date_default_timezone_set($system_timezone);
+ return $timestamp;
* Returns formated date/time, correspondent to a given language.
* The given date should be in the timezone chosen by the administrator and/or user. Use api_get_local_time to get it.
@@ -481,6 +607,150 @@ function api_format_date($time, $format = null, $language = null) {
return $formatted_date;
+ * Returns the difference between the current date (date(now)) with the parameter $date in a string format like "2 days, 1 hour"
+ * Example: $date="2008-03-07 15:44:08";
+ * date_to_str($date) it will return 3 days, 20 hours
+ * The given date should be in the timezone chosen by the user or administrator. Use api_get_local_time() to get it...
+ *
+ * @param string The string has to be the result of a date function in this format -> date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
+ * @return string The difference between the current date and the parameter in a literal way "3 days, 2 hour" *
+ * @author Julio Montoya
+ */
+function date_to_str_ago($date) {
+ static $initialized = false;
+ static $today, $yesterday;
+ static $min_decade, $min_year, $min_month, $min_week, $min_day, $min_hour, $min_minute;
+ static $min_decades, $min_years, $min_months, $min_weeks, $min_days, $min_hours, $min_minutes;
+ static $sec_time_time, $sec_time_sing, $sec_time_plu;
+ $system_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
+ date_default_timezone_set(_api_get_timezone());
+ if (!$initialized) {
+ $today = api_ucfirst(get_lang('Today'));
+ $yesterday = api_ucfirst(get_lang('Yesterday'));
+ $min_decade = get_lang('MinDecade');
+ $min_year = get_lang('MinYear');
+ $min_month = get_lang('MinMonth');
+ $min_week = get_lang('MinWeek');
+ $min_day = get_lang('MinDay');
+ $min_hour = get_lang('MinHour');
+ $min_minute = get_lang('MinMinute');
+ $min_decades = get_lang('MinDecades');
+ $min_years = get_lang('MinYears');
+ $min_months = get_lang('MinMonths');
+ $min_weeks = get_lang('MinWeeks');
+ $min_days = get_lang('MinDays');
+ $min_hours = get_lang('MinHours');
+ $min_minutes = get_lang('MinMinutes');
+ // original 1
+ //$sec_time=array("century"=>3.1556926*pow(10,9),"decade"=>315569260,"year"=>31556926,"month"=>2629743.83,"week"=>604800,"day"=>86400,"hour"=>3600,"minute"=>60,"second"=>1);
+ //$sec_time=array(get_lang('MinDecade')=>315569260,get_lang('MinYear')=>31556926,get_lang('MinMonth')=>2629743.83,get_lang('MinWeek')=>604800,get_lang('MinDay')=>86400,get_lang('MinHour')=>3600,get_lang('MinMinute')=>60);
+ $sec_time_time = array(315569260, 31556926, 2629743.83, 604800, 86400, 3600, 60);
+ $sec_time_sing = array($min_decade, $min_year, $min_month, $min_week, $min_day, $min_hour, $min_minute);
+ $sec_time_plu = array($min_decades, $min_years, $min_months, $min_weeks, $min_days, $min_hours, $min_minutes);
+ $initialized = true;
+ }
+ $dst_date = is_string($date) ? strtotime($date) : $date;
+ // For avoiding calling date() several times
+ $date_array = date('s/i/G/j/n/Y', $dst_date);
+ $date_split = explode('/', $date_array);
+ $dst_s = $date_split[0];
+ $dst_m = $date_split[1];
+ $dst_h = $date_split[2];
+ $dst_day = $date_split[3];
+ $dst_mth = $date_split[4];
+ $dst_yr = $date_split[5];
+ $dst_date = mktime($dst_h, $dst_m, $dst_s, $dst_mth, $dst_day, $dst_yr);
+ $time = $offset = time() - $dst_date; // Seconds between current days and today.
+ // Here start the functions sec_to_str()
+ $act_day = date('d');
+ $act_mth = date('n');
+ $act_yr = date('Y');
+ if ($dst_day == $act_day && $dst_mth == $act_mth && $dst_yr == $act_yr) {
+ return $today;
+ }
+ if ($dst_day == $act_day - 1 && $dst_mth == $act_mth && $dst_yr == $act_yr) {
+ return $yesterday;
+ }
+ $str_result = array();
+ $time_result = array();
+ $key_result = array();
+ $str = '';
+ $i = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($sec_time_time); $i++) {
+ $seconds = $sec_time_time[$i];
+ if ($seconds > $time) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $current_value = intval($time/$seconds);
+ if ($current_value != 1) {
+ $date_str = $sec_time_plu[$i];
+ } else {
+ $date_str = $sec_time_sing[$i];
+ }
+ $key_result[] = $sec_time_sing[$i];
+ $str_result[] = $current_value.' '.$date_str;
+ $time_result[] = $current_value;
+ $str .= $current_value.$date_str;
+ $time %= $seconds;
+ }
+ if ($key_result[0] == $min_day && $key_result[1]== $min_minute) {
+ $key_result[1] = ' 0 '.$min_hours;
+ $str_result[0] = $time_result[0].' '.$key_result[0];
+ $str_result[1] = $key_result[1];
+ }
+ if ($key_result[0] == $min_year && ($key_result[1] == $min_day || $key_result[1] == $min_week)) {
+ $key_result[1] = ' 0 '.$min_months;
+ $str_result[0] = $time_result[0].' '.$key_result[0];
+ $str_result[1] = $key_result[1];
+ }
+ if (!empty($str_result[1])) {
+ $str = $str_result[0].', '.$str_result[1];
+ } else {
+ $str = $str_result[0];
+ }
+ date_default_timezone_set($system_timezone);
+ return $str;
+ * Converts a date to the right timezone and localizes it in the format given as an argument
+ * @param mixed The time to be converted
+ * @param mixed Format to be used
+ * @param string Timezone to be converted from. If null, UTC will be assumed.
+ * @return string Converted and localized date
+ *
+ * @author Guillaume Viguier <guillaume.viguier@beeznest.com>
+ */
+function api_convert_and_format_date($time = null, $format = null, $from_timezone = null) {
+ // First, convert the datetime to the right timezone
+ $datetime = api_get_local_time($time, null, $from_timezone);
+ // Second, localize the date
+ return api_format_date($time, $format);
* Returns an array of translated week days in short names.
* @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.