@@ -1,976 +0,0 @@
-* jQuery Password Strength plugin for Twitter Bootstrap
-* Version: 2.2.1
-* Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Tane Piper
-* Copyright (c) 2013 Alejandro Blanco
-* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
-(function (jQuery) {
-// Source: src/i18n.js
-var i18n = {};
-(function (i18n, i18next) {
- 'use strict';
- i18n.fallback = {
- "wordMinLength": "Your password is too short",
- "wordMaxLength": "Your password is too long",
- "wordInvalidChar": "Your password contains an invalid character",
- "wordNotEmail": "Do not use your email as your password",
- "wordSimilarToUsername": "Your password cannot contain your username",
- "wordTwoCharacterClasses": "Use different character classes",
- "wordRepetitions": "Too many repetitions",
- "wordSequences": "Your password contains sequences",
- "errorList": "Errors:",
- "veryWeak": "Very Weak",
- "weak": "Weak",
- "normal": "Normal",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "strong": "Strong",
- "veryStrong": "Very Strong"
- };
- i18n.t = function (key) {
- var result = '';
- // Try to use i18next.com
- if (i18next) {
- result = i18next.t(key);
- } else {
- // Fallback to english
- result = i18n.fallback[key];
- }
- return result === key ? '' : result;
- };
-}(i18n, window.i18next));
-// Source: src/rules.js
-var rulesEngine = {};
-try {
- if (!jQuery && module && module.exports) {
- var jQuery = require("jquery"),
- jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom;
- jQuery = jQuery(jsdom().defaultView);
- }
-} catch (ignore) {}
-(function ($, rulesEngine) {
- "use strict";
- var validation = {};
- rulesEngine.forbiddenSequences = [
- "0123456789", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "qwertyuiop", "asdfghjkl",
- "zxcvbnm", "!@#$%^&*()_+"
- ];
- validation.wordNotEmail = function (options, word, score) {
- if (word.match(/^([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$/i)) {
- return score;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- validation.wordMinLength = function (options, word, score) {
- var wordlen = word.length,
- lenScore = Math.pow(wordlen, options.rules.raisePower);
- if (wordlen < options.common.minChar) {
- lenScore = (lenScore + score);
- }
- return lenScore;
- };
- validation.wordMaxLength = function (options, word, score) {
- var wordlen = word.length,
- lenScore = Math.pow(wordlen, options.rules.raisePower);
- if (wordlen > options.common.maxChar) {
- return score;
- }
- return lenScore;
- };
- validation.wordInvalidChar = function (options, word, score) {
- if (options.common.invalidCharsRegExp.test(word)) {
- return score;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- validation.wordMinLengthStaticScore = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.length < options.common.minChar ? 0 : score;
- };
- validation.wordMaxLengthStaticScore = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.length > options.common.maxChar ? 0 : score;
- };
- validation.wordSimilarToUsername = function (options, word, score) {
- var username = $(options.common.usernameField).val();
- if (username && word.toLowerCase().match(username.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\=\?\:\.\\\^\$\|\!\,]/g, "\\$&").toLowerCase())) {
- return score;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- validation.wordTwoCharacterClasses = function (options, word, score) {
- if (word.match(/([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/) ||
- (word.match(/([a-zA-Z])/) && word.match(/([0-9])/)) ||
- (word.match(/(.[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~])/) && word.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]/))) {
- return score;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- validation.wordRepetitions = function (options, word, score) {
- if (word.match(/(.)\1\1/)) { return score; }
- return 0;
- };
- validation.wordSequences = function (options, word, score) {
- var found = false,
- j;
- if (word.length > 2) {
- $.each(rulesEngine.forbiddenSequences, function (idx, seq) {
- if (found) { return; }
- var sequences = [seq, seq.split('').reverse().join('')];
- $.each(sequences, function (idx, sequence) {
- for (j = 0; j < (word.length - 2); j += 1) { // iterate the word trough a sliding window of size 3:
- if (sequence.indexOf(word.toLowerCase().substring(j, j + 3)) > -1) {
- found = true;
- }
- }
- });
- });
- if (found) { return score; }
- }
- return 0;
- };
- validation.wordLowercase = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/[a-z]/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordUppercase = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/[A-Z]/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordOneNumber = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/\d+/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordThreeNumbers = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/(.*[0-9].*[0-9].*[0-9])/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordOneSpecialChar = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~]/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordTwoSpecialChar = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/(.*[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~].*[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~])/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordUpperLowerCombo = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordLetterNumberCombo = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/([a-zA-Z])/) && word.match(/([0-9])/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordLetterNumberCharCombo = function (options, word, score) {
- return word.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9].*[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~])|([!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~].*[a-zA-Z0-9])/) && score;
- };
- validation.wordIsACommonPassword = function (options, word, score) {
- if ($.inArray(word, options.rules.commonPasswords) >= 0) {
- return score;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- rulesEngine.validation = validation;
- rulesEngine.executeRules = function (options, word) {
- var totalScore = 0;
- $.each(options.rules.activated, function (rule, active) {
- if (active) {
- var score = options.rules.scores[rule],
- funct = rulesEngine.validation[rule],
- result,
- errorMessage;
- if (!$.isFunction(funct)) {
- funct = options.rules.extra[rule];
- }
- if ($.isFunction(funct)) {
- result = funct(options, word, score);
- if (result) {
- totalScore += result;
- }
- if (result < 0 || (!$.isNumeric(result) && !result)) {
- errorMessage = options.ui.spanError(options, rule);
- if (errorMessage.length > 0) {
- options.instances.errors.push(errorMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- return totalScore;
- };
-}(jQuery, rulesEngine));
-try {
- if (module && module.exports) {
- module.exports = rulesEngine;
- }
-} catch (ignore) {}
-// Source: src/options.js
-var defaultOptions = {};
-defaultOptions.common = {};
-defaultOptions.common.minChar = 6;
-defaultOptions.common.maxChar = 20;
-defaultOptions.common.usernameField = "#username";
-defaultOptions.common.invalidCharsRegExp = new RegExp(/[\s,'"]/);
-defaultOptions.common.userInputs = [
- // Selectors for input fields with user input
-defaultOptions.common.onLoad = undefined;
-defaultOptions.common.onKeyUp = undefined;
-defaultOptions.common.onScore = undefined;
-defaultOptions.common.zxcvbn = false;
-defaultOptions.common.zxcvbnTerms = [
- // List of disrecommended words
-defaultOptions.common.events = ["keyup", "change", "paste"];
-defaultOptions.common.debug = false;
-defaultOptions.rules = {};
-defaultOptions.rules.extra = {};
-defaultOptions.rules.scores = {
- wordNotEmail: -100,
- wordMinLength: -50,
- wordMaxLength: -50,
- wordInvalidChar: -100,
- wordSimilarToUsername: -100,
- wordSequences: -20,
- wordTwoCharacterClasses: 2,
- wordRepetitions: -25,
- wordLowercase: 1,
- wordUppercase: 3,
- wordOneNumber: 3,
- wordThreeNumbers: 5,
- wordOneSpecialChar: 3,
- wordTwoSpecialChar: 5,
- wordUpperLowerCombo: 2,
- wordLetterNumberCombo: 2,
- wordLetterNumberCharCombo: 2,
- wordIsACommonPassword: -100
-defaultOptions.rules.activated = {
- wordNotEmail: true,
- wordMinLength: true,
- wordMaxLength: false,
- wordInvalidChar: false,
- wordSimilarToUsername: true,
- wordSequences: true,
- wordTwoCharacterClasses: true,
- wordRepetitions: true,
- wordLowercase: true,
- wordUppercase: true,
- wordOneNumber: true,
- wordThreeNumbers: true,
- wordOneSpecialChar: true,
- wordTwoSpecialChar: true,
- wordUpperLowerCombo: true,
- wordLetterNumberCombo: true,
- wordLetterNumberCharCombo: true,
- wordIsACommonPassword: true
-defaultOptions.rules.raisePower = 1.4;
-// List taken from https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists (MIT License)
-defaultOptions.rules.commonPasswords = [
- '123456',
- 'password',
- '12345678',
- 'qwerty',
- '123456789',
- '12345',
- '1234',
- '111111',
- '1234567',
- 'dragon',
- '123123',
- 'baseball',
- 'abc123',
- 'football',
- 'monkey',
- 'letmein',
- '696969',
- 'shadow',
- 'master',
- '666666',
- 'qwertyuiop',
- '123321',
- 'mustang',
- '1234567890',
- 'michael',
- '654321',
- 'pussy',
- 'superman',
- '1qaz2wsx',
- '7777777',
- 'fuckyou',
- '121212',
- '000000',
- 'qazwsx',
- '123qwe',
- 'killer',
- 'trustno1',
- 'jordan',
- 'jennifer',
- 'zxcvbnm',
- 'asdfgh',
- 'hunter',
- 'buster',
- 'soccer',
- 'harley',
- 'batman',
- 'andrew',
- 'tigger',
- 'sunshine',
- 'iloveyou',
- 'fuckme',
- '2000',
- 'charlie',
- 'robert',
- 'thomas',
- 'hockey',
- 'ranger',
- 'daniel',
- 'starwars',
- 'klaster',
- '112233',
- 'george',
- 'asshole',
- 'computer',
- 'michelle',
- 'jessica',
- 'pepper',
- '1111',
- 'zxcvbn',
- '555555',
- '11111111',
- '131313',
- 'freedom',
- '777777',
- 'pass',
- 'fuck',
- 'maggie',
- '159753',
- 'aaaaaa',
- 'ginger',
- 'princess',
- 'joshua',
- 'cheese',
- 'amanda',
- 'summer',
- 'love',
- 'ashley',
- '6969',
- 'nicole',
- 'chelsea',
- 'biteme',
- 'matthew',
- 'access',
- 'yankees',
- '987654321',
- 'dallas',
- 'austin',
- 'thunder',
- 'taylor',
- 'matrix'
-defaultOptions.ui = {};
-defaultOptions.ui.bootstrap2 = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.bootstrap4 = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.colorClasses = [
- "danger", "danger", "danger", "warning", "warning", "success"
-defaultOptions.ui.showProgressBar = true;
-defaultOptions.ui.progressBarEmptyPercentage = 1;
-defaultOptions.ui.progressBarMinPercentage = 1;
-defaultOptions.ui.progressExtraCssClasses = '';
-defaultOptions.ui.progressBarExtraCssClasses = '';
-defaultOptions.ui.showPopover = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.popoverPlacement = "bottom";
-defaultOptions.ui.showStatus = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.spanError = function (options, key) {
- "use strict";
- var text = options.i18n.t(key);
- if (!text) { return ''; }
- return '<span style="color: #d52929">' + text + '</span>';
-defaultOptions.ui.popoverError = function (options) {
- "use strict";
- var errors = options.instances.errors,
- errorsTitle = options.i18n.t("errorList"),
- message = "<div>" + errorsTitle + "<ul class='error-list' style='margin-bottom: 0;'>";
- jQuery.each(errors, function (idx, err) {
- message += "<li>" + err + "</li>";
- });
- message += "</ul></div>";
- return message;
-defaultOptions.ui.showVerdicts = true;
-defaultOptions.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.useVerdictCssClass = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.showErrors = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.showScore = false;
-defaultOptions.ui.container = undefined;
-defaultOptions.ui.viewports = {
- progress: undefined,
- verdict: undefined,
- errors: undefined,
- score: undefined
-defaultOptions.ui.scores = [0, 14, 26, 38, 50];
-defaultOptions.i18n = {};
-defaultOptions.i18n.t = i18n.t;
-// Source: src/ui.js
-var ui = {};
-(function ($, ui) {
- "use strict";
- var statusClasses = ["error", "warning", "success"],
- verdictKeys = [
- "veryWeak", "weak", "normal", "medium", "strong", "veryStrong"
- ];
- ui.getContainer = function (options, $el) {
- var $container;
- $container = $(options.ui.container);
- if (!($container && $container.length === 1)) {
- $container = $el.parent();
- }
- return $container;
- };
- ui.findElement = function ($container, viewport, cssSelector) {
- if (viewport) {
- return $container.find(viewport).find(cssSelector);
- }
- return $container.find(cssSelector);
- };
- ui.getUIElements = function (options, $el) {
- var $container, result;
- if (options.instances.viewports) {
- return options.instances.viewports;
- }
- $container = ui.getContainer(options, $el);
- result = {};
- result.$progressbar = ui.findElement($container, options.ui.viewports.progress, "div.progress");
- if (options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- result.$verdict = result.$progressbar.find("span.password-verdict");
- }
- if (!options.ui.showPopover) {
- if (!options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- result.$verdict = ui.findElement($container, options.ui.viewports.verdict, "span.password-verdict");
- }
- result.$errors = ui.findElement($container, options.ui.viewports.errors, "ul.error-list");
- }
- result.$score = ui.findElement($container, options.ui.viewports.score,
- "span.password-score");
- options.instances.viewports = result;
- return result;
- };
- ui.initProgressBar = function (options, $el) {
- var $container = ui.getContainer(options, $el),
- progressbar = "<div class='progress ";
- if (options.ui.bootstrap2) {
- // Boostrap 2
- progressbar += options.ui.progressBarExtraCssClasses +
- "'><div class='";
- } else {
- // Bootstrap 3 & 4
- progressbar += options.ui.progressExtraCssClasses + "'><div class='" +
- options.ui.progressBarExtraCssClasses + " progress-";
- }
- progressbar += "bar'>";
- if (options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- progressbar += "<span class='password-verdict'></span>";
- }
- progressbar += "</div></div>";
- if (options.ui.viewports.progress) {
- $container.find(options.ui.viewports.progress).append(progressbar);
- } else {
- $(progressbar).insertAfter($el);
- }
- };
- ui.initHelper = function (options, $el, html, viewport) {
- var $container = ui.getContainer(options, $el);
- if (viewport) {
- $container.find(viewport).append(html);
- } else {
- $(html).insertAfter($el);
- }
- };
- ui.initVerdict = function (options, $el) {
- ui.initHelper(options, $el, "<span class='password-verdict'></span>",
- options.ui.viewports.verdict);
- };
- ui.initErrorList = function (options, $el) {
- ui.initHelper(options, $el, "<ul class='error-list'></ul>",
- options.ui.viewports.errors);
- };
- ui.initScore = function (options, $el) {
- ui.initHelper(options, $el, "<span class='password-score'></span>",
- options.ui.viewports.score);
- };
- ui.initPopover = function (options, $el) {
- $el.popover("destroy");
- $el.popover({
- html: true,
- placement: options.ui.popoverPlacement,
- trigger: "manual",
- content: " "
- });
- };
- ui.initUI = function (options, $el) {
- if (options.ui.showPopover) {
- ui.initPopover(options, $el);
- } else {
- if (options.ui.showErrors) { ui.initErrorList(options, $el); }
- if (options.ui.showVerdicts && !options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- ui.initVerdict(options, $el);
- }
- }
- if (options.ui.showProgressBar) {
- ui.initProgressBar(options, $el);
- }
- if (options.ui.showScore) {
- ui.initScore(options, $el);
- }
- };
- ui.updateProgressBar = function (options, $el, cssClass, percentage) {
- var $progressbar = ui.getUIElements(options, $el).$progressbar,
- $bar = $progressbar.find(".progress-bar"),
- cssPrefix = "progress-";
- if (options.ui.bootstrap2) {
- $bar = $progressbar.find(".bar");
- cssPrefix = "";
- }
- $.each(options.ui.colorClasses, function (idx, value) {
- if (options.ui.bootstrap4) {
- $bar.removeClass("bg-" + value);
- } else {
- $bar.removeClass(cssPrefix + "bar-" + value);
- }
- });
- if (options.ui.bootstrap4) {
- $bar.addClass("bg-" + options.ui.colorClasses[cssClass]);
- } else {
- $bar.addClass(cssPrefix + "bar-" + options.ui.colorClasses[cssClass]);
- }
- $bar.css("width", percentage + '%');
- };
- ui.updateVerdict = function (options, $el, cssClass, text) {
- var $verdict = ui.getUIElements(options, $el).$verdict;
- $verdict.removeClass(options.ui.colorClasses.join(' '));
- if (cssClass > -1) {
- $verdict.addClass(options.ui.colorClasses[cssClass]);
- }
- if (options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- $verdict.css('white-space', 'nowrap');
- }
- $verdict.html(text);
- };
- ui.updateErrors = function (options, $el, remove) {
- var $errors = ui.getUIElements(options, $el).$errors,
- html = "";
- if (!remove) {
- $.each(options.instances.errors, function (idx, err) {
- html += "<li>" + err + "</li>";
- });
- }
- $errors.html(html);
- };
- ui.updateScore = function (options, $el, score, remove) {
- var $score = ui.getUIElements(options, $el).$score,
- html = "";
- if (!remove) { html = score.toFixed(2); }
- $score.html(html);
- };
- ui.updatePopover = function (options, $el, verdictText, remove) {
- var popover = $el.data("bs.popover"),
- html = "",
- hide = true;
- if (options.ui.showVerdicts &&
- !options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar &&
- verdictText.length > 0) {
- html = "<h5><span class='password-verdict'>" + verdictText +
- "</span></h5>";
- hide = false;
- }
- if (options.ui.showErrors) {
- if (options.instances.errors.length > 0) {
- hide = false;
- }
- html += options.ui.popoverError(options);
- }
- if (hide || remove) {
- $el.popover("hide");
- return;
- }
- if (options.ui.bootstrap2) { popover = $el.data("popover"); }
- if (popover.$arrow && popover.$arrow.parents("body").length > 0) {
- $el.find("+ .popover .popover-content").html(html);
- } else {
- // It's hidden
- popover.options.content = html;
- $el.popover("show");
- }
- };
- ui.updateFieldStatus = function (options, $el, cssClass, remove) {
- var targetClass = options.ui.bootstrap2 ? ".control-group" : ".form-group",
- $container = $el.parents(targetClass).first();
- $.each(statusClasses, function (idx, css) {
- if (!options.ui.bootstrap2) { css = "has-" + css; }
- $container.removeClass(css);
- });
- if (remove) { return; }
- cssClass = statusClasses[Math.floor(cssClass / 2)];
- if (!options.ui.bootstrap2) { cssClass = "has-" + cssClass; }
- $container.addClass(cssClass);
- };
- ui.percentage = function (options, score, maximun) {
- var result = Math.floor(100 * score / maximun),
- min = options.ui.progressBarMinPercentage;
- result = result <= min ? min : result;
- result = result > 100 ? 100 : result;
- return result;
- };
- ui.getVerdictAndCssClass = function (options, score) {
- var level, verdict;
- if (score === undefined) { return ['', 0]; }
- if (score <= options.ui.scores[0]) {
- level = 0;
- } else if (score < options.ui.scores[1]) {
- level = 1;
- } else if (score < options.ui.scores[2]) {
- level = 2;
- } else if (score < options.ui.scores[3]) {
- level = 3;
- } else if (score < options.ui.scores[4]) {
- level = 4;
- } else {
- level = 5;
- }
- verdict = verdictKeys[level];
- return [options.i18n.t(verdict), level];
- };
- ui.updateUI = function (options, $el, score) {
- var cssClass, barPercentage, verdictText, verdictCssClass;
- cssClass = ui.getVerdictAndCssClass(options, score);
- verdictText = score === 0 ? '' : cssClass[0];
- cssClass = cssClass[1];
- verdictCssClass = options.ui.useVerdictCssClass ? cssClass : -1;
- if (options.ui.showProgressBar) {
- if (score === undefined) {
- barPercentage = options.ui.progressBarEmptyPercentage;
- } else {
- barPercentage = ui.percentage(options, score, options.ui.scores[4]);
- }
- ui.updateProgressBar(options, $el, cssClass, barPercentage);
- if (options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- ui.updateVerdict(options, $el, verdictCssClass, verdictText);
- }
- }
- if (options.ui.showStatus) {
- ui.updateFieldStatus(options, $el, cssClass, score === undefined);
- }
- if (options.ui.showPopover) {
- ui.updatePopover(options, $el, verdictText, score === undefined);
- } else {
- if (options.ui.showVerdicts && !options.ui.showVerdictsInsideProgressBar) {
- ui.updateVerdict(options, $el, verdictCssClass, verdictText);
- }
- if (options.ui.showErrors) {
- ui.updateErrors(options, $el, score === undefined);
- }
- }
- if (options.ui.showScore) {
- ui.updateScore(options, $el, score, score === undefined);
- }
- };
-}(jQuery, ui));
-// Source: src/methods.js
-var methods = {};
-(function ($, methods) {
- "use strict";
- var onKeyUp, onPaste, applyToAll;
- onKeyUp = function (event) {
- var $el = $(event.target),
- options = $el.data("pwstrength-bootstrap"),
- word = $el.val(),
- userInputs,
- verdictText,
- verdictLevel,
- score;
- if (options === undefined) { return; }
- options.instances.errors = [];
- if (word.length === 0) {
- score = undefined;
- } else {
- if (options.common.zxcvbn) {
- userInputs = [];
- $.each(options.common.userInputs.concat([options.common.usernameField]), function (idx, selector) {
- var value = $(selector).val();
- if (value) { userInputs.push(value); }
- });
- userInputs = userInputs.concat(options.common.zxcvbnTerms);
- score = zxcvbn(word, userInputs).guesses;
- score = Math.log(score) * Math.LOG2E;
- } else {
- score = rulesEngine.executeRules(options, word);
- }
- if ($.isFunction(options.common.onScore)) {
- score = options.common.onScore(options, word, score);
- }
- }
- ui.updateUI(options, $el, score);
- verdictText = ui.getVerdictAndCssClass(options, score);
- verdictLevel = verdictText[1];
- verdictText = verdictText[0];
- if (options.common.debug) {
- console.log(score + ' - ' + verdictText);
- }
- if ($.isFunction(options.common.onKeyUp)) {
- options.common.onKeyUp(event, {
- score: score,
- verdictText: verdictText,
- verdictLevel: verdictLevel
- });
- }
- };
- onPaste = function (event) {
- // This handler is necessary because the paste event fires before the
- // content is actually in the input, so we cannot read its value right
- // away. Therefore, the timeouts.
- var $el = $(event.target),
- word = $el.val(),
- tries = 0,
- callback;
- callback = function () {
- var newWord = $el.val();
- if (newWord !== word) {
- onKeyUp(event);
- } else if (tries < 3) {
- tries += 1;
- setTimeout(callback, 100);
- }
- };
- setTimeout(callback, 100);
- };
- methods.init = function (settings) {
- this.each(function (idx, el) {
- // Make it deep extend (first param) so it extends also the
- // rules and other inside objects
- var clonedDefaults = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions),
- localOptions = $.extend(true, clonedDefaults, settings),
- $el = $(el);
- localOptions.instances = {};
- $el.data("pwstrength-bootstrap", localOptions);
- $.each(localOptions.common.events, function (idx, eventName) {
- var handler = eventName === "paste" ? onPaste : onKeyUp;
- $el.on(eventName, handler);
- });
- ui.initUI(localOptions, $el);
- $el.trigger("keyup");
- if ($.isFunction(localOptions.common.onLoad)) {
- localOptions.common.onLoad();
- }
- });
- return this;
- };
- methods.destroy = function () {
- this.each(function (idx, el) {
- var $el = $(el),
- options = $el.data("pwstrength-bootstrap"),
- elements = ui.getUIElements(options, $el);
- elements.$progressbar.remove();
- elements.$verdict.remove();
- elements.$errors.remove();
- $el.removeData("pwstrength-bootstrap");
- });
- };
- methods.forceUpdate = function () {
- this.each(function (idx, el) {
- var event = { target: el };
- onKeyUp(event);
- });
- };
- methods.addRule = function (name, method, score, active) {
- this.each(function (idx, el) {
- var options = $(el).data("pwstrength-bootstrap");
- options.rules.activated[name] = active;
- options.rules.scores[name] = score;
- options.rules.extra[name] = method;
- });
- };
- applyToAll = function (rule, prop, value) {
- this.each(function (idx, el) {
- $(el).data("pwstrength-bootstrap").rules[prop][rule] = value;
- });
- };
- methods.changeScore = function (rule, score) {
- applyToAll.call(this, rule, "scores", score);
- };
- methods.ruleActive = function (rule, active) {
- applyToAll.call(this, rule, "activated", active);
- };
- methods.ruleIsMet = function (rule) {
- if ($.isFunction(rulesEngine.validation[rule])) {
- if (rule === "wordMinLength") {
- rule = "wordMinLengthStaticScore";
- } else if (rule === "wordMaxLength") {
- rule = "wordMaxLengthStaticScore";
- }
- var rulesMetCnt = 0;
- this.each(function (idx, el) {
- var options = $(el).data("pwstrength-bootstrap");
- rulesMetCnt += rulesEngine.validation[rule](options, $(el).val(), 1);
- });
- return (rulesMetCnt === this.length);
- }
- $.error("Rule " + rule + " does not exist on jQuery.pwstrength-bootstrap.validation");
- };
- $.fn.pwstrength = function (method) {
- var result;
- if (methods[method]) {
- result = methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
- } else if (typeof method === "object" || !method) {
- result = methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
- } else {
- $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.pwstrength-bootstrap");
- }
- return result;
- };
-}(jQuery, methods));