@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
var mejs = mejs || {};
// version number
-mejs.version = '2.20.1';
+mejs.version = '2.21.1';
// player number (for missing, same id attr)
@@ -294,7 +294,13 @@ mejs.Utility = {
- }
+ },
+ determineScheme: function(url) {
+ if (url && url.indexOf("://") != -1) {
+ return url.substr(0, url.indexOf("://")+3);
+ }
+ return "//"; // let user agent figure this out
+ }
@@ -680,7 +686,9 @@ mejs.PluginMediaElement.prototype = {
pause: function () {
if (this.pluginApi != null) {
if (this.pluginType == 'youtube' || this.pluginType == 'vimeo') {
- this.pluginApi.pauseVideo();
+ if( this.pluginApi.getPlayerState() == 1 ) {
+ this.pluginApi.pauseVideo();
+ }
} else {
@@ -887,89 +895,6 @@ mejs.PluginMediaElement.prototype = {
-// Handles calls from Flash/Silverlight and reports them as native <video/audio> events and properties
-mejs.MediaPluginBridge = {
- pluginMediaElements:{},
- htmlMediaElements:{},
- registerPluginElement: function (id, pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement) {
- this.pluginMediaElements[id] = pluginMediaElement;
- this.htmlMediaElements[id] = htmlMediaElement;
- },
- unregisterPluginElement: function (id) {
- delete this.pluginMediaElements[id];
- delete this.htmlMediaElements[id];
- },
- // when Flash/Silverlight is ready, it calls out to this method
- initPlugin: function (id) {
- var pluginMediaElement = this.pluginMediaElements[id],
- htmlMediaElement = this.htmlMediaElements[id];
- if (pluginMediaElement) {
- // find the javascript bridge
- switch (pluginMediaElement.pluginType) {
- case "flash":
- pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = document.getElementById(id);
- break;
- case "silverlight":
- pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = document.getElementById(pluginMediaElement.id);
- pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = pluginMediaElement.pluginElement.Content.MediaElementJS;
- break;
- }
- if (pluginMediaElement.pluginApi != null && pluginMediaElement.success) {
- pluginMediaElement.success(pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement);
- }
- }
- },
- // receives events from Flash/Silverlight and sends them out as HTML5 media events
- // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/video.html
- fireEvent: function (id, eventName, values) {
- var
- e,
- i,
- bufferedTime,
- pluginMediaElement = this.pluginMediaElements[id];
- if(!pluginMediaElement){
- return;
- }
- // fake event object to mimic real HTML media event.
- e = {
- type: eventName,
- target: pluginMediaElement
- };
- // attach all values to element and event object
- for (i in values) {
- pluginMediaElement[i] = values[i];
- e[i] = values[i];
- }
- // fake the newer W3C buffered TimeRange (loaded and total have been removed)
- bufferedTime = values.bufferedTime || 0;
- e.target.buffered = e.buffered = {
- start: function(index) {
- return 0;
- },
- end: function (index) {
- return bufferedTime;
- },
- length: 1
- };
- pluginMediaElement.dispatchEvent(e);
- }
Default options
@@ -1068,6 +993,7 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
// test for HTML5 and plugin capabilities
playback = this.determinePlayback(htmlMediaElement, options, mejs.MediaFeatures.supportsMediaTag, isMediaTag, src);
playback.url = (playback.url !== null) ? mejs.Utility.absolutizeUrl(playback.url) : '';
+ playback.scheme = mejs.Utility.determineScheme(playback.url);
if (playback.method == 'native') {
// second fix for android
@@ -1101,7 +1027,7 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
- result = { method: '', url: '', htmlMediaElement: htmlMediaElement, isVideo: (htmlMediaElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'audio')},
+ result = { method: '', url: '', htmlMediaElement: htmlMediaElement, isVideo: (htmlMediaElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'audio'), scheme: ''},
@@ -1396,8 +1322,7 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
// register plugin
pluginMediaElement.success = options.success;
- mejs.MediaPluginBridge.registerPluginElement(pluginid, pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement);
// add container (must be added to DOM before inserting HTML for IE)
container.className = 'me-plugin';
container.id = pluginid + '_container';
@@ -1407,44 +1332,100 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
} else {
document.body.insertBefore(container, document.body.childNodes[0]);
- // flash/silverlight vars
- initVars = [
- 'id=' + pluginid,
- 'jsinitfunction=' + "mejs.MediaPluginBridge.initPlugin",
- 'jscallbackfunction=' + "mejs.MediaPluginBridge.fireEvent",
- 'isvideo=' + ((playback.isVideo) ? "true" : "false"),
- 'autoplay=' + ((autoplay) ? "true" : "false"),
- 'preload=' + preload,
- 'width=' + width,
- 'startvolume=' + options.startVolume,
- 'timerrate=' + options.timerRate,
- 'flashstreamer=' + options.flashStreamer,
- 'height=' + height,
- 'pseudostreamstart=' + options.pseudoStreamingStartQueryParam];
- if (playback.url !== null) {
- if (playback.method == 'flash') {
- initVars.push('file=' + mejs.Utility.encodeUrl(playback.url));
- } else {
- initVars.push('file=' + playback.url);
+ if (playback.method === 'flash' || playback.method === 'silverlight') {
+ // flash/silverlight vars
+ initVars = [
+ 'id=' + pluginid,
+ 'isvideo=' + ((playback.isVideo) ? "true" : "false"),
+ 'autoplay=' + ((autoplay) ? "true" : "false"),
+ 'preload=' + preload,
+ 'width=' + width,
+ 'startvolume=' + options.startVolume,
+ 'timerrate=' + options.timerRate,
+ 'flashstreamer=' + options.flashStreamer,
+ 'height=' + height,
+ 'pseudostreamstart=' + options.pseudoStreamingStartQueryParam];
+ if (playback.url !== null) {
+ if (playback.method == 'flash') {
+ initVars.push('file=' + mejs.Utility.encodeUrl(playback.url));
+ } else {
+ initVars.push('file=' + playback.url);
+ }
+ if (options.enablePluginDebug) {
+ initVars.push('debug=true');
+ }
+ if (options.enablePluginSmoothing) {
+ initVars.push('smoothing=true');
+ }
+ if (options.enablePseudoStreaming) {
+ initVars.push('pseudostreaming=true');
+ }
+ if (controls) {
+ initVars.push('controls=true'); // shows controls in the plugin if desired
+ }
+ if (options.pluginVars) {
+ initVars = initVars.concat(options.pluginVars);
+ }
+ // call from plugin
+ window[pluginid + '_init'] = function() {
+ switch (pluginMediaElement.pluginType) {
+ case 'flash':
+ pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = document.getElementById(pluginid);
+ break;
+ case 'silverlight':
+ pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = document.getElementById(pluginMediaElement.id);
+ pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = pluginMediaElement.pluginElement.Content.MediaElementJS;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pluginMediaElement.pluginApi != null && pluginMediaElement.success) {
+ pluginMediaElement.success(pluginMediaElement, htmlMediaElement);
+ }
+ }
+ // event call from plugin
+ window[pluginid + '_event'] = function(eventName, values) {
+ var
+ e,
+ i,
+ bufferedTime;
+ // fake event object to mimic real HTML media event.
+ e = {
+ type: eventName,
+ target: pluginMediaElement
+ };
+ // attach all values to element and event object
+ for (i in values) {
+ pluginMediaElement[i] = values[i];
+ e[i] = values[i];
+ }
+ // fake the newer W3C buffered TimeRange (loaded and total have been removed)
+ bufferedTime = values.bufferedTime || 0;
+ e.target.buffered = e.buffered = {
+ start: function(index) {
+ return 0;
+ },
+ end: function (index) {
+ return bufferedTime;
+ },
+ length: 1
+ };
+ pluginMediaElement.dispatchEvent(e);
+ }
- if (options.enablePluginDebug) {
- initVars.push('debug=true');
- }
- if (options.enablePluginSmoothing) {
- initVars.push('smoothing=true');
- }
- if (options.enablePseudoStreaming) {
- initVars.push('pseudostreaming=true');
- }
- if (controls) {
- initVars.push('controls=true'); // shows controls in the plugin if desired
- }
- if (options.pluginVars) {
- initVars = initVars.concat(options.pluginVars);
- }
switch (playback.method) {
case 'silverlight':
@@ -1467,7 +1448,7 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
specialIEContainer.outerHTML =
'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="//download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab" ' +
'id="' + pluginid + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" class="mejs-shim">' +
-'<param name="movie" value="' + options.pluginPath + options.flashName + '?x=' + (new Date()) + '" />' +
+'<param name="movie" value="' + options.pluginPath + options.flashName + '?x=' + (new Date().getTime()) + '" />' +
'<param name="flashvars" value="' + initVars.join('&') + '" />' +
'<param name="quality" value="high" />' +
'<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />' +
@@ -1519,7 +1500,8 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
pluginId: pluginid,
videoId: videoId,
height: height,
- width: width
+ width: width,
+ scheme: playback.scheme
// favor iframe version of YouTube
@@ -1536,12 +1518,13 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
var player_id = pluginid + "_player";
pluginMediaElement.vimeoid = playback.url.substr(playback.url.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
- container.innerHTML ='<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/' + pluginMediaElement.vimeoid + '?api=1&portrait=0&byline=0&title=0&player_id=' + player_id + '" width="' + width +'" height="' + height +'" frameborder="0" class="mejs-shim" id="' + player_id + '" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>';
+ container.innerHTML ='<iframe src="' + playback.scheme + 'player.vimeo.com/video/' + pluginMediaElement.vimeoid + '?api=1&portrait=0&byline=0&title=0&player_id=' + player_id + '" width="' + width +'" height="' + height +'" frameborder="0" class="mejs-shim" id="' + player_id + '" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>';
if (typeof($f) == 'function') { // froogaloop available
- var player = $f(container.childNodes[0]);
+ var player = $f(container.childNodes[0]),
+ playerState = -1;
player.addEvent('ready', function() {
player.playVideo = function() {
player.api( 'play' );
@@ -1565,7 +1548,11 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
player.api( 'setVolume', player.lastVolume );
delete player.lastVolume;
- }
+ }
+ // parity with YT player
+ player.getPlayerState = function() {
+ return playerState;
+ }
function createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, eventName, e) {
var event = {
@@ -1580,27 +1567,39 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
player.addEvent('play', function() {
+ playerState = 1;
createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'play');
createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'playing');
player.addEvent('pause', function() {
+ playerState = 2;
createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'pause');
player.addEvent('finish', function() {
+ playerState = 0;
createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'ended');
player.addEvent('playProgress', function(e) {
createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'timeupdate', e);
+ player.addEvent('seek', function(e) {
+ playerState = 3;
+ createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'seeked', e);
+ });
+ player.addEvent('loadProgress', function(e) {
+ playerState = 3;
+ createEvent(player, pluginMediaElement, 'progress', e);
+ });
pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = container;
pluginMediaElement.pluginApi = player;
- // init mejs
- mejs.MediaPluginBridge.initPlugin(pluginid);
+ pluginMediaElement.success(pluginMediaElement, pluginMediaElement.pluginElement);
else {
@@ -1612,8 +1611,6 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
htmlMediaElement.style.display = 'none';
// prevent browser from autoplaying when using a plugin
- // FYI: options.success will be fired by the MediaPluginBridge
return pluginMediaElement;
@@ -1674,10 +1671,10 @@ mejs.HtmlMediaElementShim = {
mejs.YouTubeApi = {
isIframeStarted: false,
isIframeLoaded: false,
- loadIframeApi: function() {
+ loadIframeApi: function(yt) {
if (!this.isIframeStarted) {
var tag = document.createElement('script');
- tag.src = "//www.youtube.com/player_api";
+ tag.src = yt.scheme + "www.youtube.com/player_api";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
this.isIframeStarted = true;
@@ -1689,7 +1686,7 @@ mejs.YouTubeApi = {
if (this.isLoaded) {
} else {
- this.loadIframeApi();
+ this.loadIframeApi(yt);
@@ -1715,7 +1712,7 @@ mejs.YouTubeApi = {
settings.pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = document.getElementById(settings.containerId);
// init mejs
- mejs.MediaPluginBridge.initPlugin(settings.pluginId);
+ pluginMediaElement.success(pluginMediaElement, pluginMediaElement.pluginElement);
// create timer
setInterval(function() {
@@ -1793,7 +1790,7 @@ mejs.YouTubeApi = {
settings.container.innerHTML =
- '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="' + settings.pluginId + '" data="//www.youtube.com/apiplayer?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=' + settings.pluginId + '&version=3&autoplay=0&controls=0&modestbranding=1&loop=0" ' +
+ '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="' + settings.pluginId + '" data="' + settings.scheme + 'www.youtube.com/apiplayer?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=' + settings.pluginId + '&version=3&autoplay=0&controls=0&modestbranding=1&loop=0" ' +
'width="' + settings.width + '" height="' + settings.height + '" style="visibility: visible; " class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain">' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' +
@@ -1801,13 +1798,13 @@ mejs.YouTubeApi = {
var specialIEContainer,
- youtubeUrl = '//www.youtube.com/apiplayer?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=' + settings.pluginId + '&version=3&autoplay=0&controls=0&modestbranding=1&loop=0';
+ youtubeUrl = settings.scheme + 'www.youtube.com/apiplayer?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=' + settings.pluginId + '&version=3&autoplay=0&controls=0&modestbranding=1&loop=0';
if (mejs.MediaFeatures.isIE) {
specialIEContainer = document.createElement('div');
- specialIEContainer.outerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="//download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab" ' +
+ specialIEContainer.outerHTML = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="' + settings.scheme + 'download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab" ' +
'id="' + settings.pluginId + '" width="' + settings.width + '" height="' + settings.height + '" class="mejs-shim">' +
'<param name="movie" value="' + youtubeUrl + '" />' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' +
@@ -1834,7 +1831,8 @@ mejs.YouTubeApi = {
// hook up and return to MediaELementPlayer.success
pluginMediaElement.pluginApi =
pluginMediaElement.pluginElement = player;
- mejs.MediaPluginBridge.initPlugin(id);
+ settings.success(pluginMediaElement, pluginMediaElement.pluginElement);
// load the youtube video
@@ -2847,6 +2845,16 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
if (duration !== this.duration) {
duration = this.duration;
mejs.Utility.calculateTimeFormat(duration, t.options, t.options.framesPerSecond || 25);
+ // make sure to fill in and resize the controls (e.g., 00:00 => 01:13:15
+ if (t.updateDuration) {
+ t.updateDuration();
+ }
+ if (t.updateCurrent) {
+ t.updateCurrent();
+ }
+ t.setControlsSize();
}, false);
@@ -2883,6 +2891,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
// user has to start playback directly by tapping on the iFrame.
if (t.media.pluginType == 'youtube' && ( mf.isiOS || mf.isAndroid ) ) {
+ t.container.find('.mejs-poster').hide();
@@ -3068,7 +3077,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
lastControlPosition = lastControl.length ? lastControl.position() : null;
- } while (lastControlPosition !== null && lastControlPosition.top > 0 && railWidth > 0);
+ } while (lastControlPosition !== null && lastControlPosition.top.toFixed(2) > 0 && railWidth > 0);
@@ -3246,7 +3255,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
// listen for key presses
t.globalBind('keydown', function(event) {
- player.hasFocus = $(event.target).closest('.mejs-container').length !== 0;
+ player.hasFocus = $(event.target).closest('.mejs-container').length !== 0
+ && $(event.target).closest('.mejs-container').attr('id') === player.$media.closest('.mejs-container').attr('id');
return t.onkeydown(player, media, event);
@@ -3266,7 +3276,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
for (var j = 0, jl = keyAction.keys.length; j < jl; j++) {
if (e.keyCode == keyAction.keys[j]) {
if (typeof(e.preventDefault) == "function") e.preventDefault();
- keyAction.action(player, media, e.keyCode);
+ keyAction.action(player, media, e.keyCode, e);
return false;
@@ -3673,8 +3683,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
- var restartPlayer = function () {
+ var restartPlayer = function () {
var now = new Date();
if (now - lastKeyPressTime >= 1000) {
@@ -3697,20 +3707,18 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
var keyCode = e.keyCode,
duration = media.duration,
- seekTime = media.currentTime;
+ seekTime = media.currentTime,
+ seekForward = player.options.defaultSeekForwardInterval(duration),
+ seekBackward = player.options.defaultSeekBackwardInterval(duration);
switch (keyCode) {
case 37: // left
- seekTime -= 1;
+ case 40: // Down
+ seekTime -= seekBackward;
case 39: // Right
- seekTime += 1;
- break;
case 38: // Up
- seekTime += Math.floor(duration * 0.1);
- break;
- case 40: // Down
- seekTime -= Math.floor(duration * 0.1);
+ seekTime += seekForward;
case 36: // Home
seekTime = 0;
@@ -3718,10 +3726,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
case 35: // end
seekTime = duration;
- case 10: // enter
- media.paused ? media.play() : media.pause();
- return;
- case 13: // space
+ case 32: // space
+ case 13: // enter
media.paused ? media.play() : media.pause();
@@ -4130,7 +4136,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
var volume = Math.floor(media.volume*100);
- 'aria-label': mejs.i18n.t('volumeSlider'),
+ 'aria-label': mejs.i18n.t('Volume Slider'),
'aria-valuemin': 0,
'aria-valuemax': 100,
'aria-valuenow': volume,
@@ -4167,10 +4173,10 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
var volume = media.volume;
switch (keyCode) {
case 38: // Up
- volume += 0.1;
+ volume = Math.min(volume + 0.1, 1);
case 40: // Down
- volume = volume - 0.1;
+ volume = Math.max(0, volume - 0.1);
return true;
@@ -4567,24 +4573,10 @@ if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function checkFullscreen() {
if (t.isNativeFullScreen) {
- var zoomMultiplier = window["devicePixelRatio"] || 1,
- // Use a percent error margin since devicePixelRatio is a float and not exact.
- percentErrorMargin = 0.002, // 0.2%
- windowWidth = zoomMultiplier * $(window).width(),
+ var percentErrorMargin = 0.002, // 0.2%
+ windowWidth = $(window).width(),
screenWidth = screen.width,
- // ** 13twelve
- // Screen width is sort of useless: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2013/11/screenwidth_is.html
- // My rMBP ignores devicePixelRatio when returning the values, so fullscreen would always fail the "suddenly not fullscreen" test
- // Theory: the gap between reported values should give us an indication of browser behavior with screen.width and devicePixelRatio
- zoomedWindowWidth = zoomMultiplier * windowWidth;
- if (Math.abs(screenWidth-windowWidth) > Math.abs(screenWidth-zoomedWindowWidth)) {
- // screen.width is likely true pixels, not CSS pixels, so we need to use the zoomed window width for comparison
- windowWidth = zoomedWindowWidth;
- }
- // ** / 13twelve
- var absDiff = Math.abs(screenWidth - windowWidth),
+ absDiff = Math.abs(screenWidth - windowWidth),
marginError = screenWidth * percentErrorMargin;
// check if the video is suddenly not really fullscreen