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[svn r16500] Integrate geometrical functions

Yannick Warnier 16 years ago
1 changed files with 969 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 969 0

+ 969 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+<?php //$Id: geometry.lib.php 16500 2008-10-11 14:56:57Z yannoo $
+//more natural array index names
+define(X, 0);
+define(Y, 1);
+//aproximation level to comparing reals
+define(APROX, 0.0001);
+ * This method calculates and returns the area of an irregular
+ * polygon. Algorithm taken from
+ *
+ *
+ * @param array(int) xs the values of the x coordinates
+ * @param array(int) ys the corresponding values of the y coordinates
+ * @return double the area
+ */
+function calculate_area($xs, $ys) {
+  if (!_check_polygon($xs, $ys)) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  //calculate and return the answer
+  return abs((subCalculation($xs, $ys)) - (subCalculation($ys, $xs)))/2;
+ * Area Under One Line Segment
+ */
+function subCalculation($a, $b) {
+  $answer = 0;
+  for ($i=0; $i < (count($a)-1); $i++) {
+    $answer += ($a[$i] * $b[$i+1]);
+  }
+  $answer += $a[count($a)-1] * $b[0];
+  return $answer;
+ * Get intersection point of two lines, assumes no paralells
+ */
+function lines_intersect($line1, $line2) {
+  if (!is_array($line1) || !is_array($line2)) {
+    $msg = '[geometry-lib] line: Invalid - each line must be array(array(x,y), array(x,y)) - line1: '. print_r($line1,1) .', line2: '. print_r($line2,1);
+    error_log($msg);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  if (count($line1)!=2 || count($line2)!=2) {
+    $msg = '[geometry-lib] line: Invalid - each line must have two arrays';
+    error_log($msg);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  // get slopes m1 and m2
+  // p,q,r,s points
+  list($p,$q) = $line1;
+  list($r,$s) = $line2;
+  $m1 = _get_slope($p, $q);
+  $m2 = _get_slope($r, $s);
+  //get intersect point
+  // solving y-y1=m(x-x1) for each pair of points
+  if ($m1 == $m2) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  $x = (-$m2*$r[0] + $r[1] + $m1*$p[0] - $p[1]) / ($m1-$m2);
+  $y = (-$m1*$r[1] + $m1*$m2*($r[0]-$p[0]) + $m2*$p[1]) / ($m2-$m1);
+  if (_is_in_segment(array($x, $y), $p, $q) && _is_in_segment(array($x, $y), $r, $s))
+    return array($x, $y);
+  return NULL;
+ * Verify if point p is a point of the segment ab
+ */
+function _is_in_segment($p, $a, $b) {
+           //if ($a[X]==8.7 && $b[X]==6.3) {echo ":: ?? en segmento ? <br />";
+           //     echo "px= {$p[X]}".print_r($p,1)." >= min=". min($a[X],$b[X]) ."<br />";}
+  if ( $p[X]>=min($a[X],$b[X]) && $p[X]<=max($a[X],$b[X])
+    && $p[Y]>=min($a[Y],$b[Y]) && $p[Y]<=max($a[Y],$b[Y]) ) {
+           //if ($a[X]==8.7 && $b[X]==6.3) echo ":: ?? si, en linea ? <br />";
+      return _is_in_line($p, $a, $b);
+    }
+  return FALSE;
+ * Verify if point p is a point of the line ab
+ */
+function _is_in_line($p, $a, $b) {
+  $m1 = _get_slope($a, $b);
+  $b1 = $a[Y]-$m1*$a[X];
+  if (abs($p[Y] - ($m1*$p[X] + $b1)) < APROX) {
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+ * Get the slope of the line that pass through points p and q
+ */
+function _get_slope($p, $q) {
+  if ($q[X]-$p[X] == 0)
+    return 0;
+  return  ($q[Y]-$p[Y])/($q[X]-$p[X]);
+ * Check if the coordinates are correct or not
+ */
+function _check_polygon($xs, $ys) {
+  //check that xs and ys have the same length
+  if (count($xs) != count($ys)) {
+    $msg = '[geometry-lib] polygon: Invalid - length of x and y coordinate arrays differs';
+    error_log($msg);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  //check that this is a polygon (more than 2 points!!)
+  if (count($xs) < 3) {
+    $msg = '[geometry-lib] polygon: Invalid '. polygon2string($xs, $ys);
+    error_log($msg);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+function polygon2string($xs, $ys) {
+  if (count($xs) < 3) {
+    error_log('[geometry-lib] polygon: Polygon must have more than two points');
+    return '( not a polygon )';
+  }
+  $output = '( ';
+  //do it the long way to allow print bad polygons
+  for ($i=0; $i < count($xs); $i++) {
+    $points[$i] = array(X => $xs[$i]);
+  }
+  for ($i=0; $i < count($ys); $i++) {
+    $points[$i] = array(Y => $ys[$i]);
+  }
+  foreach ($points as $point) {
+    $output .= '('. (isset($point[X]) ? $point[X]: '') .', '. (isset($point[Y])? $point[Y]: '') .'),';
+  }
+  $output .= ' )';
+  return $output;
+ * Verify if the point p is inside the region delimited by the
+ * coordinates of the polygon
+ * note: assumes *convex* polygons
+ */
+function _is_inside_polygon($p, $xs, $ys) {
+  if (!_check_polygon($xs, $ys)) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+               //echo ":: _is_inside_polygon :: ({$p[X]}, {$p[Y]}) ? <br />";
+  $conditionals = _get_inside_conditionals($xs, $ys);
+  foreach ($conditionals as $condition) {
+    if ($condition['sign'] == 'major') {
+      if ( !($p[Y] >= $condition['m']*$p[X]+$condition['b']) ) {
+        return FALSE;
+      }
+    }
+    else { //minor
+     if ( !($p[Y] <= $condition['m']*$p[X]+$condition['b']) ) {
+        return FALSE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+ * Get the required conditionals which together makes the is_inside
+ * a polygon condition, assumes convex
+ */
+function _get_inside_conditionals($xs, $ys) {
+  $conditionals = array();
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: 1st element ({$xs[0]}, {$ys[0]})<br />";
+  for ($i=0; $i < (count($xs)-1); $i++) {
+    //describe the line between points $i and $i+1
+    $m = _get_slope(array($xs[$i], $ys[$i]), array($xs[$i+1], $ys[$i+1]));
+    $b = $ys[$i] - $m*$xs[$i];
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: eval {$m}x + $b<br />";
+    //decide where is inside
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: where is inside?<br />";
+    $sign='';
+    for ($j=0; $j < (count($xs)); $j++) {
+                 //$tmp = $m*$xs[$j]+$b; //print
+      if (abs($ys[$j] - ($m*$xs[$j]+$b)) < APROX) {
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: not entering on {$ys[$j]} == {$tmp}<br />";
+        continue;
+      }
+                 //if (abs($m+0.370370)<APROX) echo ":: get_inside_cond :: :: eval ({$ys[$j]} > {$tmp})?<br />";
+      if ($ys[$j] > $m*$xs[$j]+$b) {
+        $sign='major';
+        break;
+      }
+      else {
+        $sign='minor';
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: -> sign=$sign<br />";
+    $conditionals[] = array('m' => $m, 'b' => $b, 'sign' => $sign);
+  }
+  //the final conditional
+  $m = _get_slope(array($xs[count($xs)-1], $ys[count($xs)-1]), array($xs[0], $ys[0]));
+  $b = $ys[0] - $m*$xs[0];
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: eval {$m}x + $b<br />";
+  //decide where is inside
+                 //echo ":: get_inside_cond :: where is inside?<br />";
+  $sign='';
+  for ($j=0; $j < (count($xs)); $j++) {
+    if (abs($ys[$j] - ($m*$xs[$j]+$b)) < APROX) continue;
+    if ($ys[$j] > $m*$xs[$j]+$b) {
+      $sign='major';
+      break;
+    }
+    else {
+      $sign='minor';
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  $conditionals[] = array('m' => $m, 'b' => $b, 'sign' => $sign);
+  return $conditionals;
+function get_intersection_data($rxs, $rys, $uxs, $uys) {
+  $i_pol = get_intersection_polygon($rxs, $rys, $uxs, $uys);
+  if (!is_array($i_pol)) {
+    return array('success' => 0);
+  }
+  $r_area = calculate_area($rxs, $rys);
+  $u_area = calculate_area($uxs, $uys);
+  $ixs=array();
+  $iys=array();
+  foreach ($i_pol as $point) {
+    $ixs[] = $point['point'][X];
+    $iys[] = $point['point'][Y];
+  }
+  if (!_check_polygon($ixs, $iys)) {
+    $success=0;
+  }
+  else {
+    $i_area = calculate_area($ixs, $iys);
+    $success = $i_area/$r_area;
+  }
+  return array(
+    'success' => $success,
+  );
+ * Get an array which describe the polygon formed by the intersection of
+ * the two polygons given
+ */
+function get_intersection_polygon($rxs, $rys, $uxs, $uys) {
+  list($intern_points, $intersection_points) = _get_intersection_polygon_data($rxs, $rys, $uxs, $uys);
+  //print '<br>=========<br>intersection points: '. print_r($intersection_points,1);
+  //print '<br>=========<br>intern points: '. print_r($intern_points,1);
+  //print '<br>=========<br>';
+  /**
+   * Algoritmo para encontrar el orden correcto de los puntos del
+   * poligono resultante al intersectar los dos pasados como parametros
+   *
+   * pol[0] = primer x
+   * mientras { pol[0]!=pol(tam(pol)-1) o tam(pol)==1 }
+   *   umo=pol[tam(pol)-1]
+   *   salir=false
+   *   para cada ptoInterno y !salir
+   *     si { cotiguo(ptoInterno, umo) y no es el anterior }
+   *       pol[] = ptoInterno
+   *       salir = true
+   *     fin si
+   *   fin para
+   *   para cada xfaltante y !salir
+   *     si { contiguo(x, umo) y no es el anterior }
+   *       pol[] = x
+   *       salir=true
+   *     fin si
+   *   fin para
+   *   TODO: vertices internos no contiguos a interseccion ·
+   * fin mientras
+   *
+   */
+  if (!count($intersection_points)) {
+    if (fully_inside($uxs, $uys, $rxs, $rys)) {
+      return _to_points_intersection($uxs, $uys);
+    }
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // intersection polygon points ordered
+  $pol = array();
+  $pol[0] = array_shift($intersection_points);
+  //$pol[0]['point'] = $intersection_point['point'];
+  $pol[0]['type'] = 'intersection';
+  $next_index = 1;
+  // TODO: work out condition, now $max_v vertices is the major # supported
+  //       on intersection and there are unuseful extra work done
+  $max_v=20;
+  $cc=0;
+  while (( ($pol[0]!=$pol[count($pol)-1] || count($pol)==1) ) && $cc<$max_v) {
+    $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+    //print 'last point = '. print_r($last_point,1);
+    $salir = FALSE;
+               //echo ":: bucle de internos !!<br />";
+    for ($i=0; ($i<count($intern_points)) && !$salir; $i++) {
+      //verify if the point is next to last_point
+      $p=$intern_points[$i];
+      $p['type'] = 'intern';
+      //echo 'p='.print_r($p,1).' last_point='.print_r($last_point,1).' pol='.print_r($rr=_to_points_array($rxs,$rys),1);
+      //TODO: consider all cases(not intern nor intersection points followed in a polygon)
+      switch ($last_point['type']) {
+      case 'intersection':
+              //echo ":: entro a interseccion !!<br />";
+              //echo ":: :: con el punto p = " . print_r($p,1) ."<br />";
+        if ( _is_next_to($p['point'], $last_point, $rxs, $rys, TRUE)
+          || _is_next_to($p['point'], $last_point, $uxs, $uys, TRUE) ) {
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+            if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+              if ($pol[$next_index-2] != $p) {
+                $pol[] = $p;
+                $salir=TRUE;
+                $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+                $next_index++;
+              }
+            }
+            else {
+              //echo $i.'shols ';
+              //print "{$p[X]} ...... {$p[Y]}<br>";
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case 'intern':
+              //echo ":: entro a interno !!<br />";
+        if ( _is_next_to($p, $last_point, $rxs, $rys)
+          || _is_next_to($p, $last_point, $uxs, $uys) ) {
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+            if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+              if ($pol[$next_index-2] != $p) {
+                $pol[] = $p;
+                $salir=TRUE;
+                $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+                $next_index++;
+              }
+            }
+            else {
+              //echo $i.'shols ';
+              //print "{$p[X]} ...... {$p[Y]}<br>";
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+          }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+               //echo ":: FIN bucle de internos !!<br />";
+    //print 'last point = '. print_r($last_point,1);
+               //echo ":: bucle de intersecciones !!<br />";
+    for ($i=0; ($i<count($intersection_points)) && !$salir; $i++) {
+      //verify if the point is next to last_point
+      $p=$intersection_points[$i];
+      $p['type'] = 'intersection';
+              //echo ":: :: con el punto p = " . print_r($p,1) ."<br />";
+      if ( _is_next_to($p, $last_point, $rxs, $rys, TRUE)
+        || _is_next_to($p, $last_point, $uxs, $uys, TRUE) ) {
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+          if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+            if ($pol[$next_index-2] != $p) {
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+            //echo $i.'shols ';
+            //print "{$p[X]} ...... {$p[Y]}<br>";
+            $pol[] = $p;
+            $salir=TRUE;
+            $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+            $next_index++;
+          }
+      }
+    }
+               //echo ":: FIN bucle de intersecciones !!<br />";
+    //print 'last point = '. print_r($last_point,1);
+               //echo ":: procesar puntos internos no limitrofes!!<br />";
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: eval ({$last_point['point'][X]}, {$last_point['point'][Y]})<br />";
+    if ($last_point['type'] != 'intern' && $last_point['type'] != 'intern-no-limit') {
+      continue;
+    }
+    else if (!$salir) { // review next_to polygon points
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: review next_to polygon points<br />";
+      // get next_to points depending of the polygon
+      if ( array_search($last_point['point'], $r_points=_to_points_array($rxs, $rys)) !== FALSE ) {
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: pto en el poligono resultado<br />";
+        $right_point = _get_right_point($last_point['point'], $r_points);
+        $left_point = _get_left_point($last_point['point'], $r_points);
+        // is inside the other polygon?
+        $p = array('type'=>'intern-no-limit');
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($right_point, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: pto derecho del pto poligono dento de la region de upol<br />";
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+          $p['point'] = $right_point;
+          if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+            if ($pol[$next_index-2]['point'] != $p['point']) {
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+            $pol[] = $p;
+            $salir=TRUE;
+            $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+            $next_index++;
+          }
+        }
+        else if (_is_inside_polygon($left_point, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: pto izquierdo del pto poligono dento de la region de upol<br />";
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+          $p['point'] = $left_point;
+          if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+            if ($pol[$next_index-2]['point'] != $p['point']) {
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+            $pol[] = $p;
+            $salir=TRUE;
+            $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+            $next_index++;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      else if ( array_search($last_point['point'], $u_points=_to_points_array($uxs, $uys)) !== FALSE ) {
+               //echo ":: proc ptos ern :: pto en el poligono usuario<br />";
+        $right_point = _get_right_point($last_point['point'], $u_points);
+        $left_point = _get_left_point($last_point['point'], $u_points);
+        // is inside the other polygon?
+        $p = array('type'=>'intern-no-limit');
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($right_point, $rxs, $rys) && !$salir) {
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: pto derecho del pto poligono dentro de la region de rpol<br />";
+          $p['point'] = $right_point;
+          if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+            if ($pol[$next_index-2]['point'] != $p['point']) {
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+            $pol[] = $p;
+            $salir=TRUE;
+            $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+            $next_index++;
+          }
+        }
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($left_point, $rxs, $rys) && !$salir) {
+               //echo ":: proc ptos intern :: pto izquierdo del pto poligono dentro de la region de rpol<br />";
+               //echo "-> asigno el punto !!<br />";
+          $p['point'] = $left_point;
+               ////echo "pol: ". print_r($pol[$next_index-2],1) ." p=".print_r($p,1)."doo !!<br />";
+          if ( isset($pol[$next_index-2]) ) {
+            if ($pol[$next_index-2]['point'] != $p['point']) {
+              $pol[] = $p;
+              $salir=TRUE;
+              $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+              $next_index++;
+            }
+          }
+          else {
+            $pol[] = $p;
+            $salir=TRUE;
+            $last_point = $pol[count($pol)-1];
+            $next_index++;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+               //echo ":: FIN procesar puntos internos no limitrofes!!<br />";
+    $cc++;
+    //print_r($pol);
+  }
+              //echo ":: termino con $cc iteraciones hechas<br />";
+  return $pol;
+ * Get needed data to build the intesection polygon
+ */
+function _get_intersection_polygon_data($rxs, $rys, $uxs, $uys) {
+  $ixs = array();
+  $iys = array();
+  $intern_points = array();
+  $intersection_points = array();
+  // iterate through the result polygon sides
+  for ($i=0; $i < (count($rxs)-1); $i++) {
+    $rline = array( array($rxs[$i],$rys[$i]),  array($rxs[$i+1],$rys[$i+1]) );
+    // iterate through the user polygon sides
+    for ($j=0; $j < (count($uxs)-1); $j++) {
+      $uline = array( array($uxs[$j],$uys[$j]),  array($uxs[$j+1],$uys[$j+1]) );
+      if ( ($ipoint=lines_intersect($rline,$uline)) != NULL ) {
+        $rpoint1 = array($rxs[$i], $rys[$i]);
+        $rpoint2 = array($rxs[$i+1], $rys[$i+1]);
+        $upoint1 = array($uxs[$j], $uys[$j]);
+        $upoint2 = array($uxs[$j+1], $uys[$j+1]);
+        //save intesection points
+        $intersection_points[] = array(
+          'rsegment' => array( $rpoint1, $rpoint2 ),
+          'usegment' => array( $upoint1, $upoint2 ),
+          'point' => $ipoint,
+        );
+        //get intern points
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint1, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+          if (!in_intern_array($rpoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+            $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+            $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+            $intern_points[] = array(
+              'point' => $rpoint1,
+              'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint1),
+              'segment2' => array($rpoint1, $rp),
+            );
+          }
+        }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint2, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+          if (!in_intern_array($rpoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+            $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+            $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+            $intern_points[] = array(
+              'point' => $rpoint2,
+              'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint2),
+              'segment2' => array($rpoint2, $rp),
+            );
+          }
+        }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint1, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+          if (!in_intern_array($upoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+            $rp = _get_right_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+            $lp = _get_left_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+            $intern_points[] = array(
+              'point' => $upoint1,
+              'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint1),
+              'segment2' => array($upoint1, $rp),
+            );
+          }
+        }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+        if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint2, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+          if (!in_intern_array($upoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+            $rp = _get_right_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+            $lp = _get_left_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+            $intern_points[] = array(
+              'point' => $upoint2,
+              'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint2),
+              'segment2' => array($upoint2, $rp),
+            );
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // process the final user line
+    $uline = array( array($uxs[count($uxs)-1],$uys[count($uxs)-1]),  array($uxs[0],$uys[0]) );
+    if ( ($ipoint=lines_intersect($rline,$uline)) != NULL ) {
+      $rpoint1 = array($rxs[$i], $rys[$i]);
+      $rpoint2 = array($rxs[$i+1], $rys[$i+1]);
+      $upoint1 = array($uxs[$j], $uys[$j]);
+      $upoint2 = array($uxs[$j+1], $uys[$j+1]);
+      //save intesection points
+      $intersection_points[] = array(
+        'rsegment' => array( $rpoint1, $rpoint2 ),
+        'usegment' => array( $upoint1, $upoint2 ),
+        'point' => $ipoint,
+      );
+      //get intern points
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint1, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($rpoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $rpoint1,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint1),
+            'segment2' => array($rpoint1, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint2, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($rpoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $rpoint2,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint2),
+            'segment2' => array($rpoint2, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint1, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($upoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $upoint1,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint1),
+            'segment2' => array($upoint1, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint2, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($upoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $upoint2,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint2),
+            'segment2' => array($upoint2, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // end of iterate through the user polygon sides
+  }
+  // process the final result line
+  $rline = array( array($rxs[$i=count($rxs)-1],$rys[$i=count($rxs)-1]),  array($rxs[0],$rys[0]) );
+  // iterate through the user polygon sides
+  for ($j=0; $j < (count($uxs)-1); $j++) {
+    $uline = array( array($uxs[$j],$uys[$j]),  array($uxs[$j+1],$uys[$j+1]) );
+    if ( ($ipoint=lines_intersect($rline,$uline)) != NULL ) {
+      $rpoint1 = array($rxs[$i], $rys[$i]);
+      $rpoint2 = array($rxs[0], $rys[0]);
+      $upoint1 = array($uxs[$j], $uys[$j]);
+      $upoint2 = array($uxs[$j+1], $uys[$j+1]);
+      //save intesection points
+      $intersection_points[] = array(
+        'rsegment' => array( $rpoint1, $rpoint2 ),
+        'usegment' => array( $upoint1, $upoint2 ),
+        'point' => $ipoint,
+      );
+      //get intern points
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint1, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($rpoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $rpoint1,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint1),
+            'segment2' => array($rpoint1, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint2, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($rpoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $rpoint2,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint2),
+            'segment2' => array($rpoint2, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint1, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($upoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $upoint1,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint1),
+            'segment2' => array($upoint1, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint2, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($upoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $upoint2,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint2),
+            'segment2' => array($upoint2, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+      }
+    }
+    // process the final user line
+    $uline = array( array($uxs[count($uxs)-1],$uys[count($uxs)-1]),  array($uxs[0],$uys[0]) );
+    if ( ($ipoint=lines_intersect($rline,$uline)) != NULL ) {
+      $rpoint1 = array($rxs[$i], $rys[$i]);
+      $rpoint2 = array($rxs[0], $rys[0]);
+      $upoint1 = array($uxs[$j], $uys[$j]);
+      $upoint2 = array($uxs[$j+1], $uys[$j+1]);
+      //save intesection points
+      $intersection_points[] = array(
+        'rsegment' => array( $rpoint1, $rpoint2 ),
+        'usegment' => array( $upoint1, $upoint2 ),
+        'point' => $ipoint,
+      );
+      //get intern points
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint1, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($rpoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint1[X]}, {$rpoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint1, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $rpoint1,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint1),
+            'segment2' => array($rpoint1, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) is inside upolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($rpoint2, $uxs, $uys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($rpoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$rpoint2[X]}, {$rpoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($rpoint2, _to_points_array($rxs, $rys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $rpoint2,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $rpoint2),
+            'segment2' => array($rpoint2, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint1, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($upoint1, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint1[X]}, {$upoint1[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($upoint1, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $upoint1,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint1),
+            'segment2' => array($upoint1, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: eval ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) is inside rpolygon?<br />";
+      if (_is_inside_polygon($upoint2, $rxs, $rys)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) inside: yes<br />";
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already on intern points?<br />";
+        if (!in_intern_array($upoint2, $intern_points)) {
+               //echo ":: get_int_poly :: ({$upoint2[X]}, {$upoint2[Y]}) already: no, -> asigning<br />";
+          $rp = _get_right_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $lp = _get_left_point($upoint2, _to_points_array($uxs, $uys));
+          $intern_points[] = array(
+            'point' => $upoint2,
+            'segment1' => array($lp, $upoint2),
+            'segment2' => array($upoint2, $rp),
+          );
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // end of iterate through the user polygon sides
+  // end of iterate through the result polygon sides
+  return array($intern_points, $intersection_points);
+ * Verify if a list of points a is inside or not a polygon b
+ */
+function fully_inside($axs, $ays, $bxs, $bys) {
+  // iterate through the points
+  for ($i=0; $i < count($axs); $i++) {
+    if (!_is_inside_polygon(array($axs[$i],$ays[$i]), $bxs, $bys)) {
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+function _is_next_to($point, $last_point, $xs, $ys, $between_points=FALSE) {
+  $polygon = _to_points_array($xs, $ys);
+  if ( ($pos=array_search($point, $polygon)) !== NULL  && !empty($pos)) {
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: pos found !!<br />";
+    if ( $rp=_get_right_point($last_point['point'], $polygon) == $point
+      || $lp=_get_left_point($last_point['point'], $polygon) == $point ) {
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: return simple next to !!<br />";
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+  }
+  else if ($between_points) {
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: between points !!<br />";
+    switch ($last_point['type']) {
+    case 'intern':
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: between points :: intern !!<br />";
+      $right_point = _get_right_point($last_point['point'], $polygon);
+      $left_point = _get_left_point($last_point['point'], $polygon);
+               /*echo 'left = '. print_r($left_point,1)
+                   .'right = '. print_r($right_point,1)
+                   .'point = '. print_r($point,1)
+                   .'last_point = '. print_r($last_point,1);*/
+      //if (_is_in_segment($point, $last_point['segment'][0], $last_point['segment'][1])) {
+      if ( _is_in_segment($point['point'], $last_point['segment1'][0], $last_point['segment1'][1])
+        || _is_in_segment($point['point'], $last_point['segment2'][0], $last_point['segment2'][1])
+        ) {
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: between points :: intern :: return in line !!<br />";
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'intersection':
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: between points :: intersection !!<br />";
+   //         echo "entro a next_to_interseccion !!<br />";
+  //echo "point=". print_r($point,1) .', last_point='. print_r($last_point) .'<br />';
+      if ( _is_in_segment($point, $last_point['rsegment'][0], $last_point['rsegment'][1])
+        || _is_in_segment($point, $last_point['usegment'][0], $last_point['usegment'][1])
+        ) {
+               //echo ":: :: is_next_to :: between points :: intersection :: return in line !!<br />";
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+function _get_right_point($point, $polygon) {
+  if ( ($pos=array_search($point, $polygon)) !== FALSE ) {
+    if ($pos == count($polygon)-1) {
+      return $polygon[0];
+    }
+    else {
+      return $polygon[$pos+1];
+    }
+  }
+function _get_left_point($point, $polygon) {
+  //echo '==========?<br>'; print_r($polygon) . print_r($polygon_point) .'========<br>';
+  if ( ($pos=array_search($point, $polygon)) !== FALSE ) {
+    if ($pos == 0) {
+      return $polygon[count($polygon)-1];
+    }
+    else {
+      return $polygon[$pos-1];
+    }
+  }
+function _to_points_array($xs, $ys) {
+  if (!_check_polygon($xs, $ys)) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  $points = array();
+  for ($i=0; $i < count($xs); $i++) {
+    $points[] = array($xs[$i], $ys[$i]);
+  }
+  return $points;
+function _to_points_intersection($xs, $ys) {
+  if (!_check_polygon($xs, $ys)) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  $points = array();
+  for ($i=0; $i < count($xs); $i++) {
+    $points[] = array('point' => array($xs[$i], $ys[$i]));
+  }
+  return $points;
+function in_intern_array($point, $intern_points) {
+  foreach ($intern_points as $ipoint) {
+    if (abs($ipoint['point'][X]-$point[X]) < APROX && abs($ipoint['point'][Y]-$point[Y]) < APROX)
+      return TRUE;
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+//ver si cada punto esta dentro o fuera de la figura par saber con cual comenzar