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Add changes to NULL values for DATETIME fields in tables migrated from previous versions - refs BT#11588

Yannick Warnier 8 years ago

+ 2 - 0

@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class Version111 extends AbstractMigrationChamilo
         // Needed to update 0000-00-00 00:00:00 values
         $this->addSql('SET sql_mode = ""');
+        // In case this one didn't work, also try this
+        $this->addSql('SET SESSION sql_mode = ""');
         $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE c_lp CHANGE publicated_on publicated_on DATETIME');
         $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE c_lp CHANGE expired_on expired_on DATETIME');

+ 211 - 26

@@ -18,35 +18,220 @@ class Version20160907140300 extends AbstractMigrationChamilo
     public function up(Schema $schema)
         $data = [
-            'course' => 'last_visit',
-            'course' => 'last_edit',
-            'course' => 'creation_date',
-            'course' => 'expiration_date',
-            'notification' => 'sent_at',
-            'sequence_value' => 'success_date',
-            'sequence_value' => 'available_start_date',
-            'sequence_value' => 'available_end_date',
-            'session_rel_user' => 'moved_at',
-            'track_e_course_access' => 'logout_course_date',
-            'track_e_exercises' => 'expired_time_control',
-            'track_e_login' => 'logout_date',
-            'user_api_key' => 'created_date',
-            'user_api_key' => 'validity_start_date',
-            'user_api_key' => 'validity_end_date',
-            'user_rel_user' => 'last_edit',
-            'c_attendance_sheet_log' => 'calendar_date_value',
-            'c_forum_post' => 'post_date',
-            'c_forum_thread' => 'thread_date',
-            'c_forum_thread' => 'thread_close_date',
-            'c_forum_thread_qualify' => 'qualify_time',
-            'c_forum_thread_qualify_log' => 'qualify_time',
-            'c_userinfo_content' => 'edition_time',
+            'career' => [
+                'created_at',
+                'updated_at',
+            ],
+            'chat' => [
+                'sent',
+            ],
+            'course' => [
+                'last_visit',
+                'last_edit',
+                'creation_date',
+                'expiration_date',
+            ],
+            'course_request' => [
+                'request_date',
+            ],
+            'gradebook_certificate' => [
+                'created_at',
+            ],
+            'gradebook_evaluation' => [
+                'created_at',
+            ],
+            'gradebook_link' => [
+                'created_at',
+            ],
+            'gradebook_linkeval_log' => [
+                'created_at',
+            ],
+            'gradebook_result' => [
+                'created_at',
+            ],
+            'gradebook_result_log' => [
+                'created_at',
+            ],
+            'message' => [
+                'send_date',
+            ],
+            'notification' => [
+                'sent_at'
+            ],
+            'promotion' => [
+                'created_at',
+                'updated_at',
+            ],
+            'shared_survey' => [
+                'creation_date',
+            ],
+            'sequence_value' => [
+                'success_date',
+                'available_start_date',
+                'available_end_date',
+            ],
+            'session_rel_user' => [
+                'moved_at',
+                'registered_at',
+            ],
+            'skill' => [
+                'updated_at',
+            ],
+            'sys_announcement' => [
+                'date_start',
+                'date_end',
+            ],
+            'track_e_attempt_recording' => [
+                'insert_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_course_access' => [
+                'login_course_date',
+                'logout_course_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_downloads' => [
+                'down_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_exercises' => [
+                'start_date',
+                'exe_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_hotpotatoes' => [
+                'exe_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_item_property' => [
+                'lastedit_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_links' => [
+                'links_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_login' => [
+                'logout_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_online' => [
+                'login_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_open' => [
+                'open_date',
+            ],
+            'track_e_uploads' => [
+                'upload_date',
+            ],
+            'user_api_key' => [
+                'created_date',
+                'validity_start_date',
+                'validity_end_date',
+            ],
+            'user_rel_user' => [
+                'last_edit',
+            ],
+            'c_attendance_calendar' => [
+                'date_time',
+            ],
+            'c_attendance_sheet_log' => [
+                'calendar_date_value',
+            ],
+            'c_blog' => [
+                'date_creation',
+            ],
+            'c_blog_comment' => [
+                'date_creation',
+            ],
+            'c_blog_post' => [
+                'date_creation',
+            ],
+            'c_blog_task_rel_user' => [
+                'target_date',
+            ],
+            'c_chat_connected' => [
+                'last_connection',
+            ],
+            'c_dropbox_feedback' => [
+                'feedback_date',
+            ],
+            'c_dropbox_file' => [
+                'upload_date',
+                'last_upload_date',
+            ],
+            'c_dropbox_post' => [
+                'feedback_date',
+            ],
+            'c_forum_post' => [
+                'post_date',
+            ],
+            'c_forum_thread' => [
+                'thread_date',
+                'thread_close_date',
+            ],
+            'c_forum_thread_qualify' => [
+                'qualify_time',
+            ],
+            'c_forum_thread_qualify_log' => [
+                'qualify_time',
+            ],
+            'c_lp' => [
+                'created_on',
+                'modified_on',
+            ],
+            'c_notebook' => [
+                'creation_date',
+                'update_date',
+            ],
+            'c_online_connected' => [
+                'last_connection',
+            ],
+            'c_survey' => [
+                'creation_date',
+            ],
+            'c_survey_invitation' => [
+                'invitation_date',
+                'reminder_date',
+            ],
+            'c_userinfo_content' => [
+                'edition_time'
+            ],
+            'c_wiki_discuss' => [
+                'dtime',
+            ],
+        // Needed to update 0000-00-00 00:00:00 values
+        $this->addSql('SET sql_mode = ""');
+        // In case this one didn't work, also try this
+        $this->addSql('SET SESSION sql_mode = ""');
-        foreach ($data as $table => $field) {
-            $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $field $field DATETIME");
-            $this->addSql("UPDATE $table SET $field = NULL WHERE TO_DAYS(STR_TO_DATE($field, \"%Y-%m-%d %T\")) IS NULL");
+        // The whole point of this version is to ensure that all tricky (or most)
+        // tricky datetime fields are null if = 0000-00-00 00:00:00, because
+        // this value is not tolerated in NO_ZERO_DATE mode nor to convert
+        // the table to InnoDB, and we want all tables to be converted to
+        // InnoDB (that's the point of the following migration)
+        // To try and avoid errors to the maximum, we first convert the fields
+        // to a non-DATETIME type, then change the value of zero-valued times
+        // to NULL, then change the field back to DATETIME
+        foreach ($data as $table => $fields) {
+            foreach ($fields as $field) {
+                $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $field $field char(19)");
+                $this->addSql("UPDATE $table SET $field = NULL WHERE $field = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
+                $this->addSql("UPDATE $table SET $field = NULL WHERE $field = '0000-00-00 23:59:59'");
+                $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $field $field DATETIME");
+            }
+        }
+        // Same with DATE instead of DATETIME
+        $data = [
+            'c_announcement' => [
+                'end_date',
+            ],
+        ];
+        foreach ($data as $table => $fields) {
+            foreach ($fields as $field) {
+                $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $field $field char(10)");
+                $this->addSql("UPDATE $table SET $field = NULL WHERE $field = '0000-00-00'");
+                $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $field $field DATE");
+            }
     public function down(Schema $schema)