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Update lang

Julio Montoya 9 years ago
1 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 10 0

+ 10 - 0

@@ -7437,4 +7437,14 @@ $IsRequirement = "Is requirement";
 $ConsiderThisGradebookAsRequirementForASessionSequence = "Consider this gradebook as a requirement to complete the course (influences the sessions sequences)";
 $DistinctUsersLogins = "Distinct users logins";
 $AreYouSureToSubscribe = "Are you sure to subscribe?";
+$CheckYourEmailAndFollowInstructions = "Check your email and follow the instructions.";
+$LinkExpired = "Link expired, please try again.";
+$ResetPasswordInstructions = "Change your password instructions";
+$ResetPasswordCommentWithUrl = "You are receiving this notification because you have (or someone pretending to be you) has requested a new password be sent for your account. If you did not request this notification then
+please ignore it, if you keep receiving it please contact the board
+To set a the new password you need to activate it. To do this click the link provided below.