@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ class Tracking {
* @param bool Returns an array of the type [sum_score, num_score] if set to true
* @return string Value (number %) Which represents a round integer explain in got in 3.
- public static function get_avg_student_score($student_id, $course_code, $lp_ids=array(), $session_id = null, $return_array = false) {
+ public static function get_avg_student_score($student_id, $course_code, $lp_ids=array(), $session_id = null, $return_array = false, $get_only_latest_attempt_results = false) {
// get global tables names
$course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
@@ -543,19 +543,18 @@ class Tracking {
// Compose a filter based on optional learning paths list given
$condition_lp = "";
- if(count($lp_ids) > 0) {
+ if (count($lp_ids) > 0) {
$condition_lp =" AND id IN(".implode(',',$lp_ids).") ";
- }
+ }
// Compose a filter based on optional session id
$condition_session = "";
- if (isset($session_id)) {
- $session_id = intval($session_id);
- if (count($lp_ids) > 0) {
- $condition_session = " AND session_id = $session_id ";
- } else {
- $condition_session = " WHERE session_id = $session_id ";
- }
+ $session_id = intval($session_id);
+ if (count($lp_ids) > 0) {
+ $condition_session = " AND session_id = $session_id ";
+ } else {
+ $condition_session = " WHERE session_id = $session_id ";
// Check the real number of LPs corresponding to the filter in the
@@ -566,26 +565,23 @@ class Tracking {
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(id), use_max_score FROM $lp_table WHERE 1 $condition_lp ";
- $res_row_lp = Database::query($sql);
+ $res_row_lp = Database::query($sql);
$count_row_lp = Database::num_rows($res_row_lp);
$lp_list = $use_max_score = array();
while ($row_lp = Database::fetch_array($res_row_lp)) {
$lp_list[] = $row_lp['id'];
$use_max_score[$row_lp['id']] = $row_lp['use_max_score'];
- }
+ }
- // Init local variables that will be used through the calculation
- $lp_scorm_score_total = 0;
+ // Init local variables that will be used through the calculation
$lp_scorm_result_score_total = 0;
- $lp_scorm_loop=0;
- $lp_count = 0;
- $progress = 0;
+ $progress = 0;
// prepare filter on users
$condition_user1 = "";
if (is_array($student_id)) {
$condition_user1 =" AND user_id IN (".implode(',',$student_id).") ";
@@ -593,17 +589,19 @@ class Tracking {
$condition_user1 =" AND user_id = '$student_id' ";
- if ($count_row_lp>0 && !empty($student_id)) {
+ if ($count_row_lp > 0 && !empty($student_id)) {
- // Get all views through learning paths filter
+ // Getting latest LP result for a student
//@todo problem when a course have more than 1500 users
- $sql = "SELECT MAX(view_count) as vc, id, progress, lp_id, user_id FROM $lp_view_table ".
- "WHERE lp_id IN (".implode(',',$lp_list).") $condition_user1 AND session_id= $session_id GROUP BY lp_id,user_id";
- //var_dump( $sql );
+ $sql = "SELECT MAX(view_count) as vc, id, progress, lp_id, user_id FROM $lp_view_table
+ WHERE lp_id IN (".implode(',',$lp_list).") $condition_user1 AND session_id = $session_id GROUP BY lp_id, user_id";
+ //var_dump($sql);
$rs_last_lp_view_id = Database::query($sql);
$global_count_item = 0;
$global_result = 0;
+ $list = array();
if (Database::num_rows($rs_last_lp_view_id) > 0) {
// Cycle through each line of the results (grouped by lp_id, user_id)
while ($row_lp_view = Database::fetch_array($rs_last_lp_view_id)) {
@@ -612,26 +610,53 @@ class Tracking {
$progress = $row_lp_view['progress'];
$lp_id = $row_lp_view['lp_id'];
$user_id = $row_lp_view['user_id'];
- // For the currently analysed view, get the score and
- // max_score of each item if it is a sco or a TOOL_QUIZ
- $sql_max_score = "SELECT lp_iv.score as score,lp_i.max_score, lp_iv.max_score as max_score_item_view, lp_i.path, lp_i.item_type, lp_i.id as iid".
- " FROM $lp_item_view_table as lp_iv INNER JOIN $lp_item_table as lp_i ".
- " ON lp_i.id = lp_iv.lp_item_id ".
- " AND (lp_i.item_type='sco' OR lp_i.item_type='".TOOL_QUIZ."') ".
- " WHERE lp_view_id='$lp_view_id'";
- //echo $sql_max_score; echo '<br />';
- $res_max_score = Database::query($sql_max_score);
+ //Getting
+ if ($get_only_latest_attempt_results) {
+ //if (1) {
+ //Getting lp_items done by the user
+ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT lp_item_id FROM $lp_item_view_table WHERE lp_view_id = $lp_view_id ORDER BY lp_item_id";
+ $res_lp_item = Database::query($sql);
+ while ($row_lp_item = Database::fetch_array($res_lp_item,'ASSOC')) {
+ $my_lp_item_id = $row_lp_item['lp_item_id'];
+ //Getting the most recent attempt
+ $sql = "SELECT lp_iv.score as score,lp_i.max_score, lp_iv.max_score as max_score_item_view, lp_i.path, lp_i.item_type, lp_i.id as iid
+ FROM $lp_item_view_table as lp_iv INNER JOIN $lp_item_table as lp_i ON lp_i.id = lp_iv.lp_item_id AND (lp_i.item_type='sco' OR lp_i.item_type='".TOOL_QUIZ."')
+ WHERE lp_item_id = $my_lp_item_id AND lp_view_id = $lp_view_id ORDER BY view_count DESC LIMIT 1";
+ $res_lp_item_result = Database::query($sql);
+ while ($row_max_score = Database::fetch_array($res_lp_item_result,'ASSOC')) {
+ $list[]= $row_max_score;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // For the currently analysed view, get the score and
+ // max_score of each item if it is a sco or a TOOL_QUIZ
+ $sql_max_score = "SELECT lp_iv.score as score,lp_i.max_score, lp_iv.max_score as max_score_item_view, lp_i.path, lp_i.item_type, lp_i.id as iid
+ FROM $lp_item_view_table as lp_iv INNER JOIN $lp_item_table as lp_i ON lp_i.id = lp_iv.lp_item_id AND (lp_i.item_type='sco' OR lp_i.item_type='".TOOL_QUIZ."')
+ WHERE lp_view_id = $lp_view_id ";
+ //echo $sql_max_score; echo '<br />';
+ $res_max_score = Database::query($sql_max_score);
+ while ($row_max_score = Database::fetch_array($res_max_score,'ASSOC')) {
+ $list[]= $row_max_score;
+ }
+ }
+ //var_dump($list);
$count_total_loop = 0;
- $num_rows_max_score = Database::num_rows($res_max_score);
// Go through each scorable element of this view
$count_items = 0;
$lp_partial_total = 0;
$score_of_scorm_calculate = 0;
- while ($row_max_score = Database::fetch_array($res_max_score,'ASSOC')) {
+ foreach ($list as $row_max_score) {
$max_score = $row_max_score['max_score']; //Came from the original lp_item
$max_score_item_view = $row_max_score['max_score_item_view']; //Came from the lp_item_view
$score = $row_max_score['score'];
@@ -663,13 +688,9 @@ class Tracking {
$item_path = $row_max_score['path'];
// Get last attempt to this exercise through
// the current lp for the current user
- $sql_last_attempt = "SELECT exe_id FROM $tbl_stats_exercices ".
- " WHERE exe_exo_id = '$item_path' ".
- " AND exe_user_id = '$user_id' ".
- // " AND orig_lp_id = '$lp_id' ". //lp_id is already defined by the item_id
- " AND orig_lp_item_id = '$item_id' ".
- " AND exe_cours_id = '$course_code' AND session_id = $session_id".
- " ORDER BY exe_date DESC limit 1";
+ $sql_last_attempt = "SELECT exe_id FROM $tbl_stats_exercices
+ WHERE exe_exo_id = '$item_path' AND exe_user_id = $user_id AND orig_lp_item_id = $item_id AND exe_cours_id = '$course_code' AND session_id = $session_id
+ ORDER BY exe_date DESC limit 1";
$result_last_attempt = Database::query($sql_last_attempt);
$num = Database :: num_rows($result_last_attempt);
@@ -680,21 +701,19 @@ class Tracking {
// the max_scores of all questions that it was
// made of (we need to make this call dynamic
// because of random questions selection)
- $sql = "SELECT SUM(t.ponderation) as maxscore ".
- " FROM ( SELECT distinct question_id, marks, ponderation ".
- " FROM $tbl_stats_attempts AS at " .
- " INNER JOIN $tbl_quiz_questions AS q ".
- " ON (q.id = at.question_id) ".
- " WHERE exe_id ='$id_last_attempt' ) AS t";
+ $sql = "SELECT SUM(t.ponderation) as maxscore FROM
+ ( SELECT distinct question_id, marks, ponderation FROM $tbl_stats_attempts AS at INNER JOIN $tbl_quiz_questions AS q ON (q.id = at.question_id)
+ WHERE exe_id ='$id_last_attempt' ) AS t";
$res_max_score_bis = Database::query($sql);
$row_max_score_bis = Database :: fetch_array($res_max_score_bis);
if (!empty($row_max_score_bis['maxscore'])) {
$max_score = $row_max_score_bis['maxscore'];
if (!empty($max_score)) {
- $lp_scorm_result_score_total += ($score/$max_score);
- $lp_partial_total += ($score/$max_score);
- $current_value = $score/$max_score;
+ $lp_scorm_result_score_total += $score/$max_score;
+ $lp_partial_total += $score/$max_score;
+ $current_value = $score/$max_score;
+ //echo $score.' '.$max_score.'<br />';
} else {
//$lp_scorm_result_score_total += 0;
@@ -711,6 +730,8 @@ class Tracking {
} //end while
$global_count_item +=$count_items;
//echo 'lp_view '.$lp_view_id.' - $count_items '.$count_items.' lp partiual '.$lp_partial_total.' <br />';