@@ -656,17 +656,7 @@ if (!empty($exercise_list)) {
- // if time is actived show link to exercise
- if ($time_limits) {
- if ($is_actived_time) {
- $url = '<a '.$alt_title.' href="overview.php?'.api_get_cidreq().$myorigin.$mylpid.$mylpitemid.'&exerciseId='.$row['id'].'">'.$cut_title.'</a>';
- } else {
- $url = $row['title'];
- }
- } else {
- $url = '<a '.$alt_title.' href="overview.php?'.api_get_cidreq().$myorigin.$mylpid.$mylpitemid.'&exerciseId='.$row['id'].'">'.$cut_title.'</a>';
- }
+ $url = '<a '.$alt_title.' href="overview.php?'.api_get_cidreq().$myorigin.$mylpid.$mylpitemid.'&exerciseId='.$row['id'].'">'.$cut_title.'</a>';
//Link of the exercise
$item = Display::tag('td', $url.' '.$session_img);
@@ -700,53 +690,17 @@ if (!empty($exercise_list)) {
//Hide the results
$my_result_disabled = $row['results_disabled'];
- //Time limits are on
- if ($time_limits) {
- // Examn is ready to be taken
- if ($is_actived_time) {
- //Show results
- if ($my_result_disabled == 0 || $my_result_disabled == 2) {
- //More than one attempt
- if ($num > 0) {
- $row_track = Database :: fetch_array($qryres);
- $attempt_text = get_lang('LatestAttempt').' : ';
- $attempt_text .= show_score($row_track['exe_result'], $row_track['exe_weighting']);
- } else {
- //No attempts
- $attempt_text = get_lang('NotAttempted');
- }
- } else {
- $attempt_text = get_lang('CantShowResults');
- }
+ //Show results
+ if ($my_result_disabled == 0 || $my_result_disabled == 2) {
+ if ($num > 0) {
+ $row_track = Database :: fetch_array($qryres);
+ $attempt_text = get_lang('LatestAttempt').' : ';
+ $attempt_text .= show_score($row_track['exe_result'], $row_track['exe_weighting']);
} else {
- //Quiz not ready due to time limits
- //@todo use the is_visible function
- if ($row['start_time'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && $row['end_time'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
- $attempt_text = sprintf(get_lang('ExerciseWillBeActivatedFromXToY'), api_convert_and_format_date($row['start_time']), api_convert_and_format_date($row['end_time']));
- } else {
- //$attempt_text = get_lang('ExamNotAvailableAtThisTime');
- if ($row['start_time'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
- $attempt_text = sprintf(get_lang('ExerciseAvailableFromX'), api_convert_and_format_date($row['start_time']));
- }
- if ($row['end_time'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
- $attempt_text = sprintf(get_lang('ExerciseAvailableUntilX'), api_convert_and_format_date($row['end_time']));
- }
- }
+ $attempt_text = get_lang('NotAttempted');
} else {
- //Normal behaviour
- //Show results
- if ($my_result_disabled == 0 || $my_result_disabled == 2) {
- if ($num > 0) {
- $row_track = Database :: fetch_array($qryres);
- $attempt_text = get_lang('LatestAttempt').' : ';
- $attempt_text .= show_score($row_track['exe_result'], $row_track['exe_weighting']);
- } else {
- $attempt_text = get_lang('NotAttempted');
- }
- } else {
- $attempt_text = get_lang('CantShowResults');
- }
+ $attempt_text = get_lang('CantShowResults');
$class_tip = '';