@@ -6,89 +6,6 @@
class FormValidator extends HTML_QuickForm
- /**
- * Create a form validator based on an array of form data:
- *
- * array(
- * 'name' => 'zombie_report_parameters', //optional
- * 'method' => 'GET', //optional
- * 'items' => array(
- * array(
- * 'name' => 'ceiling',
- * 'label' => 'Ceiling', //optional
- * 'type' => 'date',
- * 'default' => date() //optional
- * ),
- * array(
- * 'name' => 'active_only',
- * 'label' => 'ActiveOnly',
- * 'type' => 'checkbox',
- * 'default' => true
- * ),
- * array(
- * 'name' => 'submit_button',
- * 'type' => 'style_submit_button',
- * 'value' => get_lang('Search'),
- * 'attributes' => array('class' => 'search')
- * )
- * )
- * );
- *
- * @param array form_data
- * @return FormValidator
- */
- public static function create($form_data)
- {
- if (empty($form_data)) {
- return null;
- }
- $form_name = isset($form_data['name']) ? $form_data['name'] : 'form';
- $form_method = isset($form_data['method']) ? $form_data['method'] : 'POST';
- $form_action = isset($form_data['action']) ? $form_data['action'] : '';
- $form_target = isset($form_data['target']) ? $form_data['target'] : '';
- $form_attributes = isset($form_data['attributes']) ? $form_data['attributes'] : null;
- $form_track_submit = isset($form_data['track_submit']) ? $form_data['track_submit'] : true;
- $result = new FormValidator($form_name, $form_method, $form_action, $form_target, $form_attributes, $form_track_submit);
- $defaults = array();
- foreach ($form_data['items'] as $item) {
- $name = $item['name'];
- $type = isset($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : 'text';
- $label = isset($item['label']) ? $item['label'] : '';
- if ($type == 'wysiwyg') {
- $element = $result->add_html_editor($name, $label);
- } else {
- $element = $result->addElement($type, $name, $label);
- }
- if (isset($item['attributes'])) {
- $attributes = $item['attributes'];
- $element->setAttributes($attributes);
- }
- if (isset($item['value'])) {
- $value = $item['value'];
- $element->setValue($value);
- }
- if (isset($item['default'])) {
- $defaults[$name] = $item['default'];
- }
- if (isset($item['rules'])) {
- $rules = $item['rules'];
- foreach ($rules as $rule) {
- $message = $rule['message'];
- $type = $rule['type'];
- $format = isset($rule['format']) ? $rule['format'] : null;
- $validation = isset($rule['validation']) ? $rule['validation'] : 'server';
- $force = isset($rule['force']) ? $rule['force'] : false;
- $result->addRule($name, $message, $type, $format, $validation, $reset, $force);
- }
- }
- }
- $result->setDefaults($defaults);
- return $result;
- }
public $with_progress_bar = false;
@@ -102,7 +19,7 @@ class FormValidator extends HTML_QuickForm
* submitted by adding a special hidden field (default = true)
public function __construct(
- $form_name,
+ $form_name = null,
$method = 'post',
$action = '',
$target = '',
@@ -113,17 +30,21 @@ class FormValidator extends HTML_QuickForm
if (is_array($attributes) && !isset($attributes['class']) || empty($attributes)) {
$attributes['class'] = 'form-horizontal';
+ // Fixing form search
if (is_array($attributes) && isset($attributes['class'])) {
if ($attributes['class'] == 'form-search') {
$attributes['class'] = 'form-inline';
+ // Allow form with no names
+ if (empty($form_name)) {
+ $form_name = uniqid();
+ }
parent::__construct($form_name, $method, $action, $target, $attributes, $track_submit);
// Load some custom elements and rules
- $dir = api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'formvalidator/';
+ $dir = api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'formvalidator/';
$this->registerElementType('html_editor', $dir . 'Element/html_editor.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_html_editor');
$this->registerElementType('datepicker', $dir . 'Element/datepicker.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_datepicker');
$this->registerElementType('datepickerdate', $dir . 'Element/datepickerdate.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_datepickerdate');
@@ -168,11 +89,10 @@ class FormValidator extends HTML_QuickForm
} else {
$element_template = $this->getDefaultElementTemplate();
- //$renderer->setGroupElementTemplate($this->getGroupTemplate());
- //Display a gray div in the buttons
+ // Display a gray div in the buttons
$button_element_template_simple = '<div class="form-actions">{label} {element}</div>';
$renderer->setElementTemplate($button_element_template_simple, 'submit_in_actions');
@@ -185,7 +105,7 @@ class FormValidator extends HTML_QuickForm
$renderer->setElementTemplate($button_element_template_simple_right, 'buttons_in_action_right');
- //Set Header template
+ // Set Header template
//Set required field template
@@ -347,20 +267,17 @@ EOT;
* A trim-filter is attached to the field.
* A HTML-filter is attached to the field (cleans HTML)
* A rule is attached to check for unwanted HTML
+ * @param string $name
* @param string $label The label for the form-element
- * @param string $name The element name
* @param boolean $required (optional) Is the form-element required (default=true)
* @param boolean $full_page (optional) When it is true, the editor loads completed html code for a full page.
- * @param array $editor_config (optional) Configuration settings for the online editor.
+ * @param array $config (optional) Configuration settings for the online editor.
+ *
public function add_html_editor($name, $label, $required = true, $full_page = false, $config = null)
$this->addElement('html_editor', $name, $label, 'rows="15" cols="80"', $config);
$this->applyFilter($name, 'trim');
- $html_type = STUDENT_HTML;
- if (!empty($_SESSION['status'])) {
- }
if (is_array($config)) {
if (isset($config['FullPage'])) {
@@ -372,27 +289,18 @@ EOT;
$config = array('FullPage' => (bool) $full_page);
- if ($full_page) {
- $html_type = isset($_SESSION['status']) && $_SESSION['status'] == COURSEMANAGER ? TEACHER_HTML_FULLPAGE : STUDENT_HTML_FULLPAGE;
- //First *filter* the HTML (markup, indenting, ...)
- //$this->applyFilter($name,'html_filter_teacher_fullpage');
- } else {
- //First *filter* the HTML (markup, indenting, ...)
- //$this->applyFilter($name,'html_filter_teacher');
- }
if ($required) {
$this->addRule($name, get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required');
if ($full_page) {
- $el = $this->getElement($name);
- $el->fullPage = true;
+ $element = $this->getElement($name);
+ $element->fullPage = true;
- * Adds a datepicker element to the form
+ * Adds a date picker element to the form
* A rule is added to check if the date is a valid one
* @param string $label The label for the form-element
* @param string $name The element name
@@ -405,7 +313,7 @@ EOT;
- * Adds a datepickerdate element to the form
+ * Adds a date picker date element to the form
* A rule is added to check if the date is a valid one
* @param string $label The label for the form-element
* @param string $name The element name
@@ -431,17 +339,6 @@ EOT;
$this->addRule(array($name_1, $name_2), get_lang('StartDateShouldBeBeforeEndDate'), 'date_compare', 'lte');
- /**
- * Adds a button to the form to add resources.
- */
- public function add_resource_button()
- {
- $group = array();
- $group[] = $this->createElement('static', 'add_resource_img', null, '<img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'attachment.gif" alt="' . get_lang('Attachment') . '"/>');
- $group[] = $this->createElement('submit', 'add_resource', get_lang('Attachment'), 'class="link_alike"');
- $this->addGroup($group);
- }
* Adds a progress bar to the form.
@@ -484,10 +381,8 @@ EOT;
$xajax_upload = new xajax(api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH) . 'upload.xajax.php');
// IMPORTANT : must be the first element of the form
$el = $this->insertElementBefore(FormValidator::createElement('html', '<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value="' . $upload_id . '" />'), $element_after);
@@ -495,12 +390,12 @@ EOT;
// Add div-element where the progress bar is to be displayed
$this->addElement('html', '
- <div id="dynamic_div_container" style="display:none">
- <div id="dynamic_div_label">' . get_lang('UploadFile') . '</div>
- <div id="dynamic_div_frame" style="width:214px; height:12px; border:1px solid grey; background-image:url(' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_frame.gif);">
- <div id="dynamic_div_filled" style="width:0%;height:100%;background-image:url(' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_step.gif);background-repeat:repeat-x;background-position:center;"></div>
- </div>
- </div>');
+ <div id="dynamic_div_container" style="display:none">
+ <div id="dynamic_div_label">' . get_lang('UploadFile') . '</div>
+ <div id="dynamic_div_frame" style="width:214px; height:12px; border:1px solid grey; background-image:url(' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_frame.gif);">
+ <div id="dynamic_div_filled" style="width:0%;height:100%;background-image:url(' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'real_upload_step.gif);background-repeat:repeat-x;background-position:center;"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>');
if ($wait_after_upload) {
$this->addElement('html', '
@@ -533,7 +428,7 @@ EOT;
* This function has been created for avoiding changes directly within QuickForm class.
* When we use it, the element is threated as 'required' to be dealt during validation.
- * @param array $element The array of elements
+ * @param array $elements The array of elements
* @param string $message The message displayed
public function add_multiple_required_rule($elements, $message)
@@ -604,40 +499,86 @@ EOT;
-// @todo remove this!
- * Cleans HTML text
- * @param string $html HTML to clean
- * @param int $mode (optional)
- * @return string The cleaned HTML
- */
-function html_filter($html, $mode = NO_HTML)
- require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'formvalidator/Rule/HTML.php';
- $allowed_tags = HTML_QuickForm_Rule_HTML::get_allowed_tags($mode);
- $cleaned_html = kses($html, $allowed_tags);
- return $cleaned_html;
-function html_filter_teacher($html)
- return html_filter($html, TEACHER_HTML);
-function html_filter_student($html)
- return html_filter($html, STUDENT_HTML);
+ /**
+ * Create a form validator based on an array of form data:
+ *
+ * array(
+ * 'name' => 'zombie_report_parameters', //optional
+ * 'method' => 'GET', //optional
+ * 'items' => array(
+ * array(
+ * 'name' => 'ceiling',
+ * 'label' => 'Ceiling', //optional
+ * 'type' => 'date',
+ * 'default' => date() //optional
+ * ),
+ * array(
+ * 'name' => 'active_only',
+ * 'label' => 'ActiveOnly',
+ * 'type' => 'checkbox',
+ * 'default' => true
+ * ),
+ * array(
+ * 'name' => 'submit_button',
+ * 'type' => 'style_submit_button',
+ * 'value' => get_lang('Search'),
+ * 'attributes' => array('class' => 'search')
+ * )
+ * )
+ * );
+ *
+ * @param array form_data
+ * @return FormValidator
+ */
+ public static function create($form_data)
+ {
+ if (empty($form_data)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $form_name = isset($form_data['name']) ? $form_data['name'] : 'form';
+ $form_method = isset($form_data['method']) ? $form_data['method'] : 'POST';
+ $form_action = isset($form_data['action']) ? $form_data['action'] : '';
+ $form_target = isset($form_data['target']) ? $form_data['target'] : '';
+ $form_attributes = isset($form_data['attributes']) ? $form_data['attributes'] : null;
+ $form_track_submit = isset($form_data['track_submit']) ? $form_data['track_submit'] : true;
-function html_filter_teacher_fullpage($html)
- return html_filter($html, TEACHER_HTML_FULLPAGE);
+ $result = new FormValidator($form_name, $form_method, $form_action, $form_target, $form_attributes, $form_track_submit);
-function html_filter_student_fullpage($html)
- return html_filter($html, STUDENT_HTML_FULLPAGE);
+ $defaults = array();
+ foreach ($form_data['items'] as $item) {
+ $name = $item['name'];
+ $type = isset($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : 'text';
+ $label = isset($item['label']) ? $item['label'] : '';
+ if ($type == 'wysiwyg') {
+ $element = $result->add_html_editor($name, $label);
+ } else {
+ $element = $result->addElement($type, $name, $label);
+ }
+ if (isset($item['attributes'])) {
+ $attributes = $item['attributes'];
+ $element->setAttributes($attributes);
+ }
+ if (isset($item['value'])) {
+ $value = $item['value'];
+ $element->setValue($value);
+ }
+ if (isset($item['default'])) {
+ $defaults[$name] = $item['default'];
+ }
+ if (isset($item['rules'])) {
+ $rules = $item['rules'];
+ foreach ($rules as $rule) {
+ $message = $rule['message'];
+ $type = $rule['type'];
+ $format = isset($rule['format']) ? $rule['format'] : null;
+ $validation = isset($rule['validation']) ? $rule['validation'] : 'server';
+ $force = isset($rule['force']) ? $rule['force'] : false;
+ $result->addRule($name, $message, $type, $format, $validation, $reset, $force);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $result->setDefaults($defaults);
+ return $result;
+ }