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Removing dokeos_main.sql - CT#1105

Guillaume Viguier 15 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 2360 deletions
  1. 0 2360

+ 0 - 2360

@@ -1,2360 +0,0 @@
--- MySQL dump 10.9
--- Host: localhost    Database: dokeos_main
--- ------------------------------------------------------
--- Server version	4.1.14
-/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
--- Table structure for table user
-  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  lastname varchar(60) default NULL,
-  firstname varchar(60) default NULL,
-  username varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
-  password varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
-  auth_source varchar(50) default 'platform',
-  email varchar(100) default NULL,
-  status tinyint NOT NULL default '5',
-  official_code varchar(40) default NULL,
-  phone varchar(30) default NULL,
-  picture_uri varchar(250) default NULL,
-  creator_id int unsigned default NULL,
-  competences text,
-  diplomas text,
-  openarea text,
-  teach text,
-  productions varchar(250) default NULL,
-  chatcall_user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  chatcall_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  chatcall_text varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
-  language varchar(40) default NULL,
-  registration_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  expiration_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  active tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
-  openid varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
-  theme varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
-  hr_dept_id smallint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (user_id),
-  UNIQUE KEY username (username)
-ALTER TABLE user ADD INDEX (status);
--- Dumping data for table user
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE user DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO user (lastname, firstname, username, password, auth_source, email, status, official_code,phone, creator_id, registration_date, expiration_date,active,openid,language) VALUES ('{ADMINLASTNAME}','{ADMINFIRSTNAME}','{ADMINLOGIN}','{ADMINPASSWORD}','{PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE}','{ADMINEMAIL}',1,'ADMIN','{ADMINPHONE}',1,NOW(),'0000-00-00 00:00:00','1',NULL,'{ADMINLANGUAGE}');
--- Insert anonymous user
-INSERT INTO user (lastname, firstname, username, password, auth_source, email, status, official_code, creator_id, registration_date, expiration_date,active,openid,language) VALUES ('Anonymous', 'Joe', '', '', 'platform', 'anonymous@localhost', 6, 'anonymous', 1, NOW(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,NULL,'{ADMINLANGUAGE}');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE user ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table admin
-  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  UNIQUE KEY user_id (user_id)
--- Dumping data for table admin
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE admin DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE admin ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table class
-  id mediumint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  code varchar(40) default '',
-  name text NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- Dumping data for table class
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE class DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE class ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table class_user
-CREATE TABLE class_user (
-  class_id mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (class_id,user_id)
--- Dumping data for table class_user
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE class_user DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES class_user WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE class_user ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table course
-CREATE TABLE course (
-  code varchar(40) NOT NULL,
-  directory varchar(40) default NULL,
-  db_name varchar(40) default NULL,
-  course_language varchar(20) default NULL,
-  title varchar(250) default NULL,
-  description text,
-  category_code varchar(40) default NULL,
-  visibility tinyint default '0',
-  show_score int NOT NULL default '1',
-  tutor_name varchar(200) default NULL,
-  visual_code varchar(40) default NULL,
-  department_name varchar(30) default NULL,
-  department_url varchar(180) default NULL,
-  disk_quota int unsigned default NULL,
-  last_visit datetime default NULL,
-  last_edit datetime default NULL,
-  creation_date datetime default NULL,
-  expiration_date datetime default NULL,
-  target_course_code varchar(40) default NULL,
-  subscribe tinyint NOT NULL default '1',
-  unsubscribe tinyint NOT NULL default '1',
-  registration_code varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (code)
--- Dumping data for table course
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table course_category
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course_category;
-CREATE TABLE course_category (
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
-  code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
-  parent_id varchar(40) default NULL,
-  tree_pos int unsigned default NULL,
-  children_count smallint default NULL,
-  auth_course_child enum('TRUE','FALSE') default 'TRUE',
-  auth_cat_child enum('TRUE','FALSE') default 'TRUE',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
-  UNIQUE KEY code (code),
-  KEY parent_id (parent_id),
-  KEY tree_pos (tree_pos)
--- Dumping data for table course_category
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_category DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES course_category WRITE;
-INSERT INTO course_category VALUES (1,'Language skills','LANG',NULL,1,0,'TRUE','TRUE'),(2,'PC Skills','PC',NULL,2,0,'TRUE','TRUE'),(3,'Projects','PROJ',NULL,3,0,'TRUE','TRUE');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_category ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table course_field
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course_field;
-CREATE TABLE course_field (
-    id  int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-    field_type int NOT NULL default 1,
-    field_variable  varchar(64) NOT NULL,
-    field_display_text  varchar(64),
-    field_default_value text,
-    field_order int,
-    field_visible tinyint default 0,
-    field_changeable tinyint default 0,
-    field_filter tinyint default 0,
-    tms TIMESTAMP,
-    PRIMARY KEY(id)
--- Table structure for table course_field_values
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course_field_values;
-CREATE TABLE course_field_values(
-    id  int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-    course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL,
-    field_id int NOT NULL,
-    field_value text,
-    tms TIMESTAMP,
-    PRIMARY KEY(id)
--- Table structure for table course_module
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course_module;
-CREATE TABLE course_module (
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
-  link varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  image varchar(100) default NULL,
-  `row` int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  `column` int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  position varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'basic',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- Dumping data for table course_module
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_module DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES course_module WRITE;
-INSERT INTO course_module VALUES
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_module ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table course_rel_class
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course_rel_class;
-CREATE TABLE course_rel_class (
-  course_code char(40) NOT NULL,
-  class_id mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (course_code,class_id)
--- Dumping data for table course_rel_class
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_rel_class DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES course_rel_class WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_rel_class ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table course_rel_user
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS course_rel_user;
-CREATE TABLE course_rel_user (
-  course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL,
-  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  status tinyint NOT NULL default '5',
-  role varchar(60) default NULL,
-  group_id int NOT NULL default '0',
-  tutor_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  sort int default NULL,
-  user_course_cat int default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (course_code,user_id)
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user ADD INDEX (user_id);
--- Dumping data for table course_rel_user
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_rel_user DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES course_rel_user WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE course_rel_user ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table language
-CREATE TABLE language (
-  id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  original_name varchar(255) default NULL,
-  english_name varchar(255) default NULL,
-  isocode varchar(10) default NULL,
-  dokeos_folder varchar(250) default NULL,
-  available tinyint NOT NULL default 1,
-  parent_id tinyint unsigned,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-ALTER TABLE language ADD INDEX idx_language_dokeos_folder(dokeos_folder);
--- Dumping data for table language
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE language DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO language (original_name, english_name, isocode, dokeos_folder, available) VALUES
-('Arabija (el)','arabic','ar','arabic',0),
-('Chinese (simplified)','simpl_chinese','zh','simpl_chinese',0),
-('Chinese (traditional)','trad_chinese','zh-TW','trad_chinese',0),
-('Indonesia (Bahasa I.)','indonesian','id','indonesian',1),
-('Melayu (Bahasa M.)','malay','ms','malay',0),
-('Português (Portugal)','portuguese','pt','portuguese',1),
-('Português (Brazil)','brazilian','pt-BR','brazilian',1),
-('Viêt (Tiêng V.)','vietnamese','vi','vietnamese',0),
-('Swahili (kiSw.)','swahili','sw','swahili',0),
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE language ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table php_session
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS php_session;
-CREATE TABLE php_session (
-  session_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
-  session_name varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
-  session_time int NOT NULL default '0',
-  session_start int NOT NULL default '0',
-  session_value mediumtext NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (session_id)
--- Table structure for table session
-CREATE TABLE session (
-  id smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  id_coach int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  name char(50) NOT NULL default '',
-  nbr_courses smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  nbr_users mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  nbr_classes mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  date_start date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
-  date_end date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
-  nb_days_access_before_beginning TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL default '0',
-  nb_days_access_after_end TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL default '0',
-  session_admin_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
-  visibility int NOT NULL default 1,
-  session_category_id int NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
-  INDEX (session_admin_id),
-  UNIQUE KEY name (name)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table session_rel_course
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session_rel_course;
-CREATE TABLE session_rel_course (
-  id_session smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  course_code char(40) NOT NULL default '',
-  nbr_users smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id_session,course_code),
-  KEY course_code (course_code)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table session_rel_course_rel_user
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session_rel_course_rel_user;
-CREATE TABLE session_rel_course_rel_user (
-  id_session smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  course_code char(40) NOT NULL default '',
-  id_user int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  visibility int NOT NULL default 1,
-  status int NOT NULL default 0,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id_session,course_code,id_user),
-  KEY id_user (id_user),
-  KEY course_code (course_code)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table session_rel_user
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session_rel_user;
-CREATE TABLE session_rel_user (
-  id_session mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  id_user mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id_session,id_user)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session_field;
-CREATE TABLE session_field (
-    id  int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-    field_type int NOT NULL default 1,
-    field_variable  varchar(64) NOT NULL,
-    field_display_text  varchar(64),
-    field_default_value text,
-    field_order int,
-    field_visible tinyint default 0,
-    field_changeable tinyint default 0,
-    field_filter tinyint default 0,
-    tms TIMESTAMP,
-    PRIMARY KEY(id)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session_field_values;
-CREATE TABLE session_field_values(
-    id  int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-    session_id int NOT NULL,
-    field_id int NOT NULL,
-    field_value text,
-    tms TIMESTAMP,
-    PRIMARY KEY(id)
--- Table structure for table settings_current
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS settings_current;
-CREATE TABLE settings_current (
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  variable varchar(255) default NULL,
-  subkey varchar(255) default NULL,
-  type varchar(255) default NULL,
-  category varchar(255) default NULL,
-  selected_value varchar(255) default NULL,
-  title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  comment varchar(255) default NULL,
-  scope varchar(50) default NULL,
-  subkeytext varchar(255) default NULL,
-  access_url int unsigned not null default 1,
-  access_url_changeable int unsigned not null default 0,
-  PRIMARY KEY id (id),
-  INDEX (access_url)
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD UNIQUE unique_setting ( variable , subkey , category, access_url) ;
--- Dumping data for table settings_current
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE settings_current DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES settings_current WRITE;
-INSERT INTO settings_current
-(variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable)
-('Institution',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ORGANISATIONNAME}','InstitutionTitle','InstitutionComment','platform',NULL, 1),
-('InstitutionUrl',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ORGANISATIONURL}','InstitutionUrlTitle','InstitutionUrlComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('siteName',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{CAMPUSNAME}','SiteNameTitle','SiteNameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('emailAdministrator',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ADMINEMAIL}','emailAdministratorTitle','emailAdministratorComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('administratorSurname',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ADMINLASTNAME}','administratorSurnameTitle','administratorSurnameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('administratorName',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ADMINFIRSTNAME}','administratorNameTitle','administratorNameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('show_administrator_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowAdministratorDataTitle','ShowAdministratorDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('show_tutor_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowTutorDataTitle','ShowTutorDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('show_teacher_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowTeacherDataTitle','ShowTeacherDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('homepage_view',NULL,'radio','Course','activity','HomepageViewTitle','HomepageViewComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('show_toolshortcuts',NULL,'radio','Course','false','ShowToolShortcutsTitle','ShowToolShortcutsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_group_categories',NULL,'radio','Course','false','AllowGroupCategories','AllowGroupCategoriesComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('server_type',NULL,'radio','Platform','production','ServerStatusTitle','ServerStatusComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('platformLanguage',NULL,'link','Languages','{PLATFORMLANGUAGE}','PlatformLanguageTitle','PlatformLanguageComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('showonline','world','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowOnlineTitle','ShowOnlineComment',NULL,'ShowOnlineWorld', 0),
-('showonline','users','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowOnlineTitle','ShowOnlineComment',NULL,'ShowOnlineUsers', 0),
-('showonline','course','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowOnlineTitle','ShowOnlineComment',NULL,'ShowOnlineCourse', 0),
-('profile','name','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'name', 0),
-('profile','officialcode','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'officialcode', 0),
-('profile','email','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'Email', 0),
-('profile','picture','checkbox','User','true','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'UserPicture', 0),
-('profile','login','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'Login', 0),
-('profile','password','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'UserPassword', 0),
-('profile','language','checkbox','User','true','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'Language', 0),
-('default_document_quotum',NULL,'textfield','Course','50000000','DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle','DefaultDocumentQuotumComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('registration','officialcode','checkbox','User','false','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'OfficialCode', 0),
-('registration','email','checkbox','User','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Email', 0),
-('registration','language','checkbox','User','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Language', 0),
-('default_group_quotum',NULL,'textfield','Course','5000000','DefaultGroupQuotumTitle','DefaultGroupQuotumComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_registration',NULL,'radio','Platform','{ALLOWSELFREGISTRATION}','AllowRegistrationTitle','AllowRegistrationComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_registration_as_teacher',NULL,'radio','Platform','{ALLOWTEACHERSELFREGISTRATION}','AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle','AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_lostpassword',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','AllowLostPasswordTitle','AllowLostPasswordComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_user_headings',NULL,'radio','Course','false','AllowUserHeadings','AllowUserHeadingsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','course_description','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'CourseDescription', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','agenda','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Agenda', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','documents','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Documents', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','learning_path','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'LearningPath', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','links','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Links', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','announcements','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Announcements', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','forums','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Forums', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','dropbox','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Dropbox', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','quiz','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Quiz', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','users','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Users', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','groups','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Groups', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','chat','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Chat', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','online_conference','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'OnlineConference', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','student_publications','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'StudentPublications', 0),
-('allow_personal_agenda',NULL,'radio','User','false','AllowPersonalAgendaTitle','AllowPersonalAgendaComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('display_coursecode_in_courselist',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle','DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('display_teacher_in_courselist',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle','DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('use_document_title',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','UseDocumentTitleTitle','UseDocumentTitleComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('permanently_remove_deleted_files',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle','PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('dropbox_allow_overwrite',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle','DropboxAllowOverwriteComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('dropbox_max_filesize',NULL,'textfield','Tools','100000000','DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle','DropboxMaxFilesizeComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('dropbox_allow_just_upload',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle','DropboxAllowJustUploadComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('dropbox_allow_student_to_student',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle','DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('dropbox_allow_group',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowGroupTitle','DropboxAllowGroupComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('dropbox_allow_mailing',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','DropboxAllowMailingTitle','DropboxAllowMailingComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('administratorTelephone',NULL,'textfield','Platform','(000) 001 02 03','administratorTelephoneTitle','administratorTelephoneComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('extended_profile',NULL,'radio','User','true','ExtendedProfileTitle','ExtendedProfileComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('student_view_enabled',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','StudentViewEnabledTitle','StudentViewEnabledComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('show_navigation_menu',NULL,'radio','Course','false','ShowNavigationMenuTitle','ShowNavigationMenuComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('enable_tool_introduction',NULL,'radio','course','false','EnableToolIntroductionTitle','EnableToolIntroductionComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('page_after_login', NULL, 'radio','Platform','user_portal.php', 'PageAfterLoginTitle','PageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('time_limit_whosonline', NULL, 'textfield','Platform','30', 'TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle','TimeLimitWhosonlineComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', NULL, 'radio','Course','course_title', 'BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle','BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('example_material_course_creation', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle','ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('account_valid_duration',NULL, 'textfield','Platform','3660', 'AccountValidDurationTitle','AccountValidDurationComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('use_session_mode', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'UseSessionModeTitle','UseSessionModeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('allow_email_editor', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowEmailEditorTitle', 'AllowEmailEditorComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('registered', NULL, 'textfield', NULL, 'false', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('donotlistcampus', NULL, 'textfield', NULL, 'false', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,0 ),
-('show_email_addresses', NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowEmailAddresses','ShowEmailAddressesComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('profile','phone','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'phone', 0),
-('service_visio', 'active', 'radio',NULL,'false', 'VisioEnable','', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_visio', 'visio_host', 'textfield',NULL,'', 'VisioHost','', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_visio', 'visio_port', 'textfield',NULL,'1935', 'VisioPort','', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_visio', 'visio_pass', 'textfield',NULL,'', 'VisioPassword','', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'active', 'radio',NULL,'false', 'ppt2lp_actived','', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'host', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, 'Host', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'port', 'textfield', NULL, 2002, 'Port', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'user', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, 'UserOnHost', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'ftp_password', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, 'FtpPassword', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'path_to_lzx', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('service_ppt2lp', 'size', 'radio', NULL, '720x540', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0),
-('wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', NULL, 'radio','Editor','false','PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle','PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('stylesheets', NULL, 'textfield','stylesheets','dokeos_blue','',NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('upload_extensions_list_type', NULL, 'radio', 'Security', 'blacklist', 'UploadExtensionsListType', 'UploadExtensionsListTypeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('upload_extensions_blacklist', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', '', 'UploadExtensionsBlacklist', 'UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('upload_extensions_whitelist', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', 'htm;html;jpg;jpeg;gif;png;swf;avi;mpg;mpeg;mov;flv;doc;docx;xls;xlsx;ppt;pptx;odt;odp;ods;pdf', 'UploadExtensionsWhitelist', 'UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('upload_extensions_skip', NULL, 'radio', 'Security', 'true', 'UploadExtensionsSkip', 'UploadExtensionsSkipComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('upload_extensions_replace_by', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', 'dangerous', 'UploadExtensionsReplaceBy', 'UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('show_number_of_courses', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'ShowNumberOfCourses','ShowNumberOfCoursesComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('show_empty_course_categories', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ShowEmptyCourseCategories','ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('show_back_link_on_top_of_tree', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree','ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('show_different_course_language', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ShowDifferentCourseLanguage','ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
-('split_users_upload_directory', NULL, 'radio','Tuning','false', 'SplitUsersUploadDirectory','SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('hide_dltt_markup', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'HideDLTTMarkup','HideDLTTMarkupComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('display_categories_on_homepage',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle','DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('permissions_for_new_directories', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', '0777', 'PermissionsForNewDirs', 'PermissionsForNewDirsComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('permissions_for_new_files', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', '0666', 'PermissionsForNewFiles', 'PermissionsForNewFilesComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('show_tabs', 'campus_homepage', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsCampusHomepage', 1),
-('show_tabs', 'my_courses', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyCourses', 1),
-('show_tabs', 'reporting', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsReporting', 1),
-('show_tabs', 'platform_administration', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsPlatformAdministration', 1),
-('show_tabs', 'my_agenda', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyAgenda', 1),
-('show_tabs', 'my_profile', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyProfile', 1),
-('default_forum_view', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'flat', 'DefaultForumViewTitle','DefaultForumViewComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('platform_charset',NULL,'textfield','Platform','iso-8859-15','PlatformCharsetTitle','PlatformCharsetComment','platform',NULL, 0),
-('noreply_email_address', '', 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'NoReplyEmailAddress', 'NoReplyEmailAddressComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('survey_email_sender_noreply', '', 'radio', 'Course', 'coach', 'SurveyEmailSenderNoReply', 'SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('openid_authentication',NULL,'radio','Security','false','OpenIdAuthentication','OpenIdAuthenticationComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('profile','openid','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'OpenIDURL', 0),
-('gradebook_enable',NULL,'radio','Gradebook','false','GradebookActivation','GradebookActivationComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('show_tabs','my_gradebook','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyGradebook', 1),
-('gradebook_score_display_coloring','my_display_coloring','checkbox','Gradebook','false','GradebookScoreDisplayColoring','GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment',NULL,'TabsGradebookEnableColoring', 0),
-('gradebook_score_display_custom','my_display_custom','checkbox','Gradebook','false','GradebookScoreDisplayCustom','GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment',NULL,'TabsGradebookEnableCustom', 0),
-('gradebook_score_display_colorsplit',NULL,'textfield','Gradebook','50','GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit','GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('gradebook_score_display_upperlimit','my_display_upperlimit','checkbox','Gradebook','false','GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit','GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment',NULL,'TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit', 0),
-('user_selected_theme',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','UserThemeSelection','UserThemeSelectionComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('profile','theme','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'UserTheme', 0),
-('allow_course_theme',NULL,'radio','Course','true','AllowCourseThemeTitle','AllowCourseThemeComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('display_mini_month_calendar',NULL,'radio','Tools', 'true', 'DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle', 'DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('display_upcoming_events',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle','DisplayUpcomingEventsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('number_of_upcoming_events',NULL,'textfield','Tools','1','NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle','NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('show_closed_courses',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowClosedCoursesTitle','ShowClosedCoursesComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('ldap_main_server_address', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'localhost', 'LDAPMainServerAddressTitle', 'LDAPMainServerAddressComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('ldap_main_server_port', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '389', 'LDAPMainServerPortTitle', 'LDAPMainServerPortComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('ldap_domain', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'dc=nodomain', 'LDAPDomainTitle', 'LDAPDomainComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('ldap_replicate_server_address', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'localhost', 'LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle', 'LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('ldap_replicate_server_port', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '389', 'LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle', 'LDAPReplicateServerPortComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('ldap_search_term', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPSearchTermTitle', 'LDAPSearchTermComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('ldap_version', NULL, 'radio', 'LDAP', '3', 'LDAPVersionTitle', 'LDAPVersionComment', NULL, '', 0),
-('ldap_filled_tutor_field', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'employeenumber', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment', NULL, '', 0),
-('ldap_authentication_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle', 'LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment', NULL, '', 0),
-('ldap_authentication_password', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle', 'LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment', NULL, '', 0),
-('service_visio', 'visio_use_rtmpt', 'radio',null,'false', 'VisioUseRtmptTitle','VisioUseRtmptComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'myteach', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyTeach', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'myteach', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyTeach', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea', 0),
-('ldap_filled_tutor_field_value', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment', NULL, '', 0),
-('registration','phone','textfield','User','false','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Phone', 0),
-('add_users_by_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','AddUsersByCoachTitle','AddUsersByCoachComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('extend_rights_for_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','ExtendRightsForCoachTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('extend_rights_for_coach_on_survey',NULL,'radio','Security','true','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','wiki','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Wiki', 0),
-('show_session_coach', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'ShowSessionCoachTitle','ShowSessionCoachComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','gradebook','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Gradebook', 0),
-('allow_users_to_create_courses',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle','AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','survey','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Survey', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','glossary','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Glossary', 0),
-('course_create_active_tools','notebook','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Notebook', 0),
-('advanced_filemanager',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','AdvancedFileManagerTitle','AdvancedFileManagerComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_reservation', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowReservationTitle', 'AllowReservationComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('profile','apikeys','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'ApiKeys', 0),
-('allow_message_tool', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowMessageToolTitle', 'AllowMessageToolComment', NULL, NULL,0),
-('allow_social_tool', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowSocialToolTitle', 'AllowSocialToolComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('allow_students_to_browse_courses',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle','AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('show_session_data', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'ShowSessionDataTitle', 'ShowSessionDataComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
-('allow_use_sub_language', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowUseSubLanguageTitle', 'AllowUseSubLanguageComment', NULL, NULL,0),
-('show_glossary_in_documents', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'none', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment', NULL, NULL,1),
-('allow_terms_conditions', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsComment', NULL, NULL,0),
-('search_prefilter_prefix',NULL, NULL,'Search','','SearchPrefilterPrefix','SearchPrefilterPrefixComment',NULL,NULL,0),
-('show_courses_descriptions_in_catalog', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'true', 'ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle', 'ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
-('allow_coach_to_edit_course_session',NULL,'radio','Course','false','AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions','AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('show_glossary_in_extra_tools', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle', 'ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment', NULL, NULL,1),
-('dokeos_database_version', NULL, 'textfield', NULL,'','DokeosDatabaseVersion','',NULL,NULL,0),
-('send_email_to_admin_when_create_course',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','SendEmailToAdminTitle','SendEmailToAdminComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('go_to_course_after_login',NULL,'radio','Course','false','GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle','GoToCourseAfterLoginComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('math_mimetex',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','MathMimetexTitle','MathMimetexComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('math_asciimathML',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','MathASCIImathMLTitle','MathASCIImathMLComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('youtube_for_students',NULL,'radio','Editor','true','YoutubeForStudentsTitle','YoutubeForStudentsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('block_copy_paste_for_students',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle','BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('more_buttons_maximized_mode',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle','MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('students_download_folders',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle','AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE settings_current ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table settings_options
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS settings_options;
-CREATE TABLE settings_options (
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  variable varchar(255) default NULL,
-  value varchar(255) default NULL,
-  display_text varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
-  UNIQUE KEY id (id)
-ALTER TABLE settings_options ADD UNIQUE unique_setting_option (variable , value) ;
--- Dumping data for table settings_options
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE settings_options DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES settings_options WRITE;
-INSERT INTO settings_options
-(variable, value, display_text)
-('page_after_login', 'index.php', 'CampusHomepage'),
-('page_after_login', 'user_portal.php', 'MyCourses'),
-('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'get_lang', 'CourseHomepage'),
-('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'course_code', 'CourseCode'),
-('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'course_title', 'CourseTitle'),
-('example_material_course_creation', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('example_material_course_creation', 'false', 'No'),
-('use_session_mode', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('use_session_mode', 'false', 'No'),
-('allow_email_editor', 'true' ,'Yes'),
-('allow_email_editor', 'false', 'No'),
-('wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', 'false', 'No'),
-('upload_extensions_list_type', 'blacklist', 'Blacklist'),
-('upload_extensions_list_type', 'whitelist', 'Whitelist'),
-('upload_extensions_skip', 'true', 'Remove'),
-('upload_extensions_skip', 'false', 'Rename'),
-('show_number_of_courses', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_number_of_courses', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_empty_course_categories', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_empty_course_categories', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_back_link_on_top_of_tree', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_back_link_on_top_of_tree', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_different_course_language', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_different_course_language', 'false', 'No'),
-('split_users_upload_directory', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('split_users_upload_directory', 'false', 'No'),
-('hide_dltt_markup', 'false', 'No'),
-('hide_dltt_markup', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('default_forum_view', 'flat', 'Flat'),
-('default_forum_view', 'threaded', 'Threaded'),
-('default_forum_view', 'nested', 'Nested'),
-('survey_email_sender_noreply', 'coach', 'CourseCoachEmailSender'),
-('survey_email_sender_noreply', 'noreply', 'NoReplyEmailSender'),
-('display_mini_month_calendar', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('display_mini_month_calendar', 'false', 'No'),
-('display_upcoming_events', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('display_upcoming_events', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_closed_courses', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_closed_courses', 'false', 'No'),
-('ldap_version', '2', 'LDAPVersion2'),
-('ldap_version', '3', 'LDAPVersion3'),
-('add_users_by_coach', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('add_users_by_coach', 'false', 'No'),
-('extend_rights_for_coach', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('extend_rights_for_coach', 'false', 'No'),
-('extend_rights_for_coach_on_survey', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('extend_rights_for_coach_on_survey', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_session_coach', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_session_coach', 'false', 'No'),
-('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'session_name_and_course_title', 'SessionNameAndCourseTitle'),
-('allow_reservation', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('allow_reservation', 'false', 'No'),
-('allow_message_tool', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('allow_message_tool', 'false', 'No'),
-('allow_social_tool', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('allow_social_tool', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_email_of_teacher_or_tutor ', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_email_of_teacher_or_tutor ', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_session_data ', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_session_data ', 'false', 'No'),
-('allow_use_sub_language', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('allow_use_sub_language', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_glossary_in_documents', 'none', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone'),
-('show_glossary_in_documents', 'ismanual', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual'),
-('show_glossary_in_documents', 'isautomatic', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic'),
-('allow_terms_conditions', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('allow_terms_conditions', 'false', 'No'),
-('search_enabled', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('search_enabled', 'false', 'No'),
-('search_show_unlinked_results', 'true', 'SearchShowUnlinkedResults'),
-('search_show_unlinked_results', 'false', 'SearchHideUnlinkedResults'),
-('show_courses_descriptions_in_catalog', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_courses_descriptions_in_catalog', 'false', 'No'),
-('show_glossary_in_extra_tools', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('show_glossary_in_extra_tools', 'false', 'No'),
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE settings_options ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table sys_announcement
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sys_announcement;
-CREATE TABLE sys_announcement (
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  date_start datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  date_end datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  visible_teacher tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
-  visible_student tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
-  visible_guest tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
-  title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
-  content text NOT NULL,
-  lang varchar(70) NULL default NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- Dumping data for table sys_announcement
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE sys_announcement DISABLE KEYS */;
-LOCK TABLES sys_announcement WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for shared_survey
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shared_survey;
-CREATE TABLE shared_survey (
-  survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  code varchar(20) default NULL,
-  title text default NULL,
-  subtitle text default NULL,
-  author varchar(250) default NULL,
-  lang varchar(20) default NULL,
-  template varchar(20) default NULL,
-  intro text,
-  surveythanks text,
-  creation_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (survey_id),
-  UNIQUE KEY id (survey_id)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for shared_survey_question
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shared_survey_question;
-CREATE TABLE shared_survey_question (
-  question_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  survey_id int NOT NULL default '0',
-  survey_question text NOT NULL,
-  survey_question_comment text NOT NULL,
-  type varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
-  display varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
-  sort int NOT NULL default '0',
-  code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
-  max_value int NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (question_id)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for shared_survey_question_option
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shared_survey_question_option;
-CREATE TABLE shared_survey_question_option (
-  question_option_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  question_id int NOT NULL default '0',
-  survey_id int NOT NULL default '0',
-  option_text text NOT NULL,
-  sort int NOT NULL default '0',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (question_option_id)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for templates (User's FCKEditor templates)
-CREATE TABLE templates (
-  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  title varchar(100) NOT NULL,
-  description varchar(250) NOT NULL,
-  course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL,
-  user_id int NOT NULL,
-  ref_doc int NOT NULL,
-  image varchar(250) NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure of openid_association (keep info on openid servers)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS openid_association;
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS openid_association (
-  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  idp_endpoint_uri text NOT NULL,
-  session_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
-  assoc_handle text NOT NULL,
-  assoc_type text NOT NULL,
-  expires_in bigint NOT NULL,
-  mac_key text NOT NULL,
-  created bigint NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Tables for gradebook
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_category;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_category (
-  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  name text NOT NULL,
-  description text,
-  user_id int NOT NULL,
-  course_code varchar(40) default NULL,
-  parent_id int default NULL,
-  weight smallint NOT NULL,
-  visible tinyint NOT NULL,
-  certif_min_score int DEFAULT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_evaluation;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_evaluation (
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  name text NOT NULL,
-  description text,
-  user_id int NOT NULL,
-  course_code varchar(40) default NULL,
-  category_id int default NULL,
-  date int default 0,
-  weight smallint NOT NULL,
-  max float unsigned NOT NULL,
-  visible tinyint NOT NULL,
-  type varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'evaluation',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_link;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_link (
-  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  type int NOT NULL,
-  ref_id int NOT NULL,
-  user_id int NOT NULL,
-  course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL,
-  category_id int NOT NULL,
-  date int default NULL,
-  weight smallint NOT NULL,
-  visible tinyint NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_result;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_result (
-  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  user_id int NOT NULL,
-  evaluation_id int NOT NULL,
-  date int NOT NULL,
-  score float unsigned default NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_score_display;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_score_display (
-  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  score float unsigned NOT NULL,
-  display varchar(40) NOT NULL,
-CREATE TABLE user_field (
-	id	INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	field_type int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
-	field_variable	varchar(64) NOT NULL,
-	field_display_text	varchar(64),
-	field_default_value text,
-	field_order int,
-	field_visible tinyint default 0,
-	field_changeable tinyint default 0,
-	field_filter tinyint default 0,
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_field_options;
-CREATE TABLE user_field_options (
-	id	int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	field_id int	NOT NULL,
-	option_value	text,
-	option_display_text varchar(64),
-	option_order int,
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_field_values;
-CREATE TABLE user_field_values(
-	id	int	NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	user_id	int	unsigned NOT NULL,
-	field_id int NOT NULL,
-	field_value	text,
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD session_id int DEFAULT NULL;
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_result_log;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_result_log (
-	id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	id_result int NOT NULL,
-	user_id int NOT NULL,
-	evaluation_id int NOT NULL,
-	date_log datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-	score float unsigned default NULL,
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gradebook_linkeval_log;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_linkeval_log (
-	id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	id_linkeval_log int NOT NULL,
-	name text,
-	description text,
-	date_log int,
-	weight smallint default NULL,
-	visible tinyint default NULL,
-	type varchar(20) NOT NULL,
-	user_id_log int NOT NULL,
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Tables for the access URL feature
-CREATE TABLE access_url(
-	id	int	unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	url	varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-	description text,
-	active	int unsigned not null default 0,
-	created_by	int	not null,
-INSERT INTO access_url(url, description, active, created_by) VALUES ('http://localhost/',' ',1,1);
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_url_rel_user;
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_user (
-  access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, user_id)
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_user (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url(access_url_id);
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url_user (user_id,access_url_id);
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_url_rel_course;
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_course (
-  access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-  course_code char(40) NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, course_code)
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_url_rel_session;
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_session (
-  access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-  session_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, session_id)
--- Table structure for table sys_calendar
-  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  title varchar(200) NOT NULL,
-  content text,
-  start_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  end_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS system_template (
-  id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  title varchar(250) NOT NULL,
-  comment text NOT NULL,
-  image varchar(250) NOT NULL,
-  content text NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- Adding the platform templates
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleCourseTitle', 'TemplateTitleCourseTitleDescription', 'coursetitle.gif', '
-            	{CSS}
-            	<style type="text/css">
-            	.gris_title         	{
-            		color: silver;
-            	}
-            	h1
-            	{
-            		text-align: right;
-            	}
-				</style>
-            </head>
-            <body>
-			<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-			<tbody>
-			<tr>
-			<td style="vertical-align: middle; width: 50%;" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-				<h1>TITULUS 1<br>
-				<span class="gris_title">TITULUS 2</span><br>
-				</h1>
-			</td>
-			<td style="width: 50%;">
-				<img style="width: 100px; height: 100px;" alt="dokeos logo" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/logo_dokeos.png"></td>
-			</tr>
-			</tbody>
-			</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleCheckList', 'TemplateTitleCheckListDescription', 'checklist.gif', '
-      <head>
-	               {CSS}
-	            </head>
-	            <body>
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-				<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
-				<ul>
-					<li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-					<li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-					<li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-				</ul>
-				<h3>Ut enim ad minim veniam</h3>
-				<ul>
-					<li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-					<li>laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</li>
-					<li>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
-				</ul>
-				<h3>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis</h3>
-				<ul>
-					<li>iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam</li>
-					<li>eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis</li>
-					<li>et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.&nbsp;</li>
-				</ul>
-				</td>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}postit.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 33%; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;">
-				<h3>Ut enim ad minima</h3>
-				Veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.<br>
-				<h3>
-				<img style="width: 180px; height: 144px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_smile.png "><br></h3>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-				<p><br>
-				<br>
-				</p>
-				</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleTeacher', 'TemplateTitleTeacherDescription', 'yourinstructor.gif', '
-                   {CSS}
-                   <style type="text/css">
-	            	.text
-	            	{
-	            		font-weight: normal;
-	            	}
-					</style>
-                </head>
-                <body>
-					<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-					<tbody>
-					<tr>
-					<td></td>
-					<td style="height: 33%;"></td>
-					<td></td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr>
-					<td style="width: 25%;"></td>
-					<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-					<span class="text">
-					<br>
-					Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis pellentesque.</span>
-					</td>
-					<td style="width: 25%; font-weight: bold;">
-					<img style="width: 180px; height: 241px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_case.png "></td>
-					</tr>
-					</tbody>
-					</table>
-					<p><br>
-					<br>
-					</p>
-				</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleLeftList', 'TemplateTitleListLeftListDescription', 'leftlist.gif', '
-	           {CSS}
-	       </head>
-		    <body>
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="width: 66%;"></td>
-				<td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="4">&nbsp;<img style="width: 180px; height: 248px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_reads.png "><br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr align="right">
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">Lorem
-				ipsum dolor sit amet.
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr align="right">
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-				Vivamus
-				a quam.&nbsp;<br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr align="right">
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-				Proin
-				a est stibulum ante ipsum.</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleLeftRightList', 'TemplateTitleLeftRightListDescription', 'leftrightlist.gif', '
-	           {CSS}
-		    </head>
-			<body>
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; height: 400px; width: 720px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr>
-				<td></td>
-				<td style="vertical-align: top;" colspan="1" rowspan="4">&nbsp;<img style="width: 180px; height: 294px;" alt="Trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_join_hands.png "><br>
-				</td>
-				<td></td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">Lorem
-				ipsum dolor sit amet.
-				</td>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: left;">
-				Convallis
-				ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">
-				Vivamus
-				a quam.&nbsp;<br>
-				</td>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: left;">
-				Etiam
-				lacinia stibulum ante.<br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">
-				Proin
-				a est stibulum ante ipsum.</td>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: left;">
-				Consectetuer
-				adipiscing elit. <br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleRightList', 'TemplateTitleRightListDescription', 'rightlist.gif', '
-	<head>
-	           {CSS}
-		    </head>
-		    <body style="direction: ltr;">
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 50%;" colspan="1" rowspan="4"><img style="width: 300px; height: 199px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_points_right.png"><br>
-				</td>
-				<td style="width: 50%;"></td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 50%;">
-				Convallis
-				ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 50%;">
-				Etiam
-				lacinia.<br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 50%;">
-				Consectetuer
-				adipiscing elit. <br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleComparison', 'TemplateTitleComparisonDescription', 'compare.gif', '
-            {CSS}
-            </head>
-            <body>
-            	<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-				<tr>
-					<td style="height: 10%; width: 33%;"></td>
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="2">&nbsp;<img style="width: 180px; height: 271px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_standing.png "><br>
-					</td>
-					<td style="height: 10%; width: 33%;"></td>
-				</tr>
-			<tr>
-			<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">
-			Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
-			</td>
-			<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 33%;">
-			Convallis
-			ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-			</tr>
-			</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleDiagram', 'TemplateTitleDiagramDescription', 'diagram.gif', '
-	<head>
-	                   {CSS}
-				    </head>
-					<body>
-					<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-					<tbody>
-					<tr>
-					<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; height: 33%; width: 33%;">
-					<br>
-					Etiam
-					lacinia stibulum ante.
-					Convallis
-					ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-					<td colspan="1" rowspan="3">
-						<img style="width: 350px; height: 267px;" alt="Alaska chart" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/alaska_chart.png "></td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr>
-					<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-					<img style="width: 300px; height: 199px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_points_right.png "></td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr>
-					</tr>
-					</tbody>
-					</table>
-					<p><br>
-					<br>
-					</p>
-					</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleDesc', 'TemplateTitleCheckListDescription', 'description.gif', '
-	                   {CSS}
-				    </head>
-					<body>
-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: top;">
-							<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="01" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/01.png " hspace="5"><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet<br><br><br>
-							<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="02" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/02.png " hspace="5">
-							<br>Ut enim ad minim veniam<br><br><br>
-							<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="03" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/03.png " hspace="5">Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit<br><br><br>
-							<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="04" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/04.png " hspace="5">Neque porro quisquam est</td>
-						<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%; text-align: right;" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-							<img style="width: 300px; height: 291px;" alt="Gearbox" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/gearbox.jpg "><br></td>
-						</tr><tr></tr>
-						</tbody>
-						</table>
-						<p><br>
-						<br>
-						</p>
-					</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleObjectives', 'TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription', 'courseobjectives.gif', '
-	               {CSS}
-			    </head>
-			    <body>
-					<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-					<tbody>
-					<tr>
-					<td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="2">
-					<img style="width: 180px; height: 271px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_chair.png "><br>
-					</td>
-					<td style="height: 10%; width: 66%;"></td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr>
-					<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 66%;">
-					<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
-					<ul>
-					<li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-					<li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-					<li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-					</ul>
-					<h3>Ut enim ad minim veniam</h3>
-					<ul>
-					<li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-					<li>laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</li>
-					<li>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
-					</ul>
-					</td>
-					</tr>
-					</tbody>
-					</table>
-				<p><br>
-				<br>
-				</p>
-				</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleCycle', 'TemplateTitleCycleDescription', 'cyclechart.gif', '
-	               {CSS}
-	               <style>
-	               .title
-	               {
-	               	color: white; font-weight: bold;
-	               }
-	               </style>
-			    </head>
-			    <body>
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="6">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr>
-					<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom; height: 10%;" colspan="3" rowspan="1">
-						<img style="width: 250px; height: 76px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/top_arrow.png ">
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td style="height: 5%; width: 45%; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(153, 153, 153); text-align: center;">
-						<span class="title">Lorem ipsum</span>
-					</td>
-					<td style="height: 5%; width: 10%;"></td>
-					<td style="height: 5%; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(153, 153, 153); text-align: center;">
-						<span class="title">Sed ut perspiciatis</span>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-					<tr>
-						<td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 255); width: 45%; vertical-align: top;">
-							<ul>
-								<li>dolor sit amet</li>
-								<li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-								<li>sed do eiusmod tempor&nbsp;</li>
-								<li>adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam</li>
-								<li>eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam</li>
-							</ul>
-				</td>
-				<td style="width: 10%;"></td>
-				<td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 255); width: 45%; vertical-align: top;">
-					<ul>
-					<li>ut enim ad minim veniam</li>
-					<li>quis nostrud exercitation</li><li>ullamco laboris nisi ut</li>
-					<li> Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea</li>
-					<li>voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur,</li>
-					</ul>
-					</td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr align="center">
-					<td style="height: 10%; vertical-align: top;" colspan="3" rowspan="1">
-					<img style="width: 250px; height: 76px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/bottom_arrow.png ">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-				<p><br>
-				<br>
-				</p>
-				</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleLearnerWonder', 'TemplateTitleLearnerWonderDescription', 'learnerwonder.gif', '
-               {CSS}
-		    </head>
-		    <body>
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="4">
-					<img style="width: 120px; height: 348px;" alt="learner wonders" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/silhouette.png "><br>
-				</td>
-				<td style="width: 66%;"></td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr align="center">
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-				Convallis
-				ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr align="center">
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-				Etiam
-				lacinia stibulum ante.<br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr align="center">
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-				Consectetuer
-				adipiscing elit. <br>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			</body>
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-('TemplateTitleTimeline', 'TemplateTitleTimelineDescription', 'phasetimeline.gif', '
-               {CSS}
-				<style>
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-				<tbody>
-				<tr class="title">
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; height: 3%; background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224);">Lorem ipsum</td>
-					<td style="height: 3%;"></td>
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; height: 3%; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Perspiciatis</td>
-					<td style="height: 3%;"></td>
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; height: 3%; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245);">Nemo enim</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224);">
-						<ul>
-						<li>dolor sit amet</li>
-						<li>consectetur</li>
-						<li>adipisicing elit</li>
-					</ul>
-					<br>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<img style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/arrow.png ">
-					</td>
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">
-						<ul>
-							<li>ut labore</li>
-							<li>et dolore</li>
-							<li>magni dolores</li>
-						</ul>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<img style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/arrow.png ">
-					</td>
-					<td style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); width: 30%;">
-						<ul>
-							<li>neque porro</li>
-							<li>quisquam est</li>
-							<li>qui dolorem&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
-						</ul>
-						<br><br>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			</body>
-INSERT INTO system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-('TemplateTitleStopAndThink', 'TemplateTitleStopAndThinkDescription', 'stopthink.gif', '
-               {CSS}
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-		    <body>
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-				<tr>
-				<td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="2">
-					<img style="width: 180px; height: 169px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_staring.png ">
-				<br>
-				</td>
-				<td style="height: 10%; width: 66%;"></td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-				<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}postit.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 66%; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">
-					<h3>Attentio sectetur adipisicing elit</h3>
-					<ul>
-						<li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-						<li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-						<li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-					</ul><br></td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
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-('TemplateTitleTable', 'TemplateTitleCheckListDescription', 'table.gif', '
-                   {CSS}
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-					font-weight: bold; text-align: center;
-				}
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-					text-align: right;
-				}
-					</style>
-			    </head>
-			    <body>
-			    <br />
-			   <h2>A table</h2>
-				<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px;" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-				<tbody>
-				<tr class="title">
-					<td>City</td>
-					<td>2005</td>
-					<td>2006</td>
-					<td>2007</td>
-					<td>2008</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr class="items">
-					<td>Lima</td>
-					<td>10,40</td>
-					<td>8,95</td>
-					<td>9,19</td>
-					<td>9,76</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr class="items">
-				<td>New York</td>
-					<td>18,39</td>
-					<td>17,52</td>
-					<td>16,57</td>
-					<td>16,60</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr class="items">
-				<td>Barcelona</td>
-					<td>0,10</td>
-					<td>0,10</td>
-					<td>0,05</td>
-					<td>0,05</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr class="items">
-				<td>Paris</td>
-					<td>3,38</td>
-					<td >3,63</td>
-					<td>3,63</td>
-					<td>3,54</td>
-				</tr>
-				</tbody>
-				</table>
-				<br>
-				</body>
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-					<br>
-					</td>
-					<td colspan="1" rowspan="3"><br>
-						<img style="width: 300px; height: 341px; float: right;" alt="image" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/head_olfactory_nerve.png "><br></td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr>
-					<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-						<img style="width: 180px; height: 271px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_glasses.png"><br></td>
-					</tr>
-					<tr>
-					</tr>
-					</tbody>
-					</table>
-					<p><br>
-					<br>
-					</p>
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-			<h3><br>
-			</h3>
-			<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
-				<ul>
-				<li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-				<li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-				<li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-				</ul>
-			<h3>Ut enim ad minim veniam</h3>
-				<ul>
-				<li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-				<li>laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</li>
-				<li>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
-				</ul>
-			</td>
-			</tr>
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-			<p><br>
-			<br>
-			</p>
-			 <style type="text/css">body{}</style><!-- to fix a strange bug appearing with firefox when editing this template -->
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-					</tr>
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-				</table>
-				<p><br>
-				<br>
-				</p>
-			</center>
-			</body>
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Tables for reservation
--- Table structure for table reservation category
-CREATE TABLE reservation_category (
-   id  int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-   parent_id  int NOT NULL default 0,
-   name  varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-  PRIMARY KEY  ( id )
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table reservation category_rights
-CREATE TABLE  reservation_category_rights  (
-   category_id  int NOT NULL default 0,
-   class_id  int NOT NULL default 0,
-   m_items  tinyint NOT NULL default 0
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table  item reservation
-CREATE TABLE  reservation_item  (
-   id  int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-   category_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   course_code  varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
-   name  varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
-   description  text NOT NULL,
-   blackout  tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
-   creator  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   always_available TINYINT NOT NULL default 0,
-  PRIMARY KEY  ( id )
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table reservation item_rights
-CREATE TABLE  reservation_item_rights  (
-   item_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   class_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   edit_right  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   delete_right  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   m_reservation  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   view_right  tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
-  PRIMARY KEY  ( item_id , class_id )
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for main reservation table
-CREATE TABLE  reservation_main  (
-   id  int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-   subid  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   item_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   auto_accept  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   max_users  int unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
-   start_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-   end_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-   subscribe_from  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-   subscribe_until  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-   subscribers  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   notes  text NOT NULL,
-   timepicker  tinyint NOT NULL default 0,
-   timepicker_min  int NOT NULL default 0,
-   timepicker_max  int NOT NULL default 0,
-  PRIMARY KEY  ( id )
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for reservation subscription table
-CREATE TABLE  reservation_subscription  (
-   dummy  int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-   user_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   reservation_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   accepted  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
-   start_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-   end_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-  PRIMARY KEY  ( dummy )
--- ---------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table user_friend
-CREATE TABLE user_friend(
-  id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
-  user_id int unsigned not null,
-  friend_user_id int unsigned not null,
-  relation_type int not null default 0,
-  last_edit DATETIME,
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD INDEX idx_user_friend_user (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD INDEX idx_user_friend_friend_user(friend_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD INDEX idx_user_friend_user_friend_user(user_id,friend_user_id);
--- Table structure for table user_friend_relation_type
-CREATE TABLE user_friend_relation_type(
-  id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
-  title char(20),
--- Table structure for MD5 API keys for users
-CREATE TABLE user_api_key (
-    id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-    user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-    api_key char(32) NOT NULL,
-    api_service char(10) NOT NULL default 'dokeos',
-    PRIMARY KEY (id)
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD INDEX idx_user_api_keys_user (user_id);
--- Table structure for table message
-CREATE TABLE message(
-	id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
-	user_sender_id int unsigned not null,
-	user_receiver_id int unsigned not null,
-	msg_status tinyint unsigned not null default 0, -- 0 read, 1 unread, 3 deleted, 5 pending invitation, 6 accepted invitation, 7 invitation denied
-	send_date datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-	title varchar(255) not null,
-	content text not null,
-	group_id int unsigned not null default 0,
-	parent_id int unsigned not null default 0,
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_user_sender(user_sender_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_user_receiver(user_receiver_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_user_sender_user_receiver(user_sender_id,user_receiver_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_group(group_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_parent(parent_id);
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type (id,title)
--- Table structure for table legal (Terms & Conditions)
-CREATE TABLE  legal (
-  legal_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  language_id int NOT NULL,
-  date int NOT NULL default 0,
-  content text,
-  type int NOT NULL,
-  changes text NOT NULL,
-  version int,
-  PRIMARY KEY (legal_id,language_id)
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (1, 'legal_accept','Legal',0,0);
--- Table structure for certificate with gradebook
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_certificate(
-	id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
-	cat_id int unsigned not null,
-	user_id int unsigned not null,
-	score_certificate float unsigned not null default 0,
-	date_certificate datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-	path_certificate text null,
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate ADD INDEX idx_gradebook_certificate_category_id(cat_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate ADD INDEX idx_gradebook_certificate_user_id(user_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate ADD INDEX idx_gradebook_certificate_category_id_user_id(cat_id,user_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN document_id int unsigned default NULL;
--- Tables structure for search tool
--- specific fields tables
-CREATE TABLE specific_field (
-	code char(1) NOT NULL,
-	name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE specific_field_values (
-	course_code VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL ,
-	tool_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL ,
-	ref_id INT NOT NULL ,
-	field_id INT NOT NULL ,
-	value VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL
-ALTER TABLE specific_field ADD CONSTRAINT unique_specific_field__code UNIQUE (code);
--- search engine references to map dokeos resources
-CREATE TABLE search_engine_ref (
-	course_code VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL,
-	tool_id VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL,
-	ref_id_high_level INT NOT NULL,
-	ref_id_second_level INT NULL,
-	search_did INT NOT NULL
--- Table structure for table sessions categories
-CREATE TABLE session_category (
-  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-  name varchar(100) default NULL,
-  date_start date default NULL,
-  date_end date default NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
--- Table structure for table user tag
-	id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	tag varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-	field_id int NOT NULL,
-	count int NOT NULL,
-CREATE TABLE user_rel_tag (
-	id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	user_id int NOT NULL,
-	tag_id int NOT NULL,  
--- Table structure for user platform groups
-CREATE TABLE `group` (
-  name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  description varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  picture_uri varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  url varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  visibility int NOT NULL,
-  updated_on varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  created_on varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-CREATE TABLE group_rel_tag (
-  tag_id int NOT NULL,
-  group_id int NOT NULL,
-CREATE TABLE group_rel_user (
-  group_id int NOT NULL,
-  user_id int NOT NULL,
-  relation_type int NOT NULL,
--- Table structure for table message attachment
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS message_attachment (
-  path varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  comment text,
-  size int NOT NULL default 0,
-  message_id int NOT NULL,
-  filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (10, 'tags','tags',0,0);
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (9, 'rssfeeds','RSS',0,0);