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Language update

Yannick Warnier 10 ani în urmă

+ 5 - 0

@@ -55,10 +55,14 @@ $BuyCourses = "Buy courses";
 $MySessions = "My sessions";
 $ActivateAudioRecorder = "Activate audio recorder";
 $StartSpeaking = "Start speaking";
+$SessionDurationDescription = "The session duration allows you to set a number of days of access starting from the first access date of the user to the session. This way, you can set a session to 'last for 15 days' instead of starting at a fixed date for all students.";
 $HyperbolicArctangentArctanh = "Hyperbolic arctangent:\t\tarctanh(x)";
+$SessionDurationTitle = "Session duration";
 $ArctangentArctan = "Arctangent:\t\t\tarctan(x)";
 $HyperbolicTangentTanh = "Hyperbolic tangent:\t\ttanh(x)";
 $TangentTan = "Tangent:\t\t\ttan(x)";
+$CoachAndStudent = "Coach and student";
+$Serie = "Series";
 $HyperbolicArccosineArccosh = "Hyperbolic arccosine:\t\tarccosh(x)";
 $ArccosineArccos = "Arccosine:\t\t\tarccos(x)";
 $HyperbolicCosineCosh = "Hyperbolic cosine:\t\tcosh(x)";
@@ -346,6 +350,7 @@ $TooShort = "Too short";
 $CourseCreate = "Create a course";
 $Todo = "To do";
 $UserName = "Username";
+$TimeReportIncludingAllCoursesAndSessionsByTeacher = "Time report including all courses and sessions, by teacher";
 $CategoryMod = "Edit Category";
 $Hide = "Hide";
 $Dear = "Dear";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ $HyperbolicArctangentArctanh = "Arctangente hyperbolique:\t\tarctanh(x)";
 $ArctangentArctan = "Arctangente:\t\t\tarctan(x)";
 $HyperbolicTangentTanh = "Tangente hyperbolique:\t\ttanh(x)";
 $TangentTan = "Tangente:\t\t\ttan(x)";
+$CoachAndStudent = "Coach et apprenant";
 $HyperbolicArccosineArccosh = "Arcosinus hyperbolique:\t\tarccosh(x)";
 $ArccosineArccos = "Arccosinus:\t\t\tarccos(x)";
 $HyperbolicCosineCosh = "Cosinus hyperbolique:\t\tcosh(x)";
@@ -345,6 +346,7 @@ $TooShort = "Trop court";
 $CourseCreate = "Créer un cours";
 $Todo = "Suggestions";
 $UserName = "Nom d'utilisateur";
+$TimeReportIncludingAllCoursesAndSessionsByTeacher = "Rapport de temps, incluant tous les cours et sessions, par enseignant";
 $CategoryMod = "Modifier une catégorie";
 $Hide = "Cacher";
 $Dear = "Cher(ère)";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ $HyperbolicArctangentArctanh = "Arcotangente hiperbólica:\tarctanh(x)";
 $ArctangentArctan = "Arcotangente:\t\t\tarctan(x)";
 $HyperbolicTangentTanh = "Tangente hiperbólica:\t\ttanh(x)";
 $TangentTan = "Tangente:\t\t\ttan(x)";
+$CoachAndStudent = "Tutor y estudiante";
 $HyperbolicArccosineArccosh = "Arcocoseno hiperbólico:\t\tarccosh(x)";
 $ArccosineArccos = "Arcocoseno:\t\t\tarccos(x)";
 $HyperbolicCosineCosh = "Coseno hiperbólico:\t\tcosh(x)";
@@ -346,6 +347,7 @@ $TooShort = "Muy corto";
 $CourseCreate = "Crear un curso";
 $Todo = "Sugerencias";
 $UserName = "Nombre de usuario";
+$TimeReportIncludingAllCoursesAndSessionsByTeacher = "Reporte de tiempo incluyendo todos los cursos y sesiones, por profesor";
 $CategoryMod = "Modificar categoría";
 $Hide = "Ocultar";
 $Dear = "Estimado/a";