@@ -37,16 +37,48 @@ $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => "resume_session.php?id_session=".$sessionId,
$form = new FormValidator('edit', 'post', api_get_self().'?session_id='.$sessionId.'&user_id='.$userId);
+$sessionInfo = SessionManager::fetch($sessionId);
$data = SessionManager::getUserSession($userId, $sessionId);
+// Show current end date for the session for this user, if any
+$userAccess = CourseManager::getFirstCourseAccessPerSessionAndUser(
+ $sessionId,
+ $userId
+if (count($userAccess) == 0) {
+ // User never accessed the session. End date is still open
+ $msg = sprintf(get_lang('UserNeverAccessedSessionDefaultDurationIsX'), $sessionInfo['duration']);
+} else {
+ // The user already accessed the session. Show a clear detail of the days count.
+ $duration = $sessionInfo['duration'];
+ if (!empty($data['duration'])) {
+ $duration = $data['duration'];
+ }
+ $days = SessionManager::getDayLeftInSession($sessionId, $userId, $duration);
+ $firstAccess = api_strtotime($userAccess['login_course_date'], 'UTC');
+ if ($days > 0) {
+ $msg = sprintf(get_lang('FirstAccessWasXSessionDurationYEndDateInZ'), $firstAccess, $duration, $days);
+ } else {
+ $endDateInSeconds = $firstAccess + $duration*24*60*60;
+ $last = api_get_local_time($endDateInSeconds);
+ $msg = sprintf(get_lang('FirstAccessWasXSessionDurationYEndDateWasZ'), $firstAccess, $duration, $last);
+ }
+$form->addElement('html', $msg);
$form->addElement('text', 'duration', array(get_lang('Duration'), null, get_lang('Days')));
$form->addElement('button', 'submit', get_lang('Send'));
$message = null;
if ($form->validate()) {
$duration = $form->getSubmitValue('duration');
- SessionManager::editUserSessionDuration($duration, $userId, $sessionId);
- $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ItemUpdated'), 'confirmation');
+ // Only update if the duration is different from the default duration
+ if ($duration != $sessionInfo['duration']) {
+ SessionManager::editUserSessionDuration($duration, $userId, $sessionId);
+ $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ItemUpdated'), 'confirmation');
+ } else {
+ $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('DurationIsSameAsDefault'), 'warning');
+ }
// display the header