@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
($countsetting['0'] % 10) < 5 ? $b = $countsetting['0'] - 10 : $b = $countsetting['0'];
if ($i % 10 == 0 and $i < $b) {
- $form->addElement('html','<div align="right">');
+ $form->addElement('html', '<div align="right">');
$form->addElement('style_submit_button', null, get_lang('SaveSettings'), 'class="save"');
- $form->addElement('html','</div>');
+ $form->addElement('html', '</div>');
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
if (empty($row['category']))
$row['category'] = 0;
- if (is_array ($settings_by_access_list[ $row['variable'] ] [ $row['subkey'] ] [ $row['category'] ])) {
- // Ee are sure that the other site have a selected value.
- if ($settings_by_access_list[ $row['variable'] ] [ $row['subkey'] ] [ $row['category'] ]['selected_value']!='')
+ if (is_array($settings_by_access_list[ $row['variable'] ] [ $row['subkey'] ] [ $row['category'] ])) {
+ // We are sure that the other site have a selected value.
+ if ($settings_by_access_list[ $row['variable'] ] [ $row['subkey'] ] [ $row['category'] ]['selected_value'] != '')
$row['selected_value'] =$settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']] [$row['subkey']] [ $row['category'] ]['selected_value'];
// There is no else{} statement because we load the default $row['selected_value'] of the main Chamilo site.
@@ -223,13 +223,13 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
$form->addElement('select', $row['variable'], get_lang($row['comment']), $valid_encodings);
$default_values[$row['variable']] = $current_system_encoding;
} else {
- $form->addElement('text', $row['variable'], get_lang($row['comment']),$hideme);
+ $form->addElement('text', $row['variable'], get_lang($row['comment']), $hideme);
$default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value'];
case 'textarea':
- $form->addElement('textarea', $row['variable'], get_lang($row['comment']),$hideme);
+ $form->addElement('textarea', $row['variable'], get_lang($row['comment']), $hideme);
$default_values[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value'];
case 'radio':
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
if ($rowkeys['variable'] == 'show_tabs' && $rowkeys['subkey'] == 'my_gradebook') { continue; }
$element = & $form->createElement('checkbox', $rowkeys['subkey'], '', get_lang($rowkeys['subkeytext']));
- if ($row['access_url_changeable']==1) {
+ if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == 1) {
// 2. We look into the DB if there is a setting for a specific access_url.
$access_url = $_configuration['access_url'];
if (empty($access_url )) $access_url = 1;
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
$elementTemplateTwoLabel2 =
'<!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error --> {element}
- <a href="javascript:minItem(' . ($counter) . ')"><img style="display: '.(($counter>=$nr_items && $counter!=1)?'inline':'none').';" id="min-' . $counter . '" src="../img/gradebook_remove.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Delete').'" title="'.get_lang('Delete').'"></img></a>
- <a href="javascript:plusItem(' . ($counter+1) . ')"><img style="display: '.(($counter>=$nr_items)?'inline':'none').';" id="plus-' . ($counter+1) . '" src="../img/gradebook_add.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Add').'" title="'.get_lang('Add').'"></img></a>
+ <a href="javascript:minItem(' . ($counter) . ')"><img style="display: '.(($counter >= $nr_items && $counter != 1) ? 'inline' : 'none').';" id="min-' . $counter . '" src="../img/gradebook_remove.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Delete').'" title="'.get_lang('Delete').'"></img></a>
+ <a href="javascript:plusItem(' . ($counter+1) . ')"><img style="display: '.(($counter >= $nr_items) ? 'inline' : 'none').';" id="plus-' . ($counter+1) . '" src="../img/gradebook_add.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Add').'" title="'.get_lang('Add').'"></img></a>
$scorebetw= array ();
@@ -352,16 +352,15 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
$renderer->setElementTemplate($elementTemplateTwoLabel,'gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore[' . $counter . ']');
$renderer->setElementTemplate($elementTemplateTwoLabel2,'gradebook_score_display_custom_values_displaytext[' . $counter . ']');
$form->addRule('gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore[' . $counter . ']', get_lang('OnlyNumbers'), 'numeric');
- $form->addRule(array ('gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore[' . $counter . ']', 'gradebook_score_display_custom_values_maxvalue'), get_lang('Over100'), 'compare', '<=');
- $form->addRule(array ('gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore[' . $counter . ']', 'gradebook_score_display_custom_values_minvalue'), get_lang('UnderMin'), 'compare', '>');
+ $form->addRule(array('gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore[' . $counter . ']', 'gradebook_score_display_custom_values_maxvalue'), get_lang('Over100'), 'compare', '<=');
+ $form->addRule(array('gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore[' . $counter . ']', 'gradebook_score_display_custom_values_minvalue'), get_lang('UnderMin'), 'compare', '>');
if ($customdisplays[$counter - 1]) {
- $default_values['gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore['.$counter.']'] = $customdisplays[$counter-1]['score'];
- $default_values['gradebook_score_display_custom_values_displaytext['.$counter.']'] = $customdisplays[$counter-1]['display'];
+ $default_values['gradebook_score_display_custom_values_endscore['.$counter.']'] = $customdisplays[$counter - 1]['score'];
+ $default_values['gradebook_score_display_custom_values_displaytext['.$counter.']'] = $customdisplays[$counter - 1]['display'];
@@ -384,22 +383,55 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
// therefore not be set to false.
// This, however, also means that if the process breaks on the third of five checkboxes, the others
// will be set to false.
- $r = api_set_settings_category($my_category,'false',$_configuration['access_url'],array('checkbox','radio'));
+ $r = api_set_settings_category($my_category, 'false', $_configuration['access_url'], array('checkbox', 'radio'));
//$sql = "UPDATE $table_settings_current SET selected_value='false' WHERE category='$my_category' AND type='checkbox'";
//$result = Database::query($sql);
- // Save the settings
+ // Save the settings.
$keys = array();
//$gradebook_score_display_custom_values = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
// Treat gradebook values in separate function.
- //if(strpos($key, 'gradebook_score_display_custom_values') === false) {
+ //if (strpos($key, 'gradebook_score_display_custom_values') === false) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
//$sql = "UPDATE $table_settings_current SET selected_value='".Database::escape_string($value)."' WHERE variable='$key'";
//$result = Database::query($sql);
- if (api_get_setting($key) != $value) $keys[] = $key;
+ $old_value = api_get_setting($key);
+ switch ($key) {
+ // URL validation for some settings.
+ case 'InstitutionUrl':
+ case 'course_validation_terms_and_conditions_url':
+ $value = trim(Security::remove_XSS($value));
+ if ($value != '') {
+ // Here we accept absolute URLs only.
+ if (strpos($value, '://') === false) {
+ $value = 'http://'.$value;
+ }
+ if (!api_valid_url($value, true)) {
+ // If the new (non-empty) URL value is invalid, then the old URL value stays.
+ $value = $old_value;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the new URL value is empty, then it will be stored (i.e. the setting will be deleted).
+ break;
+ // Validation against e-mail address for some settings.
+ case 'emailAdministrator':
+ $value = trim(Security::remove_XSS($value));
+ if ($value != '' && !api_valid_email($value)) {
+ // If the new (non-empty) e-mail address is invalid, then the old e-mail address stays.
+ // If the new e-mail address is empty, then it will be stored (i.e. the setting will be deleted).
+ $value = $old_value;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($old_value != $value) $keys[] = $key;
- $result = api_set_setting($key,$value,null,null,$_configuration['access_url']);
+ $result = api_set_setting($key, $value, null, null, $_configuration['access_url']);
} else {
@@ -408,8 +440,8 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
$subkeys = array();
while ($row_subkeys = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
// If subkey is changed:
- if ( (isset($value[$row_subkeys['subkey']]) && api_get_setting($key,$row_subkeys['subkey']) == 'false') ||
- (!isset($value[$row_subkeys['subkey']]) && api_get_setting($key,$row_subkeys['subkey']) == 'true')) {
+ if ((isset($value[$row_subkeys['subkey']]) && api_get_setting($key, $row_subkeys['subkey']) == 'false') ||
+ (!isset($value[$row_subkeys['subkey']]) && api_get_setting($key, $row_subkeys['subkey']) == 'true')) {
$keys[] = $key;
@@ -420,7 +452,7 @@ if (!empty($_GET['category']) && !in_array($_GET['category'], array('Plugins', '
//$sql = "UPDATE $table_settings_current SET selected_value='true' WHERE variable='$key' AND subkey = '$subkey'";
//$result = Database::query($sql);
- $result = api_set_setting($key,'true',$subkey,null,$_configuration['access_url']);
+ $result = api_set_setting($key, 'true', $subkey, null, $_configuration['access_url']);
@@ -483,7 +515,7 @@ $action_images['timezones'] = 'timezones.png';
// Grabbing the categories.
//$selectcategories = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM ".$table_settings_current." WHERE category NOT IN ('stylesheets','Plugins')";
//$resultcategories = Database::query($selectcategories);
-$resultcategories = api_get_settings_categories(array('stylesheets','Plugins', 'Templates', 'Search'));
+$resultcategories = api_get_settings_categories(array('stylesheets', 'Plugins', 'Templates', 'Search'));
echo "\n<div class=\"actions\">";
//while ($row = Database::fetch_array($resultcategories))
foreach ($resultcategories as $row) {