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Minor - Update language files

Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos 8 years ago
2 changed files with 29 additions and 11 deletions
  1. 16 6
  2. 13 5

+ 16 - 6

@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ $AddClasses = "Add classes";
 $ExportUsers = "Export users list";
 $NumberOfParticipants = "Number of members";
 $NumberOfUsers = "Number of users";
-$Participants = "members";
+$Participants = "Members";
 $FirstLetterClass = "First letter (class name)";
 $FirstLetterUser = "First letter (last name)";
 $FirstLetterCourse = "First letter (code)";
@@ -7654,11 +7654,11 @@ $ExportBadges = "Export badges";
 $LanguagesDisableAllExceptDefault = "Disable all languages except the platform default";
 $ThereAreUsersUsingThisLanguagesDisableItManually = "There are users currently using the following language. Please disable manually.";
 $MessagingAllowSendPushNotificationTitle = "Allow Push Notifications to the Chamilo Messaging mobile app";
-$MessagingAllowSendPushNotificationComment = "Send Push Notifications by Google Cloud Messaging";
-$MessagingGDCProjectNumberTitle = "Project number of Google Developer Console";
-$MessagingGDCProjectNumberComment = "You need register a project on <a href=\"\">Google Developer Console</a>";
-$MessagingGDCApiKeyTitle = "API Key of Google Developer Console for Google Cloud Messaging";
-$MessagingGDCApiKeyComment = "You need enable the Google Cloud Messaging API and create one credential for Android";
+$MessagingAllowSendPushNotificationComment = "Send Push Notifications by Google's Firebase Console";
+$MessagingGDCProjectNumberTitle = "Sender ID of Firebase Console for Cloud Messaging";
+$MessagingGDCProjectNumberComment = "You need register a project on <a href=\"\">Google Firebase Console</a>";
+$MessagingGDCApiKeyTitle = "Server key of Firebase Console for Cloud Messaging";
+$MessagingGDCApiKeyComment = "Server key (legacy token) from project credentials";
 $Overwrite = "Overwrite";
 $TheLogoMustBeSizeXAndFormatY = "The logo must be of %s px in size and in %s format";
 $ResetToTheOriginalLogo = "Original logo recovered";
@@ -7877,4 +7877,14 @@ $CRSTablesIntro = "The install script has detected tables coming from previous v
 Please click on the button below to delete them. We heavily recommend you do a full backup of them before confirming this last install step.";
 $Removing = "Removing";
 $CheckForCRSTables = "Check for tables from previous versions";
+$YourPasswordCannotBeTheSameAsYourEmail = "Your password cannot be the same as your email";
+$YourPasswordCannotContainYourUsername = "Your password cannot contain your username";
+$WordTwoCharacterClasses = "Use different character classes";
+$TooManyRepetitions = "Too many repetitions";
+$YourPasswordContainsSequences = "Your password contains sequences";
+$PasswordVeryWeak = "Very weak";
+$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBoss = "You have been assigned the learner %s";
+$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBossWithUrlX = "You have been assigned as tutor for the learner %s.
+You can access his profile here: %s";

+ 13 - 5

@@ -7673,11 +7673,11 @@ $ExportBadges = "Exportar insignias";
 $LanguagesDisableAllExceptDefault = "Desactivar todos los idiomas excepto el por defecto de la plataforma";
 $ThereAreUsersUsingThisLanguagesDisableItManually = "Hay usuarios que usan actualmente el idioma siguiente. Por favor, desactivar manualmente.";
 $MessagingAllowSendPushNotificationTitle = "Permitir enviar notificaciones Push a la aplicación móvil de Chamilo Messaging";
-$MessagingAllowSendPushNotificationComment = "Enviar notificaciones Push a través de Google Cloud Messaging";
-$MessagingGDCProjectNumberTitle = "Número de proyecto de Google Developer Console";
-$MessagingGDCProjectNumberComment = "Necesita registrar un proyecto en <a href=\"\">Google Developer Console</a>";
-$MessagingGDCApiKeyTitle = "API key de Google Developer Console para Google Cloud Messaging";
-$MessagingGDCApiKeyComment = "Necesita habilitar la API de Google Cloud Messaging y crear una credencial para Android";
+$MessagingAllowSendPushNotificationComment = "Enviar notificaciones Push a través de Firebase Console de Google";
+$MessagingGDCProjectNumberTitle = "ID del remitente de Firebase Console para Mensajería en la Nube";
+$MessagingGDCProjectNumberComment = "Necesita registrar un proyecto en <a href=\"\">Google Firebase Console</a>";
+$MessagingGDCApiKeyTitle = "Server key de Firebase Console para Mensajería en la Nube";
+$MessagingGDCApiKeyComment = "Server key (legacy token) de las credenciales del proyecto en Firebase Console";
 $Overwrite = "Sobreescribir";
 $TheLogoMustBeSizeXAndFormatY = "El logo debe ser de un tamaño de %s px y en el formato %s";
 $ResetToTheOriginalLogo = "Reseteado al logo original";
@@ -7896,4 +7896,12 @@ $CRSTablesIntro = "El script de instalación ha detectado tablas procedentes de
 Por favor, haga clic en el botón de abajo para eliminarlas. Recomendamos seriamente hacer una copia de seguridad completa de estas antes de confirmar este último paso de instalación.";
 $Removing = "Removiendo";
 $CheckForCRSTables = "Comprobar si hay tablas de veriones anteriores";
+$YourPasswordCannotBeTheSameAsYourEmail = "Su contraseña no puede ser la misma que su correo electrónico";
+$YourPasswordCannotContainYourUsername = "Su contraseña no puede contener su nombre de usuario";
+$WordTwoCharacterClasses = "Use diferentes clases de caracteres";
+$TooManyRepetitions = "Muchas repeticiones";
+$YourPasswordContainsSequences = "Su contraseña contiene secuencias";
+$PasswordVeryWeak = "Muy débil";
+$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBoss = "Se le ha asignado el estudiante %s";
+$UserXHasBeenAssignedToBossWithUrlX = "Usted ha sido asignado(a) como tutor del estudiante %s. Puede acceder a su perfil aquí: %s";