@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ $langDropboxContent = "<p>The dropbox tool is a Content Management Tool dedicate
$langHHome = "Help Homepage";
$langHomeContent = "<p>The training home page shows a series of tools : an introduction text, a description, a Documents manager etc. This page is modular : you can hide / show any tool in one click. Hidden tools can be reactivated at any time.</p><b>Navigation</b><p>To brow";
$langHOnline = "Help Chamilo LIVE";
-$langOnlineContent = "<br><span style=\\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\\">Introduction </span><br> <br> <div style=\\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\\">Chamilo online conferencing systemallows you to teach, inform or gathertogether up to 500 people in a simple and quick way.<br> <";
+$langOnlineContent = "<br><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Introduction </span><br> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">Chamilo online conferencing systemallows you to teach, inform or gathertogether up to 500 people in a simple and quick way.<br> <";
$langHClar = "Chamilo Help";
$langHDoc = "Help Documents";
-$langDocContent = "<p>The Documents tool is similar to the FileManager of your desktop computer.</p><p>You can create simple web pages (\'Create a document\') or upload files of any type (HTML, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Your only concern mus";
+$langDocContent = "<p>The Documents tool is similar to the FileManager of your desktop computer.</p><p>You can create simple web pages ('Create a document') or upload files of any type (HTML, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Your only concern mus";
$langHUser = "Help Users";
$langHExercise = "Help tests";
$langHPath = "Course Help";
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ $langHAnnouncements = "Help Announcements";
$langHChat = "Help Chat";
$langHWork = "Help for Assignments";
$langHTracking = "Help Tracking";
-$langUserContent = "<p><b>Adding users</b></p> <p>You can subscribe existing students one by one to your training, by clicking on the link \'Subscribe users to this course\'. Usually however it\'s better to open your training for registration and let the students register th";
-$langGroupContent = "<p><b>Introduction</b></p><p>This tool allows to create and manage workgroups.At creation (Create groups), groups are empty. There aremany ways to fill them:<ul><li>automatically (\'Fill groups (random)\'),</li><li>manually (\'Edit\'),</li><li>self-regist";
+$langUserContent = "<p><b>Adding users</b></p> <p>You can subscribe existing students one by one to your training, by clicking on the link 'Subscribe users to this course'. Usually however it's better to open your training for registration and let the students register th";
+$langGroupContent = "<p><b>Introduction</b></p><p>This tool allows to create and manage workgroups.At creation (Create groups), groups are empty. There aremany ways to fill them:<ul><li>automatically ('Fill groups (random)'),</li><li>manually ('Edit'),</li><li>self-regist";
$langExerciseContent = "<p>The tests tool allows you to create tests that will contains as many questions as you like.<br><br>There are various types of answers available for the creation of your questions :<br><br><ul> <li>Multiple choice (Unique answer)</li> <li>Multiple cho";
$langPathContent = "The Course tool has two functions :<ul><li>Add a course (authoring tool)</li><li>Upload a Scorm course</li></ul><img src=\\"../img/path_help.gif\\"><p><b>What is a Course?</b></p><p>A Course is a sequence of learning objects or activities included in sectio";
$langDescriptionContent = "<p>The Description tool will help you describe and summarize your training. It may help your future learners get a clear view on what they can expect from this training. It is also an opportunity for you to rethink your training scenario.<p>";
$langLinksContent = "<p>The Links tool allows you to create a library of resources for your students. Especially resoucrs that you have not created yourself.</p><p>When the list grows, it might proove relevant to organise it into categories to help your students find the righ";
$langMycoursesContent = "<p>Once logged in into the platform, you are on your <i>personal startpage</i>.</p><p>In the main area (center) you see \\"<b>My training list</b>\\", a list of all your training. Depending on your user rights you can also have the possibility to create new";
-$langAgendaContent = "<p>The agenda appears both in each training and as a synthetic tool for the student (\'My agenda\' in top banner).</p><p>In the training, the agenda appears as a list of events. You can attach documents or activities to a date so that the agenda becomes a";
+$langAgendaContent = "<p>The agenda appears both in each training and as a synthetic tool for the student ('My agenda' in top banner).</p><p>In the training, the agenda appears as a list of events. You can attach documents or activities to a date so that the agenda becomes a";
$langAnnouncementsContent = "<p>The Announcements tool allows you to send an email to all your learners or to some of them or to some groups. It might prove efficient to drive students back to your website if they do not visit it very often.</p>";
$langChatContent = "<p>The Chat tool allows you to discuss live with your participants.</p><p>This chat is not similar to usual ones, like MSN® or Yahoo Messenger® because it is web based. The disadvantage is that it refreshes only after 10 seconds and not immediately. The a";
$langWorkContent = "<p>The assignments tool is a very simple one. It allows your students to upload any document in the training area.</p><p>Depending on your course scenario, you can set all files to be visible to all students by default, or only visible for you. Making all";
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ $langHGroups = "Groups";
$langGroupsContent = "Content of the groups";
$langGuide = "Manual";
$HSurvey = "Help Survey";
-$SurveyContent = "<p>Getting proper feedback on your courses is always a major concern, isn\'t it? You will appreciate the dedicated Survey tool which you can use to effectively seek feedback from users. </p> <p><b>Creating a new survey</b></p> <p> Click on the link \\"Crea";
+$SurveyContent = "<p>Getting proper feedback on your courses is always a major concern, isn't it? You will appreciate the dedicated Survey tool which you can use to effectively seek feedback from users. </p> <p><b>Creating a new survey</b></p> <p> Click on the link \\"Crea";
$HBlogs = "Project help";
$BlogsContent = "<p>The Projects tool ovide learners the opportunity to build knowledge collaboratively through roles, tasks and deadlines.";