@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+ *
+ * MathJax/config/default.js
+ *
+ * This configuration file is loaded when you load MathJax
+ * via <script src="MathJax.js?config=default"></script>
+ *
+ * Use it to customize the MathJax settings. See comments below.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * This file lists most, but not all, of the options that can be set for
+ * MathJax and its various components. Some additional options are
+ * available, however, and are listed in the various links at:
+ *
+ * http://www.mathjax.org/resources/docs/?configuration.html#configuration-options-by-component
+ *
+ * You can add these to the configuration object below if you
+ * want to change them from their default values.
+ */
+ //
+ // A comma-separated list of configuration files to load
+ // when MathJax starts up. E.g., to define local macros, etc.
+ // The default directory is the MathJax/config directory.
+ //
+ // Example: config: ["local/local.js"],
+ // Example: config: ["local/local.js","MMLtoHTML.js"],
+ //
+ config: [],
+ //
+ // A comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded
+ // when MathJax starts up. The default directory is the
+ // MathJax/config directory.
+ //
+ // Example: styleSheets: ["MathJax.css"],
+ //
+ styleSheets: [],
+ //
+ // Styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // styles: {
+ // ".MathJax_Preview": {
+ // color: "#888"
+ // }
+ // },
+ //
+ styles: {},
+ //
+ // A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup.
+ // Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not
+ // inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page. These
+ // are found in the MathJax/jax directory. The choices include
+ //
+ // input/TeX
+ // input/MathML
+ // input/AsciiMath
+ //
+ // output/HTML-CSS
+ // output/NativeMML
+ // output/SVG
+ //
+ // If you change the input jax, you may need to include the appropriate
+ // preprocessor in the extensions array below.
+ //
+ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
+ //
+ // A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup. The default
+ // directory is MathJax/extensions.
+ //
+ // Example: extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"],
+ //
+ // You may wish to include "mml2jax.js" if you are using "input/MathML" in the
+ // jax array above, and "asciimath2jax.js" if you using "input/AsciiMath".
+ // Include "jsmath2jax.js" if you are converting from using jsMath to MathJax.
+ //
+ extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
+ //
+ // Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags. If you are not
+ // using one of the preprocessors (e.g., tex2jax), you need to insert something
+ // extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer. IE
+ // removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks are redundent, and since a SCRIPT
+ // tag usually doesn't add content to the page, if there is a space before and after
+ // a MathJax SCRIPT tag, IE will remove the first space. When MathJax inserts
+ // the typeset mathematics, this means there will be no space before it and the
+ // preceeding text. In order to avoid this, you should include some "guard characters"
+ // before or after the math SCRIPT tag; define the patterns you want to use below.
+ // Note that these are used as regular expressions, so you will need to quote
+ // special characters. Furthermore, since they are javascript strings, you must
+ // quote javascript special characters as well. So to obtain a backslash, you must
+ // use \\ (doubled for javascript). For example, "\\[" is the pattern \[ in the
+ // regular expression. That means that if you want an actual backslash in your
+ // guard characters, you need to use "\\\\" in order to get \\ in the regular
+ // expression, and \ in the actual text. If both preJax and postJax are defined,
+ // both must be present in order to be removed.
+ //
+ // See also the preRemoveClass comments below.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // preJax: "\\\\\\\\", // makes a double backslash the preJax text
+ // or
+ // preJax: "\\[\\[", // jax scripts must be enclosed in double brackets
+ // postJax: "\\]\\]",
+ //
+ preJax: null,
+ postJax: null,
+ //
+ // The CSS class for a math preview to be removed preceeding a MathJax
+ // SCRIPT tag. If the tag just before the MathJax SCRIPT tag is of this
+ // class, its contents are removed when MathJax processes the SCRIPT
+ // tag. This allows you to include a math preview in a form that will
+ // be displayed prior to MathJax performing its typesetting. It also
+ // avoids the Internet Explorer space-removal bug, and can be used in
+ // place of preJax and postJax if that is more convenient.
+ //
+ // For example
+ //
+ // <span class="MathJax_Preview">[math]</span><script type="math/tex">...</script>
+ //
+ // would display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.
+ //
+ preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview",
+ //
+ // This value controls whether the "Processing Math: nn%" message are displayed
+ // in the lower left-hand corner. Set to "false" to prevent those messages (though
+ // file loading and other messages will still be shown).
+ //
+ showProcessingMessages: true,
+ //
+ // This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner.
+ // Set it to "none" to eliminate all messages, or set it to "simple" to show
+ // "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name and the
+ // percentage of the mathematics processed.
+ //
+ messageStyle: "normal",
+ //
+ // These two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations.
+ // The first can be "left", "center", or "right", and determines the alignment of
+ // displayed equations. When the alignment is not "center", the second determines
+ // an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations. When
+ // the alignment is "center", the indent allows you to shift the center to the right
+ // or left (negative is left).
+ //
+ displayAlign: "center",
+ displayIndent: "0",
+ //
+ // Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of
+ // configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can. If you
+ // expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you
+ // may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called. If so,
+ // set this to "onload".
+ //
+ delayStartupUntil: "none",
+ //
+ // Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as
+ // the page is loaded. If you want to delay that process, in which case
+ // you will need to call MathJax.Hub.Typeset() yourself by hand, set
+ // this value to true.
+ //
+ skipStartupTypeset: false,
+ //
+ // A list of element ID's that are the ones to process for mathematics
+ // when any of the Hub typesetting calls (Typeset, Process, Update, etc)
+ // are called with no element specified. This lets you restrict the
+ // processing to particular containers rather than scanning the entire
+ // document for mathematics. If none are supplied, the entire document
+ // is processed.
+ //
+ elements: [],
+ //
+ // Since typesetting usually changes the vertical dimensions of the
+ // page, if the URL contains an anchor position you may no longer be
+ // positioned at the correct position on the page, so MathJax can
+ // reposition to that location after it completes its initial
+ // typesetting of the page. This value controls whether MathJax will
+ // reposition the browser to the #hash location from the page URL after
+ // typesetting for the page.
+ //
+ positionToHash: true,
+ //
+ // These control whether to attach the MathJax contextual menu to the
+ // expressions typeset by MathJax. Since the code for handling
+ // MathPlayer in Internet Explorer is somewhat delicate, it is
+ // controlled separately via (showMathMenuMSIE). The latter is now
+ // deprecated in favor of the MathJax contextual menu settings for
+ // MathPlayer.
+ //
+ // These values used to be listed in the separate output jax, but
+ // have been moved to this more central location since they are shared
+ // by all output jax.
+ //
+ showMathMenu: true,
+ showMathMenuMSIE: true,
+ //
+ // The default settings for the MathJax contextual menu (overridden by
+ // the MathJax cookie when users change the menu settings).
+ //
+ menuSettings: {
+ zoom: "None", // when to do MathZoom
+ CTRL: false, // require CTRL for MathZoom?
+ ALT: false, // require Alt or Option?
+ CMD: false, // require CMD?
+ Shift: false, // require Shift?
+ zscale: "200%", // the scaling factor for MathZoom
+ font: "Auto", // what font HTML-CSS should use
+ context: "MathJax", // or "Browser" for pass-through to browser menu
+ mpContext: false, // true means pass menu events to MathPlayer in IE
+ mpMouse: false, // true means pass mouse events to MathPlayer in IE
+ texHints: true, // include class names for TeXAtom elements
+ semantics: false // add semantics tag with original form in MathML output
+ },
+ //
+ // The message and style for when there is a processing error handling
+ // the mathematics (something has gone wrong with the input or output
+ // jax that prevents it from operating properly).
+ //
+ errorSettings: {
+ message: ["[",["MathProcessingError","Math Processing Error"],"]"],
+ style: {color: "#CC0000", "font-style":"italic"} // style for message
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the tex2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+ // "tex2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+ //
+ tex2jax: {
+ //
+ // The delimiters that surround in-line math expressions. The first in each
+ // pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+ // Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
+ // comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
+ // be able to handle that.
+ //
+ inlineMath: [
+// ['$','$'], // uncomment this for standard TeX math delimiters
+ ['\\(','\\)']
+ ],
+ //
+ // The delimiters that surround displayed math expressions. The first in each
+ // pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+ // Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
+ // comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
+ // be able to handle that.
+ //
+ displayMath: [
+ ['$$','$$'],
+ ['\\[','\\]']
+ ],
+ //
+ // This value determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
+ // balanced within math delimiters (which allows for nested dollar
+ // signs). Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility. When true,
+ //
+ // $y = x^2 \hbox{ when $x > 2$}$.
+ //
+ // will be properly handled as a single expression. When false, it
+ // would be interpreted as two searpate expressions, each with
+ // improperly balanced braces.
+ //
+ balanceBraces: true,
+ //
+ // This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
+ // processed by tex2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
+ // as listed below). You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
+ // MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
+ //
+ skipTags: ["script","noscript","style","textarea","pre","code","annotation","annotation-xml"],
+ //
+ // This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
+ // not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the
+ // processClass pattern below). Note that this is a regular
+ // expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
+ // characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
+ // followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
+ // in the class name. Assigning an element this class name will
+ // prevent `tex2jax` from processing its contents.
+ //
+ ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",
+ //
+ // This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
+ // be processed by tex2jax. This is used to turn on processing within
+ // tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above. Note that
+ // this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote
+ // any regexp special characters. The pattern is automatically
+ // preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern
+ // will have to match full words in the class name. Use this to
+ // restart processing within an element that has been marked as
+ // ignored above.
+ //
+ processClass: "tex2jax_process",
+ //
+ // Set to "true" to allow \$ to produce a dollar without starting in-line
+ // math mode. If you uncomment the ['$','$'] line above, you should change
+ // this to true so that you can insert plain dollar signs into your documents
+ //
+ processEscapes: false,
+ //
+ // Controls whether tex2jax processes LaTeX environments outside of math
+ // mode. Set to "false" to prevent processing of environments except within
+ // math mode.
+ //
+ processEnvironments: true,
+ //
+ // Controls whether tex2jax processes \ref{...} commands outside
+ // of math mode. Set to "false" to prevent processing of \ref
+ // except within math mode.
+ //
+ processRefs: true,
+ //
+ // Controls whether tex2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+ // preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
+ // and display mathetics on the page. The default is "TeX", which
+ // means use the TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by
+ // MathJax). Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
+ // inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset). Set
+ // to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
+ // to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
+ // could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
+ //
+ // E.g., preview: ["[math]"],
+ // or preview: [["img",{src: "http://myserver.com/images/mypic.jpg"}]]
+ //
+ preview: "TeX"
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the asciimath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+ // "asciimath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+ //
+ asciimath2jax: {
+ //
+ // The delimiters that surround asciimath expressions. The first in each
+ // pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+ //
+ delimiters: [
+ ['`','`']
+ ],
+ //
+ // This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
+ // processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
+ // as listed below). You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
+ // MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
+ //
+ skipTags: ["script","noscript","style","textarea","pre","code","annotation","annotation-xml"],
+ //
+ // This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
+ // not be processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for the
+ // processClass pattern below). Note that this is a regular
+ // expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
+ // characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
+ // followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
+ // in the class name. Assigning an element this class name will
+ // prevent `asciimath2jax` from processing its contents.
+ //
+ ignoreClass: "asciimath2jax_ignore",
+ //
+ // This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
+ // be processed by asciimath2jax. This is used to turn on processing
+ // within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.
+ // Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure
+ // to quote any regexp special characters. The pattern is
+ // automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so
+ // your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Use
+ // this to restart processing within an element that has been marked
+ // as ignored above.
+ //
+ processClass: "asciimath2jax_process",
+ // Controls whether asciimath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+ // preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
+ // and display mathetics on the page. The default is "AsciiMath", which
+ // means use the AsciiMath code as the preview (until it is processed by
+ // MathJax). Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
+ // inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset). Set
+ // to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
+ // to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
+ // could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
+ //
+ // E.g., preview: ["[math]"],
+ // or preview: [["img",{src: "http://myserver.com/images/mypic.jpg"}]]
+ //
+ preview: "AsciiMath"
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the mml2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+ // "mml2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+ //
+ mml2jax: {
+ //
+ // Controls whether mml2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+ // preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
+ // mathematics on the page. The default is "mathml" which means use
+ // the <math> tag as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).
+ // Set to "alttext", to use the <math> tag's alttext attribute as the
+ // preview, if the tag has one. Set to "none" to
+ // prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will simply
+ // disappear until it is typeset). Set to "altimg" to use an image
+ // described by the altimg* attributes of the <math> element.
+ // Set to an array containing the
+ // description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for
+ // all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]" or
+ // load an image).
+ //
+ // E.g., preview: ["[math]"],
+ // or preview: [["img",{src: "http://myserver.com/images/mypic.jpg"}]]
+ //
+ preview: "mathml"
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the jsMath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+ // "jsMath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+ //
+ jsMath2jax: {
+ //
+ // Controls whether jsMath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+ // preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
+ // mathematics on the page. The default is "TeX", which means use the
+ // TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax). Set to
+ // "none" to prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will
+ // simply disappear until it is typeset). Set to an array containing
+ // the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview
+ // for all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]"
+ // or load an image).
+ //
+ // E.g., preview: ["[math]"],
+ // or preview: [["img",{src: "http://myserver.com/images/mypic.jpg"}]]
+ //
+ preview: "TeX"
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the TeX input jax.
+ //
+ TeX: {
+ //
+ // This specifies the side on which \tag{} macros will place the tags.
+ // Set to "left" to place on the left-hand side.
+ //
+ TagSide: "right",
+ //
+ // This is the amound of indentation (from right or left) for the tags.
+ //
+ TagIndent: "0.8em",
+ //
+ // This is the width to use for the multline environment
+ //
+ MultLineWidth: "85%",
+ //
+ // List of macros to define. These are of the form
+ // name: value
+ // where 'value' is the replacement text for the macro \name.
+ // The 'value' can also be [value,n] where 'value' is the replacement
+ // text and 'n' is the number of parameters for the macro.
+ // Note that backslashes must be doubled in the replacement string.
+ //
+ // E.g.,
+ //
+ // Macros: {
+ // RR: '{\\bf R}',
+ // bold: ['{\\bf #1}', 1]
+ // }
+ //
+ Macros: {},
+ //
+ // Equation numbering parameters.
+ //
+ equationNumbers: {
+ autoNumber: "none", // "AMS" for standard AMS environment numbering,
+ // or "all" to number all displayed equations
+// formatNumber: function (n) {return n}, // format for equation number n
+// formatTag: function (n) {return '('+n+')'}, // format for \tag and \eqref
+// formatID: function (n) {return 'mjx-eqn-'+String(n).replace(/[:'"<>&]/g,"")},
+// // element ID to use for reference
+// formatURL: function (id) {return '#'+escape(id)}, // URL to use for references
+ useLabelIds: true // make element ID's use \label name rather than equation number
+ },
+ //
+ // Controls the TeX/noErrors extension
+ //
+ noErrors: {
+ disabled: false, // set to true to return to original error messages
+ multiLine: true, // false to not include original line breaks
+ inlineDelimiters: ["",""], // or use ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] to put back delimiters
+ style: {
+ "font-size": "90%",
+ "text-align": "left",
+ "color": "black",
+ "padding": "1px 3px",
+ "border": "1px solid"
+ }
+ },
+ //
+ // Controls the TeX/noUndefined extension
+ //
+ noUndefined: {
+ disabled: false, // set to true to return to original error messages
+ attributes: { // attributes to set for the undefined control sequence
+ mathcolor: "red"
+ }
+ },
+ //
+ // Controls the TeX/unicode extension
+ unicode: {
+ fonts: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS'" // the default font list for unknown characters
+ }
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the AsciiMath input jax.
+ //
+ AsciiMath: {
+ //
+ // Determines whether the unicode positions for phi and varphi are
+ // to be swapped or not. (Unicode originally had these reversed, and
+ // many fonts have them reversed as well.) When set to true, phi
+ // and varphi will correspond to the LaTeX macros of the same name.
+ //
+ fixphi: true,
+ //
+ // Determines whether the MathML should be marked so that the HTML-CSS
+ // and SVG output jax will use MathML spacing rules rather than TeX
+ // spacing rules. Since AsciiMath was designed for MathML output, the
+ // MathML rules are used by default.
+ //
+ useMathMLspacing: true,
+ //
+ // Determines whether limits are placed above and below operators,
+ // or next to them. (AsciiMath doesn't have separate in-line and
+ // display modes like TeX and MathML do, so this is the only control
+ // you have over its output)
+ //
+ displaystyle: true,
+ //
+ // The character to use for decimal places when scanning for a number.
+ // If you change it to ",", beware of things like "(1,2)" which would need
+ // to be changed to "(1, 2)" to be parsed correctly.
+ //
+ decimal: "."
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the MathML input jax.
+ //
+ MathML: {
+ //
+ // This specifies whether to use TeX spacing or MathML spacing when the
+ // HTML-CSS output jax is used.
+ //
+ useMathMLspacing: false
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the HTML-CSS output jax.
+ //
+ "HTML-CSS": {
+ //
+ // This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+ // surrounding text. Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+ //
+ scale: 100,
+ //
+ // Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+ // factor smaller than this.
+ //
+ minScaleAdjust: 50,
+ //
+ // This is a list of the fonts to look for on a user's computer in
+ // preference to using MathJax's web-based fonts. These must
+ // correspond to directories available in the jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts
+ // directory, where MathJax stores data about the characters available
+ // in the fonts. Set this to ["TeX"], for example, to prevent the
+ // use of the STIX fonts, or set it to an empty list, [], if
+ // you want to force MathJax to use web-based or image fonts.
+ //
+ availableFonts: ["STIX","TeX"],
+ //
+ // This is the preferred font to use when more than one of those
+ // listed above is available.
+ //
+ preferredFont: "TeX",
+ //
+ // This is the web-based font to use when none of the fonts listed
+ // above are available on the user's computer. Note that currently
+ // only the TeX font is available in a web-based form. Set this to
+ //
+ // webFont: null,
+ //
+ // if you want to prevent the use of web-based fonts.
+ //
+ webFont: "TeX",
+ //
+ // This is the font to use for image fallback mode (when none of the
+ // fonts listed above are available and the browser doesn't support
+ // web-fonts via the @font-face CSS directive). Note that currently
+ // only the TeX font is available as an image font. Set this to
+ //
+ // imageFont: null,
+ //
+ // if you want to prevent the use of image fonts (e.g., you have not
+ // installed the image fonts on your server). In this case, only
+ // browsers that support web-based fonts will be able to view your pages
+ // without having the fonts installed on the client computer. The browsers
+ // that support web-based fonts include: IE6 and later, Chrome, Safari3.1
+ // and above, Firefox3.5 and later, and Opera10 and later. Note that
+ // Firefox3.0 is NOT on this list, so without image fonts, FF3.0 users
+ // will be required to to download and install either the STIX fonts or the
+ // MathJax TeX fonts.
+ //
+ imageFont: "TeX",
+ //
+ // This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
+ // in the selected font (e.g., for web-based fonts, this is where to
+ // look for characters not included in the MathJax_* fonts). IE will
+ // stop looking after the first font that exists on the system (even
+ // if it doesn't contain the needed character), so order these carefully.
+ //
+ undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
+ //
+ // This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
+ // using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text. When
+ // false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
+ // the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
+ //
+ mtextFontInherit: false,
+ //
+ // These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
+ // expressions will be.
+ //
+ // EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
+ // they appear on screen. Larger values make for less visual flicker
+ // as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
+ // reader sees anything.
+ //
+ // EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
+ // chunk is displayed.
+ //
+ // EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
+ // (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
+ //
+ // Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EqnChunkDelay to 10 to get
+ // the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
+ //
+ EqnChunk: 50,
+ EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
+ EqnChunkDelay: 100,
+ //
+ // This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+ // x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+ //
+ matchFontHeight: true,
+ //
+ // When true, MathJax will not measure the widths or heights of the
+ // subexpressions as it creates its output, but instead will rely on
+ // its internal calculautions based on teh bounding boxes of the
+ // characters it uses, and will only take measurements when it
+ // absolutely has to. Since measurements cause display reflows, they
+ // slows down MathJax considerably, so without them MathJax runs
+ // faster, but can produce slightly less accurate character placements,
+ // especially in width fractions or roots.
+ //
+ noReflows: true,
+ //
+ // These settings control automatic line breaking. It is off by
+ // default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
+ // linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements). To
+ // perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
+ // 'automatic' to 'true' below. The line breaks will be applied via a
+ // penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect. You
+ // might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
+ // hand in order to get better effects. It is also possible to modify
+ // the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
+ //
+ linebreaks: {
+ //
+ // This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
+ // when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+ // when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
+ //
+ automatic: false,
+ //
+ // This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
+ //
+ // Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
+ // Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
+ // Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
+ // Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
+ //
+ // The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
+ // expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
+ // of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
+ //
+ width: "container"
+ },
+ //
+ // This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+ // various math elements created by MathJax.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // styles: {
+ // ".MathJax .merror": {
+ // color: "#CC0000",
+ // border: "1px solid #CC0000"
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ styles: {},
+ //
+ // Configuration for <maction> tooltips
+ // (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/config.js,
+ // which can be overriden using the styles values above).
+ //
+ tooltip: {
+ delayPost: 600, // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
+ delayClear: 600, // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
+ offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5 // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
+ }
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the NativeMML output jax.
+ //
+ NativeMML: {
+ //
+ // This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+ // surrounding text. Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+ //
+ scale: 100,
+ //
+ // Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+ // factor smaller than this.
+ //
+ minScaleAdjust: 50,
+ // This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+ // x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+ matchFontHeight: true,
+ //
+ // This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+ // various math elements created by MathJax.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // styles: {
+ // ".MathJax_MathML": {
+ // color: "red" // MathML is in red
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ styles: {}
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the SVG output jax.
+ //
+ "SVG": {
+ //
+ // This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+ // surrounding text. Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+ //
+ scale: 100,
+ //
+ // Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+ // factor smaller than this.
+ //
+ minScaleAdjust: 50,
+ //
+ // This specifies the font to use for SVG output (currently the only
+ // one available)
+ //
+ font: "TeX",
+ //
+ // This is the stroke width to use for all character paths (1em = 1000
+ // units). This is a cheap way of getting slightly lighter or darker
+ // characters
+ //
+ blacker: 10,
+ //
+ // This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
+ // in the selected font. IE will stop looking after the first font
+ // that exists on the system (even if it doesn't contain the needed
+ // character), so order these carefully.
+ //
+ undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
+ //
+ // This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
+ // using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text. When
+ // false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
+ // the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
+ //
+ mtextFontInherit: false,
+ //
+ // This controls whether the MathML structure is retained and CSS
+ // classes are added to mark the original MathML elements (as in the
+ // HTML-CSS output). By default, the SVG output jax removes unneeded
+ // nesting in order to produce a more efficient markup, but if you
+ // want to use CSS to style the elements as if they were MathML, you
+ // might need to set this to true.
+ //
+ addMMLclasses: false,
+ //
+ // These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
+ // expressions will be.
+ //
+ // EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
+ // they appear on screen. Larger values make for less visual flicker
+ // as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
+ // reader sees anything.
+ //
+ // EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
+ // chunk is displayed.
+ //
+ // EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
+ // (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
+ //
+ // Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EwnChunkDelay to 10 to get
+ // the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
+ //
+ EqnChunk: 50,
+ EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
+ EqnChunkDelay: 100,
+ // This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+ // x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+ matchFontHeight: true,
+ //
+ // These settings control automatic line breaking. It is off by
+ // default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
+ // linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements). To
+ // perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
+ // 'automatic' to 'true' below. The line breaks will be applied via a
+ // penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect. You
+ // might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
+ // hand in order to get better effects. It is also possible to modify
+ // the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
+ //
+ linebreaks: {
+ //
+ // This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
+ // when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+ // when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
+ //
+ automatic: false,
+ //
+ // This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
+ //
+ // Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
+ // Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
+ // Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
+ // Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
+ //
+ // The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
+ // expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
+ // of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
+ //
+ width: "container"
+ },
+ //
+ // These are the styles used for merror elements in SVG output. Note
+ // that only a limited number of style attributes are supported by
+ // SVG, but you can at least change the colors and borders.
+ //
+ //
+ merrorStyle: {
+ fontSize:"90%", color:"#C00", background:"#FF8",
+ border: "1px solid #C00", padding:"3px"
+ },
+ //
+ // This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+ // various math elements created by MathJax.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // styles: {
+ // ".MathJax .merror": {
+ // color: "#CC0000",
+ // border: "1px solid #CC0000"
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ styles: {},
+ //
+ // Configuration for <maction> tooltips
+ // (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/SVG/config.js,
+ // which can be overriden using the styles values above).
+ //
+ tooltip: {
+ delayPost: 600, // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
+ delayClear: 600, // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
+ offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5 // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
+ }
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
+ // mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+ //
+ MathMenu: {
+ //
+ // This is the hover delay for the display of submenus in the
+ // contextual menu. When the mouse is still over a submenu label for
+ // this long, the menu will appear. (The menu also will appear if you
+ // click on the label.) It is in milliseconds.
+ //
+ delay: 150,
+ //
+ // This is the URL for the MathJax Help menu item.
+ //
+ helpURL: "http://www.mathjax.org/help-v2/user/",
+ //
+ // These control whether the "Math Renderer", "MathPlayer", "Font
+ // Preferences", "Contextual Menu", and "Discoverable" menu items will
+ // be displayed or not.
+ //
+ showRenderer: true,
+ showMathPlayer: true,
+ showFontMenu: false,
+ showContext: false,
+ showDiscoverable: false,
+ //
+ // These are the settings for the Annotation menu. If the <math> root has
+ // a <semantics> child that contains one of the following annotation
+ // formats, the source will be available via the "Show Math As" menu.
+ // Each format has a list of possible encodings.
+ //
+ semanticsAnnotations: {
+ "TeX": ["TeX", "LaTeX", "application/x-tex"],
+ "StarMath": ["StarMath 5.0"],
+ "Maple": ["Maple"],
+ "ContentMathML": ["MathML-Content", "application/mathml-content+xml"],
+ "OpenMath": ["OpenMath"]
+ },
+ //
+ // These are the settings for the Show Source window. The initial
+ // width and height will be reset after the source is shown in an
+ // attempt to make the window fit the output better.
+ //
+ windowSettings: {
+ status: "no", toolbar: "no", locationbar: "no", menubar: "no",
+ directories: "no", personalbar: "no", resizable: "yes", scrollbars: "yes",
+ width: 100, height: 50
+ },
+ //
+ // This allows you to change the CSS that controls the menu
+ // appearance. See the extensions/MathMenu.js file for details
+ // of the default settings.
+ //
+ styles: {}
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
+ // mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+ //
+ MathEvents: {
+ //
+ // This is the time required for the mouse to be held still over a
+ // typeset equation in order for it to count as a hover (used when the
+ // zoom trigger is "Hover"). It is in milliseconds.
+ //
+ hover: 500
+ },
+ //============================================================================
+ //
+ // These parameters control the MMLorHTML configuration file.
+ // NOTE: if you add MMLorHTML.js to the config array above,
+ // you must REMOVE the output jax from the jax array.
+ //
+ MMLorHTML: {
+ //
+ // The output jax that is to be preferred when both are possible
+ // (set to "MML" for native MathML, "HTML" for MathJax's HTML-CSS output jax).
+ //
+ prefer: {
+ MSIE: "MML",
+ Firefox: "HTML",
+ Opera: "HTML",
+ Safari: "HTML",
+ Chrome: "HTML",
+ other: "HTML"
+ }
+ }