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Julio Montoya 9 years ago
100 changed files with 18111 additions and 18193 deletions
  1. 966 973
  2. 6 6
  3. 10 10
  4. 66 66
  5. 10 10
  6. 154 154
  7. 98 98
  8. 50 50
  9. 6 6
  10. 6 6
  11. 6 6
  12. 18 18
  13. 38 38
  14. 386 386
  15. 126 126
  16. 354 354
  17. 46 46
  18. 86 86
  19. 106 106
  20. 337 354
  21. 39 40
  22. 54 54
  23. 3 3
  24. 4 4
  25. 3 3
  26. 3 3
  27. 2 2
  28. 966 973
  29. 23 23
  30. 1614 1614
  31. 22 29
  32. 295 295
  33. 249 254
  34. 49 49
  35. 65 65
  36. 309 313
  37. 257 257
  38. 97 97
  39. 64 64
  40. 10 10
  41. 17 17
  42. 41 41
  43. 12 12
  44. 264 264
  45. 146 146
  46. 55 55
  47. 68 68
  48. 17 17
  49. 2835 2863
  50. 108 108
  51. 968 968
  52. 518 518
  53. 65 65
  54. 67 67
  55. 79 79
  56. 10 10
  57. 347 347
  58. 88 88
  59. 44 44
  60. 52 52
  61. 57 57
  62. 510 510
  63. 52 52
  64. 813 819
  65. 81 81
  66. 9 9
  67. 88 88
  68. 57 57
  69. 180 180
  70. 52 52
  71. 56 56
  72. 9 9
  73. 25 25
  74. 32 32
  75. 29 29
  76. 22 22
  77. 184 184
  78. 181 181
  79. 223 223
  80. 72 72
  81. 55 55
  82. 257 257
  83. 256 256
  84. 202 202
  85. 59 59
  86. 176 176
  87. 161 161
  88. 160 160
  89. 67 67
  90. 118 118
  91. 413 413
  92. 124 124
  93. 123 123
  94. 70 70
  95. 63 63
  96. 96 96
  97. 42 42
  98. 36 36
  99. 79 79
  100. 18 18

+ 966 - 973

@@ -41,1077 +41,1070 @@
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of configuration files to load
+  //  when MathJax starts up.  E.g., to define local macros, etc.
+  //  The default directory is the MathJax/config directory.
+  //
+  //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js"],
+  //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js","MMLtoHTML.js"],
+  //
+  config: [],
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded
+  //  when MathJax starts up.  The default directory is the
+  //  MathJax/config directory.
+  //
+  //  Example:    styleSheets: ["MathJax.css"],
+  //
+  styleSheets: [],
+  //
+  //  Styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.
+  //
+  //  Example:
+  //      styles: {
+  //        ".MathJax_Preview": {
+  //          color: "#888"
+  //        }
+  //      },
+  //
+  styles: {},
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup.
+  //  Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not
+  //  inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page.  These
+  //  are found in the MathJax/jax directory.  The choices include
+  //
+  //      input/TeX
+  //      input/MathML
+  //      input/AsciiMath
+  //
+  //      output/HTML-CSS
+  //      output/NativeMML
+  //      output/SVG
+  //
+  //   If you change the input jax, you may need to include the appropriate
+  //   preprocessor in the extensions array below.
+  //
+  jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup.  The default
+  //  directory is MathJax/extensions.
+  //
+  //  Example:    extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"],
+  //
+  //  You may wish to include "mml2jax.js" if you are using "input/MathML" in the
+  //  jax array above, and "asciimath2jax.js" if you using "input/AsciiMath".
+  //  Include "jsmath2jax.js" if you are converting from using jsMath to MathJax.
+  //
+  extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
+  //
+  //  Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags.  If you are not
+  //  using one of the preprocessors (e.g., tex2jax), you need to insert something
+  //  extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.  IE
+  //  removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks are redundent, and since a SCRIPT
+  //  tag usually doesn't add content to the page, if there is a space before and after
+  //  a MathJax SCRIPT tag, IE will remove the first space.  When MathJax inserts
+  //  the typeset mathematics, this means there will be no space before it and the
+  //  preceeding text.  In order to avoid this, you should include some "guard characters"
+  //  before or after the math SCRIPT tag; define the patterns you want to use below.
+  //  Note that these are used as regular expressions, so you will need to quote
+  //  special characters.  Furthermore, since they are javascript strings, you must
+  //  quote javascript special characters as well.  So to obtain a backslash, you must
+  //  use \\ (doubled for javascript).  For example, "\\[" is the pattern \[ in the
+  //  regular expression.  That means that if you want an actual backslash in your
+  //  guard characters, you need to use "\\\\" in order to get \\ in the regular
+  //  expression, and \ in the actual text.  If both preJax and postJax are defined,
+  //  both must be present in order to be  removed.
+  //
+  //  See also the preRemoveClass comments below.
+  //
+  //  Example:
+  //      preJax: "\\\\\\\\",  // makes a double backslash the preJax text
+  //    or
+  //      preJax:  "\\[\\[", // jax scripts must be enclosed in double brackets
+  //      postJax: "\\]\\]",
+  //
+  preJax: null,
+  postJax: null,
+  //
+  //  The CSS class for a math preview to be removed preceeding a MathJax
+  //  SCRIPT tag.  If the tag just before the MathJax SCRIPT tag is of this
+  //  class, its contents are removed when MathJax processes the SCRIPT
+  //  tag.  This allows you to include a math preview in a form that will
+  //  be displayed prior to MathJax performing its typesetting.  It also
+  //  avoids the Internet Explorer space-removal bug, and can be used in
+  //  place of preJax and postJax if that is more convenient.
+  //
+  //  For example
+  //
+  //      <span class="MathJax_Preview">[math]</span><script type="math/tex">...</script>
+  //
+  //  would display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.
+  //
+  preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview",
+  //
+  //  This value controls whether the "Processing Math: nn%" message are displayed
+  //  in the lower left-hand corner.  Set to "false" to prevent those messages (though
+  //  file loading and other messages will still be shown).
+  //
+  showProcessingMessages: true,
+  //
+  //  This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner.
+  //  Set it to "none" to eliminate all messages, or set it to "simple" to show
+  //  "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name and the
+  //  percentage of the mathematics processed.
+  //
+  messageStyle: "normal",
+  //
+  //  These two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations.
+  //  The first can be "left", "center", or "right", and determines the alignment of
+  //  displayed equations.  When the alignment is not "center", the second determines
+  //  an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.  When
+  //  the alignment is "center", the indent allows you to shift the center to the right
+  //  or left (negative is left).
+  //
+  displayAlign: "center",
+  displayIndent: "0",
+  //
+  //  Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of
+  //  configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can.  If you
+  //  expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you
+  //  may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called.  If so,
+  //  set this to "onload".
+  //
+  delayStartupUntil: "none",
+  //
+  //  Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as
+  //  the page is loaded.  If you want to delay that process, in which case
+  //  you will need to call MathJax.Hub.Typeset() yourself by hand, set
+  //  this value to true.
+  //
+  skipStartupTypeset: false,
+  //
+  //  A list of element ID's that are the ones to process for mathematics
+  //  when any of the Hub typesetting calls (Typeset, Process, Update, etc)
+  //  are called with no element specified.  This lets you restrict the
+  //  processing to particular containers rather than scanning the entire
+  //  document for mathematics.  If none are supplied, the entire document
+  //  is processed.
+  //
+  elements: [],
+  //
+  //  Since typesetting usually changes the vertical dimensions of the
+  //  page, if the URL contains an anchor position you may no longer be
+  //  positioned at the correct position on the page, so MathJax can
+  //  reposition to that location after it completes its initial
+  //  typesetting of the page.  This value controls whether MathJax will
+  //  reposition the browser to the #hash location from the page URL after
+  //  typesetting for the page.
+  //
+  positionToHash: true,
+  //
+  //  These control whether to attach the MathJax contextual menu to the
+  //  expressions typeset by MathJax.  Since the code for handling
+  //  MathPlayer in Internet Explorer is somewhat delicate, it is
+  //  controlled separately via (showMathMenuMSIE).  The latter is now
+  //  deprecated in favor of the MathJax contextual menu settings for
+  //  MathPlayer.
+  //
+  //  These values used to be listed in the separate output jax, but
+  //  have been moved to this more central location since they are shared
+  //  by all output jax.
+  //
+  showMathMenu: true,
+  showMathMenuMSIE: true,
+  //
+  //  The default settings for the MathJax contextual menu (overridden by
+  //  the MathJax cookie when users change the menu settings).
+  //
+  menuSettings: {
+    zoom: "None",        //  when to do MathZoom
+    CTRL: false,         //    require CTRL for MathZoom?
+    ALT: false,          //    require Alt or Option?
+    CMD: false,          //    require CMD?
+    Shift: false,        //    require Shift?
+    zscale: "200%",      //  the scaling factor for MathZoom
+    font: "Auto",        //  what font HTML-CSS should use
+    context: "MathJax",  //  or "Browser" for pass-through to browser menu
+    mpContext: false,    //  true means pass menu events to MathPlayer in IE
+    mpMouse: false,      //  true means pass mouse events to MathPlayer in IE
+    texHints: true,      //  include class names for TeXAtom elements
+    semantics: false     //  add semantics tag with original form in MathML output
+  },
+  //
+  //  The message and style for when there is a processing error handling
+  //  the mathematics (something has gone wrong with the input or output
+  //  jax that prevents it from operating properly).
+  //
+  errorSettings: {
+    message: ["[", ["MathProcessingError", "Math Processing Error"], "]"],
+    style: {color: "#CC0000", "font-style": "italic"}  // style for message
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the tex2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "tex2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  tex2jax: {
+    //
+    //  The delimiters that surround in-line math expressions.  The first in each
+    //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+    //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
+    //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
+    //  be able to handle that.
+    //
+    inlineMath: [
+//    ['$','$'],      // uncomment this for standard TeX math delimiters
+      ['\\(', '\\)']
+    ],
+    //
+    //  The delimiters that surround displayed math expressions.  The first in each
+    //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+    //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
+    //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
+    //  be able to handle that.
+    //
+    displayMath: [
+      ['$$', '$$'],
+      ['\\[', '\\]']
+    ],
+    //
+    //  This value determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
+    //  balanced within math delimiters (which allows for nested dollar
+    //  signs).  Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility.  When true,
-    //  A comma-separated list of configuration files to load
-    //  when MathJax starts up.  E.g., to define local macros, etc.
-    //  The default directory is the MathJax/config directory.
+    //      $y = x^2 \hbox{ when $x > 2$}$.
-    //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js"],
-    //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js","MMLtoHTML.js"],
+    //  will be properly handled as a single expression.  When false, it
+    //  would be interpreted as two searpate expressions, each with
+    //  improperly balanced braces.
-    config: [],
+    balanceBraces: true,
-    //  A comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded
-    //  when MathJax starts up.  The default directory is the
-    //  MathJax/config directory.
+    //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
+    //  processed by tex2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
+    //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
+    //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-    //  Example:    styleSheets: ["MathJax.css"],
+    skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
+    //
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
+    //  not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the
+    //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
+    //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
+    //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
+    //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
+    //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
+    //  prevent `tex2jax` from processing its contents.
-    styleSheets: [],
+    ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",
-    //  Styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
+    //  be processed by tex2jax.  This is used to turn on processing within
+    //  tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.  Note that
+    //  this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote
+    //  any regexp special characters.  The pattern is automatically
+    //  preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern
+    //  will have to match full words in the class name.  Use this to
+    //  restart processing within an element that has been marked as
+    //  ignored above.
-    //  Example:
-    //      styles: {
-    //        ".MathJax_Preview": {
-    //          color: "#888"
-    //        }
-    //      },
+    processClass: "tex2jax_process",
-    styles: {},
+    //  Set to "true" to allow \$ to produce a dollar without starting in-line
+    //  math mode.  If you uncomment the ['$','$'] line above, you should change
+    //  this to true so that you can insert plain dollar signs into your documents
+    //
+    processEscapes: false,
+    //
+    //  Controls whether tex2jax processes LaTeX environments outside of math
+    //  mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of environments except within
+    //  math mode.
+    //
+    processEnvironments: true,
-    //  A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup.
-    //  Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not
-    //  inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page.  These
-    //  are found in the MathJax/jax directory.  The choices include
+    //  Controls whether tex2jax processes \ref{...} commands outside
+    //  of math mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of \ref
+    //  except within math mode.
-    //      input/TeX
-    //      input/MathML
-    //      input/AsciiMath
+    processRefs: true,
-    //      output/HTML-CSS
-    //      output/NativeMML
-    //      output/SVG
+    //  Controls whether tex2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
+    //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which
+    //  means use the TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by
+    //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
+    //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
+    //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
+    //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
+    //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-    //   If you change the input jax, you may need to include the appropriate
-    //   preprocessor in the extensions array below.
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
+    preview: "TeX"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the asciimath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "asciimath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  asciimath2jax: {
-    //  A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup.  The default
-    //  directory is MathJax/extensions.
+    //  The delimiters that surround asciimath expressions.  The first in each
+    //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-    //  Example:    extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"],
+    delimiters: [
+      ['`', '`']
+    ],
-    //  You may wish to include "mml2jax.js" if you are using "input/MathML" in the
-    //  jax array above, and "asciimath2jax.js" if you using "input/AsciiMath".
-    //  Include "jsmath2jax.js" if you are converting from using jsMath to MathJax.
+    //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
+    //  processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
+    //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
+    //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-    extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
+    skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-    //  Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags.  If you are not
-    //  using one of the preprocessors (e.g., tex2jax), you need to insert something
-    //  extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.  IE
-    //  removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks are redundent, and since a SCRIPT
-    //  tag usually doesn't add content to the page, if there is a space before and after
-    //  a MathJax SCRIPT tag, IE will remove the first space.  When MathJax inserts
-    //  the typeset mathematics, this means there will be no space before it and the
-    //  preceeding text.  In order to avoid this, you should include some "guard characters"
-    //  before or after the math SCRIPT tag; define the patterns you want to use below.
-    //  Note that these are used as regular expressions, so you will need to quote
-    //  special characters.  Furthermore, since they are javascript strings, you must
-    //  quote javascript special characters as well.  So to obtain a backslash, you must
-    //  use \\ (doubled for javascript).  For example, "\\[" is the pattern \[ in the
-    //  regular expression.  That means that if you want an actual backslash in your
-    //  guard characters, you need to use "\\\\" in order to get \\ in the regular
-    //  expression, and \ in the actual text.  If both preJax and postJax are defined,
-    //  both must be present in order to be  removed.
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
+    //  not be processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for the
+    //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
+    //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
+    //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
+    //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
+    //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
+    //  prevent `asciimath2jax` from processing its contents.
-    //  See also the preRemoveClass comments below.
+    ignoreClass: "asciimath2jax_ignore",
-    //  Example:
-    //      preJax: "\\\\\\\\",  // makes a double backslash the preJax text
-    //    or
-    //      preJax:  "\\[\\[", // jax scripts must be enclosed in double brackets
-    //      postJax: "\\]\\]",
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
+    //  be processed by asciimath2jax.  This is used to turn on processing
+    //  within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.
+    //  Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure
+    //  to quote any regexp special characters.  The pattern is
+    //  automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so
+    //  your pattern will have to match full words in the class name.  Use
+    //  this to restart processing within an element that has been marked
+    //  as ignored above.
-    preJax: null,
-    postJax: null,
+    processClass: "asciimath2jax_process",
+    //  Controls whether asciimath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
+    //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "AsciiMath", which
+    //  means use the AsciiMath code as the preview (until it is processed by
+    //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
+    //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
+    //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
+    //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
+    //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-    //  The CSS class for a math preview to be removed preceeding a MathJax
-    //  SCRIPT tag.  If the tag just before the MathJax SCRIPT tag is of this
-    //  class, its contents are removed when MathJax processes the SCRIPT
-    //  tag.  This allows you to include a math preview in a form that will
-    //  be displayed prior to MathJax performing its typesetting.  It also
-    //  avoids the Internet Explorer space-removal bug, and can be used in
-    //  place of preJax and postJax if that is more convenient.
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    //  For example
+    preview: "AsciiMath"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the mml2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "mml2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  mml2jax: {
-    //      <span class="MathJax_Preview">[math]</span><script type="math/tex">...</script>
+    //  Controls whether mml2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
+    //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "mathml" which means use
+    //  the <math> tag as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).
+    //  Set to "alttext", to use the  <math> tag's alttext attribute as the
+    //  preview, if the tag has one.  Set to "none" to
+    //  prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will simply
+    //  disappear until it is typeset). Set to "altimg" to use an image
+    //  described by the altimg* attributes of the <math> element.
+    //  Set to an array containing the
+    //  description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for
+    //  all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]" or
+    //  load an image).
-    //  would display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview",
+    preview: "mathml"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the jsMath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "jsMath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  jsMath2jax: {
+    //
+    //  Controls whether jsMath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
+    //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which means use the
+    //  TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).  Set to
+    //  "none" to prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will
+    //  simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set to an array containing
+    //  the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview
+    //  for all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]"
+    //  or load an image).
-    //  This value controls whether the "Processing Math: nn%" message are displayed
-    //  in the lower left-hand corner.  Set to "false" to prevent those messages (though
-    //  file loading and other messages will still be shown).
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    showProcessingMessages: true,
+    preview: "TeX"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the TeX input jax.
+  //
+  TeX: {
-    //  This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner.
-    //  Set it to "none" to eliminate all messages, or set it to "simple" to show
-    //  "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name and the
-    //  percentage of the mathematics processed.
+    //  This specifies the side on which \tag{} macros will place the tags.
+    //  Set to "left" to place on the left-hand side.
-    messageStyle: "normal",
+    TagSide: "right",
-    //  These two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations.
-    //  The first can be "left", "center", or "right", and determines the alignment of
-    //  displayed equations.  When the alignment is not "center", the second determines
-    //  an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.  When
-    //  the alignment is "center", the indent allows you to shift the center to the right
-    //  or left (negative is left).
+    //  This is the amound of indentation (from right or left) for the tags.
-    displayAlign: "center",
-    displayIndent: "0",
+    TagIndent: "0.8em",
-    //  Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of
-    //  configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can.  If you
-    //  expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you
-    //  may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called.  If so,
-    //  set this to "onload".
+    //  This is the width to use for the multline environment
-    delayStartupUntil: "none",
+    MultLineWidth: "85%",
-    //  Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as
-    //  the page is loaded.  If you want to delay that process, in which case
-    //  you will need to call MathJax.Hub.Typeset() yourself by hand, set
-    //  this value to true.
+    //  List of macros to define.  These are of the form
+    //      name: value
+    //  where 'value' is the replacement text for the macro \name.
+    //  The 'value' can also be [value,n] where 'value' is the replacement
+    //  text and 'n' is the number of parameters for the macro.
+    //  Note that backslashes must be doubled in the replacement string.
+    //
+    //  E.g.,
+    //
+    //      Macros: {
+    //        RR: '{\\bf R}',
+    //        bold: ['{\\bf #1}', 1]
+    //      }
-    skipStartupTypeset: false,
+    Macros: {},
-    //  A list of element ID's that are the ones to process for mathematics
-    //  when any of the Hub typesetting calls (Typeset, Process, Update, etc)
-    //  are called with no element specified.  This lets you restrict the
-    //  processing to particular containers rather than scanning the entire
-    //  document for mathematics.  If none are supplied, the entire document
-    //  is processed.
+    //  Equation numbering parameters.
-    elements: [],
+    equationNumbers: {
+      autoNumber: "none",  // "AMS" for standard AMS environment numbering,
+                           //  or "all" to number all displayed equations
+//    formatNumber: function (n) {return n},                // format for equation number n
+//    formatTag:    function (n) {return '('+n+')'},        // format for \tag and \eqref
+//    formatID:     function (n) {return 'mjx-eqn-'+String(n).replace(/[:'"<>&]/g,"")},
+//                                                          // element ID to use for reference
+//    formatURL:    function (id) {return '#'+escape(id)},  // URL to use for references
+      useLabelIds: true    // make element ID's use \label name rather than equation number
+    },
-    //  Since typesetting usually changes the vertical dimensions of the
-    //  page, if the URL contains an anchor position you may no longer be
-    //  positioned at the correct position on the page, so MathJax can
-    //  reposition to that location after it completes its initial
-    //  typesetting of the page.  This value controls whether MathJax will
-    //  reposition the browser to the #hash location from the page URL after
-    //  typesetting for the page.
+    //  Controls the TeX/noErrors extension
-    positionToHash: true,
+    noErrors: {
+      disabled: false,               // set to true to return to original error messages
+      multiLine: true,               // false to not include original line breaks
+      inlineDelimiters: ["", ""],     // or use ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] to put back delimiters
+      style: {
+        "font-size": "90%",
+        "text-align": "left",
+        "color": "black",
+        "padding": "1px 3px",
+        "border": "1px solid"
+      }
+    },
-    //  These control whether to attach the MathJax contextual menu to the
-    //  expressions typeset by MathJax.  Since the code for handling
-    //  MathPlayer in Internet Explorer is somewhat delicate, it is
-    //  controlled separately via (showMathMenuMSIE).  The latter is now
-    //  deprecated in favor of the MathJax contextual menu settings for
-    //  MathPlayer.
+    //  Controls the TeX/noUndefined extension
-    //  These values used to be listed in the separate output jax, but
-    //  have been moved to this more central location since they are shared
-    //  by all output jax.
+    noUndefined: {
+      disabled: false,      // set to true to return to original error messages
+      attributes: {         // attributes to set for the undefined control sequence
+        mathcolor: "red"
+      }
+    },
-    showMathMenu: true,
-    showMathMenuMSIE: true,
+    //  Controls the TeX/unicode extension
+    unicode: {
+      fonts: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS'"  // the default font list for unknown characters
+    }
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the AsciiMath input jax.
+  //
+  AsciiMath: {
-    //  The default settings for the MathJax contextual menu (overridden by
-    //  the MathJax cookie when users change the menu settings).
+    //  Determines whether the unicode positions for phi and varphi are
+    //  to be swapped or not.  (Unicode originally had these reversed, and
+    //  many fonts have them reversed as well.)  When set to true, phi
+    //  and varphi will correspond to the LaTeX macros of the same name.
-    menuSettings: {
-        zoom: "None",        //  when to do MathZoom
-        CTRL: false,         //    require CTRL for MathZoom?
-        ALT: false,          //    require Alt or Option?
-        CMD: false,          //    require CMD?
-        Shift: false,        //    require Shift?
-        zscale: "200%",      //  the scaling factor for MathZoom
-        font: "Auto",        //  what font HTML-CSS should use
-        context: "MathJax",  //  or "Browser" for pass-through to browser menu
-        mpContext: false,    //  true means pass menu events to MathPlayer in IE
-        mpMouse: false,      //  true means pass mouse events to MathPlayer in IE
-        texHints: true,      //  include class names for TeXAtom elements
-        semantics: false     //  add semantics tag with original form in MathML output
-    },
+    fixphi: true,
-    //  The message and style for when there is a processing error handling
-    //  the mathematics (something has gone wrong with the input or output
-    //  jax that prevents it from operating properly).
+    //  Determines whether the MathML should be marked so that the HTML-CSS
+    //  and SVG output jax will use MathML spacing rules rather than TeX
+    //  spacing rules.  Since AsciiMath was designed for MathML output, the
+    //  MathML rules are used by default.
-    errorSettings: {
-        message: ["[", ["MathProcessingError", "Math Processing Error"], "]"],
-        style: {color: "#CC0000", "font-style": "italic"}  // style for message
-    },
+    useMathMLspacing: true,
+    //
+    //  Determines whether limits are placed above and below operators,
+    //  or next to them.  (AsciiMath doesn't have separate in-line and
+    //  display modes like TeX and MathML do, so this is the only control
+    //  you have over its output)
+    //
+    displaystyle: true,
-    //============================================================================
-    //  These parameters control the tex2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "tex2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+    //  The character to use for decimal places when scanning for a number.
+    //  If you change it to ",", beware of things like "(1,2)" which would need
+    //  to be changed to "(1, 2)" to be parsed correctly.
-    tex2jax: {
+    decimal: "."
+  },
-        //
-        //  The delimiters that surround in-line math expressions.  The first in each
-        //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-        //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
-        //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
-        //  be able to handle that.
-        //
-        inlineMath: [
-//    ['$','$'],      // uncomment this for standard TeX math delimiters
-            ['\\(', '\\)']
-        ],
-        //
-        //  The delimiters that surround displayed math expressions.  The first in each
-        //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-        //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
-        //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
-        //  be able to handle that.
-        //
-        displayMath: [
-            ['$$', '$$'],
-            ['\\[', '\\]']
-        ],
-        //
-        //  This value determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
-        //  balanced within math delimiters (which allows for nested dollar
-        //  signs).  Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility.  When true,
-        //
-        //      $y = x^2 \hbox{ when $x > 2$}$.
-        //
-        //  will be properly handled as a single expression.  When false, it
-        //  would be interpreted as two searpate expressions, each with
-        //  improperly balanced braces.
-        //
-        balanceBraces: true,
-        //
-        //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
-        //  processed by tex2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
-        //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
-        //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-        //
-        skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
-        //  not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the
-        //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
-        //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
-        //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
-        //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
-        //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
-        //  prevent `tex2jax` from processing its contents.
-        //
-        ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
-        //  be processed by tex2jax.  This is used to turn on processing within
-        //  tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.  Note that
-        //  this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote
-        //  any regexp special characters.  The pattern is automatically
-        //  preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern
-        //  will have to match full words in the class name.  Use this to
-        //  restart processing within an element that has been marked as
-        //  ignored above.
-        //
-        processClass: "tex2jax_process",
-        //
-        //  Set to "true" to allow \$ to produce a dollar without starting in-line
-        //  math mode.  If you uncomment the ['$','$'] line above, you should change
-        //  this to true so that you can insert plain dollar signs into your documents
-        //
-        processEscapes: false,
-        //
-        //  Controls whether tex2jax processes LaTeX environments outside of math
-        //  mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of environments except within
-        //  math mode.
-        //
-        processEnvironments: true,
-        //
-        //  Controls whether tex2jax processes \ref{...} commands outside
-        //  of math mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of \ref
-        //  except within math mode.
-        //
-        processRefs: true,
-        //
-        //  Controls whether tex2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
-        //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which
-        //  means use the TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by
-        //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
-        //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
-        //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
-        //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
-        //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "TeX"
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the MathML input jax.
+  //
+  MathML: {
+    //
+    //  This specifies whether to use TeX spacing or MathML spacing when the
+    //  HTML-CSS output jax is used.
+    //
+    useMathMLspacing: false
+  },
-    },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the HTML-CSS output jax.
+  //
+  "HTML-CSS": {
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the asciimath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "asciimath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
-    //
-    asciimath2jax: {
-        //
-        //  The delimiters that surround asciimath expressions.  The first in each
-        //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-        //
-        delimiters: [
-            ['`', '`']
-        ],
-        //
-        //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
-        //  processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
-        //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
-        //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-        //
-        skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
-        //  not be processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for the
-        //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
-        //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
-        //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
-        //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
-        //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
-        //  prevent `asciimath2jax` from processing its contents.
-        //
-        ignoreClass: "asciimath2jax_ignore",
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
-        //  be processed by asciimath2jax.  This is used to turn on processing
-        //  within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.
-        //  Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure
-        //  to quote any regexp special characters.  The pattern is
-        //  automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so
-        //  your pattern will have to match full words in the class name.  Use
-        //  this to restart processing within an element that has been marked
-        //  as ignored above.
-        //
-        processClass: "asciimath2jax_process",
-        //  Controls whether asciimath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
-        //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "AsciiMath", which
-        //  means use the AsciiMath code as the preview (until it is processed by
-        //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
-        //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
-        //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
-        //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
-        //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "AsciiMath"
+    //
+    //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+    //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+    //
+    scale: 100,
-    },
+    //
+    //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+    //  factor smaller than this.
+    //
+    minScaleAdjust: 50,
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the mml2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "mml2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
-    //
-    mml2jax: {
-        //
-        //  Controls whether mml2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
-        //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "mathml" which means use
-        //  the <math> tag as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).
-        //  Set to "alttext", to use the  <math> tag's alttext attribute as the
-        //  preview, if the tag has one.  Set to "none" to
-        //  prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will simply
-        //  disappear until it is typeset). Set to "altimg" to use an image
-        //  described by the altimg* attributes of the <math> element.
-        //  Set to an array containing the
-        //  description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for
-        //  all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]" or
-        //  load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "mathml"
+    //
+    //  This is a list of the fonts to look for on a user's computer in
+    //  preference to using MathJax's web-based fonts.  These must
+    //  correspond to directories available in the  jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts
+    //  directory, where MathJax stores data about the characters available
+    //  in the fonts.  Set this to ["TeX"], for example, to prevent the
+    //  use of the STIX fonts, or set it to an empty list, [], if
+    //  you want to force MathJax to use web-based or image fonts.
+    //
+    availableFonts: ["STIX", "TeX"],
-    },
+    //
+    //  This is the preferred font to use when more than one of those
+    //  listed above is available.
+    //
+    preferredFont: "TeX",
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the jsMath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "jsMath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
-    //
-    jsMath2jax: {
-        //
-        //  Controls whether jsMath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
-        //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which means use the
-        //  TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).  Set to
-        //  "none" to prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will
-        //  simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set to an array containing
-        //  the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview
-        //  for all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]"
-        //  or load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "TeX"
+    //
+    //  This is the web-based font to use when none of the fonts listed
+    //  above are available on the user's computer.  Note that currently
+    //  only the TeX font is available in a web-based form.  Set this to
+    //
+    //      webFont: null,
+    //
+    //  if you want to prevent the use of web-based fonts.
+    //
+    webFont: "TeX",
-    },
+    //
+    //  This is the font to use for image fallback mode (when none of the
+    //  fonts listed above are available and the browser doesn't support
+    //  web-fonts via the @font-face CSS directive).  Note that currently
+    //  only the TeX font is available as an image font.  Set this to
+    //
+    //      imageFont: null,
+    //
+    //  if you want to prevent the use of image fonts (e.g., you have not
+    //  installed the image fonts on your server).  In this case, only
+    //  browsers that support web-based fonts will be able to view your pages
+    //  without having the fonts installed on the client computer.  The browsers
+    //  that support web-based fonts include: IE6 and later, Chrome, Safari3.1
+    //  and above, Firefox3.5 and later, and Opera10 and later.  Note that
+    //  Firefox3.0 is NOT on this list, so without image fonts, FF3.0 users
+    //  will be required to to download and install either the STIX fonts or the
+    //  MathJax TeX fonts.
+    //
+    imageFont: "TeX",
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the TeX input jax.
-    //
-    TeX: {
-        //
-        //  This specifies the side on which \tag{} macros will place the tags.
-        //  Set to "left" to place on the left-hand side.
-        //
-        TagSide: "right",
-        //
-        //  This is the amound of indentation (from right or left) for the tags.
-        //
-        TagIndent: "0.8em",
-        //
-        //  This is the width to use for the multline environment
-        //
-        MultLineWidth: "85%",
-        //
-        //  List of macros to define.  These are of the form
-        //      name: value
-        //  where 'value' is the replacement text for the macro \name.
-        //  The 'value' can also be [value,n] where 'value' is the replacement
-        //  text and 'n' is the number of parameters for the macro.
-        //  Note that backslashes must be doubled in the replacement string.
-        //
-        //  E.g.,
-        //
-        //      Macros: {
-        //        RR: '{\\bf R}',
-        //        bold: ['{\\bf #1}', 1]
-        //      }
-        //
-        Macros: {},
-        //
-        //  Equation numbering parameters.
-        //
-        equationNumbers: {
-            autoNumber: "none",  // "AMS" for standard AMS environment numbering,
-                                 //  or "all" to number all displayed equations
-//    formatNumber: function (n) {return n},                // format for equation number n
-//    formatTag:    function (n) {return '('+n+')'},        // format for \tag and \eqref
-//    formatID:     function (n) {return 'mjx-eqn-'+String(n).replace(/[:'"<>&]/g,"")},
-//                                                          // element ID to use for reference
-//    formatURL:    function (id) {return '#'+escape(id)},  // URL to use for references
-            useLabelIds: true    // make element ID's use \label name rather than equation number
-        },
-        //
-        //  Controls the TeX/noErrors extension
-        //
-        noErrors: {
-            disabled: false,               // set to true to return to original error messages
-            multiLine: true,               // false to not include original line breaks
-            inlineDelimiters: ["", ""],     // or use ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] to put back delimiters
-            style: {
-                "font-size": "90%",
-                "text-align": "left",
-                "color": "black",
-                "padding": "1px 3px",
-                "border": "1px solid"
-            }
-        },
-        //
-        //  Controls the TeX/noUndefined extension
-        //
-        noUndefined: {
-            disabled: false,      // set to true to return to original error messages
-            attributes: {         // attributes to set for the undefined control sequence
-                mathcolor: "red"
-            }
-        },
-        //
-        //  Controls the TeX/unicode extension
-        unicode: {
-            fonts: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS'"  // the default font list for unknown characters
-        }
+    //
+    //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
+    //  in the selected font (e.g., for web-based fonts, this is where to
+    //  look for characters not included in the MathJax_* fonts).  IE will
+    //  stop looking after the first font that exists on the system (even
+    //  if it doesn't contain the needed character), so order these carefully.
+    //
+    undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
-    },
+    //
+    //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
+    //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
+    //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
+    //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
+    //
+    mtextFontInherit: false,
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the AsciiMath input jax.
-    //
-    AsciiMath: {
-        //
-        //  Determines whether the unicode positions for phi and varphi are
-        //  to be swapped or not.  (Unicode originally had these reversed, and
-        //  many fonts have them reversed as well.)  When set to true, phi
-        //  and varphi will correspond to the LaTeX macros of the same name.
-        //
-        fixphi: true,
-        //
-        //  Determines whether the MathML should be marked so that the HTML-CSS
-        //  and SVG output jax will use MathML spacing rules rather than TeX
-        //  spacing rules.  Since AsciiMath was designed for MathML output, the
-        //  MathML rules are used by default.
-        //
-        useMathMLspacing: true,
-        //
-        //  Determines whether limits are placed above and below operators,
-        //  or next to them.  (AsciiMath doesn't have separate in-line and
-        //  display modes like TeX and MathML do, so this is the only control
-        //  you have over its output)
-        //
-        displaystyle: true,
-        //
-        //  The character to use for decimal places when scanning for a number.
-        //  If you change it to ",", beware of things like "(1,2)" which would need
-        //  to be changed to "(1, 2)" to be parsed correctly.
-        //
-        decimal: "."
-    },
+    //
+    //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
+    //  expressions will be.
+    //
+    //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
+    //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
+    //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
+    //  reader sees anything.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
+    //  chunk is displayed.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
+    //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
+    //
+    //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EqnChunkDelay to 10 to get
+    //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
+    //
+    EqnChunk: 50,
+    EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
+    EqnChunkDelay: 100,
-    //============================================================================
-    //  These parameters control the MathML input jax.
+    //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+    //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-    MathML: {
-        //
-        //  This specifies whether to use TeX spacing or MathML spacing when the
-        //  HTML-CSS output jax is used.
-        //
-        useMathMLspacing: false
-    },
+    matchFontHeight: true,
+    //
+    //  When true, MathJax will not measure the widths or heights of the
+    //  subexpressions as it creates its output, but instead will rely on
+    //  its internal calculautions based on teh bounding boxes of the
+    //  characters it uses, and will only take measurements when it
+    //  absolutely has to.  Since measurements cause display reflows, they
+    //  slows down MathJax considerably, so without them MathJax runs
+    //  faster, but can produce slightly less accurate character placements,
+    //  especially in width fractions or roots.
+    //
+    noReflows: true,
+    //
+    //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
+    //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
+    //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
+    //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
+    //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
+    //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
+    //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
+    //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
+    //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
+    //
+    linebreaks: {
+      //
+      //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
+      //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+      //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
+      //
+      automatic: false,
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the HTML-CSS output jax.
-    //
-    "HTML-CSS": {
-        //
-        //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
-        //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
-        //
-        scale: 100,
-        //
-        //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
-        //  factor smaller than this.
-        //
-        minScaleAdjust: 50,
-        //
-        //  This is a list of the fonts to look for on a user's computer in
-        //  preference to using MathJax's web-based fonts.  These must
-        //  correspond to directories available in the  jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts
-        //  directory, where MathJax stores data about the characters available
-        //  in the fonts.  Set this to ["TeX"], for example, to prevent the
-        //  use of the STIX fonts, or set it to an empty list, [], if
-        //  you want to force MathJax to use web-based or image fonts.
-        //
-        availableFonts: ["STIX", "TeX"],
-        //
-        //  This is the preferred font to use when more than one of those
-        //  listed above is available.
-        //
-        preferredFont: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the web-based font to use when none of the fonts listed
-        //  above are available on the user's computer.  Note that currently
-        //  only the TeX font is available in a web-based form.  Set this to
-        //
-        //      webFont: null,
-        //
-        //  if you want to prevent the use of web-based fonts.
-        //
-        webFont: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the font to use for image fallback mode (when none of the
-        //  fonts listed above are available and the browser doesn't support
-        //  web-fonts via the @font-face CSS directive).  Note that currently
-        //  only the TeX font is available as an image font.  Set this to
-        //
-        //      imageFont: null,
-        //
-        //  if you want to prevent the use of image fonts (e.g., you have not
-        //  installed the image fonts on your server).  In this case, only
-        //  browsers that support web-based fonts will be able to view your pages
-        //  without having the fonts installed on the client computer.  The browsers
-        //  that support web-based fonts include: IE6 and later, Chrome, Safari3.1
-        //  and above, Firefox3.5 and later, and Opera10 and later.  Note that
-        //  Firefox3.0 is NOT on this list, so without image fonts, FF3.0 users
-        //  will be required to to download and install either the STIX fonts or the
-        //  MathJax TeX fonts.
-        //
-        imageFont: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
-        //  in the selected font (e.g., for web-based fonts, this is where to
-        //  look for characters not included in the MathJax_* fonts).  IE will
-        //  stop looking after the first font that exists on the system (even
-        //  if it doesn't contain the needed character), so order these carefully.
-        //
-        undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
-        //
-        //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
-        //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
-        //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
-        //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
-        //
-        mtextFontInherit: false,
-        //
-        //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
-        //  expressions will be.
-        //
-        //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
-        //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
-        //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
-        //  reader sees anything.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
-        //  chunk is displayed.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
-        //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
-        //
-        //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EqnChunkDelay to 10 to get
-        //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
-        //
-        EqnChunk: 50,
-        EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
-        EqnChunkDelay: 100,
-        //
-        //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
-        //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-        //
-        matchFontHeight: true,
-        //
-        //  When true, MathJax will not measure the widths or heights of the
-        //  subexpressions as it creates its output, but instead will rely on
-        //  its internal calculautions based on teh bounding boxes of the
-        //  characters it uses, and will only take measurements when it
-        //  absolutely has to.  Since measurements cause display reflows, they
-        //  slows down MathJax considerably, so without them MathJax runs
-        //  faster, but can produce slightly less accurate character placements,
-        //  especially in width fractions or roots.
-        //
-        noReflows: true,
-        //
-        //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
-        //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
-        //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
-        //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
-        //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
-        //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
-        //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
-        //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
-        //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
-        //
-        linebreaks: {
-            //
-            //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
-            //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
-            //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
-            //
-            automatic: false,
-            //
-            //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
-            //
-            //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
-            //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
-            //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
-            //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
-            //
-            //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
-            //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
-            //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
-            //
-            width: "container"
-        },
-        //
-        //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
-        //  various math elements created by MathJax.
-        //
-        //  Example:
-        //      styles: {
-        //        ".MathJax .merror": {
-        //          color:   "#CC0000",
-        //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
-        //        }
-        //      }
-        //
-        styles: {},
-        //
-        //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
-        //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/config.js,
-        //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
-        //
-        tooltip: {
-            delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
-            delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
-            offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
-        }
+      //
+      //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
+      //
+      //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
+      //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
+      //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
+      //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
+      //
+      //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
+      //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
+      //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
+      //
+      width: "container"
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the NativeMML output jax.
-    //
-    NativeMML: {
-        //
-        //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
-        //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
-        //
-        scale: 100,
-        //
-        //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
-        //  factor smaller than this.
-        //
-        minScaleAdjust: 50,
-        //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
-        //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-        matchFontHeight: true,
-        //
-        //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
-        //  various math elements created by MathJax.
-        //
-        //  Example:
-        //      styles: {
-        //        ".MathJax_MathML": {
-        //          color: "red"         //    MathML is in red
-        //        }
-        //      }
-        //
-        styles: {}
+    //
+    //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+    //  various math elements created by MathJax.
+    //
+    //  Example:
+    //      styles: {
+    //        ".MathJax .merror": {
+    //          color:   "#CC0000",
+    //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
+    //        }
+    //      }
+    //
+    styles: {},
+    //
+    //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
+    //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/config.js,
+    //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
+    //
+    tooltip: {
+      delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
+      delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
+      offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
+    }
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the NativeMML output jax.
+  //
+  NativeMML: {
+    //
+    //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+    //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+    //
+    scale: 100,
+    //
+    //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+    //  factor smaller than this.
+    //
+    minScaleAdjust: 50,
+    //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+    //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+    matchFontHeight: true,
+    //
+    //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+    //  various math elements created by MathJax.
+    //
+    //  Example:
+    //      styles: {
+    //        ".MathJax_MathML": {
+    //          color: "red"         //    MathML is in red
+    //        }
+    //      }
+    //
+    styles: {}
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the SVG output jax.
+  //
+  "SVG": {
+    //
+    //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+    //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+    //
+    scale: 100,
+    //
+    //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+    //  factor smaller than this.
+    //
+    minScaleAdjust: 50,
+    //
+    //  This specifies the font to use for SVG output (currently the only
+    //  one available)
+    //
+    font: "TeX",
+    //
+    //  This is the stroke width to use for all character paths (1em = 1000
+    //  units).  This is a cheap way of getting slightly lighter or darker
+    //  characters
+    //
+    blacker: 10,
+    //
+    //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
+    //  in the selected font.  IE will stop looking after the first font
+    //  that exists on the system (even if it doesn't contain the needed
+    //  character), so order these carefully.
+    //
+    undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
+    //
+    //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
+    //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
+    //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
+    //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
+    //
+    mtextFontInherit: false,
+    //
+    //  This controls whether the MathML structure is retained and CSS
+    //  classes are added to mark the original MathML elements (as in the
+    //  HTML-CSS output).  By default, the SVG output jax removes unneeded
+    //  nesting in order to produce a more efficient markup, but if you
+    //  want to use CSS to style the elements as if they were MathML, you
+    //  might need to set this to true.
+    //
+    addMMLclasses: false,
+    //
+    //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
+    //  expressions will be.
+    //
+    //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
+    //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
+    //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
+    //  reader sees anything.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
+    //  chunk is displayed.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
+    //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
+    //
+    //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EwnChunkDelay to 10 to get
+    //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
+    //
+    EqnChunk: 50,
+    EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
+    EqnChunkDelay: 100,
+    //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+    //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+    matchFontHeight: true,
+    //
+    //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
+    //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
+    //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
+    //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
+    //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
+    //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
+    //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
+    //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
+    //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
+    //
+    linebreaks: {
+      //
+      //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
+      //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+      //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
+      //
+      automatic: false,
+      //
+      //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
+      //
+      //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
+      //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
+      //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
+      //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
+      //
+      //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
+      //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
+      //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
+      //
+      width: "container"
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the SVG output jax.
-    //
-    "SVG": {
-        //
-        //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
-        //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
-        //
-        scale: 100,
-        //
-        //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
-        //  factor smaller than this.
-        //
-        minScaleAdjust: 50,
-        //
-        //  This specifies the font to use for SVG output (currently the only
-        //  one available)
-        //
-        font: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the stroke width to use for all character paths (1em = 1000
-        //  units).  This is a cheap way of getting slightly lighter or darker
-        //  characters
-        //
-        blacker: 10,
-        //
-        //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
-        //  in the selected font.  IE will stop looking after the first font
-        //  that exists on the system (even if it doesn't contain the needed
-        //  character), so order these carefully.
-        //
-        undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
-        //
-        //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
-        //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
-        //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
-        //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
-        //
-        mtextFontInherit: false,
-        //
-        //  This controls whether the MathML structure is retained and CSS
-        //  classes are added to mark the original MathML elements (as in the
-        //  HTML-CSS output).  By default, the SVG output jax removes unneeded
-        //  nesting in order to produce a more efficient markup, but if you
-        //  want to use CSS to style the elements as if they were MathML, you
-        //  might need to set this to true.
-        //
-        addMMLclasses: false,
-        //
-        //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
-        //  expressions will be.
-        //
-        //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
-        //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
-        //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
-        //  reader sees anything.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
-        //  chunk is displayed.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
-        //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
-        //
-        //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EwnChunkDelay to 10 to get
-        //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
-        //
-        EqnChunk: 50,
-        EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
-        EqnChunkDelay: 100,
-        //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
-        //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-        matchFontHeight: true,
-        //
-        //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
-        //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
-        //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
-        //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
-        //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
-        //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
-        //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
-        //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
-        //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
-        //
-        linebreaks: {
-            //
-            //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
-            //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
-            //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
-            //
-            automatic: false,
-            //
-            //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
-            //
-            //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
-            //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
-            //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
-            //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
-            //
-            //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
-            //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
-            //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
-            //
-            width: "container"
-        },
-        //
-        //  These are the styles used for merror elements in SVG output.  Note
-        //  that only a limited number of style attributes are supported by
-        //  SVG, but you can at least change the colors and borders.
-        //
-        //
-        merrorStyle: {
-            fontSize: "90%", color: "#C00", background: "#FF8",
-            border: "1px solid #C00", padding: "3px"
-        },
-        //
-        //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
-        //  various math elements created by MathJax.
-        //
-        //  Example:
-        //      styles: {
-        //        ".MathJax .merror": {
-        //          color:   "#CC0000",
-        //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
-        //        }
-        //      }
-        //
-        styles: {},
-        //
-        //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
-        //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/SVG/config.js,
-        //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
-        //
-        tooltip: {
-            delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
-            delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
-            offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
-        }
+    //
+    //  These are the styles used for merror elements in SVG output.  Note
+    //  that only a limited number of style attributes are supported by
+    //  SVG, but you can at least change the colors and borders.
+    //
+    //
+    merrorStyle: {
+      fontSize: "90%", color: "#C00", background: "#FF8",
+      border: "1px solid #C00", padding: "3px"
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
-    //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
-    //
-    MathMenu: {
-        //
-        //  This is the hover delay for the display of submenus in the
-        //  contextual menu.  When the mouse is still over a submenu label for
-        //  this long, the menu will appear.  (The menu also will appear if you
-        //  click on the label.)  It is in milliseconds.
-        //
-        delay: 150,
-        //
-        //  This is the URL for the MathJax Help menu item.
-        //
-        helpURL: "",
-        //
-        //  These control whether the "Math Renderer", "MathPlayer", "Font
-        //  Preferences", "Contextual Menu", and "Discoverable" menu items will
-        //  be displayed or not.
-        //
-        showRenderer: true,
-        showMathPlayer: true,
-        showFontMenu: false,
-        showContext: false,
-        showDiscoverable: false,
-        //
-        // These are the settings for the Annotation menu. If the <math> root has
-        // a <semantics> child that contains one of the following annotation
-        // formats, the source will be available via the "Show Math As" menu.
-        // Each format has a list of possible encodings.
-        //
-        semanticsAnnotations: {
-            "TeX": ["TeX", "LaTeX", "application/x-tex"],
-            "StarMath": ["StarMath 5.0"],
-            "Maple": ["Maple"],
-            "ContentMathML": ["MathML-Content", "application/mathml-content+xml"],
-            "OpenMath": ["OpenMath"]
-        },
-        //
-        //  These are the settings for the Show Source window.  The initial
-        //  width and height will be reset after the source is shown in an
-        //  attempt to make the window fit the output better.
-        //
-        windowSettings: {
-            status: "no",
-            toolbar: "no",
-            locationbar: "no",
-            menubar: "no",
-            directories: "no",
-            personalbar: "no",
-            resizable: "yes",
-            scrollbars: "yes",
-            width: 100,
-            height: 50
-        },
-        //
-        //  This allows you to change the CSS that controls the menu
-        //  appearance.  See the extensions/MathMenu.js file for details
-        //  of the default settings.
-        //
-        styles: {}
+    //
+    //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+    //  various math elements created by MathJax.
+    //
+    //  Example:
+    //      styles: {
+    //        ".MathJax .merror": {
+    //          color:   "#CC0000",
+    //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
+    //        }
+    //      }
+    //
+    styles: {},
+    //
+    //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
+    //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/SVG/config.js,
+    //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
+    //
+    tooltip: {
+      delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
+      delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
+      offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
+    }
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
+  //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+  //
+  MathMenu: {
+    //
+    //  This is the hover delay for the display of submenus in the
+    //  contextual menu.  When the mouse is still over a submenu label for
+    //  this long, the menu will appear.  (The menu also will appear if you
+    //  click on the label.)  It is in milliseconds.
+    //
+    delay: 150,
+    //
+    //  This is the URL for the MathJax Help menu item.
+    //
+    helpURL: "",
+    //
+    //  These control whether the "Math Renderer", "MathPlayer", "Font
+    //  Preferences", "Contextual Menu", and "Discoverable" menu items will
+    //  be displayed or not.
+    //
+    showRenderer: true,
+    showMathPlayer: true,
+    showFontMenu: false,
+    showContext: false,
+    showDiscoverable: false,
+    //
+    // These are the settings for the Annotation menu. If the <math> root has
+    // a <semantics> child that contains one of the following annotation
+    // formats, the source will be available via the "Show Math As" menu.
+    // Each format has a list of possible encodings.
+    //
+    semanticsAnnotations: {
+      "TeX": ["TeX", "LaTeX", "application/x-tex"],
+      "StarMath": ["StarMath 5.0"],
+      "Maple": ["Maple"],
+      "ContentMathML": ["MathML-Content", "application/mathml-content+xml"],
+      "OpenMath": ["OpenMath"]
-    //============================================================================
-    //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
-    //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+    //  These are the settings for the Show Source window.  The initial
+    //  width and height will be reset after the source is shown in an
+    //  attempt to make the window fit the output better.
-    MathEvents: {
-        //
-        //  This is the time required for the mouse to be held still over a
-        //  typeset equation in order for it to count as a hover (used when the
-        //  zoom trigger is "Hover").  It is in milliseconds.
-        //
-        hover: 500
+    windowSettings: {
+      status: "no", toolbar: "no", locationbar: "no", menubar: "no",
+      directories: "no", personalbar: "no", resizable: "yes", scrollbars: "yes",
+      width: 100, height: 50
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the MMLorHTML configuration file.
-    //  NOTE:  if you add MMLorHTML.js to the config array above,
-    //  you must REMOVE the output jax from the jax array.
-    //
-    MMLorHTML: {
-        //
-        //  The output jax that is to be preferred when both are possible
-        //  (set to "MML" for native MathML, "HTML" for MathJax's HTML-CSS output jax).
-        //
-        prefer: {
-            MSIE: "MML",
-            Firefox: "HTML",
-            Opera: "HTML",
-            Safari: "HTML",
-            Chrome: "HTML",
-            other: "HTML"
-        }
+    //
+    //  This allows you to change the CSS that controls the menu
+    //  appearance.  See the extensions/MathMenu.js file for details
+    //  of the default settings.
+    //
+    styles: {}
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
+  //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+  //
+  MathEvents: {
+    //
+    //  This is the time required for the mouse to be held still over a
+    //  typeset equation in order for it to count as a hover (used when the
+    //  zoom trigger is "Hover").  It is in milliseconds.
+    //
+    hover: 500
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the MMLorHTML configuration file.
+  //  NOTE:  if you add MMLorHTML.js to the config array above,
+  //  you must REMOVE the output jax from the jax array.
+  //
+  MMLorHTML: {
+    //
+    //  The output jax that is to be preferred when both are possible
+    //  (set to "MML" for native MathML, "HTML" for MathJax's HTML-CSS output jax).
+    //
+    prefer: {
+      MSIE: "MML",
+      Firefox: "HTML",
+      Opera: "HTML",
+      Safari: "HTML",
+      Chrome: "HTML",
+      other: "HTML"
+  }

+ 6 - 6

@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
-    "MathJax_AMS": {
-        0x2035: [  // REVERSED PRIME
-            [2, 4, 0], [3, 5, 0], [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, -1], [4, 7, -1], [5, 9, -1], [5, 10, -1], [6, 12, -1],
-            [7, 15, -1], [9, 17, -1], [10, 20, -2], [12, 24, -2], [14, 29, -2], [17, 34, -3]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_AMS": {
+    0x2035: [  // REVERSED PRIME
+      [2, 4, 0], [3, 5, 0], [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, -1], [4, 7, -1], [5, 9, -1], [5, 10, -1], [6, 12, -1],
+      [7, 15, -1], [9, 17, -1], [10, 20, -2], [12, 24, -2], [14, 29, -2], [17, 34, -3]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/AMS/Regular" +

+ 10 - 10

@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
-    "MathJax_AMS": {
-            [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 1], [8, 8, 2], [9, 9, 1], [10, 11, 2], [12, 13, 2], [15, 15, 2], [17, 17, 2],
-            [20, 19, 2], [24, 23, 3], [29, 27, 3], [34, 33, 4], [40, 38, 5], [48, 46, 6]
-        ],
-        0x3F0: [  // GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL
-            [6, 3, 0], [7, 4, 0], [8, 5, 0], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 0], [13, 8, 0], [15, 9, 0], [18, 10, 0],
-            [21, 12, 0], [25, 15, 0], [29, 17, 0], [35, 21, 0], [41, 25, 0], [49, 29, 0]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_AMS": {
+      [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 1], [8, 8, 2], [9, 9, 1], [10, 11, 2], [12, 13, 2], [15, 15, 2], [17, 17, 2],
+      [20, 19, 2], [24, 23, 3], [29, 27, 3], [34, 33, 4], [40, 38, 5], [48, 46, 6]
+    ],
+    0x3F0: [  // GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL
+      [6, 3, 0], [7, 4, 0], [8, 5, 0], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 0], [13, 8, 0], [15, 9, 0], [18, 10, 0],
+      [21, 12, 0], [25, 15, 0], [29, 17, 0], [35, 21, 0], [41, 25, 0], [49, 29, 0]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/AMS/Regular" +

+ 66 - 66

@@ -25,72 +25,72 @@
-    "MathJax_AMS": {
-        0xE006: [  // MJ-TeX: small does not divide
-            [3, 4, 1], [3, 5, 1], [4, 6, 1], [4, 7, 1], [5, 7, 1], [5, 9, 1], [6, 10, 1], [7, 11, 1],
-            [8, 13, 1], [9, 16, 1], [11, 18, 1], [13, 22, 2], [16, 26, 2], [18, 31, 2]
-        ],
-        0xE007: [  // MJ-TeX: small not parallel
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 5, 1], [6, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 7, 1], [8, 9, 1], [10, 10, 1], [11, 11, 1],
-            [13, 13, 1], [15, 16, 1], [17, 18, 1], [21, 23, 2], [25, 26, 2], [29, 31, 2]
-        ],
-        0xE008: [  // MJ-TeX: greek small letter digamma (for IE)
-            [5, 6, 1], [6, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [9, 9, 1], [10, 11, 2], [12, 13, 2], [15, 14, 2], [17, 17, 2],
-            [20, 20, 3], [24, 23, 3], [29, 28, 4], [34, 33, 4], [40, 39, 5], [48, 46, 6]
-        ],
-        0xE009: [  // MJ-TeX: greek kappa symbol (for IE)
-            [6, 4, 1], [7, 5, 1], [8, 6, 1], [9, 7, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 9, 1], [15, 10, 1], [18, 12, 1],
-            [21, 13, 1], [25, 16, 1], [29, 19, 1], [35, 22, 1], [41, 25, 1], [49, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0xE00C: [  // MJ-TeX: less over not-equal
-            [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 3], [7, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [10, 15, 4], [12, 18, 5], [14, 21, 6], [17, 25, 7],
-            [20, 29, 8], [23, 35, 10], [28, 42, 12], [33, 49, 14], [39, 58, 16], [46, 69, 19]
-        ],
-        0xE00D: [  // MJ-TeX: greater over not-equal
-            [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 3], [7, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [10, 15, 4], [12, 18, 5], [14, 21, 6], [17, 25, 7],
-            [20, 29, 8], [23, 35, 10], [28, 42, 12], [33, 49, 14], [39, 58, 16], [46, 69, 19]
-        ],
-        0xE00E: [  // MJ-TeX: not greater, double equals
-            [5, 10, 3], [6, 12, 4], [7, 15, 5], [9, 16, 5], [10, 19, 6], [12, 23, 7], [14, 27, 9], [17, 32, 10],
-            [20, 38, 12], [23, 45, 14], [28, 53, 17], [33, 63, 20], [39, 75, 24], [46, 89, 28]
-        ],
-        0xE00F: [  // MJ-TeX: not greater-or-equal slanted
-            [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 22, 6], [17, 27, 8],
-            [20, 32, 9], [23, 37, 10], [28, 44, 12], [33, 52, 14], [39, 62, 17], [46, 73, 20]
-        ],
-        0xE010: [  // MJ-TeX: not less-or-equal, slanted
-            [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [8, 12, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 22, 6], [17, 27, 8],
-            [20, 32, 9], [24, 37, 10], [28, 44, 12], [33, 52, 14], [39, 62, 17], [47, 73, 20]
-        ],
-        0xE011: [  // MJ-TeX: not less, double equals
-            [5, 10, 3], [6, 12, 4], [7, 15, 5], [9, 16, 5], [10, 19, 6], [12, 23, 7], [14, 27, 9], [17, 32, 10],
-            [20, 38, 12], [23, 45, 14], [28, 53, 17], [33, 63, 20], [39, 75, 24], [46, 89, 28]
-        ],
-        0xE016: [  // MJ-TeX: not subset, double equals
-            [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 13, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 24, 7], [17, 27, 8],
-            [20, 33, 10], [23, 38, 11], [28, 46, 13], [33, 55, 16], [39, 65, 19], [46, 77, 22]
-        ],
-        0xE017: [  // MJ-TeX: not subset, double equals, short slash
-            [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 13, 4], [10, 16, 5], [12, 19, 6], [14, 22, 7], [17, 26, 8],
-            [20, 31, 10], [23, 36, 11], [28, 43, 13], [33, 51, 16], [39, 61, 19], [46, 72, 22]
-        ],
-        0xE018: [  // MJ-TeX: not superset, double equals
-            [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 23, 7], [17, 27, 8],
-            [20, 33, 10], [23, 39, 11], [28, 46, 13], [33, 55, 16], [39, 65, 19], [46, 77, 22]
-        ],
-        0xE019: [  // MJ-TeX: not superset, double equals, short slash
-            [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 13, 4], [10, 16, 5], [12, 19, 6], [14, 22, 7], [17, 26, 8],
-            [20, 31, 10], [23, 36, 11], [28, 43, 13], [33, 52, 16], [39, 61, 19], [46, 72, 22]
-        ],
-        0xE01A: [  // MJ-TeX: not subset or equal, short slash
-            [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 3], [9, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 4], [14, 18, 5], [17, 21, 6],
-            [20, 26, 8], [23, 30, 9], [28, 35, 10], [33, 42, 12], [39, 51, 15], [46, 59, 17]
-        ],
-        0xE01B: [  // MJ-TeX: not superset or equal, short slash
-            [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 10, 3], [8, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 16, 5], [14, 18, 5], [17, 21, 6],
-            [20, 25, 7], [23, 30, 9], [28, 35, 10], [33, 42, 12], [39, 50, 15], [46, 59, 17]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_AMS": {
+    0xE006: [  // MJ-TeX: small does not divide
+      [3, 4, 1], [3, 5, 1], [4, 6, 1], [4, 7, 1], [5, 7, 1], [5, 9, 1], [6, 10, 1], [7, 11, 1],
+      [8, 13, 1], [9, 16, 1], [11, 18, 1], [13, 22, 2], [16, 26, 2], [18, 31, 2]
+    ],
+    0xE007: [  // MJ-TeX: small not parallel
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 5, 1], [6, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 7, 1], [8, 9, 1], [10, 10, 1], [11, 11, 1],
+      [13, 13, 1], [15, 16, 1], [17, 18, 1], [21, 23, 2], [25, 26, 2], [29, 31, 2]
+    ],
+    0xE008: [  // MJ-TeX: greek small letter digamma (for IE)
+      [5, 6, 1], [6, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [9, 9, 1], [10, 11, 2], [12, 13, 2], [15, 14, 2], [17, 17, 2],
+      [20, 20, 3], [24, 23, 3], [29, 28, 4], [34, 33, 4], [40, 39, 5], [48, 46, 6]
+    ],
+    0xE009: [  // MJ-TeX: greek kappa symbol (for IE)
+      [6, 4, 1], [7, 5, 1], [8, 6, 1], [9, 7, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 9, 1], [15, 10, 1], [18, 12, 1],
+      [21, 13, 1], [25, 16, 1], [29, 19, 1], [35, 22, 1], [41, 25, 1], [49, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0xE00C: [  // MJ-TeX: less over not-equal
+      [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 3], [7, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [10, 15, 4], [12, 18, 5], [14, 21, 6], [17, 25, 7],
+      [20, 29, 8], [23, 35, 10], [28, 42, 12], [33, 49, 14], [39, 58, 16], [46, 69, 19]
+    ],
+    0xE00D: [  // MJ-TeX: greater over not-equal
+      [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 3], [7, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [10, 15, 4], [12, 18, 5], [14, 21, 6], [17, 25, 7],
+      [20, 29, 8], [23, 35, 10], [28, 42, 12], [33, 49, 14], [39, 58, 16], [46, 69, 19]
+    ],
+    0xE00E: [  // MJ-TeX: not greater, double equals
+      [5, 10, 3], [6, 12, 4], [7, 15, 5], [9, 16, 5], [10, 19, 6], [12, 23, 7], [14, 27, 9], [17, 32, 10],
+      [20, 38, 12], [23, 45, 14], [28, 53, 17], [33, 63, 20], [39, 75, 24], [46, 89, 28]
+    ],
+    0xE00F: [  // MJ-TeX: not greater-or-equal slanted
+      [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 22, 6], [17, 27, 8],
+      [20, 32, 9], [23, 37, 10], [28, 44, 12], [33, 52, 14], [39, 62, 17], [46, 73, 20]
+    ],
+    0xE010: [  // MJ-TeX: not less-or-equal, slanted
+      [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [8, 12, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 22, 6], [17, 27, 8],
+      [20, 32, 9], [24, 37, 10], [28, 44, 12], [33, 52, 14], [39, 62, 17], [47, 73, 20]
+    ],
+    0xE011: [  // MJ-TeX: not less, double equals
+      [5, 10, 3], [6, 12, 4], [7, 15, 5], [9, 16, 5], [10, 19, 6], [12, 23, 7], [14, 27, 9], [17, 32, 10],
+      [20, 38, 12], [23, 45, 14], [28, 53, 17], [33, 63, 20], [39, 75, 24], [46, 89, 28]
+    ],
+    0xE016: [  // MJ-TeX: not subset, double equals
+      [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 13, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 24, 7], [17, 27, 8],
+      [20, 33, 10], [23, 38, 11], [28, 46, 13], [33, 55, 16], [39, 65, 19], [46, 77, 22]
+    ],
+    0xE017: [  // MJ-TeX: not subset, double equals, short slash
+      [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 13, 4], [10, 16, 5], [12, 19, 6], [14, 22, 7], [17, 26, 8],
+      [20, 31, 10], [23, 36, 11], [28, 43, 13], [33, 51, 16], [39, 61, 19], [46, 72, 22]
+    ],
+    0xE018: [  // MJ-TeX: not superset, double equals
+      [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 14, 4], [10, 17, 5], [12, 20, 6], [14, 23, 7], [17, 27, 8],
+      [20, 33, 10], [23, 39, 11], [28, 46, 13], [33, 55, 16], [39, 65, 19], [46, 77, 22]
+    ],
+    0xE019: [  // MJ-TeX: not superset, double equals, short slash
+      [5, 9, 3], [6, 10, 3], [7, 12, 4], [9, 13, 4], [10, 16, 5], [12, 19, 6], [14, 22, 7], [17, 26, 8],
+      [20, 31, 10], [23, 36, 11], [28, 43, 13], [33, 52, 16], [39, 61, 19], [46, 72, 22]
+    ],
+    0xE01A: [  // MJ-TeX: not subset or equal, short slash
+      [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 3], [9, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 4], [14, 18, 5], [17, 21, 6],
+      [20, 26, 8], [23, 30, 9], [28, 35, 10], [33, 42, 12], [39, 51, 15], [46, 59, 17]
+    ],
+    0xE01B: [  // MJ-TeX: not superset or equal, short slash
+      [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 10, 3], [8, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 16, 5], [14, 18, 5], [17, 21, 6],
+      [20, 25, 7], [23, 30, 9], [28, 35, 10], [33, 42, 12], [39, 50, 15], [46, 59, 17]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/AMS/Regular" +

+ 10 - 10

@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
-    "MathJax_AMS": {
-            [18, 3, -3], [21, 3, -4], [25, 3, -5], [29, 4, -6], [34, 5, -8], [40, 5, -9], [47, 6, -11], [56, 8, -12],
-            [66, 8, -16], [79, 10, -19], [93, 12, -21], [110, 14, -26], [131, 17, -30], [156, 20, -36]
-        ],
-        0x2DC: [  // SMALL TILDE
-            [17, 2, -4], [21, 2, -5], [24, 4, -5], [29, 5, -7], [34, 4, -9], [40, 5, -10], [47, 6, -12], [56, 6, -15],
-            [66, 8, -17], [78, 9, -21], [93, 11, -25], [110, 13, -29], [130, 15, -35], [155, 18, -41]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_AMS": {
+      [18, 3, -3], [21, 3, -4], [25, 3, -5], [29, 4, -6], [34, 5, -8], [40, 5, -9], [47, 6, -11], [56, 8, -12],
+      [66, 8, -16], [79, 10, -19], [93, 12, -21], [110, 14, -26], [131, 17, -30], [156, 20, -36]
+    ],
+    0x2DC: [  // SMALL TILDE
+      [17, 2, -4], [21, 2, -5], [24, 4, -5], [29, 5, -7], [34, 4, -9], [40, 5, -10], [47, 6, -12], [56, 6, -15],
+      [66, 8, -17], [78, 9, -21], [93, 11, -25], [110, 13, -29], [130, 15, -35], [155, 18, -41]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/AMS/Regular" +

+ 154 - 154

@@ -25,160 +25,160 @@
-    "MathJax_Caligraphic-bold": {
-        0x20: [  // SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x30: [  // DIGIT ZERO
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0],
-            [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 1], [21, 19, 1], [25, 22, 1], [30, 26, 1], [35, 32, 1]
-        ],
-        0x31: [  // DIGIT ONE
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0],
-            [14, 13, 0], [17, 15, 0], [20, 18, 0], [23, 21, 0], [28, 25, 0], [33, 30, 0]
-        ],
-        0x32: [  // DIGIT TWO
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0],
-            [15, 13, 0], [17, 15, 0], [21, 18, 0], [24, 21, 0], [29, 26, 0], [34, 30, 0]
-        ],
-        0x33: [  // DIGIT THREE
-            [4, 5, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 3], [8, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [11, 14, 5], [13, 17, 5],
-            [15, 19, 6], [18, 22, 7], [21, 27, 8], [25, 31, 10], [30, 37, 11], [35, 44, 13]
-        ],
-        0x34: [  // DIGIT FOUR
-            [4, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 3], [9, 11, 3], [11, 14, 5], [13, 16, 5],
-            [15, 18, 5], [18, 22, 6], [22, 26, 7], [26, 31, 9], [30, 37, 10], [36, 44, 12]
-        ],
-        0x35: [  // DIGIT FIVE
-            [4, 5, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 3], [8, 10, 3], [9, 12, 3], [11, 14, 5], [12, 17, 6],
-            [15, 19, 6], [18, 23, 7], [21, 27, 8], [25, 32, 10], [29, 38, 12], [35, 45, 14]
-        ],
-        0x36: [  // DIGIT SIX
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [11, 13, 0], [13, 17, 0],
-            [15, 20, 0], [18, 22, 1], [21, 27, 1], [25, 32, 1], [30, 37, 1], [35, 45, 1]
-        ],
-        0x37: [  // DIGIT SEVEN
-            [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 3], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 3], [10, 12, 4], [11, 14, 4], [13, 16, 5],
-            [16, 20, 7], [19, 23, 7], [22, 27, 8], [26, 32, 10], [31, 38, 12], [37, 45, 14]
-        ],
-        0x38: [  // DIGIT EIGHT
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [11, 13, 0], [13, 17, 0],
-            [15, 19, 0], [18, 22, 1], [21, 27, 1], [25, 32, 1], [30, 38, 1], [35, 45, 1]
-        ],
-        0x39: [  // DIGIT NINE
-            [4, 5, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 3], [8, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [11, 14, 5], [13, 17, 6],
-            [15, 19, 6], [18, 22, 7], [21, 27, 8], [25, 31, 10], [30, 37, 12], [35, 44, 14]
-        ],
-        0x41: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
-            [7, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 9, 1], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 1], [17, 14, 1], [20, 17, 1], [23, 19, 1],
-            [28, 23, 1], [33, 27, 2], [39, 32, 2], [46, 37, 2], [55, 44, 3], [66, 52, 3]
-        ],
-        0x42: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [25, 24, 1], [29, 28, 1], [35, 34, 1], [41, 40, 1], [49, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x43: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
-            [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 16, 0],
-            [17, 19, 0], [20, 24, 1], [24, 28, 1], [28, 34, 1], [34, 40, 1], [40, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x44: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
-            [25, 19, 0], [30, 24, 1], [35, 27, 1], [42, 32, 1], [49, 39, 0], [59, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x45: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
-            [18, 19, 0], [21, 24, 1], [25, 28, 1], [30, 34, 1], [35, 40, 1], [42, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x46: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
-            [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [16, 13, 0], [19, 15, 0], [22, 17, 0],
-            [26, 20, 0], [31, 24, 1], [37, 29, 1], [44, 34, 1], [52, 40, 2], [62, 48, 2]
-        ],
-        0x47: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
-            [5, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 8, 1], [8, 10, 2], [10, 12, 2], [12, 14, 2], [14, 16, 2], [16, 19, 3],
-            [19, 23, 4], [23, 27, 4], [27, 32, 5], [32, 38, 5], [38, 45, 6], [45, 54, 8]
-        ],
-        0x48: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [16, 12, 0], [19, 14, 0], [22, 17, 1],
-            [26, 20, 1], [31, 24, 1], [37, 28, 2], [44, 34, 2], [52, 40, 2], [62, 48, 3]
-        ],
-        0x49: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [32, 27, 0], [37, 32, 0], [44, 38, 0], [52, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4A: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
-            [7, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [10, 8, 1], [11, 10, 2], [13, 12, 2], [16, 13, 1], [19, 16, 2], [22, 19, 3],
-            [26, 22, 3], [31, 27, 4], [37, 31, 5], [44, 37, 5], [52, 44, 6], [62, 53, 8]
-        ],
-        0x4B: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 16, 0],
-            [23, 19, 0], [28, 24, 1], [33, 28, 1], [39, 34, 1], [46, 40, 1], [55, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x4C: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [25, 24, 1], [30, 28, 1], [35, 34, 1], [42, 40, 1], [50, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x4D: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
-            [10, 7, 1], [12, 7, 0], [14, 8, 0], [16, 10, 1], [19, 12, 1], [23, 14, 1], [27, 16, 1], [32, 18, 1],
-            [38, 21, 1], [45, 26, 2], [53, 30, 2], [63, 36, 2], [75, 43, 3], [89, 50, 3]
-        ],
-        0x4E: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
-            [9, 7, 1], [11, 9, 1], [12, 10, 1], [14, 11, 1], [17, 13, 1], [20, 15, 1], [23, 18, 1], [27, 21, 2],
-            [32, 25, 2], [38, 30, 2], [45, 34, 2], [54, 42, 2], [64, 50, 3], [75, 59, 4]
-        ],
-        0x4F: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
-            [25, 19, 0], [30, 24, 1], [35, 28, 1], [41, 34, 1], [49, 40, 1], [59, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x50: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
-            [6, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [9, 8, 1], [10, 9, 1], [12, 11, 1], [15, 13, 1], [17, 15, 1], [20, 18, 2],
-            [24, 21, 2], [28, 25, 2], [34, 30, 3], [40, 35, 3], [47, 42, 4], [56, 50, 4]
-        ],
-        0x51: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
-            [7, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [9, 8, 1], [11, 11, 3], [13, 12, 2], [16, 14, 2], [18, 17, 3], [22, 20, 4],
-            [26, 24, 5], [30, 28, 5], [36, 33, 6], [43, 39, 6], [51, 47, 8], [60, 56, 10]
-        ],
-        0x52: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
-            [7, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 8, 0], [14, 10, 0], [17, 12, 0], [20, 14, 0], [23, 16, 0],
-            [28, 19, 0], [33, 23, 1], [39, 27, 1], [46, 33, 1], [55, 39, 1], [65, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x53: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 10, 0], [12, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [20, 19, 0], [24, 24, 1], [29, 28, 1], [34, 34, 1], [40, 40, 1], [48, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x54: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
-            [7, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [10, 8, 1], [12, 9, 1], [14, 11, 1], [16, 13, 1], [19, 15, 1], [22, 18, 2],
-            [27, 23, 2], [32, 27, 3], [38, 32, 3], [44, 37, 3], [53, 44, 4], [63, 52, 5]
-        ],
-        0x55: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [23, 19, 0], [27, 24, 1], [31, 28, 1], [37, 33, 1], [44, 39, 1], [52, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x56: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
-            [6, 6, 1], [7, 7, 1], [8, 8, 1], [10, 9, 1], [11, 11, 1], [13, 13, 1], [16, 15, 1], [18, 18, 2],
-            [22, 21, 2], [26, 25, 2], [31, 30, 3], [36, 36, 4], [43, 42, 4], [51, 50, 5]
-        ],
-        0x57: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
-            [9, 6, 1], [10, 7, 1], [12, 8, 1], [15, 10, 2], [17, 11, 1], [21, 13, 1], [24, 15, 1], [28, 18, 2],
-            [34, 22, 3], [40, 26, 3], [48, 30, 3], [57, 36, 4], [67, 43, 4], [80, 51, 5]
-        ],
-        0x58: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [16, 12, 0], [18, 14, 0], [22, 16, 0],
-            [26, 19, 0], [30, 23, 0], [36, 27, 0], [43, 32, 0], [51, 39, 1], [60, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x59: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
-            [6, 6, 1], [7, 8, 2], [8, 9, 2], [10, 10, 2], [12, 12, 2], [14, 15, 3], [16, 17, 3], [19, 20, 4],
-            [23, 24, 5], [27, 28, 5], [32, 33, 6], [38, 40, 8], [45, 47, 9], [53, 56, 11]
-        ],
-        0x5A: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
-            [6, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 16, 0],
-            [24, 19, 0], [28, 23, 0], [34, 27, 0], [40, 32, 0], [47, 38, 0], [56, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Caligraphic-bold": {
+    0x20: [  // SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+    0x30: [  // DIGIT ZERO
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0],
+      [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 1], [21, 19, 1], [25, 22, 1], [30, 26, 1], [35, 32, 1]
+    ],
+    0x31: [  // DIGIT ONE
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0],
+      [14, 13, 0], [17, 15, 0], [20, 18, 0], [23, 21, 0], [28, 25, 0], [33, 30, 0]
+    ],
+    0x32: [  // DIGIT TWO
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0],
+      [15, 13, 0], [17, 15, 0], [21, 18, 0], [24, 21, 0], [29, 26, 0], [34, 30, 0]
+    ],
+    0x33: [  // DIGIT THREE
+      [4, 5, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 3], [8, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [11, 14, 5], [13, 17, 5],
+      [15, 19, 6], [18, 22, 7], [21, 27, 8], [25, 31, 10], [30, 37, 11], [35, 44, 13]
+    ],
+    0x34: [  // DIGIT FOUR
+      [4, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 3], [9, 11, 3], [11, 14, 5], [13, 16, 5],
+      [15, 18, 5], [18, 22, 6], [22, 26, 7], [26, 31, 9], [30, 37, 10], [36, 44, 12]
+    ],
+    0x35: [  // DIGIT FIVE
+      [4, 5, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 3], [8, 10, 3], [9, 12, 3], [11, 14, 5], [12, 17, 6],
+      [15, 19, 6], [18, 23, 7], [21, 27, 8], [25, 32, 10], [29, 38, 12], [35, 45, 14]
+    ],
+    0x36: [  // DIGIT SIX
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [11, 13, 0], [13, 17, 0],
+      [15, 20, 0], [18, 22, 1], [21, 27, 1], [25, 32, 1], [30, 37, 1], [35, 45, 1]
+    ],
+    0x37: [  // DIGIT SEVEN
+      [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 3], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 3], [10, 12, 4], [11, 14, 4], [13, 16, 5],
+      [16, 20, 7], [19, 23, 7], [22, 27, 8], [26, 32, 10], [31, 38, 12], [37, 45, 14]
+    ],
+    0x38: [  // DIGIT EIGHT
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [11, 13, 0], [13, 17, 0],
+      [15, 19, 0], [18, 22, 1], [21, 27, 1], [25, 32, 1], [30, 38, 1], [35, 45, 1]
+    ],
+    0x39: [  // DIGIT NINE
+      [4, 5, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 8, 3], [8, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [11, 14, 5], [13, 17, 6],
+      [15, 19, 6], [18, 22, 7], [21, 27, 8], [25, 31, 10], [30, 37, 12], [35, 44, 14]
+    ],
+    0x41: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+      [7, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 9, 1], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 1], [17, 14, 1], [20, 17, 1], [23, 19, 1],
+      [28, 23, 1], [33, 27, 2], [39, 32, 2], [46, 37, 2], [55, 44, 3], [66, 52, 3]
+    ],
+    0x42: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [25, 24, 1], [29, 28, 1], [35, 34, 1], [41, 40, 1], [49, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x43: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
+      [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 16, 0],
+      [17, 19, 0], [20, 24, 1], [24, 28, 1], [28, 34, 1], [34, 40, 1], [40, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x44: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
+      [25, 19, 0], [30, 24, 1], [35, 27, 1], [42, 32, 1], [49, 39, 0], [59, 46, 0]
+    ],
+    0x45: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
+      [18, 19, 0], [21, 24, 1], [25, 28, 1], [30, 34, 1], [35, 40, 1], [42, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x46: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
+      [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [16, 13, 0], [19, 15, 0], [22, 17, 0],
+      [26, 20, 0], [31, 24, 1], [37, 29, 1], [44, 34, 1], [52, 40, 2], [62, 48, 2]
+    ],
+    0x47: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
+      [5, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 8, 1], [8, 10, 2], [10, 12, 2], [12, 14, 2], [14, 16, 2], [16, 19, 3],
+      [19, 23, 4], [23, 27, 4], [27, 32, 5], [32, 38, 5], [38, 45, 6], [45, 54, 8]
+    ],
+    0x48: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [16, 12, 0], [19, 14, 0], [22, 17, 1],
+      [26, 20, 1], [31, 24, 1], [37, 28, 2], [44, 34, 2], [52, 40, 2], [62, 48, 3]
+    ],
+    0x49: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [32, 27, 0], [37, 32, 0], [44, 38, 0], [52, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [7, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [10, 8, 1], [11, 10, 2], [13, 12, 2], [16, 13, 1], [19, 16, 2], [22, 19, 3],
+      [26, 22, 3], [31, 27, 4], [37, 31, 5], [44, 37, 5], [52, 44, 6], [62, 53, 8]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 16, 0],
+      [23, 19, 0], [28, 24, 1], [33, 28, 1], [39, 34, 1], [46, 40, 1], [55, 47, 1]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [25, 24, 1], [30, 28, 1], [35, 34, 1], [42, 40, 1], [50, 47, 1]
+    ],
+      [10, 7, 1], [12, 7, 0], [14, 8, 0], [16, 10, 1], [19, 12, 1], [23, 14, 1], [27, 16, 1], [32, 18, 1],
+      [38, 21, 1], [45, 26, 2], [53, 30, 2], [63, 36, 2], [75, 43, 3], [89, 50, 3]
+    ],
+      [9, 7, 1], [11, 9, 1], [12, 10, 1], [14, 11, 1], [17, 13, 1], [20, 15, 1], [23, 18, 1], [27, 21, 2],
+      [32, 25, 2], [38, 30, 2], [45, 34, 2], [54, 42, 2], [64, 50, 3], [75, 59, 4]
+    ],
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
+      [25, 19, 0], [30, 24, 1], [35, 28, 1], [41, 34, 1], [49, 40, 1], [59, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x50: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+      [6, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [9, 8, 1], [10, 9, 1], [12, 11, 1], [15, 13, 1], [17, 15, 1], [20, 18, 2],
+      [24, 21, 2], [28, 25, 2], [34, 30, 3], [40, 35, 3], [47, 42, 4], [56, 50, 4]
+    ],
+    0x51: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+      [7, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [9, 8, 1], [11, 11, 3], [13, 12, 2], [16, 14, 2], [18, 17, 3], [22, 20, 4],
+      [26, 24, 5], [30, 28, 5], [36, 33, 6], [43, 39, 6], [51, 47, 8], [60, 56, 10]
+    ],
+    0x52: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
+      [7, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 8, 0], [14, 10, 0], [17, 12, 0], [20, 14, 0], [23, 16, 0],
+      [28, 19, 0], [33, 23, 1], [39, 27, 1], [46, 33, 1], [55, 39, 1], [65, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x53: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 10, 0], [12, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [20, 19, 0], [24, 24, 1], [29, 28, 1], [34, 34, 1], [40, 40, 1], [48, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x54: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
+      [7, 6, 1], [8, 7, 1], [10, 8, 1], [12, 9, 1], [14, 11, 1], [16, 13, 1], [19, 15, 1], [22, 18, 2],
+      [27, 23, 2], [32, 27, 3], [38, 32, 3], [44, 37, 3], [53, 44, 4], [63, 52, 5]
+    ],
+    0x55: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [23, 19, 0], [27, 24, 1], [31, 28, 1], [37, 33, 1], [44, 39, 1], [52, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x56: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
+      [6, 6, 1], [7, 7, 1], [8, 8, 1], [10, 9, 1], [11, 11, 1], [13, 13, 1], [16, 15, 1], [18, 18, 2],
+      [22, 21, 2], [26, 25, 2], [31, 30, 3], [36, 36, 4], [43, 42, 4], [51, 50, 5]
+    ],
+    0x57: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
+      [9, 6, 1], [10, 7, 1], [12, 8, 1], [15, 10, 2], [17, 11, 1], [21, 13, 1], [24, 15, 1], [28, 18, 2],
+      [34, 22, 3], [40, 26, 3], [48, 30, 3], [57, 36, 4], [67, 43, 4], [80, 51, 5]
+    ],
+    0x58: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [16, 12, 0], [18, 14, 0], [22, 16, 0],
+      [26, 19, 0], [30, 23, 0], [36, 27, 0], [43, 32, 0], [51, 39, 1], [60, 46, 0]
+    ],
+    0x59: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+      [6, 6, 1], [7, 8, 2], [8, 9, 2], [10, 10, 2], [12, 12, 2], [14, 15, 3], [16, 17, 3], [19, 20, 4],
+      [23, 24, 5], [27, 28, 5], [32, 33, 6], [38, 40, 8], [45, 47, 9], [53, 56, 11]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 16, 0],
+      [24, 19, 0], [28, 23, 0], [34, 27, 0], [40, 32, 0], [47, 38, 0], [56, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Caligraphic/Bold" +

+ 98 - 98

@@ -25,104 +25,104 @@
-    "MathJax_Main-bold": {
-        0x2190: [  // LEFTWARDS ARROW
-            [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 10, 1], [22, 11, 1], [26, 13, 1],
-            [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 25, 1], [60, 30, 1], [72, 36, 2]
-        ],
-        0x2191: [  // UPWARDS ARROW
-            [5, 7, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 9, 2], [7, 12, 3], [9, 13, 3], [10, 16, 4], [11, 18, 4], [14, 22, 5],
-            [16, 26, 6], [19, 30, 7], [22, 36, 8], [27, 42, 9], [31, 50, 11], [37, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x2192: [  // RIGHTWARDS ARROW
-            [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 10, 1], [22, 11, 1], [26, 13, 1],
-            [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 26, 1], [60, 30, 1], [72, 36, 1]
-        ],
-        0x2193: [  // DOWNWARDS ARROW
-            [5, 7, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 9, 2], [7, 12, 3], [9, 13, 3], [10, 16, 4], [11, 18, 4], [14, 22, 5],
-            [16, 26, 6], [19, 30, 7], [22, 36, 8], [27, 43, 10], [31, 50, 11], [38, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x2194: [  // LEFT RIGHT ARROW
-            [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 10, 1], [21, 11, 1], [26, 13, 1],
-            [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 25, 1], [60, 30, 1], [71, 36, 2]
-        ],
-        0x2195: [  // UP DOWN ARROW
-            [5, 8, 2], [5, 10, 3], [6, 11, 3], [7, 14, 4], [9, 15, 4], [10, 18, 5], [11, 21, 6], [14, 25, 7],
-            [16, 30, 8], [19, 35, 9], [22, 42, 11], [27, 49, 13], [31, 58, 15], [38, 69, 18]
-        ],
-        0x2196: [  // NORTH WEST ARROW
-            [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 2], [11, 10, 2], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 17, 4], [21, 19, 4], [26, 22, 5],
-            [30, 26, 6], [36, 31, 7], [43, 37, 8], [51, 43, 9], [60, 51, 11], [72, 61, 13]
-        ],
-        0x2197: [  // NORTH EAST ARROW
-            [8, 8, 2], [9, 9, 2], [11, 10, 2], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 17, 4], [22, 19, 4], [26, 22, 5],
-            [30, 26, 6], [36, 31, 7], [43, 37, 8], [51, 43, 9], [60, 52, 11], [72, 62, 13]
-        ],
-        0x2198: [  // SOUTH EAST ARROW
-            [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [11, 10, 3], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 16, 4], [22, 19, 5], [26, 23, 6],
-            [30, 27, 7], [36, 31, 8], [43, 37, 9], [51, 44, 11], [60, 52, 13], [72, 61, 15]
-        ],
-        0x2199: [  // SOUTH WEST ARROW
-            [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [11, 10, 3], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 16, 4], [22, 19, 5], [26, 23, 6],
-            [30, 26, 6], [36, 31, 8], [43, 37, 9], [51, 44, 11], [60, 52, 13], [72, 61, 15]
-        ],
-        0x21A6: [  // RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR
-            [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 9, 0], [21, 11, 1], [26, 14, 1],
-            [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 26, 1], [60, 30, 1], [71, 36, 1]
-        ],
-        0x21A9: [  // LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK
-            [9, 5, 1], [10, 5, 0], [12, 7, 1], [15, 7, 1], [17, 9, 1], [21, 10, 1], [24, 11, 1], [29, 13, 1],
-            [34, 16, 1], [40, 18, 1], [48, 22, 1], [57, 25, 1], [68, 30, 1], [80, 36, 2]
-        ],
-            [9, 5, 1], [11, 5, 0], [12, 7, 1], [15, 7, 1], [17, 9, 1], [21, 10, 1], [24, 11, 1], [29, 14, 1],
-            [34, 16, 1], [40, 19, 1], [48, 22, 1], [57, 26, 1], [68, 30, 1], [80, 36, 1]
-        ],
-            [8, 3, -1], [9, 3, -2], [11, 4, -2], [13, 4, -2], [15, 5, -3], [18, 6, -3], [22, 6, -4], [26, 7, -5],
-            [30, 9, -6], [36, 10, -7], [43, 13, -8], [51, 15, -10], [60, 17, -12], [72, 20, -14]
-        ],
-            [8, 3, 1], [9, 3, 0], [11, 4, 1], [13, 5, 1], [15, 5, 1], [18, 6, 1], [22, 7, 1], [26, 8, 1],
-            [30, 9, 1], [36, 11, 1], [43, 12, 1], [51, 15, 1], [60, 18, 2], [72, 21, 2]
-        ],
-            [8, 3, -1], [9, 3, -2], [11, 4, -2], [13, 4, -2], [15, 5, -3], [18, 6, -3], [22, 6, -4], [26, 7, -5],
-            [30, 9, -6], [36, 10, -7], [43, 13, -8], [51, 15, -10], [60, 17, -12], [72, 20, -14]
-        ],
-            [8, 3, 1], [9, 3, 0], [11, 4, 1], [13, 5, 1], [15, 5, 1], [18, 6, 1], [22, 7, 1], [26, 8, 1],
-            [30, 9, 1], [36, 11, 1], [43, 12, 1], [51, 15, 1], [60, 18, 2], [72, 21, 2]
-        ],
-            [8, 7, 1], [9, 6, 0], [11, 9, 1], [13, 10, 1], [15, 12, 1], [18, 13, 1], [22, 15, 1], [26, 18, 1],
-            [30, 21, 1], [36, 25, 1], [43, 30, 1], [51, 35, 1], [60, 42, 2], [72, 50, 2]
-        ],
-        0x21D0: [  // LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
-            [8, 5, 1], [9, 6, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 8, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 11, 1], [22, 13, 1], [26, 15, 2],
-            [30, 18, 2], [36, 21, 2], [43, 24, 2], [51, 29, 3], [60, 34, 3], [72, 41, 4]
-        ],
-        0x21D1: [  // UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
-            [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 9, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 13, 3], [12, 16, 4], [13, 18, 4], [16, 22, 5],
-            [19, 26, 6], [22, 30, 7], [26, 36, 8], [32, 42, 9], [37, 50, 11], [44, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x21D2: [  // RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
-            [8, 5, 1], [9, 6, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 8, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 11, 1], [22, 12, 1], [26, 14, 1],
-            [30, 18, 2], [36, 21, 2], [43, 24, 2], [51, 28, 2], [60, 34, 3], [72, 40, 3]
-        ],
-        0x21D3: [  // DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
-            [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 9, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 13, 3], [12, 16, 4], [14, 18, 4], [16, 22, 5],
-            [19, 26, 6], [23, 30, 7], [27, 36, 8], [32, 43, 10], [38, 50, 11], [45, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x21D4: [  // LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW
-            [8, 5, 1], [10, 6, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 8, 1], [16, 9, 1], [19, 11, 1], [22, 12, 1], [26, 15, 2],
-            [31, 18, 2], [37, 21, 2], [44, 24, 2], [52, 29, 3], [61, 34, 3], [73, 41, 4]
-        ],
-        0x21D5: [  // UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW
-            [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 3], [7, 11, 3], [8, 13, 4], [10, 15, 4], [11, 18, 5], [14, 21, 6], [16, 25, 7],
-            [19, 30, 8], [22, 35, 9], [27, 41, 11], [32, 49, 13], [38, 58, 15], [45, 69, 18]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main-bold": {
+    0x2190: [  // LEFTWARDS ARROW
+      [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 10, 1], [22, 11, 1], [26, 13, 1],
+      [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 25, 1], [60, 30, 1], [72, 36, 2]
+    ],
+    0x2191: [  // UPWARDS ARROW
+      [5, 7, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 9, 2], [7, 12, 3], [9, 13, 3], [10, 16, 4], [11, 18, 4], [14, 22, 5],
+      [16, 26, 6], [19, 30, 7], [22, 36, 8], [27, 42, 9], [31, 50, 11], [37, 59, 13]
+    ],
+    0x2192: [  // RIGHTWARDS ARROW
+      [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 10, 1], [22, 11, 1], [26, 13, 1],
+      [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 26, 1], [60, 30, 1], [72, 36, 1]
+    ],
+    0x2193: [  // DOWNWARDS ARROW
+      [5, 7, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 9, 2], [7, 12, 3], [9, 13, 3], [10, 16, 4], [11, 18, 4], [14, 22, 5],
+      [16, 26, 6], [19, 30, 7], [22, 36, 8], [27, 43, 10], [31, 50, 11], [38, 59, 13]
+    ],
+    0x2194: [  // LEFT RIGHT ARROW
+      [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 10, 1], [21, 11, 1], [26, 13, 1],
+      [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 25, 1], [60, 30, 1], [71, 36, 2]
+    ],
+    0x2195: [  // UP DOWN ARROW
+      [5, 8, 2], [5, 10, 3], [6, 11, 3], [7, 14, 4], [9, 15, 4], [10, 18, 5], [11, 21, 6], [14, 25, 7],
+      [16, 30, 8], [19, 35, 9], [22, 42, 11], [27, 49, 13], [31, 58, 15], [38, 69, 18]
+    ],
+    0x2196: [  // NORTH WEST ARROW
+      [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 2], [11, 10, 2], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 17, 4], [21, 19, 4], [26, 22, 5],
+      [30, 26, 6], [36, 31, 7], [43, 37, 8], [51, 43, 9], [60, 51, 11], [72, 61, 13]
+    ],
+    0x2197: [  // NORTH EAST ARROW
+      [8, 8, 2], [9, 9, 2], [11, 10, 2], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 17, 4], [22, 19, 4], [26, 22, 5],
+      [30, 26, 6], [36, 31, 7], [43, 37, 8], [51, 43, 9], [60, 52, 11], [72, 62, 13]
+    ],
+    0x2198: [  // SOUTH EAST ARROW
+      [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [11, 10, 3], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 16, 4], [22, 19, 5], [26, 23, 6],
+      [30, 27, 7], [36, 31, 8], [43, 37, 9], [51, 44, 11], [60, 52, 13], [72, 61, 15]
+    ],
+    0x2199: [  // SOUTH WEST ARROW
+      [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [11, 10, 3], [13, 12, 3], [15, 13, 3], [18, 16, 4], [22, 19, 5], [26, 23, 6],
+      [30, 26, 6], [36, 31, 8], [43, 37, 9], [51, 44, 11], [60, 52, 13], [72, 61, 15]
+    ],
+      [8, 5, 1], [9, 5, 0], [11, 7, 1], [13, 7, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 9, 0], [21, 11, 1], [26, 14, 1],
+      [30, 16, 1], [36, 18, 1], [43, 22, 1], [51, 26, 1], [60, 30, 1], [71, 36, 1]
+    ],
+      [9, 5, 1], [10, 5, 0], [12, 7, 1], [15, 7, 1], [17, 9, 1], [21, 10, 1], [24, 11, 1], [29, 13, 1],
+      [34, 16, 1], [40, 18, 1], [48, 22, 1], [57, 25, 1], [68, 30, 1], [80, 36, 2]
+    ],
+      [9, 5, 1], [11, 5, 0], [12, 7, 1], [15, 7, 1], [17, 9, 1], [21, 10, 1], [24, 11, 1], [29, 14, 1],
+      [34, 16, 1], [40, 19, 1], [48, 22, 1], [57, 26, 1], [68, 30, 1], [80, 36, 1]
+    ],
+      [8, 3, -1], [9, 3, -2], [11, 4, -2], [13, 4, -2], [15, 5, -3], [18, 6, -3], [22, 6, -4], [26, 7, -5],
+      [30, 9, -6], [36, 10, -7], [43, 13, -8], [51, 15, -10], [60, 17, -12], [72, 20, -14]
+    ],
+      [8, 3, 1], [9, 3, 0], [11, 4, 1], [13, 5, 1], [15, 5, 1], [18, 6, 1], [22, 7, 1], [26, 8, 1],
+      [30, 9, 1], [36, 11, 1], [43, 12, 1], [51, 15, 1], [60, 18, 2], [72, 21, 2]
+    ],
+      [8, 3, -1], [9, 3, -2], [11, 4, -2], [13, 4, -2], [15, 5, -3], [18, 6, -3], [22, 6, -4], [26, 7, -5],
+      [30, 9, -6], [36, 10, -7], [43, 13, -8], [51, 15, -10], [60, 17, -12], [72, 20, -14]
+    ],
+      [8, 3, 1], [9, 3, 0], [11, 4, 1], [13, 5, 1], [15, 5, 1], [18, 6, 1], [22, 7, 1], [26, 8, 1],
+      [30, 9, 1], [36, 11, 1], [43, 12, 1], [51, 15, 1], [60, 18, 2], [72, 21, 2]
+    ],
+      [8, 7, 1], [9, 6, 0], [11, 9, 1], [13, 10, 1], [15, 12, 1], [18, 13, 1], [22, 15, 1], [26, 18, 1],
+      [30, 21, 1], [36, 25, 1], [43, 30, 1], [51, 35, 1], [60, 42, 2], [72, 50, 2]
+    ],
+      [8, 5, 1], [9, 6, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 8, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 11, 1], [22, 13, 1], [26, 15, 2],
+      [30, 18, 2], [36, 21, 2], [43, 24, 2], [51, 29, 3], [60, 34, 3], [72, 41, 4]
+    ],
+    0x21D1: [  // UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
+      [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 9, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 13, 3], [12, 16, 4], [13, 18, 4], [16, 22, 5],
+      [19, 26, 6], [22, 30, 7], [26, 36, 8], [32, 42, 9], [37, 50, 11], [44, 59, 13]
+    ],
+      [8, 5, 1], [9, 6, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 8, 1], [15, 9, 1], [18, 11, 1], [22, 12, 1], [26, 14, 1],
+      [30, 18, 2], [36, 21, 2], [43, 24, 2], [51, 28, 2], [60, 34, 3], [72, 40, 3]
+    ],
+      [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 9, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 13, 3], [12, 16, 4], [14, 18, 4], [16, 22, 5],
+      [19, 26, 6], [23, 30, 7], [27, 36, 8], [32, 43, 10], [38, 50, 11], [45, 59, 13]
+    ],
+    0x21D4: [  // LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW
+      [8, 5, 1], [10, 6, 1], [11, 7, 1], [13, 8, 1], [16, 9, 1], [19, 11, 1], [22, 12, 1], [26, 15, 2],
+      [31, 18, 2], [37, 21, 2], [44, 24, 2], [52, 29, 3], [61, 34, 3], [73, 41, 4]
+    ],
+    0x21D5: [  // UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW
+      [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 3], [7, 11, 3], [8, 13, 4], [10, 15, 4], [11, 18, 5], [14, 21, 6], [16, 25, 7],
+      [19, 30, 8], [22, 35, 9], [27, 41, 11], [32, 49, 13], [38, 58, 15], [45, 69, 18]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Bold" +

+ 50 - 50

@@ -25,56 +25,56 @@
-    "MathJax_Main-bold": {
-        0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
-            [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 3, -5], [4, 3, -5], [4, 3, -6], [5, 4, -8], [5, 5, -9], [6, 5, -12],
-            [7, 6, -14], [9, 7, -16], [10, 9, -19], [11, 10, -23], [13, 12, -27], [16, 14, -33]
-        ],
-        0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
-            [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 3, -5], [3, 3, -5], [4, 3, -6], [5, 4, -8], [5, 5, -9], [6, 5, -12],
-            [7, 6, -14], [9, 7, -16], [10, 9, -19], [11, 10, -23], [13, 12, -27], [16, 14, -33]
-        ],
-            [4, 2, -3], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -7], [6, 4, -9], [7, 4, -10], [9, 5, -13],
-            [10, 5, -15], [11, 6, -17], [14, 7, -21], [16, 9, -24], [18, 10, -29], [22, 12, -35]
-        ],
-        0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
-            [4, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [5, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 4, -6], [7, 4, -9], [9, 4, -11], [10, 5, -13],
-            [12, 5, -16], [13, 6, -18], [16, 7, -22], [19, 8, -25], [22, 9, -30], [26, 11, -36]
-        ],
-        0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
-            [4, 1, -3], [5, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [6, 1, -6], [6, 1, -7], [8, 2, -9], [9, 3, -10], [11, 2, -13],
-            [12, 2, -16], [15, 3, -18], [17, 3, -22], [20, 4, -25], [24, 4, -30], [28, 5, -36]
-        ],
-        0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
-            [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 4, -10], [9, 5, -12],
-            [12, 6, -14], [13, 7, -16], [15, 8, -20], [18, 9, -23], [22, 11, -27], [26, 13, -33]
-        ],
-        0x307: [  // COMBINING DOT ABOVE
-            [2, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [3, 2, -6], [4, 3, -6], [4, 3, -9], [5, 4, -10], [5, 5, -12],
-            [6, 5, -15], [7, 6, -17], [8, 7, -21], [9, 8, -24], [10, 10, -28], [12, 12, -34]
-        ],
-        0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
-            [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -9], [9, 4, -10], [10, 4, -13],
-            [12, 5, -15], [13, 6, -17], [16, 7, -21], [19, 8, -24], [22, 9, -29], [26, 11, -35]
-        ],
-        0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
-            [2, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [5, 3, -9], [6, 3, -11], [7, 4, -13],
-            [8, 6, -14], [9, 6, -17], [11, 7, -21], [13, 8, -24], [15, 9, -29], [18, 11, -35]
-        ],
-            [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -5], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 5, -9], [10, 5, -12],
-            [11, 6, -14], [13, 7, -17], [15, 9, -19], [18, 10, -23], [21, 12, -27], [25, 14, -33]
-        ],
-        0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
-            [4, 1, -3], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -7], [6, 3, -9], [7, 4, -10], [8, 4, -13],
-            [10, 5, -15], [11, 6, -17], [13, 6, -21], [15, 7, -24], [18, 9, -28], [22, 10, -34]
-        ],
-            [5, 6, 1], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 10, 2], [9, 12, 3], [11, 15, 3], [12, 18, 4], [15, 22, 5],
-            [17, 26, 6], [20, 31, 6], [23, 37, 8], [28, 43, 9], [33, 51, 12], [39, 61, 14]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main-bold": {
+    0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
+      [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 3, -5], [4, 3, -5], [4, 3, -6], [5, 4, -8], [5, 5, -9], [6, 5, -12],
+      [7, 6, -14], [9, 7, -16], [10, 9, -19], [11, 10, -23], [13, 12, -27], [16, 14, -33]
+    ],
+    0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
+      [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 3, -5], [3, 3, -5], [4, 3, -6], [5, 4, -8], [5, 5, -9], [6, 5, -12],
+      [7, 6, -14], [9, 7, -16], [10, 9, -19], [11, 10, -23], [13, 12, -27], [16, 14, -33]
+    ],
+      [4, 2, -3], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -7], [6, 4, -9], [7, 4, -10], [9, 5, -13],
+      [10, 5, -15], [11, 6, -17], [14, 7, -21], [16, 9, -24], [18, 10, -29], [22, 12, -35]
+    ],
+    0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
+      [4, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [5, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 4, -6], [7, 4, -9], [9, 4, -11], [10, 5, -13],
+      [12, 5, -16], [13, 6, -18], [16, 7, -22], [19, 8, -25], [22, 9, -30], [26, 11, -36]
+    ],
+    0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
+      [4, 1, -3], [5, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [6, 1, -6], [6, 1, -7], [8, 2, -9], [9, 3, -10], [11, 2, -13],
+      [12, 2, -16], [15, 3, -18], [17, 3, -22], [20, 4, -25], [24, 4, -30], [28, 5, -36]
+    ],
+    0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
+      [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 4, -10], [9, 5, -12],
+      [12, 6, -14], [13, 7, -16], [15, 8, -20], [18, 9, -23], [22, 11, -27], [26, 13, -33]
+    ],
+    0x307: [  // COMBINING DOT ABOVE
+      [2, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [3, 2, -6], [4, 3, -6], [4, 3, -9], [5, 4, -10], [5, 5, -12],
+      [6, 5, -15], [7, 6, -17], [8, 7, -21], [9, 8, -24], [10, 10, -28], [12, 12, -34]
+    ],
+    0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
+      [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -9], [9, 4, -10], [10, 4, -13],
+      [12, 5, -15], [13, 6, -17], [16, 7, -21], [19, 8, -24], [22, 9, -29], [26, 11, -35]
+    ],
+    0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
+      [2, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [5, 3, -9], [6, 3, -11], [7, 4, -13],
+      [8, 6, -14], [9, 6, -17], [11, 7, -21], [13, 8, -24], [15, 9, -29], [18, 11, -35]
+    ],
+      [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -5], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 5, -9], [10, 5, -12],
+      [11, 6, -14], [13, 7, -17], [15, 9, -19], [18, 10, -23], [21, 12, -27], [25, 14, -33]
+    ],
+    0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
+      [4, 1, -3], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -7], [6, 3, -9], [7, 4, -10], [8, 4, -13],
+      [10, 5, -15], [11, 6, -17], [13, 6, -21], [15, 7, -24], [18, 9, -28], [22, 10, -34]
+    ],
+      [5, 6, 1], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 10, 2], [9, 12, 3], [11, 15, 3], [12, 18, 4], [15, 22, 5],
+      [17, 26, 6], [20, 31, 6], [23, 37, 8], [28, 43, 9], [33, 51, 12], [39, 61, 14]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Bold" +

+ 6 - 6

@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
-    "MathJax_Main-bold": {
-        0x20D7: [  // COMBINING RIGHT ARROW ABOVE
-            [4, 2, -3], [5, 3, -4], [6, 3, -5], [7, 3, -6], [8, 3, -7], [9, 5, -8], [11, 5, -10], [13, 6, -11],
-            [15, 6, -14], [17, 8, -16], [21, 9, -20], [25, 11, -23], [29, 13, -28], [34, 15, -33]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main-bold": {
+      [4, 2, -3], [5, 3, -4], [6, 3, -5], [7, 3, -6], [8, 3, -7], [9, 5, -8], [11, 5, -10], [13, 6, -11],
+      [15, 6, -14], [17, 8, -16], [21, 9, -20], [25, 11, -23], [29, 13, -28], [34, 15, -33]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Bold" +

+ 6 - 6

@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
-    "MathJax_Main-italic": {
-        0x131: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
-            [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 10, 0],
-            [10, 12, 0], [12, 15, 0], [14, 17, 0], [16, 22, 1], [19, 26, 1], [23, 30, 1]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main-italic": {
+      [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 10, 0],
+      [10, 12, 0], [12, 15, 0], [14, 17, 0], [16, 22, 1], [19, 26, 1], [23, 30, 1]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Italic" +

+ 6 - 6

@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
-    "MathJax_Main": {
-        0x20D7: [  // COMBINING RIGHT ARROW ABOVE
-            [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -7], [8, 4, -8], [10, 5, -9], [11, 5, -12],
-            [14, 6, -14], [16, 7, -17], [18, 9, -20], [21, 10, -24], [26, 12, -28], [30, 14, -33]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main": {
+      [4, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -7], [8, 4, -8], [10, 5, -9], [11, 5, -12],
+      [14, 6, -14], [16, 7, -17], [18, 9, -20], [21, 10, -24], [26, 12, -28], [30, 14, -33]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Regular" +

+ 18 - 18

@@ -25,24 +25,24 @@
-    "MathJax_Main": {
-            [3, 8, 2], [3, 10, 3], [4, 11, 3], [4, 12, 3], [5, 15, 4], [6, 18, 5], [7, 20, 5], [8, 24, 6],
-            [10, 28, 7], [11, 34, 9], [14, 40, 10], [16, 47, 12], [19, 56, 14], [22, 67, 17]
-        ],
-            [2, 8, 2], [3, 10, 3], [3, 11, 3], [4, 12, 3], [4, 15, 4], [5, 18, 5], [6, 20, 5], [7, 24, 6],
-            [8, 28, 7], [10, 34, 9], [11, 40, 10], [13, 47, 12], [16, 56, 14], [19, 67, 17]
-        ],
-            [3, 8, 2], [3, 9, 2], [4, 11, 3], [5, 12, 3], [5, 15, 4], [6, 17, 4], [8, 20, 5], [9, 24, 6],
-            [10, 28, 7], [12, 33, 8], [14, 40, 10], [17, 47, 12], [20, 56, 14], [24, 65, 16]
-        ],
-            [2, 8, 2], [2, 9, 2], [3, 11, 3], [3, 12, 3], [4, 15, 4], [4, 17, 4], [5, 20, 5], [6, 24, 6],
-            [7, 28, 7], [8, 33, 8], [10, 40, 10], [12, 46, 11], [14, 55, 13], [16, 65, 16]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main": {
+      [3, 8, 2], [3, 10, 3], [4, 11, 3], [4, 12, 3], [5, 15, 4], [6, 18, 5], [7, 20, 5], [8, 24, 6],
+      [10, 28, 7], [11, 34, 9], [14, 40, 10], [16, 47, 12], [19, 56, 14], [22, 67, 17]
+    ],
+      [2, 8, 2], [3, 10, 3], [3, 11, 3], [4, 12, 3], [4, 15, 4], [5, 18, 5], [6, 20, 5], [7, 24, 6],
+      [8, 28, 7], [10, 34, 9], [11, 40, 10], [13, 47, 12], [16, 56, 14], [19, 67, 17]
+    ],
+      [3, 8, 2], [3, 9, 2], [4, 11, 3], [5, 12, 3], [5, 15, 4], [6, 17, 4], [8, 20, 5], [9, 24, 6],
+      [10, 28, 7], [12, 33, 8], [14, 40, 10], [17, 47, 12], [20, 56, 14], [24, 65, 16]
+    ],
+      [2, 8, 2], [2, 9, 2], [3, 11, 3], [3, 12, 3], [4, 15, 4], [4, 17, 4], [5, 20, 5], [6, 24, 6],
+      [7, 28, 7], [8, 33, 8], [10, 40, 10], [12, 46, 11], [14, 55, 13], [16, 65, 16]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Regular" +

+ 38 - 38

@@ -25,44 +25,44 @@
-    "MathJax_Main": {
-            [3, 2, -3], [4, 3, -4], [4, 3, -5], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -7], [7, 4, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 5, -13],
-            [11, 6, -15], [13, 7, -17], [16, 7, -21], [18, 9, -24], [22, 10, -29], [26, 12, -35]
-        ],
-        0x2C7: [  // CARON
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 2, -7], [7, 3, -9], [8, 3, -10], [9, 3, -13],
-            [11, 4, -15], [13, 5, -17], [16, 6, -21], [18, 6, -24], [22, 8, -29], [26, 9, -34]
-        ],
-        0x2C9: [  // MODIFIER LETTER MACRON
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [6, 1, -6], [6, 1, -7], [8, 1, -10], [9, 1, -11], [10, 2, -13],
-            [12, 3, -15], [15, 2, -18], [17, 2, -22], [20, 3, -26], [24, 3, -30], [29, 4, -36]
-        ],
-            [3, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 3, -5], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 5, -9], [10, 6, -12],
-            [11, 7, -14], [13, 7, -17], [16, 9, -19], [19, 10, -23], [22, 12, -28], [26, 13, -34]
-        ],
-            [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 3, -5], [4, 3, -5], [5, 3, -6], [5, 4, -8], [6, 4, -10], [7, 6, -12],
-            [9, 7, -14], [10, 7, -17], [12, 8, -20], [14, 10, -23], [17, 11, -28], [20, 13, -34]
-        ],
-        0x2D8: [  // BREVE
-            [3, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [10, 5, -12],
-            [12, 5, -15], [14, 6, -17], [16, 7, -21], [19, 9, -24], [23, 10, -29], [27, 12, -34]
-        ],
-        0x2D9: [  // DOT ABOVE
-            [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [7, 3, -11], [8, 3, -14],
-            [9, 4, -16], [11, 5, -18], [13, 5, -22], [15, 6, -26], [18, 7, -31], [21, 9, -37]
-        ],
-        0x2DA: [  // RING ABOVE
-            [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 3, -9], [7, 4, -10], [9, 5, -13],
-            [10, 6, -15], [12, 7, -17], [14, 8, -22], [17, 8, -25], [20, 10, -30], [24, 12, -36]
-        ],
-        0x2DC: [  // SMALL TILDE
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -7], [5, 1, -7], [6, 1, -8], [7, 3, -9], [9, 3, -11], [10, 3, -14],
-            [12, 3, -17], [14, 4, -19], [17, 4, -23], [20, 5, -26], [23, 6, -32], [28, 7, -38]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Main": {
+      [3, 2, -3], [4, 3, -4], [4, 3, -5], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -7], [7, 4, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 5, -13],
+      [11, 6, -15], [13, 7, -17], [16, 7, -21], [18, 9, -24], [22, 10, -29], [26, 12, -35]
+    ],
+    0x2C7: [  // CARON
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 2, -7], [7, 3, -9], [8, 3, -10], [9, 3, -13],
+      [11, 4, -15], [13, 5, -17], [16, 6, -21], [18, 6, -24], [22, 8, -29], [26, 9, -34]
+    ],
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [6, 1, -6], [6, 1, -7], [8, 1, -10], [9, 1, -11], [10, 2, -13],
+      [12, 3, -15], [15, 2, -18], [17, 2, -22], [20, 3, -26], [24, 3, -30], [29, 4, -36]
+    ],
+      [3, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 3, -5], [5, 3, -5], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 5, -9], [10, 6, -12],
+      [11, 7, -14], [13, 7, -17], [16, 9, -19], [19, 10, -23], [22, 12, -28], [26, 13, -34]
+    ],
+      [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [3, 3, -5], [4, 3, -5], [5, 3, -6], [5, 4, -8], [6, 4, -10], [7, 6, -12],
+      [9, 7, -14], [10, 7, -17], [12, 8, -20], [14, 10, -23], [17, 11, -28], [20, 13, -34]
+    ],
+    0x2D8: [  // BREVE
+      [3, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [10, 5, -12],
+      [12, 5, -15], [14, 6, -17], [16, 7, -21], [19, 9, -24], [23, 10, -29], [27, 12, -34]
+    ],
+    0x2D9: [  // DOT ABOVE
+      [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [7, 3, -11], [8, 3, -14],
+      [9, 4, -16], [11, 5, -18], [13, 5, -22], [15, 6, -26], [18, 7, -31], [21, 9, -37]
+    ],
+    0x2DA: [  // RING ABOVE
+      [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 3, -9], [7, 4, -10], [9, 5, -13],
+      [10, 6, -15], [12, 7, -17], [14, 8, -22], [17, 8, -25], [20, 10, -30], [24, 12, -36]
+    ],
+    0x2DC: [  // SMALL TILDE
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -7], [5, 1, -7], [6, 1, -8], [7, 3, -9], [9, 3, -11], [10, 3, -14],
+      [12, 3, -17], [14, 4, -19], [17, 4, -23], [20, 5, -26], [23, 6, -32], [28, 7, -38]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Main/Regular" +

+ 386 - 386

@@ -25,392 +25,392 @@
-    "MathJax_Math-italic": {
-        0x20: [  // SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x2F: [  // SOLIDUS
-            [5, 6, 1], [6, 8, 2], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 2], [9, 12, 3], [11, 14, 3], [13, 18, 4], [15, 21, 5],
-            [18, 25, 6], [21, 31, 7], [25, 36, 8], [30, 45, 10], [36, 53, 12], [42, 61, 14]
-        ],
-        0x41: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [24, 24, 0], [29, 28, 0], [34, 34, 1], [41, 41, 1], [48, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x42: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [25, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [36, 33, 0], [42, 39, 0], [50, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x43: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [30, 29, 1], [36, 35, 1], [42, 41, 1], [50, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x44: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [23, 19, 0], [27, 23, 0], [32, 27, 0], [38, 33, 0], [45, 39, 0], [53, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x45: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [36, 33, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x46: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [25, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [35, 33, 0], [42, 39, 0], [50, 45, -1]
-        ],
-        0x47: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [30, 29, 1], [36, 35, 1], [42, 41, 1], [50, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x48: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0],
-            [25, 20, 0], [30, 24, 0], [35, 28, 0], [42, 34, 0], [50, 40, 0], [59, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x49: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 16, 0],
-            [14, 19, 0], [17, 23, 0], [20, 27, 0], [24, 33, 0], [28, 39, 0], [34, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4A: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 10, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 15, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [18, 21, 1], [21, 25, 1], [25, 29, 1], [30, 35, 1], [35, 41, 1], [42, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x4B: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 11, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
-            [25, 19, 0], [30, 23, 0], [35, 27, 0], [42, 33, 0], [50, 39, 0], [59, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4C: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
-            [18, 19, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [30, 33, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, -1]
-        ],
-        0x4D: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
-            [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 6, 0], [13, 8, 0], [15, 10, 0], [18, 11, 0], [21, 14, 0], [25, 16, 0],
-            [29, 19, 0], [35, 24, 0], [42, 27, 0], [49, 33, 0], [58, 39, 0], [70, 45, -1]
-        ],
-        0x4E: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0],
-            [25, 20, 0], [30, 24, 0], [35, 28, 0], [42, 34, 0], [50, 39, 0], [59, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4F: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [29, 29, 1], [35, 35, 2], [41, 41, 1], [49, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x50: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [25, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [35, 33, 0], [42, 39, 0], [50, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x51: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
-            [6, 6, 1], [7, 8, 2], [8, 8, 2], [9, 10, 2], [11, 12, 3], [13, 14, 3], [15, 18, 4], [18, 21, 5],
-            [21, 25, 6], [25, 31, 7], [29, 36, 8], [35, 44, 10], [41, 51, 11], [49, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x52: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 20, 1], [25, 24, 1], [30, 28, 1], [35, 34, 1], [42, 40, 1], [50, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x53: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
-            [18, 20, 1], [22, 25, 1], [26, 29, 1], [31, 35, 2], [36, 41, 1], [43, 48, 2]
-        ],
-        0x54: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [20, 19, 0], [24, 23, 0], [28, 26, 0], [33, 32, 0], [40, 38, 0], [47, 44, 0]
-        ],
-        0x55: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0],
-            [22, 21, 1], [26, 25, 1], [31, 29, 1], [36, 35, 1], [43, 41, 1], [51, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x56: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
-            [6, 6, 1], [7, 7, 1], [8, 7, 1], [10, 9, 1], [11, 10, 1], [13, 12, 1], [15, 15, 1], [18, 17, 1],
-            [22, 20, 1], [26, 24, 1], [31, 28, 1], [36, 35, 2], [43, 41, 2], [51, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x57: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
-            [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 6, 0], [13, 8, 0], [15, 9, 0], [18, 11, 0], [21, 14, 0], [25, 16, 0],
-            [29, 20, 1], [35, 24, 1], [41, 28, 1], [49, 34, 1], [58, 41, 2], [69, 48, 2]
-        ],
-        0x58: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
-            [6, 5, 0], [8, 7, 1], [9, 7, 1], [10, 9, 1], [12, 10, 1], [15, 12, 1], [17, 15, 1], [20, 17, 1],
-            [24, 20, 1], [28, 24, 1], [34, 28, 1], [40, 34, 1], [48, 40, 1], [56, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x59: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [36, 33, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 45, -1]
-        ],
-        0x5A: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [20, 19, 0], [24, 23, 0], [29, 27, 0], [34, 33, 0], [40, 39, 0], [48, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x61: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER A
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
-            [14, 12, 0], [17, 15, 0], [20, 17, 0], [24, 22, 1], [28, 26, 1], [34, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x62: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER B
-            [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 11, 0], [9, 14, 0], [10, 16, 0],
-            [12, 19, 0], [14, 24, 0], [17, 27, 0], [20, 34, 1], [24, 40, 1], [28, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x63: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER C
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
-            [12, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [21, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [29, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x64: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER D
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 16, 0],
-            [15, 19, 0], [18, 24, 0], [21, 27, 0], [25, 34, 1], [30, 40, 1], [35, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x65: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER E
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
-            [12, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [20, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [29, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x66: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER F
-            [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 14, 3], [11, 18, 4], [13, 21, 5],
-            [16, 25, 6], [19, 31, 7], [22, 36, 8], [26, 43, 10], [31, 51, 12], [37, 60, 13]
-        ],
-        0x67: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER G
-            [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [8, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
-            [14, 18, 6], [16, 22, 7], [19, 25, 8], [23, 31, 10], [27, 37, 12], [32, 42, 13]
-        ],
-        0x68: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER H
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 16, 0],
-            [16, 19, 0], [19, 24, 0], [22, 27, 0], [26, 34, 1], [31, 40, 1], [37, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x69: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER I
-            [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 10, 0], [5, 11, 0], [6, 14, 0], [7, 16, 0],
-            [9, 18, 0], [10, 23, 0], [12, 26, 0], [14, 32, 1], [17, 38, 1], [20, 44, 1]
-        ],
-        0x6A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER J
-            [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 2], [7, 13, 3], [8, 14, 3], [9, 18, 4], [11, 20, 5],
-            [13, 24, 6], [15, 30, 7], [17, 33, 8], [20, 41, 10], [24, 49, 12], [28, 57, 13]
-        ],
-        0x6B: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER K
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 16, 0],
-            [14, 19, 0], [17, 24, 0], [20, 27, 0], [24, 34, 1], [28, 40, 1], [33, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x6C: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER L
-            [2, 6, 0], [3, 7, 0], [3, 7, 0], [4, 9, 0], [4, 10, 0], [5, 12, 0], [6, 15, 0], [7, 17, 0],
-            [8, 20, 0], [9, 24, 0], [11, 28, 0], [13, 35, 1], [15, 40, 1], [18, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x6D: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER M
-            [6, 3, 0], [8, 4, 0], [9, 4, 0], [10, 5, 0], [12, 6, 0], [15, 7, 0], [17, 9, 0], [20, 10, 0],
-            [24, 12, 0], [28, 15, 0], [34, 17, 0], [40, 22, 1], [48, 26, 1], [56, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x6E: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER N
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
-            [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [23, 17, 0], [27, 22, 1], [32, 26, 1], [38, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x6F: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER O
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
-            [14, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [23, 22, 1], [27, 26, 1], [32, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x70: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER P
-            [5, 4, 1], [6, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [7, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [11, 13, 4], [13, 15, 5],
-            [16, 18, 6], [19, 22, 7], [22, 25, 8], [26, 31, 10], [31, 37, 12], [36, 43, 14]
-        ],
-        0x71: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
-            [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [8, 10, 3], [9, 13, 4], [11, 15, 5],
-            [13, 18, 6], [16, 22, 7], [18, 24, 7], [22, 31, 10], [26, 37, 12], [31, 42, 13]
-        ],
-        0x72: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER R
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
-            [12, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [20, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [29, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x73: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER S
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
-            [12, 12, 0], [14, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [20, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [28, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x74: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER T
-            [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 6, 0], [4, 7, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 10, 0], [7, 13, 0], [8, 15, 0],
-            [10, 18, 0], [11, 22, 0], [13, 25, 0], [16, 30, 1], [19, 36, 1], [22, 42, 1]
-        ],
-        0x75: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER U
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
-            [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [22, 17, 0], [26, 22, 1], [31, 26, 1], [37, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x76: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER V
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0],
-            [13, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [22, 22, 1], [26, 26, 1], [31, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x77: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER W
-            [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 4, 0], [9, 5, 0], [10, 6, 0], [12, 7, 0], [14, 9, 0], [16, 10, 0],
-            [20, 12, 0], [23, 15, 0], [27, 17, 0], [32, 22, 1], [39, 26, 1], [46, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x78: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER X
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
-            [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [25, 22, 1], [29, 26, 1], [35, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x79: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
-            [14, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [23, 31, 10], [28, 37, 12], [33, 42, 13]
-        ],
-        0x7A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0],
-            [13, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [22, 22, 1], [26, 26, 1], [31, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x393: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [20, 19, 0], [24, 23, 0], [29, 27, 0], [34, 33, 0], [40, 39, 0], [48, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x394: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 24, 0], [31, 28, 0], [37, 34, 0], [44, 41, 0], [52, 47, 0]
-        ],
-        0x398: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [29, 29, 1], [35, 35, 2], [41, 41, 1], [49, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x39B: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 10, 0], [12, 12, 0], [14, 15, 0], [16, 16, 0],
-            [19, 20, 0], [23, 24, 0], [27, 28, 0], [32, 34, 1], [38, 41, 1], [45, 47, 0]
-        ],
-        0x39E: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 27, 0], [37, 32, 0], [43, 38, 0], [52, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A0: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 9, 0], [15, 11, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
-            [25, 19, 0], [30, 23, 0], [35, 27, 0], [42, 33, 0], [50, 39, 0], [59, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A3: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [23, 19, 0], [27, 23, 0], [32, 27, 0], [38, 33, 0], [45, 39, 0], [54, 46, 0]
-        ],
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [20, 19, 0], [23, 24, 0], [28, 28, 0], [33, 34, 0], [39, 40, 0], [46, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A6: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
-            [18, 19, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [30, 32, -1], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, -1]
-        ],
-        0x3A8: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
-            [20, 19, 0], [23, 23, 0], [28, 27, 0], [33, 32, -1], [39, 39, 0], [46, 45, -1]
-        ],
-        0x3A9: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 24, 0], [31, 28, 0], [37, 34, 0], [44, 40, 0], [52, 47, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3B1: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA
-            [5, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
-            [17, 12, 0], [20, 15, 0], [24, 17, 0], [28, 22, 1], [34, 26, 1], [40, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3B2: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA
-            [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 14, 3], [12, 18, 4], [14, 21, 5],
-            [16, 25, 6], [19, 31, 7], [23, 36, 8], [27, 43, 10], [32, 52, 12], [38, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x3B3: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [7, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [11, 13, 4], [13, 15, 5],
-            [16, 18, 6], [18, 22, 7], [22, 25, 8], [26, 32, 11], [31, 38, 13], [36, 44, 15]
-        ],
-        0x3B4: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 11, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 16, 0],
-            [13, 19, 0], [15, 24, 0], [18, 28, 0], [21, 35, 1], [25, 41, 1], [30, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3B5: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
-            [12, 13, 1], [15, 16, 1], [17, 18, 1], [20, 22, 1], [24, 27, 2], [29, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3B6: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA
-            [4, 6, 1], [4, 8, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 2], [7, 12, 3], [8, 14, 3], [10, 18, 4], [11, 21, 5],
-            [13, 25, 6], [16, 31, 7], [19, 36, 8], [22, 43, 10], [26, 52, 12], [31, 60, 13]
-        ],
-        0x3B7: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
-            [14, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [24, 32, 11], [28, 38, 13], [33, 44, 15]
-        ],
-        0x3B8: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 11, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 16, 0],
-            [13, 19, 0], [16, 24, 0], [19, 28, 0], [22, 34, 1], [26, 41, 1], [31, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3B9: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA
-            [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 10, 0],
-            [10, 12, 0], [11, 15, 0], [13, 17, 0], [16, 22, 1], [19, 26, 1], [22, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3BA: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
-            [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [22, 17, 0], [26, 22, 1], [31, 26, 1], [37, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3BB: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 16, 0],
-            [16, 19, 0], [19, 24, 0], [22, 27, 0], [26, 34, 1], [31, 40, 1], [37, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3BC: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [7, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [12, 13, 4], [14, 15, 5],
-            [16, 18, 6], [20, 22, 7], [23, 25, 8], [27, 32, 11], [33, 38, 13], [39, 44, 15]
-        ],
-        0x3BD: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER NU
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
-            [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [25, 22, 1], [30, 25, 0], [35, 29, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3BE: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER XI
-            [4, 6, 1], [4, 8, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 2], [7, 12, 3], [8, 14, 3], [9, 18, 4], [11, 21, 5],
-            [13, 25, 6], [15, 31, 7], [18, 36, 8], [21, 43, 10], [25, 52, 12], [30, 60, 13]
-        ],
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
-            [14, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [23, 22, 1], [27, 26, 1], [32, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3C0: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
-            [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [23, 17, 0], [27, 22, 1], [32, 25, 1], [38, 29, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3C1: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
-            [14, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [24, 32, 11], [28, 38, 13], [34, 44, 15]
-        ],
-            [3, 4, 1], [4, 5, 1], [5, 5, 1], [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 9, 2], [8, 11, 2], [10, 13, 3],
-            [12, 15, 3], [14, 19, 4], [17, 22, 5], [20, 26, 5], [23, 32, 7], [27, 36, 7]
-        ],
-        0x3C3: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
-            [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [23, 17, 0], [27, 22, 1], [32, 25, 1], [38, 29, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3C4: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
-            [15, 12, 0], [17, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [24, 21, 1], [29, 26, 1], [34, 29, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3C5: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON
-            [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
-            [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [25, 22, 1], [29, 26, 1], [35, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3C6: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
-            [5, 4, 1], [6, 6, 2], [7, 6, 2], [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [11, 10, 3], [13, 13, 4], [15, 15, 5],
-            [18, 18, 6], [21, 22, 7], [25, 25, 8], [29, 32, 11], [35, 38, 13], [41, 44, 15]
-        ],
-        0x3C7: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
-            [5, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [12, 13, 4], [14, 15, 5],
-            [17, 18, 6], [20, 22, 7], [24, 25, 8], [28, 31, 10], [34, 37, 12], [40, 42, 13]
-        ],
-        0x3C8: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
-            [5, 6, 1], [6, 8, 2], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 2], [9, 12, 3], [11, 14, 3], [13, 18, 4], [15, 21, 5],
-            [18, 25, 6], [21, 31, 7], [25, 35, 8], [30, 43, 10], [35, 51, 12], [42, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x3C9: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA
-            [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [15, 10, 0],
-            [17, 12, 0], [20, 15, 0], [24, 17, 0], [29, 22, 1], [34, 26, 1], [40, 30, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3D1: [  // GREEK THETA SYMBOL
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [14, 16, 0],
-            [16, 19, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 1], [32, 41, 1], [38, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3D5: [  // GREEK PHI SYMBOL
-            [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 14, 3], [12, 18, 4], [14, 21, 5],
-            [16, 25, 6], [20, 31, 7], [23, 35, 8], [27, 43, 10], [32, 51, 12], [39, 59, 13]
-        ],
-        0x3D6: [  // GREEK PI SYMBOL
-            [6, 3, 0], [7, 4, 0], [9, 4, 0], [10, 5, 0], [12, 6, 0], [14, 7, 0], [17, 9, 0], [20, 10, 0],
-            [23, 12, 0], [28, 15, 0], [33, 17, 0], [39, 22, 1], [46, 25, 1], [55, 29, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3F1: [  // GREEK RHO SYMBOL
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
-            [15, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [24, 31, 10], [29, 37, 12], [34, 42, 13]
-        ],
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 10, 0],
-            [11, 12, 0], [13, 15, 0], [15, 17, 0], [18, 21, 1], [21, 25, 1], [25, 30, 1]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Math-italic": {
+    0x20: [  // SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+    0x2F: [  // SOLIDUS
+      [5, 6, 1], [6, 8, 2], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 2], [9, 12, 3], [11, 14, 3], [13, 18, 4], [15, 21, 5],
+      [18, 25, 6], [21, 31, 7], [25, 36, 8], [30, 45, 10], [36, 53, 12], [42, 61, 14]
+    ],
+    0x41: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [24, 24, 0], [29, 28, 0], [34, 34, 1], [41, 41, 1], [48, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x42: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [25, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [36, 33, 0], [42, 39, 0], [50, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x43: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [30, 29, 1], [36, 35, 1], [42, 41, 1], [50, 48, 1]
+    ],
+    0x44: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 10, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [23, 19, 0], [27, 23, 0], [32, 27, 0], [38, 33, 0], [45, 39, 0], [53, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x45: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [36, 33, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 46, 0]
+    ],
+    0x46: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [25, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [35, 33, 0], [42, 39, 0], [50, 45, -1]
+    ],
+    0x47: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [30, 29, 1], [36, 35, 1], [42, 41, 1], [50, 48, 1]
+    ],
+    0x48: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0],
+      [25, 20, 0], [30, 24, 0], [35, 28, 0], [42, 34, 0], [50, 40, 0], [59, 46, 0]
+    ],
+    0x49: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 16, 0],
+      [14, 19, 0], [17, 23, 0], [20, 27, 0], [24, 33, 0], [28, 39, 0], [34, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 10, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 15, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [18, 21, 1], [21, 25, 1], [25, 29, 1], [30, 35, 1], [35, 41, 1], [42, 47, 1]
+    ],
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 11, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
+      [25, 19, 0], [30, 23, 0], [35, 27, 0], [42, 33, 0], [50, 39, 0], [59, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
+      [18, 19, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [30, 33, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, -1]
+    ],
+      [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 6, 0], [13, 8, 0], [15, 10, 0], [18, 11, 0], [21, 14, 0], [25, 16, 0],
+      [29, 19, 0], [35, 24, 0], [42, 27, 0], [49, 33, 0], [58, 39, 0], [70, 45, -1]
+    ],
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0], [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0],
+      [25, 20, 0], [30, 24, 0], [35, 28, 0], [42, 34, 0], [50, 39, 0], [59, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [29, 29, 1], [35, 35, 2], [41, 41, 1], [49, 48, 1]
+    ],
+    0x50: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [25, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [35, 33, 0], [42, 39, 0], [50, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x51: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+      [6, 6, 1], [7, 8, 2], [8, 8, 2], [9, 10, 2], [11, 12, 3], [13, 14, 3], [15, 18, 4], [18, 21, 5],
+      [21, 25, 6], [25, 31, 7], [29, 36, 8], [35, 44, 10], [41, 51, 11], [49, 59, 13]
+    ],
+    0x52: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 20, 1], [25, 24, 1], [30, 28, 1], [35, 34, 1], [42, 40, 1], [50, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x53: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
+      [18, 20, 1], [22, 25, 1], [26, 29, 1], [31, 35, 2], [36, 41, 1], [43, 48, 2]
+    ],
+    0x54: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [20, 19, 0], [24, 23, 0], [28, 26, 0], [33, 32, 0], [40, 38, 0], [47, 44, 0]
+    ],
+    0x55: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0],
+      [22, 21, 1], [26, 25, 1], [31, 29, 1], [36, 35, 1], [43, 41, 1], [51, 48, 1]
+    ],
+    0x56: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
+      [6, 6, 1], [7, 7, 1], [8, 7, 1], [10, 9, 1], [11, 10, 1], [13, 12, 1], [15, 15, 1], [18, 17, 1],
+      [22, 20, 1], [26, 24, 1], [31, 28, 1], [36, 35, 2], [43, 41, 2], [51, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x57: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
+      [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 6, 0], [13, 8, 0], [15, 9, 0], [18, 11, 0], [21, 14, 0], [25, 16, 0],
+      [29, 20, 1], [35, 24, 1], [41, 28, 1], [49, 34, 1], [58, 41, 2], [69, 48, 2]
+    ],
+    0x58: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
+      [6, 5, 0], [8, 7, 1], [9, 7, 1], [10, 9, 1], [12, 10, 1], [15, 12, 1], [17, 15, 1], [20, 17, 1],
+      [24, 20, 1], [28, 24, 1], [34, 28, 1], [40, 34, 1], [48, 40, 1], [56, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x59: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [30, 27, 0], [36, 33, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 45, -1]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [20, 19, 0], [24, 23, 0], [29, 27, 0], [34, 33, 0], [40, 39, 0], [48, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x61: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
+      [14, 12, 0], [17, 15, 0], [20, 17, 0], [24, 22, 1], [28, 26, 1], [34, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x62: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+      [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 11, 0], [9, 14, 0], [10, 16, 0],
+      [12, 19, 0], [14, 24, 0], [17, 27, 0], [20, 34, 1], [24, 40, 1], [28, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x63: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
+      [12, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [21, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [29, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x64: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 16, 0],
+      [15, 19, 0], [18, 24, 0], [21, 27, 0], [25, 34, 1], [30, 40, 1], [35, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x65: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
+      [12, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [20, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [29, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x66: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+      [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 14, 3], [11, 18, 4], [13, 21, 5],
+      [16, 25, 6], [19, 31, 7], [22, 36, 8], [26, 43, 10], [31, 51, 12], [37, 60, 13]
+    ],
+    0x67: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+      [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [8, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
+      [14, 18, 6], [16, 22, 7], [19, 25, 8], [23, 31, 10], [27, 37, 12], [32, 42, 13]
+    ],
+    0x68: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 16, 0],
+      [16, 19, 0], [19, 24, 0], [22, 27, 0], [26, 34, 1], [31, 40, 1], [37, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x69: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+      [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 10, 0], [5, 11, 0], [6, 14, 0], [7, 16, 0],
+      [9, 18, 0], [10, 23, 0], [12, 26, 0], [14, 32, 1], [17, 38, 1], [20, 44, 1]
+    ],
+    0x6A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+      [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 2], [7, 13, 3], [8, 14, 3], [9, 18, 4], [11, 20, 5],
+      [13, 24, 6], [15, 30, 7], [17, 33, 8], [20, 41, 10], [24, 49, 12], [28, 57, 13]
+    ],
+    0x6B: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 16, 0],
+      [14, 19, 0], [17, 24, 0], [20, 27, 0], [24, 34, 1], [28, 40, 1], [33, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x6C: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+      [2, 6, 0], [3, 7, 0], [3, 7, 0], [4, 9, 0], [4, 10, 0], [5, 12, 0], [6, 15, 0], [7, 17, 0],
+      [8, 20, 0], [9, 24, 0], [11, 28, 0], [13, 35, 1], [15, 40, 1], [18, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x6D: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+      [6, 3, 0], [8, 4, 0], [9, 4, 0], [10, 5, 0], [12, 6, 0], [15, 7, 0], [17, 9, 0], [20, 10, 0],
+      [24, 12, 0], [28, 15, 0], [34, 17, 0], [40, 22, 1], [48, 26, 1], [56, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x6E: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
+      [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [23, 17, 0], [27, 22, 1], [32, 26, 1], [38, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x6F: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
+      [14, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [23, 22, 1], [27, 26, 1], [32, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x70: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+      [5, 4, 1], [6, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [7, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [11, 13, 4], [13, 15, 5],
+      [16, 18, 6], [19, 22, 7], [22, 25, 8], [26, 31, 10], [31, 37, 12], [36, 43, 14]
+    ],
+    0x71: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+      [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [8, 10, 3], [9, 13, 4], [11, 15, 5],
+      [13, 18, 6], [16, 22, 7], [18, 24, 7], [22, 31, 10], [26, 37, 12], [31, 42, 13]
+    ],
+    0x72: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
+      [12, 12, 0], [15, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [20, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [29, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x73: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
+      [12, 12, 0], [14, 15, 0], [17, 17, 0], [20, 22, 1], [24, 26, 1], [28, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x74: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+      [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 6, 0], [4, 7, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 10, 0], [7, 13, 0], [8, 15, 0],
+      [10, 18, 0], [11, 22, 0], [13, 25, 0], [16, 30, 1], [19, 36, 1], [22, 42, 1]
+    ],
+    0x75: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
+      [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [22, 17, 0], [26, 22, 1], [31, 26, 1], [37, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x76: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0],
+      [13, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [22, 22, 1], [26, 26, 1], [31, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x77: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+      [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 4, 0], [9, 5, 0], [10, 6, 0], [12, 7, 0], [14, 9, 0], [16, 10, 0],
+      [20, 12, 0], [23, 15, 0], [27, 17, 0], [32, 22, 1], [39, 26, 1], [46, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x78: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
+      [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [25, 22, 1], [29, 26, 1], [35, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x79: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
+      [14, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [23, 31, 10], [28, 37, 12], [33, 42, 13]
+    ],
+    0x7A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0],
+      [13, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [22, 22, 1], [26, 26, 1], [31, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [20, 19, 0], [24, 23, 0], [29, 27, 0], [34, 33, 0], [40, 39, 0], [48, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 24, 0], [31, 28, 0], [37, 34, 0], [44, 41, 0], [52, 47, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 20, 1], [25, 25, 1], [29, 29, 1], [35, 35, 2], [41, 41, 1], [49, 48, 1]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 10, 0], [12, 12, 0], [14, 15, 0], [16, 16, 0],
+      [19, 20, 0], [23, 24, 0], [27, 28, 0], [32, 34, 1], [38, 41, 1], [45, 47, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 27, 0], [37, 32, 0], [43, 38, 0], [52, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 8, 0], [13, 9, 0], [15, 11, 0], [18, 14, 0], [21, 16, 0],
+      [25, 19, 0], [30, 23, 0], [35, 27, 0], [42, 33, 0], [50, 39, 0], [59, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [23, 19, 0], [27, 23, 0], [32, 27, 0], [38, 33, 0], [45, 39, 0], [54, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [20, 19, 0], [23, 24, 0], [28, 28, 0], [33, 34, 0], [39, 40, 0], [46, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 16, 0],
+      [18, 19, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [30, 32, -1], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, -1]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 11, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 16, 0],
+      [20, 19, 0], [23, 23, 0], [28, 27, 0], [33, 32, -1], [39, 39, 0], [46, 45, -1]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [14, 11, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 24, 0], [31, 28, 0], [37, 34, 0], [44, 40, 0], [52, 47, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
+      [17, 12, 0], [20, 15, 0], [24, 17, 0], [28, 22, 1], [34, 26, 1], [40, 30, 1]
+    ],
+      [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 14, 3], [12, 18, 4], [14, 21, 5],
+      [16, 25, 6], [19, 31, 7], [23, 36, 8], [27, 43, 10], [32, 52, 12], [38, 59, 13]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [7, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [11, 13, 4], [13, 15, 5],
+      [16, 18, 6], [18, 22, 7], [22, 25, 8], [26, 32, 11], [31, 38, 13], [36, 44, 15]
+    ],
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 11, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 16, 0],
+      [13, 19, 0], [15, 24, 0], [18, 28, 0], [21, 35, 1], [25, 41, 1], [30, 48, 1]
+    ],
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0],
+      [12, 13, 1], [15, 16, 1], [17, 18, 1], [20, 22, 1], [24, 27, 2], [29, 31, 1]
+    ],
+      [4, 6, 1], [4, 8, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 2], [7, 12, 3], [8, 14, 3], [10, 18, 4], [11, 21, 5],
+      [13, 25, 6], [16, 31, 7], [19, 36, 8], [22, 43, 10], [26, 52, 12], [31, 60, 13]
+    ],
+    0x3B7: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
+      [14, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [24, 32, 11], [28, 38, 13], [33, 44, 15]
+    ],
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 11, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 16, 0],
+      [13, 19, 0], [16, 24, 0], [19, 28, 0], [22, 34, 1], [26, 41, 1], [31, 47, 1]
+    ],
+      [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 10, 0],
+      [10, 12, 0], [11, 15, 0], [13, 17, 0], [16, 22, 1], [19, 26, 1], [22, 30, 1]
+    ],
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
+      [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [22, 17, 0], [26, 22, 1], [31, 26, 1], [37, 30, 1]
+    ],
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 16, 0],
+      [16, 19, 0], [19, 24, 0], [22, 27, 0], [26, 34, 1], [31, 40, 1], [37, 47, 1]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [7, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [12, 13, 4], [14, 15, 5],
+      [16, 18, 6], [20, 22, 7], [23, 25, 8], [27, 32, 11], [33, 38, 13], [39, 44, 15]
+    ],
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
+      [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [25, 22, 1], [30, 25, 0], [35, 29, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 6, 1], [4, 8, 2], [5, 8, 2], [6, 10, 2], [7, 12, 3], [8, 14, 3], [9, 18, 4], [11, 21, 5],
+      [13, 25, 6], [15, 31, 7], [18, 36, 8], [21, 43, 10], [25, 52, 12], [30, 60, 13]
+    ],
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
+      [14, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [23, 22, 1], [27, 26, 1], [32, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3C0: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
+      [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [23, 17, 0], [27, 22, 1], [32, 25, 1], [38, 29, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3C1: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [7, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
+      [14, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [24, 32, 11], [28, 38, 13], [34, 44, 15]
+    ],
+      [3, 4, 1], [4, 5, 1], [5, 5, 1], [5, 7, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 9, 2], [8, 11, 2], [10, 13, 3],
+      [12, 15, 3], [14, 19, 4], [17, 22, 5], [20, 26, 5], [23, 32, 7], [27, 36, 7]
+    ],
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 10, 0],
+      [16, 12, 0], [19, 15, 0], [23, 17, 0], [27, 22, 1], [32, 25, 1], [38, 29, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3C4: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 10, 0],
+      [15, 12, 0], [17, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [24, 21, 1], [29, 26, 1], [34, 29, 1]
+    ],
+      [4, 3, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 7, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 10, 0],
+      [15, 12, 0], [18, 15, 0], [21, 17, 0], [25, 22, 1], [29, 26, 1], [35, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3C6: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI
+      [5, 4, 1], [6, 6, 2], [7, 6, 2], [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [11, 10, 3], [13, 13, 4], [15, 15, 5],
+      [18, 18, 6], [21, 22, 7], [25, 25, 8], [29, 32, 11], [35, 38, 13], [41, 44, 15]
+    ],
+    0x3C7: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
+      [5, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [6, 6, 2], [8, 7, 2], [9, 9, 3], [10, 10, 3], [12, 13, 4], [14, 15, 5],
+      [17, 18, 6], [20, 22, 7], [24, 25, 8], [28, 31, 10], [34, 37, 12], [40, 42, 13]
+    ],
+    0x3C8: [  // GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
+      [5, 6, 1], [6, 8, 2], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 2], [9, 12, 3], [11, 14, 3], [13, 18, 4], [15, 21, 5],
+      [18, 25, 6], [21, 31, 7], [25, 35, 8], [30, 43, 10], [35, 51, 12], [42, 59, 13]
+    ],
+      [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [6, 4, 0], [8, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [11, 7, 0], [12, 9, 0], [15, 10, 0],
+      [17, 12, 0], [20, 15, 0], [24, 17, 0], [29, 22, 1], [34, 26, 1], [40, 30, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3D1: [  // GREEK THETA SYMBOL
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0], [11, 14, 0], [14, 16, 0],
+      [16, 19, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 1], [32, 41, 1], [38, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3D5: [  // GREEK PHI SYMBOL
+      [4, 6, 1], [5, 8, 2], [6, 8, 2], [7, 10, 2], [8, 12, 3], [10, 14, 3], [12, 18, 4], [14, 21, 5],
+      [16, 25, 6], [20, 31, 7], [23, 35, 8], [27, 43, 10], [32, 51, 12], [39, 59, 13]
+    ],
+    0x3D6: [  // GREEK PI SYMBOL
+      [6, 3, 0], [7, 4, 0], [9, 4, 0], [10, 5, 0], [12, 6, 0], [14, 7, 0], [17, 9, 0], [20, 10, 0],
+      [23, 12, 0], [28, 15, 0], [33, 17, 0], [39, 22, 1], [46, 25, 1], [55, 29, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3F1: [  // GREEK RHO SYMBOL
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 6, 2], [6, 7, 2], [8, 9, 3], [9, 10, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 15, 5],
+      [15, 18, 6], [17, 22, 7], [20, 25, 8], [24, 31, 10], [29, 37, 12], [34, 42, 13]
+    ],
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 10, 0],
+      [11, 12, 0], [13, 15, 0], [15, 17, 0], [18, 21, 1], [21, 25, 1], [25, 30, 1]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Math/Italic" +

+ 126 - 126

@@ -25,132 +25,132 @@
-    "MathJax_SansSerif-italic": {
-        0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x131: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
-            [2, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [6, 11, 0],
-            [8, 13, 0], [9, 15, 0], [11, 18, 0], [12, 21, 0], [15, 25, 0], [17, 29, 0]
-        ],
-        0x237: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J
-            [3, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [4, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [6, 9, 3], [7, 11, 3], [8, 13, 4], [10, 16, 5],
-            [11, 19, 6], [14, 21, 6], [16, 26, 8], [19, 30, 9], [22, 37, 12], [26, 43, 14]
-        ],
-        0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
-            [2, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -7], [4, 3, -9], [5, 4, -10], [5, 4, -13],
-            [6, 5, -15], [7, 6, -17], [8, 7, -21], [9, 8, -24], [11, 10, -30], [13, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
-            [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [6, 4, -10], [7, 4, -13],
-            [8, 5, -15], [10, 6, -17], [11, 7, -21], [12, 8, -24], [15, 10, -30], [18, 11, -34]
-        ],
-            [4, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -7], [7, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
-            [10, 5, -15], [13, 6, -17], [15, 7, -21], [17, 8, -24], [20, 10, -30], [24, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
-            [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -5], [5, 3, -6], [6, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [8, 3, -10], [9, 3, -13],
-            [11, 4, -15], [12, 5, -17], [15, 6, -21], [17, 6, -25], [21, 8, -31], [24, 9, -35]
-        ],
-        0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
-            [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 2, -6], [8, 3, -9], [9, 2, -11], [10, 2, -13],
-            [11, 3, -16], [14, 3, -18], [16, 4, -22], [18, 4, -25], [22, 5, -31], [26, 6, -36]
-        ],
-        0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
-            [11, 6, -14], [13, 6, -17], [15, 8, -20], [18, 9, -23], [21, 11, -29], [24, 12, -33]
-        ],
-        0x307: [  // COMBINING DOT ABOVE
-            [2, 1, -3], [2, 1, -5], [2, 2, -5], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -10], [3, 3, -10], [4, 3, -13],
-            [4, 3, -16], [5, 4, -18], [6, 5, -22], [7, 5, -26], [8, 6, -33], [9, 7, -38]
-        ],
-        0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -5], [5, 2, -7], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -10], [7, 2, -11], [8, 3, -13],
-            [10, 3, -16], [11, 4, -18], [13, 4, -23], [15, 5, -26], [19, 6, -33], [21, 7, -38]
-        ],
-        0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
-            [2, 1, -3], [2, 2, -4], [3, 2, -5], [3, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [4, 3, -9], [5, 3, -10], [6, 5, -11],
-            [7, 5, -14], [8, 6, -16], [9, 7, -21], [11, 8, -24], [13, 10, -30], [15, 11, -34]
-        ],
-            [3, 2, -2], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -5], [5, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [7, 3, -9], [8, 4, -9], [9, 5, -11],
-            [10, 5, -14], [13, 6, -16], [15, 8, -20], [17, 9, -23], [20, 10, -30], [24, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -12],
-            [10, 5, -14], [12, 6, -16], [15, 7, -19], [17, 8, -22], [20, 10, -28], [23, 11, -32]
-        ],
-        0x393: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
-            [5, 4, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 13, 0], [15, 16, 0],
-            [18, 19, 0], [22, 22, 0], [26, 28, 0], [31, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x394: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 17, 0],
-            [22, 20, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 28, 0], [37, 32, 0], [44, 40, 0], [52, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x398: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 17, 0],
-            [23, 20, 0], [27, 23, 0], [32, 28, 0], [38, 34, 2], [45, 42, 1], [53, 48, 1]
-        ],
-        0x39B: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
-            [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
-            [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 32, 0], [33, 40, 0], [39, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x39E: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
-            [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 13, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 22, 0], [30, 28, 0], [36, 32, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A0: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
-            [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 13, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [22, 19, 0], [26, 22, 0], [31, 28, 0], [36, 32, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A3: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
-            [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 13, 0], [19, 16, 0],
-            [23, 19, 0], [27, 22, 0], [32, 28, 0], [38, 32, 0], [45, 39, 0], [54, 46, 0]
-        ],
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 17, 0],
-            [24, 20, 0], [28, 23, 0], [33, 28, 0], [40, 32, 0], [47, 41, 0], [56, 48, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A6: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
-            [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 13, 0], [18, 16, 0],
-            [21, 19, 0], [25, 22, 0], [30, 28, 0], [35, 32, 0], [42, 40, 0], [49, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A8: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
-            [6, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [15, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 17, 0],
-            [24, 20, 0], [29, 23, 0], [34, 28, 0], [40, 32, 0], [48, 39, 0], [57, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A9: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 17, 0],
-            [22, 20, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 28, 0], [36, 33, 0], [43, 41, 0], [51, 47, 0]
-        ],
-        0x2013: [  // EN DASH
-            [4, 1, -1], [5, 1, -2], [6, 1, -2], [7, 1, -3], [8, 1, -3], [10, 3, -3], [12, 2, -5], [14, 2, -6],
-            [16, 3, -7], [19, 3, -8], [23, 3, -9], [27, 4, -11], [32, 5, -13], [38, 5, -15]
-        ],
-        0x2014: [  // EM DASH
-            [8, 1, -1], [9, 1, -2], [11, 1, -2], [13, 1, -3], [15, 1, -3], [18, 3, -3], [21, 2, -5], [25, 2, -6],
-            [30, 3, -7], [36, 3, -8], [42, 3, -9], [50, 4, -11], [59, 5, -13], [71, 5, -15]
-        ],
-        0x2018: [  // LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
-            [3, 2, -2], [3, 2, -4], [4, 3, -4], [4, 4, -5], [5, 4, -5], [6, 4, -8], [7, 4, -9], [8, 6, -10],
-            [10, 6, -13], [12, 8, -14], [14, 9, -19], [16, 11, -21], [19, 13, -27], [23, 15, -31]
-        ],
-        0x2019: [  // RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
-            [3, 2, -2], [3, 2, -4], [4, 3, -4], [4, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 4, -8], [7, 5, -8], [8, 6, -10],
-            [10, 7, -12], [12, 8, -14], [14, 10, -18], [16, 11, -21], [19, 13, -27], [23, 15, -31]
-        ],
-        0x201C: [  // LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
-            [5, 2, -2], [6, 2, -4], [7, 3, -4], [8, 4, -5], [9, 4, -5], [11, 4, -8], [12, 4, -9], [15, 6, -10],
-            [17, 6, -13], [21, 8, -14], [25, 9, -19], [29, 11, -21], [34, 13, -27], [41, 15, -31]
-        ],
-        0x201D: [  // RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
-            [4, 2, -2], [4, 2, -4], [5, 3, -4], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -6], [8, 4, -8], [10, 5, -8], [11, 6, -10],
-            [14, 7, -12], [16, 8, -14], [19, 10, -18], [22, 11, -21], [27, 13, -27], [32, 15, -31]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_SansSerif-italic": {
+    0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+      [2, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [6, 11, 0],
+      [8, 13, 0], [9, 15, 0], [11, 18, 0], [12, 21, 0], [15, 25, 0], [17, 29, 0]
+    ],
+      [3, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [4, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [6, 9, 3], [7, 11, 3], [8, 13, 4], [10, 16, 5],
+      [11, 19, 6], [14, 21, 6], [16, 26, 8], [19, 30, 9], [22, 37, 12], [26, 43, 14]
+    ],
+    0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
+      [2, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -7], [4, 3, -9], [5, 4, -10], [5, 4, -13],
+      [6, 5, -15], [7, 6, -17], [8, 7, -21], [9, 8, -24], [11, 10, -30], [13, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
+      [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [6, 4, -10], [7, 4, -13],
+      [8, 5, -15], [10, 6, -17], [11, 7, -21], [12, 8, -24], [15, 10, -30], [18, 11, -34]
+    ],
+      [4, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -7], [7, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
+      [10, 5, -15], [13, 6, -17], [15, 7, -21], [17, 8, -24], [20, 10, -30], [24, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
+      [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -5], [5, 3, -6], [6, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [8, 3, -10], [9, 3, -13],
+      [11, 4, -15], [12, 5, -17], [15, 6, -21], [17, 6, -25], [21, 8, -31], [24, 9, -35]
+    ],
+    0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
+      [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 2, -6], [8, 3, -9], [9, 2, -11], [10, 2, -13],
+      [11, 3, -16], [14, 3, -18], [16, 4, -22], [18, 4, -25], [22, 5, -31], [26, 6, -36]
+    ],
+    0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
+      [11, 6, -14], [13, 6, -17], [15, 8, -20], [18, 9, -23], [21, 11, -29], [24, 12, -33]
+    ],
+    0x307: [  // COMBINING DOT ABOVE
+      [2, 1, -3], [2, 1, -5], [2, 2, -5], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -10], [3, 3, -10], [4, 3, -13],
+      [4, 3, -16], [5, 4, -18], [6, 5, -22], [7, 5, -26], [8, 6, -33], [9, 7, -38]
+    ],
+    0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -5], [5, 2, -7], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -10], [7, 2, -11], [8, 3, -13],
+      [10, 3, -16], [11, 4, -18], [13, 4, -23], [15, 5, -26], [19, 6, -33], [21, 7, -38]
+    ],
+    0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
+      [2, 1, -3], [2, 2, -4], [3, 2, -5], [3, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [4, 3, -9], [5, 3, -10], [6, 5, -11],
+      [7, 5, -14], [8, 6, -16], [9, 7, -21], [11, 8, -24], [13, 10, -30], [15, 11, -34]
+    ],
+      [3, 2, -2], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -5], [5, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [7, 3, -9], [8, 4, -9], [9, 5, -11],
+      [10, 5, -14], [13, 6, -16], [15, 8, -20], [17, 9, -23], [20, 10, -30], [24, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -12],
+      [10, 5, -14], [12, 6, -16], [15, 7, -19], [17, 8, -22], [20, 10, -28], [23, 11, -32]
+    ],
+      [5, 4, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 13, 0], [15, 16, 0],
+      [18, 19, 0], [22, 22, 0], [26, 28, 0], [31, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 17, 0],
+      [22, 20, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 28, 0], [37, 32, 0], [44, 40, 0], [52, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 17, 0],
+      [23, 20, 0], [27, 23, 0], [32, 28, 0], [38, 34, 2], [45, 42, 1], [53, 48, 1]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
+      [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 32, 0], [33, 40, 0], [39, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 13, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 22, 0], [30, 28, 0], [36, 32, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 13, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [22, 19, 0], [26, 22, 0], [31, 28, 0], [36, 32, 0], [43, 39, 0], [51, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [16, 13, 0], [19, 16, 0],
+      [23, 19, 0], [27, 22, 0], [32, 28, 0], [38, 32, 0], [45, 39, 0], [54, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [14, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 17, 0],
+      [24, 20, 0], [28, 23, 0], [33, 28, 0], [40, 32, 0], [47, 41, 0], [56, 48, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 4, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 13, 0], [18, 16, 0],
+      [21, 19, 0], [25, 22, 0], [30, 28, 0], [35, 32, 0], [42, 40, 0], [49, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [9, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [12, 9, 0], [15, 12, 0], [17, 14, 0], [20, 17, 0],
+      [24, 20, 0], [29, 23, 0], [34, 28, 0], [40, 32, 0], [48, 39, 0], [57, 46, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [15, 14, 0], [18, 17, 0],
+      [22, 20, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 28, 0], [36, 33, 0], [43, 41, 0], [51, 47, 0]
+    ],
+    0x2013: [  // EN DASH
+      [4, 1, -1], [5, 1, -2], [6, 1, -2], [7, 1, -3], [8, 1, -3], [10, 3, -3], [12, 2, -5], [14, 2, -6],
+      [16, 3, -7], [19, 3, -8], [23, 3, -9], [27, 4, -11], [32, 5, -13], [38, 5, -15]
+    ],
+    0x2014: [  // EM DASH
+      [8, 1, -1], [9, 1, -2], [11, 1, -2], [13, 1, -3], [15, 1, -3], [18, 3, -3], [21, 2, -5], [25, 2, -6],
+      [30, 3, -7], [36, 3, -8], [42, 3, -9], [50, 4, -11], [59, 5, -13], [71, 5, -15]
+    ],
+      [3, 2, -2], [3, 2, -4], [4, 3, -4], [4, 4, -5], [5, 4, -5], [6, 4, -8], [7, 4, -9], [8, 6, -10],
+      [10, 6, -13], [12, 8, -14], [14, 9, -19], [16, 11, -21], [19, 13, -27], [23, 15, -31]
+    ],
+      [3, 2, -2], [3, 2, -4], [4, 3, -4], [4, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 4, -8], [7, 5, -8], [8, 6, -10],
+      [10, 7, -12], [12, 8, -14], [14, 10, -18], [16, 11, -21], [19, 13, -27], [23, 15, -31]
+    ],
+      [5, 2, -2], [6, 2, -4], [7, 3, -4], [8, 4, -5], [9, 4, -5], [11, 4, -8], [12, 4, -9], [15, 6, -10],
+      [17, 6, -13], [21, 8, -14], [25, 9, -19], [29, 11, -21], [34, 13, -27], [41, 15, -31]
+    ],
+      [4, 2, -2], [4, 2, -4], [5, 3, -4], [6, 3, -6], [7, 3, -6], [8, 4, -8], [10, 5, -8], [11, 6, -10],
+      [14, 7, -12], [16, 8, -14], [19, 10, -18], [22, 11, -21], [27, 13, -27], [32, 15, -31]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/SansSerif/Italic" +

+ 354 - 354

@@ -25,360 +25,360 @@
-    "MathJax_SansSerif": {
-        0x20: [  // SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x21: [  // EXCLAMATION MARK
-            [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [3, 8, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [4, 12, 0], [5, 14, 0], [5, 17, 0],
-            [6, 20, 0], [7, 23, 0], [9, 27, 0], [10, 32, 0], [12, 39, 0], [14, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x22: [  // QUOTATION MARK
-            [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [4, 3, -5], [4, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 4, -8], [7, 5, -9], [8, 6, -11],
-            [9, 7, -13], [11, 8, -15], [13, 9, -18], [16, 10, -22], [18, 13, -26], [22, 15, -30]
-        ],
-        0x23: [  // NUMBER SIGN
-            [6, 6, 1], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 2], [10, 12, 3], [11, 12, 3], [13, 15, 3], [16, 18, 4], [19, 22, 5],
-            [22, 25, 5], [26, 29, 6], [31, 35, 8], [37, 41, 9], [43, 50, 11], [52, 58, 13]
-        ],
-        0x24: [  // DOLLAR SIGN
-            [4, 6, 0], [4, 8, 1], [5, 9, 0], [6, 11, 1], [7, 11, 1], [8, 15, 2], [9, 16, 1], [11, 20, 2],
-            [13, 23, 2], [15, 27, 2], [18, 32, 3], [21, 37, 2], [25, 46, 4], [30, 53, 4]
-        ],
-        0x25: [  // PERCENT SIGN
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 16, 1], [16, 17, 1], [19, 19, 1],
-            [22, 23, 2], [26, 27, 2], [31, 32, 2], [37, 37, 3], [43, 46, 3], [52, 53, 4]
-        ],
-        0x26: [  // AMPERSAND
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 19, 1],
-            [20, 22, 1], [23, 25, 1], [28, 27, 0], [33, 34, 1], [39, 43, 2], [46, 49, 2]
-        ],
-        0x27: [  // APOSTROPHE
-            [2, 2, -3], [2, 2, -4], [2, 3, -5], [3, 3, -6], [3, 3, -6], [4, 4, -8], [4, 5, -9], [5, 6, -11],
-            [6, 7, -13], [7, 8, -15], [8, 9, -18], [9, 10, -22], [11, 13, -26], [13, 15, -30]
-        ],
-        0x28: [  // LEFT PARENTHESIS
-            [3, 7, 2], [3, 9, 2], [4, 11, 3], [4, 14, 3], [5, 14, 3], [6, 18, 4], [7, 20, 5], [8, 24, 6],
-            [10, 29, 7], [11, 33, 8], [14, 40, 10], [16, 46, 11], [19, 57, 14], [22, 66, 16]
-        ],
-        0x29: [  // RIGHT PARENTHESIS
-            [3, 7, 2], [3, 9, 2], [4, 11, 3], [4, 14, 3], [5, 14, 3], [6, 18, 4], [7, 20, 5], [8, 24, 6],
-            [9, 29, 7], [11, 33, 8], [13, 40, 10], [15, 46, 11], [18, 57, 14], [21, 66, 16]
-        ],
-        0x2A: [  // ASTERISK
-            [4, 3, -2], [4, 4, -3], [5, 5, -3], [6, 6, -4], [7, 6, -4], [8, 8, -5], [9, 9, -6], [11, 11, -7],
-            [13, 13, -9], [15, 15, -10], [18, 18, -12], [21, 21, -14], [25, 26, -17], [29, 30, -20]
-        ],
-        0x2B: [  // PLUS SIGN
-            [5, 5, 1], [6, 6, 1], [8, 8, 1], [9, 9, 1], [10, 9, 1], [12, 12, 1], [14, 14, 2], [17, 16, 2],
-            [20, 19, 2], [24, 22, 3], [28, 27, 3], [34, 31, 4], [40, 38, 5], [48, 44, 5]
-        ],
-        0x2C: [  // COMMA
-            [2, 2, 1], [2, 3, 2], [2, 4, 2], [3, 4, 2], [3, 4, 2], [4, 4, 2], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3],
-            [6, 7, 4], [7, 8, 4], [8, 9, 5], [9, 11, 6], [11, 13, 7], [13, 15, 8]
-        ],
-        0x2D: [  // HYPHEN-MINUS
-            [2, 1, -1], [3, 1, -1], [3, 1, -2], [4, 1, -2], [4, 1, -2], [5, 3, -2], [6, 3, -3], [7, 2, -4],
-            [8, 3, -5], [10, 3, -6], [11, 3, -7], [13, 4, -9], [16, 5, -11], [19, 5, -12]
-        ],
-        0x2E: [  // FULL STOP
-            [2, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 0], [3, 2, 0], [3, 2, 0], [4, 2, 0], [4, 2, 0], [5, 3, 0],
-            [6, 3, 0], [7, 4, 0], [8, 4, 0], [9, 5, 0], [11, 6, 0], [13, 7, 0]
-        ],
-        0x2F: [  // SOLIDUS
-            [4, 7, 2], [4, 9, 2], [5, 11, 3], [6, 13, 3], [7, 13, 3], [8, 18, 4], [9, 20, 5], [11, 24, 6],
-            [13, 29, 7], [15, 33, 8], [18, 39, 10], [21, 46, 11], [25, 57, 14], [30, 66, 16]
-        ],
-        0x30: [  // DIGIT ZERO
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
-            [13, 21, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 28, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x31: [  // DIGIT ONE
-            [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [6, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [10, 17, 0],
-            [12, 20, 0], [15, 22, 0], [17, 27, 0], [20, 31, 0], [24, 39, 0], [29, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x32: [  // DIGIT TWO
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
-            [13, 20, 0], [15, 22, 0], [18, 27, 0], [21, 31, 0], [25, 39, 0], [30, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x33: [  // DIGIT THREE
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
-            [13, 21, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 27, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x34: [  // DIGIT FOUR
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [10, 13, 0], [11, 16, 0],
-            [14, 19, 0], [16, 22, 0], [19, 26, 0], [22, 30, 0], [27, 38, 0], [31, 43, 0]
-        ],
-        0x35: [  // DIGIT FIVE
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 7, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 13, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 1],
-            [13, 20, 1], [15, 23, 1], [18, 27, 0], [21, 31, 0], [25, 39, 1], [30, 45, 1]
-        ],
-        0x36: [  // DIGIT SIX
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
-            [13, 20, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 27, 0], [22, 32, 2], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x37: [  // DIGIT SEVEN
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 7, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 13, 0], [11, 16, 0],
-            [13, 19, 0], [16, 22, 0], [18, 26, 0], [22, 31, 1], [26, 38, 1], [31, 44, 1]
-        ],
-        0x38: [  // DIGIT EIGHT
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
-            [13, 21, 1], [15, 24, 1], [18, 28, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [30, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x39: [  // DIGIT NINE
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
-            [13, 20, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 27, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x3A: [  // COLON
-            [2, 3, 0], [2, 4, 0], [2, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [4, 9, 0], [5, 11, 0],
-            [6, 13, 0], [7, 15, 0], [8, 17, 0], [9, 20, 0], [11, 25, 0], [13, 29, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3B: [  // SEMICOLON
-            [2, 4, 1], [2, 6, 2], [2, 7, 2], [3, 8, 2], [3, 8, 2], [4, 10, 2], [4, 12, 3], [5, 14, 3],
-            [6, 17, 4], [7, 19, 4], [8, 22, 5], [9, 26, 6], [11, 32, 7], [13, 37, 8]
-        ],
-        0x3D: [  // EQUALS SIGN
-            [5, 2, 0], [6, 3, -1], [8, 3, -1], [9, 4, -1], [10, 4, -1], [12, 4, -2], [15, 5, -2], [17, 6, -3],
-            [20, 8, -3], [24, 10, -3], [29, 10, -5], [34, 11, -6], [40, 14, -7], [48, 16, -9]
-        ],
-        0x3F: [  // QUESTION MARK
-            [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [10, 17, 0],
-            [12, 20, 0], [14, 23, 0], [17, 27, 0], [20, 33, 0], [23, 40, 0], [28, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x40: [  // COMMERCIAL AT
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [17, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [24, 27, 0], [29, 33, 0], [34, 41, 1], [41, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x41: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [30, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [42, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x42: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 8, 1], [6, 9, 1], [8, 11, 1], [9, 11, 1], [11, 14, 1], [12, 16, 1], [15, 19, 1],
-            [17, 22, 1], [21, 25, 1], [24, 29, 1], [29, 34, 1], [34, 41, 1], [41, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x43: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
-            [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
-            [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [23, 27, 0], [28, 33, 0], [33, 41, 1], [39, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x44: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
-            [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [27, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [44, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x45: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 17, 0],
-            [16, 20, 0], [19, 23, 0], [22, 27, 0], [26, 32, 0], [31, 39, 0], [37, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x46: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 12, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 17, 0],
-            [15, 20, 0], [18, 23, 0], [21, 27, 0], [25, 32, 0], [30, 39, 0], [35, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x47: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
-            [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
-            [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [24, 27, 0], [28, 33, 0], [34, 41, 1], [40, 47, 1]
-        ],
-        0x48: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [29, 32, 0], [35, 39, 0], [41, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x49: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
-            [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [2, 8, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [4, 12, 0], [4, 14, 0], [5, 17, 0],
-            [6, 20, 0], [7, 23, 0], [8, 27, 0], [9, 32, 0], [11, 39, 0], [13, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4A: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
-            [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 12, 0], [8, 14, 0], [9, 18, 1],
-            [11, 21, 1], [13, 24, 1], [16, 27, 0], [18, 33, 1], [22, 41, 2], [26, 47, 2]
-        ],
-        0x4B: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
-            [18, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4C: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 17, 0],
-            [14, 20, 0], [17, 23, 0], [20, 27, 0], [24, 32, 0], [28, 39, 0], [33, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4D: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
-            [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 17, 0],
-            [22, 20, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 27, 0], [37, 32, 0], [44, 39, 0], [52, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4E: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [29, 32, 0], [35, 39, 0], [41, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x4F: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0], [14, 14, 0], [16, 19, 1],
-            [19, 22, 1], [23, 25, 1], [27, 27, 0], [32, 34, 1], [38, 42, 1], [45, 49, 1]
-        ],
-        0x50: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
-            [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
-            [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [23, 27, 0], [28, 32, 0], [33, 39, 0], [39, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x51: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
-            [5, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 9, 1], [8, 11, 2], [10, 11, 2], [12, 14, 2], [14, 16, 2], [16, 21, 3],
-            [19, 25, 4], [23, 28, 4], [27, 31, 4], [32, 40, 7], [38, 48, 7], [45, 56, 8]
-        ],
-        0x52: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [29, 32, 0], [35, 39, 0], [41, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x53: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 19, 1],
-            [14, 22, 1], [17, 25, 1], [20, 27, 0], [24, 34, 1], [28, 42, 1], [33, 49, 1]
-        ],
-        0x54: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
-            [18, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [30, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x55: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
-            [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 18, 1],
-            [17, 21, 1], [20, 24, 1], [24, 27, 0], [28, 33, 1], [34, 41, 2], [40, 47, 2]
-        ],
-        0x56: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
-            [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x57: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
-            [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 9, 0], [16, 12, 0], [19, 14, 0], [22, 17, 0],
-            [26, 20, 0], [31, 23, 0], [37, 27, 0], [44, 32, 0], [52, 39, 0], [62, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x58: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
-            [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x59: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
-            [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
-            [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [44, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x5A: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
-            [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 17, 0],
-            [16, 20, 0], [19, 23, 0], [22, 27, 0], [27, 32, 0], [31, 39, 0], [37, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x5B: [  // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
-            [2, 7, 2], [3, 9, 2], [3, 11, 3], [4, 13, 3], [4, 13, 3], [5, 19, 5], [6, 20, 5], [7, 24, 6],
-            [8, 29, 7], [9, 33, 8], [11, 39, 10], [13, 46, 11], [15, 57, 14], [18, 65, 16]
-        ],
-        0x5D: [  // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
-            [2, 7, 2], [2, 9, 2], [2, 11, 3], [3, 13, 3], [3, 13, 3], [4, 19, 5], [4, 20, 5], [5, 24, 6],
-            [6, 29, 7], [7, 33, 8], [8, 39, 10], [10, 46, 11], [11, 57, 14], [13, 65, 16]
-        ],
-        0x5E: [  // CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -7], [7, 3, -9], [9, 4, -10], [10, 4, -13],
-            [12, 5, -15], [14, 6, -17], [17, 7, -20], [20, 8, -24], [24, 10, -29], [28, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x5F: [  // LOW LINE
-            [4, 2, 1], [5, 2, 1], [5, 2, 1], [6, 2, 1], [7, 2, 1], [9, 4, 3], [10, 4, 3], [12, 4, 3],
-            [14, 4, 3], [17, 5, 4], [20, 5, 4], [24, 6, 5], [28, 7, 6], [33, 8, 7]
-        ],
-        0x61: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER A
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
-            [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [16, 18, 0], [19, 21, 0], [23, 27, 1], [27, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x62: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER B
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 17, 0],
-            [14, 20, 0], [16, 23, 0], [19, 27, 0], [23, 32, 0], [27, 40, 1], [32, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x63: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER C
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
-            [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [17, 18, 0], [20, 21, 0], [23, 27, 1], [28, 32, 1]
-        ],
-        0x64: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER D
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
-            [13, 20, 0], [15, 23, 0], [18, 27, 0], [21, 32, 0], [25, 40, 1], [30, 46, 1]
-        ],
-        0x65: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER E
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
-            [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [17, 18, 0], [20, 21, 0], [23, 28, 1], [28, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x66: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER F
-            [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 9, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 12, 0], [7, 14, 0], [9, 17, 0],
-            [10, 20, 0], [12, 23, 0], [14, 27, 0], [17, 33, 0], [20, 40, 0], [23, 46, 0]
-        ],
-        0x67: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER G
-            [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 16, 5],
-            [14, 18, 5], [16, 21, 6], [19, 25, 8], [23, 30, 10], [27, 38, 12], [32, 44, 14]
-        ],
-        0x68: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER H
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
-            [13, 20, 0], [15, 23, 0], [18, 27, 0], [21, 32, 0], [25, 39, 0], [29, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x69: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER I
-            [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [2, 8, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 12, 0], [4, 14, 0], [4, 17, 0],
-            [5, 20, 0], [6, 23, 0], [7, 27, 0], [8, 31, 0], [10, 39, 0], [12, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x6A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER J
-            [3, 6, 1], [3, 8, 2], [3, 10, 2], [4, 12, 3], [4, 12, 3], [5, 15, 3], [6, 18, 4], [7, 22, 5],
-            [8, 25, 5], [9, 29, 6], [11, 35, 8], [13, 41, 10], [15, 51, 12], [17, 58, 14]
-        ],
-        0x6B: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER K
-            [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
-            [14, 20, 0], [16, 23, 0], [19, 27, 0], [22, 32, 0], [27, 39, 0], [31, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x6C: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER L
-            [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [2, 8, 0], [2, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 12, 0], [4, 14, 0], [4, 17, 0],
-            [5, 20, 0], [6, 23, 0], [7, 27, 0], [8, 32, 0], [10, 39, 0], [11, 45, 0]
-        ],
-        0x6D: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER M
-            [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [10, 6, 0], [12, 8, 0], [14, 9, 0], [17, 11, 0],
-            [20, 13, 0], [24, 15, 0], [28, 17, 0], [34, 20, 0], [40, 27, 1], [47, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x6E: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER N
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
-            [13, 13, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [21, 20, 0], [25, 26, 0], [29, 30, 0]
-        ],
-        0x6F: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER O
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
-            [14, 13, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 18, 0], [22, 21, 0], [27, 28, 1], [31, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x70: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER P
-            [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 16, 5],
-            [14, 18, 5], [16, 21, 6], [19, 26, 8], [23, 30, 9], [27, 37, 11], [32, 43, 13]
-        ],
-        0x71: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
-            [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [8, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [11, 16, 5],
-            [13, 18, 5], [15, 21, 6], [18, 26, 8], [21, 30, 9], [25, 37, 11], [30, 43, 13]
-        ],
-        0x72: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER R
-            [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 11, 0],
-            [10, 13, 0], [11, 15, 0], [13, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 26, 0], [22, 30, 0]
-        ],
-        0x73: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER S
-            [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0],
-            [10, 13, 0], [12, 15, 0], [15, 18, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 27, 1], [24, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x74: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER T
-            [3, 4, 0], [3, 5, 0], [4, 7, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 10, 0], [7, 12, 0], [8, 14, 0],
-            [10, 17, 0], [11, 19, 0], [14, 23, 0], [16, 27, 0], [19, 34, 1], [22, 39, 1]
-        ],
-        0x75: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER U
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
-            [13, 13, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [21, 20, 0], [25, 27, 1], [30, 31, 1]
-        ],
-        0x76: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER V
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
-            [13, 13, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [21, 20, 0], [25, 25, 0], [30, 29, 0]
-        ],
-        0x77: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER W
-            [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 6, 0], [12, 8, 0], [14, 9, 0], [16, 11, 0],
-            [19, 13, 0], [22, 15, 0], [27, 17, 0], [32, 20, 0], [37, 25, 0], [44, 29, 0]
-        ],
-        0x78: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER X
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
-            [13, 13, 0], [16, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [22, 20, 0], [26, 26, 0], [31, 30, 0]
-        ],
-        0x79: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
-            [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [8, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [11, 16, 5],
-            [13, 18, 5], [15, 21, 6], [18, 25, 8], [21, 30, 10], [25, 37, 12], [30, 43, 14]
-        ],
-        0x7A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
-            [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
-            [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [16, 17, 0], [19, 20, 0], [23, 26, 0], [27, 29, 0]
-        ],
-        0x7E: [  // TILDE
-            [3, 1, -1], [4, 1, -2], [5, 2, -2], [5, 2, -3], [6, 2, -3], [7, 4, -3], [9, 3, -4], [10, 3, -5],
-            [12, 4, -5], [14, 5, -6], [17, 6, -8], [20, 6, -9], [23, 8, -11], [28, 9, -13]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_SansSerif": {
+    0x20: [  // SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+    0x21: [  // EXCLAMATION MARK
+      [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [3, 8, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [4, 12, 0], [5, 14, 0], [5, 17, 0],
+      [6, 20, 0], [7, 23, 0], [9, 27, 0], [10, 32, 0], [12, 39, 0], [14, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x22: [  // QUOTATION MARK
+      [3, 2, -3], [3, 2, -4], [4, 3, -5], [4, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 4, -8], [7, 5, -9], [8, 6, -11],
+      [9, 7, -13], [11, 8, -15], [13, 9, -18], [16, 10, -22], [18, 13, -26], [22, 15, -30]
+    ],
+    0x23: [  // NUMBER SIGN
+      [6, 6, 1], [7, 8, 2], [8, 10, 2], [10, 12, 3], [11, 12, 3], [13, 15, 3], [16, 18, 4], [19, 22, 5],
+      [22, 25, 5], [26, 29, 6], [31, 35, 8], [37, 41, 9], [43, 50, 11], [52, 58, 13]
+    ],
+    0x24: [  // DOLLAR SIGN
+      [4, 6, 0], [4, 8, 1], [5, 9, 0], [6, 11, 1], [7, 11, 1], [8, 15, 2], [9, 16, 1], [11, 20, 2],
+      [13, 23, 2], [15, 27, 2], [18, 32, 3], [21, 37, 2], [25, 46, 4], [30, 53, 4]
+    ],
+    0x25: [  // PERCENT SIGN
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 10, 0], [11, 10, 0], [13, 16, 1], [16, 17, 1], [19, 19, 1],
+      [22, 23, 2], [26, 27, 2], [31, 32, 2], [37, 37, 3], [43, 46, 3], [52, 53, 4]
+    ],
+    0x26: [  // AMPERSAND
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0], [14, 14, 0], [17, 19, 1],
+      [20, 22, 1], [23, 25, 1], [28, 27, 0], [33, 34, 1], [39, 43, 2], [46, 49, 2]
+    ],
+    0x27: [  // APOSTROPHE
+      [2, 2, -3], [2, 2, -4], [2, 3, -5], [3, 3, -6], [3, 3, -6], [4, 4, -8], [4, 5, -9], [5, 6, -11],
+      [6, 7, -13], [7, 8, -15], [8, 9, -18], [9, 10, -22], [11, 13, -26], [13, 15, -30]
+    ],
+    0x28: [  // LEFT PARENTHESIS
+      [3, 7, 2], [3, 9, 2], [4, 11, 3], [4, 14, 3], [5, 14, 3], [6, 18, 4], [7, 20, 5], [8, 24, 6],
+      [10, 29, 7], [11, 33, 8], [14, 40, 10], [16, 46, 11], [19, 57, 14], [22, 66, 16]
+    ],
+    0x29: [  // RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+      [3, 7, 2], [3, 9, 2], [4, 11, 3], [4, 14, 3], [5, 14, 3], [6, 18, 4], [7, 20, 5], [8, 24, 6],
+      [9, 29, 7], [11, 33, 8], [13, 40, 10], [15, 46, 11], [18, 57, 14], [21, 66, 16]
+    ],
+    0x2A: [  // ASTERISK
+      [4, 3, -2], [4, 4, -3], [5, 5, -3], [6, 6, -4], [7, 6, -4], [8, 8, -5], [9, 9, -6], [11, 11, -7],
+      [13, 13, -9], [15, 15, -10], [18, 18, -12], [21, 21, -14], [25, 26, -17], [29, 30, -20]
+    ],
+    0x2B: [  // PLUS SIGN
+      [5, 5, 1], [6, 6, 1], [8, 8, 1], [9, 9, 1], [10, 9, 1], [12, 12, 1], [14, 14, 2], [17, 16, 2],
+      [20, 19, 2], [24, 22, 3], [28, 27, 3], [34, 31, 4], [40, 38, 5], [48, 44, 5]
+    ],
+    0x2C: [  // COMMA
+      [2, 2, 1], [2, 3, 2], [2, 4, 2], [3, 4, 2], [3, 4, 2], [4, 4, 2], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3],
+      [6, 7, 4], [7, 8, 4], [8, 9, 5], [9, 11, 6], [11, 13, 7], [13, 15, 8]
+    ],
+    0x2D: [  // HYPHEN-MINUS
+      [2, 1, -1], [3, 1, -1], [3, 1, -2], [4, 1, -2], [4, 1, -2], [5, 3, -2], [6, 3, -3], [7, 2, -4],
+      [8, 3, -5], [10, 3, -6], [11, 3, -7], [13, 4, -9], [16, 5, -11], [19, 5, -12]
+    ],
+    0x2E: [  // FULL STOP
+      [2, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 0], [3, 2, 0], [3, 2, 0], [4, 2, 0], [4, 2, 0], [5, 3, 0],
+      [6, 3, 0], [7, 4, 0], [8, 4, 0], [9, 5, 0], [11, 6, 0], [13, 7, 0]
+    ],
+    0x2F: [  // SOLIDUS
+      [4, 7, 2], [4, 9, 2], [5, 11, 3], [6, 13, 3], [7, 13, 3], [8, 18, 4], [9, 20, 5], [11, 24, 6],
+      [13, 29, 7], [15, 33, 8], [18, 39, 10], [21, 46, 11], [25, 57, 14], [30, 66, 16]
+    ],
+    0x30: [  // DIGIT ZERO
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
+      [13, 21, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 28, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x31: [  // DIGIT ONE
+      [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [6, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [10, 17, 0],
+      [12, 20, 0], [15, 22, 0], [17, 27, 0], [20, 31, 0], [24, 39, 0], [29, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x32: [  // DIGIT TWO
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
+      [13, 20, 0], [15, 22, 0], [18, 27, 0], [21, 31, 0], [25, 39, 0], [30, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x33: [  // DIGIT THREE
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
+      [13, 21, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 27, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x34: [  // DIGIT FOUR
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [10, 13, 0], [11, 16, 0],
+      [14, 19, 0], [16, 22, 0], [19, 26, 0], [22, 30, 0], [27, 38, 0], [31, 43, 0]
+    ],
+    0x35: [  // DIGIT FIVE
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 7, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 13, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 1],
+      [13, 20, 1], [15, 23, 1], [18, 27, 0], [21, 31, 0], [25, 39, 1], [30, 45, 1]
+    ],
+    0x36: [  // DIGIT SIX
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
+      [13, 20, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 27, 0], [22, 32, 2], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x37: [  // DIGIT SEVEN
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 7, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 13, 0], [11, 16, 0],
+      [13, 19, 0], [16, 22, 0], [18, 26, 0], [22, 31, 1], [26, 38, 1], [31, 44, 1]
+    ],
+    0x38: [  // DIGIT EIGHT
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
+      [13, 21, 1], [15, 24, 1], [18, 28, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [30, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x39: [  // DIGIT NINE
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 18, 1],
+      [13, 20, 1], [16, 24, 1], [18, 27, 0], [22, 32, 1], [26, 40, 1], [31, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x3A: [  // COLON
+      [2, 3, 0], [2, 4, 0], [2, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [4, 9, 0], [5, 11, 0],
+      [6, 13, 0], [7, 15, 0], [8, 17, 0], [9, 20, 0], [11, 25, 0], [13, 29, 0]
+    ],
+    0x3B: [  // SEMICOLON
+      [2, 4, 1], [2, 6, 2], [2, 7, 2], [3, 8, 2], [3, 8, 2], [4, 10, 2], [4, 12, 3], [5, 14, 3],
+      [6, 17, 4], [7, 19, 4], [8, 22, 5], [9, 26, 6], [11, 32, 7], [13, 37, 8]
+    ],
+    0x3D: [  // EQUALS SIGN
+      [5, 2, 0], [6, 3, -1], [8, 3, -1], [9, 4, -1], [10, 4, -1], [12, 4, -2], [15, 5, -2], [17, 6, -3],
+      [20, 8, -3], [24, 10, -3], [29, 10, -5], [34, 11, -6], [40, 14, -7], [48, 16, -9]
+    ],
+    0x3F: [  // QUESTION MARK
+      [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [10, 17, 0],
+      [12, 20, 0], [14, 23, 0], [17, 27, 0], [20, 33, 0], [23, 40, 0], [28, 46, 0]
+    ],
+    0x40: [  // COMMERCIAL AT
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [17, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [24, 27, 0], [29, 33, 0], [34, 41, 1], [41, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x41: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [30, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [42, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x42: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 8, 1], [6, 9, 1], [8, 11, 1], [9, 11, 1], [11, 14, 1], [12, 16, 1], [15, 19, 1],
+      [17, 22, 1], [21, 25, 1], [24, 29, 1], [29, 34, 1], [34, 41, 1], [41, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x43: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
+      [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
+      [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [23, 27, 0], [28, 33, 0], [33, 41, 1], [39, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x44: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
+      [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [27, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [44, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x45: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 17, 0],
+      [16, 20, 0], [19, 23, 0], [22, 27, 0], [26, 32, 0], [31, 39, 0], [37, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x46: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 12, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 17, 0],
+      [15, 20, 0], [18, 23, 0], [21, 27, 0], [25, 32, 0], [30, 39, 0], [35, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x47: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
+      [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
+      [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [24, 27, 0], [28, 33, 0], [34, 41, 1], [40, 47, 1]
+    ],
+    0x48: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [29, 32, 0], [35, 39, 0], [41, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x49: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
+      [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [2, 8, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [4, 12, 0], [4, 14, 0], [5, 17, 0],
+      [6, 20, 0], [7, 23, 0], [8, 27, 0], [9, 32, 0], [11, 39, 0], [13, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [3, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 12, 0], [8, 14, 0], [9, 18, 1],
+      [11, 21, 1], [13, 24, 1], [16, 27, 0], [18, 33, 1], [22, 41, 2], [26, 47, 2]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
+      [18, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 17, 0],
+      [14, 20, 0], [17, 23, 0], [20, 27, 0], [24, 32, 0], [28, 39, 0], [33, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 12, 0], [16, 14, 0], [19, 17, 0],
+      [22, 20, 0], [26, 23, 0], [31, 27, 0], [37, 32, 0], [44, 39, 0], [52, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [29, 32, 0], [35, 39, 0], [41, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [12, 12, 0], [14, 14, 0], [16, 19, 1],
+      [19, 22, 1], [23, 25, 1], [27, 27, 0], [32, 34, 1], [38, 42, 1], [45, 49, 1]
+    ],
+    0x50: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+      [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 17, 0],
+      [17, 20, 0], [20, 23, 0], [23, 27, 0], [28, 32, 0], [33, 39, 0], [39, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x51: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+      [5, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 9, 1], [8, 11, 2], [10, 11, 2], [12, 14, 2], [14, 16, 2], [16, 21, 3],
+      [19, 25, 4], [23, 28, 4], [27, 31, 4], [32, 40, 7], [38, 48, 7], [45, 56, 8]
+    ],
+    0x52: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [18, 20, 0], [21, 23, 0], [25, 27, 0], [29, 32, 0], [35, 39, 0], [41, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x53: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [9, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 19, 1],
+      [14, 22, 1], [17, 25, 1], [20, 27, 0], [24, 34, 1], [28, 42, 1], [33, 49, 1]
+    ],
+    0x54: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [15, 17, 0],
+      [18, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [30, 32, 0], [36, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x55: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
+      [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [12, 14, 0], [14, 18, 1],
+      [17, 21, 1], [20, 24, 1], [24, 27, 0], [28, 33, 1], [34, 41, 2], [40, 47, 2]
+    ],
+    0x56: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
+      [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x57: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
+      [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 8, 0], [11, 9, 0], [13, 9, 0], [16, 12, 0], [19, 14, 0], [22, 17, 0],
+      [26, 20, 0], [31, 23, 0], [37, 27, 0], [44, 32, 0], [52, 39, 0], [62, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x58: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
+      [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [43, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x59: [  // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+      [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 0], [16, 17, 0],
+      [19, 20, 0], [22, 23, 0], [26, 27, 0], [31, 32, 0], [37, 39, 0], [44, 45, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 12, 0], [11, 14, 0], [13, 17, 0],
+      [16, 20, 0], [19, 23, 0], [22, 27, 0], [27, 32, 0], [31, 39, 0], [37, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x5B: [  // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
+      [2, 7, 2], [3, 9, 2], [3, 11, 3], [4, 13, 3], [4, 13, 3], [5, 19, 5], [6, 20, 5], [7, 24, 6],
+      [8, 29, 7], [9, 33, 8], [11, 39, 10], [13, 46, 11], [15, 57, 14], [18, 65, 16]
+    ],
+      [2, 7, 2], [2, 9, 2], [2, 11, 3], [3, 13, 3], [3, 13, 3], [4, 19, 5], [4, 20, 5], [5, 24, 6],
+      [6, 29, 7], [7, 33, 8], [8, 39, 10], [10, 46, 11], [11, 57, 14], [13, 65, 16]
+    ],
+    0x5E: [  // CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -7], [7, 3, -9], [9, 4, -10], [10, 4, -13],
+      [12, 5, -15], [14, 6, -17], [17, 7, -20], [20, 8, -24], [24, 10, -29], [28, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x5F: [  // LOW LINE
+      [4, 2, 1], [5, 2, 1], [5, 2, 1], [6, 2, 1], [7, 2, 1], [9, 4, 3], [10, 4, 3], [12, 4, 3],
+      [14, 4, 3], [17, 5, 4], [20, 5, 4], [24, 6, 5], [28, 7, 6], [33, 8, 7]
+    ],
+    0x61: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
+      [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [16, 18, 0], [19, 21, 0], [23, 27, 1], [27, 31, 1]
+    ],
+    0x62: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [12, 17, 0],
+      [14, 20, 0], [16, 23, 0], [19, 27, 0], [23, 32, 0], [27, 40, 1], [32, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x63: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
+      [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [17, 18, 0], [20, 21, 0], [23, 27, 1], [28, 32, 1]
+    ],
+    0x64: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
+      [13, 20, 0], [15, 23, 0], [18, 27, 0], [21, 32, 0], [25, 40, 1], [30, 46, 1]
+    ],
+    0x65: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
+      [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [17, 18, 0], [20, 21, 0], [23, 28, 1], [28, 31, 1]
+    ],
+    0x66: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+      [3, 5, 0], [3, 6, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 9, 0], [5, 9, 0], [6, 12, 0], [7, 14, 0], [9, 17, 0],
+      [10, 20, 0], [12, 23, 0], [14, 27, 0], [17, 33, 0], [20, 40, 0], [23, 46, 0]
+    ],
+    0x67: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+      [4, 4, 1], [5, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 16, 5],
+      [14, 18, 5], [16, 21, 6], [19, 25, 8], [23, 30, 10], [27, 38, 12], [32, 44, 14]
+    ],
+    0x68: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [9, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
+      [13, 20, 0], [15, 23, 0], [18, 27, 0], [21, 32, 0], [25, 39, 0], [29, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x69: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+      [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [2, 8, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 12, 0], [4, 14, 0], [4, 17, 0],
+      [5, 20, 0], [6, 23, 0], [7, 27, 0], [8, 31, 0], [10, 39, 0], [12, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x6A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+      [3, 6, 1], [3, 8, 2], [3, 10, 2], [4, 12, 3], [4, 12, 3], [5, 15, 3], [6, 18, 4], [7, 22, 5],
+      [8, 25, 5], [9, 29, 6], [11, 35, 8], [13, 41, 10], [15, 51, 12], [17, 58, 14]
+    ],
+    0x6B: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+      [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 9, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 12, 0], [10, 14, 0], [11, 17, 0],
+      [14, 20, 0], [16, 23, 0], [19, 27, 0], [22, 32, 0], [27, 39, 0], [31, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x6C: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+      [2, 5, 0], [2, 6, 0], [2, 8, 0], [2, 9, 0], [3, 9, 0], [3, 12, 0], [4, 14, 0], [4, 17, 0],
+      [5, 20, 0], [6, 23, 0], [7, 27, 0], [8, 32, 0], [10, 39, 0], [11, 45, 0]
+    ],
+    0x6D: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+      [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [9, 6, 0], [10, 6, 0], [12, 8, 0], [14, 9, 0], [17, 11, 0],
+      [20, 13, 0], [24, 15, 0], [28, 17, 0], [34, 20, 0], [40, 27, 1], [47, 31, 1]
+    ],
+    0x6E: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
+      [13, 13, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [21, 20, 0], [25, 26, 0], [29, 30, 0]
+    ],
+    0x6F: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [10, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
+      [14, 13, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 18, 0], [22, 21, 0], [27, 28, 1], [31, 31, 1]
+    ],
+    0x70: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+      [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [9, 11, 3], [10, 13, 4], [12, 16, 5],
+      [14, 18, 5], [16, 21, 6], [19, 26, 8], [23, 30, 9], [27, 37, 11], [32, 43, 13]
+    ],
+    0x71: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+      [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [8, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [11, 16, 5],
+      [13, 18, 5], [15, 21, 6], [18, 26, 8], [21, 30, 9], [25, 37, 11], [30, 43, 13]
+    ],
+    0x72: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+      [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [7, 9, 0], [8, 11, 0],
+      [10, 13, 0], [11, 15, 0], [13, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 26, 0], [22, 30, 0]
+    ],
+    0x73: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+      [3, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [9, 11, 0],
+      [10, 13, 0], [12, 15, 0], [15, 18, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 27, 1], [24, 31, 1]
+    ],
+    0x74: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+      [3, 4, 0], [3, 5, 0], [4, 7, 0], [4, 8, 0], [5, 8, 0], [6, 10, 0], [7, 12, 0], [8, 14, 0],
+      [10, 17, 0], [11, 19, 0], [14, 23, 0], [16, 27, 0], [19, 34, 1], [22, 39, 1]
+    ],
+    0x75: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
+      [13, 13, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [21, 20, 0], [25, 27, 1], [30, 31, 1]
+    ],
+    0x76: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
+      [13, 13, 0], [15, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [21, 20, 0], [25, 25, 0], [30, 29, 0]
+    ],
+    0x77: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+      [5, 3, 0], [6, 4, 0], [7, 5, 0], [8, 6, 0], [10, 6, 0], [12, 8, 0], [14, 9, 0], [16, 11, 0],
+      [19, 13, 0], [22, 15, 0], [27, 17, 0], [32, 20, 0], [37, 25, 0], [44, 29, 0]
+    ],
+    0x78: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 5, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 11, 0],
+      [13, 13, 0], [16, 15, 0], [18, 17, 0], [22, 20, 0], [26, 26, 0], [31, 30, 0]
+    ],
+    0x79: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+      [4, 4, 1], [4, 6, 2], [5, 7, 2], [6, 9, 3], [7, 9, 3], [8, 11, 3], [9, 13, 4], [11, 16, 5],
+      [13, 18, 5], [15, 21, 6], [18, 25, 8], [21, 30, 10], [25, 37, 12], [30, 43, 14]
+    ],
+    0x7A: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+      [3, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 9, 0], [10, 11, 0],
+      [12, 13, 0], [14, 15, 0], [16, 17, 0], [19, 20, 0], [23, 26, 0], [27, 29, 0]
+    ],
+    0x7E: [  // TILDE
+      [3, 1, -1], [4, 1, -2], [5, 2, -2], [5, 2, -3], [6, 2, -3], [7, 4, -3], [9, 3, -4], [10, 3, -5],
+      [12, 4, -5], [14, 5, -6], [17, 6, -8], [20, 6, -9], [23, 8, -11], [28, 9, -13]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/SansSerif/Regular" +

+ 46 - 46

@@ -25,52 +25,52 @@
-    "MathJax_SansSerif": {
-        0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
-            [2, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [3, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [4, 3, -9], [6, 4, -10], [6, 4, -13],
-            [7, 5, -15], [8, 6, -17], [10, 7, -20], [11, 8, -24], [13, 10, -29], [15, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
-            [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [5, 3, -9], [5, 4, -10], [7, 4, -13],
-            [7, 5, -15], [8, 6, -17], [9, 7, -20], [12, 8, -24], [13, 10, -29], [15, 11, -34]
-        ],
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [5, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
-            [10, 5, -15], [12, 6, -17], [14, 7, -20], [17, 8, -24], [20, 10, -29], [23, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [5, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [8, 3, -11], [9, 3, -14],
-            [10, 4, -16], [12, 5, -18], [14, 6, -21], [17, 6, -25], [20, 8, -31], [23, 9, -35]
-        ],
-        0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [6, 2, -6], [6, 2, -6], [7, 3, -9], [8, 2, -11], [9, 2, -13],
-            [11, 3, -16], [13, 3, -18], [15, 4, -22], [18, 4, -25], [21, 5, -31], [25, 6, -36]
-        ],
-        0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
-            [10, 6, -14], [13, 6, -17], [15, 8, -19], [17, 9, -23], [20, 11, -28], [25, 12, -33]
-        ],
-        0x307: [  // COMBINING DOT ABOVE
-            [2, 1, -4], [2, 1, -5], [2, 2, -6], [2, 2, -7], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -10], [3, 3, -11], [4, 3, -14],
-            [4, 3, -17], [4, 4, -19], [5, 5, -23], [6, 5, -26], [7, 6, -33], [7, 7, -38]
-        ],
-        0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
-            [3, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [3, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -10], [6, 2, -12], [8, 3, -14],
-            [9, 3, -17], [11, 4, -19], [12, 4, -23], [15, 5, -27], [17, 6, -33], [21, 7, -38]
-        ],
-        0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
-            [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [3, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [5, 3, -9], [6, 3, -11], [6, 5, -12],
-            [7, 6, -14], [8, 6, -17], [10, 7, -20], [11, 8, -24], [13, 10, -29], [15, 11, -34]
-        ],
-            [3, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 3, -9], [7, 4, -10], [9, 5, -12],
-            [10, 5, -15], [12, 6, -17], [13, 7, -20], [16, 8, -24], [19, 10, -29], [22, 11, -34]
-        ],
-        0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -12],
-            [10, 5, -14], [12, 6, -16], [14, 7, -19], [17, 8, -22], [20, 10, -28], [23, 11, -32]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_SansSerif": {
+    0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
+      [2, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [3, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [4, 3, -9], [6, 4, -10], [6, 4, -13],
+      [7, 5, -15], [8, 6, -17], [10, 7, -20], [11, 8, -24], [13, 10, -29], [15, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
+      [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [3, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [5, 3, -9], [5, 4, -10], [7, 4, -13],
+      [7, 5, -15], [8, 6, -17], [9, 7, -20], [12, 8, -24], [13, 10, -29], [15, 11, -34]
+    ],
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -7], [5, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
+      [10, 5, -15], [12, 6, -17], [14, 7, -20], [17, 8, -24], [20, 10, -29], [23, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [5, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [5, 2, -7], [6, 3, -9], [8, 3, -11], [9, 3, -14],
+      [10, 4, -16], [12, 5, -18], [14, 6, -21], [17, 6, -25], [20, 8, -31], [23, 9, -35]
+    ],
+    0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -6], [6, 2, -6], [6, 2, -6], [7, 3, -9], [8, 2, -11], [9, 2, -13],
+      [11, 3, -16], [13, 3, -18], [15, 4, -22], [18, 4, -25], [21, 5, -31], [25, 6, -36]
+    ],
+    0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [7, 4, -8], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -13],
+      [10, 6, -14], [13, 6, -17], [15, 8, -19], [17, 9, -23], [20, 11, -28], [25, 12, -33]
+    ],
+    0x307: [  // COMBINING DOT ABOVE
+      [2, 1, -4], [2, 1, -5], [2, 2, -6], [2, 2, -7], [3, 2, -7], [3, 2, -10], [3, 3, -11], [4, 3, -14],
+      [4, 3, -17], [4, 4, -19], [5, 5, -23], [6, 5, -26], [7, 6, -33], [7, 7, -38]
+    ],
+    0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
+      [3, 1, -4], [4, 1, -5], [3, 2, -6], [4, 2, -7], [5, 2, -7], [6, 2, -10], [6, 2, -12], [8, 3, -14],
+      [9, 3, -17], [11, 4, -19], [12, 4, -23], [15, 5, -27], [17, 6, -33], [21, 7, -38]
+    ],
+    0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
+      [3, 1, -4], [3, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [3, 2, -7], [4, 2, -7], [5, 3, -9], [6, 3, -11], [6, 5, -12],
+      [7, 6, -14], [8, 6, -17], [10, 7, -20], [11, 8, -24], [13, 10, -29], [15, 11, -34]
+    ],
+      [3, 2, -3], [4, 2, -4], [4, 2, -6], [5, 3, -6], [5, 3, -6], [6, 3, -9], [7, 4, -10], [9, 5, -12],
+      [10, 5, -15], [12, 6, -17], [13, 7, -20], [16, 8, -24], [19, 10, -29], [22, 11, -34]
+    ],
+    0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [5, 2, -6], [6, 3, -9], [8, 4, -10], [9, 4, -12],
+      [10, 5, -14], [12, 6, -16], [14, 7, -19], [17, 8, -22], [20, 10, -28], [23, 11, -32]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/SansSerif/Regular" +

+ 86 - 86

@@ -25,92 +25,92 @@
-    "MathJax_Size3": {
-        0x20: [  // SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x28: [  // LEFT PARENTHESIS
-            [5, 17, 7], [6, 20, 8], [7, 24, 9], [9, 29, 11], [10, 34, 13], [12, 40, 16], [14, 47, 18], [17, 56, 22],
-            [20, 67, 26], [24, 79, 31], [28, 94, 37], [33, 112, 44], [39, 133, 52], [47, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x29: [  // RIGHT PARENTHESIS
-            [4, 17, 7], [5, 20, 8], [6, 24, 9], [7, 29, 11], [8, 34, 13], [9, 40, 16], [11, 47, 18], [13, 56, 22],
-            [15, 67, 26], [18, 79, 31], [21, 94, 37], [25, 112, 44], [30, 133, 52], [35, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x2F: [  // SOLIDUS
-            [7, 17, 7], [9, 20, 8], [10, 24, 9], [12, 28, 11], [14, 33, 13], [17, 40, 16], [20, 47, 18], [23, 56, 22],
-            [28, 67, 26], [33, 79, 31], [39, 94, 37], [46, 112, 44], [55, 133, 52], [66, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x5B: [  // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
-            [4, 17, 7], [5, 20, 8], [6, 24, 10], [7, 28, 11], [8, 33, 13], [9, 41, 17], [11, 48, 19], [12, 57, 23],
-            [15, 66, 26], [17, 79, 31], [21, 94, 37], [24, 111, 44], [29, 133, 52], [34, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x5C: [  // REVERSE SOLIDUS
-            [7, 17, 7], [9, 20, 8], [10, 24, 9], [12, 28, 11], [14, 33, 13], [17, 40, 16], [20, 47, 18], [23, 56, 22],
-            [28, 67, 26], [33, 79, 31], [39, 94, 37], [46, 112, 44], [55, 133, 52], [65, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x5D: [  // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
-            [2, 17, 7], [3, 20, 8], [3, 24, 10], [4, 28, 11], [4, 33, 13], [5, 41, 17], [6, 48, 19], [7, 57, 23],
-            [8, 66, 26], [10, 79, 31], [11, 94, 37], [13, 111, 44], [16, 133, 52], [19, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x7B: [  // LEFT CURLY BRACKET
-            [5, 17, 7], [6, 20, 8], [7, 24, 9], [8, 29, 11], [9, 34, 13], [11, 40, 16], [13, 47, 18], [15, 56, 22],
-            [18, 67, 26], [21, 79, 31], [25, 94, 37], [29, 112, 44], [35, 133, 52], [41, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0x7D: [  // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-            [5, 17, 7], [6, 20, 8], [7, 24, 9], [8, 29, 11], [9, 34, 13], [11, 40, 16], [13, 47, 18], [15, 56, 22],
-            [18, 67, 26], [21, 79, 31], [25, 94, 37], [29, 112, 44], [35, 133, 52], [41, 158, 62]
-        ],
-        0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-            [11, 2, -4], [13, 2, -5], [16, 2, -6], [18, 3, -7], [22, 3, -8], [26, 4, -9], [30, 4, -11], [35, 5, -13],
-            [41, 6, -16], [49, 7, -19], [58, 8, -22], [69, 10, -26], [82, 12, -31], [97, 14, -37]
-        ],
-        0x2DC: [  // SMALL TILDE
-            [10, 2, -4], [12, 2, -5], [15, 2, -6], [17, 2, -7], [20, 2, -8], [24, 2, -10], [29, 4, -11], [34, 4, -13],
-            [40, 5, -16], [48, 5, -20], [57, 6, -24], [67, 7, -28], [80, 8, -34], [95, 9, -40]
-        ],
-            [11, 2, -4], [14, 2, -5], [16, 2, -6], [19, 3, -7], [22, 3, -8], [26, 4, -9], [30, 4, -11], [35, 5, -13],
-            [42, 6, -16], [49, 7, -19], [58, 8, -22], [69, 10, -26], [82, 12, -31], [97, 14, -37]
-        ],
-        0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
-            [10, 2, -4], [12, 2, -5], [15, 2, -6], [17, 2, -7], [20, 2, -8], [24, 2, -10], [29, 4, -11], [34, 4, -13],
-            [40, 5, -16], [48, 5, -20], [57, 6, -24], [68, 7, -28], [80, 8, -34], [95, 9, -40]
-        ],
-        0x221A: [  // SQUARE ROOT
-            [8, 17, 7], [9, 21, 8], [10, 25, 10], [12, 30, 12], [15, 35, 14], [17, 41, 16], [20, 48, 19], [24, 57, 23],
-            [29, 68, 27], [34, 80, 32], [40, 95, 38], [48, 113, 45], [57, 134, 53], [67, 159, 63]
-        ],
-        0x2308: [  // LEFT CEILING
-            [4, 17, 7], [5, 20, 8], [6, 25, 10], [7, 29, 12], [8, 34, 14], [10, 41, 16], [12, 48, 19], [14, 57, 23],
-            [16, 68, 27], [19, 80, 32], [23, 94, 37], [27, 113, 45], [32, 134, 53], [38, 159, 63]
-        ],
-        0x2309: [  // RIGHT CEILING
-            [3, 17, 7], [3, 20, 8], [5, 25, 10], [4, 29, 12], [5, 34, 14], [6, 41, 16], [7, 48, 19], [8, 57, 23],
-            [10, 68, 27], [12, 80, 32], [14, 94, 37], [16, 113, 45], [19, 134, 53], [23, 159, 63]
-        ],
-        0x230A: [  // LEFT FLOOR
-            [4, 18, 7], [5, 21, 8], [6, 25, 10], [7, 29, 11], [8, 34, 13], [10, 40, 16], [12, 48, 19], [14, 57, 23],
-            [16, 68, 27], [19, 80, 32], [23, 95, 38], [27, 113, 45], [32, 134, 53], [38, 159, 63]
-        ],
-        0x230B: [  // RIGHT FLOOR
-            [3, 18, 7], [3, 21, 8], [5, 25, 10], [4, 29, 11], [5, 34, 13], [6, 40, 16], [7, 48, 19], [8, 57, 23],
-            [10, 68, 27], [12, 80, 32], [14, 95, 38], [16, 113, 45], [19, 134, 53], [23, 159, 63]
-        ],
-            [5, 18, 7], [6, 21, 8], [7, 25, 10], [8, 30, 12], [10, 35, 14], [11, 41, 16], [13, 48, 19], [16, 57, 23],
-            [19, 68, 27], [22, 80, 32], [26, 95, 38], [31, 113, 45], [37, 134, 53], [44, 159, 63]
-        ],
-            [5, 17, 7], [6, 21, 8], [7, 25, 10], [8, 30, 12], [9, 35, 14], [11, 41, 16], [13, 48, 19], [15, 57, 23],
-            [18, 68, 27], [21, 80, 32], [25, 95, 38], [29, 113, 45], [35, 134, 53], [41, 159, 63]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Size3": {
+    0x20: [  // SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+    0x28: [  // LEFT PARENTHESIS
+      [5, 17, 7], [6, 20, 8], [7, 24, 9], [9, 29, 11], [10, 34, 13], [12, 40, 16], [14, 47, 18], [17, 56, 22],
+      [20, 67, 26], [24, 79, 31], [28, 94, 37], [33, 112, 44], [39, 133, 52], [47, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0x29: [  // RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+      [4, 17, 7], [5, 20, 8], [6, 24, 9], [7, 29, 11], [8, 34, 13], [9, 40, 16], [11, 47, 18], [13, 56, 22],
+      [15, 67, 26], [18, 79, 31], [21, 94, 37], [25, 112, 44], [30, 133, 52], [35, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0x2F: [  // SOLIDUS
+      [7, 17, 7], [9, 20, 8], [10, 24, 9], [12, 28, 11], [14, 33, 13], [17, 40, 16], [20, 47, 18], [23, 56, 22],
+      [28, 67, 26], [33, 79, 31], [39, 94, 37], [46, 112, 44], [55, 133, 52], [66, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0x5B: [  // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
+      [4, 17, 7], [5, 20, 8], [6, 24, 10], [7, 28, 11], [8, 33, 13], [9, 41, 17], [11, 48, 19], [12, 57, 23],
+      [15, 66, 26], [17, 79, 31], [21, 94, 37], [24, 111, 44], [29, 133, 52], [34, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0x5C: [  // REVERSE SOLIDUS
+      [7, 17, 7], [9, 20, 8], [10, 24, 9], [12, 28, 11], [14, 33, 13], [17, 40, 16], [20, 47, 18], [23, 56, 22],
+      [28, 67, 26], [33, 79, 31], [39, 94, 37], [46, 112, 44], [55, 133, 52], [65, 158, 62]
+    ],
+      [2, 17, 7], [3, 20, 8], [3, 24, 10], [4, 28, 11], [4, 33, 13], [5, 41, 17], [6, 48, 19], [7, 57, 23],
+      [8, 66, 26], [10, 79, 31], [11, 94, 37], [13, 111, 44], [16, 133, 52], [19, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0x7B: [  // LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+      [5, 17, 7], [6, 20, 8], [7, 24, 9], [8, 29, 11], [9, 34, 13], [11, 40, 16], [13, 47, 18], [15, 56, 22],
+      [18, 67, 26], [21, 79, 31], [25, 94, 37], [29, 112, 44], [35, 133, 52], [41, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0x7D: [  // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+      [5, 17, 7], [6, 20, 8], [7, 24, 9], [8, 29, 11], [9, 34, 13], [11, 40, 16], [13, 47, 18], [15, 56, 22],
+      [18, 67, 26], [21, 79, 31], [25, 94, 37], [29, 112, 44], [35, 133, 52], [41, 158, 62]
+    ],
+    0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+      [11, 2, -4], [13, 2, -5], [16, 2, -6], [18, 3, -7], [22, 3, -8], [26, 4, -9], [30, 4, -11], [35, 5, -13],
+      [41, 6, -16], [49, 7, -19], [58, 8, -22], [69, 10, -26], [82, 12, -31], [97, 14, -37]
+    ],
+    0x2DC: [  // SMALL TILDE
+      [10, 2, -4], [12, 2, -5], [15, 2, -6], [17, 2, -7], [20, 2, -8], [24, 2, -10], [29, 4, -11], [34, 4, -13],
+      [40, 5, -16], [48, 5, -20], [57, 6, -24], [67, 7, -28], [80, 8, -34], [95, 9, -40]
+    ],
+      [11, 2, -4], [14, 2, -5], [16, 2, -6], [19, 3, -7], [22, 3, -8], [26, 4, -9], [30, 4, -11], [35, 5, -13],
+      [42, 6, -16], [49, 7, -19], [58, 8, -22], [69, 10, -26], [82, 12, -31], [97, 14, -37]
+    ],
+    0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
+      [10, 2, -4], [12, 2, -5], [15, 2, -6], [17, 2, -7], [20, 2, -8], [24, 2, -10], [29, 4, -11], [34, 4, -13],
+      [40, 5, -16], [48, 5, -20], [57, 6, -24], [68, 7, -28], [80, 8, -34], [95, 9, -40]
+    ],
+    0x221A: [  // SQUARE ROOT
+      [8, 17, 7], [9, 21, 8], [10, 25, 10], [12, 30, 12], [15, 35, 14], [17, 41, 16], [20, 48, 19], [24, 57, 23],
+      [29, 68, 27], [34, 80, 32], [40, 95, 38], [48, 113, 45], [57, 134, 53], [67, 159, 63]
+    ],
+    0x2308: [  // LEFT CEILING
+      [4, 17, 7], [5, 20, 8], [6, 25, 10], [7, 29, 12], [8, 34, 14], [10, 41, 16], [12, 48, 19], [14, 57, 23],
+      [16, 68, 27], [19, 80, 32], [23, 94, 37], [27, 113, 45], [32, 134, 53], [38, 159, 63]
+    ],
+    0x2309: [  // RIGHT CEILING
+      [3, 17, 7], [3, 20, 8], [5, 25, 10], [4, 29, 12], [5, 34, 14], [6, 41, 16], [7, 48, 19], [8, 57, 23],
+      [10, 68, 27], [12, 80, 32], [14, 94, 37], [16, 113, 45], [19, 134, 53], [23, 159, 63]
+    ],
+    0x230A: [  // LEFT FLOOR
+      [4, 18, 7], [5, 21, 8], [6, 25, 10], [7, 29, 11], [8, 34, 13], [10, 40, 16], [12, 48, 19], [14, 57, 23],
+      [16, 68, 27], [19, 80, 32], [23, 95, 38], [27, 113, 45], [32, 134, 53], [38, 159, 63]
+    ],
+    0x230B: [  // RIGHT FLOOR
+      [3, 18, 7], [3, 21, 8], [5, 25, 10], [4, 29, 11], [5, 34, 13], [6, 40, 16], [7, 48, 19], [8, 57, 23],
+      [10, 68, 27], [12, 80, 32], [14, 95, 38], [16, 113, 45], [19, 134, 53], [23, 159, 63]
+    ],
+      [5, 18, 7], [6, 21, 8], [7, 25, 10], [8, 30, 12], [10, 35, 14], [11, 41, 16], [13, 48, 19], [16, 57, 23],
+      [19, 68, 27], [22, 80, 32], [26, 95, 38], [31, 113, 45], [37, 134, 53], [44, 159, 63]
+    ],
+      [5, 17, 7], [6, 21, 8], [7, 25, 10], [8, 30, 12], [9, 35, 14], [11, 41, 16], [13, 48, 19], [15, 57, 23],
+      [18, 68, 27], [21, 80, 32], [25, 95, 38], [29, 113, 45], [35, 134, 53], [41, 159, 63]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Size3/Regular" +

+ 106 - 106

@@ -25,112 +25,112 @@
-    "MathJax_Typewriter": {
-        0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
-            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
-        ],
-        0x131: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
-            [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0],
-            [13, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [22, 20, 0], [26, 24, 0], [31, 28, -1]
-        ],
-        0x237: [  // LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS J
-            [3, 5, 2], [4, 6, 2], [4, 6, 2], [5, 8, 3], [6, 9, 3], [7, 11, 4], [8, 14, 5], [9, 15, 5],
-            [11, 18, 6], [13, 23, 8], [15, 26, 9], [18, 30, 10], [22, 36, 12], [25, 44, 15]
-        ],
-        0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
-            [2, 1, -3], [3, 1, -5], [4, 1, -5], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -8], [5, 3, -10], [6, 3, -11],
-            [7, 4, -13], [8, 5, -16], [9, 5, -19], [10, 6, -22], [13, 7, -27], [15, 9, -32]
-        ],
-        0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
-            [3, 1, -3], [3, 1, -5], [3, 1, -5], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -8], [5, 3, -10], [6, 3, -11],
-            [7, 4, -13], [8, 5, -16], [9, 5, -19], [11, 6, -22], [13, 7, -27], [15, 9, -32]
-        ],
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -4], [5, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [7, 3, -7], [8, 3, -10], [9, 4, -10],
-            [10, 4, -13], [12, 5, -16], [14, 6, -18], [17, 7, -21], [19, 9, -25], [23, 10, -31]
-        ],
-        0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
-            [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -5], [5, 2, -5], [6, 3, -5], [7, 3, -7], [8, 3, -10], [9, 3, -11],
-            [11, 4, -13], [13, 5, -16], [15, 6, -18], [17, 7, -21], [21, 8, -26], [24, 10, -31]
-        ],
-        0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
-            [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -4], [5, 1, -4], [6, 1, -6], [6, 2, -6], [7, 3, -7], [8, 2, -10], [10, 2, -11],
-            [11, 3, -14], [13, 3, -17], [16, 3, -19], [18, 4, -23], [21, 5, -27], [26, 6, -33]
-        ],
-        0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
-            [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -5], [6, 1, -6], [6, 2, -6], [7, 3, -8], [8, 2, -11], [10, 3, -11],
-            [11, 3, -14], [13, 4, -17], [15, 5, -19], [18, 5, -23], [21, 6, -28], [25, 7, -34]
-        ],
-        0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [7, 2, -8], [7, 2, -11], [8, 3, -11],
-            [10, 3, -14], [11, 4, -17], [13, 4, -20], [16, 5, -23], [19, 6, -28], [22, 7, -34]
-        ],
-        0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
-            [2, 1, -3], [2, 1, -5], [3, 1, -5], [3, 2, -5], [3, 2, -6], [3, 2, -8], [4, 3, -10], [4, 3, -11],
-            [5, 3, -14], [7, 5, -16], [7, 5, -19], [8, 6, -22], [10, 7, -27], [12, 8, -33]
-        ],
-        0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
-            [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -4], [5, 1, -4], [5, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [7, 2, -7], [8, 3, -9], [8, 3, -10],
-            [10, 4, -12], [12, 5, -15], [14, 5, -17], [16, 6, -21], [19, 7, -25], [23, 9, -30]
-        ],
-        0x393: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x394: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 34, 0], [33, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x398: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
-            [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 10, 0], [9, 13, 0], [11, 14, 0],
-            [13, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [22, 28, 0], [26, 34, 0], [31, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x39B: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 34, 0], [33, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x39E: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
-            [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 33, -1], [32, 40, -1]
-        ],
-        0x3A0: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [11, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [15, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [21, 24, 0], [24, 28, 0], [29, 34, 0], [34, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A3: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
-            [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 33, 0], [32, 40, 0]
-        ],
-            [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 29, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A6: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
-            [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A8: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
-        ],
-        0x3A9: [  // GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
-            [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
-            [14, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 34, 0], [33, 42, 0]
-        ],
-        0x7E2: [  // ??
-            [3, 3, -1], [3, 4, -2], [4, 4, -2], [4, 5, -3], [5, 6, -3], [6, 7, -4], [7, 7, -5], [9, 9, -6],
-            [10, 10, -7], [12, 12, -9], [14, 13, -11], [17, 16, -13], [20, 19, -15], [23, 23, -18]
-        ],
-        0x7E3: [  // ??
-            [3, 3, -2], [3, 4, -2], [4, 4, -3], [5, 4, -4], [5, 6, -4], [6, 7, -5], [7, 8, -6], [9, 8, -8],
-            [10, 10, -9], [12, 12, -11], [14, 14, -13], [17, 16, -16], [20, 19, -19], [24, 22, -23]
-        ],
-        0x2032: [  // PRIME
-            [3, 2, -2], [3, 3, -3], [4, 3, -3], [4, 4, -3], [5, 4, -4], [6, 5, -5], [7, 6, -7], [8, 7, -7],
-            [9, 8, -9], [11, 10, -11], [13, 12, -12], [15, 14, -14], [18, 16, -18], [21, 20, -21]
-        ]
-    }
+  "MathJax_Typewriter": {
+    0xA0: [  // NO-BREAK SPACE
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0],
+      [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 3, 0], [4, 4, 0], [5, 4, 0], [6, 5, 0], [7, 6, 0], [8, 7, 0], [9, 9, 0], [11, 10, 0],
+      [13, 12, 0], [16, 15, 0], [19, 17, 0], [22, 20, 0], [26, 24, 0], [31, 28, -1]
+    ],
+      [3, 5, 2], [4, 6, 2], [4, 6, 2], [5, 8, 3], [6, 9, 3], [7, 11, 4], [8, 14, 5], [9, 15, 5],
+      [11, 18, 6], [13, 23, 8], [15, 26, 9], [18, 30, 10], [22, 36, 12], [25, 44, 15]
+    ],
+    0x300: [  // COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT
+      [2, 1, -3], [3, 1, -5], [4, 1, -5], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [4, 2, -8], [5, 3, -10], [6, 3, -11],
+      [7, 4, -13], [8, 5, -16], [9, 5, -19], [10, 6, -22], [13, 7, -27], [15, 9, -32]
+    ],
+    0x301: [  // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
+      [3, 1, -3], [3, 1, -5], [3, 1, -5], [3, 2, -5], [4, 2, -6], [5, 2, -8], [5, 3, -10], [6, 3, -11],
+      [7, 4, -13], [8, 5, -16], [9, 5, -19], [11, 6, -22], [13, 7, -27], [15, 9, -32]
+    ],
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 2, -4], [5, 2, -4], [5, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [7, 3, -7], [8, 3, -10], [9, 4, -10],
+      [10, 4, -13], [12, 5, -16], [14, 6, -18], [17, 7, -21], [19, 9, -25], [23, 10, -31]
+    ],
+    0x303: [  // COMBINING TILDE
+      [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -5], [5, 2, -5], [6, 3, -5], [7, 3, -7], [8, 3, -10], [9, 3, -11],
+      [11, 4, -13], [13, 5, -16], [15, 6, -18], [17, 7, -21], [21, 8, -26], [24, 10, -31]
+    ],
+    0x304: [  // COMBINING MACRON
+      [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -4], [5, 1, -4], [6, 1, -6], [6, 2, -6], [7, 3, -7], [8, 2, -10], [10, 2, -11],
+      [11, 3, -14], [13, 3, -17], [16, 3, -19], [18, 4, -23], [21, 5, -27], [26, 6, -33]
+    ],
+    0x306: [  // COMBINING BREVE
+      [4, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [5, 1, -5], [6, 1, -6], [6, 2, -6], [7, 3, -8], [8, 2, -11], [10, 3, -11],
+      [11, 3, -14], [13, 4, -17], [15, 5, -19], [18, 5, -23], [21, 6, -28], [25, 7, -34]
+    ],
+    0x308: [  // COMBINING DIAERESIS
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -5], [4, 1, -5], [4, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [7, 2, -8], [7, 2, -11], [8, 3, -11],
+      [10, 3, -14], [11, 4, -17], [13, 4, -20], [16, 5, -23], [19, 6, -28], [22, 7, -34]
+    ],
+    0x30A: [  // COMBINING RING ABOVE
+      [2, 1, -3], [2, 1, -5], [3, 1, -5], [3, 2, -5], [3, 2, -6], [3, 2, -8], [4, 3, -10], [4, 3, -11],
+      [5, 3, -14], [7, 5, -16], [7, 5, -19], [8, 6, -22], [10, 7, -27], [12, 8, -33]
+    ],
+    0x30C: [  // COMBINING CARON
+      [3, 1, -3], [4, 1, -4], [5, 1, -4], [5, 2, -5], [5, 2, -6], [7, 2, -7], [8, 3, -9], [8, 3, -10],
+      [10, 4, -12], [12, 5, -15], [14, 5, -17], [16, 6, -21], [19, 7, -25], [23, 9, -30]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 34, 0], [33, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 10, 0], [9, 13, 0], [11, 14, 0],
+      [13, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [22, 28, 0], [26, 34, 0], [31, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 34, 0], [33, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 33, -1], [32, 40, -1]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 6, 0], [7, 7, 0], [8, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [11, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [15, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [21, 24, 0], [24, 28, 0], [29, 34, 0], [34, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 33, 0], [32, 40, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 29, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [8, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [16, 21, 0], [19, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [27, 34, 0], [32, 41, 0]
+    ],
+      [4, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0], [5, 6, 0], [6, 7, 0], [7, 8, 0], [9, 10, 0], [10, 13, 0], [12, 14, 0],
+      [14, 17, 0], [17, 21, 0], [20, 24, 0], [23, 28, 0], [28, 34, 0], [33, 42, 0]
+    ],
+    0x7E2: [  // ??
+      [3, 3, -1], [3, 4, -2], [4, 4, -2], [4, 5, -3], [5, 6, -3], [6, 7, -4], [7, 7, -5], [9, 9, -6],
+      [10, 10, -7], [12, 12, -9], [14, 13, -11], [17, 16, -13], [20, 19, -15], [23, 23, -18]
+    ],
+    0x7E3: [  // ??
+      [3, 3, -2], [3, 4, -2], [4, 4, -3], [5, 4, -4], [5, 6, -4], [6, 7, -5], [7, 8, -6], [9, 8, -8],
+      [10, 10, -9], [12, 12, -11], [14, 14, -13], [17, 16, -16], [20, 19, -19], [24, 22, -23]
+    ],
+    0x2032: [  // PRIME
+      [3, 2, -2], [3, 3, -3], [4, 3, -3], [4, 4, -3], [5, 4, -4], [6, 5, -5], [7, 6, -7], [8, 7, -7],
+      [9, 8, -9], [11, 10, -11], [13, 12, -12], [15, 14, -14], [18, 16, -18], [21, 20, -21]
+    ]
+  }
 MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"].imgDir + "/Typewriter/Regular" +

+ 337 - 354

@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
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     TeX: {
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     document.getElementById('MathMLSingleElement').innerHTML = MathJax.Localization._(['MathML','MathMLSingleElement'], _M_);
-    </script>
+  </script>
@@ -122,368 +122,351 @@
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-        Language:
-        <select name="locale" onchange="document.form.submit()">
-        </select>
+      Language:
+      <select name="locale" onchange="document.form.submit()">
+      </select>
-    <li id="main">Main strings
+  <li id="main">Main strings
+    <ul>
+      <li>CookieConfig: <input type="button"
+                               onclick="confirm(MathJax.Localization._('CookieConfig', _M_))"
+                               value="Show confirm box"/></li>
+      <li>MathProcessingError:
+        <script id="s1"></script>
+      </li>
+      <li>MathError:
+        <script id="s2"></script>
+      </li>
+      <li>LoadFile: <input type="button"
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+      <li>Loading: <input type="button"
+                          onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('Loading',_M_)+'.....',null,null)"
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+      <li>LoadFailed: <input type="button"
+                             onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['LoadFailed',_M_,'MYFILE.JS'],null,null)"
+                             value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>ProcessMath: <input type="button"
+                              onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['ProcessMath',_M_,50],null,null)"
+                              value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>Processing: <input type="button"
+                             onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('Processing',_M_)+'.....',null,null)"
+                             value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>TypesetMath: <input type="button"
+                              onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['TypesetMath',_M_,50],null,null)"
+                              value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>Typesetting: <input type="button"
+                              onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('Typesetting',_M_)+'.....',null,null)"
+                              value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>MathJaxNotSupported: <input type="button"
+                                      onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('MathJaxNotSupported',_M_),null,null)"
+                                      value="Show message box"/></li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li id="HelpDialog">HelpDialog: <input type="button"
+                                         onclick="MathJax.Menu.Help()"
+                                         value="Show Help"/>
+  </li>
+  <li id="MathML">MathML:
+    <ul>
+      <li>BadMglyph:
+        <math>
+          <mi>
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+                             onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathML','MathPlayer'], _M_))"
+                             value="Show alert box"/></li>
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+                                      onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathML','CantCreateXMLParser'], _M_))"
+                                      value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>UnknownNodeType:
+        <math>
+          <UNKNOWNNODE/>
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+      <li>UnexpectedTextNode:
+        <math>UNEXPECTEDTEXT</math>
+      </li>
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+          <merror>
+            <mtext id="ErrorParsingMathML"></mtext>
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+      <li>ParsingError:
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+      <li>MathMLSingleElement:
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+      <li>MathMLRootElement:
+        <script type="math/mml">
+          <INVALIDROOT/>
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+      </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li id="FontWarnings">FontWarnings
+    <ul>
+      <li>webFont, fonts: <input type="button"
+                                 onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - Web-Font',['TeX','STIX'])"
+                                 value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
+      <li>imageFonts, fonts: <input type="button"
+                                    onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - using image fonts',['TeX','STIX'])"
+                                    value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
+      <li>noFonts, fonts: <input type="button"
+                                 onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - no valid font',['TeX','STIX'])"
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+      <li>webFont, STIX: <input type="button"
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+  </li>
+  <li id="MathMenu">MathMenu:
+    <ul>
+      <li>Right click on one these formulas to display the menu:
-            <li>CookieConfig: <input type="button"
-                                     onclick="confirm(MathJax.Localization._('CookieConfig', _M_))"
-                                     value="Show confirm box"/></li>
-            <li>MathProcessingError:
-                <script id="s1"></script>
-            </li>
-            <li>MathError:
-                <script id="s2"></script>
-            </li>
-            <li>LoadFile: <input type="button"
-                                 onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['LoadFile',_M_,'MYFILE.JS'],null,null)"
-                                 value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>Loading: <input type="button"
-                                onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('Loading',_M_)+'.....',null,null)"
-                                value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>LoadFailed: <input type="button"
-                                   onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['LoadFailed',_M_,'MYFILE.JS'],null,null)"
-                                   value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>ProcessMath: <input type="button"
-                                    onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['ProcessMath',_M_,50],null,null)"
-                                    value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>Processing: <input type="button"
-                                   onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('Processing',_M_)+'.....',null,null)"
-                                   value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>TypesetMath: <input type="button"
-                                    onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(['TypesetMath',_M_,50],null,null)"
-                                    value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>Typesetting: <input type="button"
-                                    onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('Typesetting',_M_)+'.....',null,null)"
-                                    value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>MathJaxNotSupported: <input type="button"
-                                            onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._('MathJaxNotSupported',_M_),null,null)"
-                                            value="Show message box"/></li>
+          <li>TeX: \( x \)</li>
+          <li>AsciiMath: `x`</li>
+          <li>MathML:
+            <math>
+              <mi>x</mi>
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+          </li>
+          <li>MathProcessingError:
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+          </li>
-    <li id="HelpDialog">HelpDialog: <input type="button"
-                                           onclick="MathJax.Menu.Help()"
-                                           value="Show Help"/>
-    </li>
-    <li id="MathML">MathML:
+      <li>About Box: <input type="button" onclick="MathJax.Menu.About()"
+                            value="Show About Box"/></li>
+      <li>WebkitNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
+                                         onclick="switchRendererWarning('WebkitNativeMMLWarning')"
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+      <li>MSIENativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
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+      <li>OperaNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
+                                        onclick="switchRendererWarning('OperaNativeMMLWarning')"
+                                        value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>SafariNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
+                                         onclick="switchRendererWarning('SafariNativeMMLWarning')"
+                                         value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>FirefoxNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
+                                          onclick="switchRendererWarning('FirefoxNativeMMLWarning')"
+                                          value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>MSIESVGWarning: <input type="button"
+                                 onclick="switchRendererWarning('MSIESVGWarning')"
+                                 value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>LoadURL: <input type="button"
+                          onclick="prompt(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','LoadURL'], _M_))"
+                          value="Show prompt box"/></li>
+      <li>BadURL: <input type="button"
+                         onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','BadURL'], _M_))"
+                         value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>BadData: <input type="button"
+                          onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','BadData'], _M_, 'BADDATA'))"
+                          value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>ScaleMath: <input type="button"
+                            onclick="prompt(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','ScaleMath'], _M_))"
+                            value="Show prompt box"/></li>
+      <li>NonZeroScale: <input type="button"
+                               onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','NonZeroScale'], _M_))"
+                               value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>PercentScale: <input type="button"
+                               onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','PercentScale'], _M_))"
+                               value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>IE8warning: <input type="button"
+                             onclick="confirm(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','IE8warning'], _M_))"
+                             value="Show confirm box"/></li>
+      <li>IE9warning: <input type="button"
+                             onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','IE9warning'], _M_))"
+                             value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>NoOriginalForm: <input type="button"
+                                 onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','NoOriginalForm'], _M_))"
+                                 value="Show alert box"/></li>
+      <li>'Show Math As' window: <input type="button"
+                                        onclick="MathJax.Menu.ShowSource.Text('POPUP CONTENT')"
+                                        value="Open popup"/></li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li id="HTML-CSS">HTML-CSS:
+    <ul>
+      <li>LoadWebFont: <input type="button"
+                              onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','LoadWebFont'],_M_,'FONTNAME'),null,null)"
+                              value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>CantLoadWebFont: <input type="button"
+                                  onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','CantLoadWebFont'],_M_,'FONTNAME'),null,null)"
+                                  value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>FirefoxCantLoadWebFont: <input type="button"
+                                         onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','FirefoxCantLoadWebFont'],_M_),null,null)"
+                                         value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>CantFindFontUsing: <input type="button"
+                                    onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','CantFindFontUsing'],_M_,'FONT1,FONT2'),null,null)"
+                                    value="Show message box"/></li>
+      <li>WebFontsNotAvailable: <input type="button"
+                                       onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','WebFontsNotAvailable'],_M_),null,null)"
+                                       value="Show message box"/></li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li id="TeX">TeX:
+    <ul>
+      <li>Main commands
-            <li>BadMglyph:
-                <math>
-                    <mi>
-                        <mglyph alt="" src="BADURL"/>
-                    </mi>
-                </math>
-            </li>
-            <li>BadMglyphFont:
-                <math>
-                    <mi>
-                        <mglyph fontfamily="BADFONT" alt="" src="" index="0"/>
-                    </mi>
-                </math>
-            </li>
-            <li>MathPlayer: <input type="button"
-                                   onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathML','MathPlayer'], _M_))"
-                                   value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>CantCreateXMLParser: <input type="button"
-                                            onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathML','CantCreateXMLParser'], _M_))"
-                                            value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>UnknownNodeType:
-                <math>
-                    <UNKNOWNNODE/>
-                </math>
-            </li>
-            <li>UnexpectedTextNode:
-                <math>UNEXPECTEDTEXT</math>
-            </li>
-            <li>ErrorParsingMathML:
-                <math>
-                    <merror>
-                        <mtext id="ErrorParsingMathML"></mtext>
-                    </merror>
-                </math>
-            </li>
-            <li>ParsingError:
-                <script type="math/mml"></script>
-            </li>
-            <li>MathMLSingleElement:
-                <math>
-                    <merror>
-                        <mtext id="MathMLSingleElement"></mtext>
-                    </merror>
-                </math>
-            <li>MathMLRootElement:
-                <script type="math/mml">
-                    <INVALIDROOT/>
-                </script>
-            </li>
+          <li>ExtraOpenMissingClose: \( { \)</li>
+          <li>ExtraCloseMissingOpen: \( } \)</li>
+          <li>MissingLeftExtraRight: \( \right) \)</li>
+          <li>MissingScript: \( x^ \)</li>
+          <li>ExtraLeftMissingRight: \( \left( \)</li>
+          <li>Misplaced: \( & \)</li>
+          <li>MissingOpenForSub: \( x__ \)</li>
+          <li>MissingOpenForSup: \( x^^ \)</li>
+          <li>AmbiguousUseOf: \( x \over y \over z \)</li>
+          <li>EnvBadEnd: \( \begin{aligned} \end{eqarray} \)</li>
+          <li>EnvMissingEnd: \( \begin{aligned} \)</li>
+          <li>MissingBoxFor: \( \raise 1pt \)</li>
+          <li>MissingCloseBrace: \( \array{ \)</li>
+          <li>UndefinedControlSequence: \( \UNDEFINED \)</li>
+          <li>DoubleExponent: \( x^3^2 \)</li>
+          <li>DoubleSubscripts: \( x_3_2 \)</li>
+          <li>DoubleExponentPrime: \( x^2' \)</li>
+          <li>CantUseHash1: \( # \)</li>
+          <li>MisplacedMiddle: \( \middle| \)</li>
+          <li>MisplacedLimits: \( \limits \)</li>
+          <li>MisplacedMoveRoot: \( \uproot \)</li>
+          <li>IntegerArg: \( \sqrt[\uproot{INVALID}]{x} \)</li>
+          <li>NotMathMLToken: \( \mmlToken{INVALID}{x} \)</li>
+          <li>InvalidMathMLAttr: \( \mmlToken{mi}[_INVALID_]{x} \)</li>
+          <li>UnknownAttrForElement: \( \mmlToken{mi}[INVALIDATTR='']{x} \)</li>
+          <li>MaxMacroSub1: \( \newcommand{\a}{\a} \a \)</li>
+          <li>MaxMacroSub2: \( \newenvironment{a}{\begin{a}}{\end{a}}
+            \begin{a}\end{a} \)
+          </li>
+          <li>MissingArgFor: \( \frac{a} \)</li>
+          <li>ExtraAlignTab: \( \cases{a & b & c} \)</li>
+          <li>BracketMustBeDimension: \(\begin{array} x \\[INVALID] y
+            \end{array}\)
+          </li>
+          <li>InvalidEnv: \( \begin{_INVALID_} \end{_INVALID_} \)</li>
+          <li>UnknownEnv: \( \begin{UNKNOWN} \end{UNKNOWN} \)</li>
+          <li>ExtraCloseLooking: \( \sqrt[}]x \)</li>
+          <li>MissingCloseBracket: \( \sqrt[ \)</li>
+          <li>MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim: \( \left \)</li>
+          <li>MissingDimOrUnits: \( x \above y \)</li>
+          <li>TokenNotFoundForCommand: \( \root{x} \)</li>
+          <li>MathNotTerminated: \( \text{$x} \)</li>
+          <li>IllegalMacroParam: \( \def\mymacro#1{#2} \mymacro{x} \)</li>
+          <li>MaxBufferSize: \( \newcommand{\a}{\a\a} \a \)
+          </li>
-    </li>
-    <li id="FontWarnings">FontWarnings
+      </li>
+      <li>AMSmath
-            <li>webFont, fonts: <input type="button"
-                                       onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - Web-Font',['TeX','STIX'])"
-                                       value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
-            <li>imageFonts, fonts: <input type="button"
-                                          onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - using image fonts',['TeX','STIX'])"
-                                          value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
-            <li>noFonts, fonts: <input type="button"
-                                       onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - no valid font',['TeX','STIX'])"
-                                       value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
-            <li>webFont, TeX: <input type="button"
-                                     onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - Web-Font',['TeX'])"
-                                     value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
-            <li>webFont, STIX: <input type="button"
-                                      onclick="displayFontWarning('HTML-CSS Jax - Web-Font',['STIX'])"
-                                      value="Show Warning Message"/></li>
+          <li>CommandNotAllowedInEnv: \(\begin{split} x \tag{x} \end{split} \)
+          </li>
+          <li>MultipleCommand: \( \tag{x} \tag{y} \)</li>
+          <li>MultipleLabel: \( \label{x} \) \(\ \label{x} \)</li>
+          <li>CommandAtTheBeginingOfLine: \( \shoveleft \)</li>
+          <li>IllegalAlign: \( \cfrac[INVALID]{a}{b} \)</li>
+          <li>BadMathStyleFor: \( \genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{INVALID}{a}{b} \)</li>
+          <li>PositiveIntegerArg:
+            \(\begin{alignedat}{INVALID}\end{alignedat}\)
+          </li>
+          <li>ErroneousNestingEq: \( \begin{multline} \begin{multline}
+            \end{multline} \end{multline} \)
+          </li>
+          <li>MultlineRowsOneCol: \( \begin{multline} x & y \end{multline} \)
+          </li>
-    </li>
-    <li id="MathMenu">MathMenu:
+      </li>
+      <li>bbox
-            <li>Right click on one these formulas to display the menu:
-                <ul>
-                    <li>TeX: \( x \)</li>
-                    <li>AsciiMath: `x`</li>
-                    <li>MathML:
-                        <math>
-                            <mi>x</mi>
-                        </math>
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MathProcessingError:
-                        <script id="s3"></script>
-                    </li>
-                    <li>Annotation:
-                        <math>
-                            <semantics>
-                                <mi>x</mi>
-                                <annotation encoding="TeX">x (TeX)</annotation>
-                                <annotation encoding="StarMath 5.0">x
-                                    (StarMath)
-                                </annotation>
-                                <annotation encoding="Maple">x (Maple)
-                                </annotation>
-                                <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content">
-                                    <ci>x</ci>
-                                </annotation-xml>
-                                <annotation-xml encoding="OpenMath">
-                                    <OMV name="x"/>
-                                </annotation-xml>
-                            </semantics>
-                        </math>
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>About Box: <input type="button" onclick="MathJax.Menu.About()"
-                                  value="Show About Box"/></li>
-            <li>WebkitNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
-                                               onclick="switchRendererWarning('WebkitNativeMMLWarning')"
-                                               value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>MSIENativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
-                                             onclick="switchRendererWarning('MSIENativeMMLWarning')"
-                                             value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>OperaNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
-                                              onclick="switchRendererWarning('OperaNativeMMLWarning')"
-                                              value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>SafariNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
-                                               onclick="switchRendererWarning('SafariNativeMMLWarning')"
-                                               value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>FirefoxNativeMMLWarning: <input type="button"
-                                                onclick="switchRendererWarning('FirefoxNativeMMLWarning')"
-                                                value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>MSIESVGWarning: <input type="button"
-                                       onclick="switchRendererWarning('MSIESVGWarning')"
-                                       value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>LoadURL: <input type="button"
-                                onclick="prompt(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','LoadURL'], _M_))"
-                                value="Show prompt box"/></li>
-            <li>BadURL: <input type="button"
-                               onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','BadURL'], _M_))"
-                               value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>BadData: <input type="button"
-                                onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','BadData'], _M_, 'BADDATA'))"
-                                value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>ScaleMath: <input type="button"
-                                  onclick="prompt(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','ScaleMath'], _M_))"
-                                  value="Show prompt box"/></li>
-            <li>NonZeroScale: <input type="button"
-                                     onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','NonZeroScale'], _M_))"
-                                     value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>PercentScale: <input type="button"
-                                     onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','PercentScale'], _M_))"
-                                     value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>IE8warning: <input type="button"
-                                   onclick="confirm(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','IE8warning'], _M_))"
-                                   value="Show confirm box"/></li>
-            <li>IE9warning: <input type="button"
-                                   onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','IE9warning'], _M_))"
-                                   value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>NoOriginalForm: <input type="button"
-                                       onclick="alert(MathJax.Localization._(['MathMenu','NoOriginalForm'], _M_))"
-                                       value="Show alert box"/></li>
-            <li>'Show Math As' window: <input type="button"
-                                              onclick="MathJax.Menu.ShowSource.Text('POPUP CONTENT')"
-                                              value="Open popup"/></li>
+          <li>MultipleBBoxProperty: \( \bbox[green,blue]{} \)</li>
+          <li>InvalidBBoxProperty: \( \bbox[_INVALID_]{} \)</li>
-    </li>
-    <li id="HTML-CSS">HTML-CSS:
+      </li>
+      <li>begingroup
-            <li>LoadWebFont: <input type="button"
-                                    onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','LoadWebFont'],_M_,'FONTNAME'),null,null)"
-                                    value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>CantLoadWebFont: <input type="button"
-                                        onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','CantLoadWebFont'],_M_,'FONTNAME'),null,null)"
-                                        value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>FirefoxCantLoadWebFont: <input type="button"
-                                               onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','FirefoxCantLoadWebFont'],_M_),null,null)"
-                                               value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>CantFindFontUsing: <input type="button"
-                                          onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','CantFindFontUsing'],_M_,'FONT1,FONT2'),null,null)"
-                                          value="Show message box"/></li>
-            <li>WebFontsNotAvailable: <input type="button"
-                                             onclick="MathJax.Message.Set(MathJax.Localization._(['HTML-CSS','WebFontsNotAvailable'],_M_),null,null)"
-                                             value="Show message box"/></li>
+          <li>ExtraEndMissingBegin: \( \endgroup \)</li>
+          <li>GlobalNotFollowedBy: \( \global\unknown \)</li>
-    </li>
-    <li id="TeX">TeX:
+      </li>
+      <li>color
-            <li>Main commands
-                <ul>
-                    <li>ExtraOpenMissingClose: \( { \)</li>
-                    <li>ExtraCloseMissingOpen: \( } \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingLeftExtraRight: \( \right) \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingScript: \( x^ \)</li>
-                    <li>ExtraLeftMissingRight: \( \left( \)</li>
-                    <li>Misplaced: \( & \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingOpenForSub: \( x__ \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingOpenForSup: \( x^^ \)</li>
-                    <li>AmbiguousUseOf: \( x \over y \over z \)</li>
-                    <li>EnvBadEnd: \( \begin{aligned} \end{eqarray} \)</li>
-                    <li>EnvMissingEnd: \( \begin{aligned} \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingBoxFor: \( \raise 1pt \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingCloseBrace: \( \array{ \)</li>
-                    <li>UndefinedControlSequence: \( \UNDEFINED \)</li>
-                    <li>DoubleExponent: \( x^3^2 \)</li>
-                    <li>DoubleSubscripts: \( x_3_2 \)</li>
-                    <li>DoubleExponentPrime: \( x^2' \)</li>
-                    <li>CantUseHash1: \( # \)</li>
-                    <li>MisplacedMiddle: \( \middle| \)</li>
-                    <li>MisplacedLimits: \( \limits \)</li>
-                    <li>MisplacedMoveRoot: \( \uproot \)</li>
-                    <li>IntegerArg: \( \sqrt[\uproot{INVALID}]{x} \)</li>
-                    <li>NotMathMLToken: \( \mmlToken{INVALID}{x} \)</li>
-                    <li>InvalidMathMLAttr: \( \mmlToken{mi}[_INVALID_]{x} \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>UnknownAttrForElement: \(
-                        \mmlToken{mi}[INVALIDATTR='']{x} \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MaxMacroSub1: \( \newcommand{\a}{\a} \a \)</li>
-                    <li>MaxMacroSub2: \( \newenvironment{a}{\begin{a}}{\end{a}}
-                        \begin{a}\end{a} \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MissingArgFor: \( \frac{a} \)</li>
-                    <li>ExtraAlignTab: \( \cases{a & b & c} \)</li>
-                    <li>BracketMustBeDimension: \(\begin{array} x \\[INVALID] y
-                        \end{array}\)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>InvalidEnv: \( \begin{_INVALID_} \end{_INVALID_} \)</li>
-                    <li>UnknownEnv: \( \begin{UNKNOWN} \end{UNKNOWN} \)</li>
-                    <li>ExtraCloseLooking: \( \sqrt[}]x \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingCloseBracket: \( \sqrt[ \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim: \( \left \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingDimOrUnits: \( x \above y \)</li>
-                    <li>TokenNotFoundForCommand: \( \root{x} \)</li>
-                    <li>MathNotTerminated: \( \text{$x} \)</li>
-                    <li>IllegalMacroParam: \( \def\mymacro#1{#2} \mymacro{x}
-                        \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MaxBufferSize: \( \newcommand{\a}{\a\a} \a \)
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>AMSmath
-                <ul>
-                    <li>CommandNotAllowedInEnv: \(\begin{split} x \tag{x}
-                        \end{split} \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MultipleCommand: \( \tag{x} \tag{y} \)</li>
-                    <li>MultipleLabel: \( \label{x} \) \(\ \label{x} \)</li>
-                    <li>CommandAtTheBeginingOfLine: \( \shoveleft \)</li>
-                    <li>IllegalAlign: \( \cfrac[INVALID]{a}{b} \)</li>
-                    <li>BadMathStyleFor: \( \genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{INVALID}{a}{b}
-                        \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>PositiveIntegerArg:
-                        \(\begin{alignedat}{INVALID}\end{alignedat}\)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>ErroneousNestingEq: \( \begin{multline} \begin{multline}
-                        \end{multline} \end{multline} \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MultlineRowsOneCol: \( \begin{multline} x & y
-                        \end{multline} \)
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>bbox
-                <ul>
-                    <li>MultipleBBoxProperty: \( \bbox[green,blue]{} \)</li>
-                    <li>InvalidBBoxProperty: \( \bbox[_INVALID_]{} \)</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>begingroup
-                <ul>
-                    <li>ExtraEndMissingBegin: \( \endgroup \)</li>
-                    <li>GlobalNotFollowedBy: \( \global\unknown \)</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>color
-                <ul>
-                    <li>UndefinedColorModel: \( \color[COLORMODEL]{}{} \)</li>
-                    <li>ModelArg1: \( \color[RGB]{}{} \)</li>
-                    <li>InvalidDecimalNumber: \( \color[rgb]{,,}{} \)</li>
-                    <li>ModelArg2: \( \color[RGB]{256,,}{} \)</li>
-                    <li>InvalidNumber: \( \color[RGB]{,,}{} \)</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>extpfeil
-                <ul>
-                    <li>NewextarrowArg1: \( \Newextarrow{}{}{} \)</li>
-                    <li>NewextarrowArg2: \( \Newextarrow{\myarrow}{}{} \)</li>
-                    <li>NewextarrowArg3: \( \Newextarrow{\myarrow}{0,0}{} \)
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>mhchem
-                <ul>
-                    <li>NoClosingChar: \( \ce{ ->[ } \)</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>newcommand
-                <ul>
-                    <li>IllegalControlSequenceName: \( \newcommand{_INVALID_}{}
-                        \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>IllegalParamNumber: \( \newcommand{mycommand}[INVALID]{}
-                        \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>MissingCS: \( \let INVALID \)</li>
-                    <li>CantUseHash2: \( \def\mycommand#A \)</li>
-                    <li>SequentialParam: \( \def\mycommand#2#1 \)</li>
-                    <li>MissingReplacementString: \( \def\mycommand \)</li>
-                    <li>MismatchUseDef: \( \def\mycommand[#1]#2[#3]{#1+#2+#3}
-                        \mycommand{a}{b}[c] \)
-                    </li>
-                    <li>RunawayArgument: \( \def\mycommand[#1][#2]#3{#1+#2+#3}
-                        \mycommand[a]{b} \)
-                    </li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>NoClosingDelim: \( \verb?... \)</li>
+          <li>UndefinedColorModel: \( \color[COLORMODEL]{}{} \)</li>
+          <li>ModelArg1: \( \color[RGB]{}{} \)</li>
+          <li>InvalidDecimalNumber: \( \color[rgb]{,,}{} \)</li>
+          <li>ModelArg2: \( \color[RGB]{256,,}{} \)</li>
+          <li>InvalidNumber: \( \color[RGB]{,,}{} \)</li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li>extpfeil
+        <ul>
+          <li>NewextarrowArg1: \( \Newextarrow{}{}{} \)</li>
+          <li>NewextarrowArg2: \( \Newextarrow{\myarrow}{}{} \)</li>
+          <li>NewextarrowArg3: \( \Newextarrow{\myarrow}{0,0}{} \)</li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li>mhchem
+        <ul>
+          <li>NoClosingChar: \( \ce{ ->[ } \)</li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li>newcommand
+        <ul>
+          <li>IllegalControlSequenceName: \( \newcommand{_INVALID_}{} \)</li>
+          <li>IllegalParamNumber: \( \newcommand{mycommand}[INVALID]{} \)</li>
+          <li>MissingCS: \( \let INVALID \)</li>
+          <li>CantUseHash2: \( \def\mycommand#A \)</li>
+          <li>SequentialParam: \( \def\mycommand#2#1 \)</li>
+          <li>MissingReplacementString: \( \def\mycommand \)</li>
+          <li>MismatchUseDef: \( \def\mycommand[#1]#2[#3]{#1+#2+#3}
+            \mycommand{a}{b}[c] \)
+          </li>
+          <li>RunawayArgument: \( \def\mycommand[#1][#2]#3{#1+#2+#3}
+            \mycommand[a]{b} \)
+          </li>
+      </li>
+      <li>NoClosingDelim: \( \verb?... \)</li>
+    </ul>

+ 39 - 40

@@ -1,46 +1,45 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
-    <title>Load MathJax with in-line configuration after the page is
-        ready</title>
-    <!-- Copyright (c) 2012-2015 The MathJax Consortium -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
+  <title>Load MathJax with in-line configuration after the page is ready</title>
+  <!-- Copyright (c) 2012-2015 The MathJax Consortium -->
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        //
-        //  We wait for the onload function to show that MathJax is laoded after
-        //  the page is ready, and then use setTimeout to prove that MathJax is
-        //  definitely loaded after the page is displayed and active.  MathJax is
-        //  loaded two seconds after the page is ready.
-        //
-        window.onload = function () {
-            setTimeout(function () {
-                var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], script;
-                script = document.createElement("script");
-                script.type = "text/x-mathjax-config";
-                script[(window.opera ? "innerHTML" : "text")] =
-                        "MathJax.Hub.Config({\n" +
-                        "  tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\\\(','\\\\)']] }\n" +
-                        "});"
-                head.appendChild(script);
-                script = document.createElement("script");
-                script.type = "text/javascript";
-                script.src = "../MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML";
-                head.appendChild(script);
-            }, 2000)
-        }
-    </script>
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+    //
+    //  We wait for the onload function to show that MathJax is laoded after
+    //  the page is ready, and then use setTimeout to prove that MathJax is
+    //  definitely loaded after the page is displayed and active.  MathJax is
+    //  loaded two seconds after the page is ready.
+    //
+    window.onload = function () {
+      setTimeout(function () {
+        var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], script;
+        script = document.createElement("script");
+        script.type = "text/x-mathjax-config";
+        script[(window.opera ? "innerHTML" : "text")] =
+                "MathJax.Hub.Config({\n" +
+                "  tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\\\(','\\\\)']] }\n" +
+                "});"
+        head.appendChild(script);
+        script = document.createElement("script");
+        script.type = "text/javascript";
+        script.src = "../MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML";
+        head.appendChild(script);
+      }, 2000)
+    }
+  </script>
-    <style>
-        h1 {
-            text-align: center;
-            background: #CCCCCC;
-            padding: .2em 1em;
-            border-top: 3px solid #666666;
-            border-bottom: 3px solid #999999;
-        }
-    </style>
+  <style>
+    h1 {
+      text-align: center;
+      background: #CCCCCC;
+      padding: .2em 1em;
+      border-top: 3px solid #666666;
+      border-bottom: 3px solid #999999;
+    }
+  </style>
@@ -48,8 +47,8 @@
 <h1>Adding MathJax with In-Line Configuration</h1>
-    When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ and they are
-    $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
+  When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ and they are
+  $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$

+ 54 - 54

@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
-    <title>MathJax MathML Test Page</title>
-    <!-- Copyright (c) 2010-2015 The MathJax Consortium -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
+  <title>MathJax MathML Test Page</title>
+  <!-- Copyright (c) 2010-2015 The MathJax Consortium -->
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
-    <script type="text/javascript"
-            src="../MathJax.js?config=MML_HTMLorMML-full"></script>
+  <script type="text/javascript"
+          src="../MathJax.js?config=MML_HTMLorMML-full"></script>
-    When
-    <math xmlns="">
-        <mi>a</mi>
-        <mo>&#x2260;</mo>
-        <mn>0</mn>
-    </math>
-    ,
-    there are two solutions to
-    <math xmlns="">
-        <mi>a</mi>
-        <msup>
-            <mi>x</mi>
-            <mn>2</mn>
-        </msup>
-        <mo>+</mo>
+  When
+  <math xmlns="">
+    <mi>a</mi>
+    <mo>&#x2260;</mo>
+    <mn>0</mn>
+  </math>
+  ,
+  there are two solutions to
+  <math xmlns="">
+    <mi>a</mi>
+    <msup>
+      <mi>x</mi>
+      <mn>2</mn>
+    </msup>
+    <mo>+</mo>
+    <mi>b</mi>
+    <mi>x</mi>
+    <mo>+</mo>
+    <mi>c</mi>
+    <mo>=</mo>
+    <mn>0</mn>
+  </math>
+  and they are
+  <math xmlns="" display="block">
+    <mi>x</mi>
+    <mo>=</mo>
+    <mrow>
+      <mfrac>
+        <mrow>
+          <mo>&#x2212;</mo>
-        <mi>x</mi>
-        <mo>+</mo>
-        <mi>c</mi>
-        <mo>=</mo>
-        <mn>0</mn>
-    </math>
-    and they are
-    <math xmlns="" display="block">
-        <mi>x</mi>
-        <mo>=</mo>
+          <mo>&#x00B1;</mo>
+          <msqrt>
+            <msup>
+              <mi>b</mi>
+              <mn>2</mn>
+            </msup>
+            <mo>&#x2212;</mo>
+            <mn>4</mn>
+            <mi>a</mi>
+            <mi>c</mi>
+          </msqrt>
+        </mrow>
-            <mfrac>
-                <mrow>
-                    <mo>&#x2212;</mo>
-                    <mi>b</mi>
-                    <mo>&#x00B1;</mo>
-                    <msqrt>
-                        <msup>
-                            <mi>b</mi>
-                            <mn>2</mn>
-                        </msup>
-                        <mo>&#x2212;</mo>
-                        <mn>4</mn>
-                        <mi>a</mi>
-                        <mi>c</mi>
-                    </msqrt>
-                </mrow>
-                <mrow>
-                    <mn>2</mn>
-                    <mi>a</mi>
-                </mrow>
-            </mfrac>
+          <mn>2</mn>
+          <mi>a</mi>
-        <mtext>.</mtext>
-    </math>
+      </mfrac>
+    </mrow>
+    <mtext>.</mtext>
+  </math>

+ 3 - 3

@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
-    config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
-    extensions: ["mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
-    jax: ["input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"]
+  config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
+  extensions: ["mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
+  jax: ["input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"]

+ 4 - 4

@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Config", function () {
-    if (!MathJax.Hub.config.extensions) {
-        MathJax.Hub.config.extensions = []
-    }
-    MathJax.Hub.config.extensions.push("Safe.js");
+  if (!MathJax.Hub.config.extensions) {
+    MathJax.Hub.config.extensions = []
+  }
+  MathJax.Hub.config.extensions.push("Safe.js");

+ 3 - 3

@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
-    config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
-    extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "TeX/noErrors.js", "TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
-    jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"]
+  config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
+  extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "TeX/noErrors.js", "TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
+  jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"]

+ 3 - 3

@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
-    config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
-    extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "TeX/noErrors.js", "TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
-    jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"]
+  config: ["MMLorHTML.js"],
+  extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "TeX/noErrors.js", "TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
+  jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS", "output/NativeMML", "output/CommonHTML"]

+ 2 - 2

@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
-    extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "TeX/noErrors.js", "TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
-    jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "output/SVG", "output/CommonHTML"]
+  extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "mml2jax.js", "MathEvents.js", "MathZoom.js", "MathMenu.js", "toMathML.js", "TeX/noErrors.js", "TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js", "CHTML-preview.js"],
+  jax: ["input/TeX", "input/MathML", "output/SVG", "output/CommonHTML"]

+ 966 - 973

@@ -41,1077 +41,1070 @@
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of configuration files to load
+  //  when MathJax starts up.  E.g., to define local macros, etc.
+  //  The default directory is the MathJax/config directory.
+  //
+  //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js"],
+  //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js","MMLtoHTML.js"],
+  //
+  config: [],
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded
+  //  when MathJax starts up.  The default directory is the
+  //  MathJax/config directory.
+  //
+  //  Example:    styleSheets: ["MathJax.css"],
+  //
+  styleSheets: [],
+  //
+  //  Styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.
+  //
+  //  Example:
+  //      styles: {
+  //        ".MathJax_Preview": {
+  //          color: "#888"
+  //        }
+  //      },
+  //
+  styles: {},
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup.
+  //  Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not
+  //  inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page.  These
+  //  are found in the MathJax/jax directory.  The choices include
+  //
+  //      input/TeX
+  //      input/MathML
+  //      input/AsciiMath
+  //
+  //      output/HTML-CSS
+  //      output/NativeMML
+  //      output/SVG
+  //
+  //   If you change the input jax, you may need to include the appropriate
+  //   preprocessor in the extensions array below.
+  //
+  jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
+  //
+  //  A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup.  The default
+  //  directory is MathJax/extensions.
+  //
+  //  Example:    extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"],
+  //
+  //  You may wish to include "mml2jax.js" if you are using "input/MathML" in the
+  //  jax array above, and "asciimath2jax.js" if you using "input/AsciiMath".
+  //  Include "jsmath2jax.js" if you are converting from using jsMath to MathJax.
+  //
+  extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
+  //
+  //  Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags.  If you are not
+  //  using one of the preprocessors (e.g., tex2jax), you need to insert something
+  //  extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.  IE
+  //  removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks are redundent, and since a SCRIPT
+  //  tag usually doesn't add content to the page, if there is a space before and after
+  //  a MathJax SCRIPT tag, IE will remove the first space.  When MathJax inserts
+  //  the typeset mathematics, this means there will be no space before it and the
+  //  preceeding text.  In order to avoid this, you should include some "guard characters"
+  //  before or after the math SCRIPT tag; define the patterns you want to use below.
+  //  Note that these are used as regular expressions, so you will need to quote
+  //  special characters.  Furthermore, since they are javascript strings, you must
+  //  quote javascript special characters as well.  So to obtain a backslash, you must
+  //  use \\ (doubled for javascript).  For example, "\\[" is the pattern \[ in the
+  //  regular expression.  That means that if you want an actual backslash in your
+  //  guard characters, you need to use "\\\\" in order to get \\ in the regular
+  //  expression, and \ in the actual text.  If both preJax and postJax are defined,
+  //  both must be present in order to be  removed.
+  //
+  //  See also the preRemoveClass comments below.
+  //
+  //  Example:
+  //      preJax: "\\\\\\\\",  // makes a double backslash the preJax text
+  //    or
+  //      preJax:  "\\[\\[", // jax scripts must be enclosed in double brackets
+  //      postJax: "\\]\\]",
+  //
+  preJax: null,
+  postJax: null,
+  //
+  //  The CSS class for a math preview to be removed preceeding a MathJax
+  //  SCRIPT tag.  If the tag just before the MathJax SCRIPT tag is of this
+  //  class, its contents are removed when MathJax processes the SCRIPT
+  //  tag.  This allows you to include a math preview in a form that will
+  //  be displayed prior to MathJax performing its typesetting.  It also
+  //  avoids the Internet Explorer space-removal bug, and can be used in
+  //  place of preJax and postJax if that is more convenient.
+  //
+  //  For example
+  //
+  //      <span class="MathJax_Preview">[math]</span><script type="math/tex">...</script>
+  //
+  //  would display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.
+  //
+  preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview",
+  //
+  //  This value controls whether the "Processing Math: nn%" message are displayed
+  //  in the lower left-hand corner.  Set to "false" to prevent those messages (though
+  //  file loading and other messages will still be shown).
+  //
+  showProcessingMessages: true,
+  //
+  //  This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner.
+  //  Set it to "none" to eliminate all messages, or set it to "simple" to show
+  //  "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name and the
+  //  percentage of the mathematics processed.
+  //
+  messageStyle: "normal",
+  //
+  //  These two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations.
+  //  The first can be "left", "center", or "right", and determines the alignment of
+  //  displayed equations.  When the alignment is not "center", the second determines
+  //  an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.  When
+  //  the alignment is "center", the indent allows you to shift the center to the right
+  //  or left (negative is left).
+  //
+  displayAlign: "center",
+  displayIndent: "0",
+  //
+  //  Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of
+  //  configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can.  If you
+  //  expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you
+  //  may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called.  If so,
+  //  set this to "onload".
+  //
+  delayStartupUntil: "none",
+  //
+  //  Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as
+  //  the page is loaded.  If you want to delay that process, in which case
+  //  you will need to call MathJax.Hub.Typeset() yourself by hand, set
+  //  this value to true.
+  //
+  skipStartupTypeset: false,
+  //
+  //  A list of element ID's that are the ones to process for mathematics
+  //  when any of the Hub typesetting calls (Typeset, Process, Update, etc)
+  //  are called with no element specified.  This lets you restrict the
+  //  processing to particular containers rather than scanning the entire
+  //  document for mathematics.  If none are supplied, the entire document
+  //  is processed.
+  //
+  elements: [],
+  //
+  //  Since typesetting usually changes the vertical dimensions of the
+  //  page, if the URL contains an anchor position you may no longer be
+  //  positioned at the correct position on the page, so MathJax can
+  //  reposition to that location after it completes its initial
+  //  typesetting of the page.  This value controls whether MathJax will
+  //  reposition the browser to the #hash location from the page URL after
+  //  typesetting for the page.
+  //
+  positionToHash: true,
+  //
+  //  These control whether to attach the MathJax contextual menu to the
+  //  expressions typeset by MathJax.  Since the code for handling
+  //  MathPlayer in Internet Explorer is somewhat delicate, it is
+  //  controlled separately via (showMathMenuMSIE).  The latter is now
+  //  deprecated in favor of the MathJax contextual menu settings for
+  //  MathPlayer.
+  //
+  //  These values used to be listed in the separate output jax, but
+  //  have been moved to this more central location since they are shared
+  //  by all output jax.
+  //
+  showMathMenu: true,
+  showMathMenuMSIE: true,
+  //
+  //  The default settings for the MathJax contextual menu (overridden by
+  //  the MathJax cookie when users change the menu settings).
+  //
+  menuSettings: {
+    zoom: "None",        //  when to do MathZoom
+    CTRL: false,         //    require CTRL for MathZoom?
+    ALT: false,          //    require Alt or Option?
+    CMD: false,          //    require CMD?
+    Shift: false,        //    require Shift?
+    zscale: "200%",      //  the scaling factor for MathZoom
+    font: "Auto",        //  what font HTML-CSS should use
+    context: "MathJax",  //  or "Browser" for pass-through to browser menu
+    mpContext: false,    //  true means pass menu events to MathPlayer in IE
+    mpMouse: false,      //  true means pass mouse events to MathPlayer in IE
+    texHints: true,      //  include class names for TeXAtom elements
+    semantics: false     //  add semantics tag with original form in MathML output
+  },
+  //
+  //  The message and style for when there is a processing error handling
+  //  the mathematics (something has gone wrong with the input or output
+  //  jax that prevents it from operating properly).
+  //
+  errorSettings: {
+    message: ["[", ["MathProcessingError", "Math Processing Error"], "]"],
+    style: {color: "#CC0000", "font-style": "italic"}  // style for message
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the tex2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "tex2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  tex2jax: {
+    //
+    //  The delimiters that surround in-line math expressions.  The first in each
+    //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+    //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
+    //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
+    //  be able to handle that.
+    //
+    inlineMath: [
+//    ['$','$'],      // uncomment this for standard TeX math delimiters
+      ['\\(', '\\)']
+    ],
+    //
+    //  The delimiters that surround displayed math expressions.  The first in each
+    //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
+    //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
+    //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
+    //  be able to handle that.
+    //
+    displayMath: [
+      ['$$', '$$'],
+      ['\\[', '\\]']
+    ],
+    //
+    //  This value determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
+    //  balanced within math delimiters (which allows for nested dollar
+    //  signs).  Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility.  When true,
-    //  A comma-separated list of configuration files to load
-    //  when MathJax starts up.  E.g., to define local macros, etc.
-    //  The default directory is the MathJax/config directory.
+    //      $y = x^2 \hbox{ when $x > 2$}$.
-    //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js"],
-    //  Example:    config: ["local/local.js","MMLtoHTML.js"],
+    //  will be properly handled as a single expression.  When false, it
+    //  would be interpreted as two searpate expressions, each with
+    //  improperly balanced braces.
-    config: [],
+    balanceBraces: true,
-    //  A comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded
-    //  when MathJax starts up.  The default directory is the
-    //  MathJax/config directory.
+    //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
+    //  processed by tex2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
+    //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
+    //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-    //  Example:    styleSheets: ["MathJax.css"],
+    skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
+    //
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
+    //  not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the
+    //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
+    //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
+    //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
+    //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
+    //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
+    //  prevent `tex2jax` from processing its contents.
-    styleSheets: [],
+    ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",
-    //  Styles to be defined dynamically at startup time.
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
+    //  be processed by tex2jax.  This is used to turn on processing within
+    //  tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.  Note that
+    //  this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote
+    //  any regexp special characters.  The pattern is automatically
+    //  preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern
+    //  will have to match full words in the class name.  Use this to
+    //  restart processing within an element that has been marked as
+    //  ignored above.
-    //  Example:
-    //      styles: {
-    //        ".MathJax_Preview": {
-    //          color: "#888"
-    //        }
-    //      },
+    processClass: "tex2jax_process",
-    styles: {},
+    //  Set to "true" to allow \$ to produce a dollar without starting in-line
+    //  math mode.  If you uncomment the ['$','$'] line above, you should change
+    //  this to true so that you can insert plain dollar signs into your documents
+    //
+    processEscapes: false,
+    //
+    //  Controls whether tex2jax processes LaTeX environments outside of math
+    //  mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of environments except within
+    //  math mode.
+    //
+    processEnvironments: true,
-    //  A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at startup.
-    //  Their main code is loaded only when they are actually used, so it is not
-    //  inefficient to include jax that may not actually be used on the page.  These
-    //  are found in the MathJax/jax directory.  The choices include
+    //  Controls whether tex2jax processes \ref{...} commands outside
+    //  of math mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of \ref
+    //  except within math mode.
-    //      input/TeX
-    //      input/MathML
-    //      input/AsciiMath
+    processRefs: true,
-    //      output/HTML-CSS
-    //      output/NativeMML
-    //      output/SVG
+    //  Controls whether tex2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
+    //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which
+    //  means use the TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by
+    //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
+    //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
+    //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
+    //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
+    //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-    //   If you change the input jax, you may need to include the appropriate
-    //   preprocessor in the extensions array below.
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
+    preview: "TeX"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the asciimath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "asciimath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  asciimath2jax: {
-    //  A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup.  The default
-    //  directory is MathJax/extensions.
+    //  The delimiters that surround asciimath expressions.  The first in each
+    //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-    //  Example:    extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"],
+    delimiters: [
+      ['`', '`']
+    ],
-    //  You may wish to include "mml2jax.js" if you are using "input/MathML" in the
-    //  jax array above, and "asciimath2jax.js" if you using "input/AsciiMath".
-    //  Include "jsmath2jax.js" if you are converting from using jsMath to MathJax.
+    //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
+    //  processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
+    //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
+    //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-    extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
+    skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-    //  Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags.  If you are not
-    //  using one of the preprocessors (e.g., tex2jax), you need to insert something
-    //  extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.  IE
-    //  removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks are redundent, and since a SCRIPT
-    //  tag usually doesn't add content to the page, if there is a space before and after
-    //  a MathJax SCRIPT tag, IE will remove the first space.  When MathJax inserts
-    //  the typeset mathematics, this means there will be no space before it and the
-    //  preceeding text.  In order to avoid this, you should include some "guard characters"
-    //  before or after the math SCRIPT tag; define the patterns you want to use below.
-    //  Note that these are used as regular expressions, so you will need to quote
-    //  special characters.  Furthermore, since they are javascript strings, you must
-    //  quote javascript special characters as well.  So to obtain a backslash, you must
-    //  use \\ (doubled for javascript).  For example, "\\[" is the pattern \[ in the
-    //  regular expression.  That means that if you want an actual backslash in your
-    //  guard characters, you need to use "\\\\" in order to get \\ in the regular
-    //  expression, and \ in the actual text.  If both preJax and postJax are defined,
-    //  both must be present in order to be  removed.
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
+    //  not be processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for the
+    //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
+    //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
+    //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
+    //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
+    //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
+    //  prevent `asciimath2jax` from processing its contents.
-    //  See also the preRemoveClass comments below.
+    ignoreClass: "asciimath2jax_ignore",
-    //  Example:
-    //      preJax: "\\\\\\\\",  // makes a double backslash the preJax text
-    //    or
-    //      preJax:  "\\[\\[", // jax scripts must be enclosed in double brackets
-    //      postJax: "\\]\\]",
+    //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
+    //  be processed by asciimath2jax.  This is used to turn on processing
+    //  within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.
+    //  Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure
+    //  to quote any regexp special characters.  The pattern is
+    //  automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so
+    //  your pattern will have to match full words in the class name.  Use
+    //  this to restart processing within an element that has been marked
+    //  as ignored above.
-    preJax: null,
-    postJax: null,
+    processClass: "asciimath2jax_process",
+    //  Controls whether asciimath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
+    //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "AsciiMath", which
+    //  means use the AsciiMath code as the preview (until it is processed by
+    //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
+    //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
+    //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
+    //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
+    //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-    //  The CSS class for a math preview to be removed preceeding a MathJax
-    //  SCRIPT tag.  If the tag just before the MathJax SCRIPT tag is of this
-    //  class, its contents are removed when MathJax processes the SCRIPT
-    //  tag.  This allows you to include a math preview in a form that will
-    //  be displayed prior to MathJax performing its typesetting.  It also
-    //  avoids the Internet Explorer space-removal bug, and can be used in
-    //  place of preJax and postJax if that is more convenient.
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    //  For example
+    preview: "AsciiMath"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the mml2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "mml2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  mml2jax: {
-    //      <span class="MathJax_Preview">[math]</span><script type="math/tex">...</script>
+    //  Controls whether mml2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
+    //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "mathml" which means use
+    //  the <math> tag as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).
+    //  Set to "alttext", to use the  <math> tag's alttext attribute as the
+    //  preview, if the tag has one.  Set to "none" to
+    //  prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will simply
+    //  disappear until it is typeset). Set to "altimg" to use an image
+    //  described by the altimg* attributes of the <math> element.
+    //  Set to an array containing the
+    //  description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for
+    //  all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]" or
+    //  load an image).
-    //  would display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able to typeset it.
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview",
+    preview: "mathml"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the jsMath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
+  //  "jsMath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+  //
+  jsMath2jax: {
+    //
+    //  Controls whether jsMath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
+    //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
+    //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which means use the
+    //  TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).  Set to
+    //  "none" to prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will
+    //  simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set to an array containing
+    //  the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview
+    //  for all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]"
+    //  or load an image).
-    //  This value controls whether the "Processing Math: nn%" message are displayed
-    //  in the lower left-hand corner.  Set to "false" to prevent those messages (though
-    //  file loading and other messages will still be shown).
+    //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
+    //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-    showProcessingMessages: true,
+    preview: "TeX"
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the TeX input jax.
+  //
+  TeX: {
-    //  This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower left-hand corner.
-    //  Set it to "none" to eliminate all messages, or set it to "simple" to show
-    //  "Loading..." and "Processing..." rather than showing the full file name and the
-    //  percentage of the mathematics processed.
+    //  This specifies the side on which \tag{} macros will place the tags.
+    //  Set to "left" to place on the left-hand side.
-    messageStyle: "normal",
+    TagSide: "right",
-    //  These two parameters control the alignment and shifting of displayed equations.
-    //  The first can be "left", "center", or "right", and determines the alignment of
-    //  displayed equations.  When the alignment is not "center", the second determines
-    //  an indentation from the left or right side for the displayed equations.  When
-    //  the alignment is "center", the indent allows you to shift the center to the right
-    //  or left (negative is left).
+    //  This is the amound of indentation (from right or left) for the tags.
-    displayAlign: "center",
-    displayIndent: "0",
+    TagIndent: "0.8em",
-    //  Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of
-    //  configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can.  If you
-    //  expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however, you
-    //  may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is called.  If so,
-    //  set this to "onload".
+    //  This is the width to use for the multline environment
-    delayStartupUntil: "none",
+    MultLineWidth: "85%",
-    //  Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon as
-    //  the page is loaded.  If you want to delay that process, in which case
-    //  you will need to call MathJax.Hub.Typeset() yourself by hand, set
-    //  this value to true.
+    //  List of macros to define.  These are of the form
+    //      name: value
+    //  where 'value' is the replacement text for the macro \name.
+    //  The 'value' can also be [value,n] where 'value' is the replacement
+    //  text and 'n' is the number of parameters for the macro.
+    //  Note that backslashes must be doubled in the replacement string.
+    //
+    //  E.g.,
+    //
+    //      Macros: {
+    //        RR: '{\\bf R}',
+    //        bold: ['{\\bf #1}', 1]
+    //      }
-    skipStartupTypeset: false,
+    Macros: {},
-    //  A list of element ID's that are the ones to process for mathematics
-    //  when any of the Hub typesetting calls (Typeset, Process, Update, etc)
-    //  are called with no element specified.  This lets you restrict the
-    //  processing to particular containers rather than scanning the entire
-    //  document for mathematics.  If none are supplied, the entire document
-    //  is processed.
+    //  Equation numbering parameters.
-    elements: [],
+    equationNumbers: {
+      autoNumber: "none",  // "AMS" for standard AMS environment numbering,
+                           //  or "all" to number all displayed equations
+//    formatNumber: function (n) {return n},                // format for equation number n
+//    formatTag:    function (n) {return '('+n+')'},        // format for \tag and \eqref
+//    formatID:     function (n) {return 'mjx-eqn-'+String(n).replace(/[:'"<>&]/g,"")},
+//                                                          // element ID to use for reference
+//    formatURL:    function (id) {return '#'+escape(id)},  // URL to use for references
+      useLabelIds: true    // make element ID's use \label name rather than equation number
+    },
-    //  Since typesetting usually changes the vertical dimensions of the
-    //  page, if the URL contains an anchor position you may no longer be
-    //  positioned at the correct position on the page, so MathJax can
-    //  reposition to that location after it completes its initial
-    //  typesetting of the page.  This value controls whether MathJax will
-    //  reposition the browser to the #hash location from the page URL after
-    //  typesetting for the page.
+    //  Controls the TeX/noErrors extension
-    positionToHash: true,
+    noErrors: {
+      disabled: false,               // set to true to return to original error messages
+      multiLine: true,               // false to not include original line breaks
+      inlineDelimiters: ["", ""],     // or use ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] to put back delimiters
+      style: {
+        "font-size": "90%",
+        "text-align": "left",
+        "color": "black",
+        "padding": "1px 3px",
+        "border": "1px solid"
+      }
+    },
-    //  These control whether to attach the MathJax contextual menu to the
-    //  expressions typeset by MathJax.  Since the code for handling
-    //  MathPlayer in Internet Explorer is somewhat delicate, it is
-    //  controlled separately via (showMathMenuMSIE).  The latter is now
-    //  deprecated in favor of the MathJax contextual menu settings for
-    //  MathPlayer.
+    //  Controls the TeX/noUndefined extension
-    //  These values used to be listed in the separate output jax, but
-    //  have been moved to this more central location since they are shared
-    //  by all output jax.
+    noUndefined: {
+      disabled: false,      // set to true to return to original error messages
+      attributes: {         // attributes to set for the undefined control sequence
+        mathcolor: "red"
+      }
+    },
-    showMathMenu: true,
-    showMathMenuMSIE: true,
+    //  Controls the TeX/unicode extension
+    unicode: {
+      fonts: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS'"  // the default font list for unknown characters
+    }
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the AsciiMath input jax.
+  //
+  AsciiMath: {
-    //  The default settings for the MathJax contextual menu (overridden by
-    //  the MathJax cookie when users change the menu settings).
+    //  Determines whether the unicode positions for phi and varphi are
+    //  to be swapped or not.  (Unicode originally had these reversed, and
+    //  many fonts have them reversed as well.)  When set to true, phi
+    //  and varphi will correspond to the LaTeX macros of the same name.
-    menuSettings: {
-        zoom: "None",        //  when to do MathZoom
-        CTRL: false,         //    require CTRL for MathZoom?
-        ALT: false,          //    require Alt or Option?
-        CMD: false,          //    require CMD?
-        Shift: false,        //    require Shift?
-        zscale: "200%",      //  the scaling factor for MathZoom
-        font: "Auto",        //  what font HTML-CSS should use
-        context: "MathJax",  //  or "Browser" for pass-through to browser menu
-        mpContext: false,    //  true means pass menu events to MathPlayer in IE
-        mpMouse: false,      //  true means pass mouse events to MathPlayer in IE
-        texHints: true,      //  include class names for TeXAtom elements
-        semantics: false     //  add semantics tag with original form in MathML output
-    },
+    fixphi: true,
-    //  The message and style for when there is a processing error handling
-    //  the mathematics (something has gone wrong with the input or output
-    //  jax that prevents it from operating properly).
+    //  Determines whether the MathML should be marked so that the HTML-CSS
+    //  and SVG output jax will use MathML spacing rules rather than TeX
+    //  spacing rules.  Since AsciiMath was designed for MathML output, the
+    //  MathML rules are used by default.
-    errorSettings: {
-        message: ["[", ["MathProcessingError", "Math Processing Error"], "]"],
-        style: {color: "#CC0000", "font-style": "italic"}  // style for message
-    },
+    useMathMLspacing: true,
+    //
+    //  Determines whether limits are placed above and below operators,
+    //  or next to them.  (AsciiMath doesn't have separate in-line and
+    //  display modes like TeX and MathML do, so this is the only control
+    //  you have over its output)
+    //
+    displaystyle: true,
-    //============================================================================
-    //  These parameters control the tex2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "tex2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
+    //  The character to use for decimal places when scanning for a number.
+    //  If you change it to ",", beware of things like "(1,2)" which would need
+    //  to be changed to "(1, 2)" to be parsed correctly.
-    tex2jax: {
+    decimal: "."
+  },
-        //
-        //  The delimiters that surround in-line math expressions.  The first in each
-        //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-        //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
-        //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
-        //  be able to handle that.
-        //
-        inlineMath: [
-//    ['$','$'],      // uncomment this for standard TeX math delimiters
-            ['\\(', '\\)']
-        ],
-        //
-        //  The delimiters that surround displayed math expressions.  The first in each
-        //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-        //  Comment out any that you don't want, but be sure there is no extra
-        //  comma at the end of the last item in the list -- some browsers won't
-        //  be able to handle that.
-        //
-        displayMath: [
-            ['$$', '$$'],
-            ['\\[', '\\]']
-        ],
-        //
-        //  This value determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
-        //  balanced within math delimiters (which allows for nested dollar
-        //  signs).  Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility.  When true,
-        //
-        //      $y = x^2 \hbox{ when $x > 2$}$.
-        //
-        //  will be properly handled as a single expression.  When false, it
-        //  would be interpreted as two searpate expressions, each with
-        //  improperly balanced braces.
-        //
-        balanceBraces: true,
-        //
-        //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
-        //  processed by tex2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
-        //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
-        //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-        //
-        skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
-        //  not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the
-        //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
-        //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
-        //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
-        //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
-        //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
-        //  prevent `tex2jax` from processing its contents.
-        //
-        ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
-        //  be processed by tex2jax.  This is used to turn on processing within
-        //  tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.  Note that
-        //  this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote
-        //  any regexp special characters.  The pattern is automatically
-        //  preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern
-        //  will have to match full words in the class name.  Use this to
-        //  restart processing within an element that has been marked as
-        //  ignored above.
-        //
-        processClass: "tex2jax_process",
-        //
-        //  Set to "true" to allow \$ to produce a dollar without starting in-line
-        //  math mode.  If you uncomment the ['$','$'] line above, you should change
-        //  this to true so that you can insert plain dollar signs into your documents
-        //
-        processEscapes: false,
-        //
-        //  Controls whether tex2jax processes LaTeX environments outside of math
-        //  mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of environments except within
-        //  math mode.
-        //
-        processEnvironments: true,
-        //
-        //  Controls whether tex2jax processes \ref{...} commands outside
-        //  of math mode.  Set to "false" to prevent processing of \ref
-        //  except within math mode.
-        //
-        processRefs: true,
-        //
-        //  Controls whether tex2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
-        //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which
-        //  means use the TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by
-        //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
-        //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
-        //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
-        //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
-        //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "TeX"
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the MathML input jax.
+  //
+  MathML: {
+    //
+    //  This specifies whether to use TeX spacing or MathML spacing when the
+    //  HTML-CSS output jax is used.
+    //
+    useMathMLspacing: false
+  },
-    },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the HTML-CSS output jax.
+  //
+  "HTML-CSS": {
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the asciimath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "asciimath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
-    //
-    asciimath2jax: {
-        //
-        //  The delimiters that surround asciimath expressions.  The first in each
-        //  pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter.
-        //
-        delimiters: [
-            ['`', '`']
-        ],
-        //
-        //  This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be
-        //  processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for ignore/process classes
-        //  as listed below).  You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent
-        //  MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.
-        //
-        skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should
-        //  not be processed by asciimath2jax (other than to look for the
-        //  processClass pattern below).  Note that this is a regular
-        //  expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any regexp special
-        //  characters.  The pattern is automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and
-        //  followed by ')( |$)', so your pattern will have to match full words
-        //  in the class name.  Assigning an element this class name will
-        //  prevent `asciimath2jax` from processing its contents.
-        //
-        ignoreClass: "asciimath2jax_ignore",
-        //
-        //  This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents SHOULD
-        //  be processed by asciimath2jax.  This is used to turn on processing
-        //  within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above.
-        //  Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure
-        //  to quote any regexp special characters.  The pattern is
-        //  automatically preceeded by '(^| )(' and followed by ')( |$)', so
-        //  your pattern will have to match full words in the class name.  Use
-        //  this to restart processing within an element that has been marked
-        //  as ignored above.
-        //
-        processClass: "asciimath2jax_process",
-        //  Controls whether asciimath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line
-        //  and display mathetics on the page.  The default is "AsciiMath", which
-        //  means use the AsciiMath code as the preview (until it is processed by
-        //  MathJax).  Set to "none" to prevent the previews from being
-        //  inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set
-        //  to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order
-        //  to use the same preview for all equations on the page (e.g., you
-        //  could have it say "[math]" or load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "AsciiMath"
+    //
+    //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+    //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+    //
+    scale: 100,
-    },
+    //
+    //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+    //  factor smaller than this.
+    //
+    minScaleAdjust: 50,
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the mml2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "mml2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
-    //
-    mml2jax: {
-        //
-        //  Controls whether mml2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
-        //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "mathml" which means use
-        //  the <math> tag as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).
-        //  Set to "alttext", to use the  <math> tag's alttext attribute as the
-        //  preview, if the tag has one.  Set to "none" to
-        //  prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will simply
-        //  disappear until it is typeset). Set to "altimg" to use an image
-        //  described by the altimg* attributes of the <math> element.
-        //  Set to an array containing the
-        //  description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for
-        //  all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]" or
-        //  load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "mathml"
+    //
+    //  This is a list of the fonts to look for on a user's computer in
+    //  preference to using MathJax's web-based fonts.  These must
+    //  correspond to directories available in the  jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts
+    //  directory, where MathJax stores data about the characters available
+    //  in the fonts.  Set this to ["TeX"], for example, to prevent the
+    //  use of the STIX fonts, or set it to an empty list, [], if
+    //  you want to force MathJax to use web-based or image fonts.
+    //
+    availableFonts: ["STIX", "TeX"],
-    },
+    //
+    //  This is the preferred font to use when more than one of those
+    //  listed above is available.
+    //
+    preferredFont: "TeX",
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the jsMath2jax preprocessor (when you have included
-    //  "jsMath2jax.js" in the extensions list above).
-    //
-    jsMath2jax: {
-        //
-        //  Controls whether jsMath2jax inserts MathJax_Preview spans to make a
-        //  preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates
-        //  mathematics on the page.  The default is "TeX", which means use the
-        //  TeX code as the preview (until it is processed by MathJax).  Set to
-        //  "none" to prevent the previews from being inserted (the math will
-        //  simply disappear until it is typeset).  Set to an array containing
-        //  the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview
-        //  for all equations on the page (e.g., you could have it say "[math]"
-        //  or load an image).
-        //
-        //  E.g.,     preview: ["[math]"],
-        //  or        preview: [["img",{src: ""}]]
-        //
-        preview: "TeX"
+    //
+    //  This is the web-based font to use when none of the fonts listed
+    //  above are available on the user's computer.  Note that currently
+    //  only the TeX font is available in a web-based form.  Set this to
+    //
+    //      webFont: null,
+    //
+    //  if you want to prevent the use of web-based fonts.
+    //
+    webFont: "TeX",
-    },
+    //
+    //  This is the font to use for image fallback mode (when none of the
+    //  fonts listed above are available and the browser doesn't support
+    //  web-fonts via the @font-face CSS directive).  Note that currently
+    //  only the TeX font is available as an image font.  Set this to
+    //
+    //      imageFont: null,
+    //
+    //  if you want to prevent the use of image fonts (e.g., you have not
+    //  installed the image fonts on your server).  In this case, only
+    //  browsers that support web-based fonts will be able to view your pages
+    //  without having the fonts installed on the client computer.  The browsers
+    //  that support web-based fonts include: IE6 and later, Chrome, Safari3.1
+    //  and above, Firefox3.5 and later, and Opera10 and later.  Note that
+    //  Firefox3.0 is NOT on this list, so without image fonts, FF3.0 users
+    //  will be required to to download and install either the STIX fonts or the
+    //  MathJax TeX fonts.
+    //
+    imageFont: "TeX",
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the TeX input jax.
-    //
-    TeX: {
-        //
-        //  This specifies the side on which \tag{} macros will place the tags.
-        //  Set to "left" to place on the left-hand side.
-        //
-        TagSide: "right",
-        //
-        //  This is the amound of indentation (from right or left) for the tags.
-        //
-        TagIndent: "0.8em",
-        //
-        //  This is the width to use for the multline environment
-        //
-        MultLineWidth: "85%",
-        //
-        //  List of macros to define.  These are of the form
-        //      name: value
-        //  where 'value' is the replacement text for the macro \name.
-        //  The 'value' can also be [value,n] where 'value' is the replacement
-        //  text and 'n' is the number of parameters for the macro.
-        //  Note that backslashes must be doubled in the replacement string.
-        //
-        //  E.g.,
-        //
-        //      Macros: {
-        //        RR: '{\\bf R}',
-        //        bold: ['{\\bf #1}', 1]
-        //      }
-        //
-        Macros: {},
-        //
-        //  Equation numbering parameters.
-        //
-        equationNumbers: {
-            autoNumber: "none",  // "AMS" for standard AMS environment numbering,
-                                 //  or "all" to number all displayed equations
-//    formatNumber: function (n) {return n},                // format for equation number n
-//    formatTag:    function (n) {return '('+n+')'},        // format for \tag and \eqref
-//    formatID:     function (n) {return 'mjx-eqn-'+String(n).replace(/[:'"<>&]/g,"")},
-//                                                          // element ID to use for reference
-//    formatURL:    function (id) {return '#'+escape(id)},  // URL to use for references
-            useLabelIds: true    // make element ID's use \label name rather than equation number
-        },
-        //
-        //  Controls the TeX/noErrors extension
-        //
-        noErrors: {
-            disabled: false,               // set to true to return to original error messages
-            multiLine: true,               // false to not include original line breaks
-            inlineDelimiters: ["", ""],     // or use ["$","$"] or ["\\(","\\)"] to put back delimiters
-            style: {
-                "font-size": "90%",
-                "text-align": "left",
-                "color": "black",
-                "padding": "1px 3px",
-                "border": "1px solid"
-            }
-        },
-        //
-        //  Controls the TeX/noUndefined extension
-        //
-        noUndefined: {
-            disabled: false,      // set to true to return to original error messages
-            attributes: {         // attributes to set for the undefined control sequence
-                mathcolor: "red"
-            }
-        },
-        //
-        //  Controls the TeX/unicode extension
-        unicode: {
-            fonts: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS'"  // the default font list for unknown characters
-        }
+    //
+    //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
+    //  in the selected font (e.g., for web-based fonts, this is where to
+    //  look for characters not included in the MathJax_* fonts).  IE will
+    //  stop looking after the first font that exists on the system (even
+    //  if it doesn't contain the needed character), so order these carefully.
+    //
+    undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
-    },
+    //
+    //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
+    //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
+    //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
+    //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
+    //
+    mtextFontInherit: false,
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the AsciiMath input jax.
-    //
-    AsciiMath: {
-        //
-        //  Determines whether the unicode positions for phi and varphi are
-        //  to be swapped or not.  (Unicode originally had these reversed, and
-        //  many fonts have them reversed as well.)  When set to true, phi
-        //  and varphi will correspond to the LaTeX macros of the same name.
-        //
-        fixphi: true,
-        //
-        //  Determines whether the MathML should be marked so that the HTML-CSS
-        //  and SVG output jax will use MathML spacing rules rather than TeX
-        //  spacing rules.  Since AsciiMath was designed for MathML output, the
-        //  MathML rules are used by default.
-        //
-        useMathMLspacing: true,
-        //
-        //  Determines whether limits are placed above and below operators,
-        //  or next to them.  (AsciiMath doesn't have separate in-line and
-        //  display modes like TeX and MathML do, so this is the only control
-        //  you have over its output)
-        //
-        displaystyle: true,
-        //
-        //  The character to use for decimal places when scanning for a number.
-        //  If you change it to ",", beware of things like "(1,2)" which would need
-        //  to be changed to "(1, 2)" to be parsed correctly.
-        //
-        decimal: "."
-    },
+    //
+    //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
+    //  expressions will be.
+    //
+    //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
+    //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
+    //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
+    //  reader sees anything.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
+    //  chunk is displayed.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
+    //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
+    //
+    //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EqnChunkDelay to 10 to get
+    //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
+    //
+    EqnChunk: 50,
+    EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
+    EqnChunkDelay: 100,
-    //============================================================================
-    //  These parameters control the MathML input jax.
+    //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+    //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-    MathML: {
-        //
-        //  This specifies whether to use TeX spacing or MathML spacing when the
-        //  HTML-CSS output jax is used.
-        //
-        useMathMLspacing: false
-    },
+    matchFontHeight: true,
+    //
+    //  When true, MathJax will not measure the widths or heights of the
+    //  subexpressions as it creates its output, but instead will rely on
+    //  its internal calculautions based on teh bounding boxes of the
+    //  characters it uses, and will only take measurements when it
+    //  absolutely has to.  Since measurements cause display reflows, they
+    //  slows down MathJax considerably, so without them MathJax runs
+    //  faster, but can produce slightly less accurate character placements,
+    //  especially in width fractions or roots.
+    //
+    noReflows: true,
+    //
+    //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
+    //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
+    //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
+    //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
+    //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
+    //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
+    //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
+    //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
+    //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
+    //
+    linebreaks: {
+      //
+      //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
+      //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+      //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
+      //
+      automatic: false,
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the HTML-CSS output jax.
-    //
-    "HTML-CSS": {
-        //
-        //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
-        //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
-        //
-        scale: 100,
-        //
-        //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
-        //  factor smaller than this.
-        //
-        minScaleAdjust: 50,
-        //
-        //  This is a list of the fonts to look for on a user's computer in
-        //  preference to using MathJax's web-based fonts.  These must
-        //  correspond to directories available in the  jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts
-        //  directory, where MathJax stores data about the characters available
-        //  in the fonts.  Set this to ["TeX"], for example, to prevent the
-        //  use of the STIX fonts, or set it to an empty list, [], if
-        //  you want to force MathJax to use web-based or image fonts.
-        //
-        availableFonts: ["STIX", "TeX"],
-        //
-        //  This is the preferred font to use when more than one of those
-        //  listed above is available.
-        //
-        preferredFont: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the web-based font to use when none of the fonts listed
-        //  above are available on the user's computer.  Note that currently
-        //  only the TeX font is available in a web-based form.  Set this to
-        //
-        //      webFont: null,
-        //
-        //  if you want to prevent the use of web-based fonts.
-        //
-        webFont: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the font to use for image fallback mode (when none of the
-        //  fonts listed above are available and the browser doesn't support
-        //  web-fonts via the @font-face CSS directive).  Note that currently
-        //  only the TeX font is available as an image font.  Set this to
-        //
-        //      imageFont: null,
-        //
-        //  if you want to prevent the use of image fonts (e.g., you have not
-        //  installed the image fonts on your server).  In this case, only
-        //  browsers that support web-based fonts will be able to view your pages
-        //  without having the fonts installed on the client computer.  The browsers
-        //  that support web-based fonts include: IE6 and later, Chrome, Safari3.1
-        //  and above, Firefox3.5 and later, and Opera10 and later.  Note that
-        //  Firefox3.0 is NOT on this list, so without image fonts, FF3.0 users
-        //  will be required to to download and install either the STIX fonts or the
-        //  MathJax TeX fonts.
-        //
-        imageFont: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
-        //  in the selected font (e.g., for web-based fonts, this is where to
-        //  look for characters not included in the MathJax_* fonts).  IE will
-        //  stop looking after the first font that exists on the system (even
-        //  if it doesn't contain the needed character), so order these carefully.
-        //
-        undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
-        //
-        //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
-        //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
-        //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
-        //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
-        //
-        mtextFontInherit: false,
-        //
-        //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
-        //  expressions will be.
-        //
-        //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
-        //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
-        //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
-        //  reader sees anything.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
-        //  chunk is displayed.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
-        //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
-        //
-        //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EqnChunkDelay to 10 to get
-        //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
-        //
-        EqnChunk: 50,
-        EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
-        EqnChunkDelay: 100,
-        //
-        //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
-        //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-        //
-        matchFontHeight: true,
-        //
-        //  When true, MathJax will not measure the widths or heights of the
-        //  subexpressions as it creates its output, but instead will rely on
-        //  its internal calculautions based on teh bounding boxes of the
-        //  characters it uses, and will only take measurements when it
-        //  absolutely has to.  Since measurements cause display reflows, they
-        //  slows down MathJax considerably, so without them MathJax runs
-        //  faster, but can produce slightly less accurate character placements,
-        //  especially in width fractions or roots.
-        //
-        noReflows: true,
-        //
-        //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
-        //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
-        //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
-        //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
-        //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
-        //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
-        //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
-        //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
-        //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
-        //
-        linebreaks: {
-            //
-            //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
-            //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
-            //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
-            //
-            automatic: false,
-            //
-            //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
-            //
-            //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
-            //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
-            //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
-            //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
-            //
-            //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
-            //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
-            //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
-            //
-            width: "container"
-        },
-        //
-        //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
-        //  various math elements created by MathJax.
-        //
-        //  Example:
-        //      styles: {
-        //        ".MathJax .merror": {
-        //          color:   "#CC0000",
-        //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
-        //        }
-        //      }
-        //
-        styles: {},
-        //
-        //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
-        //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/config.js,
-        //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
-        //
-        tooltip: {
-            delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
-            delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
-            offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
-        }
+      //
+      //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
+      //
+      //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
+      //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
+      //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
+      //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
+      //
+      //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
+      //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
+      //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
+      //
+      width: "container"
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the NativeMML output jax.
-    //
-    NativeMML: {
-        //
-        //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
-        //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
-        //
-        scale: 100,
-        //
-        //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
-        //  factor smaller than this.
-        //
-        minScaleAdjust: 50,
-        //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
-        //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-        matchFontHeight: true,
-        //
-        //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
-        //  various math elements created by MathJax.
-        //
-        //  Example:
-        //      styles: {
-        //        ".MathJax_MathML": {
-        //          color: "red"         //    MathML is in red
-        //        }
-        //      }
-        //
-        styles: {}
+    //
+    //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+    //  various math elements created by MathJax.
+    //
+    //  Example:
+    //      styles: {
+    //        ".MathJax .merror": {
+    //          color:   "#CC0000",
+    //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
+    //        }
+    //      }
+    //
+    styles: {},
+    //
+    //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
+    //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/config.js,
+    //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
+    //
+    tooltip: {
+      delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
+      delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
+      offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
+    }
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the NativeMML output jax.
+  //
+  NativeMML: {
+    //
+    //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+    //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+    //
+    scale: 100,
+    //
+    //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+    //  factor smaller than this.
+    //
+    minScaleAdjust: 50,
+    //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+    //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+    matchFontHeight: true,
+    //
+    //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+    //  various math elements created by MathJax.
+    //
+    //  Example:
+    //      styles: {
+    //        ".MathJax_MathML": {
+    //          color: "red"         //    MathML is in red
+    //        }
+    //      }
+    //
+    styles: {}
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the SVG output jax.
+  //
+  "SVG": {
+    //
+    //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
+    //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
+    //
+    scale: 100,
+    //
+    //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
+    //  factor smaller than this.
+    //
+    minScaleAdjust: 50,
+    //
+    //  This specifies the font to use for SVG output (currently the only
+    //  one available)
+    //
+    font: "TeX",
+    //
+    //  This is the stroke width to use for all character paths (1em = 1000
+    //  units).  This is a cheap way of getting slightly lighter or darker
+    //  characters
+    //
+    blacker: 10,
+    //
+    //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
+    //  in the selected font.  IE will stop looking after the first font
+    //  that exists on the system (even if it doesn't contain the needed
+    //  character), so order these carefully.
+    //
+    undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
+    //
+    //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
+    //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
+    //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
+    //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
+    //
+    mtextFontInherit: false,
+    //
+    //  This controls whether the MathML structure is retained and CSS
+    //  classes are added to mark the original MathML elements (as in the
+    //  HTML-CSS output).  By default, the SVG output jax removes unneeded
+    //  nesting in order to produce a more efficient markup, but if you
+    //  want to use CSS to style the elements as if they were MathML, you
+    //  might need to set this to true.
+    //
+    addMMLclasses: false,
+    //
+    //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
+    //  expressions will be.
+    //
+    //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
+    //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
+    //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
+    //  reader sees anything.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
+    //  chunk is displayed.
+    //
+    //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
+    //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
+    //
+    //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EwnChunkDelay to 10 to get
+    //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
+    //
+    EqnChunk: 50,
+    EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
+    EqnChunkDelay: 100,
+    //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
+    //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
+    matchFontHeight: true,
+    //
+    //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
+    //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
+    //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
+    //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
+    //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
+    //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
+    //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
+    //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
+    //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
+    //
+    linebreaks: {
+      //
+      //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
+      //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
+      //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
+      //
+      automatic: false,
+      //
+      //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
+      //
+      //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
+      //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
+      //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
+      //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
+      //
+      //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
+      //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
+      //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
+      //
+      width: "container"
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the SVG output jax.
-    //
-    "SVG": {
-        //
-        //  This controls the global scaling of mathematics as compared to the
-        //  surrounding text.  Values between 100 and 133 are usually good choices.
-        //
-        scale: 100,
-        //
-        //  Don't allow the matching of math text to surrounding text to use a scaling
-        //  factor smaller than this.
-        //
-        minScaleAdjust: 50,
-        //
-        //  This specifies the font to use for SVG output (currently the only
-        //  one available)
-        //
-        font: "TeX",
-        //
-        //  This is the stroke width to use for all character paths (1em = 1000
-        //  units).  This is a cheap way of getting slightly lighter or darker
-        //  characters
-        //
-        blacker: 10,
-        //
-        //  This is the font-family CSS value used for characters that are not
-        //  in the selected font.  IE will stop looking after the first font
-        //  that exists on the system (even if it doesn't contain the needed
-        //  character), so order these carefully.
-        //
-        undefinedFamily: "STIXGeneral,'Arial Unicode MS',serif",
-        //
-        //  This setting controls whether <mtext> elements will be typeset
-        //  using the math fonts or the font of the surrounding text.  When
-        //  false, the mathvariant="normal" font will be used; when true,
-        //  the font will be inherited from the surrounding paragraph.
-        //
-        mtextFontInherit: false,
-        //
-        //  This controls whether the MathML structure is retained and CSS
-        //  classes are added to mark the original MathML elements (as in the
-        //  HTML-CSS output).  By default, the SVG output jax removes unneeded
-        //  nesting in order to produce a more efficient markup, but if you
-        //  want to use CSS to style the elements as if they were MathML, you
-        //  might need to set this to true.
-        //
-        addMMLclasses: false,
-        //
-        //  These values control how "chunky" the display of mathematical
-        //  expressions will be.
-        //
-        //  EqnChunk is the number of equations that will be typeset before
-        //  they appear on screen.  Larger values make for less visual flicker
-        //  as the equations are drawn, but also mean longer delays before the
-        //  reader sees anything.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkFactor is the factor by which the EqnChunk will grow after each
-        //  chunk is displayed.
-        //
-        //  EqChunkDelay is the time (in milliseconds) to delay between chunks
-        //  (to allow the browser to respond to other user interaction).
-        //
-        //  Set EqnChunk to 1, EqnChunkFactor to 1, and EwnChunkDelay to 10 to get
-        //  the behavior from MathJax v1.1 and below.
-        //
-        EqnChunk: 50,
-        EqnChunkFactor: 1.5,
-        EqnChunkDelay: 100,
-        //  This option indicates whether MathJax should try to correct the
-        //  x-height of equations to match the size of the surrounding text.
-        matchFontHeight: true,
-        //
-        //  These settings control automatic line breaking.  It is off by
-        //  default, so only explicit line breaks are performed (via
-        //  linebreak="newline" attributes on <mo> and <mspace> elements).  To
-        //  perform automatic line breaking on line expressions, set
-        //  'automatic' to 'true' below.  The line breaks will be applied via a
-        //  penalty-based heuristic, which does well, but isn't perfect.  You
-        //  might need to use linebreak="goodbreak" or linebreak="badbreak" by
-        //  hand in order to get better effects.  It is also possible to modify
-        //  the penalty values; contact the MathJax user's forum for details.
-        //
-        linebreaks: {
-            //
-            //  This controls the automatic breaking of expressions:
-            //    when false, only process linebreak="newline",
-            //    when true, line breaks are inserted automatically in long expressions.
-            //
-            automatic: false,
-            //
-            //  This controls how wide the lines of mathematics can be
-            //
-            //  Use an explicit width like "30em" for a fixed width.
-            //  Use "container" to compute the size from the containing element.
-            //  Use "nn% container" for a portion of the container.
-            //  Use "nn%" for a portion of the window size.
-            //
-            //  The container-based widths may be slower, and may not produce the
-            //  expected results if the layout width changes due to the removal
-            //  of previews or inclusion of mathematics during typesetting.
-            //
-            width: "container"
-        },
-        //
-        //  These are the styles used for merror elements in SVG output.  Note
-        //  that only a limited number of style attributes are supported by
-        //  SVG, but you can at least change the colors and borders.
-        //
-        //
-        merrorStyle: {
-            fontSize: "90%", color: "#C00", background: "#FF8",
-            border: "1px solid #C00", padding: "3px"
-        },
-        //
-        //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
-        //  various math elements created by MathJax.
-        //
-        //  Example:
-        //      styles: {
-        //        ".MathJax .merror": {
-        //          color:   "#CC0000",
-        //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
-        //        }
-        //      }
-        //
-        styles: {},
-        //
-        //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
-        //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/SVG/config.js,
-        //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
-        //
-        tooltip: {
-            delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
-            delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
-            offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
-        }
+    //
+    //  These are the styles used for merror elements in SVG output.  Note
+    //  that only a limited number of style attributes are supported by
+    //  SVG, but you can at least change the colors and borders.
+    //
+    //
+    merrorStyle: {
+      fontSize: "90%", color: "#C00", background: "#FF8",
+      border: "1px solid #C00", padding: "3px"
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
-    //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
-    //
-    MathMenu: {
-        //
-        //  This is the hover delay for the display of submenus in the
-        //  contextual menu.  When the mouse is still over a submenu label for
-        //  this long, the menu will appear.  (The menu also will appear if you
-        //  click on the label.)  It is in milliseconds.
-        //
-        delay: 150,
-        //
-        //  This is the URL for the MathJax Help menu item.
-        //
-        helpURL: "",
-        //
-        //  These control whether the "Math Renderer", "MathPlayer", "Font
-        //  Preferences", "Contextual Menu", and "Discoverable" menu items will
-        //  be displayed or not.
-        //
-        showRenderer: true,
-        showMathPlayer: true,
-        showFontMenu: false,
-        showContext: false,
-        showDiscoverable: false,
-        //
-        // These are the settings for the Annotation menu. If the <math> root has
-        // a <semantics> child that contains one of the following annotation
-        // formats, the source will be available via the "Show Math As" menu.
-        // Each format has a list of possible encodings.
-        //
-        semanticsAnnotations: {
-            "TeX": ["TeX", "LaTeX", "application/x-tex"],
-            "StarMath": ["StarMath 5.0"],
-            "Maple": ["Maple"],
-            "ContentMathML": ["MathML-Content", "application/mathml-content+xml"],
-            "OpenMath": ["OpenMath"]
-        },
-        //
-        //  These are the settings for the Show Source window.  The initial
-        //  width and height will be reset after the source is shown in an
-        //  attempt to make the window fit the output better.
-        //
-        windowSettings: {
-            status: "no",
-            toolbar: "no",
-            locationbar: "no",
-            menubar: "no",
-            directories: "no",
-            personalbar: "no",
-            resizable: "yes",
-            scrollbars: "yes",
-            width: 100,
-            height: 50
-        },
-        //
-        //  This allows you to change the CSS that controls the menu
-        //  appearance.  See the extensions/MathMenu.js file for details
-        //  of the default settings.
-        //
-        styles: {}
+    //
+    //  This allows you to define or modify the styles used to display
+    //  various math elements created by MathJax.
+    //
+    //  Example:
+    //      styles: {
+    //        ".MathJax .merror": {
+    //          color:   "#CC0000",
+    //          border:  "1px solid #CC0000"
+    //        }
+    //      }
+    //
+    styles: {},
+    //
+    //  Configuration for <maction> tooltips
+    //    (see also the #MathJax_Tooltip CSS in MathJax/jax/output/SVG/config.js,
+    //     which can be overriden using the styles values above).
+    //
+    tooltip: {
+      delayPost: 600,          // milliseconds delay before tooltip is posted after mouseover
+      delayClear: 600,         // milliseconds delay before tooltip is cleared after mouseout
+      offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5  // pixels to offset tooltip from mouse position
+    }
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
+  //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+  //
+  MathMenu: {
+    //
+    //  This is the hover delay for the display of submenus in the
+    //  contextual menu.  When the mouse is still over a submenu label for
+    //  this long, the menu will appear.  (The menu also will appear if you
+    //  click on the label.)  It is in milliseconds.
+    //
+    delay: 150,
+    //
+    //  This is the URL for the MathJax Help menu item.
+    //
+    helpURL: "",
+    //
+    //  These control whether the "Math Renderer", "MathPlayer", "Font
+    //  Preferences", "Contextual Menu", and "Discoverable" menu items will
+    //  be displayed or not.
+    //
+    showRenderer: true,
+    showMathPlayer: true,
+    showFontMenu: false,
+    showContext: false,
+    showDiscoverable: false,
+    //
+    // These are the settings for the Annotation menu. If the <math> root has
+    // a <semantics> child that contains one of the following annotation
+    // formats, the source will be available via the "Show Math As" menu.
+    // Each format has a list of possible encodings.
+    //
+    semanticsAnnotations: {
+      "TeX": ["TeX", "LaTeX", "application/x-tex"],
+      "StarMath": ["StarMath 5.0"],
+      "Maple": ["Maple"],
+      "ContentMathML": ["MathML-Content", "application/mathml-content+xml"],
+      "OpenMath": ["OpenMath"]
-    //============================================================================
-    //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
-    //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+    //  These are the settings for the Show Source window.  The initial
+    //  width and height will be reset after the source is shown in an
+    //  attempt to make the window fit the output better.
-    MathEvents: {
-        //
-        //  This is the time required for the mouse to be held still over a
-        //  typeset equation in order for it to count as a hover (used when the
-        //  zoom trigger is "Hover").  It is in milliseconds.
-        //
-        hover: 500
+    windowSettings: {
+      status: "no", toolbar: "no", locationbar: "no", menubar: "no",
+      directories: "no", personalbar: "no", resizable: "yes", scrollbars: "yes",
+      width: 100, height: 50
-    //============================================================================
-    //
-    //  These parameters control the MMLorHTML configuration file.
-    //  NOTE:  if you add MMLorHTML.js to the config array above,
-    //  you must REMOVE the output jax from the jax array.
-    //
-    MMLorHTML: {
-        //
-        //  The output jax that is to be preferred when both are possible
-        //  (set to "MML" for native MathML, "HTML" for MathJax's HTML-CSS output jax).
-        //
-        prefer: {
-            MSIE: "MML",
-            Firefox: "HTML",
-            Opera: "HTML",
-            Safari: "HTML",
-            Chrome: "HTML",
-            other: "HTML"
-        }
+    //
+    //  This allows you to change the CSS that controls the menu
+    //  appearance.  See the extensions/MathMenu.js file for details
+    //  of the default settings.
+    //
+    styles: {}
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the contextual menus that are available on the
+  //  mathematics within the page (provided the showMathMenu value is true above).
+  //
+  MathEvents: {
+    //
+    //  This is the time required for the mouse to be held still over a
+    //  typeset equation in order for it to count as a hover (used when the
+    //  zoom trigger is "Hover").  It is in milliseconds.
+    //
+    hover: 500
+  },
+  //============================================================================
+  //
+  //  These parameters control the MMLorHTML configuration file.
+  //  NOTE:  if you add MMLorHTML.js to the config array above,
+  //  you must REMOVE the output jax from the jax array.
+  //
+  MMLorHTML: {
+    //
+    //  The output jax that is to be preferred when both are possible
+    //  (set to "MML" for native MathML, "HTML" for MathJax's HTML-CSS output jax).
+    //
+    prefer: {
+      MSIE: "MML",
+      Firefox: "HTML",
+      Opera: "HTML",
+      Safari: "HTML",
+      Chrome: "HTML",
+      other: "HTML"
+  }

+ 23 - 23

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 MathJax.Extension["HTML-CSS/handle-floats"] = {
-    version: "2.5.1"
+  version: "2.5.1"
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ MathJax.Extension["HTML-CSS/handle-floats"] = {
 //  Make the width large (it will shrink to fit the remaining room)
-    "HTML-CSS": {
-        styles: {
-            ".MathJax_Display": {
-                display: "table-cell",
-                padding: "1em 0 ! important",
-                width: (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE && (document.documentMode || 0) < 8 ? "100%" : "1000em")
-            }
-        }
+  "HTML-CSS": {
+    styles: {
+      ".MathJax_Display": {
+        display: "table-cell",
+        padding: "1em 0 ! important",
+        width: (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE && (document.documentMode || 0) < 8 ? "100%" : "1000em")
+      }
+  }
@@ -62,21 +62,21 @@ MathJax.Hub.Config({
 //  (Needed by IE8, IE9, and Firefox, at least).
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready", function () {
-    var HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"],
-        TRANSLATE = HTMLCSS.Translate;
-    HTMLCSS.Augment({
-        Translate: function (script, state) {
-            TRANSLATE.apply(this, arguments);
-            if (script.MathJax.elementJax.HTMLCSS.display) {
-                var next = script.nextSibling;
-                if (!next || next.className !== "MathJax_MSIE_Separator") {
-                    var span = HTMLCSS.Element("span", {className: "MathJax_MSIE_Separator"});
-                    script.parentNode.insertBefore(span, next);
-                }
-            }
+  var HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"],
+      TRANSLATE = HTMLCSS.Translate;
+  HTMLCSS.Augment({
+    Translate: function (script, state) {
+      TRANSLATE.apply(this, arguments);
+      if (script.MathJax.elementJax.HTMLCSS.display) {
+        var next = script.nextSibling;
+        if (!next || next.className !== "MathJax_MSIE_Separator") {
+          var span = HTMLCSS.Element("span", {className: "MathJax_MSIE_Separator"});
+          script.parentNode.insertBefore(span, next);
-    });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS handle-floats Ready");
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS handle-floats Ready");

+ 1614 - 1614

@@ -45,1679 +45,1679 @@
 MathJax.Extension["MathML/content-mathml"] = (function (HUB) {
-    /*
-     * Content MathML to Presentation MathML conversion
-     *
-     * based on David Carlisle's ctop.js -
-     *
-     */
+  /*
+   * Content MathML to Presentation MathML conversion
+   *
+   * based on David Carlisle's ctop.js -
+   *
+   */
-    var isMSIE = HUB.Browser.isMSIE;
+  var isMSIE = HUB.Browser.isMSIE;
-    if (isMSIE) {
-        try {
-            document.namespaces.add("m", "")
-        } catch (err) {
-        }
+  if (isMSIE) {
+    try {
+      document.namespaces.add("m", "")
+    } catch (err) {
+  }
-    var CONFIG = HUB.CombineConfig("MathML.content-mathml", {
-        // render `a+(-b)` as `a-b`?
-        collapsePlusMinus: true,
-        /* mathvariant to use with corresponding <ci> type attribute */
-        cistyles: {
-            vector: 'bold-italic',
-            matrix: 'bold-upright'
-        },
-        /* Symbol names to translate to characters
-         */
-        symbols: {
-            gamma: '\u03B3'
-        }
-    });
+  var CONFIG = HUB.CombineConfig("MathML.content-mathml", {
+    // render `a+(-b)` as `a-b`?
+    collapsePlusMinus: true,
-    var CToP = {
-        version: '2.4',
-        settings: CONFIG,
+    /* mathvariant to use with corresponding <ci> type attribute */
+    cistyles: {
+      vector: 'bold-italic',
+      matrix: 'bold-upright'
+    },
-        /* Transform the given <math> elements from Content MathML to Presentation MathML and replace the original elements
-         */
-        transformElements: function (elements) {
-            for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++) {
-                var mathNode = CToP.transformElement(elements[i]);
-                elements[i].parentNode.replaceChild(mathNode, elements[i]);
-            }
-        },
-        /* Transform a Content MathML element into Presentation MathML, and return the new element
-         */
-        transformElement: function (element) {
-            var mathNode = CToP.cloneNode(element);
-            for (var j = 0, l = element.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mathNode, element.childNodes[j], 0);
-            }
-            return mathNode;
-        },
-        getTextContent: function (element) {
-            return element.text !== undefined ? element.text : element.innerText !== undefined ? element.innerText : element.textContent;
-        },
-        setTextContent: function (element, textContent) {
-            for (var i = 0, l = element.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
-                if (element.childNodes[i].nodeType === 3) {
-                    element.removeChild(element.childNodes[i]);
-                    i--;
-                    l--;
-                }
-            }
-            element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textContent));
-        },
-        cloneNode: function (element, deep) {
-            var clone, i, l;
-            if (element.nodeType === 1) {
-                clone = CToP.createElement(element.nodeName);
-                for (i = 0, l = element.attributes.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    clone.setAttribute(element.attributes[i].nodeName, element.attributes[i].nodeValue);
-                }
-                if (deep) {
-                    for (i = 0, l = element.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
-                        var clonedChild = CToP.cloneNode(element.childNodes[i], true);
-                        clone.appendChild(clonedChild);
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (element.nodeType === 3) {
-                clone = document.createTextNode(element.nodeValue);
-            }
-            return clone;
-        },
-        /* Create an element with given name, belonging to the MathML namespace
-         */
-        createElement: function (name) {
-            var math = (isMSIE ? document.createElement("m:" + name) :
-                document.createElementNS("", name));
-            math.isMathJax = true;
-            return math;
-        },
-        /* Get node's children
-         */
-        getChildren: function (node) {
-            var children = [];
-            for (var j = 0, l = node.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
-                if (node.childNodes[j].nodeType === 1) {
-                    children.push(node.childNodes[j]);
-                }
-            }
-            return children;
-        },
+    /* Symbol names to translate to characters
+     */
+    symbols: {
+      gamma: '\u03B3'
+    }
-        /* Classify node's children as argumentss, variable bindings, or qualifiers
-         */
-        classifyChildren: function (contentMMLNode) {
-            var args = [], bvars = [], qualifiers = [];
-            for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
-                if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeType === 1) {
-                    var childNode = contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], name = childNode.nodeName;
-                    if (name === 'bvar') {
-                        bvars.push(childNode);
-                    } else if (name === 'condition' ||
-                        name === 'degree' ||
-                        name === 'momentabout' ||
-                        name === 'logbase' ||
-                        name === 'lowlimit' ||
-                        name === 'uplimit' ||
-                        (name === 'interval' && args.length < 2) ||
-                        name === 'domainofapplication') {
-                        qualifiers.push(childNode);
-                    } else {
-                        args.push(childNode);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return {
-                args: args,
-                bvars: bvars,
-                qualifiers: qualifiers
-            };
-        },
-        /* Add an element with given name and text content
-         */
-        appendToken: function (parentNode, name, textContent) {
-            var element = CToP.createElement(name);
-            element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textContent));
-            parentNode.appendChild(element);
-            return element;
-        },
-        /* Transform a Content MathML node to Presentation MathML node(s), and attach it to the parent
-         */
-        applyTransform: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            if (!contentMMLNode) {
-                var merror = CToP.createElement('merror');
-                CToP.appendToken(merror, 'mtext', 'Missing child node');
-                parentNode.appendChild(merror);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (contentMMLNode.nodeType === 1) {
-                if (CToP.tokens[contentMMLNode.nodeName]) {
-                    CToP.tokens[contentMMLNode.nodeName](parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence);
-                } else if (contentMMLNode.childNodes.length === 0) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', contentMMLNode.nodeName);
-                } else {
-                    var clonedChild = CToP.cloneNode(contentMMLNode);
-                    parentNode.appendChild(clonedChild);
-                    for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(clonedChild, contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], precedence);
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (contentMMLNode.nodeType === 3) {
-                parentNode.appendChild(CToP.cloneNode(contentMMLNode));
-            }
-        },
-        /* Make an mfenced environment
-         */
-        createmfenced: function (children, open, close) {
-            var mf = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
-            mf.setAttribute('open', open);
-            mf.setAttribute('close', close);
-            for (var j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mf, children[j], 0);
-            }
-            return mf;
-        },
+  });
-        transforms: {
+  var CToP = {
+    version: '2.4',
+    settings: CONFIG,
-            /* Transform an identifier symbol
-             */
-            identifier: function (textContent) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', textContent);
-                }
-            },
-            /* Transform a set or set-like notation
-             */
-            set: function (open, close) {
-                var bindSet = CToP.transforms.bind('', ',', '|');
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode) {
-                    var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
-                    var args = children.args, bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
-                    if (bvars.length) {
-                        var firstArg = children.args[0];
-                        args = args.slice(1);
-                        var mfenced = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
-                        mfenced.setAttribute('open', open);
-                        mfenced.setAttribute('close', close);
-                        bindSet(mfenced, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 0);
-                        parentNode.appendChild(mfenced);
-                    } else {
-                        parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, open, close));
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            /* Transform a content token to a presentation token
-             *
-             * (function factory)
-             * @param {string} name - name of the corresponding presentation MML tag
-             */
-            token: function (name) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode) {
-                    if (contentMMLNode.childNodes.length === 1 && contentMMLNode.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(parentNode, name, CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode));
-                    } else {
-                        var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                        for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
-                            if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeType === 3) {
-                                CToP.appendToken(parentNode, name, CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode.childNodes[j]));
-                            } else {
-                                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (mrow.childNodes.length) {
-                            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            /* Transform a binary operation
-             *
-             * (function factory)
-             */
-            binary: function (name, tokenPrecedence) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-                    var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    var needsBrackets = tokenPrecedence < precedence || (tokenPrecedence == precedence && name === "-");
-                    if (needsBrackets) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-                    }
-                    if (args.length > 1) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], tokenPrecedence);
-                    }
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', name);
-                    if (args.length > 0) {
-                        var z = args[(args.length === 1) ? 0 : 1];
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, z, tokenPrecedence);
-                    }
-                    if (needsBrackets) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-                    }
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                }
-            },
-            /* Transform an infix operator
-             *
-             * (function factory)
-             */
-            infix: function (name, tokenPrecedence) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-                    var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    var needsBrackets = precedence > tokenPrecedence;
-                    if (needsBrackets) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-                    }
-                    for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
-                        if (j > 0) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', name);
-                        }
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[j], tokenPrecedence);
-                    }
-                    if (needsBrackets) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-                    }
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                }
-            },
-            /* Transform an iterated operation, e.g. summation
-             *
-             * (function factory
-             */
-            iteration: function (name, limitSymbol) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-                    var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    var mo = CToP.createElement('mo');
-                    CToP.setTextContent(mo, name);
-                    var munderover = CToP.createElement('munderover');
-                    munderover.appendChild(mo);
-                    var mrow1 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    var i, j, num_qualifiers, num_bvars, children, bvar, num_children, num_args;
-                    for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'lowlimit' ||
-                            qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'condition' ||
-                            qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'domainofapplication') {
-                            if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'lowlimit') {
-                                for (j = 0, num_bvars = bvars.length; j < num_bvars; j++) {
-                                    bvar = bvars[j];
-                                    children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
-                                    if (children.length) {
-                                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[0], 0);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                if (bvars.length) {
-                                    CToP.appendToken(mrow1, "mo", limitSymbol);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                            for (j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
-                                CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[j], 0);
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                            if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval' && children.length === 2) {
-                                for (j = 0, num_bvars = bvars.length; j < num_bvars; j++) {
-                                    bvar = bvars[j];
-                                    children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
-                                    if (children.length) {
-                                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[0], 0);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                if (bvars.length) {
-                                    CToP.appendToken(mrow1, "mo", "=");
-                                }
-                                CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i])[0], 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    munderover.appendChild(mrow1);
-                    var mjrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'uplimit' || qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval') {
-                            children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                            for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
-                                CToP.applyTransform(mjrow, children[j], 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    munderover.appendChild(mjrow);
-                    mrow.appendChild(munderover);
-                    for (i = 0, num_args = args.length; i < num_args; i++) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], precedence);
-                    }
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                }
-            },
-            /* Transform something which binds a variable, e.g. forall or lambda
-             *
-             * (function factory)
-             */
-            bind: function (name, argSeparator, conditionSeparator) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-                    var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    var children, i, j, l, num_qualifiers, num_children;
-                    if (name) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', name);
-                    }
-                    for (j = 0, l = bvars.length; j < l; j++) {
-                        var bvar = bvars[j];
-                        if (j > 0) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ',');
-                        }
-                        children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
-                        if (children.length) {
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[0], 0);
-                        }
-                    }
+    /* Transform the given <math> elements from Content MathML to Presentation MathML and replace the original elements
+     */
+    transformElements: function (elements) {
+      for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var mathNode = CToP.transformElement(elements[i]);
+        elements[i].parentNode.replaceChild(mathNode, elements[i]);
+      }
+    },
+    /* Transform a Content MathML element into Presentation MathML, and return the new element
+     */
+    transformElement: function (element) {
+      var mathNode = CToP.cloneNode(element);
+      for (var j = 0, l = element.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mathNode, element.childNodes[j], 0);
+      }
+      return mathNode;
+    },
+    getTextContent: function (element) {
+      return element.text !== undefined ? element.text : element.innerText !== undefined ? element.innerText : element.textContent;
+    },
+    setTextContent: function (element, textContent) {
+      for (var i = 0, l = element.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+        if (element.childNodes[i].nodeType === 3) {
+          element.removeChild(element.childNodes[i]);
+          i--;
+          l--;
+        }
+      }
+      element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textContent));
+    },
+    cloneNode: function (element, deep) {
+      var clone, i, l;
+      if (element.nodeType === 1) {
+        clone = CToP.createElement(element.nodeName);
+        for (i = 0, l = element.attributes.length; i < l; i++) {
+          clone.setAttribute(element.attributes[i].nodeName, element.attributes[i].nodeValue);
+        }
+        if (deep) {
+          for (i = 0, l = element.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+            var clonedChild = CToP.cloneNode(element.childNodes[i], true);
+            clone.appendChild(clonedChild);
+          }
+        }
+      } else if (element.nodeType === 3) {
+        clone = document.createTextNode(element.nodeValue);
+      }
+      return clone;
+    },
-                    var conditions_mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    var conditions = false;
-                    for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'condition') {
-                            conditions = true;
-                            children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                            for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
-                                CToP.applyTransform(conditions_mrow, children[j], 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (conditions) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', conditionSeparator);
-                    }
-                    mrow.appendChild(conditions_mrow);
-                    for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName != 'condition') {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2208');
-                            children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                            for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
-                                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[j], 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (args.length && (bvars.length || children.length)) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', argSeparator);
-                    }
-                    for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
-                    }
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                }
-            },
-            /** Transform a function application
-             *
-             * i.e. something which ends up looking like `f(x,y,z)`, where `f` is a string
-             *
-             * (function factory)
-             */
-            fn: function (name) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-                    var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    if (firstArg.childNodes.length) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, firstArg, 1);
-                    } else {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mi', name);
-                    }
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
-                    mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                }
-            },
-            /** Transform a min/max operation
-             *
-             * (function factory)
-             */
-            minmax: function (name) {
-                return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-                    var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mi', name);
-                    var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', '{');
-                    for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                        if (i > 0) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', ',');
-                        }
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, args[i], 0);
-                    }
-                    if (qualifiers.length) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', '|');
-                        for (i = 0, l = qualifiers.length; i < l; i++) {
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, qualifiers[i], 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', '}');
-                    mrow.appendChild(mrow2);
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                }
-            }
+    /* Create an element with given name, belonging to the MathML namespace
+     */
+    createElement: function (name) {
+      var math = (isMSIE ? document.createElement("m:" + name) :
+          document.createElementNS("", name));
+      math.isMathJax = true;
+      return math;
+    },
+    /* Get node's children
+     */
+    getChildren: function (node) {
+      var children = [];
+      for (var j = 0, l = node.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
+        if (node.childNodes[j].nodeType === 1) {
+          children.push(node.childNodes[j]);
-    }
+      }
+      return children;
+    },
-    /* Functions to transform variable/atom tokens
+    /* Classify node's children as argumentss, variable bindings, or qualifiers
-    CToP.tokens = {
-        ci: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            if (contentMMLNode.childNodes.length === 1 && contentMMLNode.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3) {
-                var mi = CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode));
-                var type = contentMMLNode.getAttribute('type');
-                if (type in CToP.settings.cistyles) {
-                    mi.setAttribute('mathvariant', CToP.settings.cistyles[type]);
-                }
-            } else {
-                CToP.transforms.token('mi')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence);
-            }
-        },
-        cs: CToP.transforms.token('ms'),
-        csymbol: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var cd = contentMMLNode.getAttribute('cd');
-            if (cd && CToP.contentDictionaries[cd]) {
-                CToP.contentDictionaries[cd](parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence);
-            } else if (CToP.settings.symbols[name]) {
-                CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', CToP.settings.symbols[name]);
-            } else {
-      , contentMMLNode);
-            }
-        },
-        fn: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            CToP.applyTransform(parentNode, CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode)[0], precedence);
-        },
-        naturalnumbers: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2115'),
-        integers: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2124'),
-        reals: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u211D'),
-        rationals: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u211A'),
-        complexes: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2102'),
-        primes: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2119'),
-        exponentiale: CToP.transforms.identifier('e'),
-        imaginaryi: CToP.transforms.identifier('i'),
-        notanumber: CToP.transforms.identifier('NaN'),
-        eulergamma: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u03B3'),
-        gamma: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u0263'),
-        pi: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u03C0'),
-        infinity: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u221E'),
-        emptyset: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2205'),
-        "true": CToP.transforms.identifier('true'),
-        "false": CToP.transforms.identifier('false'),
-        set: CToP.transforms.set('{', '}'),
-        list: CToP.transforms.set('(', ')'),
-        interval: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var closure = contentMMLNode.getAttribute('closure');
-            var open, close;
-            switch (closure) {
-                case 'open':
-                    open = '(';
-                    close = ')';
-                    break;
-                case 'open-closed':
-                    open = '(';
-                    close = ']';
-                    break;
-                case 'closed-open':
-                    open = '[';
-                    close = ')';
-                    break;
-                case 'closed':
-                default:
-                    open = '[';
-                    close = ']';
-            }
+    classifyChildren: function (contentMMLNode) {
+      var args = [], bvars = [], qualifiers = [];
+      for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
+        if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeType === 1) {
+          var childNode = contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], name = childNode.nodeName;
+          if (name === 'bvar') {
+            bvars.push(childNode);
+          } else if (name === 'condition' ||
+              name === 'degree' ||
+              name === 'momentabout' ||
+              name === 'logbase' ||
+              name === 'lowlimit' ||
+              name === 'uplimit' ||
+              (name === 'interval' && args.length < 2) ||
+              name === 'domainofapplication') {
+            qualifiers.push(childNode);
+          } else {
+            args.push(childNode);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return {
+        args: args,
+        bvars: bvars,
+        qualifiers: qualifiers
+      };
+    },
+    /* Add an element with given name and text content
+     */
+    appendToken: function (parentNode, name, textContent) {
+      var element = CToP.createElement(name);
+      element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textContent));
+      parentNode.appendChild(element);
+      return element;
+    },
+    /* Transform a Content MathML node to Presentation MathML node(s), and attach it to the parent
+     */
+    applyTransform: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      if (!contentMMLNode) {
+        var merror = CToP.createElement('merror');
+        CToP.appendToken(merror, 'mtext', 'Missing child node');
+        parentNode.appendChild(merror);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (contentMMLNode.nodeType === 1) {
+        if (CToP.tokens[contentMMLNode.nodeName]) {
+          CToP.tokens[contentMMLNode.nodeName](parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence);
+        } else if (contentMMLNode.childNodes.length === 0) {
+          CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', contentMMLNode.nodeName);
+        } else {
+          var clonedChild = CToP.cloneNode(contentMMLNode);
+          parentNode.appendChild(clonedChild);
+          for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(clonedChild, contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], precedence);
+          }
+        }
+      } else if (contentMMLNode.nodeType === 3) {
+        parentNode.appendChild(CToP.cloneNode(contentMMLNode));
+      }
+    },
-            parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode), open, close));
-        },
+    /* Make an mfenced environment
+     */
+    createmfenced: function (children, open, close) {
+      var mf = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
+      mf.setAttribute('open', open);
+      mf.setAttribute('close', close);
+      for (var j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mf, children[j], 0);
+      }
+      return mf;
+    },
+    transforms: {
+      /* Transform an identifier symbol
+       */
+      identifier: function (textContent) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+          CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', textContent);
+        }
+      },
-        apply: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      /* Transform a set or set-like notation
+       */
+      set: function (open, close) {
+        var bindSet = CToP.transforms.bind('', ',', '|');
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode) {
+          var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
+          var args = children.args, bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
+          if (bvars.length) {
             var firstArg = children.args[0];
-            var args = children.args.slice(1), bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
-            if (firstArg) {
-                var name = firstArg.nodeName;
-                name = (name === "csymbol") ? CToP.getTextContent(firstArg).toLowerCase() : name;
-                if (CToP.applyTokens[name]) {
-                    CToP.applyTokens[name](parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-                } else {
-                    CToP.transforms.fn(name)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-                }
-            } else {
-                parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createElement('mrow'));
+            args = args.slice(1);
+            var mfenced = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
+            mfenced.setAttribute('open', open);
+            mfenced.setAttribute('close', close);
+            bindSet(mfenced, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 0);
+            parentNode.appendChild(mfenced);
+          } else {
+            parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, open, close));
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      /* Transform a content token to a presentation token
+       *
+       * (function factory)
+       * @param {string} name - name of the corresponding presentation MML tag
+       */
+      token: function (name) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode) {
+          if (contentMMLNode.childNodes.length === 1 && contentMMLNode.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3) {
+            CToP.appendToken(parentNode, name, CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode));
+          } else {
+            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+            for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
+              if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeType === 3) {
+                CToP.appendToken(parentNode, name, CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode.childNodes[j]));
+              } else {
+                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], 0);
+              }
-        },
-        cn: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var type = contentMMLNode.getAttribute("type");
-            var base = contentMMLNode.getAttribute("base");
-            if (type || base) {
-                if (base) {
-                    type = 'based-integer';
-                }
-                switch (type) {
-                    case 'integer':
-                    case 'real':
-                    case 'double':
-                    case 'constant':
-                        CToP.transforms.token('mn')(parentNode, contentMMLNode);
-                        break;
-                    case 'hexdouble':
-                        CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mn', '0x' + CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode));
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        var apply = CToP.createElement('apply');
-                        var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                        var c = CToP.createElement(type);
-                        apply.appendChild(c);
-                        if (base) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(apply, 'mn', base);
-                        }
-                        for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
-                            if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeType === 3) {
-                                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'cn', CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode.childNodes[j]));
-                            } else if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeName === 'sep') {
-                                apply.appendChild(mrow);
-                                mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                            } else {
-                                mrow.appendChild(CToP.cloneNode(contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], true));
-                            }
-                        }
-                        apply.appendChild(mrow);
-                        CToP.applyTransform(parentNode, apply, 0);
-                }
-            } else {
-                CToP.transforms.token('mn')(parentNode, contentMMLNode);
+            if (mrow.childNodes.length) {
+              parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        vector: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      /* Transform a binary operation
+       *
+       * (function factory)
+       */
+      binary: function (name, tokenPrecedence) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          var needsBrackets = tokenPrecedence < precedence || (tokenPrecedence == precedence && name === "-");
+          if (needsBrackets) {
             CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-            var mtable = CToP.createElement('mtable');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
-                var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
-                CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[i], 0);
-                mtr.appendChild(mtd);
-                mtable.appendChild(mtr);
-            }
-            mrow.appendChild(mtable);
+          }
+          if (args.length > 1) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], tokenPrecedence);
+          }
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', name);
+          if (args.length > 0) {
+            var z = args[(args.length === 1) ? 0 : 1];
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, z, tokenPrecedence);
+          }
+          if (needsBrackets) {
             CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        piecewise: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '{');
-            var mtable = CToP.createElement('mtable');
-            mrow.appendChild(mtable);
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mtable, children[i], 0);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        piece: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
-                mtr.appendChild(mtd);
-                CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[i], 0);
-                if (i === 0) {
-                    mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
-                    CToP.appendToken(mtd, "mtext", "\u00A0if\u00A0");
-                    mtr.appendChild(mtd);
-                }
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mtr);
-        },
-        otherwise: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            if (children.length) {
-                var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
-                mtr.appendChild(mtd);
-                CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[0], 0);
-                mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
-                mtd.setAttribute('columnspan', '2');
-                CToP.appendToken(mtd, "mtext", "\u00A0otherwise");
-                mtr.appendChild(mtd);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mtr);
-        },
-        matrix: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            var args = children.args, bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
-            if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
-                var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, "mo", "[");
-                var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-                CToP.appendToken(msub, 'mi', 'm');
-                var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                for (var i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (i != 0) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', ',');
-                    }
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, bvars[i].childNodes[0], 0);
-                }
-                msub.appendChild(mrow2);
-                mrow.appendChild(msub);
-                var msub2 = CToP.cloneNode(msub, true);
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
-                mrow.appendChild(msub2);
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '=');
-                for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (i != 0) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ',');
-                    }
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
+          }
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+        }
+      },
+      /* Transform an infix operator
+       *
+       * (function factory)
+       */
+      infix: function (name, tokenPrecedence) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          var needsBrackets = precedence > tokenPrecedence;
+          if (needsBrackets) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+          }
+          for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
+            if (j > 0) {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', name);
+            }
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[j], tokenPrecedence);
+          }
+          if (needsBrackets) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+          }
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+        }
+      },
+      /* Transform an iterated operation, e.g. summation
+       *
+       * (function factory
+       */
+      iteration: function (name, limitSymbol) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          var mo = CToP.createElement('mo');
+          CToP.setTextContent(mo, name);
+          var munderover = CToP.createElement('munderover');
+          munderover.appendChild(mo);
+          var mrow1 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          var i, j, num_qualifiers, num_bvars, children, bvar, num_children, num_args;
+          for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+            if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'lowlimit' ||
+                qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'condition' ||
+                qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'domainofapplication') {
+              if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'lowlimit') {
+                for (j = 0, num_bvars = bvars.length; j < num_bvars; j++) {
+                  bvar = bvars[j];
+                  children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
+                  if (children.length) {
+                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[0], 0);
+                  }
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ';');
-                for (i = 0, l = qualifiers.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (i != 0) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ',');
-                    }
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, qualifiers[i], 0);
+                if (bvars.length) {
+                  CToP.appendToken(mrow1, "mo", limitSymbol);
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ']');
-                parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+              }
+              children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+              for (j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
+                CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[j], 0);
+              }
             } else {
-                var mfenced = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
-                var mtable = CToP.createElement('mtable');
-                for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mtable, args[i], 0);
+              children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+              if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval' && children.length === 2) {
+                for (j = 0, num_bvars = bvars.length; j < num_bvars; j++) {
+                  bvar = bvars[j];
+                  children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
+                  if (children.length) {
+                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[0], 0);
+                  }
-                mfenced.appendChild(mtable);
-                parentNode.appendChild(mfenced);
-            }
-        },
-        matrixrow: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
-                CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[i], 0);
-                mtr.appendChild(mtd);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mtr);
-        },
-        condition: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[i], 0);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        lambda: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var firstArg = CToP.createElement('lambda');
-            var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            var args = children.args, bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
-            var i, l, num_qualifiers;
-            if (bvars.length) {
-                CToP.applyTokens.lambda(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            } else {
-                var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
-                }
-                if (qualifiers.length) {
-                    var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-                    CToP.appendToken(msub, 'mo', '|');
-                    var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                        children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                        for (var j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, children[j], 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    msub.appendChild(mrow2);
-                    mrow.appendChild(msub);
+                if (bvars.length) {
+                  CToP.appendToken(mrow1, "mo", "=");
-                parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-            }
-        },
-        ident: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            CToP.appendToken(parentNode, "mi", "id")
-        },
-        domainofapplication: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var merror = CToP.createElement('merror');
-            CToP.appendToken(merror, 'mtext', 'unexpected domainofapplication');
-            parentNode.appendChild(merror);
-        },
-        share: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mi = CToP.createElement('mi');
-            mi.setAttribute('href', contentMMLNode.getAttribute('href'));
-            CToP.setTextContent(mi, "Share " + contentMMLNode.getAttribute('href'));
-            parentNode.appendChild(mi);
-        },
-        cerror: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var merror = CToP.createElement('merror');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(merror, children[i], 0);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(merror);
-        },
-        semantics: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+                CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i])[0], 0);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          munderover.appendChild(mrow1);
+          var mjrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+            if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'uplimit' || qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval') {
+              children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+              for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
+                CToP.applyTransform(mjrow, children[j], 0);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          munderover.appendChild(mjrow);
+          mrow.appendChild(munderover);
+          for (i = 0, num_args = args.length; i < num_args; i++) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], precedence);
+          }
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+        }
+      },
+      /* Transform something which binds a variable, e.g. forall or lambda
+       *
+       * (function factory)
+       */
+      bind: function (name, argSeparator, conditionSeparator) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          var children, i, j, l, num_qualifiers, num_children;
+          if (name) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', name);
+          }
+          for (j = 0, l = bvars.length; j < l; j++) {
+            var bvar = bvars[j];
+            if (j > 0) {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ',');
+            }
+            children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
             if (children.length) {
-                var z = children[0];
-                for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    if (children[i].nodeName === 'annotation-xml' && children[i].getAttribute('encoding') === 'MathML-Presentation') {
-                        z = children[i];
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, z, 0);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        "annotation-xml": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
-            for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[i], 0);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[0], 0);
+            }
+          }
+          var conditions_mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          var conditions = false;
+          for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+            if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'condition') {
+              conditions = true;
+              children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+              for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
+                CToP.applyTransform(conditions_mrow, children[j], 0);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (conditions) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', conditionSeparator);
+          }
+          mrow.appendChild(conditions_mrow);
+          for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+            if (qualifiers[i].nodeName != 'condition') {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2208');
+              children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+              for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
+                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[j], 0);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (args.length && (bvars.length || children.length)) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', argSeparator);
+          }
+          for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
+          }
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-    };
-    CToP.tokens.reln = CToP.tokens.bind = CToP.tokens.apply;
-    CToP.contentDictionaries = {
-        "setname1": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var sets = {
-                C: '\u2102',
-                N: '\u2115',
-                P: '\u2119',
-                Q: '\u211A',
-                R: '\u211D',
-                Z: '\u2124'
-            }
-            var name = CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode);
-            CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', sets[name]);
-        },
-        aritherror: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
-            var name = CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode);
-            CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', name + ':');
+      },
+      /** Transform a function application
+       *
+       * i.e. something which ends up looking like `f(x,y,z)`, where `f` is a string
+       *
+       * (function factory)
+       */
+      fn: function (name) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          if (firstArg.childNodes.length) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, firstArg, 1);
+          } else {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mi', name);
+          }
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
+          mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-    }
-    /* Functions to transform function/operation application tokens
-     */
-    CToP.applyTokens = {
-        rem: CToP.transforms.binary('mod', 3),
-        divide: CToP.transforms.binary('/', 3),
-        remainder: CToP.transforms.binary('mod', 3),
-        implies: CToP.transforms.binary('\u21D2', 3),
-        factorof: CToP.transforms.binary('|', 3),
-        "in": CToP.transforms.binary('\u2208', 3),
-        notin: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2209', 3),
-        notsubset: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2288', 2),
-        notprsubset: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2284', 2),
-        setdiff: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2216', 2),
-        eq: CToP.transforms.infix('=', 1),
-        compose: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2218', 0),
-        "left_compose": CToP.transforms.infix('\u2218', 1),
-        xor: CToP.transforms.infix('xor', 3),
-        neq: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2260', 1),
-        gt: CToP.transforms.infix('>', 1),
-        lt: CToP.transforms.infix('<', 1),
-        geq: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2265', 1),
-        leq: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2264', 1),
-        equivalent: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2261', 1),
-        approx: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2248', 1),
-        subset: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2286', 2),
-        prsubset: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2282', 2),
-        cartesianproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('\u00D7', 2),
-        "cartesian_product": CToP.transforms.infix('\u00D7', 2),
-        vectorproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('\u00D7', 2),
-        scalarproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('.', 2),
-        outerproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2297', 2),
-        sum: CToP.transforms.iteration('\u2211', '='),
-        product: CToP.transforms.iteration('\u220F', '='),
-        forall: CToP.transforms.bind('\u2200', '.', ','),
-        exists: CToP.transforms.bind('\u2203', '.', ','),
-        lambda: CToP.transforms.bind('\u03BB', '.', ','),
-        limit: CToP.transforms.iteration('lim', '\u2192'),
-        sdev: CToP.transforms.fn('\u03c3'),
-        determinant: CToP.transforms.fn('det'),
-        max: CToP.transforms.minmax('max'),
-        min: CToP.transforms.minmax('min'),
-        real: CToP.transforms.fn('\u211b'),
-        imaginary: CToP.transforms.fn('\u2111'),
-        set: CToP.transforms.set('{', '}'),
-        list: CToP.transforms.set('(', ')'),
-        exp: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mi', 'e');
-            CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[0], 0);
-            parentNode.appendChild(msup);
-        },
-        union: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (bvars.length) {
-                CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22C3', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            } else {
-                CToP.transforms.infix('\u222A', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            }
-        },
-        intersect: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (bvars.length) {
-                CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22C2', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            } else {
-                var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                var needsBrackets = precedence > 2;
-                if (needsBrackets) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-                }
-                for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
-                    var argBrackets = false;
-                    if (j > 0) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2229');
-                        if (args[j].nodeName === 'apply') {
-                            var child = CToP.getChildren(args[j])[0];
-                            argBrackets = child.nodeName === 'union';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (argBrackets) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-                    }
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[j], 2);
-                    if (argBrackets) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-                    }
-                }
-                if (needsBrackets) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-                }
-                parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-            }
-        },
-        floor: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230a');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230b');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        conjugate: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mover = CToP.createElement('mover');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mover, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(mover, 'mo', '\u00af');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mover);
-        },
-        abs: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        and: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
-                CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22c0', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 4);
-            } else {
-                CToP.transforms.infix('\u2227', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            }
-        },
-        or: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
-                CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22c1', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 4);
-            } else {
-                CToP.transforms.infix('\u2228', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            }
-        },
-        xor: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
-                CToP.transforms.iteration('xor', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 4);
-            } else {
-                CToP.transforms.infix('xor', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-            }
-        },
-        card: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        mean: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (args.length === 1) {
-                var mover = CToP.createElement('mover');
-                CToP.applyTransform(mover, args[0], 0);
-                CToP.appendToken(mover, 'mo', '\u00af');
-                parentNode.appendChild(mover);
-            } else {
-                parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '\u27e8', '\u27e9'));
-            }
-        },
-        moment: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var degree, momentabout, children, i, j, l;
+      },
+      /** Transform a min/max operation
+       *
+       * (function factory)
+       */
+      minmax: function (name) {
+        return function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mi', name);
+          var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', '{');
+          for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+            if (i > 0) {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', ',');
+            }
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, args[i], 0);
+          }
+          if (qualifiers.length) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', '|');
             for (i = 0, l = qualifiers.length; i < l; i++) {
-                if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'degree') {
-                    degree = qualifiers[i];
-                } else if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'momentabout') {
-                    momentabout = qualifiers[i];
-                }
-            }
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u27e8');
-            var argrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            if (args.length > 1) {
-                argrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-            } else {
-                CToP.applyTransform(argrow, args[0], 0);
-            }
-            if (degree) {
-                var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                msup.appendChild(argrow);
-                children = CToP.getChildren(degree);
-                for (j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(msup, children[j], 0);
-                }
-                mrow.appendChild(msup);
-            } else {
-                mrow.appendChild(argrow);
-            }
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u27e9');
-            if (momentabout) {
-                var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-                msub.appendChild(mrow);
-                children = CToP.getChildren(momentabout);
-                for (j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(msub, children[j], 0);
-                }
-                parentNode.appendChild(msub);
-            } else {
-                parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-            }
-        },
-        variance: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u03c3');
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', '2');
-            mrow.appendChild(msup);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
-            mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        grad: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2207');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
-            mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        laplacian: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2207');
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', '2');
-            mrow.appendChild(msup);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
-            mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        curl: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2207');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u00d7');
-            var needsBrackets = args[0].nodeName === 'apply';
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-            }
-            else {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], precedence);
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        divergence: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2207');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u22c5');
-            var needsBrackets = args[0].nodeName === 'apply';
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
-            }
-            else {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], precedence);
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, qualifiers[i], 0);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        not: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+          }
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', '}');
+          mrow.appendChild(mrow2);
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Functions to transform variable/atom tokens
+   */
+  CToP.tokens = {
+    ci: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      if (contentMMLNode.childNodes.length === 1 && contentMMLNode.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3) {
+        var mi = CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode));
+        var type = contentMMLNode.getAttribute('type');
+        if (type in CToP.settings.cistyles) {
+          mi.setAttribute('mathvariant', CToP.settings.cistyles[type]);
+        }
+      } else {
+        CToP.transforms.token('mi')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence);
+      }
+    },
+    cs: CToP.transforms.token('ms'),
+    csymbol: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var cd = contentMMLNode.getAttribute('cd');
+      if (cd && CToP.contentDictionaries[cd]) {
+        CToP.contentDictionaries[cd](parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence);
+      } else if (CToP.settings.symbols[name]) {
+        CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', CToP.settings.symbols[name]);
+      } else {
+, contentMMLNode);
+      }
+    },
+    fn: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      CToP.applyTransform(parentNode, CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode)[0], precedence);
+    },
+    naturalnumbers: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2115'),
+    integers: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2124'),
+    reals: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u211D'),
+    rationals: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u211A'),
+    complexes: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2102'),
+    primes: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2119'),
+    exponentiale: CToP.transforms.identifier('e'),
+    imaginaryi: CToP.transforms.identifier('i'),
+    notanumber: CToP.transforms.identifier('NaN'),
+    eulergamma: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u03B3'),
+    gamma: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u0263'),
+    pi: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u03C0'),
+    infinity: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u221E'),
+    emptyset: CToP.transforms.identifier('\u2205'),
+    "true": CToP.transforms.identifier('true'),
+    "false": CToP.transforms.identifier('false'),
+    set: CToP.transforms.set('{', '}'),
+    list: CToP.transforms.set('(', ')'),
+    interval: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var closure = contentMMLNode.getAttribute('closure');
+      var open, close;
+      switch (closure) {
+        case 'open':
+          open = '(';
+          close = ')';
+          break;
+        case 'open-closed':
+          open = '(';
+          close = ']';
+          break;
+        case 'closed-open':
+          open = '[';
+          close = ')';
+          break;
+        case 'closed':
+        default:
+          open = '[';
+          close = ']';
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode), open, close));
+    },
+    apply: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      var firstArg = children.args[0];
+      var args = children.args.slice(1), bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
+      if (firstArg) {
+        var name = firstArg.nodeName;
+        name = (name === "csymbol") ? CToP.getTextContent(firstArg).toLowerCase() : name;
+        if (CToP.applyTokens[name]) {
+          CToP.applyTokens[name](parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+        } else {
+          CToP.transforms.fn(name)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+        }
+      } else {
+        parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createElement('mrow'));
+      }
+    },
+    cn: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var type = contentMMLNode.getAttribute("type");
+      var base = contentMMLNode.getAttribute("base");
+      if (type || base) {
+        if (base) {
+          type = 'based-integer';
+        }
+        switch (type) {
+          case 'integer':
+          case 'real':
+          case 'double':
+          case 'constant':
+            CToP.transforms.token('mn')(parentNode, contentMMLNode);
+            break;
+          case 'hexdouble':
+            CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mn', '0x' + CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode));
+            break;
+          default:
+            var apply = CToP.createElement('apply');
             var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u00ac');
-            var needsBrackets = args[0].nodeName === 'apply' || args[0].nodeName === 'bind';
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-            }
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], precedence);
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+            var c = CToP.createElement(type);
+            apply.appendChild(c);
+            if (base) {
+              CToP.appendToken(apply, 'mn', base);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow)
-        },
-        divide: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[1], 0);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mfrac);
-        },
-        tendsto: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var type;
-            if (firstArg.nodeName === 'tendsto') {
-                type = firstArg.getAttribute('type');
-            } else {
-                type = CToP.getTextContent(args[0]);
-                args = args.slice(1);
-            }
-            var name = (type === 'above') ? '\u2198' :
-                (type === 'below') ? '\u2197' : '\u2192';
-            CToP.transforms.binary(name, 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
-        },
-        minus: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var tokenPrecedence = args.length === 1 ? 5 : 2;
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var needsBrackets = tokenPrecedence < precedence;
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+            for (var j = 0, l = contentMMLNode.childNodes.length; j < l; j++) {
+              if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeType === 3) {
+                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'cn', CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode.childNodes[j]));
+              } else if (contentMMLNode.childNodes[j].nodeName === 'sep') {
+                apply.appendChild(mrow);
+                mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+              } else {
+                mrow.appendChild(CToP.cloneNode(contentMMLNode.childNodes[j], true));
+              }
-            if (args.length === 1) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '-');
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], tokenPrecedence);
+            apply.appendChild(mrow);
+            CToP.applyTransform(parentNode, apply, 0);
+        }
+      } else {
+        CToP.transforms.token('mn')(parentNode, contentMMLNode);
+      }
+    },
+    vector: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+      var mtable = CToP.createElement('mtable');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
+        var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
+        CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[i], 0);
+        mtr.appendChild(mtd);
+        mtable.appendChild(mtr);
+      }
+      mrow.appendChild(mtable);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    piecewise: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '{');
+      var mtable = CToP.createElement('mtable');
+      mrow.appendChild(mtable);
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mtable, children[i], 0);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    piece: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
+        mtr.appendChild(mtd);
+        CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[i], 0);
+        if (i === 0) {
+          mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
+          CToP.appendToken(mtd, "mtext", "\u00A0if\u00A0");
+          mtr.appendChild(mtd);
+        }
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mtr);
+    },
+    otherwise: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      if (children.length) {
+        var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
+        mtr.appendChild(mtd);
+        CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[0], 0);
+        mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
+        mtd.setAttribute('columnspan', '2');
+        CToP.appendToken(mtd, "mtext", "\u00A0otherwise");
+        mtr.appendChild(mtd);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mtr);
+    },
+    matrix: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      var args = children.args, bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
+      if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
+        var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, "mo", "[");
+        var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+        CToP.appendToken(msub, 'mi', 'm');
+        var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        for (var i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
+          if (i != 0) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', ',');
+          }
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, bvars[i].childNodes[0], 0);
+        }
+        msub.appendChild(mrow2);
+        mrow.appendChild(msub);
+        var msub2 = CToP.cloneNode(msub, true);
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
+        mrow.appendChild(msub2);
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '=');
+        for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+          if (i != 0) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ',');
+          }
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
+        }
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ';');
+        for (i = 0, l = qualifiers.length; i < l; i++) {
+          if (i != 0) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ',');
+          }
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, qualifiers[i], 0);
+        }
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ']');
+        parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+      } else {
+        var mfenced = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
+        var mtable = CToP.createElement('mtable');
+        for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+          CToP.applyTransform(mtable, args[i], 0);
+        }
+        mfenced.appendChild(mtable);
+        parentNode.appendChild(mfenced);
+      }
+    },
+    matrixrow: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mtr = CToP.createElement('mtr');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var mtd = CToP.createElement('mtd');
+        CToP.applyTransform(mtd, children[i], 0);
+        mtr.appendChild(mtd);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mtr);
+    },
+    condition: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[i], 0);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    lambda: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var firstArg = CToP.createElement('lambda');
+      var children = CToP.classifyChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      var args = children.args, bvars = children.bvars, qualifiers = children.qualifiers;
+      var i, l, num_qualifiers;
+      if (bvars.length) {
+        CToP.applyTokens.lambda(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      } else {
+        var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
+        }
+        if (qualifiers.length) {
+          var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+          CToP.appendToken(msub, 'mo', '|');
+          var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+            children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+            for (var j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, children[j], 0);
+            }
+          }
+          msub.appendChild(mrow2);
+          mrow.appendChild(msub);
+        }
+        parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+      }
+    },
+    ident: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      CToP.appendToken(parentNode, "mi", "id")
+    },
+    domainofapplication: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var merror = CToP.createElement('merror');
+      CToP.appendToken(merror, 'mtext', 'unexpected domainofapplication');
+      parentNode.appendChild(merror);
+    },
+    share: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mi = CToP.createElement('mi');
+      mi.setAttribute('href', contentMMLNode.getAttribute('href'));
+      CToP.setTextContent(mi, "Share " + contentMMLNode.getAttribute('href'));
+      parentNode.appendChild(mi);
+    },
+    cerror: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var merror = CToP.createElement('merror');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(merror, children[i], 0);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(merror);
+    },
+    semantics: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      if (children.length) {
+        var z = children[0];
+        for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+          if (children[i].nodeName === 'annotation-xml' && children[i].getAttribute('encoding') === 'MathML-Presentation') {
+            z = children[i];
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, z, 0);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    "annotation-xml": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var children = CToP.getChildren(contentMMLNode);
+      for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[i], 0);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    }
+  };
+  CToP.tokens.reln = CToP.tokens.bind = CToP.tokens.apply;
+  CToP.contentDictionaries = {
+    "setname1": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var sets = {
+        C: '\u2102',
+        N: '\u2115',
+        P: '\u2119',
+        Q: '\u211A',
+        R: '\u211D',
+        Z: '\u2124'
+      }
+      var name = CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode);
+      CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', sets[name]);
+    },
+    aritherror: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, precedence) {
+      var name = CToP.getTextContent(contentMMLNode);
+      CToP.appendToken(parentNode, 'mi', name + ':');
+    }
+  }
+  /* Functions to transform function/operation application tokens
+   */
+  CToP.applyTokens = {
+    rem: CToP.transforms.binary('mod', 3),
+    divide: CToP.transforms.binary('/', 3),
+    remainder: CToP.transforms.binary('mod', 3),
+    implies: CToP.transforms.binary('\u21D2', 3),
+    factorof: CToP.transforms.binary('|', 3),
+    "in": CToP.transforms.binary('\u2208', 3),
+    notin: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2209', 3),
+    notsubset: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2288', 2),
+    notprsubset: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2284', 2),
+    setdiff: CToP.transforms.binary('\u2216', 2),
+    eq: CToP.transforms.infix('=', 1),
+    compose: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2218', 0),
+    "left_compose": CToP.transforms.infix('\u2218', 1),
+    xor: CToP.transforms.infix('xor', 3),
+    neq: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2260', 1),
+    gt: CToP.transforms.infix('>', 1),
+    lt: CToP.transforms.infix('<', 1),
+    geq: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2265', 1),
+    leq: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2264', 1),
+    equivalent: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2261', 1),
+    approx: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2248', 1),
+    subset: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2286', 2),
+    prsubset: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2282', 2),
+    cartesianproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('\u00D7', 2),
+    "cartesian_product": CToP.transforms.infix('\u00D7', 2),
+    vectorproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('\u00D7', 2),
+    scalarproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('.', 2),
+    outerproduct: CToP.transforms.infix('\u2297', 2),
+    sum: CToP.transforms.iteration('\u2211', '='),
+    product: CToP.transforms.iteration('\u220F', '='),
+    forall: CToP.transforms.bind('\u2200', '.', ','),
+    exists: CToP.transforms.bind('\u2203', '.', ','),
+    lambda: CToP.transforms.bind('\u03BB', '.', ','),
+    limit: CToP.transforms.iteration('lim', '\u2192'),
+    sdev: CToP.transforms.fn('\u03c3'),
+    determinant: CToP.transforms.fn('det'),
+    max: CToP.transforms.minmax('max'),
+    min: CToP.transforms.minmax('min'),
+    real: CToP.transforms.fn('\u211b'),
+    imaginary: CToP.transforms.fn('\u2111'),
+    set: CToP.transforms.set('{', '}'),
+    list: CToP.transforms.set('(', ')'),
+    exp: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mi', 'e');
+      CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[0], 0);
+      parentNode.appendChild(msup);
+    },
+    union: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (bvars.length) {
+        CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22C3', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      } else {
+        CToP.transforms.infix('\u222A', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      }
+    },
+    intersect: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (bvars.length) {
+        CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22C2', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      } else {
+        var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        var needsBrackets = precedence > 2;
+        if (needsBrackets) {
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+        }
+        for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
+          var argBrackets = false;
+          if (j > 0) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2229');
+            if (args[j].nodeName === 'apply') {
+              var child = CToP.getChildren(args[j])[0];
+              argBrackets = child.nodeName === 'union';
+            }
+          }
+          if (argBrackets) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+          }
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[j], 2);
+          if (argBrackets) {
+            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+          }
+        }
+        if (needsBrackets) {
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+        }
+        parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+      }
+    },
+    floor: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230a');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230b');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    conjugate: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mover = CToP.createElement('mover');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mover, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mover, 'mo', '\u00af');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mover);
+    },
+    abs: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    and: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
+        CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22c0', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 4);
+      } else {
+        CToP.transforms.infix('\u2227', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      }
+    },
+    or: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
+        CToP.transforms.iteration('\u22c1', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 4);
+      } else {
+        CToP.transforms.infix('\u2228', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      }
+    },
+    xor: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (bvars.length || qualifiers.length) {
+        CToP.transforms.iteration('xor', '=')(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, 4);
+      } else {
+        CToP.transforms.infix('xor', 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+      }
+    },
+    card: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '|');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    mean: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (args.length === 1) {
+        var mover = CToP.createElement('mover');
+        CToP.applyTransform(mover, args[0], 0);
+        CToP.appendToken(mover, 'mo', '\u00af');
+        parentNode.appendChild(mover);
+      } else {
+        parentNode.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '\u27e8', '\u27e9'));
+      }
+    },
+    moment: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var degree, momentabout, children, i, j, l;
+      for (i = 0, l = qualifiers.length; i < l; i++) {
+        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'degree') {
+          degree = qualifiers[i];
+        } else if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'momentabout') {
+          momentabout = qualifiers[i];
+        }
+      }
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u27e8');
+      var argrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      if (args.length > 1) {
+        argrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+      } else {
+        CToP.applyTransform(argrow, args[0], 0);
+      }
+      if (degree) {
+        var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+        msup.appendChild(argrow);
+        children = CToP.getChildren(degree);
+        for (j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
+          CToP.applyTransform(msup, children[j], 0);
+        }
+        mrow.appendChild(msup);
+      } else {
+        mrow.appendChild(argrow);
+      }
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u27e9');
+      if (momentabout) {
+        var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+        msub.appendChild(mrow);
+        children = CToP.getChildren(momentabout);
+        for (j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
+          CToP.applyTransform(msub, children[j], 0);
+        }
+        parentNode.appendChild(msub);
+      } else {
+        parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+      }
+    },
+    variance: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u03c3');
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', '2');
+      mrow.appendChild(msup);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
+      mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    grad: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2207');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
+      mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    laplacian: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2207');
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', '2');
+      mrow.appendChild(msup);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2061');
+      mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    curl: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2207');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u00d7');
+      var needsBrackets = args[0].nodeName === 'apply';
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+      }
+      else {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], precedence);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    divergence: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2207');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u22c5');
+      var needsBrackets = args[0].nodeName === 'apply';
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        mrow.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(args, '(', ')'));
+      }
+      else {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], precedence);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    not: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u00ac');
+      var needsBrackets = args[0].nodeName === 'apply' || args[0].nodeName === 'bind';
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+      }
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], precedence);
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow)
+    },
+    divide: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[1], 0);
+      parentNode.appendChild(mfrac);
+    },
+    tendsto: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var type;
+      if (firstArg.nodeName === 'tendsto') {
+        type = firstArg.getAttribute('type');
+      } else {
+        type = CToP.getTextContent(args[0]);
+        args = args.slice(1);
+      }
+      var name = (type === 'above') ? '\u2198' :
+          (type === 'below') ? '\u2197' : '\u2192';
+      CToP.transforms.binary(name, 2)(parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence);
+    },
+    minus: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var tokenPrecedence = args.length === 1 ? 5 : 2;
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var needsBrackets = tokenPrecedence < precedence;
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+      }
+      if (args.length === 1) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '-');
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], tokenPrecedence);
+      } else {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], tokenPrecedence);
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '-');
+        var bracketArg;
+        if (args[1].nodeName === 'apply') {
+          var argOp = CToP.getChildren(args[1])[0];
+          bracketArg = argOp.nodeName === 'plus' || argOp.nodeName === 'minus';
+        }
+        if (bracketArg) {
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+        }
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], tokenPrecedence);
+        if (bracketArg) {
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+        }
+      }
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    "complex-cartesian": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '+');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2062');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mi', 'i');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    "complex-polar": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2062');
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mi', 'e');
+      var exponent = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.applyTransform(exponent, args[1], 0);
+      CToP.appendToken(exponent, 'mo', '\u2062');
+      CToP.appendToken(exponent, 'mi', 'i');
+      msup.appendChild(exponent);
+      mrow.appendChild(msup);
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    integer: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      CToP.applyTransform(parentNode, args[0], 0);
+    },
+    "based-integer": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+      CToP.applyTransform(msub, args[1], 0);
+      CToP.applyTransform(msub, args[0], 0);
+      parentNode.appendChild(msub);
+    },
+    rational: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[0], 0);
+      CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[1], 0);
+      parentNode.appendChild(mfrac);
+    },
+    times: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var needsBrackets = precedence > 3;
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+      }
+      for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
+        if (j > 0) {
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', (args[j].nodeName === 'cn') ? "\u00D7" : "\u2062");
+        }
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[j], 3);
+      }
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    plus: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var needsBrackets = precedence > 2;
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
+      }
+      for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
+        var arg = args[j];
+        var children = CToP.getChildren(arg);
+        if (j > 0) {
+          var n;
+          if (CToP.settings.collapsePlusMinus) {
+            if (arg.nodeName === 'cn' && !(children.length) && (n = Number(CToP.getTextContent(arg))) < 0) {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2212');
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mn', -n);
+            } else if (arg.nodeName === 'apply' && children.length === 2 && children[0].nodeName === 'minus') {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2212');
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[1], 2);
+            } else if (arg.nodeName === 'apply' && children.length > 2 && children[0].nodeName === 'times' && children[1].nodeName === 'cn' && ( n = Number(CToP.getTextContent(children[1])) < 0)) {
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2212');
+              CToP.getTextContent(children[1]) = -n;// fix me: modifying document
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
             } else {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], tokenPrecedence);
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '-');
-                var bracketArg;
-                if (args[1].nodeName === 'apply') {
-                    var argOp = CToP.getChildren(args[1])[0];
-                    bracketArg = argOp.nodeName === 'plus' || argOp.nodeName === 'minus';
-                }
-                if (bracketArg) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-                }
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], tokenPrecedence);
-                if (bracketArg) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-                }
-            }
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+              CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '+');
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        "complex-cartesian": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+          } else {
             CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '+');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2062');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mi', 'i');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
+          }
+        } else {
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
+        }
+      }
+      if (needsBrackets) {
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    transpose: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[0], precedence);
+      CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mi', 'T');
+      parentNode.appendChild(msup);
+    },
+    power: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[0], 3);
+      CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[1], precedence);
+      parentNode.appendChild(msup);
+    },
+    selector: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+      var mrow = args ? args[0] : CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.applyTransform(msub, mrow, 0);
+      var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      for (var i = 1, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+        if (i != 1) {
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', ',');
+        }
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, args[i], 0);
+      }
+      msub.appendChild(mrow2);
+      parentNode.appendChild(msub);
+    },
+    log: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var mi = CToP.createElement('mi');
+      CToP.setTextContent(mi, 'log');
+      if (qualifiers.length && qualifiers[0].nodeName === 'logbase') {
+        var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+        msub.appendChild(mi);
+        CToP.applyTransform(msub, CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[0])[0], 0);
+        mrow.appendChild(msub);
+      } else {
+        mrow.appendChild(mi);
+      }
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 7);
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    "int": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var mo = CToP.createElement('mo');
+      CToP.setTextContent(mo, '\u222B');
+      var msubsup = CToP.createElement('msubsup');
+      msubsup.appendChild(mo);
+      var mrow1 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var children, i, j, l, num_qualifiers, num_children;
+      for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'lowlimit' ||
+            qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'condition' ||
+            qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'domainofapplication') {
+          children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+          for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[j], 0);
+          }
+        } else {
+          children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+          if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval' && children.length === 2) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[0], 0);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      msubsup.appendChild(mrow1);
+      var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
+        if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'uplimit') {
+          children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+          for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, children[j], 0);
+          }
+          break;
+        } else if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval') {
+          children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, children[children.length - 1], 0);
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      msubsup.appendChild(mrow2);
+      mrow.appendChild(msubsup);
+      for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
+      }
+      for (i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
+        var bvar = bvars[i];
+        children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
+        if (children.length) {
+          var mrow3 = CToP.createElement("mrow");
+          CToP.appendToken(mrow3, 'mi', 'd');
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow3, children[0], 0);
+          mrow.appendChild(mrow3);
+        }
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    inverse: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+      var arg = (args.length) ? args[0] : CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.applyTransform(msup, arg, precedence);
+      var mfenced = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
+      CToP.appendToken(mfenced, 'mn', '-1');
+      msup.appendChild(mfenced);
+      parentNode.appendChild(msup);
+    },
+    quotient: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230A');
+      if (args.length) {
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '/');
+        if (args.length > 1) {
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], 0);
+        }
+      }
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230B');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    factorial: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 4);
+      CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '!');
+      parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+    },
+    root: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var mr;
+      if (firstArg.nodeName === 'root' && (qualifiers.length === 0 || (qualifiers[0].nodeName === 'degree' && CToP.getTextContent(qualifiers[0]) === '2'))) {
+        mr = CToP.createElement('msqrt');
+        for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+          CToP.applyTransform(mr, args[i], 0);
+        }
+      } else {
+        mr = CToP.createElement('mroot');
+        CToP.applyTransform(mr, args[0], 0);
+        var arg = (firstArg.nodeName === 'root') ? qualifiers[0].childNodes[0] : args[1];
+        CToP.applyTransform(mr, arg, 0);
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(mr);
+    },
+    diff: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      if (bvars.length) {	// d/dx form
+        var outNode;
+        var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
+        var toprow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        var bottomrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        mfrac.appendChild(toprow);
+        mfrac.appendChild(bottomrow);
+        var bvar, degreeNode, msup, mrow;
+        var d = CToP.createElement('mi');
+        CToP.setTextContent(d, 'd');
+        var children = CToP.getChildren(bvars[0]);
+        for (var j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
+          if (children[j].nodeName === 'degree') {
+            var childNode = CToP.getChildren(children[j])[0];
+            if (CToP.getTextContent(childNode) != '1') {
+              degreeNode = childNode;
+              msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+              msup.appendChild(d);
+              d = msup;
+              CToP.applyTransform(d, degreeNode, 0);
+            }
+          } else {
+            bvar = children[j];
+          }
+        }
+        toprow.appendChild(d);
+        if (args.length) {
+          switch (args[0].nodeName) {
+            case 'apply':
+            case 'bind':
+            case 'reln':
+              mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+              mrow.appendChild(mfrac);
+              CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 3);
+              outNode = mrow;
+              break;
+            default:
+              CToP.applyTransform(toprow, args[0], 0);
+              outNode = mfrac;
+          }
+        }
-        "complex-polar": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2062');
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mi', 'e');
-            var exponent = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.applyTransform(exponent, args[1], 0);
-            CToP.appendToken(exponent, 'mo', '\u2062');
-            CToP.appendToken(exponent, 'mi', 'i');
-            msup.appendChild(exponent);
-            mrow.appendChild(msup);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        integer: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            CToP.applyTransform(parentNode, args[0], 0);
-        },
-        "based-integer": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-            CToP.applyTransform(msub, args[1], 0);
-            CToP.applyTransform(msub, args[0], 0);
-            parentNode.appendChild(msub);
-        },
-        rational: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[0], 0);
-            CToP.applyTransform(mfrac, args[1], 0);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mfrac);
-        },
-        times: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var needsBrackets = precedence > 3;
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-            }
-            for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
-                if (j > 0) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', (args[j].nodeName === 'cn') ? "\u00D7" : "\u2062");
-                }
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[j], 3);
-            }
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
+        CToP.appendToken(bottomrow, 'mi', 'd');
-        plus: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var needsBrackets = precedence > 2;
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '(');
-            }
-            for (var j = 0, l = args.length; j < l; j++) {
-                var arg = args[j];
-                var children = CToP.getChildren(arg);
-                if (j > 0) {
-                    var n;
-                    if (CToP.settings.collapsePlusMinus) {
-                        if (arg.nodeName === 'cn' && !(children.length) && (n = Number(CToP.getTextContent(arg))) < 0) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2212');
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mn', -n);
-                        } else if (arg.nodeName === 'apply' && children.length === 2 && children[0].nodeName === 'minus') {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2212');
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, children[1], 2);
-                        } else if (arg.nodeName === 'apply' && children.length > 2 && children[0].nodeName === 'times' && children[1].nodeName === 'cn' && ( n = Number(CToP.getTextContent(children[1])) < 0)) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u2212');
-                            CToP.getTextContent(children[1]) = -n;// fix me: modifying document
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
-                        } else {
-                            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '+');
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '+');
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, arg, 2);
-                }
-            }
-            if (needsBrackets) {
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', ')');
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        transpose: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[0], precedence);
-            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mi', 'T');
-            parentNode.appendChild(msup);
-        },
-        power: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[0], 3);
-            CToP.applyTransform(msup, args[1], precedence);
-            parentNode.appendChild(msup);
-        },
-        selector: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-            var mrow = args ? args[0] : CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.applyTransform(msub, mrow, 0);
-            var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            for (var i = 1, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                if (i != 1) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow2, 'mo', ',');
-                }
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, args[i], 0);
-            }
-            msub.appendChild(mrow2);
-            parentNode.appendChild(msub);
-        },
+        if (degreeNode) {
+          var msup2 = CToP.createElement('msup');
+          CToP.applyTransform(msup2, bvar, 0);
+          CToP.applyTransform(msup2, degreeNode, 0);
+          bottomrow.appendChild(msup2);
+        } else {
+          CToP.applyTransform(bottomrow, bvar, 0);
+        }
-        log: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var mi = CToP.createElement('mi');
-            CToP.setTextContent(mi, 'log');
-            if (qualifiers.length && qualifiers[0].nodeName === 'logbase') {
-                var msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-                msub.appendChild(mi);
-                CToP.applyTransform(msub, CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[0])[0], 0);
-                mrow.appendChild(msub);
-            } else {
-                mrow.appendChild(mi);
-            }
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 7);
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        "int": function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var mo = CToP.createElement('mo');
-            CToP.setTextContent(mo, '\u222B');
-            var msubsup = CToP.createElement('msubsup');
-            msubsup.appendChild(mo);
-            var mrow1 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var children, i, j, l, num_qualifiers, num_children;
-            for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'lowlimit' ||
-                    qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'condition' ||
-                    qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'domainofapplication') {
-                    children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                    for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[j], 0);
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                    if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval' && children.length === 2) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow1, children[0], 0);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            msubsup.appendChild(mrow1);
-            var mrow2 = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            for (i = 0, num_qualifiers = qualifiers.length; i < num_qualifiers; i++) {
-                if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'uplimit') {
-                    children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                    for (j = 0, num_children = children.length; j < num_children; j++) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, children[j], 0);
+        parentNode.appendChild(outNode);
+      } else {	// f' form
+        msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+        mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        msup.appendChild(mrow);
+        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
+        CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2032'); // tick
+        parentNode.appendChild(msup);
+      }
+    },
+    partialdiff: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
+      var msup, msub, mrow;
+      var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
+      var toprow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      var bottomrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+      mfrac.appendChild(toprow);
+      mfrac.appendChild(bottomrow);
+      var differendNode, degree, children;
+      if (bvars.length === 0 && args.length === 2 && args[0].nodeName === 'list') {
+        if (args[1].nodeName === 'lambda') {	// `d^(n+m)/(dx^n dy^m) f` form, through a lambda
+          degree = CToP.getChildren(args[0]).length;
+          if (degree != 1) {
+            msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2202');	// curly d
+            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', degree);
+            toprow.appendChild(msup);
+          } else {
+            CToP.appendToken(toprow, 'mo', '\u2202');
+          }
+          children = CToP.getChildren(args[1]);
+          differendNode = children[children.length - 1];	// thing being differentiated
+          var bvarNames = [];
+          var lambdaChildren = CToP.getChildren(args[1]);	// names of bound variables
+          var lambdaSequence = CToP.getChildren(args[0]);	// indices of bound variable names, in order
+          for (var i = 0, l = lambdaChildren.length; i < l; i++) {
+            if (lambdaChildren[i].nodeName === 'bvar') {
+              bvarNames.push(CToP.getChildren(lambdaChildren[i])[0]);
+            }
+          }
+          var lastN = null;
+          degree = 0;
+          function addDiff(n, degree) {
+            CToP.appendToken(bottomrow, 'mo', '\u2202');
+            var bvar = bvarNames[n];
+            if (degree > 1) {
+              var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+              CToP.applyTransform(msup, bvar, 0);
+              CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', degree);
+              bottomrow.appendChild(msup);
+            } else {
+              CToP.applyTransform(bottomrow, bvar, 0);
+            }
+          }
+          for (i = 0, l = lambdaSequence.length; i < l; i++) {
+            var n = Number(CToP.getTextContent(lambdaSequence[i])) - 1;
+            if (lastN !== null && n != lastN) {
+              addDiff(lastN, degree);
+              degree = 0;
+            }
+            lastN = n;
+            degree += 1;
+          }
+          if (lastN) {
+            addDiff(lastN, degree);
+          }
+        } else {	// `D_i_j f` form
+          mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+          msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
+          CToP.appendToken(msub, 'mi', 'D');
+          var bvar = CToP.getChildren(args[0]);
+          msub.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(bvar, '', ''));
+          mrow.appendChild(msub);
+          CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], 0);
+          parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
+          return;
+        }
+      } else {	// `d^(n+m)/(dx^n dy^m) f` form, with bvars
+        msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
+        toprow.appendChild(msup);
+        CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2202');
+        var degreeRow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+        msup.appendChild(degreeRow);
+        var qualifier;
+        if (qualifiers.length && qualifiers[0].nodeName === 'degree' && CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[0]).length) {
+          qualifier = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[0])[0];
+          CToP.applyTransform(degreeRow, qualifier, 0);
+        } else {
+          degree = 0;
+          var hadFirst = false;
+          for (i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
+            children = CToP.getChildren(bvars[i]);
+            if (children.length === 2) {
+              for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+                if (children[j].nodeName === 'degree') {
+                  if (/^\s*\d+\s*$/.test(CToP.getTextContent(children[j]))) {
+                    degree += Number(CToP.getTextContent(children[j]));
+                  } else {
+                    if (hadFirst) {
+                      CToP.appendToken(degreeRow, 'mo', '+');
-                    break;
-                } else if (qualifiers[i].nodeName === 'interval') {
-                    children = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[i]);
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow2, children[children.length - 1], 0);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            msubsup.appendChild(mrow2);
-            mrow.appendChild(msubsup);
-            for (i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[i], 0);
-            }
-            for (i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
-                var bvar = bvars[i];
-                children = CToP.getChildren(bvar);
-                if (children.length) {
-                    var mrow3 = CToP.createElement("mrow");
-                    CToP.appendToken(mrow3, 'mi', 'd');
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow3, children[0], 0);
-                    mrow.appendChild(mrow3);
-                }
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        inverse: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-            var arg = (args.length) ? args[0] : CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.applyTransform(msup, arg, precedence);
-            var mfenced = CToP.createElement('mfenced');
-            CToP.appendToken(mfenced, 'mn', '-1');
-            msup.appendChild(mfenced);
-            parentNode.appendChild(msup);
-        },
-        quotient: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230A');
-            if (args.length) {
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
-                CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '/');
-                if (args.length > 1) {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], 0);
-                }
-            }
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '\u230B');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        factorial: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 4);
-            CToP.appendToken(mrow, 'mo', '!');
-            parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-        },
-        root: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var mr;
-            if (firstArg.nodeName === 'root' && (qualifiers.length === 0 || (qualifiers[0].nodeName === 'degree' && CToP.getTextContent(qualifiers[0]) === '2'))) {
-                mr = CToP.createElement('msqrt');
-                for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mr, args[i], 0);
+                    hadFirst = true;
+                    CToP.applyTransform(degreeRow, CToP.getChildren(children[j])[0], 0);
+                  }
+              }
             } else {
-                mr = CToP.createElement('mroot');
-                CToP.applyTransform(mr, args[0], 0);
-                var arg = (firstArg.nodeName === 'root') ? qualifiers[0].childNodes[0] : args[1];
-                CToP.applyTransform(mr, arg, 0);
+              degree++;
-            parentNode.appendChild(mr);
-        },
-        diff: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            if (bvars.length) {	// d/dx form
-                var outNode;
-                var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
-                var toprow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                var bottomrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                mfrac.appendChild(toprow);
-                mfrac.appendChild(bottomrow);
-                var bvar, degreeNode, msup, mrow;
-                var d = CToP.createElement('mi');
-                CToP.setTextContent(d, 'd');
-                var children = CToP.getChildren(bvars[0]);
-                for (var j = 0, l = children.length; j < l; j++) {
-                    if (children[j].nodeName === 'degree') {
-                        var childNode = CToP.getChildren(children[j])[0];
-                        if (CToP.getTextContent(childNode) != '1') {
-                            degreeNode = childNode;
-                            msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                            msup.appendChild(d);
-                            d = msup;
-                            CToP.applyTransform(d, degreeNode, 0);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        bvar = children[j];
-                    }
-                }
-                toprow.appendChild(d);
-                if (args.length) {
-                    switch (args[0].nodeName) {
-                        case 'apply':
-                        case 'bind':
-                        case 'reln':
-                            mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                            mrow.appendChild(mfrac);
-                            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 3);
-                            outNode = mrow;
-                            break;
-                        default:
-                            CToP.applyTransform(toprow, args[0], 0);
-                            outNode = mfrac;
-                    }
-                }
-                CToP.appendToken(bottomrow, 'mi', 'd');
-                if (degreeNode) {
-                    var msup2 = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                    CToP.applyTransform(msup2, bvar, 0);
-                    CToP.applyTransform(msup2, degreeNode, 0);
-                    bottomrow.appendChild(msup2);
-                } else {
-                    CToP.applyTransform(bottomrow, bvar, 0);
-                }
-                parentNode.appendChild(outNode);
-            } else {	// f' form
-                msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                msup.appendChild(mrow);
-                CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[0], 0);
-                CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2032'); // tick
-                parentNode.appendChild(msup);
+          }
+          if (degree > 0) {
+            if (hadFirst) {
+              CToP.appendToken(degreeRow, 'mo', '+');
-        },
-        partialdiff: function (parentNode, contentMMLNode, firstArg, args, bvars, qualifiers, precedence) {
-            var msup, msub, mrow;
-            var mfrac = CToP.createElement('mfrac');
-            var toprow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            var bottomrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-            mfrac.appendChild(toprow);
-            mfrac.appendChild(bottomrow);
-            var differendNode, degree, children;
-            if (bvars.length === 0 && args.length === 2 && args[0].nodeName === 'list') {
-                if (args[1].nodeName === 'lambda') {	// `d^(n+m)/(dx^n dy^m) f` form, through a lambda
-                    degree = CToP.getChildren(args[0]).length;
-                    if (degree != 1) {
-                        msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                        CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2202');	// curly d
-                        CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', degree);
-                        toprow.appendChild(msup);
-                    } else {
-                        CToP.appendToken(toprow, 'mo', '\u2202');
-                    }
-                    children = CToP.getChildren(args[1]);
-                    differendNode = children[children.length - 1];	// thing being differentiated
-                    var bvarNames = [];
-                    var lambdaChildren = CToP.getChildren(args[1]);	// names of bound variables
-                    var lambdaSequence = CToP.getChildren(args[0]);	// indices of bound variable names, in order
-                    for (var i = 0, l = lambdaChildren.length; i < l; i++) {
-                        if (lambdaChildren[i].nodeName === 'bvar') {
-                            bvarNames.push(CToP.getChildren(lambdaChildren[i])[0]);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    var lastN = null;
-                    degree = 0;
-                    function addDiff(n, degree) {
-                        CToP.appendToken(bottomrow, 'mo', '\u2202');
-                        var bvar = bvarNames[n];
-                        if (degree > 1) {
-                            var msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                            CToP.applyTransform(msup, bvar, 0);
-                            CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mn', degree);
-                            bottomrow.appendChild(msup);
-                        } else {
-                            CToP.applyTransform(bottomrow, bvar, 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    for (i = 0, l = lambdaSequence.length; i < l; i++) {
-                        var n = Number(CToP.getTextContent(lambdaSequence[i])) - 1;
-                        if (lastN !== null && n != lastN) {
-                            addDiff(lastN, degree);
-                            degree = 0;
-                        }
-                        lastN = n;
-                        degree += 1;
-                    }
-                    if (lastN) {
-                        addDiff(lastN, degree);
-                    }
-                } else {	// `D_i_j f` form
-                    mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                    msub = CToP.createElement('msub');
-                    CToP.appendToken(msub, 'mi', 'D');
-                    var bvar = CToP.getChildren(args[0]);
-                    msub.appendChild(CToP.createmfenced(bvar, '', ''));
-                    mrow.appendChild(msub);
-                    CToP.applyTransform(mrow, args[1], 0);
-                    parentNode.appendChild(mrow);
-                    return;
-                }
-            } else {	// `d^(n+m)/(dx^n dy^m) f` form, with bvars
-                msup = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                toprow.appendChild(msup);
-                CToP.appendToken(msup, 'mo', '\u2202');
-                var degreeRow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                msup.appendChild(degreeRow);
-                var qualifier;
-                if (qualifiers.length && qualifiers[0].nodeName === 'degree' && CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[0]).length) {
-                    qualifier = CToP.getChildren(qualifiers[0])[0];
-                    CToP.applyTransform(degreeRow, qualifier, 0);
-                } else {
-                    degree = 0;
-                    var hadFirst = false;
-                    for (i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
-                        children = CToP.getChildren(bvars[i]);
-                        if (children.length === 2) {
-                            for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-                                if (children[j].nodeName === 'degree') {
-                                    if (/^\s*\d+\s*$/.test(CToP.getTextContent(children[j]))) {
-                                        degree += Number(CToP.getTextContent(children[j]));
-                                    } else {
-                                        if (hadFirst) {
-                                            CToP.appendToken(degreeRow, 'mo', '+');
-                                        }
-                                        hadFirst = true;
-                                        CToP.applyTransform(degreeRow, CToP.getChildren(children[j])[0], 0);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            degree++;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (degree > 0) {
-                        if (hadFirst) {
-                            CToP.appendToken(degreeRow, 'mo', '+');
-                        }
-                        CToP.appendToken(degreeRow, 'mn', degree);
-                    }
-                }
+            CToP.appendToken(degreeRow, 'mn', degree);
+          }
+        }
-                if (args.length) {
-                    differendNode = args[0];
-                }
+        if (args.length) {
+          differendNode = args[0];
+        }
-                for (i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
-                    CToP.appendToken(bottomrow, 'mo', '\u2202');
-                    children = CToP.getChildren(bvars[i]);
-                    if (children.length === 2) {
-                        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-                            if (children[j].nodeName === 'degree') {
-                                var msup2 = CToP.createElement('msup');
-                                CToP.applyTransform(msup2, children[1 - j], 0);
-                                var bvarDegreeNode = CToP.getChildren(children[j])[0];
-                                CToP.applyTransform(msup2, bvarDegreeNode, 0);
-                                bottomrow.appendChild(msup2);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else if (children.length === 1) {
-                        CToP.applyTransform(bottomrow, children[0], 0);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (differendNode) {
-                switch (differendNode.nodeName) {
-                    case 'apply':
-                    case 'bind':
-                    case 'reln':
-                        mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
-                        mrow.appendChild(mfrac);
-                        CToP.applyTransform(mrow, differendNode, 3);
-                        outNode = mrow;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        CToP.applyTransform(toprow, differendNode, 0);
-                        outNode = mfrac;
-                }
-            } else {
-                outNode = mfrac;
-            }
-            parentNode.appendChild(outNode);
+        for (i = 0, l = bvars.length; i < l; i++) {
+          CToP.appendToken(bottomrow, 'mo', '\u2202');
+          children = CToP.getChildren(bvars[i]);
+          if (children.length === 2) {
+            for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+              if (children[j].nodeName === 'degree') {
+                var msup2 = CToP.createElement('msup');
+                CToP.applyTransform(msup2, children[1 - j], 0);
+                var bvarDegreeNode = CToP.getChildren(children[j])[0];
+                CToP.applyTransform(msup2, bvarDegreeNode, 0);
+                bottomrow.appendChild(msup2);
+              }
+            }
+          } else if (children.length === 1) {
+            CToP.applyTransform(bottomrow, children[0], 0);
+          }
-    };
-    CToP.applyTokens.size = CToP.applyTokens.card;
+      }
+      if (differendNode) {
+        switch (differendNode.nodeName) {
+          case 'apply':
+          case 'bind':
+          case 'reln':
+            mrow = CToP.createElement('mrow');
+            mrow.appendChild(mfrac);
+            CToP.applyTransform(mrow, differendNode, 3);
+            outNode = mrow;
+            break;
+          default:
+            CToP.applyTransform(toprow, differendNode, 0);
+            outNode = mfrac;
+        }
+      } else {
+        outNode = mfrac;
+      }
+      parentNode.appendChild(outNode);
+    }
+  };
+  CToP.applyTokens.size = CToP.applyTokens.card;
-    return CToP;
+  return CToP;
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("MathML Jax Ready", function () {
-    var MATHML = MathJax.InputJax.MathML;
+  var MATHML = MathJax.InputJax.MathML;
-    var CToP = MathJax.Extension["MathML/content-mathml"];
+  var CToP = MathJax.Extension["MathML/content-mathml"];
-    MATHML.DOMfilterHooks.Add(function (data) {
-        data.math = CToP.transformElement(data.math);
-    });
+  MATHML.DOMfilterHooks.Add(function (data) {
+    data.math = CToP.transformElement(data.math);
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("MathML/content-mathml Ready");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("MathML/content-mathml Ready");

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 22 - 29

+ 295 - 295

@@ -25,324 +25,324 @@
 MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSsymbols"] = {
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-        TEXDEF = MathJax.InputJax.TeX.Definitions;
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-            // Binary relations
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-            geqq: '2267',
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-            eqslantgtr: '2A96',
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-            llless: '22D8',
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-            gggtr: '22D9',
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-            gtrless: '2277',
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-            gtreqless: '22DB',
-            lesseqqgtr: '2A8B',
-            gtreqqless: '2A8C',
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-            eqcirc: '2256',
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-            Supset: '22D1',
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-            sqsupset: '2290',
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-            blacktriangleleft: '25C2',
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-            because: '2235',
-            eqsim: '2242',
-            vartriangle: ['25B3', {variantForm: true}],
-            Join: '22C8',
+      // Binary relations
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+      geqslant: '2A7E',
+      eqslantless: '2A95',
+      eqslantgtr: '2A96',
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+      gtrsim: '2273',
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+      gtrapprox: '2A86',
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+      gtrdot: '22D7',
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+      succapprox: '2AB8',
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+      vartriangleright: '22B3',
+      rhd: '22B3',
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+      Bumpeq: '224E',
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+      blacktriangleright: '25B8',
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+      because: '2235',
+      eqsim: '2242',
+      vartriangle: ['25B3', {variantForm: true}],
+      Join: '22C8',
-            // Negated relations
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-            ngtr: '226F',
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-            ngeq: '2271',
-            nleqslant: ['2A87', {variantForm: true}],
-            ngeqslant: ['2A88', {variantForm: true}],
-            nleqq: ['2270', {variantForm: true}],
-            ngeqq: ['2271', {variantForm: true}],
-            lneq: '2A87',
-            gneq: '2A88',
-            lneqq: '2268',
-            gneqq: '2269',
-            lvertneqq: ['2268', {variantForm: true}],
-            gvertneqq: ['2269', {variantForm: true}],
-            lnsim: '22E6',
-            gnsim: '22E7',
-            lnapprox: '2A89',
-            gnapprox: '2A8A',
-            nprec: '2280',
-            nsucc: '2281',
-            npreceq: ['22E0', {variantForm: true}],
-            nsucceq: ['22E1', {variantForm: true}],
-            precneqq: '2AB5',
-            succneqq: '2AB6',
-            precnsim: '22E8',
-            succnsim: '22E9',
-            precnapprox: '2AB9',
-            succnapprox: '2ABA',
-            nsim: '2241',
-            ncong: '2246',
-            nshortmid: ['2224', {variantForm: true}],
-            nshortparallel: ['2226', {variantForm: true}],
-            nmid: '2224',
-            nparallel: '2226',
-            nvdash: '22AC',
-            nvDash: '22AD',
-            nVdash: '22AE',
-            nVDash: '22AF',
-            ntriangleleft: '22EA',
-            ntriangleright: '22EB',
-            ntrianglelefteq: '22EC',
-            ntrianglerighteq: '22ED',
-            nsubseteq: '2288',
-            nsupseteq: '2289',
-            nsubseteqq: ['2288', {variantForm: true}],
-            nsupseteqq: ['2289', {variantForm: true}],
-            subsetneq: '228A',
-            supsetneq: '228B',
-            varsubsetneq: ['228A', {variantForm: true}],
-            varsupsetneq: ['228B', {variantForm: true}],
-            subsetneqq: '2ACB',
-            supsetneqq: '2ACC',
-            varsubsetneqq: ['2ACB', {variantForm: true}],
-            varsupsetneqq: ['2ACC', {variantForm: true}],
+      // Negated relations
+      nless: '226E',
+      ngtr: '226F',
+      nleq: '2270',
+      ngeq: '2271',
+      nleqslant: ['2A87', {variantForm: true}],
+      ngeqslant: ['2A88', {variantForm: true}],
+      nleqq: ['2270', {variantForm: true}],
+      ngeqq: ['2271', {variantForm: true}],
+      lneq: '2A87',
+      gneq: '2A88',
+      lneqq: '2268',
+      gneqq: '2269',
+      lvertneqq: ['2268', {variantForm: true}],
+      gvertneqq: ['2269', {variantForm: true}],
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+      gnapprox: '2A8A',
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+      nsucc: '2281',
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+      nsucceq: ['22E1', {variantForm: true}],
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+      succnsim: '22E9',
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+      succnapprox: '2ABA',
+      nsim: '2241',
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+      nshortparallel: ['2226', {variantForm: true}],
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+      ntrianglelefteq: '22EC',
+      ntrianglerighteq: '22ED',
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+      nsupseteq: '2289',
+      nsubseteqq: ['2288', {variantForm: true}],
+      nsupseteqq: ['2289', {variantForm: true}],
+      subsetneq: '228A',
+      supsetneq: '228B',
+      varsubsetneq: ['228A', {variantForm: true}],
+      varsupsetneq: ['228B', {variantForm: true}],
+      subsetneqq: '2ACB',
+      supsetneqq: '2ACC',
+      varsubsetneqq: ['2ACB', {variantForm: true}],
+      varsupsetneqq: ['2ACC', {variantForm: true}],
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-            rightsquigarrow: '21DD',
-            leadsto: '21DD',
-            dashrightarrow: '21E2',
-            dashleftarrow: '21E0',
+      // Arrows
+      leftleftarrows: '21C7',
+      rightrightarrows: '21C9',
+      leftrightarrows: '21C6',
+      rightleftarrows: '21C4',
+      Lleftarrow: '21DA',
+      Rrightarrow: '21DB',
+      twoheadleftarrow: '219E',
+      twoheadrightarrow: '21A0',
+      leftarrowtail: '21A2',
+      rightarrowtail: '21A3',
+      looparrowleft: '21AB',
+      looparrowright: '21AC',
+      leftrightharpoons: '21CB',
+      rightleftharpoons: ['21CC', {variantForm: true}],
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+      curvearrowright: '21B7',
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+      circlearrowright: '21BB',
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+      Rsh: '21B1',
+      upuparrows: '21C8',
+      downdownarrows: '21CA',
+      upharpoonleft: '21BF',
+      upharpoonright: '21BE',
+      downharpoonleft: '21C3',
+      restriction: '21BE',
+      multimap: '22B8',
+      downharpoonright: '21C2',
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+      rightsquigarrow: '21DD',
+      leadsto: '21DD',
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+      dashleftarrow: '21E0',
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-            nleftarrow: '219A',
-            nrightarrow: '219B',
-            nLeftarrow: '21CD',
-            nRightarrow: '21CF',
-            nleftrightarrow: '21AE',
-            nLeftrightarrow: '21CE'
-        },
+      // Negated arrows
+      nleftarrow: '219A',
+      nrightarrow: '219B',
+      nLeftarrow: '21CD',
+      nRightarrow: '21CF',
+      nleftrightarrow: '21AE',
+      nLeftrightarrow: '21CE'
+    },
-        delimiter: {
-            // corners
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-            "\\lrcorner": '231F'
-        },
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+      // corners
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+      "\\lrcorner": '231F'
+    },
-        macros: {
-            implies: ['Macro', '\\;\\Longrightarrow\\;'],
-            impliedby: ['Macro', '\\;\\Longleftarrow\\;']
-        }
+    macros: {
+      implies: ['Macro', '\\;\\Longrightarrow\\;'],
+      impliedby: ['Macro', '\\;\\Longleftarrow\\;']
+    }
-    }, null, true);
+  }, null, true);
-    var REL =;
+  var REL =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            infix: {
-                '\u2322': REL,  // smallfrown
-                '\u2323': REL,  // smallsmile
-                '\u25B3': REL,  // vartriangle
-                '\uE006': REL,  // nshortmid
-                '\uE007': REL,  // nshortparallel
-                '\uE00C': REL,  // lvertneqq
-                '\uE00D': REL,  // gvertneqq
-                '\uE00E': REL,  // ngeqq
-                '\uE00F': REL,  // ngeqslant
-                '\uE010': REL,  // nleqslant
-                '\uE011': REL,  // nleqq
-                '\uE016': REL,  // nsubseteqq
-                '\uE017': REL,  // varsubsetneqq
-                '\uE018': REL,  // nsupseteqq
-                '\uE019': REL,  // varsupsetneqq
-                '\uE01A': REL,  // varsubsetneq
-                '\uE01B': REL,  // varsupsetneq
-                '\uE04B': REL,  // npreceq
-                '\uE04F': REL   // nsucceq
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      infix: {
+        '\u2322': REL,  // smallfrown
+        '\u2323': REL,  // smallsmile
+        '\u25B3': REL,  // vartriangle
+        '\uE006': REL,  // nshortmid
+        '\uE007': REL,  // nshortparallel
+        '\uE00C': REL,  // lvertneqq
+        '\uE00D': REL,  // gvertneqq
+        '\uE00E': REL,  // ngeqq
+        '\uE00F': REL,  // ngeqslant
+        '\uE010': REL,  // nleqslant
+        '\uE011': REL,  // nleqq
+        '\uE016': REL,  // nsubseteqq
+        '\uE017': REL,  // varsubsetneqq
+        '\uE018': REL,  // nsupseteqq
+        '\uE019': REL,  // varsupsetneqq
+        '\uE01A': REL,  // varsubsetneq
+        '\uE01B': REL,  // varsupsetneq
+        '\uE04B': REL,  // npreceq
+        '\uE04F': REL   // nsucceq
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX AMSsymbols Ready");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX AMSsymbols Ready");

+ 249 - 254

@@ -31,282 +31,277 @@
 //  The configuration defaults, augmented by the user settings
 MathJax.Extension["TeX/color"] = {
-    version: "2.5.0",
+  version: "2.5.0",
-    config: MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig("TeX.color", {
-        padding: "5px",
-        border: "2px"
-    }),
+  config: MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig("TeX.color", {
+    padding: "5px",
+    border: "2px"
+  }),
-    colors: {
-        Apricot: "#FBB982",
-        Aquamarine: "#00B5BE",
-        Bittersweet: "#C04F17",
-        Black: "#221E1F",
-        Blue: "#2D2F92",
-        BlueGreen: "#00B3B8",
-        BlueViolet: "#473992",
-        BrickRed: "#B6321C",
-        Brown: "#792500",
-        BurntOrange: "#F7921D",
-        CadetBlue: "#74729A",
-        CarnationPink: "#F282B4",
-        Cerulean: "#00A2E3",
-        CornflowerBlue: "#41B0E4",
-        Cyan: "#00AEEF",
-        Dandelion: "#FDBC42",
-        DarkOrchid: "#A4538A",
-        Emerald: "#00A99D",
-        ForestGreen: "#009B55",
-        Fuchsia: "#8C368C",
-        Goldenrod: "#FFDF42",
-        Gray: "#949698",
-        Green: "#00A64F",
-        GreenYellow: "#DFE674",
-        JungleGreen: "#00A99A",
-        Lavender: "#F49EC4",
-        LimeGreen: "#8DC73E",
-        Magenta: "#EC008C",
-        Mahogany: "#A9341F",
-        Maroon: "#AF3235",
-        Melon: "#F89E7B",
-        MidnightBlue: "#006795",
-        Mulberry: "#A93C93",
-        NavyBlue: "#006EB8",
-        OliveGreen: "#3C8031",
-        Orange: "#F58137",
-        OrangeRed: "#ED135A",
-        Orchid: "#AF72B0",
-        Peach: "#F7965A",
-        Periwinkle: "#7977B8",
-        PineGreen: "#008B72",
-        Plum: "#92268F",
-        ProcessBlue: "#00B0F0",
-        Purple: "#99479B",
-        RawSienna: "#974006",
-        Red: "#ED1B23",
-        RedOrange: "#F26035",
-        RedViolet: "#A1246B",
-        Rhodamine: "#EF559F",
-        RoyalBlue: "#0071BC",
-        RoyalPurple: "#613F99",
-        RubineRed: "#ED017D",
-        Salmon: "#F69289",
-        SeaGreen: "#3FBC9D",
-        Sepia: "#671800",
-        SkyBlue: "#46C5DD",
-        SpringGreen: "#C6DC67",
-        Tan: "#DA9D76",
-        TealBlue: "#00AEB3",
-        Thistle: "#D883B7",
-        Turquoise: "#00B4CE",
-        Violet: "#58429B",
-        VioletRed: "#EF58A0",
-        White: "#FFFFFF",
-        WildStrawberry: "#EE2967",
-        Yellow: "#FFF200",
-        YellowGreen: "#98CC70",
-        YellowOrange: "#FAA21A"
-    },
-    /*
-     *  Look up a color based on its model and definition
-     */
-    getColor: function (model, def) {
-        if (!model) {
-            model = "named"
-        }
-        var fn = this["get_" + model];
-        if (!fn) {
-            this.TEX.Error(["UndefinedColorModel", "Color model '%1' not defined", model])
-        }
-        return, def);
-    },
+  colors: {
+    Apricot: "#FBB982",
+    Aquamarine: "#00B5BE",
+    Bittersweet: "#C04F17",
+    Black: "#221E1F",
+    Blue: "#2D2F92",
+    BlueGreen: "#00B3B8",
+    BlueViolet: "#473992",
+    BrickRed: "#B6321C",
+    Brown: "#792500",
+    BurntOrange: "#F7921D",
+    CadetBlue: "#74729A",
+    CarnationPink: "#F282B4",
+    Cerulean: "#00A2E3",
+    CornflowerBlue: "#41B0E4",
+    Cyan: "#00AEEF",
+    Dandelion: "#FDBC42",
+    DarkOrchid: "#A4538A",
+    Emerald: "#00A99D",
+    ForestGreen: "#009B55",
+    Fuchsia: "#8C368C",
+    Goldenrod: "#FFDF42",
+    Gray: "#949698",
+    Green: "#00A64F",
+    GreenYellow: "#DFE674",
+    JungleGreen: "#00A99A",
+    Lavender: "#F49EC4",
+    LimeGreen: "#8DC73E",
+    Magenta: "#EC008C",
+    Mahogany: "#A9341F",
+    Maroon: "#AF3235",
+    Melon: "#F89E7B",
+    MidnightBlue: "#006795",
+    Mulberry: "#A93C93",
+    NavyBlue: "#006EB8",
+    OliveGreen: "#3C8031",
+    Orange: "#F58137",
+    OrangeRed: "#ED135A",
+    Orchid: "#AF72B0",
+    Peach: "#F7965A",
+    Periwinkle: "#7977B8",
+    PineGreen: "#008B72",
+    Plum: "#92268F",
+    ProcessBlue: "#00B0F0",
+    Purple: "#99479B",
+    RawSienna: "#974006",
+    Red: "#ED1B23",
+    RedOrange: "#F26035",
+    RedViolet: "#A1246B",
+    Rhodamine: "#EF559F",
+    RoyalBlue: "#0071BC",
+    RoyalPurple: "#613F99",
+    RubineRed: "#ED017D",
+    Salmon: "#F69289",
+    SeaGreen: "#3FBC9D",
+    Sepia: "#671800",
+    SkyBlue: "#46C5DD",
+    SpringGreen: "#C6DC67",
+    Tan: "#DA9D76",
+    TealBlue: "#00AEB3",
+    Thistle: "#D883B7",
+    Turquoise: "#00B4CE",
+    Violet: "#58429B",
+    VioletRed: "#EF58A0",
+    White: "#FFFFFF",
+    WildStrawberry: "#EE2967",
+    Yellow: "#FFF200",
+    YellowGreen: "#98CC70",
+    YellowOrange: "#FAA21A"
+  },
-    /*
-     *  Get an rgb color
-     */
-    get_rgb: function (rgb) {
-        rgb = rgb.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
-        var RGB = "#";
-        if (rgb.length !== 3) {
-            this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg1", "Color values for the %1 model require 3 numbers", "rgb"])
-        }
-        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            if (!rgb[i].match(/^(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/)) {
-                this.TEX.Error(["InvalidDecimalNumber", "Invalid decimal number"])
-            }
-            var n = parseFloat(rgb[i]);
-            if (n < 0 || n > 1) {
-                this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg2",
-                    "Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",
-                    "rgb", 0, 1]);
-            }
-            n = Math.floor(n * 255).toString(16);
-            if (n.length < 2) {
-                n = "0" + n
-            }
-            RGB += n;
-        }
-        return RGB;
-    },
+  /*
+   *  Look up a color based on its model and definition
+   */
+  getColor: function (model, def) {
+    if (!model) {
+      model = "named"
+    }
+    var fn = this["get_" + model];
+    if (!fn) {
+      this.TEX.Error(["UndefinedColorModel", "Color model '%1' not defined", model])
+    }
+    return, def);
+  },
-    /*
-     *  Get an RGB color
-     */
-    get_RGB: function (rgb) {
-        rgb = rgb.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
-        var RGB = "#";
-        if (rgb.length !== 3) {
-            this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg1", "Color values for the %1 model require 3 numbers", "RGB"])
-        }
-        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            if (!rgb[i].match(/^\d+$/)) {
-                this.TEX.Error(["InvalidNumber", "Invalid number"])
-            }
-            var n = parseInt(rgb[i]);
-            if (n > 255) {
-                this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg2",
-                    "Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",
-                    "RGB", 0, 255]);
-            }
-            n = n.toString(16);
-            if (n.length < 2) {
-                n = "0" + n
-            }
-            RGB += n;
-        }
-        return RGB;
-    },
+  /*
+   *  Get an rgb color
+   */
+  get_rgb: function (rgb) {
+    rgb = rgb.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
+    var RGB = "#";
+    if (rgb.length !== 3) {
+      this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg1", "Color values for the %1 model require 3 numbers", "rgb"])
+    }
+    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+      if (!rgb[i].match(/^(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/)) {
+        this.TEX.Error(["InvalidDecimalNumber", "Invalid decimal number"])
+      }
+      var n = parseFloat(rgb[i]);
+      if (n < 0 || n > 1) {
+        this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg2",
+          "Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",
+          "rgb", 0, 1]);
+      }
+      n = Math.floor(n * 255).toString(16);
+      if (n.length < 2) {
+        n = "0" + n
+      }
+      RGB += n;
+    }
+    return RGB;
+  },
-    /*
-     *  Get a gray-scale value
-     */
-    get_gray: function (gray) {
-        if (!gray.match(/^\s*(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)\s*$/)) {
-            this.TEX.Error(["InvalidDecimalNumber", "Invalid decimal number"])
-        }
-        var n = parseFloat(gray);
-        if (n < 0 || n > 1) {
-            this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg2",
-                "Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",
-                "gray", 0, 1]);
-        }
-        n = Math.floor(n * 255).toString(16);
-        if (n.length < 2) {
-            n = "0" + n
-        }
-        return "#" + n + n + n;
-    },
+  /*
+   *  Get an RGB color
+   */
+  get_RGB: function (rgb) {
+    rgb = rgb.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
+    var RGB = "#";
+    if (rgb.length !== 3) {
+      this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg1", "Color values for the %1 model require 3 numbers", "RGB"])
+    }
+    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+      if (!rgb[i].match(/^\d+$/)) {
+        this.TEX.Error(["InvalidNumber", "Invalid number"])
+      }
+      var n = parseInt(rgb[i]);
+      if (n > 255) {
+        this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg2",
+          "Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",
+          "RGB", 0, 255]);
+      }
+      n = n.toString(16);
+      if (n.length < 2) {
+        n = "0" + n
+      }
+      RGB += n;
+    }
+    return RGB;
+  },
-    /*
-     *  Get a named value
-     */
-    get_named: function (name) {
-        if (this.colors[name]) {
-            return this.colors[name]
-        }
-        return name;
-    },
+  /*
+   *  Get a gray-scale value
+   */
+  get_gray: function (gray) {
+    if (!gray.match(/^\s*(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)\s*$/)) {
+      this.TEX.Error(["InvalidDecimalNumber", "Invalid decimal number"])
+    }
+    var n = parseFloat(gray);
+    if (n < 0 || n > 1) {
+      this.TEX.Error(["ModelArg2",
+        "Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",
+        "gray", 0, 1]);
+    }
+    n = Math.floor(n * 255).toString(16);
+    if (n.length < 2) {
+      n = "0" + n
+    }
+    return "#" + n + n + n;
+  },
-    padding: function () {
-        var pad = "+" + this.config.padding;
-        var unit = this.config.padding.replace(/^.*?([a-z]*)$/, "$1");
-        var pad2 = "+" + (2 * parseFloat(pad)) + unit;
-        return {
-            width: pad2,
-            height: pad,
-            depth: pad,
-            lspace: this.config.padding
-        };
+  /*
+   *  Get a named value
+   */
+  get_named: function (name) {
+    if (this.colors[name]) {
+      return this.colors[name]
+    return name;
+  },
+  padding: function () {
+    var pad = "+" + this.config.padding;
+    var unit = this.config.padding.replace(/^.*?([a-z]*)$/, "$1");
+    var pad2 = "+" + (2 * parseFloat(pad)) + unit;
+    return {width: pad2, height: pad, depth: pad, lspace: this.config.padding};
+  }
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Ready", function () {
-    var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
-        MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
-    var STACKITEM = TEX.Stack.Item;
-    var COLOR = MathJax.Extension["TeX/color"];
+  var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
+      MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
+  var STACKITEM = TEX.Stack.Item;
+  var COLOR = MathJax.Extension["TeX/color"];
-    COLOR.TEX = TEX; // for reference in getColor above
+  COLOR.TEX = TEX; // for reference in getColor above
-    TEX.Definitions.Add({
-        macros: {
-            color: "Color",
-            textcolor: "TextColor",
-            definecolor: "DefineColor",
-            colorbox: "ColorBox",
-            fcolorbox: "fColorBox"
-        }
-    }, null, true);
+  TEX.Definitions.Add({
+    macros: {
+      color: "Color",
+      textcolor: "TextColor",
+      definecolor: "DefineColor",
+      colorbox: "ColorBox",
+      fcolorbox: "fColorBox"
+    }
+  }, null, true);
-    TEX.Parse.Augment({
+  TEX.Parse.Augment({
-        //
-        //  Override \color macro definition
-        //
-        Color: function (name) {
-            var model = this.GetBrackets(name),
-                color = this.GetArgument(name);
-            color = COLOR.getColor(model, color);
-            var mml ={styles: {mathcolor: color}});
-            this.stack.env.color = color;
-            this.Push(mml);
-        },
+    //
+    //  Override \color macro definition
+    //
+    Color: function (name) {
+      var model = this.GetBrackets(name),
+          color = this.GetArgument(name);
+      color = COLOR.getColor(model, color);
+      var mml ={styles: {mathcolor: color}});
+      this.stack.env.color = color;
+      this.Push(mml);
+    },
-        TextColor: function (name) {
-            var model = this.GetBrackets(name),
-                color = this.GetArgument(name);
-            color = COLOR.getColor(model, color);
-            var old = this.stack.env.color;
-            this.stack.env.color = color;
-            var math = this.ParseArg(name);
-            if (old) {
-                this.stack.env.color
-            } else {
-                delete this.stack.env.color
-            }
-            this.Push(MML.mstyle(math).With({mathcolor: color}));
-        },
+    TextColor: function (name) {
+      var model = this.GetBrackets(name),
+          color = this.GetArgument(name);
+      color = COLOR.getColor(model, color);
+      var old = this.stack.env.color;
+      this.stack.env.color = color;
+      var math = this.ParseArg(name);
+      if (old) {
+        this.stack.env.color
+      } else {
+        delete this.stack.env.color
+      }
+      this.Push(MML.mstyle(math).With({mathcolor: color}));
+    },
-        //
-        //  Define the \definecolor macro
-        //
-        DefineColor: function (name) {
-            var cname = this.GetArgument(name),
-                model = this.GetArgument(name),
-                def = this.GetArgument(name);
-            COLOR.colors[cname] = COLOR.getColor(model, def);
-        },
+    //
+    //  Define the \definecolor macro
+    //
+    DefineColor: function (name) {
+      var cname = this.GetArgument(name),
+          model = this.GetArgument(name),
+          def = this.GetArgument(name);
+      COLOR.colors[cname] = COLOR.getColor(model, def);
+    },
-        //
-        //  Produce a text box with a colored background
-        //
-        ColorBox: function (name) {
-            var cname = this.GetArgument(name),
-                arg = this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name));
-            this.Push(MML.mpadded.apply(MML, arg).With({
-                mathbackground: COLOR.getColor("named", cname)
-            }).With(COLOR.padding()));
-        },
+    //
+    //  Produce a text box with a colored background
+    //
+    ColorBox: function (name) {
+      var cname = this.GetArgument(name),
+          arg = this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name));
+      this.Push(MML.mpadded.apply(MML, arg).With({
+        mathbackground: COLOR.getColor("named", cname)
+      }).With(COLOR.padding()));
+    },
-        //
-        //  Procude a framed text box with a colored background
-        //
-        fColorBox: function (name) {
-            var fname = this.GetArgument(name),
-                cname = this.GetArgument(name),
-                arg = this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name));
-            this.Push(MML.mpadded.apply(MML, arg).With({
-                mathbackground: COLOR.getColor("named", cname),
-                style: "border: " + COLOR.config.border + " solid " + COLOR.getColor("named", fname)
-            }).With(COLOR.padding()));
-        }
+    //
+    //  Procude a framed text box with a colored background
+    //
+    fColorBox: function (name) {
+      var fname = this.GetArgument(name),
+          cname = this.GetArgument(name),
+          arg = this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name));
+      this.Push(MML.mpadded.apply(MML, arg).With({
+        mathbackground: COLOR.getColor("named", cname),
+        style: "border: " + COLOR.config.border + " solid " + COLOR.getColor("named", fname)
+      }).With(COLOR.padding()));
+    }
-    });
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX color Ready");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX color Ready");

+ 49 - 49

@@ -32,65 +32,65 @@
 MathJax.Extension["TeX/enclose"] = {
-    version: "2.5.0",
+  version: "2.5.0",
-    //
-    //  The attributes allowed in \enclose{notation}[attributes]{math}
-    //
-    ALLOWED: {
-        arrow: 1,
-        color: 1, mathcolor: 1,
-        background: 1, mathbackground: 1,
-        padding: 1,
-        thickness: 1
-    }
+  //
+  //  The attributes allowed in \enclose{notation}[attributes]{math}
+  //
+    arrow: 1,
+    color: 1, mathcolor: 1,
+    background: 1, mathbackground: 1,
+    padding: 1,
+    thickness: 1
+  }
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Ready", function () {
-    var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
-        MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
-        ALLOW = MathJax.Extension["TeX/enclose"].ALLOWED;
+  var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
+      MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
+      ALLOW = MathJax.Extension["TeX/enclose"].ALLOWED;
+  //
+  //  Set up macro
+  //
+  TEX.Definitions.Add({macros: {enclose: 'Enclose'}}, null, true);
+  TEX.Parse.Augment({
-    //  Set up macro
+    //  Implement \enclose{notation}[attr]{math}
+    //    (create <menclose notation="notation">math</menclose>)
-    TEX.Definitions.Add({macros: {enclose: 'Enclose'}}, null, true);
-    TEX.Parse.Augment({
-        //
-        //  Implement \enclose{notation}[attr]{math}
-        //    (create <menclose notation="notation">math</menclose>)
-        //
-        Enclose: function (name) {
-            var notation = this.GetArgument(name),
-                attr = this.GetBrackets(name),
-                math = this.ParseArg(name);
-            var def = {notation: notation.replace(/,/g, " ")};
-            if (attr) {
-                attr = attr.replace(/ /g, "").split(/,/);
-                for (var i = 0, m = attr.length; i < m; i++) {
-                    var keyvalue = attr[i].split(/[:=]/);
-                    if (ALLOW[keyvalue[0]]) {
-                        keyvalue[1] = keyvalue[1].replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1");
-                        if (keyvalue[1] === "true") {
-                            keyvalue[1] = true
-                        }
-                        if (keyvalue[1] === "false") {
-                            keyvalue[1] = false
-                        }
-                        if (keyvalue[0] === "arrow" && keyvalue[1]) {
-                            def.notation = def.notation + " updiagonalarrow"
-                        } else {
-                            def[keyvalue[0]] = keyvalue[1]
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+    Enclose: function (name) {
+      var notation = this.GetArgument(name),
+          attr = this.GetBrackets(name),
+          math = this.ParseArg(name);
+      var def = {notation: notation.replace(/,/g, " ")};
+      if (attr) {
+        attr = attr.replace(/ /g, "").split(/,/);
+        for (var i = 0, m = attr.length; i < m; i++) {
+          var keyvalue = attr[i].split(/[:=]/);
+          if (ALLOW[keyvalue[0]]) {
+            keyvalue[1] = keyvalue[1].replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1");
+            if (keyvalue[1] === "true") {
+              keyvalue[1] = true
+            }
+            if (keyvalue[1] === "false") {
+              keyvalue[1] = false
-            this.Push(MML.menclose(math).With(def));
+            if (keyvalue[0] === "arrow" && keyvalue[1]) {
+              def.notation = def.notation + " updiagonalarrow"
+            } else {
+              def[keyvalue[0]] = keyvalue[1]
+            }
+          }
-    });
+      }
+      this.Push(MML.menclose(math).With(def));
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX enclose Ready");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX enclose Ready");

+ 65 - 65

@@ -25,80 +25,80 @@
 MathJax.Extension["TeX/extpfeil"] = {
-    version: "2.5.0"
+  version: "2.5.0"
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Ready", function () {
-    var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
-        TEXDEF = TEX.Definitions;
+  var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX,
+      TEXDEF = TEX.Definitions;
-    //
-    //  Define the arrows to load the AMSmath extension
-    //  (since they need its xArrow method)
-    //
-    TEXDEF.Add({
-        macros: {
-            xtwoheadrightarrow: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-            xtwoheadleftarrow: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-            xmapsto: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-            xlongequal: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-            xtofrom: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-            Newextarrow: ['Extension', 'AMSmath']
-        }
-    }, null, true);
+  //
+  //  Define the arrows to load the AMSmath extension
+  //  (since they need its xArrow method)
+  //
+  TEXDEF.Add({
+    macros: {
+      xtwoheadrightarrow: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
+      xtwoheadleftarrow: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
+      xmapsto: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
+      xlongequal: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
+      xtofrom: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
+      Newextarrow: ['Extension', 'AMSmath']
+    }
+  }, null, true);
-    //
-    //  Redefine the macros when AMSmath is loaded
-    //
-    MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX AMSmath Ready", function () {
-        MathJax.Hub.Insert(TEXDEF, {
-            macros: {
-                xtwoheadrightarrow: ['xArrow', 0x21A0, 12, 16],
-                xtwoheadleftarrow: ['xArrow', 0x219E, 17, 13],
-                xmapsto: ['xArrow', 0x21A6, 6, 7],
-                xlongequal: ['xArrow', 0x003D, 7, 7],
-                xtofrom: ['xArrow', 0x21C4, 12, 12],
-                Newextarrow: 'NewExtArrow'
-            }
-        });
+  //
+  //  Redefine the macros when AMSmath is loaded
+  //
+  MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX AMSmath Ready", function () {
+    MathJax.Hub.Insert(TEXDEF, {
+      macros: {
+        xtwoheadrightarrow: ['xArrow', 0x21A0, 12, 16],
+        xtwoheadleftarrow: ['xArrow', 0x219E, 17, 13],
+        xmapsto: ['xArrow', 0x21A6, 6, 7],
+        xlongequal: ['xArrow', 0x003D, 7, 7],
+        xtofrom: ['xArrow', 0x21C4, 12, 12],
+        Newextarrow: 'NewExtArrow'
+      }
+  });
-    //
-    //  Implements \Newextarrow to define a new arrow (not compatible with \newextarrow, but
-    //  the equivalent for MathJax)
-    //
-    TEX.Parse.Augment({
-        NewExtArrow: function (name) {
-            var cs = this.GetArgument(name),
-                space = this.GetArgument(name),
-                chr = this.GetArgument(name);
-            if (!cs.match(/^\\([a-z]+|.)$/i)) {
-                TEX.Error(["NewextarrowArg1",
-                    "First argument to %1 must be a control sequence name", name]);
-            }
-            if (!space.match(/^(\d+),(\d+)$/)) {
-                TEX.Error(
-                    ["NewextarrowArg2",
-                        "Second argument to %1 must be two integers separated by a comma",
-                        name]
-                );
-            }
-            if (!chr.match(/^(\d+|0x[0-9A-F]+)$/i)) {
-                TEX.Error(
-                    ["NewextarrowArg3",
-                        "Third argument to %1 must be a unicode character number",
-                        name]
-                );
-            }
-            cs = cs.substr(1);
-            space = space.split(",");
-            chr = parseInt(chr);
-            TEXDEF.macros[cs] = ['xArrow', chr, parseInt(space[0]), parseInt(space[1])];
-        }
-    });
+  //
+  //  Implements \Newextarrow to define a new arrow (not compatible with \newextarrow, but
+  //  the equivalent for MathJax)
+  //
+  TEX.Parse.Augment({
+    NewExtArrow: function (name) {
+      var cs = this.GetArgument(name),
+          space = this.GetArgument(name),
+          chr = this.GetArgument(name);
+      if (!cs.match(/^\\([a-z]+|.)$/i)) {
+        TEX.Error(["NewextarrowArg1",
+          "First argument to %1 must be a control sequence name", name]);
+      }
+      if (!space.match(/^(\d+),(\d+)$/)) {
+        TEX.Error(
+            ["NewextarrowArg2",
+              "Second argument to %1 must be two integers separated by a comma",
+              name]
+        );
+      }
+      if (!chr.match(/^(\d+|0x[0-9A-F]+)$/i)) {
+        TEX.Error(
+            ["NewextarrowArg3",
+              "Third argument to %1 must be a unicode character number",
+              name]
+        );
+      }
+      cs = cs.substr(1);
+      space = space.split(",");
+      chr = parseInt(chr);
+      TEXDEF.macros[cs] = ['xArrow', chr, parseInt(space[0]), parseInt(space[1])];
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX extpfeil Ready");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX extpfeil Ready");

+ 309 - 313

@@ -27,353 +27,349 @@
 MathJax.Extension.tex2jax = {
-    version: "2.5.0",
-    config: {
-        inlineMath: [              // The start/stop pairs for in-line math
+  version: "2.5.0",
+  config: {
+    inlineMath: [              // The start/stop pairs for in-line math
 //    ['$','$'],               //  (comment out any you don't want, or add your own, but
-            ['\\(', '\\)']            //  be sure that you don't have an extra comma at the end)
-        ],
+      ['\\(', '\\)']            //  be sure that you don't have an extra comma at the end)
+    ],
-        displayMath: [             // The start/stop pairs for display math
-            ['$$', '$$'],             //  (comment out any you don't want, or add your own, but
-            ['\\[', '\\]']            //  be sure that you don't have an extra comma at the end)
-        ],
+    displayMath: [             // The start/stop pairs for display math
+      ['$$', '$$'],             //  (comment out any you don't want, or add your own, but
+      ['\\[', '\\]']            //  be sure that you don't have an extra comma at the end)
+    ],
-        balanceBraces: true,       // determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
-                                   // balanced within math delimiters (allows for nested
-                                   // dollar signs).  Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility.
+    balanceBraces: true,       // determines whether tex2jax requires braces to be
+                               // balanced within math delimiters (allows for nested
+                               // dollar signs).  Set to false to get pre-v2.0 compatibility.
-        skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
-        // The names of the tags whose contents will not be
-        // scanned for math delimiters
+    skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "annotation", "annotation-xml"],
+    // The names of the tags whose contents will not be
+    // scanned for math delimiters
-        ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",    // the class name of elements whose contents should
-                                          // NOT be processed by tex2jax.  Note that this
-                                          // is a regular expression, so be sure to quote any
-                                          // regexp special characters
+    ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore",    // the class name of elements whose contents should
+                                      // NOT be processed by tex2jax.  Note that this
+                                      // is a regular expression, so be sure to quote any
+                                      // regexp special characters
-        processClass: "tex2jax_process",  // the class name of elements whose contents SHOULD
-                                          // be processed when they appear inside ones that
-                                          // are ignored.  Note that this is a regular expression,
-                                          // so be sure to quote any regexp special characters
+    processClass: "tex2jax_process",  // the class name of elements whose contents SHOULD
+                                      // be processed when they appear inside ones that
+                                      // are ignored.  Note that this is a regular expression,
+                                      // so be sure to quote any regexp special characters
-        processEscapes: false,     // set to true to allow \$ to produce a dollar without
-                                   //   starting in-line math mode
+    processEscapes: false,     // set to true to allow \$ to produce a dollar without
+                               //   starting in-line math mode
-        processEnvironments: true, // set to true to process \begin{xxx}...\end{xxx} outside
-                                   //   of math mode, false to prevent that
+    processEnvironments: true, // set to true to process \begin{xxx}...\end{xxx} outside
+                               //   of math mode, false to prevent that
-        processRefs: true,         // set to true to process \ref{...} outside of math mode
+    processRefs: true,         // set to true to process \ref{...} outside of math mode
-        preview: "TeX"             // set to "none" to not insert MathJax_Preview spans
-                                   //   or set to an array specifying an HTML snippet
-                                   //   to use the same preview for every equation.
+    preview: "TeX"             // set to "none" to not insert MathJax_Preview spans
+                               //   or set to an array specifying an HTML snippet
+                               //   to use the same preview for every equation.
-    },
+  },
-    PreProcess: function (element) {
-        if (!this.configured) {
-            this.config = MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig("tex2jax", this.config);
-            if (this.config.Augment) {
-                MathJax.Hub.Insert(this, this.config.Augment)
-            }
-            if (typeof(this.config.previewTeX) !== "undefined" && !this.config.previewTeX) {
-                this.config.preview = "none"
-            } // backward compatibility for previewTeX parameter
-            this.configured = true;
-        }
-        if (typeof(element) === "string") {
-            element = document.getElementById(element)
-        }
-        if (!element) {
-            element = document.body
-        }
-        if (this.createPatterns()) {
-            this.scanElement(element, element.nextSibling)
-        }
-    },
+  PreProcess: function (element) {
+    if (!this.configured) {
+      this.config = MathJax.Hub.CombineConfig("tex2jax", this.config);
+      if (this.config.Augment) {
+        MathJax.Hub.Insert(this, this.config.Augment)
+      }
+      if (typeof(this.config.previewTeX) !== "undefined" && !this.config.previewTeX) {
+        this.config.preview = "none"
+      } // backward compatibility for previewTeX parameter
+      this.configured = true;
+    }
+    if (typeof(element) === "string") {
+      element = document.getElementById(element)
+    }
+    if (!element) {
+      element = document.body
+    }
+    if (this.createPatterns()) {
+      this.scanElement(element, element.nextSibling)
+    }
+  },
-    createPatterns: function () {
-        var starts = [], parts = [], i, m, config = this.config;
-        this.match = {};
-        for (i = 0, m = config.inlineMath.length; i < m; i++) {
-            starts.push(this.patternQuote(config.inlineMath[i][0]));
-            this.match[config.inlineMath[i][0]] = {
-                mode: "",
-                end: config.inlineMath[i][1],
-                pattern: this.endPattern(config.inlineMath[i][1])
-            };
-        }
-        for (i = 0, m = config.displayMath.length; i < m; i++) {
-            starts.push(this.patternQuote(config.displayMath[i][0]));
-            this.match[config.displayMath[i][0]] = {
-                mode: "; mode=display",
-                end: config.displayMath[i][1],
-                pattern: this.endPattern(config.displayMath[i][1])
-            };
-        }
-        if (starts.length) {
-            parts.push(starts.sort(this.sortLength).join("|"))
-        }
-        if (config.processEnvironments) {
-            parts.push("\\\\begin\\{([^}]*)\\}")
-        }
-        if (config.processEscapes) {
-            parts.push("\\\\*\\\\\\\$")
-        }
-        if (config.processRefs) {
-            parts.push("\\\\(eq)?ref\\{[^}]*\\}")
-        }
-        this.start = new RegExp(parts.join("|"), "g");
-        this.skipTags = new RegExp("^(" + config.skipTags.join("|") + ")$", "i");
-        var ignore = [];
-        if (MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass) {
-            ignore.push(MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass)
-        }
-        ;
-        if (config.ignoreClass) {
-            ignore.push(config.ignoreClass)
-        }
-        this.ignoreClass = (ignore.length ? new RegExp("(^| )(" + ignore.join("|") + ")( |$)") : /^$/);
-        this.processClass = new RegExp("(^| )(" + config.processClass + ")( |$)");
-        return (parts.length > 0);
-    },
+  createPatterns: function () {
+    var starts = [], parts = [], i, m, config = this.config;
+    this.match = {};
+    for (i = 0, m = config.inlineMath.length; i < m; i++) {
+      starts.push(this.patternQuote(config.inlineMath[i][0]));
+      this.match[config.inlineMath[i][0]] = {
+        mode: "",
+        end: config.inlineMath[i][1],
+        pattern: this.endPattern(config.inlineMath[i][1])
+      };
+    }
+    for (i = 0, m = config.displayMath.length; i < m; i++) {
+      starts.push(this.patternQuote(config.displayMath[i][0]));
+      this.match[config.displayMath[i][0]] = {
+        mode: "; mode=display",
+        end: config.displayMath[i][1],
+        pattern: this.endPattern(config.displayMath[i][1])
+      };
+    }
+    if (starts.length) {
+      parts.push(starts.sort(this.sortLength).join("|"))
+    }
+    if (config.processEnvironments) {
+      parts.push("\\\\begin\\{([^}]*)\\}")
+    }
+    if (config.processEscapes) {
+      parts.push("\\\\*\\\\\\\$")
+    }
+    if (config.processRefs) {
+      parts.push("\\\\(eq)?ref\\{[^}]*\\}")
+    }
+    this.start = new RegExp(parts.join("|"), "g");
+    this.skipTags = new RegExp("^(" + config.skipTags.join("|") + ")$", "i");
+    var ignore = [];
+    if (MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass) {
+      ignore.push(MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass)
+    }
+    ;
+    if (config.ignoreClass) {
+      ignore.push(config.ignoreClass)
+    }
+    this.ignoreClass = (ignore.length ? new RegExp("(^| )(" + ignore.join("|") + ")( |$)") : /^$/);
+    this.processClass = new RegExp("(^| )(" + config.processClass + ")( |$)");
+    return (parts.length > 0);
+  },
-    patternQuote: function (s) {
-        return s.replace(/([\^$(){}+*?\-|\[\]\:\\])/g, '\\$1')
-    },
+  patternQuote: function (s) {
+    return s.replace(/([\^$(){}+*?\-|\[\]\:\\])/g, '\\$1')
+  },
-    endPattern: function (end) {
-        return new RegExp(this.patternQuote(end) + "|\\\\.|[{}]", "g");
-    },
+  endPattern: function (end) {
+    return new RegExp(this.patternQuote(end) + "|\\\\.|[{}]", "g");
+  },
-    sortLength: function (a, b) {
-        if (a.length !== b.length) {
-            return b.length - a.length
-        }
-        return (a == b ? 0 : (a < b ? -1 : 1));
-    },
+  sortLength: function (a, b) {
+    if (a.length !== b.length) {
+      return b.length - a.length
+    }
+    return (a == b ? 0 : (a < b ? -1 : 1));
+  },
-    scanElement: function (element, stop, ignore) {
-        var cname, tname, ignoreChild, process;
-        while (element && element != stop) {
-            if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#text') {
-                if (!ignore) {
-                    element = this.scanText(element)
-                }
-            } else {
-                cname = (typeof(element.className) === "undefined" ? "" : element.className);
-                tname = (typeof(element.tagName) === "undefined" ? "" : element.tagName);
-                if (typeof(cname) !== "string") {
-                    cname = String(cname)
-                } // jsxgraph uses non-string class names!
-                process = this.processClass.exec(cname);
-                if (element.firstChild && !cname.match(/(^| )MathJax/) &&
-                    (process || !this.skipTags.exec(tname))) {
-                    ignoreChild = (ignore || this.ignoreClass.exec(cname)) && !process;
-                    this.scanElement(element.firstChild, stop, ignoreChild);
-                }
-            }
-            if (element) {
-                element = element.nextSibling
-            }
+  scanElement: function (element, stop, ignore) {
+    var cname, tname, ignoreChild, process;
+    while (element && element != stop) {
+      if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#text') {
+        if (!ignore) {
+          element = this.scanText(element)
-    },
-    scanText: function (element) {
-        if (element.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/, '') == '') {
-            return element
+      } else {
+        cname = (typeof(element.className) === "undefined" ? "" : element.className);
+        tname = (typeof(element.tagName) === "undefined" ? "" : element.tagName);
+        if (typeof(cname) !== "string") {
+          cname = String(cname)
+        } // jsxgraph uses non-string class names!
+        process = this.processClass.exec(cname);
+        if (element.firstChild && !cname.match(/(^| )MathJax/) &&
+            (process || !this.skipTags.exec(tname))) {
+          ignoreChild = (ignore || this.ignoreClass.exec(cname)) && !process;
+          this.scanElement(element.firstChild, stop, ignoreChild);
-        var match, prev;
- = {start: true};
-        this.pattern = this.start;
-        while (element) {
-            this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
-            while (element && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#text' &&
-            (match = this.pattern.exec(element.nodeValue))) {
-                if ( {
-                    element = this.startMatch(match, element)
-                }
-                else {
-                    element = this.endMatch(match, element)
-                }
-            }
-            if ( {
-                element = this.encloseMath(element)
-            }
-            if (element) {
-                do {
-                    prev = element;
-                    element = element.nextSibling
-                }
-                while (element && (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br' ||
-                element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#comment'));
-                if (!element || element.nodeName !== '#text') {
-                    return ( ? this.prevEndMatch() : prev)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return element;
-    },
+      }
+      if (element) {
+        element = element.nextSibling
+      }
+    }
+  },
-    startMatch: function (match, element) {
-        var delim = this.match[match[0]];
-        if (delim != null) {                              // a start delimiter
-   = {
-                end: delim.end,
-                mode: delim.mode,
-                pcount: 0,
-                open: element,
-                olen: match[0].length,
-                opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length
-            };
-            this.switchPattern(delim.pattern);
-        } else if (match[0].substr(0, 6) === "\\begin") {  // \begin{...}
-   = {
-                end: "\\end{" + match[1] + "}",
-                mode: "; mode=display",
-                pcount: 0,
-                open: element,
-                olen: 0,
-                opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length,
-                isBeginEnd: true
-            };
-            this.switchPattern(this.endPattern(;
-        } else if (match[0].substr(0, 4) === "\\ref" || match[0].substr(0, 6) === "\\eqref") {
-   = {
-                mode: "", end: "", open: element, pcount: 0,
-                olen: 0, opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length
-            }
-            return this.endMatch([""], element);
-        } else {                                         // escaped dollar signs
-            // put $ in a span so it doesn't get processed again
-            // split off backslashes so they don't get removed later
-            var slashes = match[0].substr(0, match[0].length - 1), n, span;
-            if (slashes.length % 2 === 0) {
-                span = [slashes.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")];
-                n = 1
-            }
-            else {
-                span = [slashes.substr(1).replace(/\\\\/g, "\\"), "$"];
-                n = 0
-            }
-            span = MathJax.HTML.Element("span", null, span);
-            var text = MathJax.HTML.TextNode(element.nodeValue.substr(0, match.index));
-            element.nodeValue = element.nodeValue.substr(match.index + match[0].length - n);
-            element.parentNode.insertBefore(span, element);
-            element.parentNode.insertBefore(text, span);
-            this.pattern.lastIndex = n;
+  scanText: function (element) {
+    if (element.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/, '') == '') {
+      return element
+    }
+    var match, prev;
+ = {start: true};
+    this.pattern = this.start;
+    while (element) {
+      this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
+      while (element && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#text' &&
+            (match = this.pattern.exec(element.nodeValue))) {
+        if ( {
+          element = this.startMatch(match, element)
-        return element;
-    },
-    endMatch: function (match, element) {
-        var search =;
-        if (match[0] == search.end) {
-            if (!search.close || search.pcount === 0) {
-                search.close = element;
-                search.cpos = this.pattern.lastIndex;
-                search.clen = (search.isBeginEnd ? 0 : match[0].length);
-            }
-            if (search.pcount === 0) {
-                search.matched = true;
-                element = this.encloseMath(element);
-                this.switchPattern(this.start);
-            }
+        else {
+          element = this.endMatch(match, element)
-        else if (match[0] === "{") {
-            search.pcount++
+      }
+      if ( {
+        element = this.encloseMath(element)
+      }
+      if (element) {
+        do {
+          prev = element;
+          element = element.nextSibling
-        else if (match[0] === "}" && search.pcount) {
-            search.pcount--
+        while (element && (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br' ||
+        element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#comment'));
+        if (!element || element.nodeName !== '#text') {
+          return ( ? this.prevEndMatch() : prev)
-        return element;
-    },
-    prevEndMatch: function () {
- = true;
-        var element = this.encloseMath(;
+      }
+    }
+    return element;
+  },
+  startMatch: function (match, element) {
+    var delim = this.match[match[0]];
+    if (delim != null) {                              // a start delimiter
+ = {
+        end: delim.end,
+        mode: delim.mode,
+        pcount: 0,
+        open: element,
+        olen: match[0].length,
+        opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length
+      };
+      this.switchPattern(delim.pattern);
+    } else if (match[0].substr(0, 6) === "\\begin") {  // \begin{...}
+ = {
+        end: "\\end{" + match[1] + "}", mode: "; mode=display", pcount: 0,
+        open: element, olen: 0, opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length,
+        isBeginEnd: true
+      };
+      this.switchPattern(this.endPattern(;
+    } else if (match[0].substr(0, 4) === "\\ref" || match[0].substr(0, 6) === "\\eqref") {
+ = {
+        mode: "", end: "", open: element, pcount: 0,
+        olen: 0, opos: this.pattern.lastIndex - match[0].length
+      }
+      return this.endMatch([""], element);
+    } else {                                         // escaped dollar signs
+      // put $ in a span so it doesn't get processed again
+      // split off backslashes so they don't get removed later
+      var slashes = match[0].substr(0, match[0].length - 1), n, span;
+      if (slashes.length % 2 === 0) {
+        span = [slashes.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")];
+        n = 1
+      }
+      else {
+        span = [slashes.substr(1).replace(/\\\\/g, "\\"), "$"];
+        n = 0
+      }
+      span = MathJax.HTML.Element("span", null, span);
+      var text = MathJax.HTML.TextNode(element.nodeValue.substr(0, match.index));
+      element.nodeValue = element.nodeValue.substr(match.index + match[0].length - n);
+      element.parentNode.insertBefore(span, element);
+      element.parentNode.insertBefore(text, span);
+      this.pattern.lastIndex = n;
+    }
+    return element;
+  },
+  endMatch: function (match, element) {
+    var search =;
+    if (match[0] == search.end) {
+      if (!search.close || search.pcount === 0) {
+        search.close = element;
+        search.cpos = this.pattern.lastIndex;
+        search.clen = (search.isBeginEnd ? 0 : match[0].length);
+      }
+      if (search.pcount === 0) {
+        search.matched = true;
+        element = this.encloseMath(element);
-        return element;
-    },
+      }
+    }
+    else if (match[0] === "{") {
+      search.pcount++
+    }
+    else if (match[0] === "}" && search.pcount) {
+      search.pcount--
+    }
+    return element;
+  },
+  prevEndMatch: function () {
+ = true;
+    var element = this.encloseMath(;
+    this.switchPattern(this.start);
+    return element;
+  },
-    switchPattern: function (pattern) {
-        pattern.lastIndex = this.pattern.lastIndex;
-        this.pattern = pattern;
- = (pattern === this.start);
-    },
+  switchPattern: function (pattern) {
+    pattern.lastIndex = this.pattern.lastIndex;
+    this.pattern = pattern;
+ = (pattern === this.start);
+  },
-    encloseMath: function (element) {
-        var search =, close = search.close, CLOSE, math;
-        if (search.cpos === close.length) {
-            close = close.nextSibling
-        }
-        else {
-            close = close.splitText(search.cpos)
-        }
-        if (!close) {
-            CLOSE = close = MathJax.HTML.addText(search.close.parentNode, "")
-        }
-        search.close = close;
-        math = (search.opos ? :;
-        while (math.nextSibling && math.nextSibling !== close) {
-            if (math.nextSibling.nodeValue !== null) {
-                if (math.nextSibling.nodeName === "#comment") {
-                    math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue.replace(/^\[CDATA\[((.|\n|\r)*)\]\]$/, "$1");
-                } else {
-                    math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue;
-                }
-            } else if (this.msieNewlineBug) {
-                math.nodeValue += (math.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "br" ? "\n" : " ");
-            } else {
-                math.nodeValue += " ";
-            }
-            math.parentNode.removeChild(math.nextSibling);
-        }
-        var TeX = math.nodeValue.substr(search.olen, math.nodeValue.length - search.olen - search.clen);
-        math.parentNode.removeChild(math);
-        if (this.config.preview !== "none") {
-            this.createPreview(search.mode, TeX)
+  encloseMath: function (element) {
+    var search =, close = search.close, CLOSE, math;
+    if (search.cpos === close.length) {
+      close = close.nextSibling
+    }
+    else {
+      close = close.splitText(search.cpos)
+    }
+    if (!close) {
+      CLOSE = close = MathJax.HTML.addText(search.close.parentNode, "")
+    }
+    search.close = close;
+    math = (search.opos ? :;
+    while (math.nextSibling && math.nextSibling !== close) {
+      if (math.nextSibling.nodeValue !== null) {
+        if (math.nextSibling.nodeName === "#comment") {
+          math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue.replace(/^\[CDATA\[((.|\n|\r)*)\]\]$/, "$1");
+        } else {
+          math.nodeValue += math.nextSibling.nodeValue;
-        math = this.createMathTag(search.mode, TeX);
- = {};
-        this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
-        if (CLOSE) {
-            CLOSE.parentNode.removeChild(CLOSE)
-        }
-        return math;
-    },
+      } else if (this.msieNewlineBug) {
+        math.nodeValue += (math.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "br" ? "\n" : " ");
+      } else {
+        math.nodeValue += " ";
+      }
+      math.parentNode.removeChild(math.nextSibling);
+    }
+    var TeX = math.nodeValue.substr(search.olen, math.nodeValue.length - search.olen - search.clen);
+    math.parentNode.removeChild(math);
+    if (this.config.preview !== "none") {
+      this.createPreview(search.mode, TeX)
+    }
+    math = this.createMathTag(search.mode, TeX);
+ = {};
+    this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
+    if (CLOSE) {
+      CLOSE.parentNode.removeChild(CLOSE)
+    }
+    return math;
+  },
-    insertNode: function (node) {
-        var search =;
-        search.close.parentNode.insertBefore(node, search.close);
-    },
+  insertNode: function (node) {
+    var search =;
+    search.close.parentNode.insertBefore(node, search.close);
+  },
-    createPreview: function (mode, tex) {
-        var preview = this.config.preview;
-        if (preview === "none") return;
-        if (preview === "TeX") {
-            preview = [this.filterPreview(tex)]
-        }
-        if (preview) {
-            preview = MathJax.HTML.Element("span", {className: MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass}, preview);
-            this.insertNode(preview);
-        }
-    },
+  createPreview: function (mode, tex) {
+    var preview = this.config.preview;
+    if (preview === "none") return;
+    if (preview === "TeX") {
+      preview = [this.filterPreview(tex)]
+    }
+    if (preview) {
+      preview = MathJax.HTML.Element("span", {className: MathJax.Hub.config.preRemoveClass}, preview);
+      this.insertNode(preview);
+    }
+  },
-    createMathTag: function (mode, tex) {
-        var script = document.createElement("script");
-        script.type = "math/tex" + mode;
-        MathJax.HTML.setScript(script, tex);
-        this.insertNode(script);
-        return script;
-    },
+  createMathTag: function (mode, tex) {
+    var script = document.createElement("script");
+    script.type = "math/tex" + mode;
+    MathJax.HTML.setScript(script, tex);
+    this.insertNode(script);
+    return script;
+  },
-    filterPreview: function (tex) {
-        return tex
-    },
+  filterPreview: function (tex) {
+    return tex
+  },
-    msieNewlineBug: (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE && document.documentMode < 9)
+  msieNewlineBug: (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE && document.documentMode < 9)

+ 257 - 257

@@ -26,285 +26,285 @@
 MathJax.Hub.Register.LoadHook("[MathJax]/jax/element/mml/jax.js", function () {
-    var VERSION = "2.5.0";
+  var VERSION = "2.5.0";
-    var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml
-    SETTINGS = MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings;
+  var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml
+  SETTINGS = MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings;
-    MML.mbase.Augment({
+  MML.mbase.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            var inferred = (this.inferred && this.parent.inferRow);
-            if (space == null) {
-                space = ""
-            }
-            var tag = this.type, attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
-            if (tag === "mspace") {
-                return space + "<" + tag + attr + " />"
-            }
-            var data = [], SPACE = (this.isToken ? "" : space + (inferred ? "" : "  "));
-            for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
-                if ([i]) {
-                    data.push([i].toMathML(SPACE))
-                }
-                else if (!this.isToken && !this.isChars) {
-                    data.push(SPACE + "<mrow />")
-                }
-            }
-            if (this.isToken || this.isChars) {
-                return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">" + data.join("") + "</" + tag + ">"
-            }
-            if (inferred) {
-                return data.join("\n")
-            }
-            if (data.length === 0 || (data.length === 1 && data[0] === "")) {
-                return space + "<" + tag + attr + " />"
-            }
-            return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
-        },
-        toMathMLattributes: function () {
-            var defaults = (this.type === "mstyle" ? MML.math.prototype.defaults : this.defaults);
-            var names = (this.attrNames || MML.copyAttributeNames),
-                skip = MML.skipAttributes, copy = MML.copyAttributes;
-            var attr = [];
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      var inferred = (this.inferred && this.parent.inferRow);
+      if (space == null) {
+        space = ""
+      }
+      var tag = this.type, attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
+      if (tag === "mspace") {
+        return space + "<" + tag + attr + " />"
+      }
+      var data = [], SPACE = (this.isToken ? "" : space + (inferred ? "" : "  "));
+      for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
+        if ([i]) {
+          data.push([i].toMathML(SPACE))
+        }
+        else if (!this.isToken && !this.isChars) {
+          data.push(SPACE + "<mrow />")
+        }
+      }
+      if (this.isToken || this.isChars) {
+        return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">" + data.join("") + "</" + tag + ">"
+      }
+      if (inferred) {
+        return data.join("\n")
+      }
+      if (data.length === 0 || (data.length === 1 && data[0] === "")) {
+        return space + "<" + tag + attr + " />"
+      }
+      return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+    },
-            if (this.type === "math" && (!this.attr || !this.attr.xmlns)) {
-                attr.push('xmlns=""')
-            }
-            if (!this.attrNames) {
-                for (var id in defaults) {
-                    if (!skip[id] && !copy[id] && defaults.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
-                        if (this[id] != null && this[id] !== defaults[id]) {
-                            if (this.Get(id, null, 1) !== this[id])
-                                attr.push(id + '="' + this.toMathMLattribute(this[id]) + '"');
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            for (var i = 0, m = names.length; i < m; i++) {
-                if (copy[names[i]] === 1 && !defaults.hasOwnProperty(names[i])) continue;
-                value = (this.attr || {})[names[i]];
-                if (value == null) {
-                    value = this[names[i]]
-                }
-                if (value != null) {
-                    attr.push(names[i] + '="' + this.toMathMLquote(value) + '"')
-                }
-            }
-            this.toMathMLclass(attr);
-            if (attr.length) {
-                return " " + attr.join(" ")
-            } else {
-                return ""
-            }
-        },
-        toMathMLclass: function (attr) {
-            var CLASS = [];
-            if (this["class"]) {
-                CLASS.push(this["class"])
-            }
-            if (this.isa(MML.TeXAtom) && SETTINGS.texHints) {
-                var TEXCLASS = ["ORD", "OP", "BIN", "REL", "OPEN", "CLOSE", "PUNCT", "INNER", "VCENTER"][this.texClass];
-                if (TEXCLASS) {
-                    CLASS.push("MJX-TeXAtom-" + TEXCLASS)
-                }
-            }
-            if (this.mathvariant && this.toMathMLvariants[this.mathvariant]) {
-                CLASS.push("MJX" + this.mathvariant)
-            }
-            if (this.variantForm) {
-                CLASS.push("MJX-variant")
-            }
-            if (CLASS.length) {
-                attr.unshift('class="' + CLASS.join(" ") + '"')
-            }
-        },
-        toMathMLattribute: function (value) {
-            if (typeof(value) === "string" &&
-                value.replace(/ /g, "").match(/^(([-+])?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+))mu$/)) {
-                // FIXME:  should take scriptlevel into account
-                return (RegExp.$2 || "") + ((1 / 18) * RegExp.$3).toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") + "em";
-            }
-            else if (this.toMathMLvariants[value]) {
-                return this.toMathMLvariants[value]
-            }
-            return this.toMathMLquote(value);
-        },
-        toMathMLvariants: {
-            "-tex-caligraphic": MML.VARIANT.SCRIPT,
-            "-tex-caligraphic-bold": MML.VARIANT.BOLDSCRIPT,
-            "-tex-oldstyle": MML.VARIANT.NORMAL,
-            "-tex-oldstyle-bold": MML.VARIANT.BOLD,
-            "-tex-mathit": MML.VARIANT.ITALIC
-        },
+    toMathMLattributes: function () {
+      var defaults = (this.type === "mstyle" ? MML.math.prototype.defaults : this.defaults);
+      var names = (this.attrNames || MML.copyAttributeNames),
+          skip = MML.skipAttributes, copy = MML.copyAttributes;
+      var attr = [];
-        toMathMLquote: function (string) {
-            string = String(string).split("");
-            for (var i = 0, m = string.length; i < m; i++) {
-                var n = string[i].charCodeAt(0);
-                if (n <= 0xD7FF || 0xE000 <= n) {
-                    // Code points U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF.
-                    // They are directly represented by n.
-                    if (n > 0x7E || (n < 0x20 && n !== 0x0A && n !== 0x0D && n !== 0x09)) {
-                        string[i] = "&#x" + n.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ";";
-                    } else {
-                        var c =
-                            {
-                                '&': '&amp;',
-                                '<': '&lt;',
-                                '>': '&gt;',
-                                '"': '&quot;'
-                            }[string[i]];
-                        if (c) {
-                            string[i] = c
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else if (i + 1 < m) {
-                    // Code points U+10000 to U+10FFFF.
-                    // n is the lead surrogate, let's read the trail surrogate.
-                    var trailSurrogate = string[i + 1].charCodeAt(0);
-                    var codePoint = (((n - 0xD800) << 10) + (trailSurrogate - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
-                    string[i] = "&#x" + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ";";
-                    string[i + 1] = "";
-                    i++;
-                } else {
-                    // n is a lead surrogate without corresponding trail surrogate:
-                    // remove that character.
-                    string[i] = "";
-                }
+      if (this.type === "math" && (!this.attr || !this.attr.xmlns)) {
+        attr.push('xmlns=""')
+      }
+      if (!this.attrNames) {
+        for (var id in defaults) {
+          if (!skip[id] && !copy[id] && defaults.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+            if (this[id] != null && this[id] !== defaults[id]) {
+              if (this.Get(id, null, 1) !== this[id])
+                attr.push(id + '="' + this.toMathMLattribute(this[id]) + '"');
-            return string.join("");
+          }
-    });
-    //
-    //  Override math.toMathML in order to add semantics tag
-    //  for the input format, if the user requests that in the
-    //  Show As menu.
-    //
-    MML.math.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space, jax) {
-            var annotation;
-            if (space == null) {
-                space = ""
-            }
-            if (jax && jax.originalText && SETTINGS.semantics) {
-                annotation = MathJax.InputJax[jax.inputJax].annotationEncoding
-            }
-            var nested = ([0] &&[0].data.length > 1);
-            var tag = this.type, attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
-            var data = [], SPACE = space + (annotation ? "  " + (nested ? "  " : "") : "") + "  ";
-            for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
-                if ([i]) {
-                    data.push([i].toMathML(SPACE))
-                }
-                else {
-                    data.push(SPACE + "<mrow />")
-                }
-            }
-            if (data.length === 0 || (data.length === 1 && data[0] === "")) {
-                if (!annotation) {
-                    return "<" + tag + attr + " />"
-                }
-                data.push(SPACE + "<mrow />");
-            }
-            if (annotation) {
-                if (nested) {
-                    data.unshift(space + "    <mrow>");
-                    data.push(space + "    </mrow>")
-                }
-                data.unshift(space + "  <semantics>");
-                var xmlEscapedTex = jax.originalText.replace(/[&<>]/g, function (item) {
-                    return {'>': '&gt;', '<': '&lt;', '&': '&amp;'}[item]
-                });
-                data.push(space + '    <annotation encoding="' + annotation + '">' + xmlEscapedTex + "</annotation>");
-                data.push(space + "  </semantics>");
-            }
-            return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+      }
+      for (var i = 0, m = names.length; i < m; i++) {
+        if (copy[names[i]] === 1 && !defaults.hasOwnProperty(names[i])) continue;
+        value = (this.attr || {})[names[i]];
+        if (value == null) {
+          value = this[names[i]]
-    });
-    MML.msubsup.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            var tag = this.type;
-            if ([this.sup] == null) {
-                tag = "msub"
-            }
-            if ([this.sub] == null) {
-                tag = "msup"
-            }
-            var attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
-            delete[0].inferred;
-            var data = [];
-            for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
-                if ([i]) {
-                    data.push([i].toMathML(space + "  "))
-                }
-            }
-            return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+        if (value != null) {
+          attr.push(names[i] + '="' + this.toMathMLquote(value) + '"')
-    });
-    MML.munderover.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            var tag = this.type;
-            if ([this.under] == null) {
-                tag = "mover"
-            }
-            if ([this.over] == null) {
-                tag = "munder"
-            }
-            var attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
-            delete[0].inferred;
-            var data = [];
-            for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
-                if ([i]) {
-                    data.push([i].toMathML(space + "  "))
-                }
-            }
-            return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+      }
+      this.toMathMLclass(attr);
+      if (attr.length) {
+        return " " + attr.join(" ")
+      } else {
+        return ""
+      }
+    },
+    toMathMLclass: function (attr) {
+      var CLASS = [];
+      if (this["class"]) {
+        CLASS.push(this["class"])
+      }
+      if (this.isa(MML.TeXAtom) && SETTINGS.texHints) {
+        var TEXCLASS = ["ORD", "OP", "BIN", "REL", "OPEN", "CLOSE", "PUNCT", "INNER", "VCENTER"][this.texClass];
+        if (TEXCLASS) {
+          CLASS.push("MJX-TeXAtom-" + TEXCLASS)
-    });
+      }
+      if (this.mathvariant && this.toMathMLvariants[this.mathvariant]) {
+        CLASS.push("MJX" + this.mathvariant)
+      }
+      if (this.variantForm) {
+        CLASS.push("MJX-variant")
+      }
+      if (CLASS.length) {
+        attr.unshift('class="' + CLASS.join(" ") + '"')
+      }
+    },
+    toMathMLattribute: function (value) {
+      if (typeof(value) === "string" &&
+          value.replace(/ /g, "").match(/^(([-+])?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+))mu$/)) {
+        // FIXME:  should take scriptlevel into account
+        return (RegExp.$2 || "") + ((1 / 18) * RegExp.$3).toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") + "em";
+      }
+      else if (this.toMathMLvariants[value]) {
+        return this.toMathMLvariants[value]
+      }
+      return this.toMathMLquote(value);
+    },
+    toMathMLvariants: {
+      "-tex-caligraphic": MML.VARIANT.SCRIPT,
+      "-tex-caligraphic-bold": MML.VARIANT.BOLDSCRIPT,
+      "-tex-oldstyle": MML.VARIANT.NORMAL,
+      "-tex-oldstyle-bold": MML.VARIANT.BOLD,
+      "-tex-mathit": MML.VARIANT.ITALIC
+    },
-    MML.TeXAtom.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            // FIXME:  Handle spacing using mpadded?
-            var attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
-            if (!attr &&[0].data.length === 1) {
-                return space.substr(2) +[0].toMathML(space)
+    toMathMLquote: function (string) {
+      string = String(string).split("");
+      for (var i = 0, m = string.length; i < m; i++) {
+        var n = string[i].charCodeAt(0);
+        if (n <= 0xD7FF || 0xE000 <= n) {
+          // Code points U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF.
+          // They are directly represented by n.
+          if (n > 0x7E || (n < 0x20 && n !== 0x0A && n !== 0x0D && n !== 0x09)) {
+            string[i] = "&#x" + n.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ";";
+          } else {
+            var c =
+                {
+                  '&': '&amp;',
+                  '<': '&lt;',
+                  '>': '&gt;',
+                  '"': '&quot;'
+                }[string[i]];
+            if (c) {
+              string[i] = c
-            return space + "<mrow" + attr + ">\n" +[0].toMathML(space + "  ") + "\n" + space + "</mrow>";
+          }
+        } else if (i + 1 < m) {
+          // Code points U+10000 to U+10FFFF.
+          // n is the lead surrogate, let's read the trail surrogate.
+          var trailSurrogate = string[i + 1].charCodeAt(0);
+          var codePoint = (((n - 0xD800) << 10) + (trailSurrogate - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
+          string[i] = "&#x" + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ";";
+          string[i + 1] = "";
+          i++;
+        } else {
+          // n is a lead surrogate without corresponding trail surrogate:
+          // remove that character.
+          string[i] = "";
-    });
+      }
+      return string.join("");
+    }
+  });
-    MML.chars.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            return (space || "") + this.toMathMLquote(this.toString())
+  //
+  //  Override math.toMathML in order to add semantics tag
+  //  for the input format, if the user requests that in the
+  //  Show As menu.
+  //
+  MML.math.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space, jax) {
+      var annotation;
+      if (space == null) {
+        space = ""
+      }
+      if (jax && jax.originalText && SETTINGS.semantics) {
+        annotation = MathJax.InputJax[jax.inputJax].annotationEncoding
+      }
+      var nested = ([0] &&[0].data.length > 1);
+      var tag = this.type, attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
+      var data = [], SPACE = space + (annotation ? "  " + (nested ? "  " : "") : "") + "  ";
+      for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
+        if ([i]) {
+          data.push([i].toMathML(SPACE))
-    });
+        else {
+          data.push(SPACE + "<mrow />")
+        }
+      }
+      if (data.length === 0 || (data.length === 1 && data[0] === "")) {
+        if (!annotation) {
+          return "<" + tag + attr + " />"
+        }
+        data.push(SPACE + "<mrow />");
+      }
+      if (annotation) {
+        if (nested) {
+          data.unshift(space + "    <mrow>");
+          data.push(space + "    </mrow>")
+        }
+        data.unshift(space + "  <semantics>");
+        var xmlEscapedTex = jax.originalText.replace(/[&<>]/g, function (item) {
+          return {'>': '&gt;', '<': '&lt;', '&': '&amp;'}[item]
+        });
+        data.push(space + '    <annotation encoding="' + annotation + '">' + xmlEscapedTex + "</annotation>");
+        data.push(space + "  </semantics>");
+      }
+      return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+    }
+  });
-    MML.entity.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            return (space || "") + "&" +[0] + ";<!-- " + this.toString() + " -->"
+  MML.msubsup.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      var tag = this.type;
+      if ([this.sup] == null) {
+        tag = "msub"
+      }
+      if ([this.sub] == null) {
+        tag = "msup"
+      }
+      var attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
+      delete[0].inferred;
+      var data = [];
+      for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
+        if ([i]) {
+          data.push([i].toMathML(space + "  "))
-    });
+      }
+      return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+    }
+  });
-    MML.xml.Augment({
-        toMathML: function (space) {
-            return (space || "") + this.toString()
+  MML.munderover.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      var tag = this.type;
+      if ([this.under] == null) {
+        tag = "mover"
+      }
+      if ([this.over] == null) {
+        tag = "munder"
+      }
+      var attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
+      delete[0].inferred;
+      var data = [];
+      for (var i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
+        if ([i]) {
+          data.push([i].toMathML(space + "  "))
-    });
+      }
+      return space + "<" + tag + attr + ">\n" + data.join("\n") + "\n" + space + "</" + tag + ">";
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX mathchoice Ready", function () {
-        MML.TeXmathchoice.Augment({
-            toMathML: function (space) {
-                return this.Core().toMathML(space)
-            }
-        });
+  MML.TeXAtom.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      // FIXME:  Handle spacing using mpadded?
+      var attr = this.toMathMLattributes();
+      if (!attr &&[0].data.length === 1) {
+        return space.substr(2) +[0].toMathML(space)
+      }
+      return space + "<mrow" + attr + ">\n" +[0].toMathML(space + "  ") + "\n" + space + "</mrow>";
+    }
+  });
+  MML.chars.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      return (space || "") + this.toMathMLquote(this.toString())
+    }
+  });
+  MML.entity.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      return (space || "") + "&" +[0] + ";<!-- " + this.toString() + " -->"
+    }
+  });
+  MML.xml.Augment({
+    toMathML: function (space) {
+      return (space || "") + this.toString()
+    }
+  });
+  MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX mathchoice Ready", function () {
+    MML.TeXmathchoice.Augment({
+      toMathML: function (space) {
+        return this.Core().toMathML(space)
+      }
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("toMathML Ready");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("toMathML Ready");

+ 97 - 97

@@ -19,104 +19,104 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            infix: {
-                '\u219A': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards arrow with stroke
-                '\u219B': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards arrow with stroke
-                '\u219C': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards wave arrow
-                '\u219D': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards wave arrow
-                '\u219E': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards two headed arrow
-                '\u219F': MO.WIDEREL,  // upwards two headed arrow
-                '\u21A0': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards two headed arrow
-                '\u21A1': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards two headed arrow
-                '\u21A2': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow with tail
-                '\u21A3': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow with tail
-                '\u21A4': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow from bar
-                '\u21A5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow from bar
-                '\u21A7': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow from bar
-                '\u21A8': MO.RELSTRETCH, // up down arrow with base
-                '\u21AB': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow with loop
-                '\u21AC': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow with loop
-                '\u21AD': MO.WIDEREL,  // left right wave arrow
-                '\u21AE': MO.RELACCENT, // left right arrow with stroke
-                '\u21AF': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards zigzag arrow
-                '\u21B0': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow with tip leftwards
-                '\u21B1': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow with tip rightwards
-                '\u21B2': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow with tip leftwards
-                '\u21B3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow with tip rightwards
-                '\u21B4': MO.RELSTRETCH, // rightwards arrow with corner downwards
-                '\u21B5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow with corner leftwards
-                '\u21B6': MO.RELACCENT, // anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
-                '\u21B7': MO.RELACCENT, // clockwise top semicircle arrow
-                '\u21B8': MO.REL,      // north west arrow to long bar
-                '\u21B9': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
-                '\u21BA': MO.REL,      // anticlockwise open circle arrow
-                '\u21BB': MO.REL,      // clockwise open circle arrow
-                '\u21BE': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards harpoon with barb rightwards
-                '\u21BF': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards harpoon with barb leftwards
-                '\u21C2': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
-                '\u21C3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
-                '\u21C4': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
-                '\u21C5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
-                '\u21C6': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
-                '\u21C7': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards paired arrows
-                '\u21C8': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards paired arrows
-                '\u21C9': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards paired arrows
-                '\u21CA': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards paired arrows
-                '\u21CB': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon
-                '\u21CD': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards double arrow with stroke
-                '\u21CE': MO.RELACCENT, // left right double arrow with stroke
-                '\u21CF': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards double arrow with stroke
-                '\u21D6': MO.RELSTRETCH, // north west double arrow
-                '\u21D7': MO.RELSTRETCH, // north east double arrow
-                '\u21D8': MO.RELSTRETCH, // south east double arrow
-                '\u21D9': MO.RELSTRETCH, // south west double arrow
-                '\u21DA': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards triple arrow
-                '\u21DB': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards triple arrow
-                '\u21DC': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards squiggle arrow
-                '\u21DD': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards squiggle arrow
-                '\u21DE': MO.REL,      // upwards arrow with double stroke
-                '\u21DF': MO.REL,      // downwards arrow with double stroke
-                '\u21E0': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards dashed arrow
-                '\u21E1': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards dashed arrow
-                '\u21E2': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards dashed arrow
-                '\u21E3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards dashed arrow
-                '\u21E4': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow to bar
-                '\u21E5': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow to bar
-                '\u21E6': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards white arrow
-                '\u21E7': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow
-                '\u21E8': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards white arrow
-                '\u21E9': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards white arrow
-                '\u21EA': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow from bar
-                '\u21EB': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow on pedestal
-                '\u21EC': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar
-                '\u21ED': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar
-                '\u21EE': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white double arrow
-                '\u21EF': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white double arrow on pedestal
-                '\u21F0': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards white arrow from wall
-                '\u21F1': MO.REL,      // north west arrow to corner
-                '\u21F2': MO.REL,      // south east arrow to corner
-                '\u21F3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // up down white arrow
-                '\u21F4': MO.RELACCENT, // right arrow with small circle
-                '\u21F5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
-                '\u21F6': MO.WIDEREL,  // three rightwards arrows
-                '\u21F7': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards arrow with vertical stroke
-                '\u21F8': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards arrow with vertical stroke
-                '\u21F9': MO.RELACCENT, // left right arrow with vertical stroke
-                '\u21FA': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke
-                '\u21FB': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke
-                '\u21FC': MO.RELACCENT, // left right arrow with double vertical stroke
-                '\u21FD': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards open-headed arrow
-                '\u21FE': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards open-headed arrow
-                '\u21FF': MO.WIDEREL   // left right open-headed arrow
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      infix: {
+        '\u219A': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards arrow with stroke
+        '\u219B': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards arrow with stroke
+        '\u219C': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards wave arrow
+        '\u219D': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards wave arrow
+        '\u219E': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards two headed arrow
+        '\u219F': MO.WIDEREL,  // upwards two headed arrow
+        '\u21A0': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards two headed arrow
+        '\u21A1': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards two headed arrow
+        '\u21A2': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow with tail
+        '\u21A3': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow with tail
+        '\u21A4': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow from bar
+        '\u21A5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow from bar
+        '\u21A7': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow from bar
+        '\u21A8': MO.RELSTRETCH, // up down arrow with base
+        '\u21AB': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow with loop
+        '\u21AC': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow with loop
+        '\u21AD': MO.WIDEREL,  // left right wave arrow
+        '\u21AE': MO.RELACCENT, // left right arrow with stroke
+        '\u21AF': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards zigzag arrow
+        '\u21B0': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow with tip leftwards
+        '\u21B1': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow with tip rightwards
+        '\u21B2': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow with tip leftwards
+        '\u21B3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow with tip rightwards
+        '\u21B4': MO.RELSTRETCH, // rightwards arrow with corner downwards
+        '\u21B5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow with corner leftwards
+        '\u21B6': MO.RELACCENT, // anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
+        '\u21B7': MO.RELACCENT, // clockwise top semicircle arrow
+        '\u21B8': MO.REL,      // north west arrow to long bar
+        '\u21B9': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
+        '\u21BA': MO.REL,      // anticlockwise open circle arrow
+        '\u21BB': MO.REL,      // clockwise open circle arrow
+        '\u21BE': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards harpoon with barb rightwards
+        '\u21BF': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards harpoon with barb leftwards
+        '\u21C2': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
+        '\u21C3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
+        '\u21C4': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
+        '\u21C5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
+        '\u21C6': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
+        '\u21C7': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards paired arrows
+        '\u21C8': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards paired arrows
+        '\u21C9': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards paired arrows
+        '\u21CA': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards paired arrows
+        '\u21CB': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon
+        '\u21CD': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards double arrow with stroke
+        '\u21CE': MO.RELACCENT, // left right double arrow with stroke
+        '\u21CF': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards double arrow with stroke
+        '\u21D6': MO.RELSTRETCH, // north west double arrow
+        '\u21D7': MO.RELSTRETCH, // north east double arrow
+        '\u21D8': MO.RELSTRETCH, // south east double arrow
+        '\u21D9': MO.RELSTRETCH, // south west double arrow
+        '\u21DA': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards triple arrow
+        '\u21DB': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards triple arrow
+        '\u21DC': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards squiggle arrow
+        '\u21DD': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards squiggle arrow
+        '\u21DE': MO.REL,      // upwards arrow with double stroke
+        '\u21DF': MO.REL,      // downwards arrow with double stroke
+        '\u21E0': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards dashed arrow
+        '\u21E1': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards dashed arrow
+        '\u21E2': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards dashed arrow
+        '\u21E3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards dashed arrow
+        '\u21E4': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards arrow to bar
+        '\u21E5': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards arrow to bar
+        '\u21E6': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards white arrow
+        '\u21E7': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow
+        '\u21E8': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards white arrow
+        '\u21E9': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards white arrow
+        '\u21EA': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow from bar
+        '\u21EB': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow on pedestal
+        '\u21EC': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar
+        '\u21ED': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar
+        '\u21EE': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white double arrow
+        '\u21EF': MO.RELSTRETCH, // upwards white double arrow on pedestal
+        '\u21F0': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards white arrow from wall
+        '\u21F1': MO.REL,      // north west arrow to corner
+        '\u21F2': MO.REL,      // south east arrow to corner
+        '\u21F3': MO.RELSTRETCH, // up down white arrow
+        '\u21F4': MO.RELACCENT, // right arrow with small circle
+        '\u21F5': MO.RELSTRETCH, // downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
+        '\u21F6': MO.WIDEREL,  // three rightwards arrows
+        '\u21F7': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards arrow with vertical stroke
+        '\u21F8': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards arrow with vertical stroke
+        '\u21F9': MO.RELACCENT, // left right arrow with vertical stroke
+        '\u21FA': MO.RELACCENT, // leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke
+        '\u21FB': MO.RELACCENT, // rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke
+        '\u21FC': MO.RELACCENT, // left right arrow with double vertical stroke
+        '\u21FD': MO.WIDEREL,  // leftwards open-headed arrow
+        '\u21FE': MO.WIDEREL,  // rightwards open-headed arrow
+        '\u21FF': MO.WIDEREL   // left right open-headed arrow
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/Arrows.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/Arrows.js");

+ 64 - 64

@@ -19,71 +19,71 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            prefix: {
-                '||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN, {
-                    fence: true,
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    symmetric: true
-                }], // multiple character operator: ||
-                '|||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {
-                    fence: true,
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    symmetric: true
-                }]  // multiple character operator: |||
-            },
-            postfix: {
-                '!!': [1, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: !!
-                '\'': MO.ACCENT,       // apostrophe
-                '++': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: ++
-                '--': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: --
-                '..': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: ..
-                '...': MO.ORD,         // multiple character operator: ...
-                '||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN, {
-                    fence: true,
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    symmetric: true
-                }], // multiple character operator: ||
-                '|||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {
-                    fence: true,
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    symmetric: true
-                }]  // multiple character operator: |||
-            },
-            infix: {
-                '!=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: !=
-                '&&': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: &&
-                '**': [1, 1, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: **
-                '*=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: *=
-                '+=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: +=
-                '-=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: -=
-                '->': MO.BIN5,         // multiple character operator: ->
-                '//': [1, 1, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: //
-                '/=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: /=
-                ':=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: :=
-                '<=': MO.BIN5,         // multiple character operator: <=
-                '<>': [1, 1, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: <>
-                '==': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: ==
-                '>=': MO.BIN5,         // multiple character operator: >=
-                '@': MO.ORD11,         // commercial at
-                '||': [2, 2, TEXCLASS.BIN, {
-                    fence: true,
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    symmetric: true
-                }], // multiple character operator: ||
-                '|||': [2, 2, TEXCLASS.ORD, {
-                    fence: true,
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    symmetric: true
-                }]  // multiple character operator: |||
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      prefix: {
+        '||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN, {
+          fence: true,
+          stretchy: true,
+          symmetric: true
+        }], // multiple character operator: ||
+        '|||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {
+          fence: true,
+          stretchy: true,
+          symmetric: true
+        }]  // multiple character operator: |||
+      },
+      postfix: {
+        '!!': [1, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: !!
+        '\'': MO.ACCENT,       // apostrophe
+        '++': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: ++
+        '--': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: --
+        '..': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: ..
+        '...': MO.ORD,         // multiple character operator: ...
+        '||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.BIN, {
+          fence: true,
+          stretchy: true,
+          symmetric: true
+        }], // multiple character operator: ||
+        '|||': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {
+          fence: true,
+          stretchy: true,
+          symmetric: true
+        }]  // multiple character operator: |||
+      },
+      infix: {
+        '!=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: !=
+        '&&': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: &&
+        '**': [1, 1, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: **
+        '*=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: *=
+        '+=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: +=
+        '-=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: -=
+        '->': MO.BIN5,         // multiple character operator: ->
+        '//': [1, 1, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: //
+        '/=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: /=
+        ':=': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: :=
+        '<=': MO.BIN5,         // multiple character operator: <=
+        '<>': [1, 1, TEXCLASS.BIN], // multiple character operator: <>
+        '==': MO.BIN4,         // multiple character operator: ==
+        '>=': MO.BIN5,         // multiple character operator: >=
+        '@': MO.ORD11,         // commercial at
+        '||': [2, 2, TEXCLASS.BIN, {
+          fence: true,
+          stretchy: true,
+          symmetric: true
+        }], // multiple character operator: ||
+        '|||': [2, 2, TEXCLASS.ORD, {
+          fence: true,
+          stretchy: true,
+          symmetric: true
+        }]  // multiple character operator: |||
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/BasicLatin.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/BasicLatin.js");

+ 10 - 10

@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            postfix: {
-                '\u0311': MO.ACCENT    // combining inverted breve
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      postfix: {
+        '\u0311': MO.ACCENT    // combining inverted breve
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/CombDiacritMarks.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/CombDiacritMarks.js");

+ 17 - 17

@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            prefix: {
-                '\u2016': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {fence: true, stretchy: true}], // double vertical line
-                '\u2018': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.OPEN, {fence: true}], // left single quotation mark
-                '\u201C': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.OPEN, {fence: true}]  // left double quotation mark
-            },
-            postfix: {
-                '\u2016': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {fence: true, stretchy: true}], // double vertical line
-                '\u2019': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.CLOSE, {fence: true}], // right single quotation mark
-                '\u201D': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.CLOSE, {fence: true}]  // right double quotation mark
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      prefix: {
+        '\u2016': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {fence: true, stretchy: true}], // double vertical line
+        '\u2018': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.OPEN, {fence: true}], // left single quotation mark
+        '\u201C': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.OPEN, {fence: true}]  // left double quotation mark
+      },
+      postfix: {
+        '\u2016': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.ORD, {fence: true, stretchy: true}], // double vertical line
+        '\u2019': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.CLOSE, {fence: true}], // right single quotation mark
+        '\u201D': [0, 0, TEXCLASS.CLOSE, {fence: true}]  // right double quotation mark
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/GeneralPunctuation.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/GeneralPunctuation.js");

+ 41 - 41

@@ -19,48 +19,48 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            infix: {
-                '\u25A0': MO.BIN3,     // black square
-                '\u25A1': MO.BIN3,     // white square
-                '\u25AA': MO.BIN3,     // black small square
-                '\u25AB': MO.BIN3,     // white small square
-                '\u25AD': MO.BIN3,     // white rectangle
-                '\u25AE': MO.BIN3,     // black vertical rectangle
-                '\u25AF': MO.BIN3,     // white vertical rectangle
-                '\u25B0': MO.BIN3,     // black parallelogram
-                '\u25B1': MO.BIN3,     // white parallelogram
-                '\u25B2': MO.BIN4,     // black up-pointing triangle
-                '\u25B4': MO.BIN4,     // black up-pointing small triangle
-                '\u25B6': MO.BIN4,     // black right-pointing triangle
-                '\u25B7': MO.BIN4,     // white right-pointing triangle
-                '\u25B8': MO.BIN4,     // black right-pointing small triangle
-                '\u25BC': MO.BIN4,     // black down-pointing triangle
-                '\u25BE': MO.BIN4,     // black down-pointing small triangle
-                '\u25C0': MO.BIN4,     // black left-pointing triangle
-                '\u25C1': MO.BIN4,     // white left-pointing triangle
-                '\u25C2': MO.BIN4,     // black left-pointing small triangle
-                '\u25C4': MO.BIN4,     // black left-pointing pointer
-                '\u25C5': MO.BIN4,     // white left-pointing pointer
-                '\u25C6': MO.BIN4,     // black diamond
-                '\u25C7': MO.BIN4,     // white diamond
-                '\u25C8': MO.BIN4,     // white diamond containing black small diamond
-                '\u25C9': MO.BIN4,     // fisheye
-                '\u25CC': MO.BIN4,     // dotted circle
-                '\u25CD': MO.BIN4,     // circle with vertical fill
-                '\u25CE': MO.BIN4,     // bullseye
-                '\u25CF': MO.BIN4,     // black circle
-                '\u25D6': MO.BIN4,     // left half black circle
-                '\u25D7': MO.BIN4,     // right half black circle
-                '\u25E6': MO.BIN4      // white bullet
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      infix: {
+        '\u25A0': MO.BIN3,     // black square
+        '\u25A1': MO.BIN3,     // white square
+        '\u25AA': MO.BIN3,     // black small square
+        '\u25AB': MO.BIN3,     // white small square
+        '\u25AD': MO.BIN3,     // white rectangle
+        '\u25AE': MO.BIN3,     // black vertical rectangle
+        '\u25AF': MO.BIN3,     // white vertical rectangle
+        '\u25B0': MO.BIN3,     // black parallelogram
+        '\u25B1': MO.BIN3,     // white parallelogram
+        '\u25B2': MO.BIN4,     // black up-pointing triangle
+        '\u25B4': MO.BIN4,     // black up-pointing small triangle
+        '\u25B6': MO.BIN4,     // black right-pointing triangle
+        '\u25B7': MO.BIN4,     // white right-pointing triangle
+        '\u25B8': MO.BIN4,     // black right-pointing small triangle
+        '\u25BC': MO.BIN4,     // black down-pointing triangle
+        '\u25BE': MO.BIN4,     // black down-pointing small triangle
+        '\u25C0': MO.BIN4,     // black left-pointing triangle
+        '\u25C1': MO.BIN4,     // white left-pointing triangle
+        '\u25C2': MO.BIN4,     // black left-pointing small triangle
+        '\u25C4': MO.BIN4,     // black left-pointing pointer
+        '\u25C5': MO.BIN4,     // white left-pointing pointer
+        '\u25C6': MO.BIN4,     // black diamond
+        '\u25C7': MO.BIN4,     // white diamond
+        '\u25C8': MO.BIN4,     // white diamond containing black small diamond
+        '\u25C9': MO.BIN4,     // fisheye
+        '\u25CC': MO.BIN4,     // dotted circle
+        '\u25CD': MO.BIN4,     // circle with vertical fill
+        '\u25CE': MO.BIN4,     // bullseye
+        '\u25CF': MO.BIN4,     // black circle
+        '\u25D6': MO.BIN4,     // left half black circle
+        '\u25D7': MO.BIN4,     // right half black circle
+        '\u25E6': MO.BIN4      // white bullet
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/GeometricShapes.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/GeometricShapes.js");

+ 12 - 12

@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            postfix: {
-                '\u00B0': MO.ORD,      // degree sign
-                '\u00B4': MO.ACCENT,   // acute accent
-                '\u00B8': MO.ACCENT    // cedilla
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      postfix: {
+        '\u00B0': MO.ORD,      // degree sign
+        '\u00B4': MO.ACCENT,   // acute accent
+        '\u00B8': MO.ACCENT    // cedilla
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/Latin1Supplement.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/Latin1Supplement.js");

+ 264 - 264

@@ -19,271 +19,271 @@
 (function (MML) {
-    var MO =;
+  var MO =;
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
-        OPTABLE: {
-            prefix: {
-                '\u2A03': MO.OP,       // n-ary union operator with dot
-                '\u2A05': MO.OP,       // n-ary square intersection operator
-                '\u2A07': MO.OP,       // two logical and operator
-                '\u2A08': MO.OP,       // two logical or operator
-                '\u2A09': MO.OP,       // n-ary times operator
-                '\u2A0A': MO.OP,       // modulo two sum
-                '\u2A0B': MO.INTEGRAL2, // summation with integral
-                '\u2A0C': MO.INTEGRAL, // quadruple integral operator
-                '\u2A0D': MO.INTEGRAL2, // finite part integral
-                '\u2A0E': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with double stroke
-                '\u2A0F': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral average with slash
-                '\u2A10': MO.OP,       // circulation function
-                '\u2A11': MO.OP,       // anticlockwise integration
-                '\u2A12': MO.OP,       // line integration with rectangular path around pole
-                '\u2A13': MO.OP,       // line integration with semicircular path around pole
-                '\u2A14': MO.OP,       // line integration not including the pole
-                '\u2A15': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral around a point operator
-                '\u2A16': MO.INTEGRAL2, // quaternion integral operator
-                '\u2A17': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with leftwards arrow with hook
-                '\u2A18': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with times sign
-                '\u2A19': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with intersection
-                '\u2A1A': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with union
-                '\u2A1B': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with overbar
-                '\u2A1C': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with underbar
-                '\u2AFC': MO.OP,       // large triple vertical bar operator
-                '\u2AFF': MO.OP        // n-ary white vertical bar
-            },
-            infix: {
-                '\u2A1D': MO.BIN3,     // join
-                '\u2A1E': MO.BIN3,     // large left triangle operator
-                '\u2A1F': MO.BIN3,     // z notation schema composition
-                '\u2A20': MO.BIN3,     // z notation schema piping
-                '\u2A21': MO.BIN3,     // z notation schema projection
-                '\u2A22': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with small circle above
-                '\u2A23': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with circumflex accent above
-                '\u2A24': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with tilde above
-                '\u2A25': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with dot below
-                '\u2A26': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with tilde below
-                '\u2A27': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with subscript two
-                '\u2A28': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with black triangle
-                '\u2A29': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with comma above
-                '\u2A2A': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with dot below
-                '\u2A2B': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with falling dots
-                '\u2A2C': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with rising dots
-                '\u2A2D': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign in left half circle
-                '\u2A2E': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign in right half circle
-                '\u2A30': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign with dot above
-                '\u2A31': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign with underbar
-                '\u2A32': MO.BIN4,     // semidirect product with bottom closed
-                '\u2A33': MO.BIN4,     // smash product
-                '\u2A34': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in left half circle
-                '\u2A35': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in right half circle
-                '\u2A36': MO.BIN4,     // circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
-                '\u2A37': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in double circle
-                '\u2A38': MO.BIN4,     // circled division sign
-                '\u2A39': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign in triangle
-                '\u2A3A': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign in triangle
-                '\u2A3B': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in triangle
-                '\u2A3C': MO.BIN4,     // interior product
-                '\u2A3D': MO.BIN4,     // righthand interior product
-                '\u2A3E': MO.BIN4,     // z notation relational composition
-                '\u2A40': MO.BIN4,     // intersection with dot
-                '\u2A41': MO.BIN4,     // union with minus sign
-                '\u2A42': MO.BIN4,     // union with overbar
-                '\u2A43': MO.BIN4,     // intersection with overbar
-                '\u2A44': MO.BIN4,     // intersection with logical and
-                '\u2A45': MO.BIN4,     // union with logical or
-                '\u2A46': MO.BIN4,     // union above intersection
-                '\u2A47': MO.BIN4,     // intersection above union
-                '\u2A48': MO.BIN4,     // union above bar above intersection
-                '\u2A49': MO.BIN4,     // intersection above bar above union
-                '\u2A4A': MO.BIN4,     // union beside and joined with union
-                '\u2A4B': MO.BIN4,     // intersection beside and joined with intersection
-                '\u2A4C': MO.BIN4,     // closed union with serifs
-                '\u2A4D': MO.BIN4,     // closed intersection with serifs
-                '\u2A4E': MO.BIN4,     // double square intersection
-                '\u2A4F': MO.BIN4,     // double square union
-                '\u2A50': MO.BIN4,     // closed union with serifs and smash product
-                '\u2A51': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with dot above
-                '\u2A52': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with dot above
-                '\u2A53': MO.BIN4,     // double logical and
-                '\u2A54': MO.BIN4,     // double logical or
-                '\u2A55': MO.BIN4,     // two intersecting logical and
-                '\u2A56': MO.BIN4,     // two intersecting logical or
-                '\u2A57': MO.BIN4,     // sloping large or
-                '\u2A58': MO.BIN4,     // sloping large and
-                '\u2A59': MO.REL,      // logical or overlapping logical and
-                '\u2A5A': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with middle stem
-                '\u2A5B': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with middle stem
-                '\u2A5C': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with horizontal dash
-                '\u2A5D': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with horizontal dash
-                '\u2A5E': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with double overbar
-                '\u2A5F': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with underbar
-                '\u2A60': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with double underbar
-                '\u2A61': MO.BIN4,     // small vee with underbar
-                '\u2A62': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with double overbar
-                '\u2A63': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with double underbar
-                '\u2A64': MO.BIN4,     // z notation domain antirestriction
-                '\u2A65': MO.BIN4,     // z notation range antirestriction
-                '\u2A66': MO.REL,      // equals sign with dot below
-                '\u2A67': MO.REL,      // identical with dot above
-                '\u2A68': MO.REL,      // triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke
-                '\u2A69': MO.REL,      // triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke
-                '\u2A6A': MO.REL,      // tilde operator with dot above
-                '\u2A6B': MO.REL,      // tilde operator with rising dots
-                '\u2A6C': MO.REL,      // similar minus similar
-                '\u2A6D': MO.REL,      // congruent with dot above
-                '\u2A6E': MO.REL,      // equals with asterisk
-                '\u2A6F': MO.REL,      // almost equal to with circumflex accent
-                '\u2A70': MO.REL,      // approximately equal or equal to
-                '\u2A71': MO.BIN4,     // equals sign above plus sign
-                '\u2A72': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign above equals sign
-                '\u2A73': MO.REL,      // equals sign above tilde operator
-                '\u2A74': MO.REL,      // double colon equal
-                '\u2A75': MO.REL,      // two consecutive equals signs
-                '\u2A76': MO.REL,      // three consecutive equals signs
-                '\u2A77': MO.REL,      // equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
-                '\u2A78': MO.REL,      // equivalent with four dots above
-                '\u2A79': MO.REL,      // less-than with circle inside
-                '\u2A7A': MO.REL,      // greater-than with circle inside
-                '\u2A7B': MO.REL,      // less-than with question mark above
-                '\u2A7C': MO.REL,      // greater-than with question mark above
-                '\u2A7D': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to
-                '\u2A7D\u0338': MO.REL, // less-than or slanted equal to with slash
-                '\u2A7E': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to
-                '\u2A7E\u0338': MO.REL, // greater-than or slanted equal to with slash
-                '\u2A7F': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
-                '\u2A80': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
-                '\u2A81': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to with dot above
-                '\u2A82': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above
-                '\u2A83': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right
-                '\u2A84': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left
-                '\u2A85': MO.REL,      // less-than or approximate
-                '\u2A86': MO.REL,      // greater-than or approximate
-                '\u2A87': MO.REL,      // less-than and single-line not equal to
-                '\u2A88': MO.REL,      // greater-than and single-line not equal to
-                '\u2A89': MO.REL,      // less-than and not approximate
-                '\u2A8A': MO.REL,      // greater-than and not approximate
-                '\u2A8B': MO.REL,      // less-than above double-line equal above greater-than
-                '\u2A8C': MO.REL,      // greater-than above double-line equal above less-than
-                '\u2A8D': MO.REL,      // less-than above similar or equal
-                '\u2A8E': MO.REL,      // greater-than above similar or equal
-                '\u2A8F': MO.REL,      // less-than above similar above greater-than
-                '\u2A90': MO.REL,      // greater-than above similar above less-than
-                '\u2A91': MO.REL,      // less-than above greater-than above double-line equal
-                '\u2A92': MO.REL,      // greater-than above less-than above double-line equal
-                '\u2A93': MO.REL,      // less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal
-                '\u2A94': MO.REL,      // greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal
-                '\u2A95': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or less-than
-                '\u2A96': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or greater-than
-                '\u2A97': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside
-                '\u2A98': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside
-                '\u2A99': MO.REL,      // double-line equal to or less-than
-                '\u2A9A': MO.REL,      // double-line equal to or greater-than
-                '\u2A9B': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted equal to or less-than
-                '\u2A9C': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted equal to or greater-than
-                '\u2A9D': MO.REL,      // similar or less-than
-                '\u2A9E': MO.REL,      // similar or greater-than
-                '\u2A9F': MO.REL,      // similar above less-than above equals sign
-                '\u2AA0': MO.REL,      // similar above greater-than above equals sign
-                '\u2AA1': MO.REL,      // double nested less-than
-                '\u2AA1\u0338': MO.REL, // double nested less-than with slash
-                '\u2AA2': MO.REL,      // double nested greater-than
-                '\u2AA2\u0338': MO.REL, // double nested greater-than with slash
-                '\u2AA3': MO.REL,      // double nested less-than with underbar
-                '\u2AA4': MO.REL,      // greater-than overlapping less-than
-                '\u2AA5': MO.REL,      // greater-than beside less-than
-                '\u2AA6': MO.REL,      // less-than closed by curve
-                '\u2AA7': MO.REL,      // greater-than closed by curve
-                '\u2AA8': MO.REL,      // less-than closed by curve above slanted equal
-                '\u2AA9': MO.REL,      // greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal
-                '\u2AAA': MO.REL,      // smaller than
-                '\u2AAB': MO.REL,      // larger than
-                '\u2AAC': MO.REL,      // smaller than or equal to
-                '\u2AAD': MO.REL,      // larger than or equal to
-                '\u2AAE': MO.REL,      // equals sign with bumpy above
-                '\u2AAF\u0338': MO.REL, // precedes above single-line equals sign with slash
-                '\u2AB0\u0338': MO.REL, // succeeds above single-line equals sign with slash
-                '\u2AB1': MO.REL,      // precedes above single-line not equal to
-                '\u2AB2': MO.REL,      // succeeds above single-line not equal to
-                '\u2AB3': MO.REL,      // precedes above equals sign
-                '\u2AB4': MO.REL,      // succeeds above equals sign
-                '\u2AB5': MO.REL,      // precedes above not equal to
-                '\u2AB6': MO.REL,      // succeeds above not equal to
-                '\u2AB7': MO.REL,      // precedes above almost equal to
-                '\u2AB8': MO.REL,      // succeeds above almost equal to
-                '\u2AB9': MO.REL,      // precedes above not almost equal to
-                '\u2ABA': MO.REL,      // succeeds above not almost equal to
-                '\u2ABB': MO.REL,      // double precedes
-                '\u2ABC': MO.REL,      // double succeeds
-                '\u2ABD': MO.REL,      // subset with dot
-                '\u2ABE': MO.REL,      // superset with dot
-                '\u2ABF': MO.REL,      // subset with plus sign below
-                '\u2AC0': MO.REL,      // superset with plus sign below
-                '\u2AC1': MO.REL,      // subset with multiplication sign below
-                '\u2AC2': MO.REL,      // superset with multiplication sign below
-                '\u2AC3': MO.REL,      // subset of or equal to with dot above
-                '\u2AC4': MO.REL,      // superset of or equal to with dot above
-                '\u2AC5': MO.REL,      // subset of above equals sign
-                '\u2AC6': MO.REL,      // superset of above equals sign
-                '\u2AC7': MO.REL,      // subset of above tilde operator
-                '\u2AC8': MO.REL,      // superset of above tilde operator
-                '\u2AC9': MO.REL,      // subset of above almost equal to
-                '\u2ACA': MO.REL,      // superset of above almost equal to
-                '\u2ACB': MO.REL,      // subset of above not equal to
-                '\u2ACC': MO.REL,      // superset of above not equal to
-                '\u2ACD': MO.REL,      // square left open box operator
-                '\u2ACE': MO.REL,      // square right open box operator
-                '\u2ACF': MO.REL,      // closed subset
-                '\u2AD0': MO.REL,      // closed superset
-                '\u2AD1': MO.REL,      // closed subset or equal to
-                '\u2AD2': MO.REL,      // closed superset or equal to
-                '\u2AD3': MO.REL,      // subset above superset
-                '\u2AD4': MO.REL,      // superset above subset
-                '\u2AD5': MO.REL,      // subset above subset
-                '\u2AD6': MO.REL,      // superset above superset
-                '\u2AD7': MO.REL,      // superset beside subset
-                '\u2AD8': MO.REL,      // superset beside and joined by dash with subset
-                '\u2AD9': MO.REL,      // element of opening downwards
-                '\u2ADA': MO.REL,      // pitchfork with tee top
-                '\u2ADB': MO.REL,      // transversal intersection
-                '\u2ADC': MO.REL,      // forking
-                '\u2ADD': MO.REL,      // nonforking
-                '\u2ADE': MO.REL,      // short left tack
-                '\u2ADF': MO.REL,      // short down tack
-                '\u2AE0': MO.REL,      // short up tack
-                '\u2AE1': MO.REL,      // perpendicular with s
-                '\u2AE2': MO.REL,      // vertical bar triple right turnstile
-                '\u2AE3': MO.REL,      // double vertical bar left turnstile
-                '\u2AE4': MO.REL,      // vertical bar double left turnstile
-                '\u2AE5': MO.REL,      // double vertical bar double left turnstile
-                '\u2AE6': MO.REL,      // long dash from left member of double vertical
-                '\u2AE7': MO.REL,      // short down tack with overbar
-                '\u2AE8': MO.REL,      // short up tack with underbar
-                '\u2AE9': MO.REL,      // short up tack above short down tack
-                '\u2AEA': MO.REL,      // double down tack
-                '\u2AEB': MO.REL,      // double up tack
-                '\u2AEC': MO.REL,      // double stroke not sign
-                '\u2AED': MO.REL,      // reversed double stroke not sign
-                '\u2AEE': MO.REL,      // does not divide with reversed negation slash
-                '\u2AEF': MO.REL,      // vertical line with circle above
-                '\u2AF0': MO.REL,      // vertical line with circle below
-                '\u2AF1': MO.REL,      // down tack with circle below
-                '\u2AF2': MO.REL,      // parallel with horizontal stroke
-                '\u2AF3': MO.REL,      // parallel with tilde operator
-                '\u2AF4': MO.BIN4,     // triple vertical bar binary relation
-                '\u2AF5': MO.BIN4,     // triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke
-                '\u2AF6': MO.BIN4,     // triple colon operator
-                '\u2AF7': MO.REL,      // triple nested less-than
-                '\u2AF8': MO.REL,      // triple nested greater-than
-                '\u2AF9': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted less-than or equal to
-                '\u2AFA': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted greater-than or equal to
-                '\u2AFB': MO.BIN4,     // triple solidus binary relation
-                '\u2AFD': MO.BIN4,     // double solidus operator
-                '\u2AFE': MO.BIN3      // white vertical bar
-            }
-        }
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(, {
+    OPTABLE: {
+      prefix: {
+        '\u2A03': MO.OP,       // n-ary union operator with dot
+        '\u2A05': MO.OP,       // n-ary square intersection operator
+        '\u2A07': MO.OP,       // two logical and operator
+        '\u2A08': MO.OP,       // two logical or operator
+        '\u2A09': MO.OP,       // n-ary times operator
+        '\u2A0A': MO.OP,       // modulo two sum
+        '\u2A0B': MO.INTEGRAL2, // summation with integral
+        '\u2A0C': MO.INTEGRAL, // quadruple integral operator
+        '\u2A0D': MO.INTEGRAL2, // finite part integral
+        '\u2A0E': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with double stroke
+        '\u2A0F': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral average with slash
+        '\u2A10': MO.OP,       // circulation function
+        '\u2A11': MO.OP,       // anticlockwise integration
+        '\u2A12': MO.OP,       // line integration with rectangular path around pole
+        '\u2A13': MO.OP,       // line integration with semicircular path around pole
+        '\u2A14': MO.OP,       // line integration not including the pole
+        '\u2A15': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral around a point operator
+        '\u2A16': MO.INTEGRAL2, // quaternion integral operator
+        '\u2A17': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with leftwards arrow with hook
+        '\u2A18': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with times sign
+        '\u2A19': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with intersection
+        '\u2A1A': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with union
+        '\u2A1B': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with overbar
+        '\u2A1C': MO.INTEGRAL2, // integral with underbar
+        '\u2AFC': MO.OP,       // large triple vertical bar operator
+        '\u2AFF': MO.OP        // n-ary white vertical bar
+      },
+      infix: {
+        '\u2A1D': MO.BIN3,     // join
+        '\u2A1E': MO.BIN3,     // large left triangle operator
+        '\u2A1F': MO.BIN3,     // z notation schema composition
+        '\u2A20': MO.BIN3,     // z notation schema piping
+        '\u2A21': MO.BIN3,     // z notation schema projection
+        '\u2A22': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with small circle above
+        '\u2A23': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with circumflex accent above
+        '\u2A24': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with tilde above
+        '\u2A25': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with dot below
+        '\u2A26': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with tilde below
+        '\u2A27': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with subscript two
+        '\u2A28': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign with black triangle
+        '\u2A29': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with comma above
+        '\u2A2A': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with dot below
+        '\u2A2B': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with falling dots
+        '\u2A2C': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign with rising dots
+        '\u2A2D': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign in left half circle
+        '\u2A2E': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign in right half circle
+        '\u2A30': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign with dot above
+        '\u2A31': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign with underbar
+        '\u2A32': MO.BIN4,     // semidirect product with bottom closed
+        '\u2A33': MO.BIN4,     // smash product
+        '\u2A34': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in left half circle
+        '\u2A35': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in right half circle
+        '\u2A36': MO.BIN4,     // circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
+        '\u2A37': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in double circle
+        '\u2A38': MO.BIN4,     // circled division sign
+        '\u2A39': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign in triangle
+        '\u2A3A': MO.BIN4,     // minus sign in triangle
+        '\u2A3B': MO.BIN4,     // multiplication sign in triangle
+        '\u2A3C': MO.BIN4,     // interior product
+        '\u2A3D': MO.BIN4,     // righthand interior product
+        '\u2A3E': MO.BIN4,     // z notation relational composition
+        '\u2A40': MO.BIN4,     // intersection with dot
+        '\u2A41': MO.BIN4,     // union with minus sign
+        '\u2A42': MO.BIN4,     // union with overbar
+        '\u2A43': MO.BIN4,     // intersection with overbar
+        '\u2A44': MO.BIN4,     // intersection with logical and
+        '\u2A45': MO.BIN4,     // union with logical or
+        '\u2A46': MO.BIN4,     // union above intersection
+        '\u2A47': MO.BIN4,     // intersection above union
+        '\u2A48': MO.BIN4,     // union above bar above intersection
+        '\u2A49': MO.BIN4,     // intersection above bar above union
+        '\u2A4A': MO.BIN4,     // union beside and joined with union
+        '\u2A4B': MO.BIN4,     // intersection beside and joined with intersection
+        '\u2A4C': MO.BIN4,     // closed union with serifs
+        '\u2A4D': MO.BIN4,     // closed intersection with serifs
+        '\u2A4E': MO.BIN4,     // double square intersection
+        '\u2A4F': MO.BIN4,     // double square union
+        '\u2A50': MO.BIN4,     // closed union with serifs and smash product
+        '\u2A51': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with dot above
+        '\u2A52': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with dot above
+        '\u2A53': MO.BIN4,     // double logical and
+        '\u2A54': MO.BIN4,     // double logical or
+        '\u2A55': MO.BIN4,     // two intersecting logical and
+        '\u2A56': MO.BIN4,     // two intersecting logical or
+        '\u2A57': MO.BIN4,     // sloping large or
+        '\u2A58': MO.BIN4,     // sloping large and
+        '\u2A59': MO.REL,      // logical or overlapping logical and
+        '\u2A5A': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with middle stem
+        '\u2A5B': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with middle stem
+        '\u2A5C': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with horizontal dash
+        '\u2A5D': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with horizontal dash
+        '\u2A5E': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with double overbar
+        '\u2A5F': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with underbar
+        '\u2A60': MO.BIN4,     // logical and with double underbar
+        '\u2A61': MO.BIN4,     // small vee with underbar
+        '\u2A62': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with double overbar
+        '\u2A63': MO.BIN4,     // logical or with double underbar
+        '\u2A64': MO.BIN4,     // z notation domain antirestriction
+        '\u2A65': MO.BIN4,     // z notation range antirestriction
+        '\u2A66': MO.REL,      // equals sign with dot below
+        '\u2A67': MO.REL,      // identical with dot above
+        '\u2A68': MO.REL,      // triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke
+        '\u2A69': MO.REL,      // triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke
+        '\u2A6A': MO.REL,      // tilde operator with dot above
+        '\u2A6B': MO.REL,      // tilde operator with rising dots
+        '\u2A6C': MO.REL,      // similar minus similar
+        '\u2A6D': MO.REL,      // congruent with dot above
+        '\u2A6E': MO.REL,      // equals with asterisk
+        '\u2A6F': MO.REL,      // almost equal to with circumflex accent
+        '\u2A70': MO.REL,      // approximately equal or equal to
+        '\u2A71': MO.BIN4,     // equals sign above plus sign
+        '\u2A72': MO.BIN4,     // plus sign above equals sign
+        '\u2A73': MO.REL,      // equals sign above tilde operator
+        '\u2A74': MO.REL,      // double colon equal
+        '\u2A75': MO.REL,      // two consecutive equals signs
+        '\u2A76': MO.REL,      // three consecutive equals signs
+        '\u2A77': MO.REL,      // equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
+        '\u2A78': MO.REL,      // equivalent with four dots above
+        '\u2A79': MO.REL,      // less-than with circle inside
+        '\u2A7A': MO.REL,      // greater-than with circle inside
+        '\u2A7B': MO.REL,      // less-than with question mark above
+        '\u2A7C': MO.REL,      // greater-than with question mark above
+        '\u2A7D': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to
+        '\u2A7D\u0338': MO.REL, // less-than or slanted equal to with slash
+        '\u2A7E': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to
+        '\u2A7E\u0338': MO.REL, // greater-than or slanted equal to with slash
+        '\u2A7F': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
+        '\u2A80': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
+        '\u2A81': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to with dot above
+        '\u2A82': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above
+        '\u2A83': MO.REL,      // less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right
+        '\u2A84': MO.REL,      // greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left
+        '\u2A85': MO.REL,      // less-than or approximate
+        '\u2A86': MO.REL,      // greater-than or approximate
+        '\u2A87': MO.REL,      // less-than and single-line not equal to
+        '\u2A88': MO.REL,      // greater-than and single-line not equal to
+        '\u2A89': MO.REL,      // less-than and not approximate
+        '\u2A8A': MO.REL,      // greater-than and not approximate
+        '\u2A8B': MO.REL,      // less-than above double-line equal above greater-than
+        '\u2A8C': MO.REL,      // greater-than above double-line equal above less-than
+        '\u2A8D': MO.REL,      // less-than above similar or equal
+        '\u2A8E': MO.REL,      // greater-than above similar or equal
+        '\u2A8F': MO.REL,      // less-than above similar above greater-than
+        '\u2A90': MO.REL,      // greater-than above similar above less-than
+        '\u2A91': MO.REL,      // less-than above greater-than above double-line equal
+        '\u2A92': MO.REL,      // greater-than above less-than above double-line equal
+        '\u2A93': MO.REL,      // less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal
+        '\u2A94': MO.REL,      // greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal
+        '\u2A95': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or less-than
+        '\u2A96': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or greater-than
+        '\u2A97': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside
+        '\u2A98': MO.REL,      // slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside
+        '\u2A99': MO.REL,      // double-line equal to or less-than
+        '\u2A9A': MO.REL,      // double-line equal to or greater-than
+        '\u2A9B': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted equal to or less-than
+        '\u2A9C': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted equal to or greater-than
+        '\u2A9D': MO.REL,      // similar or less-than
+        '\u2A9E': MO.REL,      // similar or greater-than
+        '\u2A9F': MO.REL,      // similar above less-than above equals sign
+        '\u2AA0': MO.REL,      // similar above greater-than above equals sign
+        '\u2AA1': MO.REL,      // double nested less-than
+        '\u2AA1\u0338': MO.REL, // double nested less-than with slash
+        '\u2AA2': MO.REL,      // double nested greater-than
+        '\u2AA2\u0338': MO.REL, // double nested greater-than with slash
+        '\u2AA3': MO.REL,      // double nested less-than with underbar
+        '\u2AA4': MO.REL,      // greater-than overlapping less-than
+        '\u2AA5': MO.REL,      // greater-than beside less-than
+        '\u2AA6': MO.REL,      // less-than closed by curve
+        '\u2AA7': MO.REL,      // greater-than closed by curve
+        '\u2AA8': MO.REL,      // less-than closed by curve above slanted equal
+        '\u2AA9': MO.REL,      // greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal
+        '\u2AAA': MO.REL,      // smaller than
+        '\u2AAB': MO.REL,      // larger than
+        '\u2AAC': MO.REL,      // smaller than or equal to
+        '\u2AAD': MO.REL,      // larger than or equal to
+        '\u2AAE': MO.REL,      // equals sign with bumpy above
+        '\u2AAF\u0338': MO.REL, // precedes above single-line equals sign with slash
+        '\u2AB0\u0338': MO.REL, // succeeds above single-line equals sign with slash
+        '\u2AB1': MO.REL,      // precedes above single-line not equal to
+        '\u2AB2': MO.REL,      // succeeds above single-line not equal to
+        '\u2AB3': MO.REL,      // precedes above equals sign
+        '\u2AB4': MO.REL,      // succeeds above equals sign
+        '\u2AB5': MO.REL,      // precedes above not equal to
+        '\u2AB6': MO.REL,      // succeeds above not equal to
+        '\u2AB7': MO.REL,      // precedes above almost equal to
+        '\u2AB8': MO.REL,      // succeeds above almost equal to
+        '\u2AB9': MO.REL,      // precedes above not almost equal to
+        '\u2ABA': MO.REL,      // succeeds above not almost equal to
+        '\u2ABB': MO.REL,      // double precedes
+        '\u2ABC': MO.REL,      // double succeeds
+        '\u2ABD': MO.REL,      // subset with dot
+        '\u2ABE': MO.REL,      // superset with dot
+        '\u2ABF': MO.REL,      // subset with plus sign below
+        '\u2AC0': MO.REL,      // superset with plus sign below
+        '\u2AC1': MO.REL,      // subset with multiplication sign below
+        '\u2AC2': MO.REL,      // superset with multiplication sign below
+        '\u2AC3': MO.REL,      // subset of or equal to with dot above
+        '\u2AC4': MO.REL,      // superset of or equal to with dot above
+        '\u2AC5': MO.REL,      // subset of above equals sign
+        '\u2AC6': MO.REL,      // superset of above equals sign
+        '\u2AC7': MO.REL,      // subset of above tilde operator
+        '\u2AC8': MO.REL,      // superset of above tilde operator
+        '\u2AC9': MO.REL,      // subset of above almost equal to
+        '\u2ACA': MO.REL,      // superset of above almost equal to
+        '\u2ACB': MO.REL,      // subset of above not equal to
+        '\u2ACC': MO.REL,      // superset of above not equal to
+        '\u2ACD': MO.REL,      // square left open box operator
+        '\u2ACE': MO.REL,      // square right open box operator
+        '\u2ACF': MO.REL,      // closed subset
+        '\u2AD0': MO.REL,      // closed superset
+        '\u2AD1': MO.REL,      // closed subset or equal to
+        '\u2AD2': MO.REL,      // closed superset or equal to
+        '\u2AD3': MO.REL,      // subset above superset
+        '\u2AD4': MO.REL,      // superset above subset
+        '\u2AD5': MO.REL,      // subset above subset
+        '\u2AD6': MO.REL,      // superset above superset
+        '\u2AD7': MO.REL,      // superset beside subset
+        '\u2AD8': MO.REL,      // superset beside and joined by dash with subset
+        '\u2AD9': MO.REL,      // element of opening downwards
+        '\u2ADA': MO.REL,      // pitchfork with tee top
+        '\u2ADB': MO.REL,      // transversal intersection
+        '\u2ADC': MO.REL,      // forking
+        '\u2ADD': MO.REL,      // nonforking
+        '\u2ADE': MO.REL,      // short left tack
+        '\u2ADF': MO.REL,      // short down tack
+        '\u2AE0': MO.REL,      // short up tack
+        '\u2AE1': MO.REL,      // perpendicular with s
+        '\u2AE2': MO.REL,      // vertical bar triple right turnstile
+        '\u2AE3': MO.REL,      // double vertical bar left turnstile
+        '\u2AE4': MO.REL,      // vertical bar double left turnstile
+        '\u2AE5': MO.REL,      // double vertical bar double left turnstile
+        '\u2AE6': MO.REL,      // long dash from left member of double vertical
+        '\u2AE7': MO.REL,      // short down tack with overbar
+        '\u2AE8': MO.REL,      // short up tack with underbar
+        '\u2AE9': MO.REL,      // short up tack above short down tack
+        '\u2AEA': MO.REL,      // double down tack
+        '\u2AEB': MO.REL,      // double up tack
+        '\u2AEC': MO.REL,      // double stroke not sign
+        '\u2AED': MO.REL,      // reversed double stroke not sign
+        '\u2AEE': MO.REL,      // does not divide with reversed negation slash
+        '\u2AEF': MO.REL,      // vertical line with circle above
+        '\u2AF0': MO.REL,      // vertical line with circle below
+        '\u2AF1': MO.REL,      // down tack with circle below
+        '\u2AF2': MO.REL,      // parallel with horizontal stroke
+        '\u2AF3': MO.REL,      // parallel with tilde operator
+        '\u2AF4': MO.BIN4,     // triple vertical bar binary relation
+        '\u2AF5': MO.BIN4,     // triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke
+        '\u2AF6': MO.BIN4,     // triple colon operator
+        '\u2AF7': MO.REL,      // triple nested less-than
+        '\u2AF8': MO.REL,      // triple nested greater-than
+        '\u2AF9': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted less-than or equal to
+        '\u2AFA': MO.REL,      // double-line slanted greater-than or equal to
+        '\u2AFB': MO.BIN4,     // triple solidus binary relation
+        '\u2AFD': MO.BIN4,     // double solidus operator
+        '\u2AFE': MO.BIN3      // white vertical bar
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/SuppMathOperators.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MML.optableDir + "/SuppMathOperators.js");

+ 146 - 146

@@ -19,152 +19,152 @@
 (function (MATHML) {
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
-        'SHCHcy': '\u0429',
-        'SHcy': '\u0428',
-        'SOFTcy': '\u042C',
-        'Sacute': '\u015A',
-        'Sc': '\u2ABC',
-        'Scaron': '\u0160',
-        'Scedil': '\u015E',
-        'Scirc': '\u015C',
-        'Scy': '\u0421',
-        'ShortDownArrow': '\u2193',
-        'ShortLeftArrow': '\u2190',
-        'ShortRightArrow': '\u2192',
-        'ShortUpArrow': '\u2191',
-        'Sub': '\u22D0',
-        'Sup': '\u22D1',
-        'sacute': '\u015B',
-        'sbquo': '\u201A',
-        'sc': '\u227B',
-        'scE': '\u2AB4',
-        'scaron': '\u0161',
-        'sccue': '\u227D',
-        'sce': '\u2AB0',
-        'scedil': '\u015F',
-        'scirc': '\u015D',
-        'scpolint': '\u2A13',
-        'scsim': '\u227F',
-        'scy': '\u0441',
-        'sdotb': '\u22A1',
-        'sdote': '\u2A66',
-        'seArr': '\u21D8',
-        'searhk': '\u2925',
-        'searrow': '\u2198',
-        'semi': '\u003B',
-        'seswar': '\u2929',
-        'setminus': '\u2216',
-        'setmn': '\u2216',
-        'sext': '\u2736',
-        'sfrown': '\u2322',
-        'shchcy': '\u0449',
-        'shcy': '\u0448',
-        'shortmid': '\u2223',
-        'shortparallel': '\u2225',
-        'shy': '\u00AD',
-        'sigmaf': '\u03C2',
-        'sim': '\u223C',
-        'simdot': '\u2A6A',
-        'sime': '\u2243',
-        'simeq': '\u2243',
-        'simg': '\u2A9E',
-        'simgE': '\u2AA0',
-        'siml': '\u2A9D',
-        'simlE': '\u2A9F',
-        'simplus': '\u2A24',
-        'simrarr': '\u2972',
-        'slarr': '\u2190',
-        'smallsetminus': '\u2216',
-        'smashp': '\u2A33',
-        'smeparsl': '\u29E4',
-        'smid': '\u2223',
-        'smt': '\u2AAA',
-        'smte': '\u2AAC',
-        'smtes': '\u2AAC\uFE00',
-        'softcy': '\u044C',
-        'sol': '\u002F',
-        'solb': '\u29C4',
-        'solbar': '\u233F',
-        'spadesuit': '\u2660',
-        'spar': '\u2225',
-        'sqcap': '\u2293',
-        'sqcaps': '\u2293\uFE00',
-        'sqcup': '\u2294',
-        'sqcups': '\u2294\uFE00',
-        'sqsub': '\u228F',
-        'sqsube': '\u2291',
-        'sqsubset': '\u228F',
-        'sqsubseteq': '\u2291',
-        'sqsup': '\u2290',
-        'sqsupe': '\u2292',
-        'sqsupset': '\u2290',
-        'sqsupseteq': '\u2292',
-        'squ': '\u25A1',
-        'square': '\u25A1',
-        'squarf': '\u25AA',
-        'squf': '\u25AA',
-        'srarr': '\u2192',
-        'ssetmn': '\u2216',
-        'ssmile': '\u2323',
-        'sstarf': '\u22C6',
-        'star': '\u2606',
-        'starf': '\u2605',
-        'straightepsilon': '\u03F5',
-        'straightphi': '\u03D5',
-        'strns': '\u00AF',
-        'subdot': '\u2ABD',
-        'sube': '\u2286',
-        'subedot': '\u2AC3',
-        'submult': '\u2AC1',
-        'subplus': '\u2ABF',
-        'subrarr': '\u2979',
-        'subset': '\u2282',
-        'subseteq': '\u2286',
-        'subseteqq': '\u2AC5',
-        'subsetneq': '\u228A',
-        'subsetneqq': '\u2ACB',
-        'subsim': '\u2AC7',
-        'subsub': '\u2AD5',
-        'subsup': '\u2AD3',
-        'succ': '\u227B',
-        'succapprox': '\u2AB8',
-        'succcurlyeq': '\u227D',
-        'succeq': '\u2AB0',
-        'succnapprox': '\u2ABA',
-        'succneqq': '\u2AB6',
-        'succnsim': '\u22E9',
-        'succsim': '\u227F',
-        'sum': '\u2211',
-        'sung': '\u266A',
-        'sup': '\u2283',
-        'sup1': '\u00B9',
-        'sup2': '\u00B2',
-        'sup3': '\u00B3',
-        'supdot': '\u2ABE',
-        'supdsub': '\u2AD8',
-        'supe': '\u2287',
-        'supedot': '\u2AC4',
-        'suphsol': '\u27C9',
-        'suphsub': '\u2AD7',
-        'suplarr': '\u297B',
-        'supmult': '\u2AC2',
-        'supplus': '\u2AC0',
-        'supset': '\u2283',
-        'supseteq': '\u2287',
-        'supseteqq': '\u2AC6',
-        'supsetneq': '\u228B',
-        'supsetneqq': '\u2ACC',
-        'supsim': '\u2AC8',
-        'supsub': '\u2AD4',
-        'supsup': '\u2AD6',
-        'swArr': '\u21D9',
-        'swarhk': '\u2926',
-        'swarrow': '\u2199',
-        'swnwar': '\u292A',
-        'szlig': '\u00DF'
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
+    'SHCHcy': '\u0429',
+    'SHcy': '\u0428',
+    'SOFTcy': '\u042C',
+    'Sacute': '\u015A',
+    'Sc': '\u2ABC',
+    'Scaron': '\u0160',
+    'Scedil': '\u015E',
+    'Scirc': '\u015C',
+    'Scy': '\u0421',
+    'ShortDownArrow': '\u2193',
+    'ShortLeftArrow': '\u2190',
+    'ShortRightArrow': '\u2192',
+    'ShortUpArrow': '\u2191',
+    'Sub': '\u22D0',
+    'Sup': '\u22D1',
+    'sacute': '\u015B',
+    'sbquo': '\u201A',
+    'sc': '\u227B',
+    'scE': '\u2AB4',
+    'scaron': '\u0161',
+    'sccue': '\u227D',
+    'sce': '\u2AB0',
+    'scedil': '\u015F',
+    'scirc': '\u015D',
+    'scpolint': '\u2A13',
+    'scsim': '\u227F',
+    'scy': '\u0441',
+    'sdotb': '\u22A1',
+    'sdote': '\u2A66',
+    'seArr': '\u21D8',
+    'searhk': '\u2925',
+    'searrow': '\u2198',
+    'semi': '\u003B',
+    'seswar': '\u2929',
+    'setminus': '\u2216',
+    'setmn': '\u2216',
+    'sext': '\u2736',
+    'sfrown': '\u2322',
+    'shchcy': '\u0449',
+    'shcy': '\u0448',
+    'shortmid': '\u2223',
+    'shortparallel': '\u2225',
+    'shy': '\u00AD',
+    'sigmaf': '\u03C2',
+    'sim': '\u223C',
+    'simdot': '\u2A6A',
+    'sime': '\u2243',
+    'simeq': '\u2243',
+    'simg': '\u2A9E',
+    'simgE': '\u2AA0',
+    'siml': '\u2A9D',
+    'simlE': '\u2A9F',
+    'simplus': '\u2A24',
+    'simrarr': '\u2972',
+    'slarr': '\u2190',
+    'smallsetminus': '\u2216',
+    'smashp': '\u2A33',
+    'smeparsl': '\u29E4',
+    'smid': '\u2223',
+    'smt': '\u2AAA',
+    'smte': '\u2AAC',
+    'smtes': '\u2AAC\uFE00',
+    'softcy': '\u044C',
+    'sol': '\u002F',
+    'solb': '\u29C4',
+    'solbar': '\u233F',
+    'spadesuit': '\u2660',
+    'spar': '\u2225',
+    'sqcap': '\u2293',
+    'sqcaps': '\u2293\uFE00',
+    'sqcup': '\u2294',
+    'sqcups': '\u2294\uFE00',
+    'sqsub': '\u228F',
+    'sqsube': '\u2291',
+    'sqsubset': '\u228F',
+    'sqsubseteq': '\u2291',
+    'sqsup': '\u2290',
+    'sqsupe': '\u2292',
+    'sqsupset': '\u2290',
+    'sqsupseteq': '\u2292',
+    'squ': '\u25A1',
+    'square': '\u25A1',
+    'squarf': '\u25AA',
+    'squf': '\u25AA',
+    'srarr': '\u2192',
+    'ssetmn': '\u2216',
+    'ssmile': '\u2323',
+    'sstarf': '\u22C6',
+    'star': '\u2606',
+    'starf': '\u2605',
+    'straightepsilon': '\u03F5',
+    'straightphi': '\u03D5',
+    'strns': '\u00AF',
+    'subdot': '\u2ABD',
+    'sube': '\u2286',
+    'subedot': '\u2AC3',
+    'submult': '\u2AC1',
+    'subplus': '\u2ABF',
+    'subrarr': '\u2979',
+    'subset': '\u2282',
+    'subseteq': '\u2286',
+    'subseteqq': '\u2AC5',
+    'subsetneq': '\u228A',
+    'subsetneqq': '\u2ACB',
+    'subsim': '\u2AC7',
+    'subsub': '\u2AD5',
+    'subsup': '\u2AD3',
+    'succ': '\u227B',
+    'succapprox': '\u2AB8',
+    'succcurlyeq': '\u227D',
+    'succeq': '\u2AB0',
+    'succnapprox': '\u2ABA',
+    'succneqq': '\u2AB6',
+    'succnsim': '\u22E9',
+    'succsim': '\u227F',
+    'sum': '\u2211',
+    'sung': '\u266A',
+    'sup': '\u2283',
+    'sup1': '\u00B9',
+    'sup2': '\u00B2',
+    'sup3': '\u00B3',
+    'supdot': '\u2ABE',
+    'supdsub': '\u2AD8',
+    'supe': '\u2287',
+    'supedot': '\u2AC4',
+    'suphsol': '\u27C9',
+    'suphsub': '\u2AD7',
+    'suplarr': '\u297B',
+    'supmult': '\u2AC2',
+    'supplus': '\u2AC0',
+    'supset': '\u2283',
+    'supseteq': '\u2287',
+    'supseteqq': '\u2AC6',
+    'supsetneq': '\u228B',
+    'supsetneqq': '\u2ACC',
+    'supsim': '\u2AC8',
+    'supsub': '\u2AD4',
+    'supsup': '\u2AD6',
+    'swArr': '\u21D9',
+    'swarhk': '\u2926',
+    'swarrow': '\u2199',
+    'swnwar': '\u292A',
+    'szlig': '\u00DF'
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/s.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/s.js");

+ 55 - 55

@@ -19,61 +19,61 @@
 (function (MATHML) {
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
-        'Ascr': '\uD835\uDC9C',
-        'Bscr': '\u212C',
-        'Cscr': '\uD835\uDC9E',
-        'Dscr': '\uD835\uDC9F',
-        'Escr': '\u2130',
-        'Fscr': '\u2131',
-        'Gscr': '\uD835\uDCA2',
-        'Hscr': '\u210B',
-        'Iscr': '\u2110',
-        'Jscr': '\uD835\uDCA5',
-        'Kscr': '\uD835\uDCA6',
-        'Lscr': '\u2112',
-        'Mscr': '\u2133',
-        'Nscr': '\uD835\uDCA9',
-        'Oscr': '\uD835\uDCAA',
-        'Pscr': '\uD835\uDCAB',
-        'Qscr': '\uD835\uDCAC',
-        'Rscr': '\u211B',
-        'Sscr': '\uD835\uDCAE',
-        'Tscr': '\uD835\uDCAF',
-        'Uscr': '\uD835\uDCB0',
-        'Vscr': '\uD835\uDCB1',
-        'Wscr': '\uD835\uDCB2',
-        'Xscr': '\uD835\uDCB3',
-        'Yscr': '\uD835\uDCB4',
-        'Zscr': '\uD835\uDCB5',
-        'ascr': '\uD835\uDCB6',
-        'bscr': '\uD835\uDCB7',
-        'cscr': '\uD835\uDCB8',
-        'dscr': '\uD835\uDCB9',
-        'escr': '\u212F',
-        'fscr': '\uD835\uDCBB',
-        'gscr': '\u210A',
-        'hscr': '\uD835\uDCBD',
-        'iscr': '\uD835\uDCBE',
-        'jscr': '\uD835\uDCBF',
-        'kscr': '\uD835\uDCC0',
-        'lscr': '\uD835\uDCC1',
-        'mscr': '\uD835\uDCC2',
-        'nscr': '\uD835\uDCC3',
-        'oscr': '\u2134',
-        'pscr': '\uD835\uDCC5',
-        'qscr': '\uD835\uDCC6',
-        'rscr': '\uD835\uDCC7',
-        'sscr': '\uD835\uDCC8',
-        'tscr': '\uD835\uDCC9',
-        'uscr': '\uD835\uDCCA',
-        'vscr': '\uD835\uDCCB',
-        'wscr': '\uD835\uDCCC',
-        'xscr': '\uD835\uDCCD',
-        'yscr': '\uD835\uDCCE',
-        'zscr': '\uD835\uDCCF'
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
+    'Ascr': '\uD835\uDC9C',
+    'Bscr': '\u212C',
+    'Cscr': '\uD835\uDC9E',
+    'Dscr': '\uD835\uDC9F',
+    'Escr': '\u2130',
+    'Fscr': '\u2131',
+    'Gscr': '\uD835\uDCA2',
+    'Hscr': '\u210B',
+    'Iscr': '\u2110',
+    'Jscr': '\uD835\uDCA5',
+    'Kscr': '\uD835\uDCA6',
+    'Lscr': '\u2112',
+    'Mscr': '\u2133',
+    'Nscr': '\uD835\uDCA9',
+    'Oscr': '\uD835\uDCAA',
+    'Pscr': '\uD835\uDCAB',
+    'Qscr': '\uD835\uDCAC',
+    'Rscr': '\u211B',
+    'Sscr': '\uD835\uDCAE',
+    'Tscr': '\uD835\uDCAF',
+    'Uscr': '\uD835\uDCB0',
+    'Vscr': '\uD835\uDCB1',
+    'Wscr': '\uD835\uDCB2',
+    'Xscr': '\uD835\uDCB3',
+    'Yscr': '\uD835\uDCB4',
+    'Zscr': '\uD835\uDCB5',
+    'ascr': '\uD835\uDCB6',
+    'bscr': '\uD835\uDCB7',
+    'cscr': '\uD835\uDCB8',
+    'dscr': '\uD835\uDCB9',
+    'escr': '\u212F',
+    'fscr': '\uD835\uDCBB',
+    'gscr': '\u210A',
+    'hscr': '\uD835\uDCBD',
+    'iscr': '\uD835\uDCBE',
+    'jscr': '\uD835\uDCBF',
+    'kscr': '\uD835\uDCC0',
+    'lscr': '\uD835\uDCC1',
+    'mscr': '\uD835\uDCC2',
+    'nscr': '\uD835\uDCC3',
+    'oscr': '\u2134',
+    'pscr': '\uD835\uDCC5',
+    'qscr': '\uD835\uDCC6',
+    'rscr': '\uD835\uDCC7',
+    'sscr': '\uD835\uDCC8',
+    'tscr': '\uD835\uDCC9',
+    'uscr': '\uD835\uDCCA',
+    'vscr': '\uD835\uDCCB',
+    'wscr': '\uD835\uDCCC',
+    'xscr': '\uD835\uDCCD',
+    'yscr': '\uD835\uDCCE',
+    'zscr': '\uD835\uDCCF'
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/scr.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/scr.js");

+ 68 - 68

@@ -19,74 +19,74 @@
 (function (MATHML) {
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
-        'Uacute': '\u00DA',
-        'Uarr': '\u219F',
-        'Uarrocir': '\u2949',
-        'Ubrcy': '\u040E',
-        'Ubreve': '\u016C',
-        'Ucirc': '\u00DB',
-        'Ucy': '\u0423',
-        'Udblac': '\u0170',
-        'Ugrave': '\u00D9',
-        'Umacr': '\u016A',
-        'UnderBracket': '\u23B5',
-        'UnderParenthesis': '\u23DD',
-        'Uogon': '\u0172',
-        'UpArrowBar': '\u2912',
-        'UpArrowDownArrow': '\u21C5',
-        'UpEquilibrium': '\u296E',
-        'UpTeeArrow': '\u21A5',
-        'UpperLeftArrow': '\u2196',
-        'UpperRightArrow': '\u2197',
-        'Upsi': '\u03D2',
-        'Uring': '\u016E',
-        'Utilde': '\u0168',
-        'Uuml': '\u00DC',
-        'uArr': '\u21D1',
-        'uHar': '\u2963',
-        'uacute': '\u00FA',
-        'uarr': '\u2191',
-        'ubrcy': '\u045E',
-        'ubreve': '\u016D',
-        'ucirc': '\u00FB',
-        'ucy': '\u0443',
-        'udarr': '\u21C5',
-        'udblac': '\u0171',
-        'udhar': '\u296E',
-        'ufisht': '\u297E',
-        'ugrave': '\u00F9',
-        'uharl': '\u21BF',
-        'uharr': '\u21BE',
-        'uhblk': '\u2580',
-        'ulcorn': '\u231C',
-        'ulcorner': '\u231C',
-        'ulcrop': '\u230F',
-        'ultri': '\u25F8',
-        'umacr': '\u016B',
-        'uml': '\u00A8',
-        'uogon': '\u0173',
-        'uparrow': '\u2191',
-        'updownarrow': '\u2195',
-        'upharpoonleft': '\u21BF',
-        'upharpoonright': '\u21BE',
-        'uplus': '\u228E',
-        'upsih': '\u03D2',
-        'upsilon': '\u03C5',
-        'urcorn': '\u231D',
-        'urcorner': '\u231D',
-        'urcrop': '\u230E',
-        'uring': '\u016F',
-        'urtri': '\u25F9',
-        'utdot': '\u22F0',
-        'utilde': '\u0169',
-        'utri': '\u25B5',
-        'utrif': '\u25B4',
-        'uuarr': '\u21C8',
-        'uuml': '\u00FC',
-        'uwangle': '\u29A7'
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
+    'Uacute': '\u00DA',
+    'Uarr': '\u219F',
+    'Uarrocir': '\u2949',
+    'Ubrcy': '\u040E',
+    'Ubreve': '\u016C',
+    'Ucirc': '\u00DB',
+    'Ucy': '\u0423',
+    'Udblac': '\u0170',
+    'Ugrave': '\u00D9',
+    'Umacr': '\u016A',
+    'UnderBracket': '\u23B5',
+    'UnderParenthesis': '\u23DD',
+    'Uogon': '\u0172',
+    'UpArrowBar': '\u2912',
+    'UpArrowDownArrow': '\u21C5',
+    'UpEquilibrium': '\u296E',
+    'UpTeeArrow': '\u21A5',
+    'UpperLeftArrow': '\u2196',
+    'UpperRightArrow': '\u2197',
+    'Upsi': '\u03D2',
+    'Uring': '\u016E',
+    'Utilde': '\u0168',
+    'Uuml': '\u00DC',
+    'uArr': '\u21D1',
+    'uHar': '\u2963',
+    'uacute': '\u00FA',
+    'uarr': '\u2191',
+    'ubrcy': '\u045E',
+    'ubreve': '\u016D',
+    'ucirc': '\u00FB',
+    'ucy': '\u0443',
+    'udarr': '\u21C5',
+    'udblac': '\u0171',
+    'udhar': '\u296E',
+    'ufisht': '\u297E',
+    'ugrave': '\u00F9',
+    'uharl': '\u21BF',
+    'uharr': '\u21BE',
+    'uhblk': '\u2580',
+    'ulcorn': '\u231C',
+    'ulcorner': '\u231C',
+    'ulcrop': '\u230F',
+    'ultri': '\u25F8',
+    'umacr': '\u016B',
+    'uml': '\u00A8',
+    'uogon': '\u0173',
+    'uparrow': '\u2191',
+    'updownarrow': '\u2195',
+    'upharpoonleft': '\u21BF',
+    'upharpoonright': '\u21BE',
+    'uplus': '\u228E',
+    'upsih': '\u03D2',
+    'upsilon': '\u03C5',
+    'urcorn': '\u231D',
+    'urcorner': '\u231D',
+    'urcrop': '\u230E',
+    'uring': '\u016F',
+    'urtri': '\u25F9',
+    'utdot': '\u22F0',
+    'utilde': '\u0169',
+    'utri': '\u25B5',
+    'utrif': '\u25B4',
+    'uuarr': '\u21C8',
+    'uuml': '\u00FC',
+    'uwangle': '\u29A7'
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/u.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/u.js");

+ 17 - 17

@@ -19,23 +19,23 @@
 (function (MATHML) {
-    MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
-        'YAcy': '\u042F',
-        'YIcy': '\u0407',
-        'YUcy': '\u042E',
-        'Yacute': '\u00DD',
-        'Ycirc': '\u0176',
-        'Ycy': '\u042B',
-        'Yuml': '\u0178',
-        'yacute': '\u00FD',
-        'yacy': '\u044F',
-        'ycirc': '\u0177',
-        'ycy': '\u044B',
-        'yicy': '\u0457',
-        'yucy': '\u044E',
-        'yuml': '\u00FF'
-    });
+  MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity, {
+    'YAcy': '\u042F',
+    'YIcy': '\u0407',
+    'YUcy': '\u042E',
+    'Yacute': '\u00DD',
+    'Ycirc': '\u0176',
+    'Ycy': '\u042B',
+    'Yuml': '\u0178',
+    'yacute': '\u00FD',
+    'yacy': '\u044F',
+    'ycirc': '\u0177',
+    'ycy': '\u044B',
+    'yicy': '\u0457',
+    'yucy': '\u044E',
+    'yuml': '\u00FF'
+  });
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/y.js");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir + "/y.js");

+ 2835 - 2863

@@ -27,2923 +27,2895 @@
 (function (TEX, HUB, AJAX) {
-    var MML, NBSP = "\u00A0";
-    var _ = function (id) {
-        return MathJax.Localization._.apply(MathJax.Localization,
-            [["TeX", id]].concat([], 1)));
-    };
-    var STACK = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
-        Init: function (env, inner) {
-   = {isInner: inner};
-   = [STACKITEM.start(];
-            if (env) {
-      [0].env = env
-            }
-            this.env =[0].env;
-        },
-        Push: function () {
-            var i, m, item, top;
-            for (i = 0, m = arguments.length; i < m; i++) {
-                item = arguments[i];
-                if (!item) continue;
-                if (item instanceof MML.mbase) {
-                    item = STACKITEM.mml(item)
-                }
-       =;
-                top = ( ? this.Top().checkItem(item) : true);
-                if (top instanceof Array) {
-                    this.Pop();
-                    this.Push.apply(this, top)
-                }
-                else if (top instanceof STACKITEM) {
-                    this.Pop();
-                    this.Push(top)
-                }
-                else if (top) {
-          ;
-                    if (item.env) {
-                        for (var id in this.env) {
-                            if (this.env.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
-                                item.env[id] = this.env[id]
-                            }
-                        }
-                        this.env = item.env;
-                    } else {
-                        item.env = this.env
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        Pop: function () {
-            var item =;
-            if (!item.isOpen) {
-                delete item.env
-            }
-            this.env = ( ? this.Top().env : {});
-            return item;
-        },
-        Top: function (n) {
-            if (n == null) {
-                n = 1
-            }
-            if ( < n) {
-                return null
-            }
-            return[ - n];
-        },
-        Prev: function (noPop) {
-            var top = this.Top();
-            if (noPop) {
-                return[ - 1]
-            }
-            else {
-                return top.Pop()
-            }
-        },
-        toString: function () {
-            return "stack[\n  " +"\n  ") + "\n]"
+  var MML, NBSP = "\u00A0";
+  var _ = function (id) {
+    return MathJax.Localization._.apply(MathJax.Localization,
+        [["TeX", id]].concat([], 1)));
+  };
+  var STACK = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
+    Init: function (env, inner) {
+ = {isInner: inner};
+ = [STACKITEM.start(];
+      if (env) {
+[0].env = env
+      }
+      this.env =[0].env;
+    },
+    Push: function () {
+      var i, m, item, top;
+      for (i = 0, m = arguments.length; i < m; i++) {
+        item = arguments[i];
+        if (!item) continue;
+        if (item instanceof MML.mbase) {
+          item = STACKITEM.mml(item)
-    });
-    var STACKITEM = STACK.Item = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
-        type: "base",
-        endError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraOpenMissingClose", "Extra open brace or missing close brace"],
-        closeError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraCloseMissingOpen", "Extra close brace or missing open brace"],
-        rightError: /*_()*/ ["MissingLeftExtraRight", "Missing \\left or extra \\right"],
-        Init: function () {
-            if (this.isOpen) {
-                this.env = {}
-            }
-   = [];
-            this.Push.apply(this, arguments);
-        },
-        Push: function () {
-  , arguments)
-        },
-        Pop: function () {
-            return
-        },
-        mmlData: function (inferred, forceRow) {
-            if (inferred == null) {
-                inferred = true
-            }
-            if ( === 1 && !forceRow) {
-                return[0]
-            }
-            return MML.mrow.apply(MML, ? {inferred: true} : {}));
-        },
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "over" && this.isOpen) {
-                item.num = this.mmlData(false);
-       = []
-            }
-            if (item.type === "cell" && this.isOpen) {
-                if (item.linebreak) {
-                    return false
-                }
-                TEX.Error(["Misplaced", "Misplaced %1",]);
-            }
-            if (item.isClose && this[item.type + "Error"]) {
-                TEX.Error(this[item.type + "Error"])
-            }
-            if (!item.isNotStack) {
-                return true
-            }
-            this.Push([0]);
-            return false;
-        },
-        With: function (def) {
-            for (var id in def) {
-                if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
-                    this[id] = def[id]
-                }
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        toString: function () {
-            return this.type + "[" +"; ") + "]"
+ =;
+        top = ( ? this.Top().checkItem(item) : true);
+        if (top instanceof Array) {
+          this.Pop();
+          this.Push.apply(this, top)
-    });
-    STACKITEM.start = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "start", isOpen: true,
-        Init: function (global) {
-            this.SUPER(arguments);
-   = global;
-        },
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "stop") {
-                return STACKITEM.mml(this.mmlData())
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+        else if (top instanceof STACKITEM) {
+          this.Pop();
+          this.Push(top)
-    });
+        else if (top) {
+          if (item.env) {
+            for (var id in this.env) {
+              if (this.env.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+                item.env[id] = this.env[id]
+              }
+            }
+            this.env = item.env;
+          } else {
+            item.env = this.env
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    Pop: function () {
+      var item =;
+      if (!item.isOpen) {
+        delete item.env
+      }
+      this.env = ( ? this.Top().env : {});
+      return item;
+    },
+    Top: function (n) {
+      if (n == null) {
+        n = 1
+      }
+      if ( < n) {
+        return null
+      }
+      return[ - n];
+    },
+    Prev: function (noPop) {
+      var top = this.Top();
+      if (noPop) {
+        return[ - 1]
+      }
+      else {
+        return top.Pop()
+      }
+    },
+    toString: function () {
+      return "stack[\n  " +"\n  ") + "\n]"
+    }
+  });
+  var STACKITEM = STACK.Item = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
+    type: "base",
+    endError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraOpenMissingClose", "Extra open brace or missing close brace"],
+    closeError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraCloseMissingOpen", "Extra close brace or missing open brace"],
+    rightError: /*_()*/ ["MissingLeftExtraRight", "Missing \\left or extra \\right"],
+    Init: function () {
+      if (this.isOpen) {
+        this.env = {}
+      }
+ = [];
+      this.Push.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    Push: function () {
+, arguments)
+    },
+    Pop: function () {
+      return
+    },
+    mmlData: function (inferred, forceRow) {
+      if (inferred == null) {
+        inferred = true
+      }
+      if ( === 1 && !forceRow) {
+        return[0]
+      }
+      return MML.mrow.apply(MML, ? {inferred: true} : {}));
+    },
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "over" && this.isOpen) {
+        item.num = this.mmlData(false);
+ = []
+      }
+      if (item.type === "cell" && this.isOpen) {
+        if (item.linebreak) {
+          return false
+        }
+        TEX.Error(["Misplaced", "Misplaced %1",]);
+      }
+      if (item.isClose && this[item.type + "Error"]) {
+        TEX.Error(this[item.type + "Error"])
+      }
+      if (!item.isNotStack) {
+        return true
+      }
+      this.Push([0]);
+      return false;
+    },
+    With: function (def) {
+      for (var id in def) {
+        if (def.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+          this[id] = def[id]
+        }
+      }
+      return this;
+    },
+    toString: function () {
+      return this.type + "[" +"; ") + "]"
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.start = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "start", isOpen: true,
+    Init: function (global) {
+      this.SUPER(arguments);
+ = global;
+    },
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "stop") {
+        return STACKITEM.mml(this.mmlData())
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.stop = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "stop", isClose: true
+  });
+ = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "open", isOpen: true,
+    stopError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraOpenMissingClose", "Extra open brace or missing close brace"],
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "close") {
+        var mml = this.mmlData();
+        return STACKITEM.mml(MML.TeXAtom(mml)); // TeXAtom make it an ORD to prevent spacing (FIXME: should be another way)
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.close = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "close", isClose: true
+  });
+ = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "prime",
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if ([0].type !== "msubsup") {
+        return [MML.msup([0],[1]), item]
+      }
+      return [[0], item];
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.subsup = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "subsup",
+    stopError: /*_()*/ ["MissingScript", "Missing superscript or subscript argument"],
+    supError: /*_()*/ ["MissingOpenForSup", "Missing open brace for superscript"],
+    subError: /*_()*/ ["MissingOpenForSub", "Missing open brace for subscript"],
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "open" || item.type === "left") {
+        return true
+      }
+      if (item.type === "mml") {
+        if (this.primes) {
+          if (this.position !== 2) {
+  [0].SetData(2, this.primes)
+          }
+          else {
+  [0] = MML.mrow(this.primes.With({variantForm: true}),[0])
+          }
+        }
+        if (this.movesupsub != null) {
+[0].movesupsub = this.movesupsub
+        }
+        return STACKITEM.mml([0]);
+      }
+      if (this.SUPER(arguments), item)) {
+        TEX.Error(this[["", "subError", "supError"][this.position]])
+      }
+    },
+    Pop: function () {
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.over = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "over", isClose: true, name: "\\over",
+    checkItem: function (item, stack) {
+      if (item.type === "over") {
+        TEX.Error(["AmbiguousUseOf", "Ambiguous use of %1",])
+      }
+      if (item.isClose) {
+        var mml = MML.mfrac(this.num, this.mmlData(false));
+        if (this.thickness != null) {
+          mml.linethickness = this.thickness
+        }
+        if ( || this.close) {
+          mml.texWithDelims = true;
+          mml = TEX.fixedFence(, mml, this.close);
+        }
+        return [STACKITEM.mml(mml), item];
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    },
+    toString: function () {
+      return "over[" + this.num + " / " +"; ") + "]"
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.left = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "left", isOpen: true, delim: '(',
+    stopError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraLeftMissingRight", "Extra \\left or missing \\right"],
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "right") {
+        return STACKITEM.mml(TEX.fenced(this.delim, this.mmlData(), item.delim))
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.right = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "right", isClose: true, delim: ')'
+  });
+  STACKITEM.begin = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "begin", isOpen: true,
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "end") {
+        if ( !== {
+          TEX.Error(["EnvBadEnd", "\\begin{%1} ended with \\end{%2}",,])
+        }
+        if (!this.end) {
+          return STACKITEM.mml(this.mmlData())
+        }
+        return this.parse[this.end].call(this.parse, this,;
+      }
+      if (item.type === "stop") {
+        TEX.Error(["EnvMissingEnd", "Missing \\end{%1}",])
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.end = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "end", isClose: true
+  });
+ = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "style",
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (!item.isClose) {
+        return this.SUPER(arguments), item)
+      }
+      var mml = MML.mstyle.apply(MML,;
+      return [STACKITEM.mml(mml), item];
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.position = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "position",
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.isClose) {
+        TEX.Error(["MissingBoxFor", "Missing box for %1",])
+      }
+      if (item.isNotStack) {
+        var mml = item.mmlData();
+        switch (this.move) {
+          case 'vertical':
+            mml = MML.mpadded(mml).With({
+              height: this.dh,
+              depth: this.dd,
+              voffset: this.dh
+            });
+            return [STACKITEM.mml(mml)];
+          case 'horizontal':
+            return [STACKITEM.mml(this.left), item, STACKITEM.mml(this.right)];
+        }
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.array = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "array", isOpen: true, arraydef: {},
+    Init: function () {
+      this.table = [];
+      this.row = [];
+      this.env = {};
+      this.frame = [];
+      this.hfill = [];
+      this.SUPER(arguments).Init.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.isClose && item.type !== "over") {
+        if (item.isEntry) {
+          this.EndEntry();
+          this.clearEnv();
+          return false
+        }
+        if (item.isCR) {
+          this.EndEntry();
+          this.EndRow();
+          this.clearEnv();
+          return false
+        }
+        this.EndTable();
+        this.clearEnv();
+        var mml = MML.mtable.apply(MML, this.table).With(this.arraydef);
+        if (this.frame.length === 4) {
+          mml.frame = (this.frame.dashed ? "dashed" : "solid");
+        } else if (this.frame.length) {
+          mml.hasFrame = true;
+          if (this.arraydef.rowlines) {
+            this.arraydef.rowlines = this.arraydef.rowlines.replace(/none( none)+$/, "none")
+          }
+          mml = MML.menclose(mml).With({
+            notation: this.frame.join(" "),
+            isFrame: true
+          });
+          if ((this.arraydef.columnlines || "none") != "none" ||
+              (this.arraydef.rowlines || "none") != "none") {
+            mml.padding = 0
+          } // HTML-CSS jax implements this
+        }
+        if ( || this.close) {
+          mml = TEX.fenced(, mml, this.close)
+        }
+        mml = STACKITEM.mml(mml);
+        if (this.requireClose) {
+          if (item.type === 'close') {
+            return mml
+          }
+          TEX.Error(["MissingCloseBrace", "Missing close brace"]);
+        }
+        return [mml, item];
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    },
+    EndEntry: function () {
+      var mtd = MML.mtd.apply(MML,;
+      if (this.hfill.length) {
+        if (this.hfill[0] === 0) mtd.columnalign = "right";
+        if (this.hfill[this.hfill.length - 1] ===
+          mtd.columnalign = (mtd.columnalign ? "center" : "left");
+      }
+      this.row.push(mtd);
+ = [];
+      this.hfill = [];
+    },
+    EndRow: function () {
+      var mtr =;
+      if (this.isNumbered && this.row.length === 3) {
+        this.row.unshift(this.row.pop());  // move equation number to first position
+        mtr = MML.mlabeledtr;
+      }
+      this.table.push(mtr.apply(MML, this.row));
+      this.row = [];
+    },
+    EndTable: function () {
+      if ( || this.row.length) {
+        this.EndEntry();
+        this.EndRow()
+      }
+      this.checkLines();
+    },
+    checkLines: function () {
+      if (this.arraydef.rowlines) {
+        var lines = this.arraydef.rowlines.split(/ /);
+        if (lines.length === this.table.length) {
+          this.frame.push("bottom");
+          lines.pop();
+          this.arraydef.rowlines = lines.join(' ');
+        } else if (lines.length < this.table.length - 1) {
+          this.arraydef.rowlines += " none";
+        }
+      }
+      if (this.rowspacing) {
+        var rows = this.arraydef.rowspacing.split(/ /);
+        while (rows.length < this.table.length) {
+          rows.push(this.rowspacing + "em")
+        }
+        this.arraydef.rowspacing = rows.join(' ');
+      }
+    },
+    clearEnv: function () {
+      for (var id in this.env) {
+        if (this.env.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+          delete this.env[id]
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.cell = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "cell", isClose: true
+  });
+  STACKITEM.mml = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "mml", isNotStack: true,
+    Add: function () {
+, arguments);
+      return this
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.fn = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "fn",
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if ([0]) {
+        if (item.type !== "mml" || ![0]) {
+          return [[0], item]
+        }
+        if ([0].isa(MML.mspace)) {
+          return [[0], item]
+        }
+        var mml =[0];
+        if (mml.isEmbellished()) {
+          mml = mml.CoreMO()
+        }
+        if ([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0][mml.Get("texClass")]) {
+          return [[0], item]
+        }
+        return [[0],"#x2061")).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.NONE}), item];
+      }
+      return this.SUPER(arguments).checkItem.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.not = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "not",
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      var mml, c;
+      if (item.type === "open" || item.type === "left") {
+        return true
+      }
+      if (item.type === "mml" &&[0].type.match(/^(mo|mi|mtext)$/)) {
+        mml =[0], c ="");
+        if (c.length === 1 && !mml.movesupsub) {
+          c = STACKITEM.not.remap[c.charCodeAt(0)];
+          if (c) {
+            mml.SetData(0, MML.chars(String.fromCharCode(c)))
+          }
+          else {
+            mml.Append(MML.chars("\u0338"))
+          }
+          return item;
+        }
+      }
+      //  \mathrel{\rlap{\notChar}}
+      mml = MML.mpadded(MML.mtext("\u29F8")).With({width: 0});
+      mml = MML.TeXAtom(mml).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.REL});
+      return [mml, item];
+    }
+  });
+  STACKITEM.not.remap = {
+    0x2190: 0x219A, 0x2192: 0x219B, 0x2194: 0x21AE,
+    0x21D0: 0x21CD, 0x21D2: 0x21CF, 0x21D4: 0x21CE,
+    0x2208: 0x2209, 0x220B: 0x220C, 0x2223: 0x2224, 0x2225: 0x2226,
+    0x223C: 0x2241, 0x007E: 0x2241, 0x2243: 0x2244, 0x2245: 0x2247,
+    0x2248: 0x2249, 0x224D: 0x226D, 0x003D: 0x2260, 0x2261: 0x2262,
+    0x003C: 0x226E, 0x003E: 0x226F, 0x2264: 0x2270, 0x2265: 0x2271,
+    0x2272: 0x2274, 0x2273: 0x2275, 0x2276: 0x2278, 0x2277: 0x2279,
+    0x227A: 0x2280, 0x227B: 0x2281, 0x2282: 0x2284, 0x2283: 0x2285,
+    0x2286: 0x2288, 0x2287: 0x2289, 0x22A2: 0x22AC, 0x22A8: 0x22AD,
+    0x22A9: 0x22AE, 0x22AB: 0x22AF, 0x227C: 0x22E0, 0x227D: 0x22E1,
+    0x2291: 0x22E2, 0x2292: 0x22E3, 0x22B2: 0x22EA, 0x22B3: 0x22EB,
+    0x22B4: 0x22EC, 0x22B5: 0x22ED, 0x2203: 0x2204
+  };
+  STACKITEM.dots = STACKITEM.Subclass({
+    type: "dots",
+    checkItem: function (item) {
+      if (item.type === "open" || item.type === "left") {
+        return true
+      }
+      var dots = this.ldots;
+      if (item.type === "mml" &&[0].isEmbellished()) {
+        var tclass =[0].CoreMO().Get("texClass");
+        if (tclass === MML.TEXCLASS.BIN || tclass === MML.TEXCLASS.REL) {
+          dots = this.cdots
+        }
+      }
+      return [dots, item];
+    }
+  });
-    STACKITEM.stop = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "stop", isClose: true
-    });
- = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "open", isOpen: true,
-        stopError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraOpenMissingClose", "Extra open brace or missing close brace"],
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "close") {
-                var mml = this.mmlData();
-                return STACKITEM.mml(MML.TeXAtom(mml)); // TeXAtom make it an ORD to prevent spacing (FIXME: should be another way)
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+  var TEXDEF = {
+    //
+    //  Add new definitions without overriding user-defined ones
+    //
+    Add: function (src, dst, nouser) {
+      if (!dst) {
+        dst = this
+      }
+      for (var id in src) {
+        if (src.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+          if (typeof src[id] === 'object' && !(src[id] instanceof Array) &&
+              (typeof dst[id] === 'object' || typeof dst[id] === 'function')) {
+            this.Add(src[id], dst[id], src[id], nouser)
+          }
+          else if (!dst[id] || !dst[id].isUser || !nouser) {
+            dst[id] = src[id]
+          }
-    });
+      }
+      return dst;
+    }
+  };
+  var STARTUP = function () {
+    MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
+    HUB.Insert(TEXDEF, {
+      // patterns for letters and numbers
+      letter: /[a-z]/i,
+      digit: /[0-9.]/,
+      number: /^(?:[0-9]+(?:\{,\}[0-9]{3})*(?:\.[0-9]*)*|\.[0-9]+)/,
+      special: {
+        '\\': 'ControlSequence',
+        '{': 'Open',
+        '}': 'Close',
+        '~': 'Tilde',
+        '^': 'Superscript',
+        '_': 'Subscript',
+        ' ': 'Space',
+        "\t": 'Space',
+        "\r": 'Space',
+        "\n": 'Space',
+        "'": 'Prime',
+        '%': 'Comment',
+        '&': 'Entry',
+        '#': 'Hash',
+        '\u00A0': 'Space',
+        '\u2019': 'Prime'
+      },
+      remap: {
+        '-': '2212',
+        '*': '2217',
+        '`': '2018'   // map ` to back quote
+      },
+      mathchar0mi: {
+        // Lower-case greek
+        alpha: '03B1',
+        beta: '03B2',
+        gamma: '03B3',
+        delta: '03B4',
+        epsilon: '03F5',
+        zeta: '03B6',
+        eta: '03B7',
+        theta: '03B8',
+        iota: '03B9',
+        kappa: '03BA',
+        lambda: '03BB',
+        mu: '03BC',
+        nu: '03BD',
+        xi: '03BE',
+        omicron: '03BF', // added for completeness
+        pi: '03C0',
+        rho: '03C1',
+        sigma: '03C3',
+        tau: '03C4',
+        upsilon: '03C5',
+        phi: '03D5',
+        chi: '03C7',
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+      },
+      p_height: 1.2 / .85   // cmex10 height plus depth over .85
-    STACKITEM.subsup = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "subsup",
-        stopError: /*_()*/ ["MissingScript", "Missing superscript or subscript argument"],
-        supError: /*_()*/ ["MissingOpenForSup", "Missing open brace for superscript"],
-        subError: /*_()*/ ["MissingOpenForSub", "Missing open brace for subscript"],
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "open" || item.type === "left") {
-                return true
-            }
-            if (item.type === "mml") {
-                if (this.primes) {
-                    if (this.position !== 2) {
-              [0].SetData(2, this.primes)
-                    }
-                    else {
-              [0] = MML.mrow(this.primes.With({variantForm: true}),[0])
-                    }
-                }
-      [0].SetData(this.position,[0]);
-                if (this.movesupsub != null) {
-          [0].movesupsub = this.movesupsub
-                }
-                return STACKITEM.mml([0]);
-            }
-            if (this.SUPER(arguments), item)) {
-                TEX.Error(this[["", "subError", "supError"][this.position]])
-            }
-        },
-        Pop: function () {
-        }
-    STACKITEM.over = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "over", isClose: true, name: "\\over",
-        checkItem: function (item, stack) {
-            if (item.type === "over") {
-                TEX.Error(["AmbiguousUseOf", "Ambiguous use of %1",])
-            }
-            if (item.isClose) {
-                var mml = MML.mfrac(this.num, this.mmlData(false));
-                if (this.thickness != null) {
-                    mml.linethickness = this.thickness
-                }
-                if ( || this.close) {
-                    mml.texWithDelims = true;
-                    mml = TEX.fixedFence(, mml, this.close);
-                }
-                return [STACKITEM.mml(mml), item];
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
-        },
-        toString: function () {
-            return "over[" + this.num + " / " +"; ") + "]"
+    //
+    //  Add macros defined in the configuration
+    //
+    if (this.config.Macros) {
+      var MACROS = this.config.Macros;
+      for (var id in MACROS) {
+        if (MACROS.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+          if (typeof(MACROS[id]) === "string") {
+            TEXDEF.macros[id] = ['Macro', MACROS[id]]
+          }
+          else {
+            TEXDEF.macros[id] = ["Macro"].concat(MACROS[id])
+          }
+          TEXDEF.macros[id].isUser = true;
-    });
-    STACKITEM.left = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "left", isOpen: true, delim: '(',
-        stopError: /*_()*/ ["ExtraLeftMissingRight", "Extra \\left or missing \\right"],
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "right") {
-                return STACKITEM.mml(TEX.fenced(this.delim, this.mmlData(), item.delim))
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  /************************************************************************/
+  /*
+   *   The TeX Parser
+   */
+  var PARSE = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
+    Init: function (string, env) {
+      this.string = string;
+      this.i = 0;
+      this.macroCount = 0;
+      var ENV;
+      if (env) {
+        ENV = {};
+        for (var id in env) {
+          if (env.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
+            ENV[id] = env[id]
+          }
-    });
+      }
+      this.stack = TEX.Stack(ENV, !!env);
+      this.Parse();
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.stop());
+    },
+    Parse: function () {
+      var c, n;
+      while (this.i < this.string.length) {
+        c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
+        n = c.charCodeAt(0);
+        if (n >= 0xD800 && n < 0xDC00) {
+          c += this.string.charAt(this.i++)
+        }
+        if (TEXDEF.special[c]) {
+          this[TEXDEF.special[c]](c)
+        }
+        else if (TEXDEF.letter.test(c)) {
+          this.Variable(c)
+        }
+        else if (TEXDEF.digit.test(c)) {
+          this.Number(c)
+        }
+        else {
+          this.Other(c)
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    Push: function () {
+      this.stack.Push.apply(this.stack, arguments)
+    },
+    mml: function () {
+      if (this.stack.Top().type !== "mml") {
+        return null
+      }
+      return this.stack.Top().data[0];
+    },
+    mmlToken: function (token) {
+      return token
+    }, // used by boldsymbol extension
-    STACKITEM.right = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "right", isClose: true, delim: ')'
-    });
+    /************************************************************************/
+    /*
+     *   Handle various token classes
+     */
-    STACKITEM.begin = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "begin", isOpen: true,
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "end") {
-                if ( !== {
-                    TEX.Error(["EnvBadEnd", "\\begin{%1} ended with \\end{%2}",,])
-                }
-                if (!this.end) {
-                    return STACKITEM.mml(this.mmlData())
-                }
-                return this.parse[this.end].call(this.parse, this,;
-            }
-            if (item.type === "stop") {
-                TEX.Error(["EnvMissingEnd", "Missing \\end{%1}",])
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
+    /*
+     *  Lookup a control-sequence and process it
+     */
+    ControlSequence: function (c) {
+      var name = this.GetCS(), macro = this.csFindMacro(name);
+      if (macro) {
+        if (!(macro instanceof Array)) {
+          macro = [macro]
-    });
+        var fn = macro[0];
+        if (!(fn instanceof Function)) {
+          fn = this[fn]
+        }
+        fn.apply(this, [c + name].concat(macro.slice(1)));
+      } else if (TEXDEF.mathchar0mi[name]) {
+        this.csMathchar0mi(name, TEXDEF.mathchar0mi[name])
+      }
+      else if (TEXDEF.mathchar0mo[name]) {
+        this.csMathchar0mo(name, TEXDEF.mathchar0mo[name])
+      }
+      else if (TEXDEF.mathchar7[name]) {
+        this.csMathchar7(name, TEXDEF.mathchar7[name])
+      }
+      else if (TEXDEF.delimiter["\\" + name] != null) {
+        this.csDelimiter(name, TEXDEF.delimiter["\\" + name])
+      }
+      else {
+        this.csUndefined(c + name)
+      }
+    },
+    //
+    //  Look up a macro in the macros list
+    //  (overridden in begingroup extension)
+    //
+    csFindMacro: function (name) {
+      return TEXDEF.macros[name]
+    },
+    //
+    //  Handle normal mathchar (as an mi)
+    //
+    csMathchar0mi: function (name, mchar) {
+      var def = {mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.ITALIC};
+      if (mchar instanceof Array) {
+        def = mchar[1];
+        mchar = mchar[0]
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(MML.entity("#x" + mchar)).With(def)));
+    },
+    //
+    //  Handle normal mathchar (as an mo)
+    //
+    csMathchar0mo: function (name, mchar) {
+      var def = {stretchy: false};
+      if (mchar instanceof Array) {
+        def = mchar[1];
+        def.stretchy = false;
+        mchar = mchar[0]
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken("#x" + mchar)).With(def)));
+    },
+    //
+    //  Handle mathchar in current family
+    //
+    csMathchar7: function (name, mchar) {
+      var def = {mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL};
+      if (mchar instanceof Array) {
+        def = mchar[1];
+        mchar = mchar[0]
+      }
+      if (this.stack.env.font) {
+        def.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(MML.entity("#x" + mchar)).With(def)));
+    },
+    //
+    //  Handle delimiter
+    //
+    csDelimiter: function (name, delim) {
+      var def = {};
+      if (delim instanceof Array) {
+        def = delim[1];
+        delim = delim[0]
+      }
+      if (delim.length === 4) {
+        delim = MML.entity('#x' + delim)
+      } else {
+        delim = MML.chars(delim)
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken({
+        fence: false,
+        stretchy: false
+      }).With(def)));
+    },
+    //
+    //  Handle undefined control sequence
+    //  (overridden in noUndefined extension)
+    //
+    csUndefined: function (name) {
+      TEX.Error(["UndefinedControlSequence", "Undefined control sequence %1", name]);
+    },
-    STACKITEM.end = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "end", isClose: true
-    });
+    /*
+     *  Handle a variable (a single letter)
+     */
+    Variable: function (c) {
+      var def = {};
+      if (this.stack.env.font) {
+        def.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(MML.chars(c)).With(def)));
+    },
- = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "style",
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (!item.isClose) {
-                return this.SUPER(arguments), item)
-            }
-            var mml = MML.mstyle.apply(MML,;
-            return [STACKITEM.mml(mml), item];
-        }
-    });
+    /*
+     *  Determine the extent of a number (pattern may need work)
+     */
+    Number: function (c) {
+      var mml, n = this.string.slice(this.i - 1).match(TEXDEF.number);
+      if (n) {
+        mml =[0].replace(/[{}]/g, ""));
+        this.i += n[0].length - 1
+      }
+      else {
+        mml =
+      }
+      if (this.stack.env.font) {
+        mml.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(mml));
+    },
-    STACKITEM.position = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "position",
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.isClose) {
-                TEX.Error(["MissingBoxFor", "Missing box for %1",])
-            }
-            if (item.isNotStack) {
-                var mml = item.mmlData();
-                switch (this.move) {
-                    case 'vertical':
-                        mml = MML.mpadded(mml).With({
-                            height: this.dh,
-                            depth: this.dd,
-                            voffset: this.dh
-                        });
-                        return [STACKITEM.mml(mml)];
-                    case 'horizontal':
-                        return [STACKITEM.mml(this.left), item, STACKITEM.mml(this.right)];
-                }
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
-        }
-    });
+    /*
+     *  Handle { and }
+     */
+    Open: function (c) {
+      this.Push(
+    },
+    Close: function (c) {
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.close())
+    },
-    STACKITEM.array = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "array", isOpen: true, arraydef: {},
-        Init: function () {
-            this.table = [];
-            this.row = [];
-            this.env = {};
-            this.frame = [];
-            this.hfill = [];
-            this.SUPER(arguments).Init.apply(this, arguments);
-        },
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.isClose && item.type !== "over") {
-                if (item.isEntry) {
-                    this.EndEntry();
-                    this.clearEnv();
-                    return false
-                }
-                if (item.isCR) {
-                    this.EndEntry();
-                    this.EndRow();
-                    this.clearEnv();
-                    return false
-                }
-                this.EndTable();
-                this.clearEnv();
-                var mml = MML.mtable.apply(MML, this.table).With(this.arraydef);
-                if (this.frame.length === 4) {
-                    mml.frame = (this.frame.dashed ? "dashed" : "solid");
-                } else if (this.frame.length) {
-                    mml.hasFrame = true;
-                    if (this.arraydef.rowlines) {
-                        this.arraydef.rowlines = this.arraydef.rowlines.replace(/none( none)+$/, "none")
-                    }
-                    mml = MML.menclose(mml).With({
-                        notation: this.frame.join(" "),
-                        isFrame: true
-                    });
-                    if ((this.arraydef.columnlines || "none") != "none" ||
-                        (this.arraydef.rowlines || "none") != "none") {
-                        mml.padding = 0
-                    } // HTML-CSS jax implements this
-                }
-                if ( || this.close) {
-                    mml = TEX.fenced(, mml, this.close)
-                }
-                mml = STACKITEM.mml(mml);
-                if (this.requireClose) {
-                    if (item.type === 'close') {
-                        return mml
-                    }
-                    TEX.Error(["MissingCloseBrace", "Missing close brace"]);
-                }
-                return [mml, item];
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments), item);
-        },
-        EndEntry: function () {
-            var mtd = MML.mtd.apply(MML,;
-            if (this.hfill.length) {
-                if (this.hfill[0] === 0) mtd.columnalign = "right";
-                if (this.hfill[this.hfill.length - 1] ===
-                    mtd.columnalign = (mtd.columnalign ? "center" : "left");
-            }
-            this.row.push(mtd);
-   = [];
-            this.hfill = [];
-        },
-        EndRow: function () {
-            var mtr =;
-            if (this.isNumbered && this.row.length === 3) {
-                this.row.unshift(this.row.pop());  // move equation number to first position
-                mtr = MML.mlabeledtr;
-            }
-            this.table.push(mtr.apply(MML, this.row));
-            this.row = [];
-        },
-        EndTable: function () {
-            if ( || this.row.length) {
-                this.EndEntry();
-                this.EndRow()
-            }
-            this.checkLines();
-        },
-        checkLines: function () {
-            if (this.arraydef.rowlines) {
-                var lines = this.arraydef.rowlines.split(/ /);
-                if (lines.length === this.table.length) {
-                    this.frame.push("bottom");
-                    lines.pop();
-                    this.arraydef.rowlines = lines.join(' ');
-                } else if (lines.length < this.table.length - 1) {
-                    this.arraydef.rowlines += " none";
-                }
-            }
-            if (this.rowspacing) {
-                var rows = this.arraydef.rowspacing.split(/ /);
-                while (rows.length < this.table.length) {
-                    rows.push(this.rowspacing + "em")
-                }
-                this.arraydef.rowspacing = rows.join(' ');
-            }
-        },
-        clearEnv: function () {
-            for (var id in this.env) {
-                if (this.env.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
-                    delete this.env[id]
-                }
-            }
+    /*
+     *  Handle tilde and spaces
+     */
+    Tilde: function (c) {
+      this.Push(MML.mtext(MML.chars(NBSP)))
+    },
+    Space: function (c) {
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Handle ^, _, and '
+     */
+    Superscript: function (c) {
+      if (this.GetNext().match(/\d/)) // don't treat numbers as a unit
+      {
+        this.string = this.string.substr(0, this.i + 1) + " " + this.string.substr(this.i + 1)
+      }
+      var primes, base, top = this.stack.Top();
+      if (top.type === "prime") {
+        base =[0];
+        primes =[1];
+        this.stack.Pop()
+      }
+      else {
+        base = this.stack.Prev();
+        if (!base) {
+          base = MML.mi("")
-    });
+      }
+      if (base.isEmbellishedWrapper) {
+        base =[0].data[0]
+      }
+      var movesupsub = base.movesupsub, position = base.sup;
+      if ((base.type === "msubsup" &&[base.sup]) ||
+          (base.type === "munderover" &&[base.over] && !base.subsupOK)) {
+        TEX.Error(["DoubleExponent", "Double exponent: use braces to clarify"])
+      }
+      if (base.type !== "msubsup") {
+        if (movesupsub) {
+          if (base.type !== "munderover" ||[base.over]) {
+            if (base.movablelimits && base.isa(MML.mi)) {
+              base = this.mi2mo(base)
+            }
+            base = MML.munderover(base, null, null).With({movesupsub: true})
+          }
+          position = base.over;
+        } else {
+          base = MML.msubsup(base, null, null);
+          position = base.sup;
+        }
+      }
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.subsup(base).With({
+        position: position, primes: primes, movesupsub: movesupsub
+      }));
+    },
+    Subscript: function (c) {
+      if (this.GetNext().match(/\d/)) // don't treat numbers as a unit
+      {
+        this.string = this.string.substr(0, this.i + 1) + " " + this.string.substr(this.i + 1)
+      }
+      var primes, base, top = this.stack.Top();
+      if (top.type === "prime") {
+        base =[0];
+        primes =[1];
+        this.stack.Pop()
+      }
+      else {
+        base = this.stack.Prev();
+        if (!base) {
+          base = MML.mi("")
+        }
+      }
+      if (base.isEmbellishedWrapper) {
+        base =[0].data[0]
+      }
+      var movesupsub = base.movesupsub, position = base.sub;
+      if ((base.type === "msubsup" &&[base.sub]) ||
+          (base.type === "munderover" &&[base.under] && !base.subsupOK)) {
+        TEX.Error(["DoubleSubscripts", "Double subscripts: use braces to clarify"])
+      }
+      if (base.type !== "msubsup") {
+        if (movesupsub) {
+          if (base.type !== "munderover" ||[base.under]) {
+            if (base.movablelimits && base.isa(MML.mi)) {
+              base = this.mi2mo(base)
+            }
+            base = MML.munderover(base, null, null).With({movesupsub: true})
+          }
+          position = base.under;
+        } else {
+          base = MML.msubsup(base, null, null);
+          position = base.sub;
+        }
+      }
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.subsup(base).With({
+        position: position, primes: primes, movesupsub: movesupsub
+      }));
+    },
+    PRIME: "\u2032", SMARTQUOTE: "\u2019",
+    Prime: function (c) {
+      var base = this.stack.Prev();
+      if (!base) {
+        base = MML.mi()
+      }
+      if (base.type === "msubsup" &&[base.sup]) {
+        TEX.Error(["DoubleExponentPrime",
+          "Prime causes double exponent: use braces to clarify"]);
+      }
+      var sup = "";
+      this.i--;
+      do {
+        sup += this.PRIME;
+        this.i++, c = this.GetNext()
+      }
+      while (c === "'" || c === this.SMARTQUOTE);
+      sup = ["", "\u2032", "\u2033", "\u2034", "\u2057"][sup.length] || sup;
+      this.Push(, this.mmlToken(;
+    },
+    mi2mo: function (mi) {
+      var mo =;
+      mo.Append.apply(mo,;
+      var id;
+      for (id in mo.defaults) {
+        if (mo.defaults.hasOwnProperty(id) && mi[id] != null) {
+          mo[id] = mi[id]
+        }
+      }
+      for (id in MML.copyAttributes) {
+        if (MML.copyAttributes.hasOwnProperty(id) && mi[id] != null) {
+          mo[id] = mi[id]
+        }
+      }
+      return mo;
+    },
-    STACKITEM.cell = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "cell", isClose: true
-    });
+    /*
+     *  Handle comments
+     */
+    Comment: function (c) {
+      while (this.i < this.string.length && this.string.charAt(this.i) != "\n") {
+        this.i++
+      }
+    },
-    STACKITEM.mml = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "mml", isNotStack: true,
-        Add: function () {
-  , arguments);
-            return this
-        }
-    });
+    /*
+     *  Handle hash marks outside of definitions
+     */
+    Hash: function (c) {
+      TEX.Error(["CantUseHash1",
+        "You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode"]);
+    },
-    STACKITEM.fn = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "fn",
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if ([0]) {
-                if (item.type !== "mml" || ![0]) {
-                    return [[0], item]
-                }
-                if ([0].isa(MML.mspace)) {
-                    return [[0], item]
-                }
-                var mml =[0];
-                if (mml.isEmbellished()) {
-                    mml = mml.CoreMO()
-                }
-                if ([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0][mml.Get("texClass")]) {
-                    return [[0], item]
-                }
-                return [[0],"#x2061")).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.NONE}), item];
-            }
-            return this.SUPER(arguments).checkItem.apply(this, arguments);
+    /*
+     *  Handle other characters (as <mo> elements)
+     */
+    Other: function (c) {
+      var def, mo;
+      if (this.stack.env.font) {
+        def = {mathvariant: this.stack.env.font}
+      }
+      if (TEXDEF.remap[c]) {
+        c = TEXDEF.remap[c];
+        if (c instanceof Array) {
+          def = c[1];
+          c = c[0]
-    });
+        mo ='#x' + c)).With(def);
+      } else {
+        mo =;
+      }
+      if (mo.autoDefault("stretchy", true)) {
+        mo.stretchy = false
+      }
+      if (mo.autoDefault("texClass", true) == "") {
+        mo = MML.TeXAtom(mo)
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(mo));
+    },
-    STACKITEM.not = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "not",
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            var mml, c;
-            if (item.type === "open" || item.type === "left") {
-                return true
-            }
-            if (item.type === "mml" &&[0].type.match(/^(mo|mi|mtext)$/)) {
-                mml =[0], c ="");
-                if (c.length === 1 && !mml.movesupsub) {
-                    c = STACKITEM.not.remap[c.charCodeAt(0)];
-                    if (c) {
-                        mml.SetData(0, MML.chars(String.fromCharCode(c)))
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        mml.Append(MML.chars("\u0338"))
-                    }
-                    return item;
-                }
-            }
-            //  \mathrel{\rlap{\notChar}}
-            mml = MML.mpadded(MML.mtext("\u29F8")).With({width: 0});
-            mml = MML.TeXAtom(mml).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.REL});
-            return [mml, item];
+    /************************************************************************/
+    /*
+     *   Macros
+     */
+    SetFont: function (name, font) {
+      this.stack.env.font = font
+    },
+    SetStyle: function (name, texStyle, style, level) {
+ = texStyle;
+      this.stack.env.level = level;
+      this.Push({
+        styles: {
+          displaystyle: style,
+          scriptlevel: level
-    });
-    STACKITEM.not.remap = {
-        0x2190: 0x219A, 0x2192: 0x219B, 0x2194: 0x21AE,
-        0x21D0: 0x21CD, 0x21D2: 0x21CF, 0x21D4: 0x21CE,
-        0x2208: 0x2209, 0x220B: 0x220C, 0x2223: 0x2224, 0x2225: 0x2226,
-        0x223C: 0x2241, 0x007E: 0x2241, 0x2243: 0x2244, 0x2245: 0x2247,
-        0x2248: 0x2249, 0x224D: 0x226D, 0x003D: 0x2260, 0x2261: 0x2262,
-        0x003C: 0x226E, 0x003E: 0x226F, 0x2264: 0x2270, 0x2265: 0x2271,
-        0x2272: 0x2274, 0x2273: 0x2275, 0x2276: 0x2278, 0x2277: 0x2279,
-        0x227A: 0x2280, 0x227B: 0x2281, 0x2282: 0x2284, 0x2283: 0x2285,
-        0x2286: 0x2288, 0x2287: 0x2289, 0x22A2: 0x22AC, 0x22A8: 0x22AD,
-        0x22A9: 0x22AE, 0x22AB: 0x22AF, 0x227C: 0x22E0, 0x227D: 0x22E1,
-        0x2291: 0x22E2, 0x2292: 0x22E3, 0x22B2: 0x22EA, 0x22B3: 0x22EB,
-        0x22B4: 0x22EC, 0x22B5: 0x22ED, 0x2203: 0x2204
-    };
-    STACKITEM.dots = STACKITEM.Subclass({
-        type: "dots",
-        checkItem: function (item) {
-            if (item.type === "open" || item.type === "left") {
-                return true
-            }
-            var dots = this.ldots;
-            if (item.type === "mml" &&[0].isEmbellished()) {
-                var tclass =[0].CoreMO().Get("texClass");
-                if (tclass === MML.TEXCLASS.BIN || tclass === MML.TEXCLASS.REL) {
-                    dots = this.cdots
-                }
+      }));
+    },
+    SetSize: function (name, size) {
+      this.stack.env.size = size;
+      this.Push({styles: {mathsize: size + "em"}})); // convert to absolute?
+    },
+    Color: function (name) {
+      var color = this.GetArgument(name);
+      var old = this.stack.env.color;
+      this.stack.env.color = color;
+      var math = this.ParseArg(name);
+      if (old) {
+        this.stack.env.color
+      } else {
+        delete this.stack.env.color
+      }
+      this.Push(MML.mstyle(math).With({mathcolor: color}));
+    },
+    Spacer: function (name, space) {
+      this.Push(MML.mspace().With({
+        width: space,
+        mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL,
+        scriptlevel: 0
+      }));
+    },
+    LeftRight: function (name) {
+      this.Push(STACKITEM[name.substr(1)]().With({delim: this.GetDelimiter(name)}));
+    },
+    Middle: function (name) {
+      var delim = this.GetDelimiter(name);
+      if (this.stack.Top().type !== "left") {
+        TEX.Error(["MisplacedMiddle", "%1 must be within \\left and \\right", name])
+      }
+      this.Push({stretchy: true}));
+    },
+    NamedFn: function (name, id) {
+      if (!id) {
+        id = name.substr(1)
+      }
+      ;
+      var mml = MML.mi(id).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP});
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.fn(this.mmlToken(mml)));
+    },
+    NamedOp: function (name, id) {
+      if (!id) {
+        id = name.substr(1)
+      }
+      ;
+      id = id.replace(/&thinsp;/, "\u2006");
+      var mml ={
+        movablelimits: true,
+        movesupsub: true,
+        form: MML.FORM.PREFIX,
+        texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP
+      });
+      mml.useMMLspacing &= ~mml.SPACE_ATTR.form;  // don't count this explicit form setting
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(mml));
+    },
+    Limits: function (name, limits) {
+      var op = this.stack.Prev("nopop");
+      if (!op || (op.Get("texClass") !== MML.TEXCLASS.OP && op.movesupsub == null)) {
+        TEX.Error(["MisplacedLimits", "%1 is allowed only on operators", name])
+      }
+      var top = this.stack.Top();
+      if (op.type === "munderover" && !limits) {
+        op =[ - 1] = MML.msubsup.apply(MML.subsup,;
+      } else if (op.type === "msubsup" && limits) {
+        op =[ - 1] = MML.munderover.apply(MML.underover,;
+      }
+      op.movesupsub = (limits ? true : false);
+      op.Core().movablelimits = false;
+    },
+    Over: function (name, open, close) {
+      var mml = STACKITEM.over().With({name: name});
+      if (open || close) {
+ = open;
+        mml.close = close;
+      } else if (name.match(/withdelims$/)) {
+ = this.GetDelimiter(name);
+        mml.close = this.GetDelimiter(name);
+      }
+      if (name.match(/^\\above/)) {
+        mml.thickness = this.GetDimen(name)
+      }
+      else if (name.match(/^\\atop/) || open || close) {
+        mml.thickness = 0
+      }
+      this.Push(mml);
+    },
+    Frac: function (name) {
+      var num = this.ParseArg(name);
+      var den = this.ParseArg(name);
+      this.Push(MML.mfrac(num, den));
+    },
+    Sqrt: function (name) {
+      var n = this.GetBrackets(name), arg = this.GetArgument(name);
+      if (arg === "\\frac") {
+        arg += "{" + this.GetArgument(arg) + "}{" + this.GetArgument(arg) + "}"
+      }
+      var mml = TEX.Parse(arg, this.stack.env).mml();
+      if (!n) {
+        mml = MML.msqrt.apply(MML, mml.array())
+      }
+      else {
+        mml = MML.mroot(mml, this.parseRoot(n))
+      }
+      this.Push(mml);
+    },
+    Root: function (name) {
+      var n = this.GetUpTo(name, "\\of");
+      var arg = this.ParseArg(name);
+      this.Push(MML.mroot(arg, this.parseRoot(n)));
+    },
+    parseRoot: function (n) {
+      var env = this.stack.env, inRoot = env.inRoot;
+      env.inRoot = true;
+      var parser = TEX.Parse(n, env);
+      n = parser.mml();
+      var global =;
+      if (global.leftRoot || global.upRoot) {
+        n = MML.mpadded(n);
+        if (global.leftRoot) {
+          n.width = global.leftRoot
+        }
+        if (global.upRoot) {
+          n.voffset = global.upRoot;
+          n.height = global.upRoot
+        }
+      }
+      env.inRoot = inRoot;
+      return n;
+    },
+    MoveRoot: function (name, id) {
+      if (!this.stack.env.inRoot) {
+        TEX.Error(["MisplacedMoveRoot", "%1 can appear only within a root", name])
+      }
+      if ([id]) {
+        TEX.Error(["MultipleMoveRoot", "Multiple use of %1", name])
+      }
+      var n = this.GetArgument(name);
+      if (!n.match(/-?[0-9]+/)) {
+        TEX.Error(["IntegerArg", "The argument to %1 must be an integer", name])
+      }
+      n = (n / 15) + "em";
+      if (n.substr(0, 1) !== "-") {
+        n = "+" + n
+      }
+[id] = n;
+    },
+    Accent: function (name, accent, stretchy) {
+      var c = this.ParseArg(name);
+      var def = {accent: true};
+      if (this.stack.env.font) {
+        def.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
+      }
+      var mml = this.mmlToken("#x" + accent)).With(def));
+      mml.stretchy = (stretchy ? true : false);
+      this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(MML.munderover(c, null, mml).With({accent: true})));
+    },
+    UnderOver: function (name, c, stack) {
+      var pos = {o: "over", u: "under"}[name.charAt(1)];
+      var base = this.ParseArg(name);
+      if (base.Get("movablelimits")) {
+        base.movablelimits = false
+      }
+      if (base.isa(MML.munderover) && base.isEmbellished()) {
+        base.Core().With({lspace: 0, rspace: 0}); // get spacing right for NativeMML
+        base = MML.mrow({rspace: 0}), base);  // add an empty <mi> so it's not embellished any more
+      }
+      var mml = MML.munderover(base, null, null);
+      mml.SetData(
+          mml[pos],
+          this.mmlToken("#x" + c)).With({
+            stretchy: true,
+            accent: (pos === "under")
+          }))
+      );
+      if (stack) {
+        mml = MML.TeXAtom(mml).With({
+          texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP,
+          movesupsub: true
+        })
+      }
+      this.Push(mml.With({subsupOK: true}));
+    },
+    Overset: function (name) {
+      var top = this.ParseArg(name), base = this.ParseArg(name);
+      this.Push(MML.mover(base, top));
+    },
+    Underset: function (name) {
+      var bot = this.ParseArg(name), base = this.ParseArg(name);
+      this.Push(MML.munder(base, bot));
+    },
+    TeXAtom: function (name, mclass) {
+      var def = {texClass: mclass}, mml;
+      if (mclass == MML.TEXCLASS.OP) {
+        def.movesupsub = def.movablelimits = true;
+        var arg = this.GetArgument(name);
+        var match = arg.match(/^\s*\\rm\s+([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)$/);
+        if (match) {
+          def.mathvariant = MML.VARIANT.NORMAL;
+          mml = STACKITEM.fn(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(match[1]).With(def)));
+        } else {
+          mml = STACKITEM.fn(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(arg, this.stack.env).mml()).With(def));
+        }
+      } else {
+        mml = MML.TeXAtom(this.ParseArg(name)).With(def)
+      }
+      this.Push(mml);
+    },
+    MmlToken: function (name) {
+      var type = this.GetArgument(name),
+          attr = this.GetBrackets(name, "").replace(/^\s+/, ""),
+          data = this.GetArgument(name),
+          def = {attrNames: []}, match;
+      if (!MML[type] || !MML[type].prototype.isToken) {
+        TEX.Error(["NotMathMLToken", "%1 is not a token element", type])
+      }
+      while (attr !== "") {
+        match = attr.match(/^([a-z]+)\s*=\s*('[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^ ,]*)\s*,?\s*/i);
+        if (!match) {
+          TEX.Error(["InvalidMathMLAttr", "Invalid MathML attribute: %1", attr])
+        }
+        if (MML[type].prototype.defaults[match[1]] == null && !this.MmlTokenAllow[match[1]]) {
+          TEX.Error(["UnknownAttrForElement",
+            "%1 is not a recognized attribute for %2",
+            match[1], type]);
+        }
+        var value = this.MmlFilterAttribute(match[1], match[2].replace(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/, "$2"));
+        if (value) {
+          if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") {
+            value = true
+          }
+          else if (value.toLowerCase() === "false") {
+            value = false
+          }
+          def[match[1]] = value;
+          def.attrNames.push(match[1]);
+        }
+        attr = attr.substr(match[0].length);
+      }
+      this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML[type](data).With(def)));
+    },
+    MmlFilterAttribute: function (name, value) {
+      return value
+    },
+    MmlTokenAllow: {
+      fontfamily: 1, fontsize: 1, fontweight: 1, fontstyle: 1,
+      color: 1, background: 1,
+      id: 1, "class": 1, href: 1, style: 1
+    },
+    Strut: function (name) {
+      this.Push(MML.mpadded(MML.mrow()).With({
+        height: "8.6pt",
+        depth: "3pt",
+        width: 0
+      }));
+    },
+    Phantom: function (name, v, h) {
+      var box = MML.mphantom(this.ParseArg(name));
+      if (v || h) {
+        box = MML.mpadded(box);
+        if (h) {
+          box.height = box.depth = 0
+        }
+        if (v) {
+          box.width = 0
+        }
+      }
+      this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(box));
+    },
+    Smash: function (name) {
+      var bt = this.trimSpaces(this.GetBrackets(name, ""));
+      var smash = MML.mpadded(this.ParseArg(name));
+      switch (bt) {
+        case "b":
+          smash.depth = 0;
+          break;
+        case "t":
+          smash.height = 0;
+          break;
+        default:
+          smash.height = smash.depth = 0;
+      }
+      this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(smash));
+    },
+    Lap: function (name) {
+      var mml = MML.mpadded(this.ParseArg(name)).With({width: 0});
+      if (name === "\\llap") {
+        mml.lspace = "-1width"
+      }
+      this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(mml));
+    },
+    RaiseLower: function (name) {
+      var h = this.GetDimen(name);
+      var item = STACKITEM.position().With({name: name, move: 'vertical'});
+      if (h.charAt(0) === '-') {
+        h = h.slice(1);
+        name = {raise: "\\lower", lower: "\\raise"}[name.substr(1)]
+      }
+      if (name === "\\lower") {
+        item.dh = '-' + h;
+        item.dd = '+' + h
+      } else {
+        item.dh = '+' + h;
+        item.dd = '-' + h
+      }
+      this.Push(item);
+    },
+    MoveLeftRight: function (name) {
+      var h = this.GetDimen(name);
+      var nh = (h.charAt(0) === '-' ? h.slice(1) : '-' + h);
+      if (name === "\\moveleft") {
+        var tmp = h;
+        h = nh;
+        nh = tmp
+      }
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.position().With({
+        name: name, move: 'horizontal',
+        left: MML.mspace().With({width: h, mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL}),
+        right: MML.mspace().With({width: nh, mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL})
+      }));
+    },
+    Hskip: function (name) {
+      this.Push(MML.mspace().With({
+        width: this.GetDimen(name),
+        mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL
+      }));
+    },
+    Rule: function (name, style) {
+      var w = this.GetDimen(name),
+          h = this.GetDimen(name),
+          d = this.GetDimen(name);
+      var mml, def = {width: w, height: h, depth: d};
+      if (style !== 'blank') {
+        if (parseFloat(w) && parseFloat(h) + parseFloat(d)) {
+          def.mathbackground = (this.stack.env.color || "black")
+        }
+        mml = MML.mpadded(MML.mrow()).With(def);
+      } else {
+        mml = MML.mspace().With(def);
+      }
+      this.Push(mml);
+    },
+    MakeBig: function (name, mclass, size) {
+      size *= TEXDEF.p_height;
+      size = String(size).replace(/(\.\d\d\d).+/, '$1') + "em";
+      var delim = this.GetDelimiter(name, true);
+      this.Push(MML.TeXAtom({
+        minsize: size, maxsize: size,
+        fence: true, stretchy: true, symmetric: true
+      })).With({texClass: mclass}));
+    },
+    BuildRel: function (name) {
+      var top = this.ParseUpTo(name, "\\over");
+      var bot = this.ParseArg(name);
+      this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(MML.munderover(bot, null, top)).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.REL}));
+    },
+    HBox: function (name, style) {
+      this.Push.apply(this, this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name), style));
+    },
+    FBox: function (name) {
+      this.Push(MML.menclose.apply(MML, this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name))).With({notation: "box"}));
+    },
+    Not: function (name) {
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.not());
+    },
+    Dots: function (name) {
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.dots().With({
+        ldots: this.mmlToken("#x2026")).With({stretchy: false})),
+        cdots: this.mmlToken("#x22EF")).With({stretchy: false}))
+      }));
+    },
+    Require: function (name) {
+      var file = this.GetArgument(name)
+          .replace(/.*\//, "")            // remove any leading path
+          .replace(/[^a-z0-9_.-]/ig, ""); // remove illegal characters
+      this.Extension(null, file);
+    },
+    Extension: function (name, file, array) {
+      if (name && !typeof(name) === "string") {
+        name =
+      }
+      file = TEX.extensionDir + "/" + file;
+      if (!file.match(/\.js$/)) {
+        file += ".js"
+      }
+      if (!AJAX.loaded[AJAX.fileURL(file)]) {
+        if (name != null) {
+          delete TEXDEF[array || 'macros'][name.replace(/^\\/, "")]
+        }
+        HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(file));
+      }
+    },
+    Macro: function (name, macro, argcount, def) {
+      if (argcount) {
+        var args = [];
+        if (def != null) {
+          var optional = this.GetBrackets(name);
+          args.push(optional == null ? def : optional);
+        }
+        for (var i = args.length; i < argcount; i++) {
+          args.push(this.GetArgument(name))
+        }
+        macro = this.SubstituteArgs(args, macro);
+      }
+      this.string = this.AddArgs(macro, this.string.slice(this.i));
+      this.i = 0;
+      if (++this.macroCount > TEX.config.MAXMACROS) {
+        TEX.Error(["MaxMacroSub1",
+          "MathJax maximum macro substitution count exceeded; " +
+          "is there a recursive macro call?"]);
+      }
+    },
+    Matrix: function (name, open, close, align, spacing, vspacing, style, cases, numbered) {
+      var c = this.GetNext();
+      if (c === "") {
+        TEX.Error(["MissingArgFor", "Missing argument for %1", name])
+      }
+      if (c === "{") {
+        this.i++
+      } else {
+        this.string = c + "}" + this.string.slice(this.i + 1);
+        this.i = 0
+      }
+      var array = STACKITEM.array().With({
+        requireClose: true,
+        arraydef: {
+          rowspacing: (vspacing || "4pt"),
+          columnspacing: (spacing || "1em")
+        }
+      });
+      if (cases) {
+        array.isCases = true
+      }
+      if (numbered) {
+        array.isNumbered = true;
+        array.arraydef.side = numbered
+      }
+      if (open || close) {
+ = open;
+        array.close = close
+      }
+      if (style === "D") {
+        array.arraydef.displaystyle = true
+      }
+      if (align != null) {
+        array.arraydef.columnalign = align
+      }
+      this.Push(array);
+    },
+    Entry: function (name) {
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.cell().With({isEntry: true, name: name}));
+      if (this.stack.Top().isCases) {
+        var string = this.string;
+        var braces = 0, i = this.i, m = string.length;
+        while (i < m) {
+          var c = string.charAt(i);
+          if (c === "{") {
+            braces++;
+            i++
+          }
+          else if (c === "}") {
+            if (braces === 0) {
+              m = 0
+            } else {
+              braces--;
+              i++
+            }
+          }
+          else if (c === "&" && braces === 0) {
+            TEX.Error(["ExtraAlignTab", "Extra alignment tab in \\cases text"]);
+          } else if (c === "\\") {
+            if (string.substr(i).match(/^((\\cr)[^a-zA-Z]|\\\\)/)) {
+              m = 0
+            } else {
+              i += 2
-            return [dots, item];
+          } else {
+            i++
+          }
-    });
+        var text = string.substr(this.i, i - this.i);
+        if (!text.match(/^\s*\\text[^a-zA-Z]/)) {
+          this.Push.apply(this, this.InternalMath(text, 0));
+          this.i = i;
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    Cr: function (name) {
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.cell().With({isCR: true, name: name}));
+    },
+    CrLaTeX: function (name) {
+      var n;
+      if (this.string.charAt(this.i) === "[") {
+        n = this.GetBrackets(name, "").replace(/ /g, "").replace(/,/, ".");
+        if (n && !this.matchDimen(n)) {
+          TEX.Error(["BracketMustBeDimension",
+            "Bracket argument to %1 must be a dimension", name]);
+        }
+      }
+      this.Push(STACKITEM.cell().With({
+        isCR: true,
+        name: name,
+        linebreak: true
+      }));
+      var top = this.stack.Top();
+      if (top.isa(STACKITEM.array)) {
+        if (n && top.arraydef.rowspacing) {
+          var rows = top.arraydef.rowspacing.split(/ /);
+          if (!top.rowspacing) {
+            top.rowspacing = this.dimen2em(rows[0])
+          }
+          while (rows.length < top.table.length) {
+            rows.push(this.Em(top.rowspacing))
+          }
+          rows[top.table.length - 1] = this.Em(Math.max(0, top.rowspacing + this.dimen2em(n)));
+          top.arraydef.rowspacing = rows.join(' ');
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (n) {
+          this.Push(MML.mspace().With({depth: n}))
+        }
+        this.Push(MML.mspace().With({linebreak: MML.LINEBREAK.NEWLINE}));
+      }
+    },
+    emPerInch: 7.2,
+    pxPerInch: 72,
+    matchDimen: function (dim) {
+      return dim.match(/^(-?(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?))(px|pt|em|ex|mu|pc|in|mm|cm)$/);
+    },
+    dimen2em: function (dim) {
+      var match = this.matchDimen(dim);
+      var m = parseFloat(match[1] || "1"), unit = match[2];
+      if (unit === "em") {
+        return m
+      }
+      if (unit === "ex") {
+        return m * .43
+      }
+      if (unit === "pt") {
+        return m / 10
+      }                    // 10 pt to an em
+      if (unit === "pc") {
+        return m * 1.2
+      }                   // 12 pt to a pc
+      if (unit === "px") {
+        return m * this.emPerInch / this.pxPerInch
+      }
+      if (unit === "in") {
+        return m * this.emPerInch
+      }
+      if (unit === "cm") {
+        return m * this.emPerInch / 2.54
+      } // 2.54 cm to an inch
+      if (unit === "mm") {
+        return m * this.emPerInch / 25.4
+      } // 10 mm to a cm
+      if (unit === "mu") {
+        return m / 18
+      }
+      return 0;
+    },
+    Em: function (m) {
+      if (Math.abs(m) < .0006) {
+        return "0em"
+      }
+      return m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") + "em";
+    },
+    HLine: function (name, style) {
+      if (style == null) {
+        style = "solid"
+      }
+      var top = this.stack.Top();
+      if (!top.isa(STACKITEM.array) || {
+        TEX.Error(["Misplaced", "Misplaced %1", name])
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+        top.arraydef.rowlines = lines.join(' ');
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+    HFill: function (name) {
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+      else TEX.Error(["UnsupportedHFill", "Unsupported use of %1", name]);
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-        //
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-            for (var id in src) {
-                if (src.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
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-                omicron: '03BF', // added for completeness
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-                mathfrak: ['Macro', '{\\frak #1}', 1],
-                mathsf: ['Macro', '{\\sf #1}', 1],
-                mathtt: ['Macro', '{\\tt #1}', 1],
-                textrm: ['Macro', '\\mathord{\\rm\\text{#1}}', 1],
-                textit: ['Macro', '\\mathord{\\it\\text{#1}}', 1],
-                textbf: ['Macro', '\\mathord{\\bf\\text{#1}}', 1],
-                textsf: ['Macro', '\\mathord{\\sf\\text{#1}}', 1],
-                texttt: ['Macro', '\\mathord{\\tt\\text{#1}}', 1],
-                pmb: ['Macro', '\\rlap{#1}\\kern1px{#1}', 1],
-                TeX: ['Macro', 'T\\kern-.14em\\lower.5ex{E}\\kern-.115em X'],
-                LaTeX: ['Macro', 'L\\kern-.325em\\raise.21em{\\scriptstyle{A}}\\kern-.17em\\TeX'],
-                ' ': ['Macro', '\\text{ }'],
-                //  Specially handled
-                not: 'Not',
-                dots: 'Dots',
-                space: 'Tilde',
-                '\u00A0': 'Tilde',
-                //  LaTeX
-                begin: 'BeginEnd',
-                end: 'BeginEnd',
-                newcommand: ['Extension', 'newcommand'],
-                renewcommand: ['Extension', 'newcommand'],
-                newenvironment: ['Extension', 'newcommand'],
-                renewenvironment: ['Extension', 'newcommand'],
-                def: ['Extension', 'newcommand'],
-                let: ['Extension', 'newcommand'],
-                verb: ['Extension', 'verb'],
-                boldsymbol: ['Extension', 'boldsymbol'],
-                tag: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-                notag: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-                label: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-                ref: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-                eqref: ['Extension', 'AMSmath'],
-                nonumber: ['Macro', '\\notag'],
-                //  Extensions to TeX
-                unicode: ['Extension', 'unicode'],
-                color: 'Color',
-                href: ['Extension', 'HTML'],
-                'class': ['Extension', 'HTML'],
-                style: ['Extension', 'HTML'],
-                cssId: ['Extension', 'HTML'],
-                bbox: ['Extension', 'bbox'],
-                mmlToken: 'MmlToken',
-                require: 'Require'
-            },
-            environment: {
-                array: ['AlignedArray'],
-                matrix: ['Array', null, null, null, 'c'],
-                pmatrix: ['Array', null, '(', ')', 'c'],
-                bmatrix: ['Array', null, '[', ']', 'c'],
-                Bmatrix: ['Array', null, '\\{', '\\}', 'c'],
-                vmatrix: ['Array', null, '\\vert', '\\vert', 'c'],
-                Vmatrix: ['Array', null, '\\Vert', '\\Vert', 'c'],
-                cases: ['Array', null, '\\{', '.', 'll', null, ".2em", 'T'],
-                equation: [null, 'Equation'],
-                'equation*': [null, 'Equation'],
-                eqnarray: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                'eqnarray*': ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                align: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                'align*': ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                aligned: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                multline: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                'multline*': ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                split: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                gather: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                'gather*': ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                gathered: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                alignat: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                'alignat*': ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath'],
-                alignedat: ['ExtensionEnv', null, 'AMSmath']
-            },
-            p_height: 1.2 / .85   // cmex10 height plus depth over .85
-        });
-        //
-        //  Add macros defined in the configuration
-        //
-        if (this.config.Macros) {
-            var MACROS = this.config.Macros;
-            for (var id in MACROS) {
-                if (MACROS.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
-                    if (typeof(MACROS[id]) === "string") {
-                        TEXDEF.macros[id] = ['Macro', MACROS[id]]
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        TEXDEF.macros[id] = ["Macro"].concat(MACROS[id])
-                    }
-                    TEXDEF.macros[id].isUser = true;
-                }
-            }
+    BeginEnd: function (name) {
+      var env = this.GetArgument(name), isEnd = false;
+      if (env.match(/^\\end\\/)) {
+        isEnd = true;
+        env = env.substr(5)
+      } // special \end{} for \newenvironment environments
+      if (env.match(/\\/i)) {
+        TEX.Error(["InvalidEnv", "Invalid environment name '%1'", env])
+      }
+      var cmd = this.envFindName(env);
+      if (!cmd) {
+        TEX.Error(["UnknownEnv", "Unknown environment '%1'", env])
+      }
+      if (!(cmd instanceof Array)) {
+        cmd = [cmd]
+      }
+      var end = (cmd[1] instanceof Array ? cmd[1][0] : cmd[1]);
+      var mml = STACKITEM.begin().With({name: env, end: end, parse: this});
+      if (name === "\\end") {
+        if (!isEnd && cmd[1] instanceof Array && this[cmd[1][1]]) {
+          mml = this[cmd[1][1]].apply(this, [mml].concat(cmd.slice(2)));
+        } else {
+          mml = STACKITEM.end().With({name: env});
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (++this.macroCount > TEX.config.MAXMACROS) {
+          TEX.Error(["MaxMacroSub2",
+            "MathJax maximum substitution count exceeded; " +
+            "is there a recursive latex environment?"]);
+        }
+        if (cmd[0] && this[cmd[0]]) {
+          mml = this[cmd[0]].apply(this, [mml].concat(cmd.slice(2)))
-    };
+      }
+      this.Push(mml);
+    },
+    envFindName: function (name) {
+      return TEXDEF.environment[name]
+    },
+    Equation: function (begin, row) {
+      return row
+    },
+    ExtensionEnv: function (begin, file) {
+      this.Extension(, file, "environment")
+    },
+    Array: function (begin, open, close, align, spacing, vspacing, style, raggedHeight) {
+      if (!align) {
+        align = this.GetArgument("\\begin{" + + "}")
+      }
+      var lines = ("c" + align).replace(/[^clr|:]/g, '').replace(/[^|:]([|:])+/g, '$1');
+      align = align.replace(/[^clr]/g, '').split('').join(' ');
+      align = align.replace(/l/g, 'left').replace(/r/g, 'right').replace(/c/g, 'center');
+      var array = STACKITEM.array().With({
+        arraydef: {
+          columnalign: align,
+          columnspacing: (spacing || "1em"),
+          rowspacing: (vspacing || "4pt")
+        }
+      });
+      if (lines.match(/[|:]/)) {
+        if (lines.charAt(0).match(/[|:]/)) {
+          array.frame.push("left");
+          array.frame.dashed = lines.charAt(0) === ":"
+        }
+        if (lines.charAt(lines.length - 1).match(/[|:]/)) {
+          array.frame.push("right")
+        }
+        lines = lines.substr(1, lines.length - 2);
+        array.arraydef.columnlines =
+            lines.split('').join(' ').replace(/[^|: ]/g, 'none').replace(/\|/g, 'solid').replace(/:/g, 'dashed');
+      }
+      if (open) {
+ = this.convertDelimiter(open)
+      }
+      if (close) {
+        array.close = this.convertDelimiter(close)
+      }
+      if (style === "D") {
+        array.arraydef.displaystyle = true
+      }
+      else if (style) {
+        array.arraydef.displaystyle = false
+      }
+      if (style === "S") {
+        array.arraydef.scriptlevel = 1
+      } // FIXME: should use mstyle?
+      if (raggedHeight) {
+        array.arraydef.useHeight = false
+      }
+      this.Push(begin);
+      return array;
+    },
+    AlignedArray: function (begin) {
+      var align = this.GetBrackets("\\begin{" + + "}");
+      return this.setArrayAlign(this.Array.apply(this, arguments), align);
+    },
+    setArrayAlign: function (array, align) {
+      align = this.trimSpaces(align || "");
+      if (align === "t") {
+        array.arraydef.align = "baseline 1"
+      }
+      else if (align === "b") {
+        array.arraydef.align = "baseline -1"
+      }
+      else if (align === "c") {
+        array.arraydef.align = "center"
+      }
+      else if (align) {
+        array.arraydef.align = align
+      } // FIXME: should be an error?
+      return array;
+    },
-     *   The TeX Parser
+     *   String handling routines
-    var PARSE = MathJax.Object.Subclass({
-        Init: function (string, env) {
-            this.string = string;
-            this.i = 0;
-            this.macroCount = 0;
-            var ENV;
-            if (env) {
-                ENV = {};
-                for (var id in env) {
-                    if (env.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
-                        ENV[id] = env[id]
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            this.stack = TEX.Stack(ENV, !!env);
-            this.Parse();
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.stop());
-        },
-        Parse: function () {
-            var c, n;
-            while (this.i < this.string.length) {
-                c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
-                n = c.charCodeAt(0);
-                if (n >= 0xD800 && n < 0xDC00) {
-                    c += this.string.charAt(this.i++)
-                }
-                if (TEXDEF.special[c]) {
-                    this[TEXDEF.special[c]](c)
-                }
-                else if (TEXDEF.letter.test(c)) {
-                    this.Variable(c)
-                }
-                else if (TEXDEF.digit.test(c)) {
-                    this.Number(c)
-                }
-                else {
-                    this.Other(c)
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        Push: function () {
-            this.stack.Push.apply(this.stack, arguments)
-        },
-        mml: function () {
-            if (this.stack.Top().type !== "mml") {
-                return null
-            }
-            return this.stack.Top().data[0];
-        },
-        mmlToken: function (token) {
-            return token
-        }, // used by boldsymbol extension
-        /************************************************************************/
-        /*
-         *   Handle various token classes
-         */
-        /*
-         *  Lookup a control-sequence and process it
-         */
-        ControlSequence: function (c) {
-            var name = this.GetCS(), macro = this.csFindMacro(name);
-            if (macro) {
-                if (!(macro instanceof Array)) {
-                    macro = [macro]
-                }
-                var fn = macro[0];
-                if (!(fn instanceof Function)) {
-                    fn = this[fn]
-                }
-                fn.apply(this, [c + name].concat(macro.slice(1)));
-            } else if (TEXDEF.mathchar0mi[name]) {
-                this.csMathchar0mi(name, TEXDEF.mathchar0mi[name])
-            }
-            else if (TEXDEF.mathchar0mo[name]) {
-                this.csMathchar0mo(name, TEXDEF.mathchar0mo[name])
-            }
-            else if (TEXDEF.mathchar7[name]) {
-                this.csMathchar7(name, TEXDEF.mathchar7[name])
-            }
-            else if (TEXDEF.delimiter["\\" + name] != null) {
-                this.csDelimiter(name, TEXDEF.delimiter["\\" + name])
-            }
-            else {
-                this.csUndefined(c + name)
-            }
-        },
-        //
-        //  Look up a macro in the macros list
-        //  (overridden in begingroup extension)
-        //
-        csFindMacro: function (name) {
-            return TEXDEF.macros[name]
-        },
-        //
-        //  Handle normal mathchar (as an mi)
-        //
-        csMathchar0mi: function (name, mchar) {
-            var def = {mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.ITALIC};
-            if (mchar instanceof Array) {
-                def = mchar[1];
-                mchar = mchar[0]
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(MML.entity("#x" + mchar)).With(def)));
-        },
-        //
-        //  Handle normal mathchar (as an mo)
-        //
-        csMathchar0mo: function (name, mchar) {
-            var def = {stretchy: false};
-            if (mchar instanceof Array) {
-                def = mchar[1];
-                def.stretchy = false;
-                mchar = mchar[0]
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken("#x" + mchar)).With(def)));
-        },
-        //
-        //  Handle mathchar in current family
-        //
-        csMathchar7: function (name, mchar) {
-            var def = {mathvariant: MML.VARIANT.NORMAL};
-            if (mchar instanceof Array) {
-                def = mchar[1];
-                mchar = mchar[0]
-            }
-            if (this.stack.env.font) {
-                def.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(MML.entity("#x" + mchar)).With(def)));
-        },
-        //
-        //  Handle delimiter
-        //
-        csDelimiter: function (name, delim) {
-            var def = {};
-            if (delim instanceof Array) {
-                def = delim[1];
-                delim = delim[0]
-            }
-            if (delim.length === 4) {
-                delim = MML.entity('#x' + delim)
-            } else {
-                delim = MML.chars(delim)
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken({
-                fence: false,
-                stretchy: false
-            }).With(def)));
-        },
-        //
-        //  Handle undefined control sequence
-        //  (overridden in noUndefined extension)
-        //
-        csUndefined: function (name) {
-            TEX.Error(["UndefinedControlSequence", "Undefined control sequence %1", name]);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle a variable (a single letter)
-         */
-        Variable: function (c) {
-            var def = {};
-            if (this.stack.env.font) {
-                def.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(MML.chars(c)).With(def)));
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Determine the extent of a number (pattern may need work)
-         */
-        Number: function (c) {
-            var mml, n = this.string.slice(this.i - 1).match(TEXDEF.number);
-            if (n) {
-                mml =[0].replace(/[{}]/g, ""));
-                this.i += n[0].length - 1
-            }
-            else {
-                mml =
-            }
-            if (this.stack.env.font) {
-                mml.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(mml));
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle { and }
-         */
-        Open: function (c) {
-            this.Push(
-        },
-        Close: function (c) {
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.close())
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle tilde and spaces
-         */
-        Tilde: function (c) {
-            this.Push(MML.mtext(MML.chars(NBSP)))
-        },
-        Space: function (c) {
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle ^, _, and '
-         */
-        Superscript: function (c) {
-            if (this.GetNext().match(/\d/)) // don't treat numbers as a unit
-            {
-                this.string = this.string.substr(0, this.i + 1) + " " + this.string.substr(this.i + 1)
-            }
-            var primes, base, top = this.stack.Top();
-            if (top.type === "prime") {
-                base =[0];
-                primes =[1];
-                this.stack.Pop()
-            }
-            else {
-                base = this.stack.Prev();
-                if (!base) {
-                    base = MML.mi("")
-                }
-            }
-            if (base.isEmbellishedWrapper) {
-                base =[0].data[0]
-            }
-            var movesupsub = base.movesupsub, position = base.sup;
-            if ((base.type === "msubsup" &&[base.sup]) ||
-                (base.type === "munderover" &&[base.over] && !base.subsupOK)) {
-                TEX.Error(["DoubleExponent", "Double exponent: use braces to clarify"])
-            }
-            if (base.type !== "msubsup") {
-                if (movesupsub) {
-                    if (base.type !== "munderover" ||[base.over]) {
-                        if (base.movablelimits && base.isa(MML.mi)) {
-                            base = this.mi2mo(base)
-                        }
-                        base = MML.munderover(base, null, null).With({movesupsub: true})
-                    }
-                    position = base.over;
-                } else {
-                    base = MML.msubsup(base, null, null);
-                    position = base.sup;
-                }
-            }
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.subsup(base).With({
-                position: position, primes: primes, movesupsub: movesupsub
-            }));
-        },
-        Subscript: function (c) {
-            if (this.GetNext().match(/\d/)) // don't treat numbers as a unit
-            {
-                this.string = this.string.substr(0, this.i + 1) + " " + this.string.substr(this.i + 1)
-            }
-            var primes, base, top = this.stack.Top();
-            if (top.type === "prime") {
-                base =[0];
-                primes =[1];
-                this.stack.Pop()
-            }
-            else {
-                base = this.stack.Prev();
-                if (!base) {
-                    base = MML.mi("")
-                }
-            }
-            if (base.isEmbellishedWrapper) {
-                base =[0].data[0]
-            }
-            var movesupsub = base.movesupsub, position = base.sub;
-            if ((base.type === "msubsup" &&[base.sub]) ||
-                (base.type === "munderover" &&[base.under] && !base.subsupOK)) {
-                TEX.Error(["DoubleSubscripts", "Double subscripts: use braces to clarify"])
-            }
-            if (base.type !== "msubsup") {
-                if (movesupsub) {
-                    if (base.type !== "munderover" ||[base.under]) {
-                        if (base.movablelimits && base.isa(MML.mi)) {
-                            base = this.mi2mo(base)
-                        }
-                        base = MML.munderover(base, null, null).With({movesupsub: true})
-                    }
-                    position = base.under;
-                } else {
-                    base = MML.msubsup(base, null, null);
-                    position = base.sub;
-                }
-            }
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.subsup(base).With({
-                position: position, primes: primes, movesupsub: movesupsub
-            }));
-        },
-        PRIME: "\u2032", SMARTQUOTE: "\u2019",
-        Prime: function (c) {
-            var base = this.stack.Prev();
-            if (!base) {
-                base = MML.mi()
-            }
-            if (base.type === "msubsup" &&[base.sup]) {
-                TEX.Error(["DoubleExponentPrime",
-                    "Prime causes double exponent: use braces to clarify"]);
-            }
-            var sup = "";
-            this.i--;
-            do {
-                sup += this.PRIME;
-                this.i++, c = this.GetNext()
-            }
-            while (c === "'" || c === this.SMARTQUOTE);
-            sup = ["", "\u2032", "\u2033", "\u2034", "\u2057"][sup.length] || sup;
-            this.Push(, this.mmlToken(;
-        },
-        mi2mo: function (mi) {
-            var mo =;
-            mo.Append.apply(mo,;
-            var id;
-            for (id in mo.defaults) {
-                if (mo.defaults.hasOwnProperty(id) && mi[id] != null) {
-                    mo[id] = mi[id]
-                }
-            }
-            for (id in MML.copyAttributes) {
-                if (MML.copyAttributes.hasOwnProperty(id) && mi[id] != null) {
-                    mo[id] = mi[id]
-                }
-            }
-            return mo;
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle comments
-         */
-        Comment: function (c) {
-            while (this.i < this.string.length && this.string.charAt(this.i) != "\n") {
-                this.i++
-            }
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle hash marks outside of definitions
-         */
-        Hash: function (c) {
-            TEX.Error(["CantUseHash1",
-                "You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode"]);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Handle other characters (as <mo> elements)
-         */
-        Other: function (c) {
-            var def, mo;
-            if (this.stack.env.font) {
-                def = {mathvariant: this.stack.env.font}
-            }
-            if (TEXDEF.remap[c]) {
-                c = TEXDEF.remap[c];
-                if (c instanceof Array) {
-                    def = c[1];
-                    c = c[0]
-                }
-                mo ='#x' + c)).With(def);
-            } else {
-                mo =;
-            }
-            if (mo.autoDefault("stretchy", true)) {
-                mo.stretchy = false
-            }
-            if (mo.autoDefault("texClass", true) == "") {
-                mo = MML.TeXAtom(mo)
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(mo));
-        },
-        /************************************************************************/
-        /*
-         *   Macros
-         */
-        SetFont: function (name, font) {
-            this.stack.env.font = font
-        },
-        SetStyle: function (name, texStyle, style, level) {
-   = texStyle;
-            this.stack.env.level = level;
-            this.Push({
-                styles: {
-                    displaystyle: style,
-                    scriptlevel: level
-                }
-            }));
-        },
-        SetSize: function (name, size) {
-            this.stack.env.size = size;
-            this.Push({styles: {mathsize: size + "em"}})); // convert to absolute?
-        },
-        Color: function (name) {
-            var color = this.GetArgument(name);
-            var old = this.stack.env.color;
-            this.stack.env.color = color;
-            var math = this.ParseArg(name);
-            if (old) {
-                this.stack.env.color
-            } else {
-                delete this.stack.env.color
-            }
-            this.Push(MML.mstyle(math).With({mathcolor: color}));
-        },
-        Spacer: function (name, space) {
-            this.Push(MML.mspace().With({
-                width: space,
-                mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL,
-                scriptlevel: 0
-            }));
-        },
-        LeftRight: function (name) {
-            this.Push(STACKITEM[name.substr(1)]().With({delim: this.GetDelimiter(name)}));
-        },
-        Middle: function (name) {
-            var delim = this.GetDelimiter(name);
-            if (this.stack.Top().type !== "left") {
-                TEX.Error(["MisplacedMiddle", "%1 must be within \\left and \\right", name])
-            }
-            this.Push({stretchy: true}));
-        },
+    /*
+     *  Convert delimiter to character
+     */
+    convertDelimiter: function (c) {
+      if (c) {
+        c = TEXDEF.delimiter[c]
+      }
+      if (c == null) {
+        return null
+      }
+      if (c instanceof Array) {
+        c = c[0]
+      }
+      if (c.length === 4) {
+        c = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c, 16))
+      }
+      return c;
+    },
-        NamedFn: function (name, id) {
-            if (!id) {
-                id = name.substr(1)
-            }
-            ;
-            var mml = MML.mi(id).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP});
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.fn(this.mmlToken(mml)));
-        },
-        NamedOp: function (name, id) {
-            if (!id) {
-                id = name.substr(1)
-            }
-            ;
-            id = id.replace(/&thinsp;/, "\u2006");
-            var mml ={
-                movablelimits: true,
-                movesupsub: true,
-                form: MML.FORM.PREFIX,
-                texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP
-            });
-            mml.useMMLspacing &= ~mml.SPACE_ATTR.form;  // don't count this explicit form setting
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(mml));
-        },
-        Limits: function (name, limits) {
-            var op = this.stack.Prev("nopop");
-            if (!op || (op.Get("texClass") !== MML.TEXCLASS.OP && op.movesupsub == null)) {
-                TEX.Error(["MisplacedLimits", "%1 is allowed only on operators", name])
-            }
-            var top = this.stack.Top();
-            if (op.type === "munderover" && !limits) {
-                op =[ - 1] = MML.msubsup.apply(MML.subsup,;
-            } else if (op.type === "msubsup" && limits) {
-                op =[ - 1] = MML.munderover.apply(MML.underover,;
-            }
-            op.movesupsub = (limits ? true : false);
-            op.Core().movablelimits = false;
-        },
-        Over: function (name, open, close) {
-            var mml = STACKITEM.over().With({name: name});
-            if (open || close) {
-       = open;
-                mml.close = close;
-            } else if (name.match(/withdelims$/)) {
-       = this.GetDelimiter(name);
-                mml.close = this.GetDelimiter(name);
-            }
-            if (name.match(/^\\above/)) {
-                mml.thickness = this.GetDimen(name)
-            }
-            else if (name.match(/^\\atop/) || open || close) {
-                mml.thickness = 0
-            }
-            this.Push(mml);
-        },
-        Frac: function (name) {
-            var num = this.ParseArg(name);
-            var den = this.ParseArg(name);
-            this.Push(MML.mfrac(num, den));
-        },
-        Sqrt: function (name) {
-            var n = this.GetBrackets(name), arg = this.GetArgument(name);
-            if (arg === "\\frac") {
-                arg += "{" + this.GetArgument(arg) + "}{" + this.GetArgument(arg) + "}"
-            }
-            var mml = TEX.Parse(arg, this.stack.env).mml();
-            if (!n) {
-                mml = MML.msqrt.apply(MML, mml.array())
-            }
-            else {
-                mml = MML.mroot(mml, this.parseRoot(n))
-            }
-            this.Push(mml);
-        },
-        Root: function (name) {
-            var n = this.GetUpTo(name, "\\of");
-            var arg = this.ParseArg(name);
-            this.Push(MML.mroot(arg, this.parseRoot(n)));
-        },
-        parseRoot: function (n) {
-            var env = this.stack.env, inRoot = env.inRoot;
-            env.inRoot = true;
-            var parser = TEX.Parse(n, env);
-            n = parser.mml();
-            var global =;
-            if (global.leftRoot || global.upRoot) {
-                n = MML.mpadded(n);
-                if (global.leftRoot) {
-                    n.width = global.leftRoot
-                }
-                if (global.upRoot) {
-                    n.voffset = global.upRoot;
-                    n.height = global.upRoot
-                }
-            }
-            env.inRoot = inRoot;
-            return n;
-        },
-        MoveRoot: function (name, id) {
-            if (!this.stack.env.inRoot) {
-                TEX.Error(["MisplacedMoveRoot", "%1 can appear only within a root", name])
-            }
-            if ([id]) {
-                TEX.Error(["MultipleMoveRoot", "Multiple use of %1", name])
-            }
-            var n = this.GetArgument(name);
-            if (!n.match(/-?[0-9]+/)) {
-                TEX.Error(["IntegerArg", "The argument to %1 must be an integer", name])
-            }
-            n = (n / 15) + "em";
-            if (n.substr(0, 1) !== "-") {
-                n = "+" + n
-            }
-  [id] = n;
-        },
-        Accent: function (name, accent, stretchy) {
-            var c = this.ParseArg(name);
-            var def = {accent: true};
-            if (this.stack.env.font) {
-                def.mathvariant = this.stack.env.font
-            }
-            var mml = this.mmlToken("#x" + accent)).With(def));
-            mml.stretchy = (stretchy ? true : false);
-            this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(MML.munderover(c, null, mml).With({accent: true})));
-        },
-        UnderOver: function (name, c, stack) {
-            var pos = {o: "over", u: "under"}[name.charAt(1)];
-            var base = this.ParseArg(name);
-            if (base.Get("movablelimits")) {
-                base.movablelimits = false
-            }
-            if (base.isa(MML.munderover) && base.isEmbellished()) {
-                base.Core().With({lspace: 0, rspace: 0}); // get spacing right for NativeMML
-                base = MML.mrow({rspace: 0}), base);  // add an empty <mi> so it's not embellished any more
-            }
-            var mml = MML.munderover(base, null, null);
-            mml.SetData(
-                mml[pos],
-                this.mmlToken("#x" + c)).With({
-                    stretchy: true,
-                    accent: (pos === "under")
-                }))
-            );
-            if (stack) {
-                mml = MML.TeXAtom(mml).With({
-                    texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OP,
-                    movesupsub: true
-                })
-            }
-            this.Push(mml.With({subsupOK: true}));
-        },
-        Overset: function (name) {
-            var top = this.ParseArg(name), base = this.ParseArg(name);
-            this.Push(MML.mover(base, top));
-        },
-        Underset: function (name) {
-            var bot = this.ParseArg(name), base = this.ParseArg(name);
-            this.Push(MML.munder(base, bot));
-        },
-        TeXAtom: function (name, mclass) {
-            var def = {texClass: mclass}, mml;
-            if (mclass == MML.TEXCLASS.OP) {
-                def.movesupsub = def.movablelimits = true;
-                var arg = this.GetArgument(name);
-                var match = arg.match(/^\s*\\rm\s+([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)$/);
-                if (match) {
-                    def.mathvariant = MML.VARIANT.NORMAL;
-                    mml = STACKITEM.fn(this.mmlToken(MML.mi(match[1]).With(def)));
-                } else {
-                    mml = STACKITEM.fn(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(arg, this.stack.env).mml()).With(def));
-                }
-            } else {
-                mml = MML.TeXAtom(this.ParseArg(name)).With(def)
-            }
-            this.Push(mml);
-        },
-        MmlToken: function (name) {
-            var type = this.GetArgument(name),
-                attr = this.GetBrackets(name, "").replace(/^\s+/, ""),
-                data = this.GetArgument(name),
-                def = {attrNames: []}, match;
-            if (!MML[type] || !MML[type].prototype.isToken) {
-                TEX.Error(["NotMathMLToken", "%1 is not a token element", type])
-            }
-            while (attr !== "") {
-                match = attr.match(/^([a-z]+)\s*=\s*('[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^ ,]*)\s*,?\s*/i);
-                if (!match) {
-                    TEX.Error(["InvalidMathMLAttr", "Invalid MathML attribute: %1", attr])
-                }
-                if (MML[type].prototype.defaults[match[1]] == null && !this.MmlTokenAllow[match[1]]) {
-                    TEX.Error(["UnknownAttrForElement",
-                        "%1 is not a recognized attribute for %2",
-                        match[1], type]);
-                }
-                var value = this.MmlFilterAttribute(match[1], match[2].replace(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/, "$2"));
-                if (value) {
-                    if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") {
-                        value = true
-                    }
-                    else if (value.toLowerCase() === "false") {
-                        value = false
-                    }
-                    def[match[1]] = value;
-                    def.attrNames.push(match[1]);
-                }
-                attr = attr.substr(match[0].length);
-            }
-            this.Push(this.mmlToken(MML[type](data).With(def)));
-        },
-        MmlFilterAttribute: function (name, value) {
-            return value
-        },
-        MmlTokenAllow: {
-            fontfamily: 1, fontsize: 1, fontweight: 1, fontstyle: 1,
-            color: 1, background: 1,
-            id: 1, "class": 1, href: 1, style: 1
-        },
-        Strut: function (name) {
-            this.Push(MML.mpadded(MML.mrow()).With({
-                height: "8.6pt",
-                depth: "3pt",
-                width: 0
-            }));
-        },
-        Phantom: function (name, v, h) {
-            var box = MML.mphantom(this.ParseArg(name));
-            if (v || h) {
-                box = MML.mpadded(box);
-                if (h) {
-                    box.height = box.depth = 0
-                }
-                if (v) {
-                    box.width = 0
-                }
-            }
-            this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(box));
-        },
-        Smash: function (name) {
-            var bt = this.trimSpaces(this.GetBrackets(name, ""));
-            var smash = MML.mpadded(this.ParseArg(name));
-            switch (bt) {
-                case "b":
-                    smash.depth = 0;
-                    break;
-                case "t":
-                    smash.height = 0;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    smash.height = smash.depth = 0;
-            }
-            this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(smash));
-        },
+    /*
+     *  Trim spaces from a string
+     */
+    trimSpaces: function (text) {
+      if (typeof(text) != 'string') {
+        return text
+      }
+      return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
+    },
-        Lap: function (name) {
-            var mml = MML.mpadded(this.ParseArg(name)).With({width: 0});
-            if (name === "\\llap") {
-                mml.lspace = "-1width"
-            }
-            this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(mml));
-        },
-        RaiseLower: function (name) {
-            var h = this.GetDimen(name);
-            var item = STACKITEM.position().With({
-                name: name,
-                move: 'vertical'
-            });
-            if (h.charAt(0) === '-') {
-                h = h.slice(1);
-                name = {raise: "\\lower", lower: "\\raise"}[name.substr(1)]
-            }
-            if (name === "\\lower") {
-                item.dh = '-' + h;
-                item.dd = '+' + h
-            } else {
-                item.dh = '+' + h;
-                item.dd = '-' + h
-            }
-            this.Push(item);
-        },
-        MoveLeftRight: function (name) {
-            var h = this.GetDimen(name);
-            var nh = (h.charAt(0) === '-' ? h.slice(1) : '-' + h);
-            if (name === "\\moveleft") {
-                var tmp = h;
-                h = nh;
-                nh = tmp
-            }
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.position().With({
-                name: name, move: 'horizontal',
-                left: MML.mspace().With({width: h, mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL}),
-                right: MML.mspace().With({width: nh, mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL})
-            }));
-        },
-        Hskip: function (name) {
-            this.Push(MML.mspace().With({
-                width: this.GetDimen(name),
-                mathsize: MML.SIZE.NORMAL
-            }));
-        },
-        Rule: function (name, style) {
-            var w = this.GetDimen(name),
-                h = this.GetDimen(name),
-                d = this.GetDimen(name);
-            var mml, def = {width: w, height: h, depth: d};
-            if (style !== 'blank') {
-                if (parseFloat(w) && parseFloat(h) + parseFloat(d)) {
-                    def.mathbackground = (this.stack.env.color || "black")
-                }
-                mml = MML.mpadded(MML.mrow()).With(def);
-            } else {
-                mml = MML.mspace().With(def);
-            }
-            this.Push(mml);
-        },
-        MakeBig: function (name, mclass, size) {
-            size *= TEXDEF.p_height;
-            size = String(size).replace(/(\.\d\d\d).+/, '$1') + "em";
-            var delim = this.GetDelimiter(name, true);
-            this.Push(MML.TeXAtom({
-                minsize: size, maxsize: size,
-                fence: true, stretchy: true, symmetric: true
-            })).With({texClass: mclass}));
-        },
-        BuildRel: function (name) {
-            var top = this.ParseUpTo(name, "\\over");
-            var bot = this.ParseArg(name);
-            this.Push(MML.TeXAtom(MML.munderover(bot, null, top)).With({texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.REL}));
-        },
-        HBox: function (name, style) {
-            this.Push.apply(this, this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name), style));
-        },
-        FBox: function (name) {
-            this.Push(MML.menclose.apply(MML, this.InternalMath(this.GetArgument(name))).With({notation: "box"}));
-        },
-        Not: function (name) {
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.not());
-        },
-        Dots: function (name) {
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.dots().With({
-                ldots: this.mmlToken("#x2026")).With({stretchy: false})),
-                cdots: this.mmlToken("#x22EF")).With({stretchy: false}))
-            }));
-        },
-        Require: function (name) {
-            var file = this.GetArgument(name)
-                .replace(/.*\//, "")            // remove any leading path
-                .replace(/[^a-z0-9_.-]/ig, ""); // remove illegal characters
-            this.Extension(null, file);
-        },
-        Extension: function (name, file, array) {
-            if (name && !typeof(name) === "string") {
-                name =
-            }
-            file = TEX.extensionDir + "/" + file;
-            if (!file.match(/\.js$/)) {
-                file += ".js"
-            }
-            if (!AJAX.loaded[AJAX.fileURL(file)]) {
-                if (name != null) {
-                    delete TEXDEF[array || 'macros'][name.replace(/^\\/, "")]
-                }
-                HUB.RestartAfter(AJAX.Require(file));
-            }
-        },
-        Macro: function (name, macro, argcount, def) {
-            if (argcount) {
-                var args = [];
-                if (def != null) {
-                    var optional = this.GetBrackets(name);
-                    args.push(optional == null ? def : optional);
-                }
-                for (var i = args.length; i < argcount; i++) {
-                    args.push(this.GetArgument(name))
-                }
-                macro = this.SubstituteArgs(args, macro);
-            }
-            this.string = this.AddArgs(macro, this.string.slice(this.i));
-            this.i = 0;
-            if (++this.macroCount > TEX.config.MAXMACROS) {
-                TEX.Error(["MaxMacroSub1",
-                    "MathJax maximum macro substitution count exceeded; " +
-                    "is there a recursive macro call?"]);
-            }
-        },
+    /*
+     *   Check if the next character is a space
+     */
+    nextIsSpace: function () {
+      return this.string.charAt(this.i).match(/\s/);
+    },
-        Matrix: function (name, open, close, align, spacing, vspacing, style, cases, numbered) {
-            var c = this.GetNext();
-            if (c === "") {
-                TEX.Error(["MissingArgFor", "Missing argument for %1", name])
-            }
-            if (c === "{") {
-                this.i++
-            } else {
-                this.string = c + "}" + this.string.slice(this.i + 1);
-                this.i = 0
-            }
-            var array = STACKITEM.array().With({
-                requireClose: true,
-                arraydef: {
-                    rowspacing: (vspacing || "4pt"),
-                    columnspacing: (spacing || "1em")
-                }
-            });
-            if (cases) {
-                array.isCases = true
-            }
-            if (numbered) {
-                array.isNumbered = true;
-                array.arraydef.side = numbered
-            }
-            if (open || close) {
-       = open;
-                array.close = close
-            }
-            if (style === "D") {
-                array.arraydef.displaystyle = true
-            }
-            if (align != null) {
-                array.arraydef.columnalign = align
-            }
-            this.Push(array);
-        },
-        Entry: function (name) {
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.cell().With({isEntry: true, name: name}));
-            if (this.stack.Top().isCases) {
-                var string = this.string;
-                var braces = 0, i = this.i, m = string.length;
-                while (i < m) {
-                    var c = string.charAt(i);
-                    if (c === "{") {
-                        braces++;
-                        i++
-                    }
-                    else if (c === "}") {
-                        if (braces === 0) {
-                            m = 0
-                        } else {
-                            braces--;
-                            i++
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (c === "&" && braces === 0) {
-                        TEX.Error(["ExtraAlignTab", "Extra alignment tab in \\cases text"]);
-                    } else if (c === "\\") {
-                        if (string.substr(i).match(/^((\\cr)[^a-zA-Z]|\\\\)/)) {
-                            m = 0
-                        } else {
-                            i += 2
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        i++
-                    }
-                }
-                var text = string.substr(this.i, i - this.i);
-                if (!text.match(/^\s*\\text[^a-zA-Z]/)) {
-                    this.Push.apply(this, this.InternalMath(text, 0));
-                    this.i = i;
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        Cr: function (name) {
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.cell().With({isCR: true, name: name}));
-        },
-        CrLaTeX: function (name) {
-            var n;
-            if (this.string.charAt(this.i) === "[") {
-                n = this.GetBrackets(name, "").replace(/ /g, "").replace(/,/, ".");
-                if (n && !this.matchDimen(n)) {
-                    TEX.Error(["BracketMustBeDimension",
-                        "Bracket argument to %1 must be a dimension", name]);
-                }
-            }
-            this.Push(STACKITEM.cell().With({
-                isCR: true,
-                name: name,
-                linebreak: true
-            }));
-            var top = this.stack.Top();
-            if (top.isa(STACKITEM.array)) {
-                if (n && top.arraydef.rowspacing) {
-                    var rows = top.arraydef.rowspacing.split(/ /);
-                    if (!top.rowspacing) {
-                        top.rowspacing = this.dimen2em(rows[0])
-                    }
-                    while (rows.length < top.table.length) {
-                        rows.push(this.Em(top.rowspacing))
-                    }
-                    rows[top.table.length - 1] = this.Em(Math.max(0, top.rowspacing + this.dimen2em(n)));
-                    top.arraydef.rowspacing = rows.join(' ');
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (n) {
-                    this.Push(MML.mspace().With({depth: n}))
-                }
-                this.Push(MML.mspace().With({linebreak: MML.LINEBREAK.NEWLINE}));
-            }
-        },
-        emPerInch: 7.2,
-        pxPerInch: 72,
-        matchDimen: function (dim) {
-            return dim.match(/^(-?(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?))(px|pt|em|ex|mu|pc|in|mm|cm)$/);
-        },
-        dimen2em: function (dim) {
-            var match = this.matchDimen(dim);
-            var m = parseFloat(match[1] || "1"), unit = match[2];
-            if (unit === "em") {
-                return m
-            }
-            if (unit === "ex") {
-                return m * .43
-            }
-            if (unit === "pt") {
-                return m / 10
-            }                    // 10 pt to an em
-            if (unit === "pc") {
-                return m * 1.2
-            }                   // 12 pt to a pc
-            if (unit === "px") {
-                return m * this.emPerInch / this.pxPerInch
-            }
-            if (unit === "in") {
-                return m * this.emPerInch
-            }
-            if (unit === "cm") {
-                return m * this.emPerInch / 2.54
-            } // 2.54 cm to an inch
-            if (unit === "mm") {
-                return m * this.emPerInch / 25.4
-            } // 10 mm to a cm
-            if (unit === "mu") {
-                return m / 18
-            }
-            return 0;
-        },
-        Em: function (m) {
-            if (Math.abs(m) < .0006) {
-                return "0em"
-            }
-            return m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") + "em";
-        },
+    /*
+     *  Get the next non-space character
+     */
+    GetNext: function () {
+      while (this.nextIsSpace()) {
+        this.i++
+      }
+      return this.string.charAt(this.i);
+    },
-        HLine: function (name, style) {
-            if (style == null) {
-                style = "solid"
-            }
-            var top = this.stack.Top();
-            if (!top.isa(STACKITEM.array) || {
-                TEX.Error(["Misplaced", "Misplaced %1", name])
-            }
-            if (top.table.length == 0) {
-                top.frame.push("top");
-            } else {
-                var lines = (top.arraydef.rowlines ? top.arraydef.rowlines.split(/ /) : []);
-                while (lines.length < top.table.length) {
-                    lines.push("none")
-                }
-                lines[top.table.length - 1] = style;
-                top.arraydef.rowlines = lines.join(' ');
-            }
-        },
-        HFill: function (name) {
-            var top = this.stack.Top();
-            if (top.isa(STACKITEM.array)) top.hfill.push(;
-            else TEX.Error(["UnsupportedHFill", "Unsupported use of %1", name]);
-        },
-        /************************************************************************/
-        /*
-         *   LaTeX environments
-         */
-        BeginEnd: function (name) {
-            var env = this.GetArgument(name), isEnd = false;
-            if (env.match(/^\\end\\/)) {
-                isEnd = true;
-                env = env.substr(5)
-            } // special \end{} for \newenvironment environments
-            if (env.match(/\\/i)) {
-                TEX.Error(["InvalidEnv", "Invalid environment name '%1'", env])
-            }
-            var cmd = this.envFindName(env);
-            if (!cmd) {
-                TEX.Error(["UnknownEnv", "Unknown environment '%1'", env])
-            }
-            if (!(cmd instanceof Array)) {
-                cmd = [cmd]
-            }
-            var end = (cmd[1] instanceof Array ? cmd[1][0] : cmd[1]);
-            var mml = STACKITEM.begin().With({
-                name: env,
-                end: end,
-                parse: this
-            });
-            if (name === "\\end") {
-                if (!isEnd && cmd[1] instanceof Array && this[cmd[1][1]]) {
-                    mml = this[cmd[1][1]].apply(this, [mml].concat(cmd.slice(2)));
-                } else {
-                    mml = STACKITEM.end().With({name: env});
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (++this.macroCount > TEX.config.MAXMACROS) {
-                    TEX.Error(["MaxMacroSub2",
-                        "MathJax maximum substitution count exceeded; " +
-                        "is there a recursive latex environment?"]);
-                }
-                if (cmd[0] && this[cmd[0]]) {
-                    mml = this[cmd[0]].apply(this, [mml].concat(cmd.slice(2)))
-                }
-            }
-            this.Push(mml);
-        },
-        envFindName: function (name) {
-            return TEXDEF.environment[name]
-        },
-        Equation: function (begin, row) {
-            return row
-        },
-        ExtensionEnv: function (begin, file) {
-            this.Extension(, file, "environment")
-        },
-        Array: function (begin, open, close, align, spacing, vspacing, style, raggedHeight) {
-            if (!align) {
-                align = this.GetArgument("\\begin{" + + "}")
-            }
-            var lines = ("c" + align).replace(/[^clr|:]/g, '').replace(/[^|:]([|:])+/g, '$1');
-            align = align.replace(/[^clr]/g, '').split('').join(' ');
-            align = align.replace(/l/g, 'left').replace(/r/g, 'right').replace(/c/g, 'center');
-            var array = STACKITEM.array().With({
-                arraydef: {
-                    columnalign: align,
-                    columnspacing: (spacing || "1em"),
-                    rowspacing: (vspacing || "4pt")
-                }
-            });
-            if (lines.match(/[|:]/)) {
-                if (lines.charAt(0).match(/[|:]/)) {
-                    array.frame.push("left");
-                    array.frame.dashed = lines.charAt(0) === ":"
-                }
-                if (lines.charAt(lines.length - 1).match(/[|:]/)) {
-                    array.frame.push("right")
-                }
-                lines = lines.substr(1, lines.length - 2);
-                array.arraydef.columnlines =
-                    lines.split('').join(' ').replace(/[^|: ]/g, 'none').replace(/\|/g, 'solid').replace(/:/g, 'dashed');
-            }
-            if (open) {
-       = this.convertDelimiter(open)
-            }
-            if (close) {
-                array.close = this.convertDelimiter(close)
-            }
-            if (style === "D") {
-                array.arraydef.displaystyle = true
-            }
-            else if (style) {
-                array.arraydef.displaystyle = false
-            }
-            if (style === "S") {
-                array.arraydef.scriptlevel = 1
-            } // FIXME: should use mstyle?
-            if (raggedHeight) {
-                array.arraydef.useHeight = false
-            }
-            this.Push(begin);
-            return array;
-        },
-        AlignedArray: function (begin) {
-            var align = this.GetBrackets("\\begin{" + + "}");
-            return this.setArrayAlign(this.Array.apply(this, arguments), align);
-        },
-        setArrayAlign: function (array, align) {
-            align = this.trimSpaces(align || "");
-            if (align === "t") {
-                array.arraydef.align = "baseline 1"
-            }
-            else if (align === "b") {
-                array.arraydef.align = "baseline -1"
-            }
-            else if (align === "c") {
-                array.arraydef.align = "center"
-            }
-            else if (align) {
-                array.arraydef.align = align
-            } // FIXME: should be an error?
-            return array;
-        },
-        /************************************************************************/
-        /*
-         *   String handling routines
-         */
-        /*
-         *  Convert delimiter to character
-         */
-        convertDelimiter: function (c) {
-            if (c) {
-                c = TEXDEF.delimiter[c]
-            }
-            if (c == null) {
-                return null
-            }
-            if (c instanceof Array) {
-                c = c[0]
-            }
-            if (c.length === 4) {
-                c = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c, 16))
-            }
-            return c;
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Trim spaces from a string
-         */
-        trimSpaces: function (text) {
-            if (typeof(text) != 'string') {
-                return text
-            }
-            return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
-        },
-        /*
-         *   Check if the next character is a space
-         */
-        nextIsSpace: function () {
-            return this.string.charAt(this.i).match(/\s/);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get the next non-space character
-         */
-        GetNext: function () {
-            while (this.nextIsSpace()) {
-                this.i++
-            }
-            return this.string.charAt(this.i);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get and return a control-sequence name
-         */
-        GetCS: function () {
-            var CS = this.string.slice(this.i).match(/^([a-z]+|.) ?/i);
-            if (CS) {
-                this.i += CS[1].length;
-                return CS[1]
-            } else {
+    /*
+     *  Get and return a control-sequence name
+     */
+    GetCS: function () {
+      var CS = this.string.slice(this.i).match(/^([a-z]+|.) ?/i);
+      if (CS) {
+        this.i += CS[1].length;
+        return CS[1]
+      } else {
+        this.i++;
+        return " "
+      }
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Get and return a TeX argument (either a single character or control sequence,
+     *  or the contents of the next set of braces).
+     */
+    GetArgument: function (name, noneOK) {
+      switch (this.GetNext()) {
+        case "":
+          if (!noneOK) {
+            TEX.Error(["MissingArgFor", "Missing argument for %1", name])
+          }
+          return null;
+        case '}':
+          if (!noneOK) {
+            TEX.Error(["ExtraCloseMissingOpen",
+              "Extra close brace or missing open brace"]);
+          }
+          return null;
+        case '\\':
+          this.i++;
+          return "\\" + this.GetCS();
+        case '{':
+          var j = ++this.i, parens = 1;
+          while (this.i < this.string.length) {
+            switch (this.string.charAt(this.i++)) {
+              case '\\':
-                return " "
-            }
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get and return a TeX argument (either a single character or control sequence,
-         *  or the contents of the next set of braces).
-         */
-        GetArgument: function (name, noneOK) {
-            switch (this.GetNext()) {
-                case "":
-                    if (!noneOK) {
-                        TEX.Error(["MissingArgFor", "Missing argument for %1", name])
-                    }
-                    return null;
-                case '}':
-                    if (!noneOK) {
-                        TEX.Error(["ExtraCloseMissingOpen",
-                            "Extra close brace or missing open brace"]);
-                    }
-                    return null;
-                case '\\':
-                    this.i++;
-                    return "\\" + this.GetCS();
-                case '{':
-                    var j = ++this.i, parens = 1;
-                    while (this.i < this.string.length) {
-                        switch (this.string.charAt(this.i++)) {
-                            case '\\':
-                                this.i++;
-                                break;
-                            case '{':
-                                parens++;
-                                break;
-                            case '}':
-                                if (--parens == 0) {
-                                    return this.string.slice(j, this.i - 1)
-                                }
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    TEX.Error(["MissingCloseBrace", "Missing close brace"]);
-                    break;
-            }
-            return this.string.charAt(this.i++);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get an optional LaTeX argument in brackets
-         */
-        GetBrackets: function (name, def) {
-            if (this.GetNext() != '[') {
-                return def
-            }
-            ;
-            var j = ++this.i, parens = 0;
-            while (this.i < this.string.length) {
-                switch (this.string.charAt(this.i++)) {
-                    case '{':
-                        parens++;
-                        break;
-                    case '\\':
-                        this.i++;
-                        break;
-                    case '}':
-                        if (parens-- <= 0) {
-                            TEX.Error(["ExtraCloseLooking",
-                                "Extra close brace while looking for %1", "']'"]);
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case ']':
-                        if (parens == 0) {
-                            return this.string.slice(j, this.i - 1)
-                        }
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            TEX.Error(["MissingCloseBracket",
-                "Couldn't find closing ']' for argument to %1", name]);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get the name of a delimiter (check it in the delimiter list).
-         */
-        GetDelimiter: function (name, braceOK) {
-            while (this.nextIsSpace()) {
-                this.i++
-            }
-            var c = this.string.charAt(this.i);
+                break;
+              case '{':
+                parens++;
+                break;
+              case '}':
+                if (--parens == 0) {
+                  return this.string.slice(j, this.i - 1)
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+          TEX.Error(["MissingCloseBrace", "Missing close brace"]);
+          break;
+      }
+      return this.string.charAt(this.i++);
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Get an optional LaTeX argument in brackets
+     */
+    GetBrackets: function (name, def) {
+      if (this.GetNext() != '[') {
+        return def
+      }
+      ;
+      var j = ++this.i, parens = 0;
+      while (this.i < this.string.length) {
+        switch (this.string.charAt(this.i++)) {
+          case '{':
+            parens++;
+            break;
+          case '\\':
-            if (this.i <= this.string.length) {
-                if (c == "\\") {
-                    c += this.GetCS(name)
-                }
-                else if (c === "{" && braceOK) {
-                    this.i--;
-                    c = this.GetArgument(name)
-                }
-                if (TEXDEF.delimiter[c] != null) {
-                    return this.convertDelimiter(c)
-                }
-            }
-            TEX.Error(["MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim",
-                "Missing or unrecognized delimiter for %1", name]);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get a dimension (including its units).
-         */
-        GetDimen: function (name) {
-            var dimen;
-            if (this.nextIsSpace()) {
-                this.i++
-            }
-            if (this.string.charAt(this.i) == '{') {
-                dimen = this.GetArgument(name);
-                if (dimen.match(/^\s*([-+]?([.,]\d+|\d+([.,]\d*)?))\s*(pt|em|ex|mu|px|mm|cm|in|pc)\s*$/)) {
-                    return dimen.replace(/ /g, "").replace(/,/, ".")
-                }
-            } else {
-                dimen = this.string.slice(this.i);
-                var match = dimen.match(/^\s*(([-+]?([.,]\d+|\d+([.,]\d*)?))\s*(pt|em|ex|mu|px|mm|cm|in|pc)) ?/);
-                if (match) {
-                    this.i += match[0].length;
-                    return match[1].replace(/ /g, "").replace(/,/, ".");
-                }
-            }
-            TEX.Error(["MissingDimOrUnits",
-                "Missing dimension or its units for %1", name]);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Get everything up to the given control sequence (token)
-         */
-        GetUpTo: function (name, token) {
-            while (this.nextIsSpace()) {
-                this.i++
-            }
-            var j = this.i, k, c, parens = 0;
-            while (this.i < this.string.length) {
-                k = this.i;
-                c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
-                switch (c) {
-                    case '\\':
-                        c += this.GetCS();
-                        break;
-                    case '{':
-                        parens++;
-                        break;
-                    case '}':
-                        if (parens == 0) {
-                            TEX.Error(["ExtraCloseLooking",
-                                "Extra close brace while looking for %1", token])
-                        }
-                        parens--;
-                        break;
-                }
-                if (parens == 0 && c == token) {
-                    return this.string.slice(j, k)
-                }
-            }
-            TEX.Error(["TokenNotFoundForCommand",
-                "Couldn't find %1 for %2", token, name]);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Parse various substrings
-         */
-        ParseArg: function (name) {
-            return TEX.Parse(this.GetArgument(name), this.stack.env).mml()
-        },
-        ParseUpTo: function (name, token) {
-            return TEX.Parse(this.GetUpTo(name, token), this.stack.env).mml()
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Break up a string into text and math blocks
-         *  @@@ FIXME:  pass environment to TEX.Parse? @@@
-         */
-        InternalMath: function (text, level) {
-            var def = (this.stack.env.font ? {mathvariant: this.stack.env.font} : {});
-            var mml = [], i = 0, k = 0, c, match = '';
-            if (text.match(/\\?[${}\\]|\\\(|\\(eq)?ref\s*\{/)) {
-                while (i < text.length) {
-                    c = text.charAt(i++);
-                    if (c === '$') {
-                        if (match === '$') {
-                            mml.push(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(text.slice(k, i - 1), {}).mml().With(def)));
-                            match = '';
-                            k = i;
-                        } else if (match === '') {
-                            if (k < i - 1) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k, i - 1), def));
-                            match = '$';
-                            k = i;
-                        }
-                    } else if (c === '}' && match === '}') {
-                        mml.push(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(text.slice(k, i), {}).mml().With(def)));
-                        match = '';
-                        k = i;
-                    } else if (c === '\\') {
-                        if (match === '' && text.substr(i).match(/^(eq)?ref\s*\{/)) {
-                            if (k < i - 1) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k, i - 1), def));
-                            match = '}';
-                            k = i - 1;
-                        } else {
-                            c = text.charAt(i++);
-                            if (c === '(' && match === '') {
-                                if (k < i - 2) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k, i - 2), def));
-                                match = ')';
-                                k = i;
-                            } else if (c === ')' && match === ')') {
-                                mml.push(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(text.slice(k, i - 2), {}).mml().With(def)));
-                                match = '';
-                                k = i;
-                            } else if (c.match(/[${}\\]/) && match === '') {
-                                i--;
-                                text = text.substr(0, i - 1) + text.substr(i); // remove \ from \$, \{, \}, or \\
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (match !== '') TEX.Error(["MathNotTerminated", "Math not terminated in text box"]);
-            }
-            if (k < text.length) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k), def));
-            if (level != null) {
-                mml = [MML.mstyle.apply(MML, mml).With({
-                    displaystyle: false,
-                    scriptlevel: level
-                })];
-            } else if (mml.length > 1) {
-                mml = [MML.mrow.apply(MML, mml)];
-            }
-            return mml;
-        },
-        InternalText: function (text, def) {
-            text = text.replace(/^\s+/, NBSP).replace(/\s+$/, NBSP);
-            return MML.mtext(MML.chars(text)).With(def);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Replace macro paramters with their values
-         */
-        SubstituteArgs: function (args, string) {
-            var text = '';
-            var newstring = '';
-            var c;
-            var i = 0;
-            while (i < string.length) {
-                c = string.charAt(i++);
-                if (c === "\\") {
-                    text += c + string.charAt(i++)
-                }
-                else if (c === '#') {
-                    c = string.charAt(i++);
-                    if (c === '#') {
-                        text += c
-                    } else {
-                        if (!c.match(/[1-9]/) || c > args.length) {
-                            TEX.Error(["IllegalMacroParam",
-                                "Illegal macro parameter reference"]);
-                        }
-                        newstring = this.AddArgs(this.AddArgs(newstring, text), args[c - 1]);
-                        text = '';
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    text += c
-                }
-            }
-            return this.AddArgs(newstring, text);
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Make sure that macros are followed by a space if their names
-         *  could accidentally be continued into the following text.
-         */
-        AddArgs: function (s1, s2) {
-            if (s2.match(/^[a-z]/i) && s1.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\\[a-z]+$/i)) {
-                s1 += ' '
-            }
-            if (s1.length + s2.length > TEX.config.MAXBUFFER) {
-                TEX.Error(["MaxBufferSize",
-                    "MathJax internal buffer size exceeded; is there a recursive macro call?"]);
-            }
-            return s1 + s2;
+            break;
+          case '}':
+            if (parens-- <= 0) {
+              TEX.Error(["ExtraCloseLooking",
+                "Extra close brace while looking for %1", "']'"]);
+            }
+            break;
+          case ']':
+            if (parens == 0) {
+              return this.string.slice(j, this.i - 1)
+            }
+            break;
+      }
+      TEX.Error(["MissingCloseBracket",
+        "Couldn't find closing ']' for argument to %1", name]);
+    },
-    });
+    /*
+     *  Get the name of a delimiter (check it in the delimiter list).
+     */
+    GetDelimiter: function (name, braceOK) {
+      while (this.nextIsSpace()) {
+        this.i++
+      }
+      var c = this.string.charAt(this.i);
+      this.i++;
+      if (this.i <= this.string.length) {
+        if (c == "\\") {
+          c += this.GetCS(name)
+        }
+        else if (c === "{" && braceOK) {
+          this.i--;
+          c = this.GetArgument(name)
+        }
+        if (TEXDEF.delimiter[c] != null) {
+          return this.convertDelimiter(c)
+        }
+      }
+      TEX.Error(["MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim",
+        "Missing or unrecognized delimiter for %1", name]);
+    },
-    /************************************************************************/
+    /*
+     *  Get a dimension (including its units).
+     */
+    GetDimen: function (name) {
+      var dimen;
+      if (this.nextIsSpace()) {
+        this.i++
+      }
+      if (this.string.charAt(this.i) == '{') {
+        dimen = this.GetArgument(name);
+        if (dimen.match(/^\s*([-+]?([.,]\d+|\d+([.,]\d*)?))\s*(pt|em|ex|mu|px|mm|cm|in|pc)\s*$/)) {
+          return dimen.replace(/ /g, "").replace(/,/, ".")
+        }
+      } else {
+        dimen = this.string.slice(this.i);
+        var match = dimen.match(/^\s*(([-+]?([.,]\d+|\d+([.,]\d*)?))\s*(pt|em|ex|mu|px|mm|cm|in|pc)) ?/);
+        if (match) {
+          this.i += match[0].length;
+          return match[1].replace(/ /g, "").replace(/,/, ".");
+        }
+      }
+      TEX.Error(["MissingDimOrUnits",
+        "Missing dimension or its units for %1", name]);
+    },
-    TEX.Augment({
-        Stack: STACK, Parse: PARSE, Definitions: TEXDEF, Startup: STARTUP,
-        config: {
-            MAXMACROS: 10000,    // maximum number of macro substitutions per equation
-            MAXBUFFER: 5 * 1024    // maximum size of TeX string to process
-        },
-        sourceMenuTitle: /*_(MathMenu)*/ ["TeXCommands", "TeX Commands"],
-        annotationEncoding: "application/x-tex",
-        prefilterHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true),    // hooks to run before processing TeX
-        postfilterHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true),   // hooks to run after processing TeX
-        //
-        //  Check if AMSmath extension must be loaded and push
-        //    it on the extensions array, if needed
-        //
-        Config: function () {
-            this.SUPER(arguments).Config.apply(this, arguments);
-            if (this.config.equationNumbers.autoNumber !== "none") {
-                if (!this.config.extensions) {
-                    this.config.extensions = []
-                }
-                this.config.extensions.push("AMSmath.js");
-            }
-        },
-        //
-        //  Convert TeX to ElementJax
-        //
-        Translate: function (script) {
-            var mml, isError = false, math = MathJax.HTML.getScript(script);
-            var display = (script.type.replace(/\n/g, " ").match(/(;|\s|\n)mode\s*=\s*display(;|\s|\n|$)/) != null);
-            var data = {math: math, display: display, script: script};
-            var callback = this.prefilterHooks.Execute(data);
-            if (callback) return callback;
-            math = data.math;
-            try {
-                mml = TEX.Parse(math).mml();
-            } catch (err) {
-                if (!err.texError) {
-                    throw err
-                }
-                mml = this.formatError(err, math, display, script);
-                isError = true;
-            }
-            if (mml.isa(MML.mtable) && mml.displaystyle === "inherit") mml.displaystyle = display; // for tagged equations
-            if (mml.inferred) {
-                mml = MML.apply(MathJax.ElementJax,
-            } else {
-                mml = MML(mml)
-            }
-            if (display) {
-                mml.root.display = "block"
-            }
-            if (isError) {
-                mml.texError = true
-            }
-            data.math = mml;
-            return this.postfilterHooks.Execute(data) || data.math;
-        },
-        prefilterMath: function (math, displaystyle, script) {
-            return math;
-        },
-        postfilterMath: function (math, displaystyle, script) {
-            this.combineRelations(math.root);
-            return math;
-        },
-        formatError: function (err, math, display, script) {
-            var message = err.message.replace(/\n.*/, "");
-            HUB.signal.Post(["TeX Jax - parse error", message, math, display, script]);
-            return MML.Error(message);
-        },
-        //
-        //  Produce an error and stop processing this equation
-        //
-        Error: function (message) {
-            //
-            //  Translate message if it is ["id","message",args]
-            //
-            if (message instanceof Array) {
-                message = _.apply(_, message)
-            }
-            throw HUB.Insert(Error(message), {texError: true});
-        },
-        //
-        //  Add a user-defined macro to the macro list
-        //
-        Macro: function (name, def, argn) {
-            TEXDEF.macros[name] = ['Macro'].concat([], 1));
-            TEXDEF.macros[name].isUser = true;
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Create an mrow that has stretchy delimiters at either end, as needed
-         */
-        fenced: function (open, mml, close) {
-            var mrow = MML.mrow().With({
-                open: open,
-                close: close,
-                texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.INNER
-            });
-            mrow.Append({
-                fence: true,
-                stretchy: true,
-                texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN
-            }));
-            if (mml.type === "mrow") {
-                mrow.Append.apply(mrow,
-            } else {
-                mrow.Append(mml)
-            }
-            mrow.Append({
-                fence: true,
-                stretchy: true,
-                texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE
-            }));
-            return mrow;
-        },
-        /*
-         *  Create an mrow that has \mathchoice using \bigg and \big for the delimiters
-         */
-        fixedFence: function (open, mml, close) {
-            var mrow = MML.mrow().With({
-                open: open,
-                close: close,
-                texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.ORD
-            });
-            if (open) {
-                mrow.Append(this.mathPalette(open, "l"))
-            }
-            if (mml.type === "mrow") {
-                mrow.Append.apply(mrow,
+    /*
+     *  Get everything up to the given control sequence (token)
+     */
+    GetUpTo: function (name, token) {
+      while (this.nextIsSpace()) {
+        this.i++
+      }
+      var j = this.i, k, c, parens = 0;
+      while (this.i < this.string.length) {
+        k = this.i;
+        c = this.string.charAt(this.i++);
+        switch (c) {
+          case '\\':
+            c += this.GetCS();
+            break;
+          case '{':
+            parens++;
+            break;
+          case '}':
+            if (parens == 0) {
+              TEX.Error(["ExtraCloseLooking",
+                "Extra close brace while looking for %1", token])
+            }
+            parens--;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (parens == 0 && c == token) {
+          return this.string.slice(j, k)
+        }
+      }
+      TEX.Error(["TokenNotFoundForCommand",
+        "Couldn't find %1 for %2", token, name]);
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Parse various substrings
+     */
+    ParseArg: function (name) {
+      return TEX.Parse(this.GetArgument(name), this.stack.env).mml()
+    },
+    ParseUpTo: function (name, token) {
+      return TEX.Parse(this.GetUpTo(name, token), this.stack.env).mml()
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Break up a string into text and math blocks
+     *  @@@ FIXME:  pass environment to TEX.Parse? @@@
+     */
+    InternalMath: function (text, level) {
+      var def = (this.stack.env.font ? {mathvariant: this.stack.env.font} : {});
+      var mml = [], i = 0, k = 0, c, match = '';
+      if (text.match(/\\?[${}\\]|\\\(|\\(eq)?ref\s*\{/)) {
+        while (i < text.length) {
+          c = text.charAt(i++);
+          if (c === '$') {
+            if (match === '$') {
+              mml.push(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(text.slice(k, i - 1), {}).mml().With(def)));
+              match = '';
+              k = i;
+            } else if (match === '') {
+              if (k < i - 1) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k, i - 1), def));
+              match = '$';
+              k = i;
+            }
+          } else if (c === '}' && match === '}') {
+            mml.push(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(text.slice(k, i), {}).mml().With(def)));
+            match = '';
+            k = i;
+          } else if (c === '\\') {
+            if (match === '' && text.substr(i).match(/^(eq)?ref\s*\{/)) {
+              if (k < i - 1) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k, i - 1), def));
+              match = '}';
+              k = i - 1;
             } else {
-                mrow.Append(mml)
-            }
-            if (close) {
-                mrow.Append(this.mathPalette(close, "r"))
-            }
-            return mrow;
-        },
-        mathPalette: function (fence, side) {
-            if (fence === '{' || fence === '}') {
-                fence = "\\" + fence
-            }
-            var D = '{\\bigg' + side + ' ' + fence + '}', T = '{\\big' + side + ' ' + fence + '}';
-            return TEX.Parse('\\mathchoice' + D + T + T + T).mml();
-        },
-        //
-        //  Combine adjacent <mo> elements that are relations
-        //    (since MathML treats the spacing very differently)
-        //
-        combineRelations: function (mml) {
-            var i, m, m1, m2;
-            for (i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
-                if ([i]) {
-                    if (mml.isa(MML.mrow)) {
-                        while (i + 1 < m && (m1 =[i]) && (m2 =[i + 1]) &&
-                        m1.isa( && m2.isa( &&
-                        m1.Get("texClass") === MML.TEXCLASS.REL &&
-                        m2.Get("texClass") === MML.TEXCLASS.REL) {
-                            if (m1.variantForm == m2.variantForm &&
-                                m1.Get("mathvariant") == m2.Get("mathvariant") && == &&
-                                m1["class"] == m2["class"] && ! && ! {
-                                m1.Append.apply(m1,;
-                       + 1, 1);
-                                m--;
-                            } else {
-                                m1.rspace = m2.lspace = "0pt";
-                                i++;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (![i].isToken) {
-                        this.combineRelations([i])
-                    }
-                }
-            }
+              c = text.charAt(i++);
+              if (c === '(' && match === '') {
+                if (k < i - 2) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k, i - 2), def));
+                match = ')';
+                k = i;
+              } else if (c === ')' && match === ')') {
+                mml.push(MML.TeXAtom(TEX.Parse(text.slice(k, i - 2), {}).mml().With(def)));
+                match = '';
+                k = i;
+              } else if (c.match(/[${}\\]/) && match === '') {
+                i--;
+                text = text.substr(0, i - 1) + text.substr(i); // remove \ from \$, \{, \}, or \\
+              }
+            }
+          }
-    });
+        if (match !== '') TEX.Error(["MathNotTerminated", "Math not terminated in text box"]);
+      }
+      if (k < text.length) mml.push(this.InternalText(text.slice(k), def));
+      if (level != null) {
+        mml = [MML.mstyle.apply(MML, mml).With({
+          displaystyle: false,
+          scriptlevel: level
+        })];
+      } else if (mml.length > 1) {
+        mml = [MML.mrow.apply(MML, mml)];
+      }
+      return mml;
+    },
+    InternalText: function (text, def) {
+      text = text.replace(/^\s+/, NBSP).replace(/\s+$/, NBSP);
+      return MML.mtext(MML.chars(text)).With(def);
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Replace macro paramters with their values
+     */
+    SubstituteArgs: function (args, string) {
+      var text = '';
+      var newstring = '';
+      var c;
+      var i = 0;
+      while (i < string.length) {
+        c = string.charAt(i++);
+        if (c === "\\") {
+          text += c + string.charAt(i++)
+        }
+        else if (c === '#') {
+          c = string.charAt(i++);
+          if (c === '#') {
+            text += c
+          } else {
+            if (!c.match(/[1-9]/) || c > args.length) {
+              TEX.Error(["IllegalMacroParam",
+                "Illegal macro parameter reference"]);
+            }
+            newstring = this.AddArgs(this.AddArgs(newstring, text), args[c - 1]);
+            text = '';
+          }
+        } else {
+          text += c
+        }
+      }
+      return this.AddArgs(newstring, text);
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Make sure that macros are followed by a space if their names
+     *  could accidentally be continued into the following text.
+     */
+    AddArgs: function (s1, s2) {
+      if (s2.match(/^[a-z]/i) && s1.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\\[a-z]+$/i)) {
+        s1 += ' '
+      }
+      if (s1.length + s2.length > TEX.config.MAXBUFFER) {
+        TEX.Error(["MaxBufferSize",
+          "MathJax internal buffer size exceeded; is there a recursive macro call?"]);
+      }
+      return s1 + s2;
+    }
+  });
+  /************************************************************************/
+  TEX.Augment({
+    Stack: STACK, Parse: PARSE, Definitions: TEXDEF, Startup: STARTUP,
+    config: {
+      MAXMACROS: 10000,    // maximum number of macro substitutions per equation
+      MAXBUFFER: 5 * 1024    // maximum size of TeX string to process
+    },
+    sourceMenuTitle: /*_(MathMenu)*/ ["TeXCommands", "TeX Commands"],
+    annotationEncoding: "application/x-tex",
+    prefilterHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true),    // hooks to run before processing TeX
+    postfilterHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true),   // hooks to run after processing TeX
-    //  Add the default filters
+    //  Check if AMSmath extension must be loaded and push
+    //    it on the extensions array, if needed
-    TEX.prefilterHooks.Add(function (data) {
-        data.math = TEX.prefilterMath(data.math, data.display, data.script);
-    });
-    TEX.postfilterHooks.Add(function (data) {
-        data.math = TEX.postfilterMath(data.math, data.display, data.script);
-    });
+    Config: function () {
+      this.SUPER(arguments).Config.apply(this, arguments);
+      if (this.config.equationNumbers.autoNumber !== "none") {
+        if (!this.config.extensions) {
+          this.config.extensions = []
+        }
+        this.config.extensions.push("AMSmath.js");
+      }
+    },
-    TEX.loadComplete("jax.js");
+    //
+    //  Convert TeX to ElementJax
+    //
+    Translate: function (script) {
+      var mml, isError = false, math = MathJax.HTML.getScript(script);
+      var display = (script.type.replace(/\n/g, " ").match(/(;|\s|\n)mode\s*=\s*display(;|\s|\n|$)/) != null);
+      var data = {math: math, display: display, script: script};
+      var callback = this.prefilterHooks.Execute(data);
+      if (callback) return callback;
+      math = data.math;
+      try {
+        mml = TEX.Parse(math).mml();
+      } catch (err) {
+        if (!err.texError) {
+          throw err
+        }
+        mml = this.formatError(err, math, display, script);
+        isError = true;
+      }
+      if (mml.isa(MML.mtable) && mml.displaystyle === "inherit") mml.displaystyle = display; // for tagged equations
+      if (mml.inferred) {
+        mml = MML.apply(MathJax.ElementJax,
+      } else {
+        mml = MML(mml)
+      }
+      if (display) {
+        mml.root.display = "block"
+      }
+      if (isError) {
+        mml.texError = true
+      }
+      data.math = mml;
+      return this.postfilterHooks.Execute(data) || data.math;
+    },
+    prefilterMath: function (math, displaystyle, script) {
+      return math;
+    },
+    postfilterMath: function (math, displaystyle, script) {
+      this.combineRelations(math.root);
+      return math;
+    },
+    formatError: function (err, math, display, script) {
+      var message = err.message.replace(/\n.*/, "");
+      HUB.signal.Post(["TeX Jax - parse error", message, math, display, script]);
+      return MML.Error(message);
+    },
+    //
+    //  Produce an error and stop processing this equation
+    //
+    Error: function (message) {
+      //
+      //  Translate message if it is ["id","message",args]
+      //
+      if (message instanceof Array) {
+        message = _.apply(_, message)
+      }
+      throw HUB.Insert(Error(message), {texError: true});
+    },
+    //
+    //  Add a user-defined macro to the macro list
+    //
+    Macro: function (name, def, argn) {
+      TEXDEF.macros[name] = ['Macro'].concat([], 1));
+      TEXDEF.macros[name].isUser = true;
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Create an mrow that has stretchy delimiters at either end, as needed
+     */
+    fenced: function (open, mml, close) {
+      var mrow = MML.mrow().With({
+        open: open,
+        close: close,
+        texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.INNER
+      });
+      mrow.Append({
+        fence: true,
+        stretchy: true,
+        texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN
+      }));
+      if (mml.type === "mrow") {
+        mrow.Append.apply(mrow,
+      } else {
+        mrow.Append(mml)
+      }
+      mrow.Append({
+        fence: true,
+        stretchy: true,
+        texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE
+      }));
+      return mrow;
+    },
+    /*
+     *  Create an mrow that has \mathchoice using \bigg and \big for the delimiters
+     */
+    fixedFence: function (open, mml, close) {
+      var mrow = MML.mrow().With({
+        open: open,
+        close: close,
+        texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.ORD
+      });
+      if (open) {
+        mrow.Append(this.mathPalette(open, "l"))
+      }
+      if (mml.type === "mrow") {
+        mrow.Append.apply(mrow,
+      } else {
+        mrow.Append(mml)
+      }
+      if (close) {
+        mrow.Append(this.mathPalette(close, "r"))
+      }
+      return mrow;
+    },
+    mathPalette: function (fence, side) {
+      if (fence === '{' || fence === '}') {
+        fence = "\\" + fence
+      }
+      var D = '{\\bigg' + side + ' ' + fence + '}', T = '{\\big' + side + ' ' + fence + '}';
+      return TEX.Parse('\\mathchoice' + D + T + T + T).mml();
+    },
+    //
+    //  Combine adjacent <mo> elements that are relations
+    //    (since MathML treats the spacing very differently)
+    //
+    combineRelations: function (mml) {
+      var i, m, m1, m2;
+      for (i = 0, m =; i < m; i++) {
+        if ([i]) {
+          if (mml.isa(MML.mrow)) {
+            while (i + 1 < m && (m1 =[i]) && (m2 =[i + 1]) &&
+            m1.isa( && m2.isa( &&
+            m1.Get("texClass") === MML.TEXCLASS.REL &&
+            m2.Get("texClass") === MML.TEXCLASS.REL) {
+              if (m1.variantForm == m2.variantForm &&
+                  m1.Get("mathvariant") == m2.Get("mathvariant") && == &&
+                  m1["class"] == m2["class"] && ! && ! {
+                m1.Append.apply(m1,;
+       + 1, 1);
+                m--;
+              } else {
+                m1.rspace = m2.lspace = "0pt";
+                i++;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (![i].isToken) {
+            this.combineRelations([i])
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  //
+  //  Add the default filters
+  //
+  TEX.prefilterHooks.Add(function (data) {
+    data.math = TEX.prefilterMath(data.math, data.display, data.script);
+  });
+  TEX.postfilterHooks.Add(function (data) {
+    data.math = TEX.postfilterMath(data.math, data.display, data.script);
+  });
+  TEX.loadComplete("jax.js");
 })(MathJax.InputJax.TeX, MathJax.Hub, MathJax.Ajax);

+ 108 - 108

@@ -25,119 +25,119 @@
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready", function () {
-    var VERSION = "2.5.0";
-    var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
-        HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"],
-        LOCALE = MathJax.Localization;
+  var VERSION = "2.5.0";
+  var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
+      HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"],
+      LOCALE = MathJax.Localization;
-    MML.mglyph.Augment({
-        toHTML: function (span, variant) {
-            var SPAN = span, values = this.getValues("src", "width", "height", "valign", "alt"), err;
-            span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
-            if (values.src === "") {
-                var index = this.Get("index");
-                if (index) {
-                    variant = this.HTMLgetVariant();
-                    var font = variant.defaultFont;
-                    if (font) {
-                        font.noStyleChar = true;
-                        font.testString = String.fromCharCode(index) + 'ABCabc';
-                        if (HTMLCSS.Font.testFont(font)) {
-                            this.HTMLhandleVariant(span, variant, String.fromCharCode(index));
-                        } else {
-                            if (values.alt === "") {
-                                values.alt = LOCALE._(["MathML", "BadMglyphFont"], "Bad font: %1",
-                            }
-                            err = MML.Error(values.alt, {mathsize: "75%"});
-                            this.Append(err);
-                            err.toHTML(span);
-                  ;
-                            span.bbox = err.HTMLspanElement().bbox;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+  MML.mglyph.Augment({
+    toHTML: function (span, variant) {
+      var SPAN = span, values = this.getValues("src", "width", "height", "valign", "alt"), err;
+      span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span);
+      if (values.src === "") {
+        var index = this.Get("index");
+        if (index) {
+          variant = this.HTMLgetVariant();
+          var font = variant.defaultFont;
+          if (font) {
+            font.noStyleChar = true;
+            font.testString = String.fromCharCode(index) + 'ABCabc';
+            if (HTMLCSS.Font.testFont(font)) {
+              this.HTMLhandleVariant(span, variant, String.fromCharCode(index));
             } else {
-                if (!this.img) {
-                    this.img = MML.mglyph.GLYPH[values.src]
-                }
-                if (!this.img) {
-                    this.img = MML.mglyph.GLYPH[values.src] = {
-                        img: new Image(),
-                        status: "pending"
-                    };
-                    var img = this.img.img;
-                    img.onload = MathJax.Callback(["HTMLimgLoaded", this]);
-                    img.onerror = MathJax.Callback(["HTMLimgError", this]);
-                    img.src = values.src;
-                    MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter(img.onload);
-                }
-                if (this.img.status !== "OK") {
-                    err = MML.Error(
-                        LOCALE._(["MathML", "BadMglyph"], "Bad mglyph: %1", values.src),
-                        {mathsize: "75%"});
-                    this.Append(err);
-                    err.toHTML(span);
-          ;
-                    span.bbox = err.HTMLspanElement().bbox;
-                } else {
-                    var mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span);
-                    img = HTMLCSS.addElement(span, "img", {
-                        isMathJax: true,
-                        src: values.src,
-                        alt: values.alt,
-                        title: values.alt
-                    });
-                    if (values.width) {
-               = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.length2em(values.width, mu, this.img.img.width / HTMLCSS.em));
-                    }
-                    if (values.height) {
-               = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.length2em(values.height, mu, this.img.img.height / HTMLCSS.em));
-                    }
-                    span.bbox.w = = img.offsetWidth / HTMLCSS.em;
-                    span.bbox.h = img.offsetHeight / HTMLCSS.em;
-                    if (values.valign) {
-                        span.bbox.d = -HTMLCSS.length2em(values.valign, mu, this.img.img.height / HTMLCSS.em);
-               = HTMLCSS.Em(-span.bbox.d);
-                        span.bbox.h -= span.bbox.d;
-                    }
-                }
+              if (values.alt === "") {
+                values.alt = LOCALE._(["MathML", "BadMglyphFont"], "Bad font: %1",
+              }
+              err = MML.Error(values.alt, {mathsize: "75%"});
+              this.Append(err);
+              err.toHTML(span);
+    ;
+              span.bbox = err.HTMLspanElement().bbox;
-            if (!SPAN.bbox) {
-                SPAN.bbox = {
-                    w: span.bbox.w, h: span.bbox.h, d: span.bbox.d,
-                    rw:, lw: span.bbox.lw
-                };
-            } else if (span.bbox) {
-                SPAN.bbox.w += span.bbox.w;
-                if (SPAN.bbox.w > {
-           = SPAN.bbox.w
-                }
-                if (span.bbox.h > SPAN.bbox.h) {
-                    SPAN.bbox.h = span.bbox.h
-                }
-                if (span.bbox.d > SPAN.bbox.d) {
-                    SPAN.bbox.d = span.bbox.d
-                }
-            }
-            this.HTMLhandleSpace(span);
-            this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
-            return span;
-        },
-        HTMLimgLoaded: function (event, status) {
-            if (typeof(event) === "string") {
-                status = event
-            }
-            this.img.status = (status || "OK")
-        },
-        HTMLimgError: function () {
-            this.img.img.onload("error")
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (!this.img) {
+          this.img = MML.mglyph.GLYPH[values.src]
+        }
+        if (!this.img) {
+          this.img = MML.mglyph.GLYPH[values.src] = {
+            img: new Image(),
+            status: "pending"
+          };
+          var img = this.img.img;
+          img.onload = MathJax.Callback(["HTMLimgLoaded", this]);
+          img.onerror = MathJax.Callback(["HTMLimgError", this]);
+          img.src = values.src;
+          MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter(img.onload);
+        }
+        if (this.img.status !== "OK") {
+          err = MML.Error(
+              LOCALE._(["MathML", "BadMglyph"], "Bad mglyph: %1", values.src),
+              {mathsize: "75%"});
+          this.Append(err);
+          err.toHTML(span);
+          span.bbox = err.HTMLspanElement().bbox;
+        } else {
+          var mu = this.HTMLgetMu(span);
+          img = HTMLCSS.addElement(span, "img", {
+            isMathJax: true,
+            src: values.src,
+            alt: values.alt,
+            title: values.alt
+          });
+          if (values.width) {
+   = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.length2em(values.width, mu, this.img.img.width / HTMLCSS.em));
+          }
+          if (values.height) {
+   = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.length2em(values.height, mu, this.img.img.height / HTMLCSS.em));
+          }
+          span.bbox.w = = img.offsetWidth / HTMLCSS.em;
+          span.bbox.h = img.offsetHeight / HTMLCSS.em;
+          if (values.valign) {
+            span.bbox.d = -HTMLCSS.length2em(values.valign, mu, this.img.img.height / HTMLCSS.em);
+   = HTMLCSS.Em(-span.bbox.d);
+            span.bbox.h -= span.bbox.d;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (!SPAN.bbox) {
+        SPAN.bbox = {
+          w: span.bbox.w, h: span.bbox.h, d: span.bbox.d,
+          rw:, lw: span.bbox.lw
+        };
+      } else if (span.bbox) {
+        SPAN.bbox.w += span.bbox.w;
+        if (SPAN.bbox.w > {
+ = SPAN.bbox.w
+        }
+        if (span.bbox.h > SPAN.bbox.h) {
+          SPAN.bbox.h = span.bbox.h
+        }
+        if (span.bbox.d > SPAN.bbox.d) {
+          SPAN.bbox.d = span.bbox.d
-    }, {
-        GLYPH: {}    // global list of all loaded glyphs
-    });
+      }
+      this.HTMLhandleSpace(span);
+      this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
+      return span;
+    },
+    HTMLimgLoaded: function (event, status) {
+      if (typeof(event) === "string") {
+        status = event
+      }
+      this.img.status = (status || "OK")
+    },
+    HTMLimgError: function () {
+      this.img.img.onload("error")
+    }
+  }, {
+    GLYPH: {}    // global list of all loaded glyphs
+  });
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS mglyph Ready");
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir + "/mglyph.js");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS mglyph Ready");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir + "/mglyph.js");

+ 968 - 968

@@ -25,1043 +25,1043 @@
 MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready", function () {
-    var VERSION = "2.5.0";
-    var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
-        HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"];
+  var VERSION = "2.5.0";
+  var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
+      HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"];
-    //
-    //  Penalties for the various line breaks
-    //
-    var PENALTY = {
-        newline: 0,
-        nobreak: 1000000,
-        goodbreak: [-200],
-        badbreak: [+200],
-        auto: [0],
+  //
+  //  Penalties for the various line breaks
+  //
+  var PENALTY = {
+    newline: 0,
+    nobreak: 1000000,
+    goodbreak: [-200],
+    badbreak: [+200],
+    auto: [0],
-        toobig: 800,
-        nestfactor: 400,
-        spacefactor: -100,
-        spaceoffset: 2,
-        spacelimit: 1,  // spaces larger than this get a penalty boost
-        fence: 500,
-        close: 500
-    };
+    toobig: 800,
+    nestfactor: 400,
+    spacefactor: -100,
+    spaceoffset: 2,
+    spacelimit: 1,  // spaces larger than this get a penalty boost
+    fence: 500,
+    close: 500
+  };
-    var ENDVALUES = {linebreakstyle: "after"};
+  var ENDVALUES = {linebreakstyle: "after"};
-    /**************************************************************************/
+  /**************************************************************************/
-    MML.mbase.Augment({
-        HTMLlinebreakPenalty: PENALTY,
+  MML.mbase.Augment({
+    HTMLlinebreakPenalty: PENALTY,
-        /****************************************************************/
-        //
-        // Handle breaking an mrow into separate lines
-        //
-        HTMLmultiline: function (span) {
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    // Handle breaking an mrow into separate lines
+    //
+    HTMLmultiline: function (span) {
-            //
-            //  Find the parent element and mark it as multiline
-            //
-            var parent = this;
-            while (parent.inferred || (parent.parent && parent.parent.type === "mrow" &&
-   === 1)) {
-                parent = parent.parent
-            }
-            var isTop = ((parent.type === "math" && parent.Get("display") === "block") ||
-            parent.type === "mtd");
-            parent.isMultiline = true;
+      //
+      //  Find the parent element and mark it as multiline
+      //
+      var parent = this;
+      while (parent.inferred || (parent.parent && parent.parent.type === "mrow" &&
+ === 1)) {
+        parent = parent.parent
+      }
+      var isTop = ((parent.type === "math" && parent.Get("display") === "block") ||
+      parent.type === "mtd");
+      parent.isMultiline = true;
-            //
-            //  Default values for the line-breaking parameters
-            //
-            var VALUES = this.getValues(
-                "linebreak", "linebreakstyle", "lineleading", "linebreakmultchar",
-                "indentalign", "indentshift",
-                "indentalignfirst", "indentshiftfirst",
-                "indentalignlast", "indentshiftlast"
-            );
-            if (VALUES.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.INFIXLINEBREAKSTYLE) {
-                VALUES.linebreakstyle = this.Get("infixlinebreakstyle")
-            }
-            VALUES.lineleading = HTMLCSS.length2em(VALUES.lineleading, 1, 0.5);
+      //
+      //  Default values for the line-breaking parameters
+      //
+      var VALUES = this.getValues(
+          "linebreak", "linebreakstyle", "lineleading", "linebreakmultchar",
+          "indentalign", "indentshift",
+          "indentalignfirst", "indentshiftfirst",
+          "indentalignlast", "indentshiftlast"
+      );
+        VALUES.linebreakstyle = this.Get("infixlinebreakstyle")
+      }
+      VALUES.lineleading = HTMLCSS.length2em(VALUES.lineleading, 1, 0.5);
-            //
-            //  Remove old color and break the span at its best line breaks
-            //
-            this.HTMLremoveColor(span);
-            var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
-            this.HTMLgetScale();
-            var state = {
-                    n: 0, Y: 0,
-                    scale: this.scale || 1,
-                    isTop: isTop,
-                    values: {},
-                    VALUES: VALUES
-                },
-                align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, {}),
-                shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, {}, align),
-                start = [],
-                end = {
-                    index: [], penalty: PENALTY.nobreak,
-                    w: 0, W: shift, shift: shift, scanW: shift,
-                    nest: 0
-                },
-                broken = false;
+      //
+      //  Remove old color and break the span at its best line breaks
+      //
+      this.HTMLremoveColor(span);
+      var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
+      this.HTMLgetScale();
+      var state = {
+            n: 0, Y: 0,
+            scale: this.scale || 1,
+            isTop: isTop,
+            values: {},
+            VALUES: VALUES
+          },
+          align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, {}),
+          shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, {}, align),
+          start = [],
+          end = {
+            index: [], penalty: PENALTY.nobreak,
+            w: 0, W: shift, shift: shift, scanW: shift,
+            nest: 0
+          },
+          broken = false;
-            while (this.HTMLbetterBreak(end, state) &&
-            (end.scanW >= HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth || end.penalty === PENALTY.newline)) {
-                this.HTMLaddLine(stack, start, end.index, state, end.values, broken);
-                start = end.index.slice(0);
-                broken = true;
-                align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, end.values);
-                shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, end.values, align);
-                if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) {
-                    shift = 0
-                }
-                end.W = end.shift = end.scanW = shift;
-                end.penalty = PENALTY.nobreak;
-            }
-            state.isLast = true;
-            this.HTMLaddLine(stack, start, [], state, ENDVALUES, broken);
+      while (this.HTMLbetterBreak(end, state) &&
+      (end.scanW >= HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth || end.penalty === PENALTY.newline)) {
+        this.HTMLaddLine(stack, start, end.index, state, end.values, broken);
+        start = end.index.slice(0);
+        broken = true;
+        align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, end.values);
+        shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, end.values, align);
+        if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) {
+          shift = 0
+        }
+        end.W = end.shift = end.scanW = shift;
+        end.penalty = PENALTY.nobreak;
+      }
+      state.isLast = true;
+      this.HTMLaddLine(stack, start, [], state, ENDVALUES, broken);
-            //
-            //  Make top-level spans 100% wide.
-            //  Finish up the space and add the color again
-            //
-            if (isTop) {
-       = "100%";
-                if (parent.type === "math") {
-                    span.bbox.width = "100%"
-                }
-            }
-            this.HTMLhandleSpace(span);
-            this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
-            span.bbox.isMultiline = true;
+      //
+      //  Make top-level spans 100% wide.
+      //  Finish up the space and add the color again
+      //
+      if (isTop) {
+ = "100%";
+        if (parent.type === "math") {
+          span.bbox.width = "100%"
+        }
+      }
+      this.HTMLhandleSpace(span);
+      this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
+      span.bbox.isMultiline = true;
-            return span;
-        },
+      return span;
+    },
-        /****************************************************************/
-        //
-        //  Locate the next linebreak that is better than the current one
-        //
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            if (this.isToken) {
-                return false
-            }  // FIXME: handle breaking of token elements
-            if (this.isEmbellished()) {
-                info.embellished = this;
-                return this.CoreMO().HTMLbetterBreak(info, state);
-            }
-            if (this.linebreakContainer) {
-                return false
-            }
-            //
-            //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
-            //
-            var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
-                m =, W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
-            if (i == null) {
-                i = -1
-            }
-            ;
-            if (!broken) {
-                i++;
-                info.W += info.w;
-                info.w = 0
-            }
-            scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
-            info.nest++;
-            //
-            //  Look through the line for breakpoints,
-            //    (as long as we are not too far past the breaking width)
-            //
-            while (i < m && info.scanW < 1.33 * HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) {
-                if ([i]) {
-                    if ([i].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
-                        better = true;
-                        index = [i].concat(info.index);
-                        W = info.W;
-                        w = info.w;
-                        if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
-                            info.index = index;
-                            if (info.nest) {
-                                info.nest--
-                            }
-                            return true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    scanW = (broken ? info.scanW : this.HTMLaddWidth(i, info, scanW));
-                }
-                info.index = [];
-                i++;
-                broken = false;
-            }
-            if (info.nest) {
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Locate the next linebreak that is better than the current one
+    //
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      if (this.isToken) {
+        return false
+      }  // FIXME: handle breaking of token elements
+      if (this.isEmbellished()) {
+        info.embellished = this;
+        return this.CoreMO().HTMLbetterBreak(info, state);
+      }
+      if (this.linebreakContainer) {
+        return false
+      }
+      //
+      //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
+      //
+      var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
+          m =, W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
+      if (i == null) {
+        i = -1
+      }
+      ;
+      if (!broken) {
+        i++;
+        info.W += info.w;
+        info.w = 0
+      }
+      scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
+      info.nest++;
+      //
+      //  Look through the line for breakpoints,
+      //    (as long as we are not too far past the breaking width)
+      //
+      while (i < m && info.scanW < 1.33 * HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) {
+        if ([i]) {
+          if ([i].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
+            better = true;
+            index = [i].concat(info.index);
+            W = info.W;
+            w = info.w;
+            if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
+              info.index = index;
+              if (info.nest) {
+              }
+              return true;
-            info.index = index;
-            if (better) {
-                info.W = W;
-                info.w = w
-            }
-            return better;
-        },
-        HTMLaddWidth: function (i, info, scanW) {
-            if ([i]) {
-                var span =[i].HTMLspanElement();
-                scanW += span.bbox.w;
-                if ( {
-                    scanW += HTMLCSS.unEm(
-                }
-                if ( {
-                    scanW += HTMLCSS.unEm(
-                }
-                info.W = info.scanW = scanW;
-                info.w = 0;
-            }
-            return scanW;
-        },
+          }
+          scanW = (broken ? info.scanW : this.HTMLaddWidth(i, info, scanW));
+        }
+        info.index = [];
+        i++;
+        broken = false;
+      }
+      if (info.nest) {
+        info.nest--
+      }
+      info.index = index;
+      if (better) {
+        info.W = W;
+        info.w = w
+      }
+      return better;
+    },
+    HTMLaddWidth: function (i, info, scanW) {
+      if ([i]) {
+        var span =[i].HTMLspanElement();
+        scanW += span.bbox.w;
+        if ( {
+          scanW += HTMLCSS.unEm(
+        }
+        if ( {
+          scanW += HTMLCSS.unEm(
+        }
+        info.W = info.scanW = scanW;
+        info.w = 0;
+      }
+      return scanW;
+    },
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Create a new line and move the required elements into it
+    //  Position it using proper alignment and indenting
+    //
+    HTMLaddLine: function (stack, start, end, state, values, broken) {
+      //
+      //  Create a box for the line, with empty BBox
+      //    fill it with the proper elements,
+      //    and clean up the bbox
+      //
+      line = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
+      line.bbox = this.HTMLemptyBBox({});
+      state.first = broken;
+      state.last = true;
+      this.HTMLmoveLine(start, end, line, state, values);
+      this.HTMLcleanBBox(line.bbox);
+      //
+      //  Get the alignment and shift values
+      //
+      var align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, values),
+          shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, values, align);
+      //
+      //  Set the Y offset based on previous depth, leading, and current height
+      //
+      if (state.n > 0) {
+        var LHD = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.baselineskip * state.scale;
+        var leading = (state.values.lineleading == null ? state.VALUES : state.values).lineleading * state.scale;
+        state.Y -= Math.max(LHD, state.d + line.bbox.h + leading);
+      }
+      //
+      //  Place the new line
+      //
+      HTMLCSS.alignBox(line, align, state.Y, shift);
+      //
+      //  Save the values needed for the future
+      //
+      state.d = line.bbox.d;
+      state.values = values;
+      state.n++;
+    },
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Get alignment and shift values from the given data
+    //
+    HTMLgetAlign: function (state, values) {
+      var cur = values, prev = state.values, def = state.VALUES, align;
+      if (state.n === 0) {
+        align = cur.indentalignfirst || prev.indentalignfirst || def.indentalignfirst
+      }
+      else if (state.isLast) {
+        align = prev.indentalignlast || def.indentalignlast
+      }
+      else {
+        align = prev.indentalign || def.indentalign
+      }
+      if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) {
+        align = prev.indentalign || def.indentalign
+      }
+      if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) {
+        align = (state.isTop ? this.displayAlign : MML.INDENTALIGN.LEFT)
+      }
+      return align;
+    },
+    HTMLgetShift: function (state, values, align) {
+      var cur = values, prev = state.values, def = state.VALUES, shift;
+      if (state.n === 0) {
+        shift = cur.indentshiftfirst || prev.indentshiftfirst || def.indentshiftfirst
+      }
+      else if (state.isLast) {
+        shift = prev.indentshiftlast || def.indentshiftlast
+      }
+      else {
+        shift = prev.indentshift || def.indentshift
+      }
+      if (shift === MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) {
+        shift = prev.indentshift || def.indentshift
+      }
+      if (shift === "auto" || shift === "") {
+        shift = "0"
+      }
+      shift = HTMLCSS.length2em(shift, 1, HTMLCSS.cwidth);
+      if (state.isTop && this.displayIndent !== "0") {
+        var indent = HTMLCSS.length2em(this.displayIndent, 1, HTMLCSS.cwidth);
+        shift += (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.RIGHT ? -indent : indent);
+      }
+      return shift;
+    },
-        /****************************************************************/
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Move the selected elements into the new line's span,
+    //    moving whole items when possible, and parts of ones
+    //    that are split by a line break.
+    //
+    HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+      var i = start[0], j = end[0];
+      if (i == null) {
+        i = -1
+      }
+      ;
+      if (j == null) {
+        j = - 1
+      }
+      if (i === j && start.length > 1) {
-        //  Create a new line and move the required elements into it
-        //  Position it using proper alignment and indenting
+        //  If starting and ending in the same element move the subpiece to the new line
-        HTMLaddLine: function (stack, start, end, state, values, broken) {
-            //
-            //  Create a box for the line, with empty BBox
-            //    fill it with the proper elements,
-            //    and clean up the bbox
-            //
-            line = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack);
-            line.bbox = this.HTMLemptyBBox({});
-            state.first = broken;
-            state.last = true;
-            this.HTMLmoveLine(start, end, line, state, values);
-            this.HTMLcleanBBox(line.bbox);
-            //
-            //  Get the alignment and shift values
-            //
-            var align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, values),
-                shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, values, align);
-            //
-            //  Set the Y offset based on previous depth, leading, and current height
-            //
-            if (state.n > 0) {
-                var LHD = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.baselineskip * state.scale;
-                var leading = (state.values.lineleading == null ? state.VALUES : state.values).lineleading * state.scale;
-                state.Y -= Math.max(LHD, state.d + line.bbox.h + leading);
-            }
-            //
-            //  Place the new line
-            //
-            HTMLCSS.alignBox(line, align, state.Y, shift);
-            //
-            //  Save the values needed for the future
-            //
-            state.d = line.bbox.d;
-            state.values = values;
-            state.n++;
-        },
-        /****************************************************************/
+[i].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
+      } else {
-        //  Get alignment and shift values from the given data
+        //  Otherwise, move the remainder of the initial item
+        //  and any others up to the last one
-        HTMLgetAlign: function (state, values) {
-            var cur = values, prev = state.values, def = state.VALUES, align;
-            if (state.n === 0) {
-                align = cur.indentalignfirst || prev.indentalignfirst || def.indentalignfirst
-            }
-            else if (state.isLast) {
-                align = prev.indentalignlast || def.indentalignlast
+        var last = state.last;
+        state.last = false;
+        while (i < j) {
+          if ([i]) {
+            if (start.length <= 1) {
+    [i].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
             else {
-                align = prev.indentalign || def.indentalign
-            }
-            if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) {
-                align = prev.indentalign || def.indentalign
-            }
-            if (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) {
-                align = (state.isTop ? this.displayAlign : MML.INDENTALIGN.LEFT)
-            }
-            return align;
-        },
-        HTMLgetShift: function (state, values, align) {
-            var cur = values, prev = state.values, def = state.VALUES, shift;
-            if (state.n === 0) {
-                shift = cur.indentshiftfirst || prev.indentshiftfirst || def.indentshiftfirst
+    [i].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), [], span, state, values, "paddingLeft")
-            else if (state.isLast) {
-                shift = prev.indentshiftlast || def.indentshiftlast
-            }
-            else {
-                shift = prev.indentshift || def.indentshift
-            }
-            if (shift === MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) {
-                shift = prev.indentshift || def.indentshift
-            }
-            if (shift === "auto" || shift === "") {
-                shift = "0"
-            }
-            shift = HTMLCSS.length2em(shift, 1, HTMLCSS.cwidth);
-            if (state.isTop && this.displayIndent !== "0") {
-                var indent = HTMLCSS.length2em(this.displayIndent, 1, HTMLCSS.cwidth);
-                shift += (align === MML.INDENTALIGN.RIGHT ? -indent : indent);
-            }
-            return shift;
-        },
-        /****************************************************************/
+          }
+          i++;
+          state.first = false;
+          start = [];
+        }
-        //  Move the selected elements into the new line's span,
-        //    moving whole items when possible, and parts of ones
-        //    that are split by a line break.
+        //  If the last item is complete, move it,
+        //    otherwise move the first part of it up to the split
-        HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-            var i = start[0], j = end[0];
-            if (i == null) {
-                i = -1
-            }
-            ;
-            if (j == null) {
-                j = - 1
-            }
-            if (i === j && start.length > 1) {
-                //
-                //  If starting and ending in the same element move the subpiece to the new line
-                //
-      [i].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
-            } else {
-                //
-                //  Otherwise, move the remainder of the initial item
-                //  and any others up to the last one
-                //
-                var last = state.last;
-                state.last = false;
-                while (i < j) {
-                    if ([i]) {
-                        if (start.length <= 1) {
-                  [i].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-                        }
-                        else {
-                  [i].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), [], span, state, values, "paddingLeft")
-                        }
-                    }
-                    i++;
-                    state.first = false;
-                    start = [];
-                }
-                //
-                //  If the last item is complete, move it,
-                //    otherwise move the first part of it up to the split
-                //
-                state.last = last;
-                if ([i]) {
-                    if (end.length <= 1) {
-              [i].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-                    }
-                    else {
-              [i].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        },
+        state.last = last;
+        if ([i]) {
+          if (end.length <= 1) {
+  [i].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
+          }
+          else {
+  [i].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
-        /****************************************************************/
-        //
-        //  Split an element and copy the selected items into the new part
-        //
-        HTMLmoveSlice: function (start, end, span, state, values, padding) {
-            //
-            //  Get rid of color, if any (added back in later)
-            //  Create a new span for the slice of the element
-            //  Move the selected portion into the slice
-            //  If it is the last slice
-            //    Remove the original (now empty) span
-            //    Rename the Continue-0 span with the original name (for HTMLspanElement)
-            //    Add back the color
-            //
-            this.HTMLremoveColor();
-            var slice = this.HTMLcreateSliceSpan(span);
-            this.HTMLmoveLine(start, end, slice, state, values);
-  [padding] = "";
-            this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(slice, span.bbox);
-            this.HTMLcleanBBox(slice.bbox);
-            if (end.length === 0) {
-                span = this.HTMLspanElement();
-                span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
-       =;
-                var n = 0;
-                while (span = span.nextMathJaxSpan) {
-                    var color = this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
-                    if (color) {
-               += "-MathJax-Continue-" + n;
-                        n++
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return slice;
-        },
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Split an element and copy the selected items into the new part
+    //
+    HTMLmoveSlice: function (start, end, span, state, values, padding) {
+      //
+      //  Get rid of color, if any (added back in later)
+      //  Create a new span for the slice of the element
+      //  Move the selected portion into the slice
+      //  If it is the last slice
+      //    Remove the original (now empty) span
+      //    Rename the Continue-0 span with the original name (for HTMLspanElement)
+      //    Add back the color
+      //
+      this.HTMLremoveColor();
+      var slice = this.HTMLcreateSliceSpan(span);
+      this.HTMLmoveLine(start, end, slice, state, values);
+[padding] = "";
+      this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(slice, span.bbox);
+      this.HTMLcleanBBox(slice.bbox);
+      if (end.length === 0) {
+        span = this.HTMLspanElement();
+        span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
+ =;
+        var n = 0;
+        while (span = span.nextMathJaxSpan) {
+          var color = this.HTMLhandleColor(span);
+          if (color) {
+   += "-MathJax-Continue-" + n;
+            n++
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return slice;
+    },
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Create a new span for an element that is split in two
+    //    Clone the original and update its ID.
+    //    Link the old span to the new one so we can find it later
+    //
+    HTMLcreateSliceSpan: function (span) {
+      var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement(), n = 0;
+      var LAST = SPAN;
+      while (LAST.nextMathJaxSpan) {
+        LAST = LAST.nextMathJaxSpan;
+        n++
+      }
+      var SLICE = SPAN.cloneNode(false);
+      LAST.nextMathJaxSpan = SLICE;
+      SLICE.nextMathJaxSpan = null;
+ += "-MathJax-Continue-" + n;
+      SLICE.bbox = this.HTMLemptyBBox({});
+      return span.appendChild(SLICE);
+    },
-        /****************************************************************/
+    /****************************************************************/
+    //
+    //  Move an element from its original span to its new location in
+    //    a split element or the new line's span
+    //
+    HTMLmoveSpan: function (line, state, values) {
+      // FIXME:  handle linebreakstyle === "duplicate"
+      // FIXME:  handle linebreakmultchar
+      if (!(state.first || state.last) ||
+          (state.first && state.values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.BEFORE) ||
+          (state.last && values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER)) {
-        //  Create a new span for an element that is split in two
-        //    Clone the original and update its ID.
-        //    Link the old span to the new one so we can find it later
+        //  Move color and span
-        HTMLcreateSliceSpan: function (span) {
-            var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement(), n = 0;
-            var LAST = SPAN;
-            while (LAST.nextMathJaxSpan) {
-                LAST = LAST.nextMathJaxSpan;
-                n++
-            }
-            var SLICE = SPAN.cloneNode(false);
-            LAST.nextMathJaxSpan = SLICE;
-            SLICE.nextMathJaxSpan = null;
-   += "-MathJax-Continue-" + n;
-            SLICE.bbox = this.HTMLemptyBBox({});
-            return span.appendChild(SLICE);
-        },
-        /****************************************************************/
+        var color = document.getElementById("MathJax-Color-" + this.spanID + HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
+        if (color) {
+          line.appendChild(color)
+        }
+        var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
+        line.appendChild(span);
-        //  Move an element from its original span to its new location in
-        //    a split element or the new line's span
+        //  If it is last, remove right padding
+        //  If it is first, remove left padding and recolor
-        HTMLmoveSpan: function (line, state, values) {
-            // FIXME:  handle linebreakstyle === "duplicate"
-            // FIXME:  handle linebreakmultchar
-            if (!(state.first || state.last) ||
-                (state.first && state.values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.BEFORE) ||
-                (state.last && values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER)) {
-                //
-                //  Move color and span
-                //
-                var color = document.getElementById("MathJax-Color-" + this.spanID + HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
-                if (color) {
-                    line.appendChild(color)
-                }
-                var span = this.HTMLspanElement();
-                line.appendChild(span);
-                //
-                //  If it is last, remove right padding
-                //  If it is first, remove left padding and recolor
-                //
-                if (state.last) {
-           = ""
-                }
-                if (state.first || state.nextIsFirst) {
-           = "";
-                    if (color) {
-                        this.HTMLremoveColor(span);
-                        this.HTMLhandleColor(span)
-                    }
-                }
-                if (state.first && span.bbox.w === 0) {
-                    state.nextIsFirst = true
-                }
-                else {
-                    delete state.nextIsFirst
-                }
-                //
-                //  Update bounding box
-                //
-                this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(this, line.bbox);
-            }
+        if (state.last) {
+ = ""
-    });
+        if (state.first || state.nextIsFirst) {
+ = "";
+          if (color) {
+            this.HTMLremoveColor(span);
+            this.HTMLhandleColor(span)
+          }
+        }
+        if (state.first && span.bbox.w === 0) {
+          state.nextIsFirst = true
+        }
+        else {
+          delete state.nextIsFirst
+        }
+        //
+        //  Update bounding box
+        //
+        this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(this, line.bbox);
+      }
+    }
+  });
-    /**************************************************************************/
+  /**************************************************************************/
-    MML.mfenced.Augment({
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            //
-            //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
-            //
-            var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
-                m =, W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
-            if (i == null) {
-                i = -1
-            }
-            ;
-            if (!broken) {
-                i++;
-                info.W += info.w;
-                info.w = 0
-            }
-            scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
-            info.nest++;
-            //
-            //  Create indices that include the delimiters and separators
-            //
-            if (!this.dataI) {
-                this.dataI = [];
-                if ( {
-                    this.dataI.push("open")
-                }
-                if (m) {
-                    this.dataI.push(0)
-                }
-                for (var j = 1; j < m; j++) {
-                    if (["sep" + j]) {
-                        this.dataI.push("sep" + j)
-                    }
-                    this.dataI.push(j);
-                }
-                if ( {
-                    this.dataI.push("close")
-                }
-            }
-            m = this.dataI.length;
-            //
-            //  Look through the line for breakpoints, including the open, close, and separators
-            //    (as long as we are not too far past the breaking width)
-            //
-            while (i < m && info.scanW < 1.33 * HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) {
-                var k = this.dataI[i];
-                if ([k]) {
-                    if ([k].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
-                        better = true;
-                        index = [i].concat(info.index);
-                        W = info.W;
-                        w = info.w;
-                        if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
-                            info.index = index;
-                            if (info.nest) {
-                                info.nest--
-                            }
-                            return true
-                        }
-                    }
-                    scanW = (broken ? info.scanW : this.HTMLaddWidth(i, info, scanW));
-                }
-                info.index = [];
-                i++;
-                broken = false;
-            }
-            if (info.nest) {
+  MML.mfenced.Augment({
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      //
+      //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
+      //
+      var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
+          m =, W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
+      if (i == null) {
+        i = -1
+      }
+      ;
+      if (!broken) {
+        i++;
+        info.W += info.w;
+        info.w = 0
+      }
+      scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
+      info.nest++;
+      //
+      //  Create indices that include the delimiters and separators
+      //
+      if (!this.dataI) {
+        this.dataI = [];
+        if ( {
+          this.dataI.push("open")
+        }
+        if (m) {
+          this.dataI.push(0)
+        }
+        for (var j = 1; j < m; j++) {
+          if (["sep" + j]) {
+            this.dataI.push("sep" + j)
+          }
+          this.dataI.push(j);
+        }
+        if ( {
+          this.dataI.push("close")
+        }
+      }
+      m = this.dataI.length;
+      //
+      //  Look through the line for breakpoints, including the open, close, and separators
+      //    (as long as we are not too far past the breaking width)
+      //
+      while (i < m && info.scanW < 1.33 * HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth) {
+        var k = this.dataI[i];
+        if ([k]) {
+          if ([k].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
+            better = true;
+            index = [i].concat(info.index);
+            W = info.W;
+            w = info.w;
+            if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
+              info.index = index;
+              if (info.nest) {
+              }
+              return true
-            info.index = index;
-            if (better) {
-                info.W = W;
-                info.w = w
-            }
-            return better;
-        },
+          }
+          scanW = (broken ? info.scanW : this.HTMLaddWidth(i, info, scanW));
+        }
+        info.index = [];
+        i++;
+        broken = false;
+      }
+      if (info.nest) {
+        info.nest--
+      }
+      info.index = index;
+      if (better) {
+        info.W = W;
+        info.w = w
+      }
+      return better;
+    },
-        HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-            var i = start[0], j = end[0];
-            if (i == null) {
-                i = -1
-            }
-            ;
-            if (j == null) {
-                j = this.dataI.length - 1
+    HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+      var i = start[0], j = end[0];
+      if (i == null) {
+        i = -1
+      }
+      ;
+      if (j == null) {
+        j = this.dataI.length - 1
+      }
+      if (i === j && start.length > 1) {
+        //
+        //  If starting and ending in the same element move the subpiece to the new line
+        //
+[this.dataI[i]].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
+      } else {
+        //
+        //  Otherwise, move the remainder of the initial item
+        //  and any others (including open and separators) up to the last one
+        //
+        var last = state.last;
+        state.last = false;
+        var k = this.dataI[i];
+        while (i < j) {
+          if ([k]) {
+            if (start.length <= 1) {
+    [k].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-            if (i === j && start.length > 1) {
-                //
-                //  If starting and ending in the same element move the subpiece to the new line
-                //
-      [this.dataI[i]].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
-            } else {
-                //
-                //  Otherwise, move the remainder of the initial item
-                //  and any others (including open and separators) up to the last one
-                //
-                var last = state.last;
-                state.last = false;
-                var k = this.dataI[i];
-                while (i < j) {
-                    if ([k]) {
-                        if (start.length <= 1) {
-                  [k].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-                        }
-                        else {
-                  [k].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), [], span, state, values, "paddingLeft")
-                        }
-                    }
-                    i++;
-                    k = this.dataI[i];
-                    state.first = false;
-                    start = [];
-                }
-                //
-                //  If the last item is complete, move it
-                //
-                state.last = last;
-                if ([k]) {
-                    if (end.length <= 1) {
-              [k].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-                    }
-                    else {
-              [k].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
-                    }
-                }
+            else {
+    [k].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), [], span, state, values, "paddingLeft")
+          }
+          i++;
+          k = this.dataI[i];
+          state.first = false;
+          start = [];
+        //
+        //  If the last item is complete, move it
+        //
+        state.last = last;
+        if ([k]) {
+          if (end.length <= 1) {
+  [k].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
+          }
+          else {
+  [k].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
-    });
-    /**************************************************************************/
+  });
-    MML.msubsup.Augment({
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            if (![this.base]) {
-                return false
-            }
-            //
-            //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
-            //
-            var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
-                W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
-            if (!broken) {
-                info.W += info.w;
-                info.w = 0
-            }
-            scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
-            //
-            //  Record the width of the base and the super- and subscripts
-            //
-            if (i == null) {
-                this.HTMLbaseW =[this.base].HTMLspanElement().bbox.w;
-                this.HTMLdw = this.HTMLspanElement().bbox.w - this.HTMLbaseW;
-            }
-            //
-            //  Check if the base can be broken
-            //
-            if ([this.base].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
-                better = true;
-                index = [this.base].concat(info.index);
-                W = info.W;
-                w = info.w;
-                if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
-                    better = broken = true
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            //  Add in the base if it is unbroken, and add the scripts
-            //
-            if (!broken) {
-                this.HTMLaddWidth(this.base, info, scanW)
-            }
-            info.scanW += this.HTMLdw;
-            info.W = info.scanW;
-            info.index = [];
-            if (better) {
-                info.W = W;
-                info.w = w;
-                info.index = index
-            }
-            return better;
-        },
+  /**************************************************************************/
-        HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-            //
-            //  Move the proper part of the base
-            //
-            if ([this.base]) {
-                if (start.length > 1) {
-          [this.base].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
-                } else {
-                    if (end.length <= 1) {
-              [this.base].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-                    }
-                    else {
-              [this.base].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            //  If this is the end, check for super and subscripts, and move those
-            //  by moving the stack that contains them, and shifting by the amount of the
-            //  base that has been removed.  Remove the empty base box from the stack.
-            //
-            if (end.length === 0) {
-                var s =[this.sup] ||[this.sub];
-                if (s && this.HTMLnotEmpty(s)) {
-                    var box = s.HTMLspanElement().parentNode, stack = box.parentNode;
-                    if ([this.base]) {
-                        stack.removeChild(stack.firstChild)
-                    }
-                    for (box = stack.firstChild; box; box = box.nextSibling) {
-               = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.unEm( - this.HTMLbaseW)
-                    }
-                    stack.bbox.w -= this.HTMLbaseW;
-           = HTMLCSS.Em(stack.bbox.w);
-                    this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(stack, span.bbox);
-                    span.appendChild(stack);
-                }
-            }
+  MML.msubsup.Augment({
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      if (![this.base]) {
+        return false
+      }
+      //
+      //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
+      //
+      var index = info.index.slice(0), i = info.index.shift(),
+          W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
+      if (!broken) {
+        info.W += info.w;
+        info.w = 0
+      }
+      scanW = info.scanW = info.W;
+      //
+      //  Record the width of the base and the super- and subscripts
+      //
+      if (i == null) {
+        this.HTMLbaseW =[this.base].HTMLspanElement().bbox.w;
+        this.HTMLdw = this.HTMLspanElement().bbox.w - this.HTMLbaseW;
+      }
+      //
+      //  Check if the base can be broken
+      //
+      if ([this.base].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
+        better = true;
+        index = [this.base].concat(info.index);
+        W = info.W;
+        w = info.w;
+        if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
+          better = broken = true
+      }
+      //
+      //  Add in the base if it is unbroken, and add the scripts
+      //
+      if (!broken) {
+        this.HTMLaddWidth(this.base, info, scanW)
+      }
+      info.scanW += this.HTMLdw;
+      info.W = info.scanW;
+      info.index = [];
+      if (better) {
+        info.W = W;
+        info.w = w;
+        info.index = index
+      }
+      return better;
+    },
-    });
-    /**************************************************************************/
+    HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+      //
+      //  Move the proper part of the base
+      //
+      if ([this.base]) {
+        if (start.length > 1) {
+[this.base].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
+        } else {
+          if (end.length <= 1) {
+  [this.base].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
+          }
+          else {
+  [this.base].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      //
+      //  If this is the end, check for super and subscripts, and move those
+      //  by moving the stack that contains them, and shifting by the amount of the
+      //  base that has been removed.  Remove the empty base box from the stack.
+      //
+      if (end.length === 0) {
+        var s =[this.sup] ||[this.sub];
+        if (s && this.HTMLnotEmpty(s)) {
+          var box = s.HTMLspanElement().parentNode, stack = box.parentNode;
+          if ([this.base]) {
+            stack.removeChild(stack.firstChild)
+          }
+          for (box = stack.firstChild; box; box = box.nextSibling) {
+   = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.unEm( - this.HTMLbaseW)
+          }
+          stack.bbox.w -= this.HTMLbaseW;
+ = HTMLCSS.Em(stack.bbox.w);
+          this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(stack, span.bbox);
+          span.appendChild(stack);
+        }
+      }
+    }
-    MML.mmultiscripts.Augment({
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            if (![this.base]) {
-                return false
-            }
-            //
-            //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
-            //
-            var index = info.index.slice(0);
-            info.index.shift();
-            var W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
-            if (!broken) {
-                info.W += info.w;
-                info.w = 0
-            }
-            info.scanW = info.W;
-            //
-            //  Get the bounding boxes and the width of the scripts
-            //
-            var bbox = this.HTMLspanElement().bbox,
-                base =[this.base].HTMLspanElement().bbox;
-            var dw = bbox.w - base.w;
-            //
-            //  Add in the prescripts
-            //
-            info.scanW += bbox.dx;
-            scanW = info.scanW;
-            //
-            //  Check if the base can be broken
-            //
-            if ([this.base].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
-                better = true;
-                index = [this.base].concat(info.index);
-                W = info.W;
-                w = info.w;
-                if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
-                    better = broken = true
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            //  Add in the base if it is unbroken, and add the scripts
-            //
-            if (!broken) {
-                this.HTMLaddWidth(this.base, info, scanW)
-            }
-            info.scanW += dw;
-            info.W = info.scanW;
-            info.index = [];
-            if (better) {
-                info.W = W;
-                info.w = w;
-                info.index = index
-            }
-            return better;
-        },
+  });
-        HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-            var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement(), data = SPAN.bbox,
-                stack = SPAN.firstChild, BOX = {};
-            if (HTMLCSS.msiePaddingWidthBug) {
-                stack = stack.nextSibling
-            }
-            var box = stack.firstChild;
+  /**************************************************************************/
-            //
-            //  Get the boxes for the scripts (if any)
-            //
-            while (box) {
-                if (box.bbox && {
-                    BOX[] = box
-                }
-                box = box.nextSibling;
-            }
-            //
-            //  If this is the start, move the prescripts, if any.
-            //
-            if (start.length < 1) {
-                if (BOX.presub || BOX.presup) {
-                    var STACK = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
-                    if (BOX.presup) {
-                        HTMLCSS.addBox(STACK, BOX.presup);
-                        HTMLCSS.placeBox(BOX.presup, data.dx - BOX.presup.bbox.w, data.u);
-                    }
-                    if (BOX.presub) {
-                        HTMLCSS.addBox(STACK, BOX.presub);
-                        HTMLCSS.placeBox(BOX.presub, data.dx + - BOX.presub.bbox.w, -data.v);
-                    }
-                    this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(STACK, span.bbox);
-                    span.appendChild(STACK);
-           = HTMLCSS.Em(data.dx);
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            //  Move the proper part of the base
-            //
-            if ([this.base]) {
-                if (start.length > 1) {
-          [this.base].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
-                } else {
-                    if (end.length <= 1) {
-              [this.base].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
-                    }
-                    else {
-              [this.base].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            //
-            //  If this is the end, check for super and subscripts, and move those
-            //  by moving the stack that contains them, and shifting by the amount of the
-            //  base that has been removed.  Remove the empty base box from the stack.
-            //
-            if (end.length === 0) {
-                if ([this.base]) {
-                    stack.removeChild(stack.firstChild)
-                }
-                for (box = stack.firstChild; box; box = box.nextSibling) {
-           = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.unEm( - data.px)
-                }
-                stack.bbox.w -= data.px;
-       = HTMLCSS.Em(stack.bbox.w);
-                this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(stack, span.bbox);
-                span.appendChild(stack);
-            }
+  MML.mmultiscripts.Augment({
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      if (![this.base]) {
+        return false
+      }
+      //
+      //  Get the current breakpoint position and other data
+      //
+      var index = info.index.slice(0);
+      info.index.shift();
+      var W, w, scanW, broken = (info.index.length > 0), better = false;
+      if (!broken) {
+        info.W += info.w;
+        info.w = 0
+      }
+      info.scanW = info.W;
+      //
+      //  Get the bounding boxes and the width of the scripts
+      //
+      var bbox = this.HTMLspanElement().bbox,
+          base =[this.base].HTMLspanElement().bbox;
+      var dw = bbox.w - base.w;
+      //
+      //  Add in the prescripts
+      //
+      info.scanW += bbox.dx;
+      scanW = info.scanW;
+      //
+      //  Check if the base can be broken
+      //
+      if ([this.base].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state)) {
+        better = true;
+        index = [this.base].concat(info.index);
+        W = info.W;
+        w = info.w;
+        if (info.penalty === PENALTY.newline) {
+          better = broken = true
+      }
+      //
+      //  Add in the base if it is unbroken, and add the scripts
+      //
+      if (!broken) {
+        this.HTMLaddWidth(this.base, info, scanW)
+      }
+      info.scanW += dw;
+      info.W = info.scanW;
+      info.index = [];
+      if (better) {
+        info.W = W;
+        info.w = w;
+        info.index = index
+      }
+      return better;
+    },
-    });
-    /**************************************************************************/
+    HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+      var SPAN = this.HTMLspanElement(), data = SPAN.bbox,
+          stack = SPAN.firstChild, BOX = {};
+      if (HTMLCSS.msiePaddingWidthBug) {
+        stack = stack.nextSibling
+      }
+      var box = stack.firstChild;
-        //
-        //  Override the method for checking line breaks to properly handle <mo>
-        //
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            if (info.values && === this.spanID) {
-                return false
-            }
-            var values = this.getValues(
-                "linebreak", "linebreakstyle", "lineleading", "linebreakmultchar",
-                "indentalign", "indentshift",
-                "indentalignfirst", "indentshiftfirst",
-                "indentalignlast", "indentshiftlast",
-                "texClass", "fence"
-            );
-            if (values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.INFIXLINEBREAKSTYLE) {
-                values.linebreakstyle = this.Get("infixlinebreakstyle")
-            }
-            //
-            //  Adjust nesting by TeX class (helps output that does not include
-            //  mrows for nesting, but can leave these unbalanced.
-            //
-            if (values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN) {
-                info.nest++
-            }
-            if (values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE && info.nest) {
-                info.nest--
-            }
-            //
-            //  Get the default penalty for this location
-            //
-            var W = info.scanW, mo = (info.embellished || this);
-            delete info.embellished;
-            var span = mo.HTMLspanElement(), w = span.bbox.w;
-            if ( {
-                w += HTMLCSS.unEm(
-            }
-            if (values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER) {
-                W += w;
-                w = 0
-            }
-            if (W - info.shift === 0 && values.linebreak !== MML.LINEBREAK.NEWLINE) {
-                return false
-            } // don't break at zero width (FIXME?)
-            var offset = HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth - W;
-            // Adjust offest for explicit first-line indent and align
-            if (state.n === 0 && (values.indentshiftfirst !== state.VALUES.indentshiftfirst ||
-                values.indentalignfirst !== state.VALUES.indentalignfirst)) {
-                var align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, values),
-                    shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, values, align);
-                offset += (info.shift - shift);
-            }
-            //
-            var penalty = Math.floor(offset / HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth * 1000);
-            if (penalty < 0) {
-                penalty = PENALTY.toobig - 3 * penalty
-            }
-            if (values.fence) {
-                penalty += PENALTY.fence
-            }
-            if ((values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER &&
-                values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN) ||
-                values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE) {
-                penalty += PENALTY.close
-            }
-            penalty += info.nest * PENALTY.nestfactor;
-            //
-            //  Get the penalty for this type of break and
-            //    use it to modify the default penalty
-            //
-            var linebreak = PENALTY[values.linebreak || MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO];
-            if (!(linebreak instanceof Array)) {
-                //  for breaks past the width, don't modify penalty
-                if (offset >= 0) {
-                    penalty = linebreak * info.nest
-                }
-            } else {
-                penalty = Math.max(1, penalty + linebreak[0] * info.nest)
-            }
-            //
-            //  If the penalty is no better than the current one, return false
-            //  Otherwise save the data for this breakpoint and return true
-            //
-            if (penalty >= info.penalty) {
-                return false
-            }
-            info.penalty = penalty;
-            info.values = values;
-            info.W = W;
-            info.w = w;
-            values.lineleading = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.lineleading, 1, state.VALUES.lineleading);
-   = this.spanID;
-            return true;
+      //
+      //  Get the boxes for the scripts (if any)
+      //
+      while (box) {
+        if (box.bbox && {
+          BOX[] = box
-    });
+        box = box.nextSibling;
+      }
+      //
+      //  If this is the start, move the prescripts, if any.
+      //
+      if (start.length < 1) {
+        if (BOX.presub || BOX.presup) {
+          var STACK = HTMLCSS.createStack(span);
+          if (BOX.presup) {
+            HTMLCSS.addBox(STACK, BOX.presup);
+            HTMLCSS.placeBox(BOX.presup, data.dx - BOX.presup.bbox.w, data.u);
+          }
+          if (BOX.presub) {
+            HTMLCSS.addBox(STACK, BOX.presub);
+            HTMLCSS.placeBox(BOX.presub, data.dx + - BOX.presub.bbox.w, -data.v);
+          }
+          this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(STACK, span.bbox);
+          span.appendChild(STACK);
+ = HTMLCSS.Em(data.dx);
+        }
+      }
+      //
+      //  Move the proper part of the base
+      //
+      if ([this.base]) {
+        if (start.length > 1) {
+[this.base].HTMLmoveSlice(start.slice(1), end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingLeft");
+        } else {
+          if (end.length <= 1) {
+  [this.base].HTMLmoveSpan(span, state, values)
+          }
+          else {
+  [this.base].HTMLmoveSlice([], end.slice(1), span, state, values, "paddingRight")
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      //
+      //  If this is the end, check for super and subscripts, and move those
+      //  by moving the stack that contains them, and shifting by the amount of the
+      //  base that has been removed.  Remove the empty base box from the stack.
+      //
+      if (end.length === 0) {
+        if ([this.base]) {
+          stack.removeChild(stack.firstChild)
+        }
+        for (box = stack.firstChild; box; box = box.nextSibling) {
+ = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.unEm( - data.px)
+        }
+        stack.bbox.w -= data.px;
+ = HTMLCSS.Em(stack.bbox.w);
+        this.HTMLcombineBBoxes(stack, span.bbox);
+        span.appendChild(stack);
+      }
+    }
-    /**************************************************************************/
+  });
-    MML.mspace.Augment({
-        //
-        //  Override the method for checking line breaks to properly handle <mspace>
-        //
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            if (info.values && === this.spanID) {
-                return false
-            }
-            var values = this.getValues("linebreak");
-            var linebreakValue = values.linebreak;
-            if (!linebreakValue || this.hasDimAttr()) {
-                // The MathML spec says that the linebreak attribute should be ignored
-                // if any dimensional attribute is set.
-                linebreakValue = MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO;
-            }
-            //
-            //  Get the default penalty for this location
-            //
-            var W = info.scanW, span = this.HTMLspanElement(), w = span.bbox.w;
-            if ( {
-                w += HTMLCSS.unEm(
-            }
-            if (W - info.shift === 0) {
-                return false
-            } // don't break at zero width (FIXME?)
-            var offset = HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth - W;
-            //
-            var penalty = Math.floor(offset / HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth * 1000);
-            if (penalty < 0) {
-                penalty = PENALTY.toobig - 3 * penalty
-            }
-            penalty += info.nest * PENALTY.nestfactor;
-            //
-            //  Get the penalty for this type of break and
-            //    use it to modify the default penalty
-            //
-            var linebreak = PENALTY[linebreakValue];
-            if (linebreakValue === MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO && w >= PENALTY.spacelimit && !this.mathbackground && !this.background) {
-                linebreak = [(w + PENALTY.spaceoffset) * PENALTY.spacefactor]
-            }
-            if (!(linebreak instanceof Array)) {
-                //  for breaks past the width, don't modify penalty
-                if (offset >= 0) {
-                    penalty = linebreak * info.nest
-                }
-            } else {
-                penalty = Math.max(1, penalty + linebreak[0] * info.nest)
-            }
-            //
-            //  If the penalty is no better than the current one, return false
-            //  Otherwise save the data for this breakpoint and return true
-            //
-            if (penalty >= info.penalty) {
-                return false
-            }
-            info.penalty = penalty;
-            info.values = values;
-            info.W = W;
-            info.w = w;
-            values.lineleading = state.VALUES.lineleading;
-            values.linebreakstyle = "before";
-   = this.spanID;
-            return true;
-        }
-    });
+  /**************************************************************************/
-    //  Hook into the mathchoice extension
+    //  Override the method for checking line breaks to properly handle <mo>
-    MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX mathchoice Ready", function () {
-        MML.TeXmathchoice.Augment({
-            HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-                return this.Core().HTMLbetterBreak(info, state);
-            },
-            HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-                return this.Core().HTMLmoveSlice(start, end, span, state, values);
-            }
-        });
-    });
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      if (info.values && === this.spanID) {
+        return false
+      }
+      var values = this.getValues(
+          "linebreak", "linebreakstyle", "lineleading", "linebreakmultchar",
+          "indentalign", "indentshift",
+          "indentalignfirst", "indentshiftfirst",
+          "indentalignlast", "indentshiftlast",
+          "texClass", "fence"
+      );
+      if (values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.INFIXLINEBREAKSTYLE) {
+        values.linebreakstyle = this.Get("infixlinebreakstyle")
+      }
+      //
+      //  Adjust nesting by TeX class (helps output that does not include
+      //  mrows for nesting, but can leave these unbalanced.
+      //
+      if (values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN) {
+        info.nest++
+      }
+      if (values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE && info.nest) {
+        info.nest--
+      }
+      //
+      //  Get the default penalty for this location
+      //
+      var W = info.scanW, mo = (info.embellished || this);
+      delete info.embellished;
+      var span = mo.HTMLspanElement(), w = span.bbox.w;
+      if ( {
+        w += HTMLCSS.unEm(
+      }
+      if (values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER) {
+        W += w;
+        w = 0
+      }
+      if (W - info.shift === 0 && values.linebreak !== MML.LINEBREAK.NEWLINE) {
+        return false
+      } // don't break at zero width (FIXME?)
+      var offset = HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth - W;
+      // Adjust offest for explicit first-line indent and align
+      if (state.n === 0 && (values.indentshiftfirst !== state.VALUES.indentshiftfirst ||
+          values.indentalignfirst !== state.VALUES.indentalignfirst)) {
+        var align = this.HTMLgetAlign(state, values),
+            shift = this.HTMLgetShift(state, values, align);
+        offset += (info.shift - shift);
+      }
+      //
+      var penalty = Math.floor(offset / HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth * 1000);
+      if (penalty < 0) {
+        penalty = PENALTY.toobig - 3 * penalty
+      }
+      if (values.fence) {
+        penalty += PENALTY.fence
+      }
+      if ((values.linebreakstyle === MML.LINEBREAKSTYLE.AFTER &&
+          values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN) ||
+          values.texClass === MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE) {
+        penalty += PENALTY.close
+      }
+      penalty += info.nest * PENALTY.nestfactor;
+      //
+      //  Get the penalty for this type of break and
+      //    use it to modify the default penalty
+      //
+      var linebreak = PENALTY[values.linebreak || MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO];
+      if (!(linebreak instanceof Array)) {
+        //  for breaks past the width, don't modify penalty
+        if (offset >= 0) {
+          penalty = linebreak * info.nest
+        }
+      } else {
+        penalty = Math.max(1, penalty + linebreak[0] * info.nest)
+      }
+      //
+      //  If the penalty is no better than the current one, return false
+      //  Otherwise save the data for this breakpoint and return true
+      //
+      if (penalty >= info.penalty) {
+        return false
+      }
+      info.penalty = penalty;
+      info.values = values;
+      info.W = W;
+      info.w = w;
+      values.lineleading = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.lineleading, 1, state.VALUES.lineleading);
+ = this.spanID;
+      return true;
+    }
+  });
+  /**************************************************************************/
+  MML.mspace.Augment({
-    //  Have maction process only the selected item
+    //  Override the method for checking line breaks to properly handle <mspace>
-    MML.maction.Augment({
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            return this.Core().HTMLbetterBreak(info, state);
-        },
-        HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-            return this.Core().HTMLmoveSlice(start, end, span, state, values);
-        },
-        //
-        //  Split and move the hit boxes as well
-        //
-        HTMLmoveSlice: function (start, end, span, state, values, padding) {
-            var hitbox = document.getElementById("MathJax-HitBox-" + this.spanID + HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
-            if (hitbox) {
-                hitbox.parentNode.removeChild(hitbox)
-            }
-            var slice = this.SUPER(arguments).HTMLmoveSlice.apply(this, arguments);
-            if (end.length === 0) {
-                span = this.HTMLspanElement();
-                var n = 0;
-                while (span) {
-                    hitbox = this.HTMLhandleHitBox(span, "-Continue-" + n);
-                    span = span.nextMathJaxSpan;
-                    n++;
-                }
-            }
-            return slice;
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      if (info.values && === this.spanID) {
+        return false
+      }
+      var values = this.getValues("linebreak");
+      var linebreakValue = values.linebreak;
+      if (!linebreakValue || this.hasDimAttr()) {
+        // The MathML spec says that the linebreak attribute should be ignored
+        // if any dimensional attribute is set.
+        linebreakValue = MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO;
+      }
+      //
+      //  Get the default penalty for this location
+      //
+      var W = info.scanW, span = this.HTMLspanElement(), w = span.bbox.w;
+      if ( {
+        w += HTMLCSS.unEm(
+      }
+      if (W - info.shift === 0) {
+        return false
+      } // don't break at zero width (FIXME?)
+      var offset = HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth - W;
+      //
+      var penalty = Math.floor(offset / HTMLCSS.linebreakWidth * 1000);
+      if (penalty < 0) {
+        penalty = PENALTY.toobig - 3 * penalty
+      }
+      penalty += info.nest * PENALTY.nestfactor;
+      //
+      //  Get the penalty for this type of break and
+      //    use it to modify the default penalty
+      //
+      var linebreak = PENALTY[linebreakValue];
+      if (linebreakValue === MML.LINEBREAK.AUTO && w >= PENALTY.spacelimit && !this.mathbackground && !this.background) {
+        linebreak = [(w + PENALTY.spaceoffset) * PENALTY.spacefactor]
+      }
+      if (!(linebreak instanceof Array)) {
+        //  for breaks past the width, don't modify penalty
+        if (offset >= 0) {
+          penalty = linebreak * info.nest
+      } else {
+        penalty = Math.max(1, penalty + linebreak[0] * info.nest)
+      }
+      //
+      //  If the penalty is no better than the current one, return false
+      //  Otherwise save the data for this breakpoint and return true
+      //
+      if (penalty >= info.penalty) {
+        return false
+      }
+      info.penalty = penalty;
+      info.values = values;
+      info.W = W;
+      info.w = w;
+      values.lineleading = state.VALUES.lineleading;
+      values.linebreakstyle = "before";
+ = this.spanID;
+      return true;
+    }
+  });
+  //
+  //  Hook into the mathchoice extension
+  //
+  MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX mathchoice Ready", function () {
+    MML.TeXmathchoice.Augment({
+      HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+        return this.Core().HTMLbetterBreak(info, state);
+      },
+      HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+        return this.Core().HTMLmoveSlice(start, end, span, state, values);
+      }
+  });
+  //
+  //  Have maction process only the selected item
+  //
+  MML.maction.Augment({
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      return this.Core().HTMLbetterBreak(info, state);
+    },
+    HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+      return this.Core().HTMLmoveSlice(start, end, span, state, values);
+    },
-    //  Have semantics only do the first element
-    //  (FIXME:  do we need to do anything special about annotation-xml?)
+    //  Split and move the hit boxes as well
-    MML.semantics.Augment({
-        HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
-            return ([0] ?[0].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state) : false);
-        },
-        HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
-            return ([0] ?[0].HTMLmoveSlice(start, end, span, state, values) : null);
+    HTMLmoveSlice: function (start, end, span, state, values, padding) {
+      var hitbox = document.getElementById("MathJax-HitBox-" + this.spanID + HTMLCSS.idPostfix);
+      if (hitbox) {
+        hitbox.parentNode.removeChild(hitbox)
+      }
+      var slice = this.SUPER(arguments).HTMLmoveSlice.apply(this, arguments);
+      if (end.length === 0) {
+        span = this.HTMLspanElement();
+        var n = 0;
+        while (span) {
+          hitbox = this.HTMLhandleHitBox(span, "-Continue-" + n);
+          span = span.nextMathJaxSpan;
+          n++;
-    });
+      }
+      return slice;
+    }
+  });
+  //
+  //  Have semantics only do the first element
+  //  (FIXME:  do we need to do anything special about annotation-xml?)
+  //
+  MML.semantics.Augment({
+    HTMLbetterBreak: function (info, state) {
+      return ([0] ?[0].HTMLbetterBreak(info, state) : false);
+    },
+    HTMLmoveLine: function (start, end, span, state, values) {
+      return ([0] ?[0].HTMLmoveSlice(start, end, span, state, values) : null);
+    }
+  });
-    /**************************************************************************/
+  /**************************************************************************/
-    MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS multiline Ready");
-    MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir + "/multiline.js");
+  MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS multiline Ready");
+  MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir + "/multiline.js");

+ 518 - 518

@@ -18,524 +18,524 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['AsanaMathJax_Main'] = {
-    directory: 'Main/Regular',
-    family: 'AsanaMathJax_Main',
-    testString: '\u00A3\u00A5\u00A7\u00A8\u00AC\u00AE\u00B1\u00B5\u00B7\u00D7\u00F0\u00F7\u0131\u02C6\u02C7',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 249, 0, 0],
-    0x21: [694, 5, 277, 81, 197],
-    0x22: [709, -469, 370, 52, 319],
-    0x23: [684, 0, 499, 4, 495],
-    0x24: [731, 116, 499, 30, 471],
-    0x25: [709, 20, 839, 39, 802],
-    0x26: [689, 20, 777, 43, 753],
-    0x27: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
-    0x28: [726, 215, 332, 60, 301],
-    0x29: [726, 215, 332, 32, 273],
-    0x2A: [442, -95, 388, 32, 359],
-    0x2B: [538, 0, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2C: [123, 155, 249, 16, 218],
-    0x2D: [287, -215, 332, 18, 314],
-    0x2E: [111, 5, 249, 67, 183],
-    0x2F: [714, 169, 286, -37, 297],
-    0x30: [689, 20, 499, 29, 465],
-    0x31: [700, 3, 499, 60, 418],
-    0x32: [689, 3, 499, 16, 468],
-    0x33: [689, 20, 499, 15, 462],
-    0x34: [697, 3, 499, 2, 472],
-    0x35: [690, 20, 499, 13, 459],
-    0x36: [689, 20, 499, 32, 468],
-    0x37: [689, 1, 499, 44, 497],
-    0x38: [689, 20, 499, 30, 464],
-    0x39: [689, 20, 499, 20, 457],
-    0x3A: [456, 5, 249, 66, 182],
-    0x3B: [456, 153, 249, 16, 218],
-    0x3C: [528, 0, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x3D: [406, -134, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x3E: [528, 0, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x3F: [694, 5, 443, 43, 395],
-    0x40: [694, 20, 746, 24, 724],
-    0x41: [700, 3, 777, 15, 756],
-    0x42: [692, 3, 610, 26, 576],
-    0x43: [709, 20, 708, 22, 670],
-    0x44: [692, 3, 793, 22, 751],
-    0x45: [692, 3, 610, 22, 572],
-    0x46: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
-    0x47: [709, 20, 762, 22, 728],
-    0x48: [692, 3, 831, 22, 810],
-    0x49: [692, 3, 336, 22, 315],
-    0x4A: [692, 195, 332, -15, 311],
-    0x4B: [692, 3, 725, 22, 719],
-    0x4C: [692, 3, 610, 22, 586],
-    0x4D: [692, 13, 945, 16, 926],
-    0x4E: [692, 6, 830, 17, 813],
-    0x4F: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
-    0x50: [692, 3, 603, 22, 580],
-    0x51: [709, 176, 785, 22, 764],
-    0x52: [692, 3, 667, 22, 669],
-    0x53: [709, 20, 524, 24, 503],
-    0x54: [692, 3, 612, 18, 595],
-    0x55: [692, 20, 777, 12, 759],
-    0x56: [692, 9, 721, 8, 706],
-    0x57: [700, 9, 1000, 8, 984],
-    0x58: [700, 3, 666, 14, 648],
-    0x59: [705, 3, 666, 9, 654],
-    0x5A: [692, 3, 666, 15, 638],
-    0x5B: [726, 184, 332, 79, 288],
-    0x5C: [714, 169, 286, -9, 324],
-    0x5D: [726, 184, 332, 45, 254],
-    0x5E: [689, -283, 605, 51, 554],
-    0x5F: [-75, 125, 499, 0, 500],
-    0x60: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
-    0x61: [469, 12, 499, 32, 471],
-    0x62: [726, 28, 552, -15, 508],
-    0x63: [497, 20, 443, 25, 413],
-    0x64: [726, 12, 610, 34, 579],
-    0x65: [469, 20, 478, 26, 448],
-    0x66: [737, 3, 332, 23, 341],
-    0x67: [469, 283, 555, 32, 544],
-    0x68: [726, 3, 581, 6, 572],
-    0x69: [687, 3, 290, 21, 271],
-    0x6A: [688, 283, 233, -40, 167],
-    0x6B: [726, 12, 555, 21, 549],
-    0x6C: [726, 3, 290, 21, 271],
-    0x6D: [469, 3, 882, 16, 869],
-    0x6E: [469, 3, 581, 6, 572],
-    0x6F: [469, 20, 545, 32, 514],
-    0x70: [477, 281, 600, 8, 556],
-    0x71: [477, 281, 600, 45, 593],
-    0x72: [469, 3, 394, 21, 374],
-    0x73: [469, 20, 423, 30, 391],
-    0x74: [621, 12, 325, 22, 319],
-    0x75: [469, 12, 602, 18, 581],
-    0x76: [459, 7, 564, 6, 539],
-    0x77: [469, 7, 833, 6, 808],
-    0x78: [469, 3, 515, 20, 496],
-    0x79: [459, 283, 555, 12, 544],
-    0x7A: [462, 3, 499, 16, 466],
-    0x7B: [726, 175, 332, 58, 289],
-    0x7C: [713, 172, 210, 76, 135],
-    0x7D: [726, 175, 332, 44, 275],
-    0x7E: [341, -182, 605, 51, 555],
-    0xA3: [694, 13, 499, 12, 478],
-    0xA5: [701, 3, 499, 5, 496],
-    0xA7: [709, 219, 499, 26, 465],
-    0xA8: [637, -537, 332, 17, 316],
-    0xAC: [360, -88, 673, 65, 608],
-    0xAE: [705, 164, 906, 18, 889],
-    0xB1: [541, 0, 668, 65, 604],
-    0xB5: [473, 286, 610, 89, 567],
-    0xB7: [319, -203, 249, 67, 183],
-    0xD7: [547, 5, 668, 59, 611],
-    0xF0: [728, 20, 545, 32, 504],
-    0xF7: [512, -10, 605, 51, 555],
-    0x131: [469, 3, 290, 21, 271],
-    0x2C6: [677, -510, 312, 0, 312],
-    0x2C7: [677, -510, 312, 0, 312],
-    0x2C9: [591, -538, 338, 13, 325],
-    0x2D8: [699, -534, 269, -4, 273],
-    0x2D9: [676, -568, 333, 112, 220],
-    0x2DA: [717, -535, 267, 36, 231],
-    0x2DC: [682, -571, 329, -5, 334],
-    0x300: [677, -506, 0, -302, -78],
-    0x301: [677, -506, 0, -255, -31],
-    0x302: [677, -510, 0, -312, 0],
-    0x303: [640, -535, 0, -330, 0],
-    0x304: [591, -538, 0, -332, -20],
-    0x306: [664, -506, 0, -307, -25],
-    0x307: [637, -537, 0, -175, -75],
-    0x308: [637, -537, 0, -318, -17],
-    0x30A: [718, -518, 0, -235, -35],
-    0x30C: [677, -510, 0, -322, -10],
-    0x338: [714, 169, 0, -408, 0],
-    0x382: [0, 0, 768, 0, 0],
-    0x391: [700, 3, 777, 15, 756],
-    0x392: [692, 3, 610, 26, 576],
-    0x393: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
-    0x394: [697, 4, 688, 27, 662],
-    0x395: [692, 3, 610, 22, 572],
-    0x396: [692, 3, 666, 15, 638],
-    0x397: [692, 3, 831, 22, 810],
-    0x398: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
-    0x399: [692, 3, 336, 22, 315],
-    0x39A: [692, 3, 725, 22, 719],
-    0x39B: [697, 4, 753, 17, 729],
-    0x39C: [692, 13, 945, 16, 926],
-    0x39D: [692, 20, 830, 17, 813],
-    0x39E: [689, 4, 692, 42, 651],
-    0x39F: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
-    0x3A0: [689, 4, 812, 25, 788],
-    0x3A1: [692, 3, 603, 22, 580],
-    0x3A3: [689, 4, 684, 45, 643],
-    0x3A4: [692, 3, 612, 18, 595],
-    0x3A5: [691, 4, 733, 3, 735],
-    0x3A6: [689, 4, 755, 23, 723],
-    0x3A7: [700, 3, 666, 14, 648],
-    0x3A8: [689, 4, 870, 18, 852],
-    0x3A9: [704, 6, 824, 34, 791],
-    0x3B1: [473, 16, 594, 44, 571],
-    0x3B2: [680, 283, 512, 68, 460],
-    0x3B3: [473, 273, 581, -31, 489],
-    0x3B4: [702, 16, 497, 56, 468],
-    0x3B5: [468, 13, 480, 69, 436],
-    0x3B6: [712, 149, 504, 61, 509],
-    0x3B7: [473, 275, 531, -11, 464],
-    0x3B8: [702, 16, 613, 83, 555],
-    0x3B9: [473, 16, 310, 94, 305],
-    0x3BA: [473, 16, 571, 13, 553],
-    0x3BB: [702, 16, 618, 86, 616],
-    0x3BC: [473, 286, 610, 89, 567],
-    0x3BD: [473, 7, 497, -24, 443],
-    0x3BE: [701, 148, 547, 65, 507],
-    0x3BF: [469, 20, 545, 32, 514],
-    0x3C0: [467, 15, 653, 27, 628],
-    0x3C1: [473, 284, 566, 83, 490],
-    0x3C2: [463, 155, 501, 43, 430],
-    0x3C3: [474, 15, 552, 35, 487],
-    0x3C4: [463, 16, 519, 35, 439],
-    0x3C5: [471, 12, 547, 13, 490],
-    0x3C6: [485, 277, 681, 8, 606],
-    0x3C7: [479, 193, 608, 51, 548],
-    0x3C8: [682, 281, 695, 6, 626],
-    0x3C9: [463, 12, 715, 36, 659],
-    0x3D0: [701, 13, 562, 30, 492],
-    0x3D1: [702, 15, 620, 62, 583],
-    0x3D5: [705, 289, 665, 27, 613],
-    0x3D6: [529, 12, 715, 41, 671],
-    0x3DC: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
-    0x3DD: [495, 233, 514, 23, 495],
-    0x3F0: [510, 16, 705, 48, 659],
-    0x3F1: [474, 260, 478, 72, 461],
-    0x3F4: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
-    0x3F5: [466, 12, 480, 46, 439],
-    0x2013: [277, -219, 499, 0, 500],
-    0x2014: [277, -219, 1000, 0, 1000],
-    0x2016: [713, 172, 420, 76, 345],
-    0x2018: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
-    0x2019: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
-    0x201C: [709, -446, 510, 45, 466],
-    0x201D: [709, -446, 510, 45, 466],
-    0x2020: [694, 5, 499, 34, 466],
-    0x2021: [694, 249, 499, 34, 466],
-    0x2026: [111, 5, 746, 100, 647],
-    0x2032: [495, -47, 364, 53, 313],
-    0x2033: [495, -47, 599, 53, 548],
-    0x2034: [495, -47, 834, 53, 783],
-    0x2035: [495, -47, 364, 53, 313],
-    0x203E: [1726, -1614, 1024, 0, 1024],
-    0x2044: [558, 279, 313, 0, 314],
-    0x2057: [495, -47, 1069, 53, 1018],
-    0x20D7: [790, -519, 557, 0, 558],
-    0x210F: [733, 9, 499, 10, 471],
-    0x2111: [721, 4, 645, 12, 594],
-    0x2113: [713, 13, 470, 16, 455],
-    0x2118: [504, 203, 656, 58, 617],
-    0x211C: [717, 4, 748, 17, 702],
-    0x2127: [704, 6, 824, 34, 791],
-    0x2132: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
-    0x2135: [746, 13, 672, 32, 641],
-    0x2136: [734, 0, 675, 31, 635],
-    0x2137: [734, 0, 331, 26, 306],
-    0x2138: [734, 0, 559, 36, 526],
-    0x2141: [727, 9, 778, 53, 708],
-    0x2190: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x2191: [713, 172, 524, 47, 478],
-    0x2192: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x2193: [713, 172, 524, 47, 478],
-    0x2194: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x2195: [712, 172, 524, 47, 478],
-    0x2196: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x2197: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x2198: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x2199: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x219A: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x219B: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x219E: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21A0: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21A2: [486, -55, 1150, 65, 1075],
-    0x21A3: [486, -55, 1150, 76, 1085],
-    0x21A6: [486, -55, 1013, 36, 978],
-    0x21A9: [494, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21AA: [494, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21AB: [493, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21AC: [493, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21AD: [486, -55, 1211, 34, 1178],
-    0x21AE: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21B0: [753, 0, 506, 65, 442],
-    0x21B1: [753, 0, 506, 65, 442],
-    0x21B6: [458, 0, 1124, 34, 1115],
-    0x21B7: [458, 0, 1124, 34, 1115],
-    0x21BA: [751, 0, 987, 114, 875],
-    0x21BB: [751, 0, 987, 114, 875],
-    0x21BC: [394, -149, 1013, 64, 950],
-    0x21BD: [394, -148, 1013, 64, 950],
-    0x21BE: [714, 171, 524, 233, 478],
-    0x21BF: [714, 171, 524, 47, 293],
-    0x21C0: [394, -149, 1013, 64, 950],
-    0x21C1: [394, -148, 1013, 64, 950],
-    0x21C2: [714, 171, 524, 233, 478],
-    0x21C3: [714, 171, 524, 47, 293],
-    0x21C4: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21C6: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21C7: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21C8: [714, 171, 883, 47, 837],
-    0x21C9: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21CA: [714, 171, 883, 47, 837],
-    0x21CB: [594, 52, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21CC: [594, 52, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21CD: [537, -6, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21CE: [537, -6, 1013, 59, 954],
-    0x21CF: [537, -6, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21D0: [539, -7, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21D1: [713, 172, 578, 24, 555],
-    0x21D2: [539, -7, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21D3: [713, 172, 578, 24, 555],
-    0x21D4: [537, -5, 1013, 59, 954],
-    0x21D5: [718, 176, 578, 24, 556],
-    0x21DA: [607, 67, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21DB: [608, 66, 1013, 65, 949],
-    0x21DD: [485, -54, 1149, 34, 1116],
-    0x21E0: [485, -54, 1063, 65, 998],
-    0x21E2: [485, -54, 1063, 65, 998],
-    0x2200: [697, 15, 617, 26, 592],
-    0x2201: [906, 146, 753, 114, 640],
-    0x2202: [750, 11, 494, 35, 460],
-    0x2203: [697, 0, 617, 46, 572],
-    0x2204: [836, 141, 617, 46, 572],
-    0x2205: [591, 13, 733, 65, 668],
-    0x2207: [697, 4, 688, 27, 662],
-    0x2208: [533, -8, 563, 55, 509],
-    0x2209: [648, 107, 563, 55, 509],
-    0x220B: [533, -8, 563, 55, 509],
-    0x220D: [482, 3, 511, 65, 446],
-    0x2212: [299, -243, 605, 51, 555],
-    0x2213: [541, 0, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2214: [629, 89, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2215: [726, 119, 605, 87, 519],
-    0x2216: [501, -50, 799, 101, 699],
-    0x2217: [446, -99, 388, 31, 358],
-    0x2218: [417, -124, 388, 47, 342],
-    0x2219: [319, -203, 249, 67, 183],
-    0x221A: [1079, 59, 760, 63, 793],
-    0x221D: [466, -75, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x221E: [463, -65, 897, 55, 843],
-    0x2220: [577, 0, 535, 65, 471],
-    0x2221: [577, 0, 535, 65, 471],
-    0x2222: [515, -26, 535, 65, 471],
-    0x2223: [714, 171, 437, 189, 248],
-    0x2224: [714, 171, 437, 0, 438],
-    0x2225: [714, 171, 641, 186, 456],
-    0x2226: [714, 171, 641, 0, 642],
-    0x2227: [585, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x2228: [585, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x2229: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x222A: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x222B: [885, 442, 768, 54, 694],
-    0x2234: [524, 6, 661, 65, 597],
-    0x2235: [524, 6, 661, 65, 597],
-    0x223C: [355, -186, 668, 58, 610],
-    0x223D: [355, -186, 668, 58, 610],
-    0x2240: [593, 4, 277, 57, 221],
-    0x2241: [491, -51, 668, 56, 614],
-    0x2242: [434, -106, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2243: [400, -107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2245: [587, -134, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2246: [605, -18, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2248: [465, -79, 668, 56, 614],
-    0x224A: [534, -62, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x224D: [478, -63, 668, 54, 616],
-    0x224E: [479, -62, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x224F: [479, -134, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2250: [503, -38, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2251: [599, 58, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2252: [599, 58, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2253: [599, 58, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2256: [404, -131, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2257: [649, -134, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x225C: [640, -134, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x2260: [596, 55, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2261: [479, -62, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2264: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
-    0x2265: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
-    0x2266: [672, 131, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2267: [672, 131, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2268: [672, 183, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2269: [672, 183, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x226A: [535, -5, 965, 55, 912],
-    0x226B: [535, -5, 965, 55, 912],
-    0x226C: [705, 179, 430, 65, 366],
-    0x226E: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x226F: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2270: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2271: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2272: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2273: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2276: [626, 85, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2277: [626, 85, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x227A: [553, 14, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x227B: [553, 14, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x227C: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x227D: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x227E: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x227F: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2280: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2281: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2282: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2283: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2286: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2287: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2288: [712, 171, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2289: [712, 171, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x228A: [602, 114, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x228B: [602, 114, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x228E: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x228F: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2290: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2291: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2292: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2293: [576, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x2294: [576, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x2295: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x2296: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x2297: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x2298: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x2299: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x229A: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x229B: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x229D: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
-    0x229E: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
-    0x229F: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
-    0x22A0: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
-    0x22A1: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
-    0x22A2: [599, 20, 748, 85, 664],
-    0x22A3: [599, 20, 748, 85, 664],
-    0x22A4: [579, 0, 748, 65, 684],
-    0x22A5: [579, 0, 748, 65, 684],
-    0x22A8: [541, 0, 490, 65, 425],
-    0x22A9: [541, 0, 618, 65, 554],
-    0x22AA: [541, 0, 746, 65, 682],
-    0x22AC: [541, 0, 490, -47, 425],
-    0x22AD: [592, 50, 490, 204, 776],
-    0x22AE: [541, 0, 618, -47, 554],
-    0x22AF: [541, 0, 748, -47, 684],
-    0x22B2: [535, -6, 669, 65, 604],
-    0x22B3: [535, -6, 669, 65, 604],
-    0x22B4: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
-    0x22B5: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
-    0x22B8: [446, -94, 1016, 65, 952],
-    0x22BA: [579, 0, 748, 125, 625],
-    0x22BB: [639, 99, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x22BC: [639, 99, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x22C4: [453, -89, 273, 22, 253],
-    0x22C5: [329, -213, 249, 67, 183],
-    0x22C6: [577, 37, 708, 32, 678],
-    0x22C8: [515, -23, 758, 65, 694],
-    0x22C9: [515, -23, 758, 65, 694],
-    0x22CA: [518, -26, 758, 65, 694],
-    0x22CB: [714, 36, 858, 55, 804],
-    0x22CC: [714, 36, 858, 55, 804],
-    0x22CD: [434, -106, 668, 58, 611],
-    0x22CE: [541, -2, 668, 52, 617],
-    0x22CF: [541, -2, 668, 52, 617],
-    0x22D0: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x22D1: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x22D2: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x22D3: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x22D4: [771, 0, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x22D6: [535, -5, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22D7: [535, -5, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22D8: [536, -6, 1278, 55, 1224],
-    0x22D9: [536, -6, 1278, 55, 1224],
-    0x22DA: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22DB: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22DE: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22DF: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22E0: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22E1: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22E6: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22E7: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22E8: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22E9: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22EA: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22EB: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22EC: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22ED: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x22EE: [674, 142, 249, 67, 183],
-    0x22EF: [329, -213, 1000, 109, 891],
-    0x22F1: [568, 16, 774, 95, 680],
-    0x2308: [713, 172, 390, 93, 355],
-    0x2309: [713, 172, 390, 36, 298],
-    0x230A: [713, 172, 390, 93, 355],
-    0x230B: [713, 172, 390, 36, 298],
-    0x2322: [333, -164, 691, 65, 627],
-    0x2323: [333, -164, 691, 65, 627],
-    0x23B4: [755, -545, 601, 0, 602],
-    0x23B5: [-165, 375, 601, 0, 602],
-    0x23DC: [786, -545, 1069, 64, 1006],
-    0x23DD: [-545, 786, 1069, 64, 1006],
-    0x23DE: [776, -545, 1029, 64, 966],
-    0x23DF: [-545, 776, 1029, 64, 966],
-    0x23E0: [755, -545, 1029, 65, 965],
-    0x23E1: [-545, 755, 1029, 65, 965],
-    0x25A0: [541, 0, 669, 64, 605],
-    0x25A1: [560, 0, 688, 65, 623],
-    0x25B2: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
-    0x25B3: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
-    0x25B6: [578, 1, 667, 45, 622],
-    0x25BC: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
-    0x25BD: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
-    0x25C0: [578, 1, 667, 45, 622],
-    0x2660: [592, 0, 570, 44, 526],
-    0x2661: [591, 7, 636, 44, 593],
-    0x2662: [642, 101, 559, 44, 516],
-    0x2663: [584, 0, 607, 44, 564],
-    0x266D: [668, 122, 436, 69, 387],
-    0x266E: [758, 216, 396, 63, 347],
-    0x266F: [775, 234, 422, 53, 384],
-    0x2713: [742, 7, 782, 44, 749],
-    0x2720: [682, 95, 876, 49, 827],
-    0x27E8: [713, 172, 381, 53, 329],
-    0x27E9: [713, 172, 381, 53, 329],
-    0x27EE: [726, 223, 245, 61, 213],
-    0x27EF: [726, 223, 245, 32, 184],
-    0x27F5: [488, -57, 1513, 65, 1444],
-    0x27F6: [488, -57, 1513, 65, 1444],
-    0x27F7: [486, -55, 1513, 65, 1449],
-    0x27F8: [537, -5, 1513, 65, 1449],
-    0x27F9: [537, -5, 1513, 65, 1449],
-    0x27FA: [537, -5, 1513, 59, 1454],
-    0x27FC: [486, -55, 1513, 36, 1478],
-    0x2997: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
-    0x2998: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
-    0x29EB: [642, 101, 559, 44, 516],
-    0x29F5: [714, 169, 463, 65, 399],
-    0x29F8: [1021, 510, 402, 0, 403],
-    0x29F9: [1021, 510, 402, 0, 403],
-    0x2A3F: [617, 76, 812, 25, 788],
-    0x2A5E: [636, 262, 687, 65, 623],
-    0x2A7D: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A7E: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A85: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A86: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A87: [604, 114, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A88: [604, 114, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A89: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A8A: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A8B: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A8C: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A95: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2A96: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AAF: [623, 81, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AB0: [620, 84, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AB5: [680, 191, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AB6: [680, 191, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AB7: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AB8: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AB9: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2ABA: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
-    0x2AC5: [669, 131, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2AC6: [669, 131, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2ACB: [669, 183, 668, 55, 615],
-    0x2ACC: [669, 183, 668, 55, 615]
+  directory: 'Main/Regular',
+  family: 'AsanaMathJax_Main',
+  testString: '\u00A3\u00A5\u00A7\u00A8\u00AC\u00AE\u00B1\u00B5\u00B7\u00D7\u00F0\u00F7\u0131\u02C6\u02C7',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 249, 0, 0],
+  0x21: [694, 5, 277, 81, 197],
+  0x22: [709, -469, 370, 52, 319],
+  0x23: [684, 0, 499, 4, 495],
+  0x24: [731, 116, 499, 30, 471],
+  0x25: [709, 20, 839, 39, 802],
+  0x26: [689, 20, 777, 43, 753],
+  0x27: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
+  0x28: [726, 215, 332, 60, 301],
+  0x29: [726, 215, 332, 32, 273],
+  0x2A: [442, -95, 388, 32, 359],
+  0x2B: [538, 0, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2C: [123, 155, 249, 16, 218],
+  0x2D: [287, -215, 332, 18, 314],
+  0x2E: [111, 5, 249, 67, 183],
+  0x2F: [714, 169, 286, -37, 297],
+  0x30: [689, 20, 499, 29, 465],
+  0x31: [700, 3, 499, 60, 418],
+  0x32: [689, 3, 499, 16, 468],
+  0x33: [689, 20, 499, 15, 462],
+  0x34: [697, 3, 499, 2, 472],
+  0x35: [690, 20, 499, 13, 459],
+  0x36: [689, 20, 499, 32, 468],
+  0x37: [689, 1, 499, 44, 497],
+  0x38: [689, 20, 499, 30, 464],
+  0x39: [689, 20, 499, 20, 457],
+  0x3A: [456, 5, 249, 66, 182],
+  0x3B: [456, 153, 249, 16, 218],
+  0x3C: [528, 0, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x3D: [406, -134, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x3E: [528, 0, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x3F: [694, 5, 443, 43, 395],
+  0x40: [694, 20, 746, 24, 724],
+  0x41: [700, 3, 777, 15, 756],
+  0x42: [692, 3, 610, 26, 576],
+  0x43: [709, 20, 708, 22, 670],
+  0x44: [692, 3, 793, 22, 751],
+  0x45: [692, 3, 610, 22, 572],
+  0x46: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
+  0x47: [709, 20, 762, 22, 728],
+  0x48: [692, 3, 831, 22, 810],
+  0x49: [692, 3, 336, 22, 315],
+  0x4A: [692, 195, 332, -15, 311],
+  0x4B: [692, 3, 725, 22, 719],
+  0x4C: [692, 3, 610, 22, 586],
+  0x4D: [692, 13, 945, 16, 926],
+  0x4E: [692, 6, 830, 17, 813],
+  0x4F: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
+  0x50: [692, 3, 603, 22, 580],
+  0x51: [709, 176, 785, 22, 764],
+  0x52: [692, 3, 667, 22, 669],
+  0x53: [709, 20, 524, 24, 503],
+  0x54: [692, 3, 612, 18, 595],
+  0x55: [692, 20, 777, 12, 759],
+  0x56: [692, 9, 721, 8, 706],
+  0x57: [700, 9, 1000, 8, 984],
+  0x58: [700, 3, 666, 14, 648],
+  0x59: [705, 3, 666, 9, 654],
+  0x5A: [692, 3, 666, 15, 638],
+  0x5B: [726, 184, 332, 79, 288],
+  0x5C: [714, 169, 286, -9, 324],
+  0x5D: [726, 184, 332, 45, 254],
+  0x5E: [689, -283, 605, 51, 554],
+  0x5F: [-75, 125, 499, 0, 500],
+  0x60: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
+  0x61: [469, 12, 499, 32, 471],
+  0x62: [726, 28, 552, -15, 508],
+  0x63: [497, 20, 443, 25, 413],
+  0x64: [726, 12, 610, 34, 579],
+  0x65: [469, 20, 478, 26, 448],
+  0x66: [737, 3, 332, 23, 341],
+  0x67: [469, 283, 555, 32, 544],
+  0x68: [726, 3, 581, 6, 572],
+  0x69: [687, 3, 290, 21, 271],
+  0x6A: [688, 283, 233, -40, 167],
+  0x6B: [726, 12, 555, 21, 549],
+  0x6C: [726, 3, 290, 21, 271],
+  0x6D: [469, 3, 882, 16, 869],
+  0x6E: [469, 3, 581, 6, 572],
+  0x6F: [469, 20, 545, 32, 514],
+  0x70: [477, 281, 600, 8, 556],
+  0x71: [477, 281, 600, 45, 593],
+  0x72: [469, 3, 394, 21, 374],
+  0x73: [469, 20, 423, 30, 391],
+  0x74: [621, 12, 325, 22, 319],
+  0x75: [469, 12, 602, 18, 581],
+  0x76: [459, 7, 564, 6, 539],
+  0x77: [469, 7, 833, 6, 808],
+  0x78: [469, 3, 515, 20, 496],
+  0x79: [459, 283, 555, 12, 544],
+  0x7A: [462, 3, 499, 16, 466],
+  0x7B: [726, 175, 332, 58, 289],
+  0x7C: [713, 172, 210, 76, 135],
+  0x7D: [726, 175, 332, 44, 275],
+  0x7E: [341, -182, 605, 51, 555],
+  0xA3: [694, 13, 499, 12, 478],
+  0xA5: [701, 3, 499, 5, 496],
+  0xA7: [709, 219, 499, 26, 465],
+  0xA8: [637, -537, 332, 17, 316],
+  0xAC: [360, -88, 673, 65, 608],
+  0xAE: [705, 164, 906, 18, 889],
+  0xB1: [541, 0, 668, 65, 604],
+  0xB5: [473, 286, 610, 89, 567],
+  0xB7: [319, -203, 249, 67, 183],
+  0xD7: [547, 5, 668, 59, 611],
+  0xF0: [728, 20, 545, 32, 504],
+  0xF7: [512, -10, 605, 51, 555],
+  0x131: [469, 3, 290, 21, 271],
+  0x2C6: [677, -510, 312, 0, 312],
+  0x2C7: [677, -510, 312, 0, 312],
+  0x2C9: [591, -538, 338, 13, 325],
+  0x2D8: [699, -534, 269, -4, 273],
+  0x2D9: [676, -568, 333, 112, 220],
+  0x2DA: [717, -535, 267, 36, 231],
+  0x2DC: [682, -571, 329, -5, 334],
+  0x300: [677, -506, 0, -302, -78],
+  0x301: [677, -506, 0, -255, -31],
+  0x302: [677, -510, 0, -312, 0],
+  0x303: [640, -535, 0, -330, 0],
+  0x304: [591, -538, 0, -332, -20],
+  0x306: [664, -506, 0, -307, -25],
+  0x307: [637, -537, 0, -175, -75],
+  0x308: [637, -537, 0, -318, -17],
+  0x30A: [718, -518, 0, -235, -35],
+  0x30C: [677, -510, 0, -322, -10],
+  0x338: [714, 169, 0, -408, 0],
+  0x382: [0, 0, 768, 0, 0],
+  0x391: [700, 3, 777, 15, 756],
+  0x392: [692, 3, 610, 26, 576],
+  0x393: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
+  0x394: [697, 4, 688, 27, 662],
+  0x395: [692, 3, 610, 22, 572],
+  0x396: [692, 3, 666, 15, 638],
+  0x397: [692, 3, 831, 22, 810],
+  0x398: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
+  0x399: [692, 3, 336, 22, 315],
+  0x39A: [692, 3, 725, 22, 719],
+  0x39B: [697, 4, 753, 17, 729],
+  0x39C: [692, 13, 945, 16, 926],
+  0x39D: [692, 20, 830, 17, 813],
+  0x39E: [689, 4, 692, 42, 651],
+  0x39F: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
+  0x3A0: [689, 4, 812, 25, 788],
+  0x3A1: [692, 3, 603, 22, 580],
+  0x3A3: [689, 4, 684, 45, 643],
+  0x3A4: [692, 3, 612, 18, 595],
+  0x3A5: [691, 4, 733, 3, 735],
+  0x3A6: [689, 4, 755, 23, 723],
+  0x3A7: [700, 3, 666, 14, 648],
+  0x3A8: [689, 4, 870, 18, 852],
+  0x3A9: [704, 6, 824, 34, 791],
+  0x3B1: [473, 16, 594, 44, 571],
+  0x3B2: [680, 283, 512, 68, 460],
+  0x3B3: [473, 273, 581, -31, 489],
+  0x3B4: [702, 16, 497, 56, 468],
+  0x3B5: [468, 13, 480, 69, 436],
+  0x3B6: [712, 149, 504, 61, 509],
+  0x3B7: [473, 275, 531, -11, 464],
+  0x3B8: [702, 16, 613, 83, 555],
+  0x3B9: [473, 16, 310, 94, 305],
+  0x3BA: [473, 16, 571, 13, 553],
+  0x3BB: [702, 16, 618, 86, 616],
+  0x3BC: [473, 286, 610, 89, 567],
+  0x3BD: [473, 7, 497, -24, 443],
+  0x3BE: [701, 148, 547, 65, 507],
+  0x3BF: [469, 20, 545, 32, 514],
+  0x3C0: [467, 15, 653, 27, 628],
+  0x3C1: [473, 284, 566, 83, 490],
+  0x3C2: [463, 155, 501, 43, 430],
+  0x3C3: [474, 15, 552, 35, 487],
+  0x3C4: [463, 16, 519, 35, 439],
+  0x3C5: [471, 12, 547, 13, 490],
+  0x3C6: [485, 277, 681, 8, 606],
+  0x3C7: [479, 193, 608, 51, 548],
+  0x3C8: [682, 281, 695, 6, 626],
+  0x3C9: [463, 12, 715, 36, 659],
+  0x3D0: [701, 13, 562, 30, 492],
+  0x3D1: [702, 15, 620, 62, 583],
+  0x3D5: [705, 289, 665, 27, 613],
+  0x3D6: [529, 12, 715, 41, 671],
+  0x3DC: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
+  0x3DD: [495, 233, 514, 23, 495],
+  0x3F0: [510, 16, 705, 48, 659],
+  0x3F1: [474, 260, 478, 72, 461],
+  0x3F4: [709, 20, 785, 22, 764],
+  0x3F5: [466, 12, 480, 46, 439],
+  0x2013: [277, -219, 499, 0, 500],
+  0x2014: [277, -219, 1000, 0, 1000],
+  0x2016: [713, 172, 420, 76, 345],
+  0x2018: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
+  0x2019: [709, -446, 277, 45, 233],
+  0x201C: [709, -446, 510, 45, 466],
+  0x201D: [709, -446, 510, 45, 466],
+  0x2020: [694, 5, 499, 34, 466],
+  0x2021: [694, 249, 499, 34, 466],
+  0x2026: [111, 5, 746, 100, 647],
+  0x2032: [495, -47, 364, 53, 313],
+  0x2033: [495, -47, 599, 53, 548],
+  0x2034: [495, -47, 834, 53, 783],
+  0x2035: [495, -47, 364, 53, 313],
+  0x203E: [1726, -1614, 1024, 0, 1024],
+  0x2044: [558, 279, 313, 0, 314],
+  0x2057: [495, -47, 1069, 53, 1018],
+  0x20D7: [790, -519, 557, 0, 558],
+  0x210F: [733, 9, 499, 10, 471],
+  0x2111: [721, 4, 645, 12, 594],
+  0x2113: [713, 13, 470, 16, 455],
+  0x2118: [504, 203, 656, 58, 617],
+  0x211C: [717, 4, 748, 17, 702],
+  0x2127: [704, 6, 824, 34, 791],
+  0x2132: [692, 3, 555, 22, 536],
+  0x2135: [746, 13, 672, 32, 641],
+  0x2136: [734, 0, 675, 31, 635],
+  0x2137: [734, 0, 331, 26, 306],
+  0x2138: [734, 0, 559, 36, 526],
+  0x2141: [727, 9, 778, 53, 708],
+  0x2190: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x2191: [713, 172, 524, 47, 478],
+  0x2192: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x2193: [713, 172, 524, 47, 478],
+  0x2194: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x2195: [712, 172, 524, 47, 478],
+  0x2196: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x2197: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x2198: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x2199: [713, 172, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x219A: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x219B: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x219E: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21A0: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21A2: [486, -55, 1150, 65, 1075],
+  0x21A3: [486, -55, 1150, 76, 1085],
+  0x21A6: [486, -55, 1013, 36, 978],
+  0x21A9: [494, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21AA: [494, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21AB: [493, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21AC: [493, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21AD: [486, -55, 1211, 34, 1178],
+  0x21AE: [486, -55, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21B0: [753, 0, 506, 65, 442],
+  0x21B1: [753, 0, 506, 65, 442],
+  0x21B6: [458, 0, 1124, 34, 1115],
+  0x21B7: [458, 0, 1124, 34, 1115],
+  0x21BA: [751, 0, 987, 114, 875],
+  0x21BB: [751, 0, 987, 114, 875],
+  0x21BC: [394, -149, 1013, 64, 950],
+  0x21BD: [394, -148, 1013, 64, 950],
+  0x21BE: [714, 171, 524, 233, 478],
+  0x21BF: [714, 171, 524, 47, 293],
+  0x21C0: [394, -149, 1013, 64, 950],
+  0x21C1: [394, -148, 1013, 64, 950],
+  0x21C2: [714, 171, 524, 233, 478],
+  0x21C3: [714, 171, 524, 47, 293],
+  0x21C4: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21C6: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21C7: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21C8: [714, 171, 883, 47, 837],
+  0x21C9: [665, 124, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21CA: [714, 171, 883, 47, 837],
+  0x21CB: [594, 52, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21CC: [594, 52, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21CD: [537, -6, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21CE: [537, -6, 1013, 59, 954],
+  0x21CF: [537, -6, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21D0: [539, -7, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21D1: [713, 172, 578, 24, 555],
+  0x21D2: [539, -7, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21D3: [713, 172, 578, 24, 555],
+  0x21D4: [537, -5, 1013, 59, 954],
+  0x21D5: [718, 176, 578, 24, 556],
+  0x21DA: [607, 67, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21DB: [608, 66, 1013, 65, 949],
+  0x21DD: [485, -54, 1149, 34, 1116],
+  0x21E0: [485, -54, 1063, 65, 998],
+  0x21E2: [485, -54, 1063, 65, 998],
+  0x2200: [697, 15, 617, 26, 592],
+  0x2201: [906, 146, 753, 114, 640],
+  0x2202: [750, 11, 494, 35, 460],
+  0x2203: [697, 0, 617, 46, 572],
+  0x2204: [836, 141, 617, 46, 572],
+  0x2205: [591, 13, 733, 65, 668],
+  0x2207: [697, 4, 688, 27, 662],
+  0x2208: [533, -8, 563, 55, 509],
+  0x2209: [648, 107, 563, 55, 509],
+  0x220B: [533, -8, 563, 55, 509],
+  0x220D: [482, 3, 511, 65, 446],
+  0x2212: [299, -243, 605, 51, 555],
+  0x2213: [541, 0, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2214: [629, 89, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2215: [726, 119, 605, 87, 519],
+  0x2216: [501, -50, 799, 101, 699],
+  0x2217: [446, -99, 388, 31, 358],
+  0x2218: [417, -124, 388, 47, 342],
+  0x2219: [319, -203, 249, 67, 183],
+  0x221A: [1079, 59, 760, 63, 793],
+  0x221D: [466, -75, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x221E: [463, -65, 897, 55, 843],
+  0x2220: [577, 0, 535, 65, 471],
+  0x2221: [577, 0, 535, 65, 471],
+  0x2222: [515, -26, 535, 65, 471],
+  0x2223: [714, 171, 437, 189, 248],
+  0x2224: [714, 171, 437, 0, 438],
+  0x2225: [714, 171, 641, 186, 456],
+  0x2226: [714, 171, 641, 0, 642],
+  0x2227: [585, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x2228: [585, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x2229: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x222A: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x222B: [885, 442, 768, 54, 694],
+  0x2234: [524, 6, 661, 65, 597],
+  0x2235: [524, 6, 661, 65, 597],
+  0x223C: [355, -186, 668, 58, 610],
+  0x223D: [355, -186, 668, 58, 610],
+  0x2240: [593, 4, 277, 57, 221],
+  0x2241: [491, -51, 668, 56, 614],
+  0x2242: [434, -106, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2243: [400, -107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2245: [587, -134, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2246: [605, -18, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2248: [465, -79, 668, 56, 614],
+  0x224A: [534, -62, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x224D: [478, -63, 668, 54, 616],
+  0x224E: [479, -62, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x224F: [479, -134, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2250: [503, -38, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2251: [599, 58, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2252: [599, 58, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2253: [599, 58, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2256: [404, -131, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2257: [649, -134, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x225C: [640, -134, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x2260: [596, 55, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2261: [479, -62, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2264: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
+  0x2265: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
+  0x2266: [672, 131, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2267: [672, 131, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2268: [672, 183, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2269: [672, 183, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x226A: [535, -5, 965, 55, 912],
+  0x226B: [535, -5, 965, 55, 912],
+  0x226C: [705, 179, 430, 65, 366],
+  0x226E: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x226F: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2270: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2271: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2272: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2273: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2276: [626, 85, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2277: [626, 85, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x227A: [553, 14, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x227B: [553, 14, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x227C: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x227D: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x227E: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x227F: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2280: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2281: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2282: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2283: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2286: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2287: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2288: [712, 171, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2289: [712, 171, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x228A: [602, 114, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x228B: [602, 114, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x228E: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x228F: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2290: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2291: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2292: [602, 61, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2293: [576, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x2294: [576, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x2295: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x2296: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x2297: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x2298: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x2299: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x229A: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x229B: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x229D: [587, 46, 668, 18, 652],
+  0x229E: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
+  0x229F: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
+  0x22A0: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
+  0x22A1: [541, 0, 668, 64, 605],
+  0x22A2: [599, 20, 748, 85, 664],
+  0x22A3: [599, 20, 748, 85, 664],
+  0x22A4: [579, 0, 748, 65, 684],
+  0x22A5: [579, 0, 748, 65, 684],
+  0x22A8: [541, 0, 490, 65, 425],
+  0x22A9: [541, 0, 618, 65, 554],
+  0x22AA: [541, 0, 746, 65, 682],
+  0x22AC: [541, 0, 490, -47, 425],
+  0x22AD: [592, 50, 490, 204, 776],
+  0x22AE: [541, 0, 618, -47, 554],
+  0x22AF: [541, 0, 748, -47, 684],
+  0x22B2: [535, -6, 669, 65, 604],
+  0x22B3: [535, -6, 669, 65, 604],
+  0x22B4: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
+  0x22B5: [604, 61, 669, 65, 604],
+  0x22B8: [446, -94, 1016, 65, 952],
+  0x22BA: [579, 0, 748, 125, 625],
+  0x22BB: [639, 99, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x22BC: [639, 99, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x22C4: [453, -89, 273, 22, 253],
+  0x22C5: [329, -213, 249, 67, 183],
+  0x22C6: [577, 37, 708, 32, 678],
+  0x22C8: [515, -23, 758, 65, 694],
+  0x22C9: [515, -23, 758, 65, 694],
+  0x22CA: [518, -26, 758, 65, 694],
+  0x22CB: [714, 36, 858, 55, 804],
+  0x22CC: [714, 36, 858, 55, 804],
+  0x22CD: [434, -106, 668, 58, 611],
+  0x22CE: [541, -2, 668, 52, 617],
+  0x22CF: [541, -2, 668, 52, 617],
+  0x22D0: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x22D1: [533, -8, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x22D2: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x22D3: [603, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x22D4: [771, 0, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x22D6: [535, -5, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22D7: [535, -5, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22D8: [536, -6, 1278, 55, 1224],
+  0x22D9: [536, -6, 1278, 55, 1224],
+  0x22DA: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22DB: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22DE: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22DF: [632, 91, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22E0: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22E1: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22E6: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22E7: [604, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22E8: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22E9: [621, 118, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22EA: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22EB: [648, 107, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22EC: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22ED: [712, 171, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x22EE: [674, 142, 249, 67, 183],
+  0x22EF: [329, -213, 1000, 109, 891],
+  0x22F1: [568, 16, 774, 95, 680],
+  0x2308: [713, 172, 390, 93, 355],
+  0x2309: [713, 172, 390, 36, 298],
+  0x230A: [713, 172, 390, 93, 355],
+  0x230B: [713, 172, 390, 36, 298],
+  0x2322: [333, -164, 691, 65, 627],
+  0x2323: [333, -164, 691, 65, 627],
+  0x23B4: [755, -545, 601, 0, 602],
+  0x23B5: [-165, 375, 601, 0, 602],
+  0x23DC: [786, -545, 1069, 64, 1006],
+  0x23DD: [-545, 786, 1069, 64, 1006],
+  0x23DE: [776, -545, 1029, 64, 966],
+  0x23DF: [-545, 776, 1029, 64, 966],
+  0x23E0: [755, -545, 1029, 65, 965],
+  0x23E1: [-545, 755, 1029, 65, 965],
+  0x25A0: [541, 0, 669, 64, 605],
+  0x25A1: [560, 0, 688, 65, 623],
+  0x25B2: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
+  0x25B3: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
+  0x25B6: [578, 1, 667, 45, 622],
+  0x25BC: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
+  0x25BD: [577, 0, 667, 44, 623],
+  0x25C0: [578, 1, 667, 45, 622],
+  0x2660: [592, 0, 570, 44, 526],
+  0x2661: [591, 7, 636, 44, 593],
+  0x2662: [642, 101, 559, 44, 516],
+  0x2663: [584, 0, 607, 44, 564],
+  0x266D: [668, 122, 436, 69, 387],
+  0x266E: [758, 216, 396, 63, 347],
+  0x266F: [775, 234, 422, 53, 384],
+  0x2713: [742, 7, 782, 44, 749],
+  0x2720: [682, 95, 876, 49, 827],
+  0x27E8: [713, 172, 381, 53, 329],
+  0x27E9: [713, 172, 381, 53, 329],
+  0x27EE: [726, 223, 245, 61, 213],
+  0x27EF: [726, 223, 245, 32, 184],
+  0x27F5: [488, -57, 1513, 65, 1444],
+  0x27F6: [488, -57, 1513, 65, 1444],
+  0x27F7: [486, -55, 1513, 65, 1449],
+  0x27F8: [537, -5, 1513, 65, 1449],
+  0x27F9: [537, -5, 1513, 65, 1449],
+  0x27FA: [537, -5, 1513, 59, 1454],
+  0x27FC: [486, -55, 1513, 36, 1478],
+  0x2997: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
+  0x2998: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
+  0x29EB: [642, 101, 559, 44, 516],
+  0x29F5: [714, 169, 463, 65, 399],
+  0x29F8: [1021, 510, 402, 0, 403],
+  0x29F9: [1021, 510, 402, 0, 403],
+  0x2A3F: [617, 76, 812, 25, 788],
+  0x2A5E: [636, 262, 687, 65, 623],
+  0x2A7D: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A7E: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A85: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A86: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A87: [604, 114, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A88: [604, 114, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A89: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A8A: [672, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A8B: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A8C: [831, 289, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A95: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2A96: [615, 74, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AAF: [623, 81, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AB0: [620, 84, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AB5: [680, 191, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AB6: [680, 191, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AB7: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AB8: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AB9: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2ABA: [688, 187, 668, 65, 604],
+  0x2AC5: [669, 131, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2AC6: [669, 131, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2ACB: [669, 183, 668, 55, 615],
+  0x2ACC: [669, 183, 668, 55, 615]

+ 65 - 65

@@ -18,71 +18,71 @@
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-    0x201E: [100, 165, 605, 141, 536],
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-    0x2025: [111, 5, 530, 100, 431],
-    0x2030: [709, 20, 1143, 123, 1021],
-    0x2036: [495, -47, 599, 53, 548],
-    0x2037: [495, -47, 834, 53, 783],
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-    0x203F: [96, 58, 834, 36, 798],
-    0x2040: [642, -488, 834, 36, 798],
-    0x2045: [726, 184, 332, 79, 288],
-    0x2046: [726, 184, 332, 45, 254],
-    0x2050: [688, 0, 980, 43, 937],
-    0x205D: [623, 3, 226, 55, 171],
-    0x205E: [630, 3, 226, 55, 171],
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-    0x20D1: [791, -636, 557, 0, 558],
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-    0x20D5: [780, -492, 680, 0, 681],
-    0x20D6: [790, -519, 557, 0, 558],
-    0x20D8: [417, -124, 388, 47, 342],
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-    0x20DA: [541, -235, 447, 47, 401],
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-    0x20DC: [694, -578, 694, 27, 668],
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-    0x20E3: [960, 259, 0, -1219, 0],
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-    0x20E8: [-142, 258, 519, 27, 493],
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-    0x20EB: [714, 169, 0, -609, -65],
-    0x20EC: [673, -518, 557, 0, 558],
-    0x20ED: [673, -518, 557, 0, 558],
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-    0x20EF: [-83, 354, 556, 0, 557],
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-    0x3015: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
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+  0x2017: [-75, 225, 499, 0, 500],
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+  0x201E: [100, 165, 605, 141, 536],
+  0x2022: [466, -75, 522, 65, 458],
+  0x2024: [111, 5, 315, 100, 216],
+  0x2025: [111, 5, 530, 100, 431],
+  0x2030: [709, 20, 1143, 123, 1021],
+  0x2036: [495, -47, 599, 53, 548],
+  0x2037: [495, -47, 834, 53, 783],
+  0x203B: [547, 5, 668, 59, 614],
+  0x203C: [694, 5, 973, 81, 394],
+  0x203F: [96, 58, 834, 36, 798],
+  0x2040: [642, -488, 834, 36, 798],
+  0x2045: [726, 184, 332, 79, 288],
+  0x2046: [726, 184, 332, 45, 254],
+  0x2050: [688, 0, 980, 43, 937],
+  0x205D: [623, 3, 226, 55, 171],
+  0x205E: [630, 3, 226, 55, 171],
+  0x20D0: [791, -636, 557, 0, 558],
+  0x20D1: [791, -636, 557, 0, 558],
+  0x20D2: [813, 31, 416, 252, 312],
+  0x20D3: [1014, 0, 987, 679, 738],
+  0x20D4: [780, -492, 680, 0, 681],
+  0x20D5: [780, -492, 680, 0, 681],
+  0x20D6: [790, -519, 557, 0, 558],
+  0x20D8: [417, -124, 388, 47, 342],
+  0x20D9: [542, -236, 447, 47, 401],
+  0x20DA: [541, -235, 447, 47, 401],
+  0x20DB: [694, -578, 519, 27, 493],
+  0x20DC: [694, -578, 694, 27, 668],
+  0x20DD: [825, 218, 0, -1045, 0],
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+  0x20E0: [705, 164, 0, -872, -1],
+  0x20E1: [790, -519, 556, 0, 557],
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+  0x20E3: [960, 259, 0, -1219, 0],
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+  0x20E9: [723, -514, 629, 0, 630],
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+  0x20EB: [714, 169, 0, -609, -65],
+  0x20EC: [673, -518, 557, 0, 558],
+  0x20ED: [673, -518, 557, 0, 558],
+  0x20EE: [-83, 354, 556, 0, 557],
+  0x20EF: [-83, 354, 556, 0, 557],
+  0x3014: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
+  0x3015: [709, 191, 384, 87, 298],
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+ 67 - 67

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-    0x1D686: [611, 8, 524, 11, 513],
-    0x1D687: [611, 0, 524, 27, 496],
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+  testString: '\u00A0\uD835\uDE70\uD835\uDE71\uD835\uDE72\uD835\uDE73\uD835\uDE74\uD835\uDE75\uD835\uDE76\uD835\uDE77\uD835\uDE78\uD835\uDE79\uD835\uDE7A\uD835\uDE7B\uD835\uDE7C\uD835\uDE7D',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 524, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 524, 0, 0],
+  0x1D670: [623, 0, 524, 27, 497],
+  0x1D671: [611, 0, 524, 23, 482],
+  0x1D672: [622, 11, 524, 40, 484],
+  0x1D673: [611, 0, 524, 19, 485],
+  0x1D674: [611, 0, 524, 26, 502],
+  0x1D675: [611, 0, 524, 28, 490],
+  0x1D676: [622, 11, 524, 38, 496],
+  0x1D677: [611, 0, 524, 22, 502],
+  0x1D678: [611, 0, 524, 79, 446],
+  0x1D679: [611, 11, 524, 71, 478],
+  0x1D67A: [611, 0, 524, 26, 495],
+  0x1D67B: [611, 0, 524, 32, 488],
+  0x1D67C: [611, 0, 524, 17, 507],
+  0x1D67D: [611, 0, 524, 28, 496],
+  0x1D67E: [622, 11, 524, 56, 468],
+  0x1D67F: [611, 0, 524, 26, 480],
+  0x1D680: [622, 139, 524, 56, 468],
+  0x1D681: [611, 11, 524, 22, 522],
+  0x1D682: [622, 11, 524, 52, 472],
+  0x1D683: [611, 0, 524, 26, 498],
+  0x1D684: [611, 11, 524, 4, 520],
+  0x1D685: [611, 8, 524, 18, 506],
+  0x1D686: [611, 8, 524, 11, 513],
+  0x1D687: [611, 0, 524, 27, 496],
+  0x1D688: [611, 0, 524, 19, 505],
+  0x1D689: [611, 0, 524, 48, 481],
+  0x1D68A: [440, 6, 524, 55, 524],
+  0x1D68B: [611, 6, 524, 12, 488],
+  0x1D68C: [440, 6, 524, 73, 466],
+  0x1D68D: [611, 6, 524, 36, 512],
+  0x1D68E: [440, 6, 524, 55, 464],
+  0x1D68F: [617, 0, 524, 42, 437],
+  0x1D690: [442, 229, 524, 29, 509],
+  0x1D691: [611, 0, 524, 12, 512],
+  0x1D692: [612, 0, 524, 78, 455],
+  0x1D693: [612, 228, 524, 48, 368],
+  0x1D694: [611, 0, 524, 21, 508],
+  0x1D695: [611, 0, 524, 58, 467],
+  0x1D696: [437, 0, 524, -4, 516],
+  0x1D697: [437, 0, 524, 12, 512],
+  0x1D698: [440, 6, 524, 57, 467],
+  0x1D699: [437, 222, 524, 12, 488],
+  0x1D69A: [437, 222, 524, 40, 537],
+  0x1D69B: [437, 0, 524, 32, 487],
+  0x1D69C: [440, 6, 524, 72, 459],
+  0x1D69D: [554, 6, 524, 25, 449],
+  0x1D69E: [431, 6, 524, 12, 512],
+  0x1D69F: [431, 4, 524, 24, 500],
+  0x1D6A0: [431, 4, 524, 16, 508],
+  0x1D6A1: [431, 0, 524, 27, 496],
+  0x1D6A2: [431, 228, 524, 26, 500],
+  0x1D6A3: [431, 0, 524, 33, 475],
+  0x1D7F6: [691, 12, 499, 48, 451],
+  0x1D7F7: [691, 0, 499, 100, 421],
+  0x1D7F8: [691, 0, 499, 50, 450],
+  0x1D7F9: [691, 12, 499, 42, 457],
+  0x1D7FA: [692, 0, 499, 28, 471],
+  0x1D7FB: [679, 12, 499, 50, 450],
+  0x1D7FC: [691, 12, 499, 50, 449],
+  0x1D7FD: [697, 12, 499, 42, 457],
+  0x1D7FE: [691, 12, 499, 42, 457],
+  0x1D7FF: [691, 12, 499, 50, 449]

+ 79 - 79

@@ -18,85 +18,85 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['AsanaMathJax_Size3'] = {
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 249, 0, 0],
-    0x28: [1701, 851, 441, 84, 402],
-    0x29: [1701, 851, 441, 40, 358],
-    0x5B: [1710, 846, 381, 84, 352],
-    0x5D: [1710, 846, 381, 84, 352],
-    0x7B: [1697, 855, 590, 51, 541],
-    0x7C: [1219, 678, 270, 86, 185],
-    0x7D: [1697, 855, 590, 50, 540],
-    0x302: [783, -627, 1055, 0, 1055],
-    0x303: [772, -642, 1402, 0, 1403],
-    0x305: [587, -542, 1126, 0, 1127],
-    0x306: [664, -506, 921, 0, 922],
-    0x30C: [792, -627, 1473, 0, 1474],
-    0x332: [-130, 175, 1126, 0, 1127],
-    0x333: [-130, 283, 1126, 0, 1127],
-    0x33F: [695, -542, 1126, 0, 1127],
-    0x2016: [1219, 678, 539, 86, 454],
-    0x2044: [1037, 758, 491, -180, 494],
-    0x2045: [1435, 893, 375, 48, 319],
-    0x2046: [1435, 893, 385, 14, 285],
-    0x20D6: [790, -520, 1878, 0, 1878],
-    0x20D7: [790, -520, 1878, 0, 1878],
-    0x220F: [1868, 929, 2968, 161, 2809],
-    0x2210: [1868, 929, 2968, 161, 2809],
-    0x2211: [1852, 924, 2539, 184, 2353],
-    0x221A: [2543, 0, 995, 63, 1027],
-    0x2229: [1725, 863, 1860, 178, 1684],
-    0x222B: [2314, 1156, 1726, 54, 1727],
-    0x222C: [2314, 1156, 2828, 54, 2679],
-    0x222D: [2314, 1156, 3780, 54, 3631],
-    0x222E: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x222F: [2314, 1156, 2828, 54, 2679],
-    0x2230: [2314, 1156, 3780, 54, 3631],
-    0x2231: [2314, 1156, 1875, 54, 1726],
-    0x2232: [2314, 1156, 1963, 141, 1814],
-    0x2233: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x22C3: [1725, 863, 1860, 178, 1684],
-    0x2308: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
-    0x2309: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
-    0x230A: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
-    0x230B: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
-    0x23B4: [755, -487, 1689, 0, 1690],
-    0x23B5: [-207, 475, 1689, 0, 1690],
-    0x23DC: [848, -530, 1685, 0, 1686],
-    0x23DD: [-530, 848, 1685, 0, 1686],
-    0x23DE: [1035, -545, 2653, 51, 2603],
-    0x23DF: [-545, 1035, 2653, 51, 2603],
-    0x23E0: [755, -545, 3107, 0, 3108],
-    0x23E1: [-545, 755, 3107, 0, 3108],
-    0x27C5: [1291, 750, 450, 53, 397],
-    0x27C6: [1258, 783, 450, 53, 397],
-    0x27E6: [1363, 682, 523, 84, 494],
-    0x27E7: [1363, 682, 523, 84, 494],
-    0x27E8: [1702, 850, 471, 53, 419],
-    0x27E9: [1702, 850, 471, 53, 419],
-    0x27EA: [1702, 850, 665, 53, 613],
-    0x27EB: [1702, 850, 665, 53, 613],
-    0x29FC: [1577, 789, 589, 55, 535],
-    0x29FD: [1577, 789, 589, 54, 535],
-    0x2A0C: [2314, 1156, 4730, 54, 4581],
-    0x2A0D: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A0E: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A0F: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A10: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A11: [2314, 1156, 1986, 54, 1837],
-    0x2A12: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A13: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A14: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A15: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A16: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A17: [2314, 1156, 2463, 54, 2364],
-    0x2A18: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A19: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A1A: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
-    0x2A1B: [2598, 1156, 1894, 54, 1745],
-    0x2A1C: [2598, 1156, 1894, 54, 1745]
+  directory: 'Size3/Regular',
+  family: 'AsanaMathJax_Size3',
+  testString: '\u0302\u0303\u0305\u0306\u030C\u0332\u0333\u033F\u2016\u2044\u2045\u2046\u20D6\u20D7\u220F',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 249, 0, 0],
+  0x28: [1701, 851, 441, 84, 402],
+  0x29: [1701, 851, 441, 40, 358],
+  0x5B: [1710, 846, 381, 84, 352],
+  0x5D: [1710, 846, 381, 84, 352],
+  0x7B: [1697, 855, 590, 51, 541],
+  0x7C: [1219, 678, 270, 86, 185],
+  0x7D: [1697, 855, 590, 50, 540],
+  0x302: [783, -627, 1055, 0, 1055],
+  0x303: [772, -642, 1402, 0, 1403],
+  0x305: [587, -542, 1126, 0, 1127],
+  0x306: [664, -506, 921, 0, 922],
+  0x30C: [792, -627, 1473, 0, 1474],
+  0x332: [-130, 175, 1126, 0, 1127],
+  0x333: [-130, 283, 1126, 0, 1127],
+  0x33F: [695, -542, 1126, 0, 1127],
+  0x2016: [1219, 678, 539, 86, 454],
+  0x2044: [1037, 758, 491, -180, 494],
+  0x2045: [1435, 893, 375, 48, 319],
+  0x2046: [1435, 893, 385, 14, 285],
+  0x20D6: [790, -520, 1878, 0, 1878],
+  0x20D7: [790, -520, 1878, 0, 1878],
+  0x220F: [1868, 929, 2968, 161, 2809],
+  0x2210: [1868, 929, 2968, 161, 2809],
+  0x2211: [1852, 924, 2539, 184, 2353],
+  0x221A: [2543, 0, 995, 63, 1027],
+  0x2229: [1725, 863, 1860, 178, 1684],
+  0x222B: [2314, 1156, 1726, 54, 1727],
+  0x222C: [2314, 1156, 2828, 54, 2679],
+  0x222D: [2314, 1156, 3780, 54, 3631],
+  0x222E: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x222F: [2314, 1156, 2828, 54, 2679],
+  0x2230: [2314, 1156, 3780, 54, 3631],
+  0x2231: [2314, 1156, 1875, 54, 1726],
+  0x2232: [2314, 1156, 1963, 141, 1814],
+  0x2233: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x22C3: [1725, 863, 1860, 178, 1684],
+  0x2308: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
+  0x2309: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
+  0x230A: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
+  0x230B: [1701, 851, 390, 86, 348],
+  0x23B4: [755, -487, 1689, 0, 1690],
+  0x23B5: [-207, 475, 1689, 0, 1690],
+  0x23DC: [848, -530, 1685, 0, 1686],
+  0x23DD: [-530, 848, 1685, 0, 1686],
+  0x23DE: [1035, -545, 2653, 51, 2603],
+  0x23DF: [-545, 1035, 2653, 51, 2603],
+  0x23E0: [755, -545, 3107, 0, 3108],
+  0x23E1: [-545, 755, 3107, 0, 3108],
+  0x27C5: [1291, 750, 450, 53, 397],
+  0x27C6: [1258, 783, 450, 53, 397],
+  0x27E6: [1363, 682, 523, 84, 494],
+  0x27E7: [1363, 682, 523, 84, 494],
+  0x27E8: [1702, 850, 471, 53, 419],
+  0x27E9: [1702, 850, 471, 53, 419],
+  0x27EA: [1702, 850, 665, 53, 613],
+  0x27EB: [1702, 850, 665, 53, 613],
+  0x29FC: [1577, 789, 589, 55, 535],
+  0x29FD: [1577, 789, 589, 54, 535],
+  0x2A0C: [2314, 1156, 4730, 54, 4581],
+  0x2A0D: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A0E: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A0F: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A10: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A11: [2314, 1156, 1986, 54, 1837],
+  0x2A12: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A13: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A14: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A15: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A16: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A17: [2314, 1156, 2463, 54, 2364],
+  0x2A18: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A19: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A1A: [2314, 1156, 1876, 54, 1727],
+  0x2A1B: [2598, 1156, 1894, 54, 1745],
+  0x2A1C: [2598, 1156, 1894, 54, 1745]

+ 10 - 10

@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['AsanaMathJax_Size5'] = {
-    directory: 'Size5/Regular',
-    family: 'AsanaMathJax_Size5',
-    testString: '\u0302\u0303\u030C\u27C5\u27C6',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 249, 0, 0],
-    0x7C: [1673, 1039, 288, 85, 203],
-    0x302: [783, -627, 3026, 0, 3026],
-    0x303: [772, -642, 2797, 0, 2797],
-    0x30C: [792, -627, 2940, 0, 2940],
-    0x27C5: [1260, 1803, 450, 53, 397],
-    0x27C6: [1260, 1803, 450, 53, 397]
+  directory: 'Size5/Regular',
+  family: 'AsanaMathJax_Size5',
+  testString: '\u0302\u0303\u030C\u27C5\u27C6',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 249, 0, 0],
+  0x7C: [1673, 1039, 288, 85, 203],
+  0x302: [783, -627, 3026, 0, 3026],
+  0x303: [772, -642, 2797, 0, 2797],
+  0x30C: [792, -627, 2940, 0, 2940],
+  0x27C5: [1260, 1803, 450, 53, 397],
+  0x27C6: [1260, 1803, 450, 53, 397]

+ 347 - 347

@@ -18,353 +18,353 @@
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-    directory: 'Normal/Regular',
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-    testString: '\u00A0\u210E\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC01\uD835\uDC02\uD835\uDC03\uD835\uDC04\uD835\uDC05\uD835\uDC06\uD835\uDC07\uD835\uDC08\uD835\uDC09\uD835\uDC0A\uD835\uDC0B\uD835\uDC0C',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x210E: [733, 9, 500, 10, 471],
-    0x1D400: [686, 3, 778, 24, 757],
-    0x1D401: [681, 3, 667, 39, 611],
-    0x1D402: [695, 17, 722, 44, 695],
-    0x1D403: [681, 3, 833, 35, 786],
-    0x1D404: [681, 3, 611, 39, 577],
-    0x1D405: [681, 3, 556, 28, 539],
-    0x1D406: [695, 17, 833, 47, 776],
-    0x1D407: [681, 3, 833, 36, 796],
-    0x1D408: [681, 3, 389, 39, 350],
-    0x1D409: [681, 213, 389, -11, 350],
-    0x1D40A: [681, 3, 778, 39, 763],
-    0x1D40B: [681, 3, 611, 39, 577],
-    0x1D40C: [681, 10, 1000, 32, 968],
-    0x1D40D: [681, 16, 833, 35, 798],
-    0x1D40E: [695, 17, 833, 47, 787],
-    0x1D40F: [681, 3, 611, 39, 594],
-    0x1D410: [695, 184, 833, 47, 787],
-    0x1D411: [681, 3, 722, 39, 708],
-    0x1D412: [695, 17, 611, 57, 559],
-    0x1D413: [681, 3, 667, 17, 650],
-    0x1D414: [681, 17, 778, 26, 760],
-    0x1D415: [681, 3, 778, 20, 763],
-    0x1D416: [686, 3, 1000, 17, 988],
-    0x1D417: [695, 3, 667, 17, 650],
-    0x1D418: [695, 3, 667, 15, 660],
-    0x1D419: [681, 3, 667, 24, 627],
-    0x1D41A: [471, 17, 500, 40, 478],
-    0x1D41B: [720, 17, 611, 10, 556],
-    0x1D41C: [471, 17, 444, 37, 414],
-    0x1D41D: [720, 17, 611, 42, 577],
-    0x1D41E: [471, 17, 500, 42, 461],
-    0x1D41F: [720, 3, 389, 34, 381],
-    0x1D420: [471, 266, 556, 26, 535],
-    0x1D421: [720, 3, 611, 24, 587],
-    0x1D422: [666, 3, 333, 34, 298],
-    0x1D423: [666, 266, 333, 3, 233],
-    0x1D424: [720, 3, 611, 21, 597],
-    0x1D425: [720, 3, 333, 24, 296],
-    0x1D426: [471, 3, 889, 24, 864],
-    0x1D427: [471, 3, 611, 24, 587],
-    0x1D428: [471, 17, 556, 40, 517],
-    0x1D429: [471, 258, 611, 29, 567],
-    0x1D42A: [471, 258, 611, 52, 589],
-    0x1D42B: [471, 3, 389, 30, 389],
-    0x1D42C: [471, 17, 444, 39, 405],
-    0x1D42D: [632, 17, 333, 22, 324],
-    0x1D42E: [471, 17, 611, 25, 583],
-    0x1D42F: [459, 3, 556, 11, 545],
-    0x1D430: [471, 3, 833, 13, 820],
-    0x1D431: [471, 3, 500, 20, 483],
-    0x1D432: [459, 266, 556, 10, 546],
-    0x1D433: [457, 3, 500, 16, 464],
-    0x1D434: [705, 3, 722, -19, 677],
-    0x1D435: [692, 3, 611, 26, 559],
-    0x1D436: [706, 18, 667, 45, 651],
-    0x1D437: [692, 3, 778, 28, 741],
-    0x1D438: [692, 3, 611, 30, 570],
-    0x1D439: [692, 3, 556, 0, 548],
-    0x1D43A: [706, 18, 722, 50, 694],
-    0x1D43B: [692, 3, 778, -3, 800],
-    0x1D43C: [692, 3, 333, 7, 354],
-    0x1D43D: [692, 206, 333, -35, 358],
-    0x1D43E: [692, 3, 667, 13, 683],
-    0x1D43F: [692, 3, 556, 16, 523],
-    0x1D440: [692, 18, 944, -19, 940],
-    0x1D441: [692, 11, 778, 2, 804],
-    0x1D442: [706, 18, 778, 53, 748],
-    0x1D443: [692, 3, 611, 9, 594],
-    0x1D444: [706, 201, 778, 53, 748],
-    0x1D445: [692, 3, 667, 9, 639],
-    0x1D446: [706, 18, 556, 42, 506],
-    0x1D447: [692, 3, 611, 53, 635],
-    0x1D448: [692, 19, 778, 88, 798],
-    0x1D449: [692, 8, 722, 75, 754],
-    0x1D44A: [700, 8, 944, 71, 980],
-    0x1D44B: [692, 3, 722, 20, 734],
-    0x1D44C: [705, 3, 667, 52, 675],
-    0x1D44D: [692, 3, 667, 20, 637],
-    0x1D44E: [482, 11, 444, 4, 406],
-    0x1D44F: [733, 11, 463, 37, 433],
-    0x1D450: [482, 11, 407, 25, 389],
-    0x1D451: [733, 11, 500, 17, 483],
-    0x1D452: [482, 11, 389, 15, 374],
-    0x1D453: [733, 276, 278, -162, 413],
-    0x1D454: [482, 276, 500, -37, 498],
-    0x1D456: [670, 9, 278, 34, 266],
-    0x1D457: [670, 276, 278, -70, 273],
-    0x1D458: [733, 9, 444, 8, 449],
-    0x1D459: [733, 9, 278, 36, 251],
-    0x1D45A: [482, 9, 778, 24, 740],
-    0x1D45B: [482, 9, 556, 24, 514],
-    0x1D45C: [482, 11, 444, 17, 411],
-    0x1D45D: [482, 276, 500, -7, 465],
-    0x1D45E: [482, 276, 463, 24, 432],
-    0x1D45F: [482, 9, 389, 26, 384],
-    0x1D460: [482, 11, 389, 9, 345],
-    0x1D461: [646, 9, 333, 41, 310],
-    0x1D462: [482, 11, 556, 32, 512],
-    0x1D463: [482, 11, 500, 21, 477],
-    0x1D464: [482, 11, 722, 21, 699],
-    0x1D465: [482, 11, 500, 9, 484],
-    0x1D466: [482, 276, 500, -8, 490],
-    0x1D467: [482, 11, 444, -1, 416],
-    0x1D468: [683, 3, 722, -35, 685],
-    0x1D469: [682, 3, 667, 8, 629],
-    0x1D46A: [695, 17, 685, 69, 695],
-    0x1D46B: [682, 3, 778, 0, 747],
-    0x1D46C: [681, 3, 611, 11, 606],
-    0x1D46D: [681, 3, 556, -6, 593],
-    0x1D46E: [695, 17, 778, 72, 750],
-    0x1D46F: [681, 3, 778, -12, 826],
-    0x1D470: [681, 3, 389, -1, 412],
-    0x1D471: [681, 207, 389, -29, 417],
-    0x1D472: [681, 3, 722, -10, 746],
-    0x1D473: [681, 3, 611, 26, 578],
-    0x1D474: [681, 17, 944, -23, 985],
-    0x1D475: [681, 3, 778, -2, 829],
-    0x1D476: [695, 17, 833, 76, 794],
-    0x1D477: [681, 3, 667, 11, 673],
-    0x1D478: [695, 222, 833, 76, 794],
-    0x1D479: [681, 3, 722, 4, 697],
-    0x1D47A: [695, 17, 556, 50, 517],
-    0x1D47B: [681, 3, 611, 56, 674],
-    0x1D47C: [681, 17, 778, 83, 825],
-    0x1D47D: [681, 3, 667, 67, 745],
-    0x1D47E: [689, 3, 1000, 67, 1073],
-    0x1D47F: [681, 3, 722, -9, 772],
-    0x1D480: [695, 3, 611, 54, 675],
-    0x1D481: [681, 3, 667, 1, 676],
-    0x1D482: [470, 17, 556, 44, 519],
-    0x1D483: [726, 17, 537, 44, 494],
-    0x1D484: [469, 17, 444, 32, 436],
-    0x1D485: [726, 17, 556, 38, 550],
-    0x1D486: [469, 17, 444, 28, 418],
-    0x1D487: [726, 271, 333, -130, 449],
-    0x1D488: [469, 271, 500, -50, 529],
-    0x1D489: [726, 17, 556, 22, 522],
-    0x1D48A: [675, 17, 333, 26, 301],
-    0x1D48B: [675, 271, 333, -64, 311],
-    0x1D48C: [726, 17, 556, 34, 528],
-    0x1D48D: [726, 17, 333, 64, 318],
-    0x1D48E: [469, 17, 833, 19, 803],
-    0x1D48F: [469, 17, 556, 17, 521],
-    0x1D490: [469, 17, 556, 48, 502],
-    0x1D491: [469, 271, 556, -21, 516],
-    0x1D492: [469, 271, 537, 32, 513],
-    0x1D493: [469, 17, 389, 20, 411],
-    0x1D494: [469, 17, 444, 25, 406],
-    0x1D495: [636, 17, 389, 42, 409],
-    0x1D496: [469, 17, 556, 22, 521],
-    0x1D497: [469, 17, 556, 19, 513],
-    0x1D498: [469, 17, 833, 27, 802],
-    0x1D499: [469, 17, 500, -8, 500],
-    0x1D49A: [469, 271, 556, 13, 541],
-    0x1D49B: [469, 17, 500, 31, 470],
-    0x1D6A4: [482, 9, 278, 34, 241],
-    0x1D6A5: [482, 276, 278, -70, 228],
-    0x1D6A8: [686, 3, 748, 6, 739],
-    0x1D6A9: [681, 3, 659, 31, 603],
-    0x1D6AA: [681, 3, 562, 31, 542],
-    0x1D6AB: [686, 3, 662, 25, 637],
-    0x1D6AC: [681, 3, 606, 31, 569],
-    0x1D6AD: [681, 3, 670, 25, 628],
-    0x1D6AE: [681, 3, 822, 31, 791],
-    0x1D6AF: [695, 17, 831, 47, 787],
-    0x1D6B0: [681, 3, 389, 40, 351],
-    0x1D6B1: [681, 3, 761, 31, 755],
-    0x1D6B2: [686, 3, 748, 6, 739],
-    0x1D6B3: [681, 10, 1009, 38, 974],
-    0x1D6B4: [681, 16, 822, 31, 794],
-    0x1D6B5: [681, 3, 719, 42, 676],
-    0x1D6B6: [695, 17, 832, 46, 786],
-    0x1D6B7: [681, 3, 822, 31, 791],
-    0x1D6B8: [681, 3, 611, 31, 586],
-    0x1D6B9: [695, 17, 831, 47, 787],
-    0x1D6BA: [681, 3, 669, 25, 628],
-    0x1D6BB: [681, 3, 673, 20, 653],
-    0x1D6BC: [695, 3, 675, 15, 660],
-    0x1D6BD: [681, 3, 833, 47, 787],
-    0x1D6BE: [695, 3, 620, -8, 625],
-    0x1D6BF: [681, 3, 742, 4, 738],
-    0x1D6C0: [695, 3, 827, 27, 804],
-    0x1D6C1: [676, 13, 662, 25, 637],
-    0x1D6C2: [469, 17, 563, 43, 563],
-    0x1D6C3: [718, 272, 617, 71, 576],
-    0x1D6C4: [469, 232, 571, -14, 572],
-    0x1D6C5: [718, 17, 482, 41, 440],
-    0x1D6C6: [471, 17, 491, 41, 467],
-    0x1D6C7: [718, 232, 491, 45, 468],
-    0x1D6C8: [469, 271, 569, 5, 499],
-    0x1D6C9: [695, 17, 550, 49, 502],
-    0x1D6CA: [469, 17, 359, 79, 349],
-    0x1D6CB: [469, 17, 623, 22, 601],
-    0x1D6CC: [718, 19, 613, 10, 603],
-    0x1D6CD: [469, 271, 608, 16, 601],
-    0x1D6CE: [469, 17, 533, -9, 494],
-    0x1D6CF: [718, 232, 476, 54, 477],
-    0x1D6D0: [469, 17, 539, 41, 496],
-    0x1D6D1: [493, 17, 777, 55, 754],
-    0x1D6D2: [469, 271, 570, 69, 529],
-    0x1D6D3: [469, 232, 486, 48, 464],
-    0x1D6D4: [482, 17, 660, 54, 637],
-    0x1D6D5: [493, 17, 618, 32, 594],
-    0x1D6D6: [469, 17, 538, -5, 495],
-    0x1D6D7: [469, 271, 727, 41, 684],
-    0x1D6D8: [469, 232, 654, 22, 656],
-    0x1D6D9: [636, 271, 728, -5, 687],
-    0x1D6DA: [469, 17, 802, 41, 759],
-    0x1D6DB: [740, 17, 571, 47, 512],
-    0x1D6DC: [471, 17, 576, 69, 536],
-    0x1D6DD: [695, 17, 602, 22, 580],
-    0x1D6DE: [469, 17, 693, 39, 654],
-    0x1D6DF: [633, 268, 722, 41, 680],
-    0x1D6E0: [469, 271, 561, 70, 519],
-    0x1D6E1: [559, 17, 803, 41, 760],
-    0x1D6E2: [700, 3, 744, -35, 697],
-    0x1D6E3: [692, 3, 624, 33, 601],
-    0x1D6E4: [692, 3, 539, -17, 609],
-    0x1D6E5: [700, 3, 616, -33, 572],
-    0x1D6E6: [692, 3, 615, 7, 640],
-    0x1D6E7: [692, 3, 661, -23, 705],
-    0x1D6E8: [692, 3, 819, -17, 878],
-    0x1D6E9: [709, 20, 833, 67, 813],
-    0x1D6EA: [692, 3, 334, -17, 393],
-    0x1D6EB: [692, 3, 698, -18, 761],
-    0x1D6EC: [700, 3, 720, -46, 685],
-    0x1D6ED: [692, 13, 934, -22, 987],
-    0x1D6EE: [692, 20, 836, -18, 885],
-    0x1D6EF: [692, 3, 693, 16, 683],
-    0x1D6F0: [709, 20, 833, 66, 811],
-    0x1D6F1: [692, 3, 819, -17, 878],
-    0x1D6F2: [692, 3, 592, -17, 627],
-    0x1D6F3: [709, 20, 833, 67, 813],
-    0x1D6F4: [692, 3, 696, 4, 672],
-    0x1D6F5: [692, 3, 602, 79, 666],
-    0x1D6F6: [705, 3, 634, 78, 717],
-    0x1D6F7: [692, 3, 833, 71, 806],
-    0x1D6F8: [700, 3, 643, -31, 704],
-    0x1D6F9: [692, 3, 767, 94, 832],
-    0x1D6FA: [709, 3, 822, 4, 799],
-    0x1D6FB: [690, 13, 616, 80, 684],
-    0x1D6FC: [482, 11, 537, 22, 496],
-    0x1D6FD: [711, 277, 582, 7, 534],
-    0x1D6FE: [482, 226, 571, 14, 589],
-    0x1D6FF: [711, 11, 458, 48, 450],
-    0x1D700: [484, 11, 444, 39, 401],
-    0x1D701: [711, 226, 454, 47, 539],
-    0x1D702: [482, 276, 526, 46, 506],
-    0x1D703: [711, 11, 492, 71, 493],
-    0x1D704: [482, 9, 285, 54, 264],
-    0x1D705: [482, 9, 518, 61, 526],
-    0x1D706: [711, 12, 569, -32, 543],
-    0x1D707: [482, 276, 596, 32, 549],
-    0x1D708: [482, 12, 499, 41, 517],
-    0x1D709: [711, 226, 456, 48, 540],
-    0x1D70A: [482, 11, 484, 53, 454],
-    0x1D70B: [493, 11, 677, 68, 705],
-    0x1D70C: [482, 276, 524, -6, 495],
-    0x1D70D: [482, 226, 472, 38, 454],
-    0x1D70E: [494, 11, 582, 52, 639],
-    0x1D70F: [493, 11, 559, 68, 594],
-    0x1D710: [482, 11, 528, 56, 510],
-    0x1D711: [482, 276, 638, 50, 610],
-    0x1D712: [482, 226, 557, -44, 588],
-    0x1D713: [646, 276, 646, 48, 640],
-    0x1D714: [482, 11, 765, 42, 759],
-    0x1D715: [733, 9, 545, 64, 526],
-    0x1D716: [482, 11, 489, 54, 491],
-    0x1D717: [711, 11, 553, 57, 581],
-    0x1D718: [483, 17, 660, 72, 609],
-    0x1D719: [644, 274, 637, 54, 605],
-    0x1D71A: [482, 276, 535, 55, 492],
-    0x1D71B: [548, 11, 765, 42, 759],
-    0x1D71C: [686, 3, 733, -35, 690],
-    0x1D71D: [681, 3, 646, 22, 627],
-    0x1D71E: [681, 3, 551, -10, 609],
-    0x1D71F: [686, 3, 649, -13, 593],
-    0x1D720: [681, 3, 594, 22, 625],
-    0x1D721: [681, 3, 657, -16, 692],
-    0x1D722: [681, 3, 806, -10, 855],
-    0x1D723: [695, 17, 814, 56, 799],
-    0x1D724: [681, 3, 381, -1, 424],
-    0x1D725: [681, 3, 746, -10, 795],
-    0x1D726: [686, 3, 733, -35, 690],
-    0x1D727: [681, 10, 989, -3, 1035],
-    0x1D728: [681, 16, 806, -10, 858],
-    0x1D729: [681, 3, 705, 22, 693],
-    0x1D72A: [695, 17, 815, 55, 798],
-    0x1D72B: [681, 3, 806, -10, 855],
-    0x1D72C: [681, 3, 599, -10, 630],
-    0x1D72D: [695, 17, 814, 56, 799],
-    0x1D72E: [681, 3, 656, -16, 640],
-    0x1D72F: [681, 3, 660, 84, 719],
-    0x1D730: [695, 3, 661, 84, 726],
-    0x1D731: [681, 3, 816, 61, 795],
-    0x1D732: [695, 3, 608, -48, 691],
-    0x1D733: [681, 3, 727, 77, 803],
-    0x1D734: [695, 3, 810, -4, 806],
-    0x1D735: [676, 13, 649, 95, 701],
-    0x1D736: [469, 17, 536, 20, 514],
-    0x1D737: [718, 272, 588, -21, 551],
-    0x1D738: [469, 232, 544, 12, 585],
-    0x1D739: [718, 17, 459, 34, 483],
-    0x1D73A: [471, 17, 468, 24, 444],
-    0x1D73B: [718, 232, 468, 40, 525],
-    0x1D73C: [469, 271, 542, 41, 523],
-    0x1D73D: [695, 17, 524, 61, 526],
-    0x1D73E: [469, 17, 342, 48, 313],
-    0x1D73F: [469, 17, 593, 55, 570],
-    0x1D740: [718, 19, 584, -29, 552],
-    0x1D741: [469, 271, 579, 3, 551],
-    0x1D742: [469, 17, 508, 27, 527],
-    0x1D743: [718, 232, 453, 49, 534],
-    0x1D744: [469, 17, 513, 33, 495],
-    0x1D745: [493, 17, 740, 61, 778],
-    0x1D746: [469, 271, 543, -13, 526],
-    0x1D747: [469, 232, 463, 36, 451],
-    0x1D748: [482, 17, 629, 46, 664],
-    0x1D749: [493, 17, 589, 65, 626],
-    0x1D74A: [469, 17, 512, 33, 507],
-    0x1D74B: [469, 271, 692, 31, 675],
-    0x1D74C: [469, 232, 623, -42, 582],
-    0x1D74D: [636, 271, 693, 33, 690],
-    0x1D74E: [469, 17, 764, 37, 759],
-    0x1D74F: [740, 17, 544, 70, 529],
-    0x1D750: [471, 17, 549, 64, 538],
-    0x1D751: [695, 17, 573, 59, 618],
-    0x1D752: [469, 17, 660, 67, 609],
-    0x1D753: [633, 268, 688, 36, 667],
-    0x1D754: [469, 271, 534, 54, 517],
-    0x1D755: [559, 17, 765, 37, 760],
-    0x1D7CE: [660, 17, 500, 33, 468],
-    0x1D7CF: [670, 3, 500, 35, 455],
-    0x1D7D0: [660, 3, 500, 25, 472],
-    0x1D7D1: [660, 17, 500, 22, 458],
-    0x1D7D2: [672, 3, 500, 12, 473],
-    0x1D7D3: [656, 17, 500, 42, 472],
-    0x1D7D4: [660, 17, 500, 37, 469],
-    0x1D7D5: [656, 3, 500, 46, 493],
-    0x1D7D6: [660, 17, 500, 34, 467],
-    0x1D7D7: [660, 17, 500, 31, 463]
+  directory: 'Normal/Regular',
+  family: 'GyrePagellaMathJax_Normal',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u210E\uD835\uDC00\uD835\uDC01\uD835\uDC02\uD835\uDC03\uD835\uDC04\uD835\uDC05\uD835\uDC06\uD835\uDC07\uD835\uDC08\uD835\uDC09\uD835\uDC0A\uD835\uDC0B\uD835\uDC0C',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x210E: [733, 9, 500, 10, 471],
+  0x1D400: [686, 3, 778, 24, 757],
+  0x1D401: [681, 3, 667, 39, 611],
+  0x1D402: [695, 17, 722, 44, 695],
+  0x1D403: [681, 3, 833, 35, 786],
+  0x1D404: [681, 3, 611, 39, 577],
+  0x1D405: [681, 3, 556, 28, 539],
+  0x1D406: [695, 17, 833, 47, 776],
+  0x1D407: [681, 3, 833, 36, 796],
+  0x1D408: [681, 3, 389, 39, 350],
+  0x1D409: [681, 213, 389, -11, 350],
+  0x1D40A: [681, 3, 778, 39, 763],
+  0x1D40B: [681, 3, 611, 39, 577],
+  0x1D40C: [681, 10, 1000, 32, 968],
+  0x1D40D: [681, 16, 833, 35, 798],
+  0x1D40E: [695, 17, 833, 47, 787],
+  0x1D40F: [681, 3, 611, 39, 594],
+  0x1D410: [695, 184, 833, 47, 787],
+  0x1D411: [681, 3, 722, 39, 708],
+  0x1D412: [695, 17, 611, 57, 559],
+  0x1D413: [681, 3, 667, 17, 650],
+  0x1D414: [681, 17, 778, 26, 760],
+  0x1D415: [681, 3, 778, 20, 763],
+  0x1D416: [686, 3, 1000, 17, 988],
+  0x1D417: [695, 3, 667, 17, 650],
+  0x1D418: [695, 3, 667, 15, 660],
+  0x1D419: [681, 3, 667, 24, 627],
+  0x1D41A: [471, 17, 500, 40, 478],
+  0x1D41B: [720, 17, 611, 10, 556],
+  0x1D41C: [471, 17, 444, 37, 414],
+  0x1D41D: [720, 17, 611, 42, 577],
+  0x1D41E: [471, 17, 500, 42, 461],
+  0x1D41F: [720, 3, 389, 34, 381],
+  0x1D420: [471, 266, 556, 26, 535],
+  0x1D421: [720, 3, 611, 24, 587],
+  0x1D422: [666, 3, 333, 34, 298],
+  0x1D423: [666, 266, 333, 3, 233],
+  0x1D424: [720, 3, 611, 21, 597],
+  0x1D425: [720, 3, 333, 24, 296],
+  0x1D426: [471, 3, 889, 24, 864],
+  0x1D427: [471, 3, 611, 24, 587],
+  0x1D428: [471, 17, 556, 40, 517],
+  0x1D429: [471, 258, 611, 29, 567],
+  0x1D42A: [471, 258, 611, 52, 589],
+  0x1D42B: [471, 3, 389, 30, 389],
+  0x1D42C: [471, 17, 444, 39, 405],
+  0x1D42D: [632, 17, 333, 22, 324],
+  0x1D42E: [471, 17, 611, 25, 583],
+  0x1D42F: [459, 3, 556, 11, 545],
+  0x1D430: [471, 3, 833, 13, 820],
+  0x1D431: [471, 3, 500, 20, 483],
+  0x1D432: [459, 266, 556, 10, 546],
+  0x1D433: [457, 3, 500, 16, 464],
+  0x1D434: [705, 3, 722, -19, 677],
+  0x1D435: [692, 3, 611, 26, 559],
+  0x1D436: [706, 18, 667, 45, 651],
+  0x1D437: [692, 3, 778, 28, 741],
+  0x1D438: [692, 3, 611, 30, 570],
+  0x1D439: [692, 3, 556, 0, 548],
+  0x1D43A: [706, 18, 722, 50, 694],
+  0x1D43B: [692, 3, 778, -3, 800],
+  0x1D43C: [692, 3, 333, 7, 354],
+  0x1D43D: [692, 206, 333, -35, 358],
+  0x1D43E: [692, 3, 667, 13, 683],
+  0x1D43F: [692, 3, 556, 16, 523],
+  0x1D440: [692, 18, 944, -19, 940],
+  0x1D441: [692, 11, 778, 2, 804],
+  0x1D442: [706, 18, 778, 53, 748],
+  0x1D443: [692, 3, 611, 9, 594],
+  0x1D444: [706, 201, 778, 53, 748],
+  0x1D445: [692, 3, 667, 9, 639],
+  0x1D446: [706, 18, 556, 42, 506],
+  0x1D447: [692, 3, 611, 53, 635],
+  0x1D448: [692, 19, 778, 88, 798],
+  0x1D449: [692, 8, 722, 75, 754],
+  0x1D44A: [700, 8, 944, 71, 980],
+  0x1D44B: [692, 3, 722, 20, 734],
+  0x1D44C: [705, 3, 667, 52, 675],
+  0x1D44D: [692, 3, 667, 20, 637],
+  0x1D44E: [482, 11, 444, 4, 406],
+  0x1D44F: [733, 11, 463, 37, 433],
+  0x1D450: [482, 11, 407, 25, 389],
+  0x1D451: [733, 11, 500, 17, 483],
+  0x1D452: [482, 11, 389, 15, 374],
+  0x1D453: [733, 276, 278, -162, 413],
+  0x1D454: [482, 276, 500, -37, 498],
+  0x1D456: [670, 9, 278, 34, 266],
+  0x1D457: [670, 276, 278, -70, 273],
+  0x1D458: [733, 9, 444, 8, 449],
+  0x1D459: [733, 9, 278, 36, 251],
+  0x1D45A: [482, 9, 778, 24, 740],
+  0x1D45B: [482, 9, 556, 24, 514],
+  0x1D45C: [482, 11, 444, 17, 411],
+  0x1D45D: [482, 276, 500, -7, 465],
+  0x1D45E: [482, 276, 463, 24, 432],
+  0x1D45F: [482, 9, 389, 26, 384],
+  0x1D460: [482, 11, 389, 9, 345],
+  0x1D461: [646, 9, 333, 41, 310],
+  0x1D462: [482, 11, 556, 32, 512],
+  0x1D463: [482, 11, 500, 21, 477],
+  0x1D464: [482, 11, 722, 21, 699],
+  0x1D465: [482, 11, 500, 9, 484],
+  0x1D466: [482, 276, 500, -8, 490],
+  0x1D467: [482, 11, 444, -1, 416],
+  0x1D468: [683, 3, 722, -35, 685],
+  0x1D469: [682, 3, 667, 8, 629],
+  0x1D46A: [695, 17, 685, 69, 695],
+  0x1D46B: [682, 3, 778, 0, 747],
+  0x1D46C: [681, 3, 611, 11, 606],
+  0x1D46D: [681, 3, 556, -6, 593],
+  0x1D46E: [695, 17, 778, 72, 750],
+  0x1D46F: [681, 3, 778, -12, 826],
+  0x1D470: [681, 3, 389, -1, 412],
+  0x1D471: [681, 207, 389, -29, 417],
+  0x1D472: [681, 3, 722, -10, 746],
+  0x1D473: [681, 3, 611, 26, 578],
+  0x1D474: [681, 17, 944, -23, 985],
+  0x1D475: [681, 3, 778, -2, 829],
+  0x1D476: [695, 17, 833, 76, 794],
+  0x1D477: [681, 3, 667, 11, 673],
+  0x1D478: [695, 222, 833, 76, 794],
+  0x1D479: [681, 3, 722, 4, 697],
+  0x1D47A: [695, 17, 556, 50, 517],
+  0x1D47B: [681, 3, 611, 56, 674],
+  0x1D47C: [681, 17, 778, 83, 825],
+  0x1D47D: [681, 3, 667, 67, 745],
+  0x1D47E: [689, 3, 1000, 67, 1073],
+  0x1D47F: [681, 3, 722, -9, 772],
+  0x1D480: [695, 3, 611, 54, 675],
+  0x1D481: [681, 3, 667, 1, 676],
+  0x1D482: [470, 17, 556, 44, 519],
+  0x1D483: [726, 17, 537, 44, 494],
+  0x1D484: [469, 17, 444, 32, 436],
+  0x1D485: [726, 17, 556, 38, 550],
+  0x1D486: [469, 17, 444, 28, 418],
+  0x1D487: [726, 271, 333, -130, 449],
+  0x1D488: [469, 271, 500, -50, 529],
+  0x1D489: [726, 17, 556, 22, 522],
+  0x1D48A: [675, 17, 333, 26, 301],
+  0x1D48B: [675, 271, 333, -64, 311],
+  0x1D48C: [726, 17, 556, 34, 528],
+  0x1D48D: [726, 17, 333, 64, 318],
+  0x1D48E: [469, 17, 833, 19, 803],
+  0x1D48F: [469, 17, 556, 17, 521],
+  0x1D490: [469, 17, 556, 48, 502],
+  0x1D491: [469, 271, 556, -21, 516],
+  0x1D492: [469, 271, 537, 32, 513],
+  0x1D493: [469, 17, 389, 20, 411],
+  0x1D494: [469, 17, 444, 25, 406],
+  0x1D495: [636, 17, 389, 42, 409],
+  0x1D496: [469, 17, 556, 22, 521],
+  0x1D497: [469, 17, 556, 19, 513],
+  0x1D498: [469, 17, 833, 27, 802],
+  0x1D499: [469, 17, 500, -8, 500],
+  0x1D49A: [469, 271, 556, 13, 541],
+  0x1D49B: [469, 17, 500, 31, 470],
+  0x1D6A4: [482, 9, 278, 34, 241],
+  0x1D6A5: [482, 276, 278, -70, 228],
+  0x1D6A8: [686, 3, 748, 6, 739],
+  0x1D6A9: [681, 3, 659, 31, 603],
+  0x1D6AA: [681, 3, 562, 31, 542],
+  0x1D6AB: [686, 3, 662, 25, 637],
+  0x1D6AC: [681, 3, 606, 31, 569],
+  0x1D6AD: [681, 3, 670, 25, 628],
+  0x1D6AE: [681, 3, 822, 31, 791],
+  0x1D6AF: [695, 17, 831, 47, 787],
+  0x1D6B0: [681, 3, 389, 40, 351],
+  0x1D6B1: [681, 3, 761, 31, 755],
+  0x1D6B2: [686, 3, 748, 6, 739],
+  0x1D6B3: [681, 10, 1009, 38, 974],
+  0x1D6B4: [681, 16, 822, 31, 794],
+  0x1D6B5: [681, 3, 719, 42, 676],
+  0x1D6B6: [695, 17, 832, 46, 786],
+  0x1D6B7: [681, 3, 822, 31, 791],
+  0x1D6B8: [681, 3, 611, 31, 586],
+  0x1D6B9: [695, 17, 831, 47, 787],
+  0x1D6BA: [681, 3, 669, 25, 628],
+  0x1D6BB: [681, 3, 673, 20, 653],
+  0x1D6BC: [695, 3, 675, 15, 660],
+  0x1D6BD: [681, 3, 833, 47, 787],
+  0x1D6BE: [695, 3, 620, -8, 625],
+  0x1D6BF: [681, 3, 742, 4, 738],
+  0x1D6C0: [695, 3, 827, 27, 804],
+  0x1D6C1: [676, 13, 662, 25, 637],
+  0x1D6C2: [469, 17, 563, 43, 563],
+  0x1D6C3: [718, 272, 617, 71, 576],
+  0x1D6C4: [469, 232, 571, -14, 572],
+  0x1D6C5: [718, 17, 482, 41, 440],
+  0x1D6C6: [471, 17, 491, 41, 467],
+  0x1D6C7: [718, 232, 491, 45, 468],
+  0x1D6C8: [469, 271, 569, 5, 499],
+  0x1D6C9: [695, 17, 550, 49, 502],
+  0x1D6CA: [469, 17, 359, 79, 349],
+  0x1D6CB: [469, 17, 623, 22, 601],
+  0x1D6CC: [718, 19, 613, 10, 603],
+  0x1D6CD: [469, 271, 608, 16, 601],
+  0x1D6CE: [469, 17, 533, -9, 494],
+  0x1D6CF: [718, 232, 476, 54, 477],
+  0x1D6D0: [469, 17, 539, 41, 496],
+  0x1D6D1: [493, 17, 777, 55, 754],
+  0x1D6D2: [469, 271, 570, 69, 529],
+  0x1D6D3: [469, 232, 486, 48, 464],
+  0x1D6D4: [482, 17, 660, 54, 637],
+  0x1D6D5: [493, 17, 618, 32, 594],
+  0x1D6D6: [469, 17, 538, -5, 495],
+  0x1D6D7: [469, 271, 727, 41, 684],
+  0x1D6D8: [469, 232, 654, 22, 656],
+  0x1D6D9: [636, 271, 728, -5, 687],
+  0x1D6DA: [469, 17, 802, 41, 759],
+  0x1D6DB: [740, 17, 571, 47, 512],
+  0x1D6DC: [471, 17, 576, 69, 536],
+  0x1D6DD: [695, 17, 602, 22, 580],
+  0x1D6DE: [469, 17, 693, 39, 654],
+  0x1D6DF: [633, 268, 722, 41, 680],
+  0x1D6E0: [469, 271, 561, 70, 519],
+  0x1D6E1: [559, 17, 803, 41, 760],
+  0x1D6E2: [700, 3, 744, -35, 697],
+  0x1D6E3: [692, 3, 624, 33, 601],
+  0x1D6E4: [692, 3, 539, -17, 609],
+  0x1D6E5: [700, 3, 616, -33, 572],
+  0x1D6E6: [692, 3, 615, 7, 640],
+  0x1D6E7: [692, 3, 661, -23, 705],
+  0x1D6E8: [692, 3, 819, -17, 878],
+  0x1D6E9: [709, 20, 833, 67, 813],
+  0x1D6EA: [692, 3, 334, -17, 393],
+  0x1D6EB: [692, 3, 698, -18, 761],
+  0x1D6EC: [700, 3, 720, -46, 685],
+  0x1D6ED: [692, 13, 934, -22, 987],
+  0x1D6EE: [692, 20, 836, -18, 885],
+  0x1D6EF: [692, 3, 693, 16, 683],
+  0x1D6F0: [709, 20, 833, 66, 811],
+  0x1D6F1: [692, 3, 819, -17, 878],
+  0x1D6F2: [692, 3, 592, -17, 627],
+  0x1D6F3: [709, 20, 833, 67, 813],
+  0x1D6F4: [692, 3, 696, 4, 672],
+  0x1D6F5: [692, 3, 602, 79, 666],
+  0x1D6F6: [705, 3, 634, 78, 717],
+  0x1D6F7: [692, 3, 833, 71, 806],
+  0x1D6F8: [700, 3, 643, -31, 704],
+  0x1D6F9: [692, 3, 767, 94, 832],
+  0x1D6FA: [709, 3, 822, 4, 799],
+  0x1D6FB: [690, 13, 616, 80, 684],
+  0x1D6FC: [482, 11, 537, 22, 496],
+  0x1D6FD: [711, 277, 582, 7, 534],
+  0x1D6FE: [482, 226, 571, 14, 589],
+  0x1D6FF: [711, 11, 458, 48, 450],
+  0x1D700: [484, 11, 444, 39, 401],
+  0x1D701: [711, 226, 454, 47, 539],
+  0x1D702: [482, 276, 526, 46, 506],
+  0x1D703: [711, 11, 492, 71, 493],
+  0x1D704: [482, 9, 285, 54, 264],
+  0x1D705: [482, 9, 518, 61, 526],
+  0x1D706: [711, 12, 569, -32, 543],
+  0x1D707: [482, 276, 596, 32, 549],
+  0x1D708: [482, 12, 499, 41, 517],
+  0x1D709: [711, 226, 456, 48, 540],
+  0x1D70A: [482, 11, 484, 53, 454],
+  0x1D70B: [493, 11, 677, 68, 705],
+  0x1D70C: [482, 276, 524, -6, 495],
+  0x1D70D: [482, 226, 472, 38, 454],
+  0x1D70E: [494, 11, 582, 52, 639],
+  0x1D70F: [493, 11, 559, 68, 594],
+  0x1D710: [482, 11, 528, 56, 510],
+  0x1D711: [482, 276, 638, 50, 610],
+  0x1D712: [482, 226, 557, -44, 588],
+  0x1D713: [646, 276, 646, 48, 640],
+  0x1D714: [482, 11, 765, 42, 759],
+  0x1D715: [733, 9, 545, 64, 526],
+  0x1D716: [482, 11, 489, 54, 491],
+  0x1D717: [711, 11, 553, 57, 581],
+  0x1D718: [483, 17, 660, 72, 609],
+  0x1D719: [644, 274, 637, 54, 605],
+  0x1D71A: [482, 276, 535, 55, 492],
+  0x1D71B: [548, 11, 765, 42, 759],
+  0x1D71C: [686, 3, 733, -35, 690],
+  0x1D71D: [681, 3, 646, 22, 627],
+  0x1D71E: [681, 3, 551, -10, 609],
+  0x1D71F: [686, 3, 649, -13, 593],
+  0x1D720: [681, 3, 594, 22, 625],
+  0x1D721: [681, 3, 657, -16, 692],
+  0x1D722: [681, 3, 806, -10, 855],
+  0x1D723: [695, 17, 814, 56, 799],
+  0x1D724: [681, 3, 381, -1, 424],
+  0x1D725: [681, 3, 746, -10, 795],
+  0x1D726: [686, 3, 733, -35, 690],
+  0x1D727: [681, 10, 989, -3, 1035],
+  0x1D728: [681, 16, 806, -10, 858],
+  0x1D729: [681, 3, 705, 22, 693],
+  0x1D72A: [695, 17, 815, 55, 798],
+  0x1D72B: [681, 3, 806, -10, 855],
+  0x1D72C: [681, 3, 599, -10, 630],
+  0x1D72D: [695, 17, 814, 56, 799],
+  0x1D72E: [681, 3, 656, -16, 640],
+  0x1D72F: [681, 3, 660, 84, 719],
+  0x1D730: [695, 3, 661, 84, 726],
+  0x1D731: [681, 3, 816, 61, 795],
+  0x1D732: [695, 3, 608, -48, 691],
+  0x1D733: [681, 3, 727, 77, 803],
+  0x1D734: [695, 3, 810, -4, 806],
+  0x1D735: [676, 13, 649, 95, 701],
+  0x1D736: [469, 17, 536, 20, 514],
+  0x1D737: [718, 272, 588, -21, 551],
+  0x1D738: [469, 232, 544, 12, 585],
+  0x1D739: [718, 17, 459, 34, 483],
+  0x1D73A: [471, 17, 468, 24, 444],
+  0x1D73B: [718, 232, 468, 40, 525],
+  0x1D73C: [469, 271, 542, 41, 523],
+  0x1D73D: [695, 17, 524, 61, 526],
+  0x1D73E: [469, 17, 342, 48, 313],
+  0x1D73F: [469, 17, 593, 55, 570],
+  0x1D740: [718, 19, 584, -29, 552],
+  0x1D741: [469, 271, 579, 3, 551],
+  0x1D742: [469, 17, 508, 27, 527],
+  0x1D743: [718, 232, 453, 49, 534],
+  0x1D744: [469, 17, 513, 33, 495],
+  0x1D745: [493, 17, 740, 61, 778],
+  0x1D746: [469, 271, 543, -13, 526],
+  0x1D747: [469, 232, 463, 36, 451],
+  0x1D748: [482, 17, 629, 46, 664],
+  0x1D749: [493, 17, 589, 65, 626],
+  0x1D74A: [469, 17, 512, 33, 507],
+  0x1D74B: [469, 271, 692, 31, 675],
+  0x1D74C: [469, 232, 623, -42, 582],
+  0x1D74D: [636, 271, 693, 33, 690],
+  0x1D74E: [469, 17, 764, 37, 759],
+  0x1D74F: [740, 17, 544, 70, 529],
+  0x1D750: [471, 17, 549, 64, 538],
+  0x1D751: [695, 17, 573, 59, 618],
+  0x1D752: [469, 17, 660, 67, 609],
+  0x1D753: [633, 268, 688, 36, 667],
+  0x1D754: [469, 271, 534, 54, 517],
+  0x1D755: [559, 17, 765, 37, 760],
+  0x1D7CE: [660, 17, 500, 33, 468],
+  0x1D7CF: [670, 3, 500, 35, 455],
+  0x1D7D0: [660, 3, 500, 25, 472],
+  0x1D7D1: [660, 17, 500, 22, 458],
+  0x1D7D2: [672, 3, 500, 12, 473],
+  0x1D7D3: [656, 17, 500, 42, 472],
+  0x1D7D4: [660, 17, 500, 37, 469],
+  0x1D7D5: [656, 3, 500, 46, 493],
+  0x1D7D6: [660, 17, 500, 34, 467],
+  0x1D7D7: [660, 17, 500, 31, 463]

+ 88 - 88

@@ -18,94 +18,94 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['GyrePagellaMathJax_Operators'] = {
-    directory: 'Operators/Regular',
-    family: 'GyrePagellaMathJax_Operators',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u2206\u220A\u220C\u220E\u220F\u2210\u2211\u221F\u222C\u222D\u222E\u222F\u2230\u2231',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x2206: [700, 3, 629, 6, 617],
-    0x220A: [450, -50, 578, 80, 498],
-    0x220C: [650, 150, 778, 80, 698],
-    0x220E: [585, 0, 745, 80, 665],
-    0x220F: [750, 250, 1113, 80, 1033],
-    0x2210: [750, 250, 1113, 80, 1033],
-    0x2211: [750, 250, 983, 80, 903],
-    0x221F: [630, 0, 790, 80, 710],
-    0x222C: [796, 296, 952, 80, 872],
-    0x222D: [796, 296, 1270, 80, 1190],
-    0x222E: [796, 296, 684, 80, 604],
-    0x222F: [796, 296, 1002, 80, 922],
-    0x2230: [796, 296, 1320, 80, 1240],
-    0x2231: [796, 296, 726, 80, 686],
-    0x2232: [796, 296, 747, 80, 707],
-    0x2233: [796, 296, 689, 80, 649],
-    0x2236: [468, -32, 280, 80, 200],
-    0x2237: [468, -32, 596, 80, 516],
-    0x2238: [520, -220, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2239: [441, -59, 880, 80, 800],
-    0x223A: [520, 20, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x223B: [497, -3, 758, 80, 678],
-    0x223E: [390, -110, 751, 80, 671],
-    0x223F: [467, -33, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2244: [550, 50, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2247: [550, 50, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2249: [550, 50, 758, 80, 678],
-    0x224B: [517, 17, 758, 80, 678],
-    0x224C: [518, -40, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2254: [441, -59, 880, 80, 800],
-    0x2255: [441, -59, 880, 80, 800],
-    0x2258: [540, 0, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2259: [554, 54, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x225A: [554, 54, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x225B: [853, -110, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x225D: [867, -110, 925, 80, 845],
-    0x225E: [745, -110, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x225F: [870, -110, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2262: [650, 150, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2263: [610, 110, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x226D: [650, 150, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2274: [706, 206, 766, 80, 686],
-    0x2275: [706, 206, 766, 80, 686],
-    0x2278: [761, 261, 771, 80, 691],
-    0x2279: [761, 261, 771, 80, 691],
-    0x2284: [650, 150, 778, 80, 698],
-    0x2285: [650, 150, 778, 80, 698],
-    0x228C: [550, 68, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x228D: [550, 68, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x229C: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x22A6: [650, 150, 590, 80, 510],
-    0x22A7: [650, 150, 590, 80, 510],
-    0x22AB: [650, 150, 770, 80, 690],
-    0x22B6: [410, -90, 1080, 80, 1000],
-    0x22B7: [410, -90, 1080, 80, 1000],
-    0x22B9: [550, 50, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22BD: [584, 84, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22BE: [630, 103, 893, 80, 813],
-    0x22BF: [651, 0, 812, 80, 732],
-    0x22C0: [744, 230, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x22C1: [730, 244, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x22C2: [748, 230, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x22C3: [730, 248, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x22C7: [556, 56, 772, 80, 692],
-    0x22D5: [650, 150, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22DC: [623, 113, 766, 80, 686],
-    0x22DD: [623, 113, 766, 80, 686],
-    0x22E2: [690, 190, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22E3: [690, 190, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22E4: [640, 220, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22E5: [640, 220, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x22F0: [536, 36, 733, 80, 653],
-    0x2A00: [708, 208, 1076, 80, 996],
-    0x2A01: [708, 208, 1076, 80, 996],
-    0x2A02: [708, 208, 1076, 80, 996],
-    0x2A03: [730, 248, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x2A04: [730, 248, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x2A05: [747, 213, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x2A06: [713, 247, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x2A09: [635, 135, 929, 80, 849],
-    0x2A0C: [796, 296, 1588, 80, 1508],
-    0x2A11: [796, 296, 726, 80, 686],
-    0x2A2F: [490, -10, 641, 80, 561]
+  directory: 'Operators/Regular',
+  family: 'GyrePagellaMathJax_Operators',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u2206\u220A\u220C\u220E\u220F\u2210\u2211\u221F\u222C\u222D\u222E\u222F\u2230\u2231',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x2206: [700, 3, 629, 6, 617],
+  0x220A: [450, -50, 578, 80, 498],
+  0x220C: [650, 150, 778, 80, 698],
+  0x220E: [585, 0, 745, 80, 665],
+  0x220F: [750, 250, 1113, 80, 1033],
+  0x2210: [750, 250, 1113, 80, 1033],
+  0x2211: [750, 250, 983, 80, 903],
+  0x221F: [630, 0, 790, 80, 710],
+  0x222C: [796, 296, 952, 80, 872],
+  0x222D: [796, 296, 1270, 80, 1190],
+  0x222E: [796, 296, 684, 80, 604],
+  0x222F: [796, 296, 1002, 80, 922],
+  0x2230: [796, 296, 1320, 80, 1240],
+  0x2231: [796, 296, 726, 80, 686],
+  0x2232: [796, 296, 747, 80, 707],
+  0x2233: [796, 296, 689, 80, 649],
+  0x2236: [468, -32, 280, 80, 200],
+  0x2237: [468, -32, 596, 80, 516],
+  0x2238: [520, -220, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2239: [441, -59, 880, 80, 800],
+  0x223A: [520, 20, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x223B: [497, -3, 758, 80, 678],
+  0x223E: [390, -110, 751, 80, 671],
+  0x223F: [467, -33, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2244: [550, 50, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2247: [550, 50, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2249: [550, 50, 758, 80, 678],
+  0x224B: [517, 17, 758, 80, 678],
+  0x224C: [518, -40, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2254: [441, -59, 880, 80, 800],
+  0x2255: [441, -59, 880, 80, 800],
+  0x2258: [540, 0, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2259: [554, 54, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x225A: [554, 54, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x225B: [853, -110, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x225D: [867, -110, 925, 80, 845],
+  0x225E: [745, -110, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x225F: [870, -110, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2262: [650, 150, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2263: [610, 110, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x226D: [650, 150, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2274: [706, 206, 766, 80, 686],
+  0x2275: [706, 206, 766, 80, 686],
+  0x2278: [761, 261, 771, 80, 691],
+  0x2279: [761, 261, 771, 80, 691],
+  0x2284: [650, 150, 778, 80, 698],
+  0x2285: [650, 150, 778, 80, 698],
+  0x228C: [550, 68, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x228D: [550, 68, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x229C: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x22A6: [650, 150, 590, 80, 510],
+  0x22A7: [650, 150, 590, 80, 510],
+  0x22AB: [650, 150, 770, 80, 690],
+  0x22B6: [410, -90, 1080, 80, 1000],
+  0x22B7: [410, -90, 1080, 80, 1000],
+  0x22B9: [550, 50, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22BD: [584, 84, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22BE: [630, 103, 893, 80, 813],
+  0x22BF: [651, 0, 812, 80, 732],
+  0x22C0: [744, 230, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x22C1: [730, 244, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x22C2: [748, 230, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x22C3: [730, 248, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x22C7: [556, 56, 772, 80, 692],
+  0x22D5: [650, 150, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22DC: [623, 113, 766, 80, 686],
+  0x22DD: [623, 113, 766, 80, 686],
+  0x22E2: [690, 190, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22E3: [690, 190, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22E4: [640, 220, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22E5: [640, 220, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x22F0: [536, 36, 733, 80, 653],
+  0x2A00: [708, 208, 1076, 80, 996],
+  0x2A01: [708, 208, 1076, 80, 996],
+  0x2A02: [708, 208, 1076, 80, 996],
+  0x2A03: [730, 248, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x2A04: [730, 248, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x2A05: [747, 213, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x2A06: [713, 247, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x2A09: [635, 135, 929, 80, 849],
+  0x2A0C: [796, 296, 1588, 80, 1508],
+  0x2A11: [796, 296, 726, 80, 686],
+  0x2A2F: [490, -10, 641, 80, 561]

+ 44 - 44

@@ -18,50 +18,50 @@
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-    0x251C: [650, 150, 600, 270, 600],
-    0x2524: [650, 150, 600, 0, 330],
-    0x252C: [280, 150, 600, 0, 600],
-    0x2534: [650, -220, 600, 0, 600],
-    0x253C: [650, 150, 600, 0, 600],
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-    0x2588: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
-    0x2591: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
-    0x2592: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
-    0x2593: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
-    0x25AA: [410, -90, 480, 80, 400],
-    0x25AB: [410, -90, 480, 80, 400],
-    0x25AC: [400, -100, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x25AD: [400, -100, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x25B7: [643, 143, 841, 80, 761],
-    0x25C1: [643, 143, 841, 80, 761],
-    0x25CB: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x25CF: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x25E6: [450, -50, 560, 80, 480],
-    0x2664: [668, 0, 800, 80, 720],
-    0x2665: [666, 0, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2666: [670, 0, 746, 80, 666],
-    0x2667: [668, 0, 842, 80, 762],
-    0x266A: [692, 20, 600, 56, 561],
-    0x26AD: [475, -26, 500, -116, 616],
-    0x26AE: [699, 199, 500, -170, 670],
-    0x2B04: [450, -50, 1069, 80, 989],
-    0x2B05: [450, -50, 995, 80, 915],
-    0x2B06: [673, 162, 560, 80, 480],
-    0x2B07: [662, 173, 560, 80, 480],
-    0x2B0C: [450, -50, 1005, 80, 925],
-    0x2B0D: [673, 172, 560, 80, 480],
-    0x2B1A: [660, 160, 940, 60, 880],
-    0x2B31: [740, 240, 920, 80, 840],
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x2422: [726, 12, 553, -15, 508],
+  0x2423: [133, 97, 500, 40, 460],
+  0x2500: [280, -220, 600, 0, 600],
+  0x2502: [650, 150, 600, 270, 330],
+  0x251C: [650, 150, 600, 270, 600],
+  0x2524: [650, 150, 600, 0, 330],
+  0x252C: [280, 150, 600, 0, 600],
+  0x2534: [650, -220, 600, 0, 600],
+  0x253C: [650, 150, 600, 0, 600],
+  0x2581: [88, 0, 700, 0, 700],
+  0x2588: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
+  0x2591: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
+  0x2592: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
+  0x2593: [700, 0, 700, 0, 700],
+  0x25AA: [410, -90, 480, 80, 400],
+  0x25AB: [410, -90, 480, 80, 400],
+  0x25AC: [400, -100, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x25AD: [400, -100, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x25B7: [643, 143, 841, 80, 761],
+  0x25C1: [643, 143, 841, 80, 761],
+  0x25CB: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x25CF: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x25E6: [450, -50, 560, 80, 480],
+  0x2664: [668, 0, 800, 80, 720],
+  0x2665: [666, 0, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2666: [670, 0, 746, 80, 666],
+  0x2667: [668, 0, 842, 80, 762],
+  0x266A: [692, 20, 600, 56, 561],
+  0x26AD: [475, -26, 500, -116, 616],
+  0x26AE: [699, 199, 500, -170, 670],
+  0x2B04: [450, -50, 1069, 80, 989],
+  0x2B05: [450, -50, 995, 80, 915],
+  0x2B06: [673, 162, 560, 80, 480],
+  0x2B07: [662, 173, 560, 80, 480],
+  0x2B0C: [450, -50, 1005, 80, 925],
+  0x2B0D: [673, 172, 560, 80, 480],
+  0x2B1A: [660, 160, 940, 60, 880],
+  0x2B31: [740, 240, 920, 80, 840],
+  0x2B33: [400, -100, 1370, 80, 1290]

+ 52 - 52

@@ -18,58 +18,58 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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-    0x29: [840, 340, 491, 85, 364],
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-    0x5C: [936, 436, 689, 80, 609],
-    0x5D: [846, 346, 443, 85, 316],
-    0x7B: [845, 345, 465, 85, 380],
-    0x7C: [826, 326, 213, 80, 133],
-    0x7D: [845, 345, 465, 85, 380],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x302: [712, -543, 731, 0, 731],
-    0x303: [700, -544, 727, 0, 727],
-    0x306: [708, -552, 752, 0, 752],
-    0x30C: [711, -542, 731, 0, 731],
-    0x311: [721, -564, 752, 0, 752],
-    0x32C: [-60, 229, 731, 0, 731],
-    0x32D: [-70, 239, 731, 0, 731],
-    0x32E: [-60, 217, 752, 0, 752],
-    0x32F: [-78, 235, 752, 0, 752],
-    0x330: [-78, 234, 727, 0, 727],
-    0x2016: [826, 326, 386, 80, 306],
-    0x2044: [936, 436, 689, 80, 609],
-    0x20E9: [773, -647, 1113, 0, 1113],
-    0x221A: [1020, 490, 717, 120, 747],
-    0x2223: [826, 326, 213, 80, 133],
-    0x2225: [826, 326, 386, 80, 306],
-    0x2308: [846, 326, 443, 127, 358],
-    0x2309: [846, 326, 443, 85, 316],
-    0x230A: [826, 346, 443, 127, 358],
-    0x230B: [826, 346, 443, 85, 316],
-    0x2329: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
-    0x232A: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
-    0x23B4: [773, -647, 1113, 0, 1113],
-    0x23B5: [-177, 303, 1113, 0, 1113],
-    0x23DC: [779, -570, 1528, 0, 1528],
-    0x23DD: [-100, 309, 1528, 0, 1528],
-    0x23DE: [798, -589, 1538, 0, 1538],
-    0x23DF: [-119, 328, 1538, 0, 1538],
-    0x23E0: [730, -528, 1566, 0, 1566],
-    0x23E1: [-58, 260, 1566, 0, 1566],
-    0x27E6: [846, 346, 458, 127, 373],
-    0x27E7: [846, 346, 458, 85, 331],
-    0x27E8: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
-    0x27E9: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
-    0x27EA: [943, 443, 701, 85, 616],
-    0x27EB: [943, 443, 701, 85, 616],
-    0x27EE: [840, 340, 365, 127, 280],
-    0x27EF: [840, 340, 365, 85, 238]
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x28: [840, 340, 491, 127, 406],
+  0x29: [840, 340, 491, 85, 364],
+  0x2F: [936, 436, 689, 80, 609],
+  0x5B: [846, 346, 443, 127, 358],
+  0x5C: [936, 436, 689, 80, 609],
+  0x5D: [846, 346, 443, 85, 316],
+  0x7B: [845, 345, 465, 85, 380],
+  0x7C: [826, 326, 213, 80, 133],
+  0x7D: [845, 345, 465, 85, 380],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x302: [712, -543, 731, 0, 731],
+  0x303: [700, -544, 727, 0, 727],
+  0x306: [708, -552, 752, 0, 752],
+  0x30C: [711, -542, 731, 0, 731],
+  0x311: [721, -564, 752, 0, 752],
+  0x32C: [-60, 229, 731, 0, 731],
+  0x32D: [-70, 239, 731, 0, 731],
+  0x32E: [-60, 217, 752, 0, 752],
+  0x32F: [-78, 235, 752, 0, 752],
+  0x330: [-78, 234, 727, 0, 727],
+  0x2016: [826, 326, 386, 80, 306],
+  0x2044: [936, 436, 689, 80, 609],
+  0x20E9: [773, -647, 1113, 0, 1113],
+  0x221A: [1020, 490, 717, 120, 747],
+  0x2223: [826, 326, 213, 80, 133],
+  0x2225: [826, 326, 386, 80, 306],
+  0x2308: [846, 326, 443, 127, 358],
+  0x2309: [846, 326, 443, 85, 316],
+  0x230A: [826, 346, 443, 127, 358],
+  0x230B: [826, 346, 443, 85, 316],
+  0x2329: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
+  0x232A: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
+  0x23B4: [773, -647, 1113, 0, 1113],
+  0x23B5: [-177, 303, 1113, 0, 1113],
+  0x23DC: [779, -570, 1528, 0, 1528],
+  0x23DD: [-100, 309, 1528, 0, 1528],
+  0x23DE: [798, -589, 1538, 0, 1538],
+  0x23DF: [-119, 328, 1538, 0, 1538],
+  0x23E0: [730, -528, 1566, 0, 1566],
+  0x23E1: [-58, 260, 1566, 0, 1566],
+  0x27E6: [846, 346, 458, 127, 373],
+  0x27E7: [846, 346, 458, 85, 331],
+  0x27E8: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
+  0x27E9: [943, 443, 452, 85, 367],
+  0x27EA: [943, 443, 701, 85, 616],
+  0x27EB: [943, 443, 701, 85, 616],
+  0x27EE: [840, 340, 365, 127, 280],
+  0x27EF: [840, 340, 365, 85, 238]

+ 57 - 57

@@ -18,63 +18,63 @@
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-    0x2306: [554, 54, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2310: [280, 0, 790, 80, 710],
-    0x2319: [500, -220, 790, 80, 710],
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-    0x231D: [680, -450, 390, 80, 310],
-    0x231E: [50, 180, 390, 80, 310],
-    0x231F: [50, 180, 390, 80, 310],
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-    0x232A: [658, 158, 391, 80, 311],
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-    0x239C: [396, 0, 679, 143, 223],
-    0x239D: [1208, 0, 679, 143, 583],
-    0x239E: [1208, 0, 679, 96, 536],
-    0x239F: [396, 0, 679, 456, 536],
-    0x23A0: [1208, 0, 679, 96, 536],
-    0x23A1: [1214, 0, 521, 143, 425],
-    0x23A2: [810, 0, 521, 143, 223],
-    0x23A3: [1214, 0, 521, 143, 425],
-    0x23A4: [1214, 0, 521, 96, 378],
-    0x23A5: [810, 0, 521, 298, 378],
-    0x23A6: [1214, 0, 521, 96, 378],
-    0x23A7: [616, 0, 589, 252, 493],
-    0x23A8: [1194, 0, 589, 96, 332],
-    0x23A9: [616, 0, 589, 252, 493],
-    0x23AA: [596, 0, 589, 257, 337],
-    0x23AB: [616, 0, 589, 96, 337],
-    0x23AC: [1194, 0, 589, 257, 493],
-    0x23AD: [616, 0, 589, 96, 337],
-    0x23AE: [580, 0, 760, 328, 432],
-    0x23B2: [829, 0, 1408, 80, 1248],
-    0x23B3: [896, 4, 1408, 80, 1328],
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-    0x27C2: [650, 0, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x27D8: [650, 150, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x27D9: [650, 150, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x27DA: [650, 150, 1203, 80, 1123],
-    0x27DB: [650, 150, 1203, 80, 1123],
-    0x27DC: [410, -90, 920, 80, 840],
-    0x27DD: [650, 150, 1360, 80, 1280],
-    0x27DE: [650, 150, 1360, 80, 1280],
-    0x27E0: [576, 76, 595, 80, 515],
-    0x27E1: [471, -29, 603, 80, 523],
-    0x27E2: [471, -29, 698, 80, 618],
-    0x27E3: [471, -29, 698, 80, 618],
-    0x27E6: [670, 170, 430, 120, 350],
-    0x27E7: [670, 170, 430, 80, 310],
-    0x27EA: [658, 158, 611, 80, 531],
-    0x27EB: [658, 158, 611, 80, 531]
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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+  0x2306: [554, 54, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2310: [280, 0, 790, 80, 710],
+  0x2319: [500, -220, 790, 80, 710],
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+  0x231D: [680, -450, 390, 80, 310],
+  0x231E: [50, 180, 390, 80, 310],
+  0x231F: [50, 180, 390, 80, 310],
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+  0x2329: [658, 158, 391, 80, 311],
+  0x232A: [658, 158, 391, 80, 311],
+  0x239B: [1208, 0, 679, 143, 583],
+  0x239C: [396, 0, 679, 143, 223],
+  0x239D: [1208, 0, 679, 143, 583],
+  0x239E: [1208, 0, 679, 96, 536],
+  0x239F: [396, 0, 679, 456, 536],
+  0x23A0: [1208, 0, 679, 96, 536],
+  0x23A1: [1214, 0, 521, 143, 425],
+  0x23A2: [810, 0, 521, 143, 223],
+  0x23A3: [1214, 0, 521, 143, 425],
+  0x23A4: [1214, 0, 521, 96, 378],
+  0x23A5: [810, 0, 521, 298, 378],
+  0x23A6: [1214, 0, 521, 96, 378],
+  0x23A7: [616, 0, 589, 252, 493],
+  0x23A8: [1194, 0, 589, 96, 332],
+  0x23A9: [616, 0, 589, 252, 493],
+  0x23AA: [596, 0, 589, 257, 337],
+  0x23AB: [616, 0, 589, 96, 337],
+  0x23AC: [1194, 0, 589, 257, 493],
+  0x23AD: [616, 0, 589, 96, 337],
+  0x23AE: [580, 0, 760, 328, 432],
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+  0x23B3: [896, 4, 1408, 80, 1328],
+  0x23B7: [1623, 0, 770, 120, 610],
+  0x27C2: [650, 0, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x27D8: [650, 150, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x27D9: [650, 150, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x27DA: [650, 150, 1203, 80, 1123],
+  0x27DB: [650, 150, 1203, 80, 1123],
+  0x27DC: [410, -90, 920, 80, 840],
+  0x27DD: [650, 150, 1360, 80, 1280],
+  0x27DE: [650, 150, 1360, 80, 1280],
+  0x27E0: [576, 76, 595, 80, 515],
+  0x27E1: [471, -29, 603, 80, 523],
+  0x27E2: [471, -29, 698, 80, 618],
+  0x27E3: [471, -29, 698, 80, 618],
+  0x27E6: [670, 170, 430, 120, 350],
+  0x27E7: [670, 170, 430, 80, 310],
+  0x27EA: [658, 158, 611, 80, 531],
+  0x27EB: [658, 158, 611, 80, 531]

+ 510 - 510

@@ -18,516 +18,516 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['GyreTermesMathJax_Main'] = {
-    directory: 'Main/Regular',
-    family: 'GyreTermesMathJax_Main',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u00A3\u00A5\u00A7\u00A8\u00AC\u00AE\u00AF\u00B0\u00B1\u00B4\u00B5\u00B7\u00D7\u00F0',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x21: [676, 9, 333, 130, 237],
-    0x22: [676, -431, 408, 77, 331],
-    0x23: [662, 0, 500, 5, 496],
-    0x24: [727, 87, 500, 44, 457],
-    0x25: [676, 13, 833, 49, 783],
-    0x26: [676, 13, 778, 42, 750],
-    0x27: [676, -431, 180, 48, 133],
-    0x28: [658, 158, 398, 120, 318],
-    0x29: [658, 158, 398, 80, 278],
-    0x2A: [714, -310, 442, 40, 402],
-    0x2B: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2C: [102, 141, 250, 56, 195],
-    0x2D: [257, -194, 333, 39, 285],
-    0x2E: [100, 11, 250, 70, 181],
-    0x2F: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
-    0x30: [676, 14, 500, 24, 476],
-    0x31: [676, 0, 500, 111, 394],
-    0x32: [676, 0, 500, 30, 475],
-    0x33: [676, 14, 500, 43, 432],
-    0x34: [676, 0, 500, 12, 472],
-    0x35: [688, 14, 500, 32, 438],
-    0x36: [684, 14, 500, 34, 468],
-    0x37: [662, 8, 500, 20, 449],
-    0x38: [676, 14, 500, 56, 445],
-    0x39: [676, 22, 500, 30, 459],
-    0x3A: [459, 11, 278, 81, 192],
-    0x3B: [459, 141, 278, 80, 219],
-    0x3C: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x3D: [372, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x3E: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x3F: [676, 8, 444, 68, 414],
-    0x40: [676, 14, 921, 116, 809],
-    0x41: [674, 0, 722, 15, 706],
-    0x42: [662, 0, 667, 17, 593],
-    0x43: [676, 14, 667, 28, 633],
-    0x44: [662, 0, 722, 16, 685],
-    0x45: [662, 0, 611, 12, 597],
-    0x46: [662, 0, 556, 12, 546],
-    0x47: [676, 14, 722, 32, 709],
-    0x48: [662, 0, 722, 19, 702],
-    0x49: [662, 0, 333, 18, 315],
-    0x4A: [662, 14, 389, 10, 370],
-    0x4B: [662, 0, 722, 34, 723],
-    0x4C: [662, 0, 611, 12, 598],
-    0x4D: [662, 0, 889, 12, 863],
-    0x4E: [662, 11, 722, 12, 707],
-    0x4F: [676, 14, 722, 34, 688],
-    0x50: [662, 0, 556, 16, 542],
-    0x51: [676, 178, 722, 34, 701],
-    0x52: [662, 0, 667, 17, 659],
-    0x53: [676, 14, 556, 42, 491],
-    0x54: [662, 0, 611, 17, 593],
-    0x55: [662, 14, 722, 14, 705],
-    0x56: [662, 11, 722, 16, 697],
-    0x57: [662, 11, 944, 5, 932],
-    0x58: [662, 0, 722, 10, 704],
-    0x59: [662, 0, 722, 22, 703],
-    0x5A: [662, 0, 611, 9, 597],
-    0x5B: [668, 168, 387, 120, 307],
-    0x5C: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
-    0x5D: [668, 168, 387, 80, 267],
-    0x5E: [662, -297, 469, 24, 446],
-    0x5F: [-75, 125, 500, 0, 500],
-    0x60: [675, -504, 333, 16, 240],
-    0x61: [460, 10, 444, 37, 442],
-    0x62: [683, 10, 500, 3, 468],
-    0x63: [460, 10, 444, 25, 412],
-    0x64: [683, 10, 500, 27, 491],
-    0x65: [460, 10, 444, 25, 424],
-    0x66: [683, 0, 333, 20, 383],
-    0x67: [460, 218, 500, 28, 470],
-    0x68: [683, 0, 500, 9, 487],
-    0x69: [641, 0, 278, 16, 253],
-    0x6A: [641, 218, 278, -70, 202],
-    0x6B: [683, 0, 500, 7, 505],
-    0x6C: [683, 0, 278, 19, 257],
-    0x6D: [460, 0, 778, 16, 775],
-    0x6E: [460, 0, 500, 16, 485],
-    0x6F: [460, 10, 500, 29, 470],
-    0x70: [460, 217, 500, 5, 470],
-    0x71: [461, 217, 500, 24, 488],
-    0x72: [460, 0, 333, 5, 335],
-    0x73: [459, 10, 389, 51, 348],
-    0x74: [579, 10, 278, 13, 279],
-    0x75: [450, 10, 500, 9, 479],
-    0x76: [450, 14, 500, 19, 477],
-    0x77: [450, 14, 722, 21, 694],
-    0x78: [450, 0, 500, 17, 479],
-    0x79: [450, 218, 500, 14, 475],
-    0x7A: [450, 0, 444, 27, 418],
-    0x7B: [660, 160, 391, 80, 311],
-    0x7C: [650, 150, 204, 80, 124],
-    0x7D: [660, 160, 391, 80, 311],
-    0x7E: [320, -186, 541, 40, 502],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA3: [676, 8, 500, 12, 490],
-    0xA5: [662, 0, 500, -53, 512],
-    0xA7: [676, 148, 500, 70, 426],
-    0xA8: [640, -541, 333, 18, 316],
-    0xAC: [276, 0, 686, 80, 606],
-    0xAE: [686, 14, 760, 30, 730],
-    0xAF: [617, -563, 333, 11, 322],
-    0xB0: [676, -390, 400, 57, 343],
-    0xB1: [500, 122, 660, 80, 580],
-    0xB4: [675, -504, 333, 93, 317],
-    0xB5: [450, 250, 590, 80, 550],
-    0xB7: [306, -194, 272, 80, 192],
-    0xD7: [445, -55, 550, 80, 470],
-    0xF0: [686, 10, 500, 29, 471],
-    0xF7: [488, -12, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x131: [460, 0, 278, 16, 253],
-    0x237: [460, 218, 278, -70, 193],
-    0x2C6: [674, -507, 333, 11, 322],
-    0x2C7: [674, -507, 333, 11, 322],
-    0x2D8: [669, -512, 333, 26, 307],
-    0x2D9: [641, -539, 333, 115, 217],
-    0x2DA: [690, -491, 333, 67, 266],
-    0x2DC: [643, -537, 333, 1, 331],
-    0x300: [710, -539, 0, -400, -176],
-    0x301: [710, -539, 0, -323, -99],
-    0x302: [685, -551, 0, -421, -79],
-    0x303: [665, -555, 0, -417, -83],
-    0x304: [637, -583, 0, -405, -94],
-    0x306: [681, -556, 0, -425, -75],
-    0x307: [661, -559, 0, -301, -199],
-    0x308: [660, -561, 0, -398, -100],
-    0x30A: [710, -511, 0, -349, -150],
-    0x30B: [711, -540, 0, -379, 11],
-    0x30C: [679, -545, 0, -421, -79],
-    0x338: [650, 150, 0, -403, -97],
-    0x391: [674, 0, 849, 80, 769],
-    0x392: [662, 0, 736, 80, 656],
-    0x393: [662, 0, 693, 80, 613],
-    0x394: [674, 0, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x395: [662, 0, 744, 80, 664],
-    0x396: [662, 0, 747, 80, 667],
-    0x397: [662, 0, 843, 80, 763],
-    0x398: [675, 14, 814, 80, 734],
-    0x399: [662, 0, 457, 80, 377],
-    0x39A: [662, 0, 849, 80, 769],
-    0x39B: [674, 0, 849, 80, 769],
-    0x39C: [662, 0, 1011, 80, 931],
-    0x39D: [662, 11, 854, 80, 774],
-    0x39E: [662, 0, 726, 80, 646],
-    0x39F: [675, 14, 814, 80, 734],
-    0x3A0: [662, 0, 843, 80, 763],
-    0x3A1: [662, 0, 686, 80, 606],
-    0x3A3: [662, 0, 753, 80, 673],
-    0x3A4: [662, 0, 736, 80, 656],
-    0x3A5: [662, 0, 824, 80, 744],
-    0x3A6: [662, 0, 722, 80, 642],
-    0x3A7: [662, 0, 854, 80, 774],
-    0x3A8: [662, 0, 799, 80, 719],
-    0x3A9: [676, 0, 853, 80, 773],
-    0x3B1: [460, 17, 635, 80, 554],
-    0x3B2: [673, 217, 563, 80, 483],
-    0x3B3: [461, 234, 673, 80, 593],
-    0x3B4: [671, 16, 602, 80, 522],
-    0x3B5: [460, 16, 539, 80, 459],
-    0x3B6: [667, 210, 546, 80, 466],
-    0x3B7: [460, 217, 599, 80, 519],
-    0x3B8: [673, 16, 552, 79, 472],
-    0x3B9: [460, 17, 463, 80, 383],
-    0x3BA: [460, 15, 691, 80, 611],
-    0x3BB: [673, 18, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x3BC: [444, 218, 620, 80, 540],
-    0x3BD: [460, 16, 604, 80, 524],
-    0x3BE: [667, 210, 545, 80, 465],
-    0x3BF: [460, 10, 600, 80, 520],
-    0x3C0: [471, 16, 708, 80, 628],
-    0x3C1: [460, 218, 544, 80, 464],
-    0x3C2: [460, 210, 545, 80, 465],
-    0x3C3: [471, 16, 597, 80, 517],
-    0x3C4: [471, 16, 628, 80, 548],
-    0x3C5: [460, 16, 587, 80, 507],
-    0x3C6: [460, 218, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x3C7: [460, 236, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x3C8: [460, 218, 780, 80, 700],
-    0x3C9: [463, 16, 767, 80, 687],
-    0x3D1: [673, 16, 727, 80, 647],
-    0x3D5: [657, 217, 702, 80, 622],
-    0x3D6: [471, 21, 898, 80, 818],
-    0x3F0: [460, 16, 676, 80, 596],
-    0x3F1: [460, 217, 552, 80, 472],
-    0x3F4: [675, 14, 814, 80, 734],
-    0x3F5: [460, 16, 474, 80, 394],
-    0x2002: [0, 0, 500, 0, 0],
-    0x2003: [0, 0, 1000, 0, 0],
-    0x2004: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
-    0x2005: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x2006: [0, 0, 167, 0, 0],
-    0x2009: [0, 0, 200, 0, 0],
-    0x200A: [0, 0, 100, 0, 0],
-    0x2013: [250, -201, 500, 0, 500],
-    0x2014: [250, -201, 1000, 0, 1000],
-    0x2016: [650, 150, 348, 80, 268],
-    0x2018: [676, -433, 333, 115, 254],
-    0x2019: [676, -433, 333, 79, 218],
-    0x201C: [676, -433, 444, 43, 414],
-    0x201D: [676, -433, 444, 30, 401],
-    0x2020: [676, 149, 500, 59, 443],
-    0x2021: [676, 153, 500, 58, 442],
-    0x2026: [112, 0, 869, 80, 789],
-    0x2032: [780, -450, 321, 60, 261],
-    0x2033: [780, -450, 521, 60, 461],
-    0x2034: [780, -450, 721, 60, 661],
-    0x2035: [780, -450, 321, 60, 261],
-    0x2044: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
-    0x2057: [780, -450, 921, 60, 861],
-    0x20D7: [710, -534, 0, -443, -57],
-    0x210F: [683, 9, 500, 19, 478],
-    0x2111: [659, 22, 634, 79, 554],
-    0x2113: [676, 14, 433, 40, 393],
-    0x2118: [538, 186, 710, 80, 630],
-    0x211C: [656, 21, 828, 80, 748],
-    0x2127: [658, 18, 853, 80, 773],
-    0x2135: [723, 19, 604, 40, 564],
-    0x2136: [729, 29, 522, 40, 482],
-    0x2137: [740, 18, 469, 40, 428],
-    0x2138: [717, 16, 522, 40, 482],
-    0x2190: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x2191: [600, 90, 520, 80, 440],
-    0x2192: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x2193: [590, 100, 520, 80, 440],
-    0x2194: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x2195: [690, 190, 520, 80, 440],
-    0x2196: [497, 9, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2197: [497, 9, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2198: [509, -3, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2199: [509, -3, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x219A: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x219B: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x219E: [430, -70, 1030, 80, 950],
-    0x21A0: [430, -70, 1030, 80, 950],
-    0x21A2: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x21A3: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x21A6: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21A9: [508, -70, 876, 80, 796],
-    0x21AA: [508, -70, 876, 80, 796],
-    0x21AB: [508, -18, 876, 80, 796],
-    0x21AC: [508, -18, 876, 80, 796],
-    0x21AD: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x21AE: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x21B0: [598, 98, 540, 80, 460],
-    0x21B1: [598, 98, 540, 80, 460],
-    0x21B6: [535, -241, 799, 80, 719],
-    0x21B7: [535, -241, 799, 80, 719],
-    0x21BA: [547, 3, 726, 80, 646],
-    0x21BB: [547, 3, 726, 79, 646],
-    0x21BC: [430, -224, 840, 80, 760],
-    0x21BD: [276, -70, 840, 80, 760],
-    0x21BE: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
-    0x21BF: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
-    0x21C0: [430, -224, 840, 80, 760],
-    0x21C1: [276, -70, 840, 80, 760],
-    0x21C2: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
-    0x21C3: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
-    0x21C4: [630, 130, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x21C6: [630, 130, 860, 80, 780],
-    0x21C7: [630, 130, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21C8: [600, 90, 920, 80, 840],
-    0x21C9: [630, 130, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21CA: [590, 100, 920, 80, 840],
-    0x21CB: [526, 26, 840, 80, 760],
-    0x21CC: [526, 26, 840, 80, 760],
-    0x21CD: [500, 0, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21CE: [500, 0, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x21CF: [500, 0, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21D0: [470, -30, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21D1: [600, 90, 600, 80, 520],
-    0x21D2: [470, -30, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x21D3: [590, 100, 600, 80, 520],
-    0x21D4: [470, -30, 1040, 80, 960],
-    0x21D5: [690, 190, 600, 80, 520],
-    0x21DA: [572, 72, 1030, 80, 950],
-    0x21DB: [572, 72, 1030, 80, 950],
-    0x21DD: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
-    0x2200: [662, 4, 580, 70, 510],
-    0x2201: [662, 0, 560, 80, 480],
-    0x2202: [673, 17, 552, 80, 472],
-    0x2203: [662, 0, 534, 80, 454],
-    0x2204: [729, 67, 534, 80, 454],
-    0x2205: [755, 93, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2207: [664, 10, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2208: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x2209: [650, 150, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x220B: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x220D: [425, -75, 528, 80, 448],
-    0x2212: [276, -224, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2213: [622, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2214: [697, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2215: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
-    0x2216: [608, 108, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2217: [452, -48, 522, 80, 442],
-    0x2218: [400, -100, 460, 80, 380],
-    0x2219: [400, -100, 460, 80, 380],
-    0x221A: [616, 90, 594, 120, 620],
-    0x221D: [440, -60, 797, 80, 717],
-    0x221E: [442, -58, 940, 80, 860],
-    0x2220: [544, 0, 697, 80, 617],
-    0x2221: [544, 85, 697, 80, 617],
-    0x2222: [483, -17, 642, 80, 562],
-    0x2223: [650, 150, 204, 80, 124],
-    0x2224: [650, 150, 346, 80, 266],
-    0x2225: [650, 150, 348, 80, 268],
-    0x2226: [650, 150, 482, 80, 402],
-    0x2227: [506, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2228: [500, 6, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2229: [518, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x222A: [500, 18, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x222B: [796, 296, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2234: [415, -85, 524, 80, 444],
-    0x2235: [415, -85, 524, 80, 444],
-    0x223C: [319, -181, 642, 80, 562],
-    0x223D: [319, -181, 642, 80, 562],
-    0x2240: [491, -9, 321, 80, 241],
-    0x2241: [419, -81, 642, 80, 562],
-    0x2242: [372, -85, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2243: [415, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2245: [471, -72, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2246: [487, -22, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2248: [415, -85, 642, 80, 562],
-    0x224A: [471, -72, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x224D: [411, -89, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x224E: [470, -30, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x224F: [470, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2250: [584, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2251: [584, 84, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2252: [584, 84, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2253: [584, 84, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2256: [372, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2257: [772, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x225C: [829, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2260: [650, 150, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2261: [468, -32, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2264: [564, 54, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2265: [564, 54, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2266: [627, 117, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2267: [627, 117, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2268: [627, 184, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2269: [627, 184, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x226A: [517, 17, 805, 80, 725],
-    0x226B: [517, 17, 805, 80, 725],
-    0x226C: [666, 166, 413, 80, 333],
-    0x226E: [650, 150, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x226F: [650, 150, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2270: [611, 111, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2271: [611, 111, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2272: [585, 75, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2273: [585, 75, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2276: [655, 155, 670, 80, 590],
-    0x2277: [655, 155, 670, 80, 590],
-    0x227A: [528, 28, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x227B: [528, 28, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x227C: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x227D: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x227E: [599, 89, 655, 80, 575],
-    0x227F: [599, 89, 655, 80, 575],
-    0x2280: [650, 150, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x2281: [650, 150, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x2282: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x2283: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x2286: [576, 76, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x2287: [576, 76, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x2288: [685, 185, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x2289: [685, 185, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x228A: [576, 143, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x228B: [576, 143, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x228E: [500, 18, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x228F: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2290: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2291: [576, 76, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2292: [576, 76, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x2293: [513, -13, 591, 80, 511],
-    0x2294: [487, 13, 591, 80, 511],
-    0x2295: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x2296: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x2297: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x2298: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x2299: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x229A: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x229B: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x229D: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x229E: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x229F: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A0: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A1: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A2: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A3: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A4: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A5: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A8: [650, 150, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22A9: [650, 150, 738, 80, 658],
-    0x22AA: [650, 150, 890, 80, 810],
-    0x22AC: [650, 150, 712, 80, 632],
-    0x22AD: [650, 150, 764, 80, 684],
-    0x22AE: [650, 150, 842, 80, 762],
-    0x22AF: [650, 150, 842, 80, 762],
-    0x22B2: [527, 27, 697, 80, 617],
-    0x22B3: [527, 27, 697, 80, 617],
-    0x22B4: [570, 70, 696, 80, 616],
-    0x22B5: [570, 70, 696, 80, 616],
-    0x22B8: [400, -100, 810, 80, 730],
-    0x22BA: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22BB: [526, 26, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22BC: [526, 26, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22C4: [448, -52, 557, 80, 477],
-    0x22C5: [306, -194, 272, 80, 192],
-    0x22C6: [420, -110, 486, 80, 406],
-    0x22C8: [445, -55, 566, 80, 486],
-    0x22C9: [445, -55, 558, 80, 478],
-    0x22CA: [445, -55, 558, 80, 478],
-    0x22CB: [445, -55, 550, 80, 470],
-    0x22CC: [445, -55, 550, 80, 470],
-    0x22CD: [415, -128, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22CE: [500, -1, 683, 80, 603],
-    0x22CF: [499, 0, 683, 80, 603],
-    0x22D0: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x22D1: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
-    0x22D2: [518, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22D3: [500, 18, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x22D6: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x22D7: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x22D8: [517, 17, 1082, 80, 1002],
-    0x22D9: [517, 17, 1082, 80, 1002],
-    0x22DA: [756, 256, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x22DB: [756, 256, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x22DE: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x22DF: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x22E0: [657, 157, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x22E1: [657, 157, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x22E6: [585, 125, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x22E7: [585, 125, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x22E8: [599, 139, 655, 80, 575],
-    0x22E9: [599, 139, 655, 80, 575],
-    0x22EA: [650, 150, 697, 80, 617],
-    0x22EB: [650, 150, 697, 80, 617],
-    0x22EC: [622, 122, 696, 80, 616],
-    0x22ED: [622, 122, 696, 80, 616],
-    0x22EE: [605, 105, 272, 80, 192],
-    0x22EF: [306, -194, 869, 80, 789],
-    0x22F1: [517, 17, 694, 80, 614],
-    0x2308: [668, 150, 387, 120, 307],
-    0x2309: [668, 150, 387, 80, 267],
-    0x230A: [650, 168, 387, 120, 307],
-    0x230B: [650, 168, 387, 80, 267],
-    0x2322: [354, -146, 978, 80, 898],
-    0x2323: [354, -146, 978, 80, 898],
-    0x23B4: [726, -548, 375, 0, 375],
-    0x23B5: [-98, 276, 375, 0, 375],
-    0x23D0: [527, 0, 212, 80, 132],
-    0x23DC: [699, -595, 514, 0, 514],
-    0x23DD: [-145, 249, 514, 0, 514],
-    0x23DE: [739, -559, 520, 0, 520],
-    0x23DF: [-109, 289, 520, 0, 520],
-    0x23E0: [717, -579, 562, 0, 562],
-    0x23E1: [-129, 267, 562, 0, 562],
-    0x250C: [276, 150, 500, 224, 500],
-    0x2510: [276, 150, 500, 0, 276],
-    0x2514: [650, -224, 500, 224, 500],
-    0x2518: [650, -224, 500, 0, 276],
-    0x25A0: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x25A1: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
-    0x25B2: [656, -47, 862, 80, 782],
-    0x25B3: [656, -47, 862, 80, 782],
-    0x25B6: [601, 101, 768, 80, 688],
-    0x25BC: [453, 156, 862, 80, 782],
-    0x25BD: [453, 156, 862, 80, 782],
-    0x25C0: [601, 101, 768, 80, 688],
-    0x25CA: [555, 55, 564, 80, 484],
-    0x25EF: [668, 168, 996, 80, 916],
-    0x2660: [668, 0, 796, 80, 716],
-    0x2661: [668, 0, 760, 80, 680],
-    0x2662: [670, 0, 782, 80, 702],
-    0x2663: [668, 0, 822, 80, 742],
-    0x266D: [650, 35, 424, 80, 344],
-    0x266E: [650, 150, 399, 80, 319],
-    0x266F: [678, 178, 493, 80, 413],
-    0x2713: [650, 0, 752, 80, 672],
-    0x2720: [662, 0, 822, 80, 742],
-    0x27E8: [656, 156, 357, 80, 277],
-    0x27E9: [656, 156, 357, 80, 277],
-    0x27EE: [657, 157, 320, 120, 240],
-    0x27EF: [657, 157, 320, 80, 200],
-    0x27F5: [430, -70, 1170, 80, 1090],
-    0x27F6: [430, -70, 1170, 80, 1090],
-    0x27F7: [430, -70, 1360, 80, 1280],
-    0x27F8: [470, -30, 1170, 80, 1090],
-    0x27F9: [470, -30, 1170, 80, 1090],
-    0x27FA: [470, -30, 1360, 80, 1280],
-    0x27FC: [430, -70, 1170, 80, 1090],
-    0x2A3F: [662, 0, 761, 24, 737],
-    0x2A7D: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2A7E: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2A85: [646, 136, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A86: [646, 136, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A87: [593, 93, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A88: [593, 93, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A89: [646, 186, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A8A: [646, 186, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A8B: [819, 319, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A8C: [819, 319, 665, 80, 585],
-    0x2A95: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2A96: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
-    0x2AAF: [604, 94, 682, 80, 602],
-    0x2AB0: [604, 94, 682, 80, 602]
+  directory: 'Main/Regular',
+  family: 'GyreTermesMathJax_Main',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u00A3\u00A5\u00A7\u00A8\u00AC\u00AE\u00AF\u00B0\u00B1\u00B4\u00B5\u00B7\u00D7\u00F0',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x21: [676, 9, 333, 130, 237],
+  0x22: [676, -431, 408, 77, 331],
+  0x23: [662, 0, 500, 5, 496],
+  0x24: [727, 87, 500, 44, 457],
+  0x25: [676, 13, 833, 49, 783],
+  0x26: [676, 13, 778, 42, 750],
+  0x27: [676, -431, 180, 48, 133],
+  0x28: [658, 158, 398, 120, 318],
+  0x29: [658, 158, 398, 80, 278],
+  0x2A: [714, -310, 442, 40, 402],
+  0x2B: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2C: [102, 141, 250, 56, 195],
+  0x2D: [257, -194, 333, 39, 285],
+  0x2E: [100, 11, 250, 70, 181],
+  0x2F: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
+  0x30: [676, 14, 500, 24, 476],
+  0x31: [676, 0, 500, 111, 394],
+  0x32: [676, 0, 500, 30, 475],
+  0x33: [676, 14, 500, 43, 432],
+  0x34: [676, 0, 500, 12, 472],
+  0x35: [688, 14, 500, 32, 438],
+  0x36: [684, 14, 500, 34, 468],
+  0x37: [662, 8, 500, 20, 449],
+  0x38: [676, 14, 500, 56, 445],
+  0x39: [676, 22, 500, 30, 459],
+  0x3A: [459, 11, 278, 81, 192],
+  0x3B: [459, 141, 278, 80, 219],
+  0x3C: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x3D: [372, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x3E: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x3F: [676, 8, 444, 68, 414],
+  0x40: [676, 14, 921, 116, 809],
+  0x41: [674, 0, 722, 15, 706],
+  0x42: [662, 0, 667, 17, 593],
+  0x43: [676, 14, 667, 28, 633],
+  0x44: [662, 0, 722, 16, 685],
+  0x45: [662, 0, 611, 12, 597],
+  0x46: [662, 0, 556, 12, 546],
+  0x47: [676, 14, 722, 32, 709],
+  0x48: [662, 0, 722, 19, 702],
+  0x49: [662, 0, 333, 18, 315],
+  0x4A: [662, 14, 389, 10, 370],
+  0x4B: [662, 0, 722, 34, 723],
+  0x4C: [662, 0, 611, 12, 598],
+  0x4D: [662, 0, 889, 12, 863],
+  0x4E: [662, 11, 722, 12, 707],
+  0x4F: [676, 14, 722, 34, 688],
+  0x50: [662, 0, 556, 16, 542],
+  0x51: [676, 178, 722, 34, 701],
+  0x52: [662, 0, 667, 17, 659],
+  0x53: [676, 14, 556, 42, 491],
+  0x54: [662, 0, 611, 17, 593],
+  0x55: [662, 14, 722, 14, 705],
+  0x56: [662, 11, 722, 16, 697],
+  0x57: [662, 11, 944, 5, 932],
+  0x58: [662, 0, 722, 10, 704],
+  0x59: [662, 0, 722, 22, 703],
+  0x5A: [662, 0, 611, 9, 597],
+  0x5B: [668, 168, 387, 120, 307],
+  0x5C: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
+  0x5D: [668, 168, 387, 80, 267],
+  0x5E: [662, -297, 469, 24, 446],
+  0x5F: [-75, 125, 500, 0, 500],
+  0x60: [675, -504, 333, 16, 240],
+  0x61: [460, 10, 444, 37, 442],
+  0x62: [683, 10, 500, 3, 468],
+  0x63: [460, 10, 444, 25, 412],
+  0x64: [683, 10, 500, 27, 491],
+  0x65: [460, 10, 444, 25, 424],
+  0x66: [683, 0, 333, 20, 383],
+  0x67: [460, 218, 500, 28, 470],
+  0x68: [683, 0, 500, 9, 487],
+  0x69: [641, 0, 278, 16, 253],
+  0x6A: [641, 218, 278, -70, 202],
+  0x6B: [683, 0, 500, 7, 505],
+  0x6C: [683, 0, 278, 19, 257],
+  0x6D: [460, 0, 778, 16, 775],
+  0x6E: [460, 0, 500, 16, 485],
+  0x6F: [460, 10, 500, 29, 470],
+  0x70: [460, 217, 500, 5, 470],
+  0x71: [461, 217, 500, 24, 488],
+  0x72: [460, 0, 333, 5, 335],
+  0x73: [459, 10, 389, 51, 348],
+  0x74: [579, 10, 278, 13, 279],
+  0x75: [450, 10, 500, 9, 479],
+  0x76: [450, 14, 500, 19, 477],
+  0x77: [450, 14, 722, 21, 694],
+  0x78: [450, 0, 500, 17, 479],
+  0x79: [450, 218, 500, 14, 475],
+  0x7A: [450, 0, 444, 27, 418],
+  0x7B: [660, 160, 391, 80, 311],
+  0x7C: [650, 150, 204, 80, 124],
+  0x7D: [660, 160, 391, 80, 311],
+  0x7E: [320, -186, 541, 40, 502],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA3: [676, 8, 500, 12, 490],
+  0xA5: [662, 0, 500, -53, 512],
+  0xA7: [676, 148, 500, 70, 426],
+  0xA8: [640, -541, 333, 18, 316],
+  0xAC: [276, 0, 686, 80, 606],
+  0xAE: [686, 14, 760, 30, 730],
+  0xAF: [617, -563, 333, 11, 322],
+  0xB0: [676, -390, 400, 57, 343],
+  0xB1: [500, 122, 660, 80, 580],
+  0xB4: [675, -504, 333, 93, 317],
+  0xB5: [450, 250, 590, 80, 550],
+  0xB7: [306, -194, 272, 80, 192],
+  0xD7: [445, -55, 550, 80, 470],
+  0xF0: [686, 10, 500, 29, 471],
+  0xF7: [488, -12, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x131: [460, 0, 278, 16, 253],
+  0x237: [460, 218, 278, -70, 193],
+  0x2C6: [674, -507, 333, 11, 322],
+  0x2C7: [674, -507, 333, 11, 322],
+  0x2D8: [669, -512, 333, 26, 307],
+  0x2D9: [641, -539, 333, 115, 217],
+  0x2DA: [690, -491, 333, 67, 266],
+  0x2DC: [643, -537, 333, 1, 331],
+  0x300: [710, -539, 0, -400, -176],
+  0x301: [710, -539, 0, -323, -99],
+  0x302: [685, -551, 0, -421, -79],
+  0x303: [665, -555, 0, -417, -83],
+  0x304: [637, -583, 0, -405, -94],
+  0x306: [681, -556, 0, -425, -75],
+  0x307: [661, -559, 0, -301, -199],
+  0x308: [660, -561, 0, -398, -100],
+  0x30A: [710, -511, 0, -349, -150],
+  0x30B: [711, -540, 0, -379, 11],
+  0x30C: [679, -545, 0, -421, -79],
+  0x338: [650, 150, 0, -403, -97],
+  0x391: [674, 0, 849, 80, 769],
+  0x392: [662, 0, 736, 80, 656],
+  0x393: [662, 0, 693, 80, 613],
+  0x394: [674, 0, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x395: [662, 0, 744, 80, 664],
+  0x396: [662, 0, 747, 80, 667],
+  0x397: [662, 0, 843, 80, 763],
+  0x398: [675, 14, 814, 80, 734],
+  0x399: [662, 0, 457, 80, 377],
+  0x39A: [662, 0, 849, 80, 769],
+  0x39B: [674, 0, 849, 80, 769],
+  0x39C: [662, 0, 1011, 80, 931],
+  0x39D: [662, 11, 854, 80, 774],
+  0x39E: [662, 0, 726, 80, 646],
+  0x39F: [675, 14, 814, 80, 734],
+  0x3A0: [662, 0, 843, 80, 763],
+  0x3A1: [662, 0, 686, 80, 606],
+  0x3A3: [662, 0, 753, 80, 673],
+  0x3A4: [662, 0, 736, 80, 656],
+  0x3A5: [662, 0, 824, 80, 744],
+  0x3A6: [662, 0, 722, 80, 642],
+  0x3A7: [662, 0, 854, 80, 774],
+  0x3A8: [662, 0, 799, 80, 719],
+  0x3A9: [676, 0, 853, 80, 773],
+  0x3B1: [460, 17, 635, 80, 554],
+  0x3B2: [673, 217, 563, 80, 483],
+  0x3B3: [461, 234, 673, 80, 593],
+  0x3B4: [671, 16, 602, 80, 522],
+  0x3B5: [460, 16, 539, 80, 459],
+  0x3B6: [667, 210, 546, 80, 466],
+  0x3B7: [460, 217, 599, 80, 519],
+  0x3B8: [673, 16, 552, 79, 472],
+  0x3B9: [460, 17, 463, 80, 383],
+  0x3BA: [460, 15, 691, 80, 611],
+  0x3BB: [673, 18, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x3BC: [444, 218, 620, 80, 540],
+  0x3BD: [460, 16, 604, 80, 524],
+  0x3BE: [667, 210, 545, 80, 465],
+  0x3BF: [460, 10, 600, 80, 520],
+  0x3C0: [471, 16, 708, 80, 628],
+  0x3C1: [460, 218, 544, 80, 464],
+  0x3C2: [460, 210, 545, 80, 465],
+  0x3C3: [471, 16, 597, 80, 517],
+  0x3C4: [471, 16, 628, 80, 548],
+  0x3C5: [460, 16, 587, 80, 507],
+  0x3C6: [460, 218, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x3C7: [460, 236, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x3C8: [460, 218, 780, 80, 700],
+  0x3C9: [463, 16, 767, 80, 687],
+  0x3D1: [673, 16, 727, 80, 647],
+  0x3D5: [657, 217, 702, 80, 622],
+  0x3D6: [471, 21, 898, 80, 818],
+  0x3F0: [460, 16, 676, 80, 596],
+  0x3F1: [460, 217, 552, 80, 472],
+  0x3F4: [675, 14, 814, 80, 734],
+  0x3F5: [460, 16, 474, 80, 394],
+  0x2002: [0, 0, 500, 0, 0],
+  0x2003: [0, 0, 1000, 0, 0],
+  0x2004: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0x2005: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x2006: [0, 0, 167, 0, 0],
+  0x2009: [0, 0, 200, 0, 0],
+  0x200A: [0, 0, 100, 0, 0],
+  0x2013: [250, -201, 500, 0, 500],
+  0x2014: [250, -201, 1000, 0, 1000],
+  0x2016: [650, 150, 348, 80, 268],
+  0x2018: [676, -433, 333, 115, 254],
+  0x2019: [676, -433, 333, 79, 218],
+  0x201C: [676, -433, 444, 43, 414],
+  0x201D: [676, -433, 444, 30, 401],
+  0x2020: [676, 149, 500, 59, 443],
+  0x2021: [676, 153, 500, 58, 442],
+  0x2026: [112, 0, 869, 80, 789],
+  0x2032: [780, -450, 321, 60, 261],
+  0x2033: [780, -450, 521, 60, 461],
+  0x2034: [780, -450, 721, 60, 661],
+  0x2035: [780, -450, 321, 60, 261],
+  0x2044: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
+  0x2057: [780, -450, 921, 60, 861],
+  0x20D7: [710, -534, 0, -443, -57],
+  0x210F: [683, 9, 500, 19, 478],
+  0x2111: [659, 22, 634, 79, 554],
+  0x2113: [676, 14, 433, 40, 393],
+  0x2118: [538, 186, 710, 80, 630],
+  0x211C: [656, 21, 828, 80, 748],
+  0x2127: [658, 18, 853, 80, 773],
+  0x2135: [723, 19, 604, 40, 564],
+  0x2136: [729, 29, 522, 40, 482],
+  0x2137: [740, 18, 469, 40, 428],
+  0x2138: [717, 16, 522, 40, 482],
+  0x2190: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x2191: [600, 90, 520, 80, 440],
+  0x2192: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x2193: [590, 100, 520, 80, 440],
+  0x2194: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x2195: [690, 190, 520, 80, 440],
+  0x2196: [497, 9, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2197: [497, 9, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2198: [509, -3, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2199: [509, -3, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x219A: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x219B: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x219E: [430, -70, 1030, 80, 950],
+  0x21A0: [430, -70, 1030, 80, 950],
+  0x21A2: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x21A3: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x21A6: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21A9: [508, -70, 876, 80, 796],
+  0x21AA: [508, -70, 876, 80, 796],
+  0x21AB: [508, -18, 876, 80, 796],
+  0x21AC: [508, -18, 876, 80, 796],
+  0x21AD: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x21AE: [430, -70, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x21B0: [598, 98, 540, 80, 460],
+  0x21B1: [598, 98, 540, 80, 460],
+  0x21B6: [535, -241, 799, 80, 719],
+  0x21B7: [535, -241, 799, 80, 719],
+  0x21BA: [547, 3, 726, 80, 646],
+  0x21BB: [547, 3, 726, 79, 646],
+  0x21BC: [430, -224, 840, 80, 760],
+  0x21BD: [276, -70, 840, 80, 760],
+  0x21BE: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
+  0x21BF: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
+  0x21C0: [430, -224, 840, 80, 760],
+  0x21C1: [276, -70, 840, 80, 760],
+  0x21C2: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
+  0x21C3: [590, 90, 366, 80, 286],
+  0x21C4: [630, 130, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x21C6: [630, 130, 860, 80, 780],
+  0x21C7: [630, 130, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21C8: [600, 90, 920, 80, 840],
+  0x21C9: [630, 130, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21CA: [590, 100, 920, 80, 840],
+  0x21CB: [526, 26, 840, 80, 760],
+  0x21CC: [526, 26, 840, 80, 760],
+  0x21CD: [500, 0, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21CE: [500, 0, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x21CF: [500, 0, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21D0: [470, -30, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21D1: [600, 90, 600, 80, 520],
+  0x21D2: [470, -30, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x21D3: [590, 100, 600, 80, 520],
+  0x21D4: [470, -30, 1040, 80, 960],
+  0x21D5: [690, 190, 600, 80, 520],
+  0x21DA: [572, 72, 1030, 80, 950],
+  0x21DB: [572, 72, 1030, 80, 950],
+  0x21DD: [430, -70, 850, 80, 770],
+  0x2200: [662, 4, 580, 70, 510],
+  0x2201: [662, 0, 560, 80, 480],
+  0x2202: [673, 17, 552, 80, 472],
+  0x2203: [662, 0, 534, 80, 454],
+  0x2204: [729, 67, 534, 80, 454],
+  0x2205: [755, 93, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2207: [664, 10, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2208: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x2209: [650, 150, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x220B: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x220D: [425, -75, 528, 80, 448],
+  0x2212: [276, -224, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2213: [622, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2214: [697, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2215: [650, 150, 466, 80, 386],
+  0x2216: [608, 108, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2217: [452, -48, 522, 80, 442],
+  0x2218: [400, -100, 460, 80, 380],
+  0x2219: [400, -100, 460, 80, 380],
+  0x221A: [616, 90, 594, 120, 620],
+  0x221D: [440, -60, 797, 80, 717],
+  0x221E: [442, -58, 940, 80, 860],
+  0x2220: [544, 0, 697, 80, 617],
+  0x2221: [544, 85, 697, 80, 617],
+  0x2222: [483, -17, 642, 80, 562],
+  0x2223: [650, 150, 204, 80, 124],
+  0x2224: [650, 150, 346, 80, 266],
+  0x2225: [650, 150, 348, 80, 268],
+  0x2226: [650, 150, 482, 80, 402],
+  0x2227: [506, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2228: [500, 6, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2229: [518, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x222A: [500, 18, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x222B: [796, 296, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2234: [415, -85, 524, 80, 444],
+  0x2235: [415, -85, 524, 80, 444],
+  0x223C: [319, -181, 642, 80, 562],
+  0x223D: [319, -181, 642, 80, 562],
+  0x2240: [491, -9, 321, 80, 241],
+  0x2241: [419, -81, 642, 80, 562],
+  0x2242: [372, -85, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2243: [415, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2245: [471, -72, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2246: [487, -22, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2248: [415, -85, 642, 80, 562],
+  0x224A: [471, -72, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x224D: [411, -89, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x224E: [470, -30, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x224F: [470, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2250: [584, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2251: [584, 84, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2252: [584, 84, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2253: [584, 84, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2256: [372, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2257: [772, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x225C: [829, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2260: [650, 150, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2261: [468, -32, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2264: [564, 54, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2265: [564, 54, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2266: [627, 117, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2267: [627, 117, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2268: [627, 184, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2269: [627, 184, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x226A: [517, 17, 805, 80, 725],
+  0x226B: [517, 17, 805, 80, 725],
+  0x226C: [666, 166, 413, 80, 333],
+  0x226E: [650, 150, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x226F: [650, 150, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2270: [611, 111, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2271: [611, 111, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2272: [585, 75, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2273: [585, 75, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2276: [655, 155, 670, 80, 590],
+  0x2277: [655, 155, 670, 80, 590],
+  0x227A: [528, 28, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x227B: [528, 28, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x227C: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x227D: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x227E: [599, 89, 655, 80, 575],
+  0x227F: [599, 89, 655, 80, 575],
+  0x2280: [650, 150, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x2281: [650, 150, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x2282: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x2283: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x2286: [576, 76, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x2287: [576, 76, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x2288: [685, 185, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x2289: [685, 185, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x228A: [576, 143, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x228B: [576, 143, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x228E: [500, 18, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x228F: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2290: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2291: [576, 76, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2292: [576, 76, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x2293: [513, -13, 591, 80, 511],
+  0x2294: [487, 13, 591, 80, 511],
+  0x2295: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x2296: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x2297: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x2298: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x2299: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x229A: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x229B: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x229D: [568, 68, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x229E: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x229F: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A0: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A1: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A2: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A3: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A4: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A5: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A8: [650, 150, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22A9: [650, 150, 738, 80, 658],
+  0x22AA: [650, 150, 890, 80, 810],
+  0x22AC: [650, 150, 712, 80, 632],
+  0x22AD: [650, 150, 764, 80, 684],
+  0x22AE: [650, 150, 842, 80, 762],
+  0x22AF: [650, 150, 842, 80, 762],
+  0x22B2: [527, 27, 697, 80, 617],
+  0x22B3: [527, 27, 697, 80, 617],
+  0x22B4: [570, 70, 696, 80, 616],
+  0x22B5: [570, 70, 696, 80, 616],
+  0x22B8: [400, -100, 810, 80, 730],
+  0x22BA: [650, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22BB: [526, 26, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22BC: [526, 26, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22C4: [448, -52, 557, 80, 477],
+  0x22C5: [306, -194, 272, 80, 192],
+  0x22C6: [420, -110, 486, 80, 406],
+  0x22C8: [445, -55, 566, 80, 486],
+  0x22C9: [445, -55, 558, 80, 478],
+  0x22CA: [445, -55, 558, 80, 478],
+  0x22CB: [445, -55, 550, 80, 470],
+  0x22CC: [445, -55, 550, 80, 470],
+  0x22CD: [415, -128, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22CE: [500, -1, 683, 80, 603],
+  0x22CF: [499, 0, 683, 80, 603],
+  0x22D0: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x22D1: [500, 0, 678, 80, 598],
+  0x22D2: [518, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22D3: [500, 18, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x22D6: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x22D7: [515, 15, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x22D8: [517, 17, 1082, 80, 1002],
+  0x22D9: [517, 17, 1082, 80, 1002],
+  0x22DA: [756, 256, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x22DB: [756, 256, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x22DE: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x22DF: [631, 131, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x22E0: [657, 157, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x22E1: [657, 157, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x22E6: [585, 125, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x22E7: [585, 125, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x22E8: [599, 139, 655, 80, 575],
+  0x22E9: [599, 139, 655, 80, 575],
+  0x22EA: [650, 150, 697, 80, 617],
+  0x22EB: [650, 150, 697, 80, 617],
+  0x22EC: [622, 122, 696, 80, 616],
+  0x22ED: [622, 122, 696, 80, 616],
+  0x22EE: [605, 105, 272, 80, 192],
+  0x22EF: [306, -194, 869, 80, 789],
+  0x22F1: [517, 17, 694, 80, 614],
+  0x2308: [668, 150, 387, 120, 307],
+  0x2309: [668, 150, 387, 80, 267],
+  0x230A: [650, 168, 387, 120, 307],
+  0x230B: [650, 168, 387, 80, 267],
+  0x2322: [354, -146, 978, 80, 898],
+  0x2323: [354, -146, 978, 80, 898],
+  0x23B4: [726, -548, 375, 0, 375],
+  0x23B5: [-98, 276, 375, 0, 375],
+  0x23D0: [527, 0, 212, 80, 132],
+  0x23DC: [699, -595, 514, 0, 514],
+  0x23DD: [-145, 249, 514, 0, 514],
+  0x23DE: [739, -559, 520, 0, 520],
+  0x23DF: [-109, 289, 520, 0, 520],
+  0x23E0: [717, -579, 562, 0, 562],
+  0x23E1: [-129, 267, 562, 0, 562],
+  0x250C: [276, 150, 500, 224, 500],
+  0x2510: [276, 150, 500, 0, 276],
+  0x2514: [650, -224, 500, 224, 500],
+  0x2518: [650, -224, 500, 0, 276],
+  0x25A0: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x25A1: [500, 0, 660, 80, 580],
+  0x25B2: [656, -47, 862, 80, 782],
+  0x25B3: [656, -47, 862, 80, 782],
+  0x25B6: [601, 101, 768, 80, 688],
+  0x25BC: [453, 156, 862, 80, 782],
+  0x25BD: [453, 156, 862, 80, 782],
+  0x25C0: [601, 101, 768, 80, 688],
+  0x25CA: [555, 55, 564, 80, 484],
+  0x25EF: [668, 168, 996, 80, 916],
+  0x2660: [668, 0, 796, 80, 716],
+  0x2661: [668, 0, 760, 80, 680],
+  0x2662: [670, 0, 782, 80, 702],
+  0x2663: [668, 0, 822, 80, 742],
+  0x266D: [650, 35, 424, 80, 344],
+  0x266E: [650, 150, 399, 80, 319],
+  0x266F: [678, 178, 493, 80, 413],
+  0x2713: [650, 0, 752, 80, 672],
+  0x2720: [662, 0, 822, 80, 742],
+  0x27E8: [656, 156, 357, 80, 277],
+  0x27E9: [656, 156, 357, 80, 277],
+  0x27EE: [657, 157, 320, 120, 240],
+  0x27EF: [657, 157, 320, 80, 200],
+  0x27F5: [430, -70, 1170, 80, 1090],
+  0x27F6: [430, -70, 1170, 80, 1090],
+  0x27F7: [430, -70, 1360, 80, 1280],
+  0x27F8: [470, -30, 1170, 80, 1090],
+  0x27F9: [470, -30, 1170, 80, 1090],
+  0x27FA: [470, -30, 1360, 80, 1280],
+  0x27FC: [430, -70, 1170, 80, 1090],
+  0x2A3F: [662, 0, 761, 24, 737],
+  0x2A7D: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2A7E: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2A85: [646, 136, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A86: [646, 136, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A87: [593, 93, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A88: [593, 93, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A89: [646, 186, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A8A: [646, 186, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A8B: [819, 319, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A8C: [819, 319, 665, 80, 585],
+  0x2A95: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2A96: [599, 99, 666, 80, 586],
+  0x2AAF: [604, 94, 682, 80, 602],
+  0x2AB0: [604, 94, 682, 80, 602]

+ 52 - 52

@@ -18,58 +18,58 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x28: [1253, 753, 575, 139, 482],
-    0x29: [1253, 753, 575, 93, 436],
-    0x2F: [1793, 1293, 1222, 80, 1142],
-    0x5B: [1266, 766, 472, 139, 379],
-    0x5C: [1793, 1293, 1222, 80, 1142],
-    0x5D: [1266, 766, 472, 93, 333],
-    0x7B: [1255, 755, 517, 93, 424],
-    0x7C: [1245, 745, 216, 80, 136],
-    0x7D: [1255, 755, 517, 93, 424],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x302: [699, -536, 1249, 0, 1249],
-    0x303: [687, -533, 1241, 0, 1241],
-    0x306: [695, -540, 1266, 0, 1266],
-    0x30C: [694, -531, 1249, 0, 1249],
-    0x311: [709, -553, 1266, 0, 1266],
-    0x32C: [-70, 233, 1249, 0, 1249],
-    0x32D: [-80, 243, 1249, 0, 1249],
-    0x32E: [-70, 225, 1266, 0, 1266],
-    0x32F: [-88, 243, 1266, 0, 1266],
-    0x330: [-88, 242, 1241, 0, 1241],
-    0x2016: [1245, 745, 372, 80, 292],
-    0x2044: [1793, 1293, 1222, 80, 1142],
-    0x20E9: [750, -548, 2250, 0, 2250],
-    0x221A: [1576, 1050, 661, 120, 687],
-    0x2223: [1245, 745, 216, 80, 136],
-    0x2225: [1245, 745, 372, 80, 292],
-    0x2308: [1266, 745, 472, 139, 379],
-    0x2309: [1266, 745, 472, 93, 333],
-    0x230A: [1245, 766, 472, 139, 379],
-    0x230B: [1245, 766, 472, 93, 333],
-    0x2329: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
-    0x232A: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
-    0x23B4: [750, -548, 2250, 0, 2250],
-    0x23B5: [-98, 300, 2250, 0, 2250],
-    0x23DC: [750, -541, 3014, 0, 3014],
-    0x23DD: [-91, 300, 3014, 0, 3014],
-    0x23DE: [784, -527, 3019, 0, 3019],
-    0x23DF: [-77, 333, 3019, 0, 3019],
-    0x23E0: [745, -541, 3080, 0, 3080],
-    0x23E1: [-91, 295, 3080, 0, 3080],
-    0x27E6: [1266, 766, 475, 139, 382],
-    0x27E7: [1266, 766, 475, 93, 336],
-    0x27E8: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
-    0x27E9: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
-    0x27EA: [1796, 1296, 765, 93, 672],
-    0x27EB: [1796, 1296, 765, 93, 672],
-    0x27EE: [1252, 752, 399, 139, 306],
-    0x27EF: [1252, 752, 399, 93, 260]
+  directory: 'Size5/Regular',
+  family: 'GyreTermesMathJax_Size5',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u0302\u0303\u0306\u030C\u0311\u032C\u032D\u032E\u032F\u0330\u2016\u2044\u20E9\u221A',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x28: [1253, 753, 575, 139, 482],
+  0x29: [1253, 753, 575, 93, 436],
+  0x2F: [1793, 1293, 1222, 80, 1142],
+  0x5B: [1266, 766, 472, 139, 379],
+  0x5C: [1793, 1293, 1222, 80, 1142],
+  0x5D: [1266, 766, 472, 93, 333],
+  0x7B: [1255, 755, 517, 93, 424],
+  0x7C: [1245, 745, 216, 80, 136],
+  0x7D: [1255, 755, 517, 93, 424],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x302: [699, -536, 1249, 0, 1249],
+  0x303: [687, -533, 1241, 0, 1241],
+  0x306: [695, -540, 1266, 0, 1266],
+  0x30C: [694, -531, 1249, 0, 1249],
+  0x311: [709, -553, 1266, 0, 1266],
+  0x32C: [-70, 233, 1249, 0, 1249],
+  0x32D: [-80, 243, 1249, 0, 1249],
+  0x32E: [-70, 225, 1266, 0, 1266],
+  0x32F: [-88, 243, 1266, 0, 1266],
+  0x330: [-88, 242, 1241, 0, 1241],
+  0x2016: [1245, 745, 372, 80, 292],
+  0x2044: [1793, 1293, 1222, 80, 1142],
+  0x20E9: [750, -548, 2250, 0, 2250],
+  0x221A: [1576, 1050, 661, 120, 687],
+  0x2223: [1245, 745, 216, 80, 136],
+  0x2225: [1245, 745, 372, 80, 292],
+  0x2308: [1266, 745, 472, 139, 379],
+  0x2309: [1266, 745, 472, 93, 333],
+  0x230A: [1245, 766, 472, 139, 379],
+  0x230B: [1245, 766, 472, 93, 333],
+  0x2329: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
+  0x232A: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
+  0x23B4: [750, -548, 2250, 0, 2250],
+  0x23B5: [-98, 300, 2250, 0, 2250],
+  0x23DC: [750, -541, 3014, 0, 3014],
+  0x23DD: [-91, 300, 3014, 0, 3014],
+  0x23DE: [784, -527, 3019, 0, 3019],
+  0x23DF: [-77, 333, 3019, 0, 3019],
+  0x23E0: [745, -541, 3080, 0, 3080],
+  0x23E1: [-91, 295, 3080, 0, 3080],
+  0x27E6: [1266, 766, 475, 139, 382],
+  0x27E7: [1266, 766, 475, 93, 336],
+  0x27E8: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
+  0x27E9: [1796, 1296, 510, 93, 417],
+  0x27EA: [1796, 1296, 765, 93, 672],
+  0x27EB: [1796, 1296, 765, 93, 672],
+  0x27EE: [1252, 752, 399, 139, 306],
+  0x27EF: [1252, 752, 399, 93, 260]

+ 813 - 819

@@ -23,838 +23,832 @@
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-                    }
-                },
-                0x306: EXTRAH,
-                0x30C: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.342, MAIN], [0.608, SIZE1], [0.727, SIZE2], [0.870, SIZE3], [1.041, SIZE4], [1.249, SIZE5], [1.496, SIZE6]]
-                },
-                0x311: EXTRAH,
-                0x32C: EXTRAH,
-                0x32D: EXTRAH,
-                0x32E: EXTRAH,
-                0x32F: EXTRAH,
-                0x330: EXTRAH,
-                0x332: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.333, MARKS], [0.500, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE0F5, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE0F6, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE0F7, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x333: EXTRAH,
-                0x33F: EXTRAH,
-                0x2015: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
-                0x2016: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE12A, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE12B, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE12C, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2017: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
-                0x203E: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
-                0x2044: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [1.048, SIZE1], [1.372, SIZE2], [1.798, SIZE3], [2.356, SIZE4], [3.086, SIZE5], [4.044, SIZE6]]
-                },
-                0x20D0: EXTRAH,
-                0x20D1: EXTRAH,
-                0x20D6: EXTRAH,
-                0x20D7: EXTRAH,
-                0x20E1: EXTRAH,
-                0x20E9: EXTRAH,
-                0x20EC: EXTRAH,
-                0x20ED: EXTRAH,
-                0x20EE: EXTRAH,
-                0x20EF: EXTRAH,
-                0x2140: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.956, DOUBLESTRUCK], [1.360, SIZE1]]
-                },
-                0x2190: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE023, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE024, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE025, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2191: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE029, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE02A, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE02B, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2192: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE026, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE027, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE028, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2193: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE02C, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE02D, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE02E, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2194: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE037, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE038, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE039, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2195: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE03A, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE03B, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE03C, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2196: EXTRAV,
-                0x2197: EXTRAV,
-                0x2198: EXTRAV,
-                0x2199: EXTRAV,
-                0x219A: EXTRAH,
-                0x219B: EXTRAH,
-                0x219E: EXTRAH,
-                0x219F: EXTRAV,
-                0x21A0: EXTRAH,
-                0x21A1: EXTRAV,
-                0x21A2: EXTRAH,
-                0x21A3: EXTRAH,
-                0x21A4: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.690, ARROWS], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE053, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE054, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE055, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21A5: EXTRAV,
-                0x21A6: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE056, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE057, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE058, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21A7: EXTRAV,
-                0x21A9: EXTRAH,
-                0x21AA: EXTRAH,
-                0x21AB: EXTRAH,
-                0x21AC: EXTRAH,
-                0x21AD: EXTRAH,
-                0x21AE: EXTRAH,
-                0x21B0: EXTRAV,
-                0x21B1: EXTRAV,
-                0x21B2: EXTRAV,
-                0x21B3: EXTRAV,
-                0x21B6: EXTRAH,
-                0x21B7: EXTRAH,
-                0x21BC: EXTRAH,
-                0x21BD: EXTRAH,
-                0x21BE: EXTRAV,
-                0x21BF: EXTRAV,
-                0x21C0: EXTRAH,
-                0x21C1: EXTRAH,
-                0x21C2: EXTRAV,
-                0x21C3: EXTRAV,
-                0x21C4: EXTRAH,
-                0x21C5: EXTRAV,
-                0x21C6: EXTRAH,
-                0x21C7: EXTRAH,
-                0x21C8: EXTRAV,
-                0x21C9: EXTRAH,
-                0x21CA: EXTRAV,
-                0x21CB: EXTRAH,
-                0x21CC: EXTRAH,
-                0x21CD: EXTRAH,
-                0x21CE: EXTRAH,
-                0x21CF: EXTRAH,
-                0x21D0: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE0A7, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE0A8, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE0A9, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21D1: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE0AD, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE0AE, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE0AF, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21D2: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE0AA, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE0AB, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE0AC, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21D3: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE0B0, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE0B1, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE0B2, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21D4: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE0B3, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE0B4, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE0B5, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21D5: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE0B6, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE0B7, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE0B8, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x21D6: EXTRAV,
-                0x21D7: EXTRAV,
-                0x21D8: EXTRAV,
-                0x21D9: EXTRAV,
-                0x21DA: EXTRAH,
-                0x21DB: EXTRAH,
-                0x21DC: EXTRAH,
-                0x21DD: EXTRAH,
-                0x21E6: EXTRAH,
-                0x21E7: EXTRAV,
-                0x21E8: EXTRAH,
-                0x21E9: EXTRAV,
-                0x21F3: EXTRAV,
-                0x21F5: EXTRAV,
-                0x21F6: EXTRAH,
-                0x220F: EXTRAV,
-                0x2210: EXTRAV,
-                0x2211: EXTRAV,
-                0x2212: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.500, MAIN]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE127, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE128, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE129, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2215: {alias: 0x2044, dir: V},
-                0x221A: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.706, MAIN], [1.090, SIZE1], [1.474, SIZE2], [1.858, SIZE3], [2.242, SIZE4], [2.626, SIZE5], [3.010, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0x23B7, SYMBOLS],
-                        ext: [0xE133, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE134, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2223: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE004, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE005, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE006, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2225: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE12A, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE12B, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE12C, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x222B: EXTRAV,
-                0x222C: EXTRAV,
-                0x222D: EXTRAV,
-                0x222E: EXTRAV,
-                0x222F: EXTRAV,
-                0x2230: EXTRAV,
-                0x2231: EXTRAV,
-                0x2232: EXTRAV,
-                0x2233: EXTRAV,
-                0x2261: EXTRAH,
-                0x2263: EXTRAH,
-                0x22A2: EXTRAV,
-                0x22A3: EXTRAV,
-                0x22A4: EXTRAV,
-                0x22A5: EXTRAV,
-                0x22C0: EXTRAV,
-                0x22C1: EXTRAV,
-                0x22C2: EXTRAV,
-                0x22C3: EXTRAV,
-                0x2308: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
-                    stretch: {ext: [0x23A2, SYMBOLS], top: [0x23A1, SYMBOLS]}
-                },
-                0x2309: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
-                    stretch: {ext: [0x23A5, SYMBOLS], top: [0x23A4, SYMBOLS]}
-                },
-                0x230A: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
-                    stretch: {bot: [0x23A3, SYMBOLS], ext: [0x23A2, SYMBOLS]}
-                },
-                0x230B: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
-                    stretch: {bot: [0x23A6, SYMBOLS], ext: [0x23A5, SYMBOLS]}
-                },
-                0x2329: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.812, SYMBOLS], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
-                },
-                0x232A: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.812, SYMBOLS], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
-                },
-                0x23AA: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.596, SYMBOLS]],
-                    stretch: {ext: [0x23AA, SYMBOLS]}
-                },
-                0x23AF: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
-                0x23B0: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.607, SYMBOLS, null, 0x23A7]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        top: [0x23A7, SYMBOLS],
-                        ext: [0x23AA, SYMBOLS],
-                        bot: [0x23AD, SYMBOLS]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x23B1: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.607, SYMBOLS, null, 0x23AB]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        top: [0x23AB, SYMBOLS],
-                        ext: [0x23AA, SYMBOLS],
-                        bot: [0x23A9, SYMBOLS]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x23B4: EXTRAH,
-                0x23B5: EXTRAH,
-                0x23D0: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.800, MAIN, null, 0x7C], [1.350, MAIN, 1.688, 0x7C], [1.827, MAIN, 2.283, 0x7C], [2.303, MAIN, 2.879, 0x7C], [2.780, MAIN, 3.474, 0x7C]],
-                    stretch: {ext: [0x7C, MAIN]}
-                },
-                0x23DC: EXTRAH,
-                0x23DD: EXTRAH,
-                0x23DE: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.520, MAIN], [1.019, SIZE1], [1.519, SIZE2], [2.019, SIZE3], [2.519, SIZE4], [3.019, SIZE5], [3.519, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE10D, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE10E, SIZE6],
-                        mid: [0xE10F, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE110, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x23DF: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.520, MAIN], [1.019, SIZE1], [1.519, SIZE2], [2.019, SIZE3], [2.519, SIZE4], [3.019, SIZE5], [3.519, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE111, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE112, SIZE6],
-                        mid: [0xE113, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE114, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x23E0: EXTRAH,
-                0x23E1: EXTRAH,
-                0x2500: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
-                0x27A1: EXTRAH,
-                0x27E6: EXTRAV,
-                0x27E7: EXTRAV,
-                0x27E8: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.812, MAIN], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [1.827, SIZE3, 1.012], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
-                },
-                0x27E9: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.812, MAIN], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [1.827, SIZE3, 1.012], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
-                },
-                0x27EA: EXTRAV,
-                0x27EB: EXTRAV,
-                0x27EE: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.814, MAIN], [0.974, SIZE1], [1.166, SIZE2], [1.396, SIZE3], [1.672, SIZE4], [2.004, SIZE5], [2.402, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE101, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE102, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE103, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x27EF: {
-                    dir: V,
-                    HW: [[0.814, MAIN], [0.974, SIZE1], [1.166, SIZE2], [1.396, SIZE3], [1.672, SIZE4], [2.004, SIZE5], [2.402, SIZE6]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        bot: [0xE104, SIZE6],
-                        ext: [0xE105, SIZE6],
-                        top: [0xE106, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x27F5: {alias: 0x2190, dir: H},
-                0x27F6: {alias: 0x2192, dir: H},
-                0x27F7: {alias: 0x2194, dir: H},
-                0x27F8: {alias: 0x21D0, dir: H},
-                0x27F9: {alias: 0x21D2, dir: H},
-                0x27FA: {alias: 0x21D4, dir: H},
-                0x27FB: {alias: 0x21A4, dir: H},
-                0x27FC: {alias: 0x21A6, dir: H},
-                0x27FD: {alias: 0x2906, dir: H},
-                0x27FE: {alias: 0x2907, dir: H},
-                0x2906: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.870, ARROWS], [1.190, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE0C5, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE0C6, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE0C7, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2907: {
-                    dir: H,
-                    HW: [[0.870, ARROWS], [1.190, SIZE1]],
-                    stretch: {
-                        left: [0xE0C8, SIZE6],
-                        rep: [0xE0C9, SIZE6],
-                        right: [0xE0CA, SIZE6]
-                    }
-                },
-                0x2A00: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A01: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A02: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A03: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A04: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A05: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A06: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A09: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A0C: EXTRAV,
-                0x2A11: EXTRAV,
-                0x2B04: EXTRAH,
-                0x2B05: EXTRAH,
-                0x2B06: EXTRAV,
-                0x2B07: EXTRAV,
-                0x2B0C: EXTRAH,
-                0x2B0D: EXTRAV,
-                0x2B31: EXTRAH,
-                0x3008: {alias: 0x27E8, dir: V},
-                0x3009: {alias: 0x27E9, dir: V},
-                0xFE37: {alias: 0x23DE, dir: H},
-                0xFE38: {alias: 0x23DF, dir: H}
-            }
+      DELIMITERS: {
+        0x28: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.816, MAIN], [0.976, SIZE1], [1.168, SIZE2], [1.398, SIZE3], [1.674, SIZE4], [2.006, SIZE5], [2.404, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.157]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x239D, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0x239C, SYMBOLS],
+            top: [0x239B, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x29: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.816, MAIN], [0.976, SIZE1], [1.168, SIZE2], [1.398, SIZE3], [1.674, SIZE4], [2.006, SIZE5], [2.404, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.157]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x23A0, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0x239F, SYMBOLS],
+            top: [0x239E, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2D: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x2F: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [1.048, SIZE1], [1.372, SIZE2], [1.798, SIZE3], [1.827, SIZE3, 1.016], [2.356, SIZE4], [3.086, SIZE5], [4.044, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x3D: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.500, MAIN]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE000, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE001, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE002, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x5B: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.836, MAIN], [0.998, SIZE1], [1.190, SIZE2], [1.422, SIZE3], [1.698, SIZE4], [2.032, SIZE5], [2.432, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.143]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x23A3, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0x23A2, SYMBOLS],
+            top: [0x23A1, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x5C: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [1.048, SIZE1], [1.372, SIZE2], [1.798, SIZE3], [1.827, SIZE3, 1.016], [2.356, SIZE4], [3.086, SIZE5], [4.044, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x5D: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.836, MAIN], [0.998, SIZE1], [1.190, SIZE2], [1.422, SIZE3], [1.698, SIZE4], [2.032, SIZE5], [2.432, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.143]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x23A6, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0x23A5, SYMBOLS],
+            top: [0x23A4, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x5E: {alias: 0x302, dir: H},
+        0x5F: {alias: 0x332, dir: H},
+        0x7B: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.820, MAIN], [0.980, SIZE1], [1.172, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.010, SIZE5], [2.408, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.155]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x23A9, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0xE003, SIZE6],
+            mid: [0x23A8, SYMBOLS],
+            top: [0x23A7, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x7C: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE004, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE005, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE006, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x7D: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.820, MAIN], [0.980, SIZE1], [1.172, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.010, SIZE5], [2.408, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.155]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x23AD, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0xE007, SIZE6],
+            mid: [0x23AC, SYMBOLS],
+            top: [0x23AB, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x7E: {alias: 0x303, dir: H},
+        0xAF: {alias: 0x332, dir: H},
+        0x2C6: {alias: 0x302, dir: H},
+        0x2C9: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x2DC: {alias: 0x303, dir: H},
+        0x302: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.342, MAIN], [0.608, SIZE1], [0.727, SIZE2], [0.870, SIZE3], [1.041, SIZE4], [1.249, SIZE5], [1.496, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x303: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.334, MAIN], [0.601, SIZE1], [0.720, SIZE2], [0.863, SIZE3], [1.037, SIZE4], [1.241, SIZE5], [1.491, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x305: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.333, MARKS], [0.500, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0FB, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0FC, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0FD, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x306: EXTRAH,
+        0x30C: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.342, MAIN], [0.608, SIZE1], [0.727, SIZE2], [0.870, SIZE3], [1.041, SIZE4], [1.249, SIZE5], [1.496, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x311: EXTRAH,
+        0x32C: EXTRAH,
+        0x32D: EXTRAH,
+        0x32E: EXTRAH,
+        0x32F: EXTRAH,
+        0x330: EXTRAH,
+        0x332: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.333, MARKS], [0.500, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0F5, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0F6, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0F7, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x333: EXTRAH,
+        0x33F: EXTRAH,
+        0x2015: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x2016: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE12A, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE12B, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE12C, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2017: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x203E: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x2044: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [1.048, SIZE1], [1.372, SIZE2], [1.798, SIZE3], [2.356, SIZE4], [3.086, SIZE5], [4.044, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x20D0: EXTRAH,
+        0x20D1: EXTRAH,
+        0x20D6: EXTRAH,
+        0x20D7: EXTRAH,
+        0x20E1: EXTRAH,
+        0x20E9: EXTRAH,
+        0x20EC: EXTRAH,
+        0x20ED: EXTRAH,
+        0x20EE: EXTRAH,
+        0x20EF: EXTRAH,
+        0x2140: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.956, DOUBLESTRUCK], [1.360, SIZE1]]
+        },
+        0x2190: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE023, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE024, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE025, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2191: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE029, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE02A, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE02B, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2192: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE026, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE027, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE028, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2193: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE02C, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE02D, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE02E, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2194: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE037, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE038, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE039, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2195: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE03A, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE03B, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE03C, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2196: EXTRAV,
+        0x2197: EXTRAV,
+        0x2198: EXTRAV,
+        0x2199: EXTRAV,
+        0x219A: EXTRAH,
+        0x219B: EXTRAH,
+        0x219E: EXTRAH,
+        0x219F: EXTRAV,
+        0x21A0: EXTRAH,
+        0x21A1: EXTRAV,
+        0x21A2: EXTRAH,
+        0x21A3: EXTRAH,
+        0x21A4: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.690, ARROWS], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE053, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE054, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE055, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21A5: EXTRAV,
+        0x21A6: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE056, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE057, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE058, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21A7: EXTRAV,
+        0x21A9: EXTRAH,
+        0x21AA: EXTRAH,
+        0x21AB: EXTRAH,
+        0x21AC: EXTRAH,
+        0x21AD: EXTRAH,
+        0x21AE: EXTRAH,
+        0x21B0: EXTRAV,
+        0x21B1: EXTRAV,
+        0x21B2: EXTRAV,
+        0x21B3: EXTRAV,
+        0x21B6: EXTRAH,
+        0x21B7: EXTRAH,
+        0x21BC: EXTRAH,
+        0x21BD: EXTRAH,
+        0x21BE: EXTRAV,
+        0x21BF: EXTRAV,
+        0x21C0: EXTRAH,
+        0x21C1: EXTRAH,
+        0x21C2: EXTRAV,
+        0x21C3: EXTRAV,
+        0x21C4: EXTRAH,
+        0x21C5: EXTRAV,
+        0x21C6: EXTRAH,
+        0x21C7: EXTRAH,
+        0x21C8: EXTRAV,
+        0x21C9: EXTRAH,
+        0x21CA: EXTRAV,
+        0x21CB: EXTRAH,
+        0x21CC: EXTRAH,
+        0x21CD: EXTRAH,
+        0x21CE: EXTRAH,
+        0x21CF: EXTRAH,
+        0x21D0: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0A7, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0A8, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0A9, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21D1: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE0AD, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE0AE, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE0AF, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21D2: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0AA, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0AB, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0AC, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21D3: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.690, MAIN], [1.010, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE0B0, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE0B1, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE0B2, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21D4: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0B3, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0B4, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0B5, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21D5: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.880, MAIN], [1.200, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE0B6, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE0B7, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE0B8, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x21D6: EXTRAV,
+        0x21D7: EXTRAV,
+        0x21D8: EXTRAV,
+        0x21D9: EXTRAV,
+        0x21DA: EXTRAH,
+        0x21DB: EXTRAH,
+        0x21DC: EXTRAH,
+        0x21DD: EXTRAH,
+        0x21E6: EXTRAH,
+        0x21E7: EXTRAV,
+        0x21E8: EXTRAH,
+        0x21E9: EXTRAV,
+        0x21F3: EXTRAV,
+        0x21F5: EXTRAV,
+        0x21F6: EXTRAH,
+        0x220F: EXTRAV,
+        0x2210: EXTRAV,
+        0x2211: EXTRAV,
+        0x2212: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.500, MAIN]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE127, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE128, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE129, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2215: {alias: 0x2044, dir: V},
+        0x221A: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.706, MAIN], [1.090, SIZE1], [1.474, SIZE2], [1.858, SIZE3], [2.242, SIZE4], [2.626, SIZE5], [3.010, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0x23B7, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0xE133, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE134, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2223: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE004, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE005, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE006, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2225: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN], [0.960, SIZE1], [1.152, SIZE2], [1.382, SIZE3], [1.658, SIZE4], [1.990, SIZE5], [2.388, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE12A, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE12B, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE12C, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x222B: EXTRAV,
+        0x222C: EXTRAV,
+        0x222D: EXTRAV,
+        0x222E: EXTRAV,
+        0x222F: EXTRAV,
+        0x2230: EXTRAV,
+        0x2231: EXTRAV,
+        0x2232: EXTRAV,
+        0x2233: EXTRAV,
+        0x2261: EXTRAH,
+        0x2263: EXTRAH,
+        0x22A2: EXTRAV,
+        0x22A3: EXTRAV,
+        0x22A4: EXTRAV,
+        0x22A5: EXTRAV,
+        0x22C0: EXTRAV,
+        0x22C1: EXTRAV,
+        0x22C2: EXTRAV,
+        0x22C3: EXTRAV,
+        0x2308: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
+          stretch: {ext: [0x23A2, SYMBOLS], top: [0x23A1, SYMBOLS]}
+        },
+        0x2309: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
+          stretch: {ext: [0x23A5, SYMBOLS], top: [0x23A4, SYMBOLS]}
+        },
+        0x230A: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
+          stretch: {bot: [0x23A3, SYMBOLS], ext: [0x23A2, SYMBOLS]}
+        },
+        0x230B: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.818, MAIN], [0.979, SIZE1], [1.171, SIZE2], [1.402, SIZE3], [1.678, SIZE4], [2.011, SIZE5], [2.410, SIZE6], [2.780, SIZE6, 1.154]],
+          stretch: {bot: [0x23A6, SYMBOLS], ext: [0x23A5, SYMBOLS]}
+        },
+        0x2329: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.812, SYMBOLS], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x232A: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.812, SYMBOLS], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x23AA: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.596, SYMBOLS]],
+          stretch: {ext: [0x23AA, SYMBOLS]}
+        },
+        0x23AF: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x23B0: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.607, SYMBOLS, null, 0x23A7]],
+          stretch: {
+            top: [0x23A7, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0x23AA, SYMBOLS],
+            bot: [0x23AD, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x23B1: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.607, SYMBOLS, null, 0x23AB]],
+          stretch: {
+            top: [0x23AB, SYMBOLS],
+            ext: [0x23AA, SYMBOLS],
+            bot: [0x23A9, SYMBOLS]
+          }
+        },
+        0x23B4: EXTRAH,
+        0x23B5: EXTRAH,
+        0x23D0: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.800, MAIN, null, 0x7C], [1.350, MAIN, 1.688, 0x7C], [1.827, MAIN, 2.283, 0x7C], [2.303, MAIN, 2.879, 0x7C], [2.780, MAIN, 3.474, 0x7C]],
+          stretch: {ext: [0x7C, MAIN]}
+        },
+        0x23DC: EXTRAH,
+        0x23DD: EXTRAH,
+        0x23DE: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.520, MAIN], [1.019, SIZE1], [1.519, SIZE2], [2.019, SIZE3], [2.519, SIZE4], [3.019, SIZE5], [3.519, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE10D, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE10E, SIZE6],
+            mid: [0xE10F, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE110, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x23DF: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.520, MAIN], [1.019, SIZE1], [1.519, SIZE2], [2.019, SIZE3], [2.519, SIZE4], [3.019, SIZE5], [3.519, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE111, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE112, SIZE6],
+            mid: [0xE113, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE114, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x23E0: EXTRAH,
+        0x23E1: EXTRAH,
+        0x2500: {alias: 0x305, dir: H},
+        0x27A1: EXTRAH,
+        0x27E6: EXTRAV,
+        0x27E7: EXTRAV,
+        0x27E8: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.812, MAIN], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [1.827, SIZE3, 1.012], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x27E9: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.812, MAIN], [1.060, SIZE1], [1.382, SIZE2], [1.806, SIZE3], [1.827, SIZE3, 1.012], [2.364, SIZE4], [3.092, SIZE5], [4.048, SIZE6]]
+        },
+        0x27EA: EXTRAV,
+        0x27EB: EXTRAV,
+        0x27EE: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.814, MAIN], [0.974, SIZE1], [1.166, SIZE2], [1.396, SIZE3], [1.672, SIZE4], [2.004, SIZE5], [2.402, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE101, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE102, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE103, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x27EF: {
+          dir: V,
+          HW: [[0.814, MAIN], [0.974, SIZE1], [1.166, SIZE2], [1.396, SIZE3], [1.672, SIZE4], [2.004, SIZE5], [2.402, SIZE6]],
+          stretch: {
+            bot: [0xE104, SIZE6],
+            ext: [0xE105, SIZE6],
+            top: [0xE106, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x27F5: {alias: 0x2190, dir: H},
+        0x27F6: {alias: 0x2192, dir: H},
+        0x27F7: {alias: 0x2194, dir: H},
+        0x27F8: {alias: 0x21D0, dir: H},
+        0x27F9: {alias: 0x21D2, dir: H},
+        0x27FA: {alias: 0x21D4, dir: H},
+        0x27FB: {alias: 0x21A4, dir: H},
+        0x27FC: {alias: 0x21A6, dir: H},
+        0x27FD: {alias: 0x2906, dir: H},
+        0x27FE: {alias: 0x2907, dir: H},
+        0x2906: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.870, ARROWS], [1.190, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0C5, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0C6, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0C7, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2907: {
+          dir: H,
+          HW: [[0.870, ARROWS], [1.190, SIZE1]],
+          stretch: {
+            left: [0xE0C8, SIZE6],
+            rep: [0xE0C9, SIZE6],
+            right: [0xE0CA, SIZE6]
+          }
+        },
+        0x2A00: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A01: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A02: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A03: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A04: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A05: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A06: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A09: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A0C: EXTRAV,
+        0x2A11: EXTRAV,
+        0x2B04: EXTRAH,
+        0x2B05: EXTRAH,
+        0x2B06: EXTRAV,
+        0x2B07: EXTRAV,
+        0x2B0C: EXTRAH,
+        0x2B0D: EXTRAV,
+        0x2B31: EXTRAH,
+        0x3008: {alias: 0x27E8, dir: V},
+        0x3009: {alias: 0x27E9, dir: V},
+        0xFE37: {alias: 0x23DE, dir: H},
+        0xFE38: {alias: 0x23DF, dir: H}
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-    0x331: [-131, 162, 0, -444, -83],
-    0x332: [-103, 143, 0, -460, -68],
-    0x333: [-103, 293, 0, -460, -68],
-    0x33F: [820, -630, 0, -460, -68],
-    0x2000: [0, 0, 500, 0, 0],
-    0x2001: [0, 0, 1000, 0, 0],
-    0x2007: [0, 0, 500, 0, 0],
-    0x2008: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x200B: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x200C: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x200D: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x2010: [245, -187, 333, 11, 276],
-    0x2012: [342, -302, 680, 56, 624],
-    0x2015: [270, -230, 1152, 56, 1096],
-    0x2017: [-103, 293, 504, 56, 448],
-    0x201A: [104, 195, 278, 79, 199],
-    0x201E: [104, 195, 472, 86, 400],
-    0x2022: [445, -55, 500, 55, 445],
-    0x202F: [0, 0, 200, 0, 0],
-    0x2030: [750, 56, 1140, 53, 1087],
-    0x2031: [750, 56, 1457, 56, 1417],
-    0x2036: [748, -430, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x2037: [748, -430, 711, 60, 651],
-    0x2039: [483, 0, 389, 111, 277],
-    0x203A: [483, 0, 389, 112, 278],
-    0x203B: [492, -8, 778, 147, 630],
-    0x203D: [756, 0, 472, 43, 402],
-    0x2052: [751, -1, 500, 56, 444],
-    0x205F: [0, 0, 222, 0, 0],
-    0x2060: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x2061: [640, 240, 960, 40, 920],
-    0x2062: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x2063: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x2064: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-    0x20D0: [711, -601, 0, -475, -53],
-    0x20D1: [711, -601, 0, -475, -53],
-    0x20D2: [750, 250, 0, -284, -244],
-    0x20D3: [520, 20, 0, -284, -244],
-    0x20D4: [751, -589, 0, -473, -55],
-    0x20D5: [751, -589, 0, -473, -55],
-    0x20D6: [711, -521, 0, -472, -56],
-    0x20D8: [400, -100, 0, -414, -114],
-    0x20DB: [696, -604, 0, -530, 2],
-    0x20DC: [696, -604, 0, -640, 112],
-    0x20DD: [772, 272, 0, -786, 258],
-    0x20DE: [750, 250, 0, -764, 236],
-    0x20DF: [1028, 528, 0, -1042, 514],
-    0x20E1: [711, -521, 0, -499, -29],
-    0x20E4: [831, 311, 0, -924, 396],
-    0x20E5: [750, 250, 0, -458, -69],
-    0x20E6: [750, 250, 0, -352, -176],
-    0x20E8: [-96, 188, 0, -530, 2],
-    0x20E9: [726, -552, 0, -444, -84],
-    0x20EA: [510, 10, 0, -706, 178],
-    0x20EB: [750, 250, 0, -531, 3],
-    0x20EC: [-171, 281, 0, -475, -53],
-    0x20ED: [-171, 281, 0, -475, -53],
-    0x20EE: [-91, 281, 0, -472, -56],
-    0x20EF: [-91, 281, 0, -472, -56],
-    0x20F0: [827, -518, 0, -401, -126],
-    0x2E18: [500, 256, 472, 56, 415],
-    0x3016: [770, 270, 458, 56, 402],
-    0x3017: [770, 270, 458, 57, 402]
+  directory: 'Marks/Regular',
+  family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Marks',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u02DB\u02DD\u0305\u0309\u030F\u0311\u0323\u0326\u032C\u032D\u032E\u032F\u0330\u0331',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0x2DB: [5, 211, 500, 135, 364],
+  0x2DD: [697, -511, 500, 128, 420],
+  0x305: [670, -630, 0, -460, -68],
+  0x309: [729, -520, 0, -361, -167],
+  0x30F: [732, -546, 0, -434, -142],
+  0x311: [742, -605, 0, -451, -77],
+  0x323: [-94, 200, 0, -318, -211],
+  0x326: [-66, 290, 0, -308, -220],
+  0x32C: [-96, 243, 0, -446, -82],
+  0x32D: [-108, 255, 0, -446, -82],
+  0x32E: [-96, 233, 0, -451, -77],
+  0x32F: [-118, 255, 0, -451, -77],
+  0x330: [-118, 310, 0, -449, -79],
+  0x331: [-131, 162, 0, -444, -83],
+  0x332: [-103, 143, 0, -460, -68],
+  0x333: [-103, 293, 0, -460, -68],
+  0x33F: [820, -630, 0, -460, -68],
+  0x2000: [0, 0, 500, 0, 0],
+  0x2001: [0, 0, 1000, 0, 0],
+  0x2007: [0, 0, 500, 0, 0],
+  0x2008: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x200B: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x200C: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x200D: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x2010: [245, -187, 333, 11, 276],
+  0x2012: [342, -302, 680, 56, 624],
+  0x2015: [270, -230, 1152, 56, 1096],
+  0x2017: [-103, 293, 504, 56, 448],
+  0x201A: [104, 195, 278, 79, 199],
+  0x201E: [104, 195, 472, 86, 400],
+  0x2022: [445, -55, 500, 55, 445],
+  0x202F: [0, 0, 200, 0, 0],
+  0x2030: [750, 56, 1140, 53, 1087],
+  0x2031: [750, 56, 1457, 56, 1417],
+  0x2036: [748, -430, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x2037: [748, -430, 711, 60, 651],
+  0x2039: [483, 0, 389, 111, 277],
+  0x203A: [483, 0, 389, 112, 278],
+  0x203B: [492, -8, 778, 147, 630],
+  0x203D: [756, 0, 472, 43, 402],
+  0x2052: [751, -1, 500, 56, 444],
+  0x205F: [0, 0, 222, 0, 0],
+  0x2060: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x2061: [640, 240, 960, 40, 920],
+  0x2062: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x2063: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x2064: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+  0x20D0: [711, -601, 0, -475, -53],
+  0x20D1: [711, -601, 0, -475, -53],
+  0x20D2: [750, 250, 0, -284, -244],
+  0x20D3: [520, 20, 0, -284, -244],
+  0x20D4: [751, -589, 0, -473, -55],
+  0x20D5: [751, -589, 0, -473, -55],
+  0x20D6: [711, -521, 0, -472, -56],
+  0x20D8: [400, -100, 0, -414, -114],
+  0x20DB: [696, -604, 0, -530, 2],
+  0x20DC: [696, -604, 0, -640, 112],
+  0x20DD: [772, 272, 0, -786, 258],
+  0x20DE: [750, 250, 0, -764, 236],
+  0x20DF: [1028, 528, 0, -1042, 514],
+  0x20E1: [711, -521, 0, -499, -29],
+  0x20E4: [831, 311, 0, -924, 396],
+  0x20E5: [750, 250, 0, -458, -69],
+  0x20E6: [750, 250, 0, -352, -176],
+  0x20E8: [-96, 188, 0, -530, 2],
+  0x20E9: [726, -552, 0, -444, -84],
+  0x20EA: [510, 10, 0, -706, 178],
+  0x20EB: [750, 250, 0, -531, 3],
+  0x20EC: [-171, 281, 0, -475, -53],
+  0x20ED: [-171, 281, 0, -475, -53],
+  0x20EE: [-91, 281, 0, -472, -56],
+  0x20EF: [-91, 281, 0, -472, -56],
+  0x20F0: [827, -518, 0, -401, -126],
+  0x2E18: [500, 256, 472, 56, 415],
+  0x3016: [770, 270, 458, 56, 402],
+  0x3017: [770, 270, 458, 57, 402]

+ 9 - 9

@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['LatinModernMathJax_Misc'] = {
-    directory: 'Misc/Regular',
-    family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Misc',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u20A1\u20AC\u275A\u27A1',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0x20A1: [728, 45, 722, 56, 665],
-    0x20AC: [705, 22, 627, 54, 571],
-    0x275A: [694, 83, 525, 227, 297],
-    0x27A1: [468, -31, 977, 56, 921]
+  directory: 'Misc/Regular',
+  family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Misc',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u20A1\u20AC\u275A\u27A1',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0x20A1: [728, 45, 722, 56, 665],
+  0x20AC: [705, 22, 627, 54, 571],
+  0x275A: [694, 83, 525, 227, 297],
+  0x27A1: [468, -31, 977, 56, 921]

+ 88 - 88

@@ -18,94 +18,94 @@
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-    family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Operators',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u2206\u220A\u220C\u220E\u220F\u2210\u2211\u221F\u222C\u222D\u222E\u222F\u2230\u2231',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0x2206: [716, 0, 833, 47, 785],
-    0x220A: [443, -57, 498, 56, 442],
-    0x220C: [730, 230, 667, 80, 587],
-    0x220E: [554, 0, 666, 56, 610],
-    0x220F: [750, 250, 944, 56, 887],
-    0x2210: [750, 250, 944, 56, 887],
-    0x2211: [750, 250, 1056, 56, 999],
-    0x221F: [679, -13, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x222C: [805, 306, 1035, 56, 979],
-    0x222D: [805, 306, 1405, 56, 1349],
-    0x222E: [805, 306, 665, 56, 609],
-    0x222F: [805, 306, 1035, 56, 979],
-    0x2230: [805, 306, 1405, 56, 1349],
-    0x2231: [805, 306, 695, 56, 667],
-    0x2232: [805, 306, 700, 56, 672],
-    0x2233: [805, 306, 682, 56, 644],
-    0x2236: [422, -78, 278, 86, 192],
-    0x2237: [422, -78, 516, 86, 430],
-    0x2238: [504, -230, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2239: [422, -78, 906, 56, 850],
-    0x223A: [504, 4, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x223B: [536, 36, 773, 56, 717],
-    0x223E: [466, -34, 901, 56, 845],
-    0x223F: [492, -8, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2244: [603, 103, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2247: [603, 103, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2249: [603, 103, 773, 56, 717],
-    0x224B: [541, 41, 773, 56, 717],
-    0x224C: [541, -36, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2254: [422, -78, 906, 56, 850],
-    0x2255: [422, -78, 906, 56, 850],
-    0x2258: [619, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2259: [752, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x225A: [752, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x225B: [810, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x225D: [793, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x225E: [684, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x225F: [803, -133, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2262: [730, 230, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2263: [561, 61, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x226D: [730, 230, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x2274: [691, 191, 776, 55, 719],
-    0x2275: [691, 191, 776, 55, 719],
-    0x2278: [776, 276, 778, 76, 701],
-    0x2279: [776, 276, 778, 76, 701],
-    0x2284: [730, 230, 778, 85, 693],
-    0x2285: [730, 230, 778, 85, 693],
-    0x228C: [604, 20, 667, 61, 607],
-    0x228D: [604, 20, 667, 61, 607],
-    0x229C: [592, 92, 796, 56, 740],
-    0x22A6: [684, 0, 445, 56, 389],
-    0x22A7: [684, 0, 445, 56, 389],
-    0x22AB: [684, 0, 653, 56, 597],
-    0x22B6: [400, -100, 1078, 56, 1022],
-    0x22B7: [400, -100, 1078, 56, 1022],
-    0x22B9: [603, 103, 818, 56, 762],
-    0x22BD: [684, 17, 642, 55, 585],
-    0x22BE: [679, 109, 900, 56, 844],
-    0x22BF: [679, -13, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x22C0: [780, 264, 833, 51, 781],
-    0x22C1: [764, 280, 833, 51, 781],
-    0x22C2: [772, 250, 833, 50, 784],
-    0x22C3: [750, 272, 833, 50, 784],
-    0x22C7: [586, 86, 802, 56, 745],
-    0x22D5: [750, 250, 778, 56, 722],
-    0x22DC: [631, 119, 778, 76, 702],
-    0x22DD: [631, 119, 778, 76, 702],
-    0x22E2: [730, 230, 778, 76, 702],
-    0x22E3: [730, 230, 778, 76, 702],
-    0x22E4: [627, 211, 778, 76, 702],
-    0x22E5: [627, 211, 778, 76, 702],
-    0x22F0: [500, 0, 613, 56, 556],
-    0x2A00: [743, 243, 1111, 63, 1049],
-    0x2A01: [743, 243, 1111, 63, 1049],
-    0x2A02: [743, 243, 1111, 63, 1049],
-    0x2A03: [750, 272, 833, 50, 784],
-    0x2A04: [750, 272, 833, 50, 784],
-    0x2A05: [764, 264, 833, 50, 784],
-    0x2A06: [764, 264, 833, 50, 784],
-    0x2A09: [740, 240, 1092, 55, 1036],
-    0x2A0C: [805, 306, 1775, 56, 1719],
-    0x2A11: [805, 306, 695, 56, 667],
-    0x2A2F: [496, -3, 778, 142, 636]
+  directory: 'Operators/Regular',
+  family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Operators',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u2206\u220A\u220C\u220E\u220F\u2210\u2211\u221F\u222C\u222D\u222E\u222F\u2230\u2231',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0x2206: [716, 0, 833, 47, 785],
+  0x220A: [443, -57, 498, 56, 442],
+  0x220C: [730, 230, 667, 80, 587],
+  0x220E: [554, 0, 666, 56, 610],
+  0x220F: [750, 250, 944, 56, 887],
+  0x2210: [750, 250, 944, 56, 887],
+  0x2211: [750, 250, 1056, 56, 999],
+  0x221F: [679, -13, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x222C: [805, 306, 1035, 56, 979],
+  0x222D: [805, 306, 1405, 56, 1349],
+  0x222E: [805, 306, 665, 56, 609],
+  0x222F: [805, 306, 1035, 56, 979],
+  0x2230: [805, 306, 1405, 56, 1349],
+  0x2231: [805, 306, 695, 56, 667],
+  0x2232: [805, 306, 700, 56, 672],
+  0x2233: [805, 306, 682, 56, 644],
+  0x2236: [422, -78, 278, 86, 192],
+  0x2237: [422, -78, 516, 86, 430],
+  0x2238: [504, -230, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2239: [422, -78, 906, 56, 850],
+  0x223A: [504, 4, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x223B: [536, 36, 773, 56, 717],
+  0x223E: [466, -34, 901, 56, 845],
+  0x223F: [492, -8, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2244: [603, 103, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2247: [603, 103, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2249: [603, 103, 773, 56, 717],
+  0x224B: [541, 41, 773, 56, 717],
+  0x224C: [541, -36, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2254: [422, -78, 906, 56, 850],
+  0x2255: [422, -78, 906, 56, 850],
+  0x2258: [619, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2259: [752, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x225A: [752, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x225B: [810, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x225D: [793, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x225E: [684, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x225F: [803, -133, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2262: [730, 230, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2263: [561, 61, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x226D: [730, 230, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x2274: [691, 191, 776, 55, 719],
+  0x2275: [691, 191, 776, 55, 719],
+  0x2278: [776, 276, 778, 76, 701],
+  0x2279: [776, 276, 778, 76, 701],
+  0x2284: [730, 230, 778, 85, 693],
+  0x2285: [730, 230, 778, 85, 693],
+  0x228C: [604, 20, 667, 61, 607],
+  0x228D: [604, 20, 667, 61, 607],
+  0x229C: [592, 92, 796, 56, 740],
+  0x22A6: [684, 0, 445, 56, 389],
+  0x22A7: [684, 0, 445, 56, 389],
+  0x22AB: [684, 0, 653, 56, 597],
+  0x22B6: [400, -100, 1078, 56, 1022],
+  0x22B7: [400, -100, 1078, 56, 1022],
+  0x22B9: [603, 103, 818, 56, 762],
+  0x22BD: [684, 17, 642, 55, 585],
+  0x22BE: [679, 109, 900, 56, 844],
+  0x22BF: [679, -13, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x22C0: [780, 264, 833, 51, 781],
+  0x22C1: [764, 280, 833, 51, 781],
+  0x22C2: [772, 250, 833, 50, 784],
+  0x22C3: [750, 272, 833, 50, 784],
+  0x22C7: [586, 86, 802, 56, 745],
+  0x22D5: [750, 250, 778, 56, 722],
+  0x22DC: [631, 119, 778, 76, 702],
+  0x22DD: [631, 119, 778, 76, 702],
+  0x22E2: [730, 230, 778, 76, 702],
+  0x22E3: [730, 230, 778, 76, 702],
+  0x22E4: [627, 211, 778, 76, 702],
+  0x22E5: [627, 211, 778, 76, 702],
+  0x22F0: [500, 0, 613, 56, 556],
+  0x2A00: [743, 243, 1111, 63, 1049],
+  0x2A01: [743, 243, 1111, 63, 1049],
+  0x2A02: [743, 243, 1111, 63, 1049],
+  0x2A03: [750, 272, 833, 50, 784],
+  0x2A04: [750, 272, 833, 50, 784],
+  0x2A05: [764, 264, 833, 50, 784],
+  0x2A06: [764, 264, 833, 50, 784],
+  0x2A09: [740, 240, 1092, 55, 1036],
+  0x2A0C: [805, 306, 1775, 56, 1719],
+  0x2A11: [805, 306, 695, 56, 667],
+  0x2A2F: [496, -3, 778, 142, 636]

+ 57 - 57

@@ -18,63 +18,63 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['LatinModernMathJax_Script'] = {
-    directory: 'Script/Regular',
-    family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Script',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u210B\u2110\u2112\u211B\u212C\u2130\u2131\u2133\uD835\uDC9C\uD835\uDC9E\uD835\uDC9F\uD835\uDCA2\uD835\uDCA5\uD835\uDCA6',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0x210B: [690, 8, 1065, 40, 1024],
-    0x2110: [685, 14, 620, 40, 580],
-    0x2112: [685, 7, 770, 40, 730],
-    0x211B: [712, 6, 818, 40, 778],
-    0x212C: [712, 1, 778, 40, 737],
-    0x2130: [702, 12, 613, 40, 573],
-    0x2131: [699, 15, 904, 40, 865],
-    0x2133: [699, 13, 1149, 40, 1109],
-    0x1D49C: [694, 15, 857, 39, 817],
-    0x1D49E: [697, 15, 654, 39, 614],
-    0x1D49F: [716, -4, 871, 40, 831],
-    0x1D4A2: [697, 130, 685, 39, 644],
-    0x1D4A5: [692, 129, 698, 40, 658],
-    0x1D4A6: [690, 12, 989, 40, 949],
-    0x1D4A9: [706, 7, 1007, 40, 967],
-    0x1D4AA: [686, 18, 699, 40, 659],
-    0x1D4AB: [710, 11, 763, 40, 723],
-    0x1D4AC: [694, 24, 716, 40, 676],
-    0x1D4AE: [702, 12, 625, 40, 585],
-    0x1D4AF: [693, 6, 776, 39, 736],
-    0x1D4B0: [699, 16, 744, 41, 704],
-    0x1D4B1: [709, 9, 710, 40, 669],
-    0x1D4B2: [702, 5, 1028, 40, 988],
-    0x1D4B3: [706, 9, 870, 39, 829],
-    0x1D4B4: [702, 136, 628, 40, 588],
-    0x1D4B5: [696, 11, 726, 41, 687],
-    0x1D4D0: [711, 17, 969, 40, 930],
-    0x1D4D1: [727, 1, 916, 40, 876],
-    0x1D4D2: [709, 15, 745, 40, 705],
-    0x1D4D3: [727, 1, 1007, 40, 966],
-    0x1D4D4: [708, 12, 705, 40, 665],
-    0x1D4D5: [731, 14, 1005, 40, 966],
-    0x1D4D6: [705, 138, 790, 39, 749],
-    0x1D4D7: [699, 12, 1191, 39, 1150],
-    0x1D4D8: [703, 18, 715, 39, 675],
-    0x1D4D9: [701, 137, 771, 40, 732],
-    0x1D4DA: [709, 9, 1099, 39, 1058],
-    0x1D4DB: [710, 12, 861, 40, 822],
-    0x1D4DC: [710, 17, 1284, 40, 1244],
-    0x1D4DD: [712, 13, 1095, 40, 1054],
-    0x1D4DE: [707, 20, 822, 40, 781],
-    0x1D4DF: [726, 13, 880, 40, 840],
-    0x1D4E0: [705, 42, 839, 41, 799],
-    0x1D4E1: [732, 12, 923, 40, 882],
-    0x1D4E2: [715, 18, 722, 40, 682],
-    0x1D4E3: [697, 11, 910, 39, 870],
-    0x1D4E4: [709, 13, 853, 39, 813],
-    0x1D4E5: [702, 16, 784, 40, 744],
-    0x1D4E6: [710, 8, 1150, 40, 1110],
-    0x1D4E7: [712, 11, 970, 40, 930],
-    0x1D4E8: [709, 135, 738, 39, 698],
-    0x1D4E9: [705, 14, 800, 40, 760]
+  directory: 'Script/Regular',
+  family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Script',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u210B\u2110\u2112\u211B\u212C\u2130\u2131\u2133\uD835\uDC9C\uD835\uDC9E\uD835\uDC9F\uD835\uDCA2\uD835\uDCA5\uD835\uDCA6',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0x210B: [690, 8, 1065, 40, 1024],
+  0x2110: [685, 14, 620, 40, 580],
+  0x2112: [685, 7, 770, 40, 730],
+  0x211B: [712, 6, 818, 40, 778],
+  0x212C: [712, 1, 778, 40, 737],
+  0x2130: [702, 12, 613, 40, 573],
+  0x2131: [699, 15, 904, 40, 865],
+  0x2133: [699, 13, 1149, 40, 1109],
+  0x1D49C: [694, 15, 857, 39, 817],
+  0x1D49E: [697, 15, 654, 39, 614],
+  0x1D49F: [716, -4, 871, 40, 831],
+  0x1D4A2: [697, 130, 685, 39, 644],
+  0x1D4A5: [692, 129, 698, 40, 658],
+  0x1D4A6: [690, 12, 989, 40, 949],
+  0x1D4A9: [706, 7, 1007, 40, 967],
+  0x1D4AA: [686, 18, 699, 40, 659],
+  0x1D4AB: [710, 11, 763, 40, 723],
+  0x1D4AC: [694, 24, 716, 40, 676],
+  0x1D4AE: [702, 12, 625, 40, 585],
+  0x1D4AF: [693, 6, 776, 39, 736],
+  0x1D4B0: [699, 16, 744, 41, 704],
+  0x1D4B1: [709, 9, 710, 40, 669],
+  0x1D4B2: [702, 5, 1028, 40, 988],
+  0x1D4B3: [706, 9, 870, 39, 829],
+  0x1D4B4: [702, 136, 628, 40, 588],
+  0x1D4B5: [696, 11, 726, 41, 687],
+  0x1D4D0: [711, 17, 969, 40, 930],
+  0x1D4D1: [727, 1, 916, 40, 876],
+  0x1D4D2: [709, 15, 745, 40, 705],
+  0x1D4D3: [727, 1, 1007, 40, 966],
+  0x1D4D4: [708, 12, 705, 40, 665],
+  0x1D4D5: [731, 14, 1005, 40, 966],
+  0x1D4D6: [705, 138, 790, 39, 749],
+  0x1D4D7: [699, 12, 1191, 39, 1150],
+  0x1D4D8: [703, 18, 715, 39, 675],
+  0x1D4D9: [701, 137, 771, 40, 732],
+  0x1D4DA: [709, 9, 1099, 39, 1058],
+  0x1D4DB: [710, 12, 861, 40, 822],
+  0x1D4DC: [710, 17, 1284, 40, 1244],
+  0x1D4DD: [712, 13, 1095, 40, 1054],
+  0x1D4DE: [707, 20, 822, 40, 781],
+  0x1D4DF: [726, 13, 880, 40, 840],
+  0x1D4E0: [705, 42, 839, 41, 799],
+  0x1D4E1: [732, 12, 923, 40, 882],
+  0x1D4E2: [715, 18, 722, 40, 682],
+  0x1D4E3: [697, 11, 910, 39, 870],
+  0x1D4E4: [709, 13, 853, 39, 813],
+  0x1D4E5: [702, 16, 784, 40, 744],
+  0x1D4E6: [710, 8, 1150, 40, 1110],
+  0x1D4E7: [712, 11, 970, 40, 930],
+  0x1D4E8: [709, 135, 738, 39, 698],
+  0x1D4E9: [705, 14, 800, 40, 760]

+ 180 - 180

@@ -18,186 +18,186 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0x28: [797, 297, 422, 116, 362],
-    0x29: [797, 297, 422, 60, 306],
-    0x2F: [905, 405, 617, 56, 561],
-    0x5B: [800, 300, 340, 161, 313],
-    0x5C: [905, 405, 617, 56, 561],
-    0x5D: [800, 300, 340, 27, 179],
-    0x7B: [800, 300, 540, 86, 454],
-    0x7C: [851, 351, 278, 117, 161],
-    0x7D: [800, 300, 540, 86, 454],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
-    0x302: [746, -572, 644, 0, 644],
-    0x303: [751, -550, 652, 0, 652],
-    0x305: [670, -630, 568, 0, 568],
-    0x306: [742, -578, 658, 0, 658],
-    0x30C: [740, -566, 644, 0, 644],
-    0x311: [756, -592, 658, 0, 658],
-    0x32C: [-96, 270, 644, 0, 644],
-    0x32D: [-108, 282, 644, 0, 644],
-    0x32E: [-96, 260, 658, 0, 658],
-    0x32F: [-118, 282, 658, 0, 658],
-    0x330: [-118, 319, 652, 0, 652],
-    0x332: [-103, 143, 568, 0, 568],
-    0x333: [-103, 293, 568, 0, 568],
-    0x33F: [820, -630, 568, 0, 568],
-    0x2016: [851, 351, 354, 56, 298],
-    0x2044: [905, 405, 617, 56, 561],
-    0x20D0: [711, -601, 667, 56, 611],
-    0x20D1: [711, -601, 667, 56, 611],
-    0x20D6: [711, -521, 659, 56, 603],
-    0x20D7: [711, -521, 659, 56, 603],
-    0x20E1: [711, -521, 715, 56, 659],
-    0x20E9: [730, -546, 735, 0, 735],
-    0x20EC: [-171, 281, 667, 56, 611],
-    0x20ED: [-171, 281, 667, 56, 611],
-    0x20EE: [-91, 281, 659, 56, 603],
-    0x20EF: [-91, 281, 659, 56, 603],
-    0x2190: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x2191: [912, 436, 500, 20, 480],
-    0x2192: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x2193: [936, 412, 500, 20, 480],
-    0x2194: [510, 10, 1442, 56, 1386],
-    0x2195: [757, 257, 572, 56, 516],
-    0x2196: [947, 436, 1495, 56, 1439],
-    0x2197: [947, 436, 1495, 56, 1439],
-    0x2198: [936, 447, 1495, 56, 1439],
-    0x2199: [936, 447, 1495, 56, 1439],
-    0x219A: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x219B: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x219E: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x219F: [912, 436, 572, 56, 516],
-    0x21A0: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21A1: [936, 412, 572, 56, 516],
-    0x21A2: [510, 10, 1658, 56, 1602],
-    0x21A3: [510, 10, 1658, 56, 1602],
-    0x21A4: [510, 10, 1443, 56, 1387],
-    0x21A5: [912, 416, 632, 55, 576],
-    0x21A6: [510, 10, 1443, 56, 1387],
-    0x21A7: [916, 412, 632, 55, 576],
-    0x21A9: [550, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21AA: [550, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21AB: [550, 50, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21AC: [550, 50, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21AD: [510, 10, 1442, 56, 1386],
-    0x21AE: [510, 10, 1442, 56, 1386],
-    0x21B0: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
-    0x21B1: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
-    0x21B2: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
-    0x21B3: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
-    0x21B6: [659, -229, 1330, 56, 1274],
-    0x21B7: [659, -229, 1330, 56, 1274],
-    0x21BC: [503, -230, 1478, 56, 1422],
-    0x21BD: [270, 3, 1478, 56, 1422],
-    0x21BE: [930, 436, 441, 112, 385],
-    0x21BF: [930, 436, 441, 56, 329],
-    0x21C0: [503, -230, 1478, 56, 1422],
-    0x21C1: [270, 3, 1478, 56, 1422],
-    0x21C2: [936, 430, 441, 112, 385],
-    0x21C3: [936, 430, 441, 56, 329],
-    0x21C4: [672, 172, 1484, 56, 1428],
-    0x21C5: [936, 436, 896, 56, 840],
-    0x21C6: [672, 172, 1484, 56, 1428],
-    0x21C7: [750, 250, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21C8: [912, 436, 992, 56, 936],
-    0x21C9: [750, 250, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21CA: [936, 412, 992, 56, 936],
-    0x21CB: [600, 100, 1484, 56, 1428],
-    0x21CC: [600, 100, 1484, 56, 1428],
-    0x21CD: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
-    0x21CE: [520, 20, 1534, 56, 1478],
-    0x21CF: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
-    0x21D0: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
-    0x21D1: [909, 436, 652, 56, 596],
-    0x21D2: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
-    0x21D3: [936, 409, 652, 56, 596],
-    0x21D4: [520, 20, 1534, 56, 1478],
-    0x21D5: [961, 461, 652, 56, 596],
-    0x21D6: [915, 505, 1532, 56, 1476],
-    0x21D7: [915, 505, 1532, 56, 1476],
-    0x21D8: [1005, 415, 1532, 56, 1476],
-    0x21D9: [1005, 415, 1532, 56, 1476],
-    0x21DA: [617, 117, 1461, 56, 1405],
-    0x21DB: [617, 117, 1461, 56, 1405],
-    0x21DC: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21DD: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x21E6: [520, 20, 1496, 56, 1440],
-    0x21E7: [948, 436, 652, 56, 596],
-    0x21E8: [520, 20, 1496, 56, 1440],
-    0x21E9: [936, 448, 652, 56, 596],
-    0x21F3: [948, 448, 652, 56, 596],
-    0x21F5: [936, 436, 896, 56, 840],
-    0x21F6: [990, 490, 1463, 56, 1407],
-    0x220F: [950, 450, 1278, 56, 1221],
-    0x2210: [950, 450, 1278, 56, 1221],
-    0x2211: [950, 450, 1444, 56, 1387],
-    0x221A: [850, 350, 1000, 110, 1020],
-    0x2223: [851, 351, 278, 117, 161],
-    0x2225: [851, 351, 354, 56, 298],
-    0x222B: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
-    0x222C: [1361, 861, 1419, 56, 1363],
-    0x222D: [1361, 861, 1839, 56, 1783],
-    0x222E: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
-    0x222F: [1361, 861, 1419, 56, 1363],
-    0x2230: [1361, 861, 1839, 56, 1783],
-    0x2231: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
-    0x2232: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
-    0x2233: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
-    0x22A2: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
-    0x22A3: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
-    0x22A4: [684, 184, 986, 56, 930],
-    0x22A5: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
-    0x22C0: [957, 435, 1111, 66, 1043],
-    0x22C1: [935, 457, 1111, 66, 1043],
-    0x22C2: [939, 417, 1111, 66, 1046],
-    0x22C3: [917, 439, 1111, 66, 1046],
-    0x2308: [800, 300, 458, 178, 429],
-    0x2309: [800, 300, 458, 29, 280],
-    0x230A: [800, 300, 458, 178, 429],
-    0x230B: [800, 300, 458, 29, 280],
-    0x2329: [800, 300, 428, 124, 372],
-    0x232A: [800, 300, 428, 56, 304],
-    0x23B4: [730, -546, 735, 0, 735],
-    0x23B5: [-116, 300, 735, 0, 735],
-    0x23DC: [745, -540, 1006, 0, 1006],
-    0x23DD: [-110, 315, 1006, 0, 1006],
-    0x23DE: [815, -509, 993, 1, 994],
-    0x23DF: [-79, 385, 993, 0, 993],
-    0x23E0: [853, -613, 1048, 0, 1048],
-    0x23E1: [-183, 423, 1048, 0, 1048],
-    0x27A1: [468, -31, 1423, 56, 1367],
-    0x27E6: [800, 300, 444, 130, 422],
-    0x27E7: [800, 300, 444, 22, 314],
-    0x27E8: [800, 300, 428, 124, 372],
-    0x27E9: [800, 300, 428, 56, 304],
-    0x27EA: [800, 300, 623, 124, 567],
-    0x27EB: [800, 300, 623, 56, 499],
-    0x27EE: [813, 313, 305, 108, 249],
-    0x27EF: [813, 313, 305, 56, 197],
-    0x2906: [520, 20, 1437, 56, 1381],
-    0x2907: [520, 20, 1437, 56, 1381],
-    0x2A00: [902, 402, 1511, 104, 1408],
-    0x2A01: [902, 402, 1511, 104, 1408],
-    0x2A02: [902, 402, 1511, 104, 1408],
-    0x2A03: [917, 439, 1111, 66, 1046],
-    0x2A04: [917, 439, 1111, 66, 1046],
-    0x2A05: [936, 436, 1111, 66, 1046],
-    0x2A06: [936, 436, 1111, 66, 1046],
-    0x2A09: [879, 379, 1371, 56, 1315],
-    0x2A0C: [1361, 861, 2259, 56, 2203],
-    0x2A11: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
-    0x2B04: [520, 20, 1508, 56, 1452],
-    0x2B05: [468, -31, 1423, 56, 1367],
-    0x2B06: [895, 416, 612, 87, 524],
-    0x2B07: [916, 395, 612, 87, 524],
-    0x2B0C: [468, -31, 1468, 89, 1379],
-    0x2B0D: [895, 395, 549, 56, 492],
-    0x2B31: [990, 490, 1463, 56, 1407]
+  directory: 'Size1/Regular',
+  family: 'LatinModernMathJax_Size1',
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0x28: [797, 297, 422, 116, 362],
+  0x29: [797, 297, 422, 60, 306],
+  0x2F: [905, 405, 617, 56, 561],
+  0x5B: [800, 300, 340, 161, 313],
+  0x5C: [905, 405, 617, 56, 561],
+  0x5D: [800, 300, 340, 27, 179],
+  0x7B: [800, 300, 540, 86, 454],
+  0x7C: [851, 351, 278, 117, 161],
+  0x7D: [800, 300, 540, 86, 454],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
+  0x302: [746, -572, 644, 0, 644],
+  0x303: [751, -550, 652, 0, 652],
+  0x305: [670, -630, 568, 0, 568],
+  0x306: [742, -578, 658, 0, 658],
+  0x30C: [740, -566, 644, 0, 644],
+  0x311: [756, -592, 658, 0, 658],
+  0x32C: [-96, 270, 644, 0, 644],
+  0x32D: [-108, 282, 644, 0, 644],
+  0x32E: [-96, 260, 658, 0, 658],
+  0x32F: [-118, 282, 658, 0, 658],
+  0x330: [-118, 319, 652, 0, 652],
+  0x332: [-103, 143, 568, 0, 568],
+  0x333: [-103, 293, 568, 0, 568],
+  0x33F: [820, -630, 568, 0, 568],
+  0x2016: [851, 351, 354, 56, 298],
+  0x2044: [905, 405, 617, 56, 561],
+  0x20D0: [711, -601, 667, 56, 611],
+  0x20D1: [711, -601, 667, 56, 611],
+  0x20D6: [711, -521, 659, 56, 603],
+  0x20D7: [711, -521, 659, 56, 603],
+  0x20E1: [711, -521, 715, 56, 659],
+  0x20E9: [730, -546, 735, 0, 735],
+  0x20EC: [-171, 281, 667, 56, 611],
+  0x20ED: [-171, 281, 667, 56, 611],
+  0x20EE: [-91, 281, 659, 56, 603],
+  0x20EF: [-91, 281, 659, 56, 603],
+  0x2190: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x2191: [912, 436, 500, 20, 480],
+  0x2192: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x2193: [936, 412, 500, 20, 480],
+  0x2194: [510, 10, 1442, 56, 1386],
+  0x2195: [757, 257, 572, 56, 516],
+  0x2196: [947, 436, 1495, 56, 1439],
+  0x2197: [947, 436, 1495, 56, 1439],
+  0x2198: [936, 447, 1495, 56, 1439],
+  0x2199: [936, 447, 1495, 56, 1439],
+  0x219A: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x219B: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x219E: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x219F: [912, 436, 572, 56, 516],
+  0x21A0: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21A1: [936, 412, 572, 56, 516],
+  0x21A2: [510, 10, 1658, 56, 1602],
+  0x21A3: [510, 10, 1658, 56, 1602],
+  0x21A4: [510, 10, 1443, 56, 1387],
+  0x21A5: [912, 416, 632, 55, 576],
+  0x21A6: [510, 10, 1443, 56, 1387],
+  0x21A7: [916, 412, 632, 55, 576],
+  0x21A9: [550, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21AA: [550, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21AB: [550, 50, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21AC: [550, 50, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21AD: [510, 10, 1442, 56, 1386],
+  0x21AE: [510, 10, 1442, 56, 1386],
+  0x21B0: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
+  0x21B1: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
+  0x21B2: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
+  0x21B3: [834, 334, 797, 56, 741],
+  0x21B6: [659, -229, 1330, 56, 1274],
+  0x21B7: [659, -229, 1330, 56, 1274],
+  0x21BC: [503, -230, 1478, 56, 1422],
+  0x21BD: [270, 3, 1478, 56, 1422],
+  0x21BE: [930, 436, 441, 112, 385],
+  0x21BF: [930, 436, 441, 56, 329],
+  0x21C0: [503, -230, 1478, 56, 1422],
+  0x21C1: [270, 3, 1478, 56, 1422],
+  0x21C2: [936, 430, 441, 112, 385],
+  0x21C3: [936, 430, 441, 56, 329],
+  0x21C4: [672, 172, 1484, 56, 1428],
+  0x21C5: [936, 436, 896, 56, 840],
+  0x21C6: [672, 172, 1484, 56, 1428],
+  0x21C7: [750, 250, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21C8: [912, 436, 992, 56, 936],
+  0x21C9: [750, 250, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21CA: [936, 412, 992, 56, 936],
+  0x21CB: [600, 100, 1484, 56, 1428],
+  0x21CC: [600, 100, 1484, 56, 1428],
+  0x21CD: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
+  0x21CE: [520, 20, 1534, 56, 1478],
+  0x21CF: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
+  0x21D0: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
+  0x21D1: [909, 436, 652, 56, 596],
+  0x21D2: [520, 20, 1457, 56, 1401],
+  0x21D3: [936, 409, 652, 56, 596],
+  0x21D4: [520, 20, 1534, 56, 1478],
+  0x21D5: [961, 461, 652, 56, 596],
+  0x21D6: [915, 505, 1532, 56, 1476],
+  0x21D7: [915, 505, 1532, 56, 1476],
+  0x21D8: [1005, 415, 1532, 56, 1476],
+  0x21D9: [1005, 415, 1532, 56, 1476],
+  0x21DA: [617, 117, 1461, 56, 1405],
+  0x21DB: [617, 117, 1461, 56, 1405],
+  0x21DC: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21DD: [510, 10, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x21E6: [520, 20, 1496, 56, 1440],
+  0x21E7: [948, 436, 652, 56, 596],
+  0x21E8: [520, 20, 1496, 56, 1440],
+  0x21E9: [936, 448, 652, 56, 596],
+  0x21F3: [948, 448, 652, 56, 596],
+  0x21F5: [936, 436, 896, 56, 840],
+  0x21F6: [990, 490, 1463, 56, 1407],
+  0x220F: [950, 450, 1278, 56, 1221],
+  0x2210: [950, 450, 1278, 56, 1221],
+  0x2211: [950, 450, 1444, 56, 1387],
+  0x221A: [850, 350, 1000, 110, 1020],
+  0x2223: [851, 351, 278, 117, 161],
+  0x2225: [851, 351, 354, 56, 298],
+  0x222B: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
+  0x222C: [1361, 861, 1419, 56, 1363],
+  0x222D: [1361, 861, 1839, 56, 1783],
+  0x222E: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
+  0x222F: [1361, 861, 1419, 56, 1363],
+  0x2230: [1361, 861, 1839, 56, 1783],
+  0x2231: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
+  0x2232: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
+  0x2233: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
+  0x22A2: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
+  0x22A3: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
+  0x22A4: [684, 184, 986, 56, 930],
+  0x22A5: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
+  0x22C0: [957, 435, 1111, 66, 1043],
+  0x22C1: [935, 457, 1111, 66, 1043],
+  0x22C2: [939, 417, 1111, 66, 1046],
+  0x22C3: [917, 439, 1111, 66, 1046],
+  0x2308: [800, 300, 458, 178, 429],
+  0x2309: [800, 300, 458, 29, 280],
+  0x230A: [800, 300, 458, 178, 429],
+  0x230B: [800, 300, 458, 29, 280],
+  0x2329: [800, 300, 428, 124, 372],
+  0x232A: [800, 300, 428, 56, 304],
+  0x23B4: [730, -546, 735, 0, 735],
+  0x23B5: [-116, 300, 735, 0, 735],
+  0x23DC: [745, -540, 1006, 0, 1006],
+  0x23DD: [-110, 315, 1006, 0, 1006],
+  0x23DE: [815, -509, 993, 1, 994],
+  0x23DF: [-79, 385, 993, 0, 993],
+  0x23E0: [853, -613, 1048, 0, 1048],
+  0x23E1: [-183, 423, 1048, 0, 1048],
+  0x27A1: [468, -31, 1423, 56, 1367],
+  0x27E6: [800, 300, 444, 130, 422],
+  0x27E7: [800, 300, 444, 22, 314],
+  0x27E8: [800, 300, 428, 124, 372],
+  0x27E9: [800, 300, 428, 56, 304],
+  0x27EA: [800, 300, 623, 124, 567],
+  0x27EB: [800, 300, 623, 56, 499],
+  0x27EE: [813, 313, 305, 108, 249],
+  0x27EF: [813, 313, 305, 56, 197],
+  0x2906: [520, 20, 1437, 56, 1381],
+  0x2907: [520, 20, 1437, 56, 1381],
+  0x2A00: [902, 402, 1511, 104, 1408],
+  0x2A01: [902, 402, 1511, 104, 1408],
+  0x2A02: [902, 402, 1511, 104, 1408],
+  0x2A03: [917, 439, 1111, 66, 1046],
+  0x2A04: [917, 439, 1111, 66, 1046],
+  0x2A05: [936, 436, 1111, 66, 1046],
+  0x2A06: [936, 436, 1111, 66, 1046],
+  0x2A09: [879, 379, 1371, 56, 1315],
+  0x2A0C: [1361, 861, 2259, 56, 2203],
+  0x2A11: [1361, 861, 999, 56, 943],
+  0x2B04: [520, 20, 1508, 56, 1452],
+  0x2B05: [468, -31, 1423, 56, 1367],
+  0x2B06: [895, 416, 612, 87, 524],
+  0x2B07: [916, 395, 612, 87, 524],
+  0x2B0C: [468, -31, 1468, 89, 1379],
+  0x2B0D: [895, 395, 549, 56, 492],
+  0x2B31: [990, 490, 1463, 56, 1407]

+ 52 - 52

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-    0x32F: [-118, 285, 1120, 0, 1120],
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-    0x2309: [1150, 650, 528, 26, 332],
-    0x230A: [1150, 650, 528, 196, 502],
-    0x230B: [1150, 650, 528, 26, 332],
-    0x2329: [1150, 650, 611, 159, 555],
-    0x232A: [1150, 650, 611, 56, 452],
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-    0x27E7: [1150, 650, 660, 23, 449],
-    0x27E8: [1150, 650, 611, 159, 555],
-    0x27E9: [1150, 650, 611, 56, 452],
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-    0x27EB: [1150, 650, 905, 56, 746],
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
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+  0x5C: [1722, 1222, 1222, 56, 1166],
+  0x5D: [1150, 650, 472, 24, 246],
+  0x7B: [1150, 650, 667, 97, 569],
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+  0x7D: [1150, 650, 667, 98, 570],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
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+  0x303: [762, -539, 1115, 0, 1115],
+  0x306: [742, -576, 1120, 0, 1120],
+  0x30C: [741, -565, 1100, 0, 1100],
+  0x311: [759, -592, 1120, 0, 1120],
+  0x32C: [-96, 273, 1100, 0, 1100],
+  0x32D: [-108, 285, 1100, 0, 1100],
+  0x32E: [-96, 263, 1120, 0, 1120],
+  0x32F: [-118, 285, 1120, 0, 1120],
+  0x330: [-118, 341, 1115, 0, 1115],
+  0x2016: [1292, 792, 386, 56, 330],
+  0x2044: [1722, 1222, 1222, 56, 1166],
+  0x20E9: [750, -527, 1860, 0, 1860],
+  0x221A: [1750, 1250, 1000, 111, 1020],
+  0x2223: [1292, 792, 278, 109, 169],
+  0x2225: [1292, 792, 386, 56, 330],
+  0x2308: [1150, 650, 528, 196, 502],
+  0x2309: [1150, 650, 528, 26, 332],
+  0x230A: [1150, 650, 528, 196, 502],
+  0x230B: [1150, 650, 528, 26, 332],
+  0x2329: [1150, 650, 611, 159, 555],
+  0x232A: [1150, 650, 611, 56, 452],
+  0x23B4: [750, -527, 1860, 0, 1860],
+  0x23B5: [-97, 320, 1860, 0, 1860],
+  0x23DC: [774, -506, 2516, 0, 2516],
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+  0x23DE: [833, -502, 2498, 0, 2498],
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+  0x23E0: [863, -607, 2564, 0, 2564],
+  0x23E1: [-177, 433, 2564, 0, 2564],
+  0x27E6: [1150, 650, 660, 211, 637],
+  0x27E7: [1150, 650, 660, 23, 449],
+  0x27E8: [1150, 650, 611, 159, 555],
+  0x27E9: [1150, 650, 611, 56, 452],
+  0x27EA: [1150, 650, 905, 159, 849],
+  0x27EB: [1150, 650, 905, 56, 746],
+  0x27EE: [1168, 668, 432, 176, 376],
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+ 56 - 56

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-    0x2319: [367, -133, 667, 47, 620],
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-    0x231F: [10, 270, 392, 56, 336],
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-    0x239D: [1495, 0, 875, 277, 823],
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-    0x239F: [498, 0, 875, 496, 598],
-    0x23A0: [1495, 0, 875, 52, 598],
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-    0x23A2: [1000, 0, 667, 321, 381],
-    0x23A3: [1500, 0, 667, 321, 647],
-    0x23A4: [1500, 0, 667, 20, 346],
-    0x23A5: [1000, 0, 667, 286, 346],
-    0x23A6: [1500, 0, 667, 20, 346],
-    0x23A7: [750, 0, 902, 400, 755],
-    0x23A8: [1500, 0, 902, 147, 502],
-    0x23A9: [750, 0, 902, 400, 755],
-    0x23AA: [748, 0, 902, 400, 502],
-    0x23AB: [750, 0, 902, 147, 502],
-    0x23AC: [1500, 0, 902, 400, 755],
-    0x23AD: [750, 0, 902, 147, 502],
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-    0x27DB: [684, 0, 1026, 56, 970],
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-    0x27DD: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
-    0x27DE: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
-    0x27E0: [610, 110, 572, 56, 516],
-    0x27E1: [501, 1, 614, 56, 558],
-    0x27E2: [501, 1, 730, 56, 674],
-    0x27E3: [501, 1, 730, 56, 674],
-    0x27E6: [750, 250, 410, 118, 388],
-    0x27E7: [750, 250, 410, 22, 292],
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 332, 0, 0],
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+  0x2319: [367, -133, 667, 47, 620],
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+  0x231D: [770, -490, 392, 56, 336],
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+  0x231F: [10, 270, 392, 56, 336],
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+  0x2321: [1322, 22, 1185, 56, 685],
+  0x2329: [750, 250, 389, 110, 336],
+  0x232A: [750, 250, 389, 53, 279],
+  0x239B: [1495, 0, 875, 277, 823],
+  0x239C: [498, 0, 875, 277, 379],
+  0x239D: [1495, 0, 875, 277, 823],
+  0x239E: [1495, 0, 875, 52, 598],
+  0x239F: [498, 0, 875, 496, 598],
+  0x23A0: [1495, 0, 875, 52, 598],
+  0x23A1: [1500, 0, 667, 321, 647],
+  0x23A2: [1000, 0, 667, 321, 381],
+  0x23A3: [1500, 0, 667, 321, 647],
+  0x23A4: [1500, 0, 667, 20, 346],
+  0x23A5: [1000, 0, 667, 286, 346],
+  0x23A6: [1500, 0, 667, 20, 346],
+  0x23A7: [750, 0, 902, 400, 755],
+  0x23A8: [1500, 0, 902, 147, 502],
+  0x23A9: [750, 0, 902, 400, 755],
+  0x23AA: [748, 0, 902, 400, 502],
+  0x23AB: [750, 0, 902, 147, 502],
+  0x23AC: [1500, 0, 902, 400, 755],
+  0x23AD: [750, 0, 902, 147, 502],
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+  0x23B3: [847, 0, 1576, 57, 1520],
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+  0x27D9: [684, 184, 986, 56, 930],
+  0x27DA: [684, 0, 1026, 56, 970],
+  0x27DB: [684, 0, 1026, 56, 970],
+  0x27DC: [400, -100, 948, 56, 892],
+  0x27DD: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
+  0x27DE: [684, 184, 946, 56, 890],
+  0x27E0: [610, 110, 572, 56, 516],
+  0x27E1: [501, 1, 614, 56, 558],
+  0x27E2: [501, 1, 730, 56, 674],
+  0x27E3: [501, 1, 730, 56, 674],
+  0x27E6: [750, 250, 410, 118, 388],
+  0x27E7: [750, 250, 410, 22, 292],
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+ 9 - 9

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-    0x332: [-120, 165, 0, -445, -53],
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-    0x2037: [782, -422, 626, 30, 578],
-    0x20D6: [750, -479, 287, -131, 287],
-    0x20DB: [642, -542, 0, -599, -100],
-    0x20DC: [642, -542, 0, -799, -100],
-    0x20DD: [716, 216, 1000, 55, 944],
-    0x20E1: [750, -479, 449, 0, 449],
-    0x20EE: [50, 221, 287, -131, 287],
-    0x20EF: [50, 221, 287, 0, 418]
+  directory: 'Marks/Regular',
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0x305: [615, -570, 0, -445, -53],
+  0x30F: [683, -502, 0, -497, -154],
+  0x311: [671, -513, 0, -390, -108],
+  0x323: [-93, 193, 0, -225, -125],
+  0x324: [-93, 193, 0, -399, -100],
+  0x325: [-43, 243, 0, -349, -149],
+  0x32E: [-78, 207, 0, -388, -83],
+  0x32F: [-78, 207, 0, -388, -83],
+  0x330: [-95, 196, 0, -389, -68],
+  0x331: [-116, 169, 0, -405, -93],
+  0x332: [-120, 165, 0, -445, -53],
+  0x2036: [782, -422, 433, 30, 386],
+  0x2037: [782, -422, 626, 30, 578],
+  0x20D6: [750, -479, 287, -131, 287],
+  0x20DB: [642, -542, 0, -599, -100],
+  0x20DC: [642, -542, 0, -799, -100],
+  0x20DD: [716, 216, 1000, 55, 944],
+  0x20E1: [750, -479, 449, 0, 449],
+  0x20EE: [50, 221, 287, -131, 287],
+  0x20EF: [50, 221, 287, 0, 418]

+ 32 - 32

@@ -18,38 +18,38 @@
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-    0x29: [2199, 199, 734, 20, 526],
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-    0x5C: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
-    0x5D: [2274, 125, 527, 14, 277],
-    0x7B: [2199, 200, 750, 131, 618],
-    0x7C: [2498, 208, 213, 86, 126],
-    0x7D: [2199, 200, 750, 131, 618],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
-    0x2016: [2498, 208, 403, 86, 316],
-    0x2044: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
-    0x2215: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
-    0x221A: [2402, 1, 1000, 111, 1025],
-    0x2223: [2498, 208, 213, 86, 126],
-    0x2225: [1897, 208, 403, 86, 316],
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-    0x2309: [2199, 200, 583, 14, 332],
-    0x230A: [2199, 200, 583, 250, 568],
-    0x230B: [2199, 200, 583, 14, 332],
-    0x2329: [2134, 232, 757, 123, 648],
-    0x232A: [2134, 232, 818, 100, 625],
-    0x23DC: [800, -308, 2511, 56, 2455],
-    0x23DD: [248, 244, 2511, 56, 2455],
-    0x23DE: [944, -457, 2511, 56, 2455],
-    0x23DF: [97, 390, 2511, 56, 2455],
-    0x27E8: [1536, 234, 629, 109, 520],
-    0x27E9: [1536, 234, 693, 89, 500]
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+  0x28: [2199, 199, 734, 208, 714],
+  0x29: [2199, 199, 734, 20, 526],
+  0x2F: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
+  0x5B: [2274, 125, 527, 250, 513],
+  0x5C: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
+  0x5D: [2274, 125, 527, 14, 277],
+  0x7B: [2199, 200, 750, 131, 618],
+  0x7C: [2498, 208, 213, 86, 126],
+  0x7D: [2199, 200, 750, 131, 618],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0x2016: [2498, 208, 403, 86, 316],
+  0x2044: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
+  0x2215: [2199, 200, 1044, 54, 992],
+  0x221A: [2402, 1, 1000, 111, 1025],
+  0x2223: [2498, 208, 213, 86, 126],
+  0x2225: [1897, 208, 403, 86, 316],
+  0x2308: [2199, 200, 583, 250, 568],
+  0x2309: [2199, 200, 583, 14, 332],
+  0x230A: [2199, 200, 583, 250, 568],
+  0x230B: [2199, 200, 583, 14, 332],
+  0x2329: [2134, 232, 757, 123, 648],
+  0x232A: [2134, 232, 818, 100, 625],
+  0x23DC: [800, -308, 2511, 56, 2455],
+  0x23DD: [248, 244, 2511, 56, 2455],
+  0x23DE: [944, -457, 2511, 56, 2455],
+  0x23DF: [97, 390, 2511, 56, 2455],
+  0x27E8: [1536, 234, 629, 109, 520],
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+ 29 - 29

@@ -18,35 +18,35 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
-    0x2320: [915, 0, 444, 180, 452],
-    0x2321: [925, 0, 444, -23, 265],
-    0x2329: [737, 237, 388, 107, 330],
-    0x232A: [737, 237, 388, 57, 280],
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-    0x239C: [620, 0, 875, 292, 403],
-    0x239D: [1808, 0, 883, 292, 851],
-    0x239E: [1808, 0, 873, 22, 581],
-    0x239F: [620, 0, 875, 472, 583],
-    0x23A0: [1808, 0, 873, 22, 581],
-    0x23A1: [1799, 0, 666, 326, 659],
-    0x23A2: [602, 0, 666, 326, 395],
-    0x23A3: [1800, -1, 666, 326, 659],
-    0x23A4: [1799, 0, 666, 7, 340],
-    0x23A5: [602, 0, 666, 271, 340],
-    0x23A6: [1800, -1, 666, 7, 340],
-    0x23A7: [909, 0, 889, 395, 718],
-    0x23A8: [1820, 0, 889, 170, 492],
-    0x23A9: [909, 0, 889, 395, 718],
-    0x23AA: [320, 0, 889, 395, 492],
-    0x23AB: [909, 0, 889, 170, 492],
-    0x23AC: [1820, 0, 889, 395, 718],
-    0x23AD: [909, 0, 889, 170, 492],
-    0x23AE: [381, 0, 444, 181, 265]
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+  testString: '\u00A0\u2320\u2321\u2329\u232A\u239B\u239C\u239D\u239E\u239F\u23A0\u23A1\u23A2\u23A3\u23A4',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0x2320: [915, 0, 444, 180, 452],
+  0x2321: [925, 0, 444, -23, 265],
+  0x2329: [737, 237, 388, 107, 330],
+  0x232A: [737, 237, 388, 57, 280],
+  0x239B: [1808, 0, 883, 292, 851],
+  0x239C: [620, 0, 875, 292, 403],
+  0x239D: [1808, 0, 883, 292, 851],
+  0x239E: [1808, 0, 873, 22, 581],
+  0x239F: [620, 0, 875, 472, 583],
+  0x23A0: [1808, 0, 873, 22, 581],
+  0x23A1: [1799, 0, 666, 326, 659],
+  0x23A2: [602, 0, 666, 326, 395],
+  0x23A3: [1800, -1, 666, 326, 659],
+  0x23A4: [1799, 0, 666, 7, 340],
+  0x23A5: [602, 0, 666, 271, 340],
+  0x23A6: [1800, -1, 666, 7, 340],
+  0x23A7: [909, 0, 889, 395, 718],
+  0x23A8: [1820, 0, 889, 170, 492],
+  0x23A9: [909, 0, 889, 395, 718],
+  0x23AA: [320, 0, 889, 395, 492],
+  0x23AB: [909, 0, 889, 170, 492],
+  0x23AC: [1820, 0, 889, 395, 718],
+  0x23AD: [909, 0, 889, 170, 492],
+  0x23AE: [381, 0, 444, 181, 265]

+ 22 - 22

@@ -18,28 +18,28 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
-    0x2032: [559, -41, 329, 48, 299],
-    0x2033: [559, -41, 640, 48, 610],
-    0x2034: [559, -41, 950, 48, 920],
-    0x2035: [559, -41, 329, 48, 299],
-    0x2036: [559, -41, 640, 48, 610],
-    0x2037: [559, -41, 950, 48, 919],
-    0x2057: [559, -41, 1260, 48, 1230],
-    0xE200: [493, 13, 501, 41, 456],
-    0xE201: [469, 1, 501, 46, 460],
-    0xE202: [474, -1, 501, 59, 485],
-    0xE203: [474, 182, 501, 38, 430],
-    0xE204: [476, 192, 501, 10, 482],
-    0xE205: [458, 184, 501, 47, 441],
-    0xE206: [700, 13, 501, 45, 471],
-    0xE207: [468, 181, 501, 37, 498],
-    0xE208: [706, 10, 501, 40, 461],
-    0xE209: [470, 182, 501, 27, 468]
+  directory: 'Variants/Regular',
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+  testString: '\u00A0\u2032\u2033\u2034\u2035\u2036\u2037\u2057\uE200\uE201\uE202\uE203\uE204\uE205\uE206',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 333, 0, 0],
+  0x2032: [559, -41, 329, 48, 299],
+  0x2033: [559, -41, 640, 48, 610],
+  0x2034: [559, -41, 950, 48, 920],
+  0x2035: [559, -41, 329, 48, 299],
+  0x2036: [559, -41, 640, 48, 610],
+  0x2037: [559, -41, 950, 48, 919],
+  0x2057: [559, -41, 1260, 48, 1230],
+  0xE200: [493, 13, 501, 41, 456],
+  0xE201: [469, 1, 501, 46, 460],
+  0xE202: [474, -1, 501, 59, 485],
+  0xE203: [474, 182, 501, 38, 430],
+  0xE204: [476, 192, 501, 10, 482],
+  0xE205: [458, 184, 501, 47, 441],
+  0xE206: [700, 13, 501, 45, 471],
+  0xE207: [468, 181, 501, 37, 498],
+  0xE208: [706, 10, 501, 40, 461],
+  0xE209: [470, 182, 501, 27, 468]

+ 184 - 184

@@ -18,190 +18,190 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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-    0x38E: [693, 0, 700, 8, 855],
-    0x38F: [693, 0, 808, 25, 774],
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-    0x3CB: [655, 13, 536, -7, 477],
-    0x3CC: [680, 13, 500, -3, 441],
-    0x3CD: [680, 13, 536, -7, 477],
-    0x3CE: [680, 13, 735, -3, 676],
-    0x401: [905, 0, 667, -35, 645],
-    0x402: [669, 205, 789, 80, 737],
-    0x403: [947, 0, 604, -32, 658],
-    0x404: [685, 18, 657, 44, 689],
-    0x405: [685, 18, 556, -22, 502],
-    0x406: [669, 0, 389, -32, 406],
-    0x407: [905, 0, 389, -35, 477],
-    0x408: [669, 99, 500, -8, 562],
-    0x409: [669, 18, 954, -59, 896],
-    0x40A: [669, 0, 982, -32, 924],
-    0x40B: [669, 0, 830, 71, 757],
-    0x40C: [947, 0, 678, -35, 697],
-    0x40E: [951, 18, 666, 99, 712],
-    0x40F: [669, 184, 778, -33, 791],
-    0x410: [683, 0, 667, -57, 604],
-    0x411: [669, 0, 635, -18, 629],
-    0x412: [669, 0, 654, -25, 624],
-    0x413: [669, 0, 604, -32, 658],
-    0x414: [669, 184, 696, -115, 718],
-    0x415: [669, 0, 667, -35, 645],
-    0x416: [678, 0, 927, -63, 969],
-    0x417: [686, 18, 561, -10, 549],
-    0x418: [669, 0, 768, -33, 790],
-    0x419: [948, 0, 768, -33, 790],
-    0x41A: [678, 0, 678, -35, 697],
-    0x41B: [669, 18, 742, -59, 764],
-    0x41C: [669, 12, 890, -34, 912],
-    0x41D: [669, 0, 769, -32, 791],
-    0x41E: [685, 18, 722, 53, 717],
-    0x41F: [669, 0, 767, -35, 789],
-    0x420: [669, 0, 590, -30, 611],
-    0x421: [685, 18, 667, 65, 710],
-    0x422: [669, 0, 611, 80, 681],
-    0x423: [669, 18, 666, 99, 712],
-    0x424: [669, 0, 833, 72, 816],
-    0x425: [669, 0, 607, -61, 657],
-    0x426: [669, 184, 770, -32, 792],
-    0x427: [669, 0, 758, 120, 780],
-    0x428: [669, 0, 960, -33, 982],
-    0x429: [669, 184, 960, -33, 982],
-    0x42A: [669, 0, 780, 107, 722],
-    0x42B: [669, 0, 985, -19, 1007],
-    0x42C: [669, 0, 636, -19, 578],
-    0x42D: [685, 18, 671, 4, 648],
-    0x42E: [685, 18, 905, -38, 871],
-    0x42F: [669, 0, 710, -65, 732],
-    0x430: [462, 14, 527, 20, 497],
-    0x431: [685, 13, 499, 32, 570],
-    0x432: [462, 13, 482, 25, 458],
-    0x433: [461, 14, 368, -8, 371],
-    0x434: [695, 13, 496, 22, 466],
-    0x435: [462, 13, 431, 22, 415],
-    0x436: [462, 13, 898, -4, 890],
-    0x437: [462, 13, 400, -11, 378],
-    0x438: [462, 9, 542, 34, 512],
-    0x439: [697, 9, 542, 34, 514],
-    0x43A: [461, 8, 522, 12, 527],
-    0x43B: [462, 11, 507, -48, 477],
-    0x43C: [449, 11, 667, -48, 637],
-    0x43D: [462, 9, 543, 13, 513],
-    0x43E: [462, 13, 500, 24, 468],
-    0x43F: [462, 9, 543, 13, 513],
-    0x440: [462, 205, 497, -96, 470],
-    0x441: [462, 13, 435, 26, 423],
-    0x442: [462, 9, 777, 10, 747],
-    0x443: [462, 205, 447, -94, 422],
-    0x444: [699, 205, 750, 28, 717],
-    0x445: [462, 13, 456, -38, 511],
-    0x446: [462, 179, 542, 34, 512],
-    0x447: [462, 9, 531, 48, 501],
-    0x448: [462, 9, 800, 36, 770],
-    0x449: [462, 179, 800, 36, 770],
-    0x44A: [462, 13, 594, 29, 556],
-    0x44B: [462, 13, 754, 43, 724],
-    0x44C: [462, 13, 491, 43, 453],
-    0x44D: [462, 13, 444, -12, 405],
-    0x44E: [462, 13, 740, 12, 710],
-    0x44F: [449, 11, 538, 2, 508],
-    0x451: [655, 13, 434, 22, 487],
-    0x452: [699, 205, 523, 12, 490],
-    0x453: [697, 14, 368, -8, 456],
-    0x454: [462, 13, 415, 22, 450],
-    0x455: [462, 13, 389, 0, 352],
-    0x456: [684, 9, 278, 20, 280],
-    0x457: [655, 9, 278, 22, 382],
-    0x458: [685, 207, 278, -161, 307],
-    0x459: [462, 13, 694, -48, 656],
-    0x45A: [462, 13, 733, 12, 695],
-    0x45B: [699, 9, 556, 12, 515],
-    0x45C: [697, 8, 522, 12, 527],
-    0x45E: [697, 205, 447, -94, 436],
-    0x45F: [462, 179, 538, 30, 508],
-    0x462: [669, 0, 761, 62, 707],
-    0x463: [699, 13, 569, 20, 531],
-    0x46A: [669, 0, 978, -22, 918],
-    0x46B: [449, 13, 844, -4, 825],
-    0x472: [685, 18, 722, 53, 717],
-    0x473: [462, 13, 500, 24, 468],
-    0x474: [678, 18, 667, 66, 750],
-    0x475: [462, 13, 487, 15, 534],
-    0x490: [834, 0, 539, -32, 641],
-    0x491: [590, 9, 360, 31, 457],
-    0x2105: [683, 14, 847, 52, 795],
-    0x2116: [675, 15, 1055, 24, 1031],
-    0xE09C: [775, 235, 776, 40, 765],
-    0xE09D: [775, 235, 759, 44, 779],
-    0xE09E: [775, 235, 658, 44, 771],
-    0xE0B3: [703, 205, 556, -188, 517],
-    0xE32D: [775, 207, 671, 46, 675],
-    0xE32F: [775, 207, 664, -65, 706],
-    0xE331: [775, 207, 588, -100, 671],
-    0xE333: [775, 207, 571, 46, 547],
-    0xE335: [775, 207, 508, 44, 515],
-    0xE337: [775, 207, 505, -54, 629],
-    0xE339: [775, 207, 579, 20, 583],
-    0xE33B: [775, 207, 615, 46, 602],
-    0xE33D: [775, 207, 355, 29, 483],
-    0xE33F: [775, 207, 594, 35, 656],
-    0xE341: [775, 207, 598, 18, 642],
-    0xE343: [775, 207, 697, -34, 737],
-    0xE345: [775, 207, 571, 35, 584],
-    0xE347: [775, 207, 504, -54, 629],
-    0xE349: [775, 235, 500, 32, 506],
-    0xE34B: [775, 207, 652, 1, 772],
-    0xE34D: [775, 207, 636, 27, 652],
-    0xE34F: [775, 207, 504, 23, 514],
-    0xE351: [775, 207, 595, 46, 641],
-    0xE353: [775, 207, 474, 20, 521],
-    0xE355: [775, 207, 582, 20, 584],
-    0xE357: [775, 207, 726, 1, 772],
-    0xE359: [775, 207, 622, -41, 730],
-    0xE35B: [775, 207, 720, 37, 808],
-    0xE35D: [775, 207, 782, 24, 795],
-    0xE35F: [775, 207, 608, 20, 681],
-    0xE361: [775, 207, 727, 0, 771],
-    0xE363: [775, 207, 925, 6, 978],
-    0xE367: [775, 235, 475, -35, 509],
-    0xE36B: [775, 235, 525, -68, 651],
-    0xE36F: [775, 235, 485, 16, 466],
-    0xE373: [775, 235, 530, 12, 731],
-    0xE375: [775, 235, 569, -50, 592],
-    0xE377: [775, 207, 571, 46, 547],
-    0xE379: [775, 207, 601, 46, 579],
-    0xE37B: [775, 207, 525, 46, 543],
-    0xE37E: [775, 235, 792, -40, 777],
-    0xE380: [707, 14, 670, 10, 662],
-    0xE382: [707, 14, 622, 14, 598],
-    0xE384: [628, 14, 411, 18, 390],
-    0xE386: [473, 14, 355, 15, 338],
-    0xE388: [666, 0, 493, 25, 508],
-    0xE389: [666, 0, 480, 16, 472],
-    0xE3C5: [462, 207, 514, 47, 475],
-    0xE3C6: [462, 9, 357, 55, 274],
-    0xE400: [703, 205, 556, -188, 517]
+  directory: 'Alphabets/BoldItalic',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Alphabets',
+  weight: 'bold',
+  style: 'italic',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u0384\u0385\u0386\u0387\u0388\u0389\u038A\u038C\u038E\u038F\u0390\u03AA\u03AB\u03AC',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x384: [680, -516, 300, 140, 319],
+  0x385: [680, -516, 380, 27, 440],
+  0x386: [693, 0, 667, -68, 593],
+  0x387: [459, -311, 333, 116, 264],
+  0x388: [693, 0, 700, 10, 748],
+  0x389: [693, 0, 850, 9, 889],
+  0x38A: [693, 0, 450, 9, 503],
+  0x38C: [693, 18, 722, 11, 691],
+  0x38E: [693, 0, 700, 8, 855],
+  0x38F: [693, 0, 808, 25, 774],
+  0x390: [680, 9, 278, 6, 419],
+  0x3AA: [905, 0, 389, -32, 486],
+  0x3AB: [905, 0, 611, 21, 697],
+  0x3AC: [680, 13, 576, -3, 574],
+  0x3AD: [680, 13, 454, -5, 408],
+  0x3AE: [680, 205, 488, -7, 474],
+  0x3AF: [680, 9, 278, 2, 286],
+  0x3B0: [680, 13, 536, -7, 500],
+  0x3CA: [655, 9, 278, 2, 351],
+  0x3CB: [655, 13, 536, -7, 477],
+  0x3CC: [680, 13, 500, -3, 441],
+  0x3CD: [680, 13, 536, -7, 477],
+  0x3CE: [680, 13, 735, -3, 676],
+  0x401: [905, 0, 667, -35, 645],
+  0x402: [669, 205, 789, 80, 737],
+  0x403: [947, 0, 604, -32, 658],
+  0x404: [685, 18, 657, 44, 689],
+  0x405: [685, 18, 556, -22, 502],
+  0x406: [669, 0, 389, -32, 406],
+  0x407: [905, 0, 389, -35, 477],
+  0x408: [669, 99, 500, -8, 562],
+  0x409: [669, 18, 954, -59, 896],
+  0x40A: [669, 0, 982, -32, 924],
+  0x40B: [669, 0, 830, 71, 757],
+  0x40C: [947, 0, 678, -35, 697],
+  0x40E: [951, 18, 666, 99, 712],
+  0x40F: [669, 184, 778, -33, 791],
+  0x410: [683, 0, 667, -57, 604],
+  0x411: [669, 0, 635, -18, 629],
+  0x412: [669, 0, 654, -25, 624],
+  0x413: [669, 0, 604, -32, 658],
+  0x414: [669, 184, 696, -115, 718],
+  0x415: [669, 0, 667, -35, 645],
+  0x416: [678, 0, 927, -63, 969],
+  0x417: [686, 18, 561, -10, 549],
+  0x418: [669, 0, 768, -33, 790],
+  0x419: [948, 0, 768, -33, 790],
+  0x41A: [678, 0, 678, -35, 697],
+  0x41B: [669, 18, 742, -59, 764],
+  0x41C: [669, 12, 890, -34, 912],
+  0x41D: [669, 0, 769, -32, 791],
+  0x41E: [685, 18, 722, 53, 717],
+  0x41F: [669, 0, 767, -35, 789],
+  0x420: [669, 0, 590, -30, 611],
+  0x421: [685, 18, 667, 65, 710],
+  0x422: [669, 0, 611, 80, 681],
+  0x423: [669, 18, 666, 99, 712],
+  0x424: [669, 0, 833, 72, 816],
+  0x425: [669, 0, 607, -61, 657],
+  0x426: [669, 184, 770, -32, 792],
+  0x427: [669, 0, 758, 120, 780],
+  0x428: [669, 0, 960, -33, 982],
+  0x429: [669, 184, 960, -33, 982],
+  0x42A: [669, 0, 780, 107, 722],
+  0x42B: [669, 0, 985, -19, 1007],
+  0x42C: [669, 0, 636, -19, 578],
+  0x42D: [685, 18, 671, 4, 648],
+  0x42E: [685, 18, 905, -38, 871],
+  0x42F: [669, 0, 710, -65, 732],
+  0x430: [462, 14, 527, 20, 497],
+  0x431: [685, 13, 499, 32, 570],
+  0x432: [462, 13, 482, 25, 458],
+  0x433: [461, 14, 368, -8, 371],
+  0x434: [695, 13, 496, 22, 466],
+  0x435: [462, 13, 431, 22, 415],
+  0x436: [462, 13, 898, -4, 890],
+  0x437: [462, 13, 400, -11, 378],
+  0x438: [462, 9, 542, 34, 512],
+  0x439: [697, 9, 542, 34, 514],
+  0x43A: [461, 8, 522, 12, 527],
+  0x43B: [462, 11, 507, -48, 477],
+  0x43C: [449, 11, 667, -48, 637],
+  0x43D: [462, 9, 543, 13, 513],
+  0x43E: [462, 13, 500, 24, 468],
+  0x43F: [462, 9, 543, 13, 513],
+  0x440: [462, 205, 497, -96, 470],
+  0x441: [462, 13, 435, 26, 423],
+  0x442: [462, 9, 777, 10, 747],
+  0x443: [462, 205, 447, -94, 422],
+  0x444: [699, 205, 750, 28, 717],
+  0x445: [462, 13, 456, -38, 511],
+  0x446: [462, 179, 542, 34, 512],
+  0x447: [462, 9, 531, 48, 501],
+  0x448: [462, 9, 800, 36, 770],
+  0x449: [462, 179, 800, 36, 770],
+  0x44A: [462, 13, 594, 29, 556],
+  0x44B: [462, 13, 754, 43, 724],
+  0x44C: [462, 13, 491, 43, 453],
+  0x44D: [462, 13, 444, -12, 405],
+  0x44E: [462, 13, 740, 12, 710],
+  0x44F: [449, 11, 538, 2, 508],
+  0x451: [655, 13, 434, 22, 487],
+  0x452: [699, 205, 523, 12, 490],
+  0x453: [697, 14, 368, -8, 456],
+  0x454: [462, 13, 415, 22, 450],
+  0x455: [462, 13, 389, 0, 352],
+  0x456: [684, 9, 278, 20, 280],
+  0x457: [655, 9, 278, 22, 382],
+  0x458: [685, 207, 278, -161, 307],
+  0x459: [462, 13, 694, -48, 656],
+  0x45A: [462, 13, 733, 12, 695],
+  0x45B: [699, 9, 556, 12, 515],
+  0x45C: [697, 8, 522, 12, 527],
+  0x45E: [697, 205, 447, -94, 436],
+  0x45F: [462, 179, 538, 30, 508],
+  0x462: [669, 0, 761, 62, 707],
+  0x463: [699, 13, 569, 20, 531],
+  0x46A: [669, 0, 978, -22, 918],
+  0x46B: [449, 13, 844, -4, 825],
+  0x472: [685, 18, 722, 53, 717],
+  0x473: [462, 13, 500, 24, 468],
+  0x474: [678, 18, 667, 66, 750],
+  0x475: [462, 13, 487, 15, 534],
+  0x490: [834, 0, 539, -32, 641],
+  0x491: [590, 9, 360, 31, 457],
+  0x2105: [683, 14, 847, 52, 795],
+  0x2116: [675, 15, 1055, 24, 1031],
+  0xE09C: [775, 235, 776, 40, 765],
+  0xE09D: [775, 235, 759, 44, 779],
+  0xE09E: [775, 235, 658, 44, 771],
+  0xE0B3: [703, 205, 556, -188, 517],
+  0xE32D: [775, 207, 671, 46, 675],
+  0xE32F: [775, 207, 664, -65, 706],
+  0xE331: [775, 207, 588, -100, 671],
+  0xE333: [775, 207, 571, 46, 547],
+  0xE335: [775, 207, 508, 44, 515],
+  0xE337: [775, 207, 505, -54, 629],
+  0xE339: [775, 207, 579, 20, 583],
+  0xE33B: [775, 207, 615, 46, 602],
+  0xE33D: [775, 207, 355, 29, 483],
+  0xE33F: [775, 207, 594, 35, 656],
+  0xE341: [775, 207, 598, 18, 642],
+  0xE343: [775, 207, 697, -34, 737],
+  0xE345: [775, 207, 571, 35, 584],
+  0xE347: [775, 207, 504, -54, 629],
+  0xE349: [775, 235, 500, 32, 506],
+  0xE34B: [775, 207, 652, 1, 772],
+  0xE34D: [775, 207, 636, 27, 652],
+  0xE34F: [775, 207, 504, 23, 514],
+  0xE351: [775, 207, 595, 46, 641],
+  0xE353: [775, 207, 474, 20, 521],
+  0xE355: [775, 207, 582, 20, 584],
+  0xE357: [775, 207, 726, 1, 772],
+  0xE359: [775, 207, 622, -41, 730],
+  0xE35B: [775, 207, 720, 37, 808],
+  0xE35D: [775, 207, 782, 24, 795],
+  0xE35F: [775, 207, 608, 20, 681],
+  0xE361: [775, 207, 727, 0, 771],
+  0xE363: [775, 207, 925, 6, 978],
+  0xE367: [775, 235, 475, -35, 509],
+  0xE36B: [775, 235, 525, -68, 651],
+  0xE36F: [775, 235, 485, 16, 466],
+  0xE373: [775, 235, 530, 12, 731],
+  0xE375: [775, 235, 569, -50, 592],
+  0xE377: [775, 207, 571, 46, 547],
+  0xE379: [775, 207, 601, 46, 579],
+  0xE37B: [775, 207, 525, 46, 543],
+  0xE37E: [775, 235, 792, -40, 777],
+  0xE380: [707, 14, 670, 10, 662],
+  0xE382: [707, 14, 622, 14, 598],
+  0xE384: [628, 14, 411, 18, 390],
+  0xE386: [473, 14, 355, 15, 338],
+  0xE388: [666, 0, 493, 25, 508],
+  0xE389: [666, 0, 480, 16, 472],
+  0xE3C5: [462, 207, 514, 47, 475],
+  0xE3C6: [462, 9, 357, 55, 274],
+  0xE400: [703, 205, 556, -188, 517]

+ 181 - 181

@@ -18,187 +18,187 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Alphabets-italic'] = {
-    directory: 'Alphabets/Italic',
-    family: 'STIXMathJax_Alphabets',
-    style: 'italic',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u0384\u0385\u0386\u0387\u0388\u0389\u038A\u038C\u038E\u038F\u0390\u03AA\u03AB\u03AC',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x384: [649, -494, 289, 160, 322],
-    0x385: [649, -494, 333, 70, 387],
-    0x386: [678, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x387: [441, -330, 333, 150, 261],
-    0x388: [678, 0, 630, 7, 679],
-    0x389: [678, 0, 740, 4, 821],
-    0x38A: [678, 0, 350, 3, 429],
-    0x38C: [678, 18, 722, 58, 699],
-    0x38E: [678, 0, 580, 8, 725],
-    0x38F: [678, 0, 762, -6, 739],
-    0x390: [649, 11, 278, 49, 387],
-    0x3AA: [856, 0, 333, -8, 460],
-    0x3AB: [856, 0, 556, 78, 648],
-    0x3AC: [649, 11, 552, 27, 549],
-    0x3AD: [649, 11, 444, 30, 425],
-    0x3AE: [649, 205, 474, 14, 442],
-    0x3AF: [649, 11, 278, 49, 288],
-    0x3B0: [649, 10, 478, 19, 446],
-    0x3CA: [606, 11, 278, 49, 359],
-    0x3CB: [606, 10, 478, 19, 446],
-    0x3CC: [649, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0x3CD: [649, 10, 478, 19, 446],
-    0x3CE: [649, 11, 686, 27, 654],
-    0x401: [856, 0, 611, 1, 631],
-    0x402: [653, 208, 723, 70, 663],
-    0x403: [914, 0, 569, -36, 603],
-    0x404: [666, 18, 657, 67, 680],
-    0x405: [667, 18, 500, 7, 498],
-    0x406: [653, 0, 333, -7, 382],
-    0x407: [856, 0, 333, -31, 433],
-    0x408: [653, 18, 444, -34, 463],
-    0x409: [653, 16, 961, -35, 901],
-    0x40A: [653, 0, 966, -28, 906],
-    0x40B: [653, 0, 786, 70, 701],
-    0x40C: [914, 0, 621, -28, 657],
-    0x40E: [887, 14, 656, 110, 716],
-    0x40F: [653, 179, 722, -25, 747],
-    0x410: [668, 0, 611, -49, 566],
-    0x411: [653, 0, 590, -28, 603],
-    0x412: [653, 0, 597, -23, 571],
-    0x413: [653, 0, 569, -36, 603],
-    0x414: [653, 179, 655, -103, 696],
-    0x415: [653, 0, 611, 1, 631],
-    0x416: [661, 0, 956, -55, 972],
-    0x417: [668, 16, 564, 9, 548],
-    0x418: [653, 0, 708, -25, 749],
-    0x419: [887, 0, 708, -25, 749],
-    0x41A: [661, 0, 621, -28, 657],
-    0x41B: [653, 16, 699, -35, 740],
-    0x41C: [653, 0, 814, -33, 855],
-    0x41D: [653, 0, 708, -26, 749],
-    0x41E: [666, 18, 712, 60, 699],
-    0x41F: [653, 0, 704, -29, 745],
-    0x420: [653, 0, 568, -24, 578],
-    0x421: [666, 18, 667, 67, 690],
-    0x422: [653, 0, 556, 70, 644],
-    0x423: [653, 14, 656, 110, 716],
-    0x424: [653, 0, 772, 73, 758],
-    0x425: [653, 0, 575, -67, 617],
-    0x426: [653, 179, 706, -25, 747],
-    0x427: [653, 0, 622, 54, 663],
-    0x428: [653, 0, 936, -14, 977],
-    0x429: [653, 179, 936, -14, 977],
-    0x42A: [653, 0, 695, 63, 652],
-    0x42B: [653, 0, 852, -28, 893],
-    0x42C: [653, 0, 597, -28, 537],
-    0x42D: [666, 18, 658, 15, 636],
-    0x42E: [666, 18, 877, -32, 850],
-    0x42F: [653, 0, 635, -49, 676],
-    0x430: [441, 11, 514, 23, 482],
-    0x431: [683, 11, 498, 36, 535],
-    0x432: [441, 11, 442, 31, 423],
-    0x433: [441, 11, 390, 1, 384],
-    0x434: [683, 11, 489, 30, 470],
-    0x435: [441, 11, 440, 34, 422],
-    0x436: [441, 11, 799, 0, 791],
-    0x437: [441, 11, 376, -18, 357],
-    0x438: [441, 11, 527, 29, 495],
-    0x439: [667, 11, 527, 29, 495],
-    0x43A: [441, 11, 491, 18, 485],
-    0x43B: [441, 12, 474, -44, 442],
-    0x43C: [432, 12, 633, -45, 601],
-    0x43D: [441, 9, 504, 20, 472],
-    0x43E: [441, 11, 489, 29, 470],
-    0x43F: [441, 9, 511, 19, 479],
-    0x440: [441, 205, 483, -77, 464],
-    0x441: [441, 11, 441, 27, 422],
-    0x442: [441, 9, 741, 17, 709],
-    0x443: [441, 206, 421, -61, 389],
-    0x444: [683, 205, 702, 29, 677],
-    0x445: [441, 11, 444, -35, 439],
-    0x446: [441, 182, 527, 29, 495],
-    0x447: [441, 9, 482, 42, 450],
-    0x448: [441, 11, 785, 31, 753],
-    0x449: [441, 182, 785, 31, 753],
-    0x44A: [441, 11, 567, 12, 528],
-    0x44B: [441, 11, 689, 50, 657],
-    0x44C: [441, 11, 471, 50, 433],
-    0x44D: [441, 11, 408, 7, 391],
-    0x44E: [441, 11, 674, 21, 655],
-    0x44F: [432, 9, 481, -25, 449],
-    0x451: [606, 11, 440, 34, 475],
-    0x452: [683, 208, 479, 20, 448],
-    0x453: [664, 11, 390, 1, 455],
-    0x454: [441, 11, 428, 26, 441],
-    0x455: [442, 13, 389, -9, 341],
-    0x456: [654, 11, 278, 43, 258],
-    0x457: [606, 11, 278, 43, 357],
-    0x458: [652, 207, 278, -172, 231],
-    0x459: [441, 12, 679, -44, 631],
-    0x45A: [441, 11, 697, 21, 649],
-    0x45B: [683, 9, 511, 20, 479],
-    0x45C: [664, 11, 491, 18, 485],
-    0x45E: [667, 206, 421, -61, 417],
-    0x45F: [441, 182, 527, 29, 495],
-    0x462: [653, 0, 681, 19, 621],
-    0x463: [683, 11, 542, 13, 504],
-    0x46A: [653, 0, 953, -55, 893],
-    0x46B: [432, 11, 741, 0, 686],
-    0x472: [666, 18, 712, 60, 699],
-    0x473: [441, 11, 489, 29, 470],
-    0x474: [662, 18, 646, 76, 742],
-    0x475: [441, 18, 464, 34, 528],
-    0x490: [783, 0, 524, -30, 622],
-    0x491: [507, 11, 337, 42, 404],
-    0x2105: [676, 14, 855, 47, 808],
-    0x2116: [668, 15, 1046, 19, 1031],
-    0xE09C: [756, 218, 753, 37, 787],
-    0xE09D: [756, 218, 706, 42, 732],
-    0xE09E: [756, 218, 624, 42, 724],
-    0xE0B3: [681, 207, 500, -141, 504],
-    0xE32C: [756, 218, 613, 42, 612],
-    0xE32E: [756, 218, 595, -47, 644],
-    0xE330: [756, 218, 514, -58, 634],
-    0xE332: [756, 218, 536, 40, 522],
-    0xE334: [756, 218, 478, 29, 491],
-    0xE336: [756, 218, 440, 11, 482],
-    0xE338: [756, 218, 512, 32, 536],
-    0xE33A: [756, 218, 529, 20, 519],
-    0xE33C: [756, 217, 326, -10, 453],
-    0xE33E: [756, 218, 546, 57, 558],
-    0xE340: [756, 218, 557, 52, 619],
-    0xE342: [756, 217, 630, 0, 696],
-    0xE344: [756, 218, 466, 32, 495],
-    0xE346: [756, 218, 454, 9, 468],
-    0xE348: [756, 240, 533, 27, 498],
-    0xE34A: [756, 217, 591, 14, 710],
-    0xE34C: [756, 218, 584, 32, 591],
-    0xE34E: [756, 218, 468, 1, 460],
-    0xE350: [756, 218, 534, 42, 560],
-    0xE352: [756, 218, 448, 32, 537],
-    0xE354: [756, 218, 514, 32, 545],
-    0xE356: [756, 218, 663, -2, 690],
-    0xE358: [756, 218, 632, 4, 700],
-    0xE35A: [756, 218, 668, 32, 736],
-    0xE35C: [756, 217, 733, 42, 758],
-    0xE35E: [756, 218, 602, 32, 590],
-    0xE360: [756, 218, 666, 42, 778],
-    0xE362: [756, 217, 889, 32, 897],
-    0xE366: [756, 240, 444, 7, 482],
-    0xE36A: [756, 240, 528, -57, 648],
-    0xE36E: [756, 240, 457, 31, 445],
-    0xE372: [756, 240, 528, 8, 715],
-    0xE374: [756, 240, 533, -16, 559],
-    0xE376: [756, 218, 533, 42, 525],
-    0xE378: [756, 218, 533, 35, 506],
-    0xE37A: [756, 218, 477, 42, 539],
-    0xE37D: [756, 218, 710, -50, 694],
-    0xE37F: [683, 10, 606, 10, 601],
-    0xE381: [683, 10, 554, 39, 540],
-    0xE383: [579, 10, 353, 6, 323],
-    0xE385: [460, 10, 326, 15, 278],
-    0xE387: [668, 0, 490, 30, 502],
-    0xE389: [668, 0, 490, 30, 478],
-    0xE400: [681, 207, 500, -141, 504]
+  directory: 'Alphabets/Italic',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Alphabets',
+  style: 'italic',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u0384\u0385\u0386\u0387\u0388\u0389\u038A\u038C\u038E\u038F\u0390\u03AA\u03AB\u03AC',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x384: [649, -494, 289, 160, 322],
+  0x385: [649, -494, 333, 70, 387],
+  0x386: [678, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x387: [441, -330, 333, 150, 261],
+  0x388: [678, 0, 630, 7, 679],
+  0x389: [678, 0, 740, 4, 821],
+  0x38A: [678, 0, 350, 3, 429],
+  0x38C: [678, 18, 722, 58, 699],
+  0x38E: [678, 0, 580, 8, 725],
+  0x38F: [678, 0, 762, -6, 739],
+  0x390: [649, 11, 278, 49, 387],
+  0x3AA: [856, 0, 333, -8, 460],
+  0x3AB: [856, 0, 556, 78, 648],
+  0x3AC: [649, 11, 552, 27, 549],
+  0x3AD: [649, 11, 444, 30, 425],
+  0x3AE: [649, 205, 474, 14, 442],
+  0x3AF: [649, 11, 278, 49, 288],
+  0x3B0: [649, 10, 478, 19, 446],
+  0x3CA: [606, 11, 278, 49, 359],
+  0x3CB: [606, 10, 478, 19, 446],
+  0x3CC: [649, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0x3CD: [649, 10, 478, 19, 446],
+  0x3CE: [649, 11, 686, 27, 654],
+  0x401: [856, 0, 611, 1, 631],
+  0x402: [653, 208, 723, 70, 663],
+  0x403: [914, 0, 569, -36, 603],
+  0x404: [666, 18, 657, 67, 680],
+  0x405: [667, 18, 500, 7, 498],
+  0x406: [653, 0, 333, -7, 382],
+  0x407: [856, 0, 333, -31, 433],
+  0x408: [653, 18, 444, -34, 463],
+  0x409: [653, 16, 961, -35, 901],
+  0x40A: [653, 0, 966, -28, 906],
+  0x40B: [653, 0, 786, 70, 701],
+  0x40C: [914, 0, 621, -28, 657],
+  0x40E: [887, 14, 656, 110, 716],
+  0x40F: [653, 179, 722, -25, 747],
+  0x410: [668, 0, 611, -49, 566],
+  0x411: [653, 0, 590, -28, 603],
+  0x412: [653, 0, 597, -23, 571],
+  0x413: [653, 0, 569, -36, 603],
+  0x414: [653, 179, 655, -103, 696],
+  0x415: [653, 0, 611, 1, 631],
+  0x416: [661, 0, 956, -55, 972],
+  0x417: [668, 16, 564, 9, 548],
+  0x418: [653, 0, 708, -25, 749],
+  0x419: [887, 0, 708, -25, 749],
+  0x41A: [661, 0, 621, -28, 657],
+  0x41B: [653, 16, 699, -35, 740],
+  0x41C: [653, 0, 814, -33, 855],
+  0x41D: [653, 0, 708, -26, 749],
+  0x41E: [666, 18, 712, 60, 699],
+  0x41F: [653, 0, 704, -29, 745],
+  0x420: [653, 0, 568, -24, 578],
+  0x421: [666, 18, 667, 67, 690],
+  0x422: [653, 0, 556, 70, 644],
+  0x423: [653, 14, 656, 110, 716],
+  0x424: [653, 0, 772, 73, 758],
+  0x425: [653, 0, 575, -67, 617],
+  0x426: [653, 179, 706, -25, 747],
+  0x427: [653, 0, 622, 54, 663],
+  0x428: [653, 0, 936, -14, 977],
+  0x429: [653, 179, 936, -14, 977],
+  0x42A: [653, 0, 695, 63, 652],
+  0x42B: [653, 0, 852, -28, 893],
+  0x42C: [653, 0, 597, -28, 537],
+  0x42D: [666, 18, 658, 15, 636],
+  0x42E: [666, 18, 877, -32, 850],
+  0x42F: [653, 0, 635, -49, 676],
+  0x430: [441, 11, 514, 23, 482],
+  0x431: [683, 11, 498, 36, 535],
+  0x432: [441, 11, 442, 31, 423],
+  0x433: [441, 11, 390, 1, 384],
+  0x434: [683, 11, 489, 30, 470],
+  0x435: [441, 11, 440, 34, 422],
+  0x436: [441, 11, 799, 0, 791],
+  0x437: [441, 11, 376, -18, 357],
+  0x438: [441, 11, 527, 29, 495],
+  0x439: [667, 11, 527, 29, 495],
+  0x43A: [441, 11, 491, 18, 485],
+  0x43B: [441, 12, 474, -44, 442],
+  0x43C: [432, 12, 633, -45, 601],
+  0x43D: [441, 9, 504, 20, 472],
+  0x43E: [441, 11, 489, 29, 470],
+  0x43F: [441, 9, 511, 19, 479],
+  0x440: [441, 205, 483, -77, 464],
+  0x441: [441, 11, 441, 27, 422],
+  0x442: [441, 9, 741, 17, 709],
+  0x443: [441, 206, 421, -61, 389],
+  0x444: [683, 205, 702, 29, 677],
+  0x445: [441, 11, 444, -35, 439],
+  0x446: [441, 182, 527, 29, 495],
+  0x447: [441, 9, 482, 42, 450],
+  0x448: [441, 11, 785, 31, 753],
+  0x449: [441, 182, 785, 31, 753],
+  0x44A: [441, 11, 567, 12, 528],
+  0x44B: [441, 11, 689, 50, 657],
+  0x44C: [441, 11, 471, 50, 433],
+  0x44D: [441, 11, 408, 7, 391],
+  0x44E: [441, 11, 674, 21, 655],
+  0x44F: [432, 9, 481, -25, 449],
+  0x451: [606, 11, 440, 34, 475],
+  0x452: [683, 208, 479, 20, 448],
+  0x453: [664, 11, 390, 1, 455],
+  0x454: [441, 11, 428, 26, 441],
+  0x455: [442, 13, 389, -9, 341],
+  0x456: [654, 11, 278, 43, 258],
+  0x457: [606, 11, 278, 43, 357],
+  0x458: [652, 207, 278, -172, 231],
+  0x459: [441, 12, 679, -44, 631],
+  0x45A: [441, 11, 697, 21, 649],
+  0x45B: [683, 9, 511, 20, 479],
+  0x45C: [664, 11, 491, 18, 485],
+  0x45E: [667, 206, 421, -61, 417],
+  0x45F: [441, 182, 527, 29, 495],
+  0x462: [653, 0, 681, 19, 621],
+  0x463: [683, 11, 542, 13, 504],
+  0x46A: [653, 0, 953, -55, 893],
+  0x46B: [432, 11, 741, 0, 686],
+  0x472: [666, 18, 712, 60, 699],
+  0x473: [441, 11, 489, 29, 470],
+  0x474: [662, 18, 646, 76, 742],
+  0x475: [441, 18, 464, 34, 528],
+  0x490: [783, 0, 524, -30, 622],
+  0x491: [507, 11, 337, 42, 404],
+  0x2105: [676, 14, 855, 47, 808],
+  0x2116: [668, 15, 1046, 19, 1031],
+  0xE09C: [756, 218, 753, 37, 787],
+  0xE09D: [756, 218, 706, 42, 732],
+  0xE09E: [756, 218, 624, 42, 724],
+  0xE0B3: [681, 207, 500, -141, 504],
+  0xE32C: [756, 218, 613, 42, 612],
+  0xE32E: [756, 218, 595, -47, 644],
+  0xE330: [756, 218, 514, -58, 634],
+  0xE332: [756, 218, 536, 40, 522],
+  0xE334: [756, 218, 478, 29, 491],
+  0xE336: [756, 218, 440, 11, 482],
+  0xE338: [756, 218, 512, 32, 536],
+  0xE33A: [756, 218, 529, 20, 519],
+  0xE33C: [756, 217, 326, -10, 453],
+  0xE33E: [756, 218, 546, 57, 558],
+  0xE340: [756, 218, 557, 52, 619],
+  0xE342: [756, 217, 630, 0, 696],
+  0xE344: [756, 218, 466, 32, 495],
+  0xE346: [756, 218, 454, 9, 468],
+  0xE348: [756, 240, 533, 27, 498],
+  0xE34A: [756, 217, 591, 14, 710],
+  0xE34C: [756, 218, 584, 32, 591],
+  0xE34E: [756, 218, 468, 1, 460],
+  0xE350: [756, 218, 534, 42, 560],
+  0xE352: [756, 218, 448, 32, 537],
+  0xE354: [756, 218, 514, 32, 545],
+  0xE356: [756, 218, 663, -2, 690],
+  0xE358: [756, 218, 632, 4, 700],
+  0xE35A: [756, 218, 668, 32, 736],
+  0xE35C: [756, 217, 733, 42, 758],
+  0xE35E: [756, 218, 602, 32, 590],
+  0xE360: [756, 218, 666, 42, 778],
+  0xE362: [756, 217, 889, 32, 897],
+  0xE366: [756, 240, 444, 7, 482],
+  0xE36A: [756, 240, 528, -57, 648],
+  0xE36E: [756, 240, 457, 31, 445],
+  0xE372: [756, 240, 528, 8, 715],
+  0xE374: [756, 240, 533, -16, 559],
+  0xE376: [756, 218, 533, 42, 525],
+  0xE378: [756, 218, 533, 35, 506],
+  0xE37A: [756, 218, 477, 42, 539],
+  0xE37D: [756, 218, 710, -50, 694],
+  0xE37F: [683, 10, 606, 10, 601],
+  0xE381: [683, 10, 554, 39, 540],
+  0xE383: [579, 10, 353, 6, 323],
+  0xE385: [460, 10, 326, 15, 278],
+  0xE387: [668, 0, 490, 30, 502],
+  0xE389: [668, 0, 490, 30, 478],
+  0xE400: [681, 207, 500, -141, 504]

+ 223 - 223

@@ -18,229 +18,229 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Arrows'] = {
-    directory: 'Arrows/Regular',
-    family: 'STIXMathJax_Arrows',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u219C\u219D\u219F\u21A1\u21A4\u21A5\u21A7\u21A8\u21AF\u21B2\u21B3\u21B4\u21B5\u21B8',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x219C: [411, -102, 926, 70, 856],
-    0x219D: [411, -102, 926, 70, 856],
-    0x219F: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21A1: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21A4: [450, -57, 926, 70, 857],
-    0x21A5: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21A7: [662, 154, 511, 59, 451],
-    0x21A8: [662, 154, 511, 59, 451],
-    0x21AF: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21B2: [662, 154, 463, 25, 419],
-    0x21B3: [662, 154, 463, 39, 433],
-    0x21B4: [662, 154, 926, 70, 856],
-    0x21B5: [662, 156, 926, 70, 856],
-    0x21B8: [732, 156, 926, 55, 872],
-    0x21B9: [598, 92, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21C5: [662, 156, 773, 31, 742],
-    0x21D6: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
-    0x21D7: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
-    0x21D8: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
-    0x21D9: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
-    0x21DC: [449, -58, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21DE: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21DF: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21E1: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21E3: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x21E4: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21E5: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21E6: [551, 45, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21E7: [662, 156, 685, 45, 641],
-    0x21E8: [551, 45, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21E9: [662, 156, 685, 45, 641],
-    0x21EA: [690, 184, 685, 45, 641],
-    0x21F4: [448, -57, 926, 70, 856],
-    0x21F5: [662, 156, 773, 31, 742],
-    0x21F6: [739, 232, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21F7: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21F8: [450, -58, 926, 55, 861],
-    0x21F9: [450, -58, 926, 48, 878],
-    0x21FA: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21FB: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21FC: [450, -58, 926, 38, 888],
-    0x21FD: [449, -57, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21FE: [449, -57, 926, 60, 866],
-    0x21FF: [449, -57, 926, 20, 906],
-    0x27F0: [662, 156, 1033, 69, 965],
-    0x27F1: [662, 156, 1033, 69, 965],
-    0x27F2: [626, 116, 974, 54, 882],
-    0x27F3: [626, 116, 974, 92, 920],
-    0x27F4: [569, 61, 1200, 52, 1147],
-    0x27FB: [450, -57, 1574, 55, 1519],
-    0x27FD: [551, 45, 1574, 55, 1519],
-    0x27FE: [551, 45, 1574, 55, 1519],
-    0x27FF: [449, -58, 1574, 55, 1519],
-    0x2900: [450, -57, 926, 56, 871],
-    0x2901: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2902: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2903: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2904: [551, 45, 926, 20, 906],
-    0x2905: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2906: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2907: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2908: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
-    0x2909: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
-    0x290A: [662, 156, 926, 71, 854],
-    0x290B: [662, 156, 926, 72, 855],
-    0x290C: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x290D: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x290E: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x290F: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2910: [449, -57, 1412, 55, 1357],
-    0x2911: [449, -57, 926, 55, 873],
-    0x2912: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
-    0x2913: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
-    0x2914: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2915: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2916: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2917: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2918: [450, -57, 926, 50, 876],
-    0x2919: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x291A: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x291B: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x291C: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x291D: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x291E: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x291F: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2920: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2921: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2922: [660, 156, 926, 55, 873],
-    0x2923: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2924: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2925: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2926: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2927: [662, 156, 926, 55, 873],
-    0x2928: [662, 156, 926, 53, 871],
-    0x2929: [662, 156, 926, 53, 871],
-    0x292A: [662, 156, 926, 55, 873],
-    0x292B: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x292C: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x292D: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x292E: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x292F: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2930: [662, 154, 926, 55, 873],
-    0x2931: [662, 156, 926, 54, 870],
-    0x2932: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2933: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2934: [562, 0, 926, 141, 797],
-    0x2935: [562, 0, 926, 141, 797],
-    0x2936: [493, 163, 784, 87, 649],
-    0x2937: [493, 163, 784, 135, 697],
-    0x2938: [657, 153, 511, 70, 415],
-    0x2939: [657, 153, 511, 96, 441],
-    0x293A: [423, -78, 926, 69, 866],
-    0x293B: [423, -78, 926, 60, 857],
-    0x293C: [423, -64, 926, 59, 856],
-    0x293D: [423, 29, 926, 69, 866],
-    0x293E: [563, 116, 926, 69, 856],
-    0x293F: [563, 116, 926, 69, 856],
-    0x2940: [788, 116, 926, 92, 834],
-    0x2941: [788, 116, 926, 92, 834],
-    0x2942: [598, 92, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2943: [598, 92, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2944: [598, 92, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2945: [449, 69, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2946: [449, 69, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2947: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2948: [449, -57, 926, 38, 888],
-    0x2949: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x294A: [439, -67, 926, 38, 888],
-    0x294B: [439, -67, 926, 38, 888],
-    0x294C: [662, 156, 511, 69, 441],
-    0x294D: [662, 156, 511, 69, 441],
-    0x294E: [439, -220, 926, 38, 888],
-    0x294F: [662, 156, 511, 222, 441],
-    0x2950: [286, -67, 926, 38, 888],
-    0x2951: [662, 156, 511, 69, 288],
-    0x2952: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2953: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2954: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x2955: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x2956: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2957: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2958: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x2959: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x295A: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x295B: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x295C: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x295D: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
-    0x295E: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x295F: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2960: [662, 156, 511, 59, 450],
-    0x2961: [662, 156, 511, 59, 450],
-    0x2962: [539, 33, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2963: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
-    0x2964: [539, 33, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2965: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
-    0x2966: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2967: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2968: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2969: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x296A: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x296B: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x296C: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x296D: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x296E: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
-    0x296F: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
-    0x2970: [386, -120, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2971: [565, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2972: [508, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2973: [449, 2, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2974: [449, 2, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2975: [449, 141, 926, 55, 871],
-    0x2976: [607, 283, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x2977: [532, 26, 926, 45, 871],
-    0x2978: [608, 282, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x2979: [627, 262, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x297A: [532, 26, 926, 45, 871],
-    0x297B: [627, 262, 685, 63, 620],
-    0x297C: [511, 5, 926, 135, 791],
-    0x297D: [511, 5, 926, 135, 791],
-    0x297E: [581, 75, 685, 84, 600],
-    0x297F: [581, 75, 685, 84, 600],
-    0xE0B4: [556, -220, 313, 55, 258],
-    0xE0B5: [556, -220, 313, 55, 258],
-    0xE0B6: [449, -57, 0, 30, 124],
-    0xE112: [662, 156, 926, 55, 872],
-    0xE113: [662, 156, 926, 55, 872],
-    0xE114: [662, 156, 926, 54, 871],
-    0xE115: [662, 156, 926, 54, 871],
-    0xE11A: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
-    0xE11B: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
-    0xE11C: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE11D: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE11E: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE11F: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE120: [411, -94, 511, 220, 293],
-    0xE121: [290, -217, 311, -3, 314],
-    0xE122: [382, -123, 367, 54, 313],
-    0xE123: [383, -124, 367, 54, 313],
-    0xE124: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
-    0xE125: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
-    0xE126: [449, -57, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE127: [449, -57, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE128: [662, 155, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE129: [662, 156, 926, 55, 872],
-    0xE12A: [662, 156, 926, 54, 871],
-    0xE12B: [661, 156, 926, 54, 872],
-    0xE12C: [404, -101, 511, 220, 293],
-    0xE12D: [403, -100, 511, 220, 293],
-    0xE12E: [290, -217, 371, 14, 317],
-    0xE12F: [290, -217, 371, 54, 357],
-    0xE130: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
-    0xE131: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
-    0xE132: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
-    0xE133: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
-    0xE134: [486, -20, 315, 0, 315],
-    0xE135: [405, -101, 926, 230, 696],
-    0xE136: [541, 35, 315, 0, 315],
-    0xE137: [405, -101, 1033, 229, 805]
+  directory: 'Arrows/Regular',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Arrows',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u219C\u219D\u219F\u21A1\u21A4\u21A5\u21A7\u21A8\u21AF\u21B2\u21B3\u21B4\u21B5\u21B8',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x219C: [411, -102, 926, 70, 856],
+  0x219D: [411, -102, 926, 70, 856],
+  0x219F: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21A1: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21A4: [450, -57, 926, 70, 857],
+  0x21A5: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21A7: [662, 154, 511, 59, 451],
+  0x21A8: [662, 154, 511, 59, 451],
+  0x21AF: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21B2: [662, 154, 463, 25, 419],
+  0x21B3: [662, 154, 463, 39, 433],
+  0x21B4: [662, 154, 926, 70, 856],
+  0x21B5: [662, 156, 926, 70, 856],
+  0x21B8: [732, 156, 926, 55, 872],
+  0x21B9: [598, 92, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21C5: [662, 156, 773, 31, 742],
+  0x21D6: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
+  0x21D7: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
+  0x21D8: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
+  0x21D9: [662, 156, 926, 55, 874],
+  0x21DC: [449, -58, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21DE: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21DF: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21E1: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21E3: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x21E4: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21E5: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21E6: [551, 45, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21E7: [662, 156, 685, 45, 641],
+  0x21E8: [551, 45, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21E9: [662, 156, 685, 45, 641],
+  0x21EA: [690, 184, 685, 45, 641],
+  0x21F4: [448, -57, 926, 70, 856],
+  0x21F5: [662, 156, 773, 31, 742],
+  0x21F6: [739, 232, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21F7: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21F8: [450, -58, 926, 55, 861],
+  0x21F9: [450, -58, 926, 48, 878],
+  0x21FA: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21FB: [450, -58, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21FC: [450, -58, 926, 38, 888],
+  0x21FD: [449, -57, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21FE: [449, -57, 926, 60, 866],
+  0x21FF: [449, -57, 926, 20, 906],
+  0x27F0: [662, 156, 1033, 69, 965],
+  0x27F1: [662, 156, 1033, 69, 965],
+  0x27F2: [626, 116, 974, 54, 882],
+  0x27F3: [626, 116, 974, 92, 920],
+  0x27F4: [569, 61, 1200, 52, 1147],
+  0x27FB: [450, -57, 1574, 55, 1519],
+  0x27FD: [551, 45, 1574, 55, 1519],
+  0x27FE: [551, 45, 1574, 55, 1519],
+  0x27FF: [449, -58, 1574, 55, 1519],
+  0x2900: [450, -57, 926, 56, 871],
+  0x2901: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2902: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2903: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2904: [551, 45, 926, 20, 906],
+  0x2905: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2906: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2907: [551, 45, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2908: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
+  0x2909: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
+  0x290A: [662, 156, 926, 71, 854],
+  0x290B: [662, 156, 926, 72, 855],
+  0x290C: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x290D: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x290E: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x290F: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2910: [449, -57, 1412, 55, 1357],
+  0x2911: [449, -57, 926, 55, 873],
+  0x2912: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
+  0x2913: [662, 156, 511, 59, 452],
+  0x2914: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2915: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2916: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2917: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2918: [450, -57, 926, 50, 876],
+  0x2919: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x291A: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x291B: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x291C: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x291D: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x291E: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x291F: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2920: [450, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2921: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2922: [660, 156, 926, 55, 873],
+  0x2923: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2924: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2925: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2926: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2927: [662, 156, 926, 55, 873],
+  0x2928: [662, 156, 926, 53, 871],
+  0x2929: [662, 156, 926, 53, 871],
+  0x292A: [662, 156, 926, 55, 873],
+  0x292B: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x292C: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x292D: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x292E: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x292F: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2930: [662, 154, 926, 55, 873],
+  0x2931: [662, 156, 926, 54, 870],
+  0x2932: [662, 156, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2933: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2934: [562, 0, 926, 141, 797],
+  0x2935: [562, 0, 926, 141, 797],
+  0x2936: [493, 163, 784, 87, 649],
+  0x2937: [493, 163, 784, 135, 697],
+  0x2938: [657, 153, 511, 70, 415],
+  0x2939: [657, 153, 511, 96, 441],
+  0x293A: [423, -78, 926, 69, 866],
+  0x293B: [423, -78, 926, 60, 857],
+  0x293C: [423, -64, 926, 59, 856],
+  0x293D: [423, 29, 926, 69, 866],
+  0x293E: [563, 116, 926, 69, 856],
+  0x293F: [563, 116, 926, 69, 856],
+  0x2940: [788, 116, 926, 92, 834],
+  0x2941: [788, 116, 926, 92, 834],
+  0x2942: [598, 92, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2943: [598, 92, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2944: [598, 92, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2945: [449, 69, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2946: [449, 69, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2947: [449, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2948: [449, -57, 926, 38, 888],
+  0x2949: [662, 154, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x294A: [439, -67, 926, 38, 888],
+  0x294B: [439, -67, 926, 38, 888],
+  0x294C: [662, 156, 511, 69, 441],
+  0x294D: [662, 156, 511, 69, 441],
+  0x294E: [439, -220, 926, 38, 888],
+  0x294F: [662, 156, 511, 222, 441],
+  0x2950: [286, -67, 926, 38, 888],
+  0x2951: [662, 156, 511, 69, 288],
+  0x2952: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2953: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2954: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x2955: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x2956: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2957: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2958: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x2959: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x295A: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x295B: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x295C: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x295D: [662, 156, 511, 60, 451],
+  0x295E: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x295F: [448, -58, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2960: [662, 156, 511, 59, 450],
+  0x2961: [662, 156, 511, 59, 450],
+  0x2962: [539, 33, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2963: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
+  0x2964: [539, 33, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2965: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
+  0x2966: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2967: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2968: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2969: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x296A: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x296B: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x296C: [539, -120, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x296D: [386, 33, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x296E: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
+  0x296F: [662, 156, 685, 57, 629],
+  0x2970: [386, -120, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2971: [565, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2972: [508, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2973: [449, 2, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2974: [449, 2, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2975: [449, 141, 926, 55, 871],
+  0x2976: [607, 283, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x2977: [532, 26, 926, 45, 871],
+  0x2978: [608, 282, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x2979: [627, 262, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x297A: [532, 26, 926, 45, 871],
+  0x297B: [627, 262, 685, 63, 620],
+  0x297C: [511, 5, 926, 135, 791],
+  0x297D: [511, 5, 926, 135, 791],
+  0x297E: [581, 75, 685, 84, 600],
+  0x297F: [581, 75, 685, 84, 600],
+  0xE0B4: [556, -220, 313, 55, 258],
+  0xE0B5: [556, -220, 313, 55, 258],
+  0xE0B6: [449, -57, 0, 30, 124],
+  0xE112: [662, 156, 926, 55, 872],
+  0xE113: [662, 156, 926, 55, 872],
+  0xE114: [662, 156, 926, 54, 871],
+  0xE115: [662, 156, 926, 54, 871],
+  0xE11A: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
+  0xE11B: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
+  0xE11C: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE11D: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE11E: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE11F: [662, 156, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE120: [411, -94, 511, 220, 293],
+  0xE121: [290, -217, 311, -3, 314],
+  0xE122: [382, -123, 367, 54, 313],
+  0xE123: [383, -124, 367, 54, 313],
+  0xE124: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
+  0xE125: [662, 156, 511, 59, 451],
+  0xE126: [449, -57, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE127: [449, -57, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE128: [662, 155, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE129: [662, 156, 926, 55, 872],
+  0xE12A: [662, 156, 926, 54, 871],
+  0xE12B: [661, 156, 926, 54, 872],
+  0xE12C: [404, -101, 511, 220, 293],
+  0xE12D: [403, -100, 511, 220, 293],
+  0xE12E: [290, -217, 371, 14, 317],
+  0xE12F: [290, -217, 371, 54, 357],
+  0xE130: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
+  0xE131: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
+  0xE132: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
+  0xE133: [373, -134, 379, 70, 309],
+  0xE134: [486, -20, 315, 0, 315],
+  0xE135: [405, -101, 926, 230, 696],
+  0xE136: [541, 35, 315, 0, 315],
+  0xE137: [405, -101, 1033, 229, 805]

+ 72 - 72

@@ -18,78 +18,78 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_DoubleStruck'] = {
-    directory: 'DoubleStruck/Regular',
-    family: 'STIXMathJax_DoubleStruck',
-    testString: '\u00A0\u2102\u210D\u2115\u2119\u211A\u211D\u2124\u213C\u213D\u213E\u213F\u2140\uD835\uDD38\uD835\uDD39',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x2102: [676, 14, 705, 45, 663],
-    0x210D: [662, 0, 718, 70, 648],
-    0x2115: [662, 0, 698, 70, 628],
-    0x2119: [662, 0, 678, 70, 628],
-    0x211A: [676, 65, 765, 45, 715],
-    0x211D: [662, 0, 747, 70, 712],
-    0x2124: [662, 0, 727, 50, 677],
-    0x213C: [450, 12, 673, 25, 645],
-    0x213D: [460, 218, 540, 0, 526],
-    0x213E: [662, 0, 469, 70, 567],
-    0x213F: [662, 0, 718, 70, 648],
-    0x2140: [763, 259, 923, 61, 882],
-    0x1D538: [662, 0, 741, 50, 691],
-    0x1D539: [662, 0, 676, 70, 626],
-    0x1D53B: [662, 0, 722, 70, 677],
-    0x1D53C: [662, 0, 622, 70, 567],
-    0x1D53D: [662, 0, 469, 70, 567],
-    0x1D53E: [676, 13, 706, 45, 664],
-    0x1D540: [662, 0, 322, 78, 244],
-    0x1D541: [662, 14, 560, 40, 495],
-    0x1D542: [674, 0, 735, 70, 729],
-    0x1D543: [662, 0, 591, 70, 571],
-    0x1D544: [662, 0, 855, 70, 785],
-    0x1D546: [676, 14, 760, 45, 715],
-    0x1D54A: [676, 14, 636, 35, 597],
-    0x1D54B: [662, 0, 527, 20, 622],
-    0x1D54C: [662, 14, 698, 65, 633],
-    0x1D54D: [662, 0, 568, 12, 653],
-    0x1D54E: [662, 0, 920, 12, 949],
-    0x1D54F: [662, 0, 768, 35, 733],
-    0x1D550: [662, 0, 563, 12, 685],
-    0x1D552: [460, 10, 561, 45, 506],
-    0x1D553: [683, 10, 565, 50, 524],
-    0x1D554: [460, 10, 520, 45, 475],
-    0x1D555: [683, 10, 574, 45, 519],
-    0x1D556: [460, 10, 523, 45, 478],
-    0x1D557: [683, 0, 368, 25, 431],
-    0x1D558: [460, 218, 574, 45, 519],
-    0x1D559: [683, 0, 544, 55, 489],
-    0x1D55A: [683, 0, 258, 55, 203],
-    0x1D55B: [683, 217, 305, -15, 250],
-    0x1D55C: [683, 0, 551, 50, 539],
-    0x1D55D: [683, 0, 258, 55, 203],
-    0x1D55E: [460, 0, 830, 55, 775],
-    0x1D55F: [460, 0, 544, 55, 489],
-    0x1D560: [458, 12, 553, 45, 508],
-    0x1D561: [460, 218, 574, 55, 529],
-    0x1D562: [460, 218, 574, 45, 519],
-    0x1D563: [462, 0, 301, 55, 407],
-    0x1D564: [460, 10, 519, 36, 483],
-    0x1D565: [633, 10, 329, 20, 297],
-    0x1D566: [450, 10, 544, 55, 489],
-    0x1D567: [450, 0, 443, 20, 479],
-    0x1D568: [450, 0, 676, 20, 695],
-    0x1D569: [450, 0, 560, 30, 530],
-    0x1D56A: [450, 218, 468, 20, 510],
-    0x1D56B: [450, 0, 519, 43, 476],
-    0x1D7D8: [676, 14, 540, 28, 512],
-    0x1D7D9: [693, 0, 540, 91, 355],
-    0x1D7DA: [676, 0, 547, 48, 514],
-    0x1D7DB: [676, 14, 540, 49, 478],
-    0x1D7DC: [676, 0, 540, 20, 524],
-    0x1D7DD: [662, 14, 540, 35, 489],
-    0x1D7DE: [676, 14, 540, 28, 512],
-    0x1D7DF: [662, 0, 540, 24, 511],
-    0x1D7E0: [676, 14, 540, 28, 512],
-    0x1D7E1: [676, 12, 540, 28, 512]
+  directory: 'DoubleStruck/Regular',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_DoubleStruck',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u2102\u210D\u2115\u2119\u211A\u211D\u2124\u213C\u213D\u213E\u213F\u2140\uD835\uDD38\uD835\uDD39',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x2102: [676, 14, 705, 45, 663],
+  0x210D: [662, 0, 718, 70, 648],
+  0x2115: [662, 0, 698, 70, 628],
+  0x2119: [662, 0, 678, 70, 628],
+  0x211A: [676, 65, 765, 45, 715],
+  0x211D: [662, 0, 747, 70, 712],
+  0x2124: [662, 0, 727, 50, 677],
+  0x213C: [450, 12, 673, 25, 645],
+  0x213D: [460, 218, 540, 0, 526],
+  0x213E: [662, 0, 469, 70, 567],
+  0x213F: [662, 0, 718, 70, 648],
+  0x2140: [763, 259, 923, 61, 882],
+  0x1D538: [662, 0, 741, 50, 691],
+  0x1D539: [662, 0, 676, 70, 626],
+  0x1D53B: [662, 0, 722, 70, 677],
+  0x1D53C: [662, 0, 622, 70, 567],
+  0x1D53D: [662, 0, 469, 70, 567],
+  0x1D53E: [676, 13, 706, 45, 664],
+  0x1D540: [662, 0, 322, 78, 244],
+  0x1D541: [662, 14, 560, 40, 495],
+  0x1D542: [674, 0, 735, 70, 729],
+  0x1D543: [662, 0, 591, 70, 571],
+  0x1D544: [662, 0, 855, 70, 785],
+  0x1D546: [676, 14, 760, 45, 715],
+  0x1D54A: [676, 14, 636, 35, 597],
+  0x1D54B: [662, 0, 527, 20, 622],
+  0x1D54C: [662, 14, 698, 65, 633],
+  0x1D54D: [662, 0, 568, 12, 653],
+  0x1D54E: [662, 0, 920, 12, 949],
+  0x1D54F: [662, 0, 768, 35, 733],
+  0x1D550: [662, 0, 563, 12, 685],
+  0x1D552: [460, 10, 561, 45, 506],
+  0x1D553: [683, 10, 565, 50, 524],
+  0x1D554: [460, 10, 520, 45, 475],
+  0x1D555: [683, 10, 574, 45, 519],
+  0x1D556: [460, 10, 523, 45, 478],
+  0x1D557: [683, 0, 368, 25, 431],
+  0x1D558: [460, 218, 574, 45, 519],
+  0x1D559: [683, 0, 544, 55, 489],
+  0x1D55A: [683, 0, 258, 55, 203],
+  0x1D55B: [683, 217, 305, -15, 250],
+  0x1D55C: [683, 0, 551, 50, 539],
+  0x1D55D: [683, 0, 258, 55, 203],
+  0x1D55E: [460, 0, 830, 55, 775],
+  0x1D55F: [460, 0, 544, 55, 489],
+  0x1D560: [458, 12, 553, 45, 508],
+  0x1D561: [460, 218, 574, 55, 529],
+  0x1D562: [460, 218, 574, 45, 519],
+  0x1D563: [462, 0, 301, 55, 407],
+  0x1D564: [460, 10, 519, 36, 483],
+  0x1D565: [633, 10, 329, 20, 297],
+  0x1D566: [450, 10, 544, 55, 489],
+  0x1D567: [450, 0, 443, 20, 479],
+  0x1D568: [450, 0, 676, 20, 695],
+  0x1D569: [450, 0, 560, 30, 530],
+  0x1D56A: [450, 218, 468, 20, 510],
+  0x1D56B: [450, 0, 519, 43, 476],
+  0x1D7D8: [676, 14, 540, 28, 512],
+  0x1D7D9: [693, 0, 540, 91, 355],
+  0x1D7DA: [676, 0, 547, 48, 514],
+  0x1D7DB: [676, 14, 540, 49, 478],
+  0x1D7DC: [676, 0, 540, 20, 524],
+  0x1D7DD: [662, 14, 540, 35, 489],
+  0x1D7DE: [676, 14, 540, 28, 512],
+  0x1D7DF: [662, 0, 540, 24, 511],
+  0x1D7E0: [676, 14, 540, 28, 512],
+  0x1D7E1: [676, 12, 540, 28, 512]

+ 55 - 55

@@ -18,61 +18,61 @@
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-    0x1D513: [695, 204, 823, 40, 773],
-    0x1D514: [695, 64, 865, 37, 814],
-    0x1D516: [695, 24, 856, 55, 801],
-    0x1D517: [695, 24, 766, 47, 722],
-    0x1D518: [696, 22, 787, 50, 744],
-    0x1D519: [695, 24, 831, 48, 781],
-    0x1D51A: [695, 24, 1075, 48, 1025],
-    0x1D51B: [695, 31, 763, 46, 735],
-    0x1D51C: [695, 204, 766, 47, 714],
-    0x1D51E: [468, 18, 530, 51, 479],
-    0x1D51F: [695, 18, 513, 46, 462],
-    0x1D520: [468, 18, 385, 57, 344],
-    0x1D521: [695, 18, 506, 45, 455],
-    0x1D522: [468, 18, 420, 47, 379],
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-    0x1D524: [468, 209, 499, 51, 461],
-    0x1D525: [695, 209, 528, 48, 476],
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-    0x1D527: [695, 209, 345, 44, 311],
-    0x1D528: [695, 18, 420, 48, 368],
-    0x1D529: [695, 18, 398, 46, 350],
-    0x1D52A: [468, 25, 910, 59, 856],
-    0x1D52B: [468, 25, 636, 60, 582],
-    0x1D52C: [468, 18, 503, 50, 452],
-    0x1D52D: [586, 209, 555, 38, 504],
-    0x1D52E: [468, 209, 507, 51, 459],
-    0x1D52F: [468, 18, 463, 38, 426],
-    0x1D530: [623, 24, 518, 49, 469],
-    0x1D531: [656, 18, 374, 38, 337],
-    0x1D532: [478, 18, 647, 60, 593],
-    0x1D533: [586, 18, 515, 47, 464],
-    0x1D534: [586, 25, 759, 41, 708],
-    0x1D535: [468, 189, 456, 45, 406],
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x210C: [695, 204, 824, 43, 773],
+  0x2128: [695, 204, 726, 50, 676],
+  0x212D: [695, 24, 717, 47, 675],
+  0x1D504: [695, 22, 785, 47, 742],
+  0x1D505: [704, 24, 822, 48, 774],
+  0x1D507: [695, 24, 868, 50, 817],
+  0x1D508: [695, 24, 729, 50, 678],
+  0x1D509: [695, 204, 767, 50, 716],
+  0x1D50A: [695, 24, 806, 50, 755],
+  0x1D50D: [695, 204, 772, 50, 721],
+  0x1D50E: [695, 22, 846, 50, 801],
+  0x1D50F: [695, 24, 669, 47, 626],
+  0x1D510: [695, 22, 1083, 50, 1031],
+  0x1D511: [695, 22, 827, 50, 775],
+  0x1D512: [695, 24, 837, 37, 786],
+  0x1D513: [695, 204, 823, 40, 773],
+  0x1D514: [695, 64, 865, 37, 814],
+  0x1D516: [695, 24, 856, 55, 801],
+  0x1D517: [695, 24, 766, 47, 722],
+  0x1D518: [696, 22, 787, 50, 744],
+  0x1D519: [695, 24, 831, 48, 781],
+  0x1D51A: [695, 24, 1075, 48, 1025],
+  0x1D51B: [695, 31, 763, 46, 735],
+  0x1D51C: [695, 204, 766, 47, 714],
+  0x1D51E: [468, 18, 530, 51, 479],
+  0x1D51F: [695, 18, 513, 46, 462],
+  0x1D520: [468, 18, 385, 57, 344],
+  0x1D521: [695, 18, 506, 45, 455],
+  0x1D522: [468, 18, 420, 47, 379],
+  0x1D523: [694, 209, 327, 27, 316],
+  0x1D524: [468, 209, 499, 51, 461],
+  0x1D525: [695, 209, 528, 48, 476],
+  0x1D526: [694, 18, 384, 42, 338],
+  0x1D527: [695, 209, 345, 44, 311],
+  0x1D528: [695, 18, 420, 48, 368],
+  0x1D529: [695, 18, 398, 46, 350],
+  0x1D52A: [468, 25, 910, 59, 856],
+  0x1D52B: [468, 25, 636, 60, 582],
+  0x1D52C: [468, 18, 503, 50, 452],
+  0x1D52D: [586, 209, 555, 38, 504],
+  0x1D52E: [468, 209, 507, 51, 459],
+  0x1D52F: [468, 18, 463, 38, 426],
+  0x1D530: [623, 24, 518, 49, 469],
+  0x1D531: [656, 18, 374, 38, 337],
+  0x1D532: [478, 18, 647, 60, 593],
+  0x1D533: [586, 18, 515, 47, 464],
+  0x1D534: [586, 25, 759, 41, 708],
+  0x1D535: [468, 189, 456, 45, 406],
+  0x1D536: [586, 209, 516, 48, 464],
+  0x1D537: [468, 209, 457, 43, 407]

+ 257 - 257

@@ -18,263 +18,263 @@
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-    0xC1: [963, 0, 722, 9, 689],
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-    0xC3: [924, 0, 722, 9, 689],
-    0xC4: [916, 0, 722, 9, 689],
-    0xC5: [1000, 0, 722, 9, 689],
-    0xC6: [676, 0, 1000, 4, 951],
-    0xC7: [691, 218, 722, 49, 687],
-    0xC8: [963, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0xC9: [963, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0xCA: [954, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0xCB: [916, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0xCC: [963, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0xCD: [963, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0xCE: [954, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0xCF: [916, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0xD0: [676, 0, 722, 6, 690],
-    0xD1: [924, 18, 722, 16, 701],
-    0xD2: [963, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0xD3: [963, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0xD4: [954, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0xD5: [924, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0xD6: [916, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0xD8: [737, 74, 778, 35, 743],
-    0xD9: [963, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0xDA: [963, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0xDB: [954, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0xDC: [916, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0xDD: [963, 0, 722, 15, 699],
-    0xDE: [676, 0, 611, 16, 600],
-    0xDF: [691, 12, 556, 19, 517],
-    0xE0: [713, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0xE1: [713, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0xE2: [704, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0xE3: [674, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0xE4: [666, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0xE5: [752, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0xE6: [473, 14, 722, 33, 694],
-    0xE7: [473, 218, 444, 25, 430],
-    0xE8: [713, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0xE9: [713, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0xEA: [704, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0xEB: [666, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0xEC: [713, 0, 278, 14, 257],
-    0xED: [713, 0, 278, 15, 258],
-    0xEE: [704, 0, 278, -29, 308],
-    0xEF: [666, 0, 278, -29, 310],
-    0xF1: [674, 0, 556, 21, 539],
-    0xF2: [713, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0xF3: [713, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0xF4: [704, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0xF5: [674, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0xF6: [666, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0xF8: [549, 92, 500, 25, 476],
-    0xF9: [713, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0xFA: [713, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0xFB: [704, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0xFC: [666, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0xFD: [713, 205, 500, 16, 482],
-    0xFE: [676, 205, 556, 19, 524],
-    0xFF: [666, 205, 500, 16, 482],
-    0x100: [810, 0, 722, 9, 689],
-    0x101: [600, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0x102: [901, 0, 722, 9, 689],
-    0x103: [691, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0x104: [690, 205, 722, 9, 721],
-    0x105: [473, 205, 500, 25, 569],
-    0x106: [923, 19, 722, 49, 687],
-    0x107: [713, 14, 444, 25, 430],
-    0x108: [914, 19, 722, 49, 687],
-    0x109: [704, 14, 444, 25, 430],
-    0x10A: [876, 19, 722, 49, 687],
-    0x10B: [666, 14, 444, 25, 430],
-    0x10C: [914, 19, 722, 49, 687],
-    0x10D: [704, 14, 444, 25, 430],
-    0x10E: [914, 0, 722, 14, 690],
-    0x10F: [709, 14, 680, 25, 710],
-    0x110: [676, 0, 722, 6, 690],
-    0x111: [676, 14, 556, 25, 534],
-    0x112: [810, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0x113: [600, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0x114: [901, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0x115: [691, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0x116: [876, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0x117: [666, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0x118: [676, 205, 667, 16, 641],
-    0x119: [473, 205, 444, 25, 435],
-    0x11A: [914, 0, 667, 16, 641],
-    0x11B: [704, 14, 444, 25, 427],
-    0x11C: [914, 19, 778, 37, 755],
-    0x11D: [704, 206, 500, 28, 483],
-    0x11E: [901, 19, 778, 37, 755],
-    0x11F: [691, 206, 500, 28, 483],
-    0x120: [876, 19, 778, 37, 755],
-    0x121: [666, 206, 500, 28, 483],
-    0x122: [691, 378, 778, 37, 755],
-    0x123: [863, 206, 500, 28, 483],
-    0x124: [914, 0, 778, 21, 759],
-    0x125: [914, 0, 556, 15, 534],
-    0x126: [676, 0, 778, 21, 759],
-    0x128: [884, 0, 389, 14, 379],
-    0x129: [674, 0, 278, -47, 318],
-    0x12A: [810, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0x12B: [600, 0, 278, -25, 305],
-    0x12C: [900, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0x12D: [691, 0, 278, -11, 292],
-    0x12E: [676, 205, 389, 20, 389],
-    0x12F: [691, 205, 278, 15, 321],
-    0x130: [876, 0, 389, 20, 370],
-    0x132: [676, 96, 838, 20, 917],
-    0x133: [691, 203, 552, 15, 531],
-    0x134: [914, 96, 500, 3, 479],
-    0x135: [704, 203, 333, -57, 335],
-    0x136: [676, 378, 778, 30, 769],
-    0x137: [676, 378, 556, 22, 543],
-    0x138: [470, 0, 600, 19, 627],
-    0x139: [923, 0, 667, 19, 638],
-    0x13A: [923, 0, 278, 15, 260],
-    0x13B: [676, 378, 667, 19, 638],
-    0x13C: [676, 378, 278, 15, 256],
-    0x13D: [691, 0, 667, 19, 638],
-    0x13E: [709, 0, 457, 15, 442],
-    0x13F: [676, 0, 667, 19, 638],
-    0x140: [676, 0, 414, 15, 441],
-    0x141: [676, 0, 667, 18, 638],
-    0x142: [676, 0, 278, -22, 303],
-    0x143: [923, 18, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x144: [713, 0, 556, 21, 539],
-    0x145: [676, 378, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x146: [473, 378, 556, 21, 539],
-    0x147: [914, 18, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x148: [704, 0, 556, 21, 539],
-    0x149: [709, 0, 705, 13, 693],
-    0x14A: [676, 96, 732, 14, 712],
-    0x14B: [473, 205, 556, 21, 490],
-    0x14C: [810, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0x14D: [600, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0x14E: [901, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0x14F: [691, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0x150: [923, 19, 778, 35, 743],
-    0x151: [713, 14, 500, 25, 476],
-    0x152: [684, 5, 1000, 22, 981],
-    0x153: [473, 14, 722, 22, 696],
-    0x154: [923, 0, 722, 26, 716],
-    0x155: [713, 0, 444, 28, 434],
-    0x156: [676, 378, 722, 26, 716],
-    0x157: [473, 378, 444, 28, 434],
-    0x158: [914, 0, 722, 26, 716],
-    0x159: [704, 0, 444, 28, 434],
-    0x15A: [923, 19, 556, 35, 513],
-    0x15B: [713, 14, 389, 25, 364],
-    0x15C: [914, 19, 556, 35, 513],
-    0x15D: [704, 14, 389, 22, 361],
-    0x15E: [692, 218, 556, 35, 513],
-    0x15F: [473, 218, 389, 25, 361],
-    0x160: [914, 19, 556, 35, 513],
-    0x161: [704, 14, 389, 22, 361],
-    0x162: [676, 218, 667, 31, 636],
-    0x163: [630, 218, 333, 19, 332],
-    0x164: [914, 0, 667, 31, 636],
-    0x165: [709, 12, 415, 19, 445],
-    0x166: [676, 0, 667, 31, 636],
-    0x167: [630, 12, 333, 17, 332],
-    0x168: [886, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x169: [674, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0x16A: [810, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x16B: [600, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0x16C: [901, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x16D: [691, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0x16E: [935, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x16F: [740, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0x170: [923, 19, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x171: [713, 14, 556, 16, 538],
-    0x172: [676, 205, 722, 16, 701],
-    0x173: [461, 205, 556, 16, 547],
-    0x174: [914, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
-    0x175: [704, 14, 722, 23, 707],
-    0x176: [914, 0, 722, 15, 699],
-    0x177: [704, 205, 500, 16, 482],
-    0x178: [876, 0, 722, 15, 699],
-    0x179: [923, 0, 667, 28, 634],
-    0x17A: [713, 0, 444, 21, 420],
-    0x17B: [876, 0, 667, 28, 634],
-    0x17C: [666, 0, 444, 21, 420],
-    0x17D: [914, 0, 667, 28, 634],
-    0x17E: [704, 0, 444, 21, 420],
-    0x17F: [691, 0, 333, 14, 389],
-    0x180: [676, 14, 553, -28, 516],
-    0x188: [576, 14, 568, 30, 574],
-    0x190: [686, 4, 610, 38, 587],
-    0x192: [706, 155, 500, 0, 498],
-    0x195: [676, 10, 797, 14, 767],
-    0x199: [691, 0, 533, 12, 533],
-    0x19A: [676, 0, 291, 24, 265],
-    0x19B: [666, 0, 536, 60, 526],
-    0x19E: [473, 205, 559, 21, 539],
-    0x1A0: [732, 19, 778, 35, 788],
-    0x1A1: [505, 14, 554, 25, 576],
-    0x1A5: [673, 205, 550, 10, 515],
-    0x1AA: [689, 228, 446, 25, 421],
-    0x1AB: [630, 218, 347, 18, 331],
-    0x1AD: [691, 12, 371, 19, 389],
-    0x1AF: [810, 19, 796, 16, 836],
-    0x1B0: [596, 14, 600, 16, 626],
-    0x1BA: [450, 237, 441, 9, 415],
-    0x1BB: [688, 0, 515, 27, 492],
-    0x1BE: [541, 10, 527, 78, 449],
-    0x1C0: [740, 0, 186, 60, 126],
-    0x1C1: [740, 0, 313, 60, 253],
-    0x1C2: [740, 0, 445, 39, 405],
-    0x1C3: [691, 13, 333, 81, 251],
-    0x1F0: [704, 203, 333, -57, 335],
-    0x1FA: [972, 0, 722, 9, 689],
-    0x1FB: [923, 14, 500, 25, 488],
-    0x1FC: [923, 0, 1000, 4, 951],
-    0x1FD: [713, 14, 722, 33, 694],
-    0x1FE: [923, 74, 778, 35, 743],
-    0x1FF: [713, 92, 500, 25, 476],
-    0x1E80: [923, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
-    0x1E81: [713, 14, 722, 23, 707],
-    0x1E82: [923, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
-    0x1E83: [713, 14, 722, 23, 707],
-    0x1E84: [876, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
-    0x1E85: [666, 14, 722, 23, 707],
-    0x1EF2: [923, 0, 722, 15, 699],
-    0x1EF3: [713, 205, 500, 16, 482],
-    0xA792: [691, 19, 769, 27, 734],
-    0xFB00: [691, 0, 610, 15, 666],
-    0xFB01: [691, 0, 556, 14, 536],
-    0xFB02: [691, 0, 556, 15, 535],
-    0xFB03: [691, 0, 833, 15, 813],
-    0xFB04: [691, 0, 833, 15, 812]
+  directory: 'Latin/Bold',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Latin',
+  weight: 'bold',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u00A1\u00A2\u00A4\u00A6\u00A9\u00AA\u00AB\u00AD\u00B2\u00B3\u00B6\u00B8\u00B9\u00BA',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA1: [501, 203, 333, 82, 252],
+  0xA2: [588, 140, 500, 53, 458],
+  0xA4: [542, 10, 500, -26, 526],
+  0xA6: [691, 19, 220, 66, 154],
+  0xA9: [691, 19, 747, 26, 721],
+  0xAA: [688, -397, 300, -1, 301],
+  0xAB: [415, -36, 500, 23, 473],
+  0xAD: [287, -171, 333, 44, 287],
+  0xB2: [688, -275, 300, 0, 300],
+  0xB3: [688, -268, 300, 3, 297],
+  0xB6: [676, 186, 639, 60, 579],
+  0xB8: [0, 218, 333, 68, 294],
+  0xB9: [688, -275, 300, 28, 273],
+  0xBA: [688, -397, 330, 18, 312],
+  0xBB: [415, -36, 500, 27, 477],
+  0xBC: [688, 12, 750, 28, 743],
+  0xBD: [688, 12, 750, -7, 775],
+  0xBE: [688, 12, 750, 23, 733],
+  0xBF: [501, 201, 500, 55, 443],
+  0xC0: [963, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0xC1: [963, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0xC2: [954, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0xC3: [924, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0xC4: [916, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0xC5: [1000, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0xC6: [676, 0, 1000, 4, 951],
+  0xC7: [691, 218, 722, 49, 687],
+  0xC8: [963, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0xC9: [963, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0xCA: [954, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0xCB: [916, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0xCC: [963, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0xCD: [963, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0xCE: [954, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0xCF: [916, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0xD0: [676, 0, 722, 6, 690],
+  0xD1: [924, 18, 722, 16, 701],
+  0xD2: [963, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0xD3: [963, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0xD4: [954, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0xD5: [924, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0xD6: [916, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0xD8: [737, 74, 778, 35, 743],
+  0xD9: [963, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0xDA: [963, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0xDB: [954, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0xDC: [916, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0xDD: [963, 0, 722, 15, 699],
+  0xDE: [676, 0, 611, 16, 600],
+  0xDF: [691, 12, 556, 19, 517],
+  0xE0: [713, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0xE1: [713, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0xE2: [704, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0xE3: [674, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0xE4: [666, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0xE5: [752, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0xE6: [473, 14, 722, 33, 694],
+  0xE7: [473, 218, 444, 25, 430],
+  0xE8: [713, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0xE9: [713, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0xEA: [704, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0xEB: [666, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0xEC: [713, 0, 278, 14, 257],
+  0xED: [713, 0, 278, 15, 258],
+  0xEE: [704, 0, 278, -29, 308],
+  0xEF: [666, 0, 278, -29, 310],
+  0xF1: [674, 0, 556, 21, 539],
+  0xF2: [713, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0xF3: [713, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0xF4: [704, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0xF5: [674, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0xF6: [666, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0xF8: [549, 92, 500, 25, 476],
+  0xF9: [713, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0xFA: [713, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0xFB: [704, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0xFC: [666, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0xFD: [713, 205, 500, 16, 482],
+  0xFE: [676, 205, 556, 19, 524],
+  0xFF: [666, 205, 500, 16, 482],
+  0x100: [810, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0x101: [600, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0x102: [901, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0x103: [691, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0x104: [690, 205, 722, 9, 721],
+  0x105: [473, 205, 500, 25, 569],
+  0x106: [923, 19, 722, 49, 687],
+  0x107: [713, 14, 444, 25, 430],
+  0x108: [914, 19, 722, 49, 687],
+  0x109: [704, 14, 444, 25, 430],
+  0x10A: [876, 19, 722, 49, 687],
+  0x10B: [666, 14, 444, 25, 430],
+  0x10C: [914, 19, 722, 49, 687],
+  0x10D: [704, 14, 444, 25, 430],
+  0x10E: [914, 0, 722, 14, 690],
+  0x10F: [709, 14, 680, 25, 710],
+  0x110: [676, 0, 722, 6, 690],
+  0x111: [676, 14, 556, 25, 534],
+  0x112: [810, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0x113: [600, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0x114: [901, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0x115: [691, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0x116: [876, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0x117: [666, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0x118: [676, 205, 667, 16, 641],
+  0x119: [473, 205, 444, 25, 435],
+  0x11A: [914, 0, 667, 16, 641],
+  0x11B: [704, 14, 444, 25, 427],
+  0x11C: [914, 19, 778, 37, 755],
+  0x11D: [704, 206, 500, 28, 483],
+  0x11E: [901, 19, 778, 37, 755],
+  0x11F: [691, 206, 500, 28, 483],
+  0x120: [876, 19, 778, 37, 755],
+  0x121: [666, 206, 500, 28, 483],
+  0x122: [691, 378, 778, 37, 755],
+  0x123: [863, 206, 500, 28, 483],
+  0x124: [914, 0, 778, 21, 759],
+  0x125: [914, 0, 556, 15, 534],
+  0x126: [676, 0, 778, 21, 759],
+  0x128: [884, 0, 389, 14, 379],
+  0x129: [674, 0, 278, -47, 318],
+  0x12A: [810, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0x12B: [600, 0, 278, -25, 305],
+  0x12C: [900, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0x12D: [691, 0, 278, -11, 292],
+  0x12E: [676, 205, 389, 20, 389],
+  0x12F: [691, 205, 278, 15, 321],
+  0x130: [876, 0, 389, 20, 370],
+  0x132: [676, 96, 838, 20, 917],
+  0x133: [691, 203, 552, 15, 531],
+  0x134: [914, 96, 500, 3, 479],
+  0x135: [704, 203, 333, -57, 335],
+  0x136: [676, 378, 778, 30, 769],
+  0x137: [676, 378, 556, 22, 543],
+  0x138: [470, 0, 600, 19, 627],
+  0x139: [923, 0, 667, 19, 638],
+  0x13A: [923, 0, 278, 15, 260],
+  0x13B: [676, 378, 667, 19, 638],
+  0x13C: [676, 378, 278, 15, 256],
+  0x13D: [691, 0, 667, 19, 638],
+  0x13E: [709, 0, 457, 15, 442],
+  0x13F: [676, 0, 667, 19, 638],
+  0x140: [676, 0, 414, 15, 441],
+  0x141: [676, 0, 667, 18, 638],
+  0x142: [676, 0, 278, -22, 303],
+  0x143: [923, 18, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x144: [713, 0, 556, 21, 539],
+  0x145: [676, 378, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x146: [473, 378, 556, 21, 539],
+  0x147: [914, 18, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x148: [704, 0, 556, 21, 539],
+  0x149: [709, 0, 705, 13, 693],
+  0x14A: [676, 96, 732, 14, 712],
+  0x14B: [473, 205, 556, 21, 490],
+  0x14C: [810, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0x14D: [600, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0x14E: [901, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0x14F: [691, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0x150: [923, 19, 778, 35, 743],
+  0x151: [713, 14, 500, 25, 476],
+  0x152: [684, 5, 1000, 22, 981],
+  0x153: [473, 14, 722, 22, 696],
+  0x154: [923, 0, 722, 26, 716],
+  0x155: [713, 0, 444, 28, 434],
+  0x156: [676, 378, 722, 26, 716],
+  0x157: [473, 378, 444, 28, 434],
+  0x158: [914, 0, 722, 26, 716],
+  0x159: [704, 0, 444, 28, 434],
+  0x15A: [923, 19, 556, 35, 513],
+  0x15B: [713, 14, 389, 25, 364],
+  0x15C: [914, 19, 556, 35, 513],
+  0x15D: [704, 14, 389, 22, 361],
+  0x15E: [692, 218, 556, 35, 513],
+  0x15F: [473, 218, 389, 25, 361],
+  0x160: [914, 19, 556, 35, 513],
+  0x161: [704, 14, 389, 22, 361],
+  0x162: [676, 218, 667, 31, 636],
+  0x163: [630, 218, 333, 19, 332],
+  0x164: [914, 0, 667, 31, 636],
+  0x165: [709, 12, 415, 19, 445],
+  0x166: [676, 0, 667, 31, 636],
+  0x167: [630, 12, 333, 17, 332],
+  0x168: [886, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x169: [674, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0x16A: [810, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x16B: [600, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0x16C: [901, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x16D: [691, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0x16E: [935, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x16F: [740, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0x170: [923, 19, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x171: [713, 14, 556, 16, 538],
+  0x172: [676, 205, 722, 16, 701],
+  0x173: [461, 205, 556, 16, 547],
+  0x174: [914, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
+  0x175: [704, 14, 722, 23, 707],
+  0x176: [914, 0, 722, 15, 699],
+  0x177: [704, 205, 500, 16, 482],
+  0x178: [876, 0, 722, 15, 699],
+  0x179: [923, 0, 667, 28, 634],
+  0x17A: [713, 0, 444, 21, 420],
+  0x17B: [876, 0, 667, 28, 634],
+  0x17C: [666, 0, 444, 21, 420],
+  0x17D: [914, 0, 667, 28, 634],
+  0x17E: [704, 0, 444, 21, 420],
+  0x17F: [691, 0, 333, 14, 389],
+  0x180: [676, 14, 553, -28, 516],
+  0x188: [576, 14, 568, 30, 574],
+  0x190: [686, 4, 610, 38, 587],
+  0x192: [706, 155, 500, 0, 498],
+  0x195: [676, 10, 797, 14, 767],
+  0x199: [691, 0, 533, 12, 533],
+  0x19A: [676, 0, 291, 24, 265],
+  0x19B: [666, 0, 536, 60, 526],
+  0x19E: [473, 205, 559, 21, 539],
+  0x1A0: [732, 19, 778, 35, 788],
+  0x1A1: [505, 14, 554, 25, 576],
+  0x1A5: [673, 205, 550, 10, 515],
+  0x1AA: [689, 228, 446, 25, 421],
+  0x1AB: [630, 218, 347, 18, 331],
+  0x1AD: [691, 12, 371, 19, 389],
+  0x1AF: [810, 19, 796, 16, 836],
+  0x1B0: [596, 14, 600, 16, 626],
+  0x1BA: [450, 237, 441, 9, 415],
+  0x1BB: [688, 0, 515, 27, 492],
+  0x1BE: [541, 10, 527, 78, 449],
+  0x1C0: [740, 0, 186, 60, 126],
+  0x1C1: [740, 0, 313, 60, 253],
+  0x1C2: [740, 0, 445, 39, 405],
+  0x1C3: [691, 13, 333, 81, 251],
+  0x1F0: [704, 203, 333, -57, 335],
+  0x1FA: [972, 0, 722, 9, 689],
+  0x1FB: [923, 14, 500, 25, 488],
+  0x1FC: [923, 0, 1000, 4, 951],
+  0x1FD: [713, 14, 722, 33, 694],
+  0x1FE: [923, 74, 778, 35, 743],
+  0x1FF: [713, 92, 500, 25, 476],
+  0x1E80: [923, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
+  0x1E81: [713, 14, 722, 23, 707],
+  0x1E82: [923, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
+  0x1E83: [713, 14, 722, 23, 707],
+  0x1E84: [876, 15, 1000, 19, 981],
+  0x1E85: [666, 14, 722, 23, 707],
+  0x1EF2: [923, 0, 722, 15, 699],
+  0x1EF3: [713, 205, 500, 16, 482],
+  0xA792: [691, 19, 769, 27, 734],
+  0xFB00: [691, 0, 610, 15, 666],
+  0xFB01: [691, 0, 556, 14, 536],
+  0xFB02: [691, 0, 556, 15, 535],
+  0xFB03: [691, 0, 833, 15, 813],
+  0xFB04: [691, 0, 833, 15, 812]

+ 256 - 256

@@ -18,262 +18,262 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Latin-italic'] = {
-    directory: 'Latin/Italic',
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA1: [474, 205, 389, 59, 321],
-    0xA2: [560, 143, 500, 77, 472],
-    0xA4: [534, 10, 500, -22, 522],
-    0xA6: [666, 18, 275, 105, 171],
-    0xA9: [666, 18, 760, 41, 719],
-    0xAA: [676, -406, 276, 42, 352],
-    0xAB: [403, -37, 500, 53, 445],
-    0xAD: [255, -192, 333, 49, 282],
-    0xB2: [676, -271, 300, 33, 324],
-    0xB3: [676, -268, 300, 43, 339],
-    0xB6: [653, 123, 559, 60, 621],
-    0xB8: [0, 217, 333, -30, 182],
-    0xB9: [676, -271, 300, 43, 284],
-    0xBA: [676, -406, 310, 67, 362],
-    0xBB: [403, -37, 500, 55, 447],
-    0xBC: [676, 10, 750, 33, 736],
-    0xBD: [676, 10, 750, 34, 749],
-    0xBE: [676, 10, 750, 23, 736],
-    0xBF: [473, 205, 500, 28, 367],
-    0xC0: [914, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0xC1: [914, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0xC2: [911, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0xC3: [874, 0, 611, -51, 572],
-    0xC4: [856, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0xC5: [957, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0xC6: [653, 0, 889, -27, 911],
-    0xC7: [666, 217, 667, 66, 689],
-    0xC8: [914, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0xC9: [914, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0xCA: [911, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0xCB: [856, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0xCC: [914, 0, 333, -8, 398],
-    0xCD: [914, 0, 333, -8, 414],
-    0xCE: [911, 0, 333, -8, 450],
-    0xCF: [856, 0, 333, -8, 457],
-    0xD0: [653, 0, 722, -8, 700],
-    0xD1: [874, 15, 667, -20, 727],
-    0xD2: [914, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0xD3: [914, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0xD4: [911, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0xD5: [874, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0xD6: [856, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0xD8: [722, 105, 722, 60, 699],
-    0xD9: [914, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0xDA: [914, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0xDB: [911, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0xDC: [856, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0xDD: [914, 0, 556, 78, 633],
-    0xDE: [653, 0, 611, 0, 569],
-    0xDF: [679, 207, 500, -168, 493],
-    0xE0: [664, 11, 501, 17, 476],
-    0xE1: [664, 11, 501, 17, 476],
-    0xE2: [661, 11, 501, 17, 497],
-    0xE3: [624, 11, 501, 17, 521],
-    0xE4: [606, 11, 501, 17, 503],
-    0xE5: [709, 11, 501, 17, 476],
-    0xE6: [441, 11, 667, 23, 640],
-    0xE7: [441, 217, 444, 26, 425],
-    0xE8: [664, 11, 444, 31, 414],
-    0xE9: [664, 11, 444, 31, 431],
-    0xEA: [661, 11, 444, 31, 466],
-    0xEB: [606, 11, 444, 31, 475],
-    0xEC: [664, 11, 278, 47, 302],
-    0xED: [664, 11, 278, 47, 318],
-    0xEE: [661, 11, 278, 47, 351],
-    0xEF: [606, 11, 278, 47, 361],
-    0xF1: [624, 9, 500, 14, 488],
-    0xF2: [664, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0xF3: [664, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0xF4: [661, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0xF5: [624, 11, 500, 27, 494],
-    0xF6: [606, 11, 500, 27, 474],
-    0xF8: [554, 135, 500, 28, 469],
-    0xF9: [664, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0xFA: [664, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0xFB: [661, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0xFC: [606, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0xFD: [664, 206, 444, -24, 426],
-    0xFE: [683, 205, 500, -75, 469],
-    0xFF: [606, 206, 444, -24, 442],
-    0x100: [757, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x101: [543, 11, 501, 17, 481],
-    0x102: [862, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x103: [650, 11, 501, 17, 481],
-    0x104: [668, 169, 611, -51, 626],
-    0x105: [441, 169, 501, 17, 529],
-    0x106: [876, 18, 667, 66, 689],
-    0x107: [664, 11, 444, 30, 431],
-    0x108: [875, 18, 667, 66, 689],
-    0x109: [661, 11, 444, 30, 427],
-    0x10A: [818, 18, 667, 66, 689],
-    0x10B: [606, 11, 444, 30, 425],
-    0x10C: [875, 18, 667, 66, 689],
-    0x10D: [661, 11, 444, 30, 473],
-    0x10E: [875, 0, 722, -8, 700],
-    0x10F: [691, 13, 609, 15, 697],
-    0x110: [653, 0, 722, -8, 700],
-    0x111: [683, 13, 500, 15, 580],
-    0x112: [757, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x113: [542, 11, 444, 31, 466],
-    0x114: [866, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x115: [650, 11, 444, 31, 471],
-    0x116: [818, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x117: [606, 11, 444, 31, 412],
-    0x118: [653, 175, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x119: [441, 175, 444, 31, 412],
-    0x11A: [875, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x11B: [661, 11, 444, 31, 502],
-    0x11C: [877, 18, 722, 52, 722],
-    0x11D: [661, 206, 500, 8, 471],
-    0x11E: [866, 18, 722, 52, 722],
-    0x11F: [650, 206, 500, 8, 476],
-    0x120: [818, 18, 722, 52, 722],
-    0x121: [606, 206, 500, 8, 471],
-    0x122: [666, 267, 722, 52, 722],
-    0x123: [724, 206, 500, 8, 471],
-    0x124: [875, 0, 722, -8, 769],
-    0x125: [875, 9, 500, 19, 478],
-    0x126: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
-    0x128: [836, 0, 333, -8, 444],
-    0x129: [624, 11, 278, 30, 357],
-    0x12A: [757, 0, 333, -8, 439],
-    0x12B: [543, 11, 278, 29, 341],
-    0x12C: [866, 0, 333, -8, 448],
-    0x12D: [650, 11, 278, 46, 347],
-    0x12E: [653, 169, 333, -8, 384],
-    0x12F: [654, 169, 278, 49, 303],
-    0x130: [818, 0, 333, -8, 384],
-    0x132: [653, 18, 750, -8, 783],
-    0x133: [654, 207, 500, 49, 500],
-    0x134: [877, 18, 444, -6, 536],
-    0x135: [661, 207, 278, -124, 353],
-    0x136: [653, 267, 667, 7, 722],
-    0x137: [683, 267, 444, 14, 461],
-    0x138: [459, 0, 542, 5, 601],
-    0x139: [876, 0, 556, -8, 559],
-    0x13A: [876, 11, 278, 41, 348],
-    0x13B: [653, 267, 556, -8, 559],
-    0x13C: [683, 267, 278, 7, 279],
-    0x13D: [666, 0, 556, -8, 595],
-    0x13E: [693, 11, 278, 41, 448],
-    0x13F: [653, 0, 556, -8, 559],
-    0x140: [683, 11, 323, 41, 386],
-    0x141: [653, 0, 556, -8, 559],
-    0x142: [683, 11, 278, 37, 307],
-    0x143: [876, 15, 667, -20, 727],
-    0x144: [664, 9, 500, 14, 474],
-    0x145: [653, 267, 667, -20, 727],
-    0x146: [441, 267, 500, 14, 474],
-    0x147: [875, 15, 667, -20, 727],
-    0x148: [661, 9, 500, 14, 475],
-    0x149: [691, 9, 577, 58, 540],
-    0x14A: [666, 18, 722, -8, 700],
-    0x14B: [441, 208, 500, 14, 442],
-    0x14C: [757, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x14D: [543, 11, 500, 27, 511],
-    0x14E: [866, 18, 722, 60, 709],
-    0x14F: [650, 11, 500, 27, 533],
-    0x150: [876, 18, 722, 60, 720],
-    0x151: [664, 11, 500, 27, 541],
-    0x152: [666, 8, 944, 49, 964],
-    0x153: [441, 12, 667, 20, 646],
-    0x154: [876, 0, 611, -13, 588],
-    0x155: [664, 0, 389, 45, 412],
-    0x156: [653, 267, 611, -13, 588],
-    0x157: [441, 267, 389, -2, 412],
-    0x158: [875, 0, 611, -13, 588],
-    0x159: [663, 0, 389, 45, 426],
-    0x15A: [876, 18, 500, 17, 508],
-    0x15B: [664, 13, 389, 16, 403],
-    0x15C: [877, 18, 500, 17, 508],
-    0x15D: [661, 13, 389, 16, 385],
-    0x15E: [667, 217, 500, 17, 508],
-    0x15F: [442, 217, 389, 16, 366],
-    0x160: [875, 18, 500, 17, 532],
-    0x161: [663, 13, 389, 16, 426],
-    0x162: [653, 217, 556, 59, 633],
-    0x163: [546, 217, 278, -38, 296],
-    0x164: [875, 0, 556, 59, 633],
-    0x165: [693, 11, 278, 38, 453],
-    0x166: [653, 0, 556, 59, 633],
-    0x167: [546, 11, 278, 28, 296],
-    0x168: [836, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x169: [624, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0x16A: [757, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x16B: [543, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0x16C: [866, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x16D: [650, 11, 500, 42, 480],
-    0x16E: [907, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x16F: [691, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0x170: [876, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x171: [664, 11, 500, 42, 511],
-    0x172: [653, 169, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x173: [441, 169, 500, 42, 538],
-    0x174: [877, 18, 833, 71, 906],
-    0x175: [661, 18, 667, 15, 648],
-    0x176: [877, 0, 556, 78, 633],
-    0x177: [661, 206, 444, -24, 426],
-    0x178: [818, 0, 556, 78, 633],
-    0x179: [876, 0, 556, -6, 606],
-    0x17A: [664, 81, 389, -2, 390],
-    0x17B: [818, 0, 556, -6, 606],
-    0x17C: [606, 81, 389, -2, 380],
-    0x17D: [875, 0, 556, -6, 606],
-    0x17E: [663, 81, 389, -2, 426],
-    0x17F: [683, 0, 383, 13, 513],
-    0x180: [683, 11, 500, 23, 473],
-    0x188: [548, 11, 500, 30, 577],
-    0x190: [684, 6, 667, 66, 671],
-    0x192: [706, 159, 472, -62, 494],
-    0x195: [683, 10, 672, 19, 654],
-    0x199: [683, 11, 500, 14, 490],
-    0x19A: [683, 11, 278, 41, 279],
-    0x19B: [668, 0, 490, 30, 478],
-    0x19E: [441, 233, 500, 14, 442],
-    0x1A0: [691, 18, 722, 60, 783],
-    0x1A1: [467, 11, 534, 27, 583],
-    0x1A5: [669, 205, 504, -75, 472],
-    0x1AA: [684, 233, 340, 31, 319],
-    0x1AB: [546, 218, 278, -54, 296],
-    0x1AD: [683, 11, 310, 38, 452],
-    0x1AF: [765, 18, 754, 102, 881],
-    0x1B0: [543, 11, 573, 42, 607],
-    0x1BA: [450, 234, 500, 8, 462],
-    0x1BB: [676, 0, 500, 12, 500],
-    0x1BE: [539, 12, 500, 47, 453],
-    0x1C0: [736, 0, 170, 15, 258],
-    0x1C1: [736, 0, 290, 15, 379],
-    0x1C2: [736, 0, 340, 15, 429],
-    0x1C3: [667, 11, 333, 39, 304],
-    0x1F0: [661, 207, 278, -124, 397],
-    0x1FA: [950, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x1FB: [860, 11, 501, 17, 476],
-    0x1FC: [876, 0, 889, -27, 911],
-    0x1FD: [664, 11, 667, 23, 640],
-    0x1FE: [876, 105, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x1FF: [664, 135, 500, 28, 469],
-    0x1E80: [880, 18, 833, 71, 906],
-    0x1E81: [664, 18, 667, 15, 648],
-    0x1E82: [876, 18, 833, 71, 906],
-    0x1E83: [664, 18, 667, 15, 648],
-    0x1E84: [818, 18, 833, 71, 906],
-    0x1E85: [606, 18, 667, 15, 648],
-    0x1EF2: [880, 0, 556, 78, 633],
-    0x1EF3: [664, 206, 444, -24, 426],
-    0xFB00: [678, 207, 527, -147, 673],
-    0xFB01: [681, 207, 500, -141, 481],
-    0xFB02: [682, 204, 500, -141, 518],
-    0xFB03: [681, 207, 744, -147, 725],
-    0xFB04: [682, 207, 745, -147, 763]
+  directory: 'Latin/Italic',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Latin',
+  style: 'italic',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u00A1\u00A2\u00A4\u00A6\u00A9\u00AA\u00AB\u00AD\u00B2\u00B3\u00B6\u00B8\u00B9\u00BA',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA1: [474, 205, 389, 59, 321],
+  0xA2: [560, 143, 500, 77, 472],
+  0xA4: [534, 10, 500, -22, 522],
+  0xA6: [666, 18, 275, 105, 171],
+  0xA9: [666, 18, 760, 41, 719],
+  0xAA: [676, -406, 276, 42, 352],
+  0xAB: [403, -37, 500, 53, 445],
+  0xAD: [255, -192, 333, 49, 282],
+  0xB2: [676, -271, 300, 33, 324],
+  0xB3: [676, -268, 300, 43, 339],
+  0xB6: [653, 123, 559, 60, 621],
+  0xB8: [0, 217, 333, -30, 182],
+  0xB9: [676, -271, 300, 43, 284],
+  0xBA: [676, -406, 310, 67, 362],
+  0xBB: [403, -37, 500, 55, 447],
+  0xBC: [676, 10, 750, 33, 736],
+  0xBD: [676, 10, 750, 34, 749],
+  0xBE: [676, 10, 750, 23, 736],
+  0xBF: [473, 205, 500, 28, 367],
+  0xC0: [914, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0xC1: [914, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0xC2: [911, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0xC3: [874, 0, 611, -51, 572],
+  0xC4: [856, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0xC5: [957, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0xC6: [653, 0, 889, -27, 911],
+  0xC7: [666, 217, 667, 66, 689],
+  0xC8: [914, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0xC9: [914, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0xCA: [911, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0xCB: [856, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0xCC: [914, 0, 333, -8, 398],
+  0xCD: [914, 0, 333, -8, 414],
+  0xCE: [911, 0, 333, -8, 450],
+  0xCF: [856, 0, 333, -8, 457],
+  0xD0: [653, 0, 722, -8, 700],
+  0xD1: [874, 15, 667, -20, 727],
+  0xD2: [914, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0xD3: [914, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0xD4: [911, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0xD5: [874, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0xD6: [856, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0xD8: [722, 105, 722, 60, 699],
+  0xD9: [914, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0xDA: [914, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0xDB: [911, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0xDC: [856, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0xDD: [914, 0, 556, 78, 633],
+  0xDE: [653, 0, 611, 0, 569],
+  0xDF: [679, 207, 500, -168, 493],
+  0xE0: [664, 11, 501, 17, 476],
+  0xE1: [664, 11, 501, 17, 476],
+  0xE2: [661, 11, 501, 17, 497],
+  0xE3: [624, 11, 501, 17, 521],
+  0xE4: [606, 11, 501, 17, 503],
+  0xE5: [709, 11, 501, 17, 476],
+  0xE6: [441, 11, 667, 23, 640],
+  0xE7: [441, 217, 444, 26, 425],
+  0xE8: [664, 11, 444, 31, 414],
+  0xE9: [664, 11, 444, 31, 431],
+  0xEA: [661, 11, 444, 31, 466],
+  0xEB: [606, 11, 444, 31, 475],
+  0xEC: [664, 11, 278, 47, 302],
+  0xED: [664, 11, 278, 47, 318],
+  0xEE: [661, 11, 278, 47, 351],
+  0xEF: [606, 11, 278, 47, 361],
+  0xF1: [624, 9, 500, 14, 488],
+  0xF2: [664, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0xF3: [664, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0xF4: [661, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0xF5: [624, 11, 500, 27, 494],
+  0xF6: [606, 11, 500, 27, 474],
+  0xF8: [554, 135, 500, 28, 469],
+  0xF9: [664, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0xFA: [664, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0xFB: [661, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0xFC: [606, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0xFD: [664, 206, 444, -24, 426],
+  0xFE: [683, 205, 500, -75, 469],
+  0xFF: [606, 206, 444, -24, 442],
+  0x100: [757, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x101: [543, 11, 501, 17, 481],
+  0x102: [862, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x103: [650, 11, 501, 17, 481],
+  0x104: [668, 169, 611, -51, 626],
+  0x105: [441, 169, 501, 17, 529],
+  0x106: [876, 18, 667, 66, 689],
+  0x107: [664, 11, 444, 30, 431],
+  0x108: [875, 18, 667, 66, 689],
+  0x109: [661, 11, 444, 30, 427],
+  0x10A: [818, 18, 667, 66, 689],
+  0x10B: [606, 11, 444, 30, 425],
+  0x10C: [875, 18, 667, 66, 689],
+  0x10D: [661, 11, 444, 30, 473],
+  0x10E: [875, 0, 722, -8, 700],
+  0x10F: [691, 13, 609, 15, 697],
+  0x110: [653, 0, 722, -8, 700],
+  0x111: [683, 13, 500, 15, 580],
+  0x112: [757, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x113: [542, 11, 444, 31, 466],
+  0x114: [866, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x115: [650, 11, 444, 31, 471],
+  0x116: [818, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x117: [606, 11, 444, 31, 412],
+  0x118: [653, 175, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x119: [441, 175, 444, 31, 412],
+  0x11A: [875, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x11B: [661, 11, 444, 31, 502],
+  0x11C: [877, 18, 722, 52, 722],
+  0x11D: [661, 206, 500, 8, 471],
+  0x11E: [866, 18, 722, 52, 722],
+  0x11F: [650, 206, 500, 8, 476],
+  0x120: [818, 18, 722, 52, 722],
+  0x121: [606, 206, 500, 8, 471],
+  0x122: [666, 267, 722, 52, 722],
+  0x123: [724, 206, 500, 8, 471],
+  0x124: [875, 0, 722, -8, 769],
+  0x125: [875, 9, 500, 19, 478],
+  0x126: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
+  0x128: [836, 0, 333, -8, 444],
+  0x129: [624, 11, 278, 30, 357],
+  0x12A: [757, 0, 333, -8, 439],
+  0x12B: [543, 11, 278, 29, 341],
+  0x12C: [866, 0, 333, -8, 448],
+  0x12D: [650, 11, 278, 46, 347],
+  0x12E: [653, 169, 333, -8, 384],
+  0x12F: [654, 169, 278, 49, 303],
+  0x130: [818, 0, 333, -8, 384],
+  0x132: [653, 18, 750, -8, 783],
+  0x133: [654, 207, 500, 49, 500],
+  0x134: [877, 18, 444, -6, 536],
+  0x135: [661, 207, 278, -124, 353],
+  0x136: [653, 267, 667, 7, 722],
+  0x137: [683, 267, 444, 14, 461],
+  0x138: [459, 0, 542, 5, 601],
+  0x139: [876, 0, 556, -8, 559],
+  0x13A: [876, 11, 278, 41, 348],
+  0x13B: [653, 267, 556, -8, 559],
+  0x13C: [683, 267, 278, 7, 279],
+  0x13D: [666, 0, 556, -8, 595],
+  0x13E: [693, 11, 278, 41, 448],
+  0x13F: [653, 0, 556, -8, 559],
+  0x140: [683, 11, 323, 41, 386],
+  0x141: [653, 0, 556, -8, 559],
+  0x142: [683, 11, 278, 37, 307],
+  0x143: [876, 15, 667, -20, 727],
+  0x144: [664, 9, 500, 14, 474],
+  0x145: [653, 267, 667, -20, 727],
+  0x146: [441, 267, 500, 14, 474],
+  0x147: [875, 15, 667, -20, 727],
+  0x148: [661, 9, 500, 14, 475],
+  0x149: [691, 9, 577, 58, 540],
+  0x14A: [666, 18, 722, -8, 700],
+  0x14B: [441, 208, 500, 14, 442],
+  0x14C: [757, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x14D: [543, 11, 500, 27, 511],
+  0x14E: [866, 18, 722, 60, 709],
+  0x14F: [650, 11, 500, 27, 533],
+  0x150: [876, 18, 722, 60, 720],
+  0x151: [664, 11, 500, 27, 541],
+  0x152: [666, 8, 944, 49, 964],
+  0x153: [441, 12, 667, 20, 646],
+  0x154: [876, 0, 611, -13, 588],
+  0x155: [664, 0, 389, 45, 412],
+  0x156: [653, 267, 611, -13, 588],
+  0x157: [441, 267, 389, -2, 412],
+  0x158: [875, 0, 611, -13, 588],
+  0x159: [663, 0, 389, 45, 426],
+  0x15A: [876, 18, 500, 17, 508],
+  0x15B: [664, 13, 389, 16, 403],
+  0x15C: [877, 18, 500, 17, 508],
+  0x15D: [661, 13, 389, 16, 385],
+  0x15E: [667, 217, 500, 17, 508],
+  0x15F: [442, 217, 389, 16, 366],
+  0x160: [875, 18, 500, 17, 532],
+  0x161: [663, 13, 389, 16, 426],
+  0x162: [653, 217, 556, 59, 633],
+  0x163: [546, 217, 278, -38, 296],
+  0x164: [875, 0, 556, 59, 633],
+  0x165: [693, 11, 278, 38, 453],
+  0x166: [653, 0, 556, 59, 633],
+  0x167: [546, 11, 278, 28, 296],
+  0x168: [836, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x169: [624, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0x16A: [757, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x16B: [543, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0x16C: [866, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x16D: [650, 11, 500, 42, 480],
+  0x16E: [907, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x16F: [691, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0x170: [876, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x171: [664, 11, 500, 42, 511],
+  0x172: [653, 169, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x173: [441, 169, 500, 42, 538],
+  0x174: [877, 18, 833, 71, 906],
+  0x175: [661, 18, 667, 15, 648],
+  0x176: [877, 0, 556, 78, 633],
+  0x177: [661, 206, 444, -24, 426],
+  0x178: [818, 0, 556, 78, 633],
+  0x179: [876, 0, 556, -6, 606],
+  0x17A: [664, 81, 389, -2, 390],
+  0x17B: [818, 0, 556, -6, 606],
+  0x17C: [606, 81, 389, -2, 380],
+  0x17D: [875, 0, 556, -6, 606],
+  0x17E: [663, 81, 389, -2, 426],
+  0x17F: [683, 0, 383, 13, 513],
+  0x180: [683, 11, 500, 23, 473],
+  0x188: [548, 11, 500, 30, 577],
+  0x190: [684, 6, 667, 66, 671],
+  0x192: [706, 159, 472, -62, 494],
+  0x195: [683, 10, 672, 19, 654],
+  0x199: [683, 11, 500, 14, 490],
+  0x19A: [683, 11, 278, 41, 279],
+  0x19B: [668, 0, 490, 30, 478],
+  0x19E: [441, 233, 500, 14, 442],
+  0x1A0: [691, 18, 722, 60, 783],
+  0x1A1: [467, 11, 534, 27, 583],
+  0x1A5: [669, 205, 504, -75, 472],
+  0x1AA: [684, 233, 340, 31, 319],
+  0x1AB: [546, 218, 278, -54, 296],
+  0x1AD: [683, 11, 310, 38, 452],
+  0x1AF: [765, 18, 754, 102, 881],
+  0x1B0: [543, 11, 573, 42, 607],
+  0x1BA: [450, 234, 500, 8, 462],
+  0x1BB: [676, 0, 500, 12, 500],
+  0x1BE: [539, 12, 500, 47, 453],
+  0x1C0: [736, 0, 170, 15, 258],
+  0x1C1: [736, 0, 290, 15, 379],
+  0x1C2: [736, 0, 340, 15, 429],
+  0x1C3: [667, 11, 333, 39, 304],
+  0x1F0: [661, 207, 278, -124, 397],
+  0x1FA: [950, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x1FB: [860, 11, 501, 17, 476],
+  0x1FC: [876, 0, 889, -27, 911],
+  0x1FD: [664, 11, 667, 23, 640],
+  0x1FE: [876, 105, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x1FF: [664, 135, 500, 28, 469],
+  0x1E80: [880, 18, 833, 71, 906],
+  0x1E81: [664, 18, 667, 15, 648],
+  0x1E82: [876, 18, 833, 71, 906],
+  0x1E83: [664, 18, 667, 15, 648],
+  0x1E84: [818, 18, 833, 71, 906],
+  0x1E85: [606, 18, 667, 15, 648],
+  0x1EF2: [880, 0, 556, 78, 633],
+  0x1EF3: [664, 206, 444, -24, 426],
+  0xFB00: [678, 207, 527, -147, 673],
+  0xFB01: [681, 207, 500, -141, 481],
+  0xFB02: [682, 204, 500, -141, 518],
+  0xFB03: [681, 207, 744, -147, 725],
+  0xFB04: [682, 207, 745, -147, 763]

+ 202 - 202

@@ -18,208 +18,208 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Main-italic'] = {
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-    testString: '\u00A0\u00A3\u00A5\u00A7\u00A8\u00AF\u00B0\u00B4\u00B5\u00B7\u00F0\u0127\u0131\u0237\u02C6',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x21: [667, 11, 333, 39, 304],
-    0x22: [666, -421, 420, 144, 432],
-    0x23: [676, 0, 501, 2, 540],
-    0x24: [731, 89, 500, 32, 497],
-    0x25: [706, 19, 755, 80, 705],
-    0x26: [666, 18, 778, 76, 723],
-    0x27: [666, -421, 214, 132, 241],
-    0x28: [669, 181, 333, 42, 315],
-    0x29: [669, 180, 333, 16, 289],
-    0x2A: [666, -255, 500, 128, 492],
-    0x2B: [506, 0, 675, 86, 590],
-    0x2C: [101, 129, 250, -5, 135],
-    0x2D: [255, -192, 333, 49, 282],
-    0x2E: [100, 11, 250, 27, 138],
-    0x2F: [666, 18, 278, -65, 386],
-    0x30: [676, 7, 500, 32, 497],
-    0x31: [676, 0, 500, 50, 409],
-    0x32: [676, 0, 500, 12, 452],
-    0x33: [676, 7, 500, 16, 465],
-    0x34: [676, 0, 500, 1, 479],
-    0x35: [666, 7, 500, 15, 491],
-    0x36: [686, 7, 500, 30, 521],
-    0x37: [666, 8, 500, 75, 537],
-    0x38: [676, 7, 500, 30, 493],
-    0x39: [676, 17, 500, 23, 492],
-    0x3A: [441, 11, 333, 50, 261],
-    0x3B: [441, 129, 333, 26, 261],
-    0x3C: [516, 10, 675, 84, 592],
-    0x3D: [386, -120, 675, 86, 590],
-    0x3E: [516, 10, 675, 84, 592],
-    0x3F: [664, 12, 500, 132, 472],
-    0x40: [666, 18, 920, 118, 806],
-    0x41: [668, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x42: [653, 0, 611, -8, 588],
-    0x43: [666, 18, 667, 66, 689],
-    0x44: [653, 0, 722, -8, 700],
-    0x45: [653, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x46: [653, 0, 611, 8, 645],
-    0x47: [666, 18, 722, 52, 722],
-    0x48: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
-    0x49: [653, 0, 333, -8, 384],
-    0x4A: [653, 18, 444, -6, 491],
-    0x4B: [653, 0, 667, 7, 722],
-    0x4C: [653, 0, 556, -8, 559],
-    0x4D: [653, 0, 833, -18, 872],
-    0x4E: [653, 15, 667, -20, 727],
-    0x4F: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x50: [653, 0, 611, 0, 605],
-    0x51: [666, 182, 722, 59, 699],
-    0x52: [653, 0, 611, -13, 588],
-    0x53: [667, 18, 500, 17, 508],
-    0x54: [653, 0, 556, 59, 633],
-    0x55: [653, 18, 722, 102, 765],
-    0x56: [653, 18, 611, 76, 688],
-    0x57: [653, 18, 833, 71, 906],
-    0x58: [653, 0, 611, -29, 655],
-    0x59: [653, 0, 556, 78, 633],
-    0x5A: [653, 0, 556, -6, 606],
-    0x5B: [663, 153, 389, 21, 391],
-    0x5C: [666, 18, 278, -41, 319],
-    0x5D: [663, 153, 389, 12, 382],
-    0x5E: [666, -301, 422, 0, 422],
-    0x5F: [-75, 125, 500, 0, 500],
-    0x60: [664, -492, 333, 120, 311],
-    0x61: [441, 11, 501, 17, 476],
-    0x62: [683, 11, 500, 23, 473],
-    0x63: [441, 11, 444, 30, 425],
-    0x64: [683, 13, 500, 15, 527],
-    0x65: [441, 11, 444, 31, 412],
-    0x66: [678, 207, 278, -147, 424],
-    0x67: [441, 206, 500, 8, 471],
-    0x68: [683, 9, 500, 19, 478],
-    0x69: [654, 11, 278, 49, 264],
-    0x6A: [652, 207, 278, -124, 279],
-    0x6B: [683, 11, 444, 14, 461],
-    0x6C: [683, 11, 278, 41, 279],
-    0x6D: [441, 9, 722, 12, 704],
-    0x6E: [441, 9, 500, 14, 474],
-    0x6F: [441, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0x70: [441, 205, 504, -75, 472],
-    0x71: [441, 209, 500, 25, 484],
-    0x72: [441, 0, 389, 45, 412],
-    0x73: [442, 13, 389, 16, 366],
-    0x74: [546, 11, 278, 38, 296],
-    0x75: [441, 11, 500, 42, 475],
-    0x76: [441, 18, 444, 20, 426],
-    0x77: [441, 18, 667, 15, 648],
-    0x78: [441, 11, 444, -27, 447],
-    0x79: [441, 206, 444, -24, 426],
-    0x7A: [428, 81, 389, -2, 380],
-    0x7B: [687, 177, 400, 51, 407],
-    0x7C: [666, 18, 275, 105, 171],
-    0x7D: [687, 177, 400, -7, 349],
-    0x7E: [323, -183, 541, 40, 502],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA3: [670, 8, 500, 10, 517],
-    0xA5: [653, 0, 500, 28, 605],
-    0xA7: [666, 162, 500, 53, 461],
-    0xA8: [606, -508, 333, 107, 405],
-    0xAF: [583, -532, 333, 99, 411],
-    0xB0: [676, -390, 400, 101, 387],
-    0xB4: [664, -494, 333, 180, 403],
-    0xB5: [428, 209, 500, -30, 497],
-    0xB7: [310, -199, 250, 70, 181],
-    0xF0: [683, 11, 500, 27, 482],
-    0x127: [683, 9, 500, 19, 478],
-    0x131: [441, 11, 278, 47, 235],
-    0x237: [441, 207, 278, -124, 246],
-    0x2C6: [661, -492, 333, 91, 385],
-    0x2C7: [661, -492, 333, 121, 426],
-    0x2D8: [650, -492, 333, 117, 418],
-    0x2D9: [606, -508, 333, 207, 305],
-    0x2DA: [707, -508, 333, 155, 355],
-    0x2DC: [624, -517, 333, 100, 427],
-    0x391: [668, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x392: [653, 0, 611, -8, 588],
-    0x393: [653, 0, 611, 8, 645],
-    0x394: [668, 0, 611, -32, 526],
-    0x395: [653, 0, 611, -1, 634],
-    0x396: [653, 0, 556, -6, 606],
-    0x397: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
-    0x398: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x399: [653, 0, 333, -8, 384],
-    0x39A: [653, 0, 667, 7, 722],
-    0x39B: [668, 0, 611, -51, 564],
-    0x39C: [653, 0, 833, -18, 872],
-    0x39D: [653, 15, 667, -20, 727],
-    0x39E: [653, 0, 651, -6, 680],
-    0x39F: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x3A0: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
-    0x3A1: [653, 0, 611, 0, 605],
-    0x3A3: [653, 0, 620, -6, 659],
-    0x3A4: [653, 0, 556, 59, 633],
-    0x3A5: [668, 0, 556, 78, 648],
-    0x3A6: [653, 0, 741, 50, 731],
-    0x3A7: [653, 0, 611, -29, 655],
-    0x3A8: [667, 0, 675, 77, 778],
-    0x3A9: [666, 0, 762, -6, 739],
-    0x3B1: [441, 11, 552, 27, 549],
-    0x3B2: [678, 205, 506, -40, 514],
-    0x3B3: [435, 206, 410, 19, 438],
-    0x3B4: [668, 11, 460, 24, 460],
-    0x3B5: [441, 11, 444, 30, 425],
-    0x3B6: [683, 185, 454, 30, 475],
-    0x3B7: [441, 205, 474, 14, 442],
-    0x3B8: [678, 11, 480, 27, 494],
-    0x3B9: [441, 11, 278, 49, 235],
-    0x3BA: [441, 13, 444, 14, 465],
-    0x3BB: [678, 16, 458, -12, 431],
-    0x3BC: [428, 205, 526, -33, 483],
-    0x3BD: [441, 18, 470, 20, 459],
-    0x3BE: [683, 185, 454, 30, 446],
-    0x3BF: [441, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0x3C0: [428, 18, 504, 19, 536],
-    0x3C1: [441, 205, 504, -40, 471],
-    0x3C2: [441, 185, 454, 30, 453],
-    0x3C3: [428, 11, 498, 27, 531],
-    0x3C4: [428, 11, 410, 12, 426],
-    0x3C5: [441, 10, 478, 19, 446],
-    0x3C6: [441, 205, 622, 27, 590],
-    0x3C7: [441, 207, 457, -108, 498],
-    0x3C8: [441, 205, 584, 15, 668],
-    0x3C9: [439, 11, 686, 27, 654],
-    0x3D0: [694, 10, 456, 45, 436],
-    0x3D1: [678, 10, 556, 19, 526],
-    0x3D2: [668, 0, 596, 78, 693],
-    0x3D5: [683, 205, 627, 27, 595],
-    0x3D6: [428, 11, 792, 17, 832],
-    0x3D8: [666, 205, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x3D9: [441, 205, 500, 27, 468],
-    0x3DA: [666, 207, 673, 55, 665],
-    0x3DB: [458, 185, 444, 30, 482],
-    0x3DC: [653, 0, 557, 8, 645],
-    0x3DD: [433, 190, 487, 32, 472],
-    0x3DE: [773, 18, 645, 19, 675],
-    0x3DF: [683, 0, 457, 31, 445],
-    0x3E0: [666, 207, 708, 7, 668],
-    0x3E1: [552, 210, 528, 93, 448],
-    0x3F0: [441, 13, 533, -16, 559],
-    0x3F1: [441, 205, 516, 27, 484],
-    0x3F4: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
-    0x3F5: [441, 11, 444, 30, 420],
-    0x3F6: [441, 11, 444, 24, 414],
-    0x2013: [243, -197, 500, -6, 505],
-    0x2014: [243, -197, 889, -6, 894],
-    0x2018: [666, -436, 333, 171, 310],
-    0x2019: [666, -436, 333, 151, 290],
-    0x201C: [666, -436, 556, 166, 514],
-    0x201D: [666, -436, 556, 151, 499],
-    0x2020: [666, 159, 500, 101, 488],
-    0x2021: [666, 143, 500, 22, 491],
-    0x203E: [820, -770, 500, 0, 500],
-    0x2044: [676, 10, 167, -169, 337],
-    0x20D7: [760, -548, 0, -453, -17],
-    0x2113: [687, 11, 579, 48, 571],
-    0x2202: [668, 11, 471, 40, 471],
-    0x24C8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684]
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+  testString: '\u00A0\u00A3\u00A5\u00A7\u00A8\u00AF\u00B0\u00B4\u00B5\u00B7\u00F0\u0127\u0131\u0237\u02C6',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x21: [667, 11, 333, 39, 304],
+  0x22: [666, -421, 420, 144, 432],
+  0x23: [676, 0, 501, 2, 540],
+  0x24: [731, 89, 500, 32, 497],
+  0x25: [706, 19, 755, 80, 705],
+  0x26: [666, 18, 778, 76, 723],
+  0x27: [666, -421, 214, 132, 241],
+  0x28: [669, 181, 333, 42, 315],
+  0x29: [669, 180, 333, 16, 289],
+  0x2A: [666, -255, 500, 128, 492],
+  0x2B: [506, 0, 675, 86, 590],
+  0x2C: [101, 129, 250, -5, 135],
+  0x2D: [255, -192, 333, 49, 282],
+  0x2E: [100, 11, 250, 27, 138],
+  0x2F: [666, 18, 278, -65, 386],
+  0x30: [676, 7, 500, 32, 497],
+  0x31: [676, 0, 500, 50, 409],
+  0x32: [676, 0, 500, 12, 452],
+  0x33: [676, 7, 500, 16, 465],
+  0x34: [676, 0, 500, 1, 479],
+  0x35: [666, 7, 500, 15, 491],
+  0x36: [686, 7, 500, 30, 521],
+  0x37: [666, 8, 500, 75, 537],
+  0x38: [676, 7, 500, 30, 493],
+  0x39: [676, 17, 500, 23, 492],
+  0x3A: [441, 11, 333, 50, 261],
+  0x3B: [441, 129, 333, 26, 261],
+  0x3C: [516, 10, 675, 84, 592],
+  0x3D: [386, -120, 675, 86, 590],
+  0x3E: [516, 10, 675, 84, 592],
+  0x3F: [664, 12, 500, 132, 472],
+  0x40: [666, 18, 920, 118, 806],
+  0x41: [668, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x42: [653, 0, 611, -8, 588],
+  0x43: [666, 18, 667, 66, 689],
+  0x44: [653, 0, 722, -8, 700],
+  0x45: [653, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x46: [653, 0, 611, 8, 645],
+  0x47: [666, 18, 722, 52, 722],
+  0x48: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
+  0x49: [653, 0, 333, -8, 384],
+  0x4A: [653, 18, 444, -6, 491],
+  0x4B: [653, 0, 667, 7, 722],
+  0x4C: [653, 0, 556, -8, 559],
+  0x4D: [653, 0, 833, -18, 872],
+  0x4E: [653, 15, 667, -20, 727],
+  0x4F: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x50: [653, 0, 611, 0, 605],
+  0x51: [666, 182, 722, 59, 699],
+  0x52: [653, 0, 611, -13, 588],
+  0x53: [667, 18, 500, 17, 508],
+  0x54: [653, 0, 556, 59, 633],
+  0x55: [653, 18, 722, 102, 765],
+  0x56: [653, 18, 611, 76, 688],
+  0x57: [653, 18, 833, 71, 906],
+  0x58: [653, 0, 611, -29, 655],
+  0x59: [653, 0, 556, 78, 633],
+  0x5A: [653, 0, 556, -6, 606],
+  0x5B: [663, 153, 389, 21, 391],
+  0x5C: [666, 18, 278, -41, 319],
+  0x5D: [663, 153, 389, 12, 382],
+  0x5E: [666, -301, 422, 0, 422],
+  0x5F: [-75, 125, 500, 0, 500],
+  0x60: [664, -492, 333, 120, 311],
+  0x61: [441, 11, 501, 17, 476],
+  0x62: [683, 11, 500, 23, 473],
+  0x63: [441, 11, 444, 30, 425],
+  0x64: [683, 13, 500, 15, 527],
+  0x65: [441, 11, 444, 31, 412],
+  0x66: [678, 207, 278, -147, 424],
+  0x67: [441, 206, 500, 8, 471],
+  0x68: [683, 9, 500, 19, 478],
+  0x69: [654, 11, 278, 49, 264],
+  0x6A: [652, 207, 278, -124, 279],
+  0x6B: [683, 11, 444, 14, 461],
+  0x6C: [683, 11, 278, 41, 279],
+  0x6D: [441, 9, 722, 12, 704],
+  0x6E: [441, 9, 500, 14, 474],
+  0x6F: [441, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0x70: [441, 205, 504, -75, 472],
+  0x71: [441, 209, 500, 25, 484],
+  0x72: [441, 0, 389, 45, 412],
+  0x73: [442, 13, 389, 16, 366],
+  0x74: [546, 11, 278, 38, 296],
+  0x75: [441, 11, 500, 42, 475],
+  0x76: [441, 18, 444, 20, 426],
+  0x77: [441, 18, 667, 15, 648],
+  0x78: [441, 11, 444, -27, 447],
+  0x79: [441, 206, 444, -24, 426],
+  0x7A: [428, 81, 389, -2, 380],
+  0x7B: [687, 177, 400, 51, 407],
+  0x7C: [666, 18, 275, 105, 171],
+  0x7D: [687, 177, 400, -7, 349],
+  0x7E: [323, -183, 541, 40, 502],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA3: [670, 8, 500, 10, 517],
+  0xA5: [653, 0, 500, 28, 605],
+  0xA7: [666, 162, 500, 53, 461],
+  0xA8: [606, -508, 333, 107, 405],
+  0xAF: [583, -532, 333, 99, 411],
+  0xB0: [676, -390, 400, 101, 387],
+  0xB4: [664, -494, 333, 180, 403],
+  0xB5: [428, 209, 500, -30, 497],
+  0xB7: [310, -199, 250, 70, 181],
+  0xF0: [683, 11, 500, 27, 482],
+  0x127: [683, 9, 500, 19, 478],
+  0x131: [441, 11, 278, 47, 235],
+  0x237: [441, 207, 278, -124, 246],
+  0x2C6: [661, -492, 333, 91, 385],
+  0x2C7: [661, -492, 333, 121, 426],
+  0x2D8: [650, -492, 333, 117, 418],
+  0x2D9: [606, -508, 333, 207, 305],
+  0x2DA: [707, -508, 333, 155, 355],
+  0x2DC: [624, -517, 333, 100, 427],
+  0x391: [668, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x392: [653, 0, 611, -8, 588],
+  0x393: [653, 0, 611, 8, 645],
+  0x394: [668, 0, 611, -32, 526],
+  0x395: [653, 0, 611, -1, 634],
+  0x396: [653, 0, 556, -6, 606],
+  0x397: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
+  0x398: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x399: [653, 0, 333, -8, 384],
+  0x39A: [653, 0, 667, 7, 722],
+  0x39B: [668, 0, 611, -51, 564],
+  0x39C: [653, 0, 833, -18, 872],
+  0x39D: [653, 15, 667, -20, 727],
+  0x39E: [653, 0, 651, -6, 680],
+  0x39F: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x3A0: [653, 0, 722, -8, 769],
+  0x3A1: [653, 0, 611, 0, 605],
+  0x3A3: [653, 0, 620, -6, 659],
+  0x3A4: [653, 0, 556, 59, 633],
+  0x3A5: [668, 0, 556, 78, 648],
+  0x3A6: [653, 0, 741, 50, 731],
+  0x3A7: [653, 0, 611, -29, 655],
+  0x3A8: [667, 0, 675, 77, 778],
+  0x3A9: [666, 0, 762, -6, 739],
+  0x3B1: [441, 11, 552, 27, 549],
+  0x3B2: [678, 205, 506, -40, 514],
+  0x3B3: [435, 206, 410, 19, 438],
+  0x3B4: [668, 11, 460, 24, 460],
+  0x3B5: [441, 11, 444, 30, 425],
+  0x3B6: [683, 185, 454, 30, 475],
+  0x3B7: [441, 205, 474, 14, 442],
+  0x3B8: [678, 11, 480, 27, 494],
+  0x3B9: [441, 11, 278, 49, 235],
+  0x3BA: [441, 13, 444, 14, 465],
+  0x3BB: [678, 16, 458, -12, 431],
+  0x3BC: [428, 205, 526, -33, 483],
+  0x3BD: [441, 18, 470, 20, 459],
+  0x3BE: [683, 185, 454, 30, 446],
+  0x3BF: [441, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0x3C0: [428, 18, 504, 19, 536],
+  0x3C1: [441, 205, 504, -40, 471],
+  0x3C2: [441, 185, 454, 30, 453],
+  0x3C3: [428, 11, 498, 27, 531],
+  0x3C4: [428, 11, 410, 12, 426],
+  0x3C5: [441, 10, 478, 19, 446],
+  0x3C6: [441, 205, 622, 27, 590],
+  0x3C7: [441, 207, 457, -108, 498],
+  0x3C8: [441, 205, 584, 15, 668],
+  0x3C9: [439, 11, 686, 27, 654],
+  0x3D0: [694, 10, 456, 45, 436],
+  0x3D1: [678, 10, 556, 19, 526],
+  0x3D2: [668, 0, 596, 78, 693],
+  0x3D5: [683, 205, 627, 27, 595],
+  0x3D6: [428, 11, 792, 17, 832],
+  0x3D8: [666, 205, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x3D9: [441, 205, 500, 27, 468],
+  0x3DA: [666, 207, 673, 55, 665],
+  0x3DB: [458, 185, 444, 30, 482],
+  0x3DC: [653, 0, 557, 8, 645],
+  0x3DD: [433, 190, 487, 32, 472],
+  0x3DE: [773, 18, 645, 19, 675],
+  0x3DF: [683, 0, 457, 31, 445],
+  0x3E0: [666, 207, 708, 7, 668],
+  0x3E1: [552, 210, 528, 93, 448],
+  0x3F0: [441, 13, 533, -16, 559],
+  0x3F1: [441, 205, 516, 27, 484],
+  0x3F4: [666, 18, 722, 60, 699],
+  0x3F5: [441, 11, 444, 30, 420],
+  0x3F6: [441, 11, 444, 24, 414],
+  0x2013: [243, -197, 500, -6, 505],
+  0x2014: [243, -197, 889, -6, 894],
+  0x2018: [666, -436, 333, 171, 310],
+  0x2019: [666, -436, 333, 151, 290],
+  0x201C: [666, -436, 556, 166, 514],
+  0x201D: [666, -436, 556, 151, 499],
+  0x2020: [666, 159, 500, 101, 488],
+  0x2021: [666, 143, 500, 22, 491],
+  0x203E: [820, -770, 500, 0, 500],
+  0x2044: [676, 10, 167, -169, 337],
+  0x20D7: [760, -548, 0, -453, -17],
+  0x2113: [687, 11, 579, 48, 571],
+  0x2202: [668, 11, 471, 40, 471],
+  0x24C8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684]

+ 59 - 59

@@ -18,65 +18,65 @@
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-    0x2B4: [690, -345, 320, 0, 318],
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-    0x2B6: [684, -345, 390, 6, 462],
-    0x2B7: [690, -327, 500, 15, 515],
-    0x2B8: [693, -202, 330, 16, 357],
-    0x2BB: [686, -443, 333, 79, 236],
-    0x2C0: [690, -295, 326, 30, 307],
-    0x2C1: [690, -295, 326, 23, 343],
-    0x2DB: [40, 169, 333, -20, 200],
-    0x2DD: [664, -494, 333, 93, 486],
-    0x2E0: [684, -218, 315, 23, 335],
-    0x2E1: [837, -333, 220, 41, 214],
-    0x2E2: [691, -335, 300, 16, 290],
-    0x2E3: [691, -333, 380, 4, 379],
-    0x2E4: [847, -333, 318, 8, 345],
-    0x2EC: [70, 147, 320, 15, 305],
-    0x2ED: [665, -507, 405, 10, 395],
-    0x2F7: [-113, 220, 333, -94, 233],
-    0x2010: [257, -191, 333, 49, 282],
-    0x2011: [257, -191, 333, 49, 282],
-    0x2012: [258, -192, 500, -8, 508],
-    0x201A: [101, 129, 333, 44, 183],
-    0x201B: [666, -436, 333, 169, 290],
-    0x201E: [101, 129, 556, 57, 405],
-    0x201F: [666, -436, 556, 169, 499],
-    0x2022: [444, -59, 523, 70, 455],
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-    0x2031: [706, 19, 1479, 80, 1429],
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-    0x203A: [403, -37, 333, 52, 282],
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-    0x20D6: [760, -548, 0, -453, -17],
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-    0x20DC: [622, -523, 0, -582, 114],
-    0x20DD: [725, 221, 0, -723, 223],
-    0x20E1: [760, -548, 0, -453, 25],
-    0x20E4: [1023, 155, 0, -970, 490],
-    0x20E5: [662, 156, 0, -430, -24],
-    0x20E6: [662, 156, 0, -351, -86],
-    0x20E7: [725, 178, 0, -595, 221],
-    0x20E8: [-119, 218, 0, -462, 35],
-    0x20E9: [681, -538, 0, -478, 55],
-    0x20EA: [419, -87, 0, -793, 153],
-    0x20EC: [-119, 252, 0, 27, 463],
-    0x20ED: [-119, 252, 0, 27, 463],
-    0x20EE: [-40, 252, 0, -453, -17],
-    0x20EF: [-40, 252, 0, -453, -17]
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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+  0x2B1: [838, -326, 378, 7, 414],
+  0x2B2: [851, -199, 300, 44, 350],
+  0x2B3: [690, -345, 320, 2, 320],
+  0x2B4: [690, -345, 320, 0, 318],
+  0x2B5: [690, -163, 320, 0, 335],
+  0x2B6: [684, -345, 390, 6, 462],
+  0x2B7: [690, -327, 500, 15, 515],
+  0x2B8: [693, -202, 330, 16, 357],
+  0x2BB: [686, -443, 333, 79, 236],
+  0x2C0: [690, -295, 326, 30, 307],
+  0x2C1: [690, -295, 326, 23, 343],
+  0x2DB: [40, 169, 333, -20, 200],
+  0x2DD: [664, -494, 333, 93, 486],
+  0x2E0: [684, -218, 315, 23, 335],
+  0x2E1: [837, -333, 220, 41, 214],
+  0x2E2: [691, -335, 300, 16, 290],
+  0x2E3: [691, -333, 380, 4, 379],
+  0x2E4: [847, -333, 318, 8, 345],
+  0x2EC: [70, 147, 320, 15, 305],
+  0x2ED: [665, -507, 405, 10, 395],
+  0x2F7: [-113, 220, 333, -94, 233],
+  0x2010: [257, -191, 333, 49, 282],
+  0x2011: [257, -191, 333, 49, 282],
+  0x2012: [258, -192, 500, -8, 508],
+  0x201A: [101, 129, 333, 44, 183],
+  0x201B: [666, -436, 333, 169, 290],
+  0x201E: [101, 129, 556, 57, 405],
+  0x201F: [666, -436, 556, 169, 499],
+  0x2022: [444, -59, 523, 70, 455],
+  0x2030: [706, 19, 1117, 80, 1067],
+  0x2031: [706, 19, 1479, 80, 1429],
+  0x2039: [403, -37, 333, 51, 281],
+  0x203A: [403, -37, 333, 52, 282],
+  0x20D0: [760, -627, 0, -453, -17],
+  0x20D1: [760, -627, 0, -426, 10],
+  0x20D2: [662, 156, 0, -300, -234],
+  0x20D6: [760, -548, 0, -453, -17],
+  0x20DB: [622, -523, 0, -453, 44],
+  0x20DC: [622, -523, 0, -582, 114],
+  0x20DD: [725, 221, 0, -723, 223],
+  0x20E1: [760, -548, 0, -453, 25],
+  0x20E4: [1023, 155, 0, -970, 490],
+  0x20E5: [662, 156, 0, -430, -24],
+  0x20E6: [662, 156, 0, -351, -86],
+  0x20E7: [725, 178, 0, -595, 221],
+  0x20E8: [-119, 218, 0, -462, 35],
+  0x20E9: [681, -538, 0, -478, 55],
+  0x20EA: [419, -87, 0, -793, 153],
+  0x20EC: [-119, 252, 0, 27, 463],
+  0x20ED: [-119, 252, 0, 27, 463],
+  0x20EE: [-40, 252, 0, -453, -17],
+  0x20EF: [-40, 252, 0, -453, -17]

+ 176 - 176

@@ -18,182 +18,182 @@
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-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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-    0x252: [473, 14, 608, 32, 594],
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-    0x254: [473, 14, 472, 15, 420],
-    0x255: [473, 161, 477, 30, 445],
-    0x256: [676, 233, 602, 32, 660],
-    0x257: [683, 14, 650, 32, 660],
-    0x258: [473, 14, 457, 25, 427],
-    0x259: [473, 14, 457, 19, 421],
-    0x25A: [473, 14, 688, 41, 677],
-    0x25B: [475, 14, 493, 25, 439],
-    0x25C: [475, 14, 493, 25, 439],
-    0x25D: [475, 14, 683, 25, 658],
-    0x25E: [475, 14, 523, 25, 469],
-    0x25F: [461, 203, 338, -54, 314],
-    0x260: [683, 245, 627, 37, 662],
-    0x261: [473, 245, 571, 37, 484],
-    0x262: [461, 11, 590, 35, 555],
-    0x263: [461, 233, 532, 24, 507],
-    0x264: [450, 10, 514, 17, 497],
-    0x265: [450, 226, 550, 17, 536],
-    0x266: [683, 0, 550, 14, 532],
-    0x267: [683, 205, 556, 16, 485],
-    0x268: [691, 0, 292, 21, 262],
-    0x269: [456, 8, 366, 22, 339],
-    0x26A: [461, 0, 297, 26, 264],
-    0x26B: [676, 0, 395, 15, 380],
-    0x26C: [676, 0, 446, 17, 428],
-    0x26D: [676, 233, 326, 15, 384],
-    0x26E: [676, 236, 619, 24, 603],
-    0x26F: [473, 0, 828, 16, 815],
-    0x270: [473, 233, 859, 16, 836],
-    0x271: [473, 233, 847, 21, 770],
-    0x272: [473, 233, 625, -57, 586],
-    0x273: [473, 233, 610, 21, 668],
-    0x274: [461, 12, 604, 34, 558],
-    0x275: [473, 14, 520, 34, 485],
-    0x276: [461, 5, 741, 28, 713],
-    0x277: [477, 2, 696, 42, 653],
-    0x278: [685, 231, 713, 45, 667],
-    0x279: [463, 10, 456, 35, 441],
-    0x27A: [676, 10, 456, 35, 441],
-    0x27B: [463, 233, 506, 35, 564],
-    0x27C: [473, 233, 426, 10, 416],
-    0x27D: [473, 233, 454, 12, 418],
-    0x27E: [484, 0, 359, 15, 386],
-    0x27F: [484, 0, 404, 10, 381],
-    0x280: [464, 0, 516, 21, 495],
-    0x281: [464, 0, 516, 21, 495],
-    0x282: [473, 218, 389, 25, 361],
-    0x283: [683, 233, 458, -36, 406],
-    0x284: [683, 233, 373, -57, 430],
-    0x285: [470, 233, 396, 8, 452],
-    0x286: [683, 243, 399, -16, 449],
-    0x287: [513, 129, 333, 19, 332],
-    0x288: [630, 233, 339, 19, 389],
-    0x289: [461, 14, 556, 9, 538],
-    0x28A: [452, 8, 500, 13, 487],
-    0x28B: [465, 10, 534, 23, 511],
-    0x28C: [475, 0, 500, 21, 485],
-    0x28D: [475, 0, 722, 23, 707],
-    0x28E: [666, 0, 500, 16, 482],
-    0x28F: [464, 0, 633, 46, 587],
-    0x290: [461, 218, 531, 21, 577],
-    0x291: [461, 150, 538, 21, 517],
-    0x292: [450, 236, 440, 8, 430],
-    0x293: [450, 307, 440, 8, 430],
-    0x294: [683, 0, 417, 55, 426],
-    0x295: [683, 0, 417, 55, 426],
-    0x296: [669, 14, 417, 55, 426],
-    0x297: [473, 232, 479, 72, 447],
-    0x298: [680, 17, 723, 13, 708],
-    0x299: [464, 0, 456, 15, 441],
-    0x29A: [475, 14, 465, 11, 455],
-    0x29B: [537, 11, 600, 29, 595],
-    0x29C: [464, 0, 582, 21, 561],
-    0x29D: [691, 233, 394, -60, 414],
-    0x29E: [461, 215, 556, 22, 543],
-    0x29F: [464, 0, 470, 17, 440],
-    0x2A0: [582, 205, 636, 34, 659],
-    0x2A1: [683, 0, 500, 55, 426],
-    0x2A2: [683, 0, 500, 55, 426],
-    0x2A3: [676, 14, 868, 25, 843],
-    0x2A4: [676, 236, 810, 25, 794],
-    0x2A5: [676, 164, 960, 25, 933],
-    0x2A6: [630, 12, 626, 19, 598],
-    0x2A7: [683, 233, 540, 19, 626],
-    0x2A8: [630, 12, 700, 19, 690],
-    0x1D00: [475, 0, 515, 9, 503],
-    0x1D07: [461, 0, 531, 20, 511],
-    0x1D1C: [461, 19, 600, 16, 584],
-    0x207F: [700, -275, 491, 15, 478],
-    0x20A3: [676, 0, 611, 11, 583],
-    0x20A4: [684, 16, 500, 21, 477],
-    0x20A7: [676, 14, 1369, 16, 1341],
-    0x20AC: [672, 12, 500, 29, 478],
-    0x2153: [688, 12, 750, -7, 763],
-    0x2154: [688, 12, 750, 28, 763],
-    0x2155: [688, 12, 750, -7, 775],
-    0x2156: [688, 12, 750, 28, 775],
-    0x2157: [688, 12, 750, 23, 775],
-    0x2158: [688, 12, 750, 22, 775],
-    0x2159: [688, 12, 750, -7, 758],
-    0x215A: [688, 12, 750, 49, 758],
-    0x215B: [688, 12, 750, -7, 775],
-    0x215C: [688, 12, 750, 23, 775],
-    0x215D: [688, 12, 750, 49, 775],
-    0x215E: [688, 12, 750, 30, 775],
-    0x2460: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2461: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2462: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2463: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2464: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2465: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2466: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2467: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2468: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24EA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695]
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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+  0x252: [473, 14, 608, 32, 594],
+  0x253: [691, 14, 560, 74, 523],
+  0x254: [473, 14, 472, 15, 420],
+  0x255: [473, 161, 477, 30, 445],
+  0x256: [676, 233, 602, 32, 660],
+  0x257: [683, 14, 650, 32, 660],
+  0x258: [473, 14, 457, 25, 427],
+  0x259: [473, 14, 457, 19, 421],
+  0x25A: [473, 14, 688, 41, 677],
+  0x25B: [475, 14, 493, 25, 439],
+  0x25C: [475, 14, 493, 25, 439],
+  0x25D: [475, 14, 683, 25, 658],
+  0x25E: [475, 14, 523, 25, 469],
+  0x25F: [461, 203, 338, -54, 314],
+  0x260: [683, 245, 627, 37, 662],
+  0x261: [473, 245, 571, 37, 484],
+  0x262: [461, 11, 590, 35, 555],
+  0x263: [461, 233, 532, 24, 507],
+  0x264: [450, 10, 514, 17, 497],
+  0x265: [450, 226, 550, 17, 536],
+  0x266: [683, 0, 550, 14, 532],
+  0x267: [683, 205, 556, 16, 485],
+  0x268: [691, 0, 292, 21, 262],
+  0x269: [456, 8, 366, 22, 339],
+  0x26A: [461, 0, 297, 26, 264],
+  0x26B: [676, 0, 395, 15, 380],
+  0x26C: [676, 0, 446, 17, 428],
+  0x26D: [676, 233, 326, 15, 384],
+  0x26E: [676, 236, 619, 24, 603],
+  0x26F: [473, 0, 828, 16, 815],
+  0x270: [473, 233, 859, 16, 836],
+  0x271: [473, 233, 847, 21, 770],
+  0x272: [473, 233, 625, -57, 586],
+  0x273: [473, 233, 610, 21, 668],
+  0x274: [461, 12, 604, 34, 558],
+  0x275: [473, 14, 520, 34, 485],
+  0x276: [461, 5, 741, 28, 713],
+  0x277: [477, 2, 696, 42, 653],
+  0x278: [685, 231, 713, 45, 667],
+  0x279: [463, 10, 456, 35, 441],
+  0x27A: [676, 10, 456, 35, 441],
+  0x27B: [463, 233, 506, 35, 564],
+  0x27C: [473, 233, 426, 10, 416],
+  0x27D: [473, 233, 454, 12, 418],
+  0x27E: [484, 0, 359, 15, 386],
+  0x27F: [484, 0, 404, 10, 381],
+  0x280: [464, 0, 516, 21, 495],
+  0x281: [464, 0, 516, 21, 495],
+  0x282: [473, 218, 389, 25, 361],
+  0x283: [683, 233, 458, -36, 406],
+  0x284: [683, 233, 373, -57, 430],
+  0x285: [470, 233, 396, 8, 452],
+  0x286: [683, 243, 399, -16, 449],
+  0x287: [513, 129, 333, 19, 332],
+  0x288: [630, 233, 339, 19, 389],
+  0x289: [461, 14, 556, 9, 538],
+  0x28A: [452, 8, 500, 13, 487],
+  0x28B: [465, 10, 534, 23, 511],
+  0x28C: [475, 0, 500, 21, 485],
+  0x28D: [475, 0, 722, 23, 707],
+  0x28E: [666, 0, 500, 16, 482],
+  0x28F: [464, 0, 633, 46, 587],
+  0x290: [461, 218, 531, 21, 577],
+  0x291: [461, 150, 538, 21, 517],
+  0x292: [450, 236, 440, 8, 430],
+  0x293: [450, 307, 440, 8, 430],
+  0x294: [683, 0, 417, 55, 426],
+  0x295: [683, 0, 417, 55, 426],
+  0x296: [669, 14, 417, 55, 426],
+  0x297: [473, 232, 479, 72, 447],
+  0x298: [680, 17, 723, 13, 708],
+  0x299: [464, 0, 456, 15, 441],
+  0x29A: [475, 14, 465, 11, 455],
+  0x29B: [537, 11, 600, 29, 595],
+  0x29C: [464, 0, 582, 21, 561],
+  0x29D: [691, 233, 394, -60, 414],
+  0x29E: [461, 215, 556, 22, 543],
+  0x29F: [464, 0, 470, 17, 440],
+  0x2A0: [582, 205, 636, 34, 659],
+  0x2A1: [683, 0, 500, 55, 426],
+  0x2A2: [683, 0, 500, 55, 426],
+  0x2A3: [676, 14, 868, 25, 843],
+  0x2A4: [676, 236, 810, 25, 794],
+  0x2A5: [676, 164, 960, 25, 933],
+  0x2A6: [630, 12, 626, 19, 598],
+  0x2A7: [683, 233, 540, 19, 626],
+  0x2A8: [630, 12, 700, 19, 690],
+  0x1D00: [475, 0, 515, 9, 503],
+  0x1D07: [461, 0, 531, 20, 511],
+  0x1D1C: [461, 19, 600, 16, 584],
+  0x207F: [700, -275, 491, 15, 478],
+  0x20A3: [676, 0, 611, 11, 583],
+  0x20A4: [684, 16, 500, 21, 477],
+  0x20A7: [676, 14, 1369, 16, 1341],
+  0x20AC: [672, 12, 500, 29, 478],
+  0x2153: [688, 12, 750, -7, 763],
+  0x2154: [688, 12, 750, 28, 763],
+  0x2155: [688, 12, 750, -7, 775],
+  0x2156: [688, 12, 750, 28, 775],
+  0x2157: [688, 12, 750, 23, 775],
+  0x2158: [688, 12, 750, 22, 775],
+  0x2159: [688, 12, 750, -7, 758],
+  0x215A: [688, 12, 750, 49, 758],
+  0x215B: [688, 12, 750, -7, 775],
+  0x215C: [688, 12, 750, 23, 775],
+  0x215D: [688, 12, 750, 49, 775],
+  0x215E: [688, 12, 750, 30, 775],
+  0x2460: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2461: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2462: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2463: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2464: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2465: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2466: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2467: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2468: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24EA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695]

+ 161 - 161

@@ -18,167 +18,167 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Misc-bold-italic'] = {
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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-    0x252: [473, 14, 612, 25, 592],
-    0x253: [691, 13, 500, -14, 449],
-    0x254: [462, 13, 444, -5, 392],
-    0x255: [462, 157, 444, -5, 406],
-    0x256: [699, 233, 500, -21, 517],
-    0x257: [683, 13, 570, -21, 653],
-    0x258: [462, 13, 444, 5, 421],
-    0x259: [462, 13, 444, 5, 398],
-    0x25A: [462, 13, 626, 5, 626],
-    0x25B: [475, 14, 444, 5, 482],
-    0x25C: [475, 14, 480, 5, 469],
-    0x25D: [475, 14, 689, 5, 689],
-    0x25E: [475, 14, 486, 7, 475],
-    0x25F: [462, 207, 367, -100, 364],
-    0x260: [683, 245, 720, -52, 751],
-    0x261: [472, 245, 549, -52, 520],
-    0x262: [462, 11, 561, 21, 544],
-    0x263: [462, 234, 444, 20, 400],
-    0x264: [450, 10, 493, 10, 488],
-    0x265: [459, 249, 556, -13, 498],
-    0x266: [683, 9, 556, -13, 498],
-    0x267: [683, 205, 533, -13, 475],
-    0x268: [684, 9, 278, -10, 262],
-    0x269: [456, 8, 253, 2, 237],
-    0x26A: [462, 0, 304, -32, 321],
-    0x26B: [699, 9, 320, 9, 368],
-    0x26C: [699, 9, 445, 17, 417],
-    0x26D: [699, 233, 291, -47, 290],
-    0x26E: [699, 236, 623, 2, 585],
-    0x26F: [462, 9, 778, -14, 723],
-    0x270: [462, 233, 778, -14, 723],
-    0x271: [462, 233, 759, -14, 704],
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-    0x273: [462, 233, 505, -6, 486],
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-    0x275: [462, 13, 500, -3, 441],
-    0x276: [462, 5, 749, 23, 751],
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-    0x278: [685, 231, 691, -3, 632],
-    0x279: [462, 0, 427, 0, 410],
-    0x27A: [699, 0, 493, 0, 476],
-    0x27B: [462, 233, 436, 0, 417],
-    0x27C: [462, 233, 389, -87, 389],
-    0x27D: [462, 233, 389, -47, 389],
-    0x27E: [484, 0, 360, -21, 417],
-    0x27F: [484, 0, 338, 10, 292],
-    0x280: [464, 0, 498, 8, 515],
-    0x281: [464, 0, 498, 8, 597],
-    0x282: [462, 218, 389, -32, 333],
-    0x283: [683, 233, 424, -104, 584],
-    0x284: [683, 207, 394, -90, 576],
-    0x285: [470, 233, 415, 79, 344],
-    0x286: [683, 243, 521, -40, 641],
-    0x287: [513, 90, 310, 7, 299],
-    0x288: [594, 233, 311, -60, 281],
-    0x289: [462, 9, 556, -16, 514],
-    0x28A: [452, 8, 500, 15, 552],
-    0x28B: [462, 10, 534, 18, 492],
-    0x28C: [462, 13, 444, 15, 401],
-    0x28D: [462, 13, 667, 15, 614],
-    0x28E: [667, 0, 444, 16, 502],
-    0x28F: [464, 0, 633, 65, 606],
-    0x290: [449, 218, 440, -24, 405],
-    0x291: [449, 97, 411, -24, 376],
-    0x292: [450, 236, 499, -10, 558],
-    0x293: [450, 307, 499, -10, 528],
-    0x294: [685, 0, 530, 25, 520],
-    0x295: [685, 0, 530, 65, 509],
-    0x296: [669, 14, 487, 25, 453],
-    0x297: [462, 237, 479, 20, 544],
-    0x298: [680, 17, 723, 13, 734],
-    0x299: [464, 0, 493, -10, 486],
-    0x29A: [475, 14, 465, 16, 504],
-    0x29B: [538, 11, 580, 29, 690],
-    0x29C: [464, 0, 582, 21, 676],
-    0x29D: [685, 233, 475, -50, 463],
-    0x29E: [457, 250, 500, 22, 528],
-    0x29F: [464, 0, 485, 10, 468],
-    0x2A0: [582, 205, 488, 1, 674],
-    0x2A1: [685, 0, 530, 25, 520],
-    0x2A2: [685, 0, 530, 65, 507],
-    0x2A3: [699, 13, 750, -21, 735],
-    0x2A4: [699, 236, 820, -21, 813],
-    0x2A5: [699, 97, 817, -21, 743],
-    0x2A6: [594, 13, 560, -3, 524],
-    0x2A7: [683, 233, 453, -30, 670],
-    0x2A8: [594, 18, 600, -3, 618],
-    0x20A3: [669, 0, 668, -13, 661],
-    0x20A4: [683, 12, 500, -32, 510],
-    0x20A7: [669, 13, 1229, -28, 1173],
-    0x20AC: [681, 17, 562, 34, 546],
-    0x2460: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2461: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2462: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2463: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2464: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2465: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2466: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2467: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x2468: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24B9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24BF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24C9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24CF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24D9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24DF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24E9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
-    0x24EA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695]
+  directory: 'Misc/BoldItalic',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Misc',
+  weight: 'bold',
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+  testString: '\u00A0\u0250\u0251\u0252\u0253\u0254\u0255\u0256\u0257\u0258\u0259\u025A\u025B\u025C\u025D',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x250: [473, 14, 512, 13, 492],
+  0x251: [473, 14, 612, 25, 592],
+  0x252: [473, 14, 612, 25, 592],
+  0x253: [691, 13, 500, -14, 449],
+  0x254: [462, 13, 444, -5, 392],
+  0x255: [462, 157, 444, -5, 406],
+  0x256: [699, 233, 500, -21, 517],
+  0x257: [683, 13, 570, -21, 653],
+  0x258: [462, 13, 444, 5, 421],
+  0x259: [462, 13, 444, 5, 398],
+  0x25A: [462, 13, 626, 5, 626],
+  0x25B: [475, 14, 444, 5, 482],
+  0x25C: [475, 14, 480, 5, 469],
+  0x25D: [475, 14, 689, 5, 689],
+  0x25E: [475, 14, 486, 7, 475],
+  0x25F: [462, 207, 367, -100, 364],
+  0x260: [683, 245, 720, -52, 751],
+  0x261: [472, 245, 549, -52, 520],
+  0x262: [462, 11, 561, 21, 544],
+  0x263: [462, 234, 444, 20, 400],
+  0x264: [450, 10, 493, 10, 488],
+  0x265: [459, 249, 556, -13, 498],
+  0x266: [683, 9, 556, -13, 498],
+  0x267: [683, 205, 533, -13, 475],
+  0x268: [684, 9, 278, -10, 262],
+  0x269: [456, 8, 253, 2, 237],
+  0x26A: [462, 0, 304, -32, 321],
+  0x26B: [699, 9, 320, 9, 368],
+  0x26C: [699, 9, 445, 17, 417],
+  0x26D: [699, 233, 291, -47, 290],
+  0x26E: [699, 236, 623, 2, 585],
+  0x26F: [462, 9, 778, -14, 723],
+  0x270: [462, 233, 778, -14, 723],
+  0x271: [462, 233, 759, -14, 704],
+  0x272: [462, 233, 694, -109, 632],
+  0x273: [462, 233, 505, -6, 486],
+  0x274: [462, 12, 588, -27, 614],
+  0x275: [462, 13, 500, -3, 441],
+  0x276: [462, 5, 749, 23, 751],
+  0x277: [477, 2, 685, -3, 626],
+  0x278: [685, 231, 691, -3, 632],
+  0x279: [462, 0, 427, 0, 410],
+  0x27A: [699, 0, 493, 0, 476],
+  0x27B: [462, 233, 436, 0, 417],
+  0x27C: [462, 233, 389, -87, 389],
+  0x27D: [462, 233, 389, -47, 389],
+  0x27E: [484, 0, 360, -21, 417],
+  0x27F: [484, 0, 338, 10, 292],
+  0x280: [464, 0, 498, 8, 515],
+  0x281: [464, 0, 498, 8, 597],
+  0x282: [462, 218, 389, -32, 333],
+  0x283: [683, 233, 424, -104, 584],
+  0x284: [683, 207, 394, -90, 576],
+  0x285: [470, 233, 415, 79, 344],
+  0x286: [683, 243, 521, -40, 641],
+  0x287: [513, 90, 310, 7, 299],
+  0x288: [594, 233, 311, -60, 281],
+  0x289: [462, 9, 556, -16, 514],
+  0x28A: [452, 8, 500, 15, 552],
+  0x28B: [462, 10, 534, 18, 492],
+  0x28C: [462, 13, 444, 15, 401],
+  0x28D: [462, 13, 667, 15, 614],
+  0x28E: [667, 0, 444, 16, 502],
+  0x28F: [464, 0, 633, 65, 606],
+  0x290: [449, 218, 440, -24, 405],
+  0x291: [449, 97, 411, -24, 376],
+  0x292: [450, 236, 499, -10, 558],
+  0x293: [450, 307, 499, -10, 528],
+  0x294: [685, 0, 530, 25, 520],
+  0x295: [685, 0, 530, 65, 509],
+  0x296: [669, 14, 487, 25, 453],
+  0x297: [462, 237, 479, 20, 544],
+  0x298: [680, 17, 723, 13, 734],
+  0x299: [464, 0, 493, -10, 486],
+  0x29A: [475, 14, 465, 16, 504],
+  0x29B: [538, 11, 580, 29, 690],
+  0x29C: [464, 0, 582, 21, 676],
+  0x29D: [685, 233, 475, -50, 463],
+  0x29E: [457, 250, 500, 22, 528],
+  0x29F: [464, 0, 485, 10, 468],
+  0x2A0: [582, 205, 488, 1, 674],
+  0x2A1: [685, 0, 530, 25, 520],
+  0x2A2: [685, 0, 530, 65, 507],
+  0x2A3: [699, 13, 750, -21, 735],
+  0x2A4: [699, 236, 820, -21, 813],
+  0x2A5: [699, 97, 817, -21, 743],
+  0x2A6: [594, 13, 560, -3, 524],
+  0x2A7: [683, 233, 453, -30, 670],
+  0x2A8: [594, 18, 600, -3, 618],
+  0x20A3: [669, 0, 668, -13, 661],
+  0x20A4: [683, 12, 500, -32, 510],
+  0x20A7: [669, 13, 1229, -28, 1173],
+  0x20AC: [681, 17, 562, 34, 546],
+  0x2460: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2461: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2462: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2463: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2464: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2465: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2466: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2467: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x2468: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24B9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24BF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24C9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24CF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24D9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DB: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DC: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DD: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DE: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24DF: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E0: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E1: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E2: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E3: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E4: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E5: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E6: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E7: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E8: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24E9: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695],
+  0x24EA: [690, 19, 695, 0, 695]

+ 160 - 160

@@ -18,166 +18,166 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Misc-italic'] = {
-    directory: 'Misc/Italic',
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-    testString: '\u00A0\u0250\u0251\u0252\u0253\u0254\u0255\u0256\u0257\u0258\u0259\u025A\u025B\u025C\u025D',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x250: [460, 10, 444, 19, 421],
-    0x251: [460, 10, 511, 17, 487],
-    0x252: [460, 10, 511, 17, 487],
-    0x253: [683, 11, 500, 23, 488],
-    0x254: [441, 11, 444, 30, 425],
-    0x255: [441, 160, 444, -3, 425],
-    0x256: [683, 233, 500, 15, 527],
-    0x257: [683, 13, 500, 15, 748],
-    0x258: [441, 11, 444, 31, 416],
-    0x259: [441, 11, 444, 31, 412],
-    0x25A: [441, 11, 639, 31, 639],
-    0x25B: [475, 14, 444, 31, 467],
-    0x25C: [475, 14, 480, 31, 447],
-    0x25D: [475, 14, 666, 31, 666],
-    0x25E: [475, 14, 490, 30, 458],
-    0x25F: [441, 207, 357, -100, 340],
-    0x260: [683, 212, 714, 8, 799],
-    0x261: [482, 212, 595, 8, 579],
-    0x262: [441, 11, 562, 52, 562],
-    0x263: [441, 234, 444, 15, 426],
-    0x264: [450, 10, 480, 4, 475],
-    0x265: [450, 242, 500, 19, 478],
-    0x266: [683, 9, 500, 19, 494],
-    0x267: [683, 233, 500, -6, 494],
-    0x268: [654, 11, 278, 16, 264],
-    0x269: [454, 10, 333, 51, 266],
-    0x26A: [441, 0, 247, -8, 298],
-    0x26B: [683, 11, 278, 4, 331],
-    0x26C: [683, 11, 375, 12, 366],
-    0x26D: [683, 233, 252, 8, 279],
-    0x26E: [683, 233, 575, 41, 537],
-    0x26F: [441, 9, 722, 12, 704],
-    0x270: [441, 233, 722, 12, 704],
-    0x271: [441, 233, 690, 12, 672],
-    0x272: [441, 233, 606, -110, 580],
-    0x273: [441, 233, 498, 14, 487],
-    0x274: [441, 8, 539, -20, 599],
-    0x275: [441, 11, 500, 27, 468],
-    0x276: [441, 6, 718, 49, 738],
-    0x277: [475, 4, 668, 30, 638],
-    0x278: [683, 233, 660, 30, 630],
-    0x279: [441, 0, 402, -45, 322],
-    0x27A: [683, 0, 383, -45, 384],
-    0x27B: [441, 233, 353, -45, 342],
-    0x27C: [441, 233, 333, -20, 412],
-    0x27D: [441, 233, 390, 24, 412],
-    0x27E: [470, 0, 401, 45, 424],
-    0x27F: [470, 0, 338, 66, 293],
-    0x280: [464, 0, 475, 25, 501],
-    0x281: [464, 0, 475, 25, 581],
-    0x282: [442, 218, 389, 9, 376],
-    0x283: [683, 233, 415, -110, 577],
-    0x284: [683, 233, 453, -110, 595],
-    0x285: [470, 233, 339, 79, 355],
-    0x286: [683, 243, 439, -62, 602],
-    0x287: [460, 97, 330, 38, 296],
-    0x288: [546, 233, 278, 6, 308],
-    0x289: [441, 11, 500, 9, 479],
-    0x28A: [450, 10, 537, 49, 552],
-    0x28B: [441, 10, 500, 52, 475],
-    0x28C: [441, 18, 444, 20, 426],
-    0x28D: [441, 18, 667, 15, 648],
-    0x28E: [647, 0, 444, 10, 460],
-    0x28F: [464, 0, 633, 62, 603],
-    0x290: [428, 218, 405, 17, 429],
-    0x291: [428, 47, 393, 17, 380],
-    0x292: [450, 233, 413, 21, 517],
-    0x293: [450, 305, 457, 7, 544],
-    0x294: [683, 0, 500, 55, 509],
-    0x295: [683, 0, 500, 55, 495],
-    0x296: [662, 14, 393, -25, 413],
-    0x297: [441, 238, 450, 24, 459],
-    0x298: [679, 17, 723, 22, 704],
-    0x299: [464, 0, 460, 19, 505],
-    0x29A: [475, 14, 479, 20, 470],
-    0x29B: [515, 11, 570, 29, 650],
-    0x29C: [464, 0, 572, 25, 671],
-    0x29D: [652, 233, 403, -80, 394],
-    0x29E: [439, 255, 463, 26, 473],
-    0x29F: [464, 0, 470, 25, 473],
-    0x2A0: [582, 209, 480, 25, 666],
-    0x2A1: [683, 0, 500, 55, 509],
-    0x2A2: [683, 0, 500, 55, 495],
-    0x2A3: [683, 13, 743, 15, 741],
-    0x2A4: [683, 233, 743, 15, 780],
-    0x2A5: [683, 47, 754, 15, 741],
-    0x2A6: [546, 11, 500, 38, 523],
-    0x2A7: [683, 233, 517, -32, 655],
-    0x2A8: [546, 16, 632, 38, 612],
-    0x20A3: [653, 0, 611, 8, 645],
-    0x20A4: [670, 8, 500, 10, 517],
-    0x20A7: [653, 13, 1149, 0, 1126],
-    0x20AC: [664, 12, 500, 16, 538],
-    0x2460: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2461: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2462: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2463: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2464: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2465: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2466: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2467: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x2468: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24B6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24B7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24B8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24B9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24BA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24BB: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24BC: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24BD: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24BE: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24BF: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C0: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C1: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C2: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C3: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C4: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C5: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24C9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24CA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24CB: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24CC: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24CD: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24CE: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24CF: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D0: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D1: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D2: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D3: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D4: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D5: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24D9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24DA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24DB: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24DC: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24DD: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24DE: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24DF: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E0: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E1: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E2: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E3: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E4: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E5: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24E9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
-    0x24EA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684]
+  directory: 'Misc/Italic',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Misc',
+  style: 'italic',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u0250\u0251\u0252\u0253\u0254\u0255\u0256\u0257\u0258\u0259\u025A\u025B\u025C\u025D',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x250: [460, 10, 444, 19, 421],
+  0x251: [460, 10, 511, 17, 487],
+  0x252: [460, 10, 511, 17, 487],
+  0x253: [683, 11, 500, 23, 488],
+  0x254: [441, 11, 444, 30, 425],
+  0x255: [441, 160, 444, -3, 425],
+  0x256: [683, 233, 500, 15, 527],
+  0x257: [683, 13, 500, 15, 748],
+  0x258: [441, 11, 444, 31, 416],
+  0x259: [441, 11, 444, 31, 412],
+  0x25A: [441, 11, 639, 31, 639],
+  0x25B: [475, 14, 444, 31, 467],
+  0x25C: [475, 14, 480, 31, 447],
+  0x25D: [475, 14, 666, 31, 666],
+  0x25E: [475, 14, 490, 30, 458],
+  0x25F: [441, 207, 357, -100, 340],
+  0x260: [683, 212, 714, 8, 799],
+  0x261: [482, 212, 595, 8, 579],
+  0x262: [441, 11, 562, 52, 562],
+  0x263: [441, 234, 444, 15, 426],
+  0x264: [450, 10, 480, 4, 475],
+  0x265: [450, 242, 500, 19, 478],
+  0x266: [683, 9, 500, 19, 494],
+  0x267: [683, 233, 500, -6, 494],
+  0x268: [654, 11, 278, 16, 264],
+  0x269: [454, 10, 333, 51, 266],
+  0x26A: [441, 0, 247, -8, 298],
+  0x26B: [683, 11, 278, 4, 331],
+  0x26C: [683, 11, 375, 12, 366],
+  0x26D: [683, 233, 252, 8, 279],
+  0x26E: [683, 233, 575, 41, 537],
+  0x26F: [441, 9, 722, 12, 704],
+  0x270: [441, 233, 722, 12, 704],
+  0x271: [441, 233, 690, 12, 672],
+  0x272: [441, 233, 606, -110, 580],
+  0x273: [441, 233, 498, 14, 487],
+  0x274: [441, 8, 539, -20, 599],
+  0x275: [441, 11, 500, 27, 468],
+  0x276: [441, 6, 718, 49, 738],
+  0x277: [475, 4, 668, 30, 638],
+  0x278: [683, 233, 660, 30, 630],
+  0x279: [441, 0, 402, -45, 322],
+  0x27A: [683, 0, 383, -45, 384],
+  0x27B: [441, 233, 353, -45, 342],
+  0x27C: [441, 233, 333, -20, 412],
+  0x27D: [441, 233, 390, 24, 412],
+  0x27E: [470, 0, 401, 45, 424],
+  0x27F: [470, 0, 338, 66, 293],
+  0x280: [464, 0, 475, 25, 501],
+  0x281: [464, 0, 475, 25, 581],
+  0x282: [442, 218, 389, 9, 376],
+  0x283: [683, 233, 415, -110, 577],
+  0x284: [683, 233, 453, -110, 595],
+  0x285: [470, 233, 339, 79, 355],
+  0x286: [683, 243, 439, -62, 602],
+  0x287: [460, 97, 330, 38, 296],
+  0x288: [546, 233, 278, 6, 308],
+  0x289: [441, 11, 500, 9, 479],
+  0x28A: [450, 10, 537, 49, 552],
+  0x28B: [441, 10, 500, 52, 475],
+  0x28C: [441, 18, 444, 20, 426],
+  0x28D: [441, 18, 667, 15, 648],
+  0x28E: [647, 0, 444, 10, 460],
+  0x28F: [464, 0, 633, 62, 603],
+  0x290: [428, 218, 405, 17, 429],
+  0x291: [428, 47, 393, 17, 380],
+  0x292: [450, 233, 413, 21, 517],
+  0x293: [450, 305, 457, 7, 544],
+  0x294: [683, 0, 500, 55, 509],
+  0x295: [683, 0, 500, 55, 495],
+  0x296: [662, 14, 393, -25, 413],
+  0x297: [441, 238, 450, 24, 459],
+  0x298: [679, 17, 723, 22, 704],
+  0x299: [464, 0, 460, 19, 505],
+  0x29A: [475, 14, 479, 20, 470],
+  0x29B: [515, 11, 570, 29, 650],
+  0x29C: [464, 0, 572, 25, 671],
+  0x29D: [652, 233, 403, -80, 394],
+  0x29E: [439, 255, 463, 26, 473],
+  0x29F: [464, 0, 470, 25, 473],
+  0x2A0: [582, 209, 480, 25, 666],
+  0x2A1: [683, 0, 500, 55, 509],
+  0x2A2: [683, 0, 500, 55, 495],
+  0x2A3: [683, 13, 743, 15, 741],
+  0x2A4: [683, 233, 743, 15, 780],
+  0x2A5: [683, 47, 754, 15, 741],
+  0x2A6: [546, 11, 500, 38, 523],
+  0x2A7: [683, 233, 517, -32, 655],
+  0x2A8: [546, 16, 632, 38, 612],
+  0x20A3: [653, 0, 611, 8, 645],
+  0x20A4: [670, 8, 500, 10, 517],
+  0x20A7: [653, 13, 1149, 0, 1126],
+  0x20AC: [664, 12, 500, 16, 538],
+  0x2460: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2461: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2462: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2463: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2464: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2465: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2466: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2467: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x2468: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24B6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24B7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24B8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24B9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24BA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24BB: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24BC: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24BD: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24BE: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24BF: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C0: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C1: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C2: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C3: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C4: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C5: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24C9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24CA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24CB: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24CC: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24CD: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24CE: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24CF: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D0: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D1: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D2: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D3: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D4: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D5: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24D9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24DA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24DB: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24DC: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24DD: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24DE: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24DF: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E0: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E1: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E2: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E3: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E4: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E5: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E6: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E7: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E8: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24E9: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684],
+  0x24EA: [676, 14, 684, 0, 684]

+ 67 - 67

@@ -18,73 +18,73 @@
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-    testString: '\u00A0\uD835\uDE70\uD835\uDE71\uD835\uDE72\uD835\uDE73\uD835\uDE74\uD835\uDE75\uD835\uDE76\uD835\uDE77\uD835\uDE78\uD835\uDE79\uD835\uDE7A\uD835\uDE7B\uD835\uDE7C\uD835\uDE7D',
-    0x20: [0, 0, 525, 0, 0],
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-    0x1D674: [662, 0, 525, 31, 500],
-    0x1D675: [662, 0, 525, 34, 488],
-    0x1D676: [672, 11, 525, 37, 495],
-    0x1D677: [662, 0, 525, 26, 496],
-    0x1D678: [662, 0, 525, 84, 438],
-    0x1D679: [662, 11, 525, 85, 476],
-    0x1D67A: [662, 0, 525, 30, 494],
-    0x1D67B: [662, 0, 525, 37, 487],
-    0x1D67C: [662, 0, 525, 21, 501],
-    0x1D67D: [662, 0, 525, 31, 491],
-    0x1D67E: [672, 11, 525, 56, 466],
-    0x1D67F: [662, 0, 525, 31, 479],
-    0x1D680: [672, 139, 525, 56, 466],
-    0x1D681: [662, 11, 525, 26, 520],
-    0x1D682: [672, 11, 525, 52, 470],
-    0x1D683: [662, 0, 525, 26, 496],
-    0x1D684: [662, 11, 525, 9, 514],
-    0x1D685: [662, 8, 525, 17, 506],
-    0x1D686: [662, 8, 525, 11, 512],
-    0x1D687: [662, 0, 525, 24, 497],
-    0x1D688: [662, 0, 525, 15, 507],
-    0x1D689: [662, 0, 525, 47, 479],
-    0x1D68A: [459, 6, 525, 58, 516],
-    0x1D68B: [609, 6, 525, 17, 481],
-    0x1D68C: [459, 6, 525, 78, 464],
-    0x1D68D: [609, 6, 525, 41, 505],
-    0x1D68E: [459, 6, 525, 60, 462],
-    0x1D68F: [615, 0, 525, 42, 437],
-    0x1D690: [461, 228, 525, 29, 508],
-    0x1D691: [609, 0, 525, 17, 505],
-    0x1D692: [610, 0, 525, 84, 448],
-    0x1D693: [610, 227, 525, 47, 362],
-    0x1D694: [609, 0, 525, 24, 505],
-    0x1D695: [609, 0, 525, 63, 459],
-    0x1D696: [456, 0, 525, 2, 520],
-    0x1D697: [456, 0, 525, 17, 505],
-    0x1D698: [459, 6, 525, 62, 460],
-    0x1D699: [456, 221, 525, 17, 481],
-    0x1D69A: [456, 221, 525, 45, 530],
-    0x1D69B: [456, 0, 525, 37, 485],
-    0x1D69C: [459, 6, 525, 72, 457],
-    0x1D69D: [580, 6, 525, 25, 448],
-    0x1D69E: [450, 6, 525, 17, 505],
-    0x1D69F: [450, 4, 525, 22, 500],
-    0x1D6A0: [450, 4, 525, 15, 508],
-    0x1D6A1: [450, 0, 525, 23, 498],
-    0x1D6A2: [450, 227, 525, 24, 501],
-    0x1D6A3: [450, 0, 525, 32, 473],
-    0x1D7F6: [681, 11, 525, 55, 467],
-    0x1D7F7: [681, 0, 525, 110, 435],
-    0x1D7F8: [681, 0, 525, 52, 470],
-    0x1D7F9: [681, 11, 525, 43, 479],
-    0x1D7FA: [682, 0, 525, 29, 493],
-    0x1D7FB: [670, 11, 525, 52, 470],
-    0x1D7FC: [681, 11, 525, 58, 464],
-    0x1D7FD: [686, 11, 525, 43, 479],
-    0x1D7FE: [681, 11, 525, 43, 479],
-    0x1D7FF: [681, 11, 525, 58, 464]
+  directory: 'Monospace/Regular',
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+  testString: '\u00A0\uD835\uDE70\uD835\uDE71\uD835\uDE72\uD835\uDE73\uD835\uDE74\uD835\uDE75\uD835\uDE76\uD835\uDE77\uD835\uDE78\uD835\uDE79\uD835\uDE7A\uD835\uDE7B\uD835\uDE7C\uD835\uDE7D',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 525, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 525, 0, 0],
+  0x1D670: [673, 0, 525, 26, 496],
+  0x1D671: [662, 0, 525, 29, 480],
+  0x1D672: [672, 11, 525, 40, 482],
+  0x1D673: [662, 0, 525, 25, 483],
+  0x1D674: [662, 0, 525, 31, 500],
+  0x1D675: [662, 0, 525, 34, 488],
+  0x1D676: [672, 11, 525, 37, 495],
+  0x1D677: [662, 0, 525, 26, 496],
+  0x1D678: [662, 0, 525, 84, 438],
+  0x1D679: [662, 11, 525, 85, 476],
+  0x1D67A: [662, 0, 525, 30, 494],
+  0x1D67B: [662, 0, 525, 37, 487],
+  0x1D67C: [662, 0, 525, 21, 501],
+  0x1D67D: [662, 0, 525, 31, 491],
+  0x1D67E: [672, 11, 525, 56, 466],
+  0x1D67F: [662, 0, 525, 31, 479],
+  0x1D680: [672, 139, 525, 56, 466],
+  0x1D681: [662, 11, 525, 26, 520],
+  0x1D682: [672, 11, 525, 52, 470],
+  0x1D683: [662, 0, 525, 26, 496],
+  0x1D684: [662, 11, 525, 9, 514],
+  0x1D685: [662, 8, 525, 17, 506],
+  0x1D686: [662, 8, 525, 11, 512],
+  0x1D687: [662, 0, 525, 24, 497],
+  0x1D688: [662, 0, 525, 15, 507],
+  0x1D689: [662, 0, 525, 47, 479],
+  0x1D68A: [459, 6, 525, 58, 516],
+  0x1D68B: [609, 6, 525, 17, 481],
+  0x1D68C: [459, 6, 525, 78, 464],
+  0x1D68D: [609, 6, 525, 41, 505],
+  0x1D68E: [459, 6, 525, 60, 462],
+  0x1D68F: [615, 0, 525, 42, 437],
+  0x1D690: [461, 228, 525, 29, 508],
+  0x1D691: [609, 0, 525, 17, 505],
+  0x1D692: [610, 0, 525, 84, 448],
+  0x1D693: [610, 227, 525, 47, 362],
+  0x1D694: [609, 0, 525, 24, 505],
+  0x1D695: [609, 0, 525, 63, 459],
+  0x1D696: [456, 0, 525, 2, 520],
+  0x1D697: [456, 0, 525, 17, 505],
+  0x1D698: [459, 6, 525, 62, 460],
+  0x1D699: [456, 221, 525, 17, 481],
+  0x1D69A: [456, 221, 525, 45, 530],
+  0x1D69B: [456, 0, 525, 37, 485],
+  0x1D69C: [459, 6, 525, 72, 457],
+  0x1D69D: [580, 6, 525, 25, 448],
+  0x1D69E: [450, 6, 525, 17, 505],
+  0x1D69F: [450, 4, 525, 22, 500],
+  0x1D6A0: [450, 4, 525, 15, 508],
+  0x1D6A1: [450, 0, 525, 23, 498],
+  0x1D6A2: [450, 227, 525, 24, 501],
+  0x1D6A3: [450, 0, 525, 32, 473],
+  0x1D7F6: [681, 11, 525, 55, 467],
+  0x1D7F7: [681, 0, 525, 110, 435],
+  0x1D7F8: [681, 0, 525, 52, 470],
+  0x1D7F9: [681, 11, 525, 43, 479],
+  0x1D7FA: [682, 0, 525, 29, 493],
+  0x1D7FB: [670, 11, 525, 52, 470],
+  0x1D7FC: [681, 11, 525, 58, 464],
+  0x1D7FD: [686, 11, 525, 43, 479],
+  0x1D7FE: [681, 11, 525, 43, 479],
+  0x1D7FF: [681, 11, 525, 58, 464]

+ 118 - 118

@@ -18,124 +18,124 @@
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0x210E: [668, 11, 513, 45, 483],
-    0x1D434: [667, 0, 717, 35, 685],
-    0x1D435: [653, 0, 696, 38, 686],
-    0x1D436: [659, 12, 671, 50, 711],
-    0x1D437: [653, 0, 790, 38, 765],
-    0x1D438: [653, 0, 714, 38, 734],
-    0x1D439: [653, 0, 618, 38, 723],
-    0x1D43A: [668, 12, 734, 50, 734],
-    0x1D43B: [653, 0, 873, 38, 923],
-    0x1D43C: [653, 0, 480, 38, 530],
-    0x1D43D: [653, 12, 540, 60, 620],
-    0x1D43E: [653, 0, 762, 38, 802],
-    0x1D43F: [653, 0, 708, 38, 668],
-    0x1D440: [653, 0, 1005, 38, 1055],
-    0x1D441: [653, 0, 851, 38, 901],
-    0x1D442: [669, 11, 732, 50, 712],
-    0x1D443: [653, 0, 594, 38, 704],
-    0x1D444: [667, 152, 781, 50, 731],
-    0x1D445: [653, 0, 740, 38, 725],
-    0x1D446: [668, 10, 650, 50, 680],
-    0x1D447: [653, 0, 550, 25, 670],
-    0x1D448: [653, 13, 705, 65, 775],
-    0x1D449: [653, 16, 575, 60, 760],
-    0x1D44A: [653, 16, 916, 60, 1101],
-    0x1D44B: [653, 0, 790, 25, 810],
-    0x1D44C: [653, 0, 535, 35, 695],
-    0x1D44D: [653, 0, 772, 60, 802],
-    0x1D44E: [441, 10, 502, 40, 472],
-    0x1D44F: [668, 11, 470, 45, 450],
-    0x1D450: [441, 11, 415, 40, 400],
-    0x1D451: [668, 12, 532, 40, 527],
-    0x1D452: [441, 11, 445, 40, 410],
-    0x1D453: [668, 187, 555, 40, 615],
-    0x1D454: [441, 187, 492, 20, 492],
-    0x1D456: [616, 11, 311, 50, 257],
-    0x1D457: [616, 187, 389, -16, 372],
-    0x1D458: [668, 11, 542, 45, 527],
-    0x1D459: [668, 10, 318, 45, 278],
-    0x1D45A: [441, 8, 710, 30, 680],
-    0x1D45B: [441, 8, 497, 30, 467],
-    0x1D45C: [441, 11, 458, 40, 438],
-    0x1D45D: [441, 183, 489, -30, 474],
-    0x1D45E: [441, 183, 458, 40, 463],
-    0x1D45F: [441, 0, 408, 30, 393],
-    0x1D460: [441, 11, 440, 50, 390],
-    0x1D461: [567, 9, 313, 40, 283],
-    0x1D462: [441, 9, 474, 30, 444],
-    0x1D463: [458, 9, 506, 72, 479],
-    0x1D464: [460, 9, 775, 72, 748],
-    0x1D465: [441, 9, 550, 30, 510],
-    0x1D466: [440, 183, 496, 30, 496],
-    0x1D467: [450, 14, 499, 42, 467],
-    0x1D6A4: [441, 11, 278, 47, 235],
-    0x1D6A5: [441, 207, 278, -124, 246],
-    0x1D6E2: [667, 0, 717, 35, 685],
-    0x1D6E3: [653, 0, 696, 38, 686],
-    0x1D6E4: [653, 0, 616, 38, 721],
-    0x1D6E5: [667, 0, 596, 30, 556],
-    0x1D6E6: [653, 0, 714, 38, 734],
-    0x1D6E7: [653, 0, 772, 60, 802],
-    0x1D6E8: [653, 0, 873, 38, 923],
-    0x1D6E9: [669, 11, 737, 50, 712],
-    0x1D6EA: [653, 0, 480, 38, 530],
-    0x1D6EB: [653, 0, 762, 38, 802],
-    0x1D6EC: [667, 0, 718, 35, 686],
-    0x1D6ED: [653, 0, 1005, 38, 1055],
-    0x1D6EE: [653, 0, 851, 38, 901],
-    0x1D6EF: [653, 0, 706, 52, 741],
-    0x1D6F0: [669, 11, 732, 50, 712],
-    0x1D6F1: [653, 0, 873, 38, 923],
-    0x1D6F2: [653, 0, 594, 38, 704],
-    0x1D6F3: [669, 11, 737, 50, 712],
-    0x1D6F4: [653, 0, 735, 58, 760],
-    0x1D6F5: [653, 0, 550, 25, 670],
-    0x1D6F6: [668, 0, 613, 28, 743],
-    0x1D6F7: [653, 0, 772, 25, 747],
-    0x1D6F8: [653, 0, 790, 25, 810],
-    0x1D6F9: [667, 0, 670, 28, 743],
-    0x1D6FA: [666, 0, 800, 32, 777],
-    0x1D6FB: [653, 15, 627, 42, 600],
-    0x1D6FC: [441, 10, 524, 40, 529],
-    0x1D6FD: [668, 183, 493, 25, 518],
-    0x1D6FE: [441, 187, 428, 35, 458],
-    0x1D6FF: [668, 11, 463, 40, 451],
-    0x1D700: [441, 11, 484, 25, 444],
-    0x1D701: [668, 183, 435, 40, 480],
-    0x1D702: [441, 183, 460, 30, 455],
-    0x1D703: [668, 11, 484, 40, 474],
-    0x1D704: [441, 11, 267, 50, 227],
-    0x1D705: [441, 0, 534, 50, 549],
-    0x1D706: [668, 16, 541, 50, 511],
-    0x1D707: [428, 183, 579, 30, 549],
-    0x1D708: [446, 9, 452, 50, 462],
-    0x1D709: [668, 183, 433, 25, 443],
-    0x1D70A: [441, 11, 458, 40, 438],
-    0x1D70B: [428, 13, 558, 35, 568],
-    0x1D70C: [441, 183, 502, 30, 472],
-    0x1D70D: [490, 183, 439, 35, 464],
-    0x1D70E: [428, 11, 537, 40, 547],
-    0x1D70F: [428, 5, 442, 30, 472],
-    0x1D710: [439, 11, 460, 30, 445],
-    0x1D711: [441, 183, 666, 50, 631],
-    0x1D712: [441, 202, 595, 30, 645],
-    0x1D713: [441, 183, 661, 30, 711],
-    0x1D714: [441, 11, 681, 20, 661],
-    0x1D715: [668, 11, 471, 40, 471],
-    0x1D716: [441, 11, 430, 40, 430],
-    0x1D717: [678, 10, 554, 20, 507],
-    0x1D718: [441, 13, 561, 12, 587],
-    0x1D719: [668, 183, 645, 40, 620],
-    0x1D71A: [441, 187, 509, 40, 489],
-    0x1D71B: [428, 11, 856, 30, 866]
+  directory: 'Normal/Italic',
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x210E: [668, 11, 513, 45, 483],
+  0x1D434: [667, 0, 717, 35, 685],
+  0x1D435: [653, 0, 696, 38, 686],
+  0x1D436: [659, 12, 671, 50, 711],
+  0x1D437: [653, 0, 790, 38, 765],
+  0x1D438: [653, 0, 714, 38, 734],
+  0x1D439: [653, 0, 618, 38, 723],
+  0x1D43A: [668, 12, 734, 50, 734],
+  0x1D43B: [653, 0, 873, 38, 923],
+  0x1D43C: [653, 0, 480, 38, 530],
+  0x1D43D: [653, 12, 540, 60, 620],
+  0x1D43E: [653, 0, 762, 38, 802],
+  0x1D43F: [653, 0, 708, 38, 668],
+  0x1D440: [653, 0, 1005, 38, 1055],
+  0x1D441: [653, 0, 851, 38, 901],
+  0x1D442: [669, 11, 732, 50, 712],
+  0x1D443: [653, 0, 594, 38, 704],
+  0x1D444: [667, 152, 781, 50, 731],
+  0x1D445: [653, 0, 740, 38, 725],
+  0x1D446: [668, 10, 650, 50, 680],
+  0x1D447: [653, 0, 550, 25, 670],
+  0x1D448: [653, 13, 705, 65, 775],
+  0x1D449: [653, 16, 575, 60, 760],
+  0x1D44A: [653, 16, 916, 60, 1101],
+  0x1D44B: [653, 0, 790, 25, 810],
+  0x1D44C: [653, 0, 535, 35, 695],
+  0x1D44D: [653, 0, 772, 60, 802],
+  0x1D44E: [441, 10, 502, 40, 472],
+  0x1D44F: [668, 11, 470, 45, 450],
+  0x1D450: [441, 11, 415, 40, 400],
+  0x1D451: [668, 12, 532, 40, 527],
+  0x1D452: [441, 11, 445, 40, 410],
+  0x1D453: [668, 187, 555, 40, 615],
+  0x1D454: [441, 187, 492, 20, 492],
+  0x1D456: [616, 11, 311, 50, 257],
+  0x1D457: [616, 187, 389, -16, 372],
+  0x1D458: [668, 11, 542, 45, 527],
+  0x1D459: [668, 10, 318, 45, 278],
+  0x1D45A: [441, 8, 710, 30, 680],
+  0x1D45B: [441, 8, 497, 30, 467],
+  0x1D45C: [441, 11, 458, 40, 438],
+  0x1D45D: [441, 183, 489, -30, 474],
+  0x1D45E: [441, 183, 458, 40, 463],
+  0x1D45F: [441, 0, 408, 30, 393],
+  0x1D460: [441, 11, 440, 50, 390],
+  0x1D461: [567, 9, 313, 40, 283],
+  0x1D462: [441, 9, 474, 30, 444],
+  0x1D463: [458, 9, 506, 72, 479],
+  0x1D464: [460, 9, 775, 72, 748],
+  0x1D465: [441, 9, 550, 30, 510],
+  0x1D466: [440, 183, 496, 30, 496],
+  0x1D467: [450, 14, 499, 42, 467],
+  0x1D6A4: [441, 11, 278, 47, 235],
+  0x1D6A5: [441, 207, 278, -124, 246],
+  0x1D6E2: [667, 0, 717, 35, 685],
+  0x1D6E3: [653, 0, 696, 38, 686],
+  0x1D6E4: [653, 0, 616, 38, 721],
+  0x1D6E5: [667, 0, 596, 30, 556],
+  0x1D6E6: [653, 0, 714, 38, 734],
+  0x1D6E7: [653, 0, 772, 60, 802],
+  0x1D6E8: [653, 0, 873, 38, 923],
+  0x1D6E9: [669, 11, 737, 50, 712],
+  0x1D6EA: [653, 0, 480, 38, 530],
+  0x1D6EB: [653, 0, 762, 38, 802],
+  0x1D6EC: [667, 0, 718, 35, 686],
+  0x1D6ED: [653, 0, 1005, 38, 1055],
+  0x1D6EE: [653, 0, 851, 38, 901],
+  0x1D6EF: [653, 0, 706, 52, 741],
+  0x1D6F0: [669, 11, 732, 50, 712],
+  0x1D6F1: [653, 0, 873, 38, 923],
+  0x1D6F2: [653, 0, 594, 38, 704],
+  0x1D6F3: [669, 11, 737, 50, 712],
+  0x1D6F4: [653, 0, 735, 58, 760],
+  0x1D6F5: [653, 0, 550, 25, 670],
+  0x1D6F6: [668, 0, 613, 28, 743],
+  0x1D6F7: [653, 0, 772, 25, 747],
+  0x1D6F8: [653, 0, 790, 25, 810],
+  0x1D6F9: [667, 0, 670, 28, 743],
+  0x1D6FA: [666, 0, 800, 32, 777],
+  0x1D6FB: [653, 15, 627, 42, 600],
+  0x1D6FC: [441, 10, 524, 40, 529],
+  0x1D6FD: [668, 183, 493, 25, 518],
+  0x1D6FE: [441, 187, 428, 35, 458],
+  0x1D6FF: [668, 11, 463, 40, 451],
+  0x1D700: [441, 11, 484, 25, 444],
+  0x1D701: [668, 183, 435, 40, 480],
+  0x1D702: [441, 183, 460, 30, 455],
+  0x1D703: [668, 11, 484, 40, 474],
+  0x1D704: [441, 11, 267, 50, 227],
+  0x1D705: [441, 0, 534, 50, 549],
+  0x1D706: [668, 16, 541, 50, 511],
+  0x1D707: [428, 183, 579, 30, 549],
+  0x1D708: [446, 9, 452, 50, 462],
+  0x1D709: [668, 183, 433, 25, 443],
+  0x1D70A: [441, 11, 458, 40, 438],
+  0x1D70B: [428, 13, 558, 35, 568],
+  0x1D70C: [441, 183, 502, 30, 472],
+  0x1D70D: [490, 183, 439, 35, 464],
+  0x1D70E: [428, 11, 537, 40, 547],
+  0x1D70F: [428, 5, 442, 30, 472],
+  0x1D710: [439, 11, 460, 30, 445],
+  0x1D711: [441, 183, 666, 50, 631],
+  0x1D712: [441, 202, 595, 30, 645],
+  0x1D713: [441, 183, 661, 30, 711],
+  0x1D714: [441, 11, 681, 20, 661],
+  0x1D715: [668, 11, 471, 40, 471],
+  0x1D716: [441, 11, 430, 40, 430],
+  0x1D717: [678, 10, 554, 20, 507],
+  0x1D718: [441, 13, 561, 12, 587],
+  0x1D719: [668, 183, 645, 40, 620],
+  0x1D71A: [441, 187, 509, 40, 489],
+  0x1D71B: [428, 11, 856, 30, 866]

+ 413 - 413

@@ -18,419 +18,419 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXMathJax_Operators'] = {
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-    0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
-    0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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-    0x220C: [662, 157, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x220E: [640, 0, 545, 60, 485],
-    0x220F: [763, 259, 1000, 52, 948],
-    0x2210: [763, 259, 1000, 52, 948],
-    0x2211: [763, 259, 914, 58, 856],
-    0x221B: [973, 259, 928, 112, 963],
-    0x221C: [973, 259, 928, 112, 963],
-    0x221F: [584, 0, 685, 50, 634],
-    0x222C: [824, 320, 701, 32, 881],
-    0x222D: [824, 320, 943, 32, 1123],
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-    0x222F: [824, 320, 741, 32, 881],
-    0x2230: [824, 320, 982, 32, 1122],
-    0x2231: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2232: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2233: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2236: [521, 13, 511, 192, 319],
-    0x2237: [521, 13, 685, 82, 602],
-    0x2238: [511, -220, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2239: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x223A: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x223B: [521, 13, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x223E: [413, -90, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x223F: [467, -39, 685, 49, 637],
-    0x2244: [519, 35, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2247: [647, 202, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2249: [549, 49, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x224B: [532, 26, 685, 48, 638],
-    0x224C: [532, 27, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2254: [417, -89, 824, 48, 776],
-    0x2255: [417, -89, 824, 48, 776],
-    0x2258: [729, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2259: [853, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x225A: [853, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x225B: [756, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x225D: [823, -120, 685, 7, 678],
-    0x225E: [703, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x225F: [863, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2262: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2263: [544, 38, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x226D: [572, 66, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2274: [731, 228, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2275: [730, 229, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2278: [750, 250, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2279: [750, 250, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2284: [662, 156, 685, 65, 623],
-    0x2285: [662, 156, 685, 65, 623],
-    0x228C: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x228D: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x229C: [623, 119, 842, 50, 792],
-    0x22A6: [662, 0, 497, 64, 433],
-    0x22A7: [662, 0, 498, 64, 434],
-    0x22AB: [662, 0, 860, 57, 814],
-    0x22B0: [551, 45, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x22B1: [551, 45, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x22B6: [403, -103, 1145, 50, 1095],
-    0x22B7: [403, -103, 1145, 50, 1095],
-    0x22B9: [547, 41, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x22BD: [646, 29, 620, 32, 590],
-    0x22BE: [584, 0, 685, 50, 634],
-    0x22BF: [662, 158, 911, 45, 865],
-    0x22C0: [763, 259, 924, 54, 870],
-    0x22C1: [763, 259, 924, 54, 870],
-    0x22C2: [778, 254, 924, 94, 830],
-    0x22C3: [768, 264, 924, 94, 830],
-    0x22C7: [545, 38, 685, 51, 634],
-    0x22D5: [690, 189, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x22DC: [607, 103, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x22DD: [607, 103, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x22E2: [730, 229, 685, 65, 622],
-    0x22E3: [730, 229, 685, 65, 622],
-    0x22E4: [627, 216, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x22E5: [627, 216, 685, 64, 621],
-    0x22F0: [520, 18, 926, 194, 732],
-    0x22F2: [531, 27, 823, 55, 763],
-    0x22F3: [531, 27, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x22F4: [459, -45, 486, 62, 420],
-    0x22F5: [716, 27, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x22F6: [685, 27, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x22F7: [613, -45, 486, 62, 420],
-    0x22F8: [532, 180, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x22F9: [531, 27, 685, 61, 625],
-    0x22FA: [531, 27, 823, 55, 763],
-    0x22FB: [531, 27, 685, 59, 624],
-    0x22FC: [459, -45, 486, 62, 420],
-    0x22FD: [685, 27, 685, 61, 626],
-    0x22FE: [613, -45, 486, 67, 425],
-    0x22FF: [662, 158, 910, 45, 865],
-    0x2A00: [763, 259, 1126, 53, 1073],
-    0x2A01: [763, 259, 1126, 53, 1073],
-    0x2A02: [763, 259, 1126, 53, 1073],
-    0x2A03: [768, 264, 924, 94, 830],
-    0x2A04: [768, 264, 924, 94, 830],
-    0x2A05: [763, 259, 924, 94, 830],
-    0x2A06: [763, 259, 924, 94, 830],
-    0x2A07: [763, 259, 1180, 83, 1097],
-    0x2A08: [763, 259, 1180, 83, 1097],
-    0x2A09: [763, 259, 1021, 50, 971],
-    0x2A0A: [763, 259, 914, 58, 856],
-    0x2A0B: [824, 320, 690, 33, 659],
-    0x2A0C: [824, 320, 1184, 32, 1364],
-    0x2A0D: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A0E: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A0F: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A10: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A11: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A12: [824, 320, 519, 32, 639],
-    0x2A13: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A14: [824, 320, 628, 32, 688],
-    0x2A15: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
-    0x2A16: [824, 320, 529, 32, 639],
-    0x2A17: [824, 320, 738, 32, 818],
-    0x2A18: [824, 320, 539, 32, 639],
-    0x2A19: [824, 320, 559, 32, 639],
-    0x2A1A: [824, 320, 559, 32, 639],
-    0x2A1B: [947, 320, 459, 32, 639],
-    0x2A1C: [824, 443, 459, 32, 639],
-    0x2A1D: [770, 252, 1270, 93, 1177],
-    0x2A1E: [764, 258, 1018, 45, 924],
-    0x2A1F: [566, 291, 503, 110, 410],
-    0x2A20: [633, 127, 1177, 98, 1079],
-    0x2A21: [805, 300, 547, 215, 472],
-    0x2A22: [819, 41, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x2A23: [707, 41, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x2A24: [704, 41, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x2A25: [547, 235, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x2A26: [547, 198, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x2A27: [547, 210, 685, 41, 673],
-    0x2A28: [547, 41, 685, 48, 636],
-    0x2A29: [556, -220, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A2A: [286, 5, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A2B: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A2C: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A2D: [623, 119, 724, 50, 674],
-    0x2A2E: [623, 119, 724, 50, 674],
-    0x2A2F: [447, -59, 490, 50, 439],
-    0x2A30: [686, 25, 640, 43, 597],
-    0x2A31: [529, 130, 640, 43, 597],
-    0x2A32: [529, 45, 640, 43, 597],
-    0x2A33: [538, 32, 685, 57, 627],
-    0x2A34: [623, 119, 674, 50, 624],
-    0x2A35: [623, 119, 674, 50, 624],
-    0x2A36: [810, 119, 842, 50, 792],
-    0x2A37: [752, 248, 1100, 50, 1050],
-    0x2A38: [623, 119, 842, 50, 792],
-    0x2A39: [811, 127, 1145, 35, 1110],
-    0x2A3A: [811, 127, 1145, 35, 1110],
-    0x2A3B: [811, 127, 1145, 35, 1110],
-    0x2A3C: [393, -115, 600, 48, 552],
-    0x2A3D: [393, -115, 600, 48, 552],
-    0x2A3E: [488, 170, 300, 60, 230],
-    0x2A40: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A41: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A42: [668, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A43: [668, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A44: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A45: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A46: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A47: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A48: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A49: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A4A: [528, 39, 1078, 48, 1030],
-    0x2A4B: [527, 40, 1078, 48, 1030],
-    0x2A4C: [602, 31, 620, 10, 610],
-    0x2A4D: [536, 97, 620, 10, 610],
-    0x2A4E: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A4F: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2A50: [602, 31, 620, 10, 610],
-    0x2A51: [710, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A52: [710, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A53: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A54: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A55: [536, 29, 780, 32, 748],
-    0x2A56: [536, 29, 780, 32, 748],
-    0x2A57: [536, 29, 706, 106, 683],
-    0x2A58: [536, 29, 706, 23, 600],
-    0x2A59: [585, 77, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A5A: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A5B: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A5C: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A5D: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
-    0x2A5F: [536, 139, 620, 30, 590],
-    0x2A60: [536, 289, 620, 30, 590],
-    0x2A61: [479, 0, 620, 45, 575],
-    0x2A62: [806, 29, 620, 30, 590],
-    0x2A63: [536, 289, 620, 30, 590],
-    0x2A64: [791, 284, 1043, 70, 1008],
-    0x2A65: [791, 284, 1043, 70, 1008],
-    0x2A66: [386, 105, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A67: [703, -28, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A68: [695, 189, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A69: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A6A: [521, -148, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A6B: [521, 13, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A6C: [543, 38, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A6D: [703, 27, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A6E: [847, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A6F: [707, -25, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A70: [650, 146, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A71: [648, 141, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A72: [648, 141, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A73: [532, 27, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A74: [417, -89, 1015, 48, 967],
-    0x2A75: [386, -120, 997, 48, 949],
-    0x2A76: [386, -120, 1436, 48, 1388],
-    0x2A77: [611, 106, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A78: [703, -28, 685, 38, 647],
-    0x2A79: [532, 26, 685, 44, 609],
-    0x2A7A: [532, 26, 685, 76, 641],
-    0x2A7B: [806, 26, 685, 44, 609],
-    0x2A7C: [806, 26, 685, 76, 641],
-    0x2A7F: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A80: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A81: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A82: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A83: [777, 137, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A84: [777, 137, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A8D: [746, 176, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A8E: [746, 176, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2A8F: [867, 361, 685, 60, 649],
-    0x2A90: [867, 361, 685, 60, 649],
-    0x2A91: [844, 338, 685, 55, 630],
-    0x2A92: [844, 338, 685, 55, 630],
-    0x2A93: [866, 361, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A94: [866, 361, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A97: [640, 122, 685, 56, 621],
-    0x2A98: [640, 122, 685, 56, 621],
-    0x2A99: [718, 211, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A9A: [718, 211, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A9B: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A9C: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2A9D: [664, 164, 685, 53, 642],
-    0x2A9E: [664, 164, 685, 43, 632],
-    0x2A9F: [774, 267, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AA0: [774, 267, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AA1: [532, 26, 685, 44, 609],
-    0x2AA2: [532, 26, 685, 76, 641],
-    0x2AA3: [609, 103, 933, 25, 908],
-    0x2AA4: [532, 26, 782, 60, 722],
-    0x2AA5: [532, 26, 855, 60, 795],
-    0x2AA6: [532, 26, 685, 35, 625],
-    0x2AA7: [532, 26, 685, 60, 650],
-    0x2AA8: [625, 137, 685, 50, 640],
-    0x2AA9: [626, 137, 685, 45, 635],
-    0x2AAA: [537, 31, 685, 45, 609],
-    0x2AAB: [537, 31, 685, 76, 640],
-    0x2AAC: [613, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AAD: [613, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AAE: [563, -28, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AB1: [628, 216, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AB2: [628, 216, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AB3: [717, 211, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AB4: [717, 211, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2ABB: [532, 26, 933, 25, 908],
-    0x2ABC: [532, 26, 933, 25, 908],
-    0x2ABD: [532, 26, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2ABE: [532, 26, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2ABF: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC0: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC1: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC2: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC3: [709, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC4: [709, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC7: [665, 164, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC8: [665, 164, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AC9: [746, 274, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2ACA: [746, 274, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2ACD: [558, 53, 1352, 64, 1288],
-    0x2ACE: [558, 53, 1352, 64, 1288],
-    0x2ACF: [532, 26, 685, 50, 615],
-    0x2AD0: [532, 26, 685, 70, 635],
-    0x2AD1: [609, 103, 685, 60, 626],
-    0x2AD2: [609, 103, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AD3: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AD4: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AD5: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AD6: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AD7: [532, 26, 1250, 60, 1190],
-    0x2AD8: [532, 26, 1250, 60, 1190],
-    0x2AD9: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2ADA: [697, 128, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2ADB: [695, 97, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2ADC: [557, 10, 620, 11, 572],
-    0x2ADD: [557, 10, 620, 48, 572],
-    0x2ADE: [662, 0, 497, 64, 433],
-    0x2ADF: [371, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AE0: [371, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AE1: [662, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AE2: [662, 0, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AE3: [662, 0, 860, 46, 803],
-    0x2AE4: [662, 0, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AE5: [662, 0, 860, 46, 803],
-    0x2AE6: [662, 0, 685, 57, 626],
-    0x2AE7: [571, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AE8: [571, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AE9: [691, 185, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AEA: [662, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AEB: [662, 0, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AEC: [489, -18, 600, 48, 552],
-    0x2AED: [489, -18, 600, 48, 552],
-    0x2AEE: [690, 189, 404, 23, 381],
-    0x2AEF: [660, 154, 502, 101, 401],
-    0x2AF0: [660, 154, 502, 101, 401],
-    0x2AF1: [693, 187, 502, 101, 401],
-    0x2AF2: [695, 189, 523, 10, 513],
-    0x2AF3: [695, 189, 685, 48, 637],
-    0x2AF4: [695, 189, 685, 131, 555],
-    0x2AF5: [695, 189, 685, 12, 674],
-    0x2AF6: [608, 102, 685, 279, 406],
-    0x2AF7: [661, 155, 1170, 58, 1080],
-    0x2AF8: [661, 155, 1170, 90, 1112],
-    0x2AF9: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AFA: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
-    0x2AFB: [710, 222, 894, 46, 848],
-    0x2AFC: [763, 259, 654, 94, 560],
-    0x2AFD: [710, 222, 709, 46, 663],
-    0x2AFE: [690, 189, 410, 100, 310],
-    0x2AFF: [763, 259, 478, 94, 384],
-    0xE004: [450, -59, 926, 55, 871],
-    0xE005: [530, -57, 926, 55, 871],
-    0xE00A: [538, -55, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE00B: [543, 37, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE00E: [846, 340, 685, 60, 626],
-    0xE00F: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE010: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE011: [846, 340, 685, 61, 626],
-    0xE016: [818, 311, 685, 53, 618],
-    0xE018: [818, 311, 685, 67, 632],
-    0xE01E: [607, 110, 685, 48, 638],
-    0xE023: [695, 189, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE025: [724, 236, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE026: [662, 156, 685, 47, 612],
-    0xE027: [662, 156, 685, 73, 638],
-    0xE028: [663, 155, 933, 25, 908],
-    0xE029: [662, 156, 933, 25, 908],
-    0xE02A: [662, 156, 1240, 43, 1184],
-    0xE02B: [662, 156, 1240, 56, 1197],
-    0xE035: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
-    0xE037: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE038: [690, 189, 732, 50, 682],
-    0xE039: [662, 156, 685, 47, 636],
-    0xE03A: [811, 156, 471, 40, 525],
-    0xE03B: [736, 156, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE03C: [662, 156, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE03D: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
-    0xE040: [415, -92, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE043: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE044: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE045: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE046: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE04B: [745, 242, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE04C: [845, 341, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE04D: [534, 19, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE04E: [845, 341, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE04F: [745, 242, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE050: [662, 156, 685, 65, 620],
-    0xE051: [662, 156, 685, 65, 620],
-    0xE052: [561, 55, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE059: [730, 224, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE05A: [730, 224, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE05B: [561, -30, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE05C: [534, 19, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE06B: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
-    0xE06C: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
-    0xE06D: [785, 157, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE06E: [785, 157, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE06F: [785, 129, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE070: [785, 129, 685, 60, 625],
-    0xE075: [626, 119, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE076: [626, 119, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE077: [725, 236, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE07C: [758, 252, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE07D: [758, 252, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE07E: [732, 227, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE07F: [732, 227, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE080: [818, 311, 685, 57, 622],
-    0xE081: [818, 311, 685, 57, 622],
-    0xE082: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE083: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE084: [709, 201, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE085: [709, 201, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE086: [818, 311, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE087: [818, 311, 685, 55, 621],
-    0xE088: [818, 311, 685, 56, 621],
-    0xE089: [818, 311, 685, 55, 620],
-    0xE092: [719, 296, 685, 62, 627],
-    0xE093: [719, 296, 685, 61, 626],
-    0xE094: [719, 240, 685, 62, 627],
-    0xE095: [719, 240, 685, 61, 626],
-    0xE096: [818, 311, 685, 55, 620],
-    0xE097: [818, 311, 685, 65, 630],
-    0xE098: [690, 189, 685, 23, 662],
-    0xE0BB: [622, 101, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE0EC: [862, -120, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE109: [781, 279, 327, 10, 286],
-    0xE10A: [781, 279, 250, 41, 178],
-    0xE14C: [660, 158, 857, 48, 777],
-    0xE14D: [660, 158, 857, 80, 809],
-    0xE14E: [661, 157, 685, 44, 609],
-    0xE14F: [661, 157, 685, 76, 641],
-    0xE28E: [622, 101, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE292: [662, 0, 1388, 38, 1350],
-    0xE293: [763, 260, 1797, 58, 1739],
-    0xE3C2: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE3C3: [627, 135, 685, 48, 637],
-    0xE3C4: [627, 135, 685, 48, 637]
+  directory: 'Operators/Regular',
+  family: 'STIXMathJax_Operators',
+  testString: '\u00A0\u2206\u220A\u220C\u220E\u220F\u2210\u2211\u221B\u221C\u221F\u222C\u222D\u222E\u222F',
+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0x2206: [674, 0, 731, 63, 665],
+  0x220A: [459, -45, 486, 64, 422],
+  0x220C: [662, 157, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x220E: [640, 0, 545, 60, 485],
+  0x220F: [763, 259, 1000, 52, 948],
+  0x2210: [763, 259, 1000, 52, 948],
+  0x2211: [763, 259, 914, 58, 856],
+  0x221B: [973, 259, 928, 112, 963],
+  0x221C: [973, 259, 928, 112, 963],
+  0x221F: [584, 0, 685, 50, 634],
+  0x222C: [824, 320, 701, 32, 881],
+  0x222D: [824, 320, 943, 32, 1123],
+  0x222E: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x222F: [824, 320, 741, 32, 881],
+  0x2230: [824, 320, 982, 32, 1122],
+  0x2231: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2232: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2233: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2236: [521, 13, 511, 192, 319],
+  0x2237: [521, 13, 685, 82, 602],
+  0x2238: [511, -220, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2239: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x223A: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x223B: [521, 13, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x223E: [413, -90, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x223F: [467, -39, 685, 49, 637],
+  0x2244: [519, 35, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2247: [647, 202, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2249: [549, 49, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x224B: [532, 26, 685, 48, 638],
+  0x224C: [532, 27, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2254: [417, -89, 824, 48, 776],
+  0x2255: [417, -89, 824, 48, 776],
+  0x2258: [729, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2259: [853, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x225A: [853, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x225B: [756, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x225D: [823, -120, 685, 7, 678],
+  0x225E: [703, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x225F: [863, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2262: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2263: [544, 38, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x226D: [572, 66, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2274: [731, 228, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2275: [730, 229, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2278: [750, 250, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2279: [750, 250, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2284: [662, 156, 685, 65, 623],
+  0x2285: [662, 156, 685, 65, 623],
+  0x228C: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x228D: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x229C: [623, 119, 842, 50, 792],
+  0x22A6: [662, 0, 497, 64, 433],
+  0x22A7: [662, 0, 498, 64, 434],
+  0x22AB: [662, 0, 860, 57, 814],
+  0x22B0: [551, 45, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x22B1: [551, 45, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x22B6: [403, -103, 1145, 50, 1095],
+  0x22B7: [403, -103, 1145, 50, 1095],
+  0x22B9: [547, 41, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x22BD: [646, 29, 620, 32, 590],
+  0x22BE: [584, 0, 685, 50, 634],
+  0x22BF: [662, 158, 911, 45, 865],
+  0x22C0: [763, 259, 924, 54, 870],
+  0x22C1: [763, 259, 924, 54, 870],
+  0x22C2: [778, 254, 924, 94, 830],
+  0x22C3: [768, 264, 924, 94, 830],
+  0x22C7: [545, 38, 685, 51, 634],
+  0x22D5: [690, 189, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x22DC: [607, 103, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x22DD: [607, 103, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x22E2: [730, 229, 685, 65, 622],
+  0x22E3: [730, 229, 685, 65, 622],
+  0x22E4: [627, 216, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x22E5: [627, 216, 685, 64, 621],
+  0x22F0: [520, 18, 926, 194, 732],
+  0x22F2: [531, 27, 823, 55, 763],
+  0x22F3: [531, 27, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x22F4: [459, -45, 486, 62, 420],
+  0x22F5: [716, 27, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x22F6: [685, 27, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x22F7: [613, -45, 486, 62, 420],
+  0x22F8: [532, 180, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x22F9: [531, 27, 685, 61, 625],
+  0x22FA: [531, 27, 823, 55, 763],
+  0x22FB: [531, 27, 685, 59, 624],
+  0x22FC: [459, -45, 486, 62, 420],
+  0x22FD: [685, 27, 685, 61, 626],
+  0x22FE: [613, -45, 486, 67, 425],
+  0x22FF: [662, 158, 910, 45, 865],
+  0x2A00: [763, 259, 1126, 53, 1073],
+  0x2A01: [763, 259, 1126, 53, 1073],
+  0x2A02: [763, 259, 1126, 53, 1073],
+  0x2A03: [768, 264, 924, 94, 830],
+  0x2A04: [768, 264, 924, 94, 830],
+  0x2A05: [763, 259, 924, 94, 830],
+  0x2A06: [763, 259, 924, 94, 830],
+  0x2A07: [763, 259, 1180, 83, 1097],
+  0x2A08: [763, 259, 1180, 83, 1097],
+  0x2A09: [763, 259, 1021, 50, 971],
+  0x2A0A: [763, 259, 914, 58, 856],
+  0x2A0B: [824, 320, 690, 33, 659],
+  0x2A0C: [824, 320, 1184, 32, 1364],
+  0x2A0D: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A0E: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A0F: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A10: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A11: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A12: [824, 320, 519, 32, 639],
+  0x2A13: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A14: [824, 320, 628, 32, 688],
+  0x2A15: [824, 320, 499, 32, 639],
+  0x2A16: [824, 320, 529, 32, 639],
+  0x2A17: [824, 320, 738, 32, 818],
+  0x2A18: [824, 320, 539, 32, 639],
+  0x2A19: [824, 320, 559, 32, 639],
+  0x2A1A: [824, 320, 559, 32, 639],
+  0x2A1B: [947, 320, 459, 32, 639],
+  0x2A1C: [824, 443, 459, 32, 639],
+  0x2A1D: [770, 252, 1270, 93, 1177],
+  0x2A1E: [764, 258, 1018, 45, 924],
+  0x2A1F: [566, 291, 503, 110, 410],
+  0x2A20: [633, 127, 1177, 98, 1079],
+  0x2A21: [805, 300, 547, 215, 472],
+  0x2A22: [819, 41, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x2A23: [707, 41, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x2A24: [704, 41, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x2A25: [547, 235, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x2A26: [547, 198, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x2A27: [547, 210, 685, 41, 673],
+  0x2A28: [547, 41, 685, 48, 636],
+  0x2A29: [556, -220, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A2A: [286, 5, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A2B: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A2C: [511, 5, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A2D: [623, 119, 724, 50, 674],
+  0x2A2E: [623, 119, 724, 50, 674],
+  0x2A2F: [447, -59, 490, 50, 439],
+  0x2A30: [686, 25, 640, 43, 597],
+  0x2A31: [529, 130, 640, 43, 597],
+  0x2A32: [529, 45, 640, 43, 597],
+  0x2A33: [538, 32, 685, 57, 627],
+  0x2A34: [623, 119, 674, 50, 624],
+  0x2A35: [623, 119, 674, 50, 624],
+  0x2A36: [810, 119, 842, 50, 792],
+  0x2A37: [752, 248, 1100, 50, 1050],
+  0x2A38: [623, 119, 842, 50, 792],
+  0x2A39: [811, 127, 1145, 35, 1110],
+  0x2A3A: [811, 127, 1145, 35, 1110],
+  0x2A3B: [811, 127, 1145, 35, 1110],
+  0x2A3C: [393, -115, 600, 48, 552],
+  0x2A3D: [393, -115, 600, 48, 552],
+  0x2A3E: [488, 170, 300, 60, 230],
+  0x2A40: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A41: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A42: [668, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A43: [668, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A44: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A45: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A46: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A47: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A48: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A49: [914, 406, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A4A: [528, 39, 1078, 48, 1030],
+  0x2A4B: [527, 40, 1078, 48, 1030],
+  0x2A4C: [602, 31, 620, 10, 610],
+  0x2A4D: [536, 97, 620, 10, 610],
+  0x2A4E: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A4F: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2A50: [602, 31, 620, 10, 610],
+  0x2A51: [710, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A52: [710, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A53: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A54: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A55: [536, 29, 780, 32, 748],
+  0x2A56: [536, 29, 780, 32, 748],
+  0x2A57: [536, 29, 706, 106, 683],
+  0x2A58: [536, 29, 706, 23, 600],
+  0x2A59: [585, 77, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A5A: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A5B: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A5C: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A5D: [536, 29, 620, 31, 589],
+  0x2A5F: [536, 139, 620, 30, 590],
+  0x2A60: [536, 289, 620, 30, 590],
+  0x2A61: [479, 0, 620, 45, 575],
+  0x2A62: [806, 29, 620, 30, 590],
+  0x2A63: [536, 289, 620, 30, 590],
+  0x2A64: [791, 284, 1043, 70, 1008],
+  0x2A65: [791, 284, 1043, 70, 1008],
+  0x2A66: [386, 105, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A67: [703, -28, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A68: [695, 189, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A69: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A6A: [521, -148, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A6B: [521, 13, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A6C: [543, 38, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A6D: [703, 27, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A6E: [847, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A6F: [707, -25, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A70: [650, 146, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A71: [648, 141, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A72: [648, 141, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A73: [532, 27, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A74: [417, -89, 1015, 48, 967],
+  0x2A75: [386, -120, 997, 48, 949],
+  0x2A76: [386, -120, 1436, 48, 1388],
+  0x2A77: [611, 106, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A78: [703, -28, 685, 38, 647],
+  0x2A79: [532, 26, 685, 44, 609],
+  0x2A7A: [532, 26, 685, 76, 641],
+  0x2A7B: [806, 26, 685, 44, 609],
+  0x2A7C: [806, 26, 685, 76, 641],
+  0x2A7F: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A80: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A81: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A82: [625, 137, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A83: [777, 137, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A84: [777, 137, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A8D: [746, 176, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A8E: [746, 176, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2A8F: [867, 361, 685, 60, 649],
+  0x2A90: [867, 361, 685, 60, 649],
+  0x2A91: [844, 338, 685, 55, 630],
+  0x2A92: [844, 338, 685, 55, 630],
+  0x2A93: [866, 361, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A94: [866, 361, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A97: [640, 122, 685, 56, 621],
+  0x2A98: [640, 122, 685, 56, 621],
+  0x2A99: [718, 211, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A9A: [718, 211, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A9B: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A9C: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2A9D: [664, 164, 685, 53, 642],
+  0x2A9E: [664, 164, 685, 43, 632],
+  0x2A9F: [774, 267, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AA0: [774, 267, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AA1: [532, 26, 685, 44, 609],
+  0x2AA2: [532, 26, 685, 76, 641],
+  0x2AA3: [609, 103, 933, 25, 908],
+  0x2AA4: [532, 26, 782, 60, 722],
+  0x2AA5: [532, 26, 855, 60, 795],
+  0x2AA6: [532, 26, 685, 35, 625],
+  0x2AA7: [532, 26, 685, 60, 650],
+  0x2AA8: [625, 137, 685, 50, 640],
+  0x2AA9: [626, 137, 685, 45, 635],
+  0x2AAA: [537, 31, 685, 45, 609],
+  0x2AAB: [537, 31, 685, 76, 640],
+  0x2AAC: [613, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AAD: [613, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AAE: [563, -28, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AB1: [628, 216, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AB2: [628, 216, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AB3: [717, 211, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AB4: [717, 211, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2ABB: [532, 26, 933, 25, 908],
+  0x2ABC: [532, 26, 933, 25, 908],
+  0x2ABD: [532, 26, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2ABE: [532, 26, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2ABF: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC0: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC1: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC2: [607, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC3: [709, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC4: [709, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC7: [665, 164, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC8: [665, 164, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AC9: [746, 274, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2ACA: [746, 274, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2ACD: [558, 53, 1352, 64, 1288],
+  0x2ACE: [558, 53, 1352, 64, 1288],
+  0x2ACF: [532, 26, 685, 50, 615],
+  0x2AD0: [532, 26, 685, 70, 635],
+  0x2AD1: [609, 103, 685, 60, 626],
+  0x2AD2: [609, 103, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AD3: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AD4: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AD5: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AD6: [715, 209, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AD7: [532, 26, 1250, 60, 1190],
+  0x2AD8: [532, 26, 1250, 60, 1190],
+  0x2AD9: [536, 31, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2ADA: [697, 128, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2ADB: [695, 97, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2ADC: [557, 10, 620, 11, 572],
+  0x2ADD: [557, 10, 620, 48, 572],
+  0x2ADE: [662, 0, 497, 64, 433],
+  0x2ADF: [371, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AE0: [371, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AE1: [662, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AE2: [662, 0, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AE3: [662, 0, 860, 46, 803],
+  0x2AE4: [662, 0, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AE5: [662, 0, 860, 46, 803],
+  0x2AE6: [662, 0, 685, 57, 626],
+  0x2AE7: [571, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AE8: [571, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AE9: [691, 185, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AEA: [662, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AEB: [662, 0, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AEC: [489, -18, 600, 48, 552],
+  0x2AED: [489, -18, 600, 48, 552],
+  0x2AEE: [690, 189, 404, 23, 381],
+  0x2AEF: [660, 154, 502, 101, 401],
+  0x2AF0: [660, 154, 502, 101, 401],
+  0x2AF1: [693, 187, 502, 101, 401],
+  0x2AF2: [695, 189, 523, 10, 513],
+  0x2AF3: [695, 189, 685, 48, 637],
+  0x2AF4: [695, 189, 685, 131, 555],
+  0x2AF5: [695, 189, 685, 12, 674],
+  0x2AF6: [608, 102, 685, 279, 406],
+  0x2AF7: [661, 155, 1170, 58, 1080],
+  0x2AF8: [661, 155, 1170, 90, 1112],
+  0x2AF9: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AFA: [726, 220, 685, 60, 625],
+  0x2AFB: [710, 222, 894, 46, 848],
+  0x2AFC: [763, 259, 654, 94, 560],
+  0x2AFD: [710, 222, 709, 46, 663],
+  0x2AFE: [690, 189, 410, 100, 310],
+  0x2AFF: [763, 259, 478, 94, 384],
+  0xE004: [450, -59, 926, 55, 871],
+  0xE005: [530, -57, 926, 55, 871],
+  0xE00A: [538, -55, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE00B: [543, 37, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE00E: [846, 340, 685, 60, 626],
+  0xE00F: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE010: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE011: [846, 340, 685, 61, 626],
+  0xE016: [818, 311, 685, 53, 618],
+  0xE018: [818, 311, 685, 67, 632],
+  0xE01E: [607, 110, 685, 48, 638],
+  0xE023: [695, 189, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE025: [724, 236, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE026: [662, 156, 685, 47, 612],
+  0xE027: [662, 156, 685, 73, 638],
+  0xE028: [663, 155, 933, 25, 908],
+  0xE029: [662, 156, 933, 25, 908],
+  0xE02A: [662, 156, 1240, 43, 1184],
+  0xE02B: [662, 156, 1240, 56, 1197],
+  0xE035: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
+  0xE037: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE038: [690, 189, 732, 50, 682],
+  0xE039: [662, 156, 685, 47, 636],
+  0xE03A: [811, 156, 471, 40, 525],
+  0xE03B: [736, 156, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE03C: [662, 156, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE03D: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
+  0xE040: [415, -92, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE043: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE044: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE045: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE046: [818, 311, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE04B: [745, 242, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE04C: [845, 341, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE04D: [534, 19, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE04E: [845, 341, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE04F: [745, 242, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE050: [662, 156, 685, 65, 620],
+  0xE051: [662, 156, 685, 65, 620],
+  0xE052: [561, 55, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE059: [730, 224, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE05A: [730, 224, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE05B: [561, -30, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE05C: [534, 19, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE06B: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
+  0xE06C: [602, 98, 486, 64, 422],
+  0xE06D: [785, 157, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE06E: [785, 157, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE06F: [785, 129, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE070: [785, 129, 685, 60, 625],
+  0xE075: [626, 119, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE076: [626, 119, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE077: [725, 236, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE07C: [758, 252, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE07D: [758, 252, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE07E: [732, 227, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE07F: [732, 227, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE080: [818, 311, 685, 57, 622],
+  0xE081: [818, 311, 685, 57, 622],
+  0xE082: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE083: [730, 229, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE084: [709, 201, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE085: [709, 201, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE086: [818, 311, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE087: [818, 311, 685, 55, 621],
+  0xE088: [818, 311, 685, 56, 621],
+  0xE089: [818, 311, 685, 55, 620],
+  0xE092: [719, 296, 685, 62, 627],
+  0xE093: [719, 296, 685, 61, 626],
+  0xE094: [719, 240, 685, 62, 627],
+  0xE095: [719, 240, 685, 61, 626],
+  0xE096: [818, 311, 685, 55, 620],
+  0xE097: [818, 311, 685, 65, 630],
+  0xE098: [690, 189, 685, 23, 662],
+  0xE0BB: [622, 101, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE0EC: [862, -120, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE109: [781, 279, 327, 10, 286],
+  0xE10A: [781, 279, 250, 41, 178],
+  0xE14C: [660, 158, 857, 48, 777],
+  0xE14D: [660, 158, 857, 80, 809],
+  0xE14E: [661, 157, 685, 44, 609],
+  0xE14F: [661, 157, 685, 76, 641],
+  0xE28E: [622, 101, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE292: [662, 0, 1388, 38, 1350],
+  0xE293: [763, 260, 1797, 58, 1739],
+  0xE3C2: [662, 156, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE3C3: [627, 135, 685, 48, 637],
+  0xE3C4: [627, 135, 685, 48, 637]

+ 124 - 124

@@ -18,130 +18,130 @@
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-    0xE1B8: [676, 0, 500, 52, 547],
-    0xE1B9: [676, 14, 500, 49, 626],
-    0xE1BA: [684, 14, 500, 83, 617],
-    0xE1BB: [662, 8, 500, 146, 616],
-    0xE1BC: [676, 14, 500, 81, 560],
-    0xE1BD: [676, 21, 500, 51, 579],
-    0xE1BE: [683, 10, 536, 45, 527],
-    0xE1BF: [674, 0, 660, 28, 632],
-    0xE1C0: [662, 0, 662, 60, 627],
-    0xE1C1: [662, 0, 562, 60, 665],
-    0xE1C2: [674, 0, 660, 28, 632],
-    0xE1C3: [662, 0, 639, 60, 664],
-    0xE1C4: [662, 0, 698, 25, 760],
-    0xE1C5: [662, 0, 700, 60, 735],
-    0xE1C6: [676, 14, 780, 75, 755],
-    0xE1C7: [662, 0, 433, 50, 503],
-    0xE1C8: [662, 0, 631, 60, 715],
-    0xE1C9: [674, 0, 664, 20, 624],
-    0xE1CA: [662, 0, 890, 60, 918],
-    0xE1CB: [662, 14, 724, 60, 752],
-    0xE1CC: [662, 0, 722, 47, 754],
-    0xE1CD: [676, 14, 780, 75, 755],
-    0xE1CE: [662, 0, 700, 60, 735],
-    0xE1CF: [662, 0, 538, 60, 624],
-    0xE1D0: [676, 14, 780, 75, 755],
-    0xE1D1: [662, 0, 654, 21, 706],
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-    0xE1D3: [676, 0, 593, 83, 725],
-    0xE1D4: [662, 0, 736, 52, 736],
-    0xE1D5: [662, 0, 722, 20, 795],
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-    0xE1D7: [676, 0, 795, 39, 795],
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-    0xE1D9: [683, 215, 535, -12, 559],
-    0xE1DA: [463, 216, 503, 84, 527],
-    0xE1DB: [683, 10, 497, 30, 537],
-    0xE1DC: [463, 10, 494, 35, 484],
-    0xE1DD: [683, 213, 429, 32, 454],
-    0xE1DE: [463, 215, 493, 38, 486],
-    0xE1DF: [683, 10, 518, 65, 511],
-    0xE1E0: [464, 10, 296, 56, 268],
-    0xE1E1: [464, 0, 472, 38, 517],
-    0xE1E2: [683, 11, 536, 18, 502],
-    0xE1E3: [453, 215, 561, -9, 536],
-    0xE1E4: [464, 14, 376, 41, 416],
-    0xE1E5: [683, 215, 434, 43, 464],
-    0xE1E6: [463, 10, 533, 45, 505],
-    0xE1E7: [453, 10, 565, 45, 589],
-    0xE1E8: [462, 216, 534, -33, 510],
-    0xE1E9: [463, 212, 436, 52, 500],
-    0xE1EA: [453, 10, 607, 45, 625],
-    0xE1EB: [453, 10, 468, 42, 486],
-    0xE1EC: [463, 10, 514, 61, 490],
-    0xE1ED: [464, 216, 665, 55, 641],
-    0xE1EE: [463, 215, 514, -72, 552],
-    0xE1EF: [461, 216, 654, 75, 705],
-    0xE1F0: [454, 10, 630, 50, 636],
-    0xE1F1: [463, 10, 462, 45, 467],
-    0xE1F2: [683, 12, 534, 45, 525],
-    0xE1F3: [684, 216, 648, 48, 630],
-    0xE1F4: [463, 216, 536, 38, 518],
-    0xE1F5: [453, 10, 795, 40, 811],
-    0x1D608: [674, 0, 666, 31, 635],
-    0x1D609: [662, 0, 604, 74, 641],
-    0x1D60A: [676, 14, 671, 96, 755],
-    0x1D60B: [662, 0, 692, 74, 751],
-    0x1D60C: [662, 0, 583, 74, 678],
-    0x1D60D: [662, 0, 535, 74, 679],
-    0x1D60E: [676, 14, 695, 97, 755],
-    0x1D60F: [662, 0, 658, 74, 749],
-    0x1D610: [662, 0, 401, 59, 512],
-    0x1D611: [662, 14, 398, 22, 470],
-    0x1D612: [662, 0, 634, 74, 729],
-    0x1D613: [662, 0, 559, 74, 564],
-    0x1D614: [662, 0, 843, 75, 933],
-    0x1D615: [662, 14, 675, 74, 766],
-    0x1D616: [676, 14, 714, 99, 779],
-    0x1D617: [662, 0, 525, 74, 638],
-    0x1D618: [676, 175, 716, 99, 779],
-    0x1D619: [662, 0, 589, 74, 639],
-    0x1D61A: [676, 14, 541, 62, 597],
-    0x1D61B: [662, 0, 608, 161, 748],
-    0x1D61C: [662, 14, 661, 117, 757],
-    0x1D61D: [662, 11, 654, 196, 788],
-    0x1D61E: [662, 11, 921, 194, 1057],
-    0x1D61F: [662, 0, 700, 31, 806],
-    0x1D620: [662, 0, 630, 186, 774],
-    0x1D621: [662, 0, 637, 28, 763],
-    0x1D622: [463, 10, 448, 55, 467],
-    0x1D623: [684, 10, 496, 74, 535],
-    0x1D624: [463, 10, 456, 67, 503],
-    0x1D625: [684, 11, 494, 72, 600],
-    0x1D626: [463, 10, 444, 69, 487],
-    0x1D627: [683, 0, 336, 101, 526],
-    0x1D628: [463, 216, 496, -7, 575],
-    0x1D629: [684, 0, 487, 63, 510],
-    0x1D62A: [679, 0, 220, 69, 325],
-    0x1D62B: [679, 216, 254, -118, 354],
-    0x1D62C: [684, 0, 453, 63, 556],
-    0x1D62D: [684, 0, 205, 61, 313],
-    0x1D62E: [464, 0, 756, 65, 775],
-    0x1D62F: [464, 0, 487, 63, 510],
-    0x1D630: [463, 10, 499, 76, 536],
-    0x1D631: [464, 216, 498, 14, 538],
-    0x1D632: [464, 216, 498, 72, 549],
-    0x1D633: [464, 0, 336, 63, 439],
-    0x1D634: [463, 10, 389, 61, 432],
-    0x1D635: [580, 10, 291, 96, 376],
-    0x1D636: [453, 11, 491, 89, 536],
-    0x1D637: [453, 14, 474, 143, 555],
-    0x1D638: [453, 14, 702, 140, 787],
-    0x1D639: [453, 0, 482, 30, 544],
-    0x1D63A: [453, 216, 484, -19, 565],
-    0x1D63B: [453, 0, 447, 25, 517]
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+  0x20: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
+  0xA0: [0, 0, 250, 0, 0],
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+  0xE1B6: [676, 0, 500, 35, 574],
+  0xE1B7: [676, 14, 500, 44, 544],
+  0xE1B8: [676, 0, 500, 52, 547],
+  0xE1B9: [676, 14, 500, 49, 626],
+  0xE1BA: [684, 14, 500, 83, 617],
+  0xE1BB: [662, 8, 500, 146, 616],
+  0xE1BC: [676, 14, 500, 81, 560],
+  0xE1BD: [676, 21, 500, 51, 579],
+  0xE1BE: [683, 10, 536, 45, 527],
+  0xE1BF: [674, 0, 660, 28, 632],
+  0xE1C0: [662, 0, 662, 60, 627],
+  0xE1C1: [662, 0, 562, 60, 665],
+  0xE1C2: [674, 0, 660, 28, 632],
+  0xE1C3: [662, 0, 639, 60, 664],
+  0xE1C4: [662, 0, 698, 25, 760],
+  0xE1C5: [662, 0, 700, 60, 735],
+  0xE1C6: [676, 14, 780, 75, 755],
+  0xE1C7: [662, 0, 433, 50, 503],
+  0xE1C8: [662, 0, 631, 60, 715],
+  0xE1C9: [674, 0, 664, 20, 624],
+  0xE1CA: [662, 0, 890, 60, 918],
+  0xE1CB: [662, 14, 724, 60, 752],
+  0xE1CC: [662, 0, 722, 47, 754],
+  0xE1CD: [676, 14, 780, 75, 755],
+  0xE1CE: [662, 0, 700, 60, 735],
+  0xE1CF: [662, 0, 538, 60, 624],
+  0xE1D0: [676, 14, 780, 75, 755],
+  0xE1D1: [662, 0, 654, 21, 706],
+  0xE1D2: [662, 0, 585, 72, 659],
+  0xE1D3: [676, 0, 593, 83, 725],
+  0xE1D4: [662, 0, 736, 52, 736],
+  0xE1D5: [662, 0, 722, 20, 795],
+  0xE1D6: [681, 0, 712, 105, 805],
+  0xE1D7: [676, 0, 795, 39, 795],
+  0xE1D8: [463, 10, 586, 47, 616],
+  0xE1D9: [683, 215, 535, -12, 559],
+  0xE1DA: [463, 216, 503, 84, 527],
+  0xE1DB: [683, 10, 497, 30, 537],
+  0xE1DC: [463, 10, 494, 35, 484],
+  0xE1DD: [683, 213, 429, 32, 454],
+  0xE1DE: [463, 215, 493, 38, 486],
+  0xE1DF: [683, 10, 518, 65, 511],
+  0xE1E0: [464, 10, 296, 56, 268],
+  0xE1E1: [464, 0, 472, 38, 517],
+  0xE1E2: [683, 11, 536, 18, 502],
+  0xE1E3: [453, 215, 561, -9, 536],
+  0xE1E4: [464, 14, 376, 41, 416],
+  0xE1E5: [683, 215, 434, 43, 464],
+  0xE1E6: [463, 10, 533, 45, 505],
+  0xE1E7: [453, 10, 565, 45, 589],
+  0xE1E8: [462, 216, 534, -33, 510],
+  0xE1E9: [463, 212, 436, 52, 500],
+  0xE1EA: [453, 10, 607, 45, 625],
+  0xE1EB: [453, 10, 468, 42, 486],
+  0xE1EC: [463, 10, 514, 61, 490],
+  0xE1ED: [464, 216, 665, 55, 641],
+  0xE1EE: [463, 215, 514, -72, 552],
+  0xE1EF: [461, 216, 654, 75, 705],
+  0xE1F0: [454, 10, 630, 50, 636],
+  0xE1F1: [463, 10, 462, 45, 467],
+  0xE1F2: [683, 12, 534, 45, 525],
+  0xE1F3: [684, 216, 648, 48, 630],
+  0xE1F4: [463, 216, 536, 38, 518],
+  0xE1F5: [453, 10, 795, 40, 811],
+  0x1D608: [674, 0, 666, 31, 635],
+  0x1D609: [662, 0, 604, 74, 641],
+  0x1D60A: [676, 14, 671, 96, 755],
+  0x1D60B: [662, 0, 692, 74, 751],
+  0x1D60C: [662, 0, 583, 74, 678],
+  0x1D60D: [662, 0, 535, 74, 679],
+  0x1D60E: [676, 14, 695, 97, 755],
+  0x1D60F: [662, 0, 658, 74, 749],
+  0x1D610: [662, 0, 401, 59, 512],
+  0x1D611: [662, 14, 398, 22, 470],
+  0x1D612: [662, 0, 634, 74, 729],
+  0x1D613: [662, 0, 559, 74, 564],
+  0x1D614: [662, 0, 843, 75, 933],
+  0x1D615: [662, 14, 675, 74, 766],
+  0x1D616: [676, 14, 714, 99, 779],
+  0x1D617: [662, 0, 525, 74, 638],
+  0x1D618: [676, 175, 716, 99, 779],
+  0x1D619: [662, 0, 589, 74, 639],
+  0x1D61A: [676, 14, 541, 62, 597],
+  0x1D61B: [662, 0, 608, 161, 748],
+  0x1D61C: [662, 14, 661, 117, 757],
+  0x1D61D: [662, 11, 654, 196, 788],
+  0x1D61E: [662, 11, 921, 194, 1057],
+  0x1D61F: [662, 0, 700, 31, 806],
+  0x1D620: [662, 0, 630, 186, 774],
+  0x1D621: [662, 0, 637, 28, 763],
+  0x1D622: [463, 10, 448, 55, 467],
+  0x1D623: [684, 10, 496, 74, 535],
+  0x1D624: [463, 10, 456, 67, 503],
+  0x1D625: [684, 11, 494, 72, 600],
+  0x1D626: [463, 10, 444, 69, 487],
+  0x1D627: [683, 0, 336, 101, 526],
+  0x1D628: [463, 216, 496, -7, 575],
+  0x1D629: [684, 0, 487, 63, 510],
+  0x1D62A: [679, 0, 220, 69, 325],
+  0x1D62B: [679, 216, 254, -118, 354],
+  0x1D62C: [684, 0, 453, 63, 556],
+  0x1D62D: [684, 0, 205, 61, 313],
+  0x1D62E: [464, 0, 756, 65, 775],
+  0x1D62F: [464, 0, 487, 63, 510],
+  0x1D630: [463, 10, 499, 76, 536],
+  0x1D631: [464, 216, 498, 14, 538],
+  0x1D632: [464, 216, 498, 72, 549],
+  0x1D633: [464, 0, 336, 63, 439],
+  0x1D634: [463, 10, 389, 61, 432],
+  0x1D635: [580, 10, 291, 96, 376],
+  0x1D636: [453, 11, 491, 89, 536],
+  0x1D637: [453, 14, 474, 143, 555],
+  0x1D638: [453, 14, 702, 140, 787],
+  0x1D639: [453, 0, 482, 30, 544],
+  0x1D63A: [453, 216, 484, -19, 565],
+  0x1D63B: [453, 0, 447, 25, 517]

+ 123 - 123

@@ -18,129 +18,129 @@
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-    0xE18C: [662, 0, 658, 74, 584],
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-    0xE1B2: [463, 216, 491, 28, 463],
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-    0x1D5A9: [662, 14, 398, 12, 305],
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-    0x1D5AB: [662, 0, 559, 74, 546],
-    0x1D5AC: [662, 0, 843, 75, 768],
-    0x1D5AD: [662, 14, 675, 74, 601],
-    0x1D5AE: [676, 14, 714, 30, 684],
-    0x1D5AF: [662, 0, 525, 74, 512],
-    0x1D5B0: [676, 175, 716, 30, 691],
-    0x1D5B1: [662, 0, 589, 74, 581],
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-    0x1D5B3: [662, 0, 608, 15, 593],
-    0x1D5B4: [662, 14, 661, 69, 592],
-    0x1D5B5: [662, 11, 654, 31, 623],
-    0x1D5B6: [662, 11, 921, 29, 892],
-    0x1D5B7: [662, 0, 700, 31, 669],
-    0x1D5B8: [662, 0, 630, 21, 609],
-    0x1D5B9: [662, 0, 637, 28, 603],
-    0x1D5BA: [463, 10, 448, 35, 391],
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-    0x1D5BE: [463, 10, 444, 23, 428],
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-    0x1D5C0: [463, 216, 496, 21, 467],
-    0x1D5C1: [684, 0, 487, 63, 424],
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-    0x1D5C3: [679, 216, 254, -74, 185],
-    0x1D5C4: [684, 0, 453, 63, 452],
-    0x1D5C5: [684, 0, 205, 61, 144],
-    0x1D5C6: [464, 0, 756, 65, 691],
-    0x1D5C7: [464, 0, 487, 63, 424],
-    0x1D5C8: [463, 10, 499, 28, 471],
-    0x1D5C9: [464, 216, 498, 67, 470],
-    0x1D5CA: [464, 216, 498, 28, 435],
-    0x1D5CB: [464, 0, 336, 63, 328],
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-    0x1D5CD: [580, 10, 291, 1, 287],
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-    0x1D5D0: [453, 14, 702, 28, 675],
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-    0x1D7E3: [677, 0, 500, 108, 302],
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-    0x1D7E6: [676, 0, 500, 11, 489],
-    0x1D7E7: [676, 14, 500, 36, 458],
-    0x1D7E8: [684, 14, 500, 32, 470],
-    0x1D7E9: [662, 8, 500, 38, 451],
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+  0xE186: [662, 0, 634, 74, 630],
+  0xE187: [674, 0, 666, 31, 635],
+  0xE188: [662, 0, 843, 75, 768],
+  0xE189: [662, 14, 675, 74, 601],
+  0xE18A: [662, 0, 643, 28, 615],
+  0xE18B: [676, 14, 714, 30, 684],
+  0xE18C: [662, 0, 658, 74, 584],
+  0xE18D: [662, 0, 525, 74, 512],
+  0xE18E: [676, 14, 714, 30, 684],
+  0xE18F: [662, 0, 624, 26, 594],
+  0xE190: [662, 0, 608, 15, 593],
+  0xE191: [676, 0, 690, 24, 666],
+  0xE192: [662, 0, 716, 23, 693],
+  0xE193: [662, 0, 700, 31, 669],
+  0xE194: [681, 0, 724, 12, 712],
+  0xE195: [676, 0, 744, 29, 715],
+  0xE196: [463, 10, 537, 28, 532],
+  0xE197: [683, 215, 498, 41, 471],
+  0xE198: [463, 216, 474, 27, 455],
+  0xE199: [683, 10, 499, 28, 471],
+  0xE19A: [463, 10, 438, 22, 419],
+  0xE19B: [683, 213, 416, 33, 408],
+  0xE19C: [463, 215, 494, 41, 443],
+  0xE19D: [683, 10, 446, 21, 425],
+  0xE19E: [464, 10, 270, 57, 269],
+  0xE19F: [464, 0, 472, 82, 472],
+  0xE1A0: [683, 11, 489, 8, 478],
+  0xE1A1: [453, 215, 487, 44, 482],
+  0xE1A2: [464, 14, 460, 30, 427],
+  0xE1A3: [683, 215, 418, 33, 410],
+  0xE1A4: [463, 10, 499, 28, 471],
+  0xE1A5: [453, 10, 507, 7, 487],
+  0xE1A6: [462, 216, 498, 48, 470],
+  0xE1A7: [463, 212, 416, 33, 414],
+  0xE1A8: [453, 10, 526, 28, 542],
+  0xE1A9: [453, 10, 426, 2, 410],
+  0xE1AA: [463, 10, 503, 41, 463],
+  0xE1AB: [464, 216, 632, 34, 600],
+  0xE1AC: [463, 215, 399, -20, 440],
+  0xE1AD: [461, 216, 654, 12, 642],
+  0xE1AE: [454, 10, 624, 29, 595],
+  0xE1AF: [463, 10, 456, 23, 432],
+  0xE1B0: [683, 12, 489, 42, 491],
+  0xE1B1: [684, 216, 622, 28, 594],
+  0xE1B2: [463, 216, 491, 28, 463],
+  0xE1B3: [453, 10, 762, 7, 739],
+  0x1D5A0: [674, 0, 666, 31, 635],
+  0x1D5A1: [662, 0, 604, 74, 547],
+  0x1D5A2: [676, 14, 671, 27, 637],
+  0x1D5A3: [662, 0, 692, 74, 656],
+  0x1D5A4: [662, 0, 583, 74, 540],
+  0x1D5A5: [662, 0, 535, 74, 523],
+  0x1D5A6: [676, 14, 695, 27, 627],
+  0x1D5A7: [662, 0, 658, 74, 584],
+  0x1D5A8: [662, 0, 401, 45, 356],
+  0x1D5A9: [662, 14, 398, 12, 305],
+  0x1D5AA: [662, 0, 634, 74, 630],
+  0x1D5AB: [662, 0, 559, 74, 546],
+  0x1D5AC: [662, 0, 843, 75, 768],
+  0x1D5AD: [662, 14, 675, 74, 601],
+  0x1D5AE: [676, 14, 714, 30, 684],
+  0x1D5AF: [662, 0, 525, 74, 512],
+  0x1D5B0: [676, 175, 716, 30, 691],
+  0x1D5B1: [662, 0, 589, 74, 581],
+  0x1D5B2: [676, 14, 541, 32, 481],
+  0x1D5B3: [662, 0, 608, 15, 593],
+  0x1D5B4: [662, 14, 661, 69, 592],
+  0x1D5B5: [662, 11, 654, 31, 623],
+  0x1D5B6: [662, 11, 921, 29, 892],
+  0x1D5B7: [662, 0, 700, 31, 669],
+  0x1D5B8: [662, 0, 630, 21, 609],
+  0x1D5B9: [662, 0, 637, 28, 603],
+  0x1D5BA: [463, 10, 448, 35, 391],
+  0x1D5BB: [684, 10, 496, 63, 466],
+  0x1D5BC: [463, 10, 456, 23, 432],
+  0x1D5BD: [684, 11, 494, 28, 437],
+  0x1D5BE: [463, 10, 444, 23, 428],
+  0x1D5BF: [683, 0, 336, 20, 369],
+  0x1D5C0: [463, 216, 496, 21, 467],
+  0x1D5C1: [684, 0, 487, 63, 424],
+  0x1D5C2: [679, 0, 220, 64, 156],
+  0x1D5C3: [679, 216, 254, -74, 185],
+  0x1D5C4: [684, 0, 453, 63, 452],
+  0x1D5C5: [684, 0, 205, 61, 144],
+  0x1D5C6: [464, 0, 756, 65, 691],
+  0x1D5C7: [464, 0, 487, 63, 424],
+  0x1D5C8: [463, 10, 499, 28, 471],
+  0x1D5C9: [464, 216, 498, 67, 470],
+  0x1D5CA: [464, 216, 498, 28, 435],
+  0x1D5CB: [464, 0, 336, 63, 328],
+  0x1D5CC: [463, 10, 389, 49, 350],
+  0x1D5CD: [580, 10, 291, 1, 287],
+  0x1D5CE: [453, 11, 491, 63, 430],
+  0x1D5CF: [453, 14, 474, 31, 443],
+  0x1D5D0: [453, 14, 702, 28, 675],
+  0x1D5D1: [453, 0, 482, 30, 452],
+  0x1D5D2: [453, 216, 484, 28, 453],
+  0x1D5D3: [453, 0, 447, 25, 417],
+  0x1D7E2: [676, 14, 500, 23, 477],
+  0x1D7E3: [677, 0, 500, 108, 302],
+  0x1D7E4: [676, 0, 500, 35, 469],
+  0x1D7E5: [676, 14, 500, 31, 441],
+  0x1D7E6: [676, 0, 500, 11, 489],
+  0x1D7E7: [676, 14, 500, 36, 458],
+  0x1D7E8: [684, 14, 500, 32, 470],
+  0x1D7E9: [662, 8, 500, 38, 451],
+  0x1D7EA: [676, 14, 500, 49, 447],
+  0x1D7EB: [676, 21, 500, 28, 466]

+ 70 - 70

@@ -18,76 +18,76 @@
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-    0x1D4D8: [699, 21, 997, 47, 977],
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-    0x1D4DF: [699, 21, 1025, 55, 994],
-    0x1D4E0: [699, 52, 809, 72, 749],
-    0x1D4E1: [699, 21, 1048, 55, 973],
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-    0x1D4ED: [699, 14, 949, 28, 912],
-    0x1D4EE: [462, 14, 726, 35, 648],
-    0x1D4EF: [699, 205, 768, 25, 749],
-    0x1D4F0: [462, 224, 819, 27, 771],
-    0x1D4F1: [699, 14, 838, 55, 758],
-    0x1D4F2: [698, 14, 558, 40, 534],
-    0x1D4F3: [698, 224, 840, 41, 823],
-    0x1D4F4: [699, 14, 810, 55, 730],
-    0x1D4F5: [699, 14, 650, 43, 632],
-    0x1D4F6: [462, 14, 1137, 45, 1057],
-    0x1D4F7: [462, 14, 851, 45, 771],
-    0x1D4F8: [462, 14, 848, 35, 780],
-    0x1D4F9: [462, 205, 885, 25, 770],
-    0x1D4FA: [462, 205, 913, 35, 833],
-    0x1D4FB: [462, 0, 677, 40, 648],
-    0x1D4FC: [557, 14, 562, 51, 449],
-    0x1D4FD: [669, 14, 618, 47, 612],
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-    0x1D502: [449, 224, 784, 40, 711],
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+  0x1D4D4: [699, 21, 826, 95, 791],
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+  0x1D4D7: [699, 21, 1171, 65, 1154],
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+  0x1D4DD: [699, 21, 1095, 60, 1078],
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+  0x1D4E1: [699, 21, 1048, 55, 973],
+  0x1D4E2: [699, 21, 816, 81, 781],
+  0x1D4E3: [699, 21, 1030, 65, 1025],
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+  0x1D4E5: [699, 21, 1040, 60, 1024],
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+  0x1D4E7: [699, 21, 1033, 64, 1010],
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+  0x1D4E9: [699, 21, 996, 50, 976],
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+  0x1D4EF: [699, 205, 768, 25, 749],
+  0x1D4F0: [462, 224, 819, 27, 771],
+  0x1D4F1: [699, 14, 838, 55, 758],
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+  0x1D4F3: [698, 224, 840, 41, 823],
+  0x1D4F4: [699, 14, 810, 55, 730],
+  0x1D4F5: [699, 14, 650, 43, 632],
+  0x1D4F6: [462, 14, 1137, 45, 1057],
+  0x1D4F7: [462, 14, 851, 45, 771],
+  0x1D4F8: [462, 14, 848, 35, 780],
+  0x1D4F9: [462, 205, 885, 25, 770],
+  0x1D4FA: [462, 205, 913, 35, 833],
+  0x1D4FB: [462, 0, 677, 40, 648],
+  0x1D4FC: [557, 14, 562, 51, 449],
+  0x1D4FD: [669, 14, 618, 47, 612],
+  0x1D4FE: [449, 14, 842, 31, 762],
+  0x1D4FF: [458, 14, 732, 40, 670],
+  0x1D500: [458, 14, 1012, 40, 950],
+  0x1D501: [462, 14, 820, 63, 740],
+  0x1D502: [449, 224, 784, 40, 711],
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+ 63 - 63

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+  0x20EF: [-26, 279, 1308, 0, 1308],
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+  0x221B: [2056, 404, 1124, 110, 1157],
+  0x221C: [2056, 404, 1124, 110, 1157],
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+  0x2309: [1566, 279, 526, 47, 336],
+  0x230A: [1566, 279, 524, 190, 479],
+  0x230B: [1566, 279, 526, 47, 336],
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+  0x23B5: [139, 83, 1606, 74, 1532],
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+  0x27E9: [1566, 279, 622, 91, 527],
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+ 96 - 96

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-    0xE036: [182, 261, 897, -11, 922],
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-    0xE03B: [700, 301, 600, 35, 566],
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+  0xE00D: [705, 305, 640, 260, 380],
+  0xE00E: [705, 305, 640, 40, 380],
+  0xE00F: [700, 305, 640, 260, 600],
+  0xE010: [705, 300, 640, 40, 380],
+  0xE011: [705, 305, 640, 260, 600],
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+  0xE019: [736, -482, 871, 0, 872],
+  0xE01A: [-127, 177, 480, -10, 490],
+  0xE01B: [-123, 288, 871, 0, 871],
+  0xE01C: [-123, 288, 871, 0, 871],
+  0xE01D: [-26, 279, 871, 0, 872],
+  0xE01E: [-25, 279, 871, 0, 872],
+  0xE01F: [386, -120, 315, 0, 315],
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+  0xE021: [486, -20, 315, 0, 315],
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+  0xE023: [635, 0, 1184, 829, 895],
+  0xE024: [626, 0, 1184, 829, 1211],
+  0xE025: [2140, 0, 1184, 112, 895],
+  0xE026: [2135, 0, 1184, 112, 895],
+  0xE027: [955, -554, 1820, -25, 1830],
+  0xE028: [955, -820, 633, -1, 634],
+  0xE029: [955, -554, 1820, -10, 1845],
+  0xE02A: [140, 261, 1820, -25, 1830],
+  0xE02B: [-126, 261, 633, -1, 634],
+  0xE02C: [140, 261, 1820, -10, 1845],
+  0xE02D: [955, -342, 1820, -25, 1830],
+  0xE02E: [955, -342, 1820, -10, 1845],
+  0xE02F: [352, 261, 1820, -25, 1830],
+  0xE030: [352, 261, 1820, -10, 1845],
+  0xE031: [955, -512, 897, -25, 908],
+  0xE032: [1218, -820, 1844, -10, 1854],
+  0xE033: [955, -512, 897, -11, 922],
+  0xE034: [182, 261, 897, -25, 908],
+  0xE035: [-126, 524, 1844, -10, 1854],
+  0xE036: [182, 261, 897, -11, 922],
+  0xE037: [405, -101, 1033, 229, 805],
+  0xE038: [405, -101, 926, 230, 696],
+  0xE039: [541, 35, 315, 0, 315],
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+  0xE03B: [700, 301, 600, 35, 566],
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+ 42 - 42

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+  0xE243: [685, 32, 956, 33, 998],
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+  0xE246: [664, 94, 752, 38, 714],
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+  0xE272: [450, 217, 570, 17, 542],
+  0xE276: [450, 218, 570, 23, 536],
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+ 36 - 36

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+  0x2308: [2566, 509, 682, 295, 655],    // LEFT CEILING
+  0x2309: [2566, 509, 682, 27, 387],     // RIGHT CEILING
+  0x230A: [2566, 509, 682, 295, 655],    // LEFT FLOOR
+  0x230B: [2566, 509, 682, 27, 387],     // RIGHT FLOOR
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+ 79 - 79

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-    0x239E: [700, 305, 450, 50, 400],      // RIGHT PARENTHESIS UPPER HOOK
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-    0x23A2: [687, 323, 450, 50, 150],      // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENSION
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-    0x23A5: [687, 323, 450, 300, 400],     // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENSION
-    0x23A6: [687, 318, 450, 35, 400],      // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET LOWER CORNER
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-    0x23A8: [705, 305, 640, 40, 380],      // LEFT CURLY BRACKET MIDDLE PIECE
-    0x23A9: [705, 300, 640, 260, 600],     // LEFT CURLY BRACKET LOWER HOOK
-    0x23AA: [705, 305, 640, 260, 380],     // CURLY BRACKET EXTENSION
-    0x23AB: [700, 305, 640, 40, 380],      // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET UPPER HOOK
-    0x23AC: [705, 305, 640, 260, 600],     // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET MIDDLE PIECE
-    0x23AD: [705, 300, 640, 40, 380],      // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET LOWER HOOK
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-    0x23B9: [1566, 289, 721, 655, 721],    // RIGHT VERTICAL BOX LINE
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-    0x2A02: [1500, -49, 1555, 52, 1503],   // N-ARY CIRCLED TIMES OPERATOR
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-    0x2A06: [1500, -49, 1153, 82, 1071]    // N-ARY SQUARE UNION OPERATOR
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+  0x2210: [1500, -49, 1355, 50, 1305],   // N-ARY COPRODUCT
+  0x2211: [1499, -49, 1292, 90, 1202],   // N-ARY SUMMATION
+  0x221A: [1552, 295, 1057, 112, 1089],  // SQUARE ROOT
+  0x22C0: [1500, -49, 1265, 60, 1205],   // N-ARY LOGICAL AND
+  0x22C1: [1500, -49, 1265, 60, 1205],   // N-ARY LOGICAL OR
+  0x22C2: [1510, -49, 1265, 118, 1147],  // N-ARY INTERSECTION
+  0x22C3: [1500, -39, 1265, 118, 1147],  // N-ARY UNION
+  0x2308: [1066, 164, 453, 180, 426],    // LEFT CEILING
+  0x2309: [1066, 164, 453, 25, 273],     // RIGHT CEILING
+  0x230A: [1066, 164, 453, 180, 428],    // LEFT FLOOR
+  0x230B: [1066, 164, 453, 27, 273],     // RIGHT FLOOR
+  0x239B: [700, 305, 450, 50, 400],      // LEFT PARENTHESIS UPPER HOOK
+  0x239C: [705, 305, 450, 50, 174],      // LEFT PARENTHESIS EXTENSION
+  0x239D: [705, 300, 450, 50, 400],      // LEFT PARENTHESIS LOWER HOOK
+  0x239E: [700, 305, 450, 50, 400],      // RIGHT PARENTHESIS UPPER HOOK
+  0x239F: [705, 305, 450, 276, 400],     // RIGHT PARENTHESIS EXTENSION
+  0x23A0: [705, 300, 450, 50, 400],      // RIGHT PARENTHESIS LOWER HOOK
+  0x23A1: [682, 323, 450, 50, 415],      // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET UPPER CORNER
+  0x23A2: [687, 323, 450, 50, 150],      // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENSION
+  0x23A3: [687, 318, 450, 50, 415],      // LEFT SQUARE BRACKET LOWER CORNER
+  0x23A4: [682, 323, 450, 35, 400],      // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET UPPER CORNER
+  0x23A5: [687, 323, 450, 300, 400],     // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENSION
+  0x23A6: [687, 318, 450, 35, 400],      // RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET LOWER CORNER
+  0x23A7: [700, 305, 640, 260, 600],     // LEFT CURLY BRACKET UPPER HOOK
+  0x23A8: [705, 305, 640, 40, 380],      // LEFT CURLY BRACKET MIDDLE PIECE
+  0x23A9: [705, 300, 640, 260, 600],     // LEFT CURLY BRACKET LOWER HOOK
+  0x23AA: [705, 305, 640, 260, 380],     // CURLY BRACKET EXTENSION
+  0x23AB: [700, 305, 640, 40, 380],      // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET UPPER HOOK
+  0x23AC: [705, 305, 640, 260, 600],     // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET MIDDLE PIECE
+  0x23AD: [705, 300, 640, 40, 380],      // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET LOWER HOOK
+  0x23AE: [610, 25, 688, 294, 394],      // INTEGRAL EXTENSION
+  0x23B0: [700, 301, 600, 35, 566],      // UPPER LEFT OR LOWER RIGHT CURLY BRACKET SECTION
+  0x23B1: [700, 301, 600, 35, 566],      // UPPER RIGHT OR LOWER LEFT CURLY BRACKET SECTION
+  0x23B7: [1510, 345, 1184, 112, 895],   // RADICAL SYMBOL BOTTOM
+  0x23B8: [1566, 289, 721, 0, 66],       // LEFT VERTICAL BOX LINE
+  0x23B9: [1566, 289, 721, 655, 721],    // RIGHT VERTICAL BOX LINE
+  0x23DE: [136, 89, 926, 0, 925],        // TOP CURLY BRACKET (mathematical use)
+  0x23DF: [789, -564, 926, 0, 925],      // BOTTOM CURLY BRACKET (mathematical use)
+  0x27E8: [1066, 164, 578, 116, 462],    // MATHEMATICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET
+  0x27E9: [1066, 164, 578, 116, 462],    // MATHEMATICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET
+  0x2A00: [1500, -49, 1555, 52, 1503],   // N-ARY CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR
+  0x2A01: [1500, -49, 1555, 52, 1503],   // N-ARY CIRCLED PLUS OPERATOR
+  0x2A02: [1500, -49, 1555, 52, 1503],   // N-ARY CIRCLED TIMES OPERATOR
+  0x2A04: [1500, -39, 1265, 118, 1147],  // N-ARY UNION OPERATOR WITH PLUS
+  0x2A05: [1500, -49, 1153, 82, 1071],   // N-ARY SQUARE INTERSECTION OPERATOR
+  0x2A06: [1500, -49, 1153, 82, 1071]    // N-ARY SQUARE UNION OPERATOR

+ 18 - 18

@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@
 MathJax.OutputJax['HTML-CSS'].FONTDATA.FONTS['STIXVariants-bold'] = {
-    directory: 'Variants/Bold',
-    family: 'STIXVariants',
-    weight: 'bold',
-    Ranges: [
-        [0x20, 0x20, "All"],
-        [0x77, 0x7C, "All"],
-        [0xA0, 0xA0, "All"],
-        [0x19B, 0x19B, "All"],
-        [0x2032, 0x2057, "All"],
-        [0x2140, 0x2140, "All"],
-        [0x2190, 0x2193, "All"],
-        [0x21D1, 0x21E2, "All"],
-        [0x2205, 0x22ED, "All"]
-    ],
-    0x2032: [586, -12, 394, 44, 350],      // PRIME
-    0x2205: [729, 74, 584, 36, 548],       // EMPTY SET
-    0x2216: [732, 193, 518, 45, 473],      // SET MINUS
-    0x221A: [943, -28, 800, 112, 844]      // SQUARE ROOT
+  directory: 'Variants/Bold',
+  family: 'STIXVariants',
+  weight: 'bold',
+  Ranges: [
+    [0x20, 0x20, "All"],
+    [0x77, 0x7C, "All"],
+    [0xA0, 0xA0, "All"],
+    [0x19B, 0x19B, "All"],
+    [0x2032, 0x2057, "All"],
+    [0x2140, 0x2140, "All"],
+    [0x2190, 0x2193, "All"],
+    [0x21D1, 0x21E2, "All"],
+    [0x2205, 0x22ED, "All"]
+  ],
+  0x2032: [586, -12, 394, 44, 350],      // PRIME
+  0x2205: [729, 74, 584, 36, 548],       // EMPTY SET
+  0x2216: [732, 193, 518, 45, 473],      // SET MINUS
+  0x221A: [943, -28, 800, 112, 844]      // SQUARE ROOT

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff