Browse Source

Merge branch '1.11.x' of into 1.11.x

Yannick Warnier 8 years ago
69 changed files with 3419 additions and 112 deletions
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+ 569 - 14

@@ -1,14 +1,569 @@
- Copyright (c) 2003-2016, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
- For licensing, see or
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add("image2",function(k){function D(){var a=this.getValue().match(E);(a=!(!a||0===parseInt(a[1],10)))||alert(c["invalid"]);return a}function O(){function a(a,b){d.push(l.once(a,function(a){for(var l;l=d.pop();)l.removeListener();b(a)}))}var l=t.createElement("img"),d=[];return function(d,b,c){a("load",function(){var a=F(l);,l,a.width,a.height)});a("error",function(){b(null)});a("abort",function(){b(null)});l.setAttribute("src",(x.baseHref||
-"")+d+"?"+Math.random().toString(16).substring(2))}}function G(){var a=this.getValue();u(!1);a!,function(a,d,b){u(!0);if(!a)return m(!1);g.setValue(!1===k.config.image2_prefillDimensions?0:d);h.setValue(!1===k.config.image2_prefillDimensions?0:b);v=d;w=b;m(I.checkHasNaturalRatio(a))}),n=!0):n?(u(!0),g.setValue(p),h.setValue(q),n=!1):u(!0)}function J(){if(e){var a=this.getValue();if(a&&(a.match(E)||m(!1),"0"!==a)){var b="width",d=p||v,c=q||w,a=b?Math.round(a/d*c):Math.round(a/
-c*d);isNaN(a)||(b?h:g).setValue(a)}}}function m(a){if(f){if("boolean"==typeof a){if(z)return;e=a}else a=g.getValue(),z=!0,(e=!e)&&a&&(a*=q/p,isNaN(a)||h.setValue(Math.round(a)));f[e?"removeClass":"addClass"]("cke_btn_unlocked");f.setAttribute("aria-checked",e);CKEDITOR.env.hc&&f.getChild(0).setHtml(e?"■":"▣""□":"▢")}}function u(a){a=a?"enable":"disable";g[a]();h[a]()}var E=/(^\s*(\d+)(px)?\s*$)|^$/i,,,b=k.lang.image2,
-c=k.lang.common,P=(new CKEDITOR.template('\x3cdiv\x3e\x3ca href\x3d"javascript:void(0)" tabindex\x3d"-1" title\x3d"'+b.lockRatio+'" class\x3d"cke_btn_locked" id\x3d"{lockButtonId}" role\x3d"checkbox"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_icon"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_label"\x3e'+b.lockRatio+'\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/a\x3e\x3ca href\x3d"javascript:void(0)" tabindex\x3d"-1" title\x3d"'+b.resetSize+'" class\x3d"cke_btn_reset" id\x3d"{resetButtonId}" role\x3d"button"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_label"\x3e'+
-this.getValue())}},{id:"lock",type:"html",style:"margin-top:18px;width:40px;height:20px;",onLoad:function(){function a(a){a.on("mouseover",function(){this.addClass("cke_btn_over")},a);a.on("mouseout",function(){this.removeClass("cke_btn_over")},a)}var b=this.getDialog();f=t.getById(K);r=t.getById(L);f&&(b.addFocusable(f,4+C),f.on("click",function(a){m();},this.getDialog()),a(f));r&&(b.addFocusable(r,5+C),r.on("click",function(a){n?(g.setValue(v),h.setValue(w)):(g.setValue(p),
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2016, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see or
+ */
+ * @fileOverview Image plugin based on Widgets API
+ */
+'use strict';
+CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'image2', function( editor ) {
+    // RegExp: 123, 123px, empty string ""
+    var regexGetSizeOrEmpty = /(^\s*(\d+)(px)?\s*$)|^$/i,
+        lockButtonId =,
+        resetButtonId =,
+        lang = editor.lang.image2,
+        commonLang = editor.lang.common,
+        lockResetStyle = 'margin-top:18px;width:40px;height:20px;',
+        lockResetHtml = new CKEDITOR.template(
+            '<div>' +
+            '<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabindex="-1" title="' + lang.lockRatio + '" class="cke_btn_locked" id="{lockButtonId}" role="checkbox">' +
+            '<span class="cke_icon"></span>' +
+            '<span class="cke_label">' + lang.lockRatio + '</span>' +
+            '</a>' +
+            '<a href="javascript:void(0)" tabindex="-1" title="' + lang.resetSize + '" class="cke_btn_reset" id="{resetButtonId}" role="button">' +
+            '<span class="cke_label">' + lang.resetSize + '</span>' +
+            '</a>' +
+            '</div>' ).output( {
+            lockButtonId: lockButtonId,
+            resetButtonId: resetButtonId
+        } ),
+        helpers = CKEDITOR.plugins.image2,
+        // Editor instance configuration.
+        config = editor.config,
+        // Content restrictions defined by the widget which
+        // impact on dialog structure and presence of fields.
+        features = editor.widgets.registered.image.features,
+        // Functions inherited from image2 plugin.
+        getNatural = helpers.getNatural,
+        // Global variables referring to the dialog's context.
+        doc, widget, image,
+        // Global variable referring to this dialog's image pre-loader.
+        preLoader,
+        // Global variables holding the original size of the image.
+        domWidth, domHeight,
+        // Global variables related to image pre-loading.
+        preLoadedWidth, preLoadedHeight, srcChanged,
+        // Global variables related to size locking.
+        lockRatio, userDefinedLock,
+        // Global variables referring to dialog fields and elements.
+        lockButton, resetButton, widthField, heightField,
+        natural;
+    // Validates dimension. Allowed values are:
+    // "123px", "123", "" (empty string)
+    function validateDimension() {
+        var match = this.getValue().match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty ),
+            isValid = !!( match && parseInt( match[ 1 ], 10 ) !== 0 );
+        if ( !isValid )
+            alert( commonLang[ 'invalid' + ) ] ); // jshint ignore:line
+        return isValid;
+    }
+    // Creates a function that pre-loads images. The callback function passes
+    // [image, width, height] or null if loading failed.
+    //
+    // @returns {Function}
+    function createPreLoader() {
+        var image = doc.createElement( 'img' ),
+            listeners = [];
+        function addListener( event, callback ) {
+            listeners.push( image.once( event, function( evt ) {
+                removeListeners();
+                callback( evt );
+            } ) );
+        }
+        function removeListeners() {
+            var l;
+            while ( ( l = listeners.pop() ) )
+                l.removeListener();
+        }
+        // @param {String} src.
+        // @param {Function} callback.
+        return function( src, callback, scope ) {
+            addListener( 'load', function() {
+                // Don't use image.$.(width|height) since it's buggy in IE9-10 (#11159)
+                var dimensions = getNatural( image );
+       scope, image, dimensions.width, dimensions.height );
+            } );
+            addListener( 'error', function() {
+                callback( null );
+            } );
+            addListener( 'abort', function() {
+                callback( null );
+            } );
+            image.setAttribute( 'src',
+                ( config.baseHref || '' ) + src + '?' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).substring( 2 ) );
+        };
+    }
+    // This function updates width and height fields once the
+    // "src" field is altered. Along with dimensions, also the
+    // dimensions lock is adjusted.
+    function onChangeSrc() {
+        var value = this.getValue();
+        toggleDimensions( false );
+        // Remember that src is different than default.
+        if ( value !== ) {
+            // Update dimensions of the image once it's preloaded.
+            preLoader( value, function( image, width, height ) {
+                // Re-enable width and height fields.
+                toggleDimensions( true );
+                // There was problem loading the image. Unlock ratio.
+                if ( !image )
+                    return toggleLockRatio( false );
+                // Fill width field with the width of the new image.
+                widthField.setValue( editor.config.image2_prefillDimensions === false ? 0 : width );
+                // Fill height field with the height of the new image.
+                heightField.setValue( editor.config.image2_prefillDimensions === false ? 0 : height );
+                // Cache the new width.
+                preLoadedWidth = width;
+                // Cache the new height.
+                preLoadedHeight = height;
+                // Check for new lock value if image exist.
+                toggleLockRatio( helpers.checkHasNaturalRatio( image ) );
+            } );
+            srcChanged = true;
+        }
+        // Value is the same as in widget data but is was
+        // modified back in time. Roll back dimensions when restoring
+        // default src.
+        else if ( srcChanged ) {
+            // Re-enable width and height fields.
+            toggleDimensions( true );
+            // Restore width field with cached width.
+            widthField.setValue( domWidth );
+            // Restore height field with cached height.
+            heightField.setValue( domHeight );
+            // Src equals default one back again.
+            srcChanged = false;
+        }
+        // Value is the same as in widget data and it hadn't
+        // been modified.
+        else {
+            // Re-enable width and height fields.
+            toggleDimensions( true );
+        }
+    }
+    function onChangeDimension() {
+        // If ratio is un-locked, then we don't care what's next.
+        if ( !lockRatio )
+            return;
+        var value = this.getValue();
+        // No reason to auto-scale or unlock if the field is empty.
+        if ( !value )
+            return;
+        // If the value of the field is invalid (e.g. with %), unlock ratio.
+        if ( !value.match( regexGetSizeOrEmpty ) )
+            toggleLockRatio( false );
+        // No automatic re-scale when dimension is '0'.
+        if ( value === '0' )
+            return;
+        var isWidth = == 'width',
+            // If dialog opened for the new image, domWidth and domHeight
+            // will be empty. Use dimensions from pre-loader in such case instead.
+            width = domWidth || preLoadedWidth,
+            height = domHeight || preLoadedHeight;
+        // If changing width, then auto-scale height.
+        if ( isWidth )
+            value = Math.round( height * ( value / width ) );
+        // If changing height, then auto-scale width.
+        else
+            value = Math.round( width * ( value / height ) );
+        // If the value is a number, apply it to the other field.
+        if ( !isNaN( value ) )
+            ( isWidth ? heightField : widthField ).setValue( value );
+    }
+    // Set-up function for lock and reset buttons:
+    // 	* Adds lock and reset buttons to focusables. Check if button exist first
+    // 	  because it may be disabled e.g. due to ACF restrictions.
+    // 	* Register mouseover and mouseout event listeners for UI manipulations.
+    // 	* Register click event listeners for buttons.
+    function onLoadLockReset() {
+        var dialog = this.getDialog();
+        function setupMouseClasses( el ) {
+            el.on( 'mouseover', function() {
+                this.addClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
+            }, el );
+            el.on( 'mouseout', function() {
+                this.removeClass( 'cke_btn_over' );
+            }, el );
+        }
+        // Create references to lock and reset buttons for this dialog instance.
+        lockButton = doc.getById( lockButtonId );
+        resetButton = doc.getById( resetButtonId );
+        // Activate (Un)LockRatio button
+        if ( lockButton ) {
+            // Consider that there's an additional focusable field
+            // in the dialog when the "browse" button is visible.
+            dialog.addFocusable( lockButton, 4 + hasFileBrowser );
+            lockButton.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+                toggleLockRatio();
+       &&;
+            }, this.getDialog() );
+            setupMouseClasses( lockButton );
+        }
+        // Activate the reset size button.
+        if ( resetButton ) {
+            // Consider that there's an additional focusable field
+            // in the dialog when the "browse" button is visible.
+            dialog.addFocusable( resetButton, 5 + hasFileBrowser );
+            // Fills width and height fields with the original dimensions of the
+            // image (stored in widget#data since widget#init).
+            resetButton.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
+                // If there's a new image loaded, reset button should revert
+                // cached dimensions of pre-loaded DOM element.
+                if ( srcChanged ) {
+                    widthField.setValue( preLoadedWidth );
+                    heightField.setValue( preLoadedHeight );
+                }
+                // If the old image remains, reset button should revert
+                // dimensions as loaded when the dialog was first shown.
+                else {
+                    widthField.setValue( domWidth );
+                    heightField.setValue( domHeight );
+                }
+       &&;
+            }, this );
+            setupMouseClasses( resetButton );
+        }
+    }
+    function toggleLockRatio( enable ) {
+        // No locking if there's no radio (i.e. due to ACF).
+        if ( !lockButton )
+            return;
+        if ( typeof enable == 'boolean' ) {
+            // If user explicitly wants to decide whether
+            // to lock or not, don't do anything.
+            if ( userDefinedLock )
+                return;
+            lockRatio = enable;
+        }
+        // Undefined. User changed lock value.
+        else {
+            var width = widthField.getValue(),
+                height;
+            userDefinedLock = true;
+            lockRatio = !lockRatio;
+            // Automatically adjust height to width to match
+            // the original ratio (based on dom- dimensions).
+            if ( lockRatio && width ) {
+                height = domHeight / domWidth * width;
+                if ( !isNaN( height ) )
+                    heightField.setValue( Math.round( height ) );
+            }
+        }
+        lockButton[ lockRatio ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );
+        lockButton.setAttribute( 'aria-checked', lockRatio );
+        // Ratio button hc presentation - WHITE SQUARE / BLACK SQUARE
+        if ( CKEDITOR.env.hc ) {
+            var icon = lockButton.getChild( 0 );
+            icon.setHtml( lockRatio ? ? '\u25A0' : '\u25A3' : ? '\u25A1' : '\u25A2' );
+        }
+    }
+    function toggleDimensions( enable ) {
+        var method = enable ? 'enable' : 'disable';
+        widthField[ method ]();
+        heightField[ method ]();
+    }
+    var hasFileBrowser = !!( config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl || config.filebrowserBrowseUrl ),
+        srcBoxChildren = [
+            {
+                id: 'src',
+                type: 'text',
+                label: commonLang.url,
+                onKeyup: onChangeSrc,
+                onChange: onChangeSrc,
+                setup: function( widget ) {
+                    this.setValue( );
+                },
+                commit: function( widget ) {
+                    widget.setData( 'src', this.getValue() );
+                },
+                validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( lang.urlMissing )
+            }
+        ];
+    // Render the "Browse" button on demand to avoid an "empty" (hidden child)
+    // space in dialog layout that distorts the UI.
+    if ( hasFileBrowser ) {
+        srcBoxChildren.push( {
+            type: 'button',
+            id: 'browse',
+            // v-align with the 'txtUrl' field.
+            // TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
+            style: 'display:inline-block;margin-top:14px;',
+            align: 'center',
+            label: editor.lang.common.browseServer,
+            hidden: true,
+            filebrowser: 'info:src'
+        } );
+    }
+    return {
+        title: lang.title,
+        minWidth: 250,
+        minHeight: 100,
+        onLoad: function() {
+            // Create a "global" reference to the document for this dialog instance.
+            doc = this._.element.getDocument();
+            // Create a pre-loader used for determining dimensions of new images.
+            preLoader = createPreLoader();
+        },
+        onShow: function() {
+            // Create a "global" reference to edited widget.
+            widget = this.widget;
+            // Create a "global" reference to widget's image.
+            image =;
+            // Reset global variables.
+            srcChanged = userDefinedLock = lockRatio = false;
+            // Natural dimensions of the image.
+            natural = getNatural( image );
+            // Get the natural width of the image.
+            preLoadedWidth = domWidth = natural.width;
+            // Get the natural height of the image.
+            preLoadedHeight = domHeight = natural.height;
+        },
+        contents: [
+            {
+                id: 'info',
+                label: lang.infoTab,
+                elements: [
+                    {
+                        type: 'vbox',
+                        padding: 0,
+                        children: [
+                            {
+                                type: 'hbox',
+                                widths: [ '100%' ],
+                                children: srcBoxChildren
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        id: 'alt',
+                        type: 'text',
+                        label: lang.alt,
+                        setup: function( widget ) {
+                            this.setValue( );
+                        },
+                        commit: function( widget ) {
+                            widget.setData( 'alt', this.getValue() );
+                        }
+                    },
+                    {
+                        type: 'hbox',
+                        widths: [ '25%', '25%', '50%' ],
+                        requiredContent: features.dimension.requiredContent,
+                        children: [
+                            {
+                                type: 'text',
+                                width: '45px',
+                                id: 'width',
+                                label: commonLang.width,
+                                validate: validateDimension,
+                                onKeyUp: onChangeDimension,
+                                onLoad: function() {
+                                    widthField = this;
+                                },
+                                setup: function( widget ) {
+                                    this.setValue( );
+                                },
+                                commit: function( widget ) {
+                                    widget.setData( 'width', this.getValue() );
+                                }
+                            },
+                            {
+                                type: 'text',
+                                id: 'height',
+                                width: '45px',
+                                label: commonLang.height,
+                                validate: validateDimension,
+                                onKeyUp: onChangeDimension,
+                                onLoad: function() {
+                                    heightField = this;
+                                },
+                                setup: function( widget ) {
+                                    this.setValue( );
+                                },
+                                commit: function( widget ) {
+                                    widget.setData( 'height', this.getValue() );
+                                }
+                            },
+                            {
+                                id: 'lock',
+                                type: 'html',
+                                style: lockResetStyle,
+                                onLoad: onLoadLockReset,
+                                setup: function( widget ) {
+                                    toggleLockRatio( );
+                                },
+                                commit: function( widget ) {
+                                    widget.setData( 'lock', lockRatio );
+                                },
+                                html: lockResetHtml
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        type: 'hbox',
+                        id: 'alignment',
+                        requiredContent: features.align.requiredContent,
+                        children: [
+                            {
+                                id: 'align',
+                                type: 'radio',
+                                items: [
+                                    [ commonLang.alignNone, 'none' ],
+                                    [ commonLang.alignLeft, 'left' ],
+                                    [ commonLang.alignCenter, 'center' ],
+                                    [ commonLang.alignRight, 'right' ]
+                                ],
+                                label: commonLang.align,
+                                setup: function( widget ) {
+                                    this.setValue( );
+                                },
+                                commit: function( widget ) {
+                                    widget.setData( 'align', this.getValue() );
+                                }
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        id: 'hasCaption',
+                        type: 'checkbox',
+                        label: lang.captioned,
+                        requiredContent: features.caption.requiredContent,
+                        setup: function( widget ) {
+                            this.setValue( );
+                        },
+                        commit: function( widget ) {
+                            widget.setData( 'hasCaption', this.getValue() );
+                        }
+                    },
+                    {
+                        id: 'isReponsive',
+                        type: 'checkbox',
+                        label: lang.reponsive,
+                        requiredContent: features.caption.requiredContent,
+                        setup: function( widget ) {
+                            this.setValue( );
+                        },
+                        commit: function( widget ) {
+                            var img = widget;
+                            if (widget.element.$.tagName === 'FIGURE') {
+                                var img = widget.element.$.firstChild;
+                            }
+                            img.className += ' img-responsive ';
+                            widget.setData( 'isResponsive', this.getValue() );
+                        }
+                    }
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                id: 'Upload',
+                hidden: true,
+                filebrowser: 'uploadButton',
+                label: lang.uploadTab,
+                elements: [
+                    {
+                        type: 'file',
+                        id: 'upload',
+                        label: lang.btnUpload,
+                        style: 'height:40px'
+                    },
+                    {
+                        type: 'fileButton',
+                        id: 'uploadButton',
+                        filebrowser: 'info:src',
+                        label: lang.btnUpload,
+                        'for': [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    };
+} );

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("image2","af",{alt:"Alternatiewe teks",btnUpload:"Stuur na bediener",captioned:"Captioned image",captionPlaceholder:"Caption",infoTab:"Afbeelding informasie",lockRatio:"Vaste proporsie",menu:"Afbeelding eienskappe",pathName:"image",pathNameCaption:"caption",resetSize:"Herstel grootte",resizer:"Click and drag to resize",title:"Afbeelding eienskappe",uploadTab:"Oplaai",urlMissing:"Die URL na die afbeelding ontbreek."});
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("image2", "af", {
+    alt: "Alternatiewe teks",
+    btnUpload: "Stuur na bediener",
+    captioned: "Captioned image",
+    captionPlaceholder: "Caption",
+    infoTab: "Afbeelding informasie",
+    lockRatio: "Vaste proporsie",
+    menu: "Afbeelding eienskappe",
+    pathName: "image",
+    pathNameCaption: "caption",
+    resetSize: "Herstel grootte",
+    resizer: "Click and drag to resize",
+    title: "Afbeelding eienskappe",
+    uploadTab: "Oplaai",
+    urlMissing: "Die URL na die afbeelding ontbreek.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("image2","ar",{alt:"عنوان الصورة",btnUpload:"أرسلها للخادم",captioned:"صورة ذات اسم",captionPlaceholder:"تسمية",infoTab:"معلومات الصورة",lockRatio:"تناسق الحجم",menu:"خصائص الصورة",pathName:"صورة",pathNameCaption:"تسمية",resetSize:"إستعادة الحجم الأصلي",resizer:"انقر ثم اسحب للتحجيم",title:"خصائص الصورة",uploadTab:"رفع",urlMissing:"عنوان مصدر الصورة مفقود"});
+CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("image2", "ar", {
+    alt: "عنوان الصورة",
+    btnUpload: "أرسلها للخادم",
+    captioned: "صورة ذات اسم",
+    captionPlaceholder: "تسمية",
+    infoTab: "معلومات الصورة",
+    lockRatio: "تناسق الحجم",
+    menu: "خصائص الصورة",
+    pathName: "صورة",
+    pathNameCaption: "تسمية",
+    resetSize: "إستعادة الحجم الأصلي",
+    resizer: "انقر ثم اسحب للتحجيم",
+    title: "خصائص الصورة",
+    uploadTab: "رفع",
+    urlMissing: "عنوان مصدر الصورة مفقود",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Качване",
+    urlMissing: "URL адреса на изображението липсва.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

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+ 17 - 1

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+    uploadTab: "Puja",
+    urlMissing: "Falta la URL de la imatge.",
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+ 17 - 1

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+    urlMissing: "Zadané URL zdroje obrázku nebylo nalezeno.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Lanlwytho",
+    urlMissing: "URL gwreiddiol y ddelwedd ar goll.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Kilde på billed-URL mangler",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    resizer: "Κάνετε κλικ και σύρετε το ποντίκι για να αλλάξετε το μέγεθος",
+    title: "Ιδιότητες Εικόνας",
+    uploadTab: "Αποστολή",
+    urlMissing: "Λείπει το πηγαίο URL της εικόνας.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

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+ 17 - 1

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+    urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.",
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+ 17 - 1

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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    resizer: "Kliki kaj treni por ŝanĝi la grandon",
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+    urlMissing: "La fontretadreso de la bildo mankas.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Cargar",
+    urlMissing: "Debe indicar la URL de la imagen.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Pildi lähte-URL on puudu.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    title: "ویژگی​های تصویر",
+    uploadTab: "بالاگذاری",
+    urlMissing: "آدرس URL اصلی تصویر یافت نشد.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    resizer: "Klikkaa ja raahaa muuttaaksesi kokoa",
+    title: "Kuvan ominaisuudet",
+    uploadTab: "Lisää tiedosto",
+    urlMissing: "Kuvan lähdeosoite puuttuu.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    title: "Myndaeginleikar",
+    uploadTab: "Send til ambætaran",
+    urlMissing: "URL til mynd manglar.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "L'URL de la source de l'image est manquant.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "L'URL source de l'image est manquante.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Non se atopa o URL da imaxe.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "અપલોડ",
+    urlMissing: "ઈમેજની મૂળ URL છે નહી.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "העלאה",
+    urlMissing: "כתובת התמונה חסרה.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Nedostaje URL slike.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Feltöltés",
+    urlMissing: "Hiányzik a kép URL-je",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Unggah",
+    urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    title: "Eigindi myndar",
+    uploadTab: "Senda upp",
+    urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    title: "Proprietà immagine",
+    uploadTab: "Carica",
+    urlMissing: "Manca l'URL dell'immagine.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    resizer: "ドラッグしてリサイズ",
+    title: "画像のプロパティ",
+    uploadTab: "アップロード",
+    urlMissing: "画像のURLを入力してください。",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    menu: "სურათის პარამეტრები",
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+    resetSize: "ზომის დაბრუნება",
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+    uploadTab: "აქაჩვა",
+    urlMissing: "სურათის URL არაა შევსებული.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    infoTab: "ពត៌មានអំពីរូបភាព",
+    lockRatio: "ចាក់​សោ​ផល​ធៀប",
+    menu: "លក្ខណៈ​សម្បត្តិ​រូប​ភាព",
+    pathName: "រូបភាព",
+    pathNameCaption: "ចំណងជើង",
+    resetSize: "កំណត់ទំហំឡើងវិញ",
+    resizer: "ចុច​ហើយ​ទាញ​ដើម្បី​ប្ដូរ​ទំហំ",
+    title: "លក្ខណៈ​សម្បត្តិ​រូប​ភាប",
+    uploadTab: "ផ្ទុក​ឡើង",
+    urlMissing: "ខ្វះ URL ប្រភព​រូប​ភាព។",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    resizer: "크기를 조절하려면 클릭 후 드래그 하세요",
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+    uploadTab: "업로드",
+    urlMissing: "이미지 원본 주소(URL)가 없습니다.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "بارکردن",
+    urlMissing: "سەرچاوەی بەستەری وێنه بزره",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Paveiksliuko nuorodos nėra.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Augšupielādēt",
+    urlMissing: "Trūkst attēla atrašanās adrese.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    uploadTab: "Прикачи",
+    urlMissing: "Недостасува URL-то на сликата.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Зургийн эх сурвалжийн хаяг (URL) байхгүй байна.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Image source URL is missing.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Podaj adres URL obrazka.",
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "URL da imagem está faltando.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "Не указана ссылка на изображение.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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+    urlMissing: "රුප මුලාශ්‍ර URL නැත.",
+    responsive: 'Is responsive'

+ 17 - 1

@@ -1 +1,17 @@
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-c.push(l.on(a,b));c.push(g.on(a,b));if(d)for(a=c.length;a--;)d.push(c.pop())}function e(){t=m+A*x;u=Math.round(t/v)}function w(){u=q-p;t=Math.round(u*v)}var,A="right",$.screenX,$.screenY,m=h.$.clientWidth,q=h.$.clientHeight,v=m/q,n=[],r="cke_image_s"+(~A?"e":"w"),B,t,u,z,x,p,y;"saveSnapshot");l("mousemove",function(a){$;x=B.screenX-k;p=K-B.screenY;y=Math.abs(x/p);1==A?0>=x?0>=p?e():y>=v?e():w():0>=p?y>=v?w():e():w():0>=x?0>=p?y>=
-v?w():e():w():0>=p?e():y>=v?e():w();15<=t&&15<=u?(h.setAttributes({width:t,height:u}),z=!0):z=!1},n);l("mouseup",function(){for(var d;d=n.pop();)d.removeListener();c.removeClass(r);f.removeClass("cke_image_resizing");z&&(a.setData({width:t,height:u}),"saveSnapshot"));z=!1},n);c.addClass(r);f.addClass("cke_image_resizing")});a.on("data",function(){f["right""addClass":"removeClass"]("cke_image_resizer_left")})}function L(a){var b=[],c;return function(g){var f=a.getCommand("justify"+
-g);if(f){b.push(function(){f.refresh(a,a.elementPath())});if(g in{right:1,left:1,center:1})f.on("exec",function(d){var c=k(a);if(c){c.setData("align",g);for(c=b.length;c--;)b[c]();d.cancel()}});f.on("refresh",function(b){var f=k(a),h={right:1,left:1,center:1};f&&(void 0===c&&(c=a.filter.checkFeature(a.widgets.registered.image.features.align)),c?this.setState( in h?CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF:CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED):this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED),b.cancel())})}}}
-function M(a){"dialogDefinition",function(b){;if("link"{b=b.definition;var c=b.onShow,g=b.onOk;b.onShow=function(){var b=k(a),d=this.getContentElement("info","linkDisplayText").getElement().getParent().getParent();b&&(b.inline?!b.wrapper.getAscendant("a"):1)?(this.setupContent(||{}),d.hide()):(,c.apply(this,arguments))};b.onOk=function(){var b=k(a);if(b&&(b.inline?!b.wrapper.getAscendant("a"):1)){var c={};this.commitContent(c);b.setData("link",
-c)}else g.apply(this,arguments)}}}),a.getCommand("unlink").on("exec",function(b){var c=k(a);c&&"link",null),this.refresh(a,a.elementPath()),b.cancel())}),a.getCommand("unlink").on("refresh",function(b){var c=k(a);c&&(this.setState(||c.wrapper.getAscendant("a")?CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF:CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED),b.cancel())}))}function k(a){return(a=a.widgets.focused)&&"image"}function E(a){var b=a.config.image2_alignClasses;a={div:{match:n(a)},p:{match:n(a)},
-img:{attributes:"!src,alt,width,height"},figure:{classes:"!"+a.config.image2_captionedClass},figcaption:!0};b?(a.div.classes=b[1],a.p.classes=a.div.classes,a.img.classes=b[0]+","+b[2],a.figure.classes+=","+a.img.classes):(a.div.styles="text-align",a.p.styles="text-align",a.img.styles="float",a.figure.styles="float,display");return a}function F(a){a=a.config.image2_alignClasses;return{dimension:{requiredContent:"img[width,height]"},align:{requiredContent:"img"+(a?"("+a[0]+")":"{float}")},caption:{requiredContent:"figcaption"}}}
-function m(a){return}var N=new CKEDITOR.template('\x3cfigure class\x3d"{captionedClass}"\x3e\x3cimg alt\x3d"" src\x3d"" /\x3e\x3cfigcaption\x3e{captionPlaceholder}\x3c/figcaption\x3e\x3c/figure\x3e'),q={left:0,center:1,right:2},J=/^\s*(\d+\%)\s*$/i;CKEDITOR.plugins.add("image2",{lang:"af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,de-ch,el,en,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr,fr-ca,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,id,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ro,ru,si,sk,sl,sq,sr,sr-latn,sv,th,tr,tt,ug,uk,vi,zh,zh-cn",
-requires:"widget,dialog",icons:"image",hidpi:!0,onLoad:function(){CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_image_nocaption{line-height:0}.cke_editable.cke_image_sw, .cke_editable.cke_image_sw *{cursor:sw-resize !important}.cke_editable.cke_image_se, .cke_editable.cke_image_se *{cursor:se-resize !important}.cke_image_resizer{display:none;position:absolute;width:10px;height:10px;bottom:-5px;right:-5px;background:#000;outline:1px solid #fff;line-height:0;cursor:se-resize;}.cke_image_resizer_wrapper{position:relative;display:inline-block;line-height:0;}.cke_image_resizer.cke_image_resizer_left{right:auto;left:-5px;cursor:sw-resize;}.cke_widget_wrapper:hover .cke_image_resizer,.cke_image_resizer.cke_image_resizing{display:block}.cke_widget_wrapper\x3ea{display:inline-block}")},
-init:function(a){var b=a.config,c=a.lang.image2,g=D(a);b.filebrowserImage2BrowseUrl=b.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl;b.filebrowserImage2UploadUrl=b.filebrowserImageUploadUrl;g.pathName=c.pathName;g.editables.caption.pathName=c.pathNameCaption;a.widgets.add("image",g);a.ui.addButton&&a.ui.addButton("Image",{label:a.lang.common.image,command:"image",toolbar:"insert,10"});a.contextMenu&&(a.addMenuGroup("image",10),a.addMenuItem("image",{,command:"image",group:"image"}));CKEDITOR.dialog.add("image2",
-this.path+"dialogs/image2.js")},afterInit:function(a){var b={left:1,right:1,center:1,block:1},c=L(a),g;for(g in b)c(g);M(a)}});CKEDITOR.plugins.image2={stateShifter:function(a){function b(a,b){var d={};f?d.attributes={"class":f[1]}:d.styles={"text-align":"center"};d=g.createElement(a.activeEnterMode==CKEDITOR.ENTER_P?"p":"div",d);c(d,b);b.move(d);return d}function c(b,d){if(d.getParent()){var c=a.createRange();c.moveToPosition(d,CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);d.remove();e.insertElementIntoRange(b,
-c)}else b.replace(d)}var g=a.document,f=a.config.image2_alignClasses,d=a.config.image2_captionedClass,e=a.editable(),h=["hasCaption","align","link"],k={align:function(d,c,g){var e=d.element;d.changed.align?d.newData.hasCaption||("center"==g&&(d.deflate(),d.element=b(a,e)),d.changed.hasCaption||"center"!=c||"center"==g||(d.deflate(),c=e.findOne("a,img"),c.replace(e),d.element=c)):"center"==g&&d.changed.hasCaption&&!d.newData.hasCaption&&(d.deflate(),d.element=b(a,e));!f&&"figure")&&("center"==
-g?e.setStyle("display","inline-block"):e.removeStyle("display"))},hasCaption:function(b,e,f){b.changed.hasCaption&&({img:1,a:1})?b.element:b.element.findOne("a,img"),b.deflate(),f?(f=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(N.output({captionedClass:d,captionPlaceholder:a.lang.image2.captionPlaceholder}),g),c(f,b.element),e.replace(f.findOne("img")),b.element=f):(e.replace(b.element),b.element=e))},link:function(b,d,c){if({var"img")?b.element:b.element.findOne("img"),"a")?b.element:b.element.findOne("a"),"a")&&!c||"img")&&c,k;h&&b.deflate();c?(d||(k=g.createElement("a",{attributes:{}}),k.replace(e),e.move(k)),c=CKEDITOR.plugins.image2.getLinkAttributesGetter()(a,c),||(k||f).setAttributes(c.set),c.removed.length&&(k||f).removeAttributes(c.removed)):(c=f.findOne("img"),c.replace(f),k=c);h&&(b.element=k)}}};return function(a){var b,c;a.changed={};for(c=0;c<h.length;c++)b=
-h[c],a.changed[b]=a.oldData?a.oldData[b]!==a.newData[b]:!1;for(c=0;c<h.length;c++)b=h[c],k[b](a,a.oldData?a.oldData[b]:null,a.newData[b]);a.inflate()}},checkHasNaturalRatio:function(a){var b=a.$;a=this.getNatural(a);return Math.round(b.clientWidth/a.width*a.height)==b.clientHeight||Math.round(b.clientHeight/a.height*a.width)==b.clientWidth},getNatural:function(a){if(a.$.naturalWidth)a={width:a.$.naturalWidth,height:a.$.naturalHeight};else{var b=new Image;b.src=a.getAttribute("src");a={width:b.width,
-height:b.height}}return a},getLinkAttributesGetter:function(){return},getLinkAttributesParser:function(){return}}})();CKEDITOR.config.image2_captionedClass="image";
+ * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2016, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ * For licensing, see or
+ */
+'use strict';
+( function() {
+    var template = '<img alt="" src="" />',
+        templateBlock = new CKEDITOR.template(
+            '<figure class="{captionedClass}">' +
+            template +
+            '<figcaption>{captionPlaceholder}</figcaption>' +
+            '</figure>' ),
+        alignmentsObj = { left: 0, center: 1, right: 2 },
+        regexPercent = /^\s*(\d+\%)\s*$/i;
+    CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'image2', {
+        // jscs:disable maximumLineLength
+        lang: 'af,ar,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,de-ch,el,en,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,eo,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr,fr-ca,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,id,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ro,ru,si,sk,sl,sq,sr,sr-latn,sv,th,tr,tt,ug,uk,vi,zh,zh-cn', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
+        // jscs:enable maximumLineLength
+        requires: 'widget,dialog',
+        icons: 'image',
+        hidpi: true,
+        onLoad: function() {
+            CKEDITOR.addCss(
+                '.cke_image_nocaption{' +
+                // This is to remove unwanted space so resize
+                // wrapper is displayed property.
+                'line-height:0' +
+                '}' +
+                '.cke_editable.cke_image_sw, .cke_editable.cke_image_sw *{cursor:sw-resize !important}' +
+                '.cke_editable.cke_image_se, .cke_editable.cke_image_se *{cursor:se-resize !important}' +
+                '.cke_image_resizer{' +
+                'display:none;' +
+                'position:absolute;' +
+                'width:10px;' +
+                'height:10px;' +
+                'bottom:-5px;' +
+                'right:-5px;' +
+                'background:#000;' +
+                'outline:1px solid #fff;' +
+                // Prevent drag handler from being misplaced (#11207).
+                'line-height:0;' +
+                'cursor:se-resize;' +
+                '}' +
+                '.cke_image_resizer_wrapper{' +
+                'position:relative;' +
+                'display:inline-block;' +
+                'line-height:0;' +
+                '}' +
+                // Bottom-left corner style of the resizer.
+                '.cke_image_resizer.cke_image_resizer_left{' +
+                'right:auto;' +
+                'left:-5px;' +
+                'cursor:sw-resize;' +
+                '}' +
+                '.cke_widget_wrapper:hover .cke_image_resizer,' +
+                '.cke_image_resizer.cke_image_resizing{' +
+                'display:block' +
+                '}' +
+                // Expand widget wrapper when linked inline image.
+                '.cke_widget_wrapper>a{' +
+                'display:inline-block' +
+                '}' );
+        },
+        init: function( editor ) {
+            // Adapts configuration from original image plugin. Should be removed
+            // when we'll rename image2 to image.
+            var config = editor.config,
+                lang = editor.lang.image2,
+                image = widgetDef( editor );
+            // Since filebrowser plugin discovers config properties by dialog (plugin?)
+            // names (sic!), this hack will be necessary as long as Image2 is not named
+            // Image. And since Image2 will never be Image, for sure some filebrowser logic
+            // got to be refined.
+            config.filebrowserImage2BrowseUrl = config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl;
+            config.filebrowserImage2UploadUrl = config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl;
+            // Add custom elementspath names to widget definition.
+            image.pathName = lang.pathName;
+            image.editables.caption.pathName = lang.pathNameCaption;
+            // Register the widget.
+            editor.widgets.add( 'image', image );
+            // Add toolbar button for this plugin.
+            editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Image', {
+                label: editor.lang.common.image,
+                command: 'image',
+                toolbar: 'insert,10'
+            } );
+            // Register context menu option for editing widget.
+            if ( editor.contextMenu ) {
+                editor.addMenuGroup( 'image', 10 );
+                editor.addMenuItem( 'image', {
+                    label:,
+                    command: 'image',
+                    group: 'image'
+                } );
+            }
+            CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'image2', this.path + 'dialogs/image2.js' );
+        },
+        afterInit: function( editor ) {
+            // Integrate with align commands (justify plugin).
+            var align = { left: 1, right: 1, center: 1, block: 1 },
+                integrate = alignCommandIntegrator( editor );
+            for ( var value in align )
+                integrate( value );
+            // Integrate with link commands (link plugin).
+            linkCommandIntegrator( editor );
+        }
+    } );
+    // Wiget states (forms) depending on alignment and configuration.
+    //
+    // Non-captioned widget (inline styles)
+    // 		┌──────┬───────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────┐
+    // 		│Align │Internal form                  │Data                         │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│none  │<wrapper>                      │<img />                      │
+    // 		│      │ <img />                       │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│left  │<wrapper style=”float:left”>   │<img style=”float:left” />   │
+    // 		│      │ <img />                       │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│center│<wrapper>                      │<p style=”text-align:center”>│
+    // 		│      │ <p style=”text-align:center”> │  <img />                    │
+    // 		│      │   <img />                     │</p>                         │
+    // 		│      │ </p>                          │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│right │<wrapper style=”float:right”>  │<img style=”float:right” />  │
+    // 		│      │ <img />                       │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		└──────┴───────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────┘
+    //
+    // Non-captioned widget (config.image2_alignClasses defined)
+    // 		┌──────┬───────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────┐
+    // 		│Align │Internal form                  │Data                         │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│none  │<wrapper>                      │<img />                      │
+    // 		│      │ <img />                       │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│left  │<wrapper class=”left”>         │<img class=”left” />         │
+    // 		│      │ <img />                       │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│center│<wrapper>                      │<p class=”center”>           │
+    // 		│      │ <p class=”center”>            │ <img />                     │
+    // 		│      │   <img />                     │</p>                         │
+    // 		│      │ </p>                          │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		├──────┼───────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│right │<wrapper class=”right”>        │<img class=”right” />        │
+    // 		│      │ <img />                       │                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                     │                             │
+    // 		└──────┴───────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────┘
+    //
+    // Captioned widget (inline styles)
+    // 		┌──────┬────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐
+    // 		│Align │Internal form                           │Data                                    │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│none  │<wrapper>                               │<figure />                              │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │                                        │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │                                        │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│left  │<wrapper style=”float:left”>            │<figure style=”float:left” />           │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │                                        │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │                                        │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│center│<wrapper style=”text-align:center”>     │<div style=”text-align:center”>         │
+    // 		│      │ <figure style=”display:inline-block” />│ <figure style=”display:inline-block” />│
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │</p>                                    │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│right │<wrapper style=”float:right”>           │<figure style=”float:right” />          │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │                                        │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │                                        │
+    // 		└──────┴────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    //
+    // Captioned widget (config.image2_alignClasses defined)
+    // 		┌──────┬────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐
+    // 		│Align │Internal form                           │Data                                    │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│none  │<wrapper>                               │<figure />                              │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │                                        │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │                                        │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│left  │<wrapper class=”left”>                  │<figure class=”left” />                 │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │                                        │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │                                        │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│center│<wrapper class=”center”>                │<div class=”center”>                    │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │ <figure />                             │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │</p>                                    │
+    // 		├──────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
+    // 		│right │<wrapper class=”right”>                 │<figure class=”right” />                │
+    // 		│      │ <figure />                             │                                        │
+    // 		│      │</wrapper>                              │                                        │
+    // 		└──────┴────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor}
+    // @returns {Object}
+    function widgetDef( editor ) {
+        var alignClasses = editor.config.image2_alignClasses,
+            captionedClass = editor.config.image2_captionedClass;
+        function deflate() {
+            if ( this.deflated )
+                return;
+            // Remember whether widget was focused before destroyed.
+            if ( editor.widgets.focused == this.widget )
+                this.focused = true;
+            editor.widgets.destroy( this.widget );
+            // Mark widget was destroyed.
+            this.deflated = true;
+        }
+        function inflate() {
+            var editable = editor.editable(),
+                doc = editor.document;
+            // Create a new widget. This widget will be either captioned
+            // non-captioned, block or inline according to what is the
+            // new state of the widget.
+            if ( this.deflated ) {
+                this.widget = editor.widgets.initOn( this.element, 'image', );
+                // Once widget was re-created, it may become an inline element without
+                // block wrapper (i.e. when unaligned, end not captioned). Let's do some
+                // sort of autoparagraphing here (#10853).
+                if ( this.widget.inline && !( new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( this.widget.wrapper, editable ).block ) ) {
+                    var block = doc.createElement( editor.activeEnterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' );
+                    block.replace( this.widget.wrapper );
+                    this.widget.wrapper.move( block );
+                }
+                // The focus must be transferred from the old one (destroyed)
+                // to the new one (just created).
+                if ( this.focused ) {
+                    this.widget.focus();
+                    delete this.focused;
+                }
+                delete this.deflated;
+            }
+            // If now widget was destroyed just update wrapper's alignment.
+            // According to the new state.
+            else {
+                setWrapperAlign( this.widget, alignClasses );
+            }
+        }
+        return {
+            allowedContent: getWidgetAllowedContent( editor ),
+            requiredContent: 'img[src,alt]',
+            features: getWidgetFeatures( editor ),
+            styleableElements: 'img figure',
+            // This widget converts style-driven dimensions to attributes.
+            contentTransformations: [
+                [ 'img[width]: sizeToAttribute' ]
+            ],
+            // This widget has an editable caption.
+            editables: {
+                caption: {
+                    selector: 'figcaption',
+                    allowedContent: 'br em strong sub sup u s; a[!href,target]'
+                }
+            },
+            parts: {
+                image: 'img',
+                caption: 'figcaption'
+                // parts#link defined in widget#init
+            },
+            // The name of this widget's dialog.
+            dialog: 'image2',
+            // Template of the widget: plain image.
+            template: template,
+            data: function() {
+                var features = this.features;
+                // Image can't be captioned when figcaption is disallowed (#11004).
+                if ( && !editor.filter.checkFeature( features.caption ) )
+           = false;
+                // Image can't be aligned when floating is disallowed (#11004).
+                if ( != 'none' && !editor.filter.checkFeature( features.align ) )
+           = 'none';
+                // Convert the internal form of the widget from the old state to the new one.
+                this.shiftState( {
+                    widget: this,
+                    element: this.element,
+                    oldData: this.oldData,
+                    newData:,
+                    deflate: deflate,
+                    inflate: inflate
+                } );
+                // Update since it will not auto-update unless widget
+                // is destroyed and re-inited.
+                if ( ! ) {
+                    if ( )
+                        delete;
+                } else {
+                    if ( ! )
+               =;
+                }
+       {
+                    src:,
+                    class: ? 'img-responsive' : '',
+                    // This internal is required by the editor.
+                    'data-cke-saved-src':,
+                    alt:
+                } );
+                // If shifting non-captioned -> captioned, remove classes
+                // related to styles from <img/>.
+                if ( this.oldData && !this.oldData.hasCaption && ) {
+                    for ( var c in )
+               c );
+                }
+                // Set dimensions of the image according to gathered data.
+                // Do it only when the attributes are allowed (#11004).
+                if ( editor.filter.checkFeature( features.dimension ) )
+                    setDimensions( this );
+                // Cache current data.
+                this.oldData = {}, );
+            },
+            init: function() {
+                var helpers = CKEDITOR.plugins.image2,
+                    image =,
+                    data = {
+                        hasCaption: !!,
+                        src: image.getAttribute( 'src' ),
+                        alt: image.getAttribute( 'alt' ) || '',
+                        width: image.getAttribute( 'width' ) || '',
+                        height: image.getAttribute( 'height' ) || '',
+                        isResponsive: !!image.$.className.match(/img-responsive/i),
+                        // Lock ratio is on by default (#10833).
+                        lock: this.ready ? helpers.checkHasNaturalRatio( image ) : true
+                    };
+                // If we used 'a' in widget#parts definition, it could happen that
+                // selected element is a child of Since there's no clever
+                // way to solve it with CSS selectors, it's done like that. (#11783).
+                var link = image.getAscendant( 'a' );
+                if ( link && this.wrapper.contains( link ) )
+           = link;
+                // Depending on configuration, read style/class from element and
+                // then remove it. Removed style/class will be set on wrapper in #data listener.
+                // Note: Center alignment is detected during upcast, so only left/right cases
+                // are checked below.
+                if ( !data.align ) {
+                    var alignElement = data.hasCaption ? this.element : image;
+                    // Read the initial left/right alignment from the class set on element.
+                    if ( alignClasses ) {
+                        if ( alignElement.hasClass( alignClasses[ 0 ] ) ) {
+                            data.align = 'left';
+                        } else if ( alignElement.hasClass( alignClasses[ 2 ] ) ) {
+                            data.align = 'right';
+                        }
+                        if ( data.align ) {
+                            alignElement.removeClass( alignClasses[ alignmentsObj[ data.align ] ] );
+                        } else {
+                            data.align = 'none';
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Read initial float style from figure/image and then remove it.
+                    else {
+                        data.align = alignElement.getStyle( 'float' ) || 'none';
+                        alignElement.removeStyle( 'float' );
+                    }
+                }
+                // Update object with attributes if the link has been discovered.
+                if ( && ) {
+           = helpers.getLinkAttributesParser()( editor, );
+                    // Get rid of cke_widget_* classes in data. Otherwise
+                    // they might appear in link dialog.
+                    var advanced =;
+                    if ( advanced && advanced.advCSSClasses ) {
+                        advanced.advCSSClasses = advanced.advCSSClasses.replace( /cke_\S+/, '' ) );
+                    }
+                }
+                // Get rid of extra vertical space when there's no caption.
+                // It will improve the look of the resizer.
+                this.wrapper[ ( data.hasCaption ? 'remove' : 'add' ) + 'Class' ]( 'cke_image_nocaption' );
+                this.setData( data );
+                // Setup dynamic image resizing with mouse.
+                // Don't initialize resizer when dimensions are disallowed (#11004).
+                if ( editor.filter.checkFeature( this.features.dimension ) && editor.config.image2_disableResizer !== true )
+                    setupResizer( this );
+                this.shiftState = helpers.stateShifter( this.editor );
+                // Add widget editing option to its context menu.
+                this.on( 'contextMenu', function( evt ) {
+                    // Integrate context menu items for link.
+                    // Note that widget may be wrapped in a link, which
+                    // does not belong to that widget (#11814).
+                    if ( || this.wrapper.getAscendant( 'a' ) )
+               = = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
+                } );
+                // Pass the reference to this widget to the dialog.
+                this.on( 'dialog', function( evt ) {
+           = this;
+                }, this );
+            },
+            // Overrides default method to handle internal mutability of Image2.
+            // @see CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#addClass
+            addClass: function( className ) {
+                getStyleableElement( this ).addClass( className );
+            },
+            // Overrides default method to handle internal mutability of Image2.
+            // @see CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#hasClass
+            hasClass: function( className ) {
+                return getStyleableElement( this ).hasClass( className );
+            },
+            // Overrides default method to handle internal mutability of Image2.
+            // @see CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#removeClass
+            removeClass: function( className ) {
+                getStyleableElement( this ).removeClass( className );
+            },
+            // Overrides default method to handle internal mutability of Image2.
+            // @see CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#getClasses
+            getClasses: ( function() {
+                var classRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + [].concat( captionedClass, alignClasses ).join( '|' ) + ')$' );
+                return function() {
+                    var classes = this.repository.parseElementClasses( getStyleableElement( this ).getAttribute( 'class' ) );
+                    // Neither config.image2_captionedClass nor config.image2_alignClasses
+                    // do not belong to style classes.
+                    for ( var c in classes ) {
+                        if ( classRegex.test( c ) )
+                            delete classes[ c ];
+                    }
+                    return classes;
+                };
+            } )(),
+            upcast: upcastWidgetElement( editor ),
+            downcast: downcastWidgetElement( editor ),
+            getLabel: function() {
+                var label = ( || '' ) + ' ' + this.pathName;
+                return this.editor.lang.widget.label.replace( /%1/, label );
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    /**
+     * A set of Enhanced Image (image2) plugin helpers.
+     *
+     * @class
+     * @singleton
+     */
+    CKEDITOR.plugins.image2 = {
+        stateShifter: function( editor ) {
+            // Tag name used for centering non-captioned widgets.
+            var doc = editor.document,
+                alignClasses = editor.config.image2_alignClasses,
+                captionedClass = editor.config.image2_captionedClass,
+                editable = editor.editable(),
+                // The order that stateActions get executed. It matters!
+                shiftables = [ 'hasCaption', 'align', 'link' ];
+            // Atomic procedures, one per state variable.
+            var stateActions = {
+                align: function( shift, oldValue, newValue ) {
+                    var el = shift.element;
+                    // Alignment changed.
+                    if ( shift.changed.align ) {
+                        // No caption in the new state.
+                        if ( !shift.newData.hasCaption ) {
+                            // Changed to "center" (non-captioned).
+                            if ( newValue == 'center' ) {
+                                shift.deflate();
+                                shift.element = wrapInCentering( editor, el );
+                            }
+                            // Changed to "non-center" from "center" while caption removed.
+                            if ( !shift.changed.hasCaption && oldValue == 'center' && newValue != 'center' ) {
+                                shift.deflate();
+                                shift.element = unwrapFromCentering( el );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Alignment remains and "center" removed caption.
+                    else if ( newValue == 'center' && shift.changed.hasCaption && !shift.newData.hasCaption ) {
+                        shift.deflate();
+                        shift.element = wrapInCentering( editor, el );
+                    }
+                    // Finally set display for figure.
+                    if ( !alignClasses && 'figure' ) ) {
+                        if ( newValue == 'center' )
+                            el.setStyle( 'display', 'inline-block' );
+                        else
+                            el.removeStyle( 'display' );
+                    }
+                },
+                isResponsive: function (shift, oldValue, newValue) {
+                    if (!shift.changed.isResponsive) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    console.log(oldValue, newValue);
+                    var image = shift.element.find('img');
+                },
+                hasCaption:	function( shift, oldValue, newValue ) {
+                    // This action is for real state change only.
+                    if ( !shift.changed.hasCaption )
+                        return;
+                    // Get <img/> or <a><img/></a> from widget. Note that widget element might itself
+                    // be what we're looking for. Also element can be <p style="text-align:center"><a>...</a></p>.
+                    var imageOrLink;
+                    if ( { img: 1, a: 1 } ) )
+                        imageOrLink = shift.element;
+                    else
+                        imageOrLink =  shift.element.findOne( 'a,img' );
+                    // Switching hasCaption always destroys the widget.
+                    shift.deflate();
+                    // There was no caption, but the caption is to be added.
+                    if ( newValue ) {
+                        // Create new <figure> from widget template.
+                        var figure = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( templateBlock.output( {
+                            captionedClass: captionedClass,
+                            captionPlaceholder: editor.lang.image2.captionPlaceholder
+                        } ), doc );
+                        // Replace element with <figure>.
+                        replaceSafely( figure, shift.element );
+                        // Use old <img/> or <a><img/></a> instead of the one from the template,
+                        // so we won't lose additional attributes.
+                        imageOrLink.replace( figure.findOne( 'img' ) );
+                        // Update widget's element.
+                        shift.element = figure;
+                    }
+                    // The caption was present, but now it's to be removed.
+                    else {
+                        // Unwrap <img/> or <a><img/></a> from figure.
+                        imageOrLink.replace( shift.element );
+                        // Update widget's element.
+                        shift.element = imageOrLink;
+                    }
+                },
+                link: function( shift, oldValue, newValue ) {
+                    if ( ) {
+                        var img = 'img' ) ?
+                                shift.element : shift.element.findOne( 'img' ),
+                            link = 'a' ) ?
+                                shift.element : shift.element.findOne( 'a' ),
+                            // Why deflate:
+                            // If element is <img/>, it will be wrapped into <a>,
+                            // which becomes a new widget.element.
+                            // If element is <a><img/></a>, it will be unlinked
+                            // so <img/> becomes a new widget.element.
+                            needsDeflate = ( 'a' ) && !newValue ) || ( 'img' ) && newValue ),
+                            newEl;
+                        if ( needsDeflate )
+                            shift.deflate();
+                        // If unlinked the image, returned element is <img>.
+                        if ( !newValue )
+                            newEl = unwrapFromLink( link );
+                        else {
+                            // If linked the image, returned element is <a>.
+                            if ( !oldValue )
+                                newEl = wrapInLink( img, );
+                            // Set and remove all attributes associated with this state.
+                            var attributes = CKEDITOR.plugins.image2.getLinkAttributesGetter()( editor, newValue );
+                            if ( ! attributes.set ) )
+                                ( newEl || link ).setAttributes( attributes.set );
+                            if ( attributes.removed.length )
+                                ( newEl || link ).removeAttributes( attributes.removed );
+                        }
+                        if ( needsDeflate )
+                            shift.element = newEl;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            function wrapInCentering( editor, element ) {
+                var attribsAndStyles = {};
+                if ( alignClasses )
+                    attribsAndStyles.attributes = { 'class': alignClasses[ 1 ] };
+                else
+                    attribsAndStyles.styles = { 'text-align': 'center' };
+                // There's no gentle way to center inline element with CSS, so create p/div
+                // that wraps widget contents and does the trick either with style or class.
+                var center = doc.createElement(
+                    editor.activeEnterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div', attribsAndStyles );
+                // Replace element with centering wrapper.
+                replaceSafely( center, element );
+                element.move( center );
+                return center;
+            }
+            function unwrapFromCentering( element ) {
+                var imageOrLink = element.findOne( 'a,img' );
+                imageOrLink.replace( element );
+                return imageOrLink;
+            }
+            // Wraps <img/> -> <a><img/></a>.
+            // Returns reference to <a>.
+            //
+            // @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} img
+            // @param {Object} linkData
+            // @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+            function wrapInLink( img, linkData ) {
+                var link = doc.createElement( 'a', {
+                    attributes: {
+                        href: linkData.url
+                    }
+                } );
+                link.replace( img );
+                img.move( link );
+                return link;
+            }
+            // De-wraps <a><img/></a> -> <img/>.
+            // Returns the reference to <img/>
+            //
+            // @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} link
+            // @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+            function unwrapFromLink( link ) {
+                var img = link.findOne( 'img' );
+                img.replace( link );
+                return img;
+            }
+            function replaceSafely( replacing, replaced ) {
+                if ( replaced.getParent() ) {
+                    var range = editor.createRange();
+                    range.moveToPosition( replaced, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
+                    // Remove old element. Do it before insertion to avoid a case when
+                    // element is moved from 'replaced' element before it, what creates
+                    // a tricky case which insertElementIntorRange does not handle.
+                    replaced.remove();
+                    editable.insertElementIntoRange( replacing, range );
+                }
+                else {
+                    replacing.replace( replaced );
+                }
+            }
+            return function( shift ) {
+                var name, i;
+                shift.changed = {};
+                for ( i = 0; i < shiftables.length; i++ ) {
+                    name = shiftables[ i ];
+                    shift.changed[ name ] = shift.oldData ?
+                    shift.oldData[ name ] !== shift.newData[ name ] : false;
+                }
+                // Iterate over possible state variables.
+                for ( i = 0; i < shiftables.length; i++ ) {
+                    name = shiftables[ i ];
+                    stateActions[ name ]( shift,
+                        shift.oldData ? shift.oldData[ name ] : null,
+                        shift.newData[ name ] );
+                }
+                shift.inflate();
+            };
+        },
+        /**
+         * Checks whether the current image ratio matches the natural one
+         * by comparing dimensions.
+         *
+         * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} image
+         * @returns {Boolean}
+         */
+        checkHasNaturalRatio: function( image ) {
+            var $ = image.$,
+                natural = this.getNatural( image );
+            // The reason for two alternative comparisons is that the rounding can come from
+            // both dimensions, e.g. there are two cases:
+            // 	1. height is computed as a rounded relation of the real height and the value of width,
+            //	2. width is computed as a rounded relation of the real width and the value of heigh.
+            return Math.round( $.clientWidth / natural.width * natural.height ) == $.clientHeight ||
+                Math.round( $.clientHeight / natural.height * natural.width ) == $.clientWidth;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Returns natural dimensions of the image. For modern browsers
+         * it uses natural(Width|Height). For old ones (IE8) it creates
+         * a new image and reads the dimensions.
+         *
+         * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} image
+         * @returns {Object}
+         */
+        getNatural: function( image ) {
+            var dimensions;
+            if ( image.$.naturalWidth ) {
+                dimensions = {
+                    width: image.$.naturalWidth,
+                    height: image.$.naturalHeight
+                };
+            } else {
+                var img = new Image();
+                img.src = image.getAttribute( 'src' );
+                dimensions = {
+                    width: img.width,
+                    height: img.height
+                };
+            }
+            return dimensions;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Returns an attribute getter function. Default getter comes from the Link plugin
+         * and is documented by {@link}.
+         *
+         * **Note:** It is possible to override this method and use a custom getter e.g.
+         * in the absence of the Link plugin.
+         *
+         * **Note:** If a custom getter is used, a data model format it produces
+         * must be compatible with {@link}.
+         *
+         * **Note:** A custom getter must understand the data model format produced by
+         * {@link #getLinkAttributesParser} to work correctly.
+         *
+         * @returns {Function} A function that gets (composes) link attributes.
+         * @since 4.5.5
+         */
+        getLinkAttributesGetter: function() {
+            // #13885
+            return;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Returns an attribute parser function. Default parser comes from the Link plugin
+         * and is documented by {@link}.
+         *
+         * **Note:** It is possible to override this method and use a custom parser e.g.
+         * in the absence of the Link plugin.
+         *
+         * **Note:** If a custom parser is used, a data model format produced by the parser
+         * must be compatible with {@link #getLinkAttributesGetter}.
+         *
+         * **Note:** If a custom parser is used, it should be compatible with the
+         * {@link} data model format. Otherwise the
+         * Link plugin dialog may not be populated correctly with parsed data. However
+         * as long as Enhanced Image is **not** used with the Link plugin dialog, any custom data model
+         * will work, being stored as an internal property of Enhanced Image widget's data only.
+         *
+         * @returns {Function} A function that parses attributes.
+         * @since 4.5.5
+         */
+        getLinkAttributesParser: function() {
+            // #13885
+            return;
+        }
+    };
+    function setWrapperAlign( widget, alignClasses ) {
+        var wrapper = widget.wrapper,
+            align =,
+            hasCaption =;
+        if ( alignClasses ) {
+            // Remove all align classes first.
+            for ( var i = 3; i--; )
+                wrapper.removeClass( alignClasses[ i ] );
+            if ( align == 'center' ) {
+                // Avoid touching non-captioned, centered widgets because
+                // they have the class set on the element instead of wrapper:
+                //
+                // 	<div class="cke_widget_wrapper">
+                // 		<p class="center-class">
+                // 			<img />
+                // 		</p>
+                // 	</div>
+                if ( hasCaption ) {
+                    wrapper.addClass( alignClasses[ 1 ] );
+                }
+            } else if ( align != 'none' ) {
+                wrapper.addClass( alignClasses[ alignmentsObj[ align ] ] );
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ( align == 'center' ) {
+                if ( hasCaption )
+                    wrapper.setStyle( 'text-align', 'center' );
+                else
+                    wrapper.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
+                wrapper.removeStyle( 'float' );
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( align == 'none' )
+                    wrapper.removeStyle( 'float' );
+                else
+                    wrapper.setStyle( 'float', align );
+                wrapper.removeStyle( 'text-align' );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Returns a function that creates widgets from all <img> and
+    // <figure class="{config.image2_captionedClass}"> elements.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+    // @returns {Function}
+    function upcastWidgetElement( editor ) {
+        var isCenterWrapper = centerWrapperChecker( editor ),
+            captionedClass = editor.config.image2_captionedClass;
+        // @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} el
+        // @param {Object} data
+        return function( el, data ) {
+            var dimensions = { width: 1, height: 1 },
+                name =,
+                image;
+            // #11110 Don't initialize on pasted fake objects.
+            if ( el.attributes[ 'data-cke-realelement' ] )
+                return;
+            // If a center wrapper is found, there are 3 possible cases:
+            //
+            // 1. <div style="text-align:center"><figure>...</figure></div>.
+            //    In this case centering is done with a class set on widget.wrapper.
+            //    Simply replace centering wrapper with figure (it's no longer necessary).
+            //
+            // 2. <p style="text-align:center"><img/></p>.
+            //    Nothing to do here: <p> remains for styling purposes.
+            //
+            // 3. <div style="text-align:center"><img/></div>.
+            //    Nothing to do here (2.) but that case is only possible in enterMode different
+            //    than ENTER_P.
+            if ( isCenterWrapper( el ) ) {
+                if ( name == 'div' ) {
+                    var figure = el.getFirst( 'figure' );
+                    // Case #1.
+                    if ( figure ) {
+                        el.replaceWith( figure );
+                        el = figure;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Cases #2 and #3 (handled transparently)
+                // If there's a centering wrapper, save it in data.
+                data.align = 'center';
+                // Image can be wrapped in link <a><img/></a>.
+                image = el.getFirst( 'img' ) || el.getFirst( 'a' ).getFirst( 'img' );
+            }
+            // No center wrapper has been found.
+            else if ( name == 'figure' && el.hasClass( captionedClass ) ) {
+                image = el.getFirst( 'img' ) || el.getFirst( 'a' ).getFirst( 'img' );
+                // Upcast linked image like <a><img/></a>.
+            } else if ( isLinkedOrStandaloneImage( el ) ) {
+                image = == 'a' ? el.children[ 0 ] : el;
+            }
+            if ( !image )
+                return;
+            // If there's an image, then cool, we got a widget.
+            // Now just remove dimension attributes expressed with %.
+            for ( var d in dimensions ) {
+                var dimension = image.attributes[ d ];
+                if ( dimension && dimension.match( regexPercent ) )
+                    delete image.attributes[ d ];
+            }
+            return el;
+        };
+    }
+    // Returns a function which transforms the widget to the external format
+    // according to the current configuration.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor}
+    function downcastWidgetElement( editor ) {
+        var alignClasses = editor.config.image2_alignClasses;
+        // @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} el
+        return function( el ) {
+            // In case of <a><img/></a>, <img/> is the element to hold
+            // inline styles or classes (image2_alignClasses).
+            var attrsHolder = == 'a' ? el.getFirst() : el,
+                attrs = attrsHolder.attributes,
+                align =;
+            // De-wrap the image from resize handle wrapper.
+            // Only block widgets have one.
+            if ( !this.inline ) {
+                var resizeWrapper = el.getFirst( 'span' );
+                if ( resizeWrapper )
+                    resizeWrapper.replaceWith( resizeWrapper.getFirst( { img: 1, a: 1 } ) );
+            }
+            if ( align && align != 'none' ) {
+                var styles = || '' );
+                // When the widget is captioned (<figure>) and internally centering is done
+                // with widget's wrapper style/class, in the external data representation,
+                // <figure> must be wrapped with an element holding an style/class:
+                //
+                // 	<div style="text-align:center">
+                // 		<figure class="image" style="display:inline-block">...</figure>
+                // 	</div>
+                // or
+                // 	<div class="some-center-class">
+                // 		<figure class="image">...</figure>
+                // 	</div>
+                //
+                if ( align == 'center' && == 'figure' ) {
+                    el = el.wrapWith( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'div',
+                        alignClasses ? { 'class': alignClasses[ 1 ] } : { style: 'text-align:center' } ) );
+                }
+                // If left/right, add float style to the downcasted element.
+                else if ( align in { left: 1, right: 1 } ) {
+                    if ( alignClasses )
+                        attrsHolder.addClass( alignClasses[ alignmentsObj[ align ] ] );
+                    else
+                        styles[ 'float' ] = align;
+                }
+                // Update element styles.
+                if ( !alignClasses && ! styles ) )
+           = styles );
+            }
+            return el;
+        };
+    }
+    // Returns a function that checks if an element is a centering wrapper.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+    // @returns {Function}
+    function centerWrapperChecker( editor ) {
+        var captionedClass = editor.config.image2_captionedClass,
+            alignClasses = editor.config.image2_alignClasses,
+            validChildren = { figure: 1, a: 1, img: 1 };
+        return function( el ) {
+            // Wrapper must be either <div> or <p>.
+            if ( !( in { div: 1, p: 1 } ) )
+                return false;
+            var children = el.children;
+            // Centering wrapper can have only one child.
+            if ( children.length !== 1 )
+                return false;
+            var child = children[ 0 ];
+            // Only <figure> or <img /> can be first (only) child of centering wrapper,
+            // regardless of its type.
+            if ( !( in validChildren ) )
+                return false;
+            // If centering wrapper is <p>, only <img /> can be the child.
+            //   <p style="text-align:center"><img /></p>
+            if ( == 'p' ) {
+                if ( !isLinkedOrStandaloneImage( child ) )
+                    return false;
+            }
+            // Centering <div> can hold <img/> or <figure>, depending on enterMode.
+            else {
+                // If a <figure> is the first (only) child, it must have a class.
+                //   <div style="text-align:center"><figure>...</figure><div>
+                if ( == 'figure' ) {
+                    if ( !child.hasClass( captionedClass ) )
+                        return false;
+                } else {
+                    // Centering <div> can hold <img/> or <a><img/></a> only when enterMode
+                    // is ENTER_(BR|DIV).
+                    //   <div style="text-align:center"><img /></div>
+                    //   <div style="text-align:center"><a><img /></a></div>
+                    if ( editor.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P )
+                        return false;
+                    // Regardless of enterMode, a child which is not <figure> must be
+                    // either <img/> or <a><img/></a>.
+                    if ( !isLinkedOrStandaloneImage( child ) )
+                        return false;
+                }
+            }
+            // Centering wrapper got to be... centering. If image2_alignClasses are defined,
+            // check for centering class. Otherwise, check the style.
+            if ( alignClasses ? el.hasClass( alignClasses[ 1 ] ) :
+       || '', true )[ 'text-align' ] == 'center' )
+                return true;
+            return false;
+        };
+    }
+    // Checks whether element is <img/> or <a><img/></a>.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element}
+    function isLinkedOrStandaloneImage( el ) {
+        if ( == 'img' )
+            return true;
+        else if ( == 'a' )
+            return el.children.length == 1 && el.getFirst( 'img' );
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Sets width and height of the widget image according to current widget data.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} widget
+    function setDimensions( widget ) {
+        var data =,
+            dimensions = { width: data.width, height: data.height },
+            image =;
+        for ( var d in dimensions ) {
+            if ( dimensions[ d ] )
+                image.setAttribute( d, dimensions[ d ] );
+            else
+                image.removeAttribute( d );
+        }
+    }
+    // Defines all features related to drag-driven image resizing.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} widget
+    function setupResizer( widget ) {
+        var editor = widget.editor,
+            editable = editor.editable(),
+            doc = editor.document,
+            // Store the resizer in a widget for testing (#11004).
+            resizer = widget.resizer = doc.createElement( 'span' );
+        resizer.addClass( 'cke_image_resizer' );
+        resizer.setAttribute( 'title', editor.lang.image2.resizer );
+        resizer.append( new CKEDITOR.dom.text( '\u200b', doc ) );
+        // Inline widgets don't need a resizer wrapper as an image spans the entire widget.
+        if ( !widget.inline ) {
+            var imageOrLink = ||,
+                oldResizeWrapper = imageOrLink.getParent(),
+                resizeWrapper = doc.createElement( 'span' );
+            resizeWrapper.addClass( 'cke_image_resizer_wrapper' );
+            resizeWrapper.append( imageOrLink );
+            resizeWrapper.append( resizer );
+            widget.element.append( resizeWrapper, true );
+            // Remove the old wrapper which could came from e.g. pasted HTML
+            // and which could be corrupted (e.g. resizer span has been lost).
+            if ( 'span' ) )
+                oldResizeWrapper.remove();
+        } else {
+            widget.wrapper.append( resizer );
+        }
+        // Calculate values of size variables and mouse offsets.
+        resizer.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) {
+            var image =,
+                // "factor" can be either 1 or -1. I.e.: For right-aligned images, we need to
+                // subtract the difference to get proper width, etc. Without "factor",
+                // resizer starts working the opposite way.
+                factor = == 'right' ? -1 : 1,
+                // The x-coordinate of the mouse relative to the screen
+                // when button gets pressed.
+                startX =$.screenX,
+                startY =$.screenY,
+                // The initial dimensions and aspect ratio of the image.
+                startWidth = image.$.clientWidth,
+                startHeight = image.$.clientHeight,
+                ratio = startWidth / startHeight,
+                listeners = [],
+                // A class applied to editable during resizing.
+                cursorClass = 'cke_image_s' + ( !~factor ? 'w' : 'e' ),
+                nativeEvt, newWidth, newHeight, updateData,
+                moveDiffX, moveDiffY, moveRatio;
+            // Save the undo snapshot first: before resizing.
+   'saveSnapshot' );
+            // Mousemove listeners are removed on mouseup.
+            attachToDocuments( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, listeners );
+            // Clean up the mousemove listener. Update widget data if valid.
+            attachToDocuments( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, listeners );
+            // The entire editable will have the special cursor while resizing goes on.
+            editable.addClass( cursorClass );
+            // This is to always keep the resizer element visible while resizing.
+            resizer.addClass( 'cke_image_resizing' );
+            // Attaches an event to a global document if inline editor.
+            // Additionally, if classic (`iframe`-based) editor, also attaches the same event to `iframe`'s document.
+            function attachToDocuments( name, callback, collection ) {
+                var globalDoc = CKEDITOR.document,
+                    listeners = [];
+                if ( !doc.equals( globalDoc ) )
+                    listeners.push( globalDoc.on( name, callback ) );
+                listeners.push( doc.on( name, callback ) );
+                if ( collection ) {
+                    for ( var i = listeners.length; i--; )
+                        collection.push( listeners.pop() );
+                }
+            }
+            // Calculate with first, and then adjust height, preserving ratio.
+            function adjustToX() {
+                newWidth = startWidth + factor * moveDiffX;
+                newHeight = Math.round( newWidth / ratio );
+            }
+            // Calculate height first, and then adjust width, preserving ratio.
+            function adjustToY() {
+                newHeight = startHeight - moveDiffY;
+                newWidth = Math.round( newHeight * ratio );
+            }
+            // This is how variables refer to the geometry.
+            // Note: x corresponds to moveOffset, this is the position of mouse
+            // Note: o corresponds to [startX, startY].
+            //
+            // 	+--------------+--------------+
+            // 	|              |              |
+            // 	|      I       |      II      |
+            // 	|              |              |
+            // 	+------------- o -------------+ _ _ _
+            // 	|              |              |      ^
+            // 	|      VI      |     III      |      | moveDiffY
+            // 	|              |         x _ _ _ _ _ v
+            // 	+--------------+---------|----+
+            // 	               |         |
+            // 	                <------->
+            // 	                moveDiffX
+            function onMouseMove( evt ) {
+                nativeEvt =$;
+                // This is how far the mouse is from the point the button was pressed.
+                moveDiffX = nativeEvt.screenX - startX;
+                moveDiffY = startY - nativeEvt.screenY;
+                // This is the aspect ratio of the move difference.
+                moveRatio = Math.abs( moveDiffX / moveDiffY );
+                // Left, center or none-aligned widget.
+                if ( factor == 1 ) {
+                    if ( moveDiffX <= 0 ) {
+                        // Case: IV.
+                        if ( moveDiffY <= 0 )
+                            adjustToX();
+                        // Case: I.
+                        else {
+                            if ( moveRatio >= ratio )
+                                adjustToX();
+                            else
+                                adjustToY();
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // Case: III.
+                        if ( moveDiffY <= 0 ) {
+                            if ( moveRatio >= ratio )
+                                adjustToY();
+                            else
+                                adjustToX();
+                        }
+                        // Case: II.
+                        else {
+                            adjustToY();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // Right-aligned widget. It mirrors behaviours, so I becomes II,
+                // IV becomes III and vice-versa.
+                else {
+                    if ( moveDiffX <= 0 ) {
+                        // Case: IV.
+                        if ( moveDiffY <= 0 ) {
+                            if ( moveRatio >= ratio )
+                                adjustToY();
+                            else
+                                adjustToX();
+                        }
+                        // Case: I.
+                        else {
+                            adjustToY();
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // Case: III.
+                        if ( moveDiffY <= 0 )
+                            adjustToX();
+                        // Case: II.
+                        else {
+                            if ( moveRatio >= ratio ) {
+                                adjustToX();
+                            } else {
+                                adjustToY();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // Don't update attributes if less than 10.
+                // This is to prevent images to visually disappear.
+                if ( newWidth >= 15 && newHeight >= 15 ) {
+                    image.setAttributes( { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } );
+                    updateData = true;
+                } else {
+                    updateData = false;
+                }
+            }
+            function onMouseUp() {
+                var l;
+                while ( ( l = listeners.pop() ) )
+                    l.removeListener();
+                // Restore default cursor by removing special class.
+                editable.removeClass( cursorClass );
+                // This is to bring back the regular behaviour of the resizer.
+                resizer.removeClass( 'cke_image_resizing' );
+                if ( updateData ) {
+                    widget.setData( { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } );
+                    // Save another undo snapshot: after resizing.
+           'saveSnapshot' );
+                }
+                // Don't update data twice or more.
+                updateData = false;
+            }
+        } );
+        // Change the position of the widget resizer when data changes.
+        widget.on( 'data', function() {
+            resizer[ == 'right' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( 'cke_image_resizer_left' );
+        } );
+    }
+    // Integrates widget alignment setting with justify
+    // plugin's commands (execution and refreshment).
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor
+    // @param {String} value 'left', 'right', 'center' or 'block'
+    function alignCommandIntegrator( editor ) {
+        var execCallbacks = [],
+            enabled;
+        return function( value ) {
+            var command = editor.getCommand( 'justify' + value );
+            // Most likely, the justify plugin isn't loaded.
+            if ( !command )
+                return;
+            // This command will be manually refreshed along with
+            // other commands after exec.
+            execCallbacks.push( function() {
+                command.refresh( editor, editor.elementPath() );
+            } );
+            if ( value in { right: 1, left: 1, center: 1 } ) {
+                command.on( 'exec', function( evt ) {
+                    var widget = getFocusedWidget( editor );
+                    if ( widget ) {
+                        widget.setData( 'align', value );
+                        // Once the widget changed its align, all the align commands
+                        // must be refreshed: the event is to be cancelled.
+                        for ( var i = execCallbacks.length; i--; )
+                            execCallbacks[ i ]();
+                        evt.cancel();
+                    }
+                } );
+            }
+            command.on( 'refresh', function( evt ) {
+                var widget = getFocusedWidget( editor ),
+                    allowed = { right: 1, left: 1, center: 1 };
+                if ( !widget )
+                    return;
+                // Cache "enabled" on first use. This is because filter#checkFeature may
+                // not be available during plugin's afterInit in the future — a moment when
+                // alignCommandIntegrator is called.
+                if ( enabled === undefined )
+                    enabled = editor.filter.checkFeature( editor.widgets.registered.image.features.align );
+                // Don't allow justify commands when widget alignment is disabled (#11004).
+                if ( !enabled )
+                    this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED );
+                else {
+                    this.setState(
+                        ( == value ) ? (
+                            CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON
+                        ) : (
+                            ( value in allowed ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+                evt.cancel();
+            } );
+        };
+    }
+    function linkCommandIntegrator( editor ) {
+        // Nothing to integrate with if link is not loaded.
+        if ( ! )
+            return;
+        CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt ) {
+            var dialog =;
+            if ( == 'link' ) {
+                var def = dialog.definition;
+                var onShow = def.onShow,
+                    onOk = def.onOk;
+                def.onShow = function() {
+                    var widget = getFocusedWidget( editor ),
+                        displayTextField = this.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkDisplayText' ).getElement().getParent().getParent();
+                    // Widget cannot be enclosed in a link, i.e.
+                    //		<a>foo<inline widget/>bar</a>
+                    if ( widget && ( widget.inline ? !widget.wrapper.getAscendant( 'a' ) : 1 ) ) {
+                        this.setupContent( || {} );
+                        // Hide the display text in case of linking image2 widget.
+                        displayTextField.hide();
+                    } else {
+                        // Make sure that display text is visible, as it might be hidden by image2 integration
+                        // before.
+              ;
+                        onShow.apply( this, arguments );
+                    }
+                };
+                // Set widget data if linking the widget using
+                // link dialog (instead of default action).
+                // State shifter handles data change and takes
+                // care of internal DOM structure of linked widget.
+                def.onOk = function() {
+                    var widget = getFocusedWidget( editor );
+                    // Widget cannot be enclosed in a link, i.e.
+                    //		<a>foo<inline widget/>bar</a>
+                    if ( widget && ( widget.inline ? !widget.wrapper.getAscendant( 'a' ) : 1 ) ) {
+                        var data = {};
+                        // Collect data from fields.
+                        this.commitContent( data );
+                        // Set collected data to widget.
+                        widget.setData( 'link', data );
+                    } else {
+                        onOk.apply( this, arguments );
+                    }
+                };
+            }
+        } );
+        // Overwrite default behaviour of unlink command.
+        editor.getCommand( 'unlink' ).on( 'exec', function( evt ) {
+            var widget = getFocusedWidget( editor );
+            // Override unlink only when link truly belongs to the widget.
+            // If wrapped inline widget in a link, let default unlink work (#11814).
+            if ( !widget || ! )
+                return;
+            widget.setData( 'link', null );
+            // Selection (which is fake) may not change if unlinked image in focused widget,
+            // i.e. if captioned image. Let's refresh command state manually here.
+            this.refresh( editor, editor.elementPath() );
+            evt.cancel();
+        } );
+        // Overwrite default refresh of unlink command.
+        editor.getCommand( 'unlink' ).on( 'refresh', function( evt ) {
+            var widget = getFocusedWidget( editor );
+            if ( !widget )
+                return;
+            // Note that widget may be wrapped in a link, which
+            // does not belong to that widget (#11814).
+            this.setState( || widget.wrapper.getAscendant( 'a' ) ?
+            evt.cancel();
+        } );
+    }
+    // Returns the focused widget, if of the type specific for this plugin.
+    // If no widget is focused, `null` is returned.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor}
+    // @returns {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget}
+    function getFocusedWidget( editor ) {
+        var widget = editor.widgets.focused;
+        if ( widget && == 'image' )
+            return widget;
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Returns a set of widget allowedContent rules, depending
+    // on configurations like config#image2_alignClasses or
+    // config#image2_captionedClass.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor}
+    // @returns {Object}
+    function getWidgetAllowedContent( editor ) {
+        var alignClasses = editor.config.image2_alignClasses,
+            rules = {
+                // Widget may need <div> or <p> centering wrapper.
+                div: {
+                    match: centerWrapperChecker( editor )
+                },
+                p: {
+                    match: centerWrapperChecker( editor )
+                },
+                img: {
+                    attributes: '!src,alt,width,height'
+                },
+                figure: {
+                    classes: '!' + editor.config.image2_captionedClass
+                },
+                figcaption: true
+            };
+        if ( alignClasses ) {
+            // Centering class from the config.
+            rules.div.classes = alignClasses[ 1 ];
+            rules.p.classes = rules.div.classes;
+            // Left/right classes from the config.
+            rules.img.classes = alignClasses[ 0 ] + ',' + alignClasses[ 2 ];
+            rules.figure.classes += ',' + rules.img.classes;
+        } else {
+            // Centering with text-align.
+            rules.div.styles = 'text-align';
+            rules.p.styles = 'text-align';
+            rules.img.styles = 'float';
+            rules.figure.styles = 'float,display';
+        }
+        return rules;
+    }
+    // Returns a set of widget feature rules, depending
+    // on editor configuration. Note that the following may not cover
+    // all the possible cases since requiredContent supports a single
+    // tag only.
+    //
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.editor}
+    // @returns {Object}
+    function getWidgetFeatures( editor ) {
+        var alignClasses = editor.config.image2_alignClasses,
+            features = {
+                dimension: {
+                    requiredContent: 'img[width,height]'
+                },
+                align: {
+                    requiredContent: 'img' +
+                    ( alignClasses ? '(' + alignClasses[ 0 ] + ')' : '{float}' )
+                },
+                caption: {
+                    requiredContent: 'figcaption'
+                }
+            };
+        return features;
+    }
+    // Returns element which is styled, considering current
+    // state of the widget.
+    //
+    // @see CKEDITOR.plugins.widget#applyStyle
+    // @param {CKEDITOR.plugins.widget} widget
+    // @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
+    function getStyleableElement( widget ) {
+        return ? widget.element :;
+    }
+} )();
+ * A CSS class applied to the `<figure>` element of a captioned image.
+ *
+ * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_captionedimage) and see the
+ * [SDK sample](
+ *
+ *		// Changes the class to "captionedImage".
+ *		config.image2_captionedClass = 'captionedImage';
+ *
+ * @cfg {String} [image2_captionedClass='image']
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+CKEDITOR.config.image2_captionedClass = 'image';
+ * Determines whether dimension inputs should be automatically filled when the image URL changes in the Enhanced Image
+ * plugin dialog window.
+ *
+ * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_captionedimage) and see the
+ * [SDK sample](
+ *
+ *		config.image2_prefillDimensions = false;
+ *
+ * @since 4.5
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [image2_prefillDimensions=true]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * Disables the image resizer. By default the resizer is enabled.
+ *
+ * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_captionedimage) and see the
+ * [SDK sample](
+ *
+ *		config.image2_disableResizer = true;
+ *
+ * @since 4.5
+ * @cfg {Boolean} [image2_disableResizer=false]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */
+ * CSS classes applied to aligned images. Useful to take control over the way
+ * the images are aligned, i.e. to customize output HTML and integrate external stylesheets.
+ *
+ * Classes should be defined in an array of three elements, containing left, center, and right
+ * alignment classes, respectively. For example:
+ *
+ *		config.image2_alignClasses = [ 'align-left', 'align-center', 'align-right' ];
+ *
+ * **Note**: Once this configuration option is set, the plugin will no longer produce inline
+ * styles for alignment. It means that e.g. the following HTML will be produced:
+ *
+ *		<img alt="My image" class="custom-center-class" src="foo.png" />
+ *
+ * instead of:
+ *
+ *		<img alt="My image" style="float:left" src="foo.png" />
+ *
+ * **Note**: Once this configuration option is set, corresponding style definitions
+ * must be supplied to the editor:
+ *
+ * * For [classic editor](#!/guide/dev_framed) it can be done by defining additional
+ * styles in the {@link CKEDITOR.config#contentsCss stylesheets loaded by the editor}. The same
+ * styles must be provided on the target page where the content will be loaded.
+ * * For [inline editor](#!/guide/dev_inline) the styles can be defined directly
+ * with `<style> ... <style>` or `<link href="..." rel="stylesheet">`, i.e. within the `<head>`
+ * of the page.
+ *
+ * For example, considering the following configuration:
+ *
+ *		config.image2_alignClasses = [ 'align-left', 'align-center', 'align-right' ];
+ *
+ * CSS rules can be defined as follows:
+ *
+ *		.align-left {
+ *			float: left;
+ *		}
+ *
+ *		.align-right {
+ *			float: right;
+ *		}
+ *
+ *		.align-center {
+ *			text-align: center;
+ *		}
+ *
+ *		.align-center > figure {
+ *			display: inline-block;
+ *		}
+ *
+ * Read more in the [documentation](#!/guide/dev_captionedimage) and see the
+ * [SDK sample](
+ *
+ * @since 4.4
+ * @cfg {String[]} [image2_alignClasses=null]
+ * @member CKEDITOR.config
+ */