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[svn r13651] Updated lp.prerequisite to allow for larger conditions (64 chars is under the SCORM specification of smallest allowed maximum of 200 chars)

Yannick Warnier 17 năm trước cách đây
mục cha

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@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 		"previous_item_id	int unsigned	not null default 0," . //the item before this one in the sequential learning order (MySQL id)
 		"next_item_id		int unsigned	not null default 0," . //the item after this one in the sequential learning order (MySQL id)
 		"display_order		int unsigned	not null default 0," . //this is needed for ordering items under the same parent (previous_item_id doesn't give correct order after reordering)
-		"prerequisite  char(64)  null," . //prerequisites in AICC scripting language as defined in the SCORM norm (allow logical operators)
+		"prerequisite  text  null default null," . //prerequisites in AICC scripting language as defined in the SCORM norm (allow logical operators)
 		"parameters  text  null," . //prerequisites in AICC scripting language as defined in the SCORM norm (allow logical operators)
 		"launch_data 	text	not null default ''," . //data from imsmanifest <item>
 		"max_time_allowed char(13) NULL default '')"; //data from imsmanifest <adlcp:maxtimeallowed>

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@@ -27,4 +27,5 @@ INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value,
 -- xxCOURSExx
 CREATE TABLE lp_iv_objective(id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment, lp_iv_id bigint unsigned not null, order_id smallint unsigned not null default 0, objective_id	varchar(255) not null default '', score_raw		float unsigned not null default 0, score_max		float unsigned not null default 0, score_min		float unsigned not null default 0, status char(32) not null default 'not attempted');
-ALTER TABLE lp_iv_objective ADD INDEX (lp_iv_id);
+ALTER TABLE lp_iv_objective ADD INDEX (lp_iv_id);
+ALTER TABLE lp_item CHANGE prerequisite prerequisite TEXT DEFAULT NULL;