@@ -231,7 +231,76 @@ if ($allowToQualify) {
- include 'viewpost.inc.php';
+ $course = api_get_course_info();
+ $rows = get_thread_user_post($course['code'], $currentThread['thread_id'], $_GET['user']);
+ if (isset($rows)) {
+ $counter = 1;
+ foreach ($rows as $row) {
+ if ($row['status']=='0') {
+ $style =" id = 'post".$post_en."' class=\"hide-me\" style=\"border:1px solid red; display:none; background-color:#F7F7F7; width:95%; margin: 0px 0px 4px 40px; \" ";
+ } else {
+ $style = "";
+ $post_en = $row['post_parent_id'];
+ }
+ if ($row['user_id'] == '0') {
+ $name = prepare4display($row['poster_name']);
+ } else {
+ $name = api_get_person_name($row['firstname'], $row['lastname']);
+ }
+ if ($counter == 1) {
+ echo Display::page_subheader($name);
+ }
+ echo "<div ".$style."><table class=\"data_table\">";
+ if ($row['visible']=='0') {
+ $titleclass='forum_message_post_title_2_be_approved';
+ $messageclass='forum_message_post_text_2_be_approved';
+ $leftclass='forum_message_left_2_be_approved';
+ } else {
+ $titleclass='forum_message_post_title';
+ $messageclass='forum_message_post_text';
+ $leftclass='forum_message_left';
+ }
+ echo "<tr>";
+ echo "<td rowspan=\"3\" class=\"$leftclass\">";
+ echo '<br /><b>'. api_convert_and_format_date($row['post_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG).'</b><br />';
+ echo "</td>";
+ // The post title
+ echo "<td class=\"$titleclass\">".prepare4display($row['post_title'])."</td>";
+ echo "</tr>";
+ // The post message
+ echo "<tr >";
+ echo "<td class=\"$messageclass\">".prepare4display($row['post_text'])."</td>";
+ echo "</tr>";
+ // The check if there is an attachment
+ $attachment_list = get_attachment($row['post_id']);
+ if (!empty($attachment_list)) {
+ echo '<tr ><td height="50%">';
+ $realname = $attachment_list['path'];
+ $user_filename = $attachment_list['filename'];
+ echo Display::return_icon('attachment.gif',get_lang('Attachment'));
+ echo '<a href="download.php?file=';
+ echo $realname;
+ echo ' "> '.$user_filename.' </a>';
+ echo '<span class="forum_attach_comment" >'.$attachment_list['comment'].'</span><br />';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ echo "</table></div>";
+ $counter++;
+ }
+ }
$form->setDefaults(array('idtextqualify' => $qualify));